Jesus Calls (English) June - 2022

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Led by the Spirit of the Lord, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family ministered in HYDERABAD and GUNTUR for 8 days from 14th April to 21st April 2022 to bless the Jesus Calls partners, pray with them and also preach in various churches. Here is a brief report of the various events.

Day 1: 14.04.2022 Individual prayers with the ardent partners, their families and the Jesus Calls Staff of 6 Prayer Towers in Telangana was organized; they were immensely blessed and strengthened in spirit. Day 2: Good Friday service, 15th APRIL 2022@ CSI Wesley Clock Tower Church, Secunderabad. The meditation on the cross was powerful – First word by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on the power of forgiveness and fifth word on the thirst for 2

security, loneliness and Heaven; second word by Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran on power of great reward; third word by Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran on frustration and pain of the mother; fourth word by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran on forsakenness (No answer, No light). Sis. Stella Ramola sang a Telugu song for God’s glory. Day 3: 16th APRIL 2022 , the RUN FOR JESUS event was organised by the West Zone Churches at PJR Stadium, Lingampally, Hyderabad.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran participated in the concluding session. Nearly 1500 enthusiastic youngsters, seniors, pastors, bishops and esteemed political leaders took part. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran spoke on being bold for Jesus. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called

Dhinakaran and Sis. Stella Ramola. About 5000 had gathered to worship the Lord. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family ministered. Day 5: 18th April - Jesus Calls Secunderabad Partners’ Meet. In the Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet held at

the youngsters to live for Jesus and prayed for God to fill everyone with His Spirit and use each of them for the expansion of His glorious Kingdom. Day 4: Easter services, 17th April 2022. • CSI Wesley Clock Tower Church: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran preached the Word of God on the ‘resurrection power of Jesus; celebration of boundless transformation.’ The entire congregation of about 2500 was greatly delighted and experienced the presence of the Lord. • Narayanaguda Baptist Church: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family ministered the Word of God to the huge gathering of 4000 people and they were filled with joy of the resurrection power of Jesus. • Calvary Ministries Church: Team from Karunya Coimbatore led the wonderful session of praise and worship followed by Bro. Samuel

Wesley PG College grounds, Secunderabad, about 3500 partners attended and few of them shared their testimonies for the glory of God. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, Sis. Stella Ramola & team from Karunya led the gathering into a time of praise and worship. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word and Sis. Evangeline Paul offered a special prayer. At the end, all three of them prayed individually for the partners laying hands on them. DAY 6: 19th April, Pastors Conference at the Centenary Baptist Church, Secunderabad. About 1000 pastors and Christian leaders graced this wonderful conference where Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared a powerful word from John16:19.20. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran gave a prophetic message from Zeh.9:12 on ‘Return to your strongholds you prisoners of hope. - June 2022 JESUS CALLS


I will render double to you.’ He expounded the experiences from Gilgal to Jordan, the place of miracles and encouraged to receive the double portion of spirit. He prayed for the pastors, & church leaders. DAY 7: 20th April, Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet at LEM School, Brodipet, Guntur. Nearly 3500 partners took part and were blessed. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, Sis. Stella Ramola & the team from Karunya led the worship. As Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered, several names were called through the Holy Spirit and they rushed to the stage to testify. When Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered, God’s awesome power was felt. Finally, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family prayed personally for those who had gathered. Day 8: 21st April, meeting the pastors, the families of Jesus Calls Staff & the Ardent Partners’ Meet. Everyone felt the touch of God as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran met the dear ones and uplifted them in their spirit through prayers.



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A long-awaited gift from God Married for ten years we were childless. We went through shame and reproach. I prayed to the Lord with tears. On job transfer, I came from Karimnagar to Guntur. This was a new place to me. One day, on my way to office, I saw the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I went in and asked the prayer intercessors to pray for me to be blessed with a child. They prayed and also mailed my prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. In his reply Dr. Paul quoted a promise verse and assured that God will surely give me a child. I claimed that promise verse. In December 2018, the prayer intercessors visited our home during carol rounds. They prayed prophetically saying God will give us a child that year itself. Accordingly and as per the promise verse given to me through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, miraculously in that month itself I conceived. On 2019, July 25th, I delivered a beautiful child and we named her as Larshitha. Now she is three years old. I thank the prayer intercessors, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family who prayed for us. Glory be to God. - Sis. Sarada, Guntur

Hands of Healing In 2018, my mother Sathyavathi developed excruciating back pain. Due to the severe pain penetrating from the hip down to the left leg, she would cry. She could not sleep, sit or stand. Seeing her agony, we were heartbroken. The doctor took a MRI scan and said that my mother had L4, L5 problem in her spinal cord and suggested a surgery, which would cost 4 lakhs. As we could not afford that amount, we took her to a government hospital. There also the doctors examined and suggested surgery. When the arrangements were done for surgery, a strange fear gripped my mother. She was crying. Seeing this plight, we went to Guntur Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and shared our request. The manager of the Prayer Tower prayed for my mother with burden and sent our prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran sent us a reply letter stating that in three weeks, my mother would be healed. After that, my mother saw a vision of two white hands. Those hands came near her and touched her back. Instantly God delivered her from fear, agony and pain. She got healed without any surgery and was discharged from the hospital. She is perfectly alright now. Praise be to God. - Anand kumar, Guntur

Prophetic Word I came to the Guntur Partners’ Meet with many questions in mind. My heart was heavy with sorrow and agony. I prayed to the Lord saying that I need an answer to my problems. During prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called me by name and said, “Krishna, you have many questions. ‘Why did this happen? Why should I suffer like this? Why should that person whom I know suffer like this?’ God is not going to answer your questions. He - June 2022 JESUS CALLS


will answer your prayers. Humble yourself to stop asking God questions, but start praying for Him to bless you and bless others. Now the hand of God will come upon you and you will become a mighty prayer intercessor. You will see miracles in answer to your prayers.” Now I know that I have got answers for my questions and bondages. In my personal life and married life, many have cheated and betrayed me. I decided to end my life and even neared death; but today God has clearly spoken to me in a special way. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I felt some powers of darkness, sorrow and agony leaving me. Specially Sis. Evangeline Paul also prophesied saying, “Today, you are experiencing evil from those to whom you did good. But love them; don’t curse them. You will receive your reward.” Those words also touched my heart. I used to watch Dr. Paul Dhinakaran minister in TV. My sister is a partner in the Jesus Calls ministry and she was the one who forced me to attend this meeting. I thank God for bringing me to this meeting, strengthening me and making me to stand here as a testimony. Praise the Lord. - Krishna, Guntur.

Restoration and Establishment My husband Mr. Suman Bavireddy, was working in a bank at Dubai, UAE. I am also working in UAE. In 2021, during Easter, we celebrated our son Nathan Aayansh’s 1st birthday. After few weeks, my husband, for no fault of his was pulled into a problem by his deceptive colleagues. He was trapped in legal issues and in this desperate situation, I happened to watch in TV the message and prayer of deliverance by Paul Dhinakaran uncle and Evangeline aunty. From then on, I was able to see the Lord’s guidance. When the doors were closed all over the world, I found the Lord opening doors for me. I spent lot of amount for the case filed against my husband. We didn’t know whether we would get justice or not. At that time, we became partners in Jesus Calls ministry facets. I joined my son in Young Partners’ plan. My husband and I joined in Job Blessing Plan and Family Blessing Plan. Being partner in Jesus Calls ministry strengthened me. When I was watching the video titled, “The Battle belongs to the Lord”, I trusted that the Lord will take my battle and I became bold. When I felt so lonely and depressed at my workplace, I used to hear the song “Avare” of Samuel Dhinakaran. That song would comfort and strengthen me. In January 2022, I sent my prayer request to Paul Dhinakaran uncle through email. He prayed and sent me a reply that we will get a favourable judgment very soon. Miraculously, on 25th 6

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February 2022, my husband was allowed to travel back to India. He visited the Jesus Calls Alwal Prayer Tower. We took part in the Zoom prayers of Paul uncle every Saturday and we also attended the daily zoom prayers of Alwal PT. We got strengthened a lot through the prayers of Paul Dhinakaran uncle and Evangeline aunty. On 5th March 2022, my husband visited Alwal Prayer Tower again. During that Fasting Prayer, he received a prophecy. The Holy Spirit assured us three gifts. First was, at the same place where we faced shame, my husband will be honoured with an excellent job; the second was, God will return the money spent for the legal case and lawyer fees; thirdly, He promised to anoint us to be His servants. In the same month, on March 25th, I received a letter informing that I got 30 lakhs as bonus. After that, my salary of 2 lakhs per month was increased to 3 lakhs. With this amount we settled all our debts. We thank the prayer intercessors in Jesus Calls Alwal Prayer Tower, Paul Dhinakaran uncle and Evangeline aunty who prayed for us with much burden and love. My husband is voluntarily serving in Alwal Prayer Tower. I came from Dubai to India to attend this Partners’ Meet and to share my testimony. Last Easter, we were living in different places because of the difficult times. But, this Easter, God graciously has helped us to be together as father, son and mother. I thank God. All glory to Him. - Sis. Maraya Angeleena, Alwal, Secunderabad.

DELIVERANCE THAT BROUGHT TRUE JOY My wedding was fixed. Unfortunately, with only two months for the wedding, all of a sudden I started facing severe back pain. Wondering what could be the cause of the pain, I was full of fear. One day as I was watching Family Channel with much fear, it happened to be the Live programme hosted by Bro. Samuel Paul. I immediately called the number displayed and requested Bro. Samuel Paul to pray for my deliverance from back pain. He prayed with much burden. After that, to my surprise I was completely healed of my back pain. I consulted the doctor and took an x-ray which showed that everything was normal. I give my heartfelt gratitude and million thanks to Lord Jesus who healed me and my sincere thanks to Bro. Samuel Paul, who prayed for me. - S. Priya, Chennai TO SEND US YOUR FEEDBACK ABOUT THE PROGRAMME OR IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN THE FAMILY CHANNEL, PLEASE CONTACT: 95001 55588 SHARE YOUR TESTIMONIES THROUGH WHATSAPP NUMBER 9791934442 - June 2022 JESUS CALLS


My dearly beloved partner, It gives me much joy to share with you the wonderful promise God has for you this month. He speaks to you from Isaiah 52:13;

“See, My servant will act wisely; He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.” Yes my friend, God promises you divine wisdom, upliftment and exaltation.


attended. The UTurn Club event on 15th May at Coimbatore touched youngsters in large number.

“I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders. I will be glad

Praise God for the new era of signs, wonders and

and rejoice in you.”

large-scale meetings are planned for the coming

(Psalm 9:1)

*Blessing Meetings After a long hiatus, God has enabled Jesus Calls to conduct several meetings during last month which were a blessing to many. On May Day (May 1st ), we had the Partners’ Meet in Chennai; followed by Special Blessing Meeting 8

at Bethesda on May 8th. Both meetings were well

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miracles that has begun in the ministry. Many months. Do pray that we can conduct all these events for the glory of God and expansion of His Kingdom.

*Dynamic Kids Camp The Dynamic Kids Camp (DKC) was conducted in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers for a duration

of 7 days. I praise God for all the young children who participated and gave their hearts to Jesus.

PRAYER NEEDS • Academic Reopening “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11) June is not only the start of monsoon, but also that of a new academic year. I hope in the Lord that the children in your family fared well in their final exams and there are outstanding testimonies, which can be sent to or WhatsApp number: 9791934442. I continue to pray that they get admitted into the colleges and courses that God has planned for them.

• Telephone Prayer Tower “You are the God who sees me.” (Genesis 16:13) Prayer is the lifeline which connects you to God who sees you. Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower functions round-the-clock 365 days a year with no holidays. Trained and anointed prayer intercessors pray for every need fervently, with prayer services rendered in eight languages. You are welcome to call (+91 44 45 999 000) any time. After the prayer intercessors pray, your requests are sent to me. I pray for your prayer requests and God Almighty answers them. You can be a volunteer prayer intercessor serving in our Prayer Tower in your free time. For further details, contact 044-23456677 (7am to 9 pm) or give a missed call to 90154 55455 or mail to

• Young Partners’ Plan Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request. (1 Chronicles 4:10) You can enrol your dear ones, anytime from

the day of birth till the age of 25 as a Young Partner. This marvelous plan secures their life with wisdom, protection, and prosperity which results in a blessed future. Our family prays for them along with the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower for their blessings. To enroll, you can use the link:

• Television Sponsor Millions of people watch the Jesus Calls TV programs and by sponsoring or co-sponsoring a program, you will be an instrument to make people experience the love of Jesus Christ and His power in their lives. I encourage you to sponsor a programme on your birthday/ wedding day or any other special day to heal millions of brokenhearted people and to bring blessings to you and your family during the year. Further details can be obtained from the link:

• Celebrating the Love of God Family Channel is a 24-hour TV channel telecasting a variety of programs catering to people of all age groups. I am very sure you have been watching Jesus Calls programs on Family Channel. On Fridays, LIVE programs are conducted for the youth at 8 pm in Tamil by Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola. On Saturdays my wife and I host LIVE programs in Tamil at 8 pm and at 9.30 pm in other languages. Family Channel can be downloaded in Digital Media platforms, such as: Website, Mobile Apps (Android & iOS), and in several IPTV networks. Website: Find the Family Channel schedule at www.prayertower - June 2022 JESUS CALLS


DAYS OF IMPORTANCE The month of June has a host of important days: *Pentecost Sunday on 5th June: It marks the outpouring of the Holy Spirit after Jesus ascended into heaven. * Karunya University: It was on 23rd June 2004 that Karunya was given the ‘Deemed-to-beuniversity status.’ *Junior Esther prayer group (JEPG): Esther Prayer Group is a God-given vision to my mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. It focuses on raising women like Queen Esther, who win battles of life for other women on their knees. This prayer group unites once every month to pray together. To bring school going girls into the prayer fold, Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) was begun on June 26th 2016. Please encourage your girl children to join JEPG. For details contact: *Amethyst Anniversary “May the Lord bless you from Zion; may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem all the days of your life.” (Psalm 128:5)


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It has been 33 years since God united my wife Evangeline and me in holy matrimony on June 2nd 1989. God has led us beautifully, blessed us with children and a granddaughter. Continue to hold us in your prayers that God’s purposes and plans may be fulfilled for uniting us in marriage and we would bring glory to His name. *Birthday Babbles “Grandchildren are the crown of the elderly.” (Proverbs 17:6) Baby Katelyn Anna Dhinakaran celebrates her 2nd birthday on June 29th. As the above verse says, she is our crown and brings immense joy in our house with her baby babbles. I covet your prayers for God’s prophetic anointing to rest on her. In conclusion, I reiterate God’s promised blessing from Isaiah 52:13, “See, My servant will act wisely; He will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.” Yes beloved, through the sufferings Jesus went through on the Cross, God promises you divine wisdom, upliftment and exaltation. Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Isaiah 52:13 - Be exalted Meditation: Psalm 71:16; 148:14; Isaiah 40:4; 49:11; Matthew 23:12 Psalm 128:5 - Blessings from above Meditation: Numbers 24:1,2; Psalm 103:11; Acts 3:26; Heb. 6:13-15 Psalm 81:10 – God’s Goodness Meditation: Job 23:4; Psalm 65:11; Jer. 31:25; Acts 2:28 Deuteronomy 15:4 – Richly blessed Meditation: Gen. 26:3,12,13; 27:28; Deut. 28:8; 1 Chron. 4:10; Prov. 14:11 Matthew 3:11 – Baptism of Holy Spirit and fire Meditation: Matt. 28:19; Mark 1:6-8; Acts 1:4,5; 1 Cor. 12:13 1 Peter 3:12 - God watches Meditation: Job 36:7; Psalm 18:6; 34:15; Ezek. 36:9,10; Malachi 3:16 Isaiah 61:11 - Spring Time Meditation: Psalm 48:1,2; Isaiah 45:8; 62:2; 1 Pet. 2:9 Habakkuk 3:19 – Strengthened by God Meditation: Psalm 29:11; 84:7; 2 Cor. 12:9; Phil. 4:13 Deuteronomy 32:13 - The Lord will satisfy you Meditation: Levi. 26:5; Ruth 2:1-18; Psalm 147:14; Luke 9:12-17; Phil. 4:19 Isaiah 40:29 – God’s strength Meditation: Psalm 84:7; Isaiah 49:5; Acts 1:8; Philip. 4:13 Luke 21:33 - Word of God Meditation: Num. 23:19; Psalm 33:9; 2 Cor. 1:20 Psalm 18:32 – Preserved by God Meditation: 1 Sam. 2:1-5; 2 Sam. 22:40-45; 1 Cor. 2:2-5 Psalm 46:1 - God of refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; Psalm 9:9; 61:3; Prov. 29:25; Isaiah 41:10-13 1 Peter 2:9 – Chosen by God Meditation: Deut 7:6; 1 Chron. 28:10; 2 Chron. 29:11; Isaiah 45:4 Psalm 85:11 - Be blameless Meditation: Deut. 18:13; 2 Kings 20:1-6; Psalm 84:11; Proverbs 2:7 Jeremiah 11:4 – God’s people Meditation: Lev. 26:12; Jer. 7:23; 31:1; Heb. 8:10; 1 Peter 2:9














Isaiah 45:2 – Straight Path Meditation: 2 Chron. 6:27; Psalm 5:8; 18:32; 107:7; Prov. 3:5,6; Isaiah 45:13 Psalm 125:2 - God surrounds His people Meditation: 2 Kings 6:17; Psalm 5:12; 121:7,8; Zech. 2:5 John 6:51 - Living Bread Meditation: Matthew 26:26-28; Luke 22:19; John 6:33-35,41 Psalm 103:13 – God of compassion Meditation: Numbers 11:12; Neh. 9:27-31; Romans 9:15,16; Titus 3:5 Deuteronomy 15:10 - Labour of the hands Meditation: Psalm 1:2,3; 128:1,2; 1 Cor. 15:58 Psalm 34:5 - Look to the Lord Meditation: Psalm 22:5; 123:1-2; Heb. 12:1,2 Genesis 15:1 – God our shield Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 28:7; Proverbs 2:7; 30:5 Isaiah 60:22 - Mighty nation Meditation: Gen. 12:2; Psalm 112:1,2; Isaiah 61:9; 1 Peter 2:9 Psalm 121:8 – The Lord our Guardian Meditation: Exod. 23:20; 1 Samuel 2:9; Prov. 3:26; Isaiah 52:12 Isaiah 65:24 – God who answers Meditation: Psalm 91:15; 138:3; Isaiah 30:19; Jer. 33:3 Luke 12:7 - You are special Meditation: Exod. 33:16,17; Matthew 6:25,26; 10:29-31 Isaiah 1:19 - Best food Meditation: Job 36:16; Prov. 13:2; Isaiah 55:1-3; Joel 2:26,27 Haggai 2:23 – Signet ring Meditation: Gen. 41:40-43; Ezek. 28:12; 2 Cor. 1:20-24 Zechariah 2:5 – Glorious God Meditation: Lev. 9:1-6; Psalm 3:3; Isaiah 11:1-10

















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This scripture has been promised by the Almighty Lord for the month of June 2022.Let us carefully meditate the words He says. Even hundreds of years before the Lord Jesus came into the world, our Almighty Lord prophesied, "Behold, My servant Jesus will walk in wisdom, and be raised and exalted above all." May the Lord place upon you this month the grace to walk wisely, be raised, lifted up and highly exalted. Jesus has paid the price and has given you all these blessings because of His sacrifice on the cross. He gives this privilege to all those who believe in His sacrifice on the cross, humble themselves by saying, "Jesus, transform me as Your child," and


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reconcile with Him leaving their sinful ways and unite with Him in fulfilling the will of the Almighty God. Therefore, this privilege belongs to you. You will walk wisely; you will be raised, lifted up and be exalted. All this will come to you from Jesus your heavenly Father. So, be bold.

Exalted Jesus ".. when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself" (John 12:32) says the Lord Jesus. The people of Israel had to go through the wilderness when they were delivered from the bondage of Egypt by the power of the Almighty God and were led into the Promised Land. But they murmured saying, “Why should the Lord lead us in this path? We were alright and much happier when we were in bondage; now we are in the wilderness, without water and food. How much suffering we have to experience with our children?” At that moment, venomous snakes appeared in the wilderness and bit them. But the Lord showed Moses a way out of that predicament. He said, "Create an image like that of a serpent and set it on a high pole. Let everyone see it. Then their evil will depart from them." Those who saw the image of the exalted serpent were saved (Numbers 21: 5-9). Likewise, Jesus accepted upon Him the curse of each one of us and was lifted on the cross as a lamb that had been slain. Whoever looks at Him today with trust surrendering their lives to Him saying, "Jesus, You have sacrificed Yourself for me; You are the Almighty, the King of kings and the God of gods. You came down in flesh for my sake. You were lifted up in the world on the cross. You who knew no sin became a sacrifice for my sake. I believe in You my Lord,” the Lord has

made it possible for them to escape from sin, the curse, and the venom of the wicked serpent the devil so that they may not commit sin. Lord Jesus was lifted up for that purpose.

Exaltation as the child of God "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) There is no salvation except through Jesus. Scripture says that the name of Jesus is the only way we can be delivered from sin. "Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12) When people come looking for Jesus and confess their lives to Him and repent; when all their sins, curses and shortcomings are washed away and they are transformed into new creation by the blood of Jesus, the Lord enables them to become God’s children. Yes, all those who dedicate their lives in doing the will of Jesus will have the grace to become the children of God. When the Lord sees the world, He will especially look at such people and be proud of them, saying, "He / She is My son / daughter." Yes, He will place blessings upon you. You become wiser. Those who choose Jesus choose wisdom. We can know the way to live holy by the wisdom of God. The Lord gives you such a blessing. Therefore, you will be exalted in your life as He was exalted. "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." (Luke 9:22) What exactly was written in the Scripture came to pass. Today Jesus is exalted as King of kings, victorious over death and raised from the dead. He will exalt you in the same way. - June 2022



"The reason My Father loves me is that I lay down My life—only to take it up again." (John 10:17) The Lord Jesus is exalted by the love of the Father. He treats us, His children, in the same way that we receive the love of the Father.

Exaltation that comes from denying self "… Whoever wants to be My (Jesus) disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.” (Luke 9:23) The only way for the Lord to lift us up and honor us is by humbling ourselves before Jesus. We should humble ourselves by emptying ourselves and declare daily, "I am nothing Lord; I fully surrender myself to the fulfillment of Your will." Yes, it’s not doing our own will anymore but leaving the evil, sin, lust, pride, conceit and as children of Jesus being clothed in His image, and patiently carrying the cross which He has given us. Carrying the cross is to suppress our desire and fulfill the will of the Lord. We are special to the Lord and different to this world. When you do that, Scripture says that everything in your life will be resurrected. "And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He

who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11) Everything in your life will be resurrected; He will send the power of His resurrection to you and will exalt you, if you are in distress saying, ‘I have no holiness or any blessing.’ The Spirit of God will exalt you as He exalted Jesus.

Exaltation by the Spirit of Jesus When Jesus died, do you know who raised Him up? It was the Spirit of Jesus who raised Him up. Even before He died, Jesus surrendered His Spirit to the Almighty God. When we say ‘Almighty’, it is Jesus who was in heaven in the image of God the Almighty. The same God came down to earth in human form. Jesus' spirit was sent to Jesus Himself in heaven. He was there in heaven alive. Yes, Jesus surrendered His spirit to Almighty God. After He died, i.e Jesus the Almighty God, He sent His Spirit into Jesus and raised Him from the dead. He is still alive today. He sends the same Spirit into us and makes us alive. He will take away the sin, the curse, and the troubles of the world and keep us alive

June 29, 2022, has been set apart by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family, and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls Ministry to fast and pray for the healing of those suffering with health issues. Drop all your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or write it to us through letters, email, Facebook or website. After deliverance prayers are offered exclusively for your request by the Dhinakarans and Prayer Intercessors, God’s reply will be sent to you. Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: If you want to share your testimony, please send it to: or WhatsApp number: 9791934442 14

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in this world. That is why He rose alive. Be bold. The day will come when the Lord Jesus will return. Those who have followed Him on earth, who are filled with His Spirit and united with Him will be taken away with Him. He will raise the dead alive. All will be admitted to heaven and the rest will be abandoned and thrown into hell. Jesus will unite with Himself each of His saints who are with Him. After that, Jesus will be united with Almighty God. Christ will enter into the Almighty Lord. Then everyone will become one body. As before, there will be only one God; He lives forever (1 John 3: 2; 1 John 4:17). So you will be exalted on earth and you will be exalted in heaven. "On that day you will realize that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.” (John 14:20) Therefore, there is only one God, not three Gods. Almighty God came down to this world as a man. He too had been alive in heaven. Does not He have the spirit of life in Him? He resurrected Jesus with this living spirit. Jesus ascended to heaven and transforms us into His image by sending the same Spirit that is in Him into us (2 Corinthians 3:18). He thus blesses us to become exalted in this world and be transformed as children of Jesus. May the Lord continue to give you that grace and keep you alive and exalted.

Exaltation due to humility “Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” (Philippians 2: 9-11)

Because Jesus humbled Himself, Almighty God honored Him. When we too humble ourselves before the Lord in the same way, He will honor us and exalt us. The Lord will not only exalt you spiritually in the days to come, but will also honor you in worldly life. "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you." (James 4:10) Every day we must fall at His feet, saying, "Lord, You know my emptiness; help me." Then He will lift us up and honor us. God opposes the proud; He gives grace to the humble (James 4: 6). To be in the image of Jesus and live as His child, He gives grace upon grace (John 1:16). "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” (Philippians 2: 3) Yes, Scripture says that before men, we must humble ourselves. "But when you are invited, take the lowest place, so that when your host comes, he will say to you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in the presence of all the other guests.” (Luke 14:10) Dear friend, Lord Jesus honored each and every one in His family. When His parents took Him to the temple to worship the Lord, Jesus, who was 12 years old, by the abundance of wisdom spoke words of wisdom to all the wise men and teachers of the Scriptures who were there and they were astonished at it. He spoke profound truths about God. They all shuddered. When He showed the Scriptures and described about the Almighty, they marveled at His wisdom (Luke 2:47). Jesus never explained how wise He was when He returned home with His parents neither did He claim that He was famous. He did not count Himself proud saying, “I am honored being exalted in the nation” but rather - June 2022



He obeyed them even though His father was a carpenter and His mother was a young village girl. He honored them. He honored His mother saying, "When My mother was a virgin, she was chosen by the Almighty to conceive Me. Therefore I must honor her holiness." His mother treasured all these things in her heart and was amazed (Luke 2:51).

Exaltation through obedience Parents should honor their children when they behave humbly and thrive on wisdom. Children are a gift from the Lord. The wisdom and goodness within them are the image of God. Therefore, parents should honor them. Wisdom grew in Jesus because He obeyed His parents. He climbed to the highest position in stature and in honor. He was exalted in favour of God and men. So Mary honored Him. Children, humble yourself before your parents and honor them in the same way. Obey them. Then you will ascend to a higher position. "Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting to the Lord. Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them. Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord. " (Colossians 3: 18-20) We have to be patient and help each other

in all things. This is the will of the Lord. We will do as the Lord Jesus did. Then there will be fullness of blessings in the family. Jesus will be with you so that you are more than conquerors in all things (Romans 8:37). The Lord will be with you as you honor and support one another in the family; and honor His wisdom, power, holiness, and grace of obedience which is given to you. He will give you victory in the midst of all struggles, works of the devil, sinful desires, and injustices. You will be completely victorious as a family; You will be saved and reach to a higher position. His love will always be upon you. May the Lord Himself bless you with such grace this month, honor and exalt you. PRAYER: Loving Father Jesus, Bless this month of June. Give the blessings of all things to Your children and make them prosper. May all the blessings we meditated descend on Your children in the name of Jesus. May the benefits abound. Change their hearts to love You and love everyone as a family to live as Your children. Make everyone in the family repent, love and cherish each other, and receive Your love and rise. Those who are sick let them be healed in the name of Jesus Christ. May Your life abound in them. I pray in the name of Jesus’, Amen.


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In the Bethesda Special Blessing Meetings held on April 10th and May 8th 2022, God used Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family mightily. Not only from Tamil Nadu, people thronged from states of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, Kerala and Maharashtra. Many were blessed and here are a few who testified the miracles for God’s glory. Honor instead of shame When my son was in 10th std, he suffered from appendicitis. He could not attend school for three months due to this, and he was not in a state to write his final board exams. In this situation, I came to Bethesda in person and prayed for him. The prayer intercessors prayed with burden. In answer to the prayer, he was permitted to write his exam and miraculously he scored 432/500 marks in his board exam. Now he has completed hotel management course and is awaiting a job. When we went through losses in business, we lost our land and house. Everybody stared speaking ill about us. I visited Bethesda again and prayed. God heard our prayers and in the same place where we were humiliated, God has honoured us with a house worth 80 lakhs. Whenever we face troubles, we come to Bethesda for prayers. I praise God for doing such miracles in our life. - Gomati, Tiruppur

Healed from back pain I suffered from back pain for many years. Even while coming to this meeting I had pain. When Sister Evangeline Paul

Dhinakaran was sharing God’s word I was unable to sit and listen to it because of the severe pain. During prayer time, I united with Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and prayed, “Lord Jesus, I have come here trusting You. When I go back home I should go healed. Your name should be glorified.” At that very moment, my weakness departed from me. Now I go back to my home with complete healing. I thank God for restoring my health. - Parameswari Jeba, Erode

Healing and anointing For the past 10 years I suffered from skin allergy and hip pain. I used to suffer from breathlessness when walking. I visited the doctor and got treated, yet I had no recovery. I attended this meeting in this situation, but when Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I felt God’s power coming upon me. I received God’s anointing. There is no pain in my body now. I am healed. I praise God who has touched me and healed me and I thank Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran for her prayers. - Pappathi, Coimbatore - June 2022



Where Jesus is, there is freedom. The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are rightfully called miracle zones as the Lord Himself walks and ministers to the brokenhearted who either visit or call the Prayer Towers. Those who call upon the Lord along with the dedicated and anointed prayer intercessors witness mighty miracles. Here is a compilation of few testimonies to glorify God.

Raipur Prayer Tower, Chhattisgarh God remembered His partners On 31.12.2020, as a family we were travelling by car and suddenly at 6:15 a.m, we met with a terrible accident. My husband, myself, my dad, my sister and her husband and my two children were in car. The accident was so terrific that our car fell about 15 to 20 feet down the bridge. But by God’s Grace we all were alive and had some minor injuries. I give thanks to the prayer intercessors of Jesus Calls Raipur Prayer Tower who pray earnestly and regularly for the Prayer Tower visitors. I have been blessed through the meetings at the Raipur Prayer Tower. I give my thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family who pray for all partners diligently. Praise the Lord. - Priyanka Tigga, Ambikapur

National Prayer Tower, Delhi Safe return from Ukraine I am a Young Partner. I have been studying Medicine in Ukraine for the last 4 years. On 16th of February 2022, situations started worsening around the border areas surrounding Ukraine. We didn’t expect a quick escalation of the military operations started by Russia. The country closed their airspace and the flight I had booked to Delhi got cancelled. Under these circumstances, we were completely stuck and a lot happened in between. During this time, my mother regularly visited the Delhi Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors prayed for me. By God’s grace, I overcame every hardship and on 5th of March I reached Delhi safely. All glory to Jesus. - Anubhuti William, Delhi 18

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Erode Prayer Tower, Tamil Nadu Miracles unbelievable I wanted to marry someone who has not tasted the love of Christ, so that I can lead him to the Lord. I went to the Erode Prayer Tower and prayed for it. As I wished, the Lord gave me a good husband and graced me to be married in January, 2019. Now my husband, knowing that "Jesus is the true God," is more spiritual than I am. The doctor who examined me said, "You have a cyst, a blood clot, a kidney stone; so you have no chance of having a baby." I was heartbroken to hear that. On Christmas day, December 25, 2019 I visited the Erode Prayer Tower with much hope that my God would do wonders for me. The prayer intercessor prayed fervently for me. The very next month God blessed my womb and I gave birth to a baby boy as desired. Once, I suddenly developed a lump in my neck. It was painful. Immediately I went to the Prayer Tower and prayed. The Lord healed me. The lump got disappeared. All glory to God. - Saral Savita. J, Kumarapalayam, Erode

Tenali Mandalam, Andhra Pradesh A grand marriage We are blessed with three daughters. For two of them, marriage took place immediately. But for Anitha the youngest, we faced lot of financial problems. After four years of this struggle, we enrolled her as a Young Partner in Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Chennai. Prayer intercessors used to pray for her every day with much burden. When we called the Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors used to say “A good bridegroom will come for Anitha. ‘’ God heard those prayers and provided a good life partner for Anitha who is from our own village. On January 7th 2021 her marriage with Ravindhra Babu was solemnized in a grand manner. It is the Lord’s doing. We are so blessed and are very much thankful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family and the prayer intercessors. - Chintabathini Kumari, Tenali Mandalam - June 2022




ear friend, the Lord wants to speak to you this month from Leviticus 26:13. If you look closely at the verse, it says ‘enabled!’ which implies that the Lord has already completed the process. Therefore, you need not do anything to be honored among others. The Lord Himself will enable you and your family to walk with your heads held high. Throughout the Bible, the Lord has said in many places “I will do it,” but in this particular verse He assures that He has already done it! Even if you think very low about yourself, God thinks of you in a very high manner. After marriage, during a big campaign in Salem, my husband asked me to testify but I was shivering within myself. That was the first chance given to me to share the Word of God, and I had to stand before thousands of people. I pondered ‘who am I to testify?’ My husband taught me what I should


speak and I wrote down everything in my notebook and memorized it. I also wrote the prayer and memorized it too. When I went and stood before the people, I covered half of my face with my saree. However, you can see how much the Lord has blessed me now. Truly, the Lord has made me to walk with my head held high. You need not hide your face before God, before people, or before the enemy; unlike Adam and Eve, who hid themselves behind the trees in the Garden of Eden. When both of them disobeyed God, they hid themselves from the presence of the Lord Almighty. The Lord God called out to the man, "Where are you?" Imagine how much it would have hurt the heart of God.

*TO BE LIFTED HIGH When you obey God and do His will, you need not hide anything and you can stand tall. When you look at a Giraffe, it stands tall before all. Friend, you and your family should be like the

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Giraffe and say ‘the Lord has made us to stand tall and made us walk with our heads held high.’ This is going to happen to you!

*TRIBULATIONS MAKE YOU SPECIAL Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, wanted to put down the heads of the Israelites. The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for four hundred years. No words can express how much they would have been oppressed! The king of Egypt saw that the Israelites were numerous and was very apprehensive that they would come against him and the people of Egypt. So he gradually oppressed them and made them slaves. Egyptians made the lives of the Israelites bitter and ruthlessly compelled the Israelites to work (Exodus 1:13). Pharaoh levied heavy taxes on them and made them build treasure cities for him. The Israelites had to make bricks and build the cities and if they did not complete the task, they were flogged and beaten; and they cried out to the Lord. The Lord saw the affliction of the Israelites in Egypt, heard their cry, and delivered them. He set them free and they were no more slaves, for the Lord made them to walk with their heads held high. This is God’s plan for you and your family. The Lord spoke this verse twice to me and I claim it not only for myself but also for you and your family my dear friend. When Pharaoh oppressed the people of Israel, he did not do that by himself but the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart to do that, so that the Lord could make a difference between the people of Israel and that of Egypt. It was to make the people of Israel very special, the Lord allowed this tragedy to happen in the lives of the people. It is the same for you too. The Lord has already made you special, and you and your family will have more glory and go to higher levels in the future. At present, you may have people oppressing you and things may not be happening as you expected, but the Lord Himself is going to intervene in your family dear friend.

Victory against all odds: You will stand tall with your head held high. David says, “Lord, how many are my foes! How many rise up against me! Many are saying of me, “God will not deliver him.” But you, Lord are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high” (Psalm 3:1-3).

*TAKE YOUR SWORD My friend, declare for yourself and your family saying, “Lord, You are a shield around us, no harm can touch us, no enemy can touch my family; they can try to do everything to put us down, but then nothing can touch us, because You O Lord

are a shield around us, You are our glory, You are the lifter of our heads.” The Lord will make the very people who come against you and your family to fall before you. “Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.” (Leviticus 26:8) You are going to chase your enemies. Your enemies are going to fall by the sword. What is the sword? It is the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God that would proceed forth from your mouth will make your enemies fall to the ground. They will be ashamed and be full of fear, but you and your family are going to stand tall before them. Presently, you may be cringing in front of the person your family has borrowed money from, but the Lord is going to honor you right before their eyes. Be of good cheer! Have faith that God has finished everything on the cross and have complete confidence in God. Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). You need not carry your burdens, Jesus has carried it all. You do not have to take efforts to be honored before people, but the Lord Himself will enable you to walk with your head held high. The same God, who was leading, walking with, and carrying the Israelites, is with you dear friend. Do not be afraid of any man on this world. You have a God who is the most powerful. Do not run after man but run after God. He will lift your head high. Yes dear friend, the Lord is mindful of you and has remembered not only you but also your family. He will lift you all high. What is impossible with man is possible with God. God is turning around every impossible situation in your life and will lift you high above your enemies. Like never before, God is going to make you walk with your head held high. You and your family will be blessed and be a blessing to others including your enemies. Claim the above promise verse for you and your family. God will make it a reality in your lives.

PRAYER: Father, thank You for talking to me this month. I surrender my entire family and myself to You. You know all the impossible Scan QR code situations we are facing, and I to watch this commit them into Your hands. message Father, I completely trust You to make us walk with our heads held high. Help us to glorify Your name through our lives. I ask you of this in the name of Jesus’. Amen. - June 2022 JESUS CALLS


Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family along with the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers pray every day for our precious Young Partners. Thanks be to God, who hears these prayers and blesses the Young Partners in their studies, career, profession and family. Dear Parents, make sure you enroll your children as Young Partner and see them stay blessed. They are the future leaders of the world and most of all they are precious in the Kingdom of God. May your children be exalted and their future stay secured in the hands of the Lord.

Here are some testimonies for God’s glory Soaring high in life In 2005, when I was in 10th class, I was very poor in my studies. I used to score in single digits in school exams. No matter how hard I study, I used to forget what I study. In this situation my parents enrolled me in Young Partners’ Plan. After that I often contacted the Prayer Tower and began to pray. By God's infinite grace, I scored 85 percent in the Class X exam and 80 percent in the Class XII examination held in 2007. I paid a tribute of Rs. 5,000 / towards the ministry. In 2013, I finished MBBS and in 2018, I finished MD. Today I am working as a doctor in Chennai. As a Young Partner, the Lord has given me wisdom and by His kindness the Lord has elevated me to be in a blessed and a honorable position in the society. As a token of gratitude, I continue to support the ministry. Glory to God! - Dr. Henry Prabhu Alfred, Chennai Exceptional Grace Our entire family members are Jesus Calls ministry partners. My son Lawrence Jamatia, who is a Young Partner & Karunya Christian School alumni recently won the Jr.Mr.Tamil Nadu award. He is doing his BBA degree in Agartala, Tripura. We believe it happened due to the grace of God resting on the Young Partners. Our special thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower. - Upendra Jamatia, Tripura 22

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Goals achieved My son Samuel Reang appeared for NEET exam in 2021. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors prayed fervently. We received a reply with wonderful Scripture verses for the results and admission into medical college. We as a family also prayed for this every day. Ultimately God has heard all our prayers and blessed my son with an admission into a medical college in our state Tripura in the 2nd round state counseling. I give thanks to God and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on behalf of my family. - Dr. Ranjit Reang, Tripura Secured Top Score My parents enrolled me as a Young Partner when I was 5 years old. In 2015, I wrote my 10th board exams. During the exams, I contacted the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower for prayers. Because I am a Young Partner, I could feel God’s wisdom filling me and with His strength I could write my exams well. I scored 499/500 with 99/100 in Tamil, and 100/100 in all the other subjects and secured first rank in State level. I was aiming for school first but the Lord blessed me far above my expectations. After that in 2017, in my 12th board exams also I scored well and then I did my B.E Civil Engineering. Here too I passed in First class with distinction. Now I am pursuing my M. E., Structural Engineering, first year. Often as a family we visit Bethesda and give our offerings. Every time I receive a achievement in my exams, we would offer a special thanksgiving offering. I am blessed spiritually also. Praise the Lord. - Carolina, Coimbatore

BLESSINGS FOR THE YOUNG PARTNERS  Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s family pray for them every day  Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray every day over the names of the young partners, for them to be blessed with the divine blessings  The ‘Jesus Calls’ chain prayer intercessors pray for them in the chain prayer cabin at Prayer Tower  Special prayers are offered for Young Partners in the Jesus Calls fasting prayers  On their birthdays, they receive special prayers, wishes and greeting cards Anyone at anytime from the birth till the age of 25 can enroll as a Young Partner.

EACH YOUNG PARTNER COULD SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH FOR THEIR BLESSING FOR THE MONTH Details required for enrollment Mr./Ms. ............................................................................................................................................. Date of Birth: ........................................ Name of Father/Guardian................................................... Address for Communication:............................................................................................................ City: ................................... Pin code: ................................... Mobile No: ........................................ E-Mail ID: ....................................................................... WhatsApp................................................ For more details: • Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area SCAN QR CODE • Website: • TO DONATE • Call: partner care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm, IST) • Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 Turn to page 10 to know the mode through which you can send your offerings to Young Partners’ Plan Call the 24x7 prayer line 044 45 999 000 for prayer support during exams - June 2022




es, the Lord is making your life anew today. As you reflect on your New Year resolutions, you reminisce that you are yet to completely fulfill them. This could have left you heartbroken with thoughts that you were unable to fulfill the resolutions. It is to you dear friend that the Lord says that He is going to change it and make you new! You may be entangled in sin and suffering without a way out, but the Lord promises that He is going to untangle you and give you a new path.

*NEW CREATION: The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; 24

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behold, all things are become new.” What a wonderful verse! Friend, it is true that when Christ comes into your life, you become a new creation automatically. Therefore if you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ in your life, accept Him now and surrender your life in His hands. When you do this, you will see Jesus transform your life in a wonderful manner and make you a new creation. Surely, the Lord will prove His existence in your life and you will glorify God’s name. I am sure you have seen a butterfly and would have studied about its lifecycle. It starts life as an egg, going into larva followed by pupa and

blooming into a beautiful butterfly. In this entire process, it is in the pupa stage the vital changes happen. This is the replica of accepting Jesus in your life and growing in Him resulting in a life which will certainly glorify God.

*THE CHANGEOVER: The Lord will transform your tears into joy, “You have turned my mourning into dancing for me; You have taken off my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my soul may sing praise to You.” (Psalm 30:11,12) Ruth in the Bible was a young Moabite widow, but came to know about the Lord God, through her mother-in-law (Naomi). Ruth came to Bethlehem along with Naomi and also completely trusted in the Lord and He transformed her life. “A full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under Whose wings you

have come to take refuge!” (Ruth 2:12) She got married to Boaz. He was a worthy man of the clan of Elimelech (Ruth’s father-in-law). The Lord blessed their marriage. Ruth gave birth to a son. They named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. Through the faith Ruth had on the Lord God, her life was transformed. Yes my friend, God will transform your tears into joy, mourning into dancing, and clothe you with beauty instead of ashes. Get ready for a brand new and blessed beginning for your life! Prayer: My loving Heavenly Father, thank You for today’s promise. Lord, I thank You for sending Jesus Christ into this world for saving me. Today, I accept Jesus Scan QR code into my life. Father, help me to to watch this leave all my old sinful ways and message become a new creation. Father, I pray for Your Holy Spirit to fill me and lead me in the right direction. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. - June 2022 JESUS CALLS


God is a faithful God, who keeps His covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and follow His commandments (Deuteronomy 7:9). When we love God with godly reverence, this love will edify us (1 Corinthians 8:1). When we love the Lord, obey His voice and cling on to Him, He will be our life and the length of our days (Deuteronomy 30:20). Dearly beloved, let us meditate on the blessings that the God of gods and the Lord Jesus Christ who guides us in a blessed way, would grant us when we truly and faithfully love Him.

More than Conquerors: “Yet in all things we are more than conquerors through Him, who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) 26

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“Victory is of the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:31) “He will swallow up death forever.” (Isaiah 25:8) “And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled in the body of His flesh through death to present you holy, and blameless, above reproach in His sight…” (Colossians 1:21,22) We see in the Bible that the Lord Jesus Christ poured out His soul unto death, was numbered with the transgressors, and He bore the sin of many (Isaiah 53:12). Therefore, the Lord wants to deliver us from death and grant each one of us a new, victorious life through His love (2 Corinthians 1:10).

A Samaritan woman, who was filled with lust and filth of the world, was living in sin. The grace of God was manifested in her life for her to see the Lord Jesus and hear His word. She was delivered from her dreadful sinful life through the life giving and powerful words of the Lord Jesus and was brought to light from the darkness of death and received the divine life leading to eternity. Also, the love of God was revealed in such a way that many people in her city also received this life. Even today, you who are reading this, are the desires and lust of the world pulling you away from the love of Christ and leading you far away into sin and death, into the path of hell? May the divine love that changed the life of the Samaritan woman that day, fill your life also! May the Lord bring you out of the darkness of death and lead you by His loving hands in a blessed way in such a way that you would receive a victorious life of diffusing His fragrance. May the love of the Lord be manifested through you mightily so that you would say joyously, “Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). Thus he placed his entire trust on God because of his deep love for Him as a result of which his life was victoriously filled with the blessings of the Lord in accordance to his firm trust. Dearly beloved, perhaps today, you are also going through trials and tribulations like Job. What did the Lord Jesus do before He went through the terrible trial of the cross? Read Matthew 26:38-44. What does Matthew 26: 41 say? “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak.” (Matthew 26:41) Yes, the Lord Jesus showed this as an example for us. Thrice He waited alone in the presence of the God of gods and called unto Him in all reverence in order to get victory over His trial. Job, God’s servant too had similar trust on the Lord. His love for Him never changed. Hence, the love of Christ delivered him and granted him victory over all his afflictions, sorrows, sufferings and tears and finally gave him divine grace to enjoy all the blessings.

Lead a victorious life diffusing God’s fragrance

Solid Trust “…In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) Job, a man of God was living a pleasing life to God. Though the God of gods Himself testified about him that he was upright, he had to pass through days of tribulation, tears and sorrow (Job 30:16). However, how was his hope even at that state? He said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him” (Job 13:15) and “when

Dear ones, if you are passing through afflictions sorrows and trials in your life, this same God would grant you total victory. When will He do that? When you know the glory of His love and seek Him in reverence with your whole heart and mind, and pour out your heart at His presence, He will grant victory over the afflictions in your life. He will deliver you from all tribulations. He will wipe away your tears. There shall be no lack in your life as you seek the Lord with a faithful heart, according to the verse, “The young lions lack and suffer - June 2022



hunger; but those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” (Psalm 34:10)

Goodness in Everything “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28) Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were chosen by the God of gods, as per His will. Hence, they loved Him and lived zealously for Him. In the same way, Joseph lived a pleasing life to God from his young age and loved Him dearly. However, how much he suffered despite having fellowship with God! What terrible trials he faced at a very young age! Lonely life! Rejected on all sides! Afflictions followed him in series. How distressed he was! Yet, even in the midst of these, he kept his eyes always on God and placed his entire trust on Him as a result of which he was victorious and found excellent things in his life, in the end. Shall we see about this?

The Lord created a situation in which King Pharaoh of Egypt found out the ‘excellence of the special, divine gift’ which God had bestowed upon Joseph. As a result, Joseph, who was sold as a slave to Egypt, was lifted up to a powerful position as a ruler, next to Pharaoh. About this we read, “all things work together for good to those who are called and who love God.” This happened in Joseph’s life. As shown by the Lord in a dream when he was small, God made his brothers bow before him.

Seek the Lord with a faithful heart


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Dear ones, let us also seek the Lord reverentially in order to know the blessings given by God to those who are chosen by Him and who love Him. Let us also understand the glory of His divine love. Then as we have read, the Lord would love us and would always dwell with us. He will not abandon us at any time. He will not leave us or forsake us even amidst our terrible sufferings in the world, whatever be the hopeless and terrible situations. He would be with us, protect us and lead us in miraculous ways. How big is your love to such a mighty God? Do you live a good life of fulfilling His will and doing things pleasing to Him? Examine and act accordingly.

A marriage truly made in Heaven I am a Jesus Calls partner and Family Blessing Plan partner too. My husband is an ambassador in the Jesus Calls ministry. I was praying fervently for my daughter's long-awaited wedding. God answered to our prayers and I gladly sponsored a Jesus Calls TV programme for her engagement and sponsored again to pray for her marriage fixed for 16.02.2022. The wedding was conducted in a grand manner. We thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who prayed for my daughter in that sponsored TV programme. Praise the Lord. - Mrs. Gnana Jeba Jyothibai Charles, Manamadurai, Tamil Nadu

BE THE CAUSE OF SOMEONE’S SALVATION For more details: • Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area • Website: • Email: / • Call: partner care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm, IST) • Address: Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028

Turn to page 10 to know the ways through which you can send the offerings to Sponsor/ Co-Sponsor a TV programme - June 2022



Sister Stella Dhinakaran shared God’s message and offered special prayers in the Special Blessing Meeting held on 20.03.2022 in the Bethesda Prayer Centre. The Lord glorified His name by performing several miracles and wonders. Many shared their testimony in this meeting. We are publishing below a few of them to strengthen your faith. New Life In September 2021, my husband suddenly fell ill and had to be admitted in the hospital. He was unconscious. Doctors who tested him said that he would die in a while. I was terrified on hearing it. Having been forsaken by the doctors, I immediately contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower over the phone for prayers. The prayer intercessor prayed with burden and said words of faith that the Lord who gives life alone, has the authority to take the life and that He would do a miracle. I was greatly encouraged by this. Hearing the prayers, the Lord mercifully gave my husband a new life and has today enabled him to go for his job also. Glory to God. - Mrs. Paul Duraisingh, Singanallur

Came with bondage; Going back with deliverance I was under the clutches of the devil for several years. As a result of this, my physical body was very weak and I had terrible pain in my legs because of which I could not kneel down and pray. I worked in several places but could not stick on to any job. In this meeting, when Sister 30

JESUS CALLS June 2022 -

Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I too joined with her in the prayer. That time, the Lord delivered me from the clutches of the devil. Now I stand here with the strength of Christ. I am able to walk well. I go back home, fully delivered. Praise the Lord. - Freeda, Coimbatore.

Two storey house despite nothingness I did not have money even to buy a Bible. At this juncture, in 2021, during the corona lock down, I visited Bethesda and got prayed by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. When he prayed, he said that my house will be built on the rock. I believed that word and started to build a new house by demolishing the old one. Today God has helped me to rebuild my house at the cost of Rs.30 lakhs. All my debt problems have vanished. I give millions of praises to the God of gods who did this miracle in my life. - Marimuthu, Pollachi

Darkness left; Light shone I was in a dark state when I left Madurai for Coimbatore. When I got down at the Coimbatore bus stand, I had

high fever and hence I wondered how I would reach Bethesda. I came here in pain. The message shared by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran filled me with divine love and sanctified me. She prayed for me placing her hand on my head. At that time, I felt a bright light flooding into me. I came here in darkness. Now I am filled with divine peace and joy. I have also received healing from God. I thank my Lord Jesus. - Krishnakumari, Madurai

Fire anointing I very much wanted to attend the meeting in Bethesda. I was praying that God should take me there if it was His will. Today, He has fulfilled my desire. I am very happy now. I was touched by the message shared by Sister Stella Dhinakaran. God’s anointing came down on me heavily even while she was speaking. I felt a fire coming upon me from above. Glory to God. - Nagammal, Nagercoil

Women’s Special Blessing Meeting was held at Immanuel auditorium in Karunya on 03.04.2022 at 4.00 PM. The meeting began with prayer by Mrs. Glory Ravikumar (Manager, Bethesda) followed by a wonderful worship session conducted by the teachers of the Evangeline Matriculation School. Not only women but also young girls and children attended this meeting. Many shared their testimonies being blessed through the Esther Prayer Group. Following this, dear mother Stella Dhinakaran offered prophetic message on I Peter 5:10 stating how God would perfect, establish, strengthen and settle every participant quoting the lives like Ruth, Esther and Mary. She prayed powerfully. Wonderful testimonies were shared which solidified her message and we are giving below a few of them. Divine blessings Particularly, in our area, prayer is conducted I am working as an Assistant Professor in the Agriculture Department of the Karunya University. I was saved when I was a child and have done a lot of ministry for God since then. We are residing in Bethesda since 2012. From then on, hearing about the Esther Prayer Group, I joined the group and have been taking part in the prayer.

early morning 5- 6 AM and I regularly participate in it. These prayers are of great blessing to me and have also comforted me during times of tribulation. By praying for others in the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord changed my captivity. When I attended these prayers, I longed to receive the gift of speaking in tongues. One day, the Lord anointed me with this gift. He has also kept me as a donkey that - June 2022



carries Him in my teaching profession. This is amazing to me. I praise the Lord for showering spiritual blessings in my life through this ministry. I am thankful to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. - Dr. J. Vimalin Hannah, Karunya Nagar.

Uplifted in the spiritual life I am studying 10th class in the Evangeline Matriculation School. When I was studying 6th class, I joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group and started praying. Prior to that, I used to pray selfishly. However, after joining the Junior Esther Prayer Group and seeing the prayer points sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, I had the burden, “Oh, there are so many prayer points for which I need to pray. I should pray for the women who suffer in this world.” Now I am the leader of the Youth Esther Prayer Group in our area. After praying for the prayer points in our group, we pray for each other. Accordingly, we were praying for one particular sister in our group. She had a wound in her hand and doctors had advised her to go for surgery. So we prayed for her earnestly. We also sent a prayer request to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. She replied saying that surely she would be healed. Accordingly the Lord did a miracle in such a way that the doctors said that there was no need for surgery and that it could be cured by taking medicines. After that, a few more students who are studying with us, have also joined our group and are praying. The promise verse given in the prayer points sent by dear mother every month, gives us faith and hope. The Lord is helping my group members and me to grow spiritually. I offer praises and thanks to Him. I also thank dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. - Sylvia, Karunya Nagar. 32

JESUS CALLS June 2022 -

Blessed in double measure I come from a family that has known the Lord. Yet I did not know what prayer was. One day a sister came and told me that she was conducting Esther Prayer Group and asked me to join the prayer. I wanted to attend it out of curiosity and went there. When everyone was praying being filled with the Spirit, Jesus touched me also. I was saved through that. The Lord anointed me and has also given me the burden to pray for others. When we see the prayer points and promise verse sent by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, we are really troubled seeing the problems faced by women and we pray with burden and tears for them. Specially, when we pray for the childless couples, I used to pray with tears. When I prayed thus, the Lord blessed me too who was childless for 15 years, in double measure by granting me two children. Millions of praises to the Lord who has wiped away my tears. - Ruby Jeyakumar, Coimbatore.

Channel of blessing to others I am studying in Karunya Christian School. I could not continue my studies here and hence called up my mother and asked her to take me back to home; but then I joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group conducted here and started praying. Only then I realized how powerful prayer is. I began to thirst for prayer. I started attending the healing services conducted here. Many have received blessings as I pray for them. God has today kept me as a channel of blessing to others because I have joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group. Praise be to Him. - Nancy, Coimbatore.

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Suitable Life Partner My parents registered my profile in True Friend Matrimony in May 2021 and by the grace of God, within few months, God brought Devakirubai as my life partner who also was enrolled in True Friend Matrimony. She is a beautiful, well-educated girl and from a god-fearing family. We got married on December 27th 2021. I thank the Lord Jesus for making my wedding happen at the right time and showing my family the right place to find my partner, which is the True Friend Matrimony. - John Vinosh, Chennai - June 2022



The Chennai Partners’ Meet was held on May 1st 2022 at 5 PM in the St. George's School Grounds. About 3,200 Jesus Calls partners from in and around Chennai took part with much enthusiasm to get blessed by our beloved Lord Jesus. As Stella Ramola led the worship time, it melted many hearts and moved them to tears. The Correspondent of St. George's School Dr. GK Francis shared greetings. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran led the testimony session and built the faith of the gathering. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed for the blessings and needs of the partners. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God's message from 2 Corinthians 9:8 praying for God’s abundant provisions. Many names were called out through the Holy Spirit and God's healing power was revealed. At the end, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran laid hands on the partners and prayed individually. All glory to Lord Jesus.

Here is a testimony to prove God’s awesome healing power

INSTANT HEALING FROM KNEE PAIN For the past 27 years, I have been involved in the ministry of Jesus Calls and I am blessed. I had come to offer volunteer duty at the Jesus Calls Partners’ Meet held at the St. George’s High School campus in Chennai representing the Vanagaram Prayer Tower. For quite some time, I was suffering from joint pain in the knees due to my weight. The doctors told me to go walking to lose weight. In the Partners’ Meet, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran delivered a prophetic message. During the prayer, he said, "There are many here who pray ‘I am unable to kneel down; unable to kneel and pray.’ God’s power is coming upon your knee. Be healed right now in Jesus’ name.” At that moment, I felt God’s power coming upon me. The next day I walked for an hour but I had no joint pain. Till now I am enjoying perfect healing. Glory be to God. - Hannah Punithavathi, Vanagaram Prayer Tower, Chennai 34

JESUS CALLS June 2022 -


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