Jesus Calls (English) July - 2022

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There are 14 of us altogether. God has done great things for our family. He protected us for the past two years from Covid-19. As a family we are doing business. Even though we had to meet people day in and day out regarding our business, God saved us from getting infected. Many of my dear friends and well wishers who had high sugar levels and infected with Covid-19 were healed as I used to call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and pray for them. The messages in the Family Channel had truly set everyone of them free from complications and saved their lives. I have even prayed for the people in our neighbourhood and God has healed them too. I thank and praise God for His healing, blessings and deliverance that has kept us all well. - Sujatha, Vellore TO SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK ABOUT THE PROGRAMME OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN THE FAMILY CHANNEL, PLEASE CONTACT: 95001 55588 SHARE YOUR TESTIMONIES THROUGH WHATSAPP NUMBER 9791934442


My precious friend, this month God is going to give you a reward. The Lord says in Matthew 25:21, ïªj 2022-« M©o‹ bjhl¡f¤âš njt‹, “You have been a good and faithful servant! You have been faithful in small things; I will make you ruler over many things. Come enter into the joy of your master.” Jesus said in Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus beckons everyone who labored hard for Him and went through much shame for His name sake, especially those who have been wounded in their body and heart. Friend, for God’s sake you may have experienced wounds in your family life, or in your workplace. It is to you Jesus says “Come to Me My child. I will give you rest.” - July 2022




Before Jesus went to the cross, He washed the feet of every one of His disciples. He is coming to you to wash your wounds. When He washes your wounds, He will see the wounds caused by hurtful words, by debts and so on. When Jesus commanded you to go in His name to do His work, you just went without anything. You gave liberally even though you did not have enough money to feed yourself. In the midst of your pain, sorrow, and losses, you went out and comforted others in

you into a realm of reward. Now is the time for your joy my friend. Hence God will make you a ruler over many. Till now you were a bond servant, but now God is making you a ruler. The Bible says, “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, He made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.” (Philippians 2:6,7) Jesus was so full of glory. He was God Himself, but He took the form of a servant and humbled Himself. “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9) Apostle Paul also says in 1 Corinthians 9:23 that He has voluntarily become a servant to any and all for the sake of the Gospel.

the name of Jesus. Jesus says, “My child, I will wash your feet and heal your wounds. Come to Me. Come into the joy of Your Master. I want to reward you for all the sorrow you have gone through. I want to turn your sorrow into joy.” The Lord is welcoming you into His presence. This month God is taking


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Friend, you have also emptied yourself to fulfill the will of God, to take up the cross and follow Him faithfully. You have emptied yourself to give to others. All your pride and stature, you have sacrificed for helping the poor, who have no pride in life. You have sacrificed much to defend others who are oppressed. You have sacrificed much for you to live a holy life to be a witness for God before others. Therefore, the Lord Jesus says, “My child, it is now time for Me to reward you, come into My joy. I want to make you a ruler over many. Everything that has been planned for you as planned in heaven through My sacrifice on the cross will come to you. I will make you a ruler over many things. You will have everything richly to enjoy. Your family members will have everything to richly enjoy. Your work, business, ministry will have everything richly to enjoy.” Yes, this is God’s promise for you this month, and God says “I will make you a ruler over many people.” As written in Revelation 10:11, You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings. You will rule over their hearts and make them receive His word says the Lord, and

you will rule over many who are in wickedness, unrighteousness and turn their hearts towards Him the Savior of the world says the Lord Jesus. Salvation comes through Jesus Christ, but God is giving you the word and the prophetical power to transform the hearts of many people and turn them to the salvation given by Jesus. God says “I will make you a ruler over every possession.” You will build and inherit. You will enjoy. Everything that has to come to you, the Lord says that He is commanding them to come to you in full measure, pressed down, shaken together and pouring upon your life. Thank Jesus for making it happen and give Him all the glory. The Lord will make you ruler over men. I command this blessing upon you my friend.

the Holy Spirit *Spiritual Presence and favor of God If you have these spiritual riches, you will have everything in life. One day, my father was praying much fervently asking God to fill him with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and suddenly he saw a vision and saw the golden cap of a pen. The cap was shining, and my father was wondering what was the connection


Faithful in small things The reason is that you have been faithful in small things. God expects us to remain faithful in small things and have obedience in small things. The Lord says in Luke 16:11 “If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?” When you are faithful with the money of this world before people and before God, then God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19). God wants you to have heavenly riches; so if you are faithful with worldly wealth, God will give you heavenly riches which are the true riches. Let me tell you what true riches are: *Salvation *Sanctification *Spiritual gifts, the gifts of - July 2022



between the pen cap and his prayer for spiritual gifts. The Holy Spirit showed him what had happened nearly 30 years earlier; and my father saw that he had a pen with a golden cap but the pen cap had a lot of scratches, and his classmate who was seated next to him got the same pen with the same golden pen cap. That pen cap was shining, but my father’s pen cap had scratches; so when his friend was looking the other side, my father took that pen cap and put it on his pen and put the cap with scratches over his friend’s pen. His friend was wondering how his pen cap had scratches on his new pen. My father said that the quality of things are very bad lately and all the scratches are hidden by putting some polish and that is why when his friend touched the pen cap all the polish went away and the real poor quality of the pen had come out. It was not just the scratches of the pen cover, but the scratches of sin that came into my father’s heart that day. The Holy Spirit told my father 30 years later “Dhinakaran, if I cannot trust you for a pen cover, how will I trust you with the powerful, expensive, and glorious spiritual gifts?” My father repented and cried out for God’s forgiveness. My father found out his friend’s address with great effort and wrote to him and asked his forgiveness and said he will compensate, but his friend wrote back saying why my father had taken just the pen cap and not the pen itself? That was his friend’s magnanimous heart. However, as my father became faithful in small things, God gave him the mighty gifts of the Holy Spirit, and used him mightily through the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit to bless millions of broken hearted people. The scratches of sin and the burdens of life were removed from the hearts and lives of people through my father ’s repentant heart. When you become trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, God will entrust true riches, the spiritual riches into your hands to make you a blessing to millions. 6

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Faithful with money Secondly, you were faithful with money. As promised in Philippians 4:19, God will meet all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. God wants to give you riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. In 1969, my parents and I went through much financial crisis, debts, lack of money, and suffering. It was at that time, my father was preaching in the streets in the midst of that agony. He would give one-tenth of his earnings to God’s ministry. One day, the Lord appeared to him and said “My son, days are coming when I will increase you a thousand times; your ministry will grow tremendously and touch millions of people. At that time, you will have to handle large amounts of money for the sake of My ministry; so I wanted to test you now to see whether you will be faithful and tested if you love money more or Jesus more; and that is why I allowed you to go through this financial crisis.” One day, the Lord appeared to him and said “My son, Dhinakaran, in the midst of your financial troubles, you never gave up Jesus. You have stood in the streets and preached Jesus. Even though you had needs, you gave to the other servants of God and you have been faithful when you had nothing. Now, I will make you ruler over many; however, my father continued to give to other servants of God and had God as his security, and God provided for us, increased him and made him a blessing to millions.

Faithful in loving people Finally, be faithful in loving people, even though they have hurt you. Love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great (Luke 6:35). Yes, my precious friend, now is the time for your reward. Step into God’s realm of reward this month. Scan QR code to watch this message

Marginalized population in India have poor health outcomes due to poverty, limited access to health facilities, and inadequate treatment-seeking behaviour. Access to disease prevention programs and equitable health care is crucial to empowering such vulnerable people towards better health. SEESHA’s healthcare programs bring health education & screening services directly to community members and contribute to reducing their health disparities. The following are some of our recent efforts to improve health in disadvantaged communities: Medical Outreach Programs: To provide access to specialized medical services and improve health awareness among susceptible rural & tribal communities in Coimbatore, SEESHA has been conducting periodic medical camps which include free doctor consultations, free lab investigations for vital parameters, dental check-ups, and the distribution of nutritional supplements & medicines for common ailments. Eye screening camps to prevent blindness: SEESHA, along with India Vision Institute, conducted free eye screening camps in Coimbatore & Chennai recently. SEESHA, in association with Contacare eye hospital, has been organizing regular eye screening camps in Ranchi for the benefit of the local population.

Easing the burden of the underserved… “I had a non-healing leprosy ulcer in my left foot for more than 1.5 years, which left me immobile. When the SEESHA medical outreach team visited our village, I sought their help. The doctor examined my condition thoroughly, dressed my wound, and advised me to seek treatment at the Karunya Hospitals due to other health complications. After one week's inpatient care at the hospital, I continued to receive free wound care treatment through SEESHA mobile clinic till the ulcer got healed completely. Thank you, SEESHA, for easing Nutritional Supplements for Children Living with HIV/AIDS: the burden of healthcare costs Children living with HIV/AIDS must have adequate access to nutritious on the deprived!" food along with regular antiretroviral therapy to boost their immune - Mr. Sivan, 65 years,

response. For many years, SEESHA has been supporting more than 120 Perumal Kovil Pathy, Coimbatore children living with HIV/AIDS in Cuddalore with monthly nutritional supplements, educational incentives, and psychosocial counselling to care for their overall wellbeing amidst their health challenges. As we continue to serve the downtrodden with affordable healthcare, you can join with us in our efforts in the following ways: * Sponsor nutritional supplements for a child with HIV – Rs. 750/month * Help organize a mega medical camp - Rs.25,000/- for one camp. - July 2022 JESUS CALLS


Hundreds of youngsters from various cities in and around Coimbatore came for the UTurn Club Event conducted on May 15, 2022. The UTurn Leader, Stella Ramola with her band, led the gathering in praise and worship and shared about the Holy Spirit, the Best Friend for life, which reached their hearts and souls powerfully, leaving them to commit their lives to God. This event was beautifully hosted by the UTurn Club Coimbatore, with the anchoring, skit, testimonies and different activities. Everyone left the place with God's touch! Here are a few testimonies from youngsters who shared the soul drenching experiences which they had received earlier, in front of the crowd gathered at the UTurn Club events on March 20th at Chennai and May 15th at Coimbatore respectively.

Fulfillment of the heart’s desire I work as a nurse in a hospital. I attended the UTurn Club meeting, JC House PT Chennai on 20th February 2022 with a question in my heart wanting to find if Jesus is really with me. During the worship session, I saw a vision. I was on one of the big roads. There were a lot of broken pieces of glass. I had to walk on those pieces of glass. My legs were bleeding. Then I said, "From this difficult path, can I not find a better path without pieces of glass?" I went on crying like that. At that moment, the hand of Jesus lifted me up, wiped away my tears, removed the pieces of glass that had stuck to my feet, and healed my wounds. Then He said, "Can't I give you a better way? You feel lonely that there is no one with you; but I have lifted you up in My arms." It made me so happy. I did not know what I saw in the time of worship; but, it wasn’t until I opened my eyes that I realized it was a vision. Not only that, He lifted me out of my sinful life, healed my wounds, and assured me that He was with me. My long-standing desire is to serve God. On the advice of the staff in the Prayer Tower, God has given me the great privilege of 8

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attending the Partners Training Program (PTP) class and now I am serving God. Glory be to God! - Kavitha, Chennai

Found Hope (Jesus) in a hopeless state I am a B.Tech graduate. I was seeking God’s will concerning my future. I am a regular attendee of UTurn Club meetings, Tambaram PT, Chennai. I wanted to know if I should continue my studies or take up a job. In an UTurn meeting, I understood God’s guidance. As led by the Lord I started searching for jobs. I couldn’t find one. On 11th December 2021, I attended UTurn Worship Night concert by Stella Ramola. In that, she sang the song “It will happen.” It boosted my confidence in the Lord and encouraged me to move forward in my job search. Finally, I applied for job in Infosys on February 3rd 2022 and on February 20th before the interview I fell sick with giddiness. The interview happened online and the results were published the next day itself. I received an email stating that I have been selected to attend the interview in person. Everything fell in line that I received my job offer to join tomorrow i.e March 21st and I could attend this meeting on March 20th and testify for God. I praise God for this great blessing and making me a testimony. - Alice, Chennai

Blessed with the Best In 2017, when I graduated from college, I joined the UTurn Club. I attended the UTurn Club event every week. Then I started to serve as volunteer in the Prayer Tower and God blessed me in all aspects. I graduated with 80% in my college education. In 2019, I joined work as a HR executive. I was yearning for a promotion and a closer walk with God. Miraculously, I got a job in a private company as Secretary to the CEO. God is showing me what’s going to happen in my life in advance and leading me prophetically. Now I am the Coordinator of the UTurn Club, Coimbatore. Praise be to God for His marvelous blessings. - Priyanka, Coimbatore

Free from fear I am a regular attendee of UTurn Club meetings. In the year 2021 my father was infected with Covid-19. Due to lack of accommodation in the hospital, he was home quarantined. We prayed for him together at the UTurn Club and my father was completely healed. I am timid by nature. I would be too scared to stand in front of people and talk. But, after I joined the UTurn Club, Jesus removed all my fears. In 2021, I submitted a paper in an International conference. Out of 1550 only 1114 papers were selected and published as a book in which one was mine. Then the Lord enabled me to present another paper in yet another International conference. By God’s grace, I was awarded with the second prize. I give all the glory to God who causes me to ride on the heights. - Dharshini, Coimbatore - July 2022 JESUS CALLS


My dearly beloved partner in the ministry, It gives me immense joy to write to you this month. With July, God has enabled us to step into the second half of the year. God in His abundant grace has protected and provided for us during the recent adverse times. He has promised to bless us according to Matthew 25:21, “I will make you ruler over many things.” Here, the scripture says when you are truthful over small things, God will make you the ruler over many things.

Songs of Praise “Sing to the Lord, for He has done excellent things; this is known in all the earth.” (Isaiah 12:5)

• Dynamic Kids Camp Praise God for Dynamic Kids Camp conducted in all the 101 Jesus Calls Prayer Towers across India for 6 days in the month of May with the theme, “Ride High” (He made him ride on the heights of the land. Deut. 32:13) for children of 10

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age group 4 to 17 years. Many young souls were blessed through this camp, and you can read their testimonies in the inside pages.

• Special Meetings The Partners’ Meet and Blessing Meetings at Tirunelveli on June 11th, 12th and at Erode from 17th to 19th 2022 had a huge gathering. God blessed the effort of the organizers and everyone who attended these meetings felt God’s touch in their lives. Detailed report will be published in the next issue.

• Multifarious Activities Last month, through the various facets of Jesus Calls ministry, the letter ministry, Prayer Towers, JC Website, daily blessing messages, YouTube songs and messages, Television programmes and

magazine, several souls were nourished.

To Pray Telephone Prayer Tower For the many life situations that leave you flabbergasted, demanding immediate prayer help, Telephone Prayer Tower functions roundthe-clock 365 days a year with no holidays. Trained and anointed prayer intercessors pray for every need faithfully, with prayer services rendered in eight languages. You are welcome to call (+91 44 45 999 000) any time. If you would like to offer volunteer service in your free time to pray for someone in need, you can visit your nearest Prayer Tower for training and to render your service. Call the Partner Care at 044- 2345 6677 (7 AM to 9PM, IST) for more details.

Mission Network Our vision is to create one new Mission Network for every Prayer Tower. Pray for the Prayer Towers as they promote the Blessing Plans of the JC Ministry such as YPP, TV Sponsor, Job Blessing Plan etc. to raise new donors.

Prayer Network for Institutions (NPNI)

aims at raising prophets and apostles for the endtime ministry that lets them know the Lord like never before. For further details on the upcoming courses: https:// home/courses

Karunya Academy of Theological Education (KATE) KATE prepares the servants of God to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus Christ by imparting holistic theological education. Admissions for the year 2022 are open. Further details can be found by visiting our website: or mail to

Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences Praise God for Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences and for how God has honored the institution by making the Alumni to

Jesus Calls launched the Prayer Network for

shine as stars all around the globe. Pray for God’s

Institutions (NPNI) to create fellowship among

blessings upon every staff, student and their

institutions and for them to be strengthened to

family members. Pray for the academic

fulfill their founding purpose. The mission is to

excellence and career development for the

pray for peace and prosperity of each institution;

students and for all the needs to be met for

to help fulfill the purpose of raising leaders for

placement, publications, projects and patents.

the nations. I welcome institutions to register in

There should be 100% admissions in all the

this by clicking the following link https://

courses. You can also mail

Institute of Power Ministry and Prophetic Conference

us at for further details.

Prayer Academy Training

On July 12th 1980, the first batch of the

Praise God for PAT online course "Knowing

Institute of Power Ministry was started. From

Jesus." Pray for us to start the next course

then on numerous servants of God both in India

"Meditation on the Cross", and for more students

and abroad have been trained in 30 batches till

to enroll; and for all the course materials. PAT

2008. Later on, from 2008 when the New Era had - July 2022 JESUS CALLS


begun, it was coined as the Prophetic Conference. Its significance lies in preparing the world to receive Jesus Christ by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon all people (Acts 2:17). Having entered 2022, the Era of Signs, Wonders and Miracles is speedily stepping into action.

Special days/occasions in the month of July * I fondly remember and cherish my father, whose birthday remembrance falls on 1 July. I covet your valuable prayers for our family to carry on his legacy in fulfilling the God-given ministry of Jesus Calls according to God’s will. *My first born Samuel Dhinakaran celebrates his birthday on July 15. I request your prayers for God’s anointing and leading on him as he is the Vice Chairman - Operations, Jesus Calls ministry and also heads the UTurn Ministry to turn the hearts of the youth towards their Creator. Family Channel was started on July 15, 2020.

support for this vision to be completed to the benefit of many broken hearts around the world and not just India. It was on July 21 July 1980, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and personal Savior, who has been with me as my best friend through every good and bad circumstance. Do continue to uphold me in your daily prayers. Young Partners’ Plan is a God-given vision to my father Bro. D. G.S. Dhinakaran on 25th July 1985 to pray for young children to be surrounded by divine protection, wisdom, and prosperity. To know further, and to enroll , follow the link young-partners-plan In conclusion, I pray that God gives you the grace to remain faithful over small things and you become ruler over many things as promised for this month. “I will make you ruler over many things.” (Matthew 25:21)

Please pray for the Family Channel to be

Your brother who prays for you,

launched on the DTH platform. Extend your

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


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henever God blesses you, He arranges a big banquet to let the world see His blessing upon your life. When you go to any of the hotels in Israel, you can see large tables full of food. Firstly, they will serve salads in 10 to 12 bowls. They will fill each table with each kind of food like the main course, starters, desserts etc. Fish is their delicacy. Lots of varieties of food will be arranged in the fish section. When one of our partners in the ministry took us to a particular restaurant in Israel, he ordered lots of food for us. He asked us to eat how much ever we wanted. We couldn't eat even one fourth of the food on the table. Yes, this is how God has prepared a big banquet to bless you this month and all through your life from now on. You may be praying for God to meet your needs in a small way but God has got greater blessings for you. He is going to bless you until you say, "Lord it is enough." 14

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A big banquet of blessings God promises you and your family that He will prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies. David had vast armies of enemies who were against him. That's why he says in Psalm 69:4, “Those who hate me without reason outnumber the hairs of my head; many are my enemies without cause, those who seek to destroy me. I am forced to restore what I did not steal.” He was leaning on the Lord, but he had so many enemies. His own brothers hated him. They were against him without any right reason. Even Saul the king of Israel tried to kill him somehow. Not just that, David's own son chased him and tried to finish his life so that he can become the next king. Yes, David had so many enemies. You too might say that the people in your family hate you for no reason. People at your workplace might try to

bring you down with unjust claims. God knows your situation which is similar to David's. Psalm 66:12 says, "You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance." People might have oppressed you, but God who sees this will not keep silent. He will bring you to a place of abundance. He has already prepared a big banquet for you before your enemies. Today, you might be mourning and be in pain, but remember that God has surprises waiting for you because the Lord is a Good Shepherd. This is why David said in Psalm 23:1 that the Lord is his Shepherd and he shall not want. Do you know how a good shepherd cares for His flock? A lamb cannot climb a steep hill. So he takes the sheep around the hill. The sheep go round and round till they climb the top part where there is a broad place. It will be a place of nourishment. The shepherd makes the sheep happy as he leads them to abundance. In this way you too might have been going round and round going through many paths. You might have gone through such paths because of evil people. Wicked people filled with jealousy might have done many things that bring you heartache. But this month, God is going to bring an end to your suffering. He has prepared a table before you. He will do exceedingly more than you can think or pray. When we are called to be guests at a house, they prepare everything and keep it ready on the table. We don't serve ourselves rather according to Indian culture the hosts serve us food. In this way, God has prepared every blessing in advance for you. No matter how hard the devil tries, he cannot steal your blessings. Every blessing is coming in search for you. The best is yet to come. God will prosper all that you do. This is how Joseph prepared everything for his beloved brother Benjamin (Genesis 43:16 & 24). Here Joseph himself divided portions of food for his brothers but for Benjamin he gave five times more portions than for his other brothers. This is how special you are before God's eyes. If you ask God for one blessing, He will add five more to it. We see in the Bible that God allows portions of blessings for His people. But more than all this, God Himself will be our portion. Jesus Himself blessed the bread and broke it, then filled the cup with vine and served them to His disciples in remembrance of His death

(Matthew 26:26). When we take Jesus as our portion, great blessings await us. He is the bread of life (John 6:35). God gave the manna to His people. That bread was Jesus. They never understood what it was. This was like foreshadow to the bread of life Jesus Christ Himself. Let us cling on to Him tightly. May be you are going through lots of tribulation that are causing darkness in your life but God will strengthen you and light up your life as you start feeding on Jesus Christ through reading God's scripture.

Anointing of joy God will anoint your head with oil. We use oil to look fresh. Jesus says that when we fast, we need to apply oil and wash our face (Matthew 6:17).Yes, God will anoint your head with oil. He will fill you greatly when you start to use God's anointing more and more. Make a vow to the Lord like how David did and the Lord will surely anoint you (Psalm 51:10). He will use you and honor you. God is ready to pour His Spirit upon you so that you will be filled with joy. Are you ready to claim this blessing?

An overflowing vessel God desires to fill your cup with joy. Yes, when God fills you, He fills you so that you will overflow with joy (John 15:11). He wants to use you as an honorable vessel. You will be astounded by God’s anointing on you through which you will become a world-changer. When Jesus was at Cana, He asked the servants to fill the vessels to the brim so that the vine will overflow. Before going to the Cross, at Gethsemane, Jesus pleaded to His Father to take away the bitter cup from Him. Yet, He accepted God’s will to be done. He had to drink the bitter cup (Matthew 26:39). Yes, He went through that bitter experience so that today we can drink sweet vine, who is Jesus Himself and His choicest blessings. When we give ourselves to Him, He fills us with joy and makes our joy overflow. God will fill us with inexpressible joy (1 Peter 1:8). This is the kind of joy God promises to give you. Then your cup will overflow and your joy will flow into the world around you through you. You Scan QR code yourself will become a banquet of to watch this message blessing, an anointing of joy and an honorable vessel for God by being a blessing to millions. I pray this grace to come upon you this month. God bless you. - July 2022 JESUS CALLS


Your faith is what makes God in His majesty perform wonders and glorious deeds in your life. Here are some of the miracles God performed in the life of these dear ones, which will help build your faith and make way for God to perform wonders and miracles in your life. Healed and Promoted

Wonders in Workplace

I am a partner in Jesus Calls Ministry. Few months ago, myself and my husband were infected with Corona virus and were home quarantined. I immediately sent an email to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting his prayers. By God’s grace, my husband and I have recovered completely from Covid. I was also awaiting a promotion in my job, which was long overdue. I again requested prayers for my promotion. God heard the prayers, and granted me the desired promotion in the job. I have sent my thanks offering. I thank God and especially Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his team, who prayed for me and my family. - Julie Anthony, Thane

God has given me favor in my workplace and extended my work contract even though I was relocating to a different state. My employer officially extended my contract for another year along with permission to work from a different location. God’s miracle did not stop there. I was also given a pay raise that was beyond my expectation. God is helping me to relocate to a new state in Australia and leading the way one day at a time. I'm so blessed. I thank God for His blessings. I am grateful to the prayer intercessors who supported me with prayers. I give all the glory to God.


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- Vanessa Amalraj, Sydney, Australia

Trifold Blessings

Marriage Restored

I mailed to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting prayers for my mother, my brother’s family and for myself. God blessed me with a job in a recruitment firm as a recruitment consultant. In addition, God has blessed my brother’s family. My sister-in-law is five months pregnant. My mother, who had balancing issues and memory problems, is much better now. As a token of gratitude, I have sent my thanks offering to the ministry.

Some time ago, due to some difference of opinion in our married life, there was constant strife going on between me and my husband but I continued to call upon the name of Jesus and received prayers for the restoration of our marriage. The situation became so bad that I was forced to leave the house, but I never left my faith in Jesus. I continued to fast and pray and believed that one day the Lord would touch my husband. I sought prayers from Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors stood by me in faith.

- P.R. Sunitha Rohini, Bengaluru

Blessings in double measure I had sent an email to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about the problems and struggles I was facing in my job. Through his prayers, God has graciously granted me a job as lecturer in a college with a good salary package. I praise my heavenly Father and I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. God has blessed me in double measure. I will never ever forget the love and grace of Jesus. - Keerthi, Guntur

Miraculous Conception When I was pregnant with my first son, I had a miscarriage. Now I have three sons. My relatives and the neighbors spoke ill about me for not having a girl child. I used to cry unto the Lord and requested prayers from Jesus Calls ministry. The Lord heard my plea and after ten long years, though medically there were no chances for the next child, God opened up my womb and blessed me with a girl baby. Indeed our Lord is a miracle-working God. I thank and praise God for doing such a wonderful work in my life and I also thank all the prayer intercessors who fervently prayed for me. - Amudha, Uthukkottai

Indeed the Lord opened my husband’s eyes and he understood that his family members tried to turn him against me because they were interested in his property. After the truth was revealed, the Lord reconciled our marriage. Now my husband has sold his property and moved to Australia. The Lord had a job waiting for him and also a place to live. I am in the process of moving to Australia to be with him. I want to thank all the prayer intercessors and above all, our God who never fails. There is nothing impossible for Him and nothing too hard for them that believe. I give all glory and honour to our Lord Jesus Christ. - Reshmi Nand, New Zealand

Power in Prayer From 2017 my husband is pastoring the church, Shalom Sanctuary, Batu Gajah. Until then I was a member in an EPG group for 8 years, but I decided to start a new Esther Prayer Group and so from February 2018 until now I have been the leader of an EPG. Esther Prayer Group is conducted regularly and through this prayer, all the 11 members of our group are truly blessed. Tehinnah Gloryen Thomas our group member, went through several trials in her - July 2022



workspot for 6 years. She gave her resignation, but the manager called her, gave a raise in salary and asked her to write an exam to be promoted as the manager. Truly, God has been guiding us in a very beautiful way. In this present situation, we see God’s protection and strength in our life. Thanks to God. - Ruth Peter, Malaysia

RIDE HIGH In Dynamic Kids Camp – 2022, I liked the theme “RIDE HIGH”. In this DKC, I understood that God’s plan for me is very high and marvelous. Our God, who is pure and holy, wants us to become like Him and live like Him. I learnt this on the 3rd day of DKC. I enjoyed the time in DKC and Jesus has become my Friend forever. - Anshu Mandviya, Ahmedabad

Jesus, the Light of life I work for the government and I am blessed with a daughter who is 12-year-old. Few years ago, I suffered from a strange sickness. Though I consulted several doctors, there was no improvement. The doctor could not diagnose my problem. But all the reports showed normal results. Knowing my helpless state, my family members and relatives were crying. Through a friend of mine, who loves the Lord I came closer to Jesus. After knowing the Lord, I started feeling better. Then I reached Raipur with that same friend to pray at the Raipur Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. From that day, I received healing in my body and I got completely cured. I thank the prayer intercessor of JCPT Raipur with all my heart and now we are growing in the grace of God and our families are also blessed. Today I and


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my entire family have accepted Lord Jesus as our Savior. I give all glory to Jesus. - Shanti Dinkar, Raipur

Prophecy Came True For the past 20 years we are associated with Jesus Calls ministry and whenever we had any problems we used to send email to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and we have been blessed. In 2011, during the Prophetic Conference, Hyderabad, God gave a prophecy to my husband through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. We received that prophecy and within a few months, my husband got a software job, which was ten times better than his previous job. In 2014, in the Partner's Meet, again, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophesied about a new house and we received the new house within a few months. In 2021, we lost 2.5 crores in business and we went into depression. At that moment, we received Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s word saying that before you get into a new stage in life we will lose our old one. That word comforted us and gave us new hope to rebuild ourselves. Now our business has grown and almost all our debts are cleared by God's grace. All glory to Jesus Christ. - Vanaja Timothy, Hyderabad

Blessed by the Lord I am a teacher and my husband was an LIC officer. We are blessed with three children. In 2010, I enrolled all of them in the Young Partners’ Plan. I am a partner in the Family Blessing Plan and Prayer Tower Building Fund. In 2021, my husband passed away but I held on to my Lord Jesus. My elder daughter Monica

did her MBBS and MD and she is working as an Assistant Professor in a Medical College. My 2nd son Rakesh has completed B. Tech and M.Tech and currently he is working as EPF officer in Hyderabad. My last son Rohit has completed his B. Tech and is preparing for Civil services. All three of them, before their exams, would mail to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his prayerful replies encouraged them. Even before their job interview, they did so. Today all of them are blessed. Praise the Lord.- Hemalatha, Kurnool

Trained to submit to God’s will I am the only child in my family born after several years to my parents. Every summer I happily join in DKC at the Ahmedabad Prayer Tower. This year my teacher taught us to always obey the will of God in our life. As a teenager, I desired to go by my thoughts, but now I realise that whether my situation is good or bad, I will pray and accept God's will in my life. I learnt action songs and stories from the Bible. On the whole, I enjoyed DKC. Thank You Jesus. - Oren Denish Solanki, Ahmedabad

July 27, Wednesday, has been set apart by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family, and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls Ministry to fast and pray for God’s answer to your long-awaited requests. Drop all your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or write it to us through letters, email, Facebook or website. After deliverance prayers are offered for your specific prayer request by the Dhinakarans and Prayer Intercessors, God’s reply will be sent to you. * Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. * E-mail: Website: * Facebook: If you want to share your testimony, please send it to: or WhatsApp number: 9791934442 - July 2022




y dear friend, it is a joy to share God’s promise with you for this month. The Lord has led us through half the year. This is a very special month with many occasions, but what is more special is that we are going to receive God’s guidance and receive His promises. He is eager to keep His promise and always gives you much more than you can expect or imagine. The promise for you for this month comes from Micah 2:13, “The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the Lord at their head.” I know you have been fighting and waiting for some breakthrough to happen in your life. Waiting for this long has got you to the edge of your patience saying “Lord, move this mountain. When will I make progress in this path? It is being blocked by some reason or the other- the lack of


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resources, favoritism, jealousy, or because of someone who is always disturbing me.” According to this month’s promise, the Lord has gone ahead of you, just follow His leading. It is all that is required of you. At the moment, things happening in the background look like your progress is halted, and the devil might be fighting real hard to stop this reward from reaching you as in Ephesians 6:12, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in supernatural sphere.”

The evil forces are grinding their teeth and haunting you with problems, but God sees that you have placed your hope upon the Lord, loved the Lord sincerely, and done all that you could do. Now, the Lord says, “Rest my child. Now, it is my time to do justice for you and release these blessings upon you.” When Jesus was on this earth, a man brought his young son who had a mute spirit. Jesus saw him and immediately the spirit convulsed him, and he fell on the ground and wallowed, foaming, at the mouth. So He asked his father, “How long has this been happening to him?” And he said, “From childhood. And often it has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. But if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus heard the father’s plea and healed the young son immediately (Mark 9:14-27). This same Jesus has come to release you from every bondage and evil spirit so that you can live your life to the fullest for the glory of God. Jesus said, “My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (John 10:10). All the blessings God has in store for you will enrich and empower you. This is the time for your breakthrough from all your struggles. Just thank God in faith for He has looked upon you with compassion and favor. Receive God’s deliverance. Your struggle against all the evil forces of darkness has come to an end. You have been very

patient, clinging on to the Lord, and the Lord has waited in this time of testing and trial to see what you do and how you respond to the trials. God has seen you come forth as gold through these struggles, waiting with faith on the Lord. Even in the midst of shame, you have been waiting in all patience for God to act on your behalf. The Lord loves you for your faith in Him and your patience. He is placing His hands upon you, blessing you, and restoring you completely. He loves you for clinging on to Him in the midst of all your trials, struggles, in the midst of seeing no reward or blessing. God has seen all the efforts you put forth sincerely in your studies, work, and family and is waiting to reward you and show a difference between you and those around you. The Lord’s plentiful, bountiful blessings are breaking through the barriers and obstacles the evil forces have kept. God is going to reward you for your patience. The Lord is coming with vengeance to do good for you my friend. He is taking away your shame and honoring you in every place you went through shame. Prayer: My loving Heavenly Father, Scan QR code thank You for talking to me this to watch this month and promising me Your message breakthrough in my life. Lord show me Your way as you go ahead of me. Father, help me to follow Your lead. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. - July 2022 JESUS CALLS


In the world today, each child and young person face great temptations and vicious allurements which destroy their life. In order to protect them from all the evil influences, it is essential to keep them before the Lord in prayer till they enter into adulthood. So for this purpose, the Young Partners’ Plan has been operating in Jesus Calls since 1985 for the protection and blessing of each child who is enrolled in this plan. As a child is enrolled as a Young Partner with the Lord Jesus, prayer is offered once everyday in the Prayer Tower daily till they attain 25 years or until they get married. The prayer is based on the prayer of Jabez found in 1 Chronicles 4:10: Protection, Prophetic wisdom and Prosperity in life.

Divine wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13) Divine prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14) Divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15)

ANYONE AT ANY AGE TILL THE AGE OF 25 CAN BE ENROLLED Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family pray for them personally once in their lifetime. On their birthdays they would receive a prayer from the Prayer Intercessor of Jesus Calls. Each Young Partner receives a Biblical promise bearing certificate. The offerings given by each Young Partner is used to meet the expenses of Jesus Calls to serve the millions of broken hearted people who approach it for prayers, comfort, counselling, direction, training all the 24 hours daily. We pray that whatever donation a Young Partner gives or is given on their behalf, be blessed and multiplied by our Lord to bless millions of people. May He take all those blessings that He gives the people and place it upon each Young Partner to enable him/ her to enjoy a 1000 times increase of blessings in their life. (Deuteronomy 1:11). For more details: * Website: * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area * Email: * Phone: 044- 23456677 (7AM - 9PM, IST ) * Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can send your photo to with your name, date of birth and mobile number. This is required for attesting on the YPP certificate for you. 22

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Here is a testimony of one such partner who is blessed in life through this plan:

Overflowing favor of God and men I am a Young Partner. In 2012, I scored 10/10 in my 10th class and I desired to take up medicine. So, I joined Inter taking BIPC (2012-2014 batch). In my final exams, I scored 958 / 1000 but my EAMCET marks pulled me down. I got 89/160 in it. I thought I will get a medical seat in some private college but that too was doubtful. When I went for counselling, there was just one seat left and I knew it was given by God Himself. It was in my dream college. But God has done this miracle in my life by giving me more than what I had prayed for. I did my MBBS (2014- 2020 batch). I thank Dr. Paul for immediately replying my mails and for all the prayers. All praise be to God. - Mahitha Lampimukhi, Rajahmundry

Dear Young Partner, If who have entered 21 years of age, please send your Email Address to or WhatsApp number: 98409 99923 so as to enable us to pray directly with you as well as send you unique messages and prayers relating to your needs directly. You will have an unique number and record as a partner of Jesus Calls.

Enroll legibly by giving the following details: Mr. /Ms.............................................................................................................................................. Address for Communication: ............................................................................................................ City: ........................... Pin code: ................................ Mobile No: ................................................... E-Mail ID: .................................................................. WhatsApp:..................................................... Date of Birth: ....................................... Name of Father/Mother: ..................................................... Please fill and send to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. Email: WhatsApp Number: 98409 99923 Turn to page 12 to know the mode through which you can send your offerings to Young Partners’ Plan - July 2022 JESUS CALLS



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The above is the plea made by everyone who is united with the Lord through divine love. It is in a state of genuine godliness alone, we can tell this to the Lord. Do we have such close fellowship with the Lord? – Let us first examine ourselves. David, who was living as the Lord’s servant since when he was young, took Him as His refuge and help, in the midst of various situations in his life and declared, “The Lord is my Shepherd” (Psalm 23:1) and “He is my light and my salvation, the strength of my life” (Psalm 27:1) and “O Lord, my strength…” (Psalm 18:1). Hence, the Lord was always with him, did not forsake him and protected him. In several places in the Bible we read that like David, several other men of God had such close fellowship with God. Dear ones! Let us see what kind of paths we should choose in our lives to receive such glorious life of living in unison with the Lord, walk accordingly and receive the Lord’s abundant blessings. 26

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Seeking God in Prayer While living in this world, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the model for us, was diligent in seeking the Lord in reverence. “When He had sent the multitudes away He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came He was alone there.” (Matthew 14:23) “Now in the morning, having risen long while before daylight He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed.” (Mark 1:35) “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God.” (Luke 6:12) Don’t we see that how He subjected Himself to the will of God (Matthew 26:39 - 44) wrestling in prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and

triumphed over the trial even in the most painful and difficult situation of the impending suffering on the cross? (Colossians 2:14,15). Yes, our Lord Jesus Christ prayed to God the Father and triumphed in all matters setting as an example for us. Likewise, because David, His servant was careful in living close with God saying, “I have set the Lord always before me”, he had the assurance that God was at his right hand (Psalm 16:8). As a result, he was led to be ‘blessed by the Lord’ and to be ‘steadfast’ even amidst various trials in his life. Never forget that even today, the Lord immediately answers the prayers of His servants who keep Him before them and plead to Him by granting their desired blessing to prove that He is abiding with Him. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1,2)

why God gave Him a name above all names and a name for which every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth and of those under the earth (Philippians 2:6-11). Yes, since the Lord Jesus Christ humbled Himself before God the Father, He got this name above all names from the God of gods. When we pray to the Father in this mighty name, He answers us that the Father may be glorified through that (John 14:13,14). Also, He makes us give fruit for the glory of His name and through that grants us the life of abiding in Him and exalts our life which is full of lacks (John 15:16). Do we call unto Him, realizing the glory of this divine name? From today, let us call unto Him in reverence, in His name for each and everything. Then He would heed to our prayer, remove all our fears (Psalm 34:4) and would fill our lives with abundant blessings. Read below the testimony of a sister, which would explain this. Ponder over it and glorify the name of the Lord:

The Lord would fill your lives with abundant blessings

Seeking the Lord’s Name “I will set him on high, because he has known My name…” (Psalm 91:14) David has also written “…those who know Your name will put their trust on You” (Psalm 9:10). Yes, dear ones, “our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth” (Psalm 124:8). The Lord’s name shall be great among the gentiles (Malachi 1:11). Yes, what is the reason for the name of the Lord to be exalted thus? He, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the cross. That’s

“My name is Annie Freeda Chandran. I am residing in Chennai. I have two sons. My second daughter-in-law was childless for eight years. In the year 2021, I got the chance to participate in the Television programme titled, ‘Fruit in the Old Age’ with Sister Stella Dhinakaran. At the end of the programme, she asked me if I had any prayer request and I told her about my son and daughter-in-law. She immediately prayed with burden for them to be blessed with a child. Soon the Lord answered the prayer and the Lord helped my daughter-in-law to - July 2022



deliver a boy baby in December 2021. We have named him, ‘Daniel Giftlin.’ All glory and praise to the Lord!” – Thus she glorified the Lord.

Seeking God’s Strength

She, being a widow, did not waste her life by shedding tears always thinking of her dead husband. Instead, what did she do? We read that she did not depart from the temple (presence of God) and sought Him by fasting and praying day and night and by worshipping Him (Luke 2:36-38).

The disciples of Jesus, who were with Jesus for several years, now after His death and “The Lord is near to all who call upon resurrection, gathered in a room, feeling forlorn Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.” and in fear of the Jews. They were filled with (Psalm 145:18) worry and fear. At that time, the resurrected Lord Accordingly, the Lord came seeking her, was Jesus had compassion on them and came with her, made her get strengthened seeking them. Don’t we read in John physically and in her spirit and 20:26, “Jesus came, stood in their soul; He blessed her according midst and said, Peace to to His promise, “My grace is you?” On another occasion, we sufficient for you, for My read that when some The Lord will strength is made perfect in disciples, in despair and comfort you, weakness” (2 Corinthians dejection went to catch fish, 12:9) and made her shine as embrace you, He came there, removed their a prophetess who stood up revive you and ignorance, filled them with with godly zeal, for His glory. His presence and fed them in strengthen Today, never forget that in order to make them realize that you the same way He who wants He was with them (John 21: to stay with you always, would 1-14). comfort you, revive you and would Even today, dear ones, people remove all your despair, fill you with may forsake you on many occasions. But never His Holy Spirit, strengthen you, make you arise forget the truth that the Lord will always be with and shine for the glory of His name. you. The disciples were very much dejected. Particularly, when I meet the sisters, who However, when the Lord made them understand that He was always with them, how greatly were have lost their husbands and invite them to pray they comforted! In your life too, even those who for other women through the Esther Prayer love you may forget you at times. Yet the Lord Group ministry given to me by the Lord, He will comfort and strengthen you and lead you makes all those who obey and take part in this in a blessed path just as how He comforted and ministry to arise and shine. gave strength to His disciples in their soul and Knowing that how our lives would be perfect spirit, without forsaking them. when this Lord is in our midst, let us seek to live The life of Anna is a good example for us. a reverential life. Hence, offer the prayer quoted The Lord was with this young widow Anna, in Jeremiah 14:9 mentioned in the beginning of this message, make it your experience and enjoy carried her, bore her and delivered her and eventually changed her into a vessel of glory. receiving the Lord’s abundant blessing. 28

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Jeremiah 32:41 – God is good Meditation: Exod. 1:20; Psalm 119:68; Matthew 7:11; Acts 10:38 Isaiah 54:8 - Everlasting kindness Meditation: Lamentations 3:22,23,32; Romans 5:21; 6:23; Titus 3:6,7 Psalm 72:7 - The righteous shall prosper Meditation: Psalm 5:12; Proverbs 3:33; 10:6; Isaiah 3:10 Proverbs 28:14 - Fear of the Lord Meditation: Genesis 22:11-18; Psalm 112:1,2; 128:1-4; Isaiah 11:2-4 Psalm 11:7 - The upright Meditation: Job 34:21; Psalm 138:6; Proverbs 15:3; Isaiah 66:2 Genesis 17:2 - You will increase Meditation: Genesis 16:1-10; Deut. 30:5; Ezek. 36:30,37; Hebrews 6:14 Hebrews 6:19 - Hope in God Meditation: 2 Cor. 1:7; Colo. 1:22,23; Hebrews 3:6,14 Isaiah 43:19 - The way in the desert Meditation: Deut. 8:2; Amos 2:10,11; Mark 1:3,4 Psalm 121:7 - Protection from harm Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:10; Jeremiah 17:17; Zephaniah 3:15; Acts 18:10 Leviticus 26:11 - The Lord’s dwelling Meditation: Exod. 25:8; 1 Kings. 8:12-14; Psalm 132:13,14; Revelation 21:3 Psalm 144:12 - Blessing on children Meditation: Genesis 22:17; Psalm 128:6; Proverbs 20:7; Isaiah 54:13 Daniel 2:21 - Lord’s wisdom Meditation: Exod. 35:30-33; Proverbs 2:6; Luke 21:15; James 1:5 Psalm 145:18 - The Lord is near Meditation: Deut. 4:7; Psalm 119:151; Isaiah 50:8 Phil. 4:5 James 4:8 - God will come to you Meditation: Genesis 18:10; Exod. 19:9; John 14:18,28; Hebrews 10:37 John 10:11 - Good Shepherd Meditation: Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 40:10,11; John 10:14,15; Hebrews 13:20 Isaiah 54:17 - Victory is yours Meditation: Joshua 1:5; 1 Sam. 23:14; Luke 21:15,17,18; 2 Tim. 4:17,18 Romans 8:1 - Walk in the Spirit Meditation: Romans 8:5,14; 2 Cor. 12:18; Gala. 5:25; Phil. 1:27

15 Matthew 25:21 - Ruler over many Meditation: Gen. 41: 32-44; 1 Samuel 18:5; Esther 8:2; Daniel 2:48 Jeremiah 31:14 - Satisfied with goodness Meditation: Levi. 25:19; Psalm 91:16; Isaiah 58:11; Matthew 5:6 Jeremiah 33:3 - Great things Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:23,24; Job 9:10; Psalm 126:2,3; Joel 2:21 2 Corinthians 5:17 - The new creation Meditation: Ezek. 36:26; Romans 12:2; 2 Cor. 4:14-16; Colo. 3:10 Psalm 102:17 - The prayer of the afflicted Meditation: Psalm 10:14,18; Jeremiah 49:11; Hosea 14:3; John 14:18 Isaiah 25:4 - God is our Shelter Meditation: Psalm 57:1; Song of Songs 2:3; Isaiah 32:2; 51:16; Matthew 17:5 Hosea 2:19 - Righteousness and justice Meditation: 2 Sam. 8:15; Psalm 97:2; 103:6; Proverbs 8:21; 21:3 Hosea 14:9 - Right ways Meditation: Psalm 18:32; 143:10; Proverbs 3:6; Jeremiah 31:9 Proverbs 10:24 - Desire of the righteous Meditation: Genesis 18:24-32; John 9:31; James 5:16 Psalm 50:15 - Lord the Deliverer Meditation: Exod. 6:6,7; 2 Sam. 22:18-20; Jeremiah 15:20,21; Acts 7:9,10 Job 8:21 - Shouts of Joy Meditation: Psalm 5:11; Isaiah 12:6; Jeremiah 31:7; Zechariah 2:10 Psalm 91:3 - The Lord rescues Meditation: Job 5:19; Psalm 34:4-7; Isaiah 46:4; Daniel 6:16-23 Proverbs 14:26 - The Lord your confidence Meditation: Acts. 27:25; 2 Cor. 7:16; Ephesians 3:12 Psalm 34:19 - Deliverance from trouble Meditation: 1 Sam. 26:24; Psalm 22:24; Mark 1:34; Acts 7:33-35






























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This year 2022, Dynamic Kids Camp was conducted in all the 101 Jesus Calls Prayer Towers across India for 7 days under the theme called “Ride High” (“He made him ride on the heights of the land.” Deut. 32:13) for children of age group 4 to 17 years. It was conducted in 12 different regions in 4 different languages, namely English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu reaching 6240 children. The children were divided into three groups, the Primary, Junior and Intermediate and mentored with the Themes, Songs, Lessons, Stories, Crafts, Activities, Memory Verses, Bible Quiz and Prayers on all the 7 days. They eagerly participated everyday and grew in the deep knowledge of the Word of God & also learnt the importance of Prayer through the various sessions of the program. The Dynamic Kids Camp syllabus and songs were prepared by the KATE (Karunya Academy of Theological Education) Staff and Karunya University students. Each day's program was charted out in a unique way to engage and enlighten the children about the various Biblical Truths.

Here below are few experiences shared by the kids who attended the DKC: I attended DKC 2022. Every day I learnt different truths from the Word of God and action songs that made me understand God’s love. I learnt about Jesus and how to obey parents and God and accepted Jesus as my personal Saviour. I thank God for the DKC. - Shreya Macwan, Ahmedabad Prayer Tower By attending the DKC, I have learnt more of Jesus and now Jesus is my role model. I enjoyed a lot through every activity in DKC. R. Jayanthi, Coimbatore Prayer Tower


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I was so happy that DKC was during my vacation and not during my exams because of which I could attend it. It was a unique experience and I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. My favorite part of DKC was the actions songs. - Aakansha Ashwin Chaudhri, Ahmedabad Prayer Tower

I attended the 7 days programme of DKC 2022 in Alwal Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I have learnt many truths about Jesus and I learnt that I can Ride high and can do all things with Jesus Christ. I got inspired to read Bible & to worship God regularly to connect with Him, and I was anointed with the Holy Spirit in the Anointing Session on Day 3 of DKC. After being anointed, I understood what God has planned for me and God's Power and His Provision in my life to Ride High. After this experience of anointing, with the help of the Holy Spirit and the motivation of Alwal team, I composed two new songs. From the devotion story 'Ride High with Love & Compassion' I got motivated to help & pray for poor people with love and compassion like DGS Dhinakaran Thatha. From the devotion story 'Ride High with Marvellous Miracles', I understood that Jesus did so many marvellous miracles for the world and I got encouraged to pray for the healing of sick and people who are unwell, and to also pray for the needy. I am so happy and enjoyed a lot of the DKC Songs, Activities, Games, Lessons, Crafts and Yummy Food. Finally, I have learnt that for the ‘Secret of Success’ daily a minimum of seven minutes of worship is needed. I am blessed spiritually, mentally and physically through DKC. Thanks to Jesus Calls Ministry and JC ALWAL PRAYER TOWER brothers and sisters for DYNAMIC KIDS CAMP. - Deepthi Grace, Alwal Prayer Tower DKC was very useful and in particular I loved the story time; games was full of fun for us and every interactive session was good. - M. Kevin Mathew, Coimbatore Prayer Tower - July 2022



Today, God is doing miracles, signs and wonders in the lives of many women and their families, through the Esther Prayer Group ministry started by dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran and is glorifying His name. Here are a few testimonies...You too can commit yourself to start an Esther Prayer Group. Reward of Prayer In the prayer points sent for the month of February 2022, the 5th prayer point was meant for the women who are not able to conceive. As a group, we prayed with burden for that prayer point. Hearing the prayer, the Lord did a miracle for my relative’s daughter who could not conceive a child and blessed her with the gift of a child. To God be the glory. - Lily Prema, Tanjore

Complete Healing without Surgery Sister Sundarabai, one of the members of our group, was living alone. She had problem in her eyes. Doctors advised her for an eye surgery. Immediately, we prayed with burden for her in our Esther Prayer Group. She also prayed with a vow and again went for a check-up. What a wonder! The doctor who tested her said that there was no need for surgery. Glory to God! - J. Elizabeth, Tirupur

Divided Family Reunited Parimala, daughter of Sis. Jothy of our group was living separated from her husband. 32

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We had written a letter to Sister Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for her to reunite with her husband. We too prayed earnestly for her in the Esther Prayer Group. Hearing the prayers, the Lord removed all the problems in her life within two weeks, granted them peace and graciously enabled them to get reunited and live happily. Thanks be to God who did this miracle. - Mary Samathanam Samuel, Tiruvallur

Presence of the Holy Spirit Every month, when we pray for the prayer points in our Esther Prayer Group, we taste the presence of the Holy Spirit and we are enjoying divine experiences. By this, we receive immeasurable peace, joy and the Lord’s abundant blessings. Thanks be to God. - S. Boustina Ebenezer, Chennai

The Lord’s Greatest Miracle I had sent prayer request to Sister Stella Dhinakaran, seeking prayers for my elder son Ashwin to get good marks

in his NEET exam and get MBBS admission in a government Medical College. She too had prayed and sent me a reply. We also prayed for him earnestly in the Esther Prayer Group. God heard all our prayers, helped him to score 647/720, and enabled him to get admission in the first round counselling at the Stanley Government Medical College. I thank dear sister for praying for him. I also thank the Lord for doing this miracle. - S. Vennila Velusamy, Chennai

Deliverance from Addiction A 13 year old boy, son of a sister in our group, was addicted to drugs. We prayed for him with tears in our Esther Prayer Group. Now he is completely delivered from his addiction and is of great blessing to the parents. I give all glory to God. - Malathy Gajendran, Chennai

Wondrous Miracle beyond medical science Sister Amseveni, aunt of Sis. Chithra of our group, had high heart rate and all of us prayed for her in our group. The Lord did a miracle and granted her complete healing. Sis. Ponnammal’s mother was admitted in the hospital because of sickness. She suffered, unable to eat anything. The doctors who tested her, gave up hope and asked her family to take her back home. We prayed for her in the Esther Prayer Group. Now she is much better and getting healed. Sister Vimala Chandra Singh was diagnosed with tumour in her uterus and went for a medical test. In the meantime, she attended the Esther Prayer Group conducted in May 2022 and prayed. After that when she got the medical report and approached the doctor, the doctor said that there was nothing to worry and everything was normal. Praise be to the Lord who did this miracle. - Rita Reginald, Salem

Complete Healing from Cancer I am the leader of an Esther Prayer Group in our area. The mother-in-law of Sister Stella of our group suffered from cancer for three months. Also, she was affected by Corona and had to be admitted in the ICU in a critical condition. We continued to pray for her with tears in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayers and granted her complete healing. Today she is doing well. Also, Sister Stella’s younger brother who lives abroad had cancer. We prayed for him with burden. The Lord, in His mercy, has given him complete healing. Sister Kasthuri of our group has a son, who suffered without a job for 2 years. We prayed for him also in our prayer group. The Lord heard all our prayers and has blessed him with a good job. Millions of praises to God for these miracles. - A. Naomi, Chennai

God of Miracles I am the leader of an Esther Prayer Group. The son of Sister Rani Joseph (a member of our group) got married in 2007. The Lord blessed the couple with a girl baby on September 8th, 2008. Now she is studying in 8th standard. After this they had no child for 13 years. We prayed for this in our Esther Prayer Group. In His mercy, God has blessed them with another girl baby without any problem, through normal delivery. Also we prayed for my grandson to get internship in a good factory. The Lord in His mercy enabled him to get a place in Coimbatore. All praise and thanks to Him. - A. Chandra Joseph, Hosur - July 2022



Countless and Glorious Miracles The Lord graciously helped us to start the Esther Prayer Group in July 1998 and has enabled us to conduct it thus far. I am able to see spiritual progress in my life in these 24 years. When we see the prayer points sent by dear mother every month, we understand the various problems faced by women. We also send our personal prayer requests to dear mother. By this, the Lord has given me the desire to pray much for others. I am giving below testimonies of the members of our group. Sis. Christina said, “I see from the Esther Prayer Group prayer points how women are living amidst great problems, and my problems appear to be nothing. Through this, the Lord has given me the burden to pray for others.” Sis. Ruby said, “Some of the prayer points for which we pray could be seen applicable in my own life as well. As a result I have seen the Lord delivering me from my personal problems.” Sis. Susila did not know how to pray. However, she has learnt to pray through the Esther Prayer Group. Sister Susila’s sister’s daughter is now 18 years old. When she was 3 years old, she was put to sleep in the front room of the house from where she was found missing. That day we were conducting the Esther Prayer Group in another place and she did not turn up for the prayer. She contacted us over the phone and shared this for our prayers. We prayed with burden that the missing child should be found before the prayer was over. The Lord did so accordingly. A beggar lady had stolen the child and took her to the bus stand where she was taking alms. A


JESUS CALLS July 2022 -

neighbour saw this and reported it after which they went and got back the child. Thanks be to the Lord for this mighty and glorious miracle. Another sister by name Ruby, by nature was always gripped by fear and was fearful of everything. However, because of dear mother Stella Dhinakaran’s prayers, all her fears left her! The Lord also helped her husband to start a business independently and prosper in that. The Lord has done miracle in the lives of Sister Geetha’s two daughters. God blessed sisters Asha, Punitha and Annie Blessing, who had no child, with the gift of a child. I have twin sons. Both look alike. However, when both reached their 11th standard, the younger one Joshua grew tall physically and the elder one Joseph was short in stature. So he felt bad over this. Every month, I used to write this as a prayer request to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. The Lord heard dear mother’s prayers and made him grow as tall as the younger one after the 12th exam public holidays. My sister-in-law’s daughter’s future was bleak as she was a divorcee but the Lord rebuilt her life by blessing her with a good life partner. Our financial problems were solved. The Lord has blessed our ministry and has done many benefits for us. Conducting the Esther Prayer Group regularly and sending the report immediately without delays has taught me the habit that whatever we do, we should do it in order and with discipline. Numerous are the miracles that God is doing every month through the prayers offered by the Esther Prayer Group members and I thank God for that. - Sylvia Kalaimani, Chennai

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


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