Jesus Calls (English) December - 2021

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DAILY PROMISE VERSE FROM THE BIBLE FOR 365 DAYS, PRAYERFULLY SELECTED FOR YOU BY SIS. EVANGELINE PAUL DHINAKARAN 1 CALENDAR Donation Rs.30/(Postage Rs.20/- separate) 10 CALENDARS Donation Rs.270/(Postage Rs.90/- separate) 50 CALENDARS Donation Rs.1350/(Postage Rs.350/- separate) 100 CALENDARS Donation Rs.2700/(Postage Rs.650/- separate) Available in English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil


DIARY (MEDIUM SIZE) Donation Rs.150/(Postage Rs.40/- separate



25 POCKET CALENDARS Donation Rs 20/(postage Rs 25 /- separate )

wants His house to be a house of prayer but man has made it a den of robbers. The Bible says in John 2:17, the zeal for the house of God was burning in the heart of Jesus. In Haggai 1:4, God says “My people are living in well-built houses while My Temple lies in ruins.” God is crying today because His house is in ruins.

Almighty’s Abode


y precious friend, you will be blessed by the love of God this month. This month’s meditation is taken from Matthew 21:13. “It is written,” Jesus said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” On one side Jesus says, ‘My house is a house of prayer’ and on the other side He says, ‘you have made My house as a den of robbers.’ God

My friend, what is God’s house? If you read John 2:19, Jesus looked at the God’s temple built by Solomon and said “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” In Acts 7:48-49, the Bible says ‘God does not live in houses made by human hands, but lives only in the hearts of the people.’ Yes, God says ‘your heart is My home!’ How is your heart today? Can you call it God’s temple or is it filled with filth, lust and fears of -December 2021



of the nation and as he offered the sacrifice to God, God came in the form of fire and consumed the sacrifice and the waters surrounding it. People bowed down and cried, “Truly the Lord Himself is God!” Yes, that is how your heart burns with the presence of God.

the world? Not only doing wrong deeds is sin but also carrying the fear of the world is sin. The moment a person fears the things of the world, it shows that the person is not trusting in God. The temple – the heart of such a person is in ruins and has become a den for the robbers to steal God’s glory from the temple of God. That is why Jesus says in Revelation 3:20, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me.” Yes, when you invite Jesus into your heart, He will come in and make your heart His home. He will eat with you, give you His Word and feed your soul with it. What a joy it is that God wants to make your heart, His home! Jesus says in Revelation 3:8 “I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept My word and have not denied My name.” This is an open door to receive Jesus in your heart and for Him to rule in your heart. Let not your heart be troubled. Today, God wants your heart to be His house. He is zealous for your heart, to live in it and rule from it. He does not live in buildings, but He lives in your heart making it His temple.

Glory in all its splendor When God lives in your heart, firstly, your heart bears the glory of God. When Solomon dedicated the temple he built for God, fire and glory of God filled the temple. Even the priests could not bear that glory. When Elijah proved that the Lord is God before King Ahab and the people 4

JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

God is a consuming fire and when He comes, He burns every nature of sin. When a person commits sin through the desires of the flesh; the pride of life and the lust of the eyes, the heart becomes a den of robbers. The heart allows the devil to steal the blessings what God has given. However, when a person opens the heart to Jesus and makes it His temple, Jesus Himself comes and along with Him the glory of God comes and the consuming fire lives in the heart. The door opens to stay connected with the Lord always and is never afraid. It would boldly say ‘what can man do to me? God is my helper!’ You will not be afraid of the works of the devil and will never succumb to sin and lustful pleasures. The fear of God will be in the heart. Yes, my friend, your heart has been destined as “My House” for Jesus. All the time, your heart will praise the Lord and rejoice over Him. You shall be more than a conqueror. The Lord will reign in your heart. In 2 Corinthians 6:16, God says “I will dwell among them; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” Yes God will be a father to you and you will be His child. All the time, your heart will hear the voice of Jesus right within and He will say, “you are My beloved child in whom I am well pleased”. You shall have no fear and you shall be more than a conqueror. Troubles, tribulations, sorrow or losses may come. Works of the wicked and jealous people may rise, or witchcraft and evil in the world may try to come and harm. However, your heart will prevail and walk without fear, filled with the glory of God. You shall be more than a conqueror through Him who loves you. He will continue to love you. You will never see the things around you, which are of the world and the devil. Your eyes will always be on Jesus and you will be the temple of God’s glory. This grace is given to you this month my dear friend. You are called by Jesus as “My House.”

Scripture Centre Secondly, when your heart is the “My House” of Jesus, His Word comes to you. In Luke 24:27 onwards, the Bible says when the two disciples were walking towards Emmaus, Jesus was speaking to them, revealing Himself through the Scriptures. As they heard Jesus explaining the Scriptures, their hearts were burning within them; and when Jesus entered into their home and ate with them, their eyes opened and they saw Jesus. Yes, the Holy Spirit will speak to your heart from the Scriptures and your heart will burn with the fire of God. The two disciples were speaking about the death of Jesus, but Jesus walked with them speaking life into them through the Scriptures and their hearts were burning within them. Yes, you will have this grace of receiving the Word from God in your heart as you become the temple of God. His Word will come to correct you and your heart will turn from your wicked ways (John 14:26; 16:8). The Holy Spirit will bring God’s word to your heart, which is God’s temple. This will make you see Jesus as He cleanses you with His word. What a great grace! Also, God will speak to you through prophecy when you become God’s temple full of the Holy Spirit. Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:16, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” He again says in 1 Corinthians 6:19, “Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God.” The Holy Spirit will make you hear the prophetical guidance in your heart. He will guide you in every aspect of life be it relationships, business investments, choice of study, whom to financially support, and how to solve a problem you are facing. He will teach you all things and your heart will be led by prophecy.

Christ’s Characteristics Thirdly, God will give you visions. You will see Jesus, and you will have His nature in your heart when you see Him. The people will see you and say the glory of God is reflected in you, which will bring great honor to you. Yes, this is what

God wants you to be - the temple of God. When He speaks to your heart, you will have so much of joy and through it strength to accomplish everything. Yes, in God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. Your heart will rejoice when you get the solutions for every responsibility that you have. Consequently, the joy of the Lord will become your strength (Nehemiah 8:10), and you will go out into the world and be more than a conqueror by accomplishing everything. Joseph was the temple of God and kept himself holy. He heard the voice of God through revelation and thereby saved humanity. He knew from God how

to grow food to feed the entire nation and the nations of the world. He knew how to preserve and distribute food and how to establish a financial system to protect the economy of the nation. He knew how to settle people in different places as shepherds, farmers, businessmen, sales people and so on. He guided every strata of society and thus saved humanity. That is the confidence and power you get to accomplish through the revelation that God gives in your heart - God’s temple. You will become more than a conqueror in society through the Word of God, through prophecy, and through vision. This is in God’s house, which is your heart. Pray to God for this grace to be placed upon your heart. -December 2021



prophetical voice and words goes out of your heart to kings, nations, peoples, and languages. You will prophesy, see visions and bring God’s guidance to everyone in the world. This is the “My House” of Jesus! Your heart is God’s temple – the “My House” of Jesus!

Joyous Prosperity Fourthly, there is prosperity in your heart. Once Jesus sat by the offering box in the temple of God. The rich people gave from their plenty, but a poor woman gave two pence as an offering to God. Jesus said ‘she has given everything she had.’ That is the heart God gives you. When your heart is God’s temple, the Holy Spirit makes you give completely even the little you have with all your heart for God’s service. There is offering in the heart - the house of God; and the Lord appreciates it, blesses it, and increases it and feeds the people through His house just like He increased the five loaves and two fishes. According to Malachi 3:10, God is gracious to meet every need in the house of God. As you become God’s temple, you will have the heart to give. God is watching how you give. The real temple of God will give sacrificially. According to Malachi 3:10, the Bible says, God will open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Yes beloved, God will pour out blessings upon your life. Not only that; as said in Ecclesiastes 5:19 and 3:13, you will have the divine grace to enjoy whatever blessings God gives you. Many people have riches they are unable to enjoy and live in fear, but whatever God gives you, He will make you enjoy it and live your life with joy. This happens when you cheerfully give to God. May God give you the grace to enjoy the blessings He gives you!

Fountain of Life Finally, God’s temple becomes the river of life. God fills the temple with His glory and the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit, God’s 6

JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

Friend, you are the living temple of God. You should carry people through God’s living words. Also, you should pray for them and speak life to their hearts. Be united to the Lord through prayer and bear His presence in your life wherever you go. God says in Isaiah 56:7, “I will give them joy in My house of prayer.” Yes, you will always be joyful in the Lord as you make your heart His house. There was a drunkard by the name Billy Bray. He gave his heart to the Lord though he was a poor man. He was working in the mines as a laborer. But after the Lord’s spirit came upon him, unlike how he used to be lying in the streets after getting drunk, he quit drinking and started jumping and praising God while walking back to his home from his workplace. The people who gave him company while drinking started mocking him because he was always praising God. He was full of the joy of the Lord. So people who saw him changed, started yearning for the joy he found in Jesus. They started seeking God. He started a church and every one was filled with the same joy. God’s peace flooded his heart and the people around him. One day his daughter fell sick with 106 degrees and so his wife gave him the little money that she had and sent him to bring the doctor. While on his way he met a church member, a lady and she told him, “My husband is no more with us and my children are hungry as I don’t have money to feed them and I am looking for someone who will help me.” As soon as Billy heard this, he gave the money to her and asked her to buy them food. After giving the money, he was worried about how to save his child. But at that moment he shouted exclaiming, “My Father knows everything. He is watching over my daughter.” He went back home but was wondering what his wife would say. She said, “After you went, our daughter suddenly sat up

on the bed and the fever has completely subsided. She is completely healed and full of life.” God had healed his daughter the moment he helped the lady and praised God. God will honor you in your house. He will make you rejoice. Yes, Philippians 4:4 says, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” He will keep you in perfect peace and full of joy. He will do signs and wonders for you. Isaiah 61:10 says, “I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of His righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.” Yes, God is going to give you the robe of righteousness and garments of salvation. He will take care of you. Every blessing will come after you. Nobody will be able to accuse you. He will honor you before men. God will give you all these four kinds of joy as you open your heart to be God’s temple – the “My House” of Jesus. When Jesus died, He was buried in the tomb that belonged to a rich man of the day. In the same way He will prosper you. He will give you the best. According to Acts 11:14,

“you and all your household will be saved.” Your whole family will become the temple of God. God will give oneness of heart among everyone in your family. Be bold. Your children will be taught by the Lord and great will be their peace (Isaiah 54:13). God will give you these graces as you open your heart to become God’s temple. Pray to God to give you the grace to be His temple. Prayer: My loving Lord, I open my heart to You for You to enter. Let me become Your temple and my heart be Your throne. Give me the grace to carry You as the King of kings with all glory. Let me trust You without any worry and fear. Make me more than a conqueror through the Holy Spirit. Father, let me hear Your voice through the Scriptures and prophecy and have Your guidance to shine and prosper in the world. Scan QR code Give me the grace to give to watch this offerings sacrificially for Your message ministry. Revive me as I dedicate my heart to be Your house. Thank You for Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. -December 2021



My precious partner in the ministry, I am sure you have tasted for yourself the comfort, blessings and hope you have received through the sincere prayers and chain prayers of our prayer intercessors as well as witnessed many miracles in the lives of millions. I welcome you to use this season to give back to them by supporting us in the ministry. By praying for the needy over telephone, they have taken Jesus into million homes which are otherwise impossible to be reached. Plenty are the financial needs for this prayer service of our prayer intercessors, like: • Providing gifts to the prayer intercessors for this season • Providing language wise training to prayer intercessors You were blessed this whole year through the 24 hours prayer services of the prayer intercessors. Would you remember to bless them and their children this Christmas? Gift our beloved prayer intercessors through your prayers and generous offerings. God will bless you and your family. On one side you can dedicate yourself to pray for others and on the other side gift for this noble cause through your offerings. Jesus says, Remember those who pray for you (Hebrews 13:7)

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran 8

JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

Here are a few testimonies of people blessed through visiting / calling Prayer Tower

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Freedom from unclean spirit Due to the demonic attack, my hands and feet became inoperable. Since I could not walk, I was carried to the JC House Prayer Tower, Chennai. When the prayer intercessor prayed for me with great authority, I felt as if the wind was blowing over me and some figure went out of me. I went home walking, completely healed. Glory be to God! - A. Soumya, Arakkonam.

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Revelation and Transformation My younger son hated prayer and also was very disobedient. We brought him to D. G. S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai to enroll him as Young Partner. On the way back home after prayers, we saw a change in him. When questioned, he said, “When we entered the Prayer Tower, I saw Jesus standing near the entrance. I also saw Jesus sitting next to me during the prayer.” From then on, my son has become a gem of a person. Praise be to God. - V. Devi Veermani, Chennai -December 2021



Here’s how a few Prayer Intercessors have been blessed: Living in special grace I've been doing ministry in Delhi Prayer Tower as a voluntary Prayer intercessor for the last 5 years. According to Job 42:10, when I prayed for others, I was healed from heart blockage through simple treatment. My daughter lost her job during the pandemic, but God answered my prayer for my daughter and now she is blessed with a good job offer from Qatar in a senior level position. Glory be to God. -Heman Kiran Kumar, New Delhi.

Sufficiently blessed I serve at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Ahmedabad. I got married in 2017 and the Lord blessed us with a boy child in 2019. Though there were lots of complications, my wife gave birth through normal delivery. The Lord also enabled us to buy a new house. - Jacklin Maclon, Ahmedabad

ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE BLESSES YOU IN MULTITUDE. “Whoever welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward.” (Matthew 10:41) A Christmas gift for the Prayer Intercessors who prayed for you (please tick )

I’m glad to gift the INR 3000/- for one Full-Time Prayer Intercessor Rs _________________ to gift _________________ Full-Time Prayer Intercessors Name____________________________________________________ Partner code__________________ Address________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Pin code___________________ Email ________________________________________ Mobile ___________________________________ Birthday _________________________ Wedding Day____________________________ SCAN QR CODE TO DONATE

My personal Prayer Request to be prayed at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. For easy ways to donate, refer page no 14


JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

GOD’S OWN CHANNEL I basically think that the Family Channel is God’s own channel for humanity at large. There is a segment in the channel for everyone in the family. Samuel’s program along with Stella Ramola and Dr. Shilpa for youth, and their simple unassuming manner in which they share the message and word of God are evidences that God is in control at the Family Channel. Everyone plays their role aptly never over doing, keeping in mind that what they do is God’s Ministry, be it the news, or children’s program. On 01/10/2021, by 10.45 am, I tuned into Family Channel to hear Sis. Stella Dhinakaran talk of how elders should be continually loving and bearing fruits and not get discouraged with illness or poor health status! The message was a blessing to me. The news schedules are quite interesting to hear and understand, in its unique, easy, and relaxed manner of presentation! Sis. Evangeline Paul’s messages are apt, brief, without any pomp, down to earth and a great blessing. Bro. Paul Dhinakaran’s messages are authentic and to the point leaving no room for any doubt or questions. In all and overall, there is no channel that can be more common for all people irrespective of religion to listen to and profit from the Word of God, with a deliverance from our stress and strain, sin and sickness and fears in life. Praise be to God. - G Manuel Vijayasingh Yesudian, Salem, Tamil Nadu. -December 2021



My beloved partner in the ministry, Praise the Lord! He has given all of us the grace to step into the final month of the year 2021. We have an amazing word from God declaring you are His holy temple! “My house will be called a house of prayer.” (Matthew 21:13) After His triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Jesus visited the temple of God. The temple courts had almost been turned into a market place and Jesus drove out all who were buying and selling there. This is when He spoke the above verse. He was zealous for the temple of God. God’s temple, which should have been kept holy and treated with all reverence, had become a market. Today, you are the temple of God! That is what the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3:16: “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?” 12

JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

Let us introspect to drive out anything that would make God’s temple unholy.

Grateful Heart “Let us come before Him with thanksgiving.” (Psalm 95:2) You cannot hold back tears while recollecting the past 11 months. The heart definitely rejoices with gratitude towards God’s divine provision and protection. Personally, I thank God for you and for all that He has done in the ministry and in the family. God enabled Family Channel and Karunya Academy for Theological Education (KATE) complete 1 year since their inauguration. My dear granddaughter, Katelyn, also turned one this year. Certainly, God would have performed many wonders and miracles in your life too. Give thanks with all your heart and glorify Him.

To Celebrate and Commune Children's Day was celebrated on November 14, 2021 in all Prayer Towers with various competitions for children on the theme:

'Children - God's Love Gift.' We had a special meeting organized for all the donors of Israel Prayer Tower and National Prayer Tower, Delhi. Also, as we celebrate Christmas, special meetings will be conducted in all Prayer Towers. Contact the Prayer Towers in your locality for further details.

Top Seeded: "In all matters of wisdom and understanding that the king inquired, he found them ten times better than all who were in his entire kingdom." (Daniel 1:20) Even before it was established, the Lord promised that He would raise Daniels, Esthers, Josephs, and Deborahs through Karunya University. I praise God, who has been true to His promise. Karunya University scientists make it to the most coveted Stanford's list of top 2% scientists. US-based Stanford University has listed four researchers from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (KITS) in Coimbatore among the top two percent of scientists in the world.

Celebrating Love “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15) Family Channel has been impacting every member of the family towards spiritual growth and values through its multifaceted programs. Very specially, it will help you begin the day with God’s promises and grace through ‘Indraiya Irai Vaarthai.’ I encourage you to watch it and be blessed abundantly.

Commuting made easy I request your precious prayers for metro station stops would soon be created at D. G. S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai and at Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.

Theology Gateway I praise God for the 92 candidates enrolled in KATE

(Karunya Academy for Theological Education) to undergo theological training in this academic year 2021. Admission for the next year 2022 has begun and there is possibility to offer residential mode with the limited seats. I encourage all those interested to come to Karunya and study in KATE to contact the admission desk via 9487846630 or visit New faculty members with rich experience in theological teaching and training have joined KATE. We offer short term, diploma, degree and postgraduate programs in multiple modes and languages.

Where Heaven meets Earth “This is my resting place forever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it.” (Psalm 132:14) Yes, this truly is where heaven meets earth! A security guard had an encounter with God and encompassing this vision spot stands Bethesda Vision Center. It was inaugurated on December 1, 2018, for people to come and pray in peace. It is housed in the same campus as Bethesda International Prayer Tower, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore. You can spend your time connecting heart-to-heart with God in this place of solitude blissfully lost in God’s presence. I thank God for the millions of people healed in their souls and physical body over the past 3 years through the Vision Center.

Healing through Music My dear daughter, Stella Ramola, has come up with her new music video “Journey.” You can listen to this soulful melody through this link

Christmas and Gifts “In the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11) With December comes the special time of the year. Yes, beloved it is Christmas season. It is time to take out the Christmas tree for decoration and print out the carol song sheets. Making the list -December 2021



for giving Christmas gifts is another favorite part of the routine, is it not? There is so much happiness around!

smiles, follow the link Whatwedo/NewClothesProject.

With all the joy and fun, let us not forget Jesus Christ because of whom we celebrate Christmas. Jesus left all the glory of Heaven and came down to save the souls of men from sin and eternal death. Yes, Jesus is the Savior! Therefore, to make the season memorable, 'GIVE A GIFT TO A PRAYER INTERCESSOR' through whose prayers you received comfort, blessings and miracles. Here is an opportunity to do so. Further details can be found in the inside pages.

Jesus Calls monthly calendar and diary for the year 2022 is available. Promise verses for 365 days have been prayerfully selected for you from the Bible by my wife, Sis. Evangeline. For more details visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area (or) visit (or) call Partner Care at 044 - 23456677 (7 am - 9 pm IST).

Forget not the Forsaken “Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” (Proverbs 14:31) While some people get to celebrate Christmas, there are many others who do not have that privilege. It is you and I who can extend our support to the needy. You can invite few needy people from your neighborhood for a delicious Christmas meal and share the Gospel with them. You can also join us through SEESHA and bring smiles on the faces of children from downtrodden communities. To ensure those


JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

Daily Dose

Final Glory Jesus is coming back soon to take His holy people with Him for eternity. The Bible says in Revelation 22:11 “Let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.” As this year comes to an end, let us strive to be holy before God for we are His temple. “My house will be called a house of prayer.” (Matthew 21:13) Friend, I wish you and your dear family a very joyous and merry Christmas. May God bless you all in abundant measures.

Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


Matthew 21:13 - The house of God Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Isaiah 56:7; Mark 11:17; 1 Cor. 3:16,17

2 Corinthians 13:4 - Living in Christ Meditation: Hosea 6:2; John 6:54-58; 14:19; Galatians 2:20



Ezekiel 17:23 – The Lord will plant you Meditation: Jeremiah 24:6; 32:41; 42:9,10; Ezek. 17:22,23; 1 Cor. 3:6,7

Malachi 4:2 - Health and Healing Meditation: Deut. 7:15; Jer. 33:6; Mark 5:34; Philip. 2:25-27




9 11

Isaiah 9:2 – The Lord turns darkness into light Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:29; Psalm 18:28; Isaiah 42:16; Micah 7:8; Matt. 4:15,16

Psalm 57:1 - God of refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; Psalm 9:9; Prov. 29:25; Isaiah 41:10-13


12 14

Isaiah 44:3 – God pours His spirit on all people Meditation: Neh. 9:20; Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17,18; Titus 3:5-7



Luke 2:11 – Christ the Saviour Meditation: Zech. 9:9; Matt. 1:21; Luke 9:56; Acts 13:22,23

Matthew 5:9 – Seek peace Meditation: Psalm 34:14; Isaiah 66:12; 2 Thess. 3:16; 1 Peter 3:11


Isaiah 62:4 - The Lord is pleased Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:20; Psalm 41:11; 147:11; Ezek. 20:41; Matt. 3:16,17

1 John 4:4 – God is great Meditation: Exod. 18:11; 2 Samuel 7:21,22; 2 Chron. 2:5; Jer. 10:6



1 Chronicles 28:9 – Spirit searches all things Meditation: Prov. 20:27; Isaiah 61:1-3; Romans 8:26,27; 1 Corinthians 2:10

2 Corinthians 9:15 – Jesus, God’s indescribable gift Meditation: Matthew 7:11; Romans 5:15; Ephesians 2:8; James 1:17



Luke 11:28 - God’s word Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:31; Psalm 119:105; Isaiah 55:11; Heb. 4:12


Psalm 136:1 – The Lord is good Meditation: 2 Chron. 5:13; Psalm 34:8; 100:5; Jer. 33:11; Lam. 3:25

Matthew 28:20 – God is with you always Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deut. 31:8; Joshua 1:5; Acts 18:10

2 Timothy 4:18 - God rescues you Meditation: Psalm 34:4-7,17; Isaiah 46:4; Jer. 15:20; 2 Cor. 1:9,10; 2 Peter 2:9

Exodus 4:12 – The Lord will instruct you Meditation: 1 Kings 8:35,36; Psalm 27:11; Prov. 3:5,6; Isaiah 48:17



Hosea 14:5 - Blossom like a lily Meditation: Psalm 72:16; Isaiah 27:6; 35:2

Zechariah 8:2 - The Glory of Zion Meditation: Psalm 102:16; 128:5; 132:13-18; Isaiah 4:5,6; 60:1-2; 61:3


Proverbs 3:34 – God lifts the humble Meditation: Psalm 147:6; Prov. 22:4; Zeph. 2:3; James 4:6,10; 1 Peter 5:5

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Jeremiah 31:17 – Hope Meditation: Psalm 13:5; Prov. 24:14; Jeremiah 17:7; Lam. 3:26




John 10:10 – Living God Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:47; Psalm 42:2; 84:2; Jeremiah 10:10; 1 Tim. 4:10

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Jeremiah 31:16 – Reward for your work Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:29; Psalm 18:28; Isaiah 42:16; Micah 7:8; Matt. 4:15,16

Ezekiel 37:26 – The Lord will establish His Holy Temple Meditation: Exod. 25:8; Jer. 30:18,19; 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3

Psalm 81:1 - God gives strength Meditation: Psalm 29:11; 84:7; Isaiah 40:29-31; 49:5; Phil. 4:13

Psalm 1:6 – God protects your way Meditation: Psalm 23:3; Proverbs 2:8; 3:6; Isaiah 26:7

Psalm 90:16 - Splendor granted to you by God Meditation: Isaiah 35:1,2; 46:13; Daniel 5:18; 2 Cor. 3:17,18

Ezekiel 36:9 – God is on your side Meditation: Psalm 118:7; Zech. 9:14-18; Romans 8:31


Proverbs 19:21 – The Lord’s purpose prevails Meditation: Ezra 7:27; Psalm 40:5; 92:5; Prov. 16:3; 1 Cor. 4:5


Lamentations 3:24 – The Lord is my portion Meditation: Lev. 20:24; Num. 18:20; Psalm 16:5-8; Col. 3:23,24 - December 2021



Where there is God’s presence, there His glory is revealed through miracles and wonders. Jesus Calls Prayer Towers shine God’s glory in the lives of those who visit or call requesting prayers, as they pray in unison with the prayer intercessors. Here is a short compilation of some of God’s mighty deeds through the Prayer Towers.

Bengaluru Prayer Tower, Karnataka Hope against odds My Brother-in-law Mr. Rajkumar was suffering from lung disorder and fell seriously ill in the month of September 2016. He was hospitalized for more than 45 days. I contacted the Bangalore Prayer Tower for prayers and miraculously he got healed completely and he is in good health now. Mr. Kadirvel, who is my son -in- Law's brother, was suffering from heart disease and was in ICU. Doctors gave up all hopes of survival. I called the Prayer Tower daily. He was hospitalized for more than a month and through the prayers he also was healed completely & has been restored to good health. I praise & thank God for Jesus Calls ministries and the prayer intercessors who prayed for us. 16

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- Christina Mary, Bengaluru

Kochi Prayer Tower, Kerala Blessings in surplus I am a partner of Jesus Calls for the last 26 years and have been blessed through the prayers of Jesus Calls ministry. When my grandchild was about to be born, the scan revealed that the throat of the child is affected with some problem. I called the Kochi Prayer Tower immediately. After the prayer, the prayer intercessor told me that nothing will go wrong for the baby and true to that, he was born as a normal and healthy child. I have enrolled him as a Young Partner. I was experiencing great distress and pain due to extra bone growth on my foot. One day I was watching Bro. Paul Dhinakaran's program in a Malayalam TV channel and prayed along with him. I was miraculously healed from my foot pain. Also, a lump behind my ear got healed during the prayer time of a Jesus Calls TV program. All glory and honor to God Almighty.

- Jessy Thankachan, Kochi

Vizag MVP Prayer Tower, Andhra Pradesh Giving, ushers receiving My pension though sanctioned, got delayed for so many months. My efforts were in vain. So I committed my need to God and made a vow that if I receive my pension I would donate to the Jesus Calls ministry. The very next month my pension was released. Then for some other reason in the second lockdown period, I was not able to fulfill the commitment by sending the offering to Jesus Calls ministry. So after five months I stopped receiving the pension. When I enquired in the office, they did not respond to me. Then I cried in the presence of God, and I remembered my vow with God. I committed again to God that if they released my pension in the next month I would surely give my offering to the Jesus Calls ministry. What a wonder it was! The very next month my pension was released. So I visited the Vizag MVP PT and donated my pension. What a great God we have! I thank dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran’s family and prayer intercessors because it was through their prayer support I am happy now. - Rajeswari, Visakhapatnam - December 2021



Ranchi Prayer Tower, Jharkhand Desired admission In November 2020, I visited the Ranchi Prayer Tower to pray for my admission into college for under graduation. I had applied to two colleges but was rejected. After receiving prayers from the prayer intercessors, I felt I should send an application to Karunya. Miraculously I got a seat to pursue B.A Media and Communication in Karunya University. God has answered every prayer offered for me and now I enjoy my studies at Karunya. I am able to grasp everything my professors teach. I thank God for blessing me beyond my desires. Glory be to God.

-Nikita Rani Murmu, Ranchi

National Prayer Tower, Delhi Healed from cancer I'm a Jesus Calls partner. I used to visit Delhi Prayer Tower regularly for prayer. In 2015, doctors found a painful tumor in my body and confirmed it as cancer. In May 2019, I went through great difficulty due to this cancer. I underwent major operation & chemotherapy to remove the cancerous growth. I continued to visit the Delhi Prayer Tower for prayer and the prayer intercessors prayed fervently. I never stopped my monthly offering towards the Jesus Calls Ministry during the lockdown period too. In 2021 February, I prayerfully went for my medical checkup. Doctors checked me thoroughly and gave me a report that said "There are no cancer cells in my body." Until today, my health is good. I'm doing well by the grace of God. I thank God for His grace and mercies in my life. My sincere thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family & all the prayer intercessors at Delhi Prayer Tower. 618

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- Binita Baba, Delhi

Pune Prayer Tower Saved from life threatening situation I was operated for a cancerous growth in the left wall of my abdomen. The treatment for cancer continued for 3 years. CT Scan was taken every 6 months and we were continually in touch with Jesus Calls Pune Prayer Tower for prayers. Finally a PET scan was done and it showed no evidence of cancer. My son Joe Varghese had high urine protein of 1500. The Doctor advised kidney biopsy. I came to the Prayer Tower and sought prayer for my son's healing and I vowed to God that if my son is healed I will sponsor a TV program. Miraculously, the Lord healed my son. After the prayer, my son was tested again and the reports were normal. All glory to God. - Aleyamma Varghese, Pune, Maharashtra

D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai Son’s miraculous healing My son Bharat suddenly developed a lump growing around his neck. We took several medical tests for that. An examination was also done to see if the tumor was cancerous. We visited the D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in person and prayed. The prayer intercessors there prayed earnestly for our son. Then we showed my son's test report to the doctor. When the doctor saw it, he said, "Your son has no abnormalities; it's just a normal abscess; there is no need to be afraid." Then they removed the tumor for good. Now my son is in good health. We give millions of praises to God, who gave my son complete health and happiness. I thank the prayer intercessors who prayed for him. - Sheela, Chennai - December 2021



“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.”

The Lord has done many wonders in my life and I have no words to describe all of God’s deeds in my life. Miracles are the supernatural works of God bearing His signature. They originate from God and are occurrences which cannot be possible by mere human strength, wisdom and power. However, miracles require one thing from our side, which is ‘faith.’ It is through faith that the invisible works of God become visible and real in our world in a supernatural way. We read the same in Hebrews 11:3, “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Yes, the creation of God around us is also a miracle though we rarely look at it that way. I encourage you to look around and be strengthened in your faith to receive the miracle you look forward to. One of the Lord’s miracles in my life was how He united me with His chosen vessel. Before my marriage, once, my mother and I were going through the Jesus Calls Magazine and my mother pointed out to the picture of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and said that the one who is going to marry Paul Dhinakaran will be a blessed woman. We barely thought it would be me! On the day of my marriage, seeing the blessings in my life, my mother literally cried and said “Lord, I am poor and needy but You have been thinking about me. I can see how You have blessed my daughter.” This is also how the Lord blessed David for he says in Psalm 40:17 “I am poor and needy; yet the Lord is thinking of me.” Yes, the Lord is mindful of you too and He will bless you (Psalm 115:12). Do you believe God for the impossible in your life and in your family? The Father of Faith, Abraham is one of the best examples about how God can do what He says in the lives of His people against science and man’s wisdom. The Lord said,

“Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.” (Genesis 28:14) 20

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When this promise was given to Abraham, his shifting shadows but will do the body was good as dead, yet it couldn’t account impossible for you and your family and you as impossibility in the eyes of God who is will enjoy the good and perfect Omnipotent, for we see in gift from above (James 1:17). Hebrews 11:12, Cheer up, for you are also one of “And so from this one man, and he as good as dead, came descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sand on the seashore.”


your needs can count as impossibility in the eyes of our Omnipotent

God did a miracle for Abraham and Sarah and that one promise still stands true in our lives for we belong to the family of faith. So my friend, what is the challenge that you see in your family? Are problems coming against you like one wave after another? I assure you today that God is faithful and He does not change like


going to declare the miracles the Lord will be doing in your life. You might have cried and prayed all these days, but then the best things are yet to come in your life. God has been thinking of you and will bless you beyond measure that you will have no room enough to store them!

YOU TOO CAN BECOME A JESUS CALLS VOLUNTEER PRAYER INTERCESSOR AND BE A CHANNEL OF BLESSING TO OTHERS JOIN US TO PRAY FOR PEOPLE; FROM YOUR HOME AT YOUR TIME YOU WILL BE GIVEN REQUIRED TRAINING HOW TO REGISTER: Partner Care: 044 2345 6677 (7am to 9pm, IST) +91-63807 52257 (between 10am -6pm, IST) / Missed call: 901545 5455 (24X7) / Prayer Tower: Manager, Prayer Tower in your area Tamil Nadu’s capital Chennai came to a complete standstill during the second week of November as the city was battered by heavy monsoon rains causing severe water logging in many parts, submerging homes in low-lying areas, uprooting trees and causing widespread damage to properties. In addition to the Chennai civic body, NDRF teams were deployed to support the rescue & relief operations. Supplementing the State government’s relief efforts, SEESHA Team reached out with emergency relief to address the immediate survival needs of the people worst affected by the floods in several parts of the city during the first phase of disaster intervention. Relief kits comprising dry food items, packaged food and bottled water were distributed to hundreds of families and transgender people whose homes were submerged in the floods and were left without food and other basic necessities. The SEESHA disaster response team distributed relief kits at the doorstep of the flood-hit households residing in the low-lying areas of Pulianthopeadjacent to the banks of river Cooum, Kallukuttai near Perungudi and other waterlogged areas of the city. SEESHA has been handling disaster situations for the past 15+ years across the country. Working hand-in-hand with the local governments and the public, SEESHA brings in quick and effective relief to communities affected by natural disasters during their times of need. SEESHA also invests in the rehabilitation of the affected communities in the aftermath of any calamity. - December 2021



Jesus is the miracle worker who turns every impossibility into possibility. Below are few testimonies which prove Him so. He is able to do much more for you.

Losses replaced in double measure

Scoring high

I come from a non-believing background. In 2007, I came to the Chennai Prayer Tower and heard about the Lord Jesus for the 1st time. Nevertheless I was living my life away from the Lord. In 2010, I lost my brother in an accident and in 2011 my sister died due to a sickness. This double blow shattered me that I felt there is no God at all. During that period, I even contemplated suicide. But the Lord Jesus intervened and one of my friends led me to the Lord. I became a partner of Jesus calls and started visiting the Prayer Tower regularly, read the Jesus Calls magazine diligently and I was greatly encouraged. I started growing in my faith on the Lord, and God blessed my business too. I got married and was blessed with two beautiful children. We had no house of our own, but now God has enabled us to reside in our own house. All glory be to God. - Jaykumar, Salem

Recently I had sent my prayer request regarding the 5th semester exam results for both myself and my sister. God heard the prayers of the intercessors and our prayers and gave both of us good results. I'm so happy and I thank the Lord for giving good results. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors who prayed for us. Praise be to God. - Rathna Kumari, Hyderabad


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Blessed with a job I sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting him to pray to the Lord for a good job. I applied to many companies, but everything was in vain. However, the Lord Almighty heard Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s prayers and has blessed me with a good job. He has granted my prayer and all I can do is to thank God. Hallelujah. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who prayed for me. - Arpita Ghosh

Closed doors open After lockdown started in 2020, my brother lost his job. As this crisis was across nations, my parents didn’t force or blame him but he was searching hard and then lost hope as he couldn’t find any job. Days passed and my parents started telling him to at least study further or try for some other job. He didn’t take their advice seriously. Day by day, he became lazy and idle. This continued for almost 1 and half years. Because of this, the quarrels and fights were endless. There was no peace in our home. My mother used to cry daily. This caused much pain in our family. He didn’t even try for any job. In the month of March 2021, I told my brother to join in the Job Blessing Plan. He did not heed to my words, so without informing him I enrolled his name and I gave four months’ offering to Job Blessing Plan. The very same month, he joined an online course and started studying continually for three months. I was praying continually with faith. In October 2021, he attended an interview and the very next day he joined for job in a good IT company. Along with him, 6 others joined; however, only he was

accepted to join with just one round of interview while others were asked to write online exams. Jesus Christ did a great miracle through the Job Blessing Plan. I give all the praise and glory to our Lord Jesus who took away our burdens and gave peace in our family. - Subalakshmi.S, Kovilpatti

Quickened healing My son Felix fell sick, so I sent a prayer request through Facebook to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting his prayers for my son. He replied assuring healing and my son was soon restored to good health. I thank our Lord Jesus for healing him and also Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the man of God for his earnest prayers and reply. - Borsing Hanse

Heart and mind set free I was disturbed and anxious in my mind and heart. I sent a prayer request through Facebook to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. God heard his prayers and indeed healed my heart and mind. I praise God for this healing and thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers. - Eva

Aren’t we bound to thank our Lord Jesus Christ for keeping us as the apple of His eyes and caring for us throughout this year? Yes, join Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family and the prayer intercessors as they offer the incense of praise on 18th December, 2021 for God’s steadfast love all through the year. Even as you praise God, you will be delivered from every prison and be strengthened to enter into fresh blessings in the coming year 2022. You can drop all your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or write it to us through letters, email, Facebook or website. After prayers are offered personally for your request by the Dhinakarans and prayer intercessors, God’s reply will be sent to you. Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: - December 2021



“And I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from doing them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts so that they will not depart from Me. Yes, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will assuredly plant them in this land, with all My heart and with all My soul.” (Jeremiah 32:40, 41) It could be inferred from the promise cited that the Lord wants to do good to His people. My dear ones, quite often we languish saying, “Who is there to do me good? Who is there to love me truly?” Not finding proper answer for this, many become miserable and even go to the extent of ending their lives. These days, plenty are the people who live with such hopelessness. They fail to deeply analyze the Scriptures and because of that, they hasten to take such decisions. If you read the Bible diligently, you can know the Lord’s love and the manner He wants to help His children. Today, it is good that we analyze the above promise more deeply and know about the good things that the Lord wants to bestow upon us in this season as we are on the verge of entering into the New Year.

Unfailing Goodness The Bible says, “the Lord will give what is good” (Psalm 85:12). When we believe this with our whole heart and plead to Him, who is the Hill from where comes the help, the Lord will 24

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surely give us good things. About this we read in the Bible, "The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him” (Ezra 8:22). Yes, when we seek Him diligently and with reverence, and call unto Him, He will not fail to do us good. Two Hebrew midwives by names Puah and Shiphrah wanted to do good for the people of Israel. The king of Egypt had ordered them to kill the male babies born of the women of Israel, with the intention that the number of Israelites should not multiply. However, since these women feared God, they did not do so but saved the male babies. Hence, when the King of Egypt called them and asked them why they had not killed the male babies of the women of Israel during childbirth, they answered him convincingly being filled with divine wisdom and saved the children from destruction. As a result, God was pleased with the midwives and did them good (Exodus 1:15-21). Hence, when we too do such things with fear of God, knowing the depth of our heart, He will never hesitate to do us good.

Several years back, when my husband washed and cleansed her life with His blood; Bro. Dhinakaran was working in a bank in a how she received divine peace and how healthy town, a particular pastor used to take him after she was. On hearing this, my husband was his duty hours were over, to pray for the thrilled! congregation of his church. Once, they went to Yes, dear ones, Jesus Christ was incarnate pray for a woman who was sick and in death as a Man on this earth to give the goodness of bed. The pastor and my husband knelt down redemption. He is ready to give new life and beside her bed and began to pray. That time, a health to those who have no hope. Shall we hold devil stood near my husband and threatened on to Him, to receive this benefit? him saying, “She is living a capricious life and Fear of God so she belongs to me. Don’t pray for her. If you do so, I’ll put you also in the pit which I have In this world, we see many people dug for her. Beware!” At this time, my husband languishing with the thought, “Who will do me reverentially prayed to the Lord, who alone could any good?” We see people struggling thus in help him and asked Him to let him know what families, work spots and in various other places. he should do. The Lord said to him, “Son, it is If we examine, when the quality of doing good true that she is walking in sinful birthed in us, it would be evident ways. But I have shed My If we examine that the ‘fear of the Lord’ is its when the quality of blood on the cross to redeem reason. God grants us this divine doing good birthed in her. Now you pray that My fear (Jeremiah 32:40). We read in us, it would blood should cleanse her the Bible, “the fear of the Lord is be evident that the ‘fear of the Lord’ is its and heal her body. I came the instruction of wisdom reason to this world to redeem such (Proverbs 15:33)” and that “the people. God sent Me to this fear of the Lord is a fountain of life” (Proverbs 14:27). Whenever we fear world in order to save mankind. the Lord and walk in His ways, He would So realizing the power of the cross teach us to do good, as pleasing to Him. “But and the glory of the blood which I had shed, look up to Me with faith. Then I will deliver to you who fear My name the Sun of this woman, in response to your pleas and raise Righteousness shall arise with healing in His her as My testimony for the glory of My name.” wings” (Malachi 4:2). What is meant by the Sun On hearing this, he was encouraged greatly. of righteousness? The Lord Himself shall be our Believing the things said to him by God and not light, lead us in the righteous path and guide giving room for the words of the devil, he prayed us to do good, which is pleasing to Him. for that sister’s salvation and for perfect healing and returned home after committing her into the hands of the Lord. After few days, when he went to that church, he heard someone singing beautifully. It was that same woman! She was sharing her testimony as to how the Lord

If we probe deeply into David’s life, we see that with fear of God, he did good to even those who did evil against him. His son Absalom did many terrible things against David and made him miserable. In 2 Samuel 16:5-12 we read that in that situation, when David and his men were - December 2021



going by foot and were crying, a man called Shimei pursued him and threw stones at him. However, when David restored back to his kingdom, having recovered all that he had lost, did he destroy Shimei? Instead, he loved him. This deed of David, born out of fear of God, was pleasing to Him. Yes, dear ones, many times, when our enemies are handed over to us, we think of destroying them. But the Lord wants us to do good to them, having the fear of God.

everlasting covenant with us that He will not

Everlasting Covenant

and are we led by Him? Let us examine. All our own strength and wisdom are in vain. Realizing

turn away from doing us good and that He will assuredly plant us in this land, with all His heart and with all His soul (Jeremiah 32:40,41). The eyes of the Lord are always upon the righteous.

“The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.”

(Proverbs 15:3)

Accordingly, the Lord always sees us. Hence,

we should do only the good things which are In the time when the Jesus Calls pleasing to Him. Only then, the above ministry was growing, the Lord verse shall come true in our God gives was giving us several lives. When we do your enemies into ministerial plans. However, everything with the fear your hand not to some of the people, who that the Lord sees us, He, were with us all along and finish them off but to Himself will guide us. He who took part in everything forgive them and will make an everlasting with us, turned against us keep moving forward covenant with us, fill us and grieved us by their in life with His joy so that we abusing deeds. Yet the Lord granted in us His fear and led would not have any sorrow us to commit them into His and He will plant us. The Holy hands, without doing them any harm. Spirit is the One, who leads us for Sometimes, God even gave us the grace this. We do not have any strength on our to do good for some of them, who had own. The Lord has to be our strength and lead betrayed us. It was amazing! Yes, the Lord us in such divine paths. As I said, for this expects this good thing from His servants. purpose it is essential that we should have the My dear ones, many people may betray you fullness of the Holy Spirit, every day in our lives. in your life. Yet, with the leading of the Lord About this the Bible speaks clearly, and being filled with His fear, as much as “Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where possible, please do them good. It would be the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” pleasing in the sight of the Lord. He will take care of them. Let us not do them any harm. Let (2 Corinthians 3:17) us be careful to do only good, as much as My dear ones, are we empty vessels? Or, are possible. Then you will see the Lord wonderfully we filled with the Spirit of God, whom the Lord protecting you from all evil and leading you. Jesus received in His life according to His will We read in the Bible that He will make an 26

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the truth that these are not enough, let us plead Dearly beloved, many fail to desire after this and pray to the Lord to give us the Holy Spirit. blessing. Even if they desire, they are satisfied When Jacob realized that he needed God’s help, with the little experience they have and stop with he waited in the presence of God and prayed the anointing. It should not be so. Every day, we incessantly saying, "I will not let You go unless should wait reverentially at the feet of the Lord You bless me!" till he received His touch and hold on to Him with the conviction that He (Genesis 32:26). This is the important thing that would fulfill the covenant He had made with us we need to follow in our life. We do desire for and lead us as a vessel of doing good. spiritual blessing but we do not seek the "Until now you have asked nothing in ‘waiting experience’ of not letting go off the My name. Ask, and you will receive, that Lord’s feet till we receive it. All we do is pray (John 16:24) your joy may be full.” for sometimes for something and then leave it. When my This promise shall surely get husband Bro. Dhinakaran God, fulfilled in your life. The Lord understood the who does not change is watching us. What would significance of the His covenant, be our answer for the anointing of the Holy will accomplish His question, ‘"Whom shall I Spirit and His glory work till the end and send, and who will go for through the Scriptures, establish Us?" (Isaiah6:8). Let us he prayed continually for God’s kingdom commit ourselves to Him in seven years to receive this humility, telling Him, “Lord, I divine experience. Hence, the commit myself to this divine life. Lord granted him many good things, anointed him, granted him several divine experiences, gifts, and power and used him as a vessel of comfort till the end. Though lot of physical weaknesses assailed him, he did His service in all reverence, without being concerned about his ailments. As a result, as we know, God, who does not change His covenant, was with him and helped him to accomplish His work till the end and

Send me, Lord. Fill me with the divine wisdom and strength that I need and lead me by Your grace!” Then, the Lord who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, will make a covenant with us according to His will and will make us do good and comfort others and help us to arise and shine. According to the promise we pondered above, the Lord will make a covenant with us, grant us

establish God’s kingdom.

the fear of God and will make us happy. Shall we “A faithful man will abound with blessings.”

(Proverbs 28:20)

realize this profound truth today itself and commit ourselves to glorify God? On seeing your

Accordingly, let us wait at the Lord’s feet

genuine commitment, it is sure that the Lord will

faithfully and get filled with good things given

take you in His hands and use you for the glory

by God.

of His name. - December 2021



The God of gods loved us so much that He sent His own Son Jesus Christ, into this world, in the image of man. About this we read, ‘God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us’ (Ephesians 2:4). Knowing these loving deeds of God manifested in our lives through the Bible and enjoying its glory is a special blessing given to us this month. Let us examine this divine love and receive the blessings fully!

Great Joy to All God sent the Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son as a Savior to this world in order that he would save the whole world. He wanted to give all people, the divine joy of salvation. This joyful message was announced to the shepherds by the angels of God and the shepherds directly saw Jesus, the Son of God born as a babe and rejoiced (Luke 2:8-20). Likewise, we read in the Bible, ‘let the righteous be glad’ (Psalm 68:3). Hannah, the mother of Prophet Samuel, prayed in the presence of God and declared saying to the Lord, who had miraculously changed her tears, “I rejoice in Your salvation” (1 Samuel 2:1). In the same way, because of the action of the wicked man Haman, the king commanded that the entire tribe of Jews should be destroyed and there was a great mourning, weeping and wailing (Esther 4:3). At that time, Queen Esther, along with the Jews, prayed with fasting for three days and nights. The Lord God heard their prayers and out of His power, wiped away their tears and blessed His people in such a way that ‘light, gladness, joy and honor’ filled them (Esther 8:16). 28

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Even today, are you languishing in sorrow and tears, without joy? Are you troubled by the sorrows of the world? There is no other way, except the feet of the Lord to receive this divine joy. Hence, as the children of God mentioned above did, hold on to the Lord’s feet. Fast and pray, humbling yourself to the lowest level. Hearing your tear-filled prayers, He will change everything upside down and it is sure that He will fill you with divine joy, because of His love for you. In my life, during times of sorrow, I used to humble myself at His feet the whole day and fast and pray because of which God has given me perfect joy. I had shared this testimony several times. So, my dear ones, whatever your burden and worry is, hold on to the feet of the Lord firmly and enjoy receiving the joy of salvation and blessings.

Comfort and Consolation “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) Yes, the Lord Jesus is the One, is the God of all comfort who comforts and consoles us. How badly the widow of Nain would have cried, when she lost her only son! But, look how God’s love was manifested at the right time in a miraculous way and how the Lord Jesus changed her sorrow into joy (Luke 7:11-16)! Yes, ‘loss’ creates inexpressible

sorrow in life. However, God’s love changes sorrows and brings comfort and consolation to us. Likewise, in the situation when it was four days after Lazarus was dead and buried, God’s divine love was powerfully manifested through Jesus Christ who gave him a new life and thus paved ways for divine joy to flow through that family. As the Bible says, wonderfully was God’s glory revealed by faith (John 11:40). In the same way, after the death of Jesus Christ, the disciples filled with agony and fear for the Jewish authorities, were hiding behind shut doors and it was at that time Jesus stood in their midst and said, “Peace to you” (John 20:26). At that time, even the doubting Thomas, out of great joy, cried out, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:28). Jesus, who is unchanging in His love even today, will appear in your midst, as you are in tears and in agony, will fill you with His divine joy and make you rejoice. In my life, when I lost my only beloved daughter, my heart was broken into pieces. When we place all our burdens and tears at the feet of Jesus with faith, ‘the Hill from where our help comes’ (Psalm 121:1, 2), surely our help would come from the God of gods, who has made heaven and earth. Accordingly, I also looked up to the Lord because of which He blessed me with dear daughter Evangeline, my daughter-in-law, and two granddaughters followed by another granddaughter Shilpa. Now He has added my great-granddaughter Katelyn and many other granddaughters and has comforted my broken heart. In addition, through the Esther Prayer Ministry, the Lord has given me several children, who fondly call me, “Mother” and is making me rejoice. Yes, the love of the God of gods is a comforting, divine love that changes all our sorrows. So, if you get united with our God of gods and hold on to Him completely, without thinking of your worries and agonies, He will change all your sorrows and will give you joy in your heart instead of sorrow as He is able to comfort you in every way.

Rejoicing in the Spirit In Isaiah 61:3, we read that God gives, “Oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness.” A good example for this is the incident that happened in the lives of Paul and Silas, the servants of God. God’s name was miraculously glorified through the ministry of both Paul and Silas. Hence, a few wicked people, who were jealous of them, falsely accused them and made the authorities put them in the inner prison where their feet were fastened in the stocks.

“But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners (Acts 16:25) were listening to them.” Hearing their songs of praise, God appeared there and then,

“Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were (Acts 16:26) loosed.” God’s love performed a miracle by making the keeper of the prison who saw this, to receive the God-given salvation experience. Yes, God’s love was manifested in order that he and his household would have the fullness of joy from Him. Yes, dear ones, terrible sufferings, afflictions and crises may surround us in our day-to-day life and make us shed tears. However, do not be discouraged by these but be of good cheer and give praises to the Lord with your whole heart according to the words of Jesus,

“In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome (John 16:33). the world." As you keep praising Him, God would be present in your midst and with His love, would stretch forth His hands. He, who stilled the tempestuous sea saying, “Peace, be still” (Mark 4:39) will remove every tribulation in your life, whatever they might be, deliver you by His divine power, fill you with the strength of the Holy Spirit and make you rejoice in Him. My warm Christmas Greetings to you! - December 2021



The Partnership Plan for which you want to enrol and wish to donate this month Fill up your details in the following form, our team will get in touch with you. Name: ______________________________________ Partner Code (optional) _____________________ Email id: _______________________________________________________________________________ Contact phone no: (1) ________________________________ (2) _________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please tick your choice YOUNG PARTNERS PLAN: WISDOM PROTECTION PROSPERITY GOD PERFORMS MIRACLES IN THE LIVES OF YOUNG PARTNERS (0-25 YEARS) JESUS CALLS PARTNER PLAN HEAL THE BROKEN-HEARTED NO SOUL TO BE LOST EVERY SOUL THAT COMES TO JESUS CALLS TO BE NURTURED TO INCREASE 1000 FOLD

My Prayer Requests 1. ______________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________ 4.______________________________________________________ Please fill up the form and send it to us

DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN AND FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO MINISTER TO YOU PERSONALLY. PRIVILEGES: All the prayer requests are sent to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for prayer In Chain Prayer prayer intercessors will pray for you Prayer intercessors will call you on special days and pray for you Monthly Promise email letters will be sent to you directly A promise verse will be sent every day through SMS The Jesus Calls E Magazine will be sent to you


JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

WAYS TO ENROL: Visit the website Visit your nearest Prayer Tower Send by Post: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. Give a missed call to 90154 55455 Whatsapp Number 97919 34442

Helping to construct churches has been part of the Jesus Calls ministry’s mission since its inception. Every month 10% of the donations received from people are given to pastors, to construct their churches particularly in villages and remote places or for emergency needs in their families. The generous giving of dear partners helps in building churches for the unreached to know the Lord and through this act, souls get connected to Jesus. Here’s how dear Pas. Paul Meshach has been blessed: I lost my parents at a young age. I grew up in a hostel. I came to know Jesus as my Father and Mother through one of the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival that is conducted at Marina Beach, Chennai. Then as called by God, I became a Pastor. It is through the help of Jesus Calls ministries’ donation that I was able to build my church and shepherd around 60 to 70 people with deep gratitude and sincerity. I thank God for the Jesus Calls ministry which is Heaven’s answer to my every prayer. -December 2021




ey friend! Thank God because God’s promise comes right on time and manifests true to all those who hold on to it. This month, youth have the following promise from God: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time.” (1 Peter 5:6) Maybe you have already been humbled in your life; with the people in your workplace illtreating you, or your own family ignoring you, or you are in a place which you do not like at all. Chances are that you have been long waiting for something to change. 32

JESUS CALLS December 2021 -

Even though you are going through such a situation, you have been patient for the Lord’s sake and still faithful to your family. You still keep doing the ministry even though it is very small and doing your work however insignificant it may be. God has seen how you have humbled yourself under God’s mighty hand, waited for His time and have been faithful in small things. There was a man who worked so hard and deserved a promotion to the most coveted position in the company, ‘V ice President Marketing’. His boss called him into his office one day. So he took a moment, prayed and stepped in. Because of this little prayer, even though, shockingly, his boss offered him the

‘Vice President of Direct Sales’ position instead, which was one of the worst performing departments, he had the peace to accept it and not quit angrily. To everyone’s surprise, with God’s blessing on him, He had turned around that department to be the top performer in the company and his achievement spread wide receiving huge offers from many top companies. He wrote a top selling book and came to be known as the Guru of Sales. When his boss finally offered him the ‘Vice President of Marketing’ position, he had far outgrown it. “God...shows favor to the humble.” (James 4:6) This is the power of God’s blessing on the humble. You see, your reward doesn’t come because of your hard work or your boss or your name. Your reward comes from God, your father! “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17) So set your eyes upon Him, remain humble and patient and work heartily for the Lord, for when He rewards you with His mighty blessing your net will not be able to hold it.

Are you wondering if I have forgotten something important? I remember it very well. I am sure the excitement has already begun for December. Your home and church is getting ready for the most awaited day of the year, is it not? Yes, we have stepped into the festive season. Soon it is going to be dazzling stars, chiming bells, colorful streamers and balloons all around. You youngsters are going to be busy with practice for choir, nativity skit, choreography, caroling and the like. What joy Christmas brings! Here is a wish for you and your family: A very merry Christmas. May Christmas birth in your hearts, Jesus - the reason for this season! I would like to close, asking you to hold on to God’s word, claim it, and watch it manifest in your life. Prayer: My loving heavenly Father, thank You for Your wonderful promise. QR code I humble myself before You. Give Scan to watch this me the grace to be patient for message Your time to lift me up. Lord, I claim this promise with faith. Please make it come true in my life for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

We have a talented team who are looking forward to work with you and help you grow in the Lord as well. If you would like to use your talents to build God’s Kingdom, come and join our UTurn Club teams across India. To join our team at a “UTurn Club”, simply send your Name, Age, Place, Mobile Number and Address along with your talent, achievements and experiences to -December 2021



It’s the most wonderful time of the year again! This joyous season never fails to evoke the feelings of cheer, warmth and the spirit of goodwill. As we eagerly await the festive celebrations, let us share the light of hope with the less privileged who face multiple hardships during this Pandemic.

We, at SEESHA, know what a huge difference even a small act of kindness could make in the lives of the disadvantaged, and so we choose this season every year to share our love & joy with needy children through a gift of new clothes. These new clothes fulfil a socio-emotional longing of such children and help in boosting their confidence and self-esteem.

Even as we get ready to gift them the happiness in the form of new clothes this year, you too can join us in bringing back their lost hope & smiles. Truly, there is nothing more rewarding than bringing smiles to the deprived children’s faces and watching their joy bloom!

Filling a needy child with hope & happiness! “I’m P. Muthu from Vanagaram, studying in Class 5. I lost my parents when I was a little child, and I’m being raised by my grandmother. She is a street vendor who makes a living by ironing clothes. With her meagre income, it has been a constant struggle for her to make ends meet. Due to our family’s deprived background, she’s unable to buy new clothes for me even once a year. Most often, I used to wear old, tattered clothes donated by others. Fortunately, for the last few years, I’ve been receiving a new set of clothing as an annual gift from SEESHA. Thanks, SEESHA for bringing us the festive cheer with a new dress each year!” - Mr. P. Muthu, SEESHA New Clothes beneficiary, Chennai

You may contribute in the following ways: * Sponsor a set of new clothes for 1 child – Rs. 400/* Sponsor a set of new clothes for 10 children – Rs. 4,000/* Sponsor a set of new clothes for 100 children – Rs. 40,000/* You can sponsor new clothes for any number of children.


JESUS CALLS December 2021 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73

Here is a testimony of a person blessed by attending Special Blessing Meeting:

FULFILLMENT OF PROPHECY My husband and I got married in 2009. I conceived twice but they were miscarriages. The doctors gave up hope. They said my womb is not good enough to hold a baby. Both of us were in tears. Our society instead of comforting us mocked at us. We attended Guwahati Prayer Festival in 2010, and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called my name and said, "Sarah you have gone through miscarriage after miscarriage. God will bless you with a beautiful child. “We were shocked. We came to the stage, testified, and thanked God in advance in faith. In 2011, I conceived again and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her name is Angelina. She is 10 years old now and is a Young Partner. She is doing well in her studies. Our sorrows have turned into joy through the prophetic utterance by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Praise be to the Lord. My husband Rupam was working in a private company for 9 years. He was searching for a government job for a long time. Those days we were suffering financially as a family. In 2016, during the Shillong Prayer Festival, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for a good job and my husband claimed the blessing during the prayer. Within a short while, he got a job in the Indian Army. Much praises to God for blessing us through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Glory to God. - Sarah & Rupam, Guwahati (Testimony shared in 2019)


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