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On December 17th and 18th, 2023, the city of Bapatla was blessed by God through the prayers of the Dhinakaran family. Bapatla is a beautiful coastal town in Andhra Pradesh, which is a newly established district. Recently, the city was hit by the Michaung Cyclone, which caused huge losses for farmers. But the people were comforted and blessed by God through the ministering of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family on both days. Christmas Meetings at Bapatla On the first day, a Christmas programme was held to celebrate the Lord's birth and to pray for His blessings to come upon the city of Bapatla. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran specifically prayed for young people aged between 13 and 35. He ministered God's word and shared with the people the importance of having the Lord Jesus born in their hearts, which is the true essence of Christmas. Special Blessing Meeting On the second day, Sis. Stella Ramola led praise and worship, which consoled many hearts and encouraged them to put their hope in God. Sis. Evangeline Paul ministered God's word about the significance of the greatest gift of all time our Lord Jesus Christ. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the blessings and healing of all the people of Bapatla. The MLA, Shri Kona Raghupathi, organised the meetings and extended his support. Around 25000 people received God's word and experienced His blessings on both days. PRAISE BE TO THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran met Honourable Chief Minister Sri Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy Gaaru of Andhra Pradesh and his wife Smt. Y. S. Bharathi Reddy Gaaru. It was an honour and privilege to join in prayer for the well-being and prosperity of the wonderful people of Andhra Pradesh. 2

JESUS CALLS February 2024 - - February 2024



My precious friend, I am blessed to share with you God’s promise for this year, found in Isaiah 58:14 and encourage you to hope in the Lord for great things. The verse says,

“Then you will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you to ride in triumph on the heights of the land and to feast on the inheritance of your father Jacob.” The mouth of the LORD has spoken.” Isn't it amazing to know that this year, the Lord will lift you to great heights and help you triumph in all aspects of your life? 2024 is a 'Year of Rising Higher,' and I believe this promise is for you, for me, and for our mission. Let's receive this blessing with open hearts and thankfulness before the Lord.

How do you rise to high places?

1. GOD’S STRENGTH Firstly, the Lord wants you to rise higher through His strength as mentioned in the scripture in Habakkuk 3:19: “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; He makes my feet like the feet of a deer, He enables me to tread on the heights.” You might feel weak and lacking in wisdom or ability, but the Lord promises to be your strength. In your weakness, His strength will be perfected. As He strengthens you, He will make your feet like 4

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those of a deer and enable you to tread on high places. Eric Liddell was a Scottish athlete and devout Christian who gained international fame during the 1924 Paris Olympics. Liddell was a talented sprinter known for his incredible speed. He was favoured to win the 100 meters at the Olympics, but he faced a moral dilemma when he

discovered that the qualifying heats for the 100 meters were scheduled on a Sunday. Due to his religious convictions, Liddell chose not to compete on the Sabbath despite the pressure from various quarters. As a result, he withdrew from the 100 meters, much to the disappointment of many, including his own country. However, Liddell shifted his focus to the 400 meters, an event he had not trained extensively for. Against the odds, he not only competed but went on to win the gold medal, setting a new world record in the process. Eric Liddell's unwavering commitment to his faith and his refusal to compromise his principles made him a symbol of moral courage and integrity. His life was characterised by a deep reliance on God's strength to guide him through challenges and difficult decisions. When you also rely on the Lord completely for strength and success, you will be elevated to great heights by Him. He will give you His strength and help you accomplish what may seem humanly impossible to achieve on your own and perhaps even set world records. Why does the Lord lift you to high places? He does so because the Lord Himself dwells in the high places, as we can see in Micah 1:3, “Look! The Lord is coming from His dwelling place; He comes down and treads on the heights of the earth.” The Lord promises to place those who serve Him in the same place where He is, as stated in John 12:26, “Whoever serves Me must follow Me; and where I am, My servant also will be. My Father will honour the one who serves Me.” Therefore, if you want to experience God's favour and blessings, you must rise up to where He is. By His strength, He will lift you up to the high places where He dwells and honour you.

2. GOD’S PROMISES Secondly, God will elevate you to high places

by fulfilling every promise He has for you. You will enjoy every plan that the Lord Almighty has for you, just like in Joshua 1:3, where God promised Joshua, “I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses.” Just like Joshua, we are also called to lead and serve people. Every time you pray for the people, every letter you write, every message you send, every project you do, every student you teach, every service and care you provide, every feeding that you do to the poor, God promises you that you will have His miracle and blessings in them. Every person you serve will be blessed, and everyone will benefit from your actions. Not a single soul will be lost. This is God’s promise for you. Joseph, the son of Jacob, was favoured by his father, which created jealousy among his brothers. They sold him into slavery, and Joseph found himself in Egypt, far from his family and everything familiar. Despite the hardships, Joseph remained faithful to God. While in Egypt, Joseph faced numerous trials, including being falsely accused and imprisoned. However, his ability to interpret dreams caught the attention of Pharaoh. Joseph predicted a severe famine through Pharaoh's dreams, and his insights led to his appointment as a high-ranking official in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh. During the years of plenty, Joseph stored grain to prepare for the predicted famine. When the famine struck, people from surrounding regions, including Joseph's brothers, came to Egypt seeking food. Unaware of Joseph's identity, they bowed before him, fulfilling the dreams Joseph had shared with them in his youth. Joseph eventually revealed himself to his astonished brothers, and in a moment of reconciliation, he said, "Do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me - February 2024



here because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you" (Genesis 45:5). Joseph recognised God's sovereign plan in his life, orchestrating events for a greater purpose. The story of Joseph is a powerful testament to the faithfulness of God's promises. Despite the betrayal, hardships, and seemingly insurmountable obstacles, God's plan prevailed, leading to Joseph's rise to power, the preservation of his family during the famine, and ultimately the fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham regarding the prosperity of his descendants. Deuteronomy 11:24 also reiterates the same, “Every place where you set your foot will be yours: Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea.” So, with every project you undertake and every place you go, you will have success, just as Joshua and Joseph did. You will experience high stature, and your performance will be so great that people will bless you.

3. GOD’S PROTECTION Thirdly, God promises to raise you to high places, where no evil power can stop you. No wicked person or jealous eye can touch you. In Malachi 4:2,3, God says, “But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord 6

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Almighty. God will rise upon you with healing, giving you new strength and protection. As mentioned in verse 3, the wicked will become ashes under your feet when God lifts you up to high places. Your enemies and jealous people will be crushed under your feet. Revelation 3:9 says, “I will make those who are of the synagogue of satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you.” Accordingly, all the liars and the servants of satan will come and fall at your feet, acknowledging that God loves you. They will admit that they were unable to destroy you. In Luke 10:19, Jesus says that He has given you the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. Even though people may come as snakes and scorpions, and difficult situations may arise, God will make you overcome and trample them. Psalm 108:13 says, “With God, we will gain the victory, and He will trample down our enemies.” The Lord who lifts you up to high places and fulfills His promises to you will also trample the evil attacks of wicked people under your feet. Psalm 44:5 says, “Through You, we push back our enemies; through Your name, we trample our foes.” Mr. Santosh Kumar, who lives in Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, wrote a letter to me expressing his immense joy as he recounted a transformative chapter in his life. He was facing unjust termination

from his job due to office politics on February 15, 2021. Santosh sought solace at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Chennai, where he requested prayers from dedicated intercessors. He found hope as the prayer intercessor interceded on his behalf. Soon, Santosh joyfully revealed that he not only regained his position but was also transferred to a more favourable location. He experienced abundant blessings and daily miracles that reaffirmed his faith. Now, Santosh Kumar has tasted the saving power of the Lord’s arm and is living as a testimony to it. You, too, will see every unjust and false accusation against you be crushed under your feet. You will have the same people honour you in the same place. No one can rise up against you anymore, as you will be lifted to high places where there is safety and honour.

4. OPEN DOORS Fourthly, God promises to lift us up to high places so that we can have open doors for our mission to be fulfilled. Deuteronomy 11:25 assures us that no one can stand against us, for the Lord our God has promised to put the fear of us on the whole land wherever we go. In Revelation 3:8, the Lord acknowledges our efforts and assures us that He has placed an open door before us that no one can shut, despite our limitations. Arvind is a student who lives in Ooty and is studying for his MBA at Karunya University. Although he was born into a Christian family, he sometimes found it hard to stay close to God, would often indulge in worldly activities, and strayed away from going to church regularly. This led him further away from his faith. He often got sick with frequent sinus problems, cold and flu. Arvind sought medical help, but the doctors could not find a lasting solution. However, one day, he attended the Prophetic Conference held at Karunya. He felt the Lord's presence strongly on the first day of the

event. On the second day, something amazing happened to him as the Lord made me call out his name and prophecy that the Lord would alleviate the pain in his head and provide him with new lungs. Although hesitant to believe at first, Arvind continued to pray and attended a Special Blessing Meeting at Karunya the following day. During a private prayer session with me, Arvind shared the prophetic message he had received. In response, when I placed my hand on Arvind's head, the Lord told me that He would make him a prophet to many nations. This revelation brought immense joy to Arvind, and a noticeable change occurred within him. Filled with God's love and compassion, he strongly desires to pray for others, extend help, and express his gratitude to God. Today, Arvind has open doors to serve the Lord and is blessed in all his endeavours. Like Arvind, God is granting you, too, an open door that no authority can shut. The Lord also revealed to me that He will raise you higher and enlarge your territory in every aspect of your life. This is God’s promise for you, my precious co-servant of God. You will see God’s promise for this year coming to fruition in your life. Receive this grace with all humility before God. You will undoubtedly rise higher and have your territories enlarged.

PRAYER Father, I am grateful for Your grace and for Your word of promise. You are my strength, and I ask that You make me holy before You. I humbly surrender myself to fulfill Your purpose, and I ask that You transform me. Change my heart and give me the grace to walk in love and to walk with You. Please help me to reverently fulfill Your will, and to finish this year having risen high. Let my territory be enlarged. I pray with thanksgiving in Jesus’ name. Amen. - February 2024




JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

UNFAILING HOPE I was first introduced to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ministry by my stepfather, who encouraged me to visit and pray there. For the past seven years, I have been a regular visitor to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, and have actively participated in the fasting meetings held every Tuesday and Friday. In 2020, during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I received the coronavirus vaccine. Unfortunately, the vaccine had adverse effects on my body, leaving me bedridden with both my arms and legs incapacitated. Enduring this challenging period, I consistently reached out to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower via phone, seeking their daily prayers. Through the grace of God, I experienced a miraculous recovery, regaining my health and the ability to walk. In 2021, I went to the Prayer Tower to share my testimony. However, later that year, I experienced another setback when I was involved in an accident that damaged my left eye nerve. The doctor treating me gave me devastating news - the affected nerve was connected to my brain, rendering my eye completely lifeless. As a result, I was advised to manage with only one eye, which left me feeling utterly heartbroken. During a Tuesday fasting meeting at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Pondicherry, a miraculous turning point occurred. A special speaker was sharing God’s word and was offering prayers. Prompted by the Lord, the minister called me to the platform and prayed for me. Surprisingly, within half an hour of the prayer, my eyesight was restored. Praise be to God! I am now able to see well. I express my heartfelt gratitude to the Lord for this marvellous miracle and extend my sincere thanks to the Jesus Calls staff for their fervent prayers on my behalf. All glory to God's holy name! - Dhanalakshmi, Puducherry The salvation of a soul brings immeasurable joy in heaven. By being the reason for someone's salvation, God will bestow immeasurable joy in your life, too. So why wait? Start sowing in faith today and reaping the rewards of God's blessings. If you would like to make a donation to the Prayer Tower Ministry, there are a few options available to you. You can visit a nearby Prayer Tower and donate in person, or you can use our secure website at to make your donation. If you need assistance or have any questions about donating, please get in touch with our Partner Care Service at 044-23456677 between 7 am and 9 pm IST. My share in the construction of the above-mentioned Prayer Towers (kindly tick your choice) I am donating Rs.4,000/- ($ 50) for 1 sq. ft I am donating Rs.20,000/- ($ 250) for 5 sq. ft I am donating Rs.40,000/- ($ 500) for 10 sq. ft I am donating Rs........../- ($......) for ........sq. ft. To sponsor a particular facility: I am donating Rs.3 lakhs ($ 3750) I am donating Rs.1 lakh ($ 1250) I am donating Rs................. ($.................) I am donating Rs.800 for 10 bricks ($ 10) I am donating Rs.4000 for 50 bricks ($ 50) I am donating Rs.8000 for 100 bricks ($ 100) I am donating Rs.....................for ...........bricks ($..................for …..…..... Bricks) (A beautifully designed Prayer Tower Building Fund Partner certificate will be given) Name: …....................…………………….......................................………….. Partner Code (if any):………………….. Address:…………………………................................................................................... PIN code:……….................. Mobile 1:………….................…….. Mobile 2:………….................……….Email:…………….……………........................... The method of sending your donations to the PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY can be found on page 16 of this issue.





understand that you may have faced many challenges and difficulties while doing the Lord's will, but please know that He promises to reward you and your family at the right time. The Lord sees your tears and knows about your struggles. Your dedication and hard work towards serving Him and your loved ones will never be in vain. He hears your prayers and promises to bless you and your family for your faithful service to Him. So, please do not lose heart, my friend, and continue on your path, knowing that the Lord is with you and your family and will reward your labour of love. The previous verse, Jeremiah 31:15, mentions: “This is what the Lord says, “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.” Here, Rachel, symbolising Israel, is said to be weeping and experiencing deep sorrow for her children. Rachel, in other words, Israel, is personified as a mother who bears and nurtures her children. But why does the Lord reveal there is so much weeping? When we look at the New Testament, in Matthew 2:16-17, the story unfolds as King Herod, outwitted by the wise men, reacts in fury by ordering the massacre of all the two-year-old boy babies and under, in Bethlehem. This historical event took place exactly as prophesied 10 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

in Jeremiah 31:15, and Rachel, symbolising Israel, went through much weeping because of that. Yet, in the very next verse, the Lord makes a promise of restoration: “All your children will return from their enemy's land. I will rebuild you, and you will be restored.” (Jeremiah 31:16,17) The Lord indeed fulfilled His promise by bringing back His scattered people, and He thus rebuilt the city of Jerusalem. Similarly, you, too, might have shed many tears for your children, but remember that God holds an account of them and will reward you by using your children in a powerful way. They will shine for His glory! The Lord promises to rebuild not only your life but also the lives of your children and your family. Your tears and perseverance have not gone unnoticed by God. Maybe you have lost a loved one, but do not be discouraged because God knows how to rebuild your family in ways you can hardly imagine. Your role in nurturing and raising children for God is similar to Rachel's, and the Lord assures you that your efforts will be rewarded. What is the one thing that you need to do to see a hundredfold reward? The only thing to do is to be focused on doing God's will irrespective of your hardships, and you shall certainly be rewarded. You may have heard of Mother Teresa, and in one particular interview, she was asked about the constant smile she wore during her ministry. The interviewer wondered how she managed to maintain such joy amidst the challenges. Mother Teresa responded, acknowledging that discouraging moments were not absent, but her focus remained steadfast – on Jesus and His will. Despite facing obstacles, she chose not to dwell on them but to fix her gaze solely on Jesus. Her commitment to following the will of God became the cornerstone of her success in ministry. Mother Teresa recognised that true success was not in pursuing worldly achievements but in embodying love. "I am not engaged in the Ministry of Success,"

she declared. "I am engaged in the Ministry of Love." Her ministry was defined by love and compassion, driven by a profound commitment to doing the will of God. Her life exemplified a continuous pursuit of God's purpose, resulting in success defined by a higher standard. Similarly, my husband often reiterated a fundamental principle: "This Jesus Calls ministry is not ours." He emphasised that Jesus is the sole proprietor of the Ministry. His message was clear and consistent – to uplift the name of Jesus, acknowledging the divine ownership that guided his path. Just as Mother Teresa succeeded in the Ministry of Love, so does Jesus Calls Ministry find its purpose in lifting the name of Jesus. Maybe you, too, have faced many obstacles and hardships, yet you have kept your focus on doing God’s will as a family. Soon, you will see God’s hand in everything, bringing hundredfold rewards to all your efforts. When my husband and I came to the United States to serve the Lord in the ministry, we faced a lot of challenges. We had to use our personal funds because we couldn't rely on financial support from India. Every task fell on our shoulders, and we trusted that the Lord would provide. After much perseverance and hard work, the funds materialised, and we were able to establish a Prayer Tower in Dallas, Texas. The first thing my husband did was to put up a big billboard with the name 'Jesus Calls' on it. It was so tall and bright that everyone who passed by couldn't help but notice the name of Jesus and feel uplifted. The billboard was right next to a big bridge that people used to enter and exit the city, so it became a beautiful symbol of God's love and grace for everyone who saw it. Some people might have thought it was expensive, but my husband believed it was important to honour Jesus and share His message, no matter the cost. Every day, we aim to fulfill the will of God, just as Jesus declared, "My food is to do the will of God (John 4:34)." In our endeavours, we held firm to Proverbs 3:6, acknowledging Him in all our ways, - February 2024


trusting that He would straighten our path and He did it beautifully for us. The Bible reassures us that if we lift up the name of Jesus in all our ways, the Lord will bring prosperity to our homes and reward our efforts. Like David in the Bible, if we obey His will, we will become people after God’s heart. Obedience is the key to understanding and fulfilling God's will. Our efforts are like a train that travels through mountain passes, possessing formidable strength. The weighty cargo does not hinder progress but propels us forward without disturbance. Our commitment to doing the will of God is our designated track. Like the unstoppable force of a train, our labour will not go in vain. Staying aligned with God's purpose ensures continuous movement, similar to a train on its tracks. Deviating from that path can render even the mightiest force stagnant. Therefore, let the tracks of God's will guide your journey. Your unwavering dedication to His purpose ensures progress and the promise of

rewards for your labour. Remember, you are God's field, and your work is building a family that will withstand the test of time. So, continue to serve your family members in love and in obedience to God’s commands. Be patient with one another and have the mind of Christ in dealing with your relationships. Everything you do for your family according to God’s will shall exalt the name of Jesus and bring you great blessings. My friend, always be determined to lead your family in God’s will, obey God, and trust that your labour will be rewarded. Seek the Lord together as a family, and you will lack no good thing (Psalm 34:10). Believe that the God of miracles can rebuild your family, bring back your loved ones and turn your tears into laughter. The Lord will restore everything you have lost. So, hold on to Him tightly and have faith. May the Lord grant you the grace to believe in this promise and to experience this blessing for His glory.

The daily news coverage shows heart-rending crimes committed against women. February 24, 2024 (Saturday), has been dedicated by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family, and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls Ministry will be fasting and praying for the various challenges women face every day. On this Day of Deliverance, there is also going to be special prayers for your requests. Drop all your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or write them to us through letters, email, facebook or website. After special prayers are offered for your specific prayer requests by the Dhinakarans and the Prayer Intercessors, you will be receiving an encouraging prayerful reply with Bible verses.

SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS EXPECTING A MIRACLE; WE WILL BE PRAYING FOR YOU Prayer Tower Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. E-mail: Website: *Facebook: PaulDhinakaranOfficial You can also share your testimony through email to: or through WhatsApp: 9791934442 12 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

On December 18th, the Parliamentarians National Christmas Celebrations took place. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran was invited to share God’s word among more than 70 Members of Parliament (MPs) from different faiths and Christian leaders of the nation. The event was organised by the Christian MPs Forum and other Christian leaders with the theme of ‘Peace on Earth’. The celebration was hosted at The Park Hotel in Connaught Place, Delhi. It was a wonderful evening to witness the high officials of the land humble themselves in the presence of the Lord to hear His word and pray for the nation and their mission. Christmas carols were sung and many MPs gave their Christmas greetings. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran’s message on what God does through the kings, being the God of the kings, was of great encouragement to the gathering. The audience was immersed in the presence of God as Bro. Samuel expounded on the calling of the kings to the manger and challenged the MPs and Christian leaders to serve the society with all their authority and power. All glory be to God for using Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran among the great people of our nation. Please continue to pray that we will be a blessing to the nation this year too.

On January 4th, 2024, at the Vijayawada Partner's Meet, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran had the privilege of personally connecting with and praying for thousands of partners. The presence of God was undeniable, bringing relief from demonic oppression and showering those gathered with His grace. The brokenhearted received divine strength and comfort. All glory goes to God for the lives touched and transformed. - February 2024


My dear partner in the ministry, I am expressing my heartfelt gratitude for your amazing support and prayers for the Jesus Calls Ministry. It is truly a blessing to have such faithful partners like you by our side. As you start this journey into February, God promises His immeasurable love for you, as it says in Psalm 103:11,

“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him.” I pray that this year, you will see God's promises fulfilled in your life and that you will testify of His great love towards you. May you continue to be blessed by the ministry of Jesus Calls and be a godly influence on millions through your fervent support. I am excited to share with you the ministry highlights from last month and how graciously the Lord has dealt with the ministry.

PRAISE REPORT January was a fantastic month for us! We are so grateful to the Lord for all the opportunities He gave us to serve Him through a variety of meetings for His glory. January 2 - Special Blessing Meeting, Bengaluru January 2 - Prayer Tower Openings, Bengaluru January 4 - Partner’s Meet, Vijayawada January 7 - Special Blessing Meeting, Chennai January 12 - Prayer Tower Opening, Tirupati 14 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

January 13 - Partner’s Meet, Tirupati January 13 - Special Blessing Meet, Chennai January 21 - Special Blessing Meeting, Srivilliputhur January 25 - 26 - Mega Youth Conference at Manna Jubilee Church, Amalapuram, AP January 26 - Youth Conference at Amma Arangam, Anna Nagar, Chennai January 26 - Partners Meet, Nagercoil January 27 - Jesus Redeems, Naalumavadi January 28 - Partners’ Meet, Tirunelveli My children, Samuel, Stella Ramola & Daniel were a part of the Mega Youth Conference in Andhra Pradesh and the Youth Conference in Chennai. It was wonderful to see how the Lord used them mightily to touch the lives of so many young people. And that's not all - we also opened a brandnew Prayer Tower in Bengaluru. Sis. Evangeline and I were able to meet all the partners individually and pray for their needs at Vijayawada. I am incredibly grateful for your sincere prayers, as God is pouring out His anointing upon each of us and touching lives in a million ways daily through our ministry. Through these meetings, thousands of people have experienced the love of Jesus and received healing and deliverance from their sicknesses, bondages, and problems. All glory and honour be to God!

PRAYER REQUESTS Student’s Prayer Meet Are you a student gearing up for final exams and looking for divine intervention to score high and rise higher in life? Well, we have some good news for you! Once again, we are organising the annual Students' Prayer Meet in Chennai on February 4th, where we aim to uplift students by sharing the promises found in scripture and offering individual prayers for their success. Thousands of students will gather to seek blessings, and we request your prayers for the success of these meetings. In addition to this, we understand that exam time can be stressful, and students may need someone to turn to for comfort and support. That's why we have set up a 24/7 Telephone Prayer Tower at 8546 999 000, and students can also visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in their vicinity from 8 AM to 8 PM for individual prayer support. And, if you prefer to share your prayer requests and exam timetables via email or post, please reach out to us at or Prayer Tower, JESUS CALLS, 16 D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. We promise to pray for your success in exams and will respond with prayerful replies. But wait, there's more! We invite young students to join the Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan, where you can become partners in supporting the ministry's needs. By joining this plan, you can receive prayers for divine protection, excellence in education, and a blessed future, just like it says in 1 Chronicles 4:10. For more information about the Young Partners Plan, please contact our partner care number at 044-23456677 (7 AM to 9 PM) or visit a nearby Prayer Tower or our website: So, what are you waiting for? Join us, and let's make your academic journey a blessed one!

PRAYER FESTIVAL MINISTRY “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power…He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) Our Prayer Festival Ministry has been a true

beacon of faith, and we have seen God's mighty works and supernatural miracles in these gatherings. We couldn't have done it without the support of amazing partners like you. That's why we would like to ask you to continue upholding these events in your prayers.

MEETINGS PLANNED 3rd February 2024 – Love Retreat, Chennai 4th February 2024 – Student’s Meet, Chennai 10th February 2024 – Partners’ Meet, Mysore 11th February 2024 - Partners’ Meet, Mangalore We are planning to hold more meetings soon, and we have even published all the details in this issue on the 36 page. If you want to get involved and support the 'Jesus Calls' Prayer Festival Ministry, we would be delighted to have you join us and make a difference in many lives.

PRAYER ACADEMY AND TRAINING On February 9th, the Prayer Academy and Training will mark its 8th anniversary of raising prophets and prayer intercessors for the Lord. Over the past eight years, thousands of individuals have been trained with the vision of raising God’s people who will intercede for others and the nation. If you have some time to spare, I would like to invite you to join the Academy, take the training and become a part of our prayer intercessors team, helping to spread the light of God to millions. We also welcome you to apply as trainers, administrators for this mission as we have many to be trained. Following trainings are offered currently. Prophetic Prayer Training, Prayer Academy course, Partners training program, Training of trainers, Mission Training Program and much more. Please pray along with us that the vision of this ministry will be fulfilled, and that people from every corner of the world will rise up to spread the Gospel.  Stella Ramola’s birthday is on February 5th, and she holds a special place in my heart. She is an enthusiastic worship leader for the Lord, and her ministry has touched the lives of millions of young - February 2024


people. I ask that you pray for her to continue to honoured him and bestowed upon him unique rise to great heights in the coming year and that grace, which is why the same spirit of love and she remains a blessing to all. compassion is flowing through me and everyone  On February 11th, we remember the day in my family today. We all praise God for the great when Late Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran accepted Jesus legacy he has left behind. Christ as his Saviour and devoted his life to serving  By the sheer grace of God, the promise the Lord. His uncle's guidance led him to this path, song for the year 2024, ‘Uyara Parandhiduvaai’, has and he later achieved great things for the Lord, been released in three languages: Tamil, Telugu and touching countless lives across the world. May you Hindi. The song has reached a wide audience, and also open your heart to God's love and dedicate many have testified that its prophetic words have yourself to serving Him in significant ways. been a blessing to them. Please listen to the song Sis. Stella Dhinakaran received the anointing and share it with your loved ones. of the Lord on February 14th. Since then, she has As I conclude this column, I want to leave you been a vessel of special use for Kingdom purposes, with some words of encouragement from Isaiah especially through the Esther Prayer Group 58:14. This powerful promise speaks to your ability ministry. Her fasting prayers are the pillar on which to achieve great things and claim the destiny that my family and I stand. Please pray for her good is rightfully yours. health and strength. May you be filled with the strength and courage February 14th marks Ash Wednesday, which to rise to new he©ights this month, and may God is the start of the Lenten season. May this time bring you closer to God and strengthen your be with you every step of the way as you achieve incredible things and make a difference in the world relationship with Him. for His glory. Bro. DGS Dhinakaran’s Memorial Day is on Your brother, who prays for you, February 20th. It was also the day when Greenways Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Road was renamed as D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road. God Here’s an opportunity for you to meet Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in person for prayer needs: February 24, 2024 – From 10.30 AM to 2 PM Address: 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28 March 16, 2024 – From 10 AM to 3 PM, Trichy March 17, 2024 – From 2 PM to 5 PM, Madurai For more information contact: 9840098333

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WATCH NIGHT SERVICE: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family ministered at the FGAG Church Bangalore at the Watch Night Service organized by Rev. Paul Thangiah on December 31, 2023. Around 43,000 people attended the church service. Stella Ramola, Daniel Davidson, and Samuel Dhinakaran led the congregation in praise and worship. Samuel Dhinakaran conveyed the profound blessing of surrendering our hearts to God. Stella Ramola shared a reassuring message, encouraging hearts not to fear, for God's appointed blessings will manifest in His perfect timing. Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran fervently prayed for the healing of the sick. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God's word, reminding us of God's promise to elevate His people to greater heights, causing adversaries to acknowledge His limitless love. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran fervently prayed for the congregation to be brimming with heavenly joy. SPECIAL BLESSING MEETING: On January 2nd, 2024 Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family ministered in the Special blessing Meeting at Frazer Town Prayer Tower. Around 1500 people participated and were blessed. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God's word about Jacob's name bring changed to Israel and how God's blessings chase those who are transformed by God. Dr. Paul prayed individually for everyone who came forward. The people left the venue being touched by God's presence. JESUS CALLS 104TH PRAYER TOWER AT BENGALURU On January 2nd, 2024 Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran dedicated the 104th Prayer Tower in HRBR layout, Bengaluru. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the people who had gathered and for the Prayer Tower to be a blessing to all its visitors. On the same day, they also dedicated the KR Puram Prayer Tower in its new location. The addresses of the Prayer Towers are listed below. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the KR Puram Prayer Tower to be a beacon of hope to every visitor. Do visit the Prayer Towers and be blessed. Addresses: Jesus Calls HBR Prayer Tower, No.5BC-112/5AC-113, 5th A Cross, 3rd Block, HRBR Layout, Bangalore – 560043, Phone No.: 6380752274 Jesus Calls KR Puram Prayer Tower, Site No.28 , Khata No 831/5, NGS arcade, Old Madras Road, Next to Sitara Restaurant, Krishnarajapuram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560036. Phone No.: 6380752209


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Dear friend, in the grand scheme of things, predestination and free will may seem poles apart, but in God's divine plan, I believe they must coexist harmoniously. God's declaration of predestination is akin to Him saying, "My children, I have crafted plans to give you a future and a hope." On the other hand, free will empowers us to choose our own path, aligning with the fact that we are made in the image of God. When one exercises free will in accordance with the will of God, as exemplified in the life of Jesus, who took on human form, everything becomes harmonious and perfect. Jesus, through the use of His free will, adhered to the will of the Heavenly Father, thereby overcoming the schemes of the devil. In Matthew 4:1-11 we read how Jesus overcame temptations. Satan tempted Jesus by offering Him power and worldly pleasures, urging Him to use His free will for personal gain. However, Jesus, resolute in His commitment to God's plan, responded, "Get thee behind Me, satan. I will not yield to your temptations. I choose to use My free will to obey the predestined plan God has for Me." This highlights how obedience to God can lead to victory over opposing forces. “For I have come down from heaven not to do My will but to do the will of Him who sent Me.” (John 6:38) The above verse refers to Jesus' practice of listening to God daily, following His guidance and 20 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

emulating His actions. By following God's plan, Jesus transforms water into wine, heals the leper, and speaks words of love to thousands of people. These actions are seen as bringing blessings and hope to the world. Obedience to God’s will was the key to Jesus' ability to perform miracles and share words of love and hope. Jesus lived a perfect life because He consistently chose to follow the will of the Heavenly Father. His perfection came from aligning with God's plan. Although Jesus had free will, He used it to fulfill the divine purpose and plan for His life. This emphasizes the importance of making choices in line with God's will. Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” (John 5:19) “So whatever I say is just what the Father has told Me to say.” (John 12:50) As in the above verses, Jesus emphasized His continuous adherence to the will of the Heavenly Father. He listened to God daily, spoke what He heard, and replicated the actions He witnessed. By

following the pre-planned activities designated by God each day, Jesus became more than a conqueror, ultimately fulfilling His purpose on the cross. He faced adversity with grace, speaking immortal words like, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do," bringing salvation to all humankind. Today, we stand at a crossroads, holding the power to choose whether to walk according to our own free will or to align ourselves with the divine, predestined plan of God. Let us choose wisely. Even in my life, when I was a teenager, I had to make a conscious decision to turn towards the ways of God after indulging in the venomous pleasures of the world. When I was eighteen, I gave my life to Christ during a meeting where my father was speaking. From that point on, I chose to obey God’s voice as it came to me through His word and through my parents. This decision helped me to complete my college education with a gold medal. Not just that! When I was deciding on my higher

education, I had several options available to me. But, I sought the will of God, which my father had received directly from the Lord, and opted to pursue an MBA. As a result, I was able to continue on and earn a PhD in the same field with a gold medal. By yielding to God’s will, I was elevated to the position of Chancellor of a University and was able to fulfil His higher plans for me. Dear friend, if you choose to follow God’s word, you will eventually be led into His will and discover His higher ways for your life. This year being the ‘Year of Rising Higher’, I pray that the Lord will grant you the grace to obey His will and enable you to walk into His greater, predestined plans. May God be with you and guide you. - February 2024


Make Prayer your Priority

Healthy Lifestyle:

Begin your study time with prayer. Ask God for wisdom and guidance to study the important topics of the subject.

Prioritise a healthy lifestyle to ensure optimal brain function. Get adequate sleep, maintain a balanced diet, and incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Avoid excessive caffeine intake and stay hydrated. Stay Positive and Manage Stress: Start with easy or interesting topics. Once you complete something easy or get into study mode by starting with interesting topics or subjects, it will give you the confidence and a positive platform to go forward and study well instead of struggling with complex topics and giving up.

Create a Study Schedule: Develop a realistic and balanced study schedule that covers all subjects. Allocate specific time slots for each subject and include breaks to avoid burnout. Stick to your schedule to ensure comprehensive preparation.

Prioritise Weak Areas: Identify your weaker subjects or topics and allocate more time to them. Focus on understanding the concepts, practising problems, and seeking help from teachers or classmates if needed.

Active Revision: Regularly revise what you've studied. Create concise notes and flashcards to review key points. Actively engaging with the material through selfquizzing and summarisation can enhance retention.

Practice with Previous Years' Papers: Familiarise yourself with the exam pattern and question types by practising previous years' papers. This will help you understand the structure of the exam and manage your time effectively during the actual test. 22 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

Utilise Resources: Make the most of available resources, such as textbooks, online study materials, and educational websites. If you're struggling with a particular concept, don't hesitate to ask for help from teachers, classmates, or online forums.

Simulate Exam Conditions: Practice solving sample papers or mock exams under exam-like conditions. This helps you become familiar with the time constraints and builds confidence. Review your performance afterwards to identify areas for improvement. Keep Distractions Away Whether it is your phone, TV or PlayStation,

keep them away and remind yourself that success is for those who have self-control.

HOW TO DEAL WITH EXAMS? Get a Good Night's Sleep: Ensure you get adequate sleep the night before the exam. Sleep is crucial for cognitive function and memory recall. Avoid staying up too late; a wellrested mind performs better.

Eat a Healthy Breakfast: Fuel your body and brain with a nutritious breakfast on the day of the exam. Include complex carbohydrates and protein to sustain energy levels throughout the test.

Arrive Early: Plan to reach the exam venue early to avoid unnecessary stress. This gives you time to settle in, review any last-minute notes, and mentally prepare for the exam.

Stay Calm and Positive: Remind yourself of your preparation and stay positive. A calm mind can think more clearly and perform better.

Read Instructions Carefully: Once the exam paper is in front of you, take a moment to read all instructions carefully. Understand the structure of the paper, marking scheme, and any specific guidelines provided by the examiners.

Manage Your Time Wisely: Allocate time for each section or question based on the total exam duration. Stick to your plan, and don't spend too much time on a single question. If you get stuck, move on and come back later if time allows.

Focus on the Present: Concentrate on the question at hand rather than worrying about the entire exam. Take it one question at a time, and don't let the difficulty of one section affect your performance in the next.

Stay Hydrated: Bring a water bottle with you to stay hydrated during the exam. Dehydration can impact cognitive function, so take small sips if needed.

Review Your Answers: If time permits, review your answers before submitting the paper. Check for any mistakes or areas where you can provide additional information. However, avoid making last-minute changes unless you are sure about them.

After the exam is over, put it out of your mind: Avoid mulling it over too much in your thoughts or comparing your friends' responses. Just concentrate on the upcoming exam. Giving thanks to God for his help after the exam will give you peace, and God will take care of the rest.


My heavenly Father, as I prepare to face my examinations, I humbly ask for Your gracious help to succeed in them. I believe that You are the source of all knowledge and wisdom and that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I ask that You help me to receive this wisdom and to live a life of righteousness. I confess all my wrongdoings and sins that have taken me away from You and ask for Your forgiveness. I pray in the name of Jesus that You cleanse me of my sins and help me to experience You in a personal way. Please give me peace and confidence and help me to overcome any temptations that may come my way. I know that this is a crucial moment in my life and that I need to focus on building my future. I ask that You help me to concentrate, understand and discern, and that You bless me with excellent memory power. Please give me good health, strength, and peace in my family. I pray that You bless my exams and help me to achieve excellent results beyond my understanding. I trust in Your goodness and love, and I know that You will do everything for my good. Thank You for perfecting everything in my life. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. Complied by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran - February 2024



n the town of Roing, surrounded by beautiful landscapes in Arunachal Pradesh, lived a girl named Toktel. When she was a kid, her father passed away, which made her feel hurt and alone while growing up. In the year 1995, Toktel faced a big challenge: her 12th-grade exams. Even though she worked really hard, she didn't do well, and it made her feel really upset. But then, something good happened. Someone from her church told her about the Jesus Calls ministry, which prayed for people with the love and compassion of Christ. Feeling desperate, Toktel wrote a letter to Dr. DGS Dhinakaran, asking for help through prayer. She received a reply letter a few days later, with a Bible verse that strengthened her from within. That's how she started being a Young Partner in the ministry. With her renewed faith, Toktel did much better in her studies. She used the Exam Prayer Card whenever she had exams. In 2004, she proudly finished her Masters, showing that something special was helping her succeed. Getting a job took some time, but she eventually got not one but three government jobs. Choosing to work in the Department of Agriculture, she became a dedicated 24 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

scientist, learning about growing crops. When Toktel got her first pay check, she wanted to honour the Lord, and so, she sent her first donation to the Jesus Calls ministry. The Lord kept lifting her in amazing ways, as she continued to support His work. Her mother was seriously looking for a suitable life partner for her and used to write to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for prayers. The prayerful replies sent to her assuring of Toktel’s marriage that ‘God will settle her beautifully in life’ was of great encouragement. Six years of searching for a life partner for her by her mother finally came to an end in 2011 as Toktel married Dr. James Lego, who is a medical doctor. The blessings didn’t come to an end there! Amazing breakthroughs happened as a result of a sacrificial decision that Toktel took while listening to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on Television in 2010. She decided to send money to help build a special place for the Lord, the National Prayer Tower, which has been interceding for God’s presence, peace and prosperity to prevail in the nation. She then joined her family in the Family Blessing Plan and began reaping tremendous blessings from the Lord. Toktel was blessed with a son named Gamrik Lego in 2012. She also enrolled him as a Young Partner, and he became a star student, ranking third in his class. Her husband, Dr. James

Lego's profession also got better as he moved from a private job to a government medical job in 2012. In 2014, their family got a piece of land miraculously,

and by 2017, they owned a beautiful house. As she took care of building the Lord’s house, God saw her faithfulness and blessed her with a house of her own.

Our Young Partner, Toktel Boko's life, which was once sad and full of problems, has now turned into a life of happiness and overflowing blessings, a life that dedicated itself to the Lord’s work and received supernatural rewards from the Lord. She gives all the credit to the Lord for answering all the prayers that were offered for her in the Jesus Calls Ministry. Toktel Boko's life is a living testimony to the power of prayer exhibited through the Young Partners’ Plan. You, too, can experience mighty miracles by enrolling in this Plan. The Young Partners’ Plan is a remarkable initiative bestowed by God to pray exclusively for young individuals. It draws inspiration from Jabez's prayer to the God of Israel—seeking blessings, expanded horizons, divine guidance, and protection from harm. The Plan echoes his prayer and, just like in Jabez’s case, God responds favourably to the prayers (1 Chronicles 4:10). The central focus of the Plan is to intercede and pray for young people worldwide to be blessed with divine wisdom, protection, and prosperity in their lives. As promised by the Lord, partners who enrol in this Plan can expect to receive the following divine blessings from the hands of the Lord:

Divine protection from the perils of the world (John 17:15) Divine wisdom, illuminating their academic pursuits (Isaiah 54:13) Divine prosperity, facilitating flourishing lives (Psalm 115:14) For 39 years, the Dhinakaran family along with the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers, have been fervently praying for the welfare of the Young Partners. God, in His boundless mercy, has consistently answered these prayers, showering blessings upon His Young Partners in their academic endeavours, careers, vocations, and family life. The numerous personal testimonies shared by Young Partners attest to God's steadfast presence in their lives. As you approach the exam season, know that the Dhinakarans are praying for every Young Partner to excel in their exams. If you want us to pray for your exams, please feel free to send your prayer request through email or post for personal prayers. You can also listen to the recorded prayers offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran exclusively for exam-going students by calling the number 8546 999 000. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has also compiled a special prayer for exam-going students which is found on the 23 page of this issue. You can also get it as a prayer card by visiting your nearest Prayer Tower.

If you are not a Young Partner yet, enrol now to experience the supernatural guidance and blessings of God. BLESSINGS FOR YOUNG PARTNERS • Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once in everyday, specifically mentioning the name of the young partners and praying for them to be blessed with all the divine blessings mentioned in the Plan. • Personal birthday prayers, greetings, certificates and personalised prayers will be offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Partners’ Meetings.

If you are not part of this Plan, you are most welcome to enrol by filling out the form below: Mr./Ms................................................ Date of Birth: ................... Name of Father/Guardian......................... Address for Communication:......................................................................................................................... ............................................................................ City: ...................................... Pin code: ............................ Mobile No: ................................. E-Mail ID: ............................................WhatsApp: .................................. For more details: • Website: • Phone No.: 98409 00477 • • Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area • Call: Partner Care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm, IST) Please send your photo to with your name, date of birth and mobile number. This is required to make your YPP certificate more customised. Turn to page 16 to know the different payment methods through which you can send your offerings easily. - February 2024 JESUS CALLS 25

t is very common that, as Christians, we often neglect to value ourselves as Jesus values us. Sometimes, we get so caught up in helping others that we forget our value and form insecurities that cripple our emotional well-being. Knowing our worth and where it is found is very important in order to stay focused on the things that God assigns us to do on earth. As a follower of Christ, this knowledge helps us to stay confident and clear during our race. As we face problems in our lives, we will be able to remember our worth through the work that Christ did for us. Genesis 1:26-27 says we are made in His image, the very image of God. Psalm 139:13-16 says we are fearfully and wonderfully made, and all the days of our lives were written in God’s book before we were ever born, confirming God’s prior knowledge and plan for our lives. Ephesians 1:4 says, God chose His children before the foundations of the earth were ever formed, and in Ephesians 1:13-14 we’re told we are God’s own possession, chosen for the praise of His glory, and that we have an inheritance in heaven with Him as His children. These verses all have one thing in common: they are things done to us or for us by God. These are not things we have done for ourselves, nor have we earned or deserved them. Our worth is not really of our own, but it is the worth given to us by God. We are of value to Him that we can’t even imagine because of the price He paid to make us worthy, which is the death of Christ on the cross. Acknowledging our worth determines the way we live our lives and interact with God and other people. Respecting who you are is a huge part of valuing yourself. This may mean not


that Jesus gave, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” In order to love others, you have to love and value yourself. For example, you have to realize you are good enough and that you are loved beyond measure to show that same love and value to your friend. Only then can you care for them, love them, and make them feel valued for their friendship with you. Whereas, if you don’t love yourself, you often feel bad about yourself, have low self-esteem, undeserving of good things or are jealous because someone

talking negatively about yourself and looking for every chance to be critical. It may mean not staying in unhealthy relationships because we think we can’t find better ones or we don’t deserve them. It means taking care of ourselves in all aspects of our lives.

has it better than you. There are many examples I’ve seen in my everyday life that reflect these characteristics simply because there is no self-love or worth. When people are bitter about their own shortcomings, they feel the need to be jealous of other people’s success. That’s why it is so important to be content with who you are and what you have and actively try your best to be the best that you can be.

Why Should You Value Yourself? If you don’t realize your worth, you won’t be able to share that same value with others. This goes back to the second commandment 26 JESUS CALLS February 2024 -

In order to feel confident and valued, you have to love all the good and bad parts of yourself. Remember to accept your mistakes and work on your faults to be the best version of yourself. This works better than comparing yourself to someone prettier than you, smarter than you, braver than you or richer than you. Love yourself for who you are, just as Christ does. Jesus knows that you are flawed and have sinned a great ton of times. But He still chose to love you, give His life for you and have a relationship with you. Now tell me, do you still feel like you’re not worth it? I used to be very insecure about my character and my personality. Since I’m an introvert, I used to be very scared to put myself out there. I would always think twice before I would say anything. Before I would contribute to the conversation, the moment would pass, and everyone would have moved on. I would always be scared of being told, “This person is the same age as you, and they’re talking confidently to everyone. Why can’t you be like them?” Because of that, I used to think my thoughts never added value to conversations. I used to think I wasn’t as interesting as others. So, I would stay quiet and feel unworthy amongst other people. But then I found the confidence to speak my mind by reading and learning about many topics. I would watch videos of current events and popular culture. I would read articles about history and science. I would stay on top of current trends and new technology so that I would be able to bring value to conversations and bring credibility to what I would say. That made me feel less insecure and built confidence to face my peers. I trained myself to be my best, which gave me more confidence as I pushed myself to approach more people and carry conversations with them. I try not to let a difficult situation that I face control me, but I use the value I place on myself to determine the mood I have to be in. At times, I would encounter conflicts with someone I love or a family member, which would make me feel unworthy or unloved. During those times, I would remember the sacrifice of God for me because of His love and that He has a purpose for me on this earth. That would rejuvenate me to keep going. As I learn to love myself for everything that I am, I remember that all my flaws make me who I am. I try to be a better version of myself each day so that I can feel confident and inspire those around me.

How To Know If Your Values Are Right Personally, I base my values on the Bible, my family, and my experiences. My parents taught me values based on biblical truths that shape our moral values. From a young age, I’ve spent my life listening to sermons by my dad, mom, grandpa, grandma, and even my siblings. Plus by pastors during Sunday services. That’s a lot of sermons! Even though I’ve heard many people teach from the word of God, I’ve always been intrigued about what the Bible actually says and what the true intention of God is in scripture. If I were ever doubtful about why a law or a rule was commanded, I would go to the scripture for an explanation. When I base my morals and values on the word of God, I believe the Holy Spirit reminds me of what the word of God says and teaches me right from wrong each day as I walk with Him. As Colossians 3:1 says, “Seek the things that are above,” I set my values based on the things of God and strive to do things that are pleasing in His eyes. In time, through my personal experiences, my values were shaped into specific things I believe. For instance, my take on relationships, movies, music, entertainment, sin, faith and more were all shaped by the situations I faced as I grew and through my understanding of the word of God. As I base my values on the Bible, it helps me lead a life pleasing to God and keeps me protected.

Jesus Shows Us Our Worth Through His Love Genuine love comes from Christ. He is the model of love (1 John 4:7-21). When we experience His love, we get to share that same love with others. Without experiencing His love, we will only try to show our human love, which always has strings attached or ends in disaster. To experience His love, you can read about all the goodness of God through the Bible. As you actively spend your life with Christ, He will show His love to you through everyday life situations. He will show His care in the smallest things as you carry out your day. Look for His goodness in all things, and remember that your worth is found in the unconditional love of Christ. Some Advice: Compare yourself to no one. Embrace your mistakes and learn from them. Take opportunities to develop yourself. Share your journey with someone you trust. - February 2024



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Accordingly, the Lord Jesus also states in the New Testament: “So I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” (Luke 11:9,10) Yes, when we seek the things that are pleasing to the Lord, surely we will find Him, as per this promise. In several places in the Bible, we see how the Lord miraculously answers and blesses His children who seek Him with faith for their needs. Hence, let us understand how to seek the Lord with reverence and devotion, walk accordingly and live a blessed life. Seek the Lord while He may be Found responsibilities. Thus, we focus mainly on our “Seek the Lord, while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near…” (Isaiah 55:6)

own matters and issues. As a result, our interest and desire to seek the Lord is very less. Think about this!

Dear one! In this worldly life, every one of us should live a divine life of ‘joined to the Lord’ as seen in I Corinthians 6:17. Through this alone, we can receive eternal life. Such a life of living ‘joined to the Lord’ is highly essential for all of us. The foundation for this is the ‘experience of seeking the Lord in reverence’. Pause and think as to how much we seek Him in reverence in our daily life! Generally, people who are busy with their jobs would fully focus only on that; those who are burdened with family matters would pay attention only to their chores and

Here, if we carefully examine the life of our Lord Jesus, who is our example, and follow that, our lives would also be pleasing to Him. Consequently, the God of gods would be present with us all through the day. He will perfect everything for us (Psalm 138:8). Realising this David has written in Psalm 23:1, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Therefore, his life was filled with the blessings of the Lord, till the end. In 1 Chronicles 29:28, we read, “So he died in a good old age, full of days and riches and honour.” Similarly, the man of God, Job, who sought the Lord with fear and


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a loyal heart, held on to the Lord firmly and sought Him with all his heart even in the midst of all the horrible trials in his life. We read in the Bible that because of that, his life blossomed and shone forth as gold. So, my dear child of God, who is reading this, learn to seek the Lord faithfully like the above men of God and be diligent in getting filled with His presence. As the Lord Jesus Christ has shown us an example, get up early in the morning, a long while before daylight (Mark 1:35) and seek His presence, holding onto His feet firmly. Do not prioritise sleep. Then your life would overflow with His divine blessings, according to the Scriptures, “God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God shall help her, just at the break of dawn.” (Psalm 46:5) My husband, Bro. Dhinakaran, whom the Lord had graciously given me as my life partner, and I together used to seek the Lord early in the morning, being filled with godly fear and reverence, since the day we began our family life; because of that, He filled our lives with His presence. He never forsook us but led us by hand. Though we faced a lot of lacks and needs, He granted us a life, filled with contentment, peace and joy. Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing… (Psalm 34:10) The Bible says, “For those who seek the Lord with reverence and in righteousness, good shall be repaid” (Proverbs 13:21). On the other hand, the Lord says, “Cursed is the man, who trusts in man, and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the Lord.” Hence, examine how your life is! The man of God, Jacob, had several children. But the Bible clearly says that it was only Joseph, his younger son, who had trust in the Lord and walked in the ways of seeking Him.

We also read that only Joseph was reverential in remembering his Creator in the days of his youth, as taught by the Scriptures, as well as in seeking Him. Hence, the Lord God was pleased with him and, through a dream in his young days, revealed to him the things that would happen in the future. When he divulged this to his brothers, they became envious of him, sold him off to be taken to another nation and deceived his father by telling a lie that he was dead. However, the Lord was with Joseph, protected him wherever he was and did glorious things in his life by doing him good and making his brothers fall before him on the ground, as shown in the dream. Yes, dear one! Like Joseph, if we too would be diligent in seeking the Lord in reverence and in walking holy before Him, He would do glorious things in our lives as well and honour us. We started our family life with a lot of lacks and needs. But, even in that state, we were faithful and sincere in seeking the Lord because of which we appeared to be crazy people in the eyes of our family members. However, the Lord was with us always, filled us with countless good things at the due time and honoured us. Our family members, who

If we seek after the things that are pleasing to the Lord, surely we will find Him - February 2024


For those who

seek the Lord

with reverence and in righteousness, good shall be repaid saw this, also started holding on to the Lord. Thus, the Lord changed the situation upside down. My dear one! You should also analyse your own life and seek the Lord in reverence and get filled with His benefits. Set your Mind on things above, not on things on the Earth. “If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1,2) As we read in the above verse, we should be diligent in seeking divine things that are above and pleasing to God, in godly fear and reverence. Unfortunately, these days, only a few desire and seek after such profound spiritual things. Dear one, do you have this kind of deep spiritual desire? Examine yourself. Look at the lives of the disciples, whom the Lord Jesus Christ chose after much prayer. Judas was one of those 12 disciples. Though he was with Jesus, in the end, he yielded to the lust for money and completely lost a life of high calling and glory. We read in the Bible that the rest of the disciples fled when the enemies arrested the Lord Jesus (Matthew 26:56; Mark 32

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14:50). We also read that even Peter, who was always with Him, cursed and denied Him thrice saying, “I do not know Him.” Jesus strengthened His disciples, who had these shortcomings and weaknesses and made them worthy to receive a glorious and privileged life of sitting on twelve thrones and judging in the regeneration when He would sit on the Throne of His glory’ as seen in Matthew 19:28. Yes, as we read in Acts 2nd chapter, He filled them also with the anointing of the Holy Spirit which He had received in His life and graciously filled them with divine gifts like Him and enabled them to arise and shine. My dear one, even today, if we are diligent in seeking Him in all reverence, it is possible for us also to receive the same blessed life. After receiving the salvation experience at a young age, Brother Dhinakaran started reading the Bible diligently and realised the glory of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In order to get filled with this experience, he tarried in the presence of God for seven long years and pleaded with Him, as a result of which He was filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Not only that, he had the privilege of meeting Jesus face to face for 3 hours. It was then the Lord gave him the Jesus Calls ministry. This happened on October 10, 1962. Today, 60 years have passed, and still, this ministry is increasing on all sides, because of God’s guidance. Thousands of people come seeking God, and they grow in Him and receive blessings. The reason for this is one man’s ‘seeking Him in all reverence’. My dear one, you should also thus humble yourself and seek the Lord in reverence. You shall receive a glorious and blessed life given by the Lord and enjoy His blessings.

Psalm 103:11 - Great is the mercy of the Lord Meditation: 1 Kings 3:6; 2 Chron. 1:8; Psalm 86:13; 117:2 Luke 18:27 - All things are possible with God Meditation: Job 42:2; Jer. 32:17,27; Matt. 19:26; Luke 1:37 Proverbs 3:10 - Perfect blessing Meditation: Psalm 78:22-25; John 1:16; Ephesians 3:19; James 1:17 Joshua 3:7 - The Lord will exalt you Meditation: Deut. 28:1; Joshua 4:14; 1 Chron. 29:12; Isaiah 33:10 Proverbs 2:7 - God is our shield Meditation: Gen. 15:1; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 28:7; Proverbs 30:5 Psalm 128:2 - Blessing and goodness Meditation: Psalm 65:4; Proverbs 16:20; Isaiah 33:15-17; Hebrews 11:40 James 1:5 - Ask and it will be given to you Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9; Matt. 21:22; Luke 11:9; John 14:13,14 Isaiah 62:3 - An ornamental crown Meditation: Psalm 132:18; Zechariah 9:16; James 1:12; Revelation 2:10 John 10:28 - Eternal life Meditation: Matt. 19:29; John 3:36; 5:24; 1 John 5:11 Isaiah 43:19 - The Lord will make the way Meditation: Nehemiah 9:19; Psalm 25:12; 1 Cor. 12:31 Psalm 85:12 - The Lord will give good things Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Jeremiah 32:40-42; Matthew 7:11 Isaiah 30:21 – God our guide Meditation: Psalm 31:3; 32:8; Jeremiah 42:2 13. Habakkuk 3:19 - The Lord is our strength Meditation: Psalm 29:11; Isaiah 49:5; Luke 24:49; 2 Cor. 12:9 Hosea 14:8 - The Lord hears us Meditation: Judges 13:9; 2 Chron. 14:11-15; Psalm 3:4; 18:6; Lam. 3:56,57















Psalm 4:3 - The Lord hears the call Meditation: 2 Chron. 13:14-16; Psalm 145:18; Matt. 20:29-34; Luke 18:7,8 Ezekiel 37:14 - Spirit of God Meditation: Isaiah 59:21; Daniel 4:9,18; Luke 1:35,80; Acts 2:17,18 Genesis 21:22 - God is with you Meditation: Gen. 26:3; Joshua 1:5; Judges 6:12,16; Isaiah 43:2,5 Psalm 27:1 - The Lord is my light Meditation: Isaiah 60:19; John 1:1-9; 8:12; Acts 13:47; 1 John 1:5 Psalm 36:8 - Perfect satisfaction Meditation: Jer. 31:25; Joel 2:26; Romans 15:29; 2 Cor. 9:8 Isaiah 43:4 - Our friend Meditation: Exod. 33:11; Proverbs 8:17; Jer. 31:3; Matt. 26:50 John 14:17 - The Lord is in you Meditation: Deuteronomy 7:21; 1 Cor. 14:25; 2 Cor. 6:16; 13:5 Jeremiah 29:11 - The Lord has thought of us Meditation: Job 14:13; Psalm 40:17; 115:12; Isaiah 55:8,9 John 10:9 - You will find pasture Meditation: 1 Chron. 4:39-41; Psalm 100:3; Isaiah 49:9; Ezek. 34:11-14 Jeremiah 31:14 - Satisfied with goodness Meditation: Psalm 65:4; 104:28; 107:8; Acts. 14:17; Heb. 7:19 Deuteronomy 1:11 - A blessing in all things Meditation:Gen. 22:15-18; Psalm 115:12,13; Gal. 3:8,9; Heb. 6:13,14 Proverbs 3:26 - The Lord is our hope Meditation: Psalm 37:4; 73:28; Proverbs 22:19; Jer. 17:7; Zep. 3:12 1 Peter 5:7 - The Lord cares for us Meditation: Job 36:6; Psalm 68:5; 82:1; Ezekiel 34:11 Psalm 91:1 - The shadow of the Almighty Meditation:Psalm 121:5; Song. 2:3; Isaiah 32:2; 51:16; Matt. 17:5 Ephesians 3:20 - It is the Lord who works within us Meditation: Psalm 107:24; Isaiah 63:7; 1 Cor. 15:58; 16:10















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Partners’ Meet at Gangtok On December 21st, 2023, the Jesus Calls Partners Meet took place at the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Gangtok at 4 pm. Over 600 partners were in attendance. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word and prayed individually for all of the attendees. Jesus Calls 103rd Prayer Tower in Gangtok On December 22nd, 2023, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran inaugurated the 103rd Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Gangtok, Sikkim. The prayer intercessors, Jesus Calls partners, and the ministry team gathered together to pray and dedicate the Prayer Tower, asking for God’s blessings and miracles to happen in the lives of the people of Sikkim. Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Elim Holiday Cottage, 2nd Floor, Below Mes Camp, Upper Burtuk, Gangtok - 737101, Sikkim. Sikkim State Level Pre-Christmas Prayer-Summit 2023 The Sikkim State Level Pre-Christmas Prayer-Summit 2023 was held at Paljor Stadium, Gangtok, on December 22nd, 2023. Over 30,000 people gathered from all over Sikkim. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran were invited as state guests for the programme. Honourable Chief Minister of Sikkim, Shri Prem Singh Tamang, lovingly invited Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel, and extended his warm greetings on behalf of the State. The Chief Minister of Sikkim commended the work of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and expressed his sincere appreciation for Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's remarkable contribution to humanity. All the cabinet ministers, MLAs, mayor and officials of Sikkim, along with all the churches, hosted this Pre-Christmas Prayer Summit. The people of Sikkim were excited and showered their love through their cultural welcome and by giving khadas (scarves) to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. During the event, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered powerfully and prayed for the welfare, peace and blessing of all the people of Sikkim and the government. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word about how God takes a young man who is ready to do anything for God to a great name. The message greatly encouraged the young people in a special way to be sincere and honest in their lives. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word about the holy life of the virgin Mary and how God’s honour will come to those who carry Jesus in their hearts. The Sikkim people were greatly blessed and left the venue carrying Jesus in their hearts as the greatest Christmas gift. All praise and glory be to God.

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Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

On January 7th, 2024, the New Year Blessing Meeting was held at St. George’s Ground in Chennai. The meeting attracted a diverse crowd who were eager to embrace the promises of God for the New Year with steadfast faith. The event commenced with a collective cake-cutting ceremony by all ministers of God, followed by a blessing prayer for 2024 led by Rev. D. Mohan, the President of the World Assemblies of God. Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson led a beautiful praise and worship session, encouraging everyone to be confident in the Lord to be lifted higher this year. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran then spoke about the importance of God’s word and the wisdom that comes by heeding to the promises of God. He also prophetically declared that this year, the youth would experience the favour and wisdom of the Lord Jesus and would grow just like Him in all

aspects. He ended his talk by praying earnestly for the youth and declaring God’s blessing upon them. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran offered a prayer of blessing upon the congregation. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran then delivered a powerful message, prophesying that God would elevate His people to greater heights and expand their territories. He shared the prophecies for the nations and the people as given by the Lord for the year 2024. Finally, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prophetically prayed for heavenly joy to engulf the people of God. They offered individual prayers in the end for everyone who lined up for prayers. The event was a blessing for all those who came with a hunger for God’s word, and God satisfied them to the fullest!


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