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The Love Retreat hosted by Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson was held on February 3rd, 2024, at the Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in Chennai. This event was exclusively organized for married couples to renew their marriage vows and promote healing within broken families through the love of Christ.

The retreat started with a lively praise and worship session led by Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran entertained the couples with fun activities like the “Know Your Spouse” game, which brought laughter and joy as couples guessed each other's preferences.

Sis. Jacqueline Ernest hosted a spirited debate on “Who (husband or wife) sacrifices more to lead a successful family life?” where couples passionately defended their viewpoints. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran then led a question and answer session with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran in which they addressed questions such as: “How to lead a peaceful married life when there is so much troubles because of financial trouble, sickness, childlessness, business failure?” “My husband's parents are influencing our marriage so much. My husband is only listening to them, not to me. What can I do?”

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word about the role of a husband and wife in marriage. He elaborated on how the husband is in the image of God and should walk in humility and love. In the same way, he shared how a wife must give oneself to prayer and fasting and how it can lead a husband to walk in God’s ways fulfilling all the needs of the family members. The retreat concluded with heartfelt words from Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran then prayed for the couples individually.

Finally, couples had the opportunity to capture memories with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. The Love Retreat served as a source of inspiration for the couples for the glory of God.


The Students’ Prayer Meet was held at St. George’s School Ground on February 4th, 2024. The meeting commenced with Karunya students leading the gathering in songs, followed by Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson leading praise and worship. Sis. Stella Ramola encouraged the students to approach their exams with the belief that the battle belongs to the Lord.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran interviewed the testimonies and prayed for the students to become high achievers like those who testified. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared a powerful message about seeking God and His righteousness first and receiving victory. He enlightened them about how seeking God will prepare everything concerning their future and help them rise high in life. He also assured the students that the Lord Jesus was going to personally accompany each student who stepped out of the prayer meeting and be with them during their preparation as well as during their examination. He then prayed earnestly for the students to rise high in life and become testimonies for God’s glory.

At the end of the meeting, individual prayers were offered for all the students who sought personal prayers. The entire place was filled with God’s presence, and students left the event rejoicing, having been delivered from their weaknesses, addictions, and troubles and, most importantly, carrying Jesus in their hearts.

3 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS


Romans 6:23 declares that, “The wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Paul advises in Hebrews 12:1, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” Accordingly as we cast away the burden of sin and fix our gaze upon Jesus, who is the author and perfector of our faith, sin can no longer prevail and we will not succumb to death.

In 1 Corinthians 3:16-17, the Bible emphasises, “Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God

will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”

Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If our body becomes corrupted by sin, it will face destruction. Thus, we must be vigilant and work towards freeing ourselves from sin. We cannot allow sin to infiltrate our bodies; otherwise, our bodies will eventually perish. 1 Corinthians 11:28-30 warns,

“Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment

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on themselves. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.”

Therefore, it is important to keep our body holy and worthy as unto God, as it is the temple of the Holy Spirit. When we surrender our lives to Jesus, our bodies become united with the body of Christ (Ephesians 5:27-30). Destroying our body is equivalent to destroying the body of Jesus, which ultimately leads to death. The same life-giver, Jesus, can bring both life and death to us because the power of life and death rests in Him.

So, we must ask God for forgiveness, repent, abandon our sins, and keep our eyes on Jesus as we run our race. As recipients of much, we are expected to do much. Jesus does not want any of us to perish, and that is why He says in John 6:63, “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you - they are full of the Spirit and life.”

Have you allowed Jesus to speak to you every morning?

There is no substitute for reading the Bible and meditating on the Lord’s teachings. The only way to keep your body holy is by immersing yourself in the words of Jesus. Therefore, my friend, if you haven't immersed yourself in the Word of God in the morning, please refrain from serving Him until you do so. Sin can easily entangle us when we are not grounded in His Word. Begin each morning with prayer, asking the Lord to grant you the grace to live a holy life.

In May 1999, a Swedish radiologist named Anna Bagenholm went through a remarkable experience similar to coming back to life after facing a lifethreatening situation. She was skiing in the remote mountains of Norway with friends when she fell headfirst into a frozen stream.

Trapped under the ice for about 80 minutes in freezing water, Anna found herself in a desperate situation. When rescuers finally reached her, she was clinically dead due to extreme cold. However, she was taken to a hospital in Tromso, where doctors used a special technique called extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to warm her blood and bring her back to life. The

reason she came back to life was through the prayers and the faith of her loved ones.

Even though Anna was technically dead for more than two hours, she survived against the odds. Her story is like a real-life resurrection, showing the incredible power of life overcoming death through the resurrection power of God.


Furthermore, let's be aware of spiritual death. As believers in Jesus Christ, we may experience spiritual struggles that could lead us towards spiritual death. In 2 Corinthians 1:8-9, we are reminded of the tribulations of Christ that we may also encounter in our own lives. During such hardships, the comfort of Jesus Christ is what sustains us, as mentioned in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5,

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ.”

As followers of Christ, it is our duty to carry the burdens of Christ, denying ourselves daily and walking in His footsteps (Luke 9:23). As we allow the life of Christ to transform us, we can become agents of healing and bring hope and life to those around us who are also struggling.

As I look back on our ministry journey, I can't help but think about the countless challenges that we've faced. When my father was called to the ministry, the first ordeal struck when my mother had a miscarriage, followed by the birth of a child who did not survive. Criticism from family members arose due to our decision to follow Christ. Subsequently, we found ourselves in dire financial problems, unable even to afford a dress for me as a child during Easter or Christmas. Day by day, our living conditions were becoming more challenging wherein my father as well as my wife faced multiple hospitalisations.

We were also troubled by the attacks of evil forces. Demon powers manifested in dreams and

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sometimes even physically. At the tender age of 6, I would encounter these terrifying entities and seek solace by running to hug my father, who was battling tuberculosis. The agony inflicted by the devil and the oppressive actions of wicked people added to our tribulations. Betrayals came from those we trusted, and we endured false accusations in the media, culminating in the loss of my beloved sister, Angel to an accident.

These difficulties from time to time made us doubt our calling and made us to wonder whether people would come to us for prayer. Our integrity was being questioned and ridiculed by people, just like when people doubted and ridiculed Jesus while hanging on the cross, saying, “He is not capable of saving Himself. How can He save the world?” One hardship after another weighed us down. However,

amidst all these challenges, the comforting presence of Jesus drew nearer to us. Today, after all these hardships, God has restored our reputation and elevated us, showing us that He is with us every step of the way. He has resurrected us! Now, when we pray alongside all of you, we see God performing wonderful miracles.

It's amazing how, over time, we start to worry less and less about the smaller problems in life because God puts them under our feet. And when the bigger challenges come our way, we are able to face them head-on with the strength and confidence that can only come from the Lord.

Have you ever felt like the challenges you face are too much to handle, especially when you're just starting out on your journey with Jesus? I know how tough it can be, sometimes, especially for young people. But let me tell you something - when

you push through those tough times, you become a vessel for bringing life to others. You carry within you the same life of Christ that has sustained my family through millions of miracles. And believe me, you will rise up!

The trials you face will not destroy you, but rather, they will build you up and make you stronger. You and your loved ones will thrive because you carry the tribulations of Christ, if only for a season. And I promise you, God will transform your life in ways you cannot even imagine. So don't lose hope, my friend, for the life of Christ is in you, and every trial you face is just another opportunity for God to work in and through you, bringing greater life, glory, and joy to your journey. Spiritual death can never destroy you. You will be more than a conqueror indeed.


Finally, let’s meditate on the death caused by financial calamities. However, the more we face financial difficulties, the more we are encouraged to give.

Philippians 4:17-19 states that any amount given is a fragrant and acceptable offering to God. It's a pleasing sacrifice. Paul emphasises that giving is important, and we should not live as the Gentiles do, who are ignorant of God's ways.

Even in today's financial challenges, when we struggle to pay bills, let us give sacrificially. Give and it shall be given. This is what my parents did amidst their financial troubles. They never missed giving one-tenth of their income to the Lord.

In 1967, when no one supported the ministry, my father would use his personal money to preach the gospel everywhere, in addition to tithing. The Lord miraculously provided, and in a divine encounter, Jesus told him, “My son, a time will come when you will handle huge amounts of money for the sake of my Kingdom. I wanted to see whether you are faithful with money. I have found you faithful now. I will make you ruler over many.”

Whom should you give to?

1.Give your offering to the ministry that has the greatest impact in leading people to God. Once you receive your salary, profits, sale amount, gifts etc., after paying the taxes, set aside onetenth of your income to give to a ministry that reaches millions of people. The blessings you receive in return will be proportional to the number of souls the ministry touches (Malachi 3.10,11).

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2.Also, give for the personal needs of the servants of God who pray for you (Psalm 16:2).

3.Thirdly, it is important to give to the poor. Isaiah 58:7,8 emphasises the act of sharing with the hungry, providing shelter for the homeless, clothing the naked, and not turning away from your own flesh and blood. By doing so, your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear. Your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.

4.Also, remember to spend from your income to minister the gospel to others. Many voluntary prayer intercessors in the Prayer Tower would spend their money to serve the Lord as part of their tithe to God.

When you do this, remember “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory.”

Be happy and grateful that the Lord has given you the power to give — to the ministry, to the poor, to the servant of God who pray to guard your soul, as well as to preach the gospel.

When you sacrificially give even amidst your own needs, no financial death can come close to

you. Our God, who is ‘no man’s debtor’, will supply all your needs and increase you on all sides.

Perhaps you are affected by the fear of death, but the Holy Spirit says to you, “In all these things, you are more than a conqueror.” As you repent and turn your life to Jesus, and strive to keep yourself holy, despite the tribulations, financial challenges, and the fear of death, you will live.

When problems rise to stop you from serving the Lord, never lose hope in God. Stand up for Him and continue in the ministry because the more death comes, the more life is produced through the ministry of God. Resist the devil that is causing havoc in your life, and he will flee from you.

You will not die; rather, you will live to declare the glory of God through His abundant life working within you.

Prayer: Loving Lord, thank You for the life You have given me through Your death and resurrection. Lord, protect me and my loved ones from all kinds of death. Resurrect every area in my life that is dead and make me a living testimony for You, bringing glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

7 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

The Jesus Calls website is a large platform that caters to the spiritual needs of people searching for solutions to their problems on the internet. The website offers God’s promises, prayers, and words of comfort through ‘Today’s Blessing’ along with information about Jesus Calls. The website is home to thousands of people who can submit prayer requests, enroll in Blessing Plans, and also lend their support to the ministry.

You can visit our website at

FACEBOOK: Recorded videos of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and all the family members conveying each day's word of blessing are posted in five languages. We receive hundreds and thousands of prayer requests through social media comments. To ensure that you don't miss any of the content we share on our Facebook pages, please enable the option 'see it first'.

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 8


Millions of people worldwide are blessed every day with various types of content on our YouTube, including sermons, songs, Bible teachings, testimonies, motivational shorts, prayers for every need and much more. To stay updated, enable the “bell” icon and subscribe to our YouTube

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We are producing videos for youth addressing the issues they face through our YouTube channel ‘@UTURNJC’. Visit for more details


Almost all live Prayer Festivals, meetings and events are aired LIVE on social media platforms. UTurn LIVE and Jebame Jeyam programs are also aired LIVE. Do watch and be blessed.


Thousands of people send their prayer requests every day for prayer. Each email is replied with a carefully curated reply for each individual with a promise verse and an encouraging word. We’ve received countless testimonies of answered prayers even through this ministry. Emails containing prophecies, Monthly Blessing messages, ministry updates, and event details are regularly sent to our partners via e-newsletter.

TV Programs

Jesus Calls TV programs are aired in 6 languages, every day of the week across 12 channels all across India. A variety of programs are telecast through the Family Channel 24x7. We also telecast programs in different languages through commercial TV channels. You can sponsor or co-sponsor a TV program on your special day like birthday and wedding anniversary or do so for your loved one and support the mission of carrying the gospel across the nation through the television ministry.

Make sure you are connected with us through the digital platforms to get the Lord’s word for you through the various means and stay blessed.
9 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

My dearest friend,

This year, God is ready to elevate you to greater heights. You will soar above and beyond! Nothing or no one will be able to restrain you and your family from rising higher. This assurance is found in Isaiah 27:6, which says,

"In days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will bud and blossom and fill all the world with fruit."

The promise is clear - your days of bearing fruit as a family are imminent. In the mentioned verse, both names, Jacob and Israel, are used interchangeably, symbolising the Lord's acknowledgement of our past and present.

Just as Psalm 53:6 declares,

"When God restores His people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!"

Here, the dual reference of the same person ('Jacob' and 'Israel') talks about God's understanding of both our old and new selves and how He shows His grace despite our past mistakes. Sometimes, we may feel guilty about our past wrongdoings and question if we deserve God's forgiveness. But God knows our hearts and sees when we genuinely regret our mistakes. Today, as 'Jacob took root', God promises to help you be grounded in Him. Your family will indeed grow strong by being rooted in Christ and shall be established.

1) Taking Root

GOD INITIATES THIS BY PREPARING US. Picture this: a beautiful vineyard that produces the sweetest vine ever! That's what God is doing in our

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lives - cultivating us as a fruitful vineyard. And just like a vineyard owner takes care of his precious grapes, God is watching over you and your family day and night, guarding you against anything that might harm you (Isaiah 27:3).

In 2022, God gave us a promise in 1 Peter 5:10: "And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast." This promise reminds us that even in tough times, God is PREPARING us for something greater.

He wants to restore and strengthen us so that we can stand firm and unshakeable through any storm that comes our way. And the way He does this is by continually watering us with His living Word. When we feel discouraged, His Word is like a refreshing drink that sustains us and gives us the strength to keep going.

So, let's turn to God's Word for comfort and strength and sing about the ‘fruitful vineyard’ that the Lord is cultivating out of you and your family as He prepares each of you to take root in Him and produce the sweetest vine to bless others and bring glory to His name (Isaiah 27:2).

Isaiah 58:11 promises thus:

“You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.”

Accordingly, the Keeper of the vineyard is none other than God Himself, and the vine represents Jesus. This is affirmed in John 15:1, where Jesus says, "I am the true vine, and My Father is the gardener" Psalm 128:3 further promises that husbands who fear the Lord will be blessed with wives who are like fruitful vines.

God prepares us for growth by pruning, a process mentioned in John 15:2, where Jesus explains that every branch in Him that bears no fruit is cut off, while every fruitful branch is pruned so that it can bear even more fruit.

Just like a gardener purifies the soil before planting a vine plant, God prepares us by removing every unwanted thing from our lives that could

hinder our growth. This is similar to how a gardener removes rocks and stones from the soil to create a soft and fertile environment for the vine plant to grow.

In 2008, when my father-in-law passed away, I had a vision from the Lord. I saw a piece of fertile land with red soil, which is known to be the most fertile type of soil. True to this vision, God has made our ministry, Jesus Calls, fertile and has helped us establish 100 Prayer Towers, which have been a blessing to several people. He has removed all the obstacles and allowed our ministry to grow and bear fruit for His glory. Even today, the Lord is working on us, pruning us, and helping us to become more rooted in Him. Praise be to Him for His mercies!

As mentioned in Isaiah 27:6, the Lord strengthened Jacob's inner man and made him take root. Similarly, in II Corinthians 4:16, it is mentioned that even though we may be wasting away outwardly, our inner is being renewed every day. Ephesians 3:16 states that through God's Spirit, we will be given strength and power in our inner selves.

Just like how a grapevine plant needs to be rooted twelve inches deep in the soil, God will also plant and make you and your family take root in Him deeply. This will keep you unshaken like Mount Zion, and no sin, man, or power of the devil will be able to shake the foundation of your family. You will be united and rooted in the Lord, and there will be no fear as God, the vigilant Keeper, shields your household from harm. Therefore, rejoice and be glad that the Lord is constantly watching over you and your family, and no harm shall come near you.

2) Bearing Fruit

Lastly, God promises that a day will come when 'Israel' (which represents your family) will bud and blossom and fill the entire world with its abundance (of fruit). Amazing, isn't it?

When a vine plant pollinates, it doesn't require any assistance from birds, animals, or humans to

11 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

help it pollinate. The Lord Himself watches over it as it buds, blossoms, and bears fruit. It produces a sweet fragrance when it blossoms and bears fruit. Similarly, God is going to help you grow, flourish, and spread your fragrance worldwide. So get ready to experience an increase and expansion in your family as God works His excellent plan in your life!

In Exodus 34:24, God says,

“I will drive out nations before you and enlarge your territory,”

In Isaiah 26:15, the prophet says,

“You have enlarged the nation, Lord; You have enlarged the nation. You have gained glory for Yourself; You have extended all the borders of the land.”

God is known as the God of enlargement. We can see this in how the Lord helped Israel to grow and expand its borders by driving away all the enemies of the land. The reason for this was that God did not want the bitter and poisonous roots of the enemies to mix with the Israelites. Therefore, He made sure that they were chased away from the land, as written in Exodus 23:28, “I will send the hornet ahead of you to drive the Hivites, Canaanites and Hittites out of your way.”

If the Lord had wanted to, He could have killed the enemies, but instead, He sent small hornets to chase them away out of the Israelites' way. In the same manner, God is going to enlarge your territory and help you accomplish your vision.

My husband's vision is to build a Prayer Tower in every district. We believe the Lord will help us achieve this vision by removing obstacles and expanding our borders, and thereby enabling us to bear much fruit.

Although my husband planned to retire and let the children take over the ministry after turning 60, the Lord told me that He wouldn't let us rest until we accomplished the vision He had placed in our hearts.

In Joshua 13:1, we see a similar incident, “When Joshua had grown old, the Lord said to him, “You are now very old, and there are still very large areas of land to be taken over.”

True to this Word, the Lord will help us to extend our borders and fill the earth!

Isaiah 35:1, 2 also reiterates this:

“The desert and the parched land will be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will be given to it, the splendour of Carmel and Sharon; they will see the glory of the Lord, the splendour of our God.”

You might say that your family life is like a desert, but hold on tight because the Lord is about to transform your family into a fertile land! You are going to bloom, rejoice greatly, and shout for joy. Your beauty is going to be an extraordinary one! It will be like the glory of Lebanon, the splendour of Carmel and Sharon. How amazing is that? Until now, God has done such great things for you and your family, and He will not stop there.

Isaiah 37:31 says, “Once more, a remnant of the kingdom of Judah will take root below and bear fruit above.” You are like this remnant, and the Lord will help you and your family get rooted in Him and bear fruit.

Your family is indeed called to bear fruit, and every plant that doesn't bear fruit will be uprooted, but don't worry because in your weakness, the Lord's strength will be perfected, and He will make you deeply rooted in Him and bear much fruit for His glory.

Remember when Jacob blessed Joseph? He blessed him, saying that he would enjoy the blessings of the earth as well as the heavens. That's exactly how God is going to bless you and your family members, both inwardly and outwardly. So, be joyful in the Lord and know that He delights in your family (Isaiah 62:4).

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 12

The first blessing and responsibility God granted to humanity was the gift of family. Families are the fundamental building blocks crucial for the growth and prosperity of a society. However, in today's world, the devil’s foremost scheme is to destroy the family bonds. To overcome these challenges, the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan has been established to offer continuous prayers by the Dhinakarans and dedicated Prayer intercessors for the partners every day.

The testimonies pouring in are numerous, attesting to the miracles that happen through the prayers offered for the partners of the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. Families that were once broken find restoration, those that were shattered are rebuilt, and many are firmly established in the blessings of God.

Here is one such testimony: FROM TEARS


There was a Sister named Gandhi living in Coimbatore. She was married for a long time but was unable to conceive a child, which made her cry in hopelessness. So, in search of hope, Sis. Gandhi joined the Family Blessing Plan. One day, she had a vision in which a man appeared and showed her twin children. He told her that she would be blessed in the same way. Sis. Gandhi was surprised and excited by this revelation. To her amazement, that very month, she discovered that she was pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl, just like the vision she had witnessed. This miraculous turn of events filled Sis. Gandhi with joy, and the Lord's grace replaced her sorrow with happiness. The people who had once mocked her were now astonished at the incredible blessing she received.

Isn’t it a wonderful testimony? If you are also seeking a miracle in your family life, consider joining the Family Blessing Plan. The Lord, who sees your faith, will definitely pour out His blessings upon you twice as much as He did for Sister Gandhi.

Privileges of Family Blessing Plan

When your donations reach Rs. 3000, you will receive a certificate with a promise verse for your family.

A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans.

Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary. Your sacrificial support of a minimum of Rs.500/- per month or more will help us to fulfill God's mandate in serving the broken-hearted and ministering to the families.


I would like to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan

Name:…............................................…………………….Date of Birth:….................. Wedding day.....................

Address:....................................................................................................................... .................................

Pin code: …………........……. Mobile:……..............………….. Email:………..........................................................

I would like to give Rs................. this time to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan

I shall send Rs.300/- Rs.500/- Rs.1000/- every month. Please send your family photograph to or WhatsApp No. +91 98409 00477, along with your details such as your name, date of birth and mobile number for certificate purposes. For more details: • Visit our website:

•Call Partner Care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm)

13 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

Dear friend, I'm going to explain to you about walking on a tightrope. Have you ever seen circus performers or gymnasts do it? It's a difficult task that requires a lot of balance. If you start shaking, you might fall off the rope, which can be very dangerous. But sometimes, in life, we feel like we're walking on a thin rope without any safety net, which can make us nervous about what's going to happen. But God is the only one who can provide us a safety net of assurance.

I have a cousin who just finished studying dentistry, and we noticed that her hands always shook, even when holding a glass. So, we would joke with her, “What will happen if your hands shake while treating patients? We feel sorry for your patients.” But she would confidently reply, “When I treat my patients, I feel God's hands on mine, making my hands steady. There's nothing to fear. I do my operations very boldly and successfully.”

Recently, we watched a biopic called “The

Walk,” which features a person named Philippe Petit, who achieved a great feat by walking on a thin rope between the Twin Towers in America while they were still under construction. It portrays the numerous struggles and the doubt and ridicule he went through to accomplish this feat. But he stuck to his dream. Even today, your walk might be filled with dreams. You might have a passion to accomplish something great and become famous among your friends, in the nation, or become a great sports personality. You may have big dreams, but don't worry; you are in the right place. God is indeed searching for those who will achieve big things in their lives.

Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Company, once said, “Those who walk with God will always reach their destination.” Yes, there is no stopping for the people who walk with God; they always reach their destination safely! When you walk with God, he makes you overcome all the challenges, and nothing will stop you from achieving your great dreams.

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Even today, Jesus is calling out to us, just like He did to His disciples, saying, “Just drop everything you're doing and follow Me”. He called Peter, saying, “Peter, drop all your worries and just follow Me. Come to the deep and bring all your friends.” Apostle Paul says, “Follow me, just like I follow Christ.” In other words, Paul says, I am walking like how Jesus is walking, and it is simple to follow, even though we might think it's hard to achieve because the great teacher who is our Lord Himself will be with us and teach us everything like a best friend.

What happens when you follow Jesus with all your heart? The Lord says, “If you follow Me, I will establish the throne of your dynasty.” Accordingly, the Lord's favour will be upon you, and He will make you great and bless your generations to come. In John 8:12, the Lord Jesus says, “If you follow Me, I will make you children of light.” The Lord will indeed make you walk in the light in this world because He doesn't want us to walk in darkness. Those who walk with Jesus will walk in the light!

You might ask, “Why can't I just walk like everybody else in this world? What do I gain by not walking by the worldly ways? All my friends are doing it. My relatives are doing it. Why do I

need Jesus and abstain from certain things?” Proverbs 4:19 says, “The wicked don't know what they're stumbling over in the darkness.” There's only one choice: either you follow Jesus, or you follow the world, which lives in darkness.

In your home, when you switch off all the lights at night, suddenly, when you go down for a cup of water, don't you stumble over something or fall down and get hurt? You definitely need light to walk safely and reach the place where you intend to go. So, let me ask you today, my friend: Do you want to look at the world and follow it, trying to do something great? Or do you want to follow the One who created you and this world? Doesn't He know the good and the bad of this world? Doesn't Jesus know the higher plans He has for you?

He says to you, “Come, My child. Just walk as I walk.” That's all He's saying. He will help you walk steadily on life's pathway. Truly, He will let you walk with honour in this world and achieve great things for Him. May you dedicate yourself to walking like Jesus and be blessed in life.

15 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

My precious partner in the ministry, Your prayerful and sacrificial support is truly a blessing to our ministry. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that God is going to reward you in ways that exceed your imagination. As Isaiah 32:15 says,

“The Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field.”

This means that the areas of your life that feel dry and barren will soon be transformed into a lush green field of prosperity and blessings.

Please do not be afraid, as great blessings are on your way. I pray that these blessings will come upon you and that you will share your testimony with us soon. May God continue to bless you through our ministry in Christ Jesus and keep you as a blessing to His work.

I would like to share some ministry highlights from the past month and inform you about our upcoming events so that you can stay aware of what the Lord is doing in the ministry.

Praise Report

February was a blessed month indeed. We served the Lord through various meetings for different age groups and topics, allowing people to experience the Lord in their specific needs.

The Love Retreat that took place on February 3, 2024 was a time of reconciliation among couples and remembrance of their marriage vows in order

to love each other more deeply in the Lord. Debates, fun games, Question and Answer session and much more were organized and the couples experienced the love of God flowing in their midst and mending every brokenness in their relationship. Glory to God.

The Student’s Prayer Meet which took place on the 4th of February was of immense blessing to the students as their fears were cast away and many tasted the Lord’s presence in an intimate way. They were spiritually strengthened and many were healed of their weaknesses. They were truly equipped to face their exams boldly and with Jesus by their side.

God’s name was exalted through the Partners’ Meet in Mysore on February 10th, 2024 and through the Partner’s Meet at Mangalore on the 11th of February, 2024. We as a family were

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 16

privileged to serve the Lord among His children and bring His love, miracles, and blessings to them. Thank you for upholding these events in your prayers.

An Apostolic Era

“When morning came, He called his disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles…” (Luke 6:13)

March 14th, 2008 marked the beginning of a new era in the ministry. Accordingly, the Lord performed mighty miracles by calling out names of people through me, enabled me to establish many Prayer Towers, open the scope for Television ministry and much more. March 2022 marked the beginning of the Apostolic Era not only for us or the Jesus Calls ministry but also for its partners. It is the time when the Gospel of Christ needs to be preached in a powerful and wholesome manner. You,too, will experience a powerful move of God in your personal life as you are serving the Lord alongside us by partnering with the ministry. May you be blessed with the apostolic anointing and witness an increase in miracles in your life.

Sounding the Trumpet of Prayer

“Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; For the day of the LORD is coming, For it is at hand.” (Joel 2:1)

Trumpet Prayer Group prayer intercessors are working professionals and home makers who have passion to pray for others, needs of our nation and cry out for others thru intercessory prayer. TPG meets every noon (1-130pm) through zoom and such prayer intercessors join from different parts of our country and pray in their language all united and filled with the Love and Compassion of Christ. Their prayer lives are transformed and receive

miracles in their personal life and family. You are invited to join this prayer mission and make an impact in our nation and glorify God. By joining this group, you can learn to set your eyes on things above which will bring an answer to all your prayer needs according to Matthew 6:33.

For more information, visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest you or email

Resurrection Day

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.”

(Mathew 28:6)

Easter which falls on March 31st, 2024, is the time to remember the glorious rising of our Lord Jesus Christ from the grave, the only risen King in the world's history. Let this Easter be a reminder that whatever seems dead in your life will come back to life, and you will experience the true power of Christ's resurrection this year.

A Mighty Network of Prayer Women

“…for such a time as this.”

(Esther 4:14)

In 1988, on March 31st, my mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran received a vision from God to begin a prayer group for women. The Esther Prayer Group has been ordained by God to bring blessings to families especially in such a time as this. I am grateful to God for His abundant mercies on the Esther Prayer Group over the past 36 years. I pray that God will continue to lead the group under my mother's guidance, raising many more women like Esther, who will bring the light of Jesus into the lives of others. Recently, Esther Prayer Groups have been started at Andhra, Jharkand, Delhi, Telengana, many places in Tamil Nadu and also in other countries like Romania, Australia, South Africa, and United Kingdom. Join this prayer network and become a blessing to your family and the society at large.

17 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

Progressing through Prayer

“My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7)

I am glad to inform you that we have started to build the Nagercoil Prayer Tower. We are prayerfully venturing to build the Prayer Tower at the earliest and we have high prayer needs as we are aspiring to make the vision of 'No soul should be lost' a reality. You can help support this mission through your generous giving and potentially be the cause for someone's salvation. Refer page no 15 to know the easy ways to donate.

YouTube Channel

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

Stay connected with me by subscribing to my YouTube Channel'Paul Dhinakaran' where you can listen to God's word and a wide range of inspiring song videos that are sure to be an immense blessing to you. Also, be the first to know all the latest releases and stay updated with the latest content, all in one place. There is also a channel exclusively for kids called the ‘Jesus Calls Kids’ YouTube channel in which we upload videos such as Animated Skits, Stories, Dance, Riddles, Facts, Games, Puppet shows and many more. Do subscribe to the channel and make your kids find content that will help them grow in the Lord.

Need Volunteers

“Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

(1 Corinthians 15:58)

The Lord gave a special vision to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to reach people in each pin code (zip code) of India through a network of dedicated, spirit filled volunteers for the ministry. We are in need of selfless individuals who can dedicate themselves to pray for those who seek comfort through the Telephone Prayer Tower and also to

pray for those who visit the Prayer Towers. Thousands are calling the prayer line and hundreds are visiting the Prayer Towers every day. So if the Holy Spirit leads you, please join this ministry and dedicate your time to pray for others. For more information call +91 9840900473 and become the reason for a smile in million faces.

Prayer Requests:

Meetings Planned:

March 1, 2024 – All Night Prayer, NLAG Saidapet, Chennai

March 3, 2024 – Sunday Services, House of Prayer, Chennai

March 3, 2024 – Sunday Service & Youth Meeting, HGC Ground, Vandalur, Chennai

March 10, 2024 – Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda

March 29 & 30, 2024 –Meditation on the Cross, HGC Ground, Vandalur, Chennai

March 31, 2024 – Easter Service, HGC Ground, Vandalur, Chennai

Please keep these events in your prayers for the Lord to touch the hearts and lives of many more people through signs and wonders. Also, when you join and support these events and Prayer Festivals, you are being a blessing to lakhs of people who attend and surely God will remember you and lift you and your family upwards.

I would like to conclude by assuring you that our family will be praying for you and your loved ones, my dear ministry partner. I wish you a blessed Easter and a season filled with prosperity and abundance.

May you flourish with the blessings of the Risen Lord and rise to great heights.

Your brother, who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 18

On January 21st, 2024, Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson had a successful time of ministry at Srivilliputhur. Bro. Daniel Davidson led the worship, while Sis. Stella Ramola shared the word of God about the power of praising Him. The highlight of the event was singing the “Aasirvadham” song together with the crowd, and many received deliverance in the presence of God. It was a blessing to see everyone uniting their hearts in prayer for each other’s blessings, and God’s great name was glorified.

A Youth Conference on the theme “Mighty Warriors” arranged by Pastor Justin Samuel was held at Amma Arangam in Chennai from January 26th, 2024. More than 2000 people participated in it. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran graced the conference as the special guest and delivered a powerful message on being focused, consistent and a leader. Many young people rededicated their lives to God and committed themselves to being focused, consistent and leading others to Christ. During the prayer time, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran prayed with burden for the young people, and the power of the Holy Spirit empowered many. All glory be to God.

The Mega Youth Conference took place at Manna Jubilee Church in Amalapuram from January 25th to 26th, 2024. Sis. Stella Ramola along with her husband, Bro. Daniel Davidson led worship and shared some experiences from her life during the Q&A session. She also shared God's word on how to be a vessel of worship and also led praise and worship during the last session. The powerful delivery of God's word resonated with the hearts of the youth, creating a profound impact. The Telugu version of “Aasirvatham” received great cheers, and the crowd joined along with Sis. Stella Ramola and Bro. Daniel Davidson in singing this new song. She also offered prayers at the end with much burden for the youth to be blessed in their lives and many people stepped forward for personal interactions and individual prayers. More than a thousand youths from across the town of Amalapuram gathered for the conference and were greatly blessed through the ministry.

19 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

Hello Narmada, can you share with us about your 12th results?

Narmada: By God's grace, I scored 1172 out of 1200, especially excelling in Commerce and Business Maths with a centum in each. It was a testimony to the miracle I experienced, and I shared this during a Students’ Prayer Meet in 2019.

Wow! That’s great. What are the key things that you did to achieve success in the exams?

Narmada: The key things that I did were to study regularly, practice past exam papers and revise regularly to retain what I have studied. To study regularly, you have to make it a habit to spend time every day to complete the topics you want to learn. Practicing previous papers is also a key thing. But above all these, make sure you pray regularly like Daniel to be filled with the Spirit of excellence and God will surely make you a high achiever. Apart from these, the role of the prayers of the Jesus Calls ministry has been a great strength.

But getting here would not have been easy

for you, right? Can you please share the challenges you faced during your 12th standard?

Narmada: I began experiencing persistent headaches for about a year and a half. The headaches made it extremely difficult for me to focus on my studies. I struggled to retain

information, which became a significant hindrance as the 12th board examination approached. The medicines that the doctors suggested led to excessive sleep, affecting my regular attendance at school. I even fell asleep during a school exam due to the drowsiness caused by the medication. But I prayed using the exam prayer card every time I faced a headache and I could feel deliverance and experience good concentration to study my lessons.

In the midst of these challenges, you scored well in your 12th board examination. Can you tell us how?

Narmada: Yes, I attended the Students’ Prayer

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 20

Meet, where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed specifically for students facing difficulties. His words resonated with me and marked a turning point in my life. I could literally feel the Lord Jesus Christ walking with me wherever I went. His presence was so close to me, comforting me and guiding me as I studied and took the exams. Since that Students’ Prayer Meet, I have made it a habit to call the Prayer Tower before every exam, trusting solely in God's guidance.

That's truly remarkable. Finally, how did your journey lead you to pursue CA, and how did you succeed in completing CA?

Narmada: I shared with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about my desire to study CA after witnessing miracles in my life. He prayed for me, and with God's grace, I successfully completed CA and B.Com at the same time despite numerous struggles. I completed B.Com with distinction, and in CA, I was among the top 10% who cleared the exam. All glory be to God.

So, what advice would you give to students

to help them prepare for their exams?

Narmada: Remember to give God first priority in your life. Before you start studying, invite the Lord's presence to guide you in your studies. Praying before studying and before writing your exams is very important. You can use the exam prayer card. It has always helped me. Also, keep in mind that preparation is the key to success. So, prepare yourself for the exam well in advance by studying smaller portions of your syllabus every day instead of leaving everything to the last minute. Your victory will come from the Lord, so be brave and confident about your future. God has the power to remove any hindrances in your life and help you rise high in life.

Thank you for the valuable advice and for sharing your success story with us. Your faith and perseverance are an inspiration. May you accomplish more and achieve great things in life.

Dear friend, I believe that Narmada's life experience and tips on how to excel in exams would have been helpful for you since your exams might be coming up soon. If you are feeling worried, remember that God is with you and can help you achieve success, just like Narmada did.

We understand that exam times can be stressful, so we are here to support you in any way we can. We have an exam prayer card available for students like you, which you can get by visiting your nearest Prayer Tower or find it online at

We also offer prayer support through our 24/7 prayer line at 8546 999 000 (in all languages) and our Prayer Tower, where you can come in person for prayers. You can also write down your prayer concerns and send them to or Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.

If you are taking public exams, please share your exam timetable with us so we can pray for you personally and continuously in the Chain Prayer until your exams are over.

I pray that the Lord will be with you every step of the way and grant you even greater success in your exams than you have prayed or imagined.

21 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS

Dear friend, God’s promise verse for this month is from Isaiah 12:2, which says,

“I will trust and not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.”

Accordingly, the Lord is your strength, your song and your salvation, my friend!

Today, you might be feeling so weary and tired with many responsibilities to shoulder at home. We have met many families who have lost parents and where the elder sibling has taken on the responsibility of taking care of the younger siblings. If you are in a similar situation, you may feel weary and discouraged, or you might be in a situation saying, “Lord, I have tried so much to succeed in this life, but there is only failure after failure.” But today, the Lord promises that He is going to strengthen you, give you His song and salvation and make you happy. So, if you are feeling weary, don’t hesitate to cry out to the Lord. Share with Him all the troubles and fears that you are going through. Trust Him, and He will strengthen you.

My father used to tell this about my grandmother all the time. She lost her husband at a very young age and was left to raise eight children on her own. Every time when my father used to wake up in the middle of the night, he would see his mother (i.e., my grandmother) kneeling by the bed and crying out to the Lord because she had to be strong for her children. The Lord indeed strengthened her daily, and all her eight children have been brought up in the Lord. In the same way, if you are feeling weary, tired or anxious, cry out to the Lord for strength. Just like He strengthened her, He will strengthen you too.

King David in the Bible showed unwavering faith during tough times and relied on God’s strength. Once, when he and his men returned to their camp in Ziklag and found it plundered and their families kidnapped,

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 22

David was extremely distressed. However, instead of giving up hope, David turned to his source of strength: his unshakeable trust in God. David would strengthen himself to endure this difficult time by praying, seeking God’s guidance, and relying on Him alone. His act of ‘strengthening himself in the Lord’ (I Samuel 30:6) serves as an example of how we can become resilient when we put our trust in God and look to Him in prayer.

John, a middle-aged man, lost his job which left him with a lot of financial troubles, mounting debts, and a deep sense of uncertainty about his future. As weeks turned into months without any job prospects, John's despair deepened.

In the midst of his struggles, John turned to God for solace. He started attending a prayer group at his local church, where he shared his challenges with others who empathised with his situation. One of the group members, named Mary, shared her own testimony of overcoming adversity through faith.

Encouraged by Mary's testimony, John decided to dedicate his time each day to prayer and reflection. He began to find a sense of peace and purpose, even in the midst of his difficulties. One day, while volunteering at a local community center, John met someone who turned out to be a hiring manager at a company that had a job opening for someone with his skills.

After a few events that seemed like coincidences, John was offered a job that suited his expertise and provided financial stability for his family. John knew that this was the work of God. His unwavering faith and persistence in prayer during his darkest moments in life are truly inspiring and a wonderful testimony.

With a brand-new sense of gratitude and

purpose, John not only regained his financial stability but also developed a deeper connection with God through prayer. His life has become an inspiration to others facing challenges, showing how having unshakeable faith in God can help you overcome adversity.

These inspiring real-life incidents show us that anything is possible through prayer! The closer you are to God, the more His strength, anointing, and authority you will receive to overcome any setback or lack in your life. Indeed, God has chosen you for a higher purpose, and as you continue to look up to Him and build a stronger relationship with Him, He will beautifully guide you into it.

PRAYER: Precious Lord, I am grateful for Your promise to grant me Your divine strength, salvation, and song. In my times of brokenness, I am thankful that You are always close to me, willing to listen to my cries and problems. Today, I pray that You will help me to dedicate my time to spend quality time with You in prayer and to trust You completely. Please let Your presence calm my anxious soul and give me the strength to face the challenges ahead. Without You, I am nothing, so please let Your strength come upon me and fill my heart with new and joyful songs of praise. Help me to look forward to the blessings You are about to shower upon me. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

23 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS


On 12th January 2024, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family inaugurated the 105th Prayer Tower in Tirupati for the welfare of the people of the entire Andhra Pradesh region. They were joined by partners, prayer intercessors, and the ministry team, who collectively prayed for God's presence to manifest through the Prayer Tower and bring miracles and deliverance into every visitor's life.

Tirupati Prayer Tower address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, 19-8-85/4B, 1st floor, RC Road, Annamaiah Circle, Tirupati, Tirupati District - 517501, Andhra Pradesh TIRUPATI


On January 13th, 2024, a Partners' Meet was held at Tirupati which was attended by thousand of partners. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran introduced the testimonies and encouraged the gathering to have faith in the Lord to receive greater miracles from Him. He also shared how God is using the Jesus Calls ministry to spread the word of God, far and wide, across nations. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran then shared God's message with the partners, assuring them of greater rewards from God for their faithful partnership with His work. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the partners to experience the best of God's grace. The Dhinakarans offered individual prayers for everyone and the partners left feeling joyful and grateful to the Lord.

Republic Day Prayers & Partners’ Meet at Nagercoil

On the remarkable occasion of India's 75th Republic Day on January 26th, 2024, along with the team at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Nagercoil, the Dhinakarans united their hearts and prayed for the nation. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran also offered prayers and inaugurated the groundbreaking ceremony for the New Nagercoil Prayer Tower.

On the evening of January 26th, 2024, at the Nagercoil Partner's Meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared an uplifting message of God, assuring them that God would fulfill His promise of making each person rise high to greater heights. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed with burden for all the partners, bringing down God's comforting grace and miracles to all those in need. The presence of God was undeniable, and all the glory goes to Him alone.

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 24

Tirunelveli Meetings on January 28th, 2024

In the Sunday Blessing Meeting held at Peace AG Church, Tirunelveli Dr. Paul Dhinakaran preached about the importance of setting one’s eyes on heavenly blessings. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word during the Sunday Service at C.S.I. Holy Trinity Cathedral, Tirunelveli about God’s wisdom that has the power to lead a person in the right path and into the will of God. During the Sunday service of the Host of Christ Church in Tirunelveli, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared about having a personal relationship with God based on Psalm 23 and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran preached about taking root and bearing fruit for the Lord. God’s name was greatly magnified through these meetings.

Partners’ Meet at Fort of Praise Church, Tirunelveli

On January 28th at 4.00 PM, hundreds of partners gathered for the Partners’ Meet held at Fort of Praise Church. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran received and introduced the testimonies of partners whose faith was ignited through the ministry. Around 1,400 people attended the meeting, where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family distributed new clothes and school kits to 40 children affected by floods. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran offered prayers for God to bless the children and brighten their future. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered the word of God and assured the partners that their partnership with the ministry will result in a hundredfold reward. Individual prayers were also offered and people praised God for His mighty works in and through their lives.

God’s mighty Move in Nalumavadi

On January 27th, 2024, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family invited by Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus to minstered in Thirappin Vasal Jebam held by Jesus Redeems Minister at Nalumavadi. Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus passionately led prayers for Jesus Calls Ministry and the Dr. Paul Dhinakaran family. More than 35,000 people attended the gathering. During the meeting, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed a prayer of blessing for all those in attendance. Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran shared an inspiring message based on Psalm 23:2 and Isaiah 40:11, encouraging everyone to trust in God's care and protection. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared God’s word that the people who had gathered would experience the richest of blessings, be fed with the peace of the Lord and earnestly prayed for the needs of the people. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word about the Spirit of love that would transform every person and encouraged everyone to put on love and keep their life pure before the sight of God. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed fervently for the anointing of the Holy Spirit to come upon the people. After the meeting, the Dhinakarans prayed individually for everyone. God's name was glorified through the meeting.

25 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS



Age: 45 years and above with 10 years of mid managerial experience

Location: Across India Skills required: Marketing / People management/ Mobility to monitor, motivate and develop branch performance/ Aggressive/ analytical/MIS reviews/Team player/spiritual/prayerful and Client Relationship.


Age: 45 years and above with 7 years of mid managerial experience Location:

Across India Skills required: Marketing/People management Mobility to monitor, motivate and develop branch performance/Aggressive/ analytical/ MIS reviews/Team player/Spiritual/Prayerful and Client Relationship.


Age: 40 yrs and above with 3 to 5 years of mid managerial experience Location: Across India Skills required: Spiritually strong and anointed/Prayerful/worship/ people management /Ability to manage all the prayer related activities/Client Relationship/ Aggressive/Team player/Fluent in English & Local Language.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Children spiritual empowerment / creating and managing events / organizing Kids camps / regular meetings in Prayer Towers/ promotions / creating products for kids, Content for TV and social media programs/ child care programs / Good presenter to kids / willing to travel.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Ability to provide visionary leadership/ passionate / youth engagement / spiritual guidance / public speaker / Capacity to develop innovative and creative approaches to youth ministry, engaging events, activities, and outreach programs/raising Youth volunteers/networking.


Age: 35 yrs and above Education: Any degree. Language: English, Regional Language Location: Across India Skill required: Spiritually strong / Compassionate/ Prayerful / Soulful Counseling / sound Biblical Knowledge / worship / Relationship building / Fluent in English & Local Language.


Location: Chennai Skill required: Networking & Relationship building / Prayerful/ Biblical Knowledge / Mobility to visit donors / excellent communication / Fluent in English & Local Language.


Location: Chennai, Delhi, Ranchi, Secunderabad, Mumbai. Skills required: Passion for Youth ministry /Connecting with youth / mobilising youth for events / Youth Counselling / Biblical Knowledge/ Prayerful / establish UTurn activities in the locality / Creative / Fluent in English & Local Language.



Location: Chennai Skills required: Partner relationship, segmentation, analytical skill, CRM knowledge MANAGER - ENGAGEMENT

Location: Chennai Skills required: Partner relationship, Partner development, analytical skill, Marketing & promotions, fundraising, CRM knowledge MANAGER - RETENTION

Location: Chennai Skills required: Partner relationship, feedback and survey, verbal and written Communication skill, analytical skill, CRM knowledge EXECUTIVE – CORRESPONDENCE

Language: Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, English. Location: Bangalore, Chennai, Ranchi Skills required: Biblical Knowledge/Spiritual / communication expertise / Proficiency in Written & Verbal communication / Typing Skills.


Language: Tamil, Kannada, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, English. Location: Chennai Skills required: Biblical Knowledge / Spiritual / Ability to pray / communication expertise / Proficiency in Written & Verbal communication / Typing Skills / Data entry/ Time management/ Experience in call center / usage of CRM software.



Location: Chennai Skills required: Pre-Production & Post-Production Management for TV programs / Event Production Management / Media Strategy / Content Creation / Knowledge of digital marketing techniques / Budget Management/ Strategic planning / Broadcast Quality & Transmission / Technology / Vendor Negotiation skills


Location: Chennai Skills required: Digital Marketing Strategy / Content creation & management/ Proficiency in Social Media Platforms / Innovative thinking/ Community engagement/ Technical SEO/ Analytics & Reporting.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Web development/Web design/Web analytics/Technical troubleshooting/E-commerce skills/Social Media Integration/ Content Management/ MIS Reporting/ Laravel /React / node JS & PHP.


Location: Chennai Language: Tamil, English, Hindi, Malayalam, Kanada, Telugu Skills required: Online Engagement Expert / YouTube & Social Media Pro/Strong written and verbal communication / Analytics / Report generation.


Language: Tamil/Hindi/Telugu/Malayalam/Kannada. Experience: 2+ yrs relevant experience. Location: Chennai Skills required: Production Management / Creative/ Script development / Technical expertise Mastery/ Creative Ideation/ Budget Management / Post-Production familiarity / social media / Live Broadcast Leadership / Promotions Strategy.


Location: Chennai, Kochi, Trivandrum, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Delhi, Mumbai, Raipur, Gujarat, Punjab, Kolkata. Skills required: Video Production Experience / Skilled in audio recording techniques / Exposure control / lighting techniques / Focus control / colour grading / Storytelling / Editing Software Knowledge in - FCP 10.0 / Adobe CC Premiere / Adobe After Effects / Photoshop CC 2021.


Language: Hindi/ Malayalam/Tamil/Telugu/English Location: Chennai Skills required: Experienced in visual editing on FCP 10.0, Adobe CC Premiere - Adobe After Effects - Photoshop CC 2021 / Video composition / Transition / colour correction / Visual effects / music and audio sweetening/ camera operation.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Fluency in English and in a local language (Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada) / Strength in Spiritual Content / Fast Typing Skills / File organization / Database management / Content classification / Digital Audio/Video Editing.



Location: Chennai Skills required: Inventory management/Media cataloguing/ Asset Organization / Quality control / Digital asset management systems.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Broadcast Technology expertise/ Leadership / Equipment Master/ Live Broadcast Coordination experience/ Broadcast System Oversight / Effective budget management / Equipment maintenance / IP Networking/ Quality control / Team player.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Writing Proficiency in English/ Storytelling / Creativity / Research / Social Media Familiarity.



Location: Chennai Skills required: Strong understanding of accounting principles / financial management / budgeting related to civil construction projects / Ability to analyse project budgets, costs, and financial data/ Excellent communication skills to convey project requirements, updates, and expectations clearly to team members, contractors, and stakeholders.


Location: Chennai Language: Hindi, Tamil, English Skills required: Strong knowledge of civil engineering principles / Knowledge on construction materials / Proficiency in civil software – AutoCAD / Experience in budgeting, scheduling, resource allocation / Communication skills / Knowledge on engineering drawings.


Location: Chennai Skills required: Facility Operations Management –maintenance, repairs, security, housekeeping / Budgeting / Vendor and contractor management / Knowledge of safety regulations & compliance standards/ Knowledge of building systems & equipment / Communication skills.

JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 26
27 - March 2024 JESUS CALLS
28 JESUS CALLS March 2024 -

Isaiah 32:15 - Spirit of God

Meditation: Isaiah 44:3; Luke 1:35,80; Acts 2:17,18; Eph. 3:16

Psalm 33:20 - The Lord is your helper

Meditation: Gen. 49:25; 2 Chron. 14:11,12; Isaiah 41:13,14; 2 Tim. 4:17

Matthew 5:7 - You will receive mercy

Meditation: Nehemiah 9:27-31; Romans 9:15,16; Titus 3:5; 1 Peter 1:4

Psalm 18:39 - The God who gives strength

Meditation: 1 Sam. 2:1-5; 2 Sam. 22:40-45; Psalm 18:32; 1 Cor. 2:2-5

Psalm 109:31 - The Lord saves the soul

Meditation: Job 33:28; Psalm 62:1; 72:13; James 1:21

Jude 1:2 - Peace and love

Meditation: 2 Cor. 13:11; Eph. 6:23; 1 Thess. 5:13; 1 Peter 5:14

Psalm 18:19 - The Lord will deliver us

Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:49; Psalm 107:20; Jer. 39:17; 2 Cor. 1:10

Psalm 115:15 - You will be blessed by the Lord

Meditation: Gen. 24:31; 27:29; Deut. 28:3-6; Judges 5:24; Luke 1:42

John 14:23 - God will dwell with you

Meditation: Exod. 29:45,46; Ezek. 37:27; Zech. 2:10; 2 Cor. 6:16

Hebrews 11:6 - The Lord rewards those who seek Him

Meditation: Ezra 8:22; Psalm 9:10; 34:10; 119:2; Proverbs 8:17; 28:5

Jeremiah 31:3 - Eternal friendship

Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:1; 20:17; Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; John 15:13-15

Psalm 23:2 - The Lord is our Shepherd

Meditation: Isaiah 40:11; John 10:11,14-16; Hebrews 13:20

Job 42:2 - All things are possible with God

Meditation: Psalm 33:9; Jeremiah 32:17,27; Matthew 19:26; Luke 1:37

Romans 15:13 - Faith

Meditation: Gal. 5:5; Colo. 1:22; 1 Thess. 5:8; 1 Peter 1:21

Psalm 20:4 - God will fulfill your desires

Meditation: 1 Kings 11:31-37; Psalm 37:4,5; Proverbs 13:12

Isaiah 49:15 - God will not forget us

Meditation: Psalm 9:18; Isaiah 44:21; Amos 8:7; Ephesians 6:10

Isaiah 54:10 - A covenant of peace

Meditation: Gen. 26:29; Num. 25:12; Joshua 9:15; Ezek. 37:26

Isaiah 46:10 - God will do what he pleases

Meditation: Psalm 115:3; 135:6; Matt. 8:2,3; Mark 1:36-42; Colo. 1:27

Psalm 19:11 - Warning

Meditation: Gen. 31:24,29; Exod. 23:21; Levi. 22:2; Joshua 23:11

Psalm 81:10 - The Lord will fill you

Meditation: Exod. 35:30-33; Jere. 31:25; Luke 1:53; Acts. 14:17

Deuteronomy 33:29 - God is our companion

Meditation: Deut. 33:7; Psalm 27:9; 54:4; Jer. 15:11; Heb. 13:6

Isaiah 66:13 - God chooses us

Meditation: Psalm 86:17; 94:19; Isaiah 12:1; Jer. 31:13; 2 Thess. 2:17

James 1:17 - Good gifts

Meditation: Proverbs. 19:14; Jeremiah 31:14; 32:40-42; 2 Cor. 9:15

Psalm 118:14 - The Lord is our strength

Meditation: Exodus 15:2; Isaiah 12:2; 49:5; Jer. 16:19; Habakkuk 3:19

Psalm 68:19 - God who saves us

Meditation: Psalm 25:4,5; 27:9; Daniel 3:28,29; Habakkuk 3:18

Zephaniah 3:17 - The Lord will rejoice over you

Meditation: Psalm 5:11; Isaiah 65:19; Habakkuk 3:17,18; Zep. 3:14

John 8:32 - The truth shall set you free

Meditation: Psalm 119:170; Luke 4:32; Acts 16:36; 2 Cor. 3:17

Isaiah 60:22 - The Lord will make you a great nation

Meditation: Gen. 46:3; Num. 14:12; Deut. 9:14; Micah 4:6,7

Isaiah 43:2 - The Lord will be with you

Meditation: Gen. 26:3; Joshua 1:5; Judges 6:12,16; Isaiah 43:5

Isaiah 30:18 - The Lord will have mercy on you

Meditation: Isaiah 54:10; Matt. 20:29-34; Mark 1:40-42; Luke 7:11-15

Psalm 59:16 - The highest refuge

Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:3; Psalm 18:2; 59:1; 107:41; Proverbs 29:25

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“Blessed is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.” (Psalm 146:5)

Indeed, this worldly life is full of sorrows and afflictions of all kinds. Amidst these sufferings, it is possible only for the Almighty God to grant us a blessed life. Shall we examine the ways and means to enjoy this excellent life on the basis of the Scriptures and get filled with the blessings of the Lord?

God, You are my Help and my Deliverer

What did he do then? According to II Chronicles 20:21, “when they all joined together and sang praises to the Holy God, in one accord, the Lord helped them, fought for them and finally made them triumph over their enemies.”

(Psalm 40:17)

“But I am poor and needy; yet the Lord thinks of me. You are my help and my deliverer.”

In Psalm 115:10,11; 146:5, we read that the Lord is the help and shield of those who fear Him. Similarly, in Isaiah, the Book of prophecy, we see, “Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you,” says the Lord, and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

(Isaiah 41:14)

Thus, in several places in the Bible, we see how the men of God, who did things with the help of the Lord, received His blessings in miraculous ways.

Particularly, as seen in II Chronicles 19th Chapter, a king named Jehoshaphat had great reverence for the Lord and did everything by having Him as his help. Once, several kings gathered together and came against him to fight.

Similarly, in the New Testament also, while writing to the church of Corinth, Apostle Paul, the servant of God, says,

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

(I Corinthians 15:57)

He further testifies in II Timothy 4:17,18, “But the Lord stood with me and…will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly Kingdom…”

My dear child of God, you should also ‘join to the Lord and be one spirit with Him’ and keep all your trust on Him and not on man, who is of the earth. Then He will fill you with His divine presence. He will stand with you, and help you according to the situation and deliver you from all kinds of lacks and evil things.

I have received many such blessings in my life. When I was newly married, one night, it was very late and my husband had not come home from work; I was gripped by anxiety and fear as I was

30 JESUS CALLS March 2024 -

alone. Suddenly, I had a thought – “The Lord has done a lot of good things in my life. Why don’t I sing and praise Him?” With this thought, I knelt down and started praising the Lord by singing songs from the depths of my heart and soul. As I kept on praising and thanking Him, His presence filled me. Suddenly, I felt the power of the Holy Spirit surging through me from the top of my head to my toes. That was all! Totally overpowered by the presence of God, I welcomed my husband with boundless joy and shared with him my testimony as to how the Lord was with me and how He made me joyous by filling me with His presence.

Yes, dear one,

The Lord will stand with you, help you and deliver you from all evil

that he became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, So shall your descendants be.” He did not consider his own body, already dead (since he was about a hundred years old) and the deadness of Sarah’s womb. Read carefully the verses in Romans 4:20-21, “He was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.” In John 11:40, the Lord Jesus says, “If you would believe, you would see the glory of God.” Accordingly, as per his firm faith in the God of gods, both Abraham and Sarah got Isaac as their son at the age of 100 and 90, respectively.

“Those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.”(Psalm 34:10)

David, the man of God, says in Psalm 63:7, “Because You have been my help, therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.” Like him, you can also receive this experience. Do not be deceived by seeking the help of unwanted people and their counsels, which would bring you unwarranted problems and disappointments in the end. So, always trust and depend only on the Lord, according to Psalm 144:15, which says, “Blessed are the people, whose God is the Lord.” He Helps and Calls Things into Existence (Romans 4:17)

In the Bible, we read, “…Terah, the father of Abraham…served other gods” (Joshua 24:2). However, God chose his son Abraham as ‘His own’ (Genesis 12th Chapter). In Matthew 1:1-17, we see how this generation was chosen to be a Godfearing generation. Yes, the Lord Jesus was born in this blessed lineage.

Even Abraham, who was chosen by God, had a big lack in his life. Abraham was well advanced in age, and Sarah had passed the age of childbearing, and still, they lived in sorrow, leading an empty life as they had no child. The Bible says, “the Lord knows those who trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7). As read in Romans 4:18, “Abraham, contrary to hope, in hope believed so

My dear child of God, is your faith so strong in the Lord and of a high level? Are you holding on to Him firmly, with solid hope, like Abraham? Examine yourself!

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)

Are you living in tears and anguish because of several lacks and needs in your life? Are you trusting God and praying at His feet with full faith that there is nothing impossible with Him? ‘He is the One, who hears prayer’ (Psalm 65:2).

Dear one, perhaps you may have a lot of wants and needs in your life. Do not magnify your lacks but keep your eyes only on the Lord and wait at His feet, in faith, like Abraham did. Then, the Lord, who sees your faith, will do wonders in your life, lead you in a blessed way, lift you up and honour you as He did for Abraham.

In my life, too, I had no child as I had lost 3 children. Yet, as seen in Psalm 121:1, my eyes were upon Jesus, ‘the Hills, from whence comes help’ and as a result, He blessed and prospered my life. He blessed us with two wonderful children - a son and a daughter. Following this, He has increased our family and has granted us abundant blessings by giving us grandchildren; now He has blessed me immeasurably by giving me a great granddaughter. Besides, He has also given me several children in Christ. - March 2024 JESUS CALLS 31

In the same way, when you have the Lord as your help and hold on to Him firmly, He will fill you also with His full blessings. As the Bible says, “Surely, your help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.” You shall indeed be blessed!

“Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you.” (Hebrews 6:14)

He shall be the Shield and Help to those who Fear Him (Psalm 33:20; 115:11)

“He is a shield to those who put their trust in Him.” (Proverbs 30:5)

“Blessed is everyone, who fears the Lord…” (Psalm 128:1)

What do we read in Acts 10:35? “In every nation, whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.” In the first two verses of Acts 10th Chapter, we read that ‘there was a certain man called Cornelius, a centurion in the Italian Regiment and a heathen, who was a devout man, and one who feared God with all his household and prayed to God always.’ For this reason, the Lord wanted to make him His own. So, He commissioned His disciple Peter to go to this man, and through Peter, the Lord graciously showered His anointing, which the Jews had received in similar fashion, on this Cornelius, a heathen and on his family and friends who had gathered there. What a great privilege and a glorious thing it was!

of the Holy Spirit, upon all those who seek Him with reverence, like Cornelius.

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” (Luke 11:13)

Accordingly, humble yourself to dust and seek the Lord in reverence. Ask Him with sincere desire for the divine experience of being filled with the Holy Spirit. Then He will surely fill you, who plead with Him, with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and grant you a glorious and blessed life.

Seeing your faith, the Lord will do wonders in your life as well, lift you up and honour you

After the Lord graciously filled my husband with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I saw the divine glory reflected in his life and hence started to pray with thirst to the Lord, day and night, for this same anointing. Soon, one evening, when I was thanking the Lord in prayer, He filled me with His Holy Spirit in an immeasurable way and helped both of us to continue in His work with one accord. Today, this precious anointing has flown into our descendants, and the Lord has given us a blessed life of glorifying Him.

Even today, my dear one, the Lord is eagerly waiting to shower the anointing, which is the gift

Dear one, you should also have the thirst to receive such a blessed life of arising and shining for the Lord as descendants with fear of God and seek Him for that. Then He will lead you in a blessed way. Do not place your trust in any man or anything except the God of gods; hold on to Him firmly and seek Him as a family as well as individually with thirst and receive His blessings and arise and shine as glorious witnesses for Him!

5. Editor’s Name: G.L.B. Ernest

Nationality: Indian

Address: Old No. 22, New No. 73, Greenways Lane, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai-600028, Tamil Nadu

6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one per cent of the total capital: Jesus Calls, No. 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai-600028, Tamil Nadu

I, G.L.B. Ernest, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/-

73, Greenways Lane, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai-600028, Tamil Nadu

Date: 01.03.2024


Signature of Publisher

Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper Jesus Calls to be published in the first issue every year after the last day of February 1. Place of publication: Chennai 2. Periodicity of its publication: Monthly 3. Printer’s Name: G.L.B. Ernest Nationality: Indian Address: Old No. 22, New No. 73, Greenways Lane, Raja Annamalai Puram, Chennai-600028, Tamil Nadu
Publisher’s Name: G.L.B. Ernest Nationality: Indian Address: Old No. 22, New No.
IV 32 JESUS CALLS March 2024 -

These days, problems, sufferings and worries are rampant in families, particularly in the lives of women. Unable to get delivered out of these, such women languish in agony. The Esther Prayer Group ministry was started for the deliverance and blessings of these women. When I lost my only daughter Angel in a gruesome car accident and had plunged into sorrow, the Lord gave me this ministry to pray for the women who suffer from various misfortunes, pain and losses.

As led by the Holy Spirit, this ministry was begun by the grace of God in 1988, in the month of March. Since then, it has been changing the dark lives of several women into a life of ‘brightly burning lamps’ for the Lord. Today, the Esther Prayer Groups are functioning not only in India but also in several other nations and prayers are being offered through that. As a reward for the prayers offered since the past 36 years, countless families have been rebuilt; several women have received deliverance, healing and miracles in their lives. Hereby we are publishing the testimony of one such sister:


I often used to brood over the adverse things in my family and get dejected. But, now, after attending the Esther Prayer Group prayer, and through the promise verses sent by dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran, I am greatly encouraged and am filled with new hope and faith. Particularly, I get spiritual strength through this fellowship. During the Esther Prayer Group prayer time, when I pray for the prayer points, God intervenes in my personal life because of which all my dejection and worries vanish. I suffered from skin disease. Everyone in our Esther Prayer Group, prayed for me with burden. The Lord completely healed me. I also got the money that was due to me, in a miraculous way. Also my grandson Ajith was addicted to drugs. All of us fervently prayed for him in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heeded the prayers and has miraculously delivered him from drug addiction. Thus, through the Esther Prayer Group, my faith grew! I thank the Lord for giving us such a wonderful Esther Prayer Group ministry and also I thank dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran, who is carrying out this ministry in obedience to Him. Glory be to God!

– Bhanumathy, Chennai

My dear sisters, who are reading this, I kindly invite you also to come forward to start this Esther Prayer Group and pray for the deliverance and blessings of women. Those women, who are desirous of prayer, should gather as a group (of minimum 8 women) once a month at any place convenient to you. You should pray at the feet of the Lord for 2 hours for the 20 prayer points that I would be sending you. Or you may join any existing Esther Prayer Group in your area. When you thus pray for the deliverance and blessings of other women, the Lord is certain to change your own captivity and bless you in double measure (Job 42:10). You may send a letter or Email to me, for further details:

Address:Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, Esther Prayer Group, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email - March 2024 JESUS CALLS 33
JESUS CALLS March 2024 - 34 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran
36 Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73

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