Jesus Calls (English) - June 2018

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“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (Hebrews 12:1)


his verse tells us to cast away all our burdens and sins that hinder us from running towards Jesus. In John chapter 20, after Jesus was crucified, dead and buried, Peter and John, the disciples of Jesus, ran together to the tomb on hearing the news that the body of Jesus was taken away. We see that the other disciple reached the tomb first before Peter.

GET UP – RUN TOGETHER Today, many are not able to run together; a few lag behind while some run ahead. But today, we have been

called to run together. We have to throw off our worries, fears, unbelief, difficulties, sorrows, anger, irritations and disappointments in order to run together. Only then you can run with your eyes fixed on Jesus. That is why the Lord says “All of us will run together.” When people run a race, there is always a starting line and a finishing line. However, in our spiritual run, the Lord’s children do not have a finishing line in this world. They have to keep running till they finish their race in Heaven. On the day you stop running, the devil will meet you. The Lord says, “If you want to be with me, you have to look at me and run.” We read in Haggai 2:6-10, - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


“This is what the LORD Al-

cret coming. Tell how my secret

The Lord says, “Don’t stop

mighty says: ‘In a little

coming is going to be.” We do not

your run” because when the Lord

while I will once more

know when the Lord will come but

shakes the world, surely the

shake the heavens and the

the preparations are going to be-

Lord’s children will also be

earth, the sea and the dry


shaken.Whatever harm shakes

land. I will shake all na-

Only after the secret coming,

the world, the same will shake the


will the gold, silver and peace

Lord’s children. To be free from

desired by all nations will

come to the nation. Only then ev-

this, the only way is to get up and

come, and I will fill this

eryone can say, “There is peace”.

fix your eyes on the face of Jesus

house with glory,’ says

Then the antichrist shall come and

and run; we should be careful not

the LORD Almighty. The sil-

everyone will be overjoyed to see

to sit, hide or have fear.

ver is mine and the gold is

the mighty miracles he performs

We see how Paul and Silas ran

also mine,’ declares the

and all will say, “This is God, this

in Acts chapter 16. As they were



is God!” As we read in Romans

going to their usual place of prayer,


chapter 1, man shall take the ap-

they met a slave girl who had a

pearance of animals and birds.

spirit that predicted the future and

One of the new features of the

through this act of foretelling, she

iPhone10 has a lot of animal faces.

earned a great deal of money for

You can enter your name and se-

her owners. On seeing this spirit,

lect an animal, and when you open

Paul was so troubled that he turned

it you will see the animal’s face.

around and said to the spirit, “In

Only if you shake the nation,

At present, it shows your face re-

the name of Jesus Christ, I com-

the desired one of all the nations

sembling a doll but with the ad-

mand you to come out of her”

will come. Only after that, gold,

vancement of technology, man will

(Acts 16:16, 18). When the own-

silver, glory and peace shall come.

take the form of animals and birds.

ers of the slave girl realised that

The Lord will give us such grace

These are the things which are

their hope of making money was

in the days to come.

going to happen after the secret

gone, they seized Paul and Silas

At the beginning of this year,

coming. Since they do not con-

and dragged them to the market-

the Lord said to me, “In the days

fess our Lord as King of kings,

place to face the authorities. They

to come, I am going to make ev-

the Lord submits them to harm and

said, “these men are Jews, and are

erything ready for my secret com-

impurity. Then the second coming

throwing our city into an uproar

ing. I am going to make all things

shall happen. For now, we have

by advocating customs unlawful

new. Tell everybody to be pre-

to be prepared with reverence for

for Romans to accept or practice.”

pared with reverence for my se-

His secret coming.

The crowd joined in the attack




glory of



house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the LORD Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the LORD Almighty.”


JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

against Paul and Silas and the

This is why the Lord has called

India, thousands of ladies who

magistrates ordered them to be

us, to keep running in any situa-

were saved, gathered. Among

stripped and beaten. After they

tion, no matter where we are

them one lady had only one saree

had been severely flogged, they

thrown or whatever injustice hap-

with her. She did not have a proper

were thrown into the prison and

pens to us; for the purpose of min-

place to stay but she accepted

the jailor was commanded to

istry, we have to keep looking at

Christ and submitted her soul as a

guard them carefully. The jailor put

Jesus, praising Him and praying

child of God. I asked her,

them in the inner cell and fastened

unto Him. Then the foundation will

“Madam,they say you have only

their feet in the stocks (Acts

be shaken. “Once I will shake the

one saree, how does it feel?” and


nations, shake the Earth, shake the

she replied, “Sir, I do not look at

Did Paul and Silas stop their

heavens and the desired of all na-

this saree, I am looking at Jesus

run for Jesus? Definitely not!

tions shall come” says the Bible

who is within me. Only if I look at

Instead Paul and Silas said, “You

and it’s the only way to bring Him

this saree I’d be worried, but my

tied our legs, but did not tie our

to Earth.

eyes are fixed on Jesus”. This is

hands and our mouth, we will run

What happened as a result?

for the Lord with our hands and

The jailor asked, “Sirs, what must

Even you could be in such a

I do to be saved?” The jailor did

situation. If you want to be saved,

not know Jesus prior nor did he

there is only one way, praise Jesus

hear about the concept of salva-

in all situations. Run towards

tion. He did not hear the gospel

Jesus! Then the bondages of

nor did he hear any sermon. But it

people shall be broken, people

was the Lord who gave him the

who are holding you back will be

enlightenment about salvation.

saved and all of them will be trans-

When he asked, “What should I

formed to tell the gospel.

mouth” and continued to run for Jesus. “About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God while other fellow prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once, all the prison doors flew open and everybody’s chains came loose” (Acts 16: 25-26). Paul and Silas, their legs were tied, no clothes on, no respect and no glory but they kept on running looking at the face of Jesus. For this reason, the prison’s founda-

the faith one must have.

do to be saved?” a great gospel

In 1986, my father was dis-

was revealed, “Believe in the Lord

tressed due to my younger sister,

Jesus, and you will be saved – you

Angel’s death. He was in a situa-

and your household.” (Acts 16:30,

tion where his hands were frac-

31) The whole family was saved.

tured and plastered. He said,

The jailor’s family stood as a tes-

“How will I tell about Jesus hence-


forth? Who will listen to my ser-

tions were shaken, doors opened

The leader of a big missionary

mon?” In agony, even when he did

and the chains loosened. Every-

institution once told me, “when I

not experience the presence of

one was freed.

visited a particular tribe in North

God, he used to pray constantly. - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


He did not know what to pray for.

father came to the meeting with his

world and tell that my heart is

The Holy Spirit is given to us to

hands plastered and my mother’s

clean. Not only before God but

help us during our weakness (Ro-

forehead was fractured and plas-

also before men, I shall stand and

mans 8:26). When we are in a situ-

tered, too. Even at that time, when

tell that my hands are clean. When

ation of imprisonment, only the

my father stood up in the midst of

I close my eyes in this world, the

Holy Spirit is mighty to revive us.

agony, the Holy Spirit had com-

very next moment I will open my

This Holy Spirit rose from within

passion on the people. Firstly, he

eyes in Heaven. I will be able to

him. Then Jesus appeared. Jesus

called out the name of a little girl.

tell before God that I have lived a

said, “I have brought a person

The girl came running to the stage

clean life. If we live a clean life in

along with me” and he saw Angel

immediately. She said, “Uncle,

this world that is enough” he

standing next to Him. The Holy

you called my name and told my

stopped and went to heaven. The

Spirit through Angel said, “Why

exact situation.” My father was

Lord graciously helped him run till

are you worried father? Are you

very happy and said, “The Lord

the end of his life.

thinking Jesus has left you? You

did not forsake me, He is with me,

When my father was in agony

have to get up and do the ministry

He is within me”. Compassion-

of losing his daughter Angel, the

of Jesus even in this situation. Tell

ately, he said, “Though my daugh-

Lord lifted him. Today, he will also

that Jesus is good.” At that time

ter Angel is gone, I would con-

lift you.

my father cried and said, “I do not

tinue to live for these angels and

have strength in my spirit dear, I

should carry these angels”. He

feel tired”. Then through Angel the

was consoled in this manner and

open door that no one can

Holy Spirit said, “Father, the Lord

continued to tell the word of the

did not take away your gifts.

Lord to millions. He ran until his

shut. I know that you have

Those gifts are within you. Though

last day.

“I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an

little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not

your hands and heart are broken,

In the end, during the year

though you are in a horrible situ-

2008, my father was in a coma

ation and people are making fun

and was kept at the ICU of the

of you, the Lord has not taken

hospital. As I sat beside him, I

away His gifts from you. Stand up

took off his oxygen mask and

father, open your mouth and tell

called him, “Father, Father” as his

about Jesus. Then those gifts

eyes were closed and uncon-

within you shall shine in various

scious. At that moment, it was like

Next, we should run in the

ways. It will bring a light to the

the Holy Spirit spoke through him.

midst of tribulations. Stop telling

people”. It was the Holy Spirit

that the devil has closed doors,

who spoke through her. At that

He said, “I have lived a clean life before God and men. My

given tribulations, black magic and

time, we went to conduct a meet-

hands are clean. My heart is clean.

evil has come, instead run towards

ing at a place called Erode. My

I can stand before any man in this

Jesus. The Lord says, “ to push


JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

denied my name.” (Revelation 3:8) The Lord is giving this promise to you. Keep running.


this devil down there is only one

10:36) He comes through them.

people look at us they should see

way, even in the midst of these

He always tries to kill our soul and

Jesus. When the devil sees us, he

tribulations you must keep on

spirit by complaining about us. If

should see Jesus. According to his

running.”The Bible says,

someone is finding fault with you,

reflection, we should be trans-

“...We must go through

do not get angry and pray, “Lord,

formed into His likeness with ever-

many hardships to enter

destroy them”. How shall you

increasing glory. Then the worldly

the kingdom of God,”

overcome him? Run faster than

spirit shall go and we shall bear

him. Until his time here, the devil

the likeness of Jesus” (2

will keep doing his work. Until the

Corinthians 3:18).

(Acts 14:22) How does this tribulation come? Read the bible,

Lord comes and pushes him to hell he is going to be here. But the

We should announce the miracles Jesus did as a testimony.

“Then I heard a loud voice

Lord will prevent him from touch-

in heaven say: “Now have

ing you, prevent you from seeing

come the salvation and the

him and make you run faster than

power and the kingdom of

him. There is only one way;

“...I saw Satan fall like

our God, and the authority

through the blood of the Lamb of

lightning from heaven.”

of his Messiah. For the ac-

God and through the word of wit-

cuser of our brothers and

ness alone you can defeat him.

sisters, who accuses them

Revelation 22:11, 12 says,

before our God day and night, has been hurled down. They triumphed

It is the only way through which we shall overcome the devil.

(Luke 10:18) This is the testimony of the Lord.

“Let the one who does

Through the word of wit-

wrong, continue to do

ness and through the blood of

wrong; let the vile person

the Lamb, they defeated the

over him by the blood of the

continue to be vile; let the

devil. Similarly we should pre-

Lamb and by the word of

one who does right, con-

pare to fight through verses

their testimony; they did

tinue to do right; and let

and continue running. Then

not love their lives so much

the holy person continue to

Satan shall fall like lightening.

as to shrink from death.”

be holy...”

When the testimony of Jesus

(Revelation 12:10, 11)

The one who is holy shall con-

is in our spirit, holiness and the

Where is the devil sitting? Not

tinue running faster in holiness. The

gift of prophesy shall grow and

in Hell but he is sitting in Heaven.

one who is righteous shall keep

consequently, Satan will fall to

He sits there and finds fault with

running faster in righteousness.

the ground. Let us run the race

every brother and sister. The devil

This is the only way. To win over

successfully with this testi-

does not come against us directly.

the devil, there are only two ways,

mony and fight the good fight

He comes stealthily like Judas. “A

firstly, to live a life testifying God.

of faith!

man’s enemies will be members of

Secondly, the word of witness!


his own household” (Matthew

Both should be in us. When



Destruction due to heavy rains


ast year, heavy rains lashed the city of Mumbai which brought massive destruction to the Ghatkopar Prayer Tower. The repercussions of the rains resulted in flooding of the entire building destroying the furniture, files & stationeries, computers and other electrical and electronic systems, damped swollen walls & interiors, including the short-circuiting of the electrical supply and communication network. These are just a few that are mentioned among other several losses that we have incurred. The whole operation of the Prayer Tower got disrupted owing to this natural disaster. With much difficulties and inconveniences, the regular prayer meetings were conducted thus far. I was heartbroken to see the dilapidated situation of the Prayer Tower during my recent visit. With the need to hasten the renovation and complete the entire work before the onset of monsoon, we have started to work on the following areas: 1. Replace the entire roof of asbestos sheets with metal sheets 2. Ground fill to raise the floor above road level to avoid further flooding from the roadside 8

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

3. Concrete Flooring&Tiling 4. Weather treatment & Re-plastering of the walls, Partition walls for counselling rooms, chapel, reception, etc., 5. Electrical work, False ceiling work and Airconditioning the hall 6. Painting trusses and the walls 7. Paving the pathway 8. Telephone prayer room The estimated cost of this renovation project is Rs.2 crores. Once completed, this will become a beautiful facility available for varied groups of God’s children coming together to enjoy His comforting presence & spiritual nurturing and will be a big boon for different fellowships, kids & youth gatherings, night prayers, etc. The Prayer Tower will be a solace to thousands and I’m sure you will not want the House of God to be in ruins. Now is the time that we need to come together to renovate & rebuild this house of God to bring peace & prosperity over the families and the nation.

I pray that God may lead you to contribute towards this project and restore the happiness to the innocent people who are looking for comfort and hope, as narrated by one of our beloved partners below: In October 2016, my mother suffered from Jaundice and further test reports were alarming as they suspected a tumour in her abdomen. We took her to another hospital for a second opinion on her condition. The biopsy and endoscopy results confirmed her previous test results; so she had to be operated to stop the cancerous tissues from spreading. We were in the hospital for almost 3 months. Mother, The day before the operation, I visited the Ghatkopar Prayer Tower, Mumbai and the Mrs.Thilaga chapel was right in front of me when I entered the Prayer Tower and I was drawn to pray with tears. I was then taken to a counselling room and the prayer intercessor prayed with much burden and this prayer gave me confidence and a firm faith to receive a miracle. The operation was successful and I took my mom to Ghatkopar Prayer Tower in March 2017 to testify this and fulfill my vow. From that moment on, my mom has been healthy and active. What a great God HE is! I thank God for this Prayer Tower which has always been a place of comfort to me every time I visit. - Mrs. Sagaya Rani Jebasingh, Mumbai

Yes! This Prayer Tower was a beacon of hope to thousands of people and we should make it fully functional again within a month. When you come forward to build His house, God will bless you and fulfill His promise in accordance to Psalm 1:3, “He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither, whatever he does prospers.” As you build the Lord’s house, He will surely take this into your account and bless you beyond measure (Philippians 4:17). May God bless you and your family as you support this project! “BUILD THE LORD’S HOUSE; HE WILL BUILD YOUR HOUSE.” (2 SAMUEL 7:11)

MY SUPPORT FOR THE RENOVATION OF MUMBAI PRAYER TOWER IS AS FOLLOWS. (Please fill in your choice) Willing to donate 3lakh rupees Willing to donate 1 lakh Willing to donate Rs............................. Willing to donate Rs.50,000 Rs.10,000 Rs.5,000 Rs. 500 or even Rs.100 every month. Name:...................................................................................... Partner code: (If any)................................ Address:................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................... PIN code......................................................... Mobile 1:............................................................... Mobile 2..................................................................... Email:........................................................................................................................................................

Prayer: Father! Give them the grace to have all your blessings and the joy to give and build your Prayer Tower. Meet all of their needs, Lord. Help us to complete the renovation work and open the Prayer Tower at the earliest, for your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen! God bless you. Simple ways to send your donation to the Mumbai Prayer Tower Building Fund is found on page 33. - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


Many have not heard about our Lord Jesus even once in their lifetime and to announce to those people about the Lord, television is a suitable medium. Those who are confused, distressed and stressed come across the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program, watch it and accept the Lord. This medium is powerful enough to prevent people from committing suicide or to steer away thoughts of those who contemplate it. Our vision is “to gift Jesus to 2.5 crores of people” and the television ministry would be of great help to reach out to the world. It can touch billions across the world in their local languages, across time zones. Through the Jesus Calls ministries, every month more than 600 TV programs are being telecast in 8 languages Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Assamese, English and Sinhala.

Many have been blessed watching this program. Several people have been blessed by sponsoring part of the expenses or sponsoring a full program. You can come forward to support this ministry so that you can be a blessing to many. Here are a few testimonies of dear ones who have been blessed through the ‘Jesus Calls TV Ministries’… 10

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

Healing in the family Last year, I went through a phase of my life feeling very weak, no matter how much food I ate. I consulted a doctor and he said that I have general weakness and that I need not worry and advised me to eat healthy food. Even after I changed my diet habits to have a healthier lifestyle, I still felt weak. So, in the month of May last year, I consulted a doctor again. The doctor who examined me said that my sugar levels in the blood were high, at about 380 mg/dL and prescribed medicines. Once my course of medication was complete, I

PRIVILEGES YOU ENJOY WHEN YOU SPONSOR A TELEVISION PROGRAM: 1. Your family photo will be telecast in the television program that you sponsor. We will pray for your prayer requests in the same program. 2. We will send you a greeting on your special days (birthday/wedding day). Moreover, you will be prayed through telephone from the Prayer Tower. 3. When you co-sponsor a television program, your name will be telecast in that specific program. 4. We will send you a DVD of the television program that you sponsored/co-sponsored. went for a review and after taking blood reports, we found out that the sugar levels only shot up to 453 mg/dL and did not reduce. I became anxious and worried.

food without restrictions. I thank the Lord for acknowledging my pledge and healing me completely.

In the midst of this situation, my eldest son Prashanth also fell sick. The doctors who examined him said that his lungs were affected. He also stated that there were chances of him contracting tuberculosis. At that time, ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries came to my mind. I pledged that if the Lord heals my son completely I would sponsor one of the Jesus Calls TV programs. The Lord acknowledged the pledge and healed my son Prashanth completely to the doctor’s surprise. To fulfill the pledge, in the month of August we sponsored one TV program. He is studying B. Sc. Agriculture now with healthy lungs.

Baby healed

Once we witnessed this miracle, I pledged that if the Lord heals me of diabetes, I will sponsor another ‘Jesus Calls TV program’. To my surprise, my health condition also improved. As I went for my health check-up, my fasting blood sugar levels were reduced to 105 mg/dL and 172 mg/ dL after food. The doctors then declared that I can consume any

- J. Shobana Rani, Vijaya Nagar, Andhra Pradesh When my daughter Abisha was 8 months pregnant, the doctors who examined her Grand daughter said that there Angel Miracle were some issues with the baby’s head in the womb and that there isn’t any chance for the baby to be born alive. We were heartbroken and turned up at the Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower. We prayed sincerely that the Lord keep the baby safe and that my daughter would have a normal delivery. We pledged that if the baby is born in good health and if the Lord makes it to complete the first year graciously, we would sponsor one of the ‘Jesus Calls' TV programs. The Lord blessed her to give birth to a beautiful girl child through a normal delivery. As my granddaughter Angel Miracle turned one, we sponsored the ‘Jesus Calls' TV program telecast on her 1st birthday, April 12. The child is healthy

and has no problems. I thank the Lord for saving the fruit of my daughter's womb. - Christopher, Chennai

Healing through TV program I had severe pain in my legs from December 2017 which continued through the next year. My legs started to swell, my pain increased, and I became distraught. On January 7th, 2018, I was watching the New Year Blessing program of Jesus Calls on the TV. That day, Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was giving the word of the Lord. As she was praying, I pleaded with the Lord to heal my pain. I also thought "how nice it would be if our dear sister prays for people with leg pain?" While I was having this thought, to my surprise, she prayed for all those who suffer from leg pain. At that moment, I felt a power come into me. After that, the swelling in my leg came down gradually and the pain completely vanished. I thank God for healing me through the TV ministry. God healed me from the comfort of my home even without the need to travel. - Sis. Philomina Sundaram, Chennai - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


As the Lord leads, I would like to sponsor a Television program (Kindly tick wherever applicable) I am sending Rs. 30,000/- herewith as donation to sponsor a television program. (I have enclosed my family photo along with the donation) I am sending Rs. 10,000/- herewith as donation to co-sponsor a television program. Kindly mention the television program that you wish to sponsor from the list of television programs given below................................................... Day ............................ Special Day: ............................ Prayer Request: ...................................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................................................

To get more information about sponsoring the TV programs, dial +91 9500127277. Prayer: Loving Lord Jesus, I pray that You bless Your son/daughter who makes an effort to give You as a present to others. Remember their commitment towards you and bless them and their family as you have made them a blessing to others (Genesis 12:2). I pray that you open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that they will not have room enough for it (Malachi 3:10). Amen - Paul Dhinakaran To know more details on how to send your offerings for the TV Ministry, kindly refer page 33. 12

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

Most of the time in our lives, we get caught up in everyday living and we forget our purpose. We get sucked up into our routines and forget the big picture of our lives. Why am I here on earth? What was I born to do? These are some of the questions which should keep us on track with our mission here on earth. CHOSEN FOR THE LORD The Lord says in Jeremiah 1:5; “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.� - Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


The Lord has planned ev-

a testimony to this fact. The

people whom we admire for

erything in your lives even

Lord can do mighty miracles

certain qualities. When Jesus

before the foundation of the

through you also.

was in this world, He was

world. The Lord has set you apart. The Lord has already appointed you as a prophet; we can never draw back from the Lord. We can never give excuses to Him. When the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush, the Lord spoke to him about the future plans He had for Israel and gave him so many signs that God has chosen Him, however Moses still said “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue” (Exodus 4:10). We should never let our weaknesses limit God working in us.

The Lord has chosen you even before the foundation of the world. Just like an architect, the Lord first conceives us in his mind, then He draws all the details of our DNA and forms us in our mother’s

filled with the Holy Spirit and with the power of God (Acts 10:38). He delivered people from the evil one. Let us cry out to God that we should be filled with such an anointing like Jesus. He can give you all the spiritual blessings (Eph.

womb at the right time(Psalm

1:3). There are 9 gifts of the

139:13).He has appointed us

Holy Spirit as stated in

a prophet and prophetess, even

1 Corinthians 12:8-10, “They

before we were conceived.

are the word of wisdom, word

We are in God’s plan and we

of knowledge, word of faith

are the handiwork of God.

and gift of faith, gift of work-

God sees the end from the be-

ing miracles, gifts of healing,

ginning. There are diversities

gift of discerning spirits, gift

of activities, but it is the same

of speaking in tongues, gift of

God who works all in all. He

interpretation of tongues and

says, “He distributes them to

gift of prophecy. Paul says to

each one of us, as he deter-

“pursue love first, and be


zealous for the spiritual gifts"



12:6.7). We can ask for all the

(1 Corinthians 14:1).

At times, even if we are

works of the Holy Spirit, but

This happens only when we

confident enough to do things,

only God can determine what

are filled with the love of God.

people around us may dis-

gifts to give.

Out of the abundance of our

courage us. Don’t listen to the critical words of people, es-


heart, our mouth speaks. When God fills us with the

pecially those who mock you.

Paul says, “Imitate me as I

Holy Spirit and when this love

However, with the Lord by

imitate Christ" (1 Corinthians

abounds in our hearts, the

your side, you can do all things

11:1). We should follow the

Lord works the gifts of the

and all things are possible with

example of Jesus. We should

Holy Spirit from within us.

God (Philippians 4:13). I am

aspire to be Jesus rather than

Sometimes, even without our


JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

knowledge, the Lord speaks

immediately.With the gift of

detail of your life. Paul also

through us.

revelation, when the Holy

says “Brothers, if I come to

Spirit descends upon the

you and speak in tongues, what

people, the people are deliv-

good will I be to you, unless I

ered and miracles happen.

bring you some revelation or

While I was praying for the young people to receive the Holy Spirit at one of the meetings,




‘Evangeline, pray for those who are having an alcoholic problem.Pray for the drunken

Here is a testimony of dear sister Sunita who was in bondage for 5 years: I come

knowledge or prophecy or

from a village

with God, but what use is it for

husbands of the wives seated

near Bidar. I was bound by

here’. However, I kept thinking that it is inappropriate to pray this prayer looking at the crowd of young people before me. Since the Lord spoke to me three times regarding this, I burst into prayer and asked the Lord to pour out His anointing upon the drunken


the devil for 5

years. Everywhere I went for deliverance, I returned with an empty heart as I did not get any healing or deliverance. In despair, I was brought to the Bidar prayer festival on Octo-

word of instruction? (1 Cor. 14:6). It is good to speak in tongues and communicate others? We should bring the word of revelation, word of knowledge, word of prophecy and a word of instruction.

CHOSEN FOR COMPASSION The Lord chose Jeremiah, who was also called the weeping prophet.He pleaded with

husbands. One such husband

ber 2017. During prayer, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran told to place

who came home drunk said he

our hands upon the diseased

formed from their sins. He

felt his body burning and sat

was just like Jesus who was

in the bathtub to cool himself.

part of the body and I kept my hand on my chest as I was hav-

The whole night he could not

ing severe pain in my chest. At

sion, full of courage and who

sleep. In the morning,as he was watching the Jesus Calls

that exact moment, I fell down. I was carried to the

cried out for the people with

Television programme, my

stage and as Sis. Evangeline

husband, Dr. Paul called out his name, Mr. Loganathan and

Paul prayed for me personally, I was completely healed of my

said that the Lord is deliver-

chest pain and also delivered

ing him from his alcoholic problem. He also called out

from the evil attacks of the devil. All glory to God!

his wife Lally, saying that the

This is purely His doing.

that no man helps us in need

Lord has heard her prayers and

He knows the end from the

and become lonely. The Lord

the husband was delivered

beginning, he knows every

allows us to go through those

God for the people to be trans-

full of love, full of compas-

compassion. At the same time, we should be courageous to face whatever may come in our lives through faith in Christ. Sometimes, we may feel - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


situations so that we submit ourselves to the mighty Hand

in the Lord and not in any man.

Just as the Lord touched

Let us cling on to His words.

Jeremiah’s mouth and made

of Jesus. He will lift you to

You will have trouble in this

him speak, the Lord’s hand

greater heights, as stated in the Bible, “Therefore humble

world, but be of good cheer.

will touch you. The same God

The Lord has overcome the

who was with Jeremiah and

yourselves under the mighty

world and you will be more

hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter

Moses is with you. The king

than the conquerors.

of Israel is in the midst of us.

The Lord asked Jeremiah if

Let us never be depressed for

he will stand for Him? The

the God of Israel is in the

Lord has called you to plant

midst of us (Zeph 3:15). Be

spring whose waters never

and build His kingdom.

encouraged as He will give

fail. You will find your joy in the LORD, and I will cause you

Because the Lord has filled us

you the boldness of the Lion

with the Holy Spirit, nothing

to proclaim His word. So, let

to ride on the heights of the

can shake us. We will not be

us stand in the gap for Him and

land and to feast on the

moved and we shall never be

let us not use our imperfec-

inheritance of your father

afraid of any man. We will go

tions as excuses to limit His

Jacob”. You can find joy only

on, move on and press forward.

work in us.

5:6). The Lord has said, "You will be like a well-watered garden, you will be like a


DVD of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran A message to Prepare for the Rapture Cost per DVD is

Rs.50/(inclusive of postage is Rs.70/-)

“And when the Chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away.” (1 Peter 5:4) You can listen to the following hot topics! • Preparation for Rapture • Eligibility for Rapture • Rule of Antichrist • Signs of wickedness • Distinctive crowns Select the language you wish to watch this video and be blessed.

You can purchase this DVD which has language options in nine different languages - English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Punjabi, Odia, Gujarati Kannada! 16

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

To get a copy, you can send the amount in favour of “True Friend Management Support Service Pvt Ltd”, through money order/Demand draft to: 72, Rajaji Salai, Chennai -600001 and get the DVD by post. For more details, contact: +91 73387 93939 Email: For online orders: - June 2018 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

My dear partners in Christ, I am so glad to meet you through this section and I thank God for His grace & favour upon all of us in the past five months. The promise of God for you, for this month of June, ‘…He will make you more prosperous a n d n u m e ro u s t h a n y o u r ancestors’ (Deuteronomy 30:5)'. May our Lord God bless you and your family, in accordance with this verse! Not only will He elevate you, but will make you inherit the goodness of the land.

SPECIAL MEETINGS Last month, God graciously

meetings, Partner meetings,

enabled us to conduct a host

Wo r l d P r a y e r C o n v e n t i o n ,

of meetings through Blessing

Dynamic Kids Camp among several other events; which form a part of our goal to reach 2.5 crores of people, to know the love of Jesus, this year. God is opening new doors of opportunity to share His love and pray for the people in need. As found in Luke 13:22, ‘And He (Jesus) went through the cities and villages, teaching, and

these meetings: 2018 June 15 to 17 Tamil Nadu Ambassador’s Meeting - Karunya Nagar 2018 June 22 to 24 Andhra and Telangana Ambassador’s Meeting, Karunya Nagar 2018 July 1 Special blessing meeting Bethesda, Karunya Nagar 2018 July 8 Special blessing meeting Perambalur, Tamil Nadu

journeying toward

In the month of October, we are

Jerusalem’, we will

planning to organize a ‘Prophetic

be travelling to the

Prayer Training’ in Trivandrum

following places to

and Rourkela (Odisha). Pray, that

minister. Please pray

the Lord uses us mightily at the

for God’s favour and

meetings and that many people can

the mighty move of

participate to receive the blessings

the Holy Spirit, for

of the Lord. - June 2018




to use her to build up women in

are renovating the Prayer Tower

the ministry and that’s how the

now and we have to finish the

"...and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” (Acts 6:4)

Esther Prayer Group was formed

work before the onset of the next

so that women could pray together.

monsoon. Needless to say, it’s a

My mother waits at the feet of

herculean task to get started with

There are many who support

the Lord, prepares prayer points

the renovation and to have all the

the Jesus Calls ministry financially,

and sends them every month,

for which we are thankful to God.

precautionary measures in place so

to all groups with diligence and

God has placed in my heart that

that, there will be no interruption

sincerity. Because of the fervent

every partner becomes a ‘praying

prayers of these people, God has

to any of our services, here at the

partner’. People who support this

heard nations, families and each

ministry with money and wealth

individual’s cry and performed

should get intimate with God in


prayer and should also become a partner in praying for others and for the ministry. To aid this conception become a reality, the Prayer Academy has prepared a 5-part special training program. This will be held weekly once or twice a month in all the Prayer Towers. Training will be given by dedicated God’s servants. I am sure this training will transform your personal relationship with God. I urge each of you to get enrolled in this training and be blessed. For more details, you can contact the Prayer Towers in your area.

Prayer Tower. The estimated cost is around 2 crores. I pray that God may lead you, to contribute towards this project. Do remember

The first prayer group was

this in your prayers. May God

formed on 8th June 1988 and has

bless you richly, as you share this

now expanded to Youth Esther

burden with us!

Prayer Group (YEPG), Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG), and Couples Esther Prayer Group (CEPG). Please feel free, to join in any of these prayer groups and be a blessing to others.

MINISTERIAL TRAINING PROGRAM “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37) Many of you may have


a commitment to serve Christ

"He is the one who will build a house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever." (2 Samuel 7:13)

happy to introduce an initiative

and are perhaps struggling to do it the right way. But, I’m taken by Jesus Calls ministry, to thoroughly equip people like you, both-Theoretically and Practically.

When Mumbai was flooded

This will be a year-long residential

last year, our Prayer Tower

program in Coimbatore and

in Ghatkopar, was affected to a

towards its completion you will

greater extent. Water flooded the

be awarded a certificate too. This

Angel to heaven, we were steeped

meeting hall and the prayer rooms

training will surely equip you, to

in sorrow and my mom was

resulting in a loss of furniture &

be a great & mighty tool in the

completely shattered and broken.

other electrical items. The roof was

hands of our Master; hence to work

God strengthened her and began

also damaged considerably. We

in God’s vineyard in furthering



JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

His Kingdom. I encourage you,

your area or or

to enrol in the program and secure

dial the toll-free no. 1800 425 77 55

your place; before it’s too late. To

from 7 am - 9 pm.

get more details, please write to

PRAYING FOR YOUR CHILDREN ‘In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge’ (Colossians 2:3) In this month of June, as our children are stepping into the new scholastic year, they are faced with new beginnings in the form of a new school, new college and new courses to study. No doubt, they’re on the cusp of a new academic year and therefore, we need to pray


BLESSED FAMILY My wedding anniversary is on June 2 nd and therefore, this month is special to me. When my sister Angel passed away, my

The entrance exam for B. Tech has

parents were shattered and God

concluded at the Karunya Institute

gave Evangeline as a daughter to

of Technology and Sciences

my parents. She became a source

(deemed to be University).

of comfort to me and my family.

However, the post-graduation

God called Angel but out of His

admissions are still going on.

mercy gave us Evangeline, instead.

We invite you to enrol your children in Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences (deemed to be University) and receive God’s blessings. For details, dial the toll free number 1800 425 4300 or email to admissions@

She was instrumental in building up my family and also to the many millions who look up to her as a sister, a daughter and as a mother. God uses her mightily and there are many miracles God has done through her. When we minister, at

for them that God would grant For admissions

wisdom and knowledge to your

in Karunya Christian School and

children through His Holy Spirit; a

to get more information regarding

happy and a healthy environment,

this, dial the telephone number

given her as a treasure to me and

together with good friends and

0422-2614830/31/32/33 or email

that is absolutely true! I praise

good teachers.

to or visit

the Lord for our matrimonial life

I encourage you, to enrol your children and grandchildren in the Young Partner’s Plan, where we pray for every child for their protection, for wisdom, and for their bright future, through the Prayer Towers 24/7 all year round.

various places, pastors and wellwishers state the fact that God has

the website and for blessing the fruits of our You may also get details to avail

womb as they also minister to the

the scholarships for the Young

Lord. We pray and plead to God

Partners of Jesus Calls.

every day that our family should

SPECIAL DAYS June 1st is celebrated as Parent’s Day and June 17th as Father’s

When we pray together, God’s

Day; let us praise the Lord for our

mercy and protection shall come

parents who cared for us and raised

upon them in this new academic

us up. They hold a significant place

year. To know more details contact

in our lives. Let us perform our

the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in

duties towards our parents.

be an example to all families and pray that God bless your family abundantly. While I continue to pray for you, please remember to uphold us and the ministry in your individual and family prayers. Your dear brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. - June 2018




he train departed from Pune, Maharashtra. I was travelling with my son, Kenneth to Bhusawal. Kenneth is studying in the 10th grade. Being an active teenager, he was walking down the aisles of the train and he was also seen chatting with a few people on the train. The next day, when I got down in Bhusawal,I was shocked to find out that my son was missing. Kenneth was actually missing!

My husband, Vinitkumar Kehal and I have three children who are all partners in the Jesus Calls Ministry. My parents-in-law are also partners. My children, Jemima, Karen and Kenneth are Young Partners who are the third generation in the family to be covered under this ministry.

With an anxious heart, I searched for him. People in the train also helped me search for him. At that moment, I remembered ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. Immediately,I called the Prayer Tower and poured my heart to the prayer intercessor who picked up my call. The prayer intercessor understood my distress and anxiety and with burden prayed for my son that he should

The Lord also did a miracle in the life of Karen, my second daughter. She came back home on the third day of her joining B. Sc. Nursing discouraged and disinterested refusing to go back to college. I contacted the Prayer Tower to pray for her in this situation as my only hope was in Jesus to solve this dilemma. Miraculously, the Lord gave Karen the courage to go back and continue her studies. Every year she got an educational scholarship. God graciously helped her to

return home safe. He prophetically uttered, “Sister, you will receive a phone call within 15 minutes. Your

complete her course successfully with the honour of becoming a gold medallist at the Nursing University.

son is safe.” Just as he prophesied, I received a phone call. We got news that our son Kenneth is safe in

God exalted her, a young partner at the University level. At present, Karen is a nurse by vocation and is

Pune. Apparently, he got down at the Daund railway station and missed the train and a railway guard helped

also planning to pursue higher studies.

him get back to Pune. At present, Kenneth is doing his final year in B. Sc. Nursing. 22

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

My eldest daughter Jemima was distressed as she did not get an appropriate job after her post-graduation. She contacted the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower

and prayed with a prayer intercessor. God heard their prayers and Jemima got a job at Infosys. Though she was happy she got a good job, she got anxious where she will be assigned in. She did not hesitate to contact the Prayer Tower and she prayed along with the prayer intercessor and conveyed her desire to work in Pune. The Lord graciously fulfilled her desire and she was placed only in Pune. By the grace of God, she has completed 4 years in Infosys. Our family is associated with the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry for more than 30 years.My husband and I are working at the Railway Hospital in Bhusawal, Maharashtra. We have been blessed through the various blessing plans; Young Partner’s Plan, Family Blessing Plan, etc.As a partner, we have been blessed individually and as a family. It is a privilege to have an intercessor pray for us with concern. We have the freedom to pray even for small things and even to share our desires and pray with them and I believe God is speaking through them. It is a blessing as this is a forum where we are also not judged when we ask for prayer. May God continue to bless us for many more generations to come and cover us with His blood! ~ Sunitha, Bhusawal

PERPETUAL BLESSINGS FOR 16 YEARS While I was consulting a gynaecologist during my pregnancy,

she said, “We could not clearly spot the child’s head, so if a need arises, we may have to operate” and shifted me to another hospital. I was devastated hearing this and spent nearly a month in fear of the baby’s health. During that time, I pledged that I would testify if God would give me a normal delivery. The Lord blessed me with more

daughter Subashini than what I had asked for. I gave birth to a healthy baby girl weighing 3.5 kgs through a normal delivery. In 2002 May, I enrolled my daughter Subashini in the Young Partner’s Plan. The Lord has been blessing Subashini who is a Young Partner in many ways. In 2016, I wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, to pray for my daughter who was preparing for her10th std.board exams, to score high marks. He replied that my daughter would score high marks in all the subjects. Likewise, the Lord blessed Subashini to secure 94.6%. Now she is continuing her higher studies. I support this ministry regularly with whatever I can offer. I thank the Lord for miraculously giving me a healthy

child, filling her with wisdom and for protecting her all through the 16 years of her life. - K. Yogalakshmi, Chennai. There are many such instances how God has blessed families and children through the various facets of this ministry. The Lord is blessing the Jesus Calls Partners, generation after generation. When we are blessed, we should be a blessing to others and continue the good work God has designated us to do. Continue to uphold this ministry with your offerings. Prayer intercessors pray for the people with much burden, share their anxieties and speak the word of the Lord given to them. It is truly a blessing to have someone to always listen to you, pray for you with much burden and compassion. Let us be a blessing to others and help in whatever way we can. To send your offerings to Jesus Calls Ministries, refer page 33.

You can contact the Prayer Tower any time as we are open 24/7, all 365 days of the year. The prayer helpline is 044 - 33999000. To know more about the different ways you can support this ministry, dial the toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (from 7 am to 9 pm). He will make you more prosperous and numerous than your ancestors. (Deuteronomy 30:5) - June 2018 JESUS CALLS



JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

and for some, a detour to reach their goal

Each one of you is unique, special, and original created by God. God has a plan for you and He will bless you, so that you're a blessing to others! - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

in life sprinkled with a dose of courage and

With myriads of career options avail-

a dash of perseverance with risks strewn

able, wait on the Lord in prayer to show

in our decisions. Passion drives our deci-

you the plan He has for you. Our Lord who

sions to find the right careers, although for

has defined our DNA, knows what is best

It is the time of the year where school has concluded and all efforts are put in to find the right college to pursue an area of specialization. This is the season of change, new beginnings and new aspirations. For some, this brings us closer to our dream

some, it can simply be just financial freedom. We are in the age of instant gratification. Everyone wants to see results immediately. Today, in an era of globalization, with everything just a click away; everyone is in a mad rush to be on the top, to avoid the risk of social exclusion, no matter what it takes. They completely ignore its repercussions and end up failing miserably.

for us. The only way to live successfully is to affiliate ourselves with Him. This will define you. Don’t fall back because of the challenges you have to come across. That’s what makes us stronger... Expect to be challenged! Expect to go through the thorns to reach the rose! No reward is won without a battle. Take things in a healthy stride and you will never be the victim of depression

Therefore, it’s imperative for you, the

or frustration. Never compare yourself to

young, the smart and the most enthusiastic

your neighbor next door, your Facebook

lot, to sit back and envisage what you want

friend or your WhatsApp friend or for that

to achieve in life. You should come out of

matter, your batch-mates or close friends.

the ‘herd mentality’ and do everything that

You can’t be them, and they can’t be you.

defines ‘YOU’. Remember that YOU are

You are blessed with different talents and

unique and designed by the Hand of God.

abilities, which will make you to stand out

The only way to find success and fulfill your purpose is to believe and trust in Him. God has a special plan for each individual. We need to align ourselves to His calling in our lives. Make a difference in the world to-

in the crowd. So, focus on the subject/ course that will underscore your talents. These are the special ingredients to live a successful and meaningful life:

day being ‘YOU’. Be bold and coura-

• Dedication and Smart work

geous in the path that God has set for you!

• Humility - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


the head, not the tail. If you pay

that you have an appetite for and


you will never regret.

Let us not run after wealth and

journers here and our permanent

“Strive not to be a

fame. Money is essential and in-

residence is in heaven. While we

success, but rather to be

deed important but a good name

strive to be successful here on

is more important. Though we live

earth, we also need to make sure

in an age where ‘survival of the

that we live a life worthy to live in

fittest’ stands to gain according to

the house prepared by God for us!

most management techniques, we

Choose wisely and let us not be

should have values and God will

afraid to break stereotypes!

• Commitment • Honesty • No Procrastination So buckle up, choose what you will enjoy the most, the one

of value” - Albert Einstein That’s a sound advice from a great scientist!


lift us up! The Lord will make you

attention to the commands of the Lord your God that I give you this day and carefully follow them, you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. (Deuteronomy 28:13) So, remember we are only so-

- Jessica Samuel

DEAR CHILDREN, AS YOU COMMENCE YOUR NEW SCHOLASTIC YEAR, ENTRUST YOUR FUTURE AND YOUR ACADEMICS TO THE LORD AND YOUR PLANS WILL SUCCEED. Become a Young Partner and shape the world through the wisdom of God. Push the frontiers of knowledge and become that ‘extraordinary’ person. Show your commitment to serve the Lord’s Kingdom. Bask in the divine providence and go farther than you ever dreamed!! Enroll in the Young Partner’s Plan today

When you register, you will enjoy the Special Features mentioned below: 1. The Dhinakarans will earnestly pray for you everyday 2. Prayer intercessors at the 24 hour Prayer Tower will pray for the Young Partners by calling out their name and claiming the promise of the Lord found in I Chronicles 4:10 3. A certificate; as soon as the pledge amount of Rs.3000/- is completed 4. A special greeting card on birthdays from the Dhinakarans 5. A prayer intercessor will call you on your birthday over telephone and pray for you 6. A daily promise verse through SMS

Witness God’s promises being fulfilled in your lives! For more details: · Website: · Toll Free: 1800 425 77 55 (7 am – 9 pm) · Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area · Email: 26

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

God’s message given by beloved brother Late Dr. DGS.Dhinakaran in 1992 at a meeting in Tirunelveli. “But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him.” (Hebrews 10:38) Beloved brothers and sisters, Jesus Christ said, “Because I live, you will also live” (John 14:19). He also said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world”(John 16:33). It is not God’s will for us to suffer and be stuck with trouble, rather it is His will that, “As He lives, we must also live.” It is only by such a faith which arises from

the bottom of our heart, we shall live.

WHAT IS FAITH? “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). When a desperate father pleads for his son to Jesus, He comforts him saying “Everything is possible for him who believes” (Mark 9:23) and “When we believe, the things we pray for will be fulfilled.” Years ago, I went to the city of Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia for ministry. One day, the pastor

who had invited me, requested me to pray for some people. A sister from China brought her little son to me and said, “Sir, my son is deaf in both ears.” Immediately I laid my hands on the little boy and prayed with burden, “Lord, heal this child” and turned to pray for others. Suddenly I heard a cry. I turned back to check what had happened. The mother of the little boy removed the hearing aid from his ears and asked him, “Do you hear what I say?” and the boy replied - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


“Yes” and shook his head. He was repeating everything his mother told him. They were so happy. Yes! Our Jesus is not dead. Even today He lives! Yes, the righteous will live by faith. In this world we have various troubles, sufferings, problems, sicknesses, problems in family life and crisis. Let not your heart be troubled because Jesus said, everything is possible for he who believes. If that is so, “how shall we get such faith?”

BEGINNING OF FAITH “...that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” (Hebrews 12:1) It is only Jesus Christ, who is the pioneer and perfecter of faith!The Bible says that the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love (Galatians 5:6). Love and compassion flows out from Jesus Christ. Whenever we read in the Bible about Jesus healing the sick, we can see that Jesus was filled with compassion and healed them. In the Bible, a leper came to Jesus and begged Him, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” He reached out his hand and touched the man saying “I am willing, be clean!”(Mark 1:40-42) and healed him. It was through that love and compassion which was in Jesus that brought such a strong faith in him. In one moment Jesus Christ performed a miracle. 28

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

Jesus stayed at the house of Simon. There came a woman, who lived in sin. She wet his feet with her tears. Jesus looked unto her and said, “Your sins are forgiven;...Your faith has saved you; go in peace.” Yes, when Jesus saw that she was suffering from sin, he was filled with compassion. The faith that could change her life arose in Him and it saved her (Luke 7:38,39,49,50).

On 11th February, 1995, I decided to end my life by falling in front of a moving train and so headed to the railway track. Through my uncle who crossed by that way, I came to know about the love of Jesus. I came home and lamented for four hours unto the Lord, “Jesus, wash me with your divine blood.” Thereafter, my life was totally transformed.

Dearly beloved! Our Lord Jesus Christ is compassionate and merciful. Therefore let us believe in His compassion and mercy, and ask, “Lord, give me such faith in my heart”. Then he shall definitely give us that firm faith. Though mountains be shaken, the Lord shall give us divine faith which could not be shaken.

One day, as I studying for my exams at 11:00 in the night, I prayed, “Lord Jesus, I did not know you before; but now I am your child; help me to complete my studies successfully.” But there arose a question in my mind, “Many have completed studies and are still unemployed, will I get a job even if I complete my studies? If I do not get a job, what shall I do?” Tears filled my eyes. Being heavy-hearted, I closed my books and reached for the Bible near me and opened it. My eyes fell on 3 John 2, “Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.” These words were like the Lord filled with His love speaking in person to me. A new hope, a divine faith arose within me that, “Jesus will not forsake me; He will open a

HOW SHALL WE RECEIVE THIS FAITH? “Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” (Romans 10:17) By reading the scriptures, faith comes in to us. The Bible says about the word of the Lord as, “When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you” (Proverbs 6:22). The Lord waits to speak to us through His word. Yes! His word originates faith in our hearts.

good path; He will also raise me in this society.” I successfully completed my degree and joined for a simple job in a company. Within few days,I got promotion after promotion. The days went by, and I got married. We faced a lot of problems in our life. We lost two of our babies one after the other and were miserable. Even in that state, some days we fasted and searched Christ with a true heart. One day, when I was reading the Bible, my eyes fell on Isaiah 29:22,23. “No longer will your face be ashamed.” These words resonated within me through the words, “You will no longer be ashamed”. We believed it. Accordingly the Lord blessed us again with two children. He wiped away all our afflictions. My dear brothers and sisters, every word you read from the Bible, brings faith into your hearts. The Lord said, “...the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life” (John 6:63). It is the love, compassion and warmth in His words that originates this faith in our hearts. This faith brings us the good things and blessings from the hands of the Lord.

ANOTHER WAY TO RECEIVE FAITH! “We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and

therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak.” (2 Corinthians 4:13) The Lord grants us faith as one of the gifts (1 Corinthians 12:9). Faith is given unto us as one of the “fruit of the Holy Spirit” (Galatians 5:22,23). The Holy Spirit is the only reason for the Lord to give us faith as strength! (Acts 1:8). You must experience how the Holy Spirit brings about a divine faith in the bottom of our hearts.

WHO IS THIS HOLY SPIRIT? Before Jesus Christ departed from His disciples, He said... I will give unto you another comforter. His name is Holy Spirit(John 14:16,17). When my two children were very young, I used to conduct meetings at various places and my wife would also accompany me for the ministry.Both of them would cry before we leave. We used to tell them, “Don’t worry, when we are not there, your aunty will take care of you”. At once, they would become happy as their aunt, my wife’s sister, would get for them whatever they ask for. Even if they break anything in the house, she would not question them as to why they did it. Therefore, they were very happy. Similarly, the Lord keeps the Holy Spirit as a comforter amidst

you (John 14:26). He dwells within you, your family and the churches. Wherever you go, He will come along with you. It is He who performs miracles in your life. We cannot see Him with our eyes. But as He comes from the Father, He is powerful as His Father. His works are incomprehensible to our brains, our knowledge and wisdom. He acquires such supernatural power! When Paul was preaching, there was a lame man hearing him speak. Suddenly Paul said to this man with a loud voice, “Stand upright on thy feet” and he leaped and walked(Acts 14:8-10).It is a supernatural miracle. The Holy Spirit revealed the faith of this lame man to Paul. It is because the Holy Spirit spoke to Paul, that he was able to say it. As the power of the Holy Spirit came, the miracle happened. My dearly beloved, are you saying you do not have faith? The Holy Spirit is waiting next to you. All you have to say is, “I believe”. There were no miracles impossible for Him; and there is nothing impossible now. It is because the Lord said, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, said the Lord of hosts” (Zechariah 4:6). Do not be troubled. “...and your hope will not be cut off” (Proverbs 23:18). The righteous shall definitely live by faith and I pray that you will have faith as small as a mustard seed which is enough to move mountains! - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


Jesus is going to teach us how

how badly hurt I would be if I fell

to walk on water today. He will

down. Slowly, fear got the better of

walk with us so that none of the

me turning me nervous! So, I went

rivers or raging waters in our life

one step at a time holding on to the

will subdue us.

corners and ended up walking on

When I went ice-skating for the first time, I saw many people skating like breeze in the large ice ring. That was a beautiful sight and

the ice! But my friend who came with me fell down at least 50 times. However, he skated beautifully within half an hour.

EMOTIONAL FAITH This is the faith we get when we first feel God’s presence. For example, when you first begin reading the Bible or when you see a miracle, you feel a rush of excitement surging in your heart; that is emotional faith. When Jesus called Peter, he experienced

I wanted to try it out. As I donned

We can never learn if we are

emotional faith. He saw Jesus

on my skates, I also noticed that

afraid to fall. My friend, today we

performing miracles from his

some were falling down and

are going to learn that we should

boat and got so excited leading

hurting themselves. I wondered

not worry when we fall down.

to his faith and belief in his heart.

Actually, falling is a necessary

He was thrilled when Jesus said

step to learn how to walk on water.

Peter, “Stop everything and follow

Jesus taught Peter how to walk on

me.” He followed Jesus. It is good

water (Matthew 14th Chapter).

to have this emotional faith. It’s

Let us meditate on that. He taught

not bad. This is the first step. But

Peter three steps, and these are the

remember, it’s only the beginning

three steps of faith.

of our journey.



June 2018 -

I met a girl from Brazil who

go and pray in the lions’ cage in the

you start building your lives on

spoke to me about several things,

zoo. When I do that, like Daniel,

Jesus. The first thing that happens

and she said, “I looked up India and

the lions will not touch me.” He

to us when we receive emotional

saw preachers preaching there. It is

wanted to show that he had great

faith are the troubles, problems

so exciting to see so many people

faith, but alas, the man never came

and fear that shake us because we

coming to listen and many mighty

out! The lion had devoured him.

don’t have strong roots. They try

miracles happening there. I can’t

It’s so dangerous to practice with

to shake away the emotional faith

wait to do the same. I also want to

this emotional faith. You have to

we have in Jesus. That’s why we

preach to large crowds and want

wait till it matures.

often see troubles and temptations

to see the miracles of God, this is my goal.” It’s good to have such an emotional faith. While it is good to have such a passion, I also had to talk to her and expound the reality of ministry. So, I explained to her about how the first generation of ministry went through fire, how they struggled to receive this grace from God. It is not easy to build a ministry without going through fiery situations. When I told her she said, “I’ll think about it and pray.”

“For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge.” (Romans 10:2) They were so zealous to do something for God, but they had not received the righteousness of God yet. To illustrate, being zealous and having faith without receiving righteousness is like having only the icing without the cake. I read a post on Facebook. There was a preacher in Nigeria

“For they are being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God.” (Romans 10:3) We have to wait to submit to God’s righteousness before acting on this faith. Even though we put our faith in Jesus, we have to wait for God’s righteousness and not act on our own righteousness. Be careful not to be controlled by your sinful nature (Romans 8:9). You have to be controlled by God’s Spirit, and that leads to maturity.

trying to test us and we look at the circumstance around us and we cry out, “What is happening? I thought I had faith in Jesus and trusted Him but why are troubles coming to me?” and then we start drowning and we start to lose emotional faith. We see in the movies when people climb up the mountain, the guide always says, “Whatever you do, don’t look down.” But what do they do? They look down and they tremble with fear, knowing, that if they fall, not a bone will be spared!

He brings God’s righteousness to

This is the same mistake that

us. Today, let us ask the Lord to

Peter made. With great emotional

control us by His Spirit and He will

faith, seeing Jesus walking on

pour His Spirit upon you and lead

the water he also jumped into the

you through His Spirit.

water and started walking towards

DEEPER FAITH “Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:7)

Jesus, looking directly into Jesus’ face. But the moment he took his eyes off Jesus and started looking around at the storm, the boisterous waves shook his emotional faith and he began to sink. When troubles come, and we

and he proclaimed himself to be

Let your roots grow around

have just emotional faith, we get

a prophet and said, “Look at me,

Jesus and let your lives be built

perturbed wondering how we can

I am going to carry this Bible and

on Him. As the roots grow deeper,

handle the problem be it financial, - June 2018



emotional or study/work related issues. It is because our lives are not built on Jesus completely and our roots are not deep enough to learn to rely on Jesus. Then we cry, “Jesus, where are you? Help me, Lord! My strength is gone.” Don’t worry my friends, this is the normal process. He makes us go through it, to help us see that there is a difference between our strength and the strength of the Creator. He listens to our cry and responds, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you” (NIV). King James Version says, “I will not leave you comfortless, I will come to you.” He then begins to deepen our faith in Him. When my sister and I were young, our Dad wanted to teach us swimming. He took us to a deep swimming pool. Without wasting any time, he threw us both in deep water! We were panicking, and I was panting for breath and cried “Dad, save me!” He directed us to flap our way up, and we did, and we began coming up the water! Yes, we learnt it the hard way! In the same way, the Lord puts us in deep waters, and we flap and struggle and finally cry out to Him and He reaches out His hand and gently lifts us up as He did with Peter. Try to do it with your own strength and see what happens, it will disappoint you. But when we rely on His strength, He teaches us patiently and it is amazing to see what He does. 32

JESUS CALLS June 2018 -

Take a look at Jonah and see

just as Jonah heard the voice of

what happened to him. When

God in that belly. This grace comes

he was thrown into the sea, He

and protects you and isolates you

sank deep into the water (Jonah

from the world. It doesn’t allow

1st chapter) and God sent a fish

the voice of the devil to reach you.

to swallow him. God graciously

It makes you listen to the voice

gave my grandfather a vision in

of God instead. Our eyes turn to

which he met Jonah in heaven and

Jesus, we listen to him and God

Jonah told him, “you know when

helps us to see this very clearly

I was in the belly of the fish, the

even when under the water. He

digestive juices would come from

gives us a nice pair of goggles and

all sides and crush me to digest

those goggles are none other than

me but in the midst of it, I saw

the Holy Spirit.

the grace of God covering me. It covered me and protected me from

JESUS, YOU ARE MY ONLY SOURCE OF STRENGTH. getting digested. Even though God sent me into the fish, He protected me with His grace so that nothing could touch me. I learnt of the power of His grace that day.”

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” (John 16:13) The Holy Spirit reveals God’s plan to us. He reveals God purpose in our life. He helps us clearly when under the water. Otherwise, we will never listen to the voice of God. We will be rushing to our work all the time; rushing to preach without God; rushing to love and enjoy the family without God; without hearing His plan; without having any roots. That’s why He gives us this special time

Are you crying out to the Lord

to sit and listen to Him first. When

saying, ‘Why are you allowing

all of our strength is gone we say,

these troubles, Lord? When I

“Jesus, you are my only source

desire to trust in you, why have you

of strength,” and we then find

allowed these temptations?’. He

a deeper faith in Jesus. And as

will not allow you to be shattered.

faith deepens, Jesus, through the

He will send His grace to cover us

power of the Holy Spirit credits

and to protect us in this process

His righteousness to us. What is it

to be righteous? It is to do the will

our future for our studies, career,

wisdom and courage (Acts 4:8-13).

of God. It’s simple. It is the Holy

life partner, etc. When it comes to

He was able to lead the disciples;

Spirit who gives us this grace in

family problems, be it with your

God gave him the power to do

our ‘underwater’ situations. He

spouse or children, He will give us

mighty miracles like raising the

reveals God’s plans for us and

the right solutions. God will speak

crippled man. This is what will

helps us do it. This is how our faith

to you concerning your loved

happen when you walk with Jesus

becomes deepened and rooted in

ones. His Holy Spirit will reveal

Jesus when He teaches us to trust

the mind of God and put in place

on the water. Fears and doubts will

in His strength and grace and hear

the plan of action in your home, in

His voice in tough situations in

your business and in your ministry.


You will see an explosion of


God’s power! You will not only be blessed but will also be a blessing

vanish. A deeper connection is formed with Jesus and we receive the grace and power to do mighty things for God. He makes us His signet ring. To paraphrase, let’s be zealous

This is the final step in the

to others. Faith in action is not only

completion of the course. Knowing

about receiving strength from God

the plans of God, believing in those

to get blessings in your life but it’s

plans, and accomplishing them

about bringing it to people in your

are evidence of faith in action.

spheres of influence. Peter stood

God will help us to make the right

before the church officials and God

unimaginable things for Him as

choices, right decisions regarding

gave him the ability of boldness,

per His plans and purpose for us.

and righteous before God, have a deep faith in Jesus and give our heart fully to Him and enjoy His grace and power to do

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JESUS CALLS June 2018 -



he God of Gods, who created the universe, gives us this wonderful promise! “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9) “…if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” (John 11:40) He, who said these, is eagerly waiting to do wonders in our lives! With faith, we need to hold on to the Lord who does wonders, telling, ‘He who promised is faithful’ (Hebrews 10:23) and that ‘He will do it’ (I Thessalonians 5:24).

Who is the Lord, who does wonders? “You are the God who does wonders; You have declared

He accomplished it accordingly. (Micah 7:15).

Your strength among the people” (Psalm 77:14) “He does great things too marvelous to understand. He performs countless miracles.” (Job 9:10). In the Old Testament, we read that ‘the wonderful Lord’ enabled Abraham’s wife Sarah to beget a child miraculously, even after she passed the age of childbearing (Genesis 18:11; 21:1,2) Likewise, the Angel of God called Hagar, who was wandering in the wilderness in a hopeless situation, crying loudly saying, ‘"Let me not see the death of the boy" and said to her, "What ails you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the lad where he is. Arise, lift up the lad and hold him with your hand, for I will make him a great nation” (Genesis 21:16-18).

Hearing the cries of Hannah, the wife of Elkanah, who poured out her heart in the presence of God, as she did not have a child, the Lord remembered her and graciously enabled her to beget a son and name him Samuel (I Samuel 1:10, 19,20). He blessed Hannah again and helped her to beget three sons and two daughters (I Samuel 2:21). Similarly, in the New Testament, the Lord did a miracle in the life of the aged couple Zechariah and Elizabeth who had no child and made her beget a son (Luke 1:7,13,57). The Canaanite woman, who was in tears because of her demonpossessed daughter worshipped Him saying, ‘"Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demonpossessed" and the Lord Jesus of - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


miracles replied to her saying"O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire” (Matthew 15:22-28; Mark 7:25-30). When a sinful woman stood at Jesus’ feet behind Him weeping who began to wash His feet with her tears, wiped them with the hair of her head, kissed His feet and anointed them with the fragrant oil, His heart melted, and He said to her, "Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace" (Luke 7:37-50). On a Sabbath day, when Jesus was preaching, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years (Luke 13:11-13). She was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, He called her to Him and said to her, "Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity" and He laid His hands on her and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God (Luke 13:11-13). A certain woman had a flow of blood for twelve years, and had spent all that she had. She heard about Jesus, came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment saying, "If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well”. Immediately, power went out of Jesus and the fountain of her blood was dried up. She was healed completely (Mark 5:25-30). When Jesus went into a city called Nain,a dead man was being carried out, the only son of his mother; and she was a widow. Seeing her tears, Jesus had compassion on her and said to her, "Do not weep." Then He came and 36

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touched the open coffin, and brought back that young man to life and showed His wonder to that mother (Luke 7:11-15). Four days after Lazarus, the brother of Martha and Mary, was dead and buried, He stood before the tomb and cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!" and brought him back to life and made the sisters happy (John 11:43,44). When the daughter of Jairus, ruler of the synagogue died, Jesus brought her back from the dead and made that family happy (Luke 8:41, 49-55).

Look up to Him with faith whatever your problems, sufferings, losses and tears are. The Lord who does wonders would answer your pleas. He will reveal His wonder in your life too. Thus we see in the Bible the wonder working God doing wonders in many people’s lives. That’s why the Bible says that His name is ‘wonderful’ (Judges 13:18; Isaiah 9:6). Don’t we read in the Bible, ‘"Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh, is there anything too hard for Me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). Sister Vimala who received a miraculous healing from our wonderful Lord, shares her testimony: “I had a fever and was taken to a private hospital. The doctors

tested me and gave me some medicines. But the next day, both of my legs became swollen and I could not walk. Also, I could not pass urine and suffered. When I was taken back to the hospital, they said that my kidneys were affected, and I was admitted in the ICU. As days went by, my condition deteriorated and eventually, I became bedridden. Finally, the doctors declared that I could not be saved and they advised that I should be taken to a government hospital since the expense would be much less. Immediately, my children took me there and they also said that I would not survive. I was brought back home. At home, one day, when I was lying on my bed in agony, I watched the Jesus Calls television programme, and when Sis. Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I also joined her in prayer with tears. What a wonder! Soon after the prayer was over, I began to pass urine. Also, the swelling on my legs vanished and I started walking well. Now I am able to walk well, and I also have taken up a job. Glory to the Lord, who gave me such a miraculous healing”. ‘Nothing is impossible with God’ (Luke 1:37). Everything is possible for Him. He does wonders. Look up to Him with faith whatever your problems, sufferings, losses and tears are. The Lord who does wonders would answer your pleas. He will reveal His wonder in your life too. Also, the Bible says,’He will make us see wonders in the deep’ “They see the works of the

LORD, and His wonders in the deep” (Psalm 107:24) “He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them drink in abundance like the depths” (Psalm 78:15). Yes, He is the God, who knows your heart and does wonders in the deep. “…darkness was on the face of the deep…Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light” (Genesis 1:2,3) If you rightfully hold on to the Lord, who does wonders, in the darkness or on the face of the deep, He would make you also see wonders in the depth of your life. Before knowing Jesus as the Lord, Peter who was His disciple was an ordinary fisherman. Jesus got into his boat as he was washing his net in the shore having failed to catch fish despite toiling all night and preached to the people. After He had stopped preaching, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch” (Luke 5:1-5). Dear ones, today, there are many of you who lament saying, “Oh, I don’t have money; I don’t have a child; there is no joy or peace in the family; I do get plenty of money but I don’t know where it goes...’ and so on? Do not be troubled! “…the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (I Samuel 16:7). He searches the heart; He tests the mind (Jeremiah 17:10). He saw the depth of Peter’s empty heart.

Deciding to make him thrilled, He showed him His wonder in the depth and made him catch an amazing number of fish (Luke 5:69). The same God looks at the depth of your heart. The God, who shows His wonder in the depth, would reveal His wonders in your life too. Sister Rathi Ananth tells how the Lord showed His wonder and lifted up her husband: “My husband became addicted to alcohol since when he was

He, who controlled the raging waves of the deep, is walking in your midst today. Ask for the Holy Spirit with thirst and receive Him. He would change you into a powerful sword and use you. young and took to drinking all the time. His habit continued even after our marriage. He spent all his salary on drinks and never used to give money for the family and children’s education. Every day I used to wait for him with tears. I stopped taking care of my children and as a result, my son started faring poorly in his studies and failed in all the subjects. His teachers called me and asked me to take him off from the school as he was poor in his studies. I was heartbroken. I felt that it was better to die. At this juncture, one day I was watching the Jesus Calls TV

programme. That day Sister Stella Dhinakaran was sharing about the Lord’s love and said, “Don’t share your problems with others and cry; instead tell it to the Lord and cry to Him” and she quoted the verse, ‘'Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know’ (Jeremiah 33:3) and prayed. I joined her in prayer and from then on started to fast and pray, holding on to the Lord. Every night, after everyone went to bed, I started wrestling in prayer for my family. After that, I joined the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. What a wonder! Within a few months, my husband left his drinking habit. One day he told me, ‘I am unable to drink nowadays. I hate to go near the liquor shop. How is it possible? I don’t know”. That time I told him about the Lord’s love and took him to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. The Lord miraculously lifted up my husband from the mire of sin and changed him into a new man. He has graciously helped my son to study well”. He, who makes us see wonders in the deep, saw the depth of Peter’s heart.He did a wonder for him and surprised him; He made him into the one who catches men (Luke 5:10,11). He lifted up the brother mentioned in the above testimony, made that sister happy and granted peace and joy to that family. If you too are sunk in deep mire, cry unto Him saying, ‘Lord, I am a sinful woman. I am sunk deep in the mire of sin and am in a despicable state. Please change my heart. Lift me up from the miry - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


clay and make me holy”. Then the Lord would lift you up from the despicable state and change you as His child and His servant much to everyone’s amazement.

the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk’ and took him by the right hand and lifted him up. Immediately he leapt up and walked (Acts 3:1-8).

The Lord did yet another thing in the life of Peter.

My dear ones, it is not you, who would testify but the Holy Spirit in you would speak through you. We have come to the last days. Commit your heart and tongue to the Lord. Speak about the Lord. Do something for the Lord. The Bible says,

Peter said, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net." (Luke 5:5). Perhaps, Peter was listening to Jesus’ preaching to others. ‘So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God’ (Romans 10:17). Accordingly, faith abounded in the depth of his heart. Hence he instantly obeyed His Words and caught such a great number of fish that their net was breaking. Dear ones, do you want to be blessed? Learn to honour and diligently read the word of God. The Lord is great! ‘Whatever the LORD pleases He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deep places’ (Psalm 135:5,6). He wants us to be prosperous in everything (III John 2). How did he change Peter, who was catching fish, into the one who catches men? He was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-14). After that, he who was illiterate was filled with the faith of the Lord and spoke boldly. That day, nearly three thousand who accepted the Lord’s words joyously were saved. Next, when he went into the temple of God, he said to the lame man, ‘In 38

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Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might’ (Ecclesiastes 9:10).

He will bless you abundantly; He will do wonders in your life; He will show wonders in the deep. Here is the testimony of Geetha Evangeline who committed herself to the Lord and is of blessing to many: ‘I was working under a person who was a soothsayer and it was displeasing to the Lord. Without my knowledge, I was thus living a sinful life for ten years. Since I was doing this kind of job, there was no peace in my heart. I always felt empty within me. I got married and had a daughter. My husband passed away when my child was very young. I did not know how to live in this world.

At this juncture, through my friend, I came to know about the Lord and started visiting the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers. As I began to visit the Prayer Tower frequently for prayers, I received the love of the Lord. In addition, I believed that I am His daughter and left all the things that were displeasing to Him in my life. Since I accepted the Lord, my relatives discarded me and my daughter. Yet, the Lord was with us. I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Though we were alone, we could feel the Lord with us and lived for His glory. By the grace of God, I got a government job. Also, I enrolled my little daughter in the Jesus Calls Young Partner’s Plan. She began to study well and has now chosen the field of nursing. She has much love for the Lord, has received the anointing of the Holy Spirit and is living for Him. She has formed the Esther Prayer Group in her hostel and is leading 40 children to the Lord, through this. Now we are living as His children. Since we have received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the Lord has exalted us, who had nothing in life, and is leading us as blessings to many”. My dear sisters, don’t you need this profound experience? He, who controlled the raging waves of the deep, is able to give you His power and deep spiritual experiences. Today He is walking in your midst. Ask for the Holy Spirit with thirst

and receive Him. He would change you into a powerful sword and use you. Next, declare His wonders Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples (I Chronicles 16:24; Psalm 77:11, 78:4; 96:3). Yes, we need to declare the wonders of the Lord. ‘…out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’ (Matthew 12:34). As the Bible says thus, do we speak good things of the Lord, whenever we have time? Do we tell others the good things that the Lord does for us? ‘Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works!’ (I Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 105:2, 136:4). Our Lord says, ‘My glory I will not give to another…’ (Isaiah 42:8; 48:11). He is pleased when we praise Him. He smells the praises that we offer Him as a soothing aroma (Genesis 8:21).

‘….let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name’ (Hebrews 13:15). In the 4th chapter of John, we read about the Samaritan woman. When she comes to the Lord, she is a woman sunk in sin. As she hears the Lord’s words, faith is born in her heart. Because of her faith, the Lord gives her a new life. Instantly she goes into her town and proclaims about the Lord to her people. Many of the Samaritans of that city believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified (John 4:28,29,39). In my life, I was an empty vessel. However, after marriage, I was behind my husband and served him. Nobody knew that I had received the anointing since I was a very timid person. I used to be shy and nervous. The Lord then said to me, “Daughter, how long would you be calling yourself an ignorant person? I am going to use you mightily in such a way that you would say that you have no time”. I did not

take it seriously and could never imagine such a lifestyle. My husband got a transfer in his bank job and we came to Chennai. That time, my husband started receiving several letters seeking prayers. I began to get involved in the letter ministry in a small way. As days passed, the Lord increased the ministry. He opened doors for me to preach. Then He gave me the Esther Prayer Group ministry. As the Lord said, today He has increased the ministry and is using me so mightily that I can say that I have no time. Dear ones, please do even the small ministry that you have, with all your might. The Lord, who promised, ‘A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation’ (Isaiah 60:22), would bless you abundantly; He will do wonders in your life; He will show wonders in the deep; this God of wonders would remove all your lacks and make them perfect. He would use you mightily in the ministry. Through you, He would reveal His wonders. - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


May 21, 1986 - the day I lost my only daughter who was 17 years old and was in deep sorrow! It was then the Lord gave me this special ministry in 1988 - Esther Prayer Group ministry. This ministry encourages every woman’s prayer life in such a way that they intercede to the Lord with much burden and tears for the needs of other women and thereby giving them an opportunity to enjoy a blessed life from the Lord. Through this ministry which has been carried out for nearly 30 years, today scores of women have become prayer warriors and are building up their own family as good witnesses. The prayers offered by them are like lamps of fire and they glorify the Lord’s name 40

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by doing glorious deeds. They are proving that ‘Prayer brings Victory’. Following this, young girls between the ages of 15 - 25, studying in colleges or working, gather as young women to do this ministry in all reverence and are glorifying the Lord’s name by living as ‘the fragrance of Christ’. The Lord is doing glorious things among these young women according to the Scriptures, ‘for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure’ (Philippians 2:13). Not only this, it is amazing that the Lord has created the desire for prayer in the hearts of little children at the age group of 7 - 15 as a result of which the Junior Esther Prayer Group was formed. Likewise, these days, lack of peace, division etc., are rampant among the

married couples. Hence ‘Couples Esther Prayer Group’ was started on August 17, 2017, so that the couples be filled with the love of the Lord, their life mended and that they would receive peace and blessings from the Lord.

HOW TO START THIS PRAYER GROUP? Esther Prayer Group (EPG): Being a woman, every month you may gather 8 or more women with you and pray for 2 hours for the 20 prayer points that would be sent to you from the Jesus Calls Esther Prayer Group department in Chennai.

Youth Esther Prayer Group (YEPG): Likewise, every month, Young women can gather as 4 or more young girls and pray for 1 hour for the 10 prayer points that would be sent to you by us.

Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG): Young children (7 years to 15 years) may gather as 4 or more children and pray for 1 hour every month for the 10 prayer points that would be sent to you.

Couples’ Esther Prayer Group (CEPG): As couples, you may gather as 4 or more couples and pray for 1 hour every month for the 10 prayer points sent by us.

“ARISE, SHINE; FOR YOUR LIGHT HAS COME! AND THE GLORY OF THE LORD HAS RISEN UPON YOU” (ISAIAH 60:1). Contact address for those who wish to start the Prayer Group: SISTER STELLA DHINAKARAN, 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email:, Telephone: 91-44-23456677 / 72



Dear sisters and children, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for each and every prayer point sent to you. Hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. If possible, try to memorize the promise verse and retain it in your heart.

Gift of a child Sis. Kalaiarasi had still born children twice. With great burden we prayed for her and had also written a letter to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran requesting her to pray for this need. She had promptly replied stating that she would come back home with a child. The Lord heard all our prayers and graciously helped her to deliver a boy baby. Glory to God! - C. Suganthy, Vellore.

Divine Urge to Pray for all The prayer points and the Promise verse are of great benefit to all of us. The Lord helped us to pray with burden for all the prayer points. He increased in us the urge to pray for all and we firmly believe that it is the Lord’s doing. All glory to Him! - Esther Jeya, Ariyalur.

Grace to do Divine service Sis. Gowri of our Esther 42

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Prayer Group did not know how to pray. After she joined our group, she has learnt to pray well and has learnt the importance of prayer. God has given us the grace to visit villages and share the love of Jesus to every house. He has given Sis. Prema the grace to pray, being filled with the Spirit and to speak in tongues. Glory to God! - P. Hephzibah, Thiruthangal

Total Deliverance Since the past 20 years, I have been praying that my husband should be saved. Ever since I started the Esther Prayer Group in my house, the Lord has been gradually bringing many changes in my husband. Last May, he completely became a child of the Lord. Glory to God who completely delivered my husband from various wicked deeds and sinful habits! - M. Deepa, Salem.

Burdened prayer brings His presence Last month, the Lord helped us to pray for the prayer points in the Spirit with burden and enabled each one of us to feel His presence. We were excited to understand that when we trust the Lord, we would receive so many benefits and blessings. We praise the Lord for the divine promises that we received even at the beginning of the year. We felt as if every prayer point was meant for us. - S. Gandhimathy (a) Hephzibah, Manamadurai.

Grace to Pray with anointing Last month’s prayer points were of great blessing. We learnt how our prayer should be during intercession. All of us prayed with a burning desire in our hearts that we should receive the Lord’s divine experiences. During prayer time, the Lord helped us to pray with much anointing.

One Bro. Maruthupandian, who is my husband’s colleague had met with an accident and was in coma for the past 3 years. All of us as a group, prayed with oneness of mind for him. The Lord heard the prayer, brought a change in his condition and made him regain his consciousness. Doctors said that my daughter had cysts in her uterus. With faith and hope, we prayed for the January prayer points, according to Isaiah 12:2. The Lord heard the prayer and granted her healing. In addition, she also conceived. Glory to God! - G. Rajammal, Kangeyam.

Humility helps Praying this month on the basis of the theme ‘Humility’ has added great benefit to my personal life. Many thanks for the prayer points given on the basis of the verses that show how women should be humble in life. All of us prayed with burden for all the prayer points. - Rajagani Yesupatham, Alandurai.

Move of the Holy Spirit During this month’s prayer time, all of us felt the move of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Sis. Baby testified that she felt the mighty filling of the Holy Spirit after a long time and that she prayed with vision and anointing. The Prayer Points were meant for us. Through the verse, ‘He gives grace to the humble’, we understood the humility of Jesus and that we should follow His example. - Hephzibah Beulah, Tharapuram.

Divine Peace; Divine Blessing Sis.Selvi of our Esther Prayer Group had no child even after 5 years of married life. The Lord heard our prayers in the group as we had prayed with oneness of mind for her. The Lord has blessed her with a beautiful baby girl. We also had a situation where there were constant conflicts between a sister and her daughterin-law as they had no peace or

love between them. We prayed for this every month. The Lord heard our prayers and they were reconciled on the daughter-in-law’s birthday. It was a surprising moment to all of us. She testified that the Lord has given peace in her family and glorified God. This month, the prayer meeting conducted with 24 leaders of our zone was excellent. Since it was an year- end meeting, all the leaders shared their testimonies and glorified God. It was encouraging to hear some of the sisters testify that the Lord heard their prayers and had even healed cancer. Everyone who attended Sis. Sheila Jeyachandran’s group took a decision to read the whole Bible in a year and some of the sisters finished reading it fully and some even had read it twice in a year. Now the Lord is helping them to quote the verses well, while praying. Glory to God! - Kiruba Prakash, Chennai.

May the Lord graciously help all the Esther Prayer Groups and every prayer intercessor to become new creations in Christ Jesus - I Timothy 2:4. My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you or young girls / children / Couples to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women/young girls/children/couples in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. These are the end times. Make use of this time. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. Contact Address: Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


Answer: As we all know, these days we could see people languishing without peace in family life. Marriages are conducted in a grand and beautiful manner, by spending a lot of money - sometimes even by taking huge loans. However, within a short time, both husband and wife ruin their married life by magnifying even trivial shortcomings in one another. Eventually, they live separately citing various reasons. They fall into the lust of the eye and flesh and the pride of life (I John 2:16). Since they lead their married life as they like, there is no divine blessing, peace and joy for them. In that case, how to receive this divine life?

God of Peace Jesus Christ, the Lord has sev44

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eral names. In the Bible, we read His names as ‘Prince of Peace’ (Isaiah 9:6), ‘God of Peace’ (I Thessalonians 5:23), ‘our Peace’ (Ephesians 2:14). So, first of all, we need to know the truth that ‘our personal heart should be always filled with this divine peace’. The Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself on the cross to be broken. ‘But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him…’ (Isaiah 53:5). According to this Scripture, since He gave Himself up to be bruised and wounded on the cross, He has earned this blessing for us. Also, His blood has the power to wash and cleanse all our sins. So, what should we do? First of all, confess all the sins of your

life– whether big or small – to Him. Then He would forgive all our sins according to the Scriptures, ‘He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness’ (I John 1:9) and would give us a new life. Then this divine peace would come into us. As I had already written several times, in my life, without receiving this salvation, I was quite content in leading a nominal Christian life of attending church and learning from the Sunday school. In those days I was taught only this. However, when the due time came, the Lord spoke to me. He revealed to me the glory of His salvation. I looked up to the cross. I confessed all my shortcomings to Him. The Lord graciously and mercifully redeemed me from all sins. He cleansed me with His blood and I became a new creation in Christ (II Corinthians

5:17). The Lord and I became close friends. My dear sisters, right now, please receive this experience and see how blessed this kind of life is. Kneel down right where you are and plead to Him saying, ‘Lord, I am a sinful woman; forgive all my sins, wash and cleanse me with Your blood and fill me with divine peace; be with me”. The Lord would hear your plea and give you a new life. Also, He would always fill you with His word and abide with you forever. Then the divine peace given by Him would be full in your life.

Peace in the daily life Whether it is in family life or when we interact with the people of the world, many times we languish without peace. We easily get angry or hurt when someone works against us or talks badly about us. Our peace is ruined because of this. However is it possible for us to be always filled with divine peace? Yes, this divine peace given by the Lord would never depart from you under any situation and no matter what happens. For this, your life should be pleasing to God. In the family life, when you read the Bible and pray and when you walk accordingly in all reverence, the Lord would bless you as we read in the Bible, ‘a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised’ (Proverbs 31:30). The divine peace given by the Lord would be great. God

of peace would be present in your house. Everyone who visits your house would smell its sweet aroma (II Corinthians 2:14,15). These days, there are plenty of new things to spread fragrance from our body and even from our clothes. My dear sisters, these give out fragrance only for a brief period. However, the ‘fragrance of divine peace’ given by God would Seek Him in order that your heart and house would be filled with His presence. Praise Him always. Walk with Him. When you do all these reverentially, the Lord would enable the fragrance of peace to diffuse from your house, because of you. be with you forever. The only way for this divine peace is nothing but the filling of the presence of God. Seek Him in order that your heart and house would be filled with His presence. Praise Him always. Walk with Him. When you do all these reverentially, the Lord would enable the fragrance of peace to diffuse from your house, because of you. Here the fragrance of peace would be great. As a result, joy and all kinds of blessings would increase in your family. Do

you know what the Lord would say about your heart and your house? “For the Lord has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling place: This is My resting place forever; Here I will dwell, for I have desired it” (Psalm 132:13,14). Also, as we read in Psalm 112 & 115, your house would always be blessed and filled with the Lord. Today, even in workspots we hear many telling that there is no peace. However, when the Lord is always with you, divine peace would come upon them, through you. Your life would always be of good works and good testimony.

Divine Peace When would this peace be received? We need to follow two important things in our life. One, the divine life of holding on to the Lord! Second, the Christian life of placing full trust on the Lord. My dear sisters, how is your life in both these aspects? Just think! John writes thus in his epistle: ‘…truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ...’ (I John 1:3). We, the women of this world should have this goal. ‘I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 3:14). - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


The only way for us to receive this is, giving priority to Bible reading and showing reverence in seeking God much. If you take this lightly and are negligent, the divine peace which is filled with the Lord’s presence would never be there in your life. So, today examine yourself as to how far you have fellowship with God and understand yourself. When I got married, I have watched Bro. Dhinakaran getting up early in the morning and spending two hours with the Lord in talking to Him and in reading the Bible, after finishing our family prayer. He would come out of his room only at 8.30 in the morning by which time I would have made everything

ready for him. He would leave for office within ½ hour. Apart from this, at that young age, he carefully followed the profound exercise of fasting and praying. On seeing that I used to pray to the Lord saying, ‘Lord, thank You for making me a wife of this godly servant. Give me the grace to seek You reverentially like he does. Remove all the shortcomings in my life and give me godliness and thirst”. “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure...” (Philippians 2:13) According to this Scripture, the Lord gave me the desire and thirst to live in close union with Him. As a result of this,

since then He has been leading me in such a wonderful way so as not to lose heart amidst the many trials, losses and tears but to be strong in Him and arise and shine for Him. Wouldn’t He, who loved me and led me hitherto, lead you too? Doesn’t the Bible say that God ‘shows personal favoritism to no man?’ (Galatians 2:6; Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34). My dear sisters, the Lord will help you to read this again and again diligently and live a life filled with divine peace, His presence, fragrance, and to be a good testimony, filled with good works. May you hold on to Him and receive blessings from Him!

Bible Portion from Psalm (Answer with Biblical reference) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Like what, who, do what to whom? What is the beginning of what and what is there to whom? How is the Lord, to whom? And do what to whom? What is with whom and to whom He will do what? For whose sake, which and make what? For whose sake, prepared what? What, like what, do what? With what, I have been done what? The Lord is what and He loves what? What beholds whom? What does the Lord sets and to whom? And what does He brings out? What is there in the tents of whom? What will do what? Whom and how should be set before you? Because of what, I shall not be what?

Answers must reach us before June 20, 2018 Address: Bible Quiz - 76 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Email: 46

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ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ - 74 1. The ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-Edom the Gittite three months. And the Lord blessed him and all his household (2 Samuel 6:11). 2. For thus says the Lord: You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, your animals may drink (2 Kings 3:17). 3. The strength of Israel will not lie. For He is not a man, that He should relent (1 Samuel 15:29). 4. But David did not take the number of those twenty years old and under, because the Lord had said He would multiply Israel like the stars of the heavens (1 Chronicles 27:23). 5. For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him (2 Chronicles 16:9). 6. All of King Solomon's drinking vessels were of gold and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were of pure gold; not one was silver, for this was accounted as nothing in the days of Solomon (1 Kings 10:21). 7. Give to the Lord the glory due His name; bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness (1 Chronicles 16:29). 8. It was the word of the Lord. Tomorrow about this time a seah of fine flour shall be sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley for a shekel, at the gate of Samaria. It was said by Elisha (2 Kings 7:1) 9. You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. It was said by David to the Philistine (1 Samuel 17:45). 10. His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him (2 Samuel 22:31).

BIBLE QUIZ NO.74 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francies, Andhra: M. Krupa Kumari Tagore, Suhruda G., Dr. Samuel Rajendram Maisa, P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha, Helen Cornelius, T. S. Shalini Raj, B. Priyanka, Karnataka: Florence Nirmala Kesari, K. Dhanamani, Pudhucherry: P. S. Moorthy, - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


Delivered from the bondage of demon

Torment of the demon

The Family Blessing meeting held on 14th April 2018, in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower campus at Vanagaram was of great blessing. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared the Lord’s message powerfully and prayed fervently for the gatheringand thousandsof people received deliverance, healing and blessingin their spirit, soul and body. Many were strengthened in the spirit. Particularly a woman, who was demon-possessed, received miraculous deliverance by the power of God. Those who received similar deliverance voluntarily shared their testimonies and glorified the name of the Lord. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran personally prayed for everyone waiting for individual prayers. All of them were blessed and went back with joy. All glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ! - Bro. Raja Samuel, Manager, Vanagaram Prayer Tower 48

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THE LORD’S MIRACLES AT THE VANAGARAM FAMILY BLESSING MEETING Regained consciousness from coma I visited the Vanagaram Prayer Tower and made a vow that I would share my testimony if the Lord did a miracle for me in this meeting conducted on Saturday. My sister’s husband was admitted to a private hospital in Madurai. He was in coma and

there was no movement in him. Today I came to this meeting with a heavy heart. Our dear mother Stella Dhinakaran prayed for my brother-in-law’s healing and I prayed with her in the same spirit. Even when the prayer was going on, I got a call from my sister. With great wonder, she said, “He (her husband) has opened his eyes”. Hearing the prayer and accepting my vow, the Lord made him regain his consciousness, he who was in a coma for 12 days! I am very happy now as he is slowly regaining his health. - Jasmine, Nerkuntram, Chennai.

Walk without pain For a week, I struggled with a lot of pain in my leg. I was unable to lift up my leg or sit or even take a single step. I am working as a teacher. Since my class was on the third floor, I could not climb up or down the stairs. I suffered from severe pain. Even when I came to this meeting, I could not sit properly on the vehicle. I told my husband that I could not bear the pain and that I believed that the Lord would touch me and heal me once I attended the meeting and prayed there. During the prayer time, when dear mother was praying, I was filled with the Spirit and jumped up and down even without my knowledge, while praying. For a long time, I had pain in my leg even if I touched it and I always

felt it heavy but now I am able to move my leg properly. I am now free from pain and I am able to walk without any soreness. The Lord Jesus did a miracle for me. Glory to the Lord. - Annie, Villivakkam, Chennai.

Able to speak I had pain in my throat for 6 months because of which I could not speak properly. I had a strangling feeling always. During the prayer time, when dear mother was praying, she said, “The power of the Lord is coming upon those who have a throat problem”. I felt a power come upon me with an icy feeling. I felt the nerves that were pressing my throat get released. My throat became normal and I am able to speak well. Now there is no pain. The Lord has given me complete healing. - Saroja, Annai Sathya Nagar, Chennai.

Unbearable pain vanished I was suffering from leg and hand pain for the past 6 months. I could not walk or lift up my hand and used to always lie down, weeping. I could not even drink water because of severe pain. My daughter contacted me over the phone and said, ‘Dear mother Stella is coming to Vanagaram. Please attend the meeting. The Lord will heal you”. With great pain, I came to this meeting for the first time. During

the prayer time, when I joined mother in the prayer, I felt a power come upon me. At once I was able to lift up my hand. The pain vanished. Now I am able to move and lift up my hands properly. The Lord did a miracle. - Nirmala, Arumbakkam, Chennai.

Little girl saw the presence of God When I attended this meeting and joined Aunty Stella Dhinakaran in prayer, I saw the presence of God covering this place like dew. Praise be to the grace of God. - Rethanya, Maduravoyil, Chennai.

The Lord touched me For the past one week, I visited the Chapel at Bro.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower frequently and prayed. I came to know about this meeting and came here. During prayer time, I prayed, ‘Lord, I would leave this place only if You touch me and fill me with the anointing. Or else I would not depart from here...’. When dear mother was praying I felt the Lord touch me twice. That time the weaknesses, fears, problems and confusions in me took leave of me. Now I am very happy. - Senthil Kumar, Kolar Gold Field, Karnataka.

Vision of the Cross I attended this meeting and during prayer time, I joined Aunty Stella Dhinakaran in prayer and - June 2018 JESUS CALLS


prayed that the Lord would grant me His power. That time the power of Jesus came upon me mightily. I was thrilled to see the vision of the Cross of Calvary appearing before my eyes as a fire. A great peace came to me. Millions of praises to the name of the Lord. - Lakshman, Ambattur, Chennai.

The Lord delivered me I came to this meeting with great burden and tears. When dear mother was praying, a big fiery hand touched me and I heard a voice telling me, “You are delivered today; you have got the experience of overflowing”. The Lord has set me free. Millions of praises to the Lord. - Vijaya, Melur.

Tumour Vanished I had a tumour on my hip for the past one year which caused me excruciating pain in my back and hip. I could not bear the pain. At this juncture, I came to this meeting. While praying, dear mother said, “Every tumour be gone”. I joined her in prayer with faith saying, “Lord, dear mother has prayed for the healing of tumour. Please help me by

removing this tumour”. The tumour in my back would keep rolling and cause me much pain in my body but now there is no trace of tumour and there is no pain. It has disappeared completely. The Lord has done a great miracle for me. - Uma, Vadapalani, Chennai.

Healing from Thyroid I suffered much from thyroid issues. Though I took medicines, I used to suffer from dizzy spells and headaches. When I came here, someone was testifying about a thyroid problem. I had come to this meeting praying that I should get healed by the end of the meeting and I should go back home healed. I could not lift my hands and I had chest pain also. I could not share this with anyone. When dear mother was praying, the Lord heard the prayer and removed my giddiness, headache, chest pain and the pain in my hand. Now I am able to lift up my hand well. When dear mother mentioned the thyroid problem and prayed, the Lord granted me complete healing. The thyroid swelling also vanished completely. - Kavimani, Puzhianthope, Chennai.

The Lord who made me walk I suffered from kidney problems. It has been three months since I had proper food. I eat only porridge and water. When I came here I could not sit and could only lie down. When dear mother was praying, all my pains vanished. I got up and the Lord has now strengthened me to walk without any aid and share my testimony here. - Shyamala, Kattupakkam, Chennai.

Pains disappeared I had a sprain on my leg when I had a minor mishap with my two-wheeler. I suffered from this for a week. Even when I came here I had leg pain and a hip pain and could not sit properly. I had to stretch my legs. When Aunty was praying, I closed my eyes and joined her in prayer with faith. That instant, I saw the vision of the Lord lifting me up from a cloudy surrounding, after which the pain in my leg and hip vanished completely. - Devi Manavalan, Athipettai, Chennai.

The Lord did many more such miracles. As you are reading these testimonies, pray with faith for your needs. The Lord would do a miracle for you also. 50

JESUS CALLS June 2018 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(s) Dn/ 513/2018-2020 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/wpp-156/2018-2020 Published before 22nd of every month


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