On November 2, 2024, the Bethesda Blessing Meeting was held in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, bringing together more than five thousand people from across India. Families and friends gathered with hearts full of expectation, eager to experience the power and presence of God. The meeting began with an uplifting worship session led by Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson. As songs of praise were lifted up, God's presence brought peace and strength to everyone. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran spoke on the transformative power of Jesus, sharing how He turns darkness into light and drives out fear. His message inspired many, and his heartfelt prayers uplifted the entire congregation. Sis. Evangeline Paul delivered an inspiring message on God’s protective nature and her compassionate prayer left a lasting impact, bringing comfort to many people.
Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared a powerful message about how God is a Father who carries our burdens, a Mother who comforts us, a brother who shares His wisdom, and a Friend who never leaves our side. During the prayer time, the Holy Spirit moved powerfully as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed, and through him, God spoke specifically to individuals, calling them by name, revealing details of their lives, and assuring them of His plans for their future.
One such person Brother Manickam who was suffering from acute stomach pain was healed instantly as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called his name and revealed that God's healing was descending upon Him. Many other people came forward to share how they had been healed, restored, and renewed spiritually, giving glory to God. Professors and students of Karunya Deemed University voluntarily came forward to pray and minister to the people.
The Bethesda Blessing Meeting was truly a powerful experience of God's grace.
The Lord will send His Spirit upon you, and within you, and through His Spirit, He will enable the Lord Jesus to be formed in you. He will bring light into every dark place, heal your hurts, lift your burdens, and replace all your fears with hope.
The Gift of Freedom in Christ
“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (II Corinthians 3:17). Jesus came to set us free from every captivity, like sin, sickness, curse, sorrow, guilt, and even fear that torments us. Through His Spirit, we are liberated,
not by our own strength, but by His grace. As Zechariah 4:6 reminds us, “‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.” The birth of Christ and His ultimate sacrifice on the cross paved the way for our redemption and lifted the burdens that oppressed us. The Lord Jesus, born of the Spirit and full of the Lord’s Spirit, brings us true freedom, happiness, strength and honour.
The Spirit of Christ
The birth of Jesus fulfilled God’s promise to send His Spirit to dwell within us. Jesus came in human form, lived among us, and shed His sinless blood on the cross for all humanity. Through His sacrifice, He took upon Himself our penalty of sin. Before He returned to the Father, Jesus assured His disciples in John 16:5-7, “I am going, but I will send another Helper to stay with you forever.” This promise was fulfilled in Acts 2 when the disciples gathered and were filled with the Holy Spirit. A mighty wind filled the place, and tongues of fire appeared above them, granting them new languages and boldness. This same Holy Spirit is moving in your midst to fill you with His power and transform you into the image of Christ. He dwells in you to transform you into His holy temple (I Corinthians 3:16; 6:19).
How to Receive the Holy Spirit
Receiving the Holy Spirit is as simple as asking. When we diligently pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Lord responds to our request. Jesus said in Luke 11:13, “If you, who are imperfect, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those
who ask Him?” The Spirit of God is poured out on all who earnestly seek Him, and when He comes, He breaks every bondage and sets us free from captivity.
The Transformative Power of the
Holy Spirit
When the Holy Spirit enters our lives, He brings freedom, transformation, and a new life in Christ that is abounding with His grace.
Freedom from Sin
Through the precious Spirit of Christ, we are set free from sin. Romans 6:18 declares, “Having been set free from sin, you have become slaves of righteousness.” The Holy Spirit releases us from past sins, addictions, and habits that hinder our relationship with God. Romans 8:2 celebrates, “The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death.” When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are renewed in His grace and become a brand-new creation in Christ!
The Holy Spirit also grants us boldness and strength to live out our faith. He transforms our character, making us people of authority and courage. This is the most remarkable work of grace that the Holy Spirit accomplishes in us.
A New Language of Hope
In Mark 16:17, Jesus promises, “Those who believe in Me will speak in new tongues.” When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we begin to speak a new language; a language of hope, love, and forgiveness. Without the Holy Spirit, we would be inclined toward sin, speaking words of anger, criticism
or judgment. Yet, as we surrender to the Holy Spirit, our lives are transformed, and we are strengthened in faith. The words we speak begin to change, aligning with God’s promises. We find ourselves speaking life and victory into every situation, claiming God’s promises with authority and confidence. Yes, through the Holy Spirit, our language becomes a reflection of God’s love and power.
My Personal Journey with the Holy Spirit
Many years ago, at just 18, I surrendered my life to Jesus, leaving behind a life of sin. Four months later, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, who blessed me with a new language and a new way of life. But when I returned to college, old temptations resurfacedthe familiar songs, posters, and friends tugging me back toward my past. Feeling weak, I prayed fervently, afraid of slipping.
Each time, the Holy Spirit would rise within me, filling me with strength. I would even pray aloud in new tongues of the Holy Spirit, while riding my bicycle, declaring, “Devil, get away!” By God’s grace, I have followed Jesus faithfully for 44 years. The Holy Spirit has been my strength and my helper every step of the way and He will be there for you, too.
Freedom from Sickness
The Holy Spirit also brings healing. Romans 8:11 promises, “If the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He will also give life to your mortal bodies.” The Spirit renews not only our souls but also our physical bodies.
I heard this inspiring testimony of Namita from Lucknow, a dedicated prayer intercessor at the Prayer Tower. For 12 long years, she suffered
from a persistently swollen leg. Despite her condition, she continued with her daily work, enduring pain and discomfort. She underwent numerous kidney tests, and although her results were normal, a deep fear haunted her; the fear that her kidneys might eventually fail. The visible swelling often drew unwanted questions, "Why is your leg swollen?" This constant scrutiny by others brought her shame. She walked with her legs covered, struggling with each painful step.
In 2023, my wife and I travelled to Lucknow for a family gathering, where we had the opportunity to meet Namita in person. Her leg was still painfully swollen. Moved with compassion, we anointed her feet with oil and prayed earnestly for her healing. For four years, she had been praying fervently that the Holy Spirit would fill her beyond measure and grant her all nine gifts of the Spirit. As we prayed, a powerful anointing filled the room, and she was filled by the Holy Spirit.
A week after our visit, Namita was astonished to find that the swelling had completely vanished. Her leg was fully restored, and she could walk without pain. When she returned to the doctor, he examined her and remarked, "Sister, it’s not my medicine that’s working for you. It’s the power of prayer." Namita’s life has returned to normal.
What a wonderful testimony! Just as the Holy Spirit raised Jesus from the dead, He can bring life and healing into your physical body. So, expect a miraculous healing from the Lord.
Freedom from Evil
The Holy Spirit also brings freedom from every spiritual oppression and darkness. Isaiah
59:19 declares, “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise a standard against him.” In Christ, we no longer fear the powers of darkness because His Spirit gives us power and authority over every demonic force and oppression.
Let me share this testimony from Sanju Soni who recounted her incredible journey from darkness to light. Living in Raipur, Sanju initially knew nothing of Jesus and was immersed in a worldly life. She got married and was blessed with two beautiful children, a son and a daughter. However, after the birth of their daughter, they began facing unusual and terrifying difficulties, which they later realised were the result of witchcraft cast against them. Sanju started experiencing unbearable headaches, escalating to the point where she couldn’t eat. Her health deteriorated further, and she would faint frequently, haunted by horrific nightmares filled with an overwhelming fear of death. Four times, in deep despair, she attempted suicide and each time, she was miraculously saved. At night, she was tormented by dark visions and shadowy figures that seemed to rise against her, speaking in haunting voices. Unknown to her, someone had hidden a devil’s amulet in her home and tied it to her.
In February 2018, Sanju attended our prayer conference in Aurangabad. During the session, as I prayed for the people gathered, the Holy Spirit moved upon her. She distinctly heard an audible voice instructing her, “Take off that amulet you have.” It was the voice of the Holy Spirit. The command grew louder and more
urgent, and at that moment, she removed the talisman. Almost immediately, she felt an intense release, vomiting as if expelling the darkness within her. An incomprehensible peace filled her heart, and from that moment, she was completely freed from the grip of darkness. She surrendered her life to the Lord, and for the first time in years, she was able to sleep peacefully.
Transformed and filled with purpose, Sanju soon began serving others, sharing her testimony and hope in Jesus. Today, she lives peacefully with her children in her own home as a living testimony to the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Promise of Eternal Life
This month, as we celebrate the birth of our Lord, let us remember the incredible promise He gives us - eternal life through Jesus. In 1 John 3:2, we are reminded that one day, we will be made like Jesus, reflecting His image and living with Him forever. For this, we need the help of the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Jesus, living within us.
So, let us open our hearts to the power and freedom that the Holy Spirit brings and embrace the new life found in Christ Jesus. The testimonies of people freed from sin, healed from sickness, and souls delivered from darkness remind us of God’s endless love and the mighty power of His Spirit.
May this season be a time for you to welcome the work of the Holy Spirit in your life and experience deep joy and true freedom that only He can give as the Mother of Jesus, Mary received.
Families are ordained by God. In these times, however, families face constant attacks from the enemy. Many suffer from division, burdens of sickness, spiritual bondages, curses, and even the effects of witchcraft. Yet, the Lord's heart is moved by these struggling families. Out of His deep love, He has given us this divine Plan to call upon His supernatural presence and protection for the well-being of families, especially in these perilous times.
Just as God protected Noah and his family from the great flood by sheltering them in an ark (Genesis 7:1), He now offers your family a safe refuge through the “Family Blessing Plan”-an “ark of prayer.” This Plan is a way to keep your families under God’s protective covering, shielding them from destructive forces so that your home will be filled with His perfect peace and abundant blessings. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” It is through constant prayers that families can experience this fullness and overcome every scheme of darkness. Through the Family Blessing Plan, countless families have been restored, renewed, and blessed by the power of Almighty God.
Here’s a testimony of God’s power at work: HEALED
A sister named Ravali from Chennai was facing heartbreak and sorrow as she struggled to conceive. After experiencing a miscarriage, her pain only grew, and she found herself yearning for a miracle-a child to bring joy into her life. It was during this difficult time that she learned
about the Family Blessing Plan, and with faith, she joined the Plan, believing that through prayer, God would work a miracle for her family. And God honoured her faith! She was blessed with a beautiful baby, and their home was filled with joy.
Six years after her surgery, Sis. Ravali faced another challenge when she noticed pus starting to form near her surgical scar. Though worried, she didn’t lose
hope. Instead, she turned to God once again, finding encouragement in the daily promise verse from the Jesus Calls Calendar and feeling strengthened by the intercessory prayers offered for her at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. In time, she experienced complete healing, and the issue that had once caused her so
much concern was gone.
Today, Sis. Ravali and her family are living in God’s blessings, and she is thankful for God’s answers to every prayer. She is grateful for the support and prayers she received through the Family Blessing Plan, for she knows God truly hears and cares.
Keep your family, too, safe in the ark of prayer through the Family Blessing Plan. The Lord will watch over your home and fill your home with His divine presence and His overflowing blessings. “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1).
Join the Family Blessing Plan today!
When your donations reach Rs.5000/-, you will receive a special certificate with a promise verse for your family.
A personal Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans.
A Prayer Intercessor will call and pray with you on your Wedding Anniversary.
How to Join the Family Blessing Plan
Be a part of this life-changing prayer plan by filling out the pledge form below and choosing your level of monthly support. Your commitment can make a difference.
I would like to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan
Name:…...................................……….Date of Birth:…........................ Wedding day.........................
Address:....................................................................................................................... .................... ..................................................................................................................... Pin code: ……........…….
Mobile:……..............….................……….. Email:………....................................................................... ..
I would like to give Rs.................... this time to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan I shall send Rs.300/-Rs.500/-Rs.1,000/- every month.
You can also send your family photographs to fbp@jesuscalls.org and WhatsApp No. 98409 00477 along with your details such as your name, date of birth and mobile number. For more details: • Visit our website: www.jesuscalls.org •Call Partner Care 044 - 23456677 (8 am to 8 pm)
To know the easy ways of sending your offering, kindly refer to page 17.
Genesis 2:24 offers beautiful and simple guidance on the sacred bond of marriage. This verse invites the husband and wife to fully embrace a new life together by making their marriage the priority. Here, the message is clear. When two people marry, they begin a fresh journey, becoming “one flesh.” This means putting each other first, even above their parents.
What Does “Leaving and Cleaving” Mean?
The phrase “leave and cleave” points to two important steps.
“Leave” means that when a man and woman marry, they step away from their parents’ authority and influence. This doesn’t mean they stop loving or respecting
their parents, but rather that they are starting a new, independent family unit.
“Cleave,” on the other hand, means committing to each other fully, building a deep, unbreakable bond. This deep unity calls the husband and the wife to work together, make decisions as a team, and support one another. This powerful principle creates a
safe, nurturing space where love and understanding can grow.
Honouring Parents While Prioritising Marriage
The Bible is clear that honouring parents remains important. "Honor your father and mother,” as stated in Exodus 20:12, still stands strong. But when two people marry, their partner should become their main focus and priority. In a loving marriage, this shift is necessary for building a strong foundation for the future.
This is not always easy, especially if families expect ongoing help or involvement. But by carefully balancing love and support for parents with the need to prioritise marriage, a husband and a wife can strengthen their bond and create a family which is centered on unity and trust.
Sometimes, this journey to prioritise marriage can be difficult. In many families, there are strong cultural expectations and deeply held traditions that can make it hard for parents and children to adjust to these new dynamics.
John and Sarah had been married for five years and were happy, yet Sarah often felt secondary to John’s family. As the eldest son, John was deeply involved in his parents’ lives, helping with their business and spending weekends with them, leaving Sarah to manage the household and their two children alone. While Sarah tried to be understanding, she felt increasingly isolated, longing for quality time and joint decision-making.
When Sarah finally voiced her feelings, she emphasized the importance of prioritizing their marriage, referencing Genesis 2:24 to stress the need to establish their own family. John, initially surprised, hadn’t realized the impact his actions had on their relationship. He spoke with his parents, setting healthier boundaries. Together, John and Sarah created a better balance, ensuring family time and shared priorities while John continued supporting his parents in a way that honored his commitment
to his marriage. Their relationship grew stronger and more fulfilling.
John and Sarah’s journey shows that when we follow the wisdom of Genesis 2:24, we invite God’s blessings into our marriages. Prioritising each other does not mean neglecting our parents and other family members; it means building a strong foundation in the marriage. When a husband and wife relationship is grounded in love, unity and respect, they are better prepared to face life’s ups and downs together.
God’s call to “leave and cleave” reminds us that marriage is a holy covenant, a commitment that deserves our full devotion. By nurturing this bond and placing each other above all else, a husband and wife can create a beautiful legacy of love, strength and faith for future generations.
Embrace the Biblical Design for Marriage
If you are married, or considering marriage, take time to reflect on Genesis 2:24 and how it can inspire you to love deeply, prioritise each other, and grow together in faith. This journey may take courage and patience, but with God’s help, you can build a strong marriage that reflects His love.
"Two are better than one…for if they fall, one will lift up his companion."
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)
Let this verse encourage you to uplift, support, and cherish your spouse. By following God’s plan for your marriage, you and your partner can experience a deeper connection, bringing peace, joy, and unity into your family life.
Dear beloved in Christ, “Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)
This Christmas season, let us remember the true frontline warriors of faith - our dedicated Prayer Intercessors. These selfless servants of God stand tirelessly in prayer for us, lifting up every need, every cry for help, and every burden placed on their hearts. Day and night, they are there, praying for you and your loved ones, seeking God’s intervention and His miracle-working power to be manifested in your lives.
Many of us would have experienced firsthand how powerfully God has moved through their prayers. Whether it's healing from illness, deliverance from addiction, or protection during life’s trials, their intercessions have been the channel for God’s miracles to flow into our lives.
This Season, Let’s Show Our Gratitude
As we enter this season of giving, let us come together to bless these faithful servants of God with a gift of gratitude. Your contribution will bring warmth and joy to their holiday season, allowing them to enjoy
Christmas with their families as they reflect on the grace they have extended to others throughout the year.
This year, our goal is to bless 8,000 dedicated Prayer Intercessors, who are a vital part of the Ministry. We welcome you to support one or many intercessors so that you will also be a part of their ministry to thousands of people. They serve tirelessly in prayers at Prayer Towers, through Telephone Prayer Towers, Chain Prayer and at National Prayer Tower. With your generosity, we can make this Christmas season special for them.
But the celebration does not stop there!
We’re also giving our heartfelt thanks to 30,000 ministry partners who have stood alongside us through every challenge, sharing in the vision and mission of this Ministry. This Christmas, we will be expressing our gratitude in person to our dear partners whose houses our prayer intercessors will visit. These visits will bring God’s blessings right into the homes of our partners, with earnest prayers for a blessed and prosperous New Year.
Multiple blessings
“My grandson accidentally poured boiling oil on himself while at home. We rushed him to the hospital, and I sought prayer help from the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower. They prayed earnestly for him, and by God’s grace, he recovered completely, with no lasting harm to his body. Not only that, my son, who had struggled with alcoholism, was delivered from his addiction through the prayers of the intercessors. Praise be to God!”
- Sis. M. Shantha, Chennai
Praise Points
In November, God’s Spirit moved powerfully:
The Bethesda Blessing Meeting, held on November 2nd at Bethesda, was a tremendous success, with many lives touched and healed by the presence of God. The Lord took control of the entire meetingfrom the praise and worship session led by Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson to the short yet powerful exhortation by Samuel Dhinakaran about how the power of Jesus changes darkness into light, the Spirit-filled prayer led by Sis. Evangeline, and the message I was blessed to share upon the Word that God will be our Father, Mother, Brother and Friend to be with us at all times. In every moment, God used the meeting to touch people’s hearts, moving powerfully and performing His signs and wonders. I praise God for every individual who was touched and for every detail that He orchestrated to make this meeting so special.
The Miracle Fasting Prayer held on November 16th at Jesus Calls, Vanagaram, revealed God’s immense love for His people as He poured out His Spirit abundantly upon all who gathered with a deep hunger for His presence and blessed them richly. Many received their long-awaited breakthroughs, and it was evident that the Lord indeed blesses those who seek Him diligently!
The Lord delights in the praises of His people, and in keeping with this spirit, Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson led a soulstirring, two-hour nonstop praise and worship session on November 3rd at the Bethesda Dome in the Bethesda Prayer Centre, Coimbatore. Over 450 people gathered, pouring out their hearts in worship, and the entire place was filled with God’s mighty presence. It was indeed an unforgettable evening, as the glory of God
touched and transformed many lives. Praise be to God for His awesome deeds! By the grace of God, the 105th Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was inaugurated in Jagdalpur. The Prayer Tower will surely be a great source of hope for the broken-hearted for the glory of God. It will pave way for people to experience God's power and miracles in their lives. If you are in and around Jagdalpur, do visit the Jesus Calls Jagdalpur Prayer Tower in the following address to experience God's tangible power and presence: Jesus Calls Jagdalpur Prayer Tower, 2nd Floor, Vargish Wings, Above Vishal Megamart Dharmpura Road, Bastar - 494001, Chhattisgarh. Phone No.: 6380752277/7024269165.
Please continue to uphold this event in your prayers and if you have not been part of this fasting and prayer, please consider joining in next time. Together, we can storm heaven for miracles.
Gift for Prayer Intercessors
“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”
(Proverbs 18:16)
I believe many of us, yourself included, have been blessed by the miracles that come through the heartfelt prayers of our dedicated intercessors. Our prayer intercessors tirelessly cry out to the Lord, lifting up the needs of others without growing weary. They are the unwavering pillars of this ministry, offering heartfelt supplications for each individual as if
they were their own. Their dedication and love uphold this work, ensuring that every prayer request is covered in prayer. Now, you have a special opportunity to express your gratitude with a love offering of upto Rs. 20,000/- and present a heartfelt token of thanks to one of these devoted prayer intercessors, uplifting their spirits and encouraging them in the Lord. For more information on how to contribute, see page 12.
“Whoever is kind to the needy honours God.” (Proverbs 14:31)
While we’re blessed to enjoy the “good tidings of great joy” this Christmas, surrounded
This festive season is the perfect opportunity to share your heart and make a real impact in the lives of those less fortunate through SEESHA, a dedicated organization focused on uplifting vulnerable communities. Imagine the difference you can make! If you feel inspired to lend a hand, turn to page 34 for more details on how to get involved. Together, let’s care for the needy!
Prepare for a Christmas season overflowing with joy and blessings! Our dedicated team of prayer intercessors and ambassadors is eager to bring the spirit of the season to your home - singing carols and offering heartfelt prayers for you and your loved ones.
This year, we're on a mission to spread the joy of Christmas to over 30,000 families! If you'd like to be part of this uplifting experience, inform the Prayer Tower Manager at your nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower that you welcome a visit. We can’t wait to celebrate this special season with you!
Forthcoming Meetings
“Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” (Colossians 4:4)
December 6 - Partners Meet, Rajahmundry
December 7 – Partners Meet, Tanuku
December 7, 2024 – UTurn Youth Festival, Ranchi
December 14, 2024 – Miracle Fasting Prayer, Chennai
January 5, 2025 – New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai
January 14-15, 2025 - Prayer Festival, Khammam
January 15, 2025 - UTurn Meeting, Khammam
Your prayers are truly essential to the success of these events. Through your intercession, we’re seeing doors open to share the gospel, along with a covering of protection for our team at every location. You are a blessing to the countless lives touched, and surely, God will reward your faithfulness.
Claim a promise each day
“Your promise preserves my life.” (Psalm 119:50)
Great news! The 2025 monthly Jesus Calls Calendar are now available! Each day features a thoughtfully chosen promise verse from the by family, friends, festive meals, and thoughtful gifts, many around us aren’t as fortunate. But we all hold a special gift within us—the power to uplift others with kindness.
“But thanks be to God, who…uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)
Bible, prayerfully selected by my wife, Sis. Evangeline. This is a wonderful way to keep God’s word close all year.
We’ll be sending these calendars to our partners. You can also receive these calendars by visiting the nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower or visit www.jesuscalls.org. For queries, contact our Partner Care at 044 23456677.
Promise Song for the Year 2025
“I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing.”
(Ezekiel 34:26)
I am overjoyed to share that the Promise Song for 2025 is on its way, a song inspired by the Holy Spirit, carrying a message straight from the heart of God. This Promise Song has been crafted with lyrics and melodies that flow from His divine guidance, and it holds a prophetic declaration for the year ahead. We believe this song will be a vessel of blessing, bringing hope, renewal, and abundant joy to every heart that listens.
We can’t wait to share this with you at the start of 2025. To be among the first to hear this beautiful release, stay connected with us
and subscribe to our YouTube channels for notifications. Join us in welcoming the showers of His blessings over this coming year!
Dear partner, as I reflect on all that the Lord has done through our partnership, I am filled with deep gratitude for how He has moved in and through us. Together, we have seen His blessings multiply, our efforts bear fruit, and His Kingdom advanced as we minister to His people. It is truly a privilege to serve alongside you in this journey.
As we celebrate this season, may the peace, joy, and fulfillment that come from being in the presence of the Lord's Holy Spirit fill every corner of your life. May His divine presence touch your heart, your home, and even the places where you work and study. I believe that He is making the crooked paths straight for us, leading us triumphantly into the New Year with hope, strength, and victory.
Enjoy a blessed, Christ-centered Christmas, and know that we are so grateful for your partnership in His work.
Your brother, who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran
The Miracle Fasting Prayer, held on November 16, 2024, at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Vanagaram, Chennai, was a powerful time of miracles with over 3,000 participants. The Lord’s mighty presence was felt throughout every segment of the meeting.
The testimony time was a great source of encouragement and blessing to all as Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared inspiring accounts of God’s miraculous works in the lives of people as answers to the prayers offered through the Jesus Calls Ministry. He also led a special prayer for the kids in honor of Children's Day and distributed offering boxes to them.
During the praise and worship session, led by Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson, all who were gathered got engulfed in the Lord’s presence. As Dr. Paul Dhinakaran stepped onto the stage to deliver God’s message, centered on the theme of His unfailing compassion and His readiness to hear and answer His children’s cries, people were touched and the hearts of all those who were present were ignited with faith to trust in the unchanging God.
The meeting closed with a powerful session of prayer led by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul. Their prophetic and intercessory prayer brought down the miraculous power of God into the lives of those who had gathered. Many were healed, delivered, and blessed as the presence of God moved mightily among His people. We blessed the people by providing a simple meal to all of them.
"I have been attending the Miracle Fasting Prayer. Our family’s struggling business, our sole livelihood, became the focus of my prayers during the meeting. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophesied that our business would be blessed twofold by God, and to my amazement, it came true-our sales doubled compared to last year. All glory to God for this abundant blessing!" - Sis. Padma, Kumbakonam
There are several such testimonies of God’s miraculous deeds during the event.
I would like to contribute Rs……....…………/- toward the Miracle Fasting Prayer.
To Give: Kindly refer to Page 17 for easy ways to send your offering.
Dearly beloved,
As we enter this joyful season, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support towards the Jesus Calls Ministry. Because of you, lives have been touched and transformed by the Gospel of Jesus, and for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Christmas is a time of joy, celebration, and reflection. It reminds us of the precious gift we have received through Jesus Christ. As Paul wrote in II Corinthians 9:15, “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” This verse captures the essence of Christmas-the ultimate gift of love, grace, and hope that we have in Christ, a gift beyond anything we could ever imagine or deserve. Indeed, the beauty of this season lies in the miracle of Jesus, God’s gift to us. “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given… and He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). In a world filled with uncertainty, this gift is our source of hope and strength. As you gather with your loved ones in this festive season, I pray that you experience the unconditional love, the perfect peace and the marvellous Light found only in Christ Jesus.
Your partnership has been vital in sharing this message of hope with the world. Through your prayers, financial support, and willingness to serve, you have extended Christ’s love
to those who feel forgotten, broken, and in need. Together, we have reached the lost, brought comfort to the struggling, and provided hope to the hopeless. Thank you for being part of this Ministry’s mission to be a light in the darkness.
This Christmas, please take a moment to reflect on the blessings God has poured into your life, and I would also encourage you to share your gifts and talents with others, as each act of kindness and compassion reflects His love. “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me,” says the Lord in Matthew 25:40. May this Christmas fill your heart with the warmth of His love and the joy of His presence. May the God of hope fill you with all happiness and peace as you trust in Him, overflowing with hope by the power of His Holy Spirit (Romans 15:13).
Thank you for being part of the Jesus Calls family. Your partnership means the world to us, and together, we look forward to the incredible ways God will use this Ministry in the coming year.
Pain is not a punishment; it’s a pathway to experience God’s power. This truth has profoundly shaped my life and how I understand suffering and strength in God. My own journey with this began in 1986, during what felt like a perfect season. Our family was happy, serving God, and looking forward to the future. My father had even announced a vision to build a university, which filled us with excitement.
Then, unexpectedly, tragedy struck. My sister Angel, who was 17 at the time, was a beloved light in our family, cherished by everyone. One day, while my father, mother
and Angel were traveling to the airport, their car was involved in a terrible accident. My sister passed away instantly.
The news hit us like a lightning bolt, a devastating shock that left us reeling in disbelief and unspeakable sorrow. Grief overwhelmed us, and so many questions arose: Why did this happen? Hadn’t we been faithful in serving God?
Angel had dedicated her life to glorifying Him through her music-why was she taken from us?
For two months, we were consumed by darkness, weighed down by questions and deep loss. Pain and anger grew, and helplessness engulfed us. It felt
as though the world around us was judging us, assuming we must have done something wrong to deserve this. Guilt also gnawed at me, making me feel as if we had somehow failed, and this tragedy was the consequence.
But amid our despair, the Spirit of God met us powerfully. He gave us a word to rise and fulfill our purpose, a calling that could only emerge through this painful trial. We began to see that our pain was not a punishment but rather a call to action-a challenge to stand firm and continue the work God had given us. This new understanding was a turning point; it showed us how to begin breaking free from the weight of our pain.
With renewed determination, we decided to honor Angel’s memory by advancing my father’s vision for the University. That same year, we took a leap of faith and welcomed our first group of students, all of them Angel’s age. In a way, we felt that in losing one Angel, we had gained hundreds more. These young lives became our responsibility, and we poured our hearts into guiding and nurturing them.
Through this act of service, we found healing, transforming our pain into purpose. We discovered a new strength within us - a strength to serve and care for others that broke the chains of grief. We realized that facing pain directly could become a source of power and transformation.
God’s Word affirms this truth.
Romans 5:3-4 reminds us, “We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Our suffering was not meaningless; God
used it to shape our character and instill hope, teaching us to rely on His strength rather than our own.
Similarly, in II
Corinthians 12:9-10, Apostle Paul reflects on his experience with pain, saying, “But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” In our moments of weakness, God’s strength shines brightest. Our pain became a testimony of His grace and His power at work within us.
This experience taught me that it’s okay to grieve and feel the full weight of loss. Jesus Himself wept at the death of Lazarus (John 11:35), demonstrating that He understands our suffering and is with us in every painful moment.
So, how do we process pain? We don’t run from it. Instead, we allow ourselves to feel it deeply; we give ourselves permission to weep and question. But then, we rise. We seek God’s purpose even in the midst of our suffering, taking one step forward, then another. We serve others, even when it feels difficult. Slowly, we discover that our pain, rather than defeating us, has made us stronger in God’s hands.
If you are going through pain right now, I encourage you to hold on. Trust that God has a plan, even if you can’t yet see it. Your pain is not the end of the story; it’s a pathway that can lead to strength and purpose if surrendered to God. May you find strength through your pain, and may God lead you into a life of purpose and joy. God bless you.
What’s New?
Emmanuel Software: Your personalised companion for instant prayer responses, curated spiritual content, urgent prayer support, and exclusive invitations to prayer events.
Jesus Calls Website: A unified hub combining jesuscalls.org and prayertoweronline.org, with easy navigation, multilingual support (English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam), and a rich collection of spiritual resources.
Jesus Calls App:
A new experience with personalised accounts, live sessions with the Dhinakarans, and spiritual content for all ages.
In today’s world, where the digital realm connects millions, the opportunity to share God’s love online is immense. At Jesus Calls, we are committed to using every available tool to spread the message of Christ and bring comfort to those in need. The Emmanuel Digital Project is a bold step forward, creating a unified, spiritually enriching digital platform to serve people Nationwide.
Our vision is to develop Emmanuel Software, a new Jesus Calls Website, and an upgraded Jesus Calls App designed to connect you with Christ more personally each day. This project will offer personalised spiritual resources, urgent prayer support, and instant prayer responses from our prayer team to ensure you feel supported and connected.
Just as the apostle Paul used letters to reach distant believers, saying, “I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some” (I Corinthians 9:22), we aim to reach hearts and lives everywhere through this platform. Our mission is to make God’s love accessible to everyone, anytime, anywhere.
Join Us in This Divine Mission
Launching in April 2025, the Emmanuel Digital Project requires your prayers and support to bring this vision to life. With a projected cost of 5 crores, a team of dedicated professionals is tirelessly working to develop this platform for God’s glory.
Your support makes this mission possible! Every contribution, no matter the amount, is an investment in reaching millions with God’s comfort and hope.
Partner with Us: Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs. 50,000/Rs. 25,000/- Rs. __________ (Any amount as led by the Lord) How to Contribute: Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. Website: www.jesuscalls.org Prayer Tower: Visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area.
Partner Care: Call us at 044 - 23456677 (8 am to 8 pm, IST).
(While sending your offering, please mention that it is meant for the ‘Emmanuel Digital Project’.) For details on convenient payment methods and easy ways to send your offerings, please see page 17.
Together, let’s use this platform to bring God’s love to countless souls. May God bless you abundantly for standing with us in this divine mission!
This Christmas season, join us in a heartfelt mission to spread the joy and love of Christ. Our team of dedicated and anointed prayer intercessors and ambassadors from Jesus Calls will be visiting the homes of our dear partners, bringing not just carols but blessings, prayers, and gifts.
Much like the angels who appeared to the shepherds with the words “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10), our prayer intercessors are stepping out to spread good news and great joy. Each visit will be filled with carols, prayers, and blessings for you and your family. They will lift up your needs in prayer, encouraging you in faith while sharing gifts and songs of celebration.
If you would like the Carol team to visit your home, please note that your area should have a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. If that's not the case, don't worry. Feel free to reach out to our Partner Care team on the number 044 23456677 (Available 8 am to 8 pm), and we will be happy to help you find a solution.
Support this Mission of Glad Tidings
Your generous support makes these carol visits possible. Contributions will help cover travel, gifts, and food for our prayer intercessors. Together, we can make this Christmas season unforgettable for several homes, bringing them the cheer of Christ's birth.
“Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38).
For information on the various ways to send your offerings to the Jesus Calls Ministry, please turn to page 17. While sending your offering, please specify that it is for the "CAROLS." May God bless your home abundantly for your generosity and joyful spirit.
The Promise Song for the year 2025 is sure to fill your heart and home with showers of blessing rain. The song will feature other servants of God like Pr. Alwin, Pr. Thomas Joel Thomasraj, Br. Benny Joshua, Pr. Zac Robert, Pr. Cherie Mitchelle, Pr.Enosh Kumar, Br. John Erry, Br. Hanok Raj, Sreshta Karmoji, Jessica Rayudu, Br.Sheldon Bangera, Br. Thanga Selvam, Shelley Reddy, Br. Joseph Allem, Br. Tali Angh. It will be featured in social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Family Channel. If you too have been blessed or would like to bless the broken-hearted through this song, we welcome you to sponsor toward this song by the following methods: I would like to sponsor with Rs. 3 Lakhs
I would like to co-sponsor with Rs. 2 LakhsI would like to co-sponsor with Rs. 1 Lakh
May you have a year of blessing rain! For easy ways to send your offering, please refer page 17
“Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.” (Psalm 34:11)
Jesus Calls desires every child to be blessed by God according to Acts 2:17. We at Jesus Calls are sowing the Word of God into the precious little heart of every child so that they receive the richest Blessings from God. Every Sunday, you can see children flocking into Jesus Calls as it is their day of activity, fun and new friendships. Children have a systematic and uniform way of learning God’s Word at all Prayer Towers. It commences with praise and worship followed by stories with moral values and games. Visual based teaching with new themes, activities, craft and video lessons creates a great impact on every child, etching the Word deeply in their heart. Children are a treasure and the future generation for our Lord. We celebrated Children’s Day in all the Prayer Towers in India and more than 3,500 children made cherished memories by participating in various competitions like- Singing, Drawing, Quiz and Fancy Dress. An Online Quiz and Painting Contest was conducted and children actively participated in it. Send your children to Kids Club at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower so that they grow and are rooted in Christ Jesus. Encourage your children to watch the Jesus Calls Kids YouTube channel and expose them to a godly lifestyle.
Our God, Immanuel, is ever-present, not just during the Christmas season but throughout our entire lives. "Immanuel," meaning “God with us,” is profoundly significant, as highlighted in Matthew 1:23, “They shall call His name Immanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.”
This verse encapsulates the heart of the Christian faith—God Himself came down to assure us of His constant presence. What a tremendous joy this brings to us! We are never alone, no matter where life may find us.
While reflecting on this truth, I was reminded of a real-life story from Russia. Two missionaries visited an orphanage on Christmas Day, determined to share the story of Jesus’ birth with the children there. To engage the children, they organized activities where the little ones acted out the nativity story, giving them a chance to learn about the birth of Jesus in a tangible, memorable way.
During an activity where the children were asked to draw the nativity scene, one child drew two baby Jesus figures. Curious, a missionary gently asked, “Why did you draw two baby Jesus figures? What did you understand from the story?” With teary eyes, the child explained, “I told Jesus that I have no one. I don’t have gifts to offer you, Lord Jesus. But I can give myself. Will you give me a place beside you?” She continued, “Jesus told me, ‘You can certainly stay with me, and I will always be with you.’”

This story is a profound reminder of how Jesus assures us of His presence. He says, “I will be with you always. I will never leave you. I will be by your side as Immanuel, and I will dwell within you.” Often, people in our lives make similar promises, saying, “I’ll always be there for you,” or “Just call me anytime, I’m always here for you.” However, in reality, they may not respond when we reach out, giving excuses when we need them most. Seeking constant companionship from people often leads to disappointment. But the Lord knows our hearts and understands our circumstances better than anyone. That’s why He remains with us as our Immanuel. He came into this world, lived among us, died, and rose again to ensure His everlasting presence with us. He even sent His Holy Spirit to comfort us and confirm that He is indeed with us.
This truth is not only evident in stories like the missionaries’ but also in my own life. When I was twelve years old, my parents told me that we needed to relocate to a new country to expand our ministry. I eagerly packed my belongings, excited about the new opportunities awaiting me, like making friends at a new school. However, upon arrival, I was met with harsh winter, early darkness, and quiet streets. I felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness as my family and friends were far away. I questioned, “Why would the Lord lead me to such a place only to leave me feeling so isolated?”
There were times when my parents traveled for ministry work, leaving me and my sister
alone. I would cry myself to sleep, feeling the weight of unfamiliar surroundings. But during one such moment of loneliness, I had a vision of Jesus on the cross. I saw His wounded body, and He spoke to me, sharing how He too experienced loneliness. He reminded me of His pain, the crown of thorns He wore, and how He was left to die, seemingly abandoned by His own disciples. Jesus showed me that He knew my loneliness intimately and promised to be with me always. His words filled me with immense comfort, as He assured me of His constant presence. That was the first time I truly experienced Him as Immanuel. Since that day, I have never felt alone.
Even when I entered college and had to live alone for two years, I never felt lonely. Jesus continually spoke to me, guiding and comforting me. In my most challenging moments, I found solace in His presence. He has fulfilled His promises to me time and time again, and I know He will do the same for you.
The Scriptures describe Him as a “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6), and He has truly been all of these in my life.
His faithfulness is unchanging, and I am confident that if you seek Him, He will reveal Himself to you as Immanuel. No matter where you are or what you’re facing, surrender your life to the Lord. He will be by your side, transforming your loneliness into a profound awareness of His presence.
Psalm 118:15 - A loud voice
Meditation: 2 Samuel 6:15; 2 Chron. 20:19; Psalm 105:43-45
Matthew 5:6 - You shall be satisfied
Meditation: Nehemiah 9:21-25; Psalm 36:8; Jer. 31:14
Numbers 14:12 - The Lord will make you a great nation
Meditation: Gen. 46:3; Deut. 9:14; Isaiah 60:22
Psalm 30:5 - Rejoice Meditation: Psalm 30:11; Isaiah 35:1,2; 51:11; Jer. 31:13
Isaiah 60:1 - Arise and shine
Meditation: Exodus 34:29-35; Psalm 118:27; John 1:9
1 John 2:17 - You shall abide
Meditation: Psalm 125:1; Micah 5:4; 1 John 4:12-16
Philippians 2:13 - God's will Meditation: Eph. 6:6; Colo. 1:27; 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:18
Psalm 77:14 - The strength of the Lord Meditation: Psalm 150:2; Isaiah 40:26; Luke 5:17
Proverbs 18:10 - The name of the Lord is a strong shield
Meditation: 1 Samuel 13:6; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 31:2; 61:3
John 14:26 - The Lord is our teacher
Meditation: 1 Kings 8:35,36; Psalm 143:10; Isaiah 48:17
Isaiah 33:16 - High Refuge
Meditation: Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalm 107:41; Proverbs 29:25
Ephesians 1:3 - All spiritual blessings
Meditation: Isaiah 11:2; Romans 8:26; Gal. 5:22,23
1 Thessalonians 5:23 - The Lord will sanctify you
Meditation: Levi. 21:8; John 17:17-19;
1 Peter 1:15,16
1 Peter 2:24 - Healed by the scars of Jesus Meditation: 2 Kings 20:5-7; Isaiah 53:1-5; Jeremiah 33:6
Romans 8:15 - The Spirit of Sonship Meditation: Romans 8:16; 1 Cor. 2:12; Gala. 4:5-7
1 Corinthians 6:19 - You are God's temple Meditation: Psalm 27:4; 1 Cor. 3:16,17; 2 Cor. 6:16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 18 24 17 13 20 22 26 14 23 27 19 21 25 28 15 29 30 31
John 1:51 - The heavens will be opened Meditation: Ezek. 1:1; Matthew 3:16; Acts 7:55,56
John 1:14 - Grace and truth Meditation: Exodus 34:6; Psalm 57:3; 86:15; Proverbs 14:22
Matthew 2:6 - You are God's people Meditation: Levi. 26:12; Jer. 7:23; 11:3; Hebrews 8:10
Luke 2:14 - Glory to God
Meditation: Levi. 9:6,23; Num. 20:6; 2 Chron. 7:3
Matthew 2:10 - The star Meditation: Num. 24:17; Matthew 2:2; Revelation 1:16
Luke 2:10 - Great joy Meditation: Luke 15:7; Acts 8:6-8; Phil. 1:7
Isaiah 9:6 - Wonderful Meditation: Psalm 78:12; 139:14; Isaiah 25:1; Luke 5:18-26
John 3:16 - Eternal life
Meditation: John 5:24; 1 Timothy 1:15,16; 1 John 5:11
Luke 2:11 - Christ is the Savior Meditation: Luke 9:56; 1 Timothy 1:15; 2 Timothy 2:10
Psalm 9:9 - The Lord is a refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; Psalm 18:2; Joel 3:16
Psalm 86:17 - The Lord is our helper Meditation: 2 Chron. 14:11,12; Isaiah 41:13,14; 2 Tim. 4:17
Psalm 118:7 - The Lord is on our side Meditation: Psalm 56:9; Ezek. 36:9; Zechariah 9:14
Psalm 63:7 - The shadow of the trees
Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Psalm 36:7; Isaiah 51:16
Psalm 147:3 - God heals the brokenhearted
Meditation: Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 61:1,2; Luke 4:18-20
1 Samuel 7:12 - God helps Meditation: 2 Chron. 14:11; Psalm 79:9; Hebrews 2:18
In this last month of December, all of us celebrate the day when the Lord Jesus was born as a Man on this earth as the Christmas festival. It is important that we meditate on and understand the special reason for this celebration.
The Bible says, “Even so it is not the will of your Father that one of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18:14). Likewise, we also read in the Scriptures, “Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (I Timothy 2:4).
The Bible clearly explains to us that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was incarnate on this earth to grant us this divine salvation and that, in the end, He gave up His own life on the cross as a sacrifice, thus giving us a new life and transforming us (Titus 2:11-13).
It also explicitly teaches us that we, who
celebrate the birth of Christ, should become godly and be transformed so that we would get the privilege to behold Him in the end, in His glorious presence. Let us examine how we can receive this divine life.
The Salvation of the Righteous is from the Lord (Psalm 37:39)
“But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him.
For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life.” (Romans 5:8-10)
Yes, as the above truth states,
Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice on the cross in order to wash and cleanse us of all our sins, transgressions, unrighteousness and filth, to deliver us from all wraths and to grant us perfect salvation.
May God grant His grace to all those who believe this and to those who receive full deliverance and the adornment of salvation by understanding this truth and redeem them as His own people, as seen in the Bible! (Ephesians 2:13; Titus 2:14; I Peter 2:9)
The Bible says in Proverbs 10:25, ‘The righteous has an everlasting foundation.’ Accordingly, the Lord alone shall be the foundation of your life and be a beacon of light to you who believe in Him. Hence, you should walk in the ways of the Lord with the leading of the Holy Spirit who tells you from behind, ‘This is the way, walk in it’ and glorify God by living a spiritual life, pleasing to Him, till the end. Then you shall be adorned with the divine salvation given by Christ and shall receive a life of everlasting foundation. Then as David says in several places in the Psalms, the Lord shall always be ‘your Rock, your Fortress, your Strength, in whom you will trust, your Shield and the Horn of salvation and your stronghold.’
bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father’.”
(Romans 8:15)
Through the salvation, which the Lord graciously gives us, He makes us into new creations and fills us with the Spirit of adoption. As a result, He has also given us the privilege to call Him rightfully, ‘Abba, Father’.
You shall be adorned with the divine salvation given by Christ and receive a life of everlasting foundation
I often share this: My father never used to call me by my name Stella but used to add a term of endearment to my name and lovingly call me, ‘Stella’ma’. I quite often think of this and enjoy recollecting those moments. But, far more important than this is thinking about our privilege of calling our Lord, ‘Abba, Father’ and thanking and praising Him from the depth of our hearts. Let us think over this!
Also, as read in II Corinthians 1:21, the God of gods has established us with Him in Christ by filling us with His Holy Spirit and by anointing us. Yes, as we read in I Corinthians 1:8, ‘He will also confirm us to the end, that we may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ’.
You have Received His divine Spirit through the Spirit of Adoption
“For you did not receive the spirit of
Above all, the greatest blessing is ‘the love of God being poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit’ as we read in Romans 5:5. As this divine love increases in us, we are edified in godliness, as seen in I Corinthians 8:1. Also, ‘We, who are joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him’
(I Corinthians 6:17). So, no matter how many sufferings and afflictions we face in this world, we need not worry but be ‘more than conquerors through Him, who loved us’ (Romans 8:37). We also receive the ability to boldly say, “O Death, where is your sting? O, Hades, where is your victory?”
(I Corinthians 15:55)
In our lives, even in the midst of several valleys of tears that we passed through, we received rest and fullness of joy through this divine love and arecontinuing with the Lord’s service with zeal, even today.
You, who are reading this, should, as a family or as an individual, plead to the Lord with thirst and desire to receive the fullness of this Holy Spirit, who gives us this blessed life. Then, as the Bible promises, the Lord will surely grant this divine gift, the precious Holy Spirit, to you, who thus pray to Him (Luke 11:13).
How to receive this Life of divine Glory and Power?
As read in Isaiah 60:1,2, when we get filled with the Spirit of the Lord in our daily life, His glory would reign over us. The Lord will give us the divine life of ‘arising and shining for Him’. About this, we read in Psalm 84:11, “The Lord will give grace and glory.”
Men of God like Peter and Paul received this fullness of the Spirit of God and lived a life that was shining with glorious light before others, having been filled with the ‘glory of Christ’.
Seek the Lord reverentially through prayer and Bible reading, receive His salvation and walk in His righteous ways
He will Transform our Lowly Body that it may be Conformed to His Glorious Body!
(Philippians 3:21).
In II Corinthians 3:18. we read that the Spirit of the Lord in us would transform us into His divine image by His power. The foundation for this divine life is ‘the Spirit of glory and of God that rests upon us’ as read in I Peter 4:14. About this, we read in Romans 12:11, ‘being fervent in spirit’.
In the Book of Acts, Chapter 10, we read about a man called Cornelius. He was a heathen and a nonJew. He was the Centurion of the Italian regiment. But he was a devout man and sought the Lord always. Hence, God wanted to give him the greatest blessing and specially invited Peter for this purpose. Peter, too, obeyed His call and shared God’s message in their midst, as led by the Spirit of God. It was at this time the Holy Spirit came upon all of them. They spoke in new languages and praised God.
Dear one, you should not stop by merely celebrating the festival of Christmas. May the Lord help you to receive a godly life, to walk in His righteous ways pleasing to Him and to arise and shine and be a blessing to many others, being clothed in His salvation, and filled with His anointing and His glory!
A special meeting for the leaders of the Esther Prayer Group, Youth Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group and Couples’ Esther Prayer Group given to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran as per the divine vision of the Lord, and functioning in and around Karunya Nagar, was held on 16th October, 2024, at the Karunya University Campus. 87 leaders – both men and women - participated in this meeting.
The meeting started with the worship session conducted by the Youth Esther Prayer Group of Karunya and was filled with the mighty anointing and presence of God till the end. Sister. Stella Dhinakaran powerfully shared God’s message based on the Scriptures Song of Solomon 4:12-16 and elaborated on how everyone should live a pleasing life to God and how through that everyone should live a life, filled with the Holy Spirit’s fiery and mighty gifts as well as His fruits. Following this she offered fervent and mighty prayers for the participants. Everyone, who attended the meeting, was spiritually revived and rejuvenated and went back, rejoicing. Glory be to God!
Count Your Blessings...
As we come to the end of this year, it's important to reflect on the blessings and miracles we have received in our lives. Let's come together with Dr Paul Dhinakaran's family and the Prayer Intercessors as one big family on the 14th of December, 2024, to give thanks and honour to God for all the good things that have come our way. Let's look towards the New Year with renewed faith and hope, knowing that the Lord will continue to work through us and bless us in ways beyond our imagination. Please do join us in this special time of celebration and prayer, for it is the Lord's will that we give thanks to Him in all circumstances (I Thessalonians 5:18).
You can send your testimonies, your miracle reports, as well as your prayer requests to us through Letters, Email, Facebook or Website. The details are as follows:
* Prayer Tower Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028.
* E-mail: paul@jesuscalls.org *Website: www.jesuscalls.org
* Facebook: www.facebook.com/PaulDhinakaranOfficial
The most joyful time of the year has arrived, when people gather to celebrate and reflect on their blessings. The spirit of generosity is at the heart of this season, when giving conveys compassion & hope to the receiver in ways that the giver cannot simply express in words!
Children are the focus of the majority of SEESHA’s development projects, as they are our society’s future changemakers, though they may seem vulnerable at present. At SEESHA, we especially remember the thousands of unprivileged children who are ill-clothed, without a decent set of clothing to wear this season. When a child feels insecure about its clothing, the fear of being ridiculed & rejected, can erode their confidence and affect their ability to form friendships, hindering their development.
Understanding the importance of access to decent clothing for children’s overall wellbeing, SEESHA has been reaching out to thousands of deprived children from urban slums and rural & tribal villages across India with the gift of new clothes during the year-end festive seasons every year.
Share your joy, spark their hope!
"My old, tattered clothes, which I frequently wore on school tours, used to make me feel insignificant & shy. I yearned to wear something new & different to feel like I belonged with my friends. But buying new clothes is a luxury we cannot afford. Thanks to SEESHA for its gift of a beautiful new dress, I can now face others with smiles & hope of a fresh start!”
- Ms. B. Vidya Kumari, New Clothes Beneficiary, Ranchi.
As we gift love & dignity to several children in need through this year’s new clothes program, you too can share your joy with them to make their celebrations memorable in the following ways:
* Sponsor new dresses for 2 children: Rs. 1000/-
* Sponsor new dresses for 10 children: Rs. 5,000/You may sponsor for any number of children.