Jesus calls (English) - June 2015

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● Daily Devotion ● Seesha News

● Prayer Tower News ● Ministry Report ● Prophetic Message

VOL.43 ISSUE 6 JUNE 2015 Rs.21/-

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran inaugurated the 74th ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower on May 7th 2015 in Ghaziabad. Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower First Floor, Krishna Plaza, J 3 – RDC Raj Nagar, Ghaziabad 201 002 For event details: 0120- 4572375/4572385

This Prayer Tower will function from 8 AM to 8 PM For 24 Hours Prayer Help: 044- 33999000

This Prayer Tower

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran will function from inaugurated the 8 AM to 8 PM 75th ‘Jesus Calls’ For 24 Hours Prayer Prayer Tower on May 8th 2015 in Panchkula. Help: 044- 33999000 Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Ground Floor, SCO -12 Sector 5, Panchkula - 134 109 Haryana. For events details: 0172-2584230


ur Lord is an Almighty God. He is able to bless us with blessings of heaven above, and blessings of the deep that lies beneath (Genesis 49:25). He has sufficient blessings to satisfy us (Psalm 103:5). The Lord is able to satiate and replenish us (Jeremiah 31:25). By His power, He will fulfill all that are unfulfilled in our life and make us happy. You may say, “I started to build a house. Now I do not have money to complete it. Some hindrance is always there…” “So many problems are always cropping up in the family…” Do not be worried! This month, the Lord will perfect everything for you. Surely, everything will come to pass. Whatever He does will be perfect. All His blessings are in abundance. The Lord will make you live well.


The Lord is willing to give us blessings in abundance. What are the ways to receive them?

GRATEFUL HEART “Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits” (Psalm 103:1, 2).

Yes, as the Psalmist said to his soul, we should praise the Almighty God, bless His holy name, and thank Him for each and everything, without forgetting all His benefits. Then blessings for us will automatically proceed from His hand, throughout the month. Yes, dear ones, before receiving many more benefits from the Lord, we should offer praise and thanks to Him for His mercy and grace shown to us. This is because, His mercy is great. The Bible says that He does good even to the unthankful and the evil (Luke 6:35). If you confess, “Lord, thank You for You are going to do good to me always and give me blessings” His generous and merciful heart will melt. He will do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think and make you to live happily (Ephesians 3:20). Once, a little boy went to his grandfather’s house for a long holiday. His grandfather was a wicked man. He used to speak harshly to people and throw abusive words at them. His mind was full of evil. He had earned a bad name from the people of that village. This little boy was unaware of these things. In the daytime, he used to go out and play. In the evening, he would come home and spend time conversing with his grandfather. That gave him great joy. Every morning, when he got up, he used to tell his grandfather, “Grandpa,

you are such a loving person. Everyone respects you a lot.” In the evening, once he returned home, he would hug his grandfather, kiss him and tell him, “Oh, how pleasant you were to everyone today. To how many you did good deed. People love you a lot Grandpa! As the boy continued to say this every day, the grandfather was bewildered by this. He pondered within himself, “Everybody is telling that I am a wicked person, a cruel and an angry man. All of them shun me for this reason. But my grandson is noticing certain good traits in me and is appreciating me. How he honours me and talks highly of me! I should not get a bad name from him. His high opinion about me should not be spoiled. Therefore, I should be a good person before him. I should talk carefully and treat others with respect”. So saying he changed himself into a good person and behaved well, as praised by his grandson.

Yes, dear ones, this is a worldly issue. But our gracious Lord, who truly gives us benefits, is Almighty. His thoughts towards you are peaceful (Jeremiah 29:11). The moment you get up in the morning, instead of grumbling over your needs or criticizing others, when you praise Him whole heartedly thinking of the benefits He has done for you, telling Him, “Lord, You are good. Oh, how many benefits You have done for me”, His heart will melt. Such a heart will bring you much more benefits. It is not only good to praise the Lord but is also pleasant (Psalm 147:1). Apostle Paul has counselled, “…Be thankful” (Colossians 3:15).

The Lord does not always appear before us directly and tell Jesus Calls

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us, “Son, I am going to give you this benefit”. He gives benefits through family, friends and other people and even through nature. He helps us by giving strength, support and wisdom. The Lord thus gives us blessings in various ways through different people and builds up our lives. Be thankful for even small matters and say, “The Lord has done this much benefit for me. My husband or wife is taking care of me so wonderfully. My children have made me so happy.” Think of the good works of your parents who have guarded you and supported you thus far and be thankful to them. Then through you the hearts of your family and friends will be happy. They too will thank the Lord for you. The Lord will rejoice over you. This month, the abundant blessing of God and His grace will come upon you.

FORGIVING HEART The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23). “The soul who sins shall die…” (Ezekiel 18:20).

Sinful thoughts, sinful words and sinful deeds bring death. The soul that sins will die in the spiritual realm. Such a soul cannot experience the presence of God. This is God’s law. There are two kinds of wrongs. One is sin and the other is transgression. Sin is some mistake we do unknowingly. Transgression is wrong deed which we do with full knowledge. Wrong deed that had been realized as once forgiven in the past and yet repeating the same wrong deed again is

transgression which cannot be forgiven. But the Lord forgives not only the things that we do without our knowledge but also the things that we do willingly and grants us forgiveness of sin. Once, an employee swindled money from the firm in which he was employed by preparing false accounts. The employer called him to his room and asked him to bring all the records. The employee, who had stolen the money was miserable, lamented within himself, “Today is the last day for me in this office. I am caught red handed. Surely, the employer will throw me out. He must be waiting for me with the dismissal letter. Let me get it and go home” and he stepped into the room. The employer asked him, “Did you do this?” The employee accepted his misdeed and said, “Yes Sir, I did it. I am an offender. It is true that I swindled the money.” The employer looked at him and said, “Since you have admitted your crime. I forgive you.” Taken aback by these words, the employee fell at his feet and said, “Sir, how easily you have forgiven me! I’ve betrayed this company so terribly. I have stolen all the money. But you’ve forgiven me in a moment. You’ve saved me and my family like a God.” But do you know what the employer’s response was? He said, “I’m not a God… Before I started this firm, I was also in the same condition. In my previous company, I was caught red handed in a fraudulent act as I wrote false accounts and took the company’s money. But, a good man forgave me. He transformed my life. That is why I’m blessed in this way. Today you have admitted your crime. If I forgive you today, you will not go in the

same wrong path again. You will be a blessed person. You will also give this blessing to others. Through you, this firm will also go up. So I forgive you.”

A man, who enjoyed forgiveness, gave forgiveness to another man. But, the gracious Lord, who is sinless, became sin for our sake. He took upon Himself our sins and appeared as a sinner (1 Peter 2:24; 1 John 2:2). What a great love! That’s why He is able to forgive our sins. Dear sisters and brothers, the Bible says that not loving our parents or the brothers and sisters in the society is a terrible transgression before God (1 John 3:15). When we do not love our brothers and sisters, our parents and children, it is a transgression on our part. By this, we open the door to the devil’s darkness. Even in this situation, the Lord gives us forgiveness of sin and makes us live. He does not magnify our sins but forgives those sins. Look at the awesome love of God! You too should forgive your brothers, sisters and family members for their trespasses against you. The Lord Jesus has said that we should forgive our brothers of their sins (Matthew 18:21, 22; Luke 17:3,4). The act of forgiving is pleasing to the Lord’s heart. Then He will give you perfect and abundant benefits and bless you.

HEART OF DOING GOOD “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” (Genesis 4:7) “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so” (Proverbs 3:27). “Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). Jesus Calls

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The above three verses say that it is a sin when a man does not do good, when he has the power to do so. The Lord places many people in high positions. They hold prestigious posts in the Government, banks and large firms. They are wealthy, renowned and are prominent in politics. But, they do not have the heart to help the poor and the needy. Most of the people in high status expect others to obsequiously bow before them and to call them, “Sir” with all reverence. An officer, holding a high position in the government returned to his native place, after his retirement. That time, he met my father. While talking, he said with remorse, “Brother, I was in a high position in this nation. Until my retirement, I never knew why it was given to me. Now that I am retired, my conscience is pricking me saying, ‘The Lord gave you a high position. But what did you do with that? To whom were you useful? How many people did you help? How many people’s tears were wiped away by you?’ The thought that I was not of any use to anyone, kills me. I’ve wasted all these days. I’ve wasted my power. I am a criminal.”

Yes, dear ones, we become offenders when we fail to do good, despite having the power to do good. When we are comfortable we become sinners if we are not concerned about others’ welfare. We become transgressors when we fail to use our status to wipe away the tears of others. Not praying for others’ welfare and for their tears to be wiped away, is a sin (1 Samuel 12:23). We may not murder anyone; we may not steal.

But when we fail to help others and when we fail to pray for others, it becomes a sin for us. “He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103:10).

The Lord has not dealt with us according to our sins and iniquities. Instead of punishing us, He has compassion on us. He forgives our sins and iniquities in order that we are not destroyed by them and He makes us live. Let us whole-heartedly praise the Lord, who created us and who sustains us by giving us daily bread. Let us be thankful to our parents, brothers, sisters, and relatives who love us, take care of us and help us. With the help of the Lord, let us whole-heartedly forgive all those who wronged and sinned

against us. Let us readily help the needy as much as possible, without denying. When He rejoices over us, He will come and dwell in our home. Then all the lacks and wants in our physical body, personal life and in the family life will be removed. The reproaches laid on us by others will be removed completely. Prosperity will overflow in our life. The Lord will give us this perfect blessing.

Prayer Loving Lord, my heavenly Father, many are the benefits that You have done for me. If You consider my iniquities, they would be countless like the sand of the sea. But, You have not considered them and have forgiven me. Millions of thanks for your grace for accepting me and calling me, My son (daughter). I fall at Your

feet and plead to You to forgive my iniquities. Forgive me of the sins of not doing good to others, not properly taking care of my dear ones and not praying for others. Please remove the darkness that engulfs me because of these. I plead to You to forgive me and fill me with Your blessedness in my life. Give me a heart to love others and to take care of them. Thank You for increasing Your grace in my life. Let Your life enter into me. Let this month be a month of blessings and peace to me. Let me be able to feel Your presence and thereby experience joy throughout this month. Help me graciously to receive added benefits and to rejoice in thanking You. Help me to receive the blessings that You have for me, in hundredfold. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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My precious friend in the Lord, May the Lord comfort your heart with His grace and presence even this month! ‘In the multitudes of our anxieties’, the Lord ‘extends peace to us like a river’. He comforts us, strengthens us and exalts us (Psalm 94:19; Isaiah 66:13). This month you will realize this experience.

'…I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up…’ (Jeremiah 42:10). According to this verse, the

Lord will rebuild and restore the dilapidated and dreary areas in your life this month. He will grant you perfect joy. Our hearts are shattered by the news of the massive destruction in the neighbouring country Nepal. Nearly seven thousand people have lost their lives in this earthquake.

Several buildings have been destroyed. Even pregnant women were victimized. A brother’s duty is to help in adversity (Proverbs 17:17). So, we are sending a team from our end to help the affected Jesus Calls

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brothers and sisters in Nepal and comfort them. Pray that the Lord will comfort those in Nepal who have suffered the loss of their family, relatives and friends. We are greatly troubled when the world is devastated by natural disasters and

by human beings. Yet the word of God, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." (John 16:33) gives us hope. He alone is our hope!

Prayer Tower

Testimonial family

By the grace of God, dear mother Stella Dhinakaran inaugurated the 74 th Prayer Tower in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh on May 7th and the 75th Prayer Tower in Panchkula, Haryana on May 8th. Do not forget to pray that these Prayer Towers should help the people in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana to taste the love of Jesus.

Evangeline and I will be completing 26 years of our wedded life on 2nd June 2015. I praise the Lord whole heartedly for guiding us as a family all these years. The Lord gave Evangeline as a comfort to me and my parents when we were languishing in agony over the loss of my precious sister Angel. Not only that, He is using her mightily in the ministry, for His glory. He has blessed us with three dear children. I offer praises to the Lord for my wife who sacrificially and cheerfully fulfils her duties as the woman of the family, without murmuring, despite the many occasions where we have to remain separated from each other and our children for several days, for the sake of ministry.

Initiatives are being taken to establish new ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers in Gajuwaka (Visakhapatnam), Kadapa, Tirupati and Vijayanagar of Andhra Pradesh. Many Prayer Towers have to be expanded. Pray fervently for these needs to be met by the Lord.

Camp Prayer Tower The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers have been set up in various cities, in accordance to the vision given by the Lord. Identifying the areas where people are waiting for the miraculous touch and comfort of the Lord, through the Prayer Tower, we took efforts to launch Camp Prayer Towers there. Accordingly, Camp Prayer Towers were held in 102 places in different states all over India from May 1st to 3rd. Prayer warriors prayed for the people who visited these camps on all the three days, from 10 AM to 6 PM. Casting their burdens at the feet of the Lord, the people went back rejoicing. Many people, willingly opened their places for these Camps. Many volunteered their services. The Lord will not forget their work and the labor of love and will reward them richly (Hebrews 6:10).

Our joy knows no bound when divided families are reunited by the word of God revealed through us and by our prayers. Remember our family in your prayers so that we will shine more for the glory of the Lord.

Prayer Meetings God willing, we have planned to conduct one day fasting prayer on June 21st in all the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers, all over India. This will be held from 11 AM to 6 PM. I will be sharing God’s message in the meeting held in Vanagaram, Chennai and will offer prayers for the participants. The video of my message can be viewed in other Prayer Towers also. Prayers will be offered in the respective Prayer Towers. I kindly invite you to attend the Jesus Calls fasting prayer to be held in your respective area, wait Jesus Calls

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at the Lord’s feet and receive the special blessings that He has in store for you. Those who are unable to attend the fasting prayer may send us your prayer request to the address Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 or by e-mail to paul@ I will offer special prayers for those prayer requests. From June 26th to 28th, Festival of Joy will be conducted in Singapore. On these three days, Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Samuel, Stella Ramola and I will be sharing the Lord’s message in the City Harvest Church at 7 PM every day. Special prayers will be offered by us for the participants. Please inform the details of these meetings to your friends and relatives in Singapore and help them be blessed. It is highly essential that the prophetic and healing words of the Lord are taken to millions of people. I request you to stand with us in this ministry, with prayers according to the leading of the Lord in your heart.

Holy Land Tour Last month, the Lord helped us to take several teams on a Holy Land Tour to Jordan, Israel and Egypt. Arrangements were made for experienced tourist Guides to explain about the places of Biblical importance. Also, we had arranged for all the teams to visit the Israel Prayer Tower and offer prayers. It was a great joy for us to meet all the participants individually. We thank the Lord for helping us to complete this tour successfully. Even now I consider it a privilege to write this letter to you from the Israel Prayer Tower. I thank

the Almighty God with all my heart for this. We are organizing the next Holy Land Tour, this October. Pray that God should bless the efforts taken in this direction. I warmly invite you to take part in this tour. Encourage your friends and relatives to participate in this October tour.

Seesha services Seesha is paving ways for the empowerment and development of the poor and the needy children, women and old people, by offering them various trainings and services. Particularly, in co-ordination with the Indian Postal Department, an Awareness programme on savings was conducted for women. Special tuition classes are being conducted in 84 places in India, for the children, who are backward in their studies. By this more than 400 children are benefitted. In view of the International Thalassemia Day (May 8), Blood Donation camp was conducted on May 9th in the Prayer Tower, Rajaji Road,

Chennai, in association with the Indian Red Cross Society, Tamil Nadu Branch.

should help us to accomplish this endeavor.

We are planning to provide school kit consisting of 15 essential stationery items to 25,000 poor students, all over India. This will be provided to the needy children, in the month of June. You may extend your help for this service also. Rs.500/- is needed to provide a school kit for a child. I encourage you to cheerfully give your offering to this service of removing illiteracy from the poor children.

The Lord should fulfil His will in the lives of the new students who will be joining the Karunya University. Pray that the Lord’s hand should miraculously work in the admissions for Post Graduate courses in Technology and Management studies (M.Tech., and M.B.A.)

Prayer Academy The Lord has given me the vision to set up an institute to provide training for intercession. By this, we are planning to train prayer warriors, who will be able to provide comfort and healing to the disheartened, and the sick and thus restore them. This academy will offer extensive teachings on important topics on thirst for prayer, practical approch to prayer and many more. Kindly pray that the Lord Daily promises, messages of blessing, with facilities for watching on line TV programmes, sending donations and prayer requests.

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Karunya University

Children of many families will be entering into new classes, new schools or colleges. I pray that these children should be blessed with the Lord’s protection, wisdom and guidance and that their educational needs should be met. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2) Accordingly, it is my prayer and wish that this month you should prosper in all things. Yours affectionately Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

(These days, problems crop up in families mostly because of the displeasure between the husband and wife. The bitterness that lurks in the heart of the parents, makes the children miserable and has a negative impact on their attitude. As a result, the next generation is affected. This prayer has been compiled with the purpose to help the husband and wife who want to seek the Lord’s help and pray to Him for a peaceful relationship) Loving heavenly Father, I have come to Your pres- to be the threefold cord in our relationship. Even now I ence, seeking for peace and happiness in my family pray that You will join us as the third Person and life. You are the One, who created a helper for man strengthen our bond. saying, “It is not good that man should be alone.” You You are the God and You are love. Love covers mulhave united both of us with the conviction that I am titudes of sins. Fill our hearts with Your love so that the good for my husband/wife. Thus far You have blessed faults in us that bring bitterness, would be removed my family life. I praise You for that. You have helped us completely. The Bible says, ‘as the bridegroom rejoices as husband and wife to love each other and be united over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.’ with one another. I praise You for that. Accordingly, help me and my husband/wife to rejoice The Bible says that ‘Isaac took Rebekah and she over one another. became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was com‘Let the wives be to their own husbands in everyforted after his mother's death.’ Accordingly, I thank thing. He who loves his wife loves himself and he should You whole heartedly for my husband/wife who changed not be bitter toward his wife’ – Help me and my husmy sorrows caused by various things in life, by his/her band/wife to follow this counsel given by Apostle Paul. love. You have given me a life partner who comforts Through this, help us to arise and shine as a family, for and consoles me by his/her pleasant and kind words. I the glory of Your name. know that a prudent life partner is a gift from You. Even Help my family to be the family of a blessed man, now, You know that there is no good relationship be- whose wife shall be like a fruitful vine and whose chiltween the two of us. We have to go a long way in this dren shall be like olive plants. life. We began this marriage by promising in Your presGive us Your grace to be kind to one another, tenence that we would be of comfort to one another both derhearted, forgiving one another. Pour into us, Your in life and in deprived state and in sorrow and in joy.” good Spirit so that we will be an exemplary couple beYet the difficulties in life have brought bitterness into fore our children/the next generation just as how Your us. Son Jesus Christ left us an example. Help us lead a Perhaps, the excessive expectations that I had from sweet family life. I pray this in the name of the Lord my husband/wife, might have caused this rift. Blaming Jesus – Amen. him/her at a wrong time, for a small matter that hap- (Based on the Scriptures: Genesis 2:18, 24; 24:67; pened in the family, without understanding his/her stress- Proverbs 18:22; Ecclesiastes 4:12; I John 4:16; Provful atmosphere at his/her workspot might have broken erbs 10:12; I Peter 4:8; Isaiah 62:5; Ephesians his/her heart. If I am the reason for this misunderstand- 5:24,28,33; Colossians 3:18,19; I Peter 2:21 Psalm ing, please forgive me Lord. 143:10; Matthew 5:14,16; Psalm 128: 3,4; Ephesians Please forgive us if we had not given You the chance 4:2,32). Jesus Calls

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“Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people” (Matthew 9:35). The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers are serving in 63 places in India. The prayer warriors pray earnestly for the prayer requests of all those who visit these Prayer Towers which are open from morning to evening. Plenty are those who receive comfort, peace in the family, and deliverance from sickness through the Prayer Towers. In order that people in whose area there is no Prayer Tower, should also receive the Lord’s miraculous touch, and as per the vision given by God, the Jesus Calls Camp Prayer Tower was conducted from May 1 to 3 from 10 AM to 6 PM every day. This was held in 102 places, all over India. Hundreds of people received comfort through these Camp Prayer Towers. Tamil Nadu: Puliangudi, Rajapalayam, Kadalaiyur, Nazareth, Thisaiyanvilai, Veeravanallur, Alangulam, Madurai, Kariapatti, Marthandam, Dindigul, Nilakottai, Karaikudi, Pudukottai, Theni, Namakkal, Mettur Dam, Pollachi, Valparai, Dharapuram, Mettupalayam, Villupuram, Coonoor, Manali, Ambur, Ranipet, Guduvanchery, Korrukkupet, Gobichettipalayam, Tiruvallur, Thirunindravur, Poonamallee, Perambur, Sholinganallur, Madipakkam, Perundurai, Vellavedu, Alwar Thirunagar Maharashtra: Palghar, Boisar, Navi Mumbai, Virar, Yash Nagar, Rajendra Kamble Niwas, Kumbephal, Pimpri, Thane Gujarat: Anand Telengana: Vanasthalipuram, BHEL Ashok Nagar, Alwal, Gajuwaka, Vijayanagaram, Cuttack, Sangareddy, Shamshabad, Gopalapatnam, Kothagudem Andhra Pradesh: Gudiwada, Machilipatnam, Mangalagiri, Tenali, Chilakaluripet, Narsaraopet, Samarnakotta, Jaganathapuram, Bhimavaram, Korukonda, Amalapuram West Bengal: Kurseung, Siliguri Karnataka: Bengaluru (4), Hubli, Mangalore, Chickmagalur, Kolar, Mandya, Bellary Kerala: Idukki, Uchakkada, Trivandrum, Trichur Chattisgarh: Bhilai, Jagdalpur, Bilaspur, Ambikapur North East: Dimapur, Jot Soma, Manipur, P.O.MANGAN,(North Sikkim) Jharkhand: Jamshedpur, Bokaro Uttar Pradesh: Bareilly, Kanpur Haryana: Gurgaon Delhi: Burari Punjab: Ludhiana and Yanam, We pray that the Lord should abundantly bless all those who gave their places for these Camps and who did voluntary service.

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●



e are residing in Sholingur of Vellore District. We got married in 2009 and my wife conceived in 2010. Problems cropped up in our family when she was carrying the child. Eventually we had to step out of the house, when she was 8 months pregnant. We struggled a lot as we could not find a house for rent. My wife could not have proper food and we did not have even a plate to have food. The family problem drove us to a forlorn state. Despite that terrible situation, somehow we could regularly watch the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme telecast in the Raj TV. Since the programmes were of much comfort to us and gave us hope, we noted down the address of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower flashed on the TV and decided to visit it for prayers. Accordingly, as a family, we made it a habit to come to the Prayer Towers in Rajaji Road and in Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, (Chennai) once a month and get

Jesus Calls

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Dear partners, Every day, through these television programmes, the Lord’s comforting word is sent to countless number of people who are languishing without hope. These programmes are telecast purely by the support extended by you, our partner. Your help carries the life giving words of the Lord to unknown families that suffer with no support and makes them live well. As a token of their gratitude to the Lord for the blessings that He graciously gives them, many support this TV ministry, individually and as a family. We invite you too to support the ‘Jesus Calls’ television ministry, even this month. You may sponsor a programme on your birthday or wedding anniversary or any other special day of your life.

prayers for our blessing. When my wife Amala’s delivery time was nearing, the doctors advised for a Sonography. Seeing the report, the doctors said that there was every chance for the child to die and that they would be able to save only the mother. Saying so they referred us to another hospital. The doctors there too confirmed the report. Yet, my daughter was born healthy, by the grace of God. On our daughter’s first birthday, we came to the Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, Chennai, received prayer support for her and celebrated birthday with the prayer warriors. Without the basic needs of life, our daily living was a big battle. Our child was born in this situation. So, we were forced to feed a little one also. We, who have been managing as husband and wife, with mutual understanding about our difficulties, had to shoulder additional responsibilities as parents. We were greatly worried that our child also would suffer with us. In February 2012, on a Sunday night, we were watching the Raj TV programme. That time, during the prayer Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name and said, “Jesus, let dear son by name Moses live well” He further said, “A young man by name Moses is crying, thinking of his future. Moses, the Lord changes your life.” I wrote down those words in my diary. I started claiming this and prayed every day that the Lord should fulfil His Words uttered through His servant. The ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme and the Prayer Tower alone sustained us and helped us not to lose hope in life. Until then I had no permanent job. After dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran prayed in that programme, I was stabilized in my job and the Lord helped me to buy a cycle. After that in 2013, I bought a motor bike. Now, the Lord is feeding us, who once struggled to have even one time meal, to our heart’s content. We have bought a refrigerator for our use. Not only that, when everybody was telling that it would take nearly 20 years to get a promotion in the job, I got the promotion last year. Now we have two children namely Nishalini and Samuel. We have enrolled both of them as the Jesus Calls Young Partners. We are grateful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, who is praying for us. - Moses, Pandianallur, Vellore, Tamil Nadu. Jesus Calls

OFFERING TO CO-SPONSOR ONE TELEVISION PROGRAMME – RS.10,000/English / Hindi • 6:00 am- 6:30 am - Zee News - Daily • 6:30 am - 7:00 am Sony SAB TV - Daily • 09:30 pm to 10:00 pm - Sadhana religious - Daily • 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news (UttarPradesh/ Uttarakhand / Haryana - Daily) • 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news Bihar/Jharkhand Daily • 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm - Sadhana news MadhyaPradesh/Chhattisgarh - Daily English / Malayalam • 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Surya TV - Sunday • 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Jeevan TV - Mon - Sat • 07:00 - 07:30 am - ACV TV - Daily • 09:30 pm - 10:00 pm - Power Vision - Daily English / Kannada • 06:00 am - 06:30 am - Kasturi TV - Daily • 6:30 am - 7:00 am - Zee Kannada - Daily English / Telugu • 6:00 am - 6:30 am - Vissa TV - Daily • 6:30 am - 7:00 am - ETV 2 - Daily • 9.30 pm - 10.00 pm - Aradhana TV - Daily • Mention the programme of the specific channel which you would like to sponsor and along with your family photo send us DD or cheque drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ to the address: 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Contact Number: +91 95001 27277 Email:, Website: • Do not fail to write your name and contact phone number at the back of the photo. • Kindly let us know of your desire to sponsor a television programme before 60 days.

You may support the television ministry every month by sending your offering according to your capacity (Rs.100/- or more).

June 2015 


Family Message

The Bible says,


...Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).

eloved, the Lord is greatly concerned about you. The Lord is concerned about your personal and family life as well. He is concerned that your present life and future too should be made good. Yes, He does care for you. So do not be worried.

Our Lord not only cares for us, but hears our prayers and also answers them. That is why Peter the Apostle gives us a word of advice to cast our burden on the Lord. As the Lord Himself cares for us and takes away our burden and sorrows we need not worry at all. Indeed how blessed we are! The Lord lovingly calls us to Himself as given in the verse, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Let us meditate as to how the Lord would take care of us casting away our burdens and sorrows during this month.

Jesus Calls

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God who hears “But certainly God has heard me; He has attended to the voice of my prayer” (Psalm 66:19). The Bible says that the Lord hears our prayer (Psalm 65:2). The psalmist David was sure that the Lord was hearing his prayers. Yes, He will never ignore our prayers and petitions that we offer unto Him because Jesus has promised in His Word that He will not cast out those who come to Him (John 6:37). So, let us offer our petitions unto Him in faith. Once two friends in an office were talking over lunch. The first one said, “My wife talks a lot about herself.” The other one jokingly said, “My wife too talks a lot but I do not listen to her at all. She does not know that I do not listen to her talk at all.”

Beloved, people may not pay heed to us. Even close relatives or friends may not show interest in listening to what we say; our desires maybe ignored but, the Lord keenly listens to our prayers. He will never turn away His face from us nor hide His face (Psalm 22:24). We can pour our anxiety, heart’s desires at His feet whenever we want because He is near us (Psalm 145:18). In the Bible, we read that Hannah poured her soul in the presence of the Lord (1 Samuel 1:15). The Lord heard the cries of her heart. Even today, the Lord is with us in all our circumstances. He cares for us. He will never forsake us (Deut. 31:6). When you call unto Him, He will surely answer you. I would like to point out to an incident in the Bible. Once a multi-

tude of people surrounded Lord Jesus and a man came, knelt down at His feet and said, “Teacher, I brought You my son, who has a mute spirit. And wherever it seizes him, it throws him down; he foams at the mouth, gnashes his teeth, and becomes rigid. Often it has thrown him both into the fire and into the water to destroy him. So, I spoke to Your disciples, that they should cast it out, but they could not. But, if You can do anything, have compassion on us and help us.” Jesus rebuked the devil and it came out of him with a loud voice. The boy was completely healed that very instant (Mark 9:17-22). May be you too are treading a similar path of suffering because of your children or you yourself may be like the lad tormented by an evil spirit or with weaknesses. The Lord who delivered the boy from the mute spirit is with you. Surrender yourself to the Lord and cry out saying, “Lord, heal my son!” or “Lord, heal me!” The Lord will deliver you and your dear ones from the clutches of the devil because for this purpose He was manifested in this world, to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Beloved, do not be disheartened because the Lord has crushed Satan’s head and has destroyed the powers of darkness. Here I present to you the testimony of Dr. Vimala Das of Raipur from the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival. I have 5 sisters and a brother and our family was financially lagging behind. My mother was a heart patient and my father was struck with paralysis. Thereafter I had to shoulder all the family responsibilities. We suffered much as we were physically and Jesus Calls

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financially (inadequate) backward. My brother and sisters were studying while I was working as a teacher in a school. Apart from going to school, I would earn money by stitching and educated them. All of a sudden, my elder sister’s husband expired and I had to shoulder the responsibility of caring for her family too. Despite the inadequate financial situation, I never failed to give tithes to Jesus Calls Ministries regularly. It is because of this reason that the Lord has blessed us greatly and we did not have any lacks. When the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower was started in Raipur I served as an Ambassador. Thereby the Lord graciously blessed me to complete Doctorate (Ph.D.,) From the year 2007, I suffered a lot with arthritis for 3 years that I had great difficulty in walking. I used to go to school with the help of somebody and at school, I had to hold onto the table or the walls to walk. In 2010, there was ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival held in Raipur. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was sharing the Word of God and prayed specially for people with arthritis to be healed. I joined her in prayer with faith and believed for my healing. The Lord honoured my faith and healed me. While going back I did not take anyone’s help and walked home by myself. The next day my legs felt so light that I got down from the bed and walked without any help. I thank the Lord for all

His goodness in my life and give Him all the glory.

Beloved, the Lord who was concerned about the dear sister is also concerned about you. He will send the Holy Spirit to help in our weaknesses and to make intercession for us (Romans 8:26). He will heal you of all the diseases and weakness that the enemy might have brought upon you. He will drive away the evil spirits from your life and you shall be delivered and healed, walking in the Light. There shall be no more darkness and you shall experience the deliverance provided graciously by our Lord.

He removes sorrow “Anxiety weighs down the heart.” (Proverbs 12:25). The human heart is too weak to bear anxiety and sorrow. Worries not only oppress the heart but also keep it away from doing any work. Once when I was travelling with my husband, he pointed out to the words written on the cockpit door, “Flying is a serious profession. Do not carry your worries beyond this point.”

The psalmist David cries to the Lord remembering his sin: “For my iniquities have gone over my head; like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me.” (Psalm 38:4). “For innumerable evils have surrounded me; my iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head; therefore my heart fails me.” (Psalm 40:12). Our whole body is affected when we are enslaved to sin. The sense of guilt becomes too heavy

to bear. Don’t we get depressed when we face unexpected disappointments and failures? Don’t we brood over it always and become broken? Worldly people seek many ways to drown their sorrows and heartbreak. A young girl fell in love with a boy. She wished to make him her life partner and got engaged to him. The wedding date was fixed. She was eagerly anticipating the D-day and had made all the arrangements. She invited all her relatives and friends. Just a week before the wedding the groom to-be told her, “I do not love you anymore. This marriage will not happen!” It was a big blow to the young girl and shattered her heart. With a heavy heart she had to inform everyone whom she had invited that the wedding had been called off. She arranged a banquet on the same day that the wedding was to take place. She invited her friends and relatives to the banquet. She did not want to spend her days shedding tears over the mishap. She dressed herself as a bride and took part in the banquet with her friends and relatives. She did not allow herself to be depressed in sorrow but had a great time. She felt that a great burden had been lifted off from her heart. She said, “I did not want to shed tears over the mishap that ruined my future but decided to get up and move on.”

Beloved, the young girl arranged for a banquet to overcome her heartbreak, to forget her disappointment and failure. This is a human effort. Beloved we have a place to unwind our burdens in times of heartbreak. We need not Jesus Calls

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carry our worries and burdens. We need not wander around carrying our burden of sin. Let us lay our burdens at the feet of our Lord. “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved” (Psalm 55:22) Our Lord Jesus Christ has finished carrying all our burdens and sorrows on the cross. He has granted us grace to live a victorious life as He endured our sufferings. The Lord will cleanse us from all unrighteousness when we repent for our sins (1 John 1:9). The Bible says, “Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies” (Psalm 103:3,4). “The LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you… that He may have mercy on you.” (Isaiah 30:18). Yes, the Lord will wait that He may have mercy on you. He will do justice to us and comfort us. So be courageous. Because He cares for you lay all your burdens at His feet. It is only the Lord Jesus Christ who can give us hope for our future. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11) Our Lord shall perfect everything beautifully for you. He is your only hope and your future. So pour your worries and the fears of future at the feet of the Lord who is perfectly taking care of you. Do not live in anxiety wondering, “Who will carry my burdens?” Lord alone

can remove your sorrows and take charge of your future.

Removes your lack The psalmist David says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1) Apostle Paul says, “My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19) Do you lament saying, “I have many lacks in my life?” Are you grieving after losing the strong pillar of the family? Are you anticipating as to when would the lacks in your children’s lives, personal life and in your business come to an end? Do not be disheartened. Our God shall satisfy all the lacks in your life. The Lord solved the debt problem in the prophet’s son’s lives by Elisha (2 Kings 4:1-7). Jesus came to the house of Mary and Martha when they lost their dear brother Lazarus. The Lord was troubled in spirit and came to the tomb of Lazarus. He asked the stone at the entrance of the tomb to be taken away. Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to Him, “Lord by this time there is a stench, for he has been dead for four days”. Jesus said to her, “…if you would believe you would see the glory of God”. Then they took away the stone. After offering a word of prayer to the Father, Jesus said with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” Lazarus who was dead came out alive. His hands and feet were bound with grave clothes; his face was wrapped in grave cloth. Jesus said to them, “Loose him and let him go.” Yes,

Lazarus was raised back to life. Lazarus who had been dead and buried for four days was given back to Martha and Mary. The loss of their brother was removed and joy filled the family. (John 11 chapter). Beloved, the Lord is all powerful to resurrect your dead circumstances in your life when you say, “Hereafter, nothing can be done.”The Lord says, “I am the resurrection and life.”(John 11:25) The Lord further says, “I came to give life.” (John 10:10) Whatever you had lost, it shall be restored to you. You shall receive life in your dead circumstance and shine brightly for God. In the Bible, 1 Samuel 30 th chapter, we read about an incident that happened in the life of David. The Amalekites had invaded the South and Ziklag, attacked Ziklag and burned it with fire. They had taken captive the women and those who were there, from small to great. David and his men raised their voices and wept until they had no more strength to weep. All the people spoke of stoning David. In that hard situation, he did not allow himself to be depressed in sorrow. He wept in the presence of the Lord and strengthened himself in the Lord. He then waged a war with the Amalekites. David recovered everything that the Amalekites had taken captive, small or great, sons or daughters. Beloved, you shall not lose anything anymore. Lay your inadequacies at the feet of the Lord Jesus. He cares for you. He will enable you to recover everything you had lost. He will restore your joy, peace, Jesus Calls

family members, business, health and spiritual life. Sis. Nirmala Patra shares her testimony as to how the Lord performed a miracle in her life.

I’m working as a teacher. Earlier I was working for a salary of 12,000/-. That salary was not sufficient for me. One day I came to know through Jesus Calls magazine that people could give donations towards the Israel Prayer Tower. I then made a vow and prayed, “Lord, if You hiked my salary to 20,000, I would donate an amount to the Israel Prayer Tower.” Within 2 months, I read about the salary increase of teachers in the Newspaper. I asked the Lord Rs. 20,000 as salary but got Rs. 30,000. I fulfilled my vow by making the donation to the Israel Prayer Tower in my son’s name. I am very happy now.

Beloved, the Lord who was concerned about this dear Sis. Nirmala, is also concerned about you. You need not carry your burdens and worries. Lay all your burdens at His feet. The Lord will hear your prayer; He will heal your diseases, take away your worries and perfect your lacks. The Lord will take the responsibility of your family and guide you. He will deliver you from darkness. He will make you exuberant.  

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Today, women are on par with men and are achieving a lot in many fields. In many ways, the government, media and voluntary organizations etc., play a major role in the development of women. However, many more needs in the fields of education, safety, financial empowerment, hygiene etc., are to be met. For this purpose, Seesha renders various services for the progress of women. Launching of Savings Accounts for one lakh women, all over India: In view of the Women Savings Day of India, an awareness programme on the importance of savings and the various savings schemes provided by the Indian Postal Department was conducted for the women, who are benefitted by the Seesha Village Adoption programme, for the mothers of the students learning in the Seesha Free Tuition Centres and for the women who are benefitted by the Seesha Financial Empowerment service. This programme was held on 15th April at the Head Post Office in Anna Salai, Chennai. Mr. Merwin Alexander, Postmaster General, participated in this programme and elaborated on the various savings schemes. On behalf of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran (Founder of Seesha), Dr. Jeyakumar Daniel (Executive Director of Seesha), stressed upon the importance of savings to the women who were registered in these schemes. One lakh women from all over India, who have been benefitted by Seesha, will be joining this Indian Postal Department Savings Scheme. As a first step, accounts were opened for 300 women and pass books were issued to them.

SEESHA WHO TAUGHT US ABOUT SAVINGS Trained in the Seesha Tailoring Centre, I am currently doing tailoring business. Like me, women from many poor families are given vocational trainings by Seesha, for the financial empowerment. Along with this, the Seesha is also taking us in the path of progress through its various trainings on health and hygiene, child development etc., Generally we know only about post, Money order and stamp in the Postal department and Seesha has now created an awareness in us by explaining about the various savings and insurance schemes of the Indian Postal department. We have now begun to spend thriftily and save money. We shall be ever grateful to Seesha that has created a prosperous future for women like me. - R. EZHIL ARASI, Chennai. Jesus Calls

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Friend, I express my grateful thanks to you in the name of the Lord Jesus for the support you are extending to Seesha to help the poor and the needy children. This service of providing school kit for the children began with 500 children and by your huge support it has grown to 20000 and now we have planned to provide this free school kit to 25,000 poor children from more than 16 states of India, for their schooling. I am happy to inform you that by this, thousands of poor children will be encouraged to continue their studies. Encourage the poor children to go to school happily, with your generous donations. ‘He who gives to the poor will not lack…’ (Proverbs 28:27) According to this, I warmly invite you and your friends to take part in this noble service - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Last opportunity in this year to provide the school kit. Think and act. A school kit consists of 15 essential stationery items such as pen, pencil, eraser, note books, tiffin box, etc.,

Cost of school kit for a child: Rs.500/School kit for 2 children – Rs.1000/- only School kit for 5 children – Rs.2,500/- only School kit for 10 children – Rs.5000/- only School kit for more than 10 children – Rs........................./- only. You may directly pay the donation for the above good works and the various social welfare schemes carried out by Seesha in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your area and receive the receipt or you may send it by money order or by DD/cheque drawn in favour of ‘Seesha’ to the following address. Seesha, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. India. Telephone: 044- 2461 666, Fax: 044- 2525 1414 Email :; Facebook: Donations can be made online in the website using credit card/ debit card/ net banking in a secure way *All donations made to Seesha are exempted from income tax under 80G (Indian Citizens only) Jesus Calls

June 2015 


9:18; 1 Chro. 4:9,10; Eph. 1:3. June 6 Saturday:- Promise Verse: Isaiah 50:7. For the Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Meditation: Isa. 41:10,13; 63:5; 2 Chro. 14:9-13; 19:11; Ps. 94:17; 115:9; 2 Tim. 4:14-18; Dan. 11:1; Ps. 97:7; Joel 2:26; 1 Jn. 2:28. June 7, Sunday:- Promise Verse: Joshua 1:9. I praise You O God for me wherever I go You are with. Meditation: Deu. 31:6-8; Jos. 1:5-9; 12:8-24; Mat. 28:18-20; Jn. 8:29; Acts 18:9,10; 2 Tim. 4:16-18. June 8, Monday:- Promise Verse: John 6:63. I praise You O God for Your Words are spirit and life. Meditation: Heb. 4:12; Gen. 1:3-24; Jn. 3:34; Deu. 32:46,47; Isa. 38:15,16; Lk. 7:2-10; Jn. 4:50-53; 11:4344; Pro. 18:20,21; Ps. 33:9,6; Pro. 4:10,20-22. June 9, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: Joel 2:26. I praise You O God for Your promise that “My people shall never be put to shame.” Meditation: Joel 2:26,27; Rom. 10:11; Exo. 3:7; Lev. 26:12,13; Deu. 4:5-8; Isa. 50:7; Eze. 37:12; Mat. 1:21; Lk. 7:16; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; 7:1. June 10, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 128:5. Through the blessing of God goodness and mercy is following me all the days of life.

June 1, Monday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 145:20. I praise You O Lord, for You preserve me as I love You. Meditation: Exodus 20:6; Daniel 3:14-28; 6:10-24; Psalm 97:10; 18:1; 26:1-12; 27:8; 63:1,2; 2 Samuel 8:14; Luke 7:47; 2 Corinthians 5:14; Romans 8:35-39; 1 John 2:28,6; John 13:33,34. June 2, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: Daniel 12:3. I praise You O God for giving me grace to win souls. Meditation: Pro. 11:30; Psalm 49:7-9; Mat. 16:26; 18:1114; Isa. 6:8; 52:7; 1 Cor. 9:19-27; Jn. 13:34,35; Mat. 10:32-33; Rom. 15:19,20; 1 Sam. 17:34-37; Ps. 78:7071. June 3, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Acts 18:10. No one will attack me for God is with me. Praise be unto God. Meditation: 1 Sam. 17:34-51; 2 Sam. 8:14; Jos. 1:5-9; 12:8-24; Jer. 20:11; 36:26; Dan. 6:10-24; Mat. 28:1820. June 4, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 2:12. I praise You O God for You have blessed me in trusting You. Meditation: Ruth 1:15-19; 2:12; 4:1-

17; Ps. 91:1-14; 73:28,24; 1 Sam. 22:18-23; 2 Sam. 8:17; 1 Kin. 4:4; Mk. 5:25-34; Lk. 10:38-42. June 5, Friday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 115:12. The LORD has blessed me for He has been mindful of me. Meditation: Gen. 32:3-29,10; 15:13-21; 22:17,18; Exo.2:23-25; 12:40,41; Deu. 1:11; 1 Kin. 4:21-25; Ps. Jesus Calls

Meditation: Ps. 23:1-6; Pro. 10:22; 2 Sam. 12:24; 1 Ki. 4:1-25; 1 Chro. 29:22,23; Gen. 39:21; 41:38-43; 45:5-7; 50:20; Exo. 33:19; Neh. 9:25; Jn. 1:14-16; Ezra 8:22. June 11, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 23:1. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

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Meditation: Ps. 34:10; Mat. 4:19; 19:27-29; Lk. 22:35; Jn. 16:24; Phil. 4:19; 78:70-72; 1 Chro. 22,29 Chap; Gen. 12:1-4; 13:2; 24:35; Mat. 6:33. June 12, Friday:- Promise Verse: Isaiah 26:4. O God Everlasting strength I will trust in You forever Meditation: Jer. 17:7,8; Nah. 1:7; Ps. 125:1; 22:9; 21:7; 18:2; 2 Sam. 22:32; 1 Sam. 2:2; 2 Sam. 22:2; Num. 20:11; Ps. 78:16; 1 Cor. 10:4. June 13, Saturday:- Promise Verse: Colossians 1:27. I praise You O God for You are in me as the hope of glory. Meditation: Ps. 32:10; 2 Ki. 18:5,6; Phil. 3:3; Col. 1:22; 1 Thes. 5:8; 1 Tim. 4:10; 6:17; Tit. 3:6; 1 Pet. 1:4, 13,21; 1 Jn. 3:2,3; Rom. 12:12. June 14, Sunday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 99:5. I will exalt You and worship at Your footstool O my God, for You are Holy. Meditation: Ps. 95:6,7; 45:11; Jam. 4:6,7,10; Gen. 17:3; 18:1-5; Exo. 34:8; Jos. 5:14; Deu. 26:10,19; 1 Sam. 1:3,28; 2 Sam. 12:20; 2 Chro. 7:3; Acts 10:25; Ps. 138:6; Isa. 57:15. June 15, Monday:- Promise Verse: Matthew 5:7. I praise You O God for You make me merciful as You are merciful. Meditation: Exo. 20:6; 34:6; Ps. 86:15; 103:8; 111:4; Neh. 9:31; Lam. 3:22,23; Eph. 2:4; Tit. 3:5; Lk. 6:35,36; Mat. 18:21-35; Pro. 28:13; 1 Pet. 3:8; Jude 22; Jam. 2:13; 3:17. June 16, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: Isaiah 40:31. I praise You O God for strengthening me who wait for You. Meditation: Exo. 24:18; 33:11; Deu. 2:7; 9:9,18; 34:7; Num. 23:22; 24:8; Ps. 18:1; Neh. 8:10; Isa. 30:7,15; 49:5; 12:2; Jud. 13:5; 16:5,17; Acts 1:4,8; Isa. 41:10; 40:29-31; Mic. 1:16. June 17, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: Hebrews 12:2. I praise You O God for You are the author and finisher of my faith. Meditation: Heb. 12:1-3; Ps. 27:13; Rom. 1:17; Heb. 10:36-38; Jude 3; Rom. 4:17-24; 10:17; 12:12; Heb. 11:1; Mk. 11:22-24; Jn. 14:1; 2 Tim. 4:7. June 18, Thursday:- Promise Verse: 1 John 5:12. I praise You O Son God for You are my life. Meditation: Jn. 14:6; 11:25,26, 43,44; 5:25,26; 1:12; 3:16; 20:31; Lk. 7:11-15; 8:49-55; Deu. 30:19,20; Pro. 18:21; Rom. 10:8-10; 1 Thes. 4:14-17; 1 Jn. 5:11-13. June 19, Friday:- Promise Verse: Job 42:2. Lord, no purpose of Yours can be withheld form You because You can do everything. Meditation: Job 1:1-3,12-22; 2:7,12; 7:4-6; 17:1; 42:217; Jud. 6:12-16; 1 Sam. 17:32-50; Est. 3:8-15; 4:1-17; 7:1-9:2; Joel 3:10; Phil. 4:19; Mk. 9:23; Rom. 8:32,37. June 20, Saturday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 91:15. I praise You O God for when I call upon You, You answer me. Meditation: Jud. 15:18,19; 16:28-30; 1 Sam. 1:10-20; 2 Chro. 18:31; Ps. 50:15; 138:3; Mat. 15:21-28; Mk. 10:46-52. Jesus Calls

June 21, Sunday:- Promise Verse: 2 Samuel 7:11. I praise You O God for You make me a house. Meditation: 2 Sam. 7:8-12,18-29; 12:7,8; Ps. 68:6; Gen. 37:18-36; 41:38-52; Est. 2:5-17; Jn. 14:1-3; Eph. 2:1922; 1 Pet. 2:4,5; Rev. 21:9-22. June 22, Monday:- Promise Verse: Ephesians 2:10. I praise You O God for I am Your workmanship, created in Christ Jesus. Meditation: Eph. 2:1-10; Rom. 6:4-11; 2 Tim. 3:15-17; 2 Cor. 5:17; Mat. 4:19; Mk. 3:13-19; Lk. 22:56-59; Mat. 26:73; Acts 2:13-41; 3:6-26; 4:12,13. June 23, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:13. I praise You O God for You will not allow me to be tempted beyond what I can bear. Meditation : Dan. 3:14-28; 6:10-24; 2 Sam. 11:1; 1 Pet. 2:18-25; Heb. 4:15,16; Deu. 8:1-11; Jn. 16:33. June 24, Wednesday:- Promise Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:6. I praise You O God for You have given me grace to walk by faith, not by sight. Meditation: Gen. 12:1-4; 13:14-18; 22:1-17; Heb. 11:814; Rom. 4:17-19; Acts 9:5,6; Phil. 3:8-14; 2 Cor. 5:18; 1 Cor. 15:13-23; Rom. 8:24,25; Phil. 3:20. June 25, Thursday:- Promise Verse: Hebrews 11:1. I praise You O God for You have given me faith and hope. Meditation: Heb. 11:6,1-40; 12:1-3; Lk. 1:45; Hab. 2:4; Rom. 1:17; 10:17; Jn. 20:29; Mk. 16:13-17. June 26, Friday:- Promise Verse: Romans 6:23. I praise You O God for You are removing sin from me and granting me eternal life. Meditation: Gen. 2:15-17; 5:5; 27:2; Job 30:23; Ecc. 8:8; Heb. 9:27; 1 Jn. 5:11-13; Acts 3:15; Mat. 1:21; Rom. 10:8-10; Heb. 2:13-15; 2 Tim. 1:10; Jn. 1:12; 3:16,17; 11:25,26; 20:31; 1 Thes. 4:13-17; 1 Cor. 15:20-26. June 27, Saturday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 91:16. I praise You O God for You satisfy me with long life and show me Your salvation, the Lord Jesus. Meditation: Deu. 30:19,20; Isa. 38:1-16; Pro. 9:11; 10:27; 18:21; Rom. 10:8-10; Ps. 21:4; 55:23; Jn. 11:25,26; Acts 16:31; 1 Jn. 5:11-13. June 28, Sunday:- Promise Verse: Isaiah 43:5. I praise You O God for the Promise that “You are with me.” Meditation: Gen. 39:3; Deu. 20:1,4; Jos. 1:5,9; Isa. 41:10,13; Jud. 6:12; Zep 3:17; Heb. 11:6; Mat. 28:20; Acts 18:9,10. June 29, Monday:- Promise Verse: Deuteronomy 28:3. I praise You O God for You have made me blessing in all places. Meditation: Deu. 26:19; 28:1-14; Gen. 12:1,2; 23:6; 27:29; Ruth 2:4; 4:1,2,11-17; 1 Chro. 14:17; Gal. 3:13; Eph. 1:3. June 30, Tuesday:- Promise Verse: Psalm 9:10. I praise You O God for You will not forsake the people who seek You. Meditation: Ps. 69:32; 34:4; 2 Chro. 14:9-15; 15:2,4,15; 20:3,4-22; Jer. 29:13,14; Mat. 7:7; Isa. 55:6; Lam. 3:25. Constant Prayer and Word of God are the divine keys for Prosperity and Success.

June 2015 


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M.Tech., (CCE)

◆ B. Chaithanya,

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succeeded in any interviews until then was selected in this interview by the grace of God. Surely this was a turning point in my life! The Lord has given a meaning for my meaningless life. Through Karunya, He has fulfilled His plan for my life. Praise be to Him.

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The lessons and experiences God taught me at Karunya have given me the confidence, hope and motivation to face the challenges of the real world. I thank the Lord Almighty, all the faculty members, and the administrative staff of Karunya.

a Ph.D. position in Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Chennai(It’s a central govt institute under MHRD), with a stipend of 30K per month with free hostel facility and full contingency. I am pursuing my Ph.D. now.

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I completed B.Tech (Mechanical) in 2012. After that, I joined Karunya for higher studies (M.Tech). Initially, I never had any interest to study. Yet, I did not have a choice. I regularly visited the Bethesda Prayer Centre, which is closer to Karunya and prayed there. It became a habit to go to the ‘vision spot’ and pray for my future. Bethesda healed my wounded heart and soothed me. The Lord led me and gave me joy. Now I am doing my second year. Capegemini, one of the reputed MNCs conducted the campus interview and I attended it with faith on God. I, who never

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In 2011, I joined M.Tech in Karunya University. “Why am I joining here? What will happen after this?” – This was my big question. I even thought that it was a mistake to have joined Karunya. When I attended the assembly and evening hostel prayers, I used to think, “Half an hour is wasted here...I could do something else....” In the first semester, I stood class first. Only then I realized that I had joined Karunya by the perfect will of God. After that, God started to speak to me in the assemblies and hostel prayers and encouraged and comforted me. I was motivated a lot by the department faculty members. Whenever I wanted to clarify any doubts, they helped me and supported me. After my M.Tech I attended my first interview with an MNC, M/s. IBM India Software Lab, Bangalore and got selected by His amazing grace with the salary of 6 Lakhs per annum. By his grace, I was able to come as a University Rank Holder with 8.8 CGPA, being a topper in my class. When I was working in the organization, I was very much interested to do a full time Ph.D. God offered me

M.Tech. Software Engineering)

◆ Mr. Oswald C (2011–2013

Karunya news:

◆ Ms. Jini John (2013 – M.Tech.)

According to God’s plan I joined Karunya for my higher studies. God showered His blessings on me and granted me high marks in the semester exams. I am not a brilliant student, but God lifted me up and He made me get dual placement-at M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions and M/s. Infosys. As it is said in John 14:14 “whatever you ask in my name shall be given to you”, He lovingly answered my prayers. Whoever believes in Him will not be disappointed. I thank the Lord for everything He has done for me.

Dear parents, do you want your children to excel in their endeavours? Join them in Karunya For details contact: (or) visit:

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●



Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


Testimony of a Prayer Warrior


n 2004 I was working in the marketing department of a big private concern. I had all the bad habits – from smoking to everything else. I never considered them to be wrong. I thought I was enjoying life. My wife could not accept my conduct and suffered without any peace. She began to visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in the then Greenways Road, (Currently Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road) in order to get peace. I too have taken her there many times since I felt that it was better that she got peace from somewhere since I was spoiling it. Yet, I had no conviction of sins. However, in that state, I was always surprised to see people, who were financially poor coming for prayers in the Prayer Tower and going back with joy. Thus, I was taking my wife to the Prayer Tower for more than two years. In 2006, my father was affected with diabetes and was admitted in the hospital. Since the treatment was not successful, the doctors advised for amputation of his both legs.

That time, late Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran had come to the church which was close by to our house. We did not have the habit of going to the church. Yet, hearing his voice over the loudspeaker, I stood outside the church and listened to his message. I knew about brother Dhinakaran since I was taking my wife to the Prayer Tower quite often. After the message he said, “Here, a brother is worried about severe damage to Jesus Calls

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the legs. The Lord heals those legs”. I was amazed and wondered “It is me, who is worried about my father. Is he talking about this?” Then I went to the hospital to see my father and a surprising news was waiting for me. The doctors said, “We decided to amputate his legs after testing him twice. But, now the blood circulation in your father’s legs is regular. So there is no need to remove his legs.” That moment I understood the healing power of the Lord. We took him back home immediately. Soon after this I visited the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and expressed my desire to serve there for two hours every day and requested them to give me a job. The brothers there inquired of me. I stayed with them and started helping them in a small way. I was addicted to smoking for more than 24 years. I cried to the Lord saying, “Lord, from now on, I am going to do ministry for You. Deliver me from this habit.” And in one day this bad habit left me with no trace, much to the amazement of everyone, especially my close friend. Gradually I came into the Lord. After that I was given training to pray for others. The Lord spoke to me about tithing and giving one tenth of the 24 hours in a day, for Him. Accordingly I serve as a voluntary prayer warrior in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower for several hours.

The Lord has blessed me, who is doing ministry for Him. Till I got involved with the Jesus Calls ministry, I had not completed my degree. But after that the Lord helped me to complete my higher grade. Then I got a good job with three times salary of what I was getting earlier. I bought a house of my own. For 17 years, since I started working, I had no vehicle of my own. Now, my wife and I have two wheelers. My wife was going to work to enhance our family income. In due course, she got a teacher’s job for a good salary in a nearby school. In the initial days of buying a house, my friends said, “Why, this house is far away from the city and this place is like a forest. How can he live here?” But now, bypass road has been laid and hence the area in which we reside has developed rapidly. I have paid off most of the house loan and my debt burden has lessened. The Lord has also blessed my children’s lives. My eldest daughter Sakthi Priya stood district first in her 10th public exam. God gave her excellent marks in her +2 and helped her to join B.Arch. Nobody could believe this since they had felt that lot of money would be needed for that. But, my daughter got the admission for the fees allotted by the government. The Lord has helped my second daughter Niranjini to excel in sports. Now she is doing her first year degree course. She is a hockey player. Nobody in our family has been in this field. The Lord has given her a special skill. Since my both children are Young Partners, the Lord is exalting them. The Lord is blessing us just as how a father does everything for his son, with concern. None of these things could be done by man. It is a wonderful blessing to have Him do everything that was preordained by Him. We remain grateful to the Lord who blesses us and the Jesus Calls ministry that opens the way for that. - S. Timothy Nacchinarkiniyan, Chennai.

Dearly beloved, you too may come forward to serve the Lord through the Jesus Calls ministry, at your spare time. If you would like to serve as a voluntary prayer warrior or help in other activities, contact the Manager of your nearby ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. For details about the Prayer Tower in your local area, visit or contact the number 1800 425 77 55 (Toll free – from 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM every day). Jesus Calls

June 2015 


Honb’le Shri A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the former President of India, is a world renowned scientist. He is very fond of little children. When he was the President, he was once conversing with some little children. A little boy queried him suddenly, “President, do you believe that there is a God?” President Kalam, who was taken aback by such a question from the children, paused for a while and gently replied, “When seeing the space, the sun, the moon and the stars, I firmly believe that there is a God, who has created all these” The little boy was immensely satisfied. Yes, the God of gods, not only created the world but also upholds all things by the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). The Almighty God, who created the whole universe and is upholding it, is waiting to sustain and support us. Jesus Calls

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Let us meditate on certain characteristics of this God of gods:

Protector of men Job, the man of God, addresses the God of gods, ‘O, Watcher of men…’ (Job 7:20). It is a pleasure to God to save us, who are His creation. He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust (Matthew 5:45). He is kind to the unthankful and evil (Luke 6:35). That’s why David calls Him, ‘O You who hear prayer, to You all flesh will come’ (Psalm 65:2). During World War II, my father was serving in the British Army. That time, the army descended on Italy and captured it in a lightning speed. After that, it stealthily entered into Germany at night till 12 O’ Clock. When they reached a specific spot, the captain allowed the army personnel to take rest for a while. Each solider dug a trench, put up a tent over that and lay down to rest. My father too went into the trench and laid down. When morning dawned, he had a great shock awaiting him. His tent was completely covered by dense snow. He could not even breathe properly. Somehow he managed to survive by breathing the air that came through a small crack in the corner of the hard ice. Yet, he was deeply troubled and was thinking within himself, “Who’s going to find me? The snow has completely hidden me from others’ view. I cannot see my only son and my wife any more.” As he was lamenting, the thought of God came to his mind. He began to cry to Him. The whole army camp went in search of him. Everybody was perturbed! At that time, God gave

him an idea. He took up the rifle that was beside him and began to poke at the ice with the butt of the rifle. A soldier, who was passing by that side, shouted with surprise, “There is some movement only over here.” All the other soldiers rushed to his side and they saved my father alive.

Dearly beloved, we too pass through such difficult situations. But, even at that time, when we cry to the Lord with faith, “There is a God, who saves me. He rewards those who diligently seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6), He will be very near to us and save us since He is the ‘Watcher of men’

One God, One Father ‘For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus’ (1 Timothy 2:5). There was a famous and reputed Chief Minister in a particular state. He was a treasure house of wisdom. So people fondly called him, “Perarignar” (Great intellect). He would always mention, “One race; one God.” “Yes, everybody in the world belongs to only one race – the human race. So the whole human race has only one God” – Thus he explained his statement. This is what is described in the Bible too,

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings” (Acts 17:26). In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve. He placed them in the Garden of Eden. That time the whole earth had one language and Jesus Calls

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one speech (Genesis 11:1). But as days went by, it was divided into various other languages. Yet, though human race speaks different languages, there is only one God for the entire mankind. Once, when my friend had been to Germany, he attended the Sunday service in a particular church there. Since the whole service was conducted in Germany, he could not understand anything. Finally, when he came out after the service, the pastor shook hands with everyone and was inquiring of their welfare. When my friend’s turn came, the pastor shook his hands and greeted him in German. My friend replied in English. Both of them could not understand each other. That time, my friend began to sing in Tamil, a world renowned song on God’s love which was originally composed in German. The German pastor was thrilled to hear it and he too immediately joined him in singing that song in German. Both their hearts were filled with God’s love and they shed tears of joy. Their inhibition over the difference in language vanished. Both hugged each other and rejoiced!

Yes, how true is the truth, ‘One race; one God”! Though we speak different languages, hasn’t God’s love united us as one family? “Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us?” (Malachi 2:10) ‘…one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all’ (Ephesians 4:6). Accordingly, it was God, who created all of us and sent us to this world. Hence, He is a Father to all of us. He is a true Father, who loves us.

We, as Indians, call Mahatma Gandhi as ‘The father of our nation.’ The reason is the tremendous love he had for the people of India. He invited all those who wrote down the constitutions of India and said, “Through this, every drop of tear from every Indian should be wiped off”

Our heavenly Father too has such love for us. The Bible portrays this thus: “…And the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces; The rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth” (Isaiah 25:8). Yes, Mahatma Gandhi, the ‘Father of our nation’ was concerned about each and every Indian. But God is concerned that the tears of all the people of the whole world should be wiped away.

One Mediator

mediator needed? When two groups of people fight against each other, a mediator is needed to reconcile and reunite them. Similarly, it is a privilege that Jesus Christ, intercedes for us as the Mediator between us and the heavenly Father, who loves us. Dear ones, is there any need for a recommendation or for a mediator to meet our God, whom we call as our Father? Let me explain this:

God is high above humankind First of all, when we look at the appearance of God, He Himself says, ‘"Heaven is My throne, And earth is My footstool” (Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:49). He fills heaven and earth (Jeremiah 23:24). Hence, don’t we, as humble and simple human beings, certainly need a mediator to meet God whose appearance is magnificent and reaching the heaven?

Invisible God Secondly, God is invisible (Colossians 1:15; 1 Timothy 1:17; 11:27). The Bible describes Him thus: He cannot be seen; He has not been seen by anyone; He dwells in unapproachable light (1 Timothy 6:16). How can we meet Him, the invisible God, who dwells in unapproachable light without a mediator?

Unapproachable God “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time…” (1 Timothy 2:5,6). Yes, there is only one Mediator between God and men. To tell about the lacks and wants in life to our heavenly Father, who loves us and to pray and intercede for us, we need a Mediator. When is a

Thirdly, Job, a man of God, lost all his wealth and possessions in merely a day. His ten children also met with a pitiable end. His heart was broken. That time he lamented, “Oh, that I knew where I might find Him,That I might come to His seat! I would present my case before Him, And fill my mouth with arguments. Oh, that one might plead for a man with God, as the mediator!” (Job 9:32,33, 16:21; 23:3,4). Jesus Calls

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Dearly beloved, like Job in whose life terrible things happened, when grief constricts us, when we lose our peace absolutely and when a situation arises in which we are unable to pray at all don’t we need a mediator to plead and intercede to God for us? That’s why the Bible says, “For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men…” Two thousand years ago, our God, who cannot be seen, came down to this earth in the form of man, in order that everybody could see Him and was manifested in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16). He became our Mediator. He took upon Himself all our sufferings. How was He, when He was in this world? He was hungry (Mark 11:12). He languished with thirst (John 4:68). He and His disciples lived by the food and clothing provided by a few women (Luke 8:1-3). He had nowhere to lay His head (Luke 9:58). Though He was rich, yet for our sakes He became poor, that through His poverty we might become rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Not only that, He decided to bring an end to sin that torments mankind. So He, who knew no sin became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21). He bore our sins, transgressions, and iniquities in His own body on the cross (1 Peter 2:24). He bore all the curses that would come upon us in this world, and became a curse for us (Galatians 3:13). He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses (Matthew 8:17). He bore our griefs and carried our sorrows (Isaiah 53:4). He tasted the bitter death, for each one of us (Hebrews 2:9). He bore all these sufferings in order to become a Mediator for us.

Several years back, there was a district collector in a particular district. The people of that district loved him dearly. Once, there was a clash between two communities which resulted in violence and bloodshed. When he tried to bring peace between them, they firmly said with anger, “We will not let go without blood for blood and life for life.” The Collector replied, “All you need is blood and life. Cut me to pieces till your anger is quelled. Let my blood be shed. Let my life go out of me. Let peace come upon this district.” These words melted the people’s hearts and they dropped down all their weapons and went back. Peace pervaded that place.

God of gods also did likewise. On one side, the sufferings, difficulties and sorrows of the world suppress us and tell us, “Go and hang yourself. Commit suicide…” On the other side, devil, our enemy whispers in our ears, “Why do you live? Run away and end your life.” That’s why God came down to the earth in the name of Jesus. He gave Himself for us telling, “Let My body be broken for the sake of My children; let My blood be shed. Let there be wounds in My body. Let My children live” (Galatians 2:20). He, who loves us and gave Himself for us, for our sake, is our Mediator. He sympathizes with us

Jesus Calls

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and intercedes for us in heaven. (Hebrews 7:25; 1 John 2:1). Not only that, you need not worry as to how to seek the invisible God. He says, “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. You will receive, that your joy may be full” (John 14:14; 16:24). For this purpose, He has become the Mediator between us and God. He, the Mediator, is able to save us to the uttermost (Hebrews 7:25). He is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy (Jude 24). Accept Him in your heart. He will be the perfect Mediator for you in every way. 

Young Partner, who won the Chief Minister’s Award I am a ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partner. Last year I appeared for my Intermediate exam. Prior to that, as a family, we sponsored a ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme, on the occasion of my sister’s birthday. That time we had requested Uncle Paul Dhinakaran to pray for my studies. He too prayed that I should score excellent marks. Accordingly, the Lord gave me good health and wisdom and made me write the exam well. I scored good marks in my Intermediate and am now doing MBBS. Since I got the highest mark in my place, I was selected for the Pratibha Award, which is awarded by the Chief Minister. - S. Kalpana Soumya, Rajahmundry, Andhra Pradesh. Jesus Calls

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“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” (3 John 2).

Name of the child to be enrolled in the Plan, (to write legibly) Mr/Ms:.................................................................................. DOB........................................................ Mr/Ms:.................................................................................. DOB........................................................ Mr/Ms:.................................................................................. DOB........................................................ Name of the parent/guardian: .................................................................................................................. Contact Address:..................................................................................................................................... City:………..........………….Pin Code....................................... Country:................................................... Email:...................................................................................................................................................... Pledge amount: minimum of Rs.3,000/- for 1 child (can be sent in installment also) Prayer Requests: (Can be written in a separate sheet and attached) .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. Fill up the form and send it along with the stamp size photo of each child, with name and address as well as your contact phone number written at the back of the photo. Along with the duly filled form, you may send the Demand Draft drawn in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ to the address: 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028, by registered post. Donations can be made online in the website using Credit card/ Debit card/ net banking in a secure way To join your children in this plan type YPP and send SMS to +91 90940 99977. You may join your children in this Plan by visiting your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower.


June 2015 


Here are the experiences of a few people who have received blessings from the Lord through the Prayer Towers.

God given child


I had no child even after 4 years of married life and was longing to have a child. From 2013, I started visiting the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, Chennai. I regularly attended the Tuesday fasting prayer conducted here and prayed for the gift of a child. The Prayer Warriors too prayed for me. In 2014, the Lord blessed me with a boy baby. Praise be to Him.

- Priyanka, Chennai – 43.

I needed a house of my own. So every week I came to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in Rajaji Road, Chennai and prayed for that. I also attended the Tuesday fasting prayer held there and was pleading to the Lord for this. The Lord met my need. Now we have bought a new house and are living there. Also, I have now got a job. I thank the Lord for that.

Double blessings

- S. Gomathy, Chennai – 12. 11 years of longing gone My daughter Mayuri is living in the United States of America. She had no child even after 11 years of married life. Hence there was no peace in her family. She spent her days with no hope of having a child. So, with a broken heart I came to

Every Prayer Tower has rooms for meditation where you can sit at the feet of the Lord in quietness. Besides, various special blessing meetings such as Fasting Prayer, Blessing Meeting, Anointing Meeting, Business/professionals Blessing Meeting, Youth Meeting, Children’s Meeting etc., are held regularly.

he ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower is functioning in 63 places, all over India from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. With great concern, the prayer warriors hear the needs of each and every person who visits the Prayer Tower and offer prayers for them.

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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3 years. We decided to shift there after a portion of it was cemented. That time I came to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower at Vyara and gave my prayer request. The prayer warriors prayed fervently that my financial needs should be met. Hearing the prayer, the Lord had compassion on us. We again started the work and the Lord Himself graciously met all our needs. The construction was over without any hurdle. Now it is complete. I offer praises to the Lord. - Jyotshna S.Gamit, Vyara, Gujarat.

We started constructing a house. Since there was financial problem, we could not complete it even after

- Lilaben M. Rajwadi, Vyara, Gujarat. Financial needs met

the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in Vyara. The prayer warriors spoke comforting words to me and encouraged me with God’s promises. They prayed earnestly that my daughter should be blessed with a child. Hearing the prayers offered by me and the prayer warriors the Lord blessed her womb. She is blessed with a girl baby through normal delivery. All glory be to God who made the impossible, possible. Thanks to the prayer warriors, who prayed for us.

Similarly many receive comfort and blessing through the Prayer Towers. Do not fail to visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your area. Prayer warriors are eagerly waiting to warmly receive you, to hear your needs and to pray for you earnestly. The Lord will do miracles for you too. For details about the Prayer Tower in your locality, visit or contact the number 1800 425 77 55 (Toll free – from 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM every day).

Karunya SPORTS Men/Women’s ACHIEVEMENT REPORT 52 Trophies in the Last Academic Year

The Karunya students have made remarkable achievements in the year 2014-2015. By the grace of the Lord Almighty, the number of winners is constantly increasing every year. Karunya University bagged 52 trophies during the academic year 2014 - 15 with the following highlights: We thank the Lord for helping the students to win 52 Trophies ◆ 02 winners in the National Level The Karunya students received an overall ◆ 08 tournaments played in the South Zone Inter- University Level cash prize of Rs. 5,00,000/- They have donated a portion of the prize money to ◆ 30 won in the State Level SEESHA for service to humanity. - Dr. A. Kaleb Rajan ◆ 07 won in the Divisional Level and (Director – Physical Education) ◆ 05 in the District Level Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●



In order that the people residing in various places should receive God’s blessings, every weekend the Jesus Calls Mission Network is conducting special Blessing Meetings in their respective areas. Powerful worships that help you to praise the Lord wholeheartedly and faith kindling testimonies are presented in these meetings. Evangelists, who were trained in the Jesus Calls ministry and who are used by God mightily, offer God’s message as well as individual prayers for the participants. Many are those who have received blessings in their personal life, family, business and in their jobs. Many are those who have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and are standing as mighty witnesses for God. In order that you should be benefitted by these meetings, we have given the details of these meetings held in various parts of India. Kindly attend without fail and receive God’s blessings. Introduce these meetings to your dear ones.


- Venue of the meeting

- Contact Phone Number

TAMILNADU ◆ Alangulam - Near TPV mill (East side) - 8754426130 ◆ Ambattur - Ebenezer Marcus Mat. Hr.Sec.School - 9940044969 ◆ Alwarthirunagar - St. John Mat. Hr. Sec. School - 9940194998 ◆ Thiruvanmiyur - Advent Christian Church - 9790912860 ◆ Selaiyur - Zion Mat. Hr. Sec. School - 9444959958 ◆ Madipakkam - Arasan Campus, Moovarasampet Main Road - 9382701407 ◆ Perambur - Hope of Glory Church Campus - 9445515268 / 9841416417 ◆ Korukkupet - Daniel Mat. Hr. Sec. School - 9841499192 ◆ Perungudi - Bharath Das Mat. Hr. Sec. School - 9962765939 ◆ Puzhal - 11-A, N.S.K. Street - 9445099545 ◆ Kodungaiyur - F.E.S. Matic. Hr. Sec. School - 9444993868 / 9003862202 ◆ Pattabiram - Thangamani Mat. Hr. Sec. School - 9444718302 ◆ Pondicherry - Jesus Calls Prayer Centre - 0413 – 2206655 / 2203655 ◆ Erode - Jesus Calls Prayer Tower - 8754426132 / 0424 – 4030677 ◆ Salem - Jesus Calls Prayer Tower - 9840996174 / 9894615755 ◆ Thanjavur - Rotary Club of Thanjavur (South) - 9842479870 ◆ Tuticorin - Elim Complex First Floor No.12, Toovipuram Main Road - 0461 2377577 / 8754426136 ◆ Tirunelveli - Jesus Calls Prayer Centre - 9443583008 ◆ Karaikudi - Jingle Bells Nursery School - 9751078404 ◆ Tenkasi - Jesus Calls Prayer Centre - 9443102929 ◆ Sivakasi - Kontharayankulam C.S.I. Church Compound - 8754426137 / 04562-277624 ◆ Sivakasi - Prayer Centre, Jesus Calls Prayer Centre - 8754426137 / 04562-277624 ◆ Rajapalayam - 71, Poopal Patti Street - 8754426137 ◆ Ootacamund - Jesus Calls Prayer Centre - 0423-2440017 / 9443842205 ◆ Virudhunagar - C.S.I. St. John’s Church - 9894932196 ◆ Madurai - Bibikulam Dhanapaul Hr. Sec. School - 9442327371 ◆ Villupuram - S.A.P MahalNehruji Road - 9489435528 ◆ Pudukottai - Royal Park Hotel - 8526043797 ◆ Trichy - Jesus Calls Prayer Centre - 0431-2795000 / 9840497036 ◆ Perambalur - Arputha Multispecialty Hospital Campus - 9443154364 ◆ Chidambaram - Lingam Transport Upstairs - 9600646789 ◆ Cuddalore - TELC Middle School Ground - 9486588009 ◆ Coonoor - 83-B, Bethel Cottage - 9444222851 KARNATAKA ◆ BANGALORE : +919845944974 ◆ MANGALORE : +918277190904 ◆ MYSORE : +918088246935/ +918880004321 KERALA ◆ TRIVANDRUM : +919447182998 ◆ KOCHI : +919539485580 ◆ KOTTAYAM : +918281180297 MAHARASHTRA: PUNE : 08087075993/9604148770 AHMEDNAGAR: 9764705955, 9324715675 ◆ Andheri : 9167103932 ◆ Navi Mumbai : 9819113287 ◆ Miraj : 9765168203 Goa : 9764908566 ◆ Coloba : 9867123878 ◆ Panvel : 9004777754 ◆ Boisar : 9028121749 ◆ Virar : 7709791073 ◆ Palghar : 9226879919 ◆ Kandivali : 9867053683 ◆ Dahanu : 9226292627 ◆ Malad : 9820588844 ◆ Ulhasnagar : 9892603034 ◆ Thane : 9892319969 ◆ Dombivali : 9833641790 ◆ Badlapur: 9321370720 ◆ GUJARAT : Ahmedabad : 9824494468 North India NEW DELHI: ROHINI, 09868351651 ◆ PATPARGANJ: 09310052288 ◆ GURGAON: 09910843114 ◆ NIZAMUDIN EAST : 09810075941◆ FARIDABAD : 09212710460 ◆ RANCHI +919709000143 ◆ RAIPUR +919993836981 ◆ GANGTOK +919735990170 ◆ DIMAPUR :+919856045403 ◆ KOLKATA: +919830438642 ◆ PATNA : +917488116051

Are you involved with the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry? Are you interested in conducting such meetings in your area? You may let us know your willingness. Address: Mission Network, Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Ph: 044- 23456677 (Extn. 4008). Email: Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


And He said, “My presence will go with

you, and I will give you rest”

(Exodus 33:14). hese are the comforting words spoken by the Lord to Moses, who in obedience to the Lord’s command, was leading the Israelites from the bondage of Egypt to Canaan, the land of milk and honey, when he pleaded to the Lord, “Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people.”


The assured presence of the Lord that led Moses shall go before you too! Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left (Isaiah 30:21). The Lord Himself shall be your way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). He will hold your hand and lead you.

Let us meditate briefly on how the Lord, who led the Israelites in the wilderness, will be with us and lead us in our life on this earth:

- Sis. Stella Dhinakaran

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(2 Chronicles 14:13), since the Lord Himself stood before them and defeated the enemies. Jacob too, when he was distressed by his brother, pleaded to the Lord saying, “I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies and of all the truth which You have shown Your servant; for I crossed over this Jordan with my staff, and now I have become two companies. I fear my brother Esau. Yet I hold on to You. I will not let You go unless You bless me!” Hence, the Lord blessed him. He made Esau get reconciled with him peacefully (Genesis 32:10,26,29).

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When, Zerah the Ethiopian came out against Asa with an army of a million men and three hundred chariots, his army was mightier than that of Asa. And Asa cried out to the LORD his God, and said, “LORD, it is nothing for You to help, whether with many or with those who have no power; help us, O LORD our God…” (2 Chronicles 14:11). Thus he depended only on the Lord, trusted Him and clung to Him. Then the enemies were broken before the LORD and His army

(Psalm 33:20; 146:5)

“Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield.”

King David says,

Whoever gives importance in seeking Him and also loves Him, unto such dwelling place will the Lord Jesus come with His Father. He says, “My Father and I will come and dwell” (John 14:23). Dear sister, has your home become His dwelling place? If there are deeds in your life or thoughts that are not pleasing to the Lord, cast them away today itself. Then He will lead you in His way. He will change your dwelling place to be holy for Him to dwell. He will be your help in everything.

In what kind of places does He dwell?

Saul and Jonathan are standing on one side, along with nearly 600 soldiers to fight against the Philistines. On the other side, a huge crowd of Philistines are standing. Suddenly, with much faith, Jonathan says to his armour bearer, “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised; it may be that the LORD will work for us. For nothing restrains the LORD from saving by many or by few.” Seeing their firm faith, the Lord caused trembling in the camp, in the field, and among all the people. The garrison and the raiders also trembled; and the earth quaked, so that it was a very great trembling (1 Samuel 14:15). The enemies fell against each other. Jonathan worked with God that day (1 Samuel 14:45).

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Since we may live in an ordinary little house, we may callously think, “What blessing can be there in this small house?” But the Lord promises us that He will come and dwell in our dwelling places (2 Corinthians 6:16; Leviticus 26:11). Oh, how great is His love and concern upon us! He has promised that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

(Psalm 132:13,14).

How does the Lord help you?

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For the LORD has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: “This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it”

Your help

Once, a head of the family was facing failures on all fronts. As a result there was no peace in the family and while he was immensely broken hearted, his friend invited him to attend his church where a pastor was offering special prayers and took him there. Totally broken, he went there with much expectation that somehow he would be comforted. The pastor, who was preaching in the church, was narrating how he faced failures in his life and how the Lord helped him at those times. He also beautifully explained how the Lord provided peace, joy and blessings in his life. Hearing this, even without his knowledge, this brother committed himself to the Lord.

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Accordingly, the Lord, who dwells in your midst, is mighty. He is with you as a mighty and awesome One. David was a man after the Lord’s own heart (Acts

(Jeremiah 20:11).

“But the LORD is with me as a mighty, awesome One. Therefore my persecutors will stumble, and will not prevail. They will be greatly ashamed, for they will not prosper…”

Similarly, Abraham, the servant of God, did not have a child till his 99 years (Genesis 17:1,5,6). Both he and his wife were advanced in age. Yet, Abraham held on to the promise of the Lord that said, “Your descendants shall be as the stars of the heaven. You shall be a father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5). Contrary to hope, he believed and became the father of many nations, according to what was spoken, “So shall your descendants be.” And not being weak in faith, he did not consider his own body that was already dead (since he was about a hundred years old), and the deadness

“The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17).

13:22). He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord (1 Kings 15:5). He was lonely! He was forsaken and deserted by everyone! King Saul distressed him terribly! In such pitiable situation he had to seek refuge under a Philistine king. It was at that time when David changed his behaviour before Abimelech who drove him away, that he sang Psalm 34. In this, he says about his trust on the Lord: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!”

of Sarah’s womb. He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform (Romans 4:18-21). Holding on to the promise with faith, he received blessings in full. He begot his beloved son Isaac. He also received the perfect blessing of having a godly progeny from generation to generation. In a family with five children, the head of the family died suddenly. Soon after his funeral, the relatives asked the wife, “Your husband has not saved anything for you. How are you going to bring up these five children?” Questioning thus, they left her. This poor widowed mother said to her children, “My darling children, all have forsaken you and me, but the Lord whom I trust will never forsake us. Let us cling on to Him with prayer.” As a family, they committed themselves into the hand of God and she prayed earnestly saying, “Lord, please take up the responsibilities of my family. Make me into a godly mother, as a priceless pearl and a virtuous woman.” The mighty God heard all her prayers and gave her a determined heart to trust Him. He undertook every

Dwells with you

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Dear sisters, just like this head of the family, you should commit yourself into the hand of the Lord. If the Lord comes within you, surely the house where you dwell will become a blessed house, which becomes the dwelling place of the Lord. He will surely come and dwell in your house. He will preserve you from all evil (Psalm 121:7).

Until then, in his home they had no habit of seeking the Lord, either reading the Bible or praying. From that day onwards with the family he started reading the Bible and sought the Lord early in the morning. Soon after, the Lord blessed that god fearing man abundantly and filled him with all the blessings, with joy and with peace (Psalm 128). That house had become a house of prayer.

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guide us in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of justice (Proverbs 8:20). When He went to the wedding at Cana, there was a lack of wine in the wedding feast. Just as He miraculously perfected the insufficient wine, He will perfect all the lacks and meet our needs even in our life knowing well our needs and inadequacies. The daughter of a person, known to me got married. They had invited 1000 people and had arranged food for them. After the marriage, when the cooks estimated the number of leaves that were used up by the guests, they were surprised to notice that 1,200 people had taken part in the wedding feast. The Lord had perfected the lack in this wedding just as how He did at the wedding at Cana and had blessed and multiplied it. The Lord is not partial and is concerned about you too. He will supply all your needs according to His riches (Philippians 4:19). He will give you blessings with no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22). He will make riches and honour come in search of you (1 Chronicles 29:12).

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Many sisters, particularly young girls often write to me, “When I sit to pray, various evil thoughts invade my mind.” The only way to be delivered from such vain thoughts is that the Perfect One (Jesus) has to stay in us. He offered Himself on the cross to make us alive who were dead in trespasses and sins. He wants to make us holy. When we give ourselves into His hands, He will

(Ephesians 2:3-5).

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Our Lord is the One, who perfects our lacks. He is of perfect

But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away” (1 Corinthians 13:10).

“…among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved)”

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Perfects your lack

love and mercy. He has kept perfect blessings for us. He gives good things perfectly to all those who fear Him and seek Him (Psalm 34:9,10).

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Dearly beloved, there is a dear Friend, who is able to preserve us thus. He is the Lord Jesus. He is mighty. He dwells in our midst. If you seek Him as a family, He will bless you abundantly.

responsibility of her family. Making use of the small grove she had, she cultivated that land and formed a vegetable garden with much prayer. By the grace of God, there was a good yield. She gave the first yield as an offering to the Lord. Seeing the mother’s hard work, the children too worked hard and gained degrees through scholarships. They got good jobs by the grace of God. They said, “Mother, the hard work you had done thus far is enough. Do stay at home from now on and continue praying for us.” The Lord blessed that family abundantly. The kith and kin that had forsaken them came in search of them. Not only that, she became a mother, who worked hard for the Lord and was a mighty sword in His hands.

The Lord is waiting to give you the same kind of blessings in the spiritual realm also. ‘…so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, who will also con-

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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Spirit without any lack. He will give you rest. You will become good testimony who will honour the Lord. May the Lord dwell in your midst, remove all your lacks and grant you perfect blessings! May He fill you with spiritual blessings and help you to arise and shine as a family! ◆

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You too may ask the Lord, “Lord, go before me. My family and I shall serve You. We will do all that we can do for You. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit and gifts and help us to live for You”. Then the Lord will go before you. He will bless you with all the gifts of the Holy

firm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:7,8). As the Bible thus says, He is able to fill you with all spiritual blessings. The Lord Jesus too had this glorious experience. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38).

A unique book that fills the readers with godly fear pleasing to the Lord, and helps them to choose the excellent and divine life of devotion to live with godly reverence! A rare treasure that ought to be possessed by every sister! Buy today and be blessed. You may gift it to your friends and relatives too.

Available in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada and Marati also.


Payment can be sent by DD or cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls ” or by Money Order to the following address:


Jesus Calls 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028.

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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Short story:

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sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22). Sylvia brought joy to the family! The rift in the family, caused during Roshan’s younger sister’s marriage was patched up. Not only the family rejoined as one, more than Roshan, it was his family that loved her a lot. Sylvia excelled in everything that all praised her as an ideal wife. She was exemplary in cooking, doing household chores and attending to the bank and school works, shopping and involving in church activities.

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From the day of marriage, Sylvia firmly told her husband about tithing, educating missionaries’ children as much as possible, reading the Bible diligently, personal prayer, family prayer etc., and regularized everything. Roshan willingly followed that and hence they never had any lack or unnecessary expenditure. That was why, Roshan was surprised to note that Kirubakaran, who earned a lot more, had no comforts, never owned a house or a car. Both of them realized the meaning of the verse, “The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no

She neither interfered with Roshan’s official matters nor ad-

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met him after a long time. It’s really a wonder that he’s not done well in life…” – Roshan was telling his wife about his former colleague Kirubakaran, who had left the job for a better option in Delhi. His wife Sylvia explained, “Earnings alone cannot prosper us. The grace of God alone will prosper us…” She continued…“Wasn’t it the grace of God that helped us build a house and get medical seat for our daughter, within these 30 years of your service in the same company?” – Roshan agreed with her.

- Yesupatham

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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men will excel if the women are prudent as mentioned in the Bible.”

“Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies. The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain.” (Proverbs 31:10,11).

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Once, during a wedding, when everyone praised Roshan because of Sylvia, she gently replied, “All

was more blessed compared to all those who had studied with him, who worked with him and all the relatives of his age group.

vised him concerning that. Her dynamism captured everyone. She was calm even when Roshan lost his temper and she never retaliated. Through her conduct, she exhibited that she had fully accepted the Lord. Thus Roshan

1. Against whom will the Lord’s hand be? 2. Which will come as destruction?

(Bible Portions: Isaiah to Ezekiel) Give answers with Bible reference

Your answers should reach us before

3. By which shall man live? 4. Whom has the Lord delivered and from whom? 5. What has the Lord filled and with what? 6. What cannot be numbered and what cannot be measured?

June 15, 2015 Address:

Bible Quiz – 41 Jesus Calls

7. What should we lift to God in heaven? 8. What does the Lord speak and what does He declare?

16, Dr. D.G.S.

9. Who are useless?

Dhinakaran Road,

10. What is in the Lord, our God?

Chennai – 600 028.

Bible Quiz - 39 Winners Chennai: Godvia Princess D., Andhra: K. Joshua Paul, R. E. Jayanthi, Khammam: Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


nswer: Question – A

hinakaran D a ll e t S . - Sis

Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God”

(Colossians 1:10)

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In this Scripture verse, we clearly read as to how we should be pleasing to God. Firstly, a life of good works and good fruits should be seen in us. Secondly, we need to be filled with the knowledge of knowing God. How to receive these two blessings? In Galatians 2:20, Apostle Paul writes about the changes in his life thus: “I was a terrible sinner and a cruel man. But today, the Lord’s love, the blood He shed for me on the cross of Calvary has cleansed me

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“…that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing

Pleasing vessel to God

Answer: This is indeed a divine nature. Receiving this blessed life is not at all possible on our own effort. Unless the Lord fills us with His Spirit, we cannot experience this in our life. To be a virtuous woman who has the tendency to forgive and forget, we need to first of all receive a life of living close with God and a blessed divine life from Him.

I know that ‘forgiving and forgetting’ is a virtue. But since I don’t have this virtue, I have to pass through so many difficulties. How to receive this virtue and live peacefully in my family life?


Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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To avoid this, we need to have the divine experience of waiting in the presence of the Lord according to Isaiah 40:31. Today, even believers, who have accepted Christ shun not only Bible reading, but also the life of walking with Him, communing close with God, and talking with Him. Men of God like Noah, Enoch, David, Abraham and Moses talked with God. They did their things according to His guidance. So they lived a pleasing life to God.

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The Lord will give us this divine experience. He will change us in such a way that we will be a light to the world (Matthew 5:14,16). Let us receive the experience of enjoying the life of light given by the Lord, and depart from the darkness of this world (John 8:12). How will this life be? Many in our family may grieve our heart by speaking wrong words against us or by walking in the wrong ways. But, we, who live a life of shining light, ought to learn to present this unbearable burden to the Lord, without magnifying it. Today why divisions, bitterness and enmity are rampant in families? It is because of a life that has no mind to forgive one another and a heart that is unable to bear anything. It is a pitiable life of not clinging on to the Lord.

“You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness” (1 Thessalonians 5:5).

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Forgiving and forgetting are divine life of light. When we are touched by the Lord, and live a holy life by getting delivered from all darkness, the light of Christ shines from us.

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Life of Light

the disciples of the Lord Jesus had His mind, though they were with Him. But, when they grew in this, they declared, ‘But we have the mind of Christ’ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Accordingly, the Lord will surely help us, the weak vessels, to receive the mind of Christ. He Himself makes us into vessels that are pleasing to Christ.

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In many places in the Bible, we see that in the initial days, none of

So, my dear sisters, every day, grow in the knowledge of knowing the Lord (1 Peter 1:3; 2 Peter 3:13; Ephesians 4:11). When this growth comes in us, our daily life will be certainly pleasing to Him and we will have His mind.

Today, there are so many shortcomings in the lives of women! Even women, who are spiritual and saved, audaciously indulge in all sorts of pleasures and lusts. Yes, these are the end times and terrible days. Today many women are caught up in many wrong ways as they do not have the proper knowledge of Christ. To avoid this state, we need to get up early in the morning every day and eat the Word of God as a food from Him. We should not read it for name sake and be content with that. When we fall short of this, we are tempted by the devil and face failures.

My dear sisters, examine your life for a while. How much knowledge of knowing Christ is in you? Is there any growth in it? Or are you content that you know everything? This contentment should not be seen in us but we need to humble ourselves, read the Bible every day with a reverential feeling, “I am full of shortcomings. The knowledge of knowing the Lord should increase in me…” and through that get increased in this knowledge.

perfectly and now I live in Him.” This is the vessel, which is pleasing to the Lord.

My dear sisters, is bitterness there in your life? Do you find fault with your husband? Are you worried that your children are not good? Is there mother-in-law/ daughter-in-law problem? If you want peace and joy in your life, hold on to the Lord’s feet firmly at any state and pour out the burdens of your heart (1 Samuel 1:15; Psalm 142:1,2; 62:8; Lamentations 2:19). If you do these things, anger, irritation or enmity will not reside in your heart. The patience given by the Lord will fill you. We read in the Bible that “Indeed we count them blessed who endure” (James 5:11). The Lord will give us such a blessed life. A woman became very happy when she accepted the Lord in her heart. She regretted for not knowing the glory of this joyful life, until then. She got married. Her husband was a good man. But whenever he was drunk, he would become a terrible man. The abusive words from his mouth always broke her heart. Do

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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A godly mother, did all that she could, to bring up her son, whom God had given her as a gift, in the same path of godliness. But when he grew up to be a young man, he did not seek the godly ways but rebelled against his mother. He indulged in things that were displeasing to the mother and was grieving her. But his mother, filled with the Holy Spirit was always praying, “Lord, teach me how to lead my son. I don’t want my ways, but lead him in Your ways…” One day the Lord spoke to her thus: “Daughter, how much love I have shown you and how I have made you into a godly daughter. Likewise, show much love to your son.” That’s all. When she committed herself to the Lord, a strange divine love filled her and she began to

show this love towards her son. Her heart never gave room for her to speak harshly or do something hard against her son, no matter how cruelly he spoke to her. Everything about her was love. She cooked food for him with great love. The Lord saw that mother’s love and humility. As desired by her, He changed everything upside down. Dear ones, are you worried that your husband or children are hard hearted? As per the Lord’s wish, get filled with the same divine love and show them much love according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Then, “He who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20) will perform a miracle. About this we clearly read in 1 Corinthians chapter 13 . Nothing is impossible with that divine love. So let us discard our imperfect love, get filled with the Holy Spirit and bring such people to the Lord by the divine love. The Holy Spirit Himself will

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in others’ lives which are full of sorrows and afflictions and comforts them.

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Answers for Bible Quiz 39 1. Zechariah, in the visions of God - 2 Chronicles 26:5 2. The Lord’s statutes, the ordinances, the law, and the commandment, other gods – 2 Kings 17:37 3. His people Israel, to be His very own people forever – 2 Samuel 7:24 4. Zebulon and Naphtali – their lives to the point of death – Judges 5:18 5. To all the enemies against whom you fight – Joshua 10:25 6. Boaz – Ruth 4:11 7. His judgments are in all the earth – 1 Chronicles 16:14 8. The lives of David’s enemies, as from the pocket of a sling – 1 Samuel 25:29 9. To love the Lord God – Joshua 23:11 10. Israel, like the stars of heaven – 1 Chronicles 27:23

We read in the Bible that when the Holy Spirit comes in us and fills us, His divine love also fills us (Romans 5:5). Likewise, we read in 2 Corinthians 5:14, “the love of Christ compels us.” Through the Spirit of God, Christ’s love is exhibited from our heart and works

Life of Christ’s love

you know what she used to do then? She sought the feet of the Lord. She poured out the burdens and agonies of her heart in His presence. She never thought of opening up her heart to any human being. She cast her burden on the Lord alone and prayed with thanksgiving. Do you know what happened? At this juncture, one day, the voice of her prayer fell on her husband’s ears. That prayer broke his heart. With remorse that he had been blind all along despite having such a loving wife, he humbled himself in the presence of God and committed himself to Him. Seeing that, she forgave him, showed him much love and helped him a lot every day without magnifying his flaws and held on to the Lord in spite of those sufferings. He too committed his life to the Lord. That family belonged to Jesus and their life was pleasant.

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


strengthen you and help you in this regard. Everything that happens through the love of Christ will amaze you.

Living with Christ Today, only a few women experience such deep divine life. The Bible explains this experience thus: “But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (1 Corinthians 6:17)

Quite often, we, women think, “Oh, I’m bogged down by these heavy loads of work! I need to struggle all day long. How is it possible to join with Christ, in this situation?” Not only that, we also neglect it totally which grieves Jesus Christ. There were days in my life when I too had wondered in this vein. But, according to Psalm 32:8, the Lord gave me counsels and guided me with His eyes instructing, “When you do your daily chores, let your heart join with me.” Perhaps you may be cooking. Even while doing that, you can join with God and talk to Him. If so, that time would be pleasant. A wonderful thing is that when you do so, the Lord will bless your cooking and make the dishes tasty and delicious. At the same time, rejoicing, peace and joy given by God will increase in your soul. So, my dear sisters, you should try to have a close relationship with God, without wasting a single moment. I followed this in my life. The day when I accepted the Lord as my personal Saviour and started loving Him, the Lord gave me the grace to talk to Him just as how we talk to a friend. You too follow this. Then the divine presence will fill you. By His grace, He will help you to do everything in a way pleasing to Him. He will deliver you from

the pitiable state of confused mind caused by magnifying even petty things and becoming suspicious unnecessarily and give you the divine strength to forgive every one and forget their wrong deeds.

The Lord shall fill you with these divine characteristics, adorn you with virtue of “forgiving and forgetting,” change you into His likable daughter, a vessel pleasing to Him and use you as a blessing to many. ◆

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran’s

A good word for the day


This daily meditation book, “A Good Word For The Day”, Part 2 is written by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Some of the most important principles needed for the Christian life have been taken as the central theme for every month. The deep spiritual points contained in them are summarized for each day. This wonderful book gives you an array of God’s Word supported by amazing life experiences and powerful prayers for each and every day round the year.

Offering Rs.125/(Postage Rs.25/-)

Also available in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam and Kannada.

◆ Gift this wonderful, precious daily reading guide to someone you love ◆ Thousands have received blessings through this ◆ Read it today, you too can be blessed

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Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also place your order through our website :

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


28-30 March 2015 By the immense grace of God, Esther Prayer Group meeting, Morning Service and Family Blessing Meeting were held in Vellore Central Church from March 28th to 30th. The Lord used dear mother Stella Dhinakaran mightily in these meetings. These two days special meetings were held in the presence of Rev. Dr. S. Sadhu Sathiyaraj (Chief PastorVellore Central Church and Rev. Suresh Anandakumar (Assistant Pastor). 264 sisters from 35 Esther Prayer Groups in Vellore attended the Esther Prayer Group conference held on the first day. The whole place was filled with the presence of God right from the beginning to the end. The message given by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran ignited everyone. The message given by her on Sunday morning service was of great blessing to the congregation. The church overflowed with people on March 29th and 30th during the Family Blessing Meetings that were held in the evening. Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran shared deep truths of God about how to live in close communion with the Lord in this world of tribulations and stressed on the importance of knowing the will of God and doing accordingly. Her message and fervent prayers encouraged the people to prepare themselves for the coming of the Lord. People went back with great contentment, filled with new strength in their spirit, soul and body. On the final day of the meeting, it was a great blessing when dear mother met everyone individually and prayed personally for every participant. Let us give all praises to the Lord Jesus.

Rev. Dr.S. Sadhu Sathiyaraj & Rev. Suresh Anandakumar

Jesus Calls â—? June 2015 â—?


Esther Prayer Group Meeting

Ministry Report: 28 March 2015

All the sisters, who attended the Esther Prayer Group meeting held on March 28th in Vellore, have been encouraged and strengthened in the spirit and they now stand as testimonies because of the message shared by Sister Stella Dhinakaran and the profound counsels that she imparted to them. Moreover, they are now enthusiastic to start new groups.

Here is the testimony from Esther Prayer group leader Vimala Jeyachandran A sister had applied for divorce because of a problem with her husband but dropped the idea of going for divorce after attending the Esther Prayer Group. She has stopped fighting with her husband and has learnt to observe patience. In addition, God has given her the grace and also burden to pray for other sisters regularly by writing down their names and their problems. All glory to God. ◆

Showers of blessing Family Blessing Meeting,


Ministry Report: 12 April 2015 Rev. Dr. Jeyaseelan (Victory Church of India), Rev. Bobby Chellappa (Apostolic Fellowship Church), Rt. Rev. Dr. D.E. Singh (Anglican Church) and Rev. Solomon (Full Life A.G. Church)

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


Delhi – Family Blessing Meeting & Esther Prayer Group Meeting

Ministry Report: 11, 12 April 2015

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timony about the miraculous experiences and the blessings they received, on the stage and glorified God. This meeting was graced by the august presence of ministers of God like Rev. Dr. Jeyaseelan (Victory Church of India), Rev. Bobby Chellappa (Apostolic Fellowship Church), Rt. Rev. Dr. D.E. Singh (Anglican Church) and Rev. Solomon (Full Life A.G. Church). The organizers had made wonderful arrangements of this meeting. We give all glory to the Lord who used Sis. Stella Dhinakaran mightily and blessed the multitude.

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Filled with the Holy Spirit, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared deep truths on how to seek God and how to receive His grace, spiritual blessings and miracles in the family. Finally, when she prayed fervently for the gathering, the Holy Spirit was poured down like a rain. People rejoiced in the spirit; many were delivered from the clutches of the devil; healed from their sickness and enjoyed heavenly bliss. They shared their tes-

The meeting began at 5.30 PM in the Delhi Mandir Marg Tamil School ground. More than 5000 people from places like Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Panchkula, Chandigarh, Uttarkhand, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana thronged the meeting with great thirst. The Jesus Calls choir glorified the Lord with praise and worship.

a torrent of rain with thunder and lightning. However, heeding the prayers, the Lord stopped the rain on the morning of April 12th and commanded a good weather, all over Delhi.

Quite unexpectedly, the previous night, there was

The Lord manifested His awesome power in the Family Blessing Meeting held in Delhi on April 12, 2015.

Apart from this, it was a blessing when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran visited the Delhi National Prayer Tower on April 10th and encouraged the prayer warriors by sharing the Lord’s word and praying for each one of them individually. Also, 207 sisters from 14 Esther Prayer Groups from Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, and Chandigarh attended the Esther Prayer Meeting held on April 11th and were strengthened in ◆ their spirit.

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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disease. The Lord also enabled us to educate both our children in Engineering course without incurring any debt. He also helped my husband to begin his own company and also to buy a car. He is helping me to grow in the spiritual life also. Millions of praises to God who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.

- Angeline, Coimbatore.

Anointed everyone

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I am a member of the Esther Prayer Group for the past 6 years. In the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord is abundantly blessing me and my family as I pray for others. Particularly, I had been suffering from epilepsy for the past 10 years. After I joined the Esther Prayer Group and started praying and applied the prayed oil, the Lord touched me and granted me complete deliverance from this

Deliverance from 10 years of epilepsy

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ise of every month with faith and meditated on it, our hearts rejoiced. The promise verse given by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was of great blessing to each one of us and encouraged us to grow spiritually. After I started conducting the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has wiped away my tears, sighing and sorrow and has helped me to be strengthened in my soul to live boldly. - N. Jeyamani Ammal, Theni.

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As sisters of the Esther Prayer Group, when we read the prom-

Strengthened in the soul

- S. Stella Gracy Rajan, Coimbatore.

Sis. Beulah of our Esther Prayer Group, could not move her fingers for the past 15 years. She used to suffer from severe pain. On 28.2.15, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran offered prayers during the Esther Prayer Group conference held in Coimbatore, she too joined her in the prayer for healing. That night while sleeping, she had a vision in which she saw a chain which had bound her ten fingers, falling off. As per the vision her fingers became straightened. The Lord has removed the suffering of 15 years, made the fingers to function again and had granted her perfect healing. Millions of praises to the Lord. I thank dear mother, who prayed for us and our group.

Healed after 15 years

Sis. Irudayakani of our Esther Prayer Group, could not walk properly as both her legs were affected in an accident and hence she could not continue with her prayer ministry. At this juncture, when she came to Esther Prayer Group in January, while we prayed for those who desire to do ministry with power and gifts (18th prayer point), she too cried out to the Lord and prayed for her as well as for others saying, “Lord, as per this prayer point, fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Use me in the

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ●


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14 years of married life and spent my days in tears, sorrow, reproach and in shame. I was despised and discarded by everyone in the family. With much agony I continued to pray in the Esther Prayer Group, with fasting. At that time I conceived. But I had a miscarriage in the 5th month. My mother-in-law, my husband and I committed ourselves to the Lord, fully believing that the Lord will give me a child as He did for Hannah. In February 2014, I conceived again. The Lord, who heard the prayers, blessed me with a sweet Samuel on 20th October. We express our gratitude to the Esther Prayer Group and the Jesus Calls family that prayed for me.

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- R. Anusuya Ramachandran, Tenkasi.

My dear sisters, ○

I am a member of the Esther Prayer Group. I had no child for

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Gift of a child after 15 years

- Vidi Kingsley, Chennai.

Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Young Girls Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel, so that the people there could be blessed, and revived, please write to us. ○

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Contact address:

16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email:

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Sis. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group)

Dear sisters, who pray in the ‘Prayer Group,’ pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

On 18.2.15, we gathered as 12 sisters in the Esther Prayer Group, sat at the feet of Jesus and received abundant spiritual blessings. We prayed, claiming all the 20 promise verses given to us. Specially, we committed ourselves to read the Bible, pray more and to grow in the knowledge of knowing Him. Particularly, as per the 10th prayer point we prayed for the family problem of Sis. Rita,

Family problem solved after prayer on that day itself

- Ruth Mary, Mamallapuram.

This month, the moment we sat down to pray in the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord poured out an immeasurable anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord opened my eyes and made me see the Holy Spirit descending upon everyone in the form of a dove. He filled us with His anointing in great measure and we could not control ourselves. He also gave us new tongues and spoke to each one of us prophetically. The Lord made everyone who came with sorrow to return with rejoicing. All glory, honour and praise be to the name of the Lord.

Made us rejoice with anointing

claiming Daniel 9:23. Within two months of her son’s marriage, the daughter-in-law created some problem and threatened to go back to her mother’s place. Soon after the prayer, she returned home, praising the Lord. On seeing her, her daughter-in-law rushed to her to seek forgiveness and promised that she would never go anywhere. Saying so, she happily accepted her mother-in-law. This miracle happened because of the prayers offered by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran and by us during the Esther Prayer Group. Glory to God, Who heard the prayer.

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- Vathsala John, Coimbatore.

ministry.” Hearing her prayer, the Lord filled her with the Holy Spirit and healed her legs. Also, the Lord filled all the sisters with the anointing of His Holy Spirit. All of us received a new strength and joy and thanked the Lord. Glory to the Lord.

Jesus Calls ● June 2015 ● 50 Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Fasting Prayer for God’s Miracles Date:

21st June, 2015

Venue in Chennai:

(All over India)

(Sunday) Time: 11.00 AM to 6.00 PM

Vanagaram Prayer Tower campus 96, Poonamalle High Road (Near Ring Road Bridge) Chennai - 600 095. Ph: 9940600228 /9940600229

Prayer conducted by:

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

and family

Special prayers will be offered for deliverance from all the problems in your life. Come without fail, along with your family, friends and relatives. Bible classes will be conducted in A/c hall for children.


Webcast of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s special message and prayer will be shown during this Fasting Prayer. Collective as well as individual prayer will be offered for you

You can send your prayer request clearly mentioning ‘Request for Fasting Day’ to the following address, to enable us to pray for your request on that day. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028.Email:

Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-5-2015

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Message & prayer by

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran family COME WITH YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS & RELATIVES TO RECEIVE GOD’S ABUNDANT BLESSINGS. The expense for the live telecast of this Prayer Festival can be sponsored. Pray for 500,000 people to be blessed. ◆ Sponsor the live telecast of the meetings to bless 3 million people through TV in 3 language zones across India. ◆ 6 persons giving 1 lakh each (or) 12 persons giving 50,000 each (or) any amount. Please send your donations through a cheque / draft in favour of ‘Jesus Calls’ to: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. or through our secured website: WATCH LIVE TELECAST AT THIS WEBSITE ◆

3, 4 & 5

July, 2015 Daily at 5.30 p.m. Venue:

Municipal Stadium, Shankarapuram, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. For further details: Jesus Calls Prayer Festival Office CSI Central Church premises Adjacent to Jesus Towers Station Road, Kadapa – 516004. Contact : 9100405052 / 9100405053

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