Jesus Calls (English) June 2020

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There are 35 categories of prayer and many more. This Dial-A-Prayer 24 hours prayer line number connects you to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s recorded prayers which have been passionately offered with burden for every need that you face in life. TO CALL THROUGH THE APP - DOWNLOAD OUR JESUS CALLS MOBILE APP THROUGH YOUR ANDROID MOBILE To connect to the prayer line, go to the Jesus Calls app and tap on the Dial-A-Prayer banner which will display the phone number on your mobile screen for you to give a ring and be blessed. GOOGLE PLAY STORE: Type Jesus Calls to download the app in your mobile YOUTUBE: JESUS CALLS WEBSITE : Click on the Dial A Prayer banner in the Jesus Calls website on the top which will display the phone number on your screen for you to call and receive prayers

Prayers are offered at the end of the reading for all the promises to be fulfilled in your life. YOU CAN FIND THESE VIDEOS IN JC WEBSITE - YOUTUBE -


Whom to call when in distress? II Samuel 22 is so appropriate for us as the world is going through COVID-19 crisis. It is going like a wave removing people. No one knows who will be affected, how it will come, and how to run away from it. People are dying. Economy is crumbling. Many people are crying without food. Yes! There is no answer. Nobody in the world can give an answer. Projections after projections are coming that it is not going to end now. No human effort is going to put an end to it because there are no vaccines and medicines. Somehow, miraculously people are recovering. - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


Blessings on those who have regard for the weak We have to thank God for the sacrifices of the medical community; thank God for the compassion of the health workers; thank God for those working in the government; thank God for the police; thank God they are out serving in the streets and not in their homes; thank God for everyone who get food and vegetables for us so that we can have food; thank God for those growing food for us. We have to be grateful to them for sacrificing their life so that we can live. Those who deliver food and those who deliver vegetables, even they are susceptible to the attacks of the virus, but they are doing it out of compassion. We should thank God for them. Surely, those who care for the poor and the broken hearted shall be blessed by God. Psalm 41:13 says “Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the LORD delivers him in times of trouble. The LORD will protect him and preserve his life” Yes! God will keep that person alive. God will preserve such people. Blessed is she/he who considers the poor, considers the broken hearted, and considers the sick. They will be blessed. We pray today that God’s protection will be upon all those who serve other people.

A prayer for those serving others Lord, we pray you will protect everyone who serves other people, who provides food, who provides medical care, who provides protection in the society during this moment of evil. Heal them, preserve them, protect their lives, protect their families and provide for them miraculously; all the workers who have left their homes and have come to serve others. We pray for them who are in the plantations to grow food for others, protect them, give them shelter, protect their families too and provide for them. Bless the efforts 4

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of the government. Let them see God’s hand taking over, prospering their efforts and protecting the people. Father, together we pray that you will have mercy, forgive our sins, help us to turn from our wicked ways. On the earth, there has been wickedness against people, destroying children’s life, stealing from others, making money at the expense of others, and doing sinful things for the sake of money and pleasure. Forgive Lord. Much innocent blood has been shed unjustly and much corruption. Have mercy and save all people of the world and wash them with your blood. Cleanse everyone. Cleanse all the brothers and sisters. Cleanse all the children with your blood, which was shed on the cross for everyone. Lord Jesus, we ask for forgiveness. I or anyone praying with me should not be the reason for this evil to come upon the earth because of sins. Oh! Lord forgive us. Help us to come out of our wicked ways. Lord help us to have love, sacrifice, compassion and become like you in the world. Transform us and because of that heal the world Lord. Heal the land. Heal the families. Now, in the name of Jesus, I command the wicked virus to stop as people are forgiving, and as people ask for forgiveness. We ask of this in the name of Jesus. Thank you Lord. Amen.

We can make COVID-19 stop We have to continue to pray for the Lord to open the heart and minds of people to be transformed from their wicked ways, return to God, and live righteously. Then the evil, which is caused by the sins of the world and not by God, will stop. Today, to get out of this virus is in our hands. Let us ask for forgiveness from sins. Then God will heal by forgiving our sins. As rightly said in The Bible “If my people will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,

then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land (II Chronicles 7:14). I pray that you will tell everyone this message. Call all your contacts and tell them to repent before God for the land to be healed. Tell them to get out of their wicked ways, love God and live a clean and righteous life. If a father drinks, the curse comes upon the child because the child follows the father. If a mother lives a loose life, the curse comes upon the child. If the parents or any elders in the family share wicked things on the internet, the curse comes upon the family. If the parents do not pray or unite in prayer together for any need trusting in God, curse comes upon the children because they will follow the world without knowing God’s word. Let us repent and guide all the people whom we know to repent and turn to God. We need to trust Him with our lives and have His love in our lives and live a clean life. Secondly, love your neighbour as yourself. Pray that God will take care of your neighbour. Give to your neighbour. Do not steal from other people in the world. Don’t live by exploiting others. Live a life of generosity, trusting in God for your reward and dealing with people righteously. Then, God will heal the land and God will heal all our families. The Land will be healed. May God give us this grace.

him and he lives a righteous life. In verse 5, he says he has God as his deliverer, rock, fortress and salvation, and when waves of death surround him, because in the world there is tribulation, and the floods of ungodliness surrounds him, and the sorrows of death or grave surrounds him, and the snares of death confront him, he calls to the Lord, whom he has kept as his rock, fortress, deliverer and salvation. Today, when the fangs of death surround you, cry out to the Lord, who is standing by you as a rock, who is your shield, and your salvation. The Bible says “In my distress I called to the Lord; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears.” (II Samuel 22:7) What is God’s temple? Today, all the worshipping places are closed under lockdown, but Jesus says ‘my child, your heart is My temple.’ I Corinthians 3:16, 6:19, and II Corinthians 6:16, 18 say “You are a temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in you" Yes! You are God’s temple. Jesus is living in your heart. Revelations 3:20 says, “I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” Jesus is knocking at the door of your heart. When you open your heart, he comes and lives in there. It is you and Jesus the hope of glory. Colossians 1: 27 says “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” When you cry out to Him as the fangs of death surround you, God hears from the depth of your heart and your voice reaches him. Then, “the earth trembled and quaked, the foundations of the heavens shook.”(II Samuel 22: 8). If you read Psalm 68:7 & 8, “God went out before His people….., the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain.” That is the sign that God has gone before you. When you cry unto God, God goes before you and the whole earth begins to shake. God goes ahead to protect you, guide you and open a way for you. II Samuel 22:8 says, “He was angry.” Verse 9 says “Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it.” Yes! My friend, you will see fire and earthquakes coming upon the earth. Yes! There is going to be much more. Verse

The Lord is going to deliver you from the hands of this wicked evil and also from the hands of sin. You are going to sing.

You too can sing the song of praise Coming back to II Samuel 22. This is what David spoke to the land through his song, when The Lord delivered him from the hands of his enemies. The Lord is going to deliver you from the hands of this wicked evil and also from the hands of sin. You are going to sing. Here David explains what he went through in life and how God delivered him. Firstly, he praises God as his rock, his fortress, and his deliverer. God is a deliverer, God is a rock who stands by our side, and God is a fortress surrounding and protecting you. David says God is his strength physical strength, spiritual strength, financial strength, and strength that comes through with favour with all people. David says that he trusts in God, who is his salvation. His soul is connected to - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


11 says “He mounted the cherubim and flew;” Cherub is the anointed angel. Verse 14 says, “The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded.” The Most High uttered ‘This is my beloved son, this is my beloved daughter, in whom I am well pleased.’ Amidst all the ungodliness that surrounds you, amidst all the fear of death and fear of hell that surrounds you, God’s word comes to all of you that have received Him as Lord and says ‘You are my beloved son, you are my beloved daughter.’ He thunders from heaven. What a great grace it is to hear from the Almighty God ‘you are mine. You are not forgotten.’ My dear friend, my dear child, you are not forgotten. God loves you. God knows you. Say ‘Lord you know me amidst all the ungodliness and the death that has come because of sins, you still call out my name and say I am your beloved. Thank you Jesus.’ When God’s word comes, what happens? Verse 15 says “God shot his arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning he routed them.” Why should there be lightning? The Bible says in Luke 10:18, when satan falls from the heavens, there is lightning. Satan who has been oppressing you, falls as lightning. Revelation 12:10 also says “For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony” Therefore, don’t sit in your home by yourself. Take your phone and bear your testimony about Jesus to everyone. Then, satan will fall and will not be able to touch you. God will protect your family with the blood of Jesus Christ. II Samuel 22: 16 says, “the foundations of the earth laid bare at the rebuke of the Lord.” My friend, Haggai 2:6-10 says, before Jesus, the desire of the nations, comes, God will shake the nations, will shake the earth, and will shake the heavens, and will shake the dry land. After He shakes everyone and every kingdom, the people will cry out to Jesus and say He is the one who is desired and can bring them out of this trouble; that He has sacrificed himself for their salvation. When the nations cry out to him, then Jesus, the desire of the nations, will come to this earth. Then, peace will come upon the earth. That will be the secret coming of Jesus Christ. II Samuel 22 : 17 says, “He reached down from on


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high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters… He brought me out into a spacious place.” Yes! God will pull you from the flooding waters and put you in the second heaven. This is what will happen during the second coming of Jesus Christ. I believe when He comes back again as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, during His second coming, after the judgment, we will enter into the third heaven to be with Him and be transformed into His image. II Corinthians 3:18 and I John 4 :17 will happen. We will be transformed like Jesus and we will be in Him and He will be in us and we will be in the Father. As per John 14:20, we will merge with Jesus and Jesus will merge with the Father and God will live forever. This is going to be the future. II Samuel 22 : 20 says “He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because He delighted in me.” Verse 34 says, “He causes me to stand on the heights.” I believe that is the secret coming of Jesus Christ. He will pull you out of this troubled world and this world of ungodliness and put you in a broad place, which is the second heaven without satan accusing you. It is a high place. God is going to lift you up. He is going to come back for His children, so let us continue to cling on to Him. Surely, He will shake the world one more time. Earthquakes and people betraying other people, all that will increase. However, you as God’s child should keep reflecting Jesus Christ. At the right time, He will stretch forth His hand and pull you out and put you in the broad place, which is the second heaven. There is hope for us in Jesus. Prayer: Father, we have no other hope other than you. As long as we are in this world, help us to honor the blood of Jesus and be holy. Help us to share about your love to as many people as possible and give them hope. Without fear or favor, let us bring Jesus to others. Give us grace, Lord. Now, I pray for everyone who needs protection. Open a way for them and their families, Lord. Let your angels go with them and do everything for them. Lord provide for them. Let peace prevail in their homes. I declare peace in their hearts, peace in their families, peace in their homes, peace in their finances, peace and protection in their bodies in Jesus name. All things shall work unto good for those who love God. Let everything work unto good for them. Let there be a turnaround in the lives of people who are praying along with me. Thank you for doing it Lord. Let there be a new beginning. We love you Lord. In the name of Jesus, let everything become new in their lives. Thank you for doing it. Amen. GOD BLESS YOU!

In order to make it easy for you to use the Jesus Calls resources, we have launched the Jesus Call Mobile App which will enable you to connect with us from Anywhere, Anytime and Anyplace. The app is accessible in different languages. It contains testimonies, messages, wonderful songs, blessing word for the day, prayers and scripture readings for every need and all the information you need about how you can partner with the Jesus Calls ministry. DOWNLOAD THE APP FROM GOOGLE PLAY RIGHT AWAY!

Special Features include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Promise for the Day Bible reading for the day along with a message Prayers for every need by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Scripture readings by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on Specific topics Prayer request portal to ping your prayer needs Information about upcoming meetings & events Video snippets Live Webcast of special meetings of the Dhinakarans Access and read the E-Magazine Enroll in the desired facet for God's blessing in that area Ways to donate your offerings for God's mission - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


FOR YOUR CHILDREN TO SOAR SKY HIGH SPREADING GOD'S GLORY FAR AND WIDE Covid-19 has affected the way schools function and in order to continue the classes for children without interruption, schools may resort to virtual classsrooms, conference calls, online test and examinations putting stress on children to practice self learning at their own pace. Though there are privileges of getting the help of their parents who can spend more time with them, some of them might find it difficult to adapt to the change and concentrate on studies, they might tend to sleep more and miss meeting their friends in classroom. They also need prayers for their protection. So as your children begin this new Academic year, let them experience the outpouring of God's wisdom and guidance in their studies amidst these challenges. Enroll them in this plan and witness the difference. Have you enrolled your kids in this Covenanted Plan? The Young Partners Plan (YPP) is one of the excellent Godgiven plans of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry with a specific mission in the heart. This plan was instituted on the 25th July 1985 with the sole purpose of reaching out to young people all over the world to cover them with prayers (24 x 7) for Wisdom, Protection & Prosperity. The Lord has promised that the Young Partners in this plan will receive divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15), wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13) and prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14). For the past 33 years, the Dhinakaran family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers pray every day for our precious young partners. Thanks be to God, who hears these prayers and blesses the Young Partners in special ways. We receive countless testimonies on how God has been faithful in the Young Partner’s lives. 8

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TESTIMONY OF A YOUNG PARTNER I was not good in studies. When I was about to write my 10th exams a boil appeared under my tongue. Initially it was small and water used to come out of it but later blood started coming out. Then it grew bigger and I had difficulty in speaking and eating. I thought I will become dumb. I was worried about my exams. Once I had giddiness so my father took me to the hospital. Doctors gave me medicine to apply on the boil but said it needs to be operated and asked me to come back for operation after exams. I was very afraid and started crying that my tongue might be cut off. I am a Young Partner. I sent a mail to Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and got prayed by Prayer Warriors. By God's grace without operation or medicine, I got healed from the boil completely. God also enabled me to write my exams well. I passed with 78% with high score in 4 subjects. As soon as my mother heard this she knelt down in the road and thanked God. God gave me 'Anundoram Borooah' award from the Govt. of Assam for scoring high marks. My desire is to pursue teaching profession. I am a true testimony to the way God is blessing the Young Partners academically, physically and making each one to excel. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and all the prayer warriors who prayed for my healing and for me to be blessed. Glory to God. - Aloka Sona, Assam YOU TOO CAN ALSO BENEFIT LIKE ALOKA SONA BY BECOMING A YOUNG PARTNER. YOU CAN ENROLL CHILDREN FROM AGE GROUPS; 0 TO 21 YEARS. Special features of the plan • The Dhinakarans will personally pray for you every day • Prayer intercessors at the 24 hours Prayer Tower will pray for every Young Partner enrolled by mentioning their names and claiming the promise of the Lord found in I Chronicles 4:10 • A Certificate will be issued on completion upon a minimum donation of Rs.5000/• A special personalized greeting card from the Dhinakarans on your birthday • A prayer intercessor will call you on your birthday over the telephone and pray for you You may contribute regularly as per your convenience say, monthly/ quarterly/half-yearly/annually. DETAILS REQUIRED FOR ENROLLMENT: Mr. /Ms................................................................................................................................................. Date of Birth: ................................. Name of Father/Guardian.............................................................. Address for Communication: .................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ City: ............................................. Pin code: ................................ Mobile No: ..................................... E-Mail ID: ............................................................................ WhatsApp................................................... For more details: * Website: * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area * Email: * Address : Prayer Tower,16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 You can send your photo to with your name, date of birth and mobile number. This is required for attesting on the YPP certificate for you. Send 'your' offerings towards Young Partner Plan, please turn to page 12 - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


Beloved partners, Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord, who protects us from evil, has protected us like the apple of the eye for the past five months and graciously enabled us to see the sixth month. In June, the Lord will make known His blessings to you (Psalm 121:7; 47:4; Zechariah 2:8). According to the promise, “I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture” (John 10:9). God will make you find great pastures in June. He is The God who will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). He is powerful to restore you many times more the financial loss you have suffered due to the Corona epidemic. Therefore, take courage. He is the good shepherd who leads his flock among green pastures (Psalm 23:2). This month, God will make you happy by helping you reap great benefits in your work and business.

Uninterrupted ministry services Over the past two months, due to the spread of the corona epidemic, normal life has been greatly affected and direct prayer services could not be provided through the prayer towers; the regular blessing meetings could not be conducted. However, God graciously enabled us to pray for those who contacted via telephone and also broadcast the television programs without any hindrances. We also prayed and replied to the prayer requests received through emails. We shared God’s word through social media like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram. We also fervently prayed for the prayer requests received through them. I thank God from the bottom of my heart for enabling us to do so. 10

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Though unable to come directly to the prayer towers, many of the beloved partners have sent their offerings through online facilities. I praise God for you all. There are still many partners who are longing to send your offerings but still unable to do so. To send your offerings through UPI, you may use the link jesuscalls@indus and for those who want to send through the website, you may use You may reach us at phone number +91-44-23456677 to know more options of sending your offerings. You may contact this partner service number from morning 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. for any further information. During this time of blocked postal services, we are sending Jesus Calls magazine as an e-magazine. I believe you would have been blessed by reading the magazine on your computer via email or on your smartphone. You can also easily share the magazine with others in the e-magazine format.

Trumpet Prayer Group “Put the trumpet to your lips..”

(Hosea 8:1).

children right even before the child is born till up to 25-year-old youths as Jesus Calls Young Partners. Every day, we offer special prayers for the young partners. Also, the prayer warriors in the prayer towers pray for them. The Lord blesses the young partners with divine wisdom, protection, and bright future and makes them stand as His glorious witnesses. Considering the current situation, we desire to make every young partner who completes age 21 be a part of the next generation’s ministry. We want to give them a new partner code and make them part of Jesus Calls family. Today’s young generation has various needs like higher studies, career, entrepreneurship, and life partner. We believe they can send their prayer requests and also send their offerings to the ministry and be blessed. The Department of partner services will inform you of this. You can continue to enrol your children in the 'Young Partner' program. I would like to inform that all services for the young partner continue as usual.

Blessed family

According to the vision given to my wife, Evangeline, for prayers to be offered relentlessly, we have started the Trumpet Prayer Group. We warmly invite people dedicated for prayer to join this group. For prayers to be offered 24 hours without break, chain prayer timetables have been prepared. You can register your name and choose the time you want to pray. The guidelines and prayer points will be prayerfully prepared and sent to you by my wife. You can join this trumpet prayer group from where you are and pray along with us. For further information regarding joining this group, you may visit our website https:// or Prayer Tower manager or contact us on phone number 97899 77807 or contact us via email Join the trumpet prayer group to raise up zealously for the Lord like Gideon’s army (Judges 7:8).

"Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table." (Psalm 128:3) By the grace of the Lord, in June, Evangeline and I begin a new year of married life. We were united in marriage on June 2, 1989. We were united as husband and wife in the presence of God. The hand of God has been graciously guiding us all these years. God has compassionately enabled us to do the Lord’s ministry together and raise God-fearing children. Along with Samuel, Sharon, and Stella Ramola, God has united Dr Shilpa with them and using them all in the ministry for God’s glory. This month, we are especially praying for all the families who are part of the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. Do continue to pray for our family to be blessed and for a godly generation to be raised for the glory of God.

YPP 21

I have prayed and recorded many prayers for various life situations we meet in our personal and family lives. You will be able to hear my recorded prayers if you contact +91-44 61 999 000. You can listen to the prayer, pray along with me and be blessed. The same is available in the Jesus Calls App and Jesus Calls website too in audio and video format.

"...Then our sons in their youth will be like wellnurtured plants, and our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace.” (Psalm 144:12) With a desire that their children and grandchildren should have a share in the Lord's ministry, parents and grandparents are enrolling

Dial-A-Prayer - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


A rare opportunity to do The Lord’s ministry

to begin this online prayer school. I request you to prayerfully get prepared for the same.

"Who will listen to what you say? The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle. All will share alike.” (1 Samuel 30:24)

Karunya Bible College

Even though you have been supporting the Lord’s ministry through your sacrificial offerings, you may be longing to do the Lord’s ministry. You may be unable to travel to your area’s prayer tower or Jesus Calls office even though you have spare time. There is now an opportunity for Jesus Calls partners to do ministry as volunteers. To meet the needs of partner services, we require volunteers in all departments of the ministry. Not only praying, but you can also use every talent God has given you for God’s glory. Through online, you can be part of the ministry from where you are. You may contact us at https://www.prayertower or contact us through email at or call us at +91-44-23456677 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. and register yourself as a volunteer. The Lord shall specially bless those who volunteer for His ministry just like the full-time ministers of God.

Online Prayer Academy Courses Jesus Calls Prayer Academy has been started with the vision to make every paying partner of Jesus Calls to become a praying partner. With the present situation, I have recorded the lessons myself so that every partner who has this desire should be blessed. Thus, we are taking efforts 12

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We have been praying to start a Bible college in Karunya Campus. We request you all to pray for God to open doors for the same. I am also praying for all the students who are going to write their entrance exams for higher studies in the days to come. May the Lord bless our children in the course of higher studies according to His will. May the Lord bless you all this month according to Malachi 4:2 "...But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.” Your dear brother who is praying for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran






John 10:9 - Salvation by God Meditation: Exod. 15:2; Psalm 25:4,5; 62:2; Dan. 3:28,29; Rom. 10:9,10 Isaiah 35:10 – Everlasting joy Meditation: Luke 7:12-16; John 16:20,22; Acts: 8:8 Psalm 34:7 - Free from trouble Meditation: Deut. 32:10; Psalm 32:7; Zechariah 2:5 Isaiah 55:8 - The Lord's thoughts are high Meditation: Psalm 40:5; 92:5; 139:2; Isaiah 55:9; Jeremiah 29:11 Deuteronomy 8:3 - Life in the Word Meditation: Psalm 1:2,3; Prov. 4:10; Matt. 4:4; 8:8.13; John 5:25; 11:43 Ezekiel 20:41 - Fragrance Meditation: Gen. 8:20,21; Ephesians 5:2; Philippians 4:18 Isaiah 45:3 - Revealer of secrets Meditation: Daniel. 2:22,28,29; Matthew 13:44; Romans 11:33 Proverbs 9:11 –The One who prolongs life Meditation: 2 Kings 20:4-6; Psalm 21:4; Prov. 4:10; 10:27 Ezekiel 37:27 - Lord will dwell in us Meditation: Exod. 29:45.46; 1 Kings 6:13; John 14:17,23; 2 Cor. 6:16 Isaiah 55:5 - The LORD shall exalt thee Meditation: Deut. 28:1; Joshua 3:7; 1 Chronicles 29:12 John 5:24 - Eternal Life Meditation: John 17:3; Romans 6:22,23; 1 John 2:25 Ezekiel 34:22 - I will save my flock Meditation: Isaiah 45:16,17; Matthew 1:21; John 10:27,28 Jeremiah 1:5 - The One who knows us Meditation: Psalm 139:1-4; Nahum 1:5; Acts 1:24 Isaiah 50:7 - You shall not be disgraced Meditation: 2 Chron. 14:9-13; 19:11; Isaiah 41:13,14; 63:5; 2 Tim. 4:14-18; 1 John 2:28 Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the Lord is wisdom Meditation: Judges 2:6; 9:10; 8:13; Isaiah 33:6; Col. 2:3



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Jeremiah 30:11 - The Lord who is with me Meditation: Isaiah 41:10; Jer. 1:19; Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 18:9,10 Isaiah 65:13 - He who loves servants Meditation: Gen. 45:5-7; 1 Kings 17:1-6; Acts 27:33.34 Isaiah 38:5 - He who hears your prayers Meditation: Psalm 34:5,6; Luke 1:13; 1 John 5:14,15 Deuteronomy 28:9 - Holy people Meditation: Levi. 19:2; 20:26; Num. 16:7; Acts 15:9; 1 Peter 1:14-16 Exodus 1:7 - Be fruitful and multiply Meditation: Gen. 46:3; 47:27; Deut. 26:5; Nehemiah 9:23 Isaiah 51:3 - One who comforts Meditation: Psalm 94:19; 119:50; Isaiah 49:13; 52:9 Amos 5:6 - Seek the Lord Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:11; Isaiah 55:6; Amos 5:4,14 Isaiah 60:19 - God will give you glory Meditation: Psalm 62:7; 70:4; Isaiah 35:2; Rev. 21:23 Isaiah 65:21 - They will build houses Meditation: Deut. 8:12; Ezek. 28:26; Amos 9:14 Proverbs 3:26 - He will keep your foot from getting caught Meditation: 1 Samuel 2:9; Psalm 91:3; Romans 16:20 Isaiah 59:1 - The hand of the Lord is not short Meditation: Num. 11:23; 1 Chron. 4:10; Ezra 7:6; Neh. 2:18 1 Corinthians 3:16 - You are the temple of God Meditation: 1 Chron. 22:1; 2 Chron. 2:5; Rev. 11:19; 21:22 Isaiah 52:9 - The Lord is our Redeemer Meditation: Exod. 6:6,7; Psalm 71:23; Isaiah 43:1; 44:22; Titus 2:14 Psalm 34:19 - The Lord will deliver the righteous Meditation: Exod. 3:7-10; Deut. 30:7-10; 2 Sam.22:1 2 Chronicles 29:11 - The Lord has chosen you Meditation: Deut 7:6; 1 Chron. 28:10; Isaiah 45:4 - June 2020 JESUS CALLS 13



Though the lockdown was implemented, nothing could lock down God's miracles from being unleashed on behalf of His children. God uninterruptedly proved His omnipotence through the prayers offered using the social media and met the needs of millions who tuned into the Live programmes aired on Facebook and answered each of the prayer requests that His dear children posted online. Some of the testimonies are listed below to boost your faith to unceasingly knock on Heaven's doors for the miracles you need: Delivered from discouraging thoughts I was very discouraged and was troubled in my mind. My thoughts were all the time discouraging and I was struggling as I was not able to change my thoughts. But by the grace of God, after I sent a prayer request God answered the prayers of the Dhinakarans and relieved me from my disturbing thoughts. The promise verse and message offered each day have renewed my mind and I am blessed 14

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with the peace of God. God's Word shared by the Dhinakaran's family have really worked in my life. I thank God and the Dhinakarans for bringing blessings into the lives of many people like me. - Kritika, Nagpur

Most insignificant prayers answered I wrote to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran regarding my pet who was sick. Soon after I put in my request for prayers at Facebook, God answered those prayers and my pet Tobo has recovered completely. No

prayer is too insignificant for God to leave it unanswered. I thank God, Dr. Paul and the Jesus Calls prayer team for their prayers that have saved my pet's life. Glory to God. - Meme Taniang, Arunachal Pradesh

Healed from Covid-19 I sent a prayer request in Facebook for a family known to me who were affected by Covid-19. I was very much concerned about their recovery. God graciously heard your prayers which were earnestly offered for the recovery of those suffering from Covid-19 and healed their entire family. They are all doing well and by God's mercy they have come home safely. Praise be to God and many thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family for their prayers. - Sunitha Samson, India

Recovered from illness My husband was not well. I was very much worried and decided to send a prayer request to Jesus Calls through Facebook. What a wonder! God healed my husband and he is alright now. Within a week, God had answered the prayers and given him deliverance. I thank God, Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and family and the Jesus Calls prayer team for their earnest prayers. - Sanjay Kiling Timung, Assam

Spiritually blessed I usually begin my day with dawn prayer. I wanted to hear God's Word for the day which was missing during these lockdown days. But I thank God from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to listen to God's Word through your daily devotions that are posted every morning at 7 am. Your short exhortation talk truly fills my day with courage. I thank God for making these messages a blessing to me and my family. - Phatma Khatun, Nagaland

Instantaneous deliverance I was not doing well because of certain health issues. Not knowing what to do I sent a prayer request in Facebook. Thanks be to God. God miraculously healed me from my illness and made we well. I am enjoying good health now. Thank you for your prayers which are really working miracles in our lives. We are blessed with instantaneous deliverance. - Techi Taw, Arunachal Pradesh

Healed from heaviness I was not feeling well. I tuned into to your live program with heaviness in my body. I prayed with you during the prayers to receive God's healing and God heard your prayers and healed me right at the time of prayer. My body felt very light after your prayers and I am free from all the heaviness I had earlier. Glory to God and thanks to brother Paul Dhinakaran for his compassionate prayers that bring healing. - Adi Derrang, Vizag

Pain subsided through prayers I sent a prayer request on behalf of my sister Shalini as she was suffering from abdominal pain. She had fibroids on the inner side of her uterus and she was experiencing a lot of pain because of it. So I wrote a request mentioning her ailment. Very soon after your prayers she felt much better and was relieved from her pain. Praise to the Lord and my sincere thanks to brother Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers that brought a quick healing in my sister's body. - Snigdha RJ Lodrix, Kolkata

Delivered from fear I was feeling very fearful today. Sudden fears engulfed me and I was wondering how to come out of my fears. Fortunately, God enabled me to come across Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's message in Facebook. I watched the program and God spoke to my heart. He delivered me from all my fears and I have truly been blessed by the message of dear brother. I thank God and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for bringing God's Word to minister to me right at the time of my need. - Nirupa Jega, Colombo

Instantly healed I was having pain on my neck (C5 & C6) and was diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis, which was causing excruciating pain since March 2019. This caused me to have very limited ability and I was able to lift my right hand only to 10 degrees. I was scheduled for physiotherapy and the Doctor said if the condition does not improve, I would need to go for surgery. This caused a lot of fear in me. On the 19th December 2019, I called Jesus Calls for prayer while waiting for my physiotherapy session in the Hospital. The intercessor who prayed for me, prayed very earnestly and was really crying out to God for my healing. After the prayer, I could feel the pain had left my neck and my shoulder. Therefore, I attempted to lift my hand and praise - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


God and I was completely healed. I could lift both my hands above my head and even move my head from left to right with no pain at all. I thank my Lord Jesus for healing me. God had been my guide and through the Jesus Calls Ministry, I have received many breakthroughs. May God continue to bless the Prayer Tower and all the intercessors and staff of Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Malaysia. - Regina, Malaysia

Prospering amidst the pandemic I am an ambassador of Jesus Calls for many decades. I have been actively involved in most of the Prayer Festivals and events organized by the Jesus Calls. By the grace of God and through the prayers of the Dhinakarans God has blessed my Son M. Dinakaran with a promotion as a Deputy Director of Sales in Sony Gulf, Dubai. In addition to this my grandson, Mr. Samuel Ravikumar (20 yrs, a Young Partner), passed in ACCA and got a wonderful job in ABB as a Financial Analyst. Amidst economic devastation and the pandemic, the Lord has been gracious to our family and blessed my son and my grandson in their career. I believe that these mighty miracles are entirely due to the grace of God and to the fact that I was fortunate to be an ambassador. -Munaswamy, Arakonam

ministry for always praying for me and guiding me with scriptures from the Bible. -Caroline, Melbourne

Protected and provided by God through the EPG prayers I have three children. All three of them are doctors. I have been greatly blessed by being a part of the Esther Prayer Group. Because of the lockdown, we were not able to conduct the prayers; so we organised prayers online by sending prayer requests online to all the 9 sisters in the group. I thank God for Sister Stella Dhinakaran in my prayers every day. God has been speaking to me through her messages that I watch in Youtube and I have been spiritually blessed through them. God has enabled my son Gerald Raj to complete his work in the ONG department and move on to the Paediatric department for work. I praise God for blessing us for being a partner of the Jesus Calls ministry. Also one of the sisters in the group, Pushpathai, accidently put her hand into boiling water but God graciously saved her from getting boils and protected her hand. I thank God for the opportunity to associate with Jesus Calls ministries and enjoy God's protection and providence through the same. - Anitha Victor, Malaysia

Stress replaced with peace

Relieved from the fear of death

2020 has been a difficult year and I have been praying for God to help me every step of the way. During the global pandemic, I started losing out on my hours and there came a time when I didn't have work at all. Being an international student in Australia, God has always helped me financially and emotionally and I have been persistently praying during this time as it is was highly uncertain when everything would get back to normal. Coming across speculative timeframes such as six months across the media, I would find myself being extremely stressed out. I decided to focus on God and not the prevailing situation. Bible verses from Psalms have helped me increase my faith and decrease my fear and come to a state of tranquillity amidst my anxious thoughts. I have even been sending in my prayer requests and donations to Jesus Calls and called the prayer tower in Sydney and got prayed over. I would like to thank the entire

On Wednesday 11th of March 2020, my doctor after seeing my blood test, gave me a shocking report that there was something serious and made me to understand that it might be cancer and asked me to be prepared to face the reality. She ordered for a confirmatory test. I was shocked to death, mentally, emotionally and physically. I was devastated. The fear of death, the process of dying immediately engulfed me. As it was Covid-19 pandemic time, there won’t be proper medical attention as all were dealing with saving people from dying of Covid-19. I did not share this terrifying news with anyone as I felt like a loser. I thought people will laugh at me saying God punished me and left me alone to struggle. So I thought I should commit suicide if something happens like this.


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On Friday the 14th I got a call from Jesus Calls ministry that there was a healing service going on and I decided to attend. When I was there, I was

welcomed with kindness and I felt a sense of belonging to Jesus Calls ministry, as I used to attend, donate and follow when I was in India. With tears in my eyes, I was listening to the word of God by Pastor Roshan Maheshan, who gave an alter call at the end of the message. As I went over and got prayed, I felt the touch of God and knew I became a new person and got instantly healed by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Fear ran away and great peace came upon me. On Monday the 16th, I went for my confirmatory blood test. On the 26th of March, my doctor was surprised to see my blood test was in the negative. I told her the incident how God healed me instantly during the prayer meeting and praised God for being still around and healing us. The song of Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran... Kaappaar‌.Kaapaar‌ touched my soul as one that reflected my life and how God is merciful to me. All his songs are filled with the Holy Spirit bringing healing and restoration. Thank you Jesus Calls for the miraculous call that came to bring me to your healing service. God is with your ministry and still moving to give miraculous healing. - Sulochana Chrishanthi, Toronto, Canada

Prayers answered Staying at home these days, we were able to pray more and through the Youth Esther Prayer Group's continual prayers, Sis. Bewinda has been able to get closer to God. All of us are thankful to God for protecting us and giving us a safe environment amidst the prevalence of Covid19. God has enabled us to conduct prayers though we could not gather physically. God has answered all our prayers. Caroline has got the group that she

wanted in 11th standard and has been very productive throughout the month. Through the prayers of EPG, two other sisters, Jency and Evangeline have been able to pray more and grow more in their spiritual life. We thank God for giving us this opportunity to come together and pray for each other which is a great blessing in our lives. - Joslin Johnson, Sultanate of Oman

Healed from pain I thank and praise God for making me a testimony here. In the month of April, I have been suffering with a pain on the right side of my head for almost a week. It wasn't a headache. It felt like as if I sprained a muscle or twisted a nerve. It wasn't an unbearable pain by God's grace, but the pain was bothering me. I was wondering what would I be doing in this lock down time if I fall sick. So I started praying to God to heal me. I did not feel any healing in the first few days. I sent a mail to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and also called to JESUS CALLS prayer tower and asked them to pray over telephone. They prayed for me with great burden and I got hope. Slowly I started seeing my pain going and now there is no pain. I don't know when it happened but I do know that the pain has disappeared totally. Praise God for his miracle. -Nancy, Hyderabad

The same God who performed miracles for these beloved partners is alive today and can do a miracle to you too. Feel free to send your prayer requests to by email or by letter to 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also share your testimony of deliverance and blessings to or postal address. - June 2020 JESUS CALLS



t is a blessed privilege to seek God and wait on Him for His blessing. We have a wonderful God and having Him is the greatest blessing we have. He shows himself as a good father to those who put their hope on Him. Psalmist says in Psalm 119:166 "I wait for your salvation, Lord, and I follow your commands". We read how much he longed for the Word of God. He meditated on the Word day and night (Psalm 1:2) and he says that God's words are sweet to taste, much sweeter than honey (Psalm 119:103). This should be our experience too. When we taste His goodness, we will keep going back to God again and again like the psalmist. When we seek God with all our heart, He will honour us as he honoured David. David is still remembered as the man after God's own heart. Because he chose God, God chose him to be one of the ancestors of Jesus. God bestowed His blessings on him without measure. 18

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WHAT ARE THE BLESSINGS GOD BESTOWS WHEN WE SEEK HIM? We will find God himself when we seek Him. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13). Dr.D.G.S Dhinakaran, my father sought the Lord with all his heart and as a result was able to have visitations from Him. He used to say that God is a God who does not show favouritism (Romans 2:11) and that He will reveal himself to those who seek Him earnestly. God has done that for us and He will do that for you too when you seek Him. The Bible says "The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to him," Ezra 8:22. God masters in working out His goodness on behalf of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). He will place His gracious hand on us when we seek Him. His hand indicates His power to do good. When God places His hand on us, we will taste His goodness through what He does for us and through us. His blessing will flow through us to others. Our hands will also become like His hand that brings blessings. That is how God is using our family in the ministry. When we pray for God to make our hands as His, God answers us and touches the people on whom we lay our hands and pray. This too is the grace and goodness of God we experience when we seek Him. God will also be close to us. "The LORD is close to all who call on him, yes, to all who call on him in truth" (Psalm 145:18). We will never be alone in this lonesome world. Even in situations such as the pandemic where we have to be isolated, the Lord will be near us and give us company. His presence will be with us like how it was with Joseph prospering him even in the prison. Another blessed privilege is that, there will never be a He will point where God will place forsake us. "Those who know your name trust in His gracious you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who hand on us seek you" Psalm 9:10. He values our trust. Never in when we history has God forsaken seek Him. anyone who looked to Him. Not only spiritual His hand benefits, but all the indicates blessings we need in this will come searching His power to world for us when we seek God. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus do good. promises "But seek first his

kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." We will see God's hand providing everything we need in our personal life, in our family life and in our profession. The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing (Psalm 34:10). God also promises to bless our nation on behalf of us when we seek Him. He says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14. We are in days where there are pestilences and economic recession. These dangers threaten the entire nation. We need God's gracious hand to come upon our land and stop further destruction. The only way to be set free is by seeking the Lord forsaking our wrong ways. Our sincere seeking will bring blessing in our lives and in the nation at large.

HOW SHOULD WE SEEK GOD? "I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands" says the Psalmist in Psalm 63:4. Yes, King David sought the Lord till the end of His life. He always praised God. The psalms He wrote are prophetic, teaching us about God even today. We should also seek the Lord always as long as we live. I am reminded of Sister Sanyasi Ponnammal whom I got to meet when she was 99 years old. Even in her old age, she did not stop praising God. On the day of her death, in the morning when she got milk from the milkman she had told him about the love of God. Going to bed after that, she had died peacefully in her sleep. What a blessed end that was! She has written beautiful songs praising God and shared the love of God to many. She too like David, served God till her life's end. This is how God expects us to seek Him. God wants His children to seek Him at all times, in our joy as well as in our sorrow. We should seek Him unceasingly (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Even Job sought the Lord without wavering. He sought the Lord in his blessings as well as in his losses. As a result, God testified about Job as a righteous man (Job 1:8). God restored everything back to him twice as much as he had lost. 1 Timothy 6:7 says "For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.". This is true my friends. Our life is a gift to us given to seek God and have fellowship with Him. So let us choose to seek Him personally and also as a family all the days of our life to enjoy His blessings every single day. - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


Through your generous support the Jesus Calls TV programmes have been telecasted in all the channels without breach. We whole heartedly thank you for your benevolent offerings. It is your work of sowing that is taking the seed of God's Word to millions all around the globe to bring about a huge harvest. Though there have been many hinderances due to the lockdown, Jesus Calls has still been able to continue taking the Word of God to over 10 million households in India, through over 190 TV programs that are broadcast every month, across 8 different channels in 5 languages (Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam & Sinhala). God has given you the same opportunity to take the gospel in season and out of season, from your home to theirs, just through your giving. Thousands of faithful Jesus Calls partners who believe in being a channel of blessing to millions, especially to those who are suffering and searching for a solution to their problems have been bearing the cost of production, cost of air time on the channels and expenses of the TV ministry through their generous offerings and sponsorships. A part of the total expenses are met by dear people who sacrificially contribute to the Jesus Calls TV Club every month. Their contributions have helped us to bring Jesus into the very homes of those watching these programs. God has opened an opportunity to telecast TV Programmes in Tamilan TV (Tamil channel), from the month of May . We humbly request you to continue to sow unsparingly for the expansion of God's kingdom which will be your very great reward and you will reap God's blessings in your life. Would you like your birthday to be the day someone received deliverance from their bondage? Would you like your anniversary to be the day someone’s life got transformed? You can make your day special by sponsoring an entire TV programme or by being a Co-Sponsor.



have been blessed by being a partner of the Jesus Calls ministry. God blessed me in my studies and enabled me to get a seat in a medical college by His grace. I was very concerned if I will be able to study well in college as I have heard MBBS would be a challenge. But in the very first year I was one of the University toppers. God also miraculously enabled me to get distinction in each semester. In the final year God enabled me to get University rank in Paediatrics. I give all glory to God. It was purely the earnest prayers for partners like me at the Prayer Tower that has made me prosperous in my academics. God then settled me with a good married life. But I did not have the 20

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gift of child for more than a year. I had PCOD and my conception was getting delayed. It brought a lot of frustration to me. Also I was trying for a MD seat in Paediatrics. I gave many attempts but I was not able to clear the entrance exam. So I visited the Prayer Tower and got prayed for these blessings. God did a miracle. Very soon I conceived and God blessed me with a beautiful and healthy child. I thank God for meeting my needs more than my expectation

and giving me rich blessings. I sponsored a TV programme in gratitude for all that God has done through the prayers of the Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors and requesting prayers for my PG studies. Now God has also enabled me to clear my PG entrance exam which has been a challenge for me and get the desired seat in MD Paediatrics. I cannot thank God enough for all these blessings. Praise be to God. - Dr. Sunitha, Chennai

Aren't you inspired to read about the blessings Dr.Sunitha has received by partnering and sponsoring the TV ministry? Join the TV Club soon! Share Jesus with people by supporting this mission of spreading the good news. By doing this you have ensured that you will abound and overflow according to Ephesians 3:20, and live in divine provision according to Philippians 4:19.

BE THE CAUSE OF SOMEONE’S SALVATION! I am led by the Lord to support the Television Ministry (please tick your choice and mention the details) Sponsor a TV program by donating INR 30,000. (I am enclosing my family photograph) Co-Sponsor a TV program by donating INR 10,000/(The donation can be paid even in installments as the Lord leads you. Channel ………………………….........................………………… (select the TV channel from the schedule provided) Special Occasion Birthday Wedding Day any other: ............................................... Date of telecast ……………………………………….................. Mobile No:……………………………............................. Prayer request ………………………………………...........................………………....………………………........................... FOR MORE DETAILS on TV Club : Email: PARTNER CARE: 044 - 23456677, 7AM TO 9PM ( IST) Partners overseas: To know simple ways to send you offerings towards the TV Club, please turn to page 12

You can also support us by sending us your testomonies which we will telecast in the respective language TV Programmes. Everyone is used to shooting videos in the mobile phone these days, so why don't you use it to bring glory to God by recording your testimony in your mobile phone and sending it to us? Your tesimony can bring faith to many hearts. Record your testimony with your mobile in horizontal view having a silent background. You can share your story with a brief introduction, the situation you went through and the breakthrough God brought in your life through the Jesus Calls ministry.

Send your videos to the Email id or - June 2020 JESUS CALLS



he Bible clearly says that the ‘God is love’ (I John 4:8,16). We also read in the Bible that God is the One who is ‘faithful and who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments’ (Deuteronomy 7:9). Likewise, we clearly read from the Bible about the glory of God’s divine love that was manifested on the cross thus, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) He has plainly revealed the glory of this divine love through the verse, ‘I drew them with gentle cords, With bands of love’ (Hosea 11:4). Out of love for each one of us, the God of gods, sent His Son Jesus Christ into this world as a man in order to give us salvation and forgiveness of sin, even when we were sinners. He has revealed His divine love for us by sacrificing His life on the cross for us, rising up on the third day by the power of God, and thus getting resurrected, overcoming death. It is His will that His divine love should change our life upside down, by making us righteous by the sacred blood which Jesus has shed on the cross and adorning us


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with salvation. About this divine life, we read in the Bible thus, “Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:11) Since we are thus ‘justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Romans 5:1). Not only that, according to Titus 3:6, God has poured out on us the Holy Spirit, abundantly through Jesus Christ our Savior. We read in Romans 5:5, ‘the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.’ This divine love, edifies us (I Corinthians 8:1). Since the love of God is thus great, we are called ‘God’s children’. Out of His great love for us, God has done these rare things in our lives and hence He wants us to love one another (I John 3:11). ‘Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother’ (I John 3:10). Has this ‘divine love’ changed our life? Is this love manifested to others through us? - We need to examine ourselves. Queen Esther of the Bible too was filled with this divine love because of which she committed herself to intercede in the presence of God, for

her Jewish people who were languishing in tears and sorrow. This was a divine act of God that worked through Esther to reveal His will and His love for His people. “for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13) Yes, this is how God fills those whom He has chosen with His divine love and makes them to intercede for others with burden, like Esther did. The Esther Prayer ministry is a glorious and honourable ministry of intercession like Queen Esther, filled with such divine love. As per His divine will and in His grace the Lord called me to offer such intercessory prayers among women and revealed to me the glory of this ministry. Also, like me, several other women too are chosen by His love to fulfil this ministry. This intercessory ministry which was first begun for the women is today being beautifully led by God to increase in the lives of young women, children and couples. Today, just as how the whole Jewish tribe was redeemed by Esther’s ministry of intercession, the lives of scores of people that are heading towards destruction are touched by God’s love through the Esther Prayer Ministry. This is amazing! Several people are touched in their hearts by this intercessory ministry which is filled with divine love and they receive a new life and are shining for the Lord. The painful thing today is that some of the women, children or young women who start the Esther Prayer Group or who take part in it do not think of the glory which they could get by praying.

This world and the flesh pull them to seek after worldly things. The Bible speaks about this thus: ‘He (the devil) has made me dwell in darkness’ (Psalm 143:3). Their lives make them lose Christ’s blessings easily. What a pity! About such people’s lives, the Bible says that they ‘have put their hands to the plow, and are looking back’ (Luke 9:62). Not fulfilling the divine will of the Lord, who had called them, they lose it by enjoying the life of darkness given by the devil and live in tears. Today, My dear sisters, who are disregarding the Esther Prayer Ministry which the Lord has given so lovingly and are ignoring His desire to lead you in a blessed way, the Lord invites every one of you lovingly. He extends His both hands and invites you lovingly saying, “Come daughter, I want to change you into a minister of prayer who would shine for Me in this world.” By Him alone you can receive a blessed life of light from darkness. ‘Prayer’ is talking to God. My dear ones, who do not think about the glory of this divine experience but are leading a life devoid of prayer, look up to the Lord right now and reverentially start a new life of talking to Him. Then the Lord will be pleased with you. Also, seek after the life of prayer which is filled with divine love and which will intercede to the Lord for others’ burdens. Inquire about the Esther Prayer Groups that are conducted near your area and attend the prayer regularly with reverence. Then you would become ‘children of light’ and will surely receive a divine life of arising and shining for the Lord.

Read on the following testimonies of a few sisters who are thus arising and shining for the glory of Christ’s name and have received abundant blessings:

SHINING EVEN AT OLD AGE I am a retired teacher. I was born and brought up in a village called Keezha Surandai, in Tirunelveli district. I knew very well about the Esther Prayer Group which was started in 1988. After I got retired in 1997, I wanted to do something for the Lord. Immediately I started an Esther Prayer Group in Chennai, where I was working. I shared

about the group with the sisters near my area and we gathered as 10 sisters and prayed. We had the prayer every second Saturday from 3.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. The beginning was of great blessing. I started praying with fasting for this prayer, every Tuesday, from 10.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M. Initially I would pray with burden for every sister who came for the prayer. My prayer life changed because of this.

First, the Lord blessed a sister, who had no child even after 15 years of married life, with a child. As we kept praying every month, the characteristics of a sister, who attended the prayer regularly, began to change. Years passed. The Lord helped a separated family to get reunited. He built up the relationship between husband and wife. He changed the sisters, who attended the prayer, as - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


testimonies in their families. The verse in Nehemiah 8:10, ‘the joy of the LORD is your strength’ made every one of us happy. Generally, women are weak vessels. But the Lord changed everyone’s weakness according to the verse, ‘Your strength is made perfect in my weakness.’ He would urge me to pray unceasingly. He would speak to me through Scriptures during fasting prayer. He would encourage me whenever I was dejected, through His word. I would share these words with the sisters and encourage them. I also developed a strong interest for reading the Scriptures. Now I am 79 years old. The Lord who has been giving me strength is encouraging me to conduct the prayer group every month. He spoke to me through Isaiah 12:6 which says, “Cry out and shout, O inhabitant of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst!" and encouraged me in the ministry. Glory to God. - Ranjitham Durairaj, Chennai.

LORD’S POWER THAT LEADS BY HAND It is 17 years since I started the Esther Prayer Group and I have been conducting it regularly. The Lord is doing many miracles through this ministry. There are so many testimonies. Particularly, a dear sister called Naveena’s husband was an alcoholic. She has two little daughters. Every day, she was terrified of going back to her house. She often used to tell me, “Mother, I’m unable to bear my husband’s verbal abuse and beatings. Why should I go back home? I even feel like ending my life.” We used to comfort her and tell her, “Don’t talk like that. We 24

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are praying for you with burden in the Esther Prayer Group.” Accordingly we prayed for her with burden saying, ‘Lord, change her mind; change her husband’s heart; give him a good heart to love his wife and children.’ One day, she decided that she need not live this life anymore and took her two children and headed to the river side, with the idea to drown those children in the river and end her life as well since her life with her husband was bitter. We did not know that. But when she went to the river side, twice she heard a voice telling her, “Go back; go back.” She was scared and returned thinking, “Jesus has asked her to go back. She should not disobey Him and commit this wrong.” The next week when she came for the Esther Prayer Group meeting, she testified saying, “I went to the river with my children to end our lives. But the Lord miraculously saved me from death. Today we are alive only by the grace and mercy of our Lord. He has not forsaken us but has saved us and has made us live.” Esther Prayer ministry is a genuine ministry given by the Lord to dear sister Stella Dhinakaran. This is a prayer ministry of blessed burden for others, given by God, just as Queen Esther prayed for her people for three days and nights without eating or drinking. Every month, dear sister sends us 20 prayer points. Once in a month, we invite many women and after taking turns to pray for those prayer points, we also ask others to share their burdens and problems and pray for that. Hearing all the prayers, the Lord has blessed this Esther Prayer

group abundantly. Yes, it is of great joy to pray in this group. I encourage you to continue doing the Jesus Calls ministry and join the Esther Prayer Group. You will surely receive the Lord’s greatest blessings. All glory to Jesus. - Kumari Jawahar, Erode.

INCREASE IN THE ESTHER PRAYER GROUP AND IN THE FAMILY The Lord granted me the noblest desire to pray for others through this group and hence I started the Esther Prayer Group. Before starting this group, I would be scared if anyone asked me to pray. But it is of much blessing to gather as sisters in the Esther Prayer Group, once a month and pray for other women’s burdens and tears. Since I am at home, I did not know much about the difficulties, sufferings and tears of the women who go for jobs. But through the prayer points I am able to understand their hardships and I pray with burden for them. It gives us great contentment and joy to gather as a group and pray every month. During the prayer time, the Lord comes in our midst as fire. He makes all of us get strengthened in our spiritual life. All the sisters in our group receive many spiritual experiences. The Lord is using us as instruments to wipe away the tears of other women through this Esther Prayer Group. The Esther Prayer Group conference held by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran every year, helps us to walk by her counsels and by the Scriptures given by her and give us the grace to safeguard our holiness and make us pray early in the morning and draw closer to the Lord and thus leads us. Not stopping with my

group, the Lord has also enabled me to start a Couples’ Esther Prayer Group and Junior Esther Prayer Group. He also removed the obstacles in my elder son’s life and settled his marriage and also blessed them both with jobs in Singapore. Hearing the prayers offered in the group, he made my daughter-in-law conceive a child after three years. Though my younger son was weak, through the prayers, the Lord strengthened him and now he is working in a good company. It is purely the grace of God that both my sons are shining brightly as testimonies. Twice I fell down and faced fearful situations but the Lord saved my life. Thus, God has given me both spiritual and worldly blessings abundantly through this Esther Prayer Group. All glory to Him! - Metilda Davaprakash, Chennai.

FRUIT IN THE OLD AGE In 2004, when I was the Professor and Head of the Department of both U.G and P.G

departments, I became an avid reader of the Jesus Calls magazine and developed an interest to start the Esther Prayer Group. God, who saw my desire, brought people in our area who could pray with one accord, along with me. A particular sister, who was living alone, opened her house to conduct the prayer. I have been conducting this prayer regularly since June 2005. By faith many new members joined the group. Today we have more than 20 people in our group. This union with Christ led me wonderfully till I retired in 2005. Even those who have not known Christ enjoy spending time with me and they feel healthy. I believe that I am nothing but the Lord is the reason for this miracle. This Esther Prayer Group takes an important place in my spiritual journey. The Holy Spirit wonderfully guides me as to for whom I should pray and how to bring peace. I am also doing prison ministry. By the guidance of Sister Stella Dhinakaran I am

used by God as a prayer warrior to comfort and console the prisoners. I am involved in the village ministry through a voluntary organization. Through those people’s trust, simplicity and godly worship, I have learnt humility. All these are the works of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to the Lord for choosing me, an ordinary woman, for this Esther Prayer Group. The main reason why I grew by the Holy Spirit is the Esther Prayer Group. Without Him, I am nothing. When I look back at my life, I can feel that He alone has been leading me according to His plan and decision. In the light of the Scriptures, I self examine myself as to, ‘Whether the fruits of the Holy Spirit are seen in me?’ The Lord is helping me to say, “Let Thy will be done” in all situations. I dedicate my testimony for His glory alone. - Agnes Mathuravani Michael, Bengaluru.

Yes, dear ones, this divine love of Christ gloriously mends man’s life which is full of shortcomings and manifests itself through their lives and paves ways for His various miraculous works to be operated. Today, many sisters choose the Esther Prayer Group and do prayer ministry by conducting it or attending it and are arising and shining for the Lord as the above testimonies in different ways, for the Lord. Since they live for the Lord, their knowledge and wisdom increase in them day by day. The honourable women in the Bible like Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Deborah and Mary, the Lord’s mother, accomplished the will of God in their lives in a wonderful manner. Like them, these women too arise and shine in these days. May the Lord enable several such zealous women to rise up every day and churches and families to be built in the Lord and help many more Esther Prayer Warriors and couples to be raised up! May the Esther Prayer ministers increase every day in thousands and glorify the Lord’s name faithfully and sincerely and through that may they get filled with the Lord’s wisdom to turn many to righteousness like the stars Dear Sisters, During this lock down period also, and arise and shine for Him. you can conduct EPG staying at your Home. You can connect EPG sisters of your group through phone call or Conference call, share the prayer points and ask the sisters to pray over the phone itself. After conducting the EPG, you can send the report through whatsapp to this number: 9940340803. Please mention EPG no./ Name of EPG leader/ No. of sisters prayed/ Date of meeting/ Prayer Point Language . If you didn’t receive the prayer points, please contact through same whatsapp number given above. We will immediately send the prayer points. Please ensure that EPG is conducted every month without any break. This is applicable to EPG, YEPG, JEPG and CEPG. Sis.Stella Dhinakaran is praying daily for all the EPG members. - June 2020 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS June 2020 - - June 2020 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS June 2020 - - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


“…everyone who is godly shall pray to You in a time when You may be found; Surely in a flood of great waters they shall not come near him. You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance” (Psalm 32:6,7). This world, where we are living, is full of crises and afflictions. We happen to face lots of difficulties in our personal life. State of no proper job, resulting in poverty! Pitiable state of being rejected by the family! Failure in everything in the young age, because of lack of wisdom, resulting in shame! Bleak future, with no hope! Lonely state, with no one to help! Lot of disappointments in married life! Rejected and neglected in the family life, without husband’s love! Thus the problems faced by people could be listed on. The above promise verse beautifully describes what we ought to do to be delivered from these problems and receive a victorious life. Hence, let us read it diligently, meditate on it and practise it and thus receive the Lord’s abundant blessing. First of all, we should know the truth that ‘we should become godly’, as the Bible says. ‘know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly’ (Psalm 4:3).


JESUS CALLS June 2020 -

Yes, in whomever the Lord sees zealous godliness, He makes them His own at the right time. “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (I Peter 2:9). ‘…who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works’ (Titus 2:14).

HOW GLORIOUS AND NOBLE IS THIS DIVINE LOVE OF GOD! Dearly beloved, has this godly zeal changed our life into the one that belongs to the God of gods? – Let us examine ourselves. In case you are in the pitiable state of what David says as ‘the godly man ceases’ (Psalm 12:1), receive the image of the Lord who created you by ‘singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord’ (Colossians 3:16), and become a new man/ woman in Him (Colossians 3:10). When Saul, the wicked man, changed into Paul, he became Christ’s saying, ‘it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me’. What are the blessings that the Lord will grant you when you become godly?

The Lord will be your hiding place and grant you full reward. About this we read in Psalm 91:1,4, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler” A Moabite woman called Ruth did not know about the God of Israel. Through marriage, she became the wife of Mahlon, the son of the couple Elimelech and Naomi. But she lost him in death and became a widow. In the same way, her mother-in-law Naomi too lost her husband and two children and became a widow. Yet, Ruth saw her ‘divine life’ of holding on to the God of gods and wanted to live such godly life and came under the refuge of His wings saying, ‘Your God is my God’ (Ruth 1:16). What was the result? Her ‘lacks and tears’ were changed. The Lord rebuilt her broken family life. "The LORD repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge." – Thus greeted her husband Boaz whom God had given her. Even today, the Lord will save the life of anyone who holds on to the Lord with godliness, like Ruth did, from all crises and will make songs of salvation surround them. He says, "For I am the LORD, I do not change” (Malachi 3:6) I urge you to hold on to the Lord Jesus every day, saying ‘You alone are my God’ like Ruth did. Then He will hide you under His wings and fill you with His full reward.

(Saturday) Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: Dr.PaulDhinakaran/ - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the LORD delivers them in times of trouble. Psalm 41:1


greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ. No matter what we face we always have hope in Jesus. Even today, I want to share my experience with you. I went to visit children in a slum. The children were bubbling with joy though they had meagre privileges to rejoice about. Some of them could not go to school. Most of them ate two meals or only once a day. Their clothes were dirty. They could not buy a single dress in a whole year. Only if people donated dresses they could have them. They wash their own clothes and wear them. Some of them have lost their siblings to abduction. Some of them have themselves faced abduction but had been saved by the help of nearby elders. This is the state of their survival. When we worry that we are not able to thrive with blessings, those children struggle to survive and still stay cheerful not considering their pitiable state.

Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran


The Bible teaches us that godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Timothy 6:6). We need to be happy with what God has given us. We should not compare ourselves with those who have much and feel envious rather consider those who do not have what we have and be thankful to God. That is contentment. Many times as youngsters we long for the latest gadgets, latest model bikes, cars and trendy dresses. Our happiness lingers on what we can buy new. We spend time shopping for the best thing in the market. Trying to

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be the best is human nature but forgetting the underprivileged is not right. God says "Blessed are those who have regard for the weak; the LORD delivers them in times of trouble" (Psalm 41:1). If we think of what we can do for those who are in need, God promises to think of us when we need Him. We all have read the story of the good samaritan in the Bible. A man who was going from Jerusalem to Jericho was attacked by robbers and brutally wounded. A priest crosses him without catering to his needs. Even so did a levite pass by without lending his hand to help him. But the samaritan who was shunned by the jews, not giving thought to which sect of people the wounded man belonged, lovingly bandaged his wounds and cared for him at the inn at his own expense. The Lord called the samaritan as a good man because his good deeds outweighed the services of the priest or the levite. Yes, my dear friends, we too might be preaching the Word of God and ministering for Him but the worship that pleases God is when we take care of the helpless. Many times we think that worshipping God is fasting, praying and singing but God's will for us is to meet the needs of those who are hungry and deprived. God says in Isaiah 58: 6,7-9, "Isn’t this the fast that I have chosen: Isn’t it to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your home, to clothe the naked when you see him, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will come quickly. Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the LORD will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry out, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’" God assures to heal us when we through our acts of love, bind the people who are broken. You can assist God in His work of caring for people by being His hand that provides them their blessings. When those people receive their blessing they usually bless us in return. They see us as gods who bring them help right on time. Don't you want to be a blessing to such people? Proverbs 19:17 says, "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done." All of us receive from God but God teaches a way He receives service from us and that is when we meet the needs of the destitute. God says we lend to Him when we give to the poor. Imagine how God will repay those who lend to Him. He lovingly receives what we offer to the needy and promises not just to give it back but promises to reward us for what we do. He says in Matthew 25:40 "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." God considers what we do for the least in the society, as charity done toward Him. What a blessing that is! This is God's easiest formula He suggests we follow to receive blessing in our life. "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap " (Luke 6:38). So will you consider helping people suffering the effects of the pandemic? There are so many people who don't have money to feed their family because they are daily wagers. If you cannot go out and help people, think how you can support organisations that offer a helping hand. Next time you buy clothes for yourself keep aside some money to help people who are unclothed and homeless. Next time you feast think of those who need food for survival and help them by providing at least one meal. Let us not become weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9).

If we think of what we can do for those who are in need, God promises to think of us when we need Him. - June 2020 JESUS CALLS


BECOME A PRAYING PARTNER Precious Brother / Sister, Our nation and nations of the world are going through an unprecedented crisis due to the Corona Pandemic which resulted in paralysis of every system. At this juncture, God has put a burden in the heart of our Sis. Evangeline Paul that we need to stand in the gap to pray for the nation’s protection (Ezekiel 22:30) based on the following verse, “Put the trumpet to your lips..” (Hosea 8:1). Earlier this year, God was constantly speaking definitely to her from the verse Isaiah 12: 6 which urges us to shout aloud . You are welcome to register as “Trumpet Prayer Intercessor” joining this “Trumpet Prayer Group(TPG).” Here is a chance for you to pray from home with burden in the time chosen by you .Specific prayer points prepared by Sis. Evangeline Paul will be sent to you. It will be a 24hrs chain prayer.

YOUR PRAYERS ARE GOING TO CHANGE THE WORLD. LET SALVATION MOVE WORLDWIDE. PLEASE FILL UP THE FORM AND SEND IT TO US Full Name:_____________________________________________________________ Gender: ___________ Mobile Number: ________________________________ Whatsapp Number: _________________________ Email ID: Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Part of Jesus Calls:__________________________________________________________________________ Are you a Jesus Calls Partner? Yes No Convenient Day for Prayer: __________________________________________________________________ Convenient Day:___________________________________________________________________________ Convenient Hour and Minutes:_______________________________________________________________ Mode of Communication: Email Phone For more details: Mobile number: 97899 77807 E-mail: Website: 34

JESUS CALLS June 2020 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


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