Jesus Calls (English) June - 2021

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HEALED FROM EXCRUCIATING LEG PAIN I am a Family Blessing Prayer Mission Partner. My legs became weak due to my advanced age (71 years) and due to the wear and tear of the bones especially the left knee causing excruciating pain. I was praying about it for a long time. On March 30, 2021 (Tuesday), I watched the one day Election Fasting Prayer organized by NPMA in Family Channel and prayed with tears for my leg to be healed. I also vowed that I would write a testimony if I am healed. After the prayer got over, around 9 pm when I tried walking, there was no pain in my leg. God had healed me instantly. All glory to God. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministry for their sincere prayers. - Mary Shanthi Jeyakumar, Trichy


Praise God! We serve a God, who is very much mindful of the lonely. This character of God is evident right from the beginning of creation. Having created Adam, God took and put him in the Garden of Eden and observed him. Genesis 2:18 says:

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.” There are many instances of God going to the aid of people suffering in loneliness. To mention a few: God came to the - June 2021



help of wandering H a g a r , despised Leah, widowed Ruth and Naomi, forgotten young David, and so on. Even when Jesus sojourned this earth, He was watchful of the desolate and crying; Jesus raised to life the widow’s son and brought Lazarus back from the dead. Even when He was suffering on the cross, He gave the responsibility to care for His mother to disciple John – ensuring she was not left alone or forsaken. Several times, during a funeral service as the time approaches for burial, the family who has lost their loved one, would start mourning uncontrollably, wondering how they would see their loved one again. They would even not allow the coffin to be closed. What a heart wrenching sight it is. There is also another kind of situation, where the father, the sole breadwinner of the family, would die. He would be survived by his wife, who is totally ignorant of the outside world. The young children inconsolably cry saying their dad had taken care of them but who would do it for them going forward. Great grief and loneliness overtakes them. Is the feeling of loneliness tormenting you? Jesus will build your life. Yes, that is the very reason Jesus rose up from the dead.

NO NEVER ALONE After Jesus died on the cross and was buried, the friends and disciples of Jesus were gripped with fear and loneliness. While the disciples were in hiding, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb to apply perfume to the body of Jesus and honor it. She was in great worry thinking who would break the seal and roll away the stone for her. Much to her surprise, 4

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the tomb was already open, but the body of Jesus was not there. She was very heartbroken and stood crying outside the tomb. That is when Jesus came looking for her. The Bible says in John 20: 15,16: “Woman,” Jesus said to her, “why are you crying? Who is it that you’re seeking?” Supposing he was the gardener, she replied, “Sir, if you’ve carried him away, tell me where you’ve put him, and I will take him away.” Jesus said to her, “Mary.” Just like He did for Mary, when we are in tears, the Lord comes looking for us - His children. He will wipe our tears away and enable us to see Him. What a consolation it would have been for her when Jesus called her, “Mary!” Our God calls His children by name. The Bible says the Lord has redeemed us, called us by name, and we are His. We need not worry how God would know our name when there are millions of people in this world. We are extremely special to Him; therefore, He knows our names and made us His very own. Are you surrounded by situations that make you question how you would be able to live? Are you struggling on all sides with none to help? Jesus said: “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Praise be to God who not only takes away our loneliness but also gives us complete victory.

LONER TO LEADER It is true that fear and loneliness make our mind to shut down and prevent us from praying and having faith. After Jesus was buried, His disciples were in such a state. Therefore, they were huddled together with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders. However, there was a great turn of events. Do you know what happened? Jesus came a n d

stood among them and said, “Peace be with you! With that hebreathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” (John 20:19-22) After giving His peace to the disciples, He gave them His Living Spirit too. He sent the Holy Spirit within them to chase the spirit of fear, spirit of the devil and the spirit of flesh. After receiving the Holy Spirit, wherever the disciples went, great signs and wonders happened. People on whom their shadows fell were healed. The demons fled on seeing them. They could not be controlled by kings and even the prison doors broke open before them. No wizardry was able to stand against the disciples. The Lord gives this peace to us. When the peace of Jesus comes into us, it breaks the door of fear. On receiving the Holy Spirit, we not only have the authority to chase demons and do miracles, but also to be at peace at all times. With this authority, we can look at any great storm and say, “Quiet, be still.” Struggles, horror, loss, or insults nothing shall touch us. We will rise up above all. The peace shall take us to such great places. The first meeting after my father Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran passed away was held in a city named Nagercoil. When I stood up to preach in the first day meeting, I saw that the chair in which my father used to sit was empty. Each time I preached in the meetings, my father along with my family used to keep praying for me. Therefore, I used to boldly preach the word of the Lord; but on that day, my father’s chair was empty. I stood up and began to sing the song, “Jesus Calls us all.” There was a sister among the crowd, who had come to the meeting, filled with the spirit of the devil. The moment I started

singing, the spirit of the devil shouted, “There, Jesus is standing near Paul Dhinakaran.” I kept on singing the song. As the Holy Spirit descended on her, she fell down and received complete deliverance from the clutches of the devil. It’s a joy that she was delivered, but my biggest joy was the devils shouting, “Jesus is near Paul Dhinakaran.” About 23 days after my father went to be with the Lord, through a vision the Lord spoke to me saying, “Paul, until now your father was a support to you; from now on, I will be a father to you; I will never let you be lonely. I will come speak to you; I myself will teach you all the things you have to do; it’s enough if you do that alone; when you do it, I will wipe away the tears of millions of people; I myself will do it and be with you as a protector. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” The Lord has been true to it over the past 13 years.

THE HOW AND WHY OF LONELINESS It is absolutely necessary that every child of God goes through loneliness. The Lord himself puts His children through the furnace, makes them to have nothing and sit in isolation. Do you know why? It makes us realize that only God can walk with us every second of life whatever circumstance may prevail. The Lord operates - June 2021



in us so that we would say like the Apostle Paul, “Yet no longer I, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). When Christ dwells in us completely, there is no fear even if we are threatened to be killed, face false allegations or lose everything. When you feel abandoned, yearn for the Lord and cry for Him. Tell Him that you would not be able to walk even a step without His help. You will see Him appear and speak to you. Even when you go through losses, the living God will appear and console you with His presence. He will be with you forever more and make you absolutely victorious. We may have lost a loved one but what encourages us is that Heaven is so true. We and our loved ones have a place in Heaven. We can be comforted because even after they die, they still live in Heaven by the life of Jesus. The same God will make us live happily and


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with hope in this world. The Lord will resurrect us not only in this world but also in the world to come. He is alive even today. Therefore, take heart! I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive forever and ever! (Revelation 1:18) Hold on for the Lord is going to remove your loneliness. This is going to break your chains and locked up situations. Your fears and horrors will be gone. No authority shall overtake you. Prayer: My loving heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, into this world to purchase my salvation. Because Jesus went through loneliness on the cross, it is going to change my situation, make faith arise and unite me with You. Give me Your divine peace, which would make me trust You during any storm and struggle. I thank You Lord for promising to be with me at all times and all through eternity in Heaven. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

In the online course "Knowing Jesus"1.0 version, a total of 729 participants graduated in English & Tamil, 247 in Hindi and 99 in Telugu. The convocation ceremony was held on 26th April for English & Tamil participants, on 28th April for Hindi participants and on 30th April for Telugu participants. The exclusive convocation message by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran brought comfort and encouragement to every person and set their hearts on fire for God. He took time to answer the important questions raised by the participants and prayed for them. A few edifying testimonies from the graduates were shared. All the graduates received an e-certificate of appreciation for their successful completion. All glory to God.

This Dial-A-Prayer 24 hours prayer line number connects you to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s recorded prayers which have been passionately offered with burden for every need that you face in life. • App: Download our Jesus Calls Mobile App through your android mobile. To connect to the prayer line, go to the Jesus Calls app and tap on the Dial-A-Prayer banner which will display the phone number on your mobile screen for you to give a ring and be blessed • Google Play Store: Type Jesus Calls to download the app in your mobile • Youtube: • Jesus Calls Website: - June 2021 JESUS CALLS 7

Started as school student and today… It was the Esther Prayer Group in Tambaram. After the prayer, the women in the group were talking between themselves. “Did you go to the Prayer Tower last week?” asked one sister to another.

21st, July 2014 Prayers were answered and the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower was inaugurated in Tambaram, Chennai. Tambaram: Tambaram is the southern entrance to Chennai, the capital city of the state of Tamil Nadu. It is a corporation located in the GST road. According to the 2011 survey, the residents were approximately 1 lakh and 75 thousand in Tambaram exclusively, with thousands of people residing in the surrounding localities. The presence of many export organizations makes it a Special Economic Zone. It is the headquarters for Tambaram taluk. The Chennai International airport is housed 11 km from Tambaram.

Some among the group were part of the voluntary prayer service in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, near Adyar located in Raja Annamalai Puram. This consisted of giving counseling and praying for the people, who visited the Prayer Tower in person for their prayer needs. “I would love to go there… but the long commute is difficult … if only a Prayer Tower is nearby, the travel time would be less and I’ll pray for some more people…” said that sister. “That’s right… Isn’t Tambaram a big area? If there is a ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in this locality, many people would be blessed” said another sister. Another sister responded saying, “We’ll keep it in prayer for a Prayer Tower to be built in Tambaram.” The Tambaram Esther Prayer Group, which was being conducted by Sis. Vijila, began to pray for a ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower to be established in Tambaram even in their personal prayers.

The Esther Prayer Group conducted by Sis. Vijila was very elated. Their joy knew no bounds.


ijila’s thoughts travelled back to 1984 - her first encounter with ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. She was a senior in school when she got the opportunity to read the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine for the first time. She was intrigued by a notice in the magazine, which stated, “Chain Prayer Warriors needed.” It was


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further mentioned that one Greenways Road (now could pray for the ministry from known as the Dr. D. G. S. their home whenever they Dhinakaran road) and found time. With her being helped as a volunteer. young in age and unable to go Once her job was settled, out to do ministry, she was Vijila’s family started to overjoyed knowing that there plan for her wedding. Vijila was an opportunity to pray for who was firm in knowing the ministry. The young girl the will of God regarding Vijila immediately conveyed her marriage, asked her her willingness through a family for the details of the Sis. Vijila and family letter. It was an encouraging proposal so that she could experience to join in the ‘Jesus Calls’ chain prayer. write to Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran concerning the Dr. D.G .S. Dhinakaran used to conduct fasting same. Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran prayed and replied prayer particularly for the chain prayer warriors, stating who the groom was according to God’s share the word of the Lord and pray for them. On choice. In the presence of the Lord, Vijilacompletion of her teacher-training course, Sunderraj began their family life in 1989. longing to become a Young Partner, she enrolled Sunderraj was working in the Tamil Nadu in the Young Partners’ Prayer Mission in 1987 and Transport Department. Both of them had immediately got appointed as a teacher in a honorable jobs with rewarding pay. However, school in Tambaram. Sunderraj was a bit worried that his wife went to The young girl Vijila now became school the Prayer Tower to pray and came late after the teacher Vijila. Whenever she found time, Vijila fasting prayer. He conveyed his dissatisfaction, would go to the Prayer Tower in the erstwhile nonetheless never stopped his wife’s ministry. In 1992, they were blessed with a daughter Vinolin Monica. Along with the completeness enjoyed from the ministry of praying for others, Vijila teacher began to enjoy the worldly blessings too. In 1995, she took part in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Institute of Power Ministry at Karunya Nagar. She not only received the spiritual blessings but was also blessed with a house in Tambaram. The Lord blessed this couple with another daughter in 1997. They named her Jemima Sherlin. Both her children were prayed over and named by Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran. They were enrolled in the Young Partners’ Prayer Mission, on the day of their birth. Vijila teacher continued to do voluntary service in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower whenever she got time off from work. It was their regular practice to watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ program in the TV. On a Sunday night in 2002, towards the end of the program, an announcement was made regarding the Power Ministry training camp to - June 2021



be conducted in Bengaluru. Vijila teacher wished that her husband also should become a ‘Jesus Calls’ evangelist like her. Therefore, praying within her heart, she told her husband, “they are conducting it in Tamil only… you too go.” Since the Lord had planned it for Sunderraj beforehand, he agreed to go at once. From 2002 onwards, couple Vijila-Sunderraj began to minister together as ‘Jesus Calls’ evangelists. When the JC House Prayer Tower was started in 2008 near the Chennai Beach Station, they continually went there as a couple and ministered together as volunteer prayer intercessors. When they had to travel for ministry with other servants of God, they found it difficult taking their young children along with them. Their prayer for a spacious car was answered and in 2008 the Lord graciously enabled them to buy one. It was helpful not only for them but also to take many others to ministries and meetings. She was also promoted as the Principal of the school she was working for. From the day Tambaram ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower was opened in 2014, they both are ministering there together. It is not very often that the prayer intercessors meet again the people who received blessings through their prayers. But look what happened! On a house visit to ‘Jesus Calls’ partners during Christmas, a certain woman asked them to pray for the gift of a child for her daughter-in-law. On that day, Sis. Vijila prayed in that house. Much to her joy, few


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months later when she was ministering in the Tambaram Prayer Tower, the same woman happened to come there and she glorified the Lord saying God had blessed the womb of her daughter-in-law. The Lord graciously enabled both her daughters to study medicine, the elder one in Tamil Nadu and the younger one in Ukraine. God also helped them to pay back the huge debts incurred for their education. They still continue to do their voluntary service as a couple in the Tambaram Prayer Tower. During the lockdown, they spend their time ministering praying from 9 pm to 11 pm over the telephone from home.

Like Sis. Vijila, many who received blessings through the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower are now rendering their service as a volunteer prayer intercessor.

PERSONALLY BLESSED As members of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Tambaram mission network group, we would gather and pray once in a month. We were praying for several months that a Prayer Tower be started in Tambaram. By God’s grace, ‘Jesus

Calls’ Prayer Tower was opened in Tambaram in 2014. The Lord helped me to associate in various activities of this Prayer Tower. Once, He graciously enabled me to pray for a sister, who had come to this Prayer Tower. She was in much tears because her son was an addict to alcohol because of which his wife had deserted him and was in an illicit relationship. I prayed for her and for the family life of her son. Later when that sister met me, she testified of how God answered that prayer. Likewise, many miracles happen. The Lord has given us this Prayer Tower to wipe away the tears and touch the souls of many. As I do volunteer service in the Tambaram Prayer Tower, the Lord has richly blessed me personally in my family, work and ministry. - Antony Lennet Raja, Chennai

AN ANSWER FOR A LONG-TERM PRAYER Dr. Paul Dhinakaran had the vision of conducting mission network meetings on behalf of ‘Jesus Calls’ in various places of the nation. In 2003, on behalf of Chennai south-west zone, with the permission of Dr. Vijayan, founder of Zion

School, the Family Blessing Meeting was held in that school. After that, on the first Saturday of every month, ‘Jesus Calls’ mission network meeting was held at 5:30 p.m. Many were blessed. As the needs of the people were more and as many needed personal counseling and prayer help, we started to pray for a Prayer Tower in the vicinity. From 2007 onwards, we began to fast and pray for that. In the Esther Prayer Groups also we prayed. In July 2014, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran established a Prayer Tower in the West Tambaram area. With the Prayer Tower located near the bus and train stations, commutation is trouble-free. It is of great consolation and strength to many. There are many testimonies about the miracles Lord Jesus has done here. During exams, students who come here and pray, fearlessly face their exams with a clear mind and have been victorious by the grace of God. Various blessing meetings are also conducted in the Tambaram Prayer Tower. I believe that this Prayer Tower will bring blessings to many lives until the Lord Jesus comes. - Flora Thiagarajan, Chairman, Selaiyur Jesus Calls Mission Network

Some of the testimonies raised through the Tambaram Prayer Tower… DURING CHEST PAIN… My husband, Sagayaraaju, suffered with sudden onset of chest pain. We rushed him to the hospital immediately. To check if a heart attack has occurred, the doctors sent him for a blood test and ECG. At that anxious moment, I remembered the Tambaram ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and requested prayers explaining my husband’s condition. The prayer intercessor prayed fervently and strengthened me in the Lord. When the test results came, much to my relief, the doctor said nothing was wrong with my husband’s heart and that it was just an acidity issue. Praise the Lord who protected my husband’s life. - S. Rita, Tambaram (West) - June 2021



WHEN I GOT THE JOB… As I did not have a job, my family and I were in a very difficult situation for a week. I came to the Tambaram, ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower; wrote my prayer request and got prayed. The Lord, who heard the prayer in the Prayer Tower, gave me a good job that very evening. In addition, He also graciously enabled me to receive an advance amount. I give God all the glory and thank the prayer intercessors who prayed for it. Praise the Lord. - K. Rajan, Padavedu, Thiruvannamalai.

The Lord does miracles through the Prayer Towers. You can go directly to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers in your locality, get prayed, and be blessed. MEETINGS ORGANIZED IN TAMBARAM PRAYER TOWER Every day - Morning Devotion - 9am - 9:30 am Tuesday - Fasting Prayer - 10:30 am - 12:00 noon Thursday - Anointing Meeting - 5:30 pm - 7 pm Friday - Daylight Fellowship for Women - 10:30 am - 12 noon Friday - Healing Meeting - 5:30 pm - 7 pm Sunday - Morning Devotion - 9 am - 11 am Sunday - UTurn Meeting - 3:30 pm - 5 pm Sunday - Family Blessing Meeting - 5:30 pm - 7 pm Sunday - Children’s Blessing Meeting - 5:30 pm - 7 pm

TAMBARAM PRAYER TOWER ADDRESS: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER, new number 37 (old number 7), SEESHA House, Tambaram (West), Chennai 600 045. Contact numbers: 9003055114 / 6381754518 You can get the address of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers in your locality through the website or through the partner care number 044-23456677 from 7 am to 9pm. Esther Prayer Group, Trumpet Prayer Group and Mission Network Meetings are also conducted. Even in the Prayer Towers in your locality, special meetings like these are conducted. You can know the details from the respective Prayer Towers. In all the meetings, government norms are strictly followed like social distancing, wearing mask, using hand sanitizers etc. Due to the Corona pandemic, in the places where there is a ban, meetings will not be held. Therefore you can contact the Prayer Towers through telephone, confirm if the meetings are happening and then go directly. Wherever there is a ban, the meetings are held through Zoom/Google meet applications.

All you who have been blessed through the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, can also do the voluntary service of praying for others. The training for that will be given in the Prayer Tower in your locality. To register to become a volunteer prayer intercessor, you can contact the Partner care number: 044 23456677 (7 am – 9 pm) Contact number: 6380752257 (10 am – 6 pm) Missed call: 9015455455 (24 hours) E-mail: Prayer Tower: You can contact the manager of the Prayer Tower in your locality and pray right from your home along with us for the people.


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Lord Jesus Our Protector, We now come to You seeking Your protection according to Your promise in Psalm 32:6 & 7, “Therefore let all the faithful pray to You while You may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them. You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.” Protect us as we call on Your name. Let Your hand come upon us and surround us as a wall of fire, as borders of peace, as the balm of Gilead. In the name of Jesus, let there be divine protection. May the rising of the mighty waters of Covid-19 second wave not reach us in Jesus’ name. Thank You Lord for You are rising amidst these waters and saying, “Peace! Be still.” Let it not reach Your people and the people destined for salvation. Let it not reach humanity in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus, let the waters subside and let there be peace and protection. Let the fear of Covid-19 stop. Let the infections in the affected people stop in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus, You are our hiding place. Let there be deliverance in the name of Jesus. Hide us in Your wounds. Your Word says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). We run into Your name for protection. The Bible says “where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty” (II Corinthians 3:17). So, Holy Spirit rise up within us, deliver us and surround us with songs of deliverance. Thank You Lord for listening to us. We declare protection around the staff, prayer intercessors, partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls, Karunya and SEESHA in the name of Jesus’. We declare protection on all the students of Karunya and their families in the name of Jesus. Let this evil go. Let there be a difference in the lives of those who call on the name of Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

The LORD sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness. (Psalm 41:3) The COVID-19 pandemic is again sweeping everywhere and we come to know many of our partners and well-wishers are affected. As we care for you and each one of your family members, we are praying continuously (chain prayer) for God's protection to be upon you all. Jehovah Roi- The Protector is with you always. So let not your heart be troubled. Visit this link and drop the details of your loved ones who need recovery. Hold on! Healing will quickly appear. (Isaiah 58:8) - June 2021



Losses, long-awaited blessings, lack and no love in families can turn homes into walls contained with hopelessness. Yet, the lack, misery and troubles cannot break a family that is surrounded by prayers. Yes, in this world you will have trouble (John 16:33) but you can overcome them through partnering with the Family Blessing Prayer Mission and wiping the tears of millions which in turn makes way for your prosperity and the wellbeing of your family.

Here’s how one such brother has been blessed by sowing into this mission:

DEBTS DISSOLVED Prayers are offered everyday in Jesus Calls Prayer Towers for the families in the Family Blessing Prayer Mission to be blessed - for them to enjoy peace, to be in good health, live in unity, and be prosperous. 14

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came to Chennai from Madurai and settled down owning a grocery store. Business was going well, but as days passed, it started to decline. So I borrowed money and kept running the grocery store. We were in a rented house but were not able to pay rent because we had no money. As days went on, the debt rose by lakhs. I went out of the house because of debt. I would go to bed on the road for fear of debt and not return home. Even if I came home, my wife and I would always have a fight. There was no peace in the family. At this stage, hearing

about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, I visited the Prayer Tower for prayers. The prayer intercessors prayed for me enthusiastically. They told me about the Family Blessing Prayer Mission, and I enrolled my family in the project. Days passed and my grocery store business started getting profits. Now, by the Lord’s mercy all the debts have been cleared and we bought a house and two vehicles. God in his mercy has enabled us to also start many other professions. Now I earn up to Rs.50,000 per month. Glory to God. My family is currently at peace with the change of debts through the Family Blessing Prayer Mission. We have restored everything we lost because of God’s blessings. Now, my wife and I are living a peaceful life. Every month, I continue to sow whatever I can into this mission. I have been truly blessed. Praise be to God. - Yoshua Valliappan, Chennai

PRIVILEGES OF FAMILY BLESSING PRAYER MISSION • A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans. • Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary. • The Jesus Calls Magazine will be sent every month to your address.

YOUR SACRIFICIAL GIVING WILL BE THE CAUSE FOR HAPPINESS TO FILL MANY A HOME. “For you shall eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table.” (Psalm 128:2, 3) I would like to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Prayer Mission Name: …..............................……........................................................................................………………. Date of Birth….................................................. Wedding Day............................................................ Names of Family Members Date of Birth Relationship 1. ................................................................................. ........................ .............................. 2. ................................................................................. ........................ .............................. 3. ................................................................................. ........................ .............................. Address:................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................Pin Code: ………………………. Mobile:……...........................………….. Email:……….................................................................................. Kindly send us the duly filled form along with your family photo. Do remember to write your name and contact phone number at the back of the photograph. For more details to extend your support: • Partner Care 044 - 23456677 (7am to 9 pm) • Website: • Email: • Address: 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran road, Chennai 600 028 • Prayer Tower : Contact the Prayer Tower in your area - June 2021



particularly extensively in our nation. With it killing so many lives, it is essential that we pray for God’s grace and also help the people in My dear partner in ministry,

whatever ways we can. We have permitted the

My loving greetings. Let the grace of God be

government to use the Karunya science and

sufficient for you throughout this month! For the






month of June, the Lord has given us a beautiful

Periyanayakkanpalayam, Mettupalayam road to

promise, “The LORD will guide you continually,

quarantine people affected by Corona and to

and satisfy your soul in drought, and strengthen

give treatment. This building is facilitated with

your bones; you shall be like a watered garden,

600 beds, place to cook food and also to dine. Let

and like a spring of water, whose waters do not

us praise the Lord who strengthened us, during the

fail” (Isaiah 58:11). Likewise, the Lord will guide

time of need for nation and the people, to open

you each day of this month.

up this whole campus with special facilities to stay.

Together with praising the Lord for the great

The Lord graciously enabled us to give masks

deeds He did in the last month, it is also necessary

and sanitizers for use to the Mathuvarayapuram

that we pray for the needs of the ministry and

panchayat in the Coimbatore district through

the efforts taken for the ministry to be blessed.

SEESHA. Let’s praise God and continue to pray

Help during oppression “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this

much for the Lord to strike this pandemic and

way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”

destroy it completely.

(Galatians 6:2) The pandemic has spread all over the world, 16

for the SEESHA medical team. We need to pray

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Prayer for the governments “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions,

prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”

(I Timothy 2:1-2)

During the month of April, the Legislative elections





constituencies were conducted in the states of

I pray that you may win over the troubles and misunderstandings with the help of God, bring glory to His name and flourish

Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam and West Bengal and in the union territory of Puducherry.

Spirit (Luke 2:52).

On 30th March , under the leadership of NPMA

Family is a structure created by God. In the

we interceded to the Almighty to fulfill His plans

Garden of Eden, God said, “It is not good that

in the state assembly elections with the entire

man should be alone” and created a helper

prayer aired live on the Family Channel and the

suitable for him (Genesis 2:18). It is His will that

Social Media platforms of Jesus Calls. God has

a godly offspring be created (Malachi 2:15). I pray

listened to our prayers. The election results are

that you may win over the troubles and

now published and the governments have been

misunderstandings with the help of God, bring

formed in these 5 states. Pray that the newly

glory to His name and flourish. May the Lord bless

formed governments, chief ministers, ministers,

each family who has enrolled in the Family

and members of the legislature should care for

Blessing Prayer Mission and support the ministry

the people, do good service, keep up the law

through it in a special way this month.

and order and through it help the will of the Lord to be fulfilled.

June 16th is observed as Father’s day. God carries us like a father (Deuteronomy 1:31). He is

Prayer for the families

our Heavenly Father. Let us pray that the Lord

“Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in

may bless us with the grace, strength and wisdom

the very heart of your house, your children

to fulfill our fatherly duties given by God.

like olive plants all around your table.” (Psalm 128:3)

Prayer to be protected from the pandemic

The Lord has graciously enabled Evangeline

“David built an altar to the Lord there and

and me to complete 32 years of married life on

sacrificed burnt offerings and fellowship

2nd June. He has blessed us to run the family

offerings. Then the Lord answered his prayer

and do the ministry together for His glory. Praise

in behalf of the land, and the plague on Israel

God along with us for that. The fruit of the womb

was stopped.”

(II Samuel 24:25)

given by the Lord to our dear son Samuel

Due to the Covid-19 virus, many are suffering.

Dhinakaran - Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran, daughter

In order to specially pray for the partners who

Katelyn Anna Dhinakaran celebrates her first

support our ministry and for servants of God,

birthday on June 29th. Pray the Lord shall protect

volunteer prayer intercessors have gathered

her always, give her wisdom and fill her with His

together and are praying. In this specific group - June 2021



Corona Resistance Prayer Fellowship, over 3500

On June 23rd, 2004 the Lord graciously enabled

prayer intercessors have joined to pray for

the Karunya institute of technology and sciences

others. From April 17th, the prayers are being

to receive the deemed- to- be university status.

done. If there is a need for prayer for those

Let’s remember it and praise Him.

affected by Corona, you can give the name and

June 26th is the day when the Junior Esther

other details through this link

Prayer Group( JEPG) section was begun. It is a

JCcrpf. You can also contact the telephone Prayer

prayer group started to enable children to be

Tower (044 - 45 999 000) and pray as usual.

filled with the spirit of prayer even at a young

Day of Deliverance “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” (II Corinthians 3:17)

age. Let’s praise God for all the little children who have enrolled in it and are praying. Each day, God’s promise is shared by one of our family members and I invite you to watch

The Day of Deliverance prayer for the month

the message under the title, ‘Today’s blessing’,

of June will happen on June 27th. On that day,

in the link,

my family and I along with all the prayer

jesuscalls/channels and be blessed.

intercessors will pray for all the prayer requests.

Continue to pray for the ministries. May the

You can give the prayer requests in the Prayer

Lord guide you this month according to the verse,

Towers in your locality. You can send it through

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you

post to 16, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai

should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye

600 028, or email to You can

on you” (Psalms 32:8).

also send it through the website

Your dear brother praying for you,

Let’s plead together. The Lord will do miracles.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


JESUS CALLS June 2021 -

Matthew 21:22 – Receive what you ask in prayer Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9; 1 Chron. 4:10; Mark 11:24; John 14:13; 16:24 Psalm 37:11 – Delight in the Lord Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 30:11; Isaiah 35:10; Hab. 3:18 John 10:27 – Blessed is the person who listens to God Meditation: Deut. 28:1-14; Prov. 1:33; 8:34; Luke 6:27 Hebrews 10:38 - Living by faith Meditation: Hab. 2:4; Gal. 2:16; 3:11; Heb. 10:35-38 Psalm 2:8 – God will hasten nations to you Meditation: Deut. 15:6; Josh. 12:1; Isaiah 55:5; Jer. 5:15 1 Corinthians 1:30 – God gives wisdom Meditation: Exod. 35:30-33; Prov. 2:6; Daniel 2:21; Luke 21:15; James 1:5 Philippians 1:6 – Great works Meditation: Matt. 5:16; Rom. 2:17; Jam. 3:13; Rev. 2:19 Isaiah 40:31 - I will give you renewed strength. Mediation: Psalm 18:1; 138:3; Acts 1:8; 3:2-8,16; 2 Cor. 12:9 Job 22:28 - Ways perfected by God Meditation: Neh. 9:12,19; Psalm 119:105; Isaiah 42:16; Micah 4:2 Exodus 6:7 – I will be your God Meditation: Lev. 26:12; Jeremiah 7:23; 11:3; Ezek. 11:20 Psalm 112:2 - The righteousness of the upright Meditation: Deut. 12:25; Psalm 1:1-6; 112:1-4; James 5:16 Psalm 118:14 – God will strengthen you Meditation: Exod. 15:2; Isaiah 12:2; 49:5; Jer. 16:19; Eph. 6:10 Ephesians 2:10 – You are God’s handiwork Meditation: Psalm 143:5; Isaiah 29:23; 60:21; Philipp. 2:13; Heb. 2:7 1 Peter 3:9 - Your inheritance Meditation: Gen. 13:14-17; Deut. 1:8; 11:24; Joshua 1:3; 14:9 Isaiah 33:6 – Salvation, wisdom and knowledge Meditation: 1 Sam. 23:2; 1 Kings 4:30; Prov. 14:18; Eccl. 7:12,19; Rom. 11:33 2 Thessalonians 3:3 - God who strengthens us Meditation: Psalm 27:14; 31:24; Isaiah 54:14; 1 Cor. 1:8; 1 Thess. 3:13



Isaiah 58:11 - The Lord will lead you Meditation: Gen. 24:48; Psalm 23:3; 32:8; 139:24; Luke 1:79; Rev. 7:17 Numbers 6:24 - The Lord will bless you Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Deut. 2:7; 2 Samuel 6:11,12; Hebrews 6:14 Job 17:9 – Growing more in strength Meditation: Exodus 1:7,9: 1 Samuel 26:25; 2 Samuel 3:1; Psalm 84:7 Psalm 31:19 – Great is God’s goodness Meditation: Psalm 85:12; 107:8; Jer. 31:14; 33:9; Matt. 7:11; Heb. 11:40 Ephesians 3:19 – God’s fullness Meditation: Psalm 78:25; Prov. 3:10; Acts 4:33; James 1:17 Jeremiah 30:17 - God the healer Meditation: Exodus 23:25; 2 Kings 20:5-7; Isaiah 53:1-5; 1 Peter 2:24 Psalm 102:16 - The Glory of Zion Meditation: Psalm 128:5; 132:13-18; Isaiah 4:5,6; 60:1-2; 61:3 Deuteronomy 28:9 – You will be established by God Meditation: 2 Sam 7:12; 1 Chron. 17:11,22; Psalm 89:4; Ezek. 37:26 Isaiah 61:7 – Double-fold blessing Meditation: Gen. 32:9,10; Job 42:10-12; Zech. 9:12 Psalm 29:11 – God of peace Meditation: Num. 6:26; Luke 24:36; John 20:19,26; Romans 16:20 Jeremiah 31:3 - God loves us Meditation: Exod. 33:11; Prov. 8:17; Isaiah 43:4; Matt. 26:50; John 15:15 Psalm 112:4 - Shining light Meditation: Psalm 37:6; Isaiah 42:7; 58:8; Luke 2:30-32 Proverbs 28:25 – One who trusts in the Lord will prosper Meditation: Psalm 31:19; Prov. 11:25; Isaiah 66:12-14; Acts 14:17 John 16:20 – Your sorrows will turn into joy Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:6; Esther 9:21-23; Jer. 31:13; 2 Cor. 7:4




























30 - June 2021



Neighbor healed My neighbor’s family is yet to taste the love of Christ. When their son went out to play, some insect had bitten him. His body became swollen and started to ooze out water. This infection spread to his younger brother as well. They took several treatments but it was in vain. When I heard this, I went to their house taking the blessed oil with me. They were watching some program in TV at that time. I asked them to see the Family Channel program and gave the blessed oil to apply on the children. As they switched over to the Family Channel, at that instant, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying in that program and they prayed along. I vowed to God that I will testify if the boys get well. What a miracle! Those boys, who were not cured for 45 days, became alright the very next day. Praise be to God. - Aruna Gnanavel, Chennai

Supernatural healing My mother was seriously ill as she had fallen down, which triggered her vertigo. I placed her in the hands of Jesus and immediately sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about my mother’s illness. God touched her and healed her completely. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers. Glory be to God. - Viola Vaz, Goa 20

JESUS CALLS June 2021 -

Prayer answered right on time My husband did not get his salary arrears for four years. I called the Jesus Calls prayer line and received prayers of the prayer intercessors. God did a miracle and helped us get the four years’ salary arrears with which we are now able to complete the remaining construction of our house. I thank the Jesus Calls ministry for the prayer support. - Diana Singnarpi, Assam

Safe pregnancy Though I was born & brought up in a family that does not know the love of Jesus, God helped me to know Him and blessed me in every phase of my life be it studies, job & life partner. I enrolled myself in Young Partner's Prayer Mission years back. I had 2 miscarriages in 2018 and 2019 due to tubal pregnancies and my right tube was removed. I had the most painful time in my life during that phase by thinking whether I will ever be pregnant or not. Though I faltered in faith after 2 surgeries followed by physical & mental pain, God still helped me to stand for Him by consoling me with His promises whenever I was down. Within 2 months of the second surgery, I became pregnant again but I experienced pain at the left side. On Feb 3rd, 2020, I felt that it might be tubal pregnancy on left side and all that night I thought how my tomorrow would be if it is a wrong pregnancy again. I tarried in prayer and the pain vanished completely. When I went for ultrasound on Feb 5th, 2020, doctor confirmed that the fetus was formed in the uterus! What a wonderful God! I enrolled the baby in Young Partners’ Prayer Mission even before her birth. Right from that time, until delivery God protected me by correcting everything concerning the pregnancy and helped me to naturally deliver a beautiful, healthy, and full-term baby girl! I could see God's favor in her every action and I am feeling very much blessed! Praise be to God. - Harini, India

Belongings protected

On 20th March 2021, I went out and had to park my bike in a place. Unfortunately, the person, who parked next to my bike, took mine by mistake. I was not aware of it. When he realized it was not his bike and started searching the bike to find out the owner, he found Jesus Calls magazine cover in the storage area below the seat. From the address on the cover, he returned my bike. Till I received my bike, I was not aware of all that took place. All this happened within 2 hours time. God blesses everything/anything & does miracles through the Jesus Calls ministry. He is concerned about us, protects us & our belongings. Praise be to God. - R Sridhar JC Evangelist, Chennai - June 2021



My beloved friend, I bring greetings of grace to you and your family! This month, God wants you to take to heart His Word from Ezra 8:22, "The gracious hand of our God is on everyone who looks to Him.” Yes, God’s hand is mighty in displaying His grace on behalf of those who grip His hand. We see in Lamentations 3:25, “The LORD is good to those whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him.” God knows the expectations in your heart even as you read this portion of the magazine and He encourages you today that His hand is stretched toward you to grant your heart’s desire. The Lord is listening to each one of your prayers. When the Israelites were mistreated by the Egyptians, they cried out to the Lord and were delivered as in Deuteronomy 26:7-9, “Then we cried out to the LORD, the God of our ancestors, and the LORD heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression. So the LORD brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders. He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey.” Here we see that the hand of God sent great terror against the Egyptians as they were oppressing His children. God did great signs and wonders with His hand. Are you oppressed and are you crying out because of that to the Lord? Are your children arrogant, unbelieving and wayward? Is your husband addicted to alcohol? Is your wife falling sick quite often? Are you waiting too long for a blessing? The God who listened to the Israelites is listening to your cry. God will deliver your loved ones from their weaknesses and work great miracles in your family. We also see in the verse that God’s hand is one that is powerful just as it is mighty. Yes, there is nothing that God cannot do for you. He parted the Red Sea and swallowed the army of the Egyptians. We read in Job 12:7-10, “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” Yes, your life and mine is in the hand of the Lord. The breath of every living creature is in His control. His hand rules the heavens and the earth 22

JESUS CALLS June 2021 -

and symbolizes power. It is the powerful hand of God that empowers His servants. We read in I Kings 18:46, “ And the hand of the LORD was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.” When God’s powerful hand comes upon your life, He will gird you up with strength to do the impossible. You will be able to achieve all your dreams and fulfill all your duties toward your family. You will overcome every weakness like Elijah and perform every work that overwhelmed you. He will enable you to win every battle through your prayer life. God will also supply you with milk and honey and lead you to a spacious land by stretching His hand of sufficiency toward you as we read in Deuteronomy 26:9. He will lead you to abundance and bring you to the promised profession, partner, house, blessings and to the promised family life He has destined for you. We see in Exodus 2:23, “The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God.” When God heard the Israelites groaning He remembered the covenant He made with Abraham and at the right time when


the Israelites had od’s hand is increased in number stretched toward as much as to possess you to grant your the promised land, He took them into it. God heart’s desire waited for 400 years for the Israelites to multiply. If they had been a small nation, they would have been devoured by the people around them. We see God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:13&14, “Then the LORD said to him, "Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions.” God fulfilled His promise and brought them out with His hand at the right time and brought them into the promised land. He knows you have been waiting a long time for a blessing, deliverance in your family and for a promise to fulfill. He encourages you today that in His time He will lead you to its fulfillment with His great hand. Your hope will not be cut off (Proverbs 23:18). - June 2021



According to God’s divine guidance, He gave a burden about little girls to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and as a result was born the Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) on June 26, 2016. In this group, girls, who are thirsty for prayer and in the age group of 7-12 are invited to pray for an hour at the feet of the Lord, once a month for the 10 prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Now this group has been started not only in India but also in other countries like America and South Africa. About 210 Junior Esther Prayer Groups have been started thus far and the Lord is doing many miracles among the girls, through these groups. This month, in which the Junior Esther Prayer Group ministry is completing five years since inception, we are publishing here a few testimonies for the glory of God and to stir faith and urge a longing for prayer in you:


he Lord is using me as a prayer intercessor, who prays with burden for others, by joining this Junior Esther Prayer Group. As a result of this, not only the children in our group but also our family members are blessed. Since we pray here, every mountain like tears, worries, and problems vanish like dew. I had white spots all over my face. I placed my trust on God according to the verse, ‘Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him and He shall bring it to pass’ (Psalm 37:5) and prayed. The Lord completely healed the white spots. Glory to God. -Princy, Chennai.


have joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group and am praying for the prayer points sent every month. By this, I have received lot of miracles. When I pray for others, the Lord does miracles in my life. I had a tumour in my left palm. Initially I did not take it seriously 24

JESUS CALLS June 2021 -

but as days went by it became big and gave me much pain. After I underwent a few tests, the doctors said that it had to be operated. I was scared. So, I refused to go for surgery. That month, we had the Junior Esther Prayer. I attended the prayer and prayed and also requested dear grandmother Stella Dhinakaran to pray for that. Hearing the prayers, the Lord granted me a miraculous deliverance. Now that tumour has shrunk to dot size. There is no pain. Millions of praises to God, who has done this miracle. Thanks to dear grandmother Stella Dhinakaran. - Metilda Evelyn Angel, KarunyaNagar,Coimbatore.


am studying in 6th standard. I am a Jesus Calls Young Partner. I had an infirmity when I was a child and my mother took me to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Sivakasi and sought

prayers for that. I was healed miraculously. Because of that, my love for Jesus increased. In my personal prayer, he revealed my shortcomings and I confessed to Him and thus received His pardon. He appeared to me and promised me, ‘I will exalt you.’ I taught this to the children who are my neighbours. At this juncture, my aunt joined me in the Jesus Calls Junior Esther Group. Now the Lord has helped me and six children near my house to join this group and pray and has made me lead them directly towards Him. Glory to God! -R. Sweetlyn Beulah Sathana, Sivakasi


joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group in the year 2017. The Lord has been abundantly blessing me until now. He has helped me excel in my school education and score high marks in my exams. Also, I had been praying with thirst in the group, for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord filled me with His anointing during a youth meeting. Also He brought out the talents in me and has glorified His name by that. Particularly, He has made us build a beautiful house of our own. I offer praises to the Lord for the mighty things He has done for me through the Junior Esther Prayer Group. -Pricelin Hepzibha, Coimbatore.


started the Junior Esther Prayer Group 4 years back and now, we, as ten friends are gathering and praying. The Lord has granted His abundant blessings upon each one of us.

My father was an alcoholic and used to harass all of us. We prayed for him in our group, after which he got delivered and has now invited us to live peacefully with him. I was not in a situation to study, but my parents have assured that they would help me to go for higher studies. Also, the Lord has given me the burden to pray for others. Particularly when I receive the prayer points sent by dear grandmother, I would immediately prepare myself praying with burden for that as well as for the prayer group that we will be conducting that month. Earlier I used to lose my temper easily. I would not yield to anyone or anything. Now, the Lord has given me the attitude to yield to anything, no matter what others do. The Lord is solving many problems, and doing many miracles like deliverance from alcoholism, gift of a child and marriage settlement. He is answering every prayer request for which we are praying. I offer praises and thanks to Him! -Keerthana, Chennai.


ill I joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group, I was of the idea that prayer is our duty since we are Christians. However, now I understand that by the grace of God and by the prayers offered in this Prayer Group, the problems and burdens of children in the nook and corners are solved. Now, I consider others’ prayer requests as my own and pray for them with burden. The Lord helped me to score good marks in my school exams. Yet I was scared of my annual exam. That day, we gathered and - June 2021



prayed for every exam. As a result, the Lord helped me to score high marks. By joining this Junior Esther Prayer Group, I have clearly understood how to pray. Glory to God! -J. Sylvia Joyce, Karunya Nagar, Kovai.


was always gripped by fear. However, after I started this Junior Esther Prayer Group, this fear has left me. I have learnt to pray well. I pray to God before going to school and before going to bed. Now, I am able to pray with liberty. Also, I stand first in my studies. When others request my prayers,I pray for them with burden. -Alexis Joe Rajappan, South Africa.


e are three children. In our house, my mother is conducting the Esther Prayer Group. In a particular month, she said that she had some burden about me. She however did not know what that burden was and hence continued praying for it. That month, she received a letter from dear grandmother Stella Dhinakaran in which she had mentioned, “The Lord has kept in the heart of mothers a burden that their daughters should start a Junior Esther Prayer Group.” That very month, my mother wrote to grandmother Stella Dhinakaran, requesting her to send the prayers points for the Junior Esther Prayer Group to me. Now it is two years since we started the Junior Esther Prayer Group. We have been conducting it regularly without any hurdle. I thank the Almighty God for choosing me to pray for others. - Angelina Elsa George,Thiruvalla, Kerala.

I 26

started the Junior Esther Prayer Group, so playfully; but when we prayed as a group JESUS CALLS June 2021 -

for the prayer points sent by dear grandmother, we had the burden and longing to pray for others. Every month, we faced some obstacle or the other to gather as a group and pray. Yet the Lord removed those obstacles and is helping us to conduct it regularly. Also, he has given His anointing to everyone in our group. He has filled us with divine wisdom. He has given us the boldness to proclaim Jesus to our friends. Praise the Lord! -Rebeccal Prasanna, Chennai.


joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group in the year 2017 and started praying in the group. As a result of this, the Lord has done many miracles in my life. Specially, there were great changes in my life. God helped me to score excellent marks in my school exams. I was very weak in spiritual things. Yet I believed that I would be anointed. I used to read the Bible and pray every day. This helped me to draw closer to Jesus. In 2019, I attended the UTurn meeting conducted by Bro. Sam and received the anointing. Particularly, God has helped us to complete our house construction after much struggle. Glory to God! -R. Yesiha, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.


joined as a member in a Junior Esther Prayer Group and was praying. One day, they asked me to take over the group and be a leader. I was very happy, but there were so many problems in my house to conduct this Esther Prayer Group. Yet, the Lord changed all the problems and is helping us to conduct the prayer in an excellent way. Initially, the children in the group did not know how to pray.

Now, the Lord has given them the grace topray well. Also, they attend the prayer every month with great interest. Praise be to God! -Shruti, Chennai.


started the Junior Esther Prayer Group in the year 2018 and am conducting it regularly. Prior to this, my prayer time was short, but after starting this Junior Esther Prayer Group, it increased gradually. I did not know how to conduct the prayer group. Yet, the Lord Jesus Himself, taught me as to how to conduct it, every month. Also, I have learnt to walk with Jesus in my daily life. He showed me how the devil is

making children slaves to entertainments and led me to pray for that. Accordingly, I was praying for this in my personal prayer as well. Also, He would show me certain things that are happening in the nation and would ask me to pray for that. When we thus jointly pray, we can see great and mighty changes in that. Also, we come to know of the sufferings of little children, when we read the prayer points sent to us and we pray in thegroup as well as through conference call. I also pray for these points in my personal prayer. Millions of praises to Lord Jesus who has formed this group and is leading me. -Arlene George, Coimbatore.

In 2019, my mother Hannah Merlin enthusiastically enrolled me in the Junior Esther Prayer Group. Every month in our group around 45 of us come together in prayer to pray for the points sent by Stella grandma. It is a blessing to join with my friends in prayer. Every month new girls get added to our group. I was thirsting to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I fasted and prayed for the same. Miraculously, in two days I received the anointing. My desire is that those in our group who haven’t received the anointing would be anointed and be blessed. I give all the glory to God for giving a desire for prayer in our little hearts. - Kaitlin Johanna Harris, Atlanta, America

Dear sisters and mothers! In the same way, try to inculcate among your children the thirst and burden to pray for others, especially while they are young.

For the attention of those who want to start or join the Esther Prayer Group: If the Holy Spirit prompts you to start the Esther Prayer Group (EPG) or Youth Esther Prayer Group (YEPG) or Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) or Couples’ Esther Prayer Group (CEPG) for the blessing of those in your area, please come forward! This is the end time! Arise zealously for the Lord! For Details: Sister Stella Dhinakaran Esther Prayer Group, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email: - June 2021



‘Fear’ is murky, like darkness. Sometimes we see even small children crying out of fear, for no reason at all. In the same way, we are also gripped by different kinds of fear, caused by many things and we stumble; we struggle without peace; we suffer from sickness. ‘Is there any way to be set free from such a state and live boldly?’ – Let us ponder over this and act accordingly. Job says, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom’ (Job 28:28). Apart from fearing the Lord, walking in His divine ways is also necessary. “Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.” “Blessed is everyone, who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways.” (Psalm 112:1; 128:1) God, who chose Abraham, the man of God, as His servant, said to him, “Do not be afraid; I am with you” (Genesis 15:1). Similarly, David, the servant of God also had full trust on the Lord and says joyfully, “The Lord, delivered me from all my fears” (Psalm 34:4). That’s why see how boldly he says, “The Lord is my Shepherd and so though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. The Lord will be with me and His rod and staff will comfort me” (Psalm 23:4). How did David have this kind of trust on the Lord? “I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8) Also, as we read in Psalm 55:17 and 63:1,6, he sought the holy presence of God morning, evening and night. “Seek Me and you shall find Me.” (Matthew 7:7; Luke 11:10) The Lord, who says this, will surely fill all those who seek Him or look up to Him with their whole 28

JESUS CALLS June 2021 -

heart and mind, with His divine presence. When they place their full trust on the Lord, despite their many fears, He will remove all their fears and fill them with His divine peace according to the Scriptures, “They looked to Him and were radiant.. and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all troubles.” (Psalm 34:5,6) “The Lord will bless His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11)

Strengthen yourself in the Lord: “Be of good courage; and He shall strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” (Psalm 31:24) David had this kind of blessing. On reading I Samuel 30th chapter, we come to know of the tear-filled path through which he passed. Here we read how he was delivered from all fears, in those horrible states that occurred in the course of his terrible path and how he received the Lord’s blessings. He had almost lost everything he had and was troubled deeply as his people’s hatred and anger turned towards him. What did he do then? ‘He strengthened himself in the Lord’ (I Samuel 30:6). He did not place his trust on anything else except on the Lord and got strengthened in the Lord and gained victory in the end according to the Scripture verse found in (I Samuel 30:19)and recovered all that he had lost, without losing anything. “Oh, how great is Your goodness… in the presence of the sons of men.” (Psalm 31:19) In the same way, let us also hold on to His feet strongly. When we do so, He will be with us and be sufficient for us in the midst of any terrible and critical situation as we read in Jeremiah 20:11, “But the Lord is with me, as a mighty, awesome One.” “Your right hand shall achieve awesome things…” (Psalm 45:4) King Jehoshaphat feared God and sought Him with reverence. Hence, the Lord was with him (II Chronicles 17:3). When several kings gathered against him, he became afraid and what did he do? According to II Chronicles 20:3,4, he and the

people of Judah assembled in the temple of God to seek Him with oneness of mind and with fasting and pleaded to Him. Also, as seen in II Chronicles 20:21,22, when they began to sing to the Lord and to praise Him, a great miracle took place by the power of the Lord. The enemies, who rose against them started destroying each other and they all died. None of them escaped (II Chronicles 20:24). As we read in the Bible, the Lord perfected everything for them (Psalm 138:8). Like David, if we too hold on to the Lord amidst any terrible situation, without getting dejected, and trust Him alone, He will fill us with His divine peace even in the midst of any such horrible situations and grant us a blessed life. “The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6) “… If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) Thus we shall declare boldly and it is certain that the Lord will fulfil our desire as we fear Him and will hear our cry and save us, according to Psalm 145:19. In the Bible days, out of fear that her Jewish tribe would be completely destroyed, Queen Esther and her friends as well as the Jews looked up to the Lord and how beautifully He removed their fears, worries and tears, filled them with His divine peace and joy and blessed them. A godly couple held on to the Lord firmly as their only son went astray, shunning the things of the Lord and went after worldly ways. They fasted and prayed for him, trusting only on the Lord and He, who ‘hears prayers’ wonderfully turned this son towards Him, filled him with godly zeal and led Him in a blessed way for His glory.

Seek the Spirit of the Lord “For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7) How will the Spirit of the Lord dwell in us? “The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding... His delight is in the fear of the Lord.” (Isaiah 11:2,3) I have never been a person, full of wisdom and knowledge, in my life. However, when I got filled with the God given ‘divine godliness’ and was

careful to do only the things that pleased Him, the Lord Himself was delighted with me. He granted me His divine wisdom and knowledge and I could sense Him guiding me wonderfully. Once, my husband was invited to share God’s message in a small meeting. I used to accompany him for ministry, as much as I could. But I always used to sit at the back in every meeting. I used to be scared! At this juncture, a minister of God from overseas who was ministering on the stage, suddenly uttered as prophecy, “Here’s a woman; God is going to fill her with His divine wisdom and knowledge in order to write many books for His name’s glory and use her.” Not stopping with this, he walked in the middle of the crowd, to find out who that woman was. Concluding that I didn’t have that much of knowledge, I used my scarf to hide my face well. However, he walked straight towards me, pointed out to me, called me to the front. That time my husband, who was in the front, opened his eyes to see who that blessed woman was and he was amazed to see me standing there with fear writ large on my face! Yes, dear ones, according to the prophecy given through that servant of God, the Lord granted me His grace to draw closer to Him in due course. This happened wonderfully, purely by God. Today, He has given me the wisdom to write and publish 26 books for the glory of His name and is leading me wonderfully. This is not something done by me, an ordinary woman! This has been made possible by the divine grace that has been beautifully leading me by filling me with the strength and wisdom of the Holy Spirit. Yes, dear ones! When Solomon became the King, he asked the Lord for wisdom and God granted him His incomparable and divine wisdom. Even today, if you would wait in His presence in all reverence, filled with the anointing of the Spirit, He will fill you also with His divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding, remove all your fears and will pave ways for His name to be glorified through you. Dear sisters, who are filled with fear and are defeated in life , may the Lord remove all fears from you and use you as a brightly shining vessel that will glorify His name! - June 2021




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Overall development As a student we attend college to gain knowledge and be trained in a specific field, but Karunya offered me much more than a degree. It shaped my way of thinking and even the way of life. As a student on the campus, I was given many opportunities to learn not just about my technical area but also participate in many sports events and be a part of extracurricular activities such as Christmas mega plays and technical conventions. I also was led to understand God's love in a better way and share that with my peers. I'm so thankful for getting such a chance to grow in God as a community of friends, who still help me in my journey as a Christian. Through ups as well as downs, through many experiences in life, I now know that the strong foundation during those years is helping me be a better version of myself every day. In short, Karunya was the place which steered my heart to find the truth about God and led me to a glimpse of salvation. - Hirudia Prasad, B.E., ECE 2004-08, Business Program Manager, IBM

Blessed in all spheres of life My grandmother, Mrs. Grace Vijayan, enrolled me in Jesus Calls Young Partners’ Prayer Mission in my early years of childhood. When I finished 12th grade, she was the one who made the first attempt to join me in B.E. in Karunya University. I studied B.E (ECE) 2005 2009 in Karunya according to the eternal purpose of the Lord. The college environment, student friends, college professors, and the DOVE department were the impetus for the growth of my spiritual life. By the grace of the Lord, I was placed in ‘Scope International (P) Ltd’ company in a campus interview. The Lord has been helping me to continue to work there since 2009. Scope International was acquired by its parent company, ‘Standard Chartered’ few years back. The Lord gave me Candita Gracy as a suitable life partner on December 17, 2016. I have been working in Standard Chartered, Malaysia since January 2017 and the Lord has gradually elevated me to ‘Associate Vice President’ now. On October 27, 2018, the Lord gave us Jadon Graham. We are a living witness to the Lord as a family, fulfilling God’s mission in the church where we go to in Malaysia. As a Karunya alumnus, I have been enjoying the benefits that the Lord has been bestowing in my life every day. Praise and glory be to the Lord. - Jeevan J, B.E, ECE 2005-09, Associate Vice President, Standard Chartered - June 2021



Hello friends! This month, we are going to meditate on Isaiah 40:29. “He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.” This promise of God was given to the Israelites through the words of Prophet Isaiah. Yes, my dear friends! This is God’s promise for you too! Are you feeling exhausted and weak? Take heart, for the Lord promises to strengthen you. We all know about the Olympic Games, the international sports festival held every four years. It is going to happen this year too in Tokyo, 32

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tentatively in July 2021. Let me share an incident which happened in 1992 Olympic Games held in Barcelona. Sprinter Derek Redmond tore his hamstring in the 400 metres semi-final but continued the race (These are muscles in the back of our legs, which help us to bend the knees and extend the hip). Though he was in immense pain, he did not stop but limped on one leg. Seeing this, his dad ran into the tracks to help him. Shoulder to shoulder they made it to the finish line. He did not win the race but completed it with his father’s help. The crowd gave him a standing ovation for displaying the spirit of determination and his father for the unrelenting support.

May not be the same circumstance, but we all have experienced our father’s love and support during our bad breaks and adversities. They make sure we get back on our feet even if we have to start again from scratch. If our earthly fathers could support us, how much more will our heavenly Father? It is true my dear friends, God will strengthen and help you in each struggle that you are going through. You may be weak or you may feel that your situation is impossible. Just like how the athlete’s father supported and helped him finish the race, your heavenly Father is going to help and strengthen you in everything you do. The Bible says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” Therefore, whatever you might be struggling with whether it is a silly little thing or once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity, believe in the Lord and He will strengthen you to face it and come out victoriously. I have a dog named “Coffee.” Sometimes he becomes very excited and I find it very difficult to control him. Though it is a trivial thing, when I pray, the Lord fills me with His strength and I'm able to take care of my dog. Likewise, my friends, even if it is a minor task, ask the Lord for His strength and He will strengthen you to do it successfully. Thank God and ask Him for His strength.

PRAYER: My loving heavenly Father, I thank You for this wonderful promise. I pray that You will fill me with Your strength and wisdom and help me to complete all my responsibilities successfully. I boldly declare that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I give You all the glory and praise. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. - June 2021



The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has been causing devastation across India with thousands of deaths reported every day and the cases of new infections surging in lakhs. SEESHA has been in the forefront of the pandemic response since the first wave of COVID-19, by reaching out to the healthcare teams, underprivileged, marginalized and vulnerable population across India through – • Awareness & disinfection drives • Distribution of immune boosters • Establishing vaccine clinic at SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital • Fever screening in villages through SEESHA mobile clinic • Distribution of dry rations, safety masks and sanitizers In an effort to safeguard the most vulnerable during this COVID-19 second wave, SEESHA’s Founder Dr. Paul Dhinakaran,

recently inaugurated the distribution of free vitamin supplements and protective masks to the disadvantaged families living in the tribal villages around the Siruvani Hills, under the Mathuvarayapuram Panchayat – Coimbatore. These medicines & sanitation kits will be delivered to the poor families living in remote villages where access to medical facilities is limited, through the SEESHA mobile clinic. For more than a year, the Karunya Campus at Periyanaickenpalayam- Coimbatore has been functioning as a COVID-19 care centre run along with the State government, providing free treatment with 600 beds. So far, the treatment facility has helped more than 5,000 people recover fully from the COVID-19 disease. Considering the plight of the needy & suffering during this second wave of the pandemic, SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital is running a 20-bedded facility treating COVID-19 patients with a dedicated team of Doctors and Nurses giving the best care.

You could also join us in our mission of supporting the most disadvantaged communities and healthcare workers during these challenging times. You may support us in the following ways: Sponsor Health & sanitation kits - Rs. 500/kit Sponsor personal protectives for doctors/healthcare workers - Rs. 2000/person Sponsor healthcare services through mobile clinic – Rs. 5000/day


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Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

While facing troubles, the first thing that strikes our mind is to seek prayer help and the letter ministry has been the immediate resort people take on to inform the Dhinakarans regarding their situation expecting healing, deliverance and blessings. In accordance to people’s trust, they pray earnestly and God keeps His covenant to answer every prayer, working miracles in the lives of millions.

DAUGHTER BECOMES GOLD MEDALIST Here’s how Sis. S. Kanaga Durga has been blessed through the letter ministry:

My daughter Meera is a Young Partner. Since she is a Young Partner, she has been excelling in her studies. However, during her exams, she faced lot of difficulties because of which she was filled with fear. In this situation, I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting his prayers for my daughter to excel in her B.Tech exams. He sent a reply assuring his earnest prayers. After that, she was able to concentrate well in her studies. By God’s grace and the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, she was able to give her best in the exams in 2016. As she stood first in all subjects in B.Tech, she received gold medal from the hands of the Governor. Now she is married and well settled in New Zealand. We keep writing letters to Dr. Paul for every prayer need and we are blessed. All glory be to God. - Kanaga Durga, Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu Even in these perilous times, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family assure you of their prayers and therefore welcomes you to write your prayer requests to them. They will stand with you in prayers to bring God’s answer into your life. Whatever may be your request, those regarding life’s decisions, to know God’s will concerning which job or marriage proposal to choose or for any kind of prayer help, please send it to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and they will pray over it and send God’s reply to you. SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE

Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: 35

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