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he Arunachal Christian Forum organised a three-day Jesus Calls Arunachal Prayer Festival from October 27th to 29th, 2023, at Indira Gandhi Park in Itanagar. People from all over Arunachal Pradesh as well as neighbouring states such as Assam and Nagaland, gathered at the event to receive blessings from God. The Hon'ble Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Shri Pema Khandu, attended the first day of the Prayer Festival and addressed the crowd. Various key leaders including MLAs, ministers and pastors, participated in the festival. The average crowd strength was around 50,000 people. Moreover, the festival had over 400 volunteers and 150 prayer warriors on the field mission. Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson praised God for all the good things God has done and sang praises to God. During the worship, a blind woman received sight and was able to see. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran


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spoke about how the God who wipes away the tears of the people and does justice for them. A lady came and testified that the hernia she came with got healed during prayer. Another woman from Ranchi who had 17 tumours, said God instantly removed all the tumours when Bro. Samuel laid his hands and prayed for her. The students of Karunya University contributed to the session during the Prayer Festival with their melodious songs and anointed singing. Arunachal Christian Forum warmly welcomed the Dhinakarans with local tribal attire and honoured them. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared an inspiring scripture-based message, assuring that God prepares a feast for His children before their enemies and elevates them to greater heights. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the Chief Minister and for the state of Arunachal Pradesh. All the Government leaders were greatly appreciative of the ministry offered. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran brought the word of God powerfully on Day 2 & 3 and shared how the Lord would destroy all the demonic powers in the people's lives and fill them with the power of His Holy Spirit. - December 2023



The 18 year old could not walk from birth and had underdeveloped brain. But when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was offering the closing prayers, God's mighty hand came upon him and he was instantly healed. He stood up and was able to walk by himself. He could relate well like normal people which indicated that his brain was also healed. What a mighty miracle it is! Glory be to God.

Mr. Taba Tahum “I was paralysed on one side and had to walk with a stick. Now, God has healed me and I can walk so perfectly without a stick.”

She could not walk without a walker and she was heartbroken as her life looked hopeless and her future looked dark. But during the Prayer Festival she sawJesus and was completely healed that she could walk without the walker and received strength in her legs. Praise be to God. She had a huge boil behind her ears which tormented her with pain and discomfort. But during the prayer of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran it completely disappeared even without a trace of it. Her happiness knew no bounds. Glory to God.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the family inaugurated the 102nd Prayer Tower in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh. The Jesus Calls partners, prayer intercessors and the ministry team joined together in prayer with the Dhinakaran family dedicating the Prayer Tower for the blessing and to bring miracles in the lives of the people of Arunachal. Itanagar Prayer Tower Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Bank Tinali, Near Hotel Itafort H. No:- H264, PO/PS - Itanagar District - Papum Pare Arunachal Pradesh - 791111. Phone No.: 6380752262, 6380752263 4

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PARTNERS MEET On October 28, 2023, more than 2000 Jesus Calls partners gathered at the Christian Revival Church in Itanagar for the Partners Meet. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, and Samuel Dhinakaran prayed for the sick and for all those who were present, and many partners witnessed remarkable miracles. The Dhinakaran family delivered a powerful message, emphasising that the moment was ripe for miracles and promising a prophet's reward and the fulfillment of all needs for those present.

THANKSGIVING MORNING DEVOTION During the Thanksgiving Morning Devotion held at Indira Gandhi Park in Itanagar on Sunday, October 29th, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared with the volunteers and prayer intercessors on the reward of receiving intimacy with Jesus and 12 baskets full of blessings on those who served in the Prayer Festival and during the prayer, God mightily poured His reward on all of them and blessed them with all His heart with a mighty presence that it was difficult to even stop the prayer time.

We thank all of you for remembering this Prayer Festival and praying for it diligently. May the Lord richly reward you. - December 2023



Dear friend, May you enjoy the glory of Christmas in your life and family this month. Christmas was the event when God was transfigured from His glorious divine form into an earthen state; but later through His sacrifice on the cross was transfigured again back from the earthen human form to adorn a glorified body which was seen by the disciples on the Mount of transfiguration as in Matthew 17. During this Christmas we remember that the Lord came to us to transfigure us into this His glorious image (2 Corinthians 3:17,18). How was the Lord Jesus transfigured? In Luke 9:29 the Bible states, "As He (Jesus) was praying, the appearance of His face changed, and His clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning." Yes, prayer is the key to experiencing transfiguration. Every morning, God eagerly awaits to hear from you, and through prayer, He can transfigure you into a vessel of glory.


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Transfiguration of the Face As Jesus prayed, the first thing that changed was the appearance of His face. If you feel like your face is often dull and filled with sorrow, pain, and fear, know that God desires to change your countenance and fill it with glory. What causes one's face to become dark, dull, and gloomy? “The look on their faces testifies against them; they parade their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! They have brought disaster upon themselves.” Matthew 15:19 states, "For out of the heart come evil thoughts - murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander." When a person's heart is filled with evil, death is reflected on their countenance, making it gloomy as it mirrors the devil's image. Similarly, when people are overwhelmed by anxiety, their faces become weary and sombre. As Proverbs 12:25 says, "Anxiety weighs down the heart." Fear and anxiety burden us, taking a toll on our faces and making them appear tired and gloomy. But as Numbers 6:25 proclaims, when you pray, “The Lord will make His face shine on you and be gracious to you." Yes, the Lord illuminates His countenance upon you, bestowing grace and radiance when you seek Him in prayer. 2 Corinthians 3:18 highlights the transformative power of prayer. It states, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with everincreasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." Therefore, as we pray, by the power of the Holy Spirit our faces change, just as Jesus’ countenance changed during His time on earth. The story of Charles Finney, a prominent advocate, is quite remarkable. Despite his popularity, he lacked peace. However, after being introduced to Jesus and the Bible, he felt he could bear Christ’s

image. He fervently sought the Holy Spirit, spending hours in the forest with his Bible. One day, he was filled with the Holy Spirit. As he sat by the fireplace, he saw the face of Jesus appear, emitting rays of light that penetrated his soul. He was forever changed. Later, as he walked down a street, he saw two individuals in a heated altercation. Both were drunk. As he watched and prayed silently, they suddenly looked at him. They said, "Sir, your face convicts us of sin. Show us what to do." They didn't know who he was, but their lives were transformed. They were delivered from their addiction to alcohol and gave their lives to follow Jesus. This is what Jesus will do for you-transform your face to reflect His, enabling others to experience the love of Jesus through you and shine for Him. When the Spirit of the Lord Jesus comes into you as you ask Him like Finney did. You will reflect Jesus as He would cleanse your heart from sin and the uproot the nature of sin. Then the radiance of His cleansing power will flow out of you and cleanse all around you of their sins and addictions. God’s glory shall descend on them from you to transfigure them to glory as you are transfigured.

Transfiguration of the clothes After His face, the appearance of Jesus’ clothes transformed and became as white as lightning, radiating a brilliant brightness. Even today, God desires to bestow upon you such glory. Romans 13:14 urges us to “Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh." Galatians 3:27 affirms that, "For all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ." Galatians 6:17 asserts that, "From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus." You may be enduring trials for the sake of Christ, bearing not only wounds inflicted by others but also the wounds of Jesus. But be assured that God - December 2023



will glorify your body for carrying His wounds. Ephesians 4:22-24 instructs us that, "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness." Therefore, shed the old self and embrace the new, for someone needs to encounter Jesus through you. Let me to share the testimony of a highranking official in the Southern Railways. Even though he didn't bear a Christian name, he had a remarkable story to tell. He said, "Sir, you came to hold a prayer meeting in Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh. Thousands were gathered, including me. At that time, I was a railway officer and a severe alcoholic. As you began to speak, it started raining. You stood up and prayed, ‘Lord, these people have come burdened. Some have cancer. Some are in debt. Some are oppressed by dark forces. They should not leave suffering. Please stop the rain.’ When you prayed those words, the rain ceased. I was astonished. After the meeting was over, many were trying to touch you. Though I was under the influence of alcohol, I also exerted myself and managed to touch your coat. At that moment, I felt like something hit me. I fell to the ground and awoke two hours later. Everyone had left the place. But I woke up feeling so refreshed, with a newfound peace in my heart. That day, the spirit of alcoholism departed from me. It has been twelve years now since I have touched alcohol. I am wholeheartedly following the Lord. 8

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God has also elevated me in my job to head a whole division of the Railways with thousands reporting to me and I am also preaching Christ bringing Christ to many hearts, radiating His light.” Indeed, dear friend, I am just a human like everyone else. However, we can wear Christ. When people interact with you, the life of Christ can flow through you and transform them. This is the reason why God transfigures us. His ultimate desire is for you to embody Christ through your words and action. When you spend time communing with God, His power will flow through you. You may feel weak and burdened by illness, but through your daily morning Bible reading and prayer, God will infuse you with His power, allowing you to perform miracles for others. You will reveal Jesus through your actions in your workplace, home, and wherever you go because you are adorned with Christ.

Transfiguration through the cloud Lastly, a cloud descended and enveloped Jesus and His disciples. Today, the cloud of glory will descend and shroud you as well as you transfigure into the likeness of Christ. Have you ever wondered why this cloud of glory appears? Well, it appears to lead you along the unique path God has for you. In Exodus 13:21, it says, "By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way." Similarly, Exodus 23:20 asserts, "See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared." So, you can be assured that God will send His angel before you and guide you to the place He has readied for you. God has indeed a distinct plan for

you, and, as you experience transfiguration, the cloud of glory will descend upon you, leading you into the unique plan God has set aside for you. Moreover, God has appointed an angel to accompany you, and the angel will act when you pray. The ‘pillar of cloud’ will envelop you, directing you toward your destiny. You can trust that each day, God will lead you step by step. There lived a couple named Venetia and Victor in Chennai. They moved to Canada to secure a job. But they couldn’t secure a good job and had to do menial jobs. So the couple wrote to me, seeking my prayers for guidance and provision. They shared their concerns about potential financial difficulties should there be any delays in finding a job. I prayerfully wrote back assuring that God would do a miracle. Truly, a turning point came. Venetia acquired an immediate offer of employment as a registered nurse. Victor too secured a job as a HR professional. Venetia and Victor found God’s guidance through a small letter that I prayerfully sent. In the same way, God Himself will guide you and make a way for you too to shine His light in life. You will be led by the cloud of His word and an

angel to the place that God has prepared for you. As Psalm 32:8 affirms, "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with My loving eye on you." So, my dear friend, you are not alone. God has fixed His gaze upon you to bestow His glory and guide you. All you need to do is pray each morning, and God will lead and prosper you. This is how God will transform and transfigure you.

PRAYER: Loving Father, Thank You for the wonderful promise that You will transfigure me. Grant me the grace to seek You in prayer every morning and experience Your presence in my life. Lord, let my face reflect Your glory and let my body be transfigured so that those who come in contact with me may experience Your light shining through me. May they be blessed and witness Your miracles through me. May Your name alone be glorified in everything I do. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. - December 2023



Beloved partner in ministry, Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2) We at Jesus Calls are confident that you and your loved ones would have experienced blessings and miracles in some way or the other through the intercessory prayers of our dedicated Prayer Intercessors. These servants of God are a true blessing to us all, working tirelessly day and night to pray for every prayer request that comes their way, regardless of their personal circumstances. They also take great care to forward each prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who personally prays over them and provides a comforting response to those in need. This month, we are planning to present our Prayer Intercessors with annual gifts to thank them for their diligent service to God's people. With your gift, they will be able to enjoy this holiday season with their loved ones, filled with joy and gratitude for all that has been achieved for the glory of God. Imagine bringing a smile to the faces of 8,000 Volunteer Prayer Intercessors this season! These selfless individuals dedicate themselves to praying for those who seek comfort through the Telephone Prayer Tower or visit in person. They also contribute their talents in media, translation work, and office tasks in the Ministry. You can show our appreciation by giving them a gift and making their holiday season even brighter.

AND THAT'S NOT ALL! We are also extending our gratitude to 25,000 partners who have stood with us through thick and thin. And we're not just sending them a thank you card - we're visiting them during carol visits! 10 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

Here are a few testimonies of partners who have been blessed through the prayers of the Prayer Intercessors:

Miraculously healed My husband had frequent headaches. One day, due to a severe headache, he went unconscious. He was admitted to the hospital. I was so worried about him and visited Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, desperately seeking prayers. The prayer intercessor prayed with great burden for my husband's condition. After the prayer, I vowed that if my husband's test report were normal, I would come back to the Prayer Tower to testify. The doctor who looked at my husband's scan report said there was nothing to worry about and that it was only a normal headache. I am so grateful to the prayer intercessor who prayed for my husband's healing at the right moment. Praise be to God! - Mary Snow Christa, Chennai

Blessed abundantly I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower located on Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road in Chennai to seek prayer. I was going through a difficult time in my office as I was unjustly terminated from my job due to office politics. I requested the prayer intercessor to pray for me and they earnestly did so. As a result of their prayers, I was reinstated in the same position and transferred to a better location. God has truly blessed me and has kept His promises. I am grateful to the Almighty God for performing this miracle in my life, and I sincerely thank the prayer intercessor for their intercession. - Santosh Kumar, West Bengal

How wonderful it would be to give back to those who pray for you? Have you ever wondered about the impact your prayers and offerings have on those around you? They are more than just gifts - they are a source of encouragement and support to our volunteers and intercessors. Your generosity does not go unnoticed, and the Lord sees your heart and cares deeply for you, his beloved child. So, please join us in supporting these amazing people who have supported us all this time. Let's spread some Christmas cheer together!


“Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward.”(Matthew 10:41)

A Christmas gift for the Prayer Intercessors who prayed for you (please indicate your preference). I’m glad to gift INR 3,000/- for one Full-Time Prayer Intercessor I am glad to support …………………….full time Prayer Intercessors with a gift of Rs……………………………… I am glad to donate Rs...........for Carol Ministry I would like the Carol team to visit my house (Your area should have a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, or you can call our Partner Care, and our team will assist you in this regard) Name___________________________________________________ Partner code________________ Address________________________________________________ Pin code _____________________ Email ______________________________________ Mobile __________________________________ Birthday _______________________________ Wedding Day__________________________________ My personal Prayer Request to be prayed at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ..................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... For easy ways to donate, refer to page no 28 - December 2023


Dearly Beloved, I wish you and your family a very blessed Christmas! May your hearts be filled with divine joy and hope in this season.

This month is indeed so special as it takes us back to the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. When Mary, the mother of Jesus, received the message from the angel, it brought her great hope. As stated in Luke 1:30, the angel told Mary, "Do not be afraid, Mary; you have found favour with God." Later, in Luke 2:19, we learn that "Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." By cherishing God's promises, Mary drew strength and hope. This illustrates the transformative power that God's word holds in our lives. Imagine Mary's situation when the angel delivered the message. She was newly betrothed to Joseph, and, therefore, could have easily excused herself, saying, "Please, find another woman, for I am already promised to a man." Instead, she declared, “I am the Lord’s servant. May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38). Mary esteemed God's word above all else. Mary and Joseph travelled for nine months while she was pregnant with Jesus. They journeyed to Bethlehem for the census. Their arduous voyage through the hot climate ended with Mary giving birth in a 12 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

uncomfortable place. How challenging it must have been! In today’s world, we often take our travel conveniences for granted - advance bookings, planned accommodations, and GPS guidance. Mary, in stark contrast, faced hardship. She brought forth Jesus among strangers, far from home. Yet, in that trying moment, she received the greatest gift: Jesus, the beacon of hope. God entrusted her with the extraordinary role of being the Saviour's mother! Mary and Joseph, with humility, embraced Jesus, choosing to nurture Him and share Him with the world. The first Christmas was a testament to their resilience. Perhaps this Christmas season, you are going through tremendous hardships as a family. Maybe it is due to a job loss or infertility, feelings of inadequacy in marriage, illness, or the painful loss of a loved one. But remember, as you and your family carry Jesus in your hearts, He will fill you with brand-new hope and strength. Mary had immense hope in Jesus, which is evident from her proclamation, “From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me” (Luke 1:48-49). So, in this Christmas season, allow Jesus to ignite similar hope within you and your family. Let God's comfort overshadow you, even in your difficult times. Remember that Acts 14:22 reminds us that, “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” But, as you carry the Almighty God within, He will shine through your family, even in the midst of your afflictions. 2 Corinthians 1:5 reminds us that as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, we also experience an abundance of comfort through Christ. So, by embracing Christ’s suffering, we are able to experience God's comfort. Even when we go through difficult times, we are, therefore, able to reveal Jesus to others, and at the same time, God also provides comfort and strength to us. So, choose to take a stand for God together as a family amidst your challenges. I also had to navigate through loss, but I found the strength to remain faithful to God. God has made our family a blessing to millions, and He can do the same for you. Your family will become a testament to

His glory. When Mary asked, "How can this be since I am a virgin?" the angel reassured her by revealing that her barren cousin, Elizabeth, was already six months pregnant. This helped Mary to trust that God would perform a miracle and take care of her. She understood that our God speaks things into existence. The angel assured her, "For no word from God will ever fail" (Luke 1:37). Indeed, there is no blessing that is beyond the reach of God! So, commit yourselves as a family to showcase Jesus through your faith, words, and deeds, and you will undoubtedly witness God's wonders in your lives just as He did for Mary. As we share Jesus with the world, we receive even greater blessings (Acts 20:35). A traffic officer in Michigan once chose to give Christmas gifts to those who broke traffic rules instead of imposing fines. This act of kindness exemplified Jesus' love and reminded people of God's gift to us His Son. Similarly, let us share Jesus with the world through our lives. Let's think about a candle. The candle burns itself to give light to the world, reducing itself so that the light can shine brighter. This Christmas, let us be the ones who carry the light of Jesus. As John 1:4 says, “In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.” Let us radiate this light of Christ. Keep Jesus in your hearts and home, and share Him with the world. May God provide for your needs according to His riches as you and your family shine His light. Prayer: Loving Father, Fill me and my family members with Your Holy Spirit. Grant us the strength to radiate Your light in this world, especially during difficult times. Help us to overcome hardships and be a reflection of You so that others may see Your love through us. Grant the desires of our hearts according to Your will, and give us the grace to accept Your will in our lives. Help us to trust in You and find hope in Your word, just as Mary did. May our family carry You in our hearts forever, and may our love for You grow stronger each day. We thank You for Your blessings and Your constant presence in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen. - December 2023


My beloved partner in the ministry, We've entered this special month of the first Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I couldn't be more thrilled! I bless you with all my heart, in the name of Jesus and wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas! I am incredibly grateful for your unwavering support throughout this year. Thanks to your prayers and financial partnership, millions have been able to experience Christ in their lives through our Ministry endeavours. Your dedication and love towards the Ministry are deeply appreciated. May the Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, be magnified in your life this Christmas season, as stated in Luke 2:11, “Today in the town of David, a Saviour has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” Christmas is more than just a celebration. It is a time to reflect on and take joy in the promise of salvation that Jesus Christ so graciously offers us. This includes salvation from sickness, debt, sin and many other challenges. Therefore, I earnestly pray that you and your loved ones will experience this incredible reality of the Lord's salvation during this holiday season. 14 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

Speaking of God's goodness, I can't wait to share the marvellous things God has been doing in our Ministry lately! Last month was truly amazing, and we have some ministry events coming up that you'll want to keep in your prayers.

Praise Points On November 4th, 2023, the 10th Anniversary of the Israel Prayer Tower was celebrated with a Thanksgiving Prayer Event. We thanked God for the mighty deeds he had done in establishing the Prayer Tower in Israel, bringing groups of people to pray from more than 60 countries and fulfilling the mighty prophetic revelations given to Dr. Paul about the nations. We prayed God's reward on those who had supported and joined this mission too. On November 18, 2023, the Global Youth Impact took place in Kakinada in which my son Samuel ministered, delivering God’s word. The place was shaken by the power and might of God’s word and the young people left the venue totally delivered from their sickness, addictions, and other problems. Glory be to God. This month Sis. Evangeline and I were able to

meet 100s of people individually and pray for their needs at Bro. DGS Prayer Tower. We also ministered in the Parry's Prayer tower and our son Samuel ministered in Tambaram for the area partners. These God-appointed prayer events were indeed a great blessing!

of 'No soul should be lost' a reality. So come and partner with us in this mission of wiping away the sorrows of the people through these Prayer Towers and God will turn your sorrow into joy. For more information on how to support, please refer to page 28.

Prayer Tower Ministry

The Jesus Calls Ministry Training College

“My eyes and My heart will always be there.” (2 Chronicles 7:16) Are you ready to witness a miracle? Last month alone, several hundreds of thousands of individuals visited the Prayer Towers seeking prayers. And thanks to the Telephone Prayer Towers, people can reach out and receive prayers at any time of the day, with several thousand calls pouring in every single day! Our prayer intercessors pray for these requests and pronounce the Lord's blessings on each one of them. People share their prayer needs through letters, emails, Prayer Towers, and social media, and our prayer intercessors never fail to intercede and pray for each one of them. All these prayers have led to blessings for millions of people worldwide!

Gift for Prayer Intercessors “A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.” (Proverbs 18:16) I am confident that many individuals, including yourself, have received miracles through the intercessory prayers offered by our dedicated prayer intercessors. Here is a wonderful opportunity for you to show appreciation by giving them a gift. The cost of presenting a gift to one prayer intercessor is Rs.3,000/-. Your gift will undoubtedly encourage them in the Lord. You can find more information about how to contribute on page 10.

Ministry Updates: New Prayer Tower buildings in Secunderabad and Nagercoil “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7) I am delighted to share that we have received all the necessary approvals to begin the construction of the Secunderabad and Nagercoil Prayer Towers. We are determined to establish these Prayer Towers as soon as possible. Our prayers are fervent as we strive to make the vision

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) Jesus Calls is launching a new training college in Chennai in January 2024 called the Jesus Calls Ministry Training College. This college is designed to run a 6-month residential certificate course for individuals who are planning to join Jesus Calls as staff. The trainees will be empowered with spiritual teaching, behavioral training, managerial skills and protocols of ministry in Jesus Calls and so on. You may apply as well to be trained to serve the Lord full time as an intercessor, field ambassador, manager and media professional, finance professional and so on. If you meet the above qualifications, we encourage you to submit your resume to Together let us raise many people to serve the Lord with spiritual and professional excellence. Our goal is to reach the unreached millions, and we believe that with your participation, we can achieve this together.

Spread some cheer this Christmas season “Whoever is kind to the needy honours God.” (Proverbs 14:31) While we are able to cherish 'good tidings of great joy' this Christmas together with our families, friends, food, trendy clothes, and gifts, many others are not as fortunate as we are. The gift of kindness is in all of us to uplift the poor. This wonderful time of the year, you and I can reach out to the less fortunate in our local community and invite them to join us for a delightful Christmas meal, which could be a great opportunity to share the Gospel. Moreover, you can also partner with us through SEESHA to bring a little joy into the lives of children from vulnerable communities. To be a part of this effort and bring smiles to those little faces, you can navigate to page no 34. - December 2023


Carols “But thanks be to God, who…uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14) Get ready to have your Christmas season filled with joy and blessings! Our team of prayer intercessors and ambassadors are excited to visit your home, sing carols, and pray for you and your loved ones. We are on a mission to visit over 30,000 families this year and share the joy of Christmas with everyone. If you want to be a part of this amazing experience, please let the Prayer Tower Manager in your nearest Prayer Tower know that you are willing to have us over.

Meetings Planned “Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” (Colossians 4:4) December 9, 2023 – United Christian Conference, Chennai December 17, 2023 – St. Matthew’s Church, East Tambaram, Chennai December 17, 2023 – Worship Night, Chennai December 17, 2023 – Christmas Celebration, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh December 18, 2023 – Jesus Calls Special Blessing Meeting, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh December 21, 2023 - Partner’s Meet, Sikkim December 22, 2023 - State level Pre Christmas Prayer Summit 2023, Sikkim December 31, 2023 – New Year Watch Night Service, Bengaluru January 4, 2024 – Partner’s Meet, Vijayawada January 7, 2024 – New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai January 13, 2024 – Prayer Tower Inauguration, Tirupati January 13, 2024 – Partners’ Meet, Tirupati January 14, 2024 – Partner’s Meet, Vishakhapatnam January 18, 2024 – Jesus Calls Ministry College Inauguration, Chennai January 21, 2024 – Blessing Meeting, Srivilliputhur January 26, 2024 – Youth Conference, Annanagar January 26, 2024 – Partner’s Meet, Nagercoil January 27, 2024 – Thirappin Vasal Jebam, Nalumavadi January 28, 2024 – Partner’s Meet, Tirunelveli February 4 – Student Meet, Chennai 16 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

Your prayers for these events are vital as only through that we are seeing open doors to preach the gospel and protection in each place for us and our team. Also, when you join and support these events and Prayer Festivals, you are being a blessing to lakhs of people who attend and surely God will remember you and lift you and your family upwards.

Television and Social Media Ministry For the glory of God, we are impacting millions of homes through our TV programmes on both secular channels and the Family Channel. We also conduct many LIVE programmes, while the Daily Promises reach homes through social media and SMS. We owe all of these to your precious prayers and support. Thank you for making a difference.

Engage with Our YouTube Channel Please stay connected with me through my YouTube Channel, 'Paul Dhinakaran.' The channel offers a wide range of spiritual content, from God’s messages to soulful music videos that can enrich your life with abundant blessings. Also, you will be the first to discover our latest releases and stay informed about our recent content, all conveniently accessible in one location.

Claim a promise each day Great news! The 2024 monthly Calendar and Diary of Jesus Calls are available now. You won't want to miss an opportunity to get your hands on a copy. Each day has a carefully selected promise verse from the Bible, prayerfully handpicked by my wife, Sis. Evangeline. We will be sending the calendars to our partners. If there are any issues, please head over to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your vicinity or simply visit You can also reach out to Partner Care at 044- 23456677 for any questions you might have. Don't wait. Get your copy today! Dearly beloved, I pray that the blessings of Psalm 20:1-5 be upon you and your loved ones – ‘May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble and protect you! May He remember all your offerings and regard with favour your sacrifices! May He grant you your heart’s desire and fulfil all your plans and petitions!’ Thanking God for you and your family, Your brother, who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Proverbs 10:22 – The Lord gives riches Meditation: Gen. 26:12,13; 2 Chron. 1:11,12; 17:5; Romans 10:12; Phil. 4:19 Isaiah 28:29 – Magnificent Meditation: Deut. 10:17; Nehemiah 1:5; 4:14; Job 37:22; Jeremiah 32:17-19 Matthew 16:19 – Bind and it shall be bound Meditation: Psalm 105:19,20; Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 18:18; John 11:44 Psalm 149:4 – The Lord delights in you Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:20; Psalm 41:11; 147:11; Ezekiel 20:41; Matthew 3:16,17 Ezekiel 34:22 – He who judges Meditation: Deut. 10:18; Psalm 58:11; 146:7; Ezekiel 22:14; Luke 18:7 Luke 19:9 – Salvation Meditation: John 10:9; Acts 15:11; 16:31; Romans 10:9,10; 2 Tim. 1:9 Psalm 91:1 – The shadow of the Almighty Meditation: Psalm 121:5; Song. 2:3; Isaiah 32:2; 51:16; Matthew 17:5 Isaiah 43:5 – The Lord is with you Meditation: Joshua 1:5; Judges 6:12,16; 1 Chronicles 22:11; Isaiah 41:10 Psalm 130:7 – The Lord has grace Meditation: Isaiah 54:8-10; Micah 7:18,19; Acts. 13:34; James. 4:6 Genesis 22:14 – The mountain of the Lord Meditation: Psalm 99:9; Joel 3:16,17; Micah 4:1 Psalm 17:15 - The likeness of the Lord Meditation: Gen. 1:27; Ezekiel 1:28; 2 Cor. 3:18; Ephesians 4:24 Ezekiel 37:27 – The dwelling place of the Lord Meditation: Exodus 40:28-34; Levi. 26:11; Psalm 76:2; 132:13,14; Rev. 21:3 Psalm 117:2 – The truth of the Lord Meditation: Psalm 100:5; 1 Cor. 10:13; 2 Tim. 2:13; Hebrews 10:23 Deuteronomy 33:12 – He who is pleasing to the Lord Meditation: Proverbs 11:20; Isaiah 48:14; 2 Cor. 5:9; Hebrews 11:5 Isaiah 62:12 – You are not forsaken Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Levi. 26:44; Isaiah 62:4; 2 Cor. 4:8,9
















Psalm 25:10 – Grace and truth Meditation: Exodus 34:6; Psalm 57:3; 86:15; Proverbs 14:22; John 1:14 1 Timothy 6:17 – God is a perfect giver Meditation: Joel 2:26; Romans 15:29; 2 Cor. 9:8; James 1:5 Isaiah 58:9 – God, the great I AM Meditation: Exodus 3:14; Psalm 102:27; Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13:8 Deuteronomy 14:29 – The labour of your hands shall be blessed Meditation: Deut. 15:10,18; Psalm 128:1,2; 1 Cor. 15:58 Haggai 2:7 – Filled with glory Meditation: 2 Chronicles 7:1-3; Isaiah 35:1,2; 60:1; 2 Cor. 3:17,18 Psalm 27:1 – The Lord is mighty Meditation: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 18:1; 118:14; Isaiah 49:5; Jeremiah 16:19 Matthew 6:11 – God is our breadwinner Meditation: Ruth 1:6; Psalm 111:5; Isaiah 30:23; 2 Cor. 9:10 Job 42:10 – A double blessing Meditation: Genesis 32:9,10; Isaiah 61:7; Zechariah 9:12 Psalm 40:11 – Love and Faithfulness Meditation: Gen. 24:27; 2 Samuel 2:6; Psalm 89:24; 117:2 Luke 2:11 – Christ is the Savior Meditation: Luke 9:56; Ephesians 2:5; 1 Tim. 1:15; 2 Tim. 2:10 1 Samuel 12:22 – You are God's people Meditation: Levi. 26:12; Jeremiah. 7:23; 11:3; Hebrews 8:10; 1 Peter 2:9 Isaiah 46:13 – God will command his glory Meditation: 1 Kings. 3:11-14; Isaiah 35:1,2; Acts 7:55,56 Proverbs 29:25 – High refuge Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:2; 59:1; 107:41 Psalm 94:18 – Enduring grace Meditation: 1 Kings 8:23; Psalm 17:7; Lamentations. 3:22; 2 Cor. 9:8 Isaiah 41:14 – The Lord will help you Meditation: Genesis 49:25; 2 Chronicles 14:11,12; Isaiah 41:13; 2 Tim. 4:17 Psalm 100:4 – Praise the Lord Meditation: Psalm 148:2; Isaiah 12:4; Jeremiah 33:11; Romans 15:11
















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Dear friend, Christmas is just around the corner, and I’m wishing you an incredibly happy and merry one! The Bible says in Luke 2:11, “Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” It's that time of the year again - Christmas! A time when we come together to celebrate, reflect and, most importantly, be hopeful because of the birth of our Saviour, Jesus. Yes, the birth of Jesus, as mentioned in Luke 2:11, reminds us of the most incredible gift we have ever received – salvation! So, this Christmas, let us take a moment to be grateful for this awesome gift and spread some love and cheer. Speaking of which, I have a heartwarming and inspiring story for you about transformation and second chances.

In the busy city of Hopeville, people were always on the move, chasing their dreams and goals. Amidst all this hustle, there was a talented young artist named Emma. She was filled with the Spirit of God, had a strong passion for art, and wanted to share it with the world. While wandering around town one day, Emma discovered an old, abandoned bridge. While others ignored it, Emma saw something special in it. She recognised its hidden beauty and decided to transform it into a canvas for her vibrant art. Emma painted on the walls of the bridge day after day, filling it with colours and stories. Each stroke of her brush conveyed tales of hope, redemption, and the chance to start over. As weeks went by, Emma's paintings brought new life to the bridge. It became a symbol of transformation, a source of light in a dark world. The bridge, which was once forgotten, now touched the hearts of the entire community.

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In the same city, there was a teenager named Jake who was rebellious and had a troubled past. But one day, he heard about the bridge and decided to visit it. Standing amidst Emma's breathtaking art, he felt an inexplicable sense of peace. The paintings seemed to speak to his soul, reminding him that it's never too late to change, to find love, and to seek forgiveness. Overwhelmed with emotion, Jake dropped to his knees and prayed for a new beginning. From that moment on, Jake's life took a different path. He sought help, repaired broken relationships, and embarked on a journey of selfdiscovery. Along this path, he encountered a profound and abiding love - a love that mirrored the compassion and forgiveness of Christ. As Jake's transformation became apparent to those around him, the bridge took on new significance for the entire community. It became a haven for souls seeking solace, redemption, and a fresh start. Emma's art had not only revitalised the bridge but had also breathed life into the hearts of those who crossed it. The story of Emma, Jake, and the Bridge of Second Chances became a part of the city’s history, serving as an inspiration for the youth. It stands as a testament that no matter how lost or broken one may feel, there is always a way back to love, forgiveness, and a brighter future. As you read this story, you may relate to the pain of a difficult past or the

feeling of loneliness during this time of the year. But remember, there is hope! The presence of God can shine light into even the darkest of situations in your life, offering the promise of renewal and transformation. Just like Jake in the story, you, too, can find joy in starting afresh this holiday season and experience a second chance through the love and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. In the stillness of your heart, you can find Christ - the Immanuel, God with you. His love is limitless and comforting, especially when you need it the most. No matter where you go, He walks alongside you, being a light unto your path and offering you grace. As you celebrate this Christmas, remember that you are never alone. Christ, the Immanuel, is always with you to lead you towards a life of transformation, hope and joy. So, why not take a leap of faith and allow God to do wonders for you? Have a blessed season in Christ!

MERRY CHRISTMAS - December 2023


A young girl named Arti from Ranchi is a devout Jesus Calls Young Partner. In the year 2017, she completed her 12th standard with flying colours, securing first class. However, that same year, in the month of July, Arti's life took an unexpected turn. She discovered a lump in her breast, a troubling sign that couldn't be ignored. Arti confided in her mother, who immediately took her to a doctor for help. For an entire year, Arti followed the doctor's advice and took the prescribed medicine, hoping for a cure. Sadly, the treatment yielded no results. As the year 2018 unfolded, Arti faced an even greater challenge. Three more tumours appeared in her breast, casting a shadow over her hopes for a healthy future. The doctors recommended surgery, and in the month of October, Arti bravely underwent an operation. The procedure was painful, causing many sleepless nights. It became increasingly difficult for Arti to concentrate on her studies during those trying days. The following month, after the operation, the situation worsened for Arti as her tumours were growing back. The doctors were baffled, and despair settled over Arti's family. Some even whispered the dreaded word "cancer”. At her lowest point, Arti turned to prayer, crying out, "Lord Jesus, please take me Home." The year 2019 brought another surgery, another round of medical expenses and another glimmer of hope. Yet, once again, in October, Arti faced the heart-wrenching truth–the tumours were returning. As the world shut down due to the pandemic, Arti found herself confronting an even more personal battle. Seventeen tumours now lined her breast, defying medical explanation. Different medicines were prescribed, but still, the tumours persisted. 20 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

In the midst of this pain, Arti's faith held strong. With the Lord's guiding hand, she not only graduated but also earned her Master’s degree with first-class honours. Then, in November of 2022, a ray of light pierced the darkness. Arti visited the Ranchi Prayer Tower, a place of solace and strength. Here, Prayer warriors interceded for her, infusing her spirit with renewed hope and the comforting words of God. News arrived that Dr. Paul Dhinakaran would be visiting Ranchi. Despite her physical discomfort, Arti eagerly volunteered for the event. On November 12th, Arti met Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and shared her physical struggles. He laid his hand upon her head and, in that sacred moment, offered a powerful prayer for her healing. Just a few days later, on November 16th, Arti returned for a check-up. The doctor's words were nothing short of a miracle: no trace of tumours

remained in her breast. All seventeen had vanished as if by divine intervention. The doctors marvelled, declaring, "You are completely cured. No more medication is required." Arti's heart overflowed with joy, and tears of gratitude streamed down her mother's cheeks. Eight months passed, and the tumours never returned. The living miracle worker, the Lord Jesus, had answered Arti's prayers. Today, Arti stands strong and healthy as a living testimony. She is preparing for competitive exams, dreaming of a fulfilling career in government service. All glory to the Lord Jesus, who has been her steadfast companion throughout her extraordinary journey of faith and healing.

Like Arti, you too can share your testimony and offer your thanksgiving offering to Jesus Calls Ministry, blessing millions.

The Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors pray earnestly at the feet of Jesus every day for the success and protection of children, teens and young adults. Thanks to these persistent prayers, we are witnessing amazing testimonies from our Young Partners who are experiencing God’s blessings in every area of their lives. IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THIS PLAN, YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO GET ENROLLED BY FILLING UP THE FORM BELOW. Mr./Ms. ........................................................................................................................................................ Date of Birth: .................................................. Name of Father/Guardian................................................... Address for Communication:....................................................................................................................... City: .................................... Pin code: ........................................ Mobile No: .............................................. E-Mail ID: ..................................................................... WhatsApp............................................................. For more details: • Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area • Website: • Phone No.: 98409 00477 • Email: • Call: Partner Care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm, IST) • Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 Please refer to page 28 for information on the various modes of payment through which you can send your offerings towards the Young Partners’ Plan. - December 2023


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If you read Jude verses 20 and 21, it says: “But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” The Bible mentions here the act of praying in the Spirit. It is one thing to pray, but it is quite another to pray in the Spirit. Anyone can pray, but in order to pray in the Spirit, God must fill us with His Holy Spirit, so that He would begin to pray through us. “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.” (Romans 8:26) Often, when we pray only our fears, pain, anger, sorrow and disappointments to God. Sometimes, it is out of fear of an impending crisis, and at other times, it stems from a materialistic desire. This is 26 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

why, as James notes, our prayers go unanswered, as we often pray from our own worldly desires. However, the Bible indicates that we can engage in a form of prayer that is in harmony with the Spirit, facilitating a true communion with God. God does not want us to offer empty prayers driven by fleshly desires. Instead, He wishes that we pray in the Spirit. When we pray in the Spirit, it is the Holy Spirit that prays through us. Everything changes when you pray in the Spirit. This is why, in Mark 16:17, Jesus said: “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues.” So, what does the old tongue involve? The old tongue prompts one to speak of the flesh and sometimes even of the devil saying, “Lord, the devil has done this to me,” thus glorifying the devil and evil people and their powers. Our human tongue always compels one to

incessantly ask for worldly needs according to 1 John 2:16. But, God intends to make all things new in our life. He yearns to grant you a fresh start in life. Jesus came to give you a new life. This is why God imparts to us His new language so that we can pray in the Holy Spirit and receive God’s new plan for our lives (Isaiah 28:11). The devil may claim the old life, but Jesus Christ owns the new life. To initiate this new life for ourselves, our families, and our nation, God calls upon us to speak in His new tongues through the Holy Spirit in us. It is a language that has the power to renew our speech. This is precisely what Jesus did for Zacchaeus. In Luke 19, when Jesus encountered Zacchaeus, He called him by name and asked him to come down. Everyone branded Zacchaeus a

begin to speak the life of Jesus Christ through you. You will not only talk about Jesus, but you will also start living like Jesus. Yes, God will transform you in this manner. Through Jesus Christ, you will become a new creation. The old things will pass away. God provides us with new tongues to aid us in becoming more like Jesus. Every sin will disappear! Also when the Holy Spirit makes you speak in new tongues you will stop praying with lust but with God’s peace ruling your heart. For Romans 14:17 says, “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Knowing how much the Lord loves you, you will say, “Lord, not My will but let Thy will be done.” When you say that, the Holy

sinner because he spoke in the old language. So, what was his old language? It was "Give me money," which he would repeatedly say to people. As a tax collector, he would unjustly extort money from individuals and threaten them. He was speaking in the devil's tongue and acquiring money through unjust means. However, when Jesus entered his life, Zacchaeus began to speak in a new language. He declared, "Lord, I am going to give away money. I will donate half of my wealth to those in need, and I will repay four times what I wrongly took from others." Only Jesus Christ has the power to enable us to speak in new tongues. Thus, when Jesus takes hold of a person, everything changes.

Spirit will begin to pray the plan He has already made for your life in tongues (Jeremiah 29:11). And God’s plan will start operating in your life from then on and all things will start working together for your good (Romans 8:28).

Throughout your life, God will enable you to speak in new tongues. Do you find yourself in conflict with your own desires? Are your eyes fixated on sensual images? Is your heart consumed by excessive desire for status and power? Maybe your life is steeped in pride, but when God grants you the capacity to speak in new tongues, you will

God filled me with the Holy Spirit when I was eighteen years old. However, I had to attend the same college where I was sinful. I had to associate with the same people who were leading me astray. As I cycled to college, I would encounter posters that reminded me of old music, and impure thoughts would begin to infiltrate my mind. Yes, we do live in a world filled with sin. Jesus says, “My prayer is not that You take them out of the world but that You protect them from the evil one.” Therefore, you and I must dwell in this world. However, in this sinful world, God grants us victory and makes us more than conquerors through His Holy Spirit, enabling us to resist the temptation to sin. So, as I rode my bike, I would pray, "Lord, the old thoughts are returning. Please help me." In that very moment, the Holy Spirit within me would - December 2023


surge forth, filling me with new tongues. I wouldn't even comprehend what I was saying. It would be the Holy Spirit praying for me and empowering me. When the Holy Spirit spoke in new tongues through me, it destroyed the old temptations and lusts in my mind, and the joy of the Holy Spirit enveloped me. I then boldly declared: "You devil, cease with these old temptations; leave me in Jesus' name." When I said so, the power of God came and nullified the influence of the devil on my mind, and I was instantly delivered. I praised the Lord, exclaiming, "Thank You, Jesus, You're on my side." This is how God bestowed upon me the ability to speak in new tongues and transformed me into an overcomer. It’s my prayer in the Holy Spirit which made me climb to great heights in my life from my 18th year to where I’m now. Pray in the Spirit and He will lift you to great heights enabling you to accomplish great things by His power (Acts 1:8). We all face temptations but thanks to Jesus Christ’s triumph over the world, He has given us a new tongue and elevated us to the status of conquerors. Moreover, He grants us the Holy Spirit so that

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we may be renewed like eagles. According to Isaiah 40:31, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

How to receive the Holy Spirit? Ask Jesus in His name and He will come into you in the form of His Spirit. For Jesus has said in Luke 11:13, “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” “If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20) Thirst for Him as in Psalms 42:1,2, “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” May you receive the Holy Spirit and rise up in life to shine for God’s glory. God bless you.

Due to the present crisis in Israel, the 10th-anniversary celebration of the Israel Prayer Tower took place on November 4th, 2023, at the D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower. The event was a significant moment to express gratitude for the abundant grace and blessings the Lord has provided over the past decade through this sacred Prayer Tower. The soul-stirring melodies orchestrated by Keith Soares and then by Stella Ramola & Daniel Davidson brought down God's presence that surrounded everyone present there. A video documentary was shown, highlighting how the Lord has marvelously fulfilled many of the prophecies He had shown about the move of God in nations to Dr. Paul and about how God is using the Israel Prayer Tower (IPT) powerfully as well. Mr. Ravikumar, one of the IPT administrators, also shared about it in his report. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared according to Matthew 6:20, how those who had supported, prayed for and worked in the IPT mission were storing up rewards in Heaven for themselves. He also elaborated on the role of the Israel Prayer Tower in the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus and how it functions accordingly. Sis. Evangeline, along with the prayers of servants of God, led the crowd to thank God for each powerful thing the Lord had done in and through the IPT. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran also spoke about God's vision for the Prayer Tower, emphasizing the profound significance of our commitment to His divine work. Later, Mr. Joseph shared an inspiring testimony on how along with his bank job, God had led Him to pray several times in the IPT as an intercessor and each time he saw a mighty increase and God giving him added spiritual grace to powerfully pray for people when he returned to India. The meeting was a clear display of God's unwavering mercy and faithfulness and all the participants returned greatly blessed as the Dhinakarans prayed for God's reward to come upon them. We encourage you all to stand with the IPT mission as the mission needs to continue in supporting to bring many intercessors to pray in the IPT for the move of God to happen in the nations. Please do take time to come and pray as intercessors too and be a blessing in God's kingdom. To visit the Prayer Tower and pray for others, email your name, contact details and available dates to Mr. M. Ravikumar, +972 543461112, +918220583936.


“For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) The five names given to our Lord Jesus Christ, who was born on this earth as Man, are Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and The Prince of peace. Let us analyse how we can receive blessings from the One who has these five names. Wonderful The parents of Samson, the man of God, asked the God of gods, ‘What is Your name?’ and the name given was, ‘Wonderful’ (Judges 13:18). Accordingly, in Psalm 72:18 and 86:10 we read, “Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things!” In Job 5:9 and 9:10, we read, ‘He does …wonders without number.’ In the times when the Lord Jesus Christ was living in this world in the form of a Man, a lot of people saw various wondrous things happening in their lives because of Him. As a result, they received abundant blessings. How did He change Peter and John, who were ordinary fishermen, into fishers of men? It was 30

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when they respected His word and accepted it, as it were and obeyed, this ‘wonder’ happened. Till the previous night, they had toiled hard and could not catch anything; yet, when Simon Peter obeyed the Lord’s word, saying, “Nevertheless at Your Word I will let down the net” as we read in Luke 5:5, a wonder happened in such a way that ‘they caught a great number of fish’ and both the boats were filled. On seeing this, Peter totally surrendered himself at the feet of the Lord. Dear one! Our Lord is the same yesterday, today and forever! Even today, He is able to do wondrous deeds to His people, who honour His Word and grant them His blessings. Dear one, if you would like to see His wonders in your life, you should be diligent in reading His Word and following it in your life in all reverence. Then the Lord will delight over you. He will manifest His wonders whenever you desire for them. He would be eager to do wonders in the lives of His children, chosen by Him. Hence, as we wholeheartedly praise and thank Him, who alone does great ‘wonders’ as we read in Psalm 136:4, He would fill us more and more with His enduring mercy and bless us.

Counselor “You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.” (Psalm 73:24) David, too, has written in Psalm 139:17, ‘How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!’ Many are the problems that we face in our daily lives! We stumble, not knowing what to do. But, when we kneel down and look up to the Lord at such times and wait for His counsel and guidance, He will surely give us the relevant counsel and guide us wonderfully. About this, we read, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8) Similarly, we read in Isaiah 30:21 and 48:17, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying. ‘This is the way, walk in it’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.” Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, and the Holy One of Israel, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.” Hence, if we are conscientious to live close with the Lord and are united with Him, we need not flounder in our ways. My husband, Bro. Dhinakaran accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour when he was 20 years old and lived a godly life of fearing Him and trusting Him totally. As a result, whenever he faced any problem, he would immediately kneel down at the feet of God and wait for His counsel. Then the Lord’s presence would fill him, and he would receive God’s counsel and be thus led miraculously. He followed this not only for his personal matters but would pray to the Lord and receive His counsel for people who were baffled as to

what to choose and led them also wonderfully, according to His will. In your personal life also, the Lord will be a ‘good Counselor’ and guide you in a similar fashion. But it is necessary that you wait at His feet patiently till you receive His counsel. Our God is a living God! Just as how He guided His servants in the days of the Bible, He, who is unchanging, would give us His counsel with His power and guide us beautifully! Mighty God We read in Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One…” Jeremiah 50:34 says, “Their Redeemer is strong; the Lord of Hosts is His name.” Do we realise that our God is ‘the great, the mighty and awesome God’, as we read in Nehemiah 9:32? Similarly, Job, the man of God, says from his experience, “With Him are wisdom and strength” (Job 12:13). Since he had his full trust in this mighty God, he was miraculously delivered from his troubles, when he was terribly tested by satan and in the end, received double fold blessings from the God of gods. Don’t we read about several incidents in the Bible where people who had trust in the Lord received wonders and blessings from Him? For example, in Matthew 9:20-22, we read about a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years and who was living in tears as she had spent everything on the physicians but could not be healed. However, believing with her whole heart that the power of God would heal her, she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and received a miracle in her body. We read about several such miracles manifested by the power of God in the Bible. - December 2023


You should also believe that Jesus is a ‘Mighty God’ for you as well and thus receive His blessings.

among themselves, they languish without any peace and are sorrowful. But what does the Word of the Lord say?

Eternal Father

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You…” (Isaiah 26:3)

In the Bible, we read the God of gods saying, ‘I am a Father to Israel’ (Jeremiah 31:9). Thus, even today, He is our ‘Father’. We also read Prophet Isaiah saying, ‘You, O Lord, are our Father; Our Redeemer’ (Isaiah 63:16). In Malachi 2:10, we read, “Have we not all one Father?” It is also written, “…truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (I John 1:3). Accordingly, it is imperative that we have fellowship with God, the Father and Jesus Christ, His Son. God, the Father, sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to be offered as a living sacrifice on the cross and thus loved us as His own children. About this, we read in I John 3:1,

Yes, as per this Word, every one of us should accept the Lord as our personal Saviour in our hearts. Next, we should read the Bible diligently and pray to Him and thus hold on to Him firmly. Also, when we place our entire trust in Him, it is certain that the Lord will give us His perfect peace. A particular family, which did not know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour, was on the verge of separation as they were filled with bitterness and grudges against one another and had no peace. The husband, who was an alcoholic, once attended a spiritual meeting in obedience to his mother’s words and accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour. As a result, the God of peace granted His divine peace to that family and made them live together with oneness of mind and thus blessed them.

If we wait for God’s counsel, He will guide us with His relevant counsel

“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God…”

Dear one, do you have this privilege of being called ‘God’s child’? Have your family, relatives, and others received this privilege? – Pay attention to this, and if not, show them this divine love of the Father. When we realise that the God of gods, the eternal Father, is full of love for us, we will enjoy the privilege of always abiding in the ‘secret place of the Most High and under the shadow of the Almighty’ (Psalm 91:1). Prince of Peace We read in Psalm 29:11, “The Lord will bless His people with peace.” These days, most of the people live in tears as they do not have any peace. The Bible says that this world is ‘wicked’. Since people do not have genuine love 32

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Dear one, perhaps you are living in agony because of rifts and troubles in your family, with no peace! Plead to Jesus, the God of peace. Surely you will receive perfect peace in your life, according to His Word, “For everyone, who asks receives…” (Matthew 7:8). As we have come to the end of the year 2023, let us, with our whole hearts and minds, be diligent in seeking the Lord, who has the power to bless us in many ways and to prosper us, allowing us to lead a divine and blessed life in this wicked world. - December 2023


The most wonderful season of the year is here. These seasons bring together loved ones from far & near, invoking positive memories of holiday traditions, gifts, and kindness towards the poor. Strong family ties are created, and feelings of happiness & love are shared during these times, which are fondly cherished by kids for years. Sadly, for millions of children living in poverty, homelessness, and ill health, these festive days are just like any other day of survival. With struggles for their urgent needs, most of them have never had the chance to experience the joy of owning a set of new clothes!

Every year during this festive season, SEESHA remembers the struggles of thousands of such children who suffer silently. Some of these children have lost one or both of their parents, are differently abled, are displaced from their homes, some live with HIV/AIDS, and a few others live on the streets. To spark their joy, boost their self-esteem, and lift their spirits, SEESHA reaches out to thousands of these children and gifts them with new sets of clothing each year. Just like in previous years, SEESHA is making all the preparations to gift new clothes to 50,000 vulnerable children this festive season. In this wonderful time of the year, while we celebrate with our loved ones, let us also remember the struggles of such precious kids and bring them a little joy through the compassionate spirit we carry and the things we do. See how Ms. Divyaben Vasava from Vyara feels about receiving a new dress from SEESHA “Earlier, I yearned to wear new clothes during my school trips & times of celebration, but my parents could not afford to buy them. Thankfully, SEESHA has fulfilled my wish by gifting colourful new dresses for the past few festive seasons. I am delighted to know that I will be receiving a new dress this year too!” Even a small contribution towards the gift of new clothes can help them bloom with happiness, confidence, and hope during these times of cheerful celebrations. You may contribute as below: Sponsor a set of New Clothes for a deprived child: Rs. 500/Sponsor New Clothes for 10 deprived children: Rs. 5,000/Sponsor New Clothes for 20 deprived children: Rs. 10,000/** You may sponsor for any number of children.

34 JESUS CALLS December 2023 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

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