Jesus Calls (English) - March 2016

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 God’s Messages  Daily Devotion  Meeting Report  Testimonies  Fulfilment of Prophecies

VOL.44 ISSUE 3 MARCH 2016 Rs.21/-




he word which I like the most in the Bible is ‘but’. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all (Psalm 34:19). And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). There will be problems, there will be tribulations, however, there is also a word ‘but’ in the word of God. God works after the chaos, after the tribulations. He works after we succumb to temptations. Only then is His power revealed. We read in the Bible that in the beginning, there was chaos everywhere; there was darkness everywhere; the earth was form-

less, but, it was at this time God sent His word and gave form to it. He divided the light from darkness and made it shine. This is the Lord’s doing. Are you saying why do I face such problems? Why there is anxiety? Why there is loss? Why there are tribulations? But it is at this moment you have to tell, ‘Yes, there are problem and tribulations but it is now that the Lord God will come down to help me.’ ‘Till today there were problems but hereafter Jesus will come down to strengthen me.’ How does the Lord deliver us from trials and tribulations? “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let Jesus Calls

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not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” John 14:27.

When on one side you face tribulations, on the other side you will see God’s peace coming upon you. This peace will regulate our lack of orderliness and mend out hearts. The earth was formless but when God’s word came upon it, it became a beautiful creation. Likewise, when God’s peace comes upon you, everything will work together for good according to His purpose. That’s why God says, ‘My peace I give you. The world cannot give you this peace.’ “He makes peace in His high places” (Job 25:2)

Yes, peace in high places means heavenly peace. Jesus came down to earth to bring this heavenly peace unto us. Surely, the world cannot give us this peace. Jesus is the only way for us to receive this heavenly peace. “The chastisement for our peace was upon Him” (Isaiah 53:5). A man cannot destroy the forces that devastate peace, for, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). That is why the One who has not sinned, the One who makes peace, the One who carries the chastisement for our peace upon Him, came down and sacrificed Himself on the cross to destroy the forces that devastate peace. “...through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil” (Hebrews 2:14)

Jesus destroyed the works of the devil and received the authority to give us peace. Even today, when we pray and ask for peace in Jesus’ name He will come down and fill us with His heavenly peace. When this peace fills us, our tribulations will melt away. The power to overcome the tribulations will fill us. I pray that God will fill you with His peace throughout this month. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith (1 John 5:4).

Many years ago, William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army, was once preaching a sermon about peace that the Lord gives. And suddenly a man interrupted saying, "Sir, you will not be preaching about peace if you

were in my place. Recently, I lost my wife and I miss her so much. Though I have buried her, yet I am unable to bury my sorrow. I am struggling with my four children. I am doomed. I am not in peace." Few months later, the great man William Booth lost his beloved wife. He stood up in the same church and said, "Few months ago, when I preached about the peace of God, a man rose up and said that I will not be talking about peace if I had lost my wife as he had. Let me tell you: Because I am connected to the Lord, my heart is in peace. It doesn't mean that I don't miss my beloved wife. But still, there is a song deep in my heart. It is the song of peace. This divine mysterious peace strengthens me and sustains me. Let that brother know that there is hope still - the hope to enjoy divine peace." That man came running on to the stage and he surrendered his life to God. With tears he said, “Now I believe you sir, Jesus is real. He is the Prince of Peace.” Amidst the loss of his wife William Booth was filled with joy that one soul came to Jesus Christ. Yes, amidst our trials and tribulations Jesus is also among us. His peace is the victory that has overcome the world. What happens when this peace comes upon us? “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will Jesus Calls

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guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4: 6,7)

Many times fear grips our heart. But when the peace of God which surpasses all understanding comes upon us, it will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. This is the power of God’s peace. The problems of the world destroys us when we are alone but when the peace of God dwells within us it guards us from all tribulations. That’s why the Bible says, ‘if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation’ (2 Corinthians 5:17). Jesus says in the garden of Gethsemane, ‘My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death’ because it was the time of Jesus’ crucifixion. He was filled with sorrow. There was none to pray for Him. At that time He prayed saying, ‘O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me.’ Path of suffering - Jesus went through it. His sweat fell down as blood. Because of the fear, anxiety He shed His precious blood in the garden of Gethsemane to give us the heavenly peace. He completely gave Himself unto us saying, ‘nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.’ The next moment He was filled with peace, eternal Spirit came upon Him (Hebrews 9: 14). Through the path of suffering Jesus shed His blood for you and me; He gave up His blood for us to receive God’s peace. Even today His blood is interceding for us in heaven (Hebrews 12:24; 7:25; Romans 8:34). When Jesus gave up His blood according to the will of His Father,

a great peace filled His heart. After that when Judas came to betray Him, He called him ‘Friend’. Yes, Jesus was not afraid of him or the Pharisees. He stood bold in front of Pilate. He had authority and more power than the leader of His nation. There was no more fear in Him. No pain could overcome Him. He fulfilled His Father’s will completely. Lastly, according to Philippians 2:10, ‘ the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth.’ He rose as the King of kings and is alive even today. When we submit ourselves to God saying, ‘Father, I have losses, I face tribulations remove them Lord, yet, not as I will, but as You will’ God will fill you with His heavenly peace. Jesus will guard our hearts and minds. We will no more fear any men or problems. Abraham Lincoln, the former President of America was a man of God. He kept everything at the feet of Jesus and prayed every day. Once, the country was facing a critical situation. That time his Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton criticized Abraham’s order and said, ‘Abraham Lincoln is a fool.’ The people around them were shocked to hear this and exclaimed, ‘How can he call a President a fool?’ But, Lincoln came down to this officer’s room and politely asked, ‘What is wrong in the order? Please tell me. I am here as the Ambassa-

dor of God as a President to save my people. Please tell me what could be done.’ When Stanton explained everything Lincoln again reissued a new order. When the new order came out there was peace in the whole nation. Even today the people of America say, ‘We had a great President called Lincoln.’ I believe if Lincoln was there today he would say, ‘I have a great God called Jesus.’ God Himself through Abraham Lincoln gave peace to that nation. If God can do it for America will He not do it for you and your family? The peace that is in Jesus is powerful to grant us humility to accept the truth which delivers us from all possible attacks and failures. Also that makes us maintain peace with all men and women. Through the peace that is in Jesus Christ we shall be more than conquerors.

Prayer Loving Lord Jesus, I have come to Your feet seeking Your peace. Prince of peace, when You were born in this world You brought peace to this earth and favour to the humanity. The chastisement of my peace was upon You. Before You left this world You promised saying, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid”. You shattered all divisive forces, triumphed over the enemy on the cross and brought peace to us Jesus Calls

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through the precious blood You shed on the cross. Give me Your divine peace today. Let Your peace that surpasses all understanding rule my heart. Lord, please help me to crush Satan who is disturbing my peace in my life, work spot, profession, ministry and society under my feet. Keep Your eyes upon me, counsel me and fill me with Your peace. Lord Jesus, I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Let there be peace within my walls and security within my citadels. Please help me to see the prosperity of Jerusalem and peace upon Israel all the days of my life. Lord, I praise You for listening to my prayer and filling me with Your peace. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen. FORM IV (See Rule 8) Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper JESUS CALLS 1 . Place of publication: Chennai 2 . Periodicity of its publication 3 . Printer’s Name

: Monthly : Paul Aravamuthan


: Indian


: Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St., Woods Road, Chennai-2.

4 . Publisher’s Name : Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran Nationality

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: 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -28

5 . Editor’s Name

: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran


: Indian


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6. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital: No. 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -28 I, Stella Dhinakaran, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Sd/(Stella Dhinakaran)

ZIKA VIRUS PROPHECY UTTERED IN 2011 The Lord revealed a very important thing to me: You shall see certain changes taking place in the body structure of new born babies that are born from the year 2011. Changes shall take place not only in life style, not only in the governance of the nation, not only in nature but from 2011 onwards you shall see through media the changes taking place in the body structure of human beings. This is a secret. But this will certainly happen. This will happen in order to prepare this world for the last days.

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

PROPHECY FULFILLED Thus far, the Zika virus has spread in nearly 25 countries such as South America, Central America and in a few other parts of America. It is feared that in these regions, particularly in Brazil alone, 40 lakhs of people would be affected. Pregnant women, who are affected by this zika virus, give birth to children with many deformities such as abnormal small head, brain damage, poor eye sight, damage to the nerves etc., So far more than 4 thousands children have been born with these disorders. The ATS virus which causes dengue fever and chickengunia is said to spread the zika virus. It is found that this virus gets infected through physical relationship also. Hence, the infected people have been advised to be quarantined.

“The people of worldly spirit cannot find the remedy for this virus. My Spirit would show the youth the remedy for this virus, in vision. They would invent the vaccines for this (Zachariah 4:6). By this, my love for mankind shall be manifested” - Thus the Lord spoke to me. - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran Jesus Calls

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UTTERED PROPHECY (2009, 2013) Grand reunion shall take place in the country and between other countries and Israel. All eyes will now shift to Israel. Gold and silver shall flow into it and within it. Israel shall have a peaceful government. Israel shall rally around all communities and shall have peace in its borders. In Israel peace shall prevail in its own communities. In Israel His grace will preserve its resources and shall make the resources increase and no one shall take away its rightful existence (Psalm 147:14). I will uproot all those who do not support My people and shall make them lose their hold on their governance.

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

PROPHECY FULFILLED “We have the chance now to make a coalition with Saudi Arabia, North African states, the Gulf States (Kuwait, Bahrain, Iraq, Oman, Qatar and UAE), and Turkey,” said Ayoob Kara, Israel’s deputy minister for regional cooperation, to Fox News. He further said, “Over the last month (December 2015), I have received many messages from Arab states that they need a closer connection to Israel”. On Thursday, January 28, 2016, a Trilateral meeting was held for the leaders of the nations of Israel, Cyprus and Greece in Nicosia, capital of Cyprus. They informed, “Discussions have been held to form a trilateral committee between Greece, Cyprus and Israel, to plan the possibility of a pipeline that would take our common resources of gas and export them to Europe via Greece - a pipeline from Israel, Cyprus through Greece to Europe; to embark on creating an interconnected underwater cable to connect the electricity grids of Israel, Cyprus and later on Greece, to have a common electric grid” President Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey for the first time in many years declared recently that Turkey needs Israel as a friend in the region”. All these news reveal the formation of peace between Israel and its surrounding nations.

REALM OF MEDICINE UTTERED PROPHECY (2016): In the realm of medicine there will be a new breakthrough in managing pain and pain relief. It will bring great advancements in the realm of healing wounds.

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

PROPHECY FULFILLED Through various researches, Scientist in Tulane University and Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care Systems in America have developed a strong peptide based non-addictive pain reliever. Pain killers generally have intoxicating effect and cause many adverse effects. Their abuse results in thousands of overdose deaths annually. This medicine invented as an alternative, has optimal side effects. Also this is non- addictive in nature. Jesus Calls

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CHINA’S ECONOMY: UTTERED PROPHECY (2016) China market shall hold significant place in the world stock market. When the China market shares escalate, the world market shall also increase. By this, the world economy shall grow. When the china shares decline, you would see the world shares/economy falling down”

- Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


“the vision is yet for an appointed time; but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry” (Habakkuk 2:3). Jesus Calls

As per this prophecy, there is a sharp fall in the China market as never before in the past 8 years. Several nations in Asia and Europe are concerned about the fall of China market/economy since it may cause them adverse effect. Zimbabwe, one of the countries of South Africa, has announced that it will soon adopt the Chinese Yuan as the main currency for use. China in turn is offering to cancel a debt of $40 million, which Zimbabwe is unable to repay. Similarly Zambia too has announced that it will adopt the usage of Chinese Yuan as the main currency. It is noteworthy that China exports large number of materials to both these countries and also offers heavy loans to them. Analysts claim that chances are heavy that Chinese Yuan would be used worldwide much more than the American dollars. Thus the fall of China’s economy is greatly influencing the shares of other nations. Also, Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to nations like Saudi and Iran and his meeting with their leaders are noteworthy. 

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UNITY AMONGST THE MINISTRIES UTTERED PROPHECY (2016) Unity amongst the Ministries of the world shall begin to happen all across the world and they shall begin to usher in my Holy spirit to bring salvation to all people. Doors shall be opened through cooperation of the world ministries and they shall implement strategic plans for economic development and projects in nations, which will open the nations for the preaching of the gospel. - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

PROPHECY FULFILLED Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis met for the first time. After a span of 1000 years, after the rift between the western and eastern churches, this historic meeting of these great leaders of church took place on February 12, (Friday) in Havana of Cuba. The meeting concluded with the two men signing a joint declaration. After two hours of “open and fraternal talks,” Patriarch Kirill announced that the Russian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church could now work together all over the world. “We discussed quite a number of initiatives that we can work on together,” said Pope Francis, adding that he felt “the presence of the Holy Spirit” during the talks. One of the main points of the declaration was the need to defend persecuted Christians.“We call on the world community to unite against violence and terrorism,” the document reads. Also, the statement of both the leaders declares, “We are not rivals, but brothers. We urge Catholic and Orthodox believers of the world to learn to live in peace, love and harmony”

“Surely the Lord God does nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets” (Amos 3:7). Jesus Calls

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Accordingly the prophecies revealed by God to His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran are fulfilled at His appointed time. Let us praise God and prepare the world for the Lord’s coming.

Chhattisgarh and Gujarat shine The U – Turn youth meeting was organized on Saturday, the 9th of January 2016 at CNI Cathedral. The meeting began at 5.30 PM with songs of praise and worship. Everyone felt the mighty presence of the Holy Spirit when the students of Karunya conducted the worship. The moment Samuel Dhinakaran started speaking, the Holy Spirit revealed to him about the technical developments that the city of Raipur would have in future. This was followed by the word of God from Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola on, “How to be delivered from bondages?’ "Don't hide the spirit of fear, but live with God's spirit and conquer the world...Be the light of this world" said Samuel, thus encouraging the youth and motivating them to be strong in the Lord. Stella Ramola shared the message saying, "When you thirst for God's righteousness, God will help you conquer sin". When Stella Ramola sang a special song, those who were demon possessed were delivered. The youngsters who attended this meeting went back joyfully having felt the touch of the Spirit, getting strengthened in the Lord and gaining courage to face the future boldly. On January 15, the U Turn youth meeting was held in IP Mission High School in Raigad. The Karunya students conducted the worship session by singing songs and made the gathering enjoy the move of the Holy Spirit. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message on the topic, “Our journey in this world” and quoted many examples. He spoke on the verse, ‘He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked’ (I John 2:6) and encouraged the youth to walk just as how Jesus walked. Stella Ramola sang a special

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song. During the prayer time, the Lord revealed through Samuel Paul Dhinakaran that He was healing those who were affected in their legs. After the meeting was over, one Mr. Shankar, who had been suffering from severe knee pain for 10 years and who could not walk freely, came and testified that he was healed completely. Those who had received similar miraculous healing, the anointing of the Holy Spirit and vision also shared their testimony. More than 80,000 people attended the special Blessing Meeting held at Vyara and received blessings. While sharing the word of God Samuel Dhinakaran suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit said, "There is a person here with a spirit of murder because he has gone through injustice. Jesus sees your heart and he will do justice for you," After the meeting was over, on the third day a brother by name Rohith came and testified that the Lord spoke to him through Samuel Dhinakaran and has filled him with peace. Thus he praised God for the transformation.

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Dear friend in Christ, I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus, who offered Himself as a sacrifice, rose again and who is with us today. This month I want you to know and understand the awesome power of God which rolled away the stone which was covering the tomb of the Lord Jesus. I am sure that same power will roll away all the stones that are laid against your work, business and your wellbeing. The stones which frustrate you, making you lose your hope saying, ‘It is finished’ will be moved by the power of God. The Angel of the Lord will come and do it for you. "I was inside the stone tomb according to the plan of God and until His appointed time. But, on the day preordained by the Father, I rose again in order to give abundant life to My people – breaking all the barriers" - The Lion of Judah, who proclaims this, will give you victory in everything even this month (1 Corinthians 15:57 ). The power of the enemy and any authority in this world cannot hinder the blessings that are due for you (Matthew 16:18).

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Prophetic Word and its Fulfilment I glorify the Lord and tremble in His presence to see the way in which the prophetic words given to me by the Holy Spirit are being fulfilled. Prophecies regarding Zika virus in 2011, Russia in 2013, Unity amongst the Ministries in 2014, women leaders of Africa and Blizzard in East Coast of America in 2015, and about the China stock market and new breakthrough in pain relief which the Lord showed me this year were fulfilled. You can read a detailed report about these prophecies and its fulfillment in our website We have published few of the prophetical fulfillments in this issue for you to read and praise God along with me. All these remind us of only one thing that the coming of the Lord is closer than ever before and it’s time to prepare the world for His second coming.

Lord’s power for the multitude The Lord has graciously helped us to share His love and bring great blessings to multitude of people in the months of January and February through the Prayer Festivals, and Partners’ Meet conducted in Sawyerpuram (Tuticorin), Coimbatore, Students Meet in Chennai, Special meetings in Antarvedipalam (Andhra Pradesh) and Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh. The Lord helped us to bring comfort and solace through His word and pray for the thousands of people who came for these meetings. When my wife and I were ministering in South India, my son Samuel and daughter Stella Ramola

were conducting Blessing Meetings and UTurn meetings for the youth in places like Raipur in Chhattisgarh and Ahmedabad, Anand and Vyara in Gujarat. We witnessed more than 80,000 people attending one meeting in Gujarat. Thousands of people were blessed through these meetings. I thank God for using us as a family all over the nation and in different countries around the world, to proclaim His Word, bring comfort and console the broken-hearted and draw them towards Him through miracles and healing in their body, soul and mind. We are planning to conduct the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in Shillong, the capital city of Meghalaya State from 20th – 22nd May and Jeypore in Odisha from 3rd – 5th June, 2016. Kindly remember these meetings and pray for us. Nowadays, we hardly find time to stay together as a family in one place to share and care for each other. But, the Lord is strengthening us each day in answer to your prayers and is helping us to travel all over the world, to serve and to minister to the broken-hearted without any rest for even a day. Kindly continue to pray for our health, protection, journey mercies and specially for a fresh anointing for each one of us to fulfill the divine mission & mandate that God has given us.

in their life. We are opening Prayer Towers in different parts of the nation as the Lord leads us. In the months of January and February, the Lord graciously helped us to establish new Prayer Towers in Eluru and Nellore (Andhra Pradesh), Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) and Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh. Shortly, new Prayer Towers will be opened in Shillong (Meghalaya), Guwahati (Assam) and in Jeypore (Odisha). We need to establish many more new Prayer Towers. It is the liberal offering which you give for the Lord’s service that is helping us to establish these Prayer Towers. I encourage you to continue to support us in this mission by sending your monthly offering to us. You can donate online through our secure website or give your offering in the Prayer Tower in your locality.

Prayer Academy

New Prayer Towers

There are millions of people in the world to whom the love of God has to be reached. It is not enough if I and my family alone pray for them. For this reason the Lord gave me a burden to raise many Dhinakarans to reach out to this nation and comfort the brokenhearted. In order to fulfill this mission of raising Apostles and Prophets, the Lord helped us to launch the Prayer Academy in Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower on 9th February, 2016.

The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are a place of refuge. The Prayer Intercessors are interceding before the throne of Grace for the people to bring God’s blessings and divine healing and deliverance for the people who are walking through difficulties and struggling

“But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love, perseverance, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me…. But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have

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learned them…” (2 Timothy 3:10,11,14).

The Prayer Academy will impart training and build an army of Prayer Intercessors, Associate Evangelists, Prophets and leaders to serve the people. We would be sharing with you the experiences, sufferings and the wonderful guidance of the Lord, which we had tasted all these years and guide you on how pray, how to pray for miracles and how to pray for comfort. This training would be of great benefit to all those who have desire to do the Lord’s ministry and serve Him as Prayer Intercessors, Staff and Ambassadors of the Jesus Calls ministry. Our vision is to provide this training for a minimum of 25,000 people in 10 languages, by the end of this year. Kindly pray earnestly for these endeavors. We are planning to conduct a Prophetical Conference in Chennai from 27th to 29th May, 2016. Please pray and inform your friends and relatives about this.

Holy Land Tour to Israel, Jordan and Egypt The Holy Land Tour to Israel, Jordan and Egypt will be in the month of June. This tour would help you to walk in the land where Jesus walked and have the first hand information of the places where Biblical incidents took place, where the Lord did miracles when He was sojourning in this world. We will have separate groups according to different languages. You can also visit the Israel Prayer Tower in Jerusalem and spend quality time in prayer – praying for the nation of Israel and the world. My wife Evangeline and I would be meeting all the participants individually

and pray for them. For more details please contact the Holy Land Tour 044-65556841/ 42/43 or the Email address: / or visit our website

Young Partners and Exams It is a very crucial time for many of us as our children are preparing and writing their exams. These days we can see the stress on the parents as the children are preparing for the exams. Nearly 35,000 students attended the Students’ Meet conducted in Chennai for those appearing for their board exams. Many parents and teachers brought their children to this special prayer with great faith. We have prayed earnestly not only for the children who attended this meeting, but also for the children who had sent their prayer requests. We along with the Prayer Intercessors shall continue to pray for them. Many students who scored high marks and those who succeeded in their exams despite many obstacles last year shared their testimony in this meeting which was a great encouragement to the thousands of students who gathered there. It was a great joy for me to know that all these children are the Jesus Calls Young Partners. I thank the Lord for accepting the prayers offered by us and the Jesus Calls Prayer Intercessors for the Young Partners and filling them with divine wisdom and helping them to score high marks. I encourage you to enroll your children who are appearing for their exams in the Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan if they are not part of this plan. You may register Jesus Calls

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in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your locality or through the Jesus Calls ambassador or through our website For more information please call our toll free number 1800 425 77 55. You may also send your prayer requests for your children to me to: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 or email to During the exam time you can call our Prayer Tower (044- 33 999 000) for prayers, anointed Prayer Intercessors will pray for your children.

Karunya University As we are approaching the new academic year, many of you will be filled with lot of questions concerning your dear children’s higher studies. As per the Lord’s guidance, Karunya University has been established in order that the children should receive education in a serene atmosphere filled with the presence of God. Karunya not only offers education in the realm of Technology and Management but also in the field of Arts and Science. Many of our students are placed in good companies through Campus Interview held every year. I encourage you to join your children in Karunya University which raises Josephs, Daniels and Esthers. You can get the Admission Forms in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, through selected Post Offices and in the branches of Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank. The entrance exam for B.Tech course will be conducted on 23rd April, 2016. For more details for admission you may contact the toll free number 1800 425 43 00 or visit the website I

also would like to inform you, by the immense grace of God, we have been granted permission to start the Karunya University in the State of Jharkhand.

Karunya Christian School Children who are nurtured with good care and love will enjoy good health and wisdom and would bear much fruit for the family and for the nation. The Karunya Christian School in the Karunya University

campus is established with a mission to impart education and nurture the little children with love and care. The school follows the CBSE syllabus. We have classes from KG to 10th, Separate hostel facilities are available for students from 4th standard. For more details you may contact 09487846615/04222614830 /31/32 or email: or visit the website and join your child. “Instead of your shame you shall

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have double honor, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be theirs” (Isaiah 61:7)

According to this verse, in this month of March, the resurrected Lord Jesus will remove all your shame and grant you double fold reward and joy. Your loving brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Beloved, in the previous months, there had been given Promises daily with saying “I Praise You Lord.” Kindly follow the same pattern, and read this God given daily promises and confess it and praise God for that, by doing so you will make every promises of God to be fulfilled in your own life. Ps. 84:11; Mat. 1:21,23; Jam. 1:17.

March 1. John 20:26. The Lord gives Peace to you.

Meditation: Psalm 29:11; 119:165; Isaiah 9:6; 26:3,12; 57:21; Micah 5:2; John 14:27; Zechariah 9:10; Ephesians 2:13-17.

March 6. Hebrews 13:5. The Lord will not leave you.

Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Deu. 20:3,4; Jos. 1:5; Mat. 28:20; Ps. 137:5; Rev. 21:3.

March 2. Psalm 100:5. God is good; and His truth endureth for all generation.

March 7. Proverbs 1:33. If you want quiet life, hear God.

Meditation: Ezra 3:11; Ps. 106:1; Deu. 7:9; 2 Chro. 20:21,22; Neh. 9:17-19; Jona 4:2,10,11; 2 Timo. 1:9; 2 Cor. 12:9; Eph. 2:8,9; John 1:16; Jam. 4:6.

Meditation: Ps. 32:8; Ruth 2:8-23; 3:1-5; 4:12-17; Isa. 57:21; Lk. 15:11-24; Pro. 23:19-35; Mat. 4:19; Mk. 4:35-41; Jn. 14:27.

March 3. Proverbs 20:22. The Lord saves all who wait on Him.

March 8. Zephania 3:20. The LORD will make you a name and a praise.

Meditation: Gen. 49:18; Isa. 25:9; 35:4; 12:2,3; Mat. 1:21; Ps. 119:166,155; 149:4; Rom. 1:16,17; 10:9-13; Ps. 65:5; 18:3; Lk. 19:10; 1 Thes. 5:8,9.

Meditation: Ruth 1:15-18; 2:12; 4:12-14; Gen. 12:14; 22:1-17; 23:5,6; 24:35; Deu. 26:18,19; Ps. 113:7,8; 78:71,72; 1 Chro. 14:17; 1 Ki. 10:1,24; SOS. 1:3.4; Mat. 9:31; Mk. 1:28; Acts 10:38.

March 4. Haggai 2:5. The Holy Spirit remains among you.

March 9. Isaiah 56:5. You will have a name from God, that will endure forever.

Meditation: Jn. 14:16; Isa. 11:2; 63:12; Rom. 8:26; Ps. 51:11,12; Zec. 4:6; 1 Cor. 3:16,17; Jn. 16:7,8; Lk. 4:18; Rom. 14:17; 1 Pet. 4:14; Eph. 4:30.

Meditation: Lk. 10:20; Heb. 12:23; Phil. 4:3; Mal. 3:16; John 5:44; Rev. 21:27.

March 5. Psalm 23:6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.

March 10. 2 Corinthians 12:9. God’s grace will strengthen you.

Meditation: Ps. 136:1-26; 106:1; 107:8-22; Jer. 33:11;

Meditation: 1 Cor. 15:10; Eph. 1:8; Gen. 18:10-14;

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21:1-5; Jud. 16:28-30; Isa. 41:10; 40:29-31; 30:7,15; Acts 1:8; Ps. 103:20; Jn. 6:63; 1 Pet. 5:10.

Hag. 2:23; 2 Cor. 9:8; Eph. 3:20; 1 Cor. 6:17; Mk. 3:13-15.

March 11. Matthew 8:17. Jesus bore your infirmities and sicknesses.

March 22. Proverbs 19:17. Have pity upon the poor and the Lord shall pay you again.

Meditation: Isa. 53:4,5; 1 Peter 2:24; Ps. 55:22; Levi. 16:5-7,20,21; Jn. 1:29; 11:50; 2 Cor. 5:15.

Meditation: Mat. 5:7; Ps. 112:5-9; Deu. 15:7-14; Pro. 14:31; Lk. 6:30-38; Acts 9:36-41; Jam. 2:13.

March 12. Revelation 3:8. Behold, I have set before thee an open door.

March 23. John 16:33. There is tribulation, but you will have victory.

Meditation: Isa. 45:1-3; Acts 5:18-23; 12:4-11; Jos. 1:5-9; 1 Cor. 16:9; Mat. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:15,16; Lk. 10:19.

Meditation: Job 1:10-22; 42:10-13; Acts 16:19-24; 20:23,24; 2 Timo. 3:10-12; 4:7; Rev. 2:9,10. March 24. Ezekiel 36:26. The Lord shall give you a new heart.

March 13. 1 Peter 3:18. Christ has suffered for you, that He might bring you to God.

Meditation: Rom. 5:6-11; Levi. 16:5-22; 1 Cor. 15:3; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 John 2:1.2; Jude 24,25.

Meditation: Eze. 18:31; 11:19; Jer. 24:7; 2 Cor. 5:17; Ps. 51:10; Acts 15:9; 1 Jn. 1:7-9; 2 Cor. 7:10; 2 Thes. 2:13; Rom. 12:1.2.

March 14. Proverbs 22:4. By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life. .

March 25. Romans 6:8. If we are dead to sin, We shall also live with Christ.

Meditation: Num. 12:3; Deu. 34:7; 2 Sam. 6:9; 1 Chro. 29:1-28; 14:17; Mat. 5:9.

Meditation: Romans 6:17-23; 2 Cor. 5:17; Mat. 4:17; Eze. 18:32; Acts 11:18; Gal. 2:20; 2 Timo. 2:11; Heb. 12:14.

March 15. Psalm 115:15. You are blessed by the Lord.

March 26. Matthew 11:30. The yoke of the Lord is easy, and His burden is light.

Meditation: Lk. 1:28; Eph. 1:3; Gal. 3:13,14; 2 Cor. 8:9; Num. 24:1; Deu. 7:13; 23:5; 1 Sam. 26:25; Acts 3:26.

Meditation: Exo. 14:13-15; 3:10-12; 4:15-17; Gen. 12:1-4; 13:14-17; Mat. 21:1-7; 1 Jn. 5:3; Jn. 8:31,32; Phil. 4:13.

March 16. Matthew 5:3. Blessed are the poor in spirit.

Meditation: 2 Sam. 17:27-29; 19:31-39; 1 Ki. 2:7; Pro. 15:33; 18:12; Phil. 2:3-11; 1 Pet. 2:20-23; Mat. 5:3-11; 18:4.5.

March 27. Matthew 28:7. You shall see Jesus.

Meditation : Lk. 19:1-6; Jn. 16:22; 20:16-20; 21:1-14; Heb. 9:28; Rev. 21:3.

March 17. Isaiah 60:22. You a small one shall become a thousand and a mighty nation.

March 28. Mark 5:36. Be not afraid, only believe.

Meditation: Mark 9:23; 11:22-24; Rom. 4:17-21; Gen. 21:1-5; Jud. 16:25-30; 1 Sam. 17:40-50; Dan. 3:13-26; 6:9-23; Heb. 11:6,30-39; Acts 20:22-24.

Meditation: Gen. 37:2,3; 42:13; 41:38-45; 45:4-8; 1 Sam. 16:10-13; 1 Chro. 29:27-29; Ps. 113:7,8. March 18. 1 Chronicles 22:11. The Lord be with in His purpose.

March 29. Hebrews 13:8. Jesus, who is unchangable forever is with you.

Meditation: Deu. 31:7,8; Jos. 1:1-9; 1 Ki. 22:12-37; Mat. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:16-20; Acts. 18:9,10; Jer. 29:11.

Meditation: Ps. 50:15; Mat. 8:5-15; Jn. 11:16,15,38,43,44; Exo. 3:14; Mal. 3:6; Num. 23:19; Jn. 3:16; 13:1; Rom. 5:6-11.

March 19. Zephaniah 3:19. The Lord shall gather you that halteth and was driven out.

March 30. Romans 8:26. The Holy Spirit who in helps infirmities.

Meditation: Mat. 11:5; Acts 3:10; 14:7-10; Lk. 7:3750; Jn. 5:1-9; 4:8-30; Acts 1:8; Ps. 113:7,8.

Meditation: Zec. 4:6; Jud. 14:6; Acts 1:8; 2 Cor. 12:9; Lk. 24:49; 2 Timo. 1:7; Ps. 8:2; Eph. 3:16; 2 Cor. 3:17; 1 Pet. 1:22; Rom. 8:2,5-11; Joel 3:10.

March 20. John 12:13. Blessed is Jesus the king of Israel.

Meditation: Mat. 21:1-15; Phil. 2:5-11; Rom. 9:5; Rev. 4:7-11; 5:12-14; 7:10-12; Jn. 12:19.

March 31. Deuteronomy 31:6. Be strong and of good courge; for the Lord thy God is with thee.

March 21. Luke 12:32. Fear not, the Lord is going to give you power.

Meditation: Jos.1:1-9; 1 Sam.17:37-50; 1 Chro. 28:20, 21; Mk. 5:25-34,35-42; 10:46-52; Jn. 20:19; Acts 2:13, 14, 38-41; 3:3-16; 4:13,14; Lk. 10:19; Mat. 28:18-20.

Meditation: Lk. 9:1; 10:19; Gen. 41:39-43; Est. 8:2; Jesus Calls

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“Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27).

Our Lord God created the heavens, earth and the living beings so beautiful that when we think of it, it marvels us. He is the Creator of the Universe. All authority has been given to Him in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). He reigns over this world. So, is there anything that He cannot do? Dear friend, when the Israelites journeyed through the wilderness they murmured, “Oh, that we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat and when we ate bread to the full! For you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with

hunger” (Exodus 16:3). The Lord who heard their murmuring every morning gave them bread from heaven called Manna to eat. When they wanted to eat meat the Lord promised to provide meat to eat for a whole month (Numbers 11:19, 20). But then the people did not believe that and murmured even Moses did not believe it. He said, “The people whom I am among are six hundred thousand men on foot; yet You have said, ‘I will give them meat, that they may eat for a whole month. Shall flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, to provide enough for them? Or shall all the fish of the sea be gathered together for them, to provide enough for them?” (Numbers 11:21, 22). When the Lord heard this He said Jesus Calls

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to Moses, “Has the LORD’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not” and brought quail from the sea and left them fluttering near the camp (Numbers 11:31). Many times we doubt, “Will the Lord do this for me? How will He do this thing? Can the Lord heal my cancer? The Doctors have already said that I will die. Can God heal me?” My friend, stop doubting and start believing. Believe in God’s wonder working power, believe in His supernatural miracle. He works wonders beyond our imagination.

God who sees “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) “The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me.” (Psalm 116:6)

Hagar, the maid servant of Sarah was mistreated by her mistress and forsaken by her husband. She ran away from her agony to find herself in the wilderness. The Lord God who saw her tears sent an Angel to help her. He promised to multiply her descendants exceedingly (Genesis 16:10) and asked to return to her mistress. Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, ‘You-Are-the-GodWho-Sees’. Once there was a scuba diver who dived to bottom of the sea when his eyes suddenly fell on a piece of paper stuck to an object. It was a gospel tract. When he picked it he saw bold letters which read, ‘The God who sees me’. Now, this diver was a man who rejected the gospel , time and time again. The prayers of his godly mother or any servant of God had no effect on him. But, this bold letters spoke to him; he was touched by God Himself. He could not resist that anymore. He said, “I could not resist the Lord’s word anymore. The Lord met me at the bottom of the sea.” Today even you may say, ‘I am at the bottom of my life. There is no more money to live. There is no job. There is nothing left to move on in life. I don’t have a family life.’ But, cheer up my dear one the Lord will meet you at the bottom of your life. Believe in His miracle. Bro. Manohar Sundara Babu from Kadappa,

Andhra Pradesh shared his testimony thus: I was addicted to alcohol for 20 years because of which I suffered from severe stomach pain. One day, I saw the Jesus Calls Television program where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran asked to place hands on the painful region and pray along with him. I prayed along with him and from then I did not have the pain at all. The Lord healed me completely. In the year 2010, I attended the last day meeting of Guntur Prayer Festival. On that day the Lord filled me with His Holy Spirit abundantly. From then my addiction to alcohol completely left me. On the same day I also wrote a prayer request requesting to pray for buying an own house. The Lord heard the prayers that were made for me and today I own 5 houses. Bro. Babu’s wife: My husband would spend Rs. 5000/- on alcohol every month. After leaving the habit, every month he is giving that amount to Jesus Calls Television ministry. Then the Lord also helped my children to excel in their studies. He helped my elder daughter to study abroad and also my second daughter got a job after her studies. Whatever may be our needs we immediately call the Prayer Tower for prayers. The Lord will answer each one of our requests. He is blessing our family in abundant measure. Bro. Manohar Sundara Babu, worked as a typist. The Lord Jesus blessed him with 5 houses, because he gave his heart to Jesus . When you give your heart to Jesus, believe in His miracles and pray for Jesus Calls

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your needs. He will surely do wonder working miracles in your life too.

The compassionate God “He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those who are with young.” (Isaiah 40:11)

Once a company hired a doubledecker bus to go on a picnic, there were two teams boarding the bus. One team had accountants and the other had sales people. The accountants were at the lower deck of the bus and the other on the upper deck. The people in the lower deck were enjoying their ride but there was no sound from the upper deck. And everybody wondered what had happened? So one of the accountants went to the upper deck to see what was happening there. And he found them frozen with fear. They were staring at the road. He asked, ‘what is happening here? We are having good time but here it is very silent.’ And one of the sales person said, ‘You have got a driver to drive but we don’t have a driver.’ This is how many of us say that there is no one to guide us, we are filled with fear and we don’t have any hope. But, our God is our driver who guides us in life. You may say, ‘I have come to the end of my life. My relatives are not bothered about me. I live in loneliness.’ Remember my friend, in your trouble times there is God who cares for you. Push aside your fears; be of good cheer. Astounding blessings will come in search of you. The best is yet to come. You will see

great and mighty things as never before.

mans 4:17).

God who supports you

A couple shared their testimony about a miracle that happened in an unbelievable situation.

“When my father and my mother forsake me, then the LORD will take care of me.” (Psalm 27:10)

My name is Ganguliya. My wife’s name is Magamma. For 18 years we did not have children. We went to various hospitals and took many treatments. Finally, the doctors said that there is no chance of giving birth to a child. Moreover, we did not have money to go for further treatments. Thus we went through painful days. In this situation, one of my friends introduced Jesus Calls Television program. I started watching the program. In one of the programs Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying for those who were childless. I too prayed along with him. I also wrote a letter regarding the same to Dr. Paul and received a comforting reply saying, “And I will make your descendants multiply as the stars of heaven; I will give to your descendants all these lands; and in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed” (Genesis 26:4). In the same month miraculously my wife conceived. Today, we are blessed with a beautiful baby girl and we have joined her in the Young Partners’ Plan. All glory to God.

The Lord gave everything to Job and had blessed his life. But, the devil was upset with Job. So he told God , ‘Stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face’. But God gave Job in the hands of Satan and said, ‘Behold, all that he has is in your power; only do not lay a hand on his person’ (Job 1:12). So, Satan took away his riches, his children and finally afflicted him with painful sores. Job lost everything yet he clung on to God and praised Him saying, ‘The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD’ (Job 1:21). But his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast to your integrity? Curse God and die!”

There is nothing that is impossible with God. He will perfect everything that concerns you. He will bless your business and finance. He will miraculously give you a job. He will bless you with the right life partner. He will bless your womb and give a beautiful child. He is a God who calls those things which do not exist as though they did (Ro-

Like Job you may be left alone by your own family but, you will not lack in anything. Bro. Prabakar Rao went through many toils in his life. His own family rejected him. But, the Lord did a supernatural miracle in his life. He testified thus: In the year 2011, both my hands were affected by Psoriasis. Blood will automatically dispel from my hands. I would suffer from much agony and pain. Added to this I also had diabetes. I went to so many doctors but nobody could treat me. Later, in the year 2013 I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis.Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, requesting them to pray for me. They earnestly prayed for me and replied Jesus Calls

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with comforting words. The Lord heard their prayers and healed me. Today, I have no trace of psoriasis. I am having a good appetite and take normal diet. I am completely healed. “For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up.” Hosea 6:1

Many of you may have lost your health and cry to Lord today. Others may say that I have lost my blessings, and few others may say that I have lost my anointing. Do not worry, God will restore everything five times of what you have lost. Because Job clung to God even more than before and believed in God, God saw his faithfulness and blessed him in double portion. He says, “I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You” (Job 42:2). The LORD blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning (Job 42:12). After this Job lived one hundred and forty years, and saw his children and grandchildren for four generations. He died old, and full of days (Job 42:16, 17). The same God is with us my dear friend. You may have lost everything in life. But when you trust God like Job God will bless you in double measure. The Lord says that He will restore you and heal your wounds (Jeremiah 30:17). Look at Jesus and tell him, ‘Jesus I believe in You. You do supernatural things. Your love never fails; it will heal me. Give me new organs.’ When you thus tell Him your request He will give you new organs. Dead cells will come alive. Believe in Him and confess it. Then you  will live.

My heavenly Father, It is You, who have opened ways for me to study and progress in life. Even now I have entered in to the days of writing my exams. You should fill me with a special wisdom. The Bible says that You will give wisdom to those who ask You. Give me a heart of wisdom; fill me with knowledge and understanding. Fill me with Your Spirit that gives fear of You, wisdom, counsel, might and knowledge. Give me abundant memory power. Help me to understand the essence of my lessons and write the answers clearly. Strengthen me so that no unwanted fear and anxiety would grip me. Help me to be bold with the confidence that You are always with me and enable me to score high marks in the exams, with Your strength. Give me good health during my exam days. Bless my food that I take so that it would not affect my body in any way. Guard me and those around me with peace, during the exam days. Grant me favour in the eyes of the teachers who evaluate my answer papers. It is Your pleasure that I should be exalted. Thank You for loving me dearly. Help me to be grateful to You for this always. I offer this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus – Amen. (Based on the Scriptures: James 1:5; 1 Kings 3:12; Daniel 5:14; Isaiah 11:2; 2 Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:37; Exodus 23:25).

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The Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held for three days ( January 29-31) in the V.O.C Park grounds in Avinashi Road, Coimbatore. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s messages. Thousands of people received God’s blessings and shared testimonies about the blessings and miracles they had received from God. Rt.Rev. Edwin Jeyakumar, Bishop of Coimbatore Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church, Rev. K.C. Richard Durai, Vice President of CSI, Coimbatore Diocese, Bishop D. Dayanandan, Rev. Vincent, Area Chairman - CSI, Coimbatore Diocese, Evangelist Rev. Dr. Jawahar Samuel, Rev. David Prakasam, Rev. Harry Gomes and Rev. Arumainayagam graced these meetings with their presence. The organising committee with Dr. Sundar Manoharan, Vice Chancellor of Karunya University as Chairman, Rev, Johnson Sathyanadan as Vice Chairman, Pr. Dharani Isaiah as General Convenor, Mr. Parthiban as Treasurer, Mr. S. John as Secretary had made wonderful arrangements of these meetings along with the support of Ps. Jijumon, Ps. Vasanth Sathyanadan, Bro. Arun Rajesh, Bro. Sam Devanesan and the Karunya University staff also extended a great support and made this event a grand success.

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The Church leaders, Pastors and personalities who participated in the Prayer Festival

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Received the anointing I came to this meeting with fasting. When Brother Samuel Paul Dhinakaran was praying for the youth, he said, “The anointing of the Holy Spirit is coming by. Receive it”. That time the anointing came upon me in a might way like a fire. I had the conviction that my sins were forgiven. The Holy Spirit has worked in me and has washed my sins and cleansed me. Millions of praises to the name of the Lord. - Prakash, Ooty

Peace in the family Since there was no peace in my family, I have come to Coimbatore for job. I did not even go to my place as there was no peace. Hearing about the Jesus Calls Meetings conducted here, I came here with thirst and tears. During the prayer time when Bro. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran prayed for peace, the hand of God touched me and I was filled with the anointing. Just as the

verse that says, “I give you My peace’, I could hear the Lord telling me, “You would be with your family, in peace. Go and I will bless you”. The Lord has given me a new beginning, joy and peace. - Joseph, Tirunelveli

Affected hand healed During my work, I lifted up a slab because of which there was unbearable pain in my hand. Doctor said that my ligament was torn and that I could not move my hand for a month. During the prayer time, when Bro. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran was praying saying, “The Lord is healing the pain and bondage in the legs, hands and nerves”, the Lord touched me. Now I am able to move my hand. I can even lift up my hand. The Lord has healed me in such a way that I am able to Jesus Calls

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move and turn my hand. There is a new strength in my body. - David, Siluvaipuram.

Tumour vanished I had a tumour on my hand. It had been growing since the past one year. When Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I too was praying with the burden that the Lord should remove the tumour on my hand. That very moment, the tumour vanished. Praise be to Jesus. - Lakshmi, Ondiputhur, Coimbatore.

Pain of 6 years gone In 2010, I underwent a surgery to remove the fibroids in my stomach. After this, my pain intensified and I suffered from this pain since the past 6 years. I came to this meet-

ing with that pain. When Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for everyone’s pain and agony in the body to be removed, my pain was also gone. Now I feel good. I praise the Lord. - Pondiselvi, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore.

Able to talk loudly Since I had a cyst in my throat, I could not speak or sing aloud. When Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed, the Holy Spirit touched me like a breeze. At once the cyst vanished. I was filled with the Holy Spirit and prayed aloud. I glorified the Holy Spirit. - Ambika

Received the anointing When Sister Evangeline P a u l Dhinakaran prayed, I was praying for my family and my parents. That time the Holy Spirit filled me. The Lord spoke to me and said, “Don’t

worry. I will take care of everything. I will bless you. I will remove all your miseries”. Now I go back with hope and joy. - Thangamani, Coimbatore

Weakness gone I came to this meeting, feeling weak and with headache. I prayed with tears that the Lord Jesus should remove all my weaknesses and heal me. That time I felt the Lord touching me. Now all my weaknesses are gone and I am well and happy. - Priyadarshini, Avinasi.

Experience of new creation I was praying that the Lord should solve my debt problem and heal all the sicknesses in my body. On the third day after I prayed for all my problems, I told Him, “Lord, I asked everything from You. But I forgot to ask for You. Come into me. If You come into me, all my problems Jesus Calls

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would be solved’. That time the power and anointing of the Lord came upon me. When I asked the Lord, “Lord, wash all my sins and cleanse me and make me a new creation’, I was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Glory be to God. - Helen Priya, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore.

Gift of speaking in tongues I came to this meeting and was praying ordinarily. Suddenly new language of tongues came out of my mouth. For the first time, I was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and have spoken in tongues. - S. Srijith Kumar, Coimbatore.

Got vision I had a vision in which I saw the Lord Jesus standing with wings spread and Angels surrounding Him. That time fire anointing came upon my head. I prayed that my father should accept the Lord Jesus and that our debt problem should be solved. Jesus said, “Your father will accept Me. You will have no more problems. All the burdens of debt in the family will be removed. I shall be with you”. Praise be to the Lord, who touched me. - Samuel, Coimbatore.

Every year, the Students’ Meet is conducted in Chennai during exam time. This year, the Students’ Meet was conducted on Sunday, the 7th of February at 2.00 PM in the Madras Christian College Higher Secondary School campus. Along with Samuel Paul Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola, the Karunya students led the worship by singing songs of praises.

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The youth team of the U –Turn meeting enacted a meaningful skit. Samuel Dhinakaran interviewed the Karunya students who had got placements in reputed companies and made them share their experience of achieving success. Those who secured high places in the district and state level in the Public Exams held last year and the correspondents of the schools that achieved cent percent result shared their testimonies and encouraged the gathered students. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message and offered prayers for the gathered students that God should grant them grace to write their exams with confidence and hope, with no fear. The more than 35,000 students who attended this Meet went back with much joy and hope. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Samuel Paul Dhinakaran offered individual prayers for those who desired for it. Rev. Fr. Arul Raj, Vicar General of Madras - Mylapore Archdiocese and Mr. G.J. Manoharan, Principal of the Madras Christian College Higher Secondary school attended this meeting.

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Children/Youngsters from birth to 25 years of age can join this Plan. Prayer Warriors in the 24 hours Prayer Tower will pronounce your dear child’s name and pray that 

The Lord Jesus should protect and guide the Young Partner (Psalm 121:7)

he/she should be filled with wisdom knowledge and memory power (James 1:5,17)

he/she should be led into a bright future of prosperity, devoid of sickness (Psalm 115:14).

The Dhinakarans will pray for the Young Partners, every day.

A special certificate with God’s promise and the Young Partner’s photo will be issued.

Birthday greetings from the Dhinakarans will be sent to the Young Partner.

On birthdays a Jesus Calls Prayer Warrior will contact the Young Partner and pray specially for him/her.

Every day, promise verse will be sent to the Young Partner through SMS.

Testimonies of a few Young Partners: Jesus Calls

Excellent place in State Level My family came to know the Lord through the Jesus Calls ministry. I was enrolled in the Young Partners’ Plan since when I was small. The Lord gave me wisdom since when I was a child and made me study well. Last year, before appearing for my 10th Public exam, I attended the Students’ Meet and prayed. I made a vow that I would share my testimony if the Lord gave me high marks. I got centum in Maths, Science and Social Science, 99 in English and 97 in Tamil, with a total of 496/500. I was informed by the District Collector’s office that I had secured third place in the State level under the Backward Class category and

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I received the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister’s award. I praise the Lord who gave excellent success to me, a young partner. My thanks to Uncle Paul Dhinakaran and the Prayer Warriors, who prayed for me. - Arunkumar, Avadi, Chennai.

Centum in four subjects My mother enrolled me in the Jesus Calls Young Partners’ Plan even when I was small. The Lord helped me, the young partner, to grow godly and also to study well. Last year I appeared for the higher secondary government exam. Every day before going to write my exam, my mother got prayers for me by contacting the Prayer Tower over phone. The Lord granted me excellent success in my exam. I got 200/200 in Hindi, Maths, Physics and in Biology, 199 in Chemistry and 191 in English,

with a total of 1190/1200. I got admission in the Government Medical College and am currently doing MBBS. Praise be to Jesus who gave me full marks in four subjects and also admission for medicine, in response to the prayers offered for me, a young partner, in the Prayer Tower. - Anu Ranjana, Chennai.

Wise son My parents had no child even after 7 years of married life. They took treatments in many hospitals but in vain. They got a chance to meet Uncle Paul Dhinakaran in the

year 1999. Uncle had prayed for them, placing his hands upon my parents and had said, “Next year the Lord will bless you with a son. He will be excellent in everything”. Accordingly, the Lord has blessed them with me. When I was born, my parents enrolled me in the Young Partners’ Plan. Last academic year I appeared for my 10th Public exam. Before that I attended the Students’ Meet and prayed. I got centum in Maths, Science and Social Science, 98 in Tamil and 99 in English and stood third in the state level with the total of 497/500. Praise the Lord. - Hudson Hosea Raj, Chennai.

YOUNG PARTNERS’ PLAN Write the name of the child to be enrolled in the plan (legibly) Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Mr/Ms: ________________________________ Date of Birth________________________________ Name of the parent/guardian: __________________________________________________________ Contact Address:___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ City:________________________________Pin Code______________________________________ State: ________________________________ Mobile:______________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________________________ Pledge amount: Rs.3000/- You may send any amount possible, every month. Prayer Requests:___________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ (Can be written in a separate sheet and attached) (1) Fill up the form and send it along with the stamp size photo of each child, with name and address as well as your contact phone number written at the back of the photo. Along with the duly filled form, you may send the demand draft / cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028, by registered post. (2) Donations can be made online in the website using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way (3) For online registration in colour photo can be sent by scanning to enrollment form could be downloaded and sent by post, duly filled along with the photo. For details: 1800 425 77 55 (Toll Free service – 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM) Jesus Calls

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On the occasion of the 60th Anniversary of the Bengaluru Pentecostal Fellowship, the Blessing Meetings were held on January 25th and 26th in the Palace Ground, Tiripuravasani stadium. Accepting the invitation of Rev. T. Yeswanth Kumar, both Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message and offered prayer for the thousands of people who had gathered there.

Jesus Calls

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During the recent floods in Chennai, my family and I were very badly affected. We struggled for over one and a half months. On November 15th, the water, which started entering our home early that morning, quickly rose to neck-deep height within a matter of few hours. With three children in the house, my wife and I panicked for our lives. Our belongings were being destroyed right in front of our eyes, and we could do nothing to save them. The local youth rescued us in an inflatable float, taking us to the safety of a nearby church. From there, we were soon moved to a marriage hall, where they had arranged food for us. However, it was overcrowded and hence there was not enough space and food for all of us. Also we were told that we would be moved out if any function was to be held in the hall. Already homeless, we did not even have a blanket to keep us warm at nights and suffered a lot without any sanitary facility. That was when the staff of SEESHA brought us to SEESHA’s camp in Vanagaram. We were given mats and blankets to keep us warm, we had access to proper toilets, our children were given new clothes to wear, and food was available in plenty at the right time. Our children, who were under shock because of the turn of events, started laughing and enjoying themselves, thanks to the cultural programmes organized for them at the camp. My wife and I also felt greatly consoled by the counselling given to us there. Moreover, we were also given free medical aid. All these were very helpful to us during the time of crisis. Thanks to SEESHA for the help! - Gothandaraman.

The ability and skills of several thousands of women in India’s rural and urban pockets still remain unidentified. At SEESHA, we believe that each of these women is endowed with unexplored potential, which can be channelized and groomed to make them self-reliant and empowered individuals. On the basis of this belief SEESHA is doing many services to encourage and train these women in order to bring out their innate power for the betterment of society. SEESHA, conducts a range of awareness programmes to educate women from the lower strata of society on topics of health, hygiene, disease, financial management, rights, etc. These programmes are a great help to women who have not had the opportunity to have a formal education, enabling them to improve their own as well as their family’s standard of living. SEESHA provides free trainings for long –term and short-term skill training courses like tailoring, toy making, food processing, etc. which equip them to become breadwinners and entrepreneurs who can financially support their families. Additionally, they are also assisted with entrepreneurial development through self-help groups and other technical support. For widows and women who have been left destitute, SEESHA provides a minimal monthly allowance as a motivation. SEESHA, identifies and trains motivated women in various areas of health, building them into Community Health Facilitators (CHFs) who act as ambassadors to promote health and prevent disease within their own local communities.

To know more details about SEESHA, please visit the website or our Facebook; https// Jesus Calls

March 2016 


I am thankful to my teachers for providing me with technical skills. Karunya provided me not only intelligence but also creativity. God has blessed me throughout my academics and has lifted me to attain 8.07 CGPA till my 6th semester. With God’s grace, I have been placed in M/s. Accenture and M/s. Wipro Ltd and I thank Him for that. He Himself guided and guarded me in my failures and shortcomings. Without faith you can’t please God [Hebrews 11:6]. So, I would advise the young generation to have faith in Him. Then He will lead you always towards the perfect plan He has for you.

- Ms. T. Sindhuja (2012–2016 B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering),.

The 9th ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India ) Higher Education Summit 2016 , happened on February 17,2016 in New Delhi where the national excellence awards were given. There were various categories in which the awards were nominated . The selection of the best institute/university in the country was done based on the Innovation, Scalability, achievements, ability to overcome challenges and the impact potential in the particular category. Karunya University bagged Two National Excellence Awards, the best University in sports and the best university serving social cause (CSR-Corporate Social Responsibilities). Prof.(Dr) Ram Shankar Katheria, Hon'ble Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Government of India handed over these awards to the Chancellor Dr.Paul Dhinakaran, Trustee Dr.Jeyakumar Daniel and Pro Vice Chancellor Dr.M.J.Xavier. Karunya university is known for its service to humanity as it stands with a vision to solve human problems. Praise God for His favour on Karunya and continue to pray. Jesus Calls

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NAAC Accredited & NBA Accredited (B.Tech. Civil & B.Tech. Mechanical)


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* Residential facility is available PART-TIME ENGINEERING COURSES

B.Tech. (5 Branches) - 3½ years M.Tech. (2 Branches) - 3 years Students from Coimbatore can be day-scholars

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SALIENT FEATURES:  Situated in a serene environment  Excellent Infrastructure  Exemplary Faculty  Research Focus  Funded Projects  Foreign Collaborations  Fully Wi-Fi enabled campus  Member of the Association of Indian Universities (AIU)  Excellent computerized library  MoUs with Overseas Universities  IAESTE - International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience  Residential facility is available (other than day-scholar courses) Fore more details For further details contact - The Admissions Officer, Karunya University, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore - 641 114, Tamil Nadu, India. Toll Free No. 1800 425 4300 Phone: 91-422-2363636 Fax: 91-422-2614446 Email: Website: Jesus Calls

March 2016 


'Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem' - When Nehemiah thus said to the people of Israel, they said, "Let us rise up and build." Then they set their hands to this good work. (Nehemiah 2:17,18). Likewise, I kindly invite you to come forward to build a new Prayer Tower in Bengaluru (Frazer Town) which will be more spacious to accommodate the growing number of the people who visit this Prayer Tower. This new Prayer Tower building will have a 24 hours Prayer Tower, a counselling centre, a chapel, an auditorium and Prayer Academy

Not only survived; Blessed with a job also I met with a road accident in the year 2008. My head was badly injured and doctors gave up hope because of blood clots in several parts of my brain. At this time my parents visited the Jesus Calls National Prayer Tower at New Delhi, and prayed for my healing. The Lord heard the prayers offered in the Jesus Calls National Prayer Tower and my condition started improving. The doctors then advised me not to go anywhere and be at home at rest. I began to visit the National Prayer Tower and prayed with the Prayer Warriors for God to heal me completely. Doctors said that I would not be able to do any work but God strengthened me and enabled me to get the Librarian post in one of the good schools in Delhi. Now I am in good health and as a thanks offering I have donated Rs.5,000/- for the expansion work of the Jesus Calls National Prayer Tower. Glory be to God. - Ms. Lakshmi, New Delhi. Jesus Calls

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Debris of the old Prayer Tower

Place for construction

Plan for New Prayer Tower

Proposed New Prayer Tower

“Build God’s House, God will build your House”(II Samuel 7:11) MY SHARE FOR BENGALURU PRAYER TOWER Name:..................................................................................................................................................... Address:..................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................... City:.............................................. PIN:.....................................................State:................................ Mobile1:.......................................Mobile2:........................ Email:................................................... I wish to offer  Rs....................../- for ...................... bricks (Rs.300/- for one brick)  Rs. 3000/- for one Sq.Ft  Rs. 6,000/-  Rs.10,000/-  Rs.25,000/-  Rs.50,000/ Rs.1,00,000/- for one Prayer Room  Rs.3,00,000/- for one Prayer Hall (Your Name will be displayed in the Prayer Tower if you donate one lakh or above)

Please send your donations through a cheque / draft / Money Order drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.  You can also donate online through our secure website using your credit card / debit card or net banking.  You can donate at your nearest Jesus Calls Prayer Tower For more details please call our Toll Free No.1800 425 77 55 ( 7 am to 9 pm) 

Jesus Calls

March 2016 



ven in the life of the Lord Jesus, there were sufferings and agonies. Yet, enduring the sufferings on the cross, today He is seated at the right hand of God. Similarly, reproach, sufferings and afflictions would assail you, His children. Jesus tells, “Just as how I went through those sufferings and emerged out victoriously, I want to change your sufferings and reproaches and make you enjoy blessings and joy in your life. For this purpose, I committed Myself to undergo sufferings on the cross”. “Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” (Colossians 2:15). Yes, in this world, principalities and powers torment us; they cause us pain; they remove the peace in our family life. But we should not forget that the Lord triumphed over them. “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (I Corinthians 15:57). How did the Lord pass through the path of suffering? What kinds of suffering did He undergo? How has He stored glorious things for us? What are the things that we can overcome and receive as blessings because of His sufferings? – Let us meditate on these.

Cup given by the Father: In order to fulfil the will of the Father, Jesus drank the cup given by the Father. How was this cup? “…Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?" (John 18:11) Jesus Calls

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“…I am like a broken vessel” (Psalm 31:12). Thus He said. He underwent the agony of drinking the cup of the Lord’s fury; the dregs of the cup of trembling, and drained it out’ (Isaiah 51:17). Many are the times when we languish in life, in so many ways! Daughter’s marriage is fixed; but no money. Thus we tremble in many ways. In order to undergo this experience of trembling, He committed Himself to drink the dregs. It is said, ‘a vessel in which is no pleasure," (Jeremiah 48:38). ...When we see Him, There is no beauty that we should desire Him. (Isaiah 53:2). But Song of Songs says, ‘…He is altogether lovely’ (SOS 5:16). My husband Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran has seen the Lord Jesus face to face. He used to say, “Nothing can be compared to the beauty of the Lord Jesus. He is the Personification of meekness” Dear ones, it is for your sake that He appeared as a ‘broken vessel’, and as a ‘cup of trembling’ in which no one could take pleasure. He was smitten and broken; had a crown of thorns on His head; was scourged on the back. It is said that the sharp hooks on the whip tore His flesh, when He was scourged. Thus He was scourged for 39 times. In order that you and I, His children, should be blessed and not become vessels of ‘no pleasure’ when we go through suffering and drink the dregs, He drank the cup of His fury and the dregs of the cup of trembling and triumphed

over them on the cross. Thus He has given us a blessed life.

Will of God: "Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God." (Hebrews 10:7,9) According to the will of God, He was born in this earth, underwent many sufferings and committed Himself to the cross praying to the Father, "O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39; Luke 22:42). Not stopping with that, understanding that it was the will of God for Him to pass through that path, He committed Himself to it. Saying, “I have fulfilled the will of God. I have finished doing what My Father wanted Me to do” (John 19:30), He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit. What has the Lord earned for us by thus passing through the sufferings on the cross? In order to deliver us who were dead in trespasses and sins, to save us, to bless us and to make us alive, the Lord fully committed Himself to pass through the tough path of cross. Do we still harden our heart even after reading about His sufferings, in the Bible? Or, are we going to confess our sins and turn away from them? “He who covers his sins will not prosper, But whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13). David was a king. He did ministry for the Lord according to His will (Acts 13:36). He fulfilled the will of God. That’s why David’s name has found a place in the Bible. Even today, there is a place called David’s City in Jerusalem. What an honour and glory for him! Jesus Calls

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Apostle Paul too boldly says, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” (II Timothy 4:7) Concerning us also, we read in the Bible how we should fulfil the will of God. We read, ‘he who does the will of My Father in heaven…shall enter the kingdom of heaven’ (Matthew 7:21). Just as how the Lord Jesus Christ went through the path of suffering in order to fulfil the will of God, our life too should be in such a way that we should be able to tell at the time of our death, “I finished doing the will of God’. ‘…that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God’ (Colossians 4:12). In that case, how to know the will of God? When we fix our children’s marriage, we see whether the alliance is suitable for him/her. Likewise, when we get two job offers, we discuss which one should be chosen.

The Lord Jesus Christ is our example. “Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps” (I Peter 2:21). He prayed to God every day. Similarly, unless we too trust on the Lord and pray to Him, we can never know the will of God. God’s will cannot be known in a life which is devoid of prayer. “And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came, He

was alone there” (Matthew 14:23). “Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God” (Luke 6:12).

worship the Lord by singing divine songs! Let us also seek the Lord as a family just as how Joshua, His servant said, ‘As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15). Children and youngsters should make a decision. You have to go a long way. Many afflictions attack even at a young age. This world is full of evil. If you want to be happy, you should firmly hold on to the Lord.

Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed’ (Mark 1:35). When He faced sorrow and affliction, ‘He offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries’ (Hebrews 5:7; Luke 22:44). So, God was always conversing with Him. If this is necessary in the life of the Son of God, how much more we should open our mouth and pray to the Lord, to know His will? "Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner” (John 5:19). He lived an exemplary life as a model for us. Accordingly, today, do you pray personally, as husband and wife and as a family? Are you teaching your children to pray? Since the Lord Jesus sought His Father, He understood His will. What a joy to pray as a family, and

In my life, on the day of my wedding, since my husband was a devoted man of God, he taught me to interact with the Lord telling, ‘From today, let us handover our family life to the Lord’s hand”. Since then, every morning at 6 O’ clock, we had family prayer at home. In the evening too, both of us used to pray together, however late he was in coming home. That’s why the Lord was with us all the 48 years of our married life. The Lord’s blessing and guidance was wonderful, despite the many ups and downs and pains and agonies in life. Make a decision today. Then the Lord will bless you too. In the years 1981 and 1984, the Lord appeared to Brother Dhinakaran and spoke to him about starting an engineering college and said, “It is you, who have to do this”. That time he was working in the State Bank. No money was with us or in the Jesus Calls ministry to start an engineering college. Yet the Lord was repeatedly telling him, “It is you, who have to build Karunya”. When we consulted the founders and officials of educational institutions, we were Jesus Calls

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told that we would need crores of rupees for that. So they advised that it would be better to do only the bank job and the ministry. But the Lord did not leave him. So, left with no other option, we started the work. Sometimes we would be getting phone calls from Coimbatore at 9 O’ clock at night. They would say, “Brother, we have to give money to the cement distributor. Or else he refuses to give us cement” But we had no money. Yet, we had to complete the buildings within a stipulated time. Where to go for money? – Baffled by this, my husband would kneel down and plead to the Lord, all through the night. Sometimes, he used to cry and pray from night to 5 O’ clock in the morning. After that we would get positive news - “The cement distributor wanted to know who was buying the cement and we said, ‘Do you know Bro. Dhinakaran? It is he, who is building the college according to the command of God”. At once he said, “Why didn’t you tell me this before? I know him very well. He is such a good man. You need not give me money now. It is enough if you pay me, when you have money”. Look at the work of the Lord! Today, Karunya stands as a university, shining brightly. Today the Lord has honoured it to such an extent that a Memorandum has been signed with the top most universities in Israel. The reason - one man’s obedience and prayer! That day, if he had failed to commit himself to the will of the Lord and had refused to obey, how could Karunya stand as a university today? But since

Brother Dhinakaran committed himself to the Lord to fulfil His will and prayed for that, today the Lord has graciously made more than 8000 students to stay and study in the Karunya University. So many students come to know the Lord, get filled with wisdom and go forth as skilled engineers. Once, a Karunya student had come for a meeting in Bethesda, where I shared the message. He did not know the Lord Jesus. His father had joined him in Karunya telling him, ‘Son, you should not become a Christian. But here they maintain good discipline and order. So you would be regular in attending the college. That’s why I am joining you in Karunya”. That student did not like the college. That day, he was sitting far behind and listening to my message. The Lord spoke to him through that message. The love of Jesus drew him towards Him. Totally broken, he cried for his old sinful life. He went to his room and cried. The counselor in the hostel spoke to him, told him about the love of the Lord and led him to Christ. He is living a pleasing life to Christ, even today. Because of a single man’s obedience to the will of God, so many students are getting transformed thus. Even today, it is a great privilege for us to fulfil the will of God, with prayer.

Physical suffering “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon

Him, And by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5; I Peter 2:24). He was beaten and broken; the soldiers removed His robe and took it by casting lots; He did not open His mouth, just as a sheep before its shearers is silent (Isaiah 53:7). Nails on His hands and feet! He was scourged till stripes could be seen in His whole body. What an agony when a crown of thorns was put on His head! He endured all those sufferings for you and me in order that we should be delivered. By His stripes we are healed. His wounds even now wash, clean and heal us.

Dear ones, today, when we suffer physically, do we look at the wounds of our Lord? Even today, the healing virtue is manifested from those wounds. These days, the horror of cancer could be seen everywhere. People are devastated by this. Even in that state, if you still hold on to the Lord, His wounds will heal you. Many were the agonies and sicknesses undergone by us in our life! Many were the times when my husband was on the verge of death. But the Lord never forsook us. In 1969, his both lungs were damaged. Doctor said that he would live only for a few more Jesus Calls

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days. Yet I firmly held on to the Lord. What happened? The Lord gave him a miraculous deliverance. Similarly, in 1985, his both kidneys were damaged. The doctor, who treated him, shed tears. Yet the Lord gave him life even then. In 1990 also his heart was damaged and he had a heart attack. We took him to the hospital in an unconscious state. After testing him, the doctors were in panic. Yet the Lord gave him a new life. After that he zealously worked for the Lord for several years. Won’t the Lord, who did this for us, do it for you? An eye doctor, who used to treat my husband’s eyes, was very dear to him. But he had the bad habit of taking drugs. Because of this, he developed problems in his eyes. That time Brother Dhinakaran said to his wife, “Madam, you are always with your husband. When he suffers, please place your hands on him and pray, “Lord, through my hand, let Your power touch my husband’s eyes. Touch him and heal him by Your power”. That lady too prayed in all reverence saying, ‘Lord, I am unworthy. But Brother Dhinakaran had taught me to do this. I, an unworthy person, now place my hand on my husband”. The Lord heard that prayer. He not only gave that man healing but also drew that lady’s heart towards Him. She became a child of God. She is now doing the Lord’s ministry. What a joy! Yes, the power of God should come into others, through you. The Lord will raise up the sick in your family too. With that faith, pray telling Him, “I am healed by the stripes

of the Lord”. The Lord will grant you a miraculous healing.

that took place in heaven, after she died.


You too may say, “Oh, so many problems, sufferings and sorrows are there in my life. Yet my husband never realizes it”. Your children may cause you pain. The Lord is able to deliver you from your sorrows and sufferings. He gave a permanent deliverance to that sister and took her to heaven. But, He will give you deliverance in this world itself. He shall wipe away all your tears.

We see that the Lord bore all our sorrows on the cross. ‘A Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief’ (Isaiah 53:3). He committed Himself saying, “Let Me carry the sufferings of My children”. Job, the man of God, says, “I live with grief; my grief cannot be expressed’ (Job 6:3). ‘My eye wastes away with grief, Yes, my soul and my body!’ (Psalm 31:9). Some people’s face would be so sad that their eyes would appear dark and sunken. They would be in agony, unable to bear their sorrow. A wife was always in tears. The reason, her husband was a cruel man. He had absolutely no love for her. But this woman loved the Lord dearly. But her ungodly husband hated the very sight of her. So he would be beating and harassing her all the time because of which her back was full of wounds. Her face became swollen with constant crying and turned dark. Yet, even in that situation, she was firm in the Lord, telling herself, “My Lord was thus crucified on the cross for my sake. There was no beauty on His face. So, I would endure everything patiently, for His sake”. One day, she died. A man of God, who attended her funeral, had a vision: ‘The soul of this woman goes to heaven. There, the Lord Jesus Christ comes down to welcome her. He embraces her and says, “Daughter, enter into the joy of your Lord; enough of your suffering”. This was an incident

Yet another sister’s husband was a good man. He used to treat her with great love. Yet, he could not give up his habit of taking alcohol. At this time, he once brought home his friends and asked her to prepare a good meal for them. She too obliged and made tasty dishes. Everybody drank to their hearts’ content and went back, after having a heavy meal. After seeing them off, her husband came in, to appreciate her for her cooking. What he saw, shook him. His wife was kneeling down, with both hands lifted up and was praying with tears, saying, “Lord, when are You going to change this painful situation? Didn’t You bear this suffering on the cross? Why should I suffer?” That time the Lord spoke to his heart and said, “My son, how long are you going to trouble My daughter? Won’t you give your heart to Me?” That very day, he gave his heart to the Lord. The joy of salvation entered that family. Dear ones, joy will enter into your family too. Pray for one another. Don’t blame one another as husband, wife and children. Let us pray for one another in the presJesus Calls

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ence of the Lord. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2). When you do this, the Lord will change your sorrows into joy.

Peace: The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace (Psalm 29:11). We need divine peace in our life. Today, in families, there is no peace between the husband and wife. There is no mutual understanding. Taking possessions of others’ properties, unjust court cases, sufferings because of the families of siblings – Do you thus languish without peace? Even in the midst of all these, the chastisement for our peace was upon Him (Isaiah 53:5). He made peace through the blood of His cross (Colossians 1:20). The name ‘Prince of Peace’ is given to Him in Isaiah 9:6. What a joy when this Prince of peace comes into your heart!

Divine Peace: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27). Yes, through Christ, we have received peace from God. When could this divine peace be received? ‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds

through Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:6,7). Some sisters would come to me for prayers. Even after praying for them, they would be again and again telling me the same problem. But what does the Bible say? Cast all your worries on Him. Cast your burden on the LORD, And He shall sustain you (Psalm 55:22). ‘…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ (I Peter 5:7). After my husband’s death, I cried a lot saying, “How am I going to live? He was always with me. We had been with each other for several years. Now I am a lone woman”. The next day arrived. When plans were being made for his memorial

service, the Holy Spirit said to me, “You have to speak in that meeting”. That day the Holy Spirit strengthened me. With that strength I spoke for 20 minutes. The gathered people wondered how I, who needed their encouragement, was instead encouraging them. Divine peace filled my heart. Since then, the Holy Spirit is wonderfully guiding me until now. The Spirit Himself leads me as to where to go, in which meeting I should speak and to which place I should go. This is the grace given by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is wonderfully strengthening, encouraging and leading me, who has been alone for more than 8 years. Won’t He, who strengthened me, strengthen you too? This world is full of suf-

Bible Quiz

- 49

(Bible Portion Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

How is he who makes whom to wander off? What shall not be perverted and what shall not be shown? Who shall be like what? To whom will the Lord do thus? What overtook, whom? Which did not fail? Which is not too mysterious or far off? What does not the Lord show nor take? What is mighty? What belong to the Lord?

Answers must reach us before MARCH 15, 2016 Address: Bible Quiz - 49, Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Jesus Calls

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ferings. But there is much peace and glorious blessings for those who hold on to the Lord Jesus, who went through the sufferings of the cross, even in the midst of their suffering. The Holy Spirit is with us to deliver us and to give us His divine peace (II Corinthians 3:17). So do not worry about sufferings. If the Lord Jesus had not suffered, we would not have received this privilege. Let us praise Him with all our heart for the sufferings He underwent for our sake. When difficulties, afflictions, sufferings and problems come against us, let us joyfully get filled with the Holy Spirit and plead to the Lord. He will grant us deliverance and peace. He will help us to live a blessed life and make us thrilled!

Bible Quiz 47 Answers: 1. Benjamin, by Joseph Genesis 43:29 2. Moses got favour In God’s sight – Exodus 33:17 3. Seth – Genesis 5:3 4. Against all the gods of Egypt, judgment – Exodus 12:12 5. The Angel of God, transgressions – Exodus 23:21 6. The scepter shall not depart from Judah, until Shiloh comes – Genesis 49:10 7. His covenant ‘shall be in your flesh’ for an everlasting covenant – Genesis 17:13 8. His people, in His strength To His holy habitation – Genesis 17:13 9. "The end of all flesh has come before Me – Genesis 6:13 10. In every place where I record My name – Exodus 20:24

By the immense grace of God, the 27th Tamil Nadu Esther Prayer Group thanksgiving conference was held on January 16, 2016 at Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower campus, in an excellent manner. More than 1180 sisters from not only Chennai but also from other places such as Sivakasi, Trichy, Tanjore, Salem, Ranipet, Vellore, Vizhupuram and Kancheepuram attended this conference with great enthusiasm. The presence of God engulfed the entire place from the beginning to the end of the meeting and enthralled the crowd. Specially, apart from thanking God for the mighty things He did in the Esther Prayer Groups last year, we also whole heartedly praised Him for the 484 newly started Esther/Youth Esther Prayer Groups. When some of the sisters shared their testimony about how the 9 zones started last March in Chennai, in accordance to the will of God, are expanding and are functioning, all of us were thrilled over the awesome works of God. Following this, prayers were offered for the Prayer Points concerning the Lord’s plan for meeting the women in India and all over the world through the Esther Prayer Group ministry and its expansion. It was a special moment for us when the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon us and made us Jesus Calls

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Testimonies shared in the Thanksgiving meeting of the Tamil Nadu Esther Prayer Groups: The Lord does glorious things The Esther Prayer Group is conducted in our house, every month. By this I have learnt to pray well. This is the greatest blessing that I have received. I was always backward in everything. But since the day when I joined the Esther Prayer Group (1994), and prayed, I saw the special power of God which is upon dear mother Stella Dhinakaran in the Jesus Calls ministry being poured down upon all the sisters, especially on me. By this the Lord helped me to grow spiritually.

rejoice with a new anointing, when dear Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared the message and prayed. Everyone’s life was transformed when dear mother Dr. Stella Dhinakaran shared the message on how the Lord would help us to be a fragrant for Him, to walk in His righteous ways, having been crucified with Christ and to have a glorious and bright life (II Corinthians 2:14,15). Finally when dear mother prayed, fire anointing was poured upon the sisters of the Esther Prayer Groups; it was heart melting to see them committing themselves to the Lord with tears, to be flames of fire for Him and to start new Esther Prayer Groups.

Let us live for Jesus! LET US FORM NEW ESTHER PRAYER GROUPS! Jesus Calls

Specially, on December 15, 2015, when we met dear mother as a group, she mentioned the verse, ‘Bring forth abundantly in the earth And multiply in it." (Genesis 9:7) and lovingly gave us the command to increase the Esther Prayer Groups. Accordingly, the Lord opened a new way to divide the Chennai city into nine zones and arranged for a meeting in that respective zone and made Sister Stella Dhinakaran minister in their midst. I am the representative of the nine zones. The moment Aunty Stella Dhinakaran finished conducting the meeting in our zone, she gave our group a list. As teams of four people, we visited the addresses in the ten divisions in the list to see the working of the Esther Prayer Groups and encouraged those who did not conduct it. The Lord did awesome deeds through this. A particular sister was going on the road and that time the Lord Himself spoke to her saying, “Esther Prayer Group is being conducted there; go and attend”. She, who was heading for suicide, attended the Esther Prayer Group and the Lord touched her, saved her and transformed her. This is how the Lord is doing glorious things in each and every group. Hence, as dear mother has said, taking this is a duty, everyone of us should attend the Esther Prayer Group no matter on which day it may be, considering it as doing ministry for the Lord. Secondly, when we went to many places and encouraged many to conduct the Esther Prayer Group,

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the Lord started giving me many members. He increases the number of members of the group. Thirdly, we should conduct the Esther Prayer Group on the exact day on which it should be conducted. Sister Esther Moses of our zone, conducted the Esther Prayer Group as usual on the second Wednesday despite the heavy rains that lashed in December. Her house was surrounded by floods; she conducted the meeting using mike because of which two sisters felt the electric shock. Yet according to the promise of that month, ‘God will deliver you from the burning fiery furnace’ (Daniel 3:17), the Lord saved everyone from danger. He helped them to conduct the prayer on that exact day, without any postponement. Next, the Lord has commanded a great expansion in all the new groups. 46 Prayer Groups were functioning in our area. The Lord helped us to increase it to 64. The Lord has formed new groups. Not only that, once dear mother said to us, “The leaders of the groups who started the prayer but who are unable to conduct it further should be met”. I wanted to meet such leaders but wondered whether they would accept me. I went to meet them with apprehension and prayers. They were surprised to see us. The Lord has helped us to raise up 15 groups, out of the 20 groups that were hindered. In a particular group, the leader had passed away. When we asked who was willing to conduct it, a sister from the nearby house volunteered to conduct the prayer. So, let us conduct the Esther Prayer Group without

fail. Let us send the report to dear mother, immediately. The Lord will continue to do great things in our groups. - Vidi Kingsley, Chennai.

The love of Calvary compels us I was a member of the Esther Prayer Group till December 2014. During the Esther Prayer Group Thanksgiving meeting conducted that time, the Lord made me receive a new fire anointing when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying. After that I prayed to the Lord with the commitment that I would go there next time not as a member but as a leader. Accordingly the Lord made me a leader. By His grace He has enabled me to form 15 new groups from February 2015. The love of the Lord’s Calvary compels me. Even when dear mother speaks, her life, family testimony, and how she has built up the ministry by her prayers and how the families of many other women like us are built up, we can realize the vision of the Esther Prayer Group. By taking part in the Esther Prayer Group prayer, our prayer life grows. By this, families are transformed. Also surrounding areas and churches are transformed. With the vision that the Lord is making me arise and shine as an Esther in the nation, I began to introduce the Esther Prayer Group wherever I went. Of course I faced many problems and reproaches. Dear mother used to say, “Get filled with the anointing and pray in tongues”. The Lord helped me to practise this in my Jesus Calls

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life. I used to tell the members of my group to get filled with the anointing and speak in tongues so that bondages would be broken. When we did this, the Lord began to do miracles in our group. Since all of us jointly prayed, He gave us expansion. The Lord has delivered those who languished in problems and helps them to attend the prayer cheerfully. Glory to the Lord. - Hannah Punithavathy, Chennai.

The Lord’s name is glorified We started the Esther Prayer Group in our house, in the year 2005. Initially it was difficult to gather even 8 members. In those times, only 6 or 7 people would attend the prayer. But we continued to conduct the prayer amidst hardships. Dear mother used to say that the group leader should be prepared. So I began to pray much. The number of members in our group began to increase. Following that, the 19th prayer point of the 20 prayer points sent by dear mother would be for those who join the group and pray. In that dear mother would say, ‘We should arise and shine; and give good fruits”. All of us would hold our hands as two people and pray for the 19th prayer point with tears saying, ‘Lord, through us the Esther Prayer Groups should expand in our nation”. Accordingly, the Lord gave us the grace to start 6 new Esther Prayer Groups. In 2015, when dear mother wanted to appoint me as the co-coordinator of the Rajapalayam Esther Prayer Group, I trembled. I wondered whether I was fit for this and began to pray with fasting. The moment I started

praying, a sister from a place called Athikulam called me over the phone and said that she wanted to start an Esther Prayer Group in her village. Immediately, we as few sisters went to her place. 23 sisters attended the prayer on the very first day. The Lord’s name was glorified there. Dear mother had come to Madurai in the month of August, to meet us. We were happy to meet her. That time, she gave us a good counsel – “You should first be a burning and blazing fire. Secondly, you should work hard”. Finally, when I went to her for prayers, she said, “You will do great things”. As I was praying how to function and that the Lord should open a door, we as leaders of six Esther Prayer Groups first began to pray with one accord saying, “First, let us pray for an hour and become fire after which we would start working”. At

once, doors began to open. The Lord enabled us to start 14 groups within December. Not only that we had been given a list which contained the details of 5 groups which could not conduct the prayer. We have spoken to those sisters and are encouraging them to start the prayer again. Doors are being opened in many more places. Not only that, we have taught those who did not know to pray, to pray. We write down the 20 prayer points, give it to them and they would pray with burden filled with the spirit. Some of them would hold the points in their hands and pray saying, ‘Jesus, we don’t know what is here. But we pray according to this point which is in our hand”. They said that they never knew to

pray and by getting these written prayer points they are able to pray. Also we taught the Esther Prayer Group theme song to everyone. In many villages, the works of sorcerers are getting broken. One family was much affected by the sorcery done by their neighbour. Now they say that since the past three months, from the day we started the Esther Prayer Group there is no power of darkness. When the name of God is glorified, we work with the decision that we should arise and shine for the Lord still more and that we should work hard for Him. When I pray over the 20 prayer points on the night previous to the Esther Prayer Group and then conduct the prayer, the next day, it is of great blessing. The sisters are anointed by the Holy Spirit. The name of the Lord is glorified. - Glory Rajayogam, Sivakasi.

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March 2016 


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Promise Message:

Sister STELLA DHINAKARAN The Lord Jesus Christ says, “I am the way; the truth and the life” (John 14:6). So, in order to receive this blessing, you need to follow one important thing in your life. That is, the blessed life of uniting the Lord Jesus with you. If He is with you all the time, when you surrender everything to Him, He will make everything beautiful at its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). How to join with Him?

Dear sisters, these days, many are troubled saying, “Oh, nothing happens in my life as I expect”. They go to many places, meet many people, discuss about these in many ways and confuse themselves all the more. But the above verse beautifully tells about ‘What is the true way?” When we operate on the basis of our understanding of its meaning, surely the things that we expect would happen, as said in this verse. Jesus Calls

In the Bible we read the Lord Jesus Christ telling, "I and My Father are one." (John 10:30). Yes, though He was the Son of God, we see that He waited in the presence of God, several times a day. “Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place; and there He prayed” (Mark 1:35) This was a kind of prayer. We read that Jesus rose a long while before day light and went to talk to God. If we need to follow His ways, this is the way! But these days, the number of those who rise up early in the morning, before daylight and who seek the Lord is very less. In the olden days, if you read the history of some of our ancestors who were godly, it could be seen that this is how they rose up early in the morning, read the Bible and prayed in order to know the will of God concerning their matters and acted accordingly. Looking at their faithfulness and love to seek Him, the Lord would then be delighted over them and make them know His presence. At that time, they would tell Him about all their matters. He too would show them the way in which they should walk, as per Psalm 32:8. He would guide them with His eye and instruct them. This is the blessing that He gives to each and every one of His devotees who seek Him. This is the first thing that ought to be done by those who want to know the way of the Lord. This is also very important! At that time, you should cast all your confusions, fears and unwanted worries on Him. There is no need for you to hide anything from Him. All things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account (Hebrews 4:13).In case you do not get His revelations and guidance as you wait in His presence, you should

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fast and humble yourself. Then surely the Lord will destroy all the obstacles and the powers of darkness and the works of the devil that fight against you, with His power. His ways would be wonderful to you! So, the first thing that we need to do is to wait in His presence. Next, we need to trust God. Look at Abraham! When he had the problem of not having a child, he and his wife would have been deeply troubled in their flesh. These days, we see many women undergoing this problem and living in tears. My dear sisters, see what Abraham did in that condition. He called God, the Father thus: ‘God, who calls those things which do not exist as though they did” (Romans 4:17). Abraham was nearly 100 years old. His wife was 90. Even at that old age, he believed God with the complete faith, “I will be blessed with a child; as the Lord spoke, I shall become a father of many nations”. Yes, he was not weak in his faith. He did not consider his own body, already dead and the deadness of Sarah's womb. What an amazing faith! Women can conceive only up to certain age. But as per Abraham’s faith and belief, Sarah too believed God even in that state just as how Abraham had faith and conceived and delivered a child. Yes, my dear sisters, perhaps you too may be undergoing similar situation which is ‘impossible’ in the worldly sense. But like Abraham, the faith and belief, ‘How he has believed and trusted God! So there should not be room for lacks and impossibilities in my life since my

God is the great I am and there is nothing impossible for Him’ should fill you. Abraham was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God, being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform. Similarly, you too should not think with unbelief, “There is no chance for me to have a child; how is this possible?” If you want the blessing of the Lord, firmly believe God like Abraham did. Hold on to Him saying, “There is nothing impossible for God”. In the Bible, a woman called Hannah, had no child and waited with worries and tears. One day she had a strong faith and belief. ‘Why should I get troubled? My God is sufficient. I will tell my needs to Him”. Thus saying, she went to the temple and poured out the bitterness of her soul at the feet of the Lord (I Samuel 1:15). When she thus poured out the bitterness of her heart, she had a great peace. From that day, she, who was spending her days in tears, began to live with divine peace and joy. According to her faith, God blessed her womb, gave her many children and blessed her above all that she asked or desired. My dear sisters, are you languishing, “Oh, I don’t have a child; I don’t have money; I don’t have beauty to get married; I don’t have a job” and so on? Do not worry for anything. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds

through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6,7). I hold on to these verses, in my life. Whenever trouble comes in my life, this is the only way that gives me peace. You too have a similar place. It is the presence of God. So kneel down and pour out your burdens in the presence of the Lord (Lamentations 2:19; Psalm 62:8; 142:2). The Lord sees all your tears. Seeing every drop of your tear, He wants to reward you. Unlike man, He will not pretend not to see you. He will surely fill all those who trust Him with His divine blessings. So, when you wait at the presence of God with this hope, the Lord will bring your matter to pass wonderfully. Many were the lacks and needs in my life. Specially, I was pained by the problem of having no child and faced reproaches. Yet, when I held on to the Lord, along with my husband, He did not make me lack anything. He compensated our loss by giving us two children and blessed us. Yes, my dear sisters, the Lord is prepared to give you these blessings today. According to this promise, you need to do two things: 1.Commit your matters and ways to the Lord 2.With the faith, “He will bring it to pass’, start thanking Him. Start praising Him even before receiving your blessings from Him. It is certain that the Lord will add His benefits and good things to you, according to this promise and bless you. 

BIBLE QUIZ 47 - WINNERS Tanjore: J. R. S. Shalom Andhra: Andhra: Y. AP. Leelavathy, J. Thaniya, Gudisha Sunder Singh, K. P. Ruth, Dr. Samuel Rajandran Karnataka: Florence Nirmala Kesari, Manju M., Jesus Calls

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ekar, who was making cof fee in the kitchen, came out and called out to the newlyweds to have coffee. With the thought that he should finish the cooking before his younger children Roshan and Daisy left home, he entered hurriedly into the kitchen. Daughter-in-law Reena, who had changed her dress, joined him in the kitchen work.

Taken aback by this unexpected reply, Daisy looked at Reena. She could not believe that they, who had lost their mother a year back, had got such a good sister-in-law. The reason – when Sekar came back after fixing Rajesh’s marriage with Reena, a few people said, “Reena is over talkative and quarrelsome”. So both Roshan and Daisy could not believe their eyes.

“No dear, you came only in the morning…. Go and take rest”. Yet she finished the cooking and watched her father-in-law packing the lunch box for the children. Talking to Roshan, who had just then woke up and to Daisy, she handed over them the gifts she had brought from Chennai. Daisy was surprised to get a beautiful sari with suitable accessories. She looked at Reena and thought that her brother might have bought it for her.

Reena held a high post in a reputed company; she was the only daughter to her rich parents. Though Sekar did not make any demands, Reena’s father lavished them with everything. So they were happy that such a wealthy girl was taking wonderful care of the family, without demanding works from their father and was showing them love.

‘When did you buy this?” asked Reena’s husband Rajesh. “I got it when I went to meet Sheila Aunty” “You already showed this to me; I thought you had bought it for yourself’ “No… I never buy such costly saris”

That day Daisy, who was talking to Reena as she was making sweets, said, “Once mummy died, I never liked to return home. I never liked to talk to anyone. Dad never went into the kitchen as long as mummy was here. So it was painful to see him cooking. I couldn’t even eat and cried a lot and prayed” “Must be your prayers; I was a Jesus Calls

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short tempered person. God changed my life a short period ago. I died to my old evil nature and was made alive for righteousness. So there is joy for me, my family and yours too. I am surprised how I, who never used to do any work in my house, am doing so many works here” “I didn’t feel the cold though it is the winter season. Rather I have a fresh feeling because of a new joy. I feel warm. Truly it is an honour to be with you all” Said Reena. Joy overflowed in the whole family – Father Sekar, son Rajesh, daughter-in-law Reena, son Roshan and daughter Daisy. The joy that was missing since a year came back in double measure that day. “…let all those rejoice who put their trust in You’ (Psalm 5:11). (My dear sisters! When you too enter into your in-laws’ house after marriage, get filled with the strength of Jesus Christ to become full with the good works of the Lord and in giving joy to everyone in your new family. Commit yourself to the Lord for this purpose)

Every day, we waste so much of time. Making use of time is very important. According to Isaiah 58:11, the Lord teaches us and leads us continually. But, we should always trust and depend on the Lord. Just as how Apostle Paul asked, every minute we should ask, “Lord, what do You want me to do?" (Acts 9:6). Only then, God who is diligent to lead us would teach us what we should do and would lead us every day. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye (Psalm 32:8). ‘I will teach you to profit, lead you by the way you should go’ (Isaiah 48:17). My dear child of God, when such a magnificent Lord is with us, why should you worry? Every minute of a day is precious in the sight of the Lord. So, we should be joined with the Lord every minute and walk according to His leading. Specially, in my life, after my husband died, I was very much worried as to how to live any more. This was because, for everything I used to run to my husband and ask him, “How to do this? How to do that?”. So I was greatly troubled that he was not with me. But what a wonder! Since the past 8 years of my lonely state, the Lord has been with me and is beautifully teaching and leading me. Every day He gives me instructions, “Do this; do that; finish this today’ and so on. Just as how a teacher teaches his/ her students and just as how a father and mother would teach their child, the Lord is with me and Jesus Calls

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teaching me telling me, “Speak this to them; don’t speak about this; you don’t need this…” and so on. You have to be careful in one thing. You have to live in unison with Him. He will fill us with His divine strength, grace and courage and lead us (Psalm 138:3). It is amazing to think of the wonderful way in which the Lord is guiding me. Yes, dear ones, we should believe that the Lord is with us. But in the worldly life, we do not seek the Lord. We are occupied with getting up in the morning, preparing food, sending the children to school and finishing our personal works. We give much importance to worldly matters. Giving importance to the daily chores, we do only that. We never give the first place to the Lord. I would like to share with you an important thing: When we begin a day, we should first of all com-

mit everything in His hands. Only then the Lord will wonderfully lead us as a Teacher. He Himself will be with you, teach you and lead you so that you would not waste your time. Yes, you too should pray in the presence of the Lord in the morning and plan according to His guidance. You should ask for His counsel.

Him, “Lord, what should I do today? I have to do these many things. Give me counsel to finish doing those things”. Only then He will speak to you and guide you.

Then the Lord gave him immeasurable wisdom. Also He gave him riches and honour in addition to that. Won’t He give you just as how He gave him?

You need divine wisdom to complete these. When you ask the Lord in prayer, He will give you His divine wisdom.

The Lord is graciously helping me to continue with my service for Him even after my husband’s death. He gives me the wisdom needed for this and is leading me wonderfully. I too sit at His presence and pray and am happily doing everything according to His will (Philippians 4:4).

Before taking charge of the kingdom, Solomon asked the Lord, "Now, O LORD my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in. And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted. Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?" (I Kings 3:7-9).

Look at the Lord Jesus Christ. Every morning He waited at the presence of His Father (Mark 1:35). As said in John 5:19, He did nothing of Himself but as the Father said Him to do. Similarly, when you too wait at the presence of God, you can beautifully get all kinds of counsels from the God of gods. The God of gods will speak to you. He says, ‘I am with you always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:20). When this amazing God is with you, you can ask

Dear sisters, sit in the presence of the Lord, ask Him for counsels and act with reverence and devotion. Then He will make you like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. If you are careful not to waste your time but to spend it devotedly in a way pleasing to the Lord, He will be pleased with you.

AT CHENNAI - MYLAPORE 2016 March 19 & 20 (Saturday, Sunday) at 6 pm CSI Good Shepherd Church (Opp. Music Academy) At Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran memorial Prayer Tower

GOOD FRIDAY MEETING 2016 March 25 at 6 pm 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Participate as a family with friends and relatives.

For details: 1800 425 77 55 (7 am to 9 pm) Jesus Calls

March 2016 


Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 26-2-2016


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