Jesus Calls (English) September - 2022

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2 September 2022 JESUS CALLS

JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org4 September 2022 JESUS CALLS

JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org6

Dear Lord Jesus, You are the greatest Teacher and the only Good Teacher to mankind for you gave Yourself for us. Lord, thank You for teaching all that I need to live by through the Bible. Help me to follow Your teaching and inspire my students just as You inspired the whole world. Give me the grace to be prayerful and Christ-minded in my work. Make me considerate and compassionate towards my students’ needs. Help me not to provoke them to do wrong. Let my example make them the salt and light of the world. Give me the wisdom to impart knowledge as I should, in a way that is easily understandable. Help each one of them to study my subject well and score high marks. May the circumstance in their home and at school be favorable for them to concentrate well in their studies. Let them excel in everything they do. Help me to imitate You and be a role model for them. Help me and my students to fulfill Your purpose for our lives. Protect me and my students from all physical, spiritual and mental harm, pain and danger. Help me to influence my students only in a Biblical way so that each one of them gets to know that You are his/her Savior. Fulfill Your prosperous plan for each one of them. Let my students’ future be sealed from failure, losses and everything that is harmful to their souls and bodies. Let my students always be fair in doing good. Help them walk in Your fear all the days of their life. Help them grow in wisdom, stature and in favor of God and men just like You. Give them the grace to be obedient to me and their elders. Let goodness and love follow them all the days of their life. Guide them and lead them forever even to their old age. Guard the hearts and minds of my students and mine with Your peace. Help us do our part to our best, knowing we are working for You and Your glory. Help me and each of my students to lead a testimonial life being victorious in everything. To You be all glory now and forever, Amen. This prayer is modeled on the following verses: Luke 18:18, Ephesians 6:4, Matthew 5:13-16, Proverbs 21:31, Habakkuk 3:19, 1 Corinthians 11:1, 1 Chronicles 4:10, John 3:16, Psalm 138:8, Ephesians 1:13, Proverbs 1:1-7, Luke 2:52, 1 John 2:1, Psalm 23:6, Isaiah 46:4, Philippians 4:7, Colossians 3:23,24 Revelation 12:11. Testimony from a student who was blessed through his teachers I studied in Evangeline Matriculation Higher Secondary School in Std XII A, during 2021-2022. When I entered into XI Class, I was unable to concentrate in my studies totally, owing to a mental problem. I reported this serious problem to my Tamil Teacher Mrs. Reetha & Mrs. Vino John, the Principal of EMHSS. These teachers helped me spiritually through prayers to recover from this mental illness. By God’s grace and mercies, I have secured 585/600 and 100/100, both in Biology and mathematics in XII Board Exam in April 2022, having stood as the first in XII - A, science stream. All praise and glory to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I thank all the teachers, specially, Mrs. Vino John (Principal), Mrs. Gladys Jeya (Biology Teacher), Mrs. Mercy Alice (Maths Teacher), Mrs. Reetha (Tamil Teacher) and the Chaplain, Mr. T. Kirubaharan for all their sincere prayers and support. - J. Guru Prasath, Coimbatore. September 2022


“Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name!” (Psalm 103:1) My 60th birthday falls on September 4th, 2022! I request you all to kindly join me in thanking God for carrying me all these years. When I look back at the path that the Lord has been leading me all these years, I feel that words are not enough to thank Him. It was God’s will that I should be born to God-fearing parents. Since I was born to them at a time when they had lost babies - once a miscarriage and once a stillborn child- my parents were thrilled to have me. After completing my schooling I joined Loyola College in Chennai. I was drawn by the world, during my days of youth. I, who was brought up in godly and disciplined ways by my dear father’s warm love and by my mother’s stern upbringing, went astray during these days. I failed in my subjects; I lost my peace as I was enjoying the company of my friends, spending time in unwanted things without my parents’ knowledge. My mother started praying for me with fasting. When the first batch of the Jesus Calls Institute of Power Ministry was started, I too attended it, mainly due to my mother’s compulsion. The message shared by my father and his altar call penetrated through my ears and I was convicted of my sins. I committed myself totally to the Lord on July 21, 1980. My life was completely transformed after that. It became my habit to pray in the chapel of the same college where I was drifting away from my Lord. The thirst for prayer blazed in me in such a greater measure that even if the chapel doors were closed I used to kneel down outside the chapel and pray! JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org8

The Lord also helped me to assist in the Jesus Calls office works, arranged the audio/video recordings and strengthened me to write two books titled, “Born to Fly” and “Secret for Success”.TheKarunya Educational Institute was opened in October 1986. After that, the Lord gave me the wisdom to fulfil its responsibilities. In the year 1987, He used me to produce a Radio Programme in English namely ‘Born to Fly’ for youngsters. In June 1987, I had to share God’s message in an afternoon meeting held in Ootacamund. Suddenly it started raining. I stood up and prayed in faith along with the crowd and the Lord had mercy and miraculously stopped the rain. The people heard the Lord’s message and were blessed. The Spirit of God did many such miracles and strengthened me in the ministry. Apart from saving me and granting me the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Lord also mightily operated His gifts such as gifts of faith,

On knowing that I had accepted the Lord, my parents were thrilled. My relationship with Him strengthened. By His immense grace, the Lord anointed me with His Holy Spirit on November 20th, 1980. Since the day the Lord saved me and filled me with His Holy Spirit in the year 1980, He has become my friend and He has been leading me in different paths every 14 years of my ministry and is using me uniquely in the works of His Kingdom. The First 14 Years of Ministry – Era of Gifts (1980-1994) “For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.” (I Corinthians 12:8-10)

On August 13, 1980, I shared my testimony in the Jesus Calls meeting organized in the town of Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu. In 1982, Jesus Calls meeting was arranged to take place in Virudhunagar. Due to unavoidable reasons, my father could not attend the first day meeting. Hence, I had to share God’s message on that day. On April 28th, 1982, I first shared God’s message and prayed in a public meeting. The Lord worked mightily! Thousands committed themselves to the Lord. Demons were cast out and the sick were healed! Particularly, the Lord touched a man, who was unable to walk and was brought in a bed. He jumped up from the bed and walked! Following that, I shared the Lord’s message in the Youth meetings and in other public meetings. gifts of healing, gifts of doing miracles and of speaking in different kinds of tongues. People received healing in their souls and body. The Second 14 Years - Era of Double Portion Anointing (1994-2008)

“Elisha said, Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.” (II Kings 2:9) The Lord prophetically revealed, “I place upon my son Paul Dhinakaran the double portion of the anointing that is upon my son Dhinakaran.” Accordingly, in this era, the Lord gave me the gift of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom. That year, in the Jesus Calls meeting held in Azhapuzha a town in the state of Kerala from September 2022 JESUS CALLS

National Monitoring Committee for Minorities Education, Government of India and also as the Governing Council Member of the National Mission for Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, MHRD, Government of India. The Lord also graciously helped me to undertake the responsibility as the Chancellor of the Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (Deemed to be University) from the year 2007.



The Lord graciously began to operate through me the gifts of prophecy, interpretation of tongues and discernment of spirits. On September 4, 2010, the National Prayer Tower was inaugurated in Delhi, the capital city of India. Here prophetic prayers by volunteer prayer intercessors from all the states of India are being offered 24 hours, day and night, for the protection and prosperity of the nation and for the rulers and leaders of the nation. Intercessors come to this Prayer Tower that is situated near the seat of power, with the President’s Palace and the Prime Minister’s Office in view. The Lord fulfils the prophecies revealed through the prayer intercessors in the National Prayer Tower. Just as how a National Prayer Tower was established to pray for the nation, the Lord clearly spoke to me to establish a Prayer Tower in the city of Jerusalem in Israel, to pray for the world. Accordingly, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated on November 4, 2013. Here, prayer

The Third 14 Years - Era of Prophetic & Apostolic Anointing (2008-2022)

February 2nd to 6th the Holy Spirit, for the first time, called out people’s names and blessed them and He has been doing this since then. He further called out several people’s names, and their location and revealed their future, in the following meetings as well. Many came running to the stage and testified. When the Karnuya Engineering College was in collaboration with the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, the Lord helped me to serve as a syndicate member of the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore from the year 1996-2002. The Lord also elevated me to be the Member of the Apostolic Anointing: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.” (Acts 2:17)

On February 20th, 2008, my father D.G.S. Dhinakaran entered into glory. His loss was a terrible blow to the entire ministry! I was burdened with the thought, “What to do next? How to fill the void left by him as a father who carried souls?” On March 14, 2008, I had a divine revelation. The Lord reminded me of the following verse and revealed to me that the next 14 years would be the era of Prophetic & 2022

miracles, signs and wonders. This is an era when the Lord will mightily move to proclaim the gospel all over the world. Currently, we proclaim the gospel through social media, to a large extent. New Television programmes are also being produced. New song videos are compiled for the glory of God and are uploaded. Millions are touched by these. Due reward will be given to all those who do and support God’s ministry. This is an era where solutions for problems will be revealed through the word of knowledge for the kings, nations and the people.

Let us thank the Lord from the bottom of our hearts for graciously guiding me hitherto. Kindly pray that He should take me and my family in His hands and use us in the coming days also. Let us see Him; let us become like Him; let us proclaim Him; let us show His works, power and His guidance!Your loving brother, who seeks your prayers, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. September 2022 JESUS CALLS

From March 14, 2022, the Lord has opened for us a new era – ‘Open Heaven Era’ – an era of Public meetings are being held from the year 1970. Multitudes of people throng these meetings to hear God’s message and receive miracles and blessings from the Lord. Until then only a few thousands participated in these Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals. However, in this Prophetic era, in the Prayer Festival held in Gujarat in April 2012, 5 lakhs of people came seeking Jesus. We are helping the needy pastors ministering in far-off places to build churches to worship the Lord along with the believers and also for the mending of churches that have been destroyed by natural calamities and by other causes. The Lord has given us the vision to build 1000 churches all over India. All the partners, who support and give to the ministry, should become prayer partners. In this era, the Lord also gave us the vision that not one soul should perish. For this purpose, the Prayer Academy and Training was started on February 9, 2016. Training to pray for others and do ministry is offered through this to the partners of the ministry.

Era of Miracles, Signs and Wonders (From 2022)

intercessors from different nations come and pray day and night to prepare the world for the second coming of the Lord Jesus. The prayer services have been expanded. Until 2008, only 17 Prayer Towers were functioning. During the Prophetic & Apostolic era, more than 100 Prayer Towers have been opened and prayer services are being offered to lakhs of people. In order to provide more prayer services, a new building for Prayer Tower was constructed in Frazer Town, Bengaluru, and was inaugurated on February 22, 2020. The Lord also led us to formulate action plans for research in Karunya to find solutions to human problems and obtain patent rights. In the same way, He has also commanded us to do humanitarian services such as Home for the Aged, helping the children in the villages and building houses for the homeless, through SEESHA.



Pastor Immanuel Francis has been ministering in this locality for around 19 years. He shares his testimony thus: When I began to minister in this place, I realised that the people were mostly addicted to alcohol. Besides this, some socially unjust acts were also happening in that place. However, I ministered among these people with a zeal for God. During the initial times, there were no proper roads to commute to this place. I used to go by cycle and share the word of God. Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran came to know of my ministry and helped me to buy a motorcycle (TVS 50) in 2006. It was of great use to me. I continued to share about God with the people on my motorcycle. 2022

Church established in a small town: Sundipallam, a small town, is located near the historically famous Gangaikonda Cholapuram. It is approximately 13 km away from Jayankondam, Ariyallur district. In these surroundings, there are brick kilns. The majority of the people here work as labourers in the kilns. Many also go for construction work. Ariyallur district is located in central Tamil Nadu and is 265 km south of Chennai. The total population of this district is 7,54,894 (2011). The literate population is 4,80,604. The number of labourers is 3,59,851.

For the glory of God, in 2178 sq. ft., the church will be constructed in an area of 52 ft x 22 ft. We have now vacated the rented place and are worshipping the Lord in the church where the construction is underway. At present, around 100 people are attending the church service in this small town.

As stated in this verse, it is through the generous offerings that you give, that we are able to extend our help to build churches in such remote places. September 2022 JESUS CALLS

In the Jesus Calls ministries, every month, we give a one-tenth portion of the donations that we receive to support other ministries, especially the servants of God who are ministering in unreached places faithfully and sacrificially and winning souls for the Lord. We also support Pastors who suffer physical ailments unexpectedly and also provide educational support for their children, if need be, however possible.

Mostly, as led by the Lord, we financially support pastors who are struggling to build a church in rural places or to rebuild/renovate a church that is fully damaged due to unexpected calamities. Our God-given vision is to help build 1000 churches in remote villages all around India.

The Lord will certainly rejoice over you and will add every soul that is being saved to your name and will bless you.

I praise the Lord for the timely financial support provided by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. I thank Dr. Paul for helping us build a church for the native people in and around that small town to worship the Lord freely, who would otherwise have no access to a church. I pray that the Jesus Calls ministries will expand even more. For more information on ways to donate to the Jesus Calls Ministries, please do contact 044-23456677 (7 am- 9 pm). Dear partners, It is such a blessing to plant churches, especially in unreached places. Romans 12:5 says, “In Christ, we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

Together let us continue to help the faithful ministers of God in small towns and rural places with a vision to build 1000 churches around India. Indeed, the rural church planting matters since the people who live there matter most to God.

2 Corinthians 8:2,3 says, “In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability, entirely on their own”

Then the Lord helped me to take a place for rent and I used to conduct church service there. People used to come to the church and worship the Lord. There were so many cashew trees surrounding the place. But, in 2011, due to the Thane cyclone, the trees were all damaged. Majority of the people there who are labourers suffered. After a setback, the Lord graciously enabled us to buy land of 2178 sq. ft. We were in dire need of money to build a church on that land. So, we sent a request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about our needs. Dr. Paul prayed for us and financially helped us in the church construction in 2019. With the financial support, we were able, to begin with, the construction of the church.

Greetings in the mighty name of Jesus! God’s promise to you for this month is from Judges 6:12, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” Yes, dear friend, according to this verse, an angel of God appeared to Gideon and encouraged him saying, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior.” This is a blessing as well as a greeting. An angel of God blessed Mary also like this in Luke 1:28, The angel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” (Berean study Bible)

Priceless: The second thing God has got for you is His blessing. Just as the Lord said to Gideon and Mary, the Lord tells you that He is with you. What a blessing it is! This blessing will make you priceless, irreplaceable and incomparable in this world. Yes, Mary is considered the Blessed One because she had God within her. In the same way, since you have God within you, you and your family shall be blessed. 2022


Precious: I want to stress two things concerning you and your family. The first one is God’s same greeting with which He greeted Gideon and Mary. Both Gideon and Mary brought blessings to their entire land and the world respectively. Similarly, you and your family are going to do great exploits for the Lord in the coming days. You shall rise to be highly valued in the world as well. You and your family will be protected from all harm. Just like how God saved the Israelites through Gideon and saved Baby Jesus from the danger in the land at that time, He will also save you and your family. greetings to you. God greets you as His precious child and so is your family precious to the Lord. God calls you as a Mighty Warrior. You might feel you are invisible to God’s eyes and to men’s eyes, but that is so far from the truth. The truth is that you are greatly valued and highly favored. You might say, “I have done nothing big for God, how can He call me so?” But dear friend, God looks at your heart and your love for Him. He knows how eagerly you wait for His word. Since you consider His word above everything (Psalm 138:2) and long to hear from Him, He greets you with the Deliverance will come into this world through you and your family. People shall come to you and value you.


“Your words have supported those who stumbled; you have strengthened faltering knees.” (Job 4:4)

You can support this ministry through your contributions as led by the Lord and be a blessing to the thousands. By doing so, you will also be receiving the SMS with the promise verse along with the video link of the meditation on the respective verse every day.

Name: .................................................................. Partner code: (If available) ......................... ........ Address: Mobile:................................................................................................................................................WhatsAppNumber:..................................Email:................................... ........

More than you know yourself the Lord knows you very well. The Lord knew Gideon and He also knew Mary. The Lord knew what they were going to do in the future also. You may be underestimating yourself by saying, “I am nothing,” but God knows your potential. You and your family are priceless! Right now, may be you and your family are going through much difficulties, but I encourage you to hold on to God’s words that He has given you today. I declare these words upon you and bless you. You and your family will be set apart from the rest of the world because of the Lord’s presence, which is the greatest blessing that is with you. You will walk with your head held high. Your lineage and descendants shall be blessed above all people in the world. You will see these promises fulfilled in your life. So know your worth and meditate upon this truth in your heart and see the promises coming to pass!

I am sending Rs. 500/- to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries to support the daily promise verse ministry. (Or you can also send an offering of any size as led by the Lord) For more information on how to send your offering, you are most welcome to either visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer tower in your locality or contact 044-23456677 (7am-9pm)

Prayer: Loving Father, Bless me as You blessed Gideon and Mary. May I also receive Your greeting and blessing every day of my life. Make me a mighty warrior. May Your presence be upon me, Lord. Take away all the discouragements Lord. Lift Your name through me. I give myself to You Lord Jesus. Help me to do great exploits from now on. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray.

God’sAmen.promises never fail! Each promise from God is manna for our souls and will help us to receive strength and courage for the day. Every morning, through the Jesus Calls ministries, thousands are comforted, encouraged and blessed through the daily promises of God sent through the SMS along with a video link of Dr.Paul Dhinakaran and family meditating upon that respective promise verse. 2022




JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org16

Tower of 'Jesus Calls' has been operating since 4th September 2010 as per the Lord's command to offer prophetic prayers day and night for the nation of India. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran explained its functions to the people's representatives. The members suggested that such a prayer should be conducted in every series of meetings. In this prayer, the General Secretary of the North Indian Church Council, Arulthiru Dennis Lal, the Deputy Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Delhi, Bishop Deepak Valerian Dara, and many other church leaders and prominent personalities participated and wished Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his 60th birthday.

Members of Parliamentjoinedwho Dr. Paul Dhinakaraninprayer

A special morning prayer was organized at the National Prayer Tower in New Delhi during the Monsoon Session of Parliament. 12 members and 7 former members of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha of Parliament participated in this special prayer held on 5th August 2022 (Friday) from 8 to 10 am. Samuel Dhinakaran offered a special prayer for the young parliamentarians. God’s word was shared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in the meeting.

12 years of praying for the nation of India...

"If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Members of Parliament witnessed first-hand the National Prayer Tower services. The National Prayer


With a view of the Parliament, the Prime Minister's Office and the President's House from the Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors pray 24 hours a day for the safety and prosperity of the Indian nation and for good governance in the country. Prayer intercessors from all states and union territories across the country voluntarily stay in the National Prayer Tower and pray for the Nation. The Lord fulfills the prophecies revealed by the prayer intercessors about the nation of India and He thus blesses the nation and glorifies His name. will be provided with the necessary training. “After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before." (Job 42:10) For Details: Phone: 011-44600600 /8826340077 Email: Lord abundantly blesses the personal life, ministry and family of the prayer intercessors who sacrificially stay and pray at the National Prayer Tower. If the Lord guides you, you are also most welcome to stay in the National Prayer Tower and pray for India. 12lasttheyears nationPrayedfortheofIndia.

Prayer for the Nation - How Can You Help?

batches138 Warriors1913Prayer 273438hours


May I invite you to support the National Prayer Tower services as the Lord leads you? My Role in Prayer Ministry for India (Make Your Choice) I will donate Rs.1000/- every monthI will donate Rs............../The travel and staying expenses per prayer intercessor is Rs. 20,000/Name:........................................................................................ Partner No:...................... .............. Address:................................................................................................. Postal Code:......... ............ Mobile:......................................................... Email:........................................................ ................ "All the Israelite men and women who were willing brought to the LORD freewill offerings for all the work the LORD through Moses had commanded them to do.” (Exodus 35:29) Details about donation can be found on the 29 page of this magazine or You can contact the Partner Service number 044-23456677 between 7 am and 9 pm. September 2022 JESUS CALLS


JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org18

When you are facing difficulties in your lives, have you ever wondered where God is? Whether He cares about your tears or listens to your prayers? Have you cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord I have been so patient during my trials and my struggles, but where are you, why aren’t you here with me?”

All those times, God has been protecting you from unknown harm and from the people who might pull you away from the plan of God.

Yes, as the Lord promises in Zechariah 2.5, the Lord is a wall of fire around you. I recently read a beautiful quote about the importance of patience. “Faith opens the door to God’s promises for you whereas patience keeps it open until the promise is fulfilled.” It is important for us to be patient to wait for the fulfillment of God plans in our lives since God has a purpose in what He does and He might as well be protecting us from unknown harm and danger. Yes, my dear friend, patience promises protection. Being patient helps us to enjoy God’s promise and blessings to the fullest. When we read about the life of Joseph in the Bible, Joseph was one of the two sons born through Rachel to Jacob. He was deeply loved by Jacob. In dreams, God assured Joseph that he would rise to a position of leadership over his parents and brothers. Since his brothers grew jealous of him, they threw him down a deep pit and even planned to murder him. But Joseph remained patient. The Lord protected him, spared him from his brothers and he was sold off to a far off land in Egypt. Though Joseph was sold off to traders, the Lord protected him from the wrath of his brothers. Once Joseph was in Egypt, he gained the trust of the Potiphar and worked in his house. After a short while, he was again wrongly convicted by Potiphar’s wife and thrown into prison. What a horrible time that must have been for Joseph! He would have been so ashamed, he would have wanted to give up and would have wanted to somehow go back home, but even then Joseph remained patient. The Lord protected him from

the anger of Potiphar and from all the dangers of prison. The Lord never left his side. “The Lord was with him; He showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden” (Genesis 39:21) Joseph continued to interpret dreams which led him to even interpret the dream of the Pharaoh. God’s presence with Joseph was so obvious that Pharaoh promoted Joseph as one of the leaders, as a second-in-command of Egypt, especially to take charge of preparations for the coming famine. In the midst of the crisis in Egypt, Joseph’s brothers arrived from Canaan, seeking to buy food, as the famine severely affected their land also. They did not recognize Joseph, and he did not reveal himself to them. Though Joseph could have punished his brothers, for all that they had done to him and could have refused to give them food, Joseph remained patient. The Lord blessed him for his patience and reunited him with his brothers and his dying father. September 2022 JESUS CALLS

As you walk through life, just like Joseph, you too might face situations where you need to be patient even in the midst of struggles or injustice or failure or sadness but continue to be patient knowing the Lord is by your side, protecting you and taking you to your destination. Today, if you are holding on to a dream for a very long time and waiting for it to get fulfilled, remember that the Lord will perfect everything at the right time. I am sure many of you would have read the story called “Footprints in the sand”. A man dreamt of two sets of footprints in the sand by a beach. On his usual days, there were two set of prints, one belonging to him and one belonging to God but on his hard days, there was only one! He was sad and asked the Lord, “Lord, there are only one set of footprints, where were you Lord during my hard times? Why is it so and why weren’t You present?” The Lord told him that the single set of footprint he saw during his hard times belonged to the Lord and the Lord carried him during his hard times. "The Lord is good to those who hope in him, to the person who seeks him. It's good to wait in silence for the Lord's deliverance. It's good for a man to carry a yoke in his youth." (Lamentations 3.25-27)

Yes, the Lord is so close to the broken hearted. Don't worry. The Lord is not blind to your tears or deaf to your prayers. He will fulfill his promise in your life at the right time. He will glorify you in front of all people. His favor will be upon you and people will know that the Lord is with you just like what happened in the life of Joseph. Just continue to remain patient. May the Lord bless you abundantly!

• Special prayers are offered for Young Partners in the Jesus Calls fasting prayers

My parents enrolled me in the Young Partners Plan in the year 2008. Occasionally I used to visit Jesus Calls Prayer Tower with my mother and especially loved spending time in the Chapel. Since my schooling, I used to call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and request prayers before every exam and also would read the exam prayer card. My difficult times began when I joined MBBS in the year 2011. I failed my first-year exams. I was greatly discouraged and felt like I was not qualified for the course. My professors and a few of my classmates also said I was not the right fit for the medical field. I even considered leaving the course and pursuing something else. I prayed for clear guidance from God saying, “O God if You think I need to change my course, please change it or if You think I have to complete medicine, please help me to complete the course.”Within 10 minutes of my prayer, I received a phone call from my friend who voluntarily asked if I could join him for a combined study from tomorrow. I was truly surprised. The next day my friend and I did a combined study and my friend helped me in my studies. By God’s grace, I was able to clear all my arrears and complete my first year exams within 6 months. After my first year of MBBS, I cleared all the university exams year after year till the final year without having any arrears. To the glory of God, I successfully completed my MBBS in 2017. I am currently pursuing M.D in Pharmacology. Praise be to the lord! - Dr. S. Rajendra Nandha, Madipakkam, Chennai


• The ‘Jesus Calls’ chain prayer intercessors pray for them in the chain prayer cabin at Prayer Tower

• On their birthdays, they receive special prayers, wishes and greeting cards ANYONE AT ANY TIME FROM BIRTH TILL THE AGE OF 21 CAN ENROLL AS A YOUNG PARTNER. Young Partners above 21 years, please send your age, to the email address or WhatsApp number 9840999923 and receive replies for emails directly from the Dhinakarans and to receive motivating messages. You will be assigned a unique number and record as a partner of Jesus Calls.

Dear Parent, It is every parent’s desire to see their children protected, blessed and shining like stars. The Young Partner’s Plan solely exists to fulfill this vision through prayers. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family along with the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers pray every day for our precious Young Partners. Thanks be to God, who hears these prayers and blesses the Young Partners in their studies, career, profession and family. We encourage you to make sure you enroll your children as Young Partners and see them stay blessed. May your children be exalted and their future stay secured in the hands of the Lord.

Here’s a story of a Young Partner who glorifies God:

• Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s family pray for them every day • Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray every day over the names of the young partners, for them to be blessed with the divine blessings


JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org20

One of the key characteristics of a child of God is to be thankful in all circumstances.When we give thanks to God, we are praising Him for all that He is, all that He has done, all that He is doing, and all that He will do in our lives.


As we participate in the Lord's way of thanksgiving by bringing offerings to the Lord sacrificially, we come to appreciate how precious the Lord and all of his provisions are; Are you touched by the Lord through the prayer support of the Jesus Calls Ministry? Have you received your miracle from His Hands? Have you vowed to give an offering to God? Or is it yours or your loved one’s special day? Then it is a great opportunity to offer your thanks offering unto the Lord. By doing so we come to value all the provisions the Lord blesses us with and we begin to cherish our relationship with Him. We then become worthy of Him and all of His blessings. As we learn to be thankful to the Lord more and more, the Lord comes to bless us as much as we can possibly bear. Let us together glorify God and dedicate our resources, our lives, to serving the Lord with many thanks.


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“And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, returned, and with a loud voice glorified God, and fell down on his face at His feet, giving Him thanks….” (Luke 17:15,16)

for………………………… September 2022 JESUS CALLS

“When you sacrifice a thank offering to the LORD, sacrifice it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf.” (Leviticus 22:29) Partner code: (If available)..... My son/ My daughter/ Father/ Mother/Relative/ thanksgiving offering Rs…................…/- (in words to ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries (Specify the reason) For more information on how to send your offering, you are most welcome to either visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer tower in your locality or contact 044-23456677 (7am-9pm) 21

- Mrs. Geetanjali, Andhra Pradesh

Miraculous healing from Kidney Cancer

Healed from gangrenous toe I requested a healing prayer for my gangrenous toe from April onwards as the doctors were not able to give a permanent remedy. Despite undergoing surgery twice, I was bedridden with a feeling of no hope and the doctors were also advising me for a third surgery. I used to write to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for my miraculous healing and each time his prayerful reply used to comfort me with the word of God. Today, I testify that I have overcome all the odds and I am standing tall to honour and praise Lord Jesus, my Saviour. The reason I am alive today is because of Jesus’ unfailing love and mercy and He healed me without the surgery. All the dead tissues in my body came back to life and I feel blessed to have been saved through His holy word. Now I can walk on my own and my body is coming back to normal with improved blood circulation. Thanks to the Lord for making me 22 JESUS CALLS September 2022

I was suffering from kidney cancer and was being treated in Hyderabad. I visited 10 hospitals in Hyderabad city and all of the doctors said 95% of kidney cancer patients have to go to Mumbai for treatment. I came to Mumbai and visited 5 hospitals in Mumbai. The doctors advised me to go to Tata hospital for treatment. At this juncture, my brother Baburaj who is a partner of the Jesus Calls Ministry and attends Bandra Prayer Tower meetings advised me to visit Bandra Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessor there prayed for me and gave me the assurance that I am healed. Then my family took me to Tata hospital where I was admitted for 5 days. The biopsy was done and the report showed that there is no trace of cancer in my kidney. Doctors advised us that we need not come to TATA hospital anymore. I didn't need any further treatment. My family glorifies Jesus for my miraculous healing. Due to this miracle, our entire family has accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.



INFLAMMATORY SYNDROME associated with SARS CoV2 Infection (PMIS-C) with Myocardial Dysfunction, Septic Shock, Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure and Multi-Organ Dysfunction. This infection eventually leads 2022

more than a conqueror and granting me a new life full of hope and a bright future. Thanks to the man of God, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for all his earnest prayers.

- Mrs.Moniotha Jidung, Assam Rescued from danger In the month of March/ April 2021, my husband and my son-in-law were hospitalized. My husband was suffering from pneumonia and my son-in-law from covid19.Both were in different hospitals during the same period and it was a very difficult time for us. My son-in-law was in a very critical condition for almost 3 months. I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors prayed for my husband and my son-in-law almost every day. Once I even got an opportunity to speak to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran over the phone in a live program and he prayed for my husband. Even my daughter and I were praying continuously and by the grace of God, my husband got discharged and was completely healed within one week. But my son-in-law was in the hospital for more than a month and he was in a critical stage. We kept praying for him and the prayer intercessors were also interceding for his healing. By the grace of God, my son-in-law was out of danger and was discharged from the hospital. I thank and praise our Lord Jesus Christ for helping us in this time. He even provided our hospital bills by people who voluntarily helped us financially. Praise God for His provision! I also thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and all the prayer intercessors for their fervent prayers for my husband and my son-in-law. - Mrs. Bernadine Fernandes, Maharashtra Raised from death Miriam Joy Alina, our God-given daughter, was a happy and healthy child. Suddenly, she fell ill and her fromdeterioratingbeganhealththe 29th of January, 2021. At first, we thought it was a viral fever but the temperature was not stable even after giving her antibiotics. My daughter's body turned reddish blue and was completely swollen, due to which she was unable to sit or stand. As parents, after seeing her in that situation for the first time, our hearts and minds could not take it anymore and she was admitted to the Hospital. My daughter was moved to the PICU (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit) and was on Ventilator under observation with more than 10 saline’s each day. The Doctors diagnosed her condition as a septic shock with MODS (Multi Organ Dysfunction Syndrome) and respiratory failure. Her chest x-ray revealed that it was a bilateral diffuse with pulmonary edema with LV systolic dysfunction. As her CRP was elevated with a high rate of 91%of infection in her blood which was bilateral, it was considered abnormal (since normally it should be below 6%). SARS CoV2 was negative but SARS CoV2 serology was positive for IGG antibodies. My daughter was continuously hypertensive due to cardiac dysfunction, even after 24 hours of the continuous ventilator. After CoV2 Serology was positive, doctors started her treatment for PMIS-C Immuno-modulatory therapy and she was on steroids for 5 days. My daughter was suffering from PAEDIATRIC MULTISYSTEM

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If you want to share your testimony, please send it to: or WhatsApp number: 9791934442

24 JESUS CALLS September 2022

to damaging all the organs in the body. In this utterly hopeless situation, I wrote to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for prayers and he immediately replied to the letter promising complete healing for my daughter. In the same way, within two days, we saw a lot of improvement in her body to a point where she could breathe on her own without the oxygen tube and her supported IV fluids were also stopped. The doctors could not believe their eyes to see her recovering at such a quick pace. She started feeling hungry which was a good sign of recovery and finally our daughter was discharged from the hospital. It was an unbelievable miracle but it happened after Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s prayerful reply to my email. I thank and praise God for healing my daughter and raising her back to life and also for Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who is a huge blessing to us. - Mr. Paul, Andhra Pradesh

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There are some problems and oppressions that can only leave when we fast and pray. Keeping this in mind, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family and the prayer intercessors of the Jesus Calls Ministry is setting aside September 17th, 2022 (Saturday), as a day of fasting and will be praying for the Lord to bring answers to your long-awaited prayer requests. So, please do not hesitate to drop your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you. You can also send your prayer requests to us through letters, email, Facebook or by visiting our website.

* Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028.


Philippians 2:13 - The will of God Meditation: Eph. 6:6; Colo. 1:27; 1 Thess. 4:3; 5:18; 1 John 2:17 Psalm 31:19 - Great goodness Meditation: Psalm 85:12; 128:2; Jeremiah 24:4-7; James 1:17

Deuteronomy 28:13 – The Lord will lift you up Meditation: Psalm 37:34; Matthew 23:12; James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6

2 Chronicles 15:7 - Reward for works Meditation: Jeremiah 32:19; Lamentations 3:64; Hosea 4:9; Romans 2:6 Psalm 34:17 - Deliverance from tribulation Meditation: 1 Sam. 26:24; Psalm 22:24; Mark 1:34; Acts 7:33,34

Luke 21:19 - Be patient Meditation: Ps. 40:1; Proverbs 25:15; Eccl. 7:8; James. 5:8,11


Proverbs 8:17 - Our friend Meditation: Exod. 33:11; 1 Sam. 20:17; Jeremiah. 31:3; John 15:13-15 Psalm 94:14 - The Lord never forsakes us Meditation: Levi. 26:44; Deut. 4:31; 1 Sam. 12:22; Isaiah 41:17 John 15:4 - Abide in the Lord Meditation: Psalm 37:27; Micah 5:4; Matthew 10:22; 1 John 4:12-16 Psalm 16:11 - Eternal bliss Meditation: Psalm 21:4-6; Acts 2:28; Eph. 3:19; Jude 24 Romans 15:13 - God of hope Meditation: Psalm 71:5; 146:5; Proverbs 22:19; Jeremiah 17:7

Psalm 145:19 - The Lord fulfils your Meditation:wishes 1 Kings 11:31-37; Psalm 37:4,5; Proverbs 3:5,6; 13:12

1 John 4:4 - God is great Meditation: Exodus 18:11; 2 Samuel 7:22; 2 Chronicles 2:5; Jeremiah 10:6 Psalm 23:5 - A full blessing Meditation: Ruth 2:12; Job 5:24; 2 Cor. 9:11,12; Phil. 4:19

Proverbs 15:6 - Treasure is in the house of the Meditation:righteousDeut. 28:12; Isaiah 33:6; Matthew 19:21

Isaiah 62:2 - The Lord will make you His glory Meditation: 2 Chron. 5:10-14; Isaiah 35:1,2; Ezek. 10:19; Acts 7:55,56 Psalm 32:8 - God who teaches and guides Meditation: 1 Kings 8:35,36; Psalm 27:11; Isaiah 48:17 Isaiah 32:18 - Secure homes Meditation: Levi. 26:11; 1 Kings 8:12-14; Psalm 132:13,14; Revelation 21:3 Isaiah 45:3 – Revealer of secrets Meditation: Daniel 2:22,28,29; Matthew 13:44; Romans 11:33 Luke 12:31 - A generous giver Meditation: Matthew 7:8; Mark 4:24; 11:24; Luke 6:38; John 16:24 Matthew 7:7 - Ask and it will be given to you Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9; 1 Chronicles. 4:10; Matthew 21:22; John 14:13,14 Hebrews 13:5 - God is with us Meditation: Gen. 28:15; Joshua 1:5; 1 King. 6:13; 1 Chron. 28:20 Deuteronomy 30:5 - The Lord is good Meditation: Psalm. 119:68; Jeremiah 32:4042; Matthew 7:11; Luke 6:35 Psalm 136:4 - He who works wonders Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:9,13,24; Job 5:9; Psalm 72:18; 86:10; Micah 7:15 Numbers 6:25 - The Lord will be gracious to you Meditation: Exod. 33:19; Isaiah 54:8,10; Lam. 3:32; Micah 7:18,19 Zechariah 9:12 - Double benefit Meditation: Deut. 1:11; 2 Samuel 24:3; Job 42:10; Isaiah 61:7 Psalm 116:6 - The Lord protects the obedient Meditation: Deut. 25:19; 1 Chron. 4:10; Psalm 121:7,8; Isaiah 52:12 Romans 6:23 - Eternal life Meditation: Luke 18:30; John 3:36; Titus 3:6,7; 1 John 5:11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 17 19 20 22 24 25 18 13 21 23 27 16 26 14 28 29 1530 2022 25

Colossians 3:15 - God's peace Meditation: Levi. 26:3-6; Mark 5:25-34; John 20:19,26; Phil. 4:7 Psalm 121:5 - The Lord protects you Meditation: Exod. 23:20; Deut. 12:10-12; Psalm 121:7; Isaiah 58:8

26 JESUS CALLS September 2022

As the Bible says, this end time in which we live, is full of evil (Galatians 1:4; 1 John 5:19). Today, Christian families are living in sorrow devoid of peace, joy and blessings. Hence, I would like to publish a special feature in this magazine on how to receive the Lordgiven blessings in these evil times, by waiting at His feet with much prayer. I have prepared this with the help of the Holy Spirit from my short experiences. May the Lord bless His words and help many to be benefitted by this! “He, who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” (1 Corinthians 6:17)

Respected and beloved readers of this magazine! Loving greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus!

As an evidence for this, we read that the Lord Jesus was joined with the Father from the day He was incarnate as Man in this world and He is a model for us. Likewise, we should reverentially follow God’s nature, good character and good works. In the same way, in order that we should also receive the divine works that were seen in the life of the Lord Jesus and be good testimonies and that our family life is blessed and successful, let us meditate on these, follow them and be blessed.

Dear ones, we read in the Bible that “he, who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit with Him.” Knowing all the things of Jesus Christ and living a life of fellowship with Him by joining with Him is the above mentioned divine life of joining with the Lord. For this, the Lord Jesus Christ alone is the model. For the salvation of mankind in this world, He bore their sins, transgressions, unrighteousness, filth and every such thing on the cross, was broken in the body, shed His blood, committed His life and thus fulfilled the divine will of God in order that everyone should be delivered fully through that and receive a new life in the name of Jesus. About this Isaiah 53:10,12 clearly says: “Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief. When you make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand. Therefore I will divide Him a portion with the great, and He shall divide the spoil with the strong because He poured out His soul unto death and He was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors.”

Keep yourself in the love of God “Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.” (Jude 21)

In our family life, which was going smooth, the devil created a big problem between the siblings as per the Scripture, “He has made me dwell in darkness” (Psalm 143:3) and brought division, bitterness, and obstinacy among us. That time the Lord clearly spoke to me during the prayer time and said strictly, “Daughter, I have chosen you to be a good witness before your family and not to take part in these arguments and quarrels.” Immediately I was convicted in my heart! Without further delay, I sought ways and means to bring down peace into my family, in all reverence. I prayed in my heart that the Lord should come with me and lead me in the right path. What a wonder!

“Have fervent love for one another for love will cover a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8) As the Bible thus says, the Lord Jesus loved us and sacrificed Himself on the cross for us. Likewise, it is very, very important that we too show Christ’s love to one another in our family.

Divine life of love for others

If we are filled with the Lord’s divine love, with no room for demonic characteristics such as bitterness, jealousy, anger, and irritation in us and depart from them, the Lord will grant us that grace and lead us in a blessed way. From my own experience, I would like to share my testimony as to how the Lord poured out His divine love in my heart and brought a great revival in our family through that.

I would like to share a small testimony that took place in my life: When I was a young girl, I had long, thick hair and hence I very much loved wearing a lot of flowers. My two brothers would tease me saying that I did not need any pillow to sleep and that the thick strings of flowers on my hair were more than enough. That much I was crazy about wearing flowers in those days. However, the day when I chose the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour and committed my life to live pleasing to Him this desire for flowers gradually lessened and ultimately left my heart completely. From that day till today, for more than sixty years, this strong desire has not come back to me. My heart fully seeks after living a life filled with good works for the Lord and with a divine adornment with reverence. About this a man of God has sung thus: “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me All His wonderful passion and purity O, thou spirit divine, all my nature refine Till the beauty of Jesus be seen in me” Yes, I also committed myself at the feet of the Lord in all reverence saying to Him, “Lord, let Your divine beauty be seen in me” and pleaded to Him. Adorn yourself only with the divine beauty of the Lord’s good works and good deeds. Above all, adorn your life with the divine life of being filled with the love of Christ.

“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.” (Isaiah 45:2) The Lord who promised this made His divine love and works of peace to come down in our family in a miraculous way, according to His wish. He did not stop with that! He

Adorn your life with love for God and love for others September 2022 JESUS CALLS 27

As the Bible says, as a foundation to receive this divine experience, “you may love the Lord your God that you may obey His voice and that you may cling to Him” (Deuteronomy 30:20), when we love someone, we would not do something that is displeasing to him/her. In the same way, let us have true godly love for the Lord Jesus Christ and completely remove all the wicked deeds and sinful things that are not pleasing to Him.

commanded spiritual thirst and desire in the hearts of my family members. Because of this, all the bitterness and obstinacy seen in my family were changed pretty soon and the Lord did a miracle and His love increased in every one of us. He kindled a divine fire in such a way that most of the family members got filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit to arise and shine for the Lord. Yes, dear ones, you should also turn your heart fully towards doing only things that are pleasing to the Lord. “And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he, who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17) Be careful to walk according to this word of God. Don’t be bitter towards one another. Instead, be diligent in showing the Lord’s love to one another, in order to please Him. Bitter envy and self-seeking are earthly, sensual and demonic. The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace (James 3:14-18). “We also ought to love one another.” (1 John 4:11)

28 JESUS CALLS September 2022

Hence, dear readers, you should put on love which is the bond of perfection in reverence, according to the Scriptures in Colossians 2:2; 3:14.Dearly

According to these Scriptures, the Lord will be pleased with you, when you humble yourself thus and will honour you before others. You shall enjoy the honour given by Him. Dearly beloved, how should we receive the good works such as humility and love in our lives? The important reason for this is Bible reading and a life of prayer by waiting at the feet of God. Only when we have these as the foundation, good qualities such as humility and love for others and the good works, seen in the life of the Lord Jesus, would be seen in our lives as well. These days, people are fond of sleeping and ignore seeking the Lord early in the morning. It is in such people’s lives, that the devil easily brings things of darkness and turns their minds away to walk in ways that are not pleasing to the Lord Jesus. As per the exemplary life of our Lord and as we read in Mark 1:35, try to seek the Lord in reverence through prayer by getting up early in the morning, even while it is still dark. Look at David’s testimony! What does he say in Psalm 63:1,2? He happily writes “O, God, You are my God; early will I seek You. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, to see Your power and Your glory.” Read in the Bible how God granted David miraculous blessings even in the midst of terrible afflictions, because of this! “I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears. They looked to Him and were radiant and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried out and the Lord heard him and saved him out of all his troubles.” (Psalm 34:4-6)

Grace to the humble “He, who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11; 18:14; James 4:10) “He gives grace to the humble.” (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; 1 Peter 5:5)

About this we read in I Samuel 30:6, “David strengthened himself in the Lord” and in the 19th verse of the same chapter we read that he ‘recovered all’. For this reason, I want to stress upon that living in unison with the Lord

beloved, love one another and give room to form a divine life that is filled with good qualities such as forgiving and forgetting, without magnifying others’ faults. Then the Lord will be pleased with your life. Dear readers, with the help of God, remove the shortcomings that are seen in your life. You shall see the Lord, who helped me and led me according to His will, helping you also.

As seen in these verses, he was joined with the Lord at those times and sought His help in reverence. As a result of this the Lord saved him out of all his troubles and miraculously protected him.

is very, very important in our daily life. You should also stop shedding tears and worrying and read the Bible and the promises of God in that and plead to Him in reverence. Then you shall enjoy seeing the miracles in your life. Yes, dear ones, in the initial days of my family life, when we went through sufferings and sorrows, I used to look up to the Lord like David did. I used to pour out my pleas and sorrows at His feet. Once I did that, all the burdens and worries would leave my heart and I would get the contentment that the Lord has heard my prayer. After that, I would start praising Him. Soon, He would do a miracle and lead me in a blessed way. Even now, my dear sister and brother! Dear young people! You should also seek the Lord Jesus Christ and His fellowship in reverence, without seeking after this world and its people. Remove all the works in your life that are displeasing to the Lord. Then you will enjoy receiving the blessed life given by Him. May the Lord join each one, who reads this, with Him, fill them with all good things and lead them! Dearly beloved, I am giving below a short prayer for everyone of you to receive these divine blessings. Join with me and pray and receive the Lord’s blessings abundantly!

Prayer: My precious Lord! I thank You with all my heart for Your divine love, which made You offer Yourself as a living sacrifice for me on the cross and to be beaten up in Your body in order to earn me deliverance from sins, transgression, unrighteousness and filth. Adorn my life with Your divine salvation and love! Also, give me the divine life of living in unison with You. Remove all the faults and shortcomings in my life that are hindrances for this. Deliver me completely and grant me the divine life of always living jointly with You. Deliver me completely from the bondages of this world, flesh and the devil and give me a holy life of reading Your Scriptures in reverence and having fellowship with You through prayer and lead me in the paths, pleasing to You. I offer this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus, O, Father! Amen. September 2022 JESUS CALLS 29

As per the leading given by the Lord to dear mother Dr. Stella Dhinakaran, the Esther Prayer Group conference was held on 10.07.2022 (Sunday) from 3.00 P.M to 7.00 P.M at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai, in an excellent manner. It was a great joy to see the 528 members from the Women’s Esther Prayer Group, Youth Esther Prayer Group, Junior Esther Prayer Group and Couples’ Esther Prayer Group attending the Conference with much expectation, eagerness and thirst.

The meeting was compeered by Dr. S.J. Kingsley, Director of the Esther Prayer Group ministry. Sis. Vidi Kingsley, Assistant Director welcomed the participants. Sis. Esther Aruldoss shared her wonderful experiences of how the Lord is using her in the Esther Prayer Group ministry and led everyone into the experience of dedication. Sis. Arul Selvi of the Esther Prayer Group department tearfully remembered all the sisters who participated in the first Esther Prayer Group and prayed regularly from the beginning. She also prayed that everyone should be protected under the wings of the Almighty God. Everybody was thrilled to hear a 10 year old little girl from the Junior Esther Prayer Group beautifully sharing how her prayer life changed and how she has the experience of having a close relationship with the Lord after she joined the Esther Prayer Group. Likewise, a young girl from the Youth Esther Prayer Group shared how God used her to change another girl’s life. A few sisters thanked the Lord for the good things He had done in the Esther Prayer Group and prayed earnestly. On top of that, the time of singing brought down the presence of God in a glorious way. The much awaited God’s message was mightily shared by dear mother Dr. Stella Dhinakaran as received from God. Her message on the title, “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2) was about arising and shining for Christ by receiving the anointing of the Holy Spirit through godly fear, godly zeal and righteous living and it was of great blessing to the participants. The Holy Spirit came down mightily during the prayer time. When Sister Stella Dhinakaran sang the song, “Let the beauty of Jesus be seen in me…” during the prayer time, everybody was touched. Everyone, who attended this Esther Prayer Group conference went back home with the fullness of the grace of God and with new decisions. Glory to the Lord. - Director, Esther Prayer Group. In order to encourage you, we are publishing below a few testimonies of the group members who attended the Esther Prayer Group conference held in Chennai on 10.07.2022: God, Who Hears the Prayers of Little Children

I have been attending the Junior Esther Prayer Group for the past 5 years, since when I was in my 9th standard, and have been praying. In the initial days, I did not know how to pray. It was the Holy Spirit, who filled me, put words in my mouth and taught me to pray. After that, I also 30 JESUS CALLS September 2022

– Hepzi Devadhas, Guduvancherry

Everybody said that I prayed well. Sometimes, I used to go to my grandmother’s office, share my testimony there and pray. On seeing it, many people have appreciated me saying that I pray well even at a small age. In our school, we used to gather as five or six students and pray. Particularly we used to pray for the children who are blind and who are forsaken by their parents.


Prayer that Filled us with the Holy Spirit

We as 8 persons from Guduvancherry attended the Esther Prayer Group conference. All of us were filled with new anointing and rededicated ourselves to conduct the group without fail. Sister Gethsial, who was sick, was healed during prayer time. Sis. Stella Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and was on fire. Sis. Rebecca was encouraged by the Holy Spirit to do ministry again. The day when Sis. Priscilla joined the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, God helped her daughter to get admission in the desired course in a good college. I came to this conference with physical weakness. During the prayer time, the Lord touched me, removed all my weaknesses and granted me new strength. The message given by Sister Stella Dhinakaran kindled a fire in me as well as in the sisters who had accompanied me to the conference and helped us pray in the Spirit. Dear daughter Stella Ramola’s song brought down God’s presence and made us feel the beauty of God. I offer millions of praises to God!

God helped us to teach a student, who did not know how to pray, to pray well. When we prayed thus, one child prayed for another child’s family. This girl’s parents had separated and she was brought up by her grandmother. Two days after the prayer, that girl informed us that her parents have reunited. We were thrilled on hearing her testimony. It was only then I understood that the Lord surely answers little children’s prayers. Glory be to the name of the Lord! – Jenita Ruth, Chennai.

– Stella, Kodungaiyur, Chennai.


I conducted the Esther Prayer Group for three years. Due to Corona, I could not continue with it. I have now restarted it from last April. Two sisters in our group had no child even after a married life of 6 and 10 years respectively. We continued praying for them in 2022

Lifted from Sin I am the leader of the Youth Esther Prayer Group. Before I got saved, I was living in much sin. I used to attend church regularly; read the Bible well; attend spiritual meetings also. Yet I was immersed in sin. At this juncture, one person told me that the Lord wanted to speak to me. I ignored it. Again I was warned that if I did not repent, the Lord would depart from me. I got afraid and immediately committed my life to the Lord. At that time, my Pastor’s wife asked me to start the Youth Esther Prayer Group, saying that it would be of blessing to me. As per her advice, I conducted the Youth Esther Prayer Group for three years after which I stopped conducting it. At this time the Lord spoke to me through the verse in Habakkuk 2:3. Now I am conducting the prayer group, which I had left for the past two years, with the help of Sis. Jeyarani. The Lord has given me the burden to pray for the young children in my group. The Lord has graciously lifted me up from sin, made me holy and has kept me as a testimony for young children. I give glory to Him.

Gift of a Child

received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We regularly have family prayer in our house and everyone takes turns to pray each day. That time I used to keenly observe how everybody was praying. One day, when I was given the chance, I closed my eyes and asked the Holy Spirit to put words in my mouth. That day He helped me to pray for the prayer point given to me at that time, without any preparation.

our group. Also, we wrote a letter to Sister Stella Dhinakaran seeking her prayers. She too prayed earnestly and sent us a reply with promise verses. The Lord heard all our prayers and has blessed both of them with girl babies. Because of the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has been leading us and guarding us with His peace. Praise be to the name of the Lord.

- Devaki Beulah, Kannaki Nagar. Strength in times of Weariness Since the day when I started the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has been doing many good things in my life. During the times, when I had prayed for others, the Lord has done countless miracles for me and my children, in our family. When my daughter was taking insulin for her sugar problem, the Lord did a miracle and granted her deliverance. Also, He has filled her with His anointing and is using her in the Sunday school ministry. He is doing many more miracles in my life and ministry and is leading us. Particularly when I become weary sometimes, He gives me His word and strengthens me. I offer praises to the Lord. -Jeyapriya, Maduravayul, Chennai.

32 JESUS CALLS September 2022

By the sheer grace of God, the Jesus Calls Magazine reaches more than lakhs of families across the nation, in 7 different dialects (Tamil, English, Telugu, Malayalam, Hindi, Kannada and Gujarati). Each edition has been a source of direction and guidance to many, featuring Bible-based teaching from the Dhinakarans, updates from the Ministry, the Youth section, the Family section, Real-life testimonies, other encouraging articles and muchCurrently,more! we are distributing the Jesus Calls Magazine freely to the Prayer Tower visitors or to the people during house visits. We are also sending magazines to the Jesus Calls partners so that everyone can experience the goodness of the Lord. To know the easy ways of sending your offering, kindly refer to page 29.

PAT team organised an one-day workshop ‘Training of Trainers’ on 9th July 2022 from 10 am to 5 pm at Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai. Almost 114 participants from all the Prayer Towers across the North and Tamil Nadu including Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower gathered for this workshop. The participants were taught by all the five staff of the PAT team about the methodology of teaching the entire six lessons included in the Partners’ Training Programme Course. The sessions were interactive. There was an anointing session too. Feedback forms and commitment forms and prayer request sheets were collected. This training has equipped and energised the delegates to organize PTP in their respective Prayer Towers at frequent intervals in the coming days. Special thanks to the Prayer Tower managers for their support. All glory to God. September 2022 JESUS CALLS

• Sponsor the care of an elderly person for 1 month – Rs. 8500/-

* Any amount of support will be helpful to the elders.

“Since my childhood, our family had been living under a thatched roof hut in this hamlet. As I’m a differently-abled person, I experienced untold difficulties due to inadequate sanitation facilities at home. The Gaja cyclone made our living conditions more dreadful as our hut was fully damaged. After SEESHA’s intervention, we now live in a concrete home with safe drinking water & an indoor toilet facility. It’s truly a dream come true to live in such a secure & spacious home! Our heartfelt thanks to SEESHA.” - Ms. M. Kalarani, Thoppaditheru.

SEESHA’s Old Age Care Home, located in Coimbatore is a comfortable home for seniors, offering them a sense of belonging where they are assured of a healthy & dignified retired life. Some of the features of the care home include medical care, nursing care, physiotherapy, counselling, and recreational walks for the residents.


The GAJA cyclone that struck the delta region of Tamil Nadu in 2018 left thousands homeless. Considering the plight of the grieving families, SEESHA’s esteemed Founder, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, adopted 3 remote villages worst-hit by the cyclone and assured them of rehabilitation. During the phase-I implementation of the project in 2019, SEESHA gifted 22 free concrete houses to the most deserving families in Thoppaditheru. SEESHA has now transformed Arasalankarambai & Periyanayagipuram villages by constructing houses for the adversely affected to provide them with the safety of stable homes and a better future hope. Through our Community Advancement Programme, we are also working to empower the community in the areas of education, health, environment & livelihood.

You too can contribute to SEESHA’s elderly care & community advancement programs in the following ways to support the vulnerable:

A home is not just a brick & mortar structure that people dwell in. For most of us, our home occupies a sacred place in our hearts and makes us feel complete. Sadly, most of the vulnerable people, such as the neglected elderly and the homeless, are deprived of a place called home. SEESHA, which always cares for the disadvantaged at the hour of their despair, has been involved in creating safe dwelling places for such people through its humanitarian projects.

• Provide meals for an elderly person for a day – Rs. 300/-

JESUS CALLS September 2022 www.jesuscalls.org34 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2.

Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

• Contribute to the upliftment of families post GAJA housing – Rs. 20,000/family

Making their dream of a concrete home a reality…



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