Jesus Calls (ENGLISH) March - 2023

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The Dhinakarans ministered as a family in the Partners Meet at G. D. SHAW HALL, the Assembly of God Church School, Kolkata on the 24th of January 2023. More than 3,000 participants from in and around Kolkata participated in the meeting. They were seen standing in big queues outside the venue so thirsty to receive the blessing of God through the prayer of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. The whole auditorium was jam-packed and overflowing in the other room. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran led the testimonies session and shared what the Almighty God has been doing in the lives of thousands of people through the Jesus Calls ministry as well as through the various facets of the Jesus Calls ministry. Stella Ramola led the gathering into the presence of God as she ministered through the praise and worship session which brought comfort to the thousands gathered. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the Word of God from Jeremiah 33:3 and assured the people that they will see great and unsearchable wonders they have never imagined or expected. Sis. Evangeline Paul prayed for the people with much burden and they were filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Individual prayers were offered at the end by the Dhinakarans. All the partners left the place touched by the love and joy of the Lord. Many testified of receiving healing and deliverance through the meeting. The Partners Meet though arranged at a short notice was a great success by God's amazing grace and with the sincere efforts and hard work of the local Prayer Tower staff and team.


Indeed, when God allows a shaking in our lives and upon the earth we truly know that a great outpouring from Heaven is on the way following that. He opens the windows or floodgates of heaven and pours out His blessing, which you will not be able to contain. You will be shaken by God to the point of experiencing His overflow.

Acts 4:31, says, “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”

In order to be filled with the Holy Spirit without measure (John 3:34), the Lord shakes you in the worldly realm, in order for Him to shake the world

for His glory through you and me. A shaking is coming soon indeed!

So, what is it that He wants you to do to have this shaking experience? The place shook as they all prayed together, according to the scripture above. Prayer is what shakes the earth for God. All of us need to pray now and pray together as never before.

Do you recall the time of this incident in the Bible?

The Sanhedrin of religious scholars and priests opposed the

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followers of Jesus because they preached, practised, and professed Jesus. They even threatened them with death if they continued preaching that the Lord had risen from the dead and that He is the only Saviour who can deliver any person from their sins. Amidst those threats to their lives, they gathered and prayed together. Today because of the shaking on all sides you may have to deal with numerous challenges and troubles even persecution for following Jesus. The only thing that the Lord is saying is to PRAY and PRAY together. It is when you pray, God will shake the world in your favour.

You will be empowered by God's power, through which God will enable you and me to shake the

and I will fill this house with glory,’ says the LORD Almighty.”

Yes, God is going to shake the heavens and the earth, the sea, the dry land and the nations.


In 2014, the Lord revealed to me His plans for the world. One day, my wife and I went to our bedside to pray as usual. That day, despite being weak and exhausted, the Lord gave me a revelation. Yes, when we are weak, God pours forth His grace on us. “The world will now be prepared for my second coming”, the Lord declared. He showed me then that the shaking will begin with China, then Russia, then the Middle East countries, then Israel with salvation coming to the Jews, then Africa, then India and then the far east reaching the Australian region. When we pray, God is prepared to shake all the nations.


Why does the Lord’s shaking come upon the waters?

Jesus sent His disciples to Galilee after multiplying the food and feeding five thousand people. Then a storm developed. The storm shook the boat in which the disciples travelled; the winds blew from different sides against them; the waters became turbulent.

world out of their sin, evil, jealousy, wickedness and witchcraft by being His witness (Acts 1:8). You cannot operate just by human authority, favour or power. God's power needs to be poured upon you through the Holy Spirit. Greater than the one in the world is He who resides in you. Nothing in this world can ever prevail over you if you are filled to the brim with the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Even though you may have had to go through the fire, water, tyranny, and hardships, now the shaking is coming to make you more than a conqueror in all these things.

Haggai 2:6,7 says, “This is what the LORD Almighty says: ‘In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. I will shake all nations, and what is desired by all nations will come,

Why should the disciples experience this? The verse found in Mark 6:52 says that they did not understand the mystery of the loaves that Jesus had multiplied just then to feed the five thousand men apart from women and children. Their hearts were hard to the gospel of Jesus. They were not seeking Jesus as Spiritual food for their lives to gain earthly blessing too but rather they sought after Him only for earthly food and fame. Their hearts had become hard. They just had one desire - bread! They were delighted that Jesus had performed the miracle, but all they could think about was the bread He multiplied, the food, the position, and the possessions.

However, they failed to realise that the loaves that Jesus broke to multiply were nothing but His own body which He gave to be broken for us to have the eternal bread to be able to overcome the wickedness of the earth and be able to live on earth. Jesus multiplies in us when we accept the broken loaf as the wounded body of Jesus to feed us for life. The Lord allows the shaking in our lives so that our eyes will open to the broken body of

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Jesus for us to receive Him as our life to live on earth, not looking to earthly food, fame, favour alone for us to live on earth, which are only transient. “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God”

(Matthew 4:4).

According to John 6:19, while the boat of the disciples in which they were travelling was being shaken by the winds and the troubled waters, Jesus walked on the same waters for three and a half miles. Truly He could walk on the stormy waters of the sea because He was praying alone on the land climbing a mountain all through the night. When He approached the boat of the disciples through the saving of their co-disciple Peter, who was about to drown but was saved by the hand of the Lord Jesus. Then the eyes of the disciples were opened for them to realise that He was Jesus who had come to them walking over the shaken sea. They welcomed Him into the boat. Welcoming Jesus into their boat was to welcome Him, His will, His lifestyle, His sanctified Spirit and His mission into their lives. Immediately the storm and the shaking stopped. Peace descended. And behold the boat touched the other shore. Your boat will now reach the destined shore.

Recognise with the reverence that you have life in you being powered by the broken body of Jesus; you are carrying the mission for your life, your family, your job and so on, which is the broken body of Jesus to feed people with it through your life. As you revere what the Lord has placed in your hands as the broken body of the Lord Jesus and serve the people around you with it, there will be multiplication, miracles and the manifestation of the divine through you. You will walk over the shaken waters and reach the other shore to experience miracles of healing, deliverance and resurrection.

SHAKING OF THE HEAVENS Why would God cause the heavens to shake?

Before God's throne in heaven, satan stands accusing God's children. According to Revelation 12:9 and 10, satan is standing before God's throne accusing the brethren while simultaneously leading the world astray. The old devil satan, the serpent! He gathers witnesses against you on earth too using them to accuse you unjustly. But when we pray together God will shake the heavens and cast satan

down. His throne will crumble, and he will no longer be able to blame us. He will never be able to stand against us because of the lamb's blood and His testimony that we are His beloved child. You will declare, "I will testify about Jesus. I'll lead a life of witness for the Lord Jesus.” Satan will then fall. God of peace will crush satan under your feet. His plans will never prevail. And then, only the will of God shall be fulfilled in your life (Jeremiah 29:11).


God promises that He will shake the dry land when we pray together. Exodus 14:21–30 contains an account of how the Egyptians pursued the Israelites on the dry land. Do you recall the story? God was leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. At that moment, Egyptians wanted to get the

Israelites back to bondage. And their armies pursued them riding on their chariots. People who are evil in the world may follow you today to get you back to a life of bondage, slavery and exploitation. If they would not succeed they would even want to kill you, especially if you bear the name of Jesus. They'll make an effort to ruin you. Such were the people who followed the Israelites. Moses then extended his hands over the Red Sea and the Lord repelled the sea. It was transformed into dry land with the help of a strong east wind. With a wall of water to their right and to their left, the waters stood, as the Israelites crossed the sea on dry land. All of the Pharaoh’s horsemen, chariots and riders followed the Israelites into that dry land which was a God-made path destined only for the children of God to travel. When God's chosen people are made to walk to inherit the place

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prepared by God for them (Exodus 23:20) no wickedness nor the unrighteous authorities of the world would be able to overcome the children of God as long as they walk in the path destined and opened miraculously by the Lord for them. It's a unique supernatural path laid out for God's elect.

God has opened a unique path for you in the presence of your enemies (Psalms 23:5). But you may wonder why God allowed the destructive Egyptian army to follow the Israelites on the same miraculous path. But He allowed them only up to a certain distance after which God looked at the Egyptians from the pillar of fire and cloud and He jammed the wheels of their chariots so that they could not move and were caught in the middle of the sea floor. They were wrought with the spirit of confusion. They cried, “let's get away from the Israelites.” But it was too late for them.

The Lord instructed Moses to extend his hand over the sea so that the Egyptians, with their chariots and horsemen would be covered by the waters. As soon as dawn broke, the sea returned to its original position. As they ran in that direction, the Lord threw the Egyptians into the sea covering the horses and chariots. Pharaoh's entire army, which had followed the Israelites into the water, was there. They all died and not one of them survived. The Lord delivered Israel from the hands of the Egyptians that day, and Israel saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore as they crossed the sea on dry land with a wall of water on their right and their left. You'll start seeing your adversaries who try to put you in bondage destroyed totally from now on. The Egyptians that you see today, you will never see again. Your adversaries won't be around anymore. The devils battling His children will be vanquished by God. Your adversaries won't frighten you anymore. They will be moved out and God will give you victory so that you might soon enter His promised land.


Finally, God is going to shake the earth. When does the shaking happen on the earth? Psalm

68:7,8 says,

“When You, God, went out before Your people, when You marched through the wilderness, the earth shook, the heavens poured down rain, before God, the One of Sinai, before God, the God of Israel.”

When God goes before us, the earth will shake. From today the Almighty God is going to go before us. He says in Exodus 23:20,

“See, I am sending an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.”

This year, 2023, the Lord told me that it is going to be a year of beautification. God is going to beautify you when you pray. Esther prayed and God beautified her. The King of Kings will make you the queen. In Jeremiah 30:18, the Lord says, “From the mud heaps where you are, I'll make you into a beautiful palace.” The earth will indeed shake. The wilderness will rejoice and blossom! Zephaniah 3:19 says, in the same place where you went through shame, I will give you praise and honour. You have gone through enough shame. You have become a mud heap and have become ruins. But God says, “I'm going to shake you. I'm going to go before you. I will fight for you. I will beautify you and you'll become a palace to carry Jesus.” Aren’t you glad, my friend? Own each and every promise of this message. Your prayers are going to shake the world. Take heart and keep praying.


Loving Father, Thank You for this beautiful promise that You will make Your blessings overflow into my life in abundance and will shake out the human lusts and cravings, the accusing satan and the wicked destroying Egyptian powers. Thank You for Your promise that You will shake the world on my behalf and for Your glory. Lord, use me and instill in me the Spirit of prayer to carry You wherever I go. Let people be shaken for Your kingdom to overflow and be established. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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Age: 40+ years. Location: Chennai. Experience: Above 10+ years of top level management. Skills required: Exp in Youtube, Instagram, twitter, OTT, Website and App, Copyright Protection and Reputation Management.


Age: 45+ years. Location: Chennai. Experience: Above 15+ years of top level management. Skills required: Pre, Production and Post production management for TV programs. Technical media skills, Event Production Management, Broadcast Quality and Transmission, Technology and Media Infrastructure Mgmt, Developing annual operating goals and operating budgets, Team scheduling and leadership, Industry Networking, vendor negotiation skills, TV Slot & advertisements purchase, Industry Knowledge and Sponsorship fund raising.


Skills required: To manage content production, promotions, and digital marketing of these on social media, websites, apps, WhatsApp, TV apps, e-newsletters & magazines, and other digital platforms. Technical and technology knowledge in these platforms.


Preferred Age: 30+ yrs. Experience: 5+ yrs relevant experience. Skills required: Build, plan and implement the overall digital marketing strategy. Manage and train the rest of the team. Prepare and manage a budget. Manage and improve online content. Plan all the SEO, web, social media, email and display marketing campaigns for the marketing team. Manage to update with emerging technologies and use them for maximum output.


Preferred Age: 45+ yrs. Experience: 15+ yrs relevant experience. Skills required: Developing FPC, Programming management and Content Quality, Broadcast and Transmission, Distribution, Statutory compliance, Infrastructure & Asset Setup and Management, Marketing and Publicity, Advertisements and Sponsorships, Web, Social Media, App/OTT Management.


Language: Tamil/Hindi/Telugu/Malayalam/Kannada.

Experience: 15+ yrs relevant experience. Skills required: TV Programs Studio and Field Production & Postproduction Management, Content & concepts ideation, TV Slot Negotiations, Manpower allotment and management, Social Media Content and Marketing (YouTube, Facebook, Web, OTT videos), Audio Quality and Dubbing Management, Live Broadcast Management, Technical Connection & Uplinking skills, Promo production & Promotions.


Experience: 1-3 years of relevant experience. Skills required: Proficient in reading and creative writing in English/Tamil/Hindi/Telugu/Malayalam/Kannada, Captioning/ Titling, Content R&D, Good in biblical knowledge and writing to spiritual audience.


Experience: 2-5 years of relevant experience. Skills required: Experienced in visual editing on FCP 10.0, Adobe CC Premiere - Adobe After Effects - Photoshop CC 2021, strong in promo concepts, storyboarding & editing, music and audio sweetening, camera operation. Education: Any Degree.


Skills Required: Adobe After Effects, Photoshop CC 2021, 2D & 3D Animation. Experience: 2-5 years of relevant experience.


Education: Relevant degrees and certificates preferred.

Experience: 3-5 years of relevant experience. Skills required: Audio sweetening, balancing, EQ, recording, miking, knowledge on preamps, sound cards, speakers, digital/analogue consoles, software (Logic Pro, Cubase, Nuendo), live audio setup and PA (studio, outdoor), mixing, and mastering.

SEO/SMO Specialist

Specialist Experience: 3-5 years of relevant experience. Skills required: Identify strategies, techniques, and tactics to increase the number of visitors on the website and social media platforms and obtain a high-ranking placement on the results page of search engines.


Experience: 8+ years. Skills required: Web developer, web applications, app development, creation content uploading and management, mis reports.


Experience: Any degree and certificates. 4-7 years of relevant experience. Technical Skills required: Sound theoretical, practical, and technical knowledge of cameras, ability to frame and compose shots, to perform camera moves accurately, capacity to multi-task and take direction, Plan shots.



Age: 45+ years. Location: Chennai (Travel all over India).

Experience: 15+ years of top-level administration experience. Skills required: Ability to travel all over India. Recruit and manage the operating officers & operations all Prayer Towers, Field Ambassadors, volunteers in each prayer tower located in all states, budgeting and forecast, fundraising, Audit systems, Networking with public officials, conducting Prayer Festivals & events, developing SOP, Digital management of the system, Team leadership and Training, communication skills (Multi-lingual) etc.,


Age: About 45 years and above. Location: Any state. Experience: Above 10 years of mid managerial experience. Skills required: Ability to travel within the region. Manage Prayer Tower operations, Field Ambassadors, staff & volunteers in each major city in that region, Ministering grace, Training, Prayer Festivals & events, raising sponsors, liaising with church & civil administration, legal, statutory compliance, etc.


Experience: 10+ yrs relevant experience. Skills required: Network Management, Setting up promotional content, Multilingual preferred, Management of 24 hours Telephone services in several stations across India, CRM management to enrol callers and provide spiritual services, telephony and network connectivity management, training, volunteer mobilisation, shift management.


Experience: 5+ yrs relevant experience. Age: 35 yrs and above. Language: Tamil/ English/ Malayalam/ Telugu/ Hindi/ Marathi/ Gujarati/ Kannada. Location: Across India for each Prayer Tower speaking the local language. Skill required: The ability to pray and minister with compassion, people skills, ability to communicate well in the local language and in English, tech savvy, typing skills, Biblical Knowledge, and integrity.


Location: Different Prayer Towers of India. Age: 37 yrs and above. Skills required: Managerial experience of at least 5 Years with the capability, commitment, and confidence to lead a spiritual ministry, training, communicating in the local language and English orally, tech-savvy, accounting, MIS reviews, people person to meet each visitor’s / donor’s needs, fundraising, local liaising, event organizing.



Location: Chennai. Experience: 10+ years in services marketing at a managerial level. Skills required: Managing different segments of donors, Branding,

promotions, Donor engagement, ministry to donors, strategic planning, data analytics, digital marketing, communication and MIS reports.


Experience: 10-12 years. Location: Chennai. Skill required: Manage and engage Family/youth/Children database, promotions, organizing events across India, good communicator (English and local language) TV program and social media management, Training programs Prayer Tower youth ministry, setup programs for skill development and career guidance.


Location: Chennai. Education: Any degree. Experience: 2-3 yrs. Skills required: Fluency and typing in the Hindi / Kannada languages. Strong command of language (reading, writing); translation from or to English; computer knowledge.


HEAD - IT (Senior Position)

Location: Chennai. Experience: 10+ years of relevant experience at a managerial level. Skills required: Software project management, Managing IT assets and infrastructure, mobile apps development and maintenance, media IT infrastructure and technology planning, social media integration, data and server management, cloud storage, networking, firewalls and security, new technology solutions and efficiency of systems, user training, MIS reports of IT systems and bringing cost efficiencies.


Education: Relevant degrees and certificates. Experience: 5+ years experience. Skill required: IT asset and infrastructure management, System installation, troubleshooting, Cybersecurity, Networking and wireless, Server Maintenance, Biometrics installation and management.



Experience: 3+ years of experience in the area of CRM Business Application and Solution Architect, design, development, testing and implementation of Software / API Products. Skill required: CRM,Data Migration, SSRS,Visual Studio, Data Analysis, System Analyst, Oracle 10G/ mySQL / AWS/ Scrum, SQL,Agile.


Experience: 2+yrs exp. Cloud-based telecom systems in Unified Communications/ Contact Center Platforms Creates, maintains, and updates the IVR configurations/ Omnichannel routing of voice PRI & SIP Voice Solutions, Protocol (TCP/IP), MPL Dedicated Multipoint/ MPLS Routing / DNS Skill required: Cisco Endpoints, TMS, VCS, Cisco CCNA/CCNP Incident Metrics Mgt - MTBF, MTTR, MTTA,MTTF Web APIs / SQL databases / Microsoft SQL/ AWS Server



Experience: 10-15 years. Locations: Frazer TownBangalore and Ghatkopar– Mumbai. Skill required: 'C' license Holder, Electrical panels, Generators, AMC of all equipment, take care of entire building/ premises of civil, mechanical, and Electrical maintenance, supervise the Housekeeping and security personnel, and maintain the records. Maintaining and operating the PA system and taking care of stage lights, Auditorium Maintenance, and power backups.


Location: Chennai. Qualification: B. E., /Dip in Civil Engg. Skills required: Min 2 yrs exp. Experience: Auto CAD, project execution, supervision, quality control, material management. Maintenance of buildings, willing to travel throughout India. Language: Tamil, English & Hindi.

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The Partner's Meet was held on the 25th of January 2023, in Duncan Basti, Dimapur's Sangtam Baptist Church. Thousands of attendees came from neighbouring places and experienced the mighty presence of God during the meeting.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran welcomed everyone to the event and introduced the testimonies. Stella Ramola led a soulstirring worship service. Sis. Evangeline Paul prayed for the partners while Dr. Paul Dhinakaran preached from the Scripture. The partners were overjoyed to see the Dhinakarans in person and to personally receive prayers for their needs from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. All left the place with so much peace and hope in their hearts.


The Nagaland Prayer Conference took place from the 26th to the 28th of January at Thaheku Village Baptist Church, Dimapur. Around 350 delegates attended the meeting.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared a powerful message on the Power of Prophecy and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Sis. Evangeline Paul and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran also taught about the importance of having a closer walk with God.

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Stella Ramola led a life-changing Worship Training Session where she emphasised on how to worship the Lord and how to make worship a lifestyle.

The Karunya Team led the gathering in singing during the sessions and prayed along with the Dhinakarans.


On the 27th of January evening, in the Thahekhu Village Baptist Church, the Family Blessing Meeting was organised by Western Sümi Baptist AkukuhouKukhakulu (WSBAK). The worship session was led by Stella Ramola, thus preparing the hearts of the people to receive the word of God. Sis. Evangeline Paul shared an inspiring message with the gathering on how to serve the Lord as a family in order to be blessed as a family. Thousands of people participated and were blessed. During prayer, people were filled with the power of God.

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On the 28th evening, the first day of the Nagaland Prayer Festival, thousands of people participated. The Prayer Festival was co-hosted by WSBAK and led by Rev. Dr. Phughoto Sema Aye - Executive Secretary of WSBAK. Shri Neiphiu Rio - Hon'ble Chief Minister of Nagaland was the Chief Guest along with Shri Azheto Zhimomi, MLA. After the greeting message by the Hon'ble Chief Minister, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran led the prayer for peace in Nagaland specially praying for the elections. Stella Ramola ministered through the worship session that ushered people into the presence of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran encouraged the gathering in the Lord by sharing powerful testimonies for God’s glory. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran blessed the people by sharing the word of God on God’s sufficient grace that is able to transform anyone and also prayed earnestly for the people.

On the 29th evening, the second day of the Prayer Festival, more than 13,000 people attended and experienced God’s glory. The Word of blessing was shared through testimonies introduced by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran to instill faith in the hearts of the people. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered the Word of God prophetically and Sis. Evangeline Paul prayed for the deliverance of the people. On both days, when the altar call was given, thousands of people came forward and knelt down in the open space near the stage and were filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit as they poured out their hearts and surrendered their lives to the Lord Jesus.

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The Prayer Tower Ministry serves millions of people through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ. God hears the prayers of anointed prayer intercessors and delivers people from all their difficulties and binds the brokenhearted. Several people’s lives are renewed, enabling them to move forward and do great things for God's glory. Prayer Towers are seen by some as their mother's home. Regardless of the darkness that is confronting the people, as soon as they enter the Prayer Tower, they feel at home being warmly welcomed by the Prayer Intercessors into the glorious presence of God that strengthens them and brings the light of God into their lives. Visitors to the Chapel have also experienced the presence of God in a special way during their quiet time with the Lord. Special weekly meetings are also held for specific groups of people such as business people, families, women, young people, children and individuals in need of deliverance from evil spirits and challenging situations. Each Prayer Tower also features a Chain Prayer Room. Every day, thousands of people visit our Prayer Towers and utilise the facilities provided there to receive prayer for

miracles from the Lord Jesus.

The "Telephone Prayer Tower" ministry offers solace to millions of people who require prayer for a variety of reasons. Prayer services are provided 24x7 in eight languages-English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Punjabi, and Gujarati through the telephone number 044 45 999 000. There is a need to expand the prayer support crew to render hassle-free prayer support for the increasing prayer calls. We are also planning on training a large number of prayer intercessors.

The Blessings Meetings held in each Prayer Tower are indeed a blessing to many. Several hundred people attend the Blessing Meetings each week, where they encounter God's heavenly touch and are set free from bondages. We are facing some inconveniences now since due to a lack of room space in some Prayer Towers, we are unable to hold these Blessing Meetings. To accommodate the growing number of visitors in some Prayer Towers, we need to relocate these Towers to a more spacious place.

Thanks to the generous donations of our

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partners, we are able to cover the rent for the Prayer Tower buildings, the electricity and phone connection costs, computer and building

maintenance costs, and office operational costs. Every little contribution has helped us to provide free service to people in their desperate times.

As led by the Lord, we are also planning to open a Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre, and Media Prayer Centre on the campus of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in Chennai. We will have to train Prayer Intercessors and deploy them in the nation's many operating Prayer Towers. With a total space of 61,540 square feet, these three centres will be constructed for approximately Rs. 20 crores ($2.5 million).

This year, we are also planning to establish Prayer Towers in Hyderabad, Nagercoil, and Thiruvananthapuram. This will be costing around Rs. 10 crores ($1.25 million). Please uphold these endeavours in your prayers for the Lord to provide the necessary help and make it happen. You are also most welcome to extend your financial support to any of the Prayer Tower projects and services which will definitely make a difference in many people’s lives.

Here is a testimony of a sister who has been blessed through the Prayer Tower ministry: BLESSED WITH OUR OWN HOUSE!

As the word of God goes, "Build God's house and He will build your house," we were donating regularly towards the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Building Fund. Since then, we have witnessed the Lord’s blessing on all sides. This year we completed the construction of our house, and we moved into our own house, this month. God has also miraculously provided a car for us. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors for their fervent prayers for us. - Archana kindo, Rourkela

Every soul that is touched by the Lord through your sacrificial contributions will be added to your account in heaven and will bring you blessings more than you could ask or imagine. You can make a donation towards the Prayer Tower Ministry in person, in a Prayer Tower near your area (or) you could also send it through our secure website (or) Contact the Partner Care Service at the number 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm IST) to find out how to make a donation. May the Lord Jesus who came to give life in abundance bless and fill you with His abundance.

My share in the construction of these Prayer Towers (kindly tick your choice)

I am donating Rs. 4,000 ($ 50) for 1 sq. ftI am donating Rs. 20,000 ($ 250) for 5 sq. ft

I am donating Rs. 40,000 ($ 500) for 10 sq. ft

I am donating Rs..................... ($.............) for ................................. sq. ft.

To sponsor a particular facility: I am donating Rs. 3 lakhs ($ 3750)

I am donating Rs. 1 lakh ($ 1250)I am donating Rs................................... ($.......................)

(The names of those who support the specific facility will be inscribed in the Prayer Tower)

I am donating Rs.800 for 10 bricks ($ 10)I am donating Rs.4000 for 50 bricks ($ 50)

I am donating Rs.8000 for 100 bricks ($ 100)

I am donating Rs........................... for .................... bricks ($..............for ……..... bricks)

(A beautifully designed Prayer Tower Building Fund Partner certificate will be given)

Name: ………………………............................................................………….. Partner Code (if any):…………………..

Address:…………………............................……….............................................................. PIN code:……………………

Mobile 1:…………............….. Mobi le 2:…………..........……….Email:……....………...........................

The simple ways by which you can send your loving offerings to the PRAYER

TOWER MINISTRY are found on page no. 16 of this issue.


13 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS

My dear partner in the ministry,

I pray that the marvellous presence of our Lord will be with you in this month of March.

The promise for March is found in Proverbs 3:15:

"Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her" (NLT).

May our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the source of all wisdom be with your children especially during this exam season and grant them meritorious success. I am also praying for the Lord to bestow His choicest blessings upon you and your loved ones throughout this month.


"The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord."

(Proverbs 21:31)

In March and in the coming months, our children will be appearing for various examinations like board exams, entrance exams etc., During this season our children should enjoy good health and

divine wisdom. Jesus Calls is always there to pray for the students. If your children struggle with exam fear and stress, kindly connect them to the Telephone Prayer Tower in the number 04445999000. Our prayer intercessors are available 24/ 7 to pray for your children and embolden them in the Lord to overcome every fear and anxiety. God will surely bless them.

I would also encourage you to enroll your children as Young Partners. By doing so, you can keep them covered in prayers continually since our prayer intercessors in the Prayer Towers will be praying daily for the young partners especially for the Lord to give His wisdom, divine protection and a bright future for them. You may visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area or our website or contact 044-23456677 our partner care team (7 AM to 9 PM) on all days to know more about the plan.


"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God"

(1 Corinthians 1:18)

As we are going to celebrate the resurrection

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of our Lord Jesus Christ in April, many of us choose to meditate on the sufferings and crucifixion of Jesus in this season. Please visit the Prayer Tower situated in your area, and you can meditate in the chapel and can attend meetings. There are many messages related to fasting and prayer, meditation on the cross are also available on the Jesus Calls social media platforms. You may access them any time and meditate on our Saviour's tribulations.

You may find the details about Jesus Calls television programmes on page 11 of this issue. Make sure to watch these programmes and receive heavenly blessings.

If the Lord guides you please uphold the media ministry with your generous offerings. That would help us to produce more content for millions to be blessed.


"When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honoured the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed"

(Acts 13:48)

God revealed to me that there would be a deep darkness that would cover the world in the days to come. He commanded me to spread His word around the world as soon as possible. We are always in His ministry and share His good news in and out of season. I give below the details of meetings that have been planned according to divine guidance. Please pray for these meetings.

March 12 - Blessing Meeting, Bethesda Prayer Centre

March 17 - Blessing Meeting, Galle, Sri Lanka

March 18 - Blessings Meeting, Colombo, Sri Lanka followed by partner events

March 24 & 25 - Blessing Meetings, Jaffna, Sri Lanka

March 26 - Youth Blessing Meeting, Jaffna, Sri Lanka

April 1 - Meditation on the Cross, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

April 2 - Palm Sunday Service, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

April 2 - Blessing Meeting, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

April 14 - Blessing Meeting, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

April 15 - UTurn Blessing Meeting, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

April 15 - Partners Meet, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

April 29 - May 1 - Prophetic Conference, Chennai

May 2 & 3 - Ministry Training Programme, Chennai

June 25 - 29 - Ministry Training Programme, Karunya Nagar

July 1 & 2 - National Ambassador Conference, Karunya Nagar

As it is God's mandate to carry His word even before the darkness, you may support these events and be a blessing to many people. Our loving God who sees your generous heart will bless you for sure. You can find the easy ways to support Jesus Calls ministry on the 16th page of this issue.


"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand." (1 Chronicles 29:14)

To serve the people in greater measure through the 100 Prayer Towers in India as per the guidance of the Lord we have a desperate need to build new buildings in the following centres viz, Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre and Prayer Media Centre in the campus of Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower to be built in a total area of 61,540 sq. ft costing us about Rs 20

15 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS

crores($ 2.5 million); as well as at Hyderabad, Nagercoil and Thiruvananthapuram this year at an estimated cost of about Rs.15 crores ($ 1.875 million). Please do uphold these endeavours in your prayers and if possible, extend your support as the Lord leads you.


“But God has surely heard; He has attended to the sound of my prayer.” (Psalm 66:19)

On March 25th, the Trumpet Prayer Ministry will complete three years and on March 31st the Esther Prayer Group ministry will celebrate its 35th anniversary. Praise God for these two ministries which are a great blessing to many people and nations.


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"Since you are precious and honoured in My sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life" (Isaiah 43:4)

According to this scripture, may the Almighty God delight in you all through this month and honour you among your family members, relatives and in your place of work.

Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 16

Here’s how a dear Pastor has been blessed:

We have more than 18 years of experience serving the congregation in the Rameshwaram region. A devastating storm that hit our area two years ago entirely damaged our church building. At the time, nobody could assist us. As a result, we suffered greatly and were unable to worship the Lord. As a congregation, we prayed because we didn't know what to do next. In such a circumstance, the management of the Jesus Calls ministry observed the predicament of our church and wanted to extend their help. I, therefore, sent a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. The Jesus Calls ministry immediately volunteered to assist us in building the church. The Church is now rebuilt for the glory of God and we are freely worshipping the Lord, today. We appreciate Dr. Paul Dhinakaran's assistance in constructing our church and helping us serve the Lord once again. As a result, we are able to harvest many souls for the Kingdom of Christ. To God be the glory.

17 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS

Exam-going students attended a special prayer meeting conducted exclusively for them on February 5th at St. George’s School Ground in Chennai. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul and Stella Ramola hosted the Students’ Prayer Meet with the sole purposeto instill Godly confidence in students and relieve them of their fears. Thousands of students from more than 50 different schools showed up for the meeting. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared the testimonies of students who had previously attended the Students Prayer Meet and were blessed by performing exceptionally well in their examinations. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the word of God using illustrations which helped the students to understand the sermon better and also strengthened their faith in the Lord. He also prayed with burden for God to grant the students meritorious success. At the end of the meeting, individual prayers were offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Mrs. Evangeline Paul, and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. The students left the ground with a new confidence and assurance that came from the Lord to face their exams boldly. The meeting was also telecast on the Family Channel and also through various social media platforms blessing thousands of students who watched online. Praise be to God for making this meeting a success!

JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 18

Thousands of students who were about to face exams attended the Students’ Prayer Meet that was held on February 11th at Shanmukhananda Hall, Comrade Harbanslal Marg, Sion (East), Mumbai. Crowds thronged the venue to hear God’s Word from Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola. The meeting was a huge success as the students left the place transformed and strengthened knowing that the Lord Jesus will be with them and help them in their preparations for their exams. Stella Ramola led the praise and worship and also ministered through God’s Word which was enthralling and inspiring for the students. Her tear-filled, compassionate words about having a close relationship with Jesus made the children taste the love of God. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared insightful ways through which the students can overcome forgetfulness and encouraged the students that they will overcome all their difficulties to be victorious. God’s presence covered the entire place. The meeting was also aired live through social media platforms and many were blessed by participating online. Individual prayers were also offered in the end. God’s glory was greatly manifested in this meeting.

19 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS

My dear friend, God will let you see His glory this month. Like Mary, you will say that the Mighty One has done great things for you (Luke 1:49).

Isaiah 43:7 says, “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I created for My glory, whom I formed and made.” In other words, it says that we have been created for God’s glory.

Colossians 1:27 says, “To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

Accordingly, this month, God will show you the mystery of His glorious riches. You are not an average person. You are a gloriously rich person in Christ Jesus. It is difficult for worldly people to understand the

mystery of His glorious riches, yet He will reveal it to you in leaps and bounds.

So, what is this mystery?

It is the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in you. That is the mystery and that is the glorious riches that you and I own. God is willing to open your spiritual eyes so that you will understand this mystery. He wants to enlighten the eyes of your heart.

When a car manufacturer makes a car that runs on petrol, that car can only function if the tank is filled with petrol. Otherwise, if it’s filled with diesel, the car will breakdown. This happened to us once. Our driver filled our petrol car with diesel and even though he cleared the tank out of diesel and filled in petrol, the car did not function properly. It got repaired often and so finally we had to sell the car. This is how God has created our bodies also. We are meant to be filled with His Holy Spirit. If we are filled with the world, we too will be destroyed. Only if we are filled with Holy Spirit, we will be able to work for the Lord.

Ephesians 2:10 reads as follows: We read that God has created us in Christ Jesus.

JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 20

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

Yes, God has indeed created us in Christ and this is how we are meant to be. To be in Christ! Because in Christ we are created to do good works. God has put so much thought into creating you uniquely. God has created each one of us with unique glory as we read in 1 Corinthians 15:41 which says, “The sun has one kind of splendour, the moon another and the stars another; and star differs from star in splendour.”

When I got married to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, I thought God will use me just like my father-in-law, my mother-in-law and my husband. But whenever I stood up to speak, my volume would be so low. I could not minister like them. Once, a prophetess came to our house and prophesied saying, “Evangeline, you are trying to imitate your husband and your in-laws but God has given you a unique ministry. God will work miracles even through your whisper. You will be uniquely used by God. Do not compare your ministry with others.” So, after that, I never tried to be like others. I understood that God has kept a special glory for me.

Even so, God has a special and unique glory destined for you. The Bible says that each star is different from the other in its glory. Even physically, we all have a unique voiceprint and fingerprint, dear friend. In the same way, the glory God has for you is distinguished. You will walk into that glory this month.

Even though God bestows His glory on each of His creations, the reason we were created is not to seek glory but to glorify God. Only by glorifying God, do we shine in the glory of Christ Jesus.

My daughter Sharon always prays saying, “Lord, I ask this so that Your name will be glorified through me. I don’t want any glory for myself. I only want

to glorify Your name, Lord Jesus.” It gives me such great joy when I hear her praying in this manner. Yes, dear friend, you too should pray this same prayer.

This world says, “Believe in yourself,” yet this is so far from the truth. The truth is that we should believe in the Lord and then we shall succeed. Proverbs 21:31 reiterates this when it says,

“The horse is made ready for the battle but the victory comes from the Lord.”

In other words, this verse implies that instead of relying completely on our own strength, we put our complete faith in God’s power and prepare for our endeavours. Then the victory that comes from the Lord will be ours!

Once I was watching a TV program. The interviewer in that program was interviewing a bodybuilder. He asked the bodybuilder to expose his muscles so that people could see and marvel. The bodybuilder did the same. He showed his 6 packs and arm muscles for the people to see. In the middle, the interviewer interrupted him and asked him, “What are you planning to do with these muscles?” For this, the bodybuilder remained quiet because he couldn’t answer the question. In fact, he did not know the answer. In the same way, we see people expose their beauty and talents on social media. They do it for their own praise. But God has created us to bring praise to Him.

A wonderful example from the Bible is Blessed Mary. She did not consider herself as anything big but rather said to the angel that she will be God’s servant and will accept anything the Lord does through her. That is how God expects you to be dear friend. When you thus surrender yourself to glorify the Lord by doing good works that He has destined for you, you will experience God’s glorious riches in your life as Mary did. You too will say, “The Mighty One has done great things for me.” May God be with you and bless you with His choicest.

21 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS

Here are some tips from the Word of God to help you to be the BLESSED WOMAN you were created to be.


“But few things are needed - or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)


“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” (1 Thessalonians 5:18)


“Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her at the gates.” (Proverbs 31:31)


“Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair or gold jewellery or fine clothes, but from the inner disposition of your heart, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in God’s sight. For this is how the holy women of the past adorned themselves.” (1 Peter 3:3-5)


“Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behaviour of their wives.” (1 Peter 3:1)


Dear Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your Will and Desire to make me a woman. Thank You for the people You have placed under my care. Thank You for the love Your have surrounded me with. Lord, may You always be my desire and my highest need in life. Help me not to worry about anything instead give thanks to You in all circumstances. Help me to work with my hands with strength and dignity so that I will eat the fruit of my hands and bring praise to Your name. Lord, adorn me with the spirit of quietness so that I will be calm and gentle in the ways I deal with people. Help me to win the favour of my husband and my children through my conduct. In everything let people see Your glory revealed through me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.


JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 22

“But God has surely heard; He has attended to the sound of my prayer.” (Psalm 66:19)


Trumpet Prayer Group was started by Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran as led by the Lord especially to pray for such a time as this to sound the trumpet of prayer to pray for the protection of nations and salvation of souls (Ezekiel 22:30).

Started in March 2020, at the onset of Corona pandemic when people lost all their hopes and were in houses due to the lock down, it has crossed 1000 prayer days with prayers offered daily. With the Lord’s coming close at hand and millions of souls yet to be saved, here is an opportunity for you to be part of this great mission. When you pray for others, your spirit of sorrow leaves and a spirit of hope in God is renewed and you are strengthened. Register your name and choose the time you want to pray in any 30 minutes slot in the 24x7 chain Prayer. Prayer points will be sent to you. You can pray from your place of convenience. Daily Trumpet Prayer Group prayer regular timings is 1 to 1.30 pm through zoom. For further information: * Contact us on phone number 6380 752 257 (or) * Email:

Here is the testimony of a volunteer prayer intercessor who regularly joins the Trumpet Prayer Group.


I am a Jesus Calls Prayer Ambassadors and Esther Prayer Group member of the first group. When Sister Evangeline Paul started the Trumpet Prayer Group, I was very keen to join and pray for the ministry, for the Dhinakarans and for our nation. At that time as I had lost my father, I was feeling miserable. But after I joined the Trumpet Prayer Group, I felt renewed in my spirit. I was uplifted when I heard the intercessors pray. I never missed the Trumpet Prayer Group prayers from 1 to 1:30 pm. Though I did not understand the language in which the intercessors prayed on some days, I felt connected by the Holy Spirit to the group of intercessors. The Trumpet Prayer Group has really encouraged me and has given me the confidence to pray boldly now. I sense a greater anointing on my life. I see the Lord working in my life and in my family. Simultaneously, I was able to join another group of Jesus Calls Prayer Ambassadors and pray there too. I thank God for the vision given to Sis. Evangeline Paul to start this group during the unprecedented times of the pandemic. I feel these prayers kept us all in good spirits and made us courageous to face those times with fortitude and pray with burden for others. I also pray in the group sometimes and I feel very happy to pray for others. Glory be to God.

- Prathiba, Chennai

You too will experience the power of God when you pray for others. So join the Trumpet Prayer Group and become the Lord's warrior.


Here’s an opportunity for you to join the TRUMPET PRAYER GROUP


Full Name:________________________________________________________ Gender: ___________

Mobile Number: ______________________

Whatsapp Number: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Email ID: ______________________________________________________

Are you a Jesus Calls Partner? Yes No

Convenient Day for Prayer: ____________

Convenient Time (30 Minutes):________

Mode of Communication:Email Phone

23 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS

Yes, whatever you do, commit it to the Lord, and He will bless your plans. So many times, we are so busy with our lives. We want to do this and that, but we forget to give them to the Lord. But from this point, may you decide to commit everything to the Lord’s hands. This has also happened to me when I was doing my MBA course. After almost seven years, I had to study Math and Statistics. I was so scared. I said, “Lord, I don’t know what I’m going to do.” But every time before I used to study, I would tell the Lord, “Lord, give me the wisdom that is needed to study this subject and let me do it to glorify Your name.” The Lord Himself would teach me each and every concept of the subject. I finally succeeded by God’s grace.

In the same way, before you start doing anything whether it be studying or cooking or driving your car, just tell the Lord, “Lord, I need Your Presence with me.” Then the Lord will be present in each and everything you do and will bless every bit of it.

The Bible says in Psalm 20:7, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

Are you trusting in the Lord or your own efforts, dear friend? If you trust God that He will bless your steps as you surrender them to Him, the Lord will certainly be with you and will guide you and teach you everything and make you succeed. You will indeed shine bright in your studies like the sun!

I read an article comparing the size of the sun to the other stars in the Galaxy. That article said that the sun is a much smaller star, but it radiates light that is brighter than the stars. In the same way, you might be saying, “I feel so small. I don’t

JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 24

even have a place in this world. Nobody cares about me or even notices me. I feel invisible in life.” You might be feeling that nobody respects you in your family or in your workplace, or even among your friends. You might be heartbroken saying, “I’ve been so righteous and faithful. I have been so truthful in everything, but the Lord is not rewarding me.”

It is to you that the Lord says that you will shine as bright as the sun. Though you might feel small compared to your competitors, God says that your light will shine bright, and your success will be great.

The Bible says in Psalm 112:6, “For the righteous will never be moved. He will be remembered forever.”

Even though you might be feeling small today, the Lord says that you will be remembered forever. The Lord is going to shower His blessing upon you. He will reward you for submitting your plans to the Lord and being righteous. You will be remembered for your success. People who never noticed you would see you succeed and will see the Lord Jesus being exalted through your life. You will shine like the sun through your success. Only remember to submit your works and plans to the Lord. Then, success will be yours.

What are some of the important aspects that you can commit to the Lord?

1.Plans, both short-term and long-term

2.Hopes and dreams









What can you do today to commit your ways to the Lord?

Here are a few ways you can yield your ways to the Lord:

1. Spend quiet time with God every day

Make an effort to read a Psalm, a chapter of Proverbs that applies to the day, and any other Bible chapter every day. This will help you to listen to the Lord and upgrade yourself to God’s ways every day. Use a diary. It’s helpful to write our promises and plans to the Lord. Putting our feelings on paper helps them become more concrete. Writing down those ideas and offering thanks for new mercy (Lamentations 3:22,23) will help you refocus on the Lord and your aims.

2. Talk to Him as a friend throughout the day. Whatever you do, have a small conversation with the Lord in your heart. Tell Him your difficulties as you go through them, and you will experience instant deliverance.

3. Recognize that submitting to the Lord’s will is a continuous process.

So do not give up! Sometimes you might feel like you are not hearing God’s voice but do not give up. The Lord is surely close to you, sees your tears and hears your prayers. Prayer: Lord, I pray for Your wisdom to come upon me and teach me everything. Remove every fear from my life. I give every exam paper into Your hands. Please help me to learn whatever is essential for the exam. Let Your prophetic wisdom help me to prepare for all the questions in the question paper so that I can score full marks. May Your grace be with me. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

25 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS


The Young Partners Plan is one of the divine initiatives to pray (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for wisdom, protection and prosperity of young people around the world. In this age where Children are exposed to all kinds of pollution of the world, this plan solely exists to pray for:

•Divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15)

•Divine wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13)

•Divine prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14)

Here is a testimony to encourage you to enrol in this plan and experience blessings:


I am a Young Partner. By the grace of God and the earnest prayers of the Dhinakarans, God enabled me to score 590/600 in my twelfth board exams. I have secured centum in Chemistry and Maths. Though I was scared about my examinations, I made sure to read the Prayer Card before going to the exams and thus was strengthened in my mind and spirit to face the exams boldly. I thank God for the Jesus Calls ministry and thank God for giving me the grace to glorify His name. - S.Andrew, Chennai

The Lord who did wonders for this Young Partner is sure to do more exceedingly for you too. Make sure you enrol your children in this plan and reap the benefits of sowing into this great mission.


•Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once in everyday specifically mentioning the name of the young partners and praying for them to be blessed with all the divine blessings mentioned in the plan.

•Personal birthday prayers, greetings, certificates and personalized prayers will be offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Partners’ Meetings.

Dear Young Partner, as you who have entered 21 years of age please update your personal details, so as to enable us to pray directly with you as well as send you unique messages and prayers relating to your needs directly. Enroll giving the details: click


Mr./Ms......................................................................................................................... ................................

E-Mail ID: ....................................................Mobile:................................... WhatsApp............. ........................

For more details:

* Visit our Website: or any Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area

* Email: *Partner Care: 044-2345 6677 (7am to 9pmIST)

* Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028

Turn to page 16 to know the different payment methods through which you can send your offerings easily

JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 26

Proverbs 3:15 - The Lord’s wisdom

Meditation: Exod. 35:30-33; Proverbs 2:6; Daniel 2:21; James 1:5

Haggai 2:19 - The Lord will bless you

Meditation: Gen. 12:2,3; 1 Chron. 13:14; Psalm 128; Eph. 1:3

Isaiah 49:5 - The Lord is our strength

Meditation: Exodus 15:2; Psalm 18:1; 118:14; Isaiah 49:5; Jeremiah 16:19

Psalm 22:26 - Your heart shall live

Meditation: 1 Sam. 2:1; 1 Chron. 16:10;

Psalm 4:7; 69:32; Jeremiah 15:16

Proverbs 4:18 - The path of the righteous

Meditation: Psalm 1:6; Proverbs 15:19; Isaiah 26:7; Hosea 14:9

Jeremiah 31:9 - God who leads in the right way

Meditation: Psalm 5:8; 27:11; Proverbs 4:11; Jeremiah 31:9; John 14:6

Psalm 18:35 - The right hand of the Lord

Meditation: Exodus 15:6; Psalm 63:8; Isaiah 41:10; Acts 5:31

Isaiah 46:3 - The Lord is our sustainer

Meditation: Exodus 19:4; Deut. 32:11,12;

Isaiah 40:10,11; 46:4; Matthew 4:6

Psalm 42:8 - The Lord will give you grace

Meditation: Exodus 33:17-19; Psalm 84:11; Acts 7:9,10; James 4:6

Zephaniah 3:17 - The Lord delights over you

Meditation: Isaiah 65:19; Habakkuk 3:17,18; Luke 1:46,47

Zechariah 10:12 - The Lord will strengthen you

Meditation: 1 Chron. 29:12; Job 4:4; 1 Tim. 1:12; 2 Tim. 4:17

Psalm 103:13 - Compassionate God

Meditation: Nehemiah 9:29-31; Psalm 103:8; Luke 1:49,50; 1 Peter 2:10

1 John 2:27 - The Lord's Anointing

Meditation: 1 Samuel 16:13; Psalm 20:6; 23:5; Luke 4:18-20

John 15:11 - Full of joy

Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 4:7; 51:12; 2 Cor. 13:11; Phil. 4:4

Psalm 29:11 - The Lord will give you peace

Meditation: Levi. 26:3-6; 1 Chron. 12:18; John 14:27; 2 Thess. 3:16

Matthew 5:6 - The thirsty will be satisfied

Meditation: Ruth 2:1-18; Nehemiah 9:21-25; Psalm 36:8; Jeremiah 31:14

Psalm 91:2 - The Lord is my God

Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:24; 1 Chron. 17:22; Psalm 22:10; 31:14; Isaiah 25:1

Joshua 3:5 - The Lord does amazing things

Meditation: Exodus 15:11; 2 Kings 20:1-6; Luke 5:12-15; Acts 19:11

Proverbs 14:26 - Fear the Lord

Meditation: Gen. 22:11-18; Psalm 112:1,2; 128:1-4; Proverbs 28:14

Isaiah 61:6 - You shall be exalted

Meditation: Joshua 3:7; 4:14; 1 Chron. 29:12; Isaiah 33:10; 55:5

1 Chronicles 29:12 - The Lord gives riches

Meditation: Gen. 26:12,13; 2 Chron. 1:11,12; 9:22; Proverbs 10:22; Phil. 4:19

Psalm 113:7 - The Lord will lift you up

Meditation: Deut. 28:14; Psalm 37:34; Matt. 23:12; James 4:10

Isaiah 45:4 - God who calls by name

Meditation: Exodus 33:12,17; Isaiah 45:3; John 11:28

3 John 2 - Live and be well

Meditation: Nehemiah 9:25; Isaiah 35:1-4; Ezekiel 28:26; Acts 14:17

Deuteronomy 4:7 - The Lord is near

Meditation: Psalm 119:151; 145:18; Isaiah 50:8: Phil. 4:5

Psalm 121:3 - The Lord is our protector

Meditation: Exodus 23:20; 1 Chron. 4:10; Psalm 91:11; Isaiah 52:12

Romans 5:1 - You are justified by faith

Meditation: Habakkuk 2:4; Acts 13:39; Romans 1:17; Eph. 10:38

2 Corinthians 1:5 - The God of comfort

Meditation: Psalm 94:19; Isaiah 49:13; 51:12; Matthew 5:4; 2 Cor. 1:3-5

Proverbs 10:6 - The Lord blesses the righteous

Meditation: Psalm 72:7; Proverbs 10:6; Isaiah 3:10; Matt. 25:46

Psalm 102:16 - The Lord will appear in His glory

Meditation: John 12:28; Acts 7:55,56; 2 Cor. 4:6;

1 Peter 5:4

1 John 5:14 - God who hears

Meditation: Judges. 13:9; 2 Chron. 13:14-16; Psalm 3:4; 18:6; Matt. 20:29-34

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 19 25 18 13 21 23 27 16 14 15 24 28 20 22 26 30 29 31 - March 2023 JESUS CALLS 27

The Lord wants every one of us to enjoy this kind of life. However, these days, we clearly see many families passing through various sufferings. There is absolutely no peace in several families. The trend of husband and wife living separately is on the rise. Also, rifts, bitterness and disunity are rampant in families. However, what is the wish of our Lord, concerning us? He wants His children to be filled with joy always. “He wants them to come before His presence with singing.” We read about this in Psalm 100. Today, I would like to share with you the ways to seek the Lord and how we can receive gladness and the song of joy in our lives, through that.

The Lord makes us glad through His works

“For You, Lord, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in the works of Your hands” (Psalm 92:4).

It is impossible for us to receive this joyful life of love in our family in any way, other than the Lord. We may do many things to make us happy in the fleshly sense. However, such fleshly efforts would prove to be futile in the end. In that case, shall we see how the Lord would make us glad through His works?

“Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear and your soul shall live; and I will make an everlasting covenant with you, even the sure mercies of David” (Isaiah 55:3).

In this passage, the Lord tells each one of us, “My children! Incline your ear and hear. Come running to Me. Then your soul shall live.” Every one of us should certainly know that the Lord is the only way for our family life to prosper in this

world and for us to be filled with gladness. “Except through the Lord, there is no salvation.” That’s why we see David referring to Him as the Saviour in several places in the Bible. My dear children of God, this Saviour was born as a Man on this earth, solely for our sake. We clearly read in the Bible that He is the Son of the God of gods and that He was with God from the beginning (John 1:2). However, though the man was created in the image of the God of gods, he sinned by disobeying the word of God. Both Adam and Eve, the early man and woman, were created in a beautiful way. We read about this in the Book of Genesis. However, since they disobeyed in the matters of God, they were caught up in the darkness of the devil and committed sin. What a pity! This is how sin entered this world. It was the purpose of the devil to make us enter into this darkness of sin. The Bible also clearly says that the devil has sinned from the beginning (I John 3:8). Man was caught up in this snare of the devil, fell into lust and committed a sin against God. As a result of this, both Adam and Eve had to leave a wonderful and divine surrounding, lost their blessings and entered into a dark surrounding. What a pitiable and horrible state! Just imagine! Yes, even today, the Lord gives us, His creations, only good things (Psalm 85:12). However, we, who live in this wicked world, become slaves of this world, the flesh and the devil and thereby discard all the good things given by the Lord. As a result, we are unable to enjoy the glory of the Lord that gives us joy and gladness. This is how we are easily overcome by sinful life that keeps us trapped in darkness.

Today, the main reason for the bitter situations in many families is the yielding of man to his own lusts and desires. When the Lord Jesus went to

28 JESUS CALLS March 2023 -

the place called Samaria, His disciples had gone to the town to buy food. On the other hand, the Lord Jesus was waiting eagerly to help the people who came to Him with thirst and various needs. It was at that time, a woman, who was under the bondage of sin and who found pleasure in indulging in filthy things came there to draw waters. However, knowing her heart, the Lord Jesus spoke to her with a burden in order that her pitiable state of darkness would change. We read about this incident in John chapter 4. She was shrouded by the darkness of ‘ignorance’. But the Lord Jesus spoke to her with a burden that somehow her life should be filled with divine joy and that she should come out of sin and become His ‘holy people’. Aren’t the words that proceed from the Lord Jesus’ mouth, full of life? As He kept talking to her, her heart began to change and she spoke to Him with reverential fear that He was Christ, the Messiah. Hence, she got transformed from the darkness in her life and received the light given by Him. Also, totally forgetting the purpose for which she had come there, she kept down her pot and ran into the town to tell the people about the Messiah that she had seen. She thus spoke to them with a desire and intention that they should also enjoy the gladness that she had got from Him. Many, who heard her, believed in Jesus and found blessing sin their lives. The Lord removed all their old sinful ways and made everything new for them. Such people are filled with the joy given by the Lord and their sorrows and tears are removed. All worldly desires in them are gone and they are filled with the joy of the Lord. The Samaritan woman received this experience and the Lord also made it possible for most of the people of her town to enjoy this kind of life.

My dear brothers and sisters, particularly my dear women, do you have this kind of divine transformation in your life? Have the lusts of the world and flesh departed from your life? Think about it!

In the Book of Acts, chapter 9, we read about a man called Saul, who rose against God and whose darkness was removed by the touch of God and who miraculously received a life of light! After this, God’s grace overflowed into his life. He became a servant of God to bring His gladness into the lives of people who languished in troubles, tears and

pain, till his last breath. Yes, our Lord is great! It is His desire that every one of His children should be transformed thus. It is not at all His will that anyone should go after this world, live in sin and suffer (Matthew 18:14).

“He desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth”

(I Timothy 2:4).

According to this Scripture, the Lord Jesus offered Himself on the cross to redeem us. This is how Saul, who was living in darkness, became Paul, a son of light and His servant.

Dearly beloved, do we enjoy this gladness and joy of salvation as well as the blessing of God in our lives? Or are we still in darkness? Think awhile! Open your heart right now! Confess all those things of the world that are seen in your heart, before the presence of the Lord. Stop pursuing them and leave them!

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (I John 1:9).

If you receive this glorious life, you can also enjoy a life of divine joy and gladness and be filled with His divine love. The Lord has given me this kind of life because of which I am living as His daughter, who praises Him with joyous singing to date. May the Lord fill each one of you, who read this, with His joy of gladness and blossom your life!

Seek the Lord and then your hearts shall rejoice!

“Let the hearts of those rejoice, who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore!”

(I Chronicles 16:10,11).

“The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek God”

(Psalm 14:2).

Yes, dear ones, the Lord knows those who seek Him. David was an ordinary young man. It doesn’t seem that anyone else in his family was godly. - March 2023 JESUS CALLS 29

But the Bible says that he was the one, who remembered His creator in his youth (Ecclesiastes 12:1). His life was pleasing to God. My dear ones, the Lord searches our hearts. He knows everything about your desires and thirst. Also, yet another factor in David’s life was pleasing to Him. As seen in Psalm 63:1, David was diligent in seeking the Lord, early in the morning. In verse 6 of the same Psalm, we see that He meditated on Him even at night. Though he was an ordinary shepherd, this was the desire of his heart. The Lord saw this thirst, burden and yearning in David’s heart. Hence He was always with him, in his life. Such people do have problems in this world. They are also surrounded by various afflictions. In the same way, David too faced several afflictions. Till his last breath, he encountered all kinds of problems, loneliness and terrible things. Yet, how was his hope in the midst of all these?

“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him. He only is my Rock and my salvation; He is my defense. I shall not be moved” (Psalm 62:5-7).

Yes, dear ones, let us examine our lives! Am I seeking the Lord diligently like David did? Am I desirous of Him? Or am I content with myself by merely singing, “Jesus alone is sufficient for me?”Or do I enjoy this in my daily life and talk about it? – Please examine your life! Specially, my dear young children! Are you joined with the Lord, in your days of youth? If you seek Him diligently and walk in fear of Him, you can also receive the blessed life that David had. Didn’t David, who was an ordinary shepherd boy, become a reputed King of fame and name? The reason was his divine relationship with the Lord. The more he sought the Lord, the more he was filled with His presence. He had his full hope only on the Lord saying, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1) and held on to Him.

My precious young children, whom does your heart seek? Worldly friends or the false elevations of this world? Likewise, my dear young couples, who have entered into your family life, is your focus only on the worldly blessings? If you rely on your fleshly efforts, it would eventually land you in big problems. You will lose happiness in life. On the other hand, like David, if you hold on to

the Lord, seek Him always and are filled with His sweet presence, the blessing that the Lord gives you would be great! Your heart will be filled with the joy given by Him!

In the initial days of our married life, my husband’s salary was meagre. Yet, in the midst of that, we held on to the Lord strongly. At that young age, my husband was careful to give tithe to the Lord out of that low salary. Thus he committed himself to God and spent his leisure time after office hours, for Him. Hence the Lord was pleased with him. In order to make him happy, God granted him promotions in his job even at a young age and blessed him. Also, the Lord chose not only him but also our whole family and made us glorify His name, in the spiritual life also. My dear young people and married couples! If you want your life to prosper, you should not desire for the world and spend your time on worldly things.

“The young lions lack and suffer hunger but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing”(Psalm 34:10).

Accordingly, if you seek the Lord sincerely and diligently, you will also receive the blessings and privileges that David had. The Lord will make you sing with gladness. In our life too, when we sought the Lord with our whole heart and mind even when the devil tormented us with darkness such as sickness, affliction and crisis, the Lord changed them all miraculously and filled our life with joy. His guidance is amazing even today. You should also seek the Lord, who loves us and has been leading us thus, in reverence and commit yourself to Him. Seek Him as a family in the morning and evening. Seek Him with gratitude by praising Him always and for everything (Psalm 34:1). Then the joy and gladness given by Him would be abundant in your life.

“And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you” (John 16:23).

In the Bible, we read about a man called Cornelius. He was not a Jew but a heathen. Yet, how was his life?

He was a “devout man and one who feared God with all his household, who gave alms

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generously to the people, and prayed to God always” (Acts 10:2).

Yes, accordingly he was a man who sought the Lord in reverence. Also, he was seeking Him with his family and friends.

Dear ones, take a pause and think about how you are seeking the Lord! Do you have a prayer life, a close relationship with God and a burden for your friends and relatives to have a deep, divine experience? Do you wonder what you should do to receive these? If you want your life to be always filled with divine joy, you should also desire after things of the Lord like Cornelius.

“For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants and My blessing on your offspring” (Isaiah 44:3).

Here we read clearly how we would receive the joy given by the Lord and His blessings when we seek the Lord with thirst. What was the blessing that the Lord gave Cornelius when he sought the Lord with such kind of thirst and longing? When Peter, the man of God, visited his house, he shared God’s words according to His will. As he kept speaking, the Lord showered His Holy Spirit upon Cornelius and on all those who were with him. Who is this Holy Spirit?

“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty”

(II Corinthians 3:17).

From the experience of the disciples, we read what happens when we are filled with this Holy Spirit.

“And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4).

My dear ones, the glory of the divine joy experienced by us when we keep filling with the Holy Spirit is inexpressible. We read in the Bible that the Lord Jesus, who is the model for us, has also received this joy.

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, Who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38). He gave this divine experience to His disciples

as well. Dearly beloved, as we read in Joel 2:28, He is pouring down His Spirit upon all the flesh in these last days. The joy that He gives us then is inexpressible and full of glory (I Peter 1:8). In the same way, when we love the Lord and have faith in Him, we receive His blessings just as how Cornelius was blessed.

When my dear husband Bro. D. G.S. Dhinakaran looked up to the Lord to receive this profound experience, the Lord spoke to him through the Scriptures. He prayed with burden for this and after 7 years the Lord gave him a vision for three hours and blessed him by showing him through the Holy Spirit the things that He would do through him in the future. This is how the Jesus Calls ministry was born. Today, by the grace of God, the Lord has filled everyone in our family with the power of the Holy Spirit and His joy and is fulfilling His will.

Dear ones, do you have this divine joy in your life? Have you committed yourselves as a family to receive this?

“If you then being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13).

According to this verse, without any further delay, as a family, as an individual and as a youth, plead to the Lord to receive Him, as Cornelius did. The Lord will grant your request according to His word. This joy from the Holy Spirit is a joy that the world cannot give.

My dear ones, are you spending your life in tears and sorrow without experiencing this joyful life? Read these Scriptures and claim right now seeking the Lord reverentially like Jacob, saying, “I will not let You go unless You bless me.” Those who seek the Lord shall never lack any good thing. May the Lord do great things in your life to make your heart rejoice and bless you! - March 2023 JESUS CALLS 31

In 1986, I lost my only daughter Evangeline, aged 17 years, in a gruesome car accident. My family and I plunged into deep sorrow! Unbearable grief! As my life was thus passing in agony, one day, on March 1st, I had to go out. On the way, I asked my car driver to stop the car and buy me something. When he had gone, I sat in the car, gazing out. I saw two women chatting animatedly and laughing at something. At that moment, the Lord spoke to me and said, “Daughter! Look at these women, who are talking so happily, without any desire for godly things. What are you going to do for such women who are ungodly?” This created in me a great burden. I cried to Him within my heart and asked, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” I shared this burden with a few other prayerful women; also during my meetings, I called out for those women, who would intercede like Esther. Only a few women joined me.

Without any clue as to how to intercede and for what we should plead, we, as 12 women, knelt down in the presence of God. The Holy Spirit filled us with the Spirit of intercession. He Himself put in our mouths the prayer points for the welfare of women, one by one. We rejoiced in the presence of the God of gods. This is how the Esther Prayer Group ministry was born. This ministry, which had a humble beginning, has today spread all over the world and is changing the bleak lives of countless women and making them to arise as burning lamps. Also, the Lord answers each and every prayer request offered in this Esther Prayer Group and performs supernatural signs and wonders. We are publishing below one particular testimony:

Tears of Mourning Turned into joy!

A 19 year old girl, the daughter of Sister Daisy of our group, had not attained puberty. The doctor, who tested her had said, “She has no uterus from birth. So, she would never attain puberty. This is a permanent defect in her inner organs just as how some people are physically handicapped.” Also, the doctor advised against getting her married. This happened on 22.11.2022. The whole family was shattered on hearing this. At this juncture, every month, as a group, we prayed with burden for this girl, along with her mother. Also, we wrote a letter to dear mother seeking prayers for her. We held on to the promise given by the Lord and prayed continually for her, with burden. Hearing the fervent prayers, the Lord did an awesome miracle and made her attain puberty on 22.12.2022. All glory, honour and praise be to the Lord, who has changed our mourning into joy!

– Sis. Baby Babu, Vellore.

What an amazing miracle the Lord has done for this girl, heeding the tear-filled prayers of the Esther Prayer Group warriors, offered in faith! Doesn’t this prove that our Lord is indeed alive?

My dear Esther Prayer Warrior, your prayers are never in vain. From this testimony, we clearly understand that this is a faithful and mighty ministry given by the Lord. Hence, you may earnestly and reverentially bear one another’s burden continually and thus fulfill the law of Christ- (Mother, Stella Dhinakaran)

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On 14.01.2023, a special meeting for the members of the Youth Esther Prayer Groups, was held in Dr. D. G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower. Many young girls shared their testimonies during this meeting out of which we are giving below a few, for God’s glory:

Holy Spirit’s Anointing and Leading!

My elder sister was conducting the Youth Esther Prayer Group. When she got married, the Lord helped me to take charge of this group. The Lord has filled every one of us in this group with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and has also given us the gift of interpretation. He has graciously enabled me to conduct this Youth Esther Prayer Group, from this month. May His name be glorified!

– Siporal Darshini, Chennai God, who Saved Me from a Crisis!

On October 1, 2021, I fell ill and had high fever. My mother took me to the hospital and the doctor said that my condition was serious and that I should be immediately taken to a bigger hospital. Also, I was advised for a scan and after seeing the report, they said that I should undergo a surgery and that my life was in danger. I was immediately admitted to the hospital. All the girls in the Youth Esther Prayer Group prayed for me. Hearing their prayers, the Lord helped me to undergo a successful surgery. From then on, I held on to the Lord

1. Place of publication: Chennai

2. Periodicity of its publication: Monthly

3. Printer’s Name: G.L.B.Ernest

Nationality: Indian Address : No.95/18A, 3rd Street, Karpagam Avenue, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai 600 028, Tamil Nadu

4. Publisher’s Name: G.L.B.Ernest

Nationality : Indian

Address : No.95/18A, 3rd Street, Karpagam Avenue, Raja Annamalaipuram, Chennai 600 028, Tamil Nadu

firmly! He has given me good health and is leading me to date. I thank the Lord for the wondrous miracle in my life!

– Sandhya, Chennai Blessed with a Government Job

I was unemployed for the past two years. At this juncture, when I attended the Youth meeting held in the Prayer Tower, a sister, who was conducting that meeting, asked me if I would be able to form a Youth Esther Prayer Group. I consented. Accordingly, we, as 10 girls, started praying in the Youth Esther Prayer Group, every month. A few girls in our group did not have a proper job. We continued praying for this specifically. The Lord gave us the promise, “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” My expectation was only for a private job. But, since we prayed together in the Youth Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has blessed me with a good job in the Tamil Nadu Police Department! Also, He has blessed the other girls in my group with good jobs. I offer millions of praises to the Lord, who has performed these miracles!


– Lavanya, Chennai




Signature of Publisher - March 2023 JESUS CALLS 33
FORM IV Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper Jesus Calls to be published in the first issue every year after the
last day of February
(G.L.B.Ernest) 5. Editor’s Name : Stella Dhinakaran : Indian Address : No.16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600 028, Tamil Nadu 6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one per cent of the total capital: Jesus Calls, No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600 028, Tamil Nadu G.L.B.Ernest, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran JESUS CALLS March 2023 - 34
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