Jesus Calls (English) March - 2022

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Miraculous Touch In February 2020, I met with an accident and the bones in my leg were fractured. I was in much pain and anguish. In that situation, one day as I was watching the family channel, in a live programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was speaking and a word of prophecy came straight to me from him. He said, “Don’t worry, God heals you now.” At that time I felt God’s power coming into my leg and I was healed instantly. Now I can walk and run normally. I thank God and I also thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family for the wonderful ministry they are doing. - Mr. Sakthi Selvam, Melmaruvathur, TamilNadu


My dearly beloved, praise God for helping us to step into the third month of this year! The Lord showed me Proverbs 28:1 as the word for this month. “The wicked run away when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” God is going to give you a spirit of boldness this month to serve Him and to receive every reward from Him. See what the Bible says about reward. It is found in Hebrews 11:6: “God rewards those who seek Him.” - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


This month God is giving you a spirit of boldness to be as bold as a lion. When you have the spirit of boldness, you will advance as a lion and nothing can stop you. A lion tears down every opposition and gets its reward. The opposition and wickedness of the world shall not tear you down. You shall be bold as a lion to accomplish God’s will and to also receive the reward He has for you. Enter this month with a spirit of boldness.

To Receive the Spirit of Boldness Let us see when you will get this spirit of boldness and what happens when you get it? The answers are found in Psalm 24:3-4: “Who may go up on the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in His holy temple? Only those with clean hands and pure hearts, who have not worshiped idols, and who have not made promises deceitfully.” Yes, beloved when you have clean hands, clean heart, and clean life you can enter into the presence of God boldly. David stood before Goliath - a giant trained in warfare; but David was a little shepherd boy and knew nothing about battle. The whole nation of Israel was dependent on this little boy David. Because he had the holiness of the Almighty God in his spirit, he boldly proclaimed to Goliath: “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This day the Lord will hand you over to me, I will strike you down, and cut off your head.” (1 Samuel 17:45-46) David had the name of the Lord in him, a clean heart, and clean hands. With those clean hands, he sling shot a stone and Goliath fell. David saved the nation of Israel. The sling stone became the stepping stone for David to become a king. Yes, holiness is the stepping stone to all blessings! My father in his death bed said - “I can stand before God and any man in this world and say: ‘I have lived a clean life; my hands are holy and my life is holy.’” 4

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This should be your testimony too! Pray with tears for God to make you holy. He will sanctify you by taking away all earthly nature, weakness in spirit, lusts, fleshly desires from you; wash you with the blood of Jesus; and transform you into a person with holy hands, heart, thoughts, actions and life. Holiness will bring you boldness like a lion to accomplish the will of God and make giants fall.

When you are Bold Be like Mary, who waited at the Lord's feet and listened to His teaching (Luke 10). This guided Mary to do everything according to the will of God. That is why there was resurrection in her family. When you fulfill the will of God with all holiness, there will be resurrection in your life, family, finances, health, and of every blessing in your life. Your every need will be met from the throne room of God.

~Transformed Image Firstly, you will have the boldness to be transformed into the image of Jesus and to proclaim Jesus. Holiness gives you the boldness to bring the Kingdom of God into the world. Apostle Paul lived a holy life and received this kind of boldness. We read about it in Acts 28:31 which says: “Preaching and proclaiming the Kingdom of God, teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, unhindered, and unrestrained.”

~Fulfillment of God’s Purpose Secondly, you will have boldness to build the Kingdom of God and fulfill the purpose for which God has called you. The Bible says about this in 1 Chronicles 28:20: David said to Solomon his son, “Be bold and of good courage, and do it. Fear not, nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, will be with you. He will not fail you, nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.” Yes, with holiness in your life, you have boldness because the Lord is with you at all times. Thereby, you can boldly fulfill God’s purpose for your life.

~Entrance into His Presence Thirdly, you have boldness to enter into the presence of the Living God through the blood of

Jesus Christ. The Bible says so in Hebrews 10:19: “So, brothers and sisters, we are completely free since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place without fear because of the blood of Jesus Christ.” Yes, beloved the blood of Jesus Christ speaks words of mercy and grace for you (Hebrews 12:24).

Moving Forward Boldly Until now, you may have tried to do many things for the Lord, but found the doors closed and only wicked people and the devil prevailing with your finances and health, which left you unable to move forward. From this month as you lead a holy life, you will have the boldness to enter into the presence of God, where you will be able to speak to Him, know His will and receive every blessing from Him. Yes, God will open every locked door. The Holy Spirit will break every hold that the devil has on your progression. The Lord will empower you to overcome the works of the devil and also establish His Kingdom through you. You will walk in the supernatural! *Rain in Drought: You will not see the clouds or you may not even see the rain, but there will be water in the camp. This is what happened in the days of Prophet Elisha and we read about it in 2 Kings 3:17: “For thus says the Lord, you shall not see wind, neither shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water. This is an easy thing for the Lord to do; He will also give you victory.” *Plenty in Famine: There was another incident in the days of Prophet Elijah written in the Bible in 1 Kings 17:13-15: Elijah said to the woman, “Don’t worry. Go home. The LORD, the God of Israel, says, ‘That jar of flour will never be empty and the jug will

always have oil in it. This will continue until the day the LORD sends rain to the land.’” So the woman went home and did what Elijah told her to do. And Elijah, the woman, and her son had enough food for a long time. Whatever little you have, God will increase and multiply it from this month forward. The world may have lack, but you will lack nothing. The world shall know that God is the provider of every blessing in your life and everything you do will prosper. As you sanctify yourself and live a holy life, there will be resurrection of every blessing in your life. Yes, just like the Lord promised in the beginning of the year 2022, your lack and suffering will be only for a brief time but God’s blessings will be abundant and eternal. “After you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, Who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will Himself complete and make you what you ought to be, establish and ground you securely, and strengthen, and settle you” (1 Peter 5:10). Yes beloved, God will personally and powerfully restore everything in your life! Prayer: My loving Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word for the month. Lord, help me to live a holy life and be blessed with the spirit of boldness. As You bless me with the spirit of boldness, may people see You through me. Help me to fulfill the purpose for which You Scan QR code have called me and thereby to watch this build Your Kingdom on earth. message Give me the boldness to enter into Your Throne Room for my every need to be met. I ask of this in the name of Jesus. Amen. - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Is your heart heavy-laden? Does your life seem to be like a wilderness? Are your days filled with sorrow and care? Come to Bethesda and experience the calm and heavenly JOY and PEACE that the Lord Jesus alone can give. The Sweet Presence of Jesus that prevails here, amidst the beautiful mountains and scenic views of nature will refresh you and make you forget all your worries and get rid of all your fears and hopelessness. Yes, your sorrows will turn into joy. Make use of this summer, come and be blessed. Visit Bethesda as a family and go back to enjoy a mini heaven in your home.

God’s Work at Bethesda • Anointed and dedicated Prayer Intercessors filled with love and compassion listen to the prayer requests patiently, give counselling based on the Word of God and offer prayers for everyone who comes here. • Telephone Prayer Tower and Chain Prayer Tower at Bethesda are also vital channels for people to experience miracles from God. • God has healed, saved, delivered and blessed countless number of people. 6

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Renovation works are going on through the generous offering of partners like you. We have started to renovate Bethesda Prayer Centre to augment the infrastructure for the future, as the number of people visiting this divine place from across the globe, seeking God’s presence, healing, deliverance and comfort is increasing day by day.

We invite you to come, go around and see the constructions in person. It will be amazing to witness what you have been supporting and you will thank the Lord. You too can sow a seed as a sign of gratitude to our Lord “Jesus Christ” for answering every prayer that is offered here. • Open every day from 6.00 AM to 8.30 PM • Situated at a distance of just 25 kms from Coimbatore City. • Bus facilities are available from Coimbatore Railway Station, Gandipuram Bus Stand and Town Hall bus stop. • Play-area for children and canteen is also available. • Dormitory and Guest House available for comfortable stay. • Tourist places like Kovai Kutralam (6km), Siruvani Falls (11 km), Malampuzha (70km) Ooty, the Queen of Hills (110 km) are situated around Bethesda.

• Address: Manager, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641114. • Phone : 0422- 2614580 / 4581, 8754426134, 9487846545 / 6640 • Email : - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Dear friend, God has a beautiful promise for your family and that is found in Proverbs 28:5, “Evil doers do not understand what is right but those who seek the Lord

understand it fully.” Yes, God says that He is going to give you tremendous wisdom during this month as well as for your whole life time. “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” (Proverbs 24:3, 4) Yes, only a family that is built on wisdom will withstand the storms of life. If the parents commit themselves, their children and grandchildren to be led by God’s wisdom, they will find each other to be precious as riches this world cannot replace. Every couple should ask for wisdom, for only then will they be able to live in oneness for their own benefit and that of their children (Jeremiah 32:39). The wisdom that is of the Lord will reveal the secrets of God for the family and bring peace. In these present days when families are going through different kinds of turmoil, only the wisdom from God can provide solutions and salvation. That is exactly what David might have experienced, for he says in Psalm 25:14, “The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him.” Yes, God's people understand everything and they speak prophetically. Once when I was praying with my father Bro. Dhinakaran, he prophetically spoke to me with God's Word. At that time, I was pregnant and the Lord revealed to me everything I had prayed about. The lord said, “I am going to give you a beautiful child. The child will have curly hair.” I was amazed and asked my father in astonishment, “How did you know that I prayed such a prayer?” He laughed and laughed and said, “God always gives the best. He is going to give you a


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beautiful daughter.” Yes, it is Sharon and she is such a blessing in my life today. We all like a familiar verse in the Bible which says, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard and what no human mind has conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:9,10) In accordance with the above verse, when you ask God to fill you with His Spirit, He comes into you and He reveals every mystery in the Word of God and that concerning your life too. It will lead you in the right way, the way of truth and grace. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and as you walk led by the Spirit of God, you will walk in the right way. We also read in John 16:13, “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.” Yes, the Holy Spirit knows everything that God has in store for you and will lead you into its fulfillment. You will enjoy knowing the secrets of God. Are you worried concerning your spouse/children/studies/job? Is anything disturbing the peace in your family? Are you tired because the needs in your family are not

met? Whatever be the situation, look to God from wherever you are and as you are, for God will fill you with His wisdom and as desired by you, He will fill your house with precious and pleasant riches because you revere Him. From now onwards, you will overcome every problem and will be led into God’s will—His good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2). Let this grace come upon you and may the Lord reveal His secrets to you! Loving Father, Let Your anointing come upon me and my family in a special way. Give us the grace to understand everything and fill us with the Spirit of truth. Teach us everything we need to know and help us understand all the secrets in the Bible. Reveal Your secrets to me and everyone in my family. Make us a blessing to others and give us the Spirit of wisdom and revelation and use us in Your work. Let Your prophecy be on our lips and may Your Name be glorified through us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Dear Loving Heavenly Father, I come into Your presence with rejoicing. I praise You for creating men and women in Your image. Just like Your word says we are all one in Christ without any gender bias and You love everyone equally. Help me to be a gracious woman, reflecting Your nature in all my actions. Father, transform me to be dignified, not involved in malicious gossips but temperate, and faithful in all things. Enable me to fulfill Your purpose for my life and be a woman of prayer. May I be a woman of noble character and do good to others. Lord, empower me to fulfill my duties cheerfully and grant me wisdom to care for my household. Let strength and dignity be my clothing. May I always speak with understanding and teach others to be loving and kind. Father, let me always revere You and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. (This prayer is grounded on the following Bible verses: Proverbs 11:16; 31:10-30; Galatians 3:28; and 1 Timothy 3:11) 2021 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - et«g® March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Here’s a compilation of testimonies to encourage you to triumph over your problems and receive the long awaited miracle. Our God performs wonders beyond human comprehension. He shall powerfully restore you, make you stronger and build you up. Grace upon Grace: I am a Young Partner in the Jesus Calls Ministry. I was placed in TCS by the grace of God. There was an exam conducted to finalize the scale of incentives. God helped me clear the exam and I got rupees twenty thousand as incentive. I decided to give my incentive for

program, God led me to send offering toward Bethesda renovation. There was a delay in sending the offering, but after prayers, I was able to send the incentive for Bethesda renovation. I give all glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.

- Ms.Sherlie, Bangalore

Deafness Healed

the Lord’s ministry and waited for God’s

I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in

guidance. Through a Jesus Calls Television

London to pray for my sister born without a


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fully developed ear and had become completely deaf for a long period. The prayer intercessor there prayed for my request and invited me to join the Evening Blessing Meeting. I attended the meeting and requested prayers for my sister as she was supposed to go for the ear surgery that week. The prayer intercessor prayed with much burden for her healing. To the amazement of the doctors and also my sister, when an audiogram was done on her, she could hear from the ear that was deaf. We give all glory to God. May the Lord use the Prayer Tower ministry to bless and heal the suffering in the world! - Mrs. Grover, England

Mother’s Health Restored My mother’s name is Vandana Sanjay Waghmare. On the night of August 5, 2021, she had severe chest pain. I immediately rushed her to the hospital. Doctors said her blood pressure was extremely elevated and suggested a cardiac stress test. The following morning, my mother's stress test was positive and ECG also showed variation. Hence, an angiogram had to be done to check for blocks.

Delivered and Saved I had a growth on my head, which started to increase over a short time that it became obvious. It made me and my family deeply concerned. I began to attend the Evening Blessing Meeting and listened to God’s Word. Miraculously, the growth stopped and started shrinking. I praise God for His healing touch upon me.

- Mr. Joseph Masih, London

Miraculous Healing My parents were suspected to be Corona positive and were admitted in the hospital. It was a critical situation because my father is a heart patient and my mother had other major health complications. I was very anxious because I live in Bangalore and my parents are in Ooty. Through the Jesus Calls website, my cousin sent a prayer request for their healing. God heard the prayers and did a miracle. Neither their scan nor the blood test results showed any lung infection. I praise God for healing my parents and thank Jesus Calls for the prayers. - Mr.Daniel Rajkumar, Bangalore

Delivered and Blessed

I sent an email to Jesus Calls requesting

I come from a family background that has

prayers. A day later, the angiogram was done

not tasted the love of Christ. There was a lot

and the test detected no blocks. Therefore, the

of torment due to witchcraft and black magic

doctors discharged my mother and she has

done against us. I came to know about the

returned home. I ascribe all glory to God and

Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Mt Roskill and

thank the Jesus Calls Prayer Team.

attended the Healing Blessing meeting on a

- Ms. Ajinkya Sanjay Waghmare, Ahmednagar

Tuesday evening. I found difference in our


2021 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - et«g® March 2022 JESUS CALLS


situation due to the prayers and started attending prayers regularly. In 2019, a team was going from New Zealand to Jerusalem for the Jesus Calls Prophetic Conference and Holy Land tour. Due to a strong urge in me, I joined the team and went to Jerusalem. During the conference, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed laying his hands on me, prophesied that the Lord would deliver me from the viles of the devil and bless my family. He also gave me a promise verse. I returned holding onto the promises and continued attending prayers in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, New Zealand. Sure enough, in 2021, our enemies left and amazingly the Holy Spirit worked in our situation! Now we have peace in our home. By the grace of God, I won a huge contract in my business and the Lord has blessed us financially, especially when many are losing jobs and facing financial crisis during the pandemic. I want to thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his words of encouragement through the monthly blessing letters and his prayers for our needs. I also want to thank the Jesus Calls prayer intercessors for always


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praying for my family and encouraging us. I give all the glory to Jesus, our Lord! - Mr.Rishi Deo, New Zealand

Set Free by Truth I am a medium’s son, due to which I suffered from chronic nightmares. The situation worsened and I ended up with a knife tucked under my pillow for protection. Eventually during sleep, I began to cut myself without my knowledge. As an alternative, I began to use pointed objects instead of a knife, as I needed some sort of protection against my nightmares. It came to a point when my wife and I could not take this any longer and we started to seek help. My wife is a Christian and told me about the Jesus Calls Ministry and that that we should seek prayers from the Prayer Tower. When we went to the Malaysia Prayer Tower, a prayer intercessor led me to confess my evil practices and prayed for my total deliverance. After this, the evil spirit left and I was delivered from fear and nightmares. I praise the Lord Jesus, who completely set me free. I am growing spiritually in prayer and in understanding the Bible. All glory to God. - Mr.Steven, Malaysia - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Dedicated, anointed and gifted prayer intercessors serve the Lord tirelessly day and night to answer calls by praying for the needs of the people agreeing with them before the throne of grace, which does wonders unimaginable in hundreds of lives every day. The Lord, who prayed for the people unceasingly, has poured His love and compassion in the hearts of the prayer intercessors, keeping His covenant to the Dhinakarans and performs mighty acts in accordance to His promises quoted in the prayers from His word - the Holy Bible. Vision: ‘No soul should be lost.” Mission: Ensure that each one’s sorrow turns into joy.

With the help of donations offered with great sacrifice by the ministry partners like you, rent for the buildings where the Prayer Towers are located, electricity bills, telephone connection charges, computer and building maintenance, and office operating expenses are met. Hence, the prayer services to the callers have been provided free. 14

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Here is how one of the callers has received a miracle On 24th December 2020, I had mild chest pain and pain in the left hand. Hence, I went to take an ECG, which showed abnormality. When I met the doctor that evening, he told me to take Troponin test immediately. I was very upset and the situation put me into great fear. I then called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and a sister prayed with burden for my healing. When the results came, there were no harmful proteins present in my blood. The next day I went for Echo cardiogram, stomach scan and blood tests, as prescribed by the doctor. To the surprise of the doctor, all my reports showed normal results. I thank the Jesus calls ministries for their sincere prayers and for always being there to pray for me and my family at any point of time. I am alive today because of the sincere prayers by prayer intercessors at Prayer Tower. Praise God. -Hannah Devakani, Chennai

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” (Psalm 103:2) Here is a wonderful opportunity! You can bless millions of people and impact lives by sending your gift to the needs of Prayer Tower ministry operations, which stand as a light house to the hurting souls. As led by God, I would like to contribute towards the Prayer Tower Ministry (please tick your choice) Rs.10,000 / Rs.5,000 / Rs. 3,000 / Rs ....................... / - I am willing to give once / monthly / annually. Name_____________________________________________________ Partner code__________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________Pin code_________________ Email _____________________________________________ Mobile _______________________________ Birthday ______________________________ Wedding Day_____________________________________ My personal Prayer Request to be prayed at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................... SOW CHEERFULLY AND REAP BOUNTIFULLY FOR MORE DETAILS: • Prayer Tower: You can visit the Prayer Tower in your area • Website: • Email: • Phone: 044-23456677 (7 am to 9 pm IST) The simple ways by which you can send in your loving gift to PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY is found on page no. 18 in this issue. - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


My beloved partner in the ministry, I warmly greet you. God has a wonderful promise for the month of March. See what it says: “For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world.” (1 John 5:4) Yes, beloved God wants you to be victorious and also overcome the world. God cannot be overpowered by sin and darkness, and when you are born of God, you become victorious and overcome the world like Him. Children of God have the authority to overcome both the evil one and evil spirits. Yes, it is true because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. God wants you to have victory and be more than a conqueror because of His love (Romans 8:37).

Help Just a Phone call Away Many situations in life leave you perplexed, does it not? There is someone to help you during such times. See what the psalmist says:

“In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried to my God for help; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry for help.” (Psalm 18:6) The Bible says if two people on earth agree and pray to God, it is granted to them (Matthew 18:19). It is based on this Bible verse, Jesus Calls Prayer Towers function. The anointed and trained prayer intercessors unite with the caller and pray with burden; and God is faithful to answer the prayers as promised. Telephone Prayer Tower (+91 44 45 999 000) functions roundthe-clock 365 days a year without any holiday. Prayers are offered in eight languages. You are welcome to call any time. All the prayer requests are sent to me. Along with our Prayer 16

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Intercessors, I also pray for these prayer requests and the answers come from Almighty God.

Total rejuvenation The recent past has been hectic for young and old alike due to the pandemic. It definitely calls for relaxation. With summer around, I welcome you to spend time in Bethesda. What can be more refreshing and relaxing than the presence of God! Bethesda with its scenic beauty and God’s sweet presence will rejuvenate your soul, spirit and body. Further details to reach Bethesda can be found in the inner pages.

God’s Choice “It is God who changes the times and the

seasons; He removes kings and establishes kings.” (Daniel 2:21) The Bible gives a clear instruction to pray for people in authority so that citizens can lead a peaceful and quiet life. Let us pray for the newly elected state legislative members of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur, and Goa to be guided by God’s wisdom so that the will of God will be fulfilled in these states.

Song of Salvation “Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things! His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation.” (Psalm 98:1) I am sure “Seerpaduthuvar” the promise song of 2022, which has crossed one millions views, is being a blessing to you. Just like the above verse says we need to sing a new song unto the Lord for His salvation. Easter is all about salvation and as a family we are getting ready with a new song for Easter 2022!

Enroll, Experience, Execute Within a short time span, God has blessed Karunya Academy of Theological Education (KATE) in all aspects. In terms of accreditation, new courses, new faculty members and infrastructure, KATE is being lifted up for God's glory. KATE's teachings are rooted in the Bible and revelation through the Holy Spirit. For the next academic year, more than 10 new short-term courses have been introduced for the biblical enrichment of all those who want to serve the Lord. As serving our eternal Master Jesus is a divine mandate upon all of us, I encourage you to kindly enroll yourself in any suitable new course as per the leading of the Holy Spirit. For further information, call 9487846630 or visit: Trained and Equipped - Prayer Academy & Training wing continues to offer 6 weeks’ Partners Training Program in all Prayer Towers in 6 languages free of cost. I am thrilled to hear testimonies of paying partners who have become praying partners and serve the Lord in Prayer Towers as volunteers. God is using them mightily. You can also be one among them. For more details call 97899 77807 / 63807 52257.

Prayer: Vital Breath of Life *Virtual prayer festivals: “Preach the Gospel. Be ready in season or out of season, and tell people what they need to do.” (2 Timothy 4:2) Over the years, Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals have been of abundant blessing to millions of people. With the current situation, alternative methods have to be employed. Keep in your prayer the plans Jesus Calls Ministry has for Virtual Prayer Festivals so that countless people can receive God’s blessing and comfort.

*Students prayer meet: “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” (Proverbs 21:31) Virtual Student Prayer Meetings were conducted in the month of February for exam-going students and thousands of children were blessed. Let’s thank God and continue to pray for dear children’s success in the exams.

*Hour of Hope: Every Sunday (7:00 p.m.), my wife Evangeline and I share God’s word and pray for the people through the Zoom facility through Hour of Hope. You can contact the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in your locality or call to 044 23456677 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. (IST) or give a missed call to 9015455455 to get the Meeting ID of this Zoom meeting.

Worldwide Prayer Network “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6: 18) The Bible asks us to pray without ceasing and Social Media platforms have made it convenient to unite the people around the world in prayer. Every Saturday at 7:30 AM (IST), through YouTube and Facebook, Global Prayer Service is happening. I invite you to be a part of this prayer to bring God’s Revival on the earth.

Advance Ahead I am very sure you have been watching Jesus Calls programs on Family Channel. Now, Jesus Calls is gearing up to step it up further and take to the satellite level. I seek your prayers, which are our valuable asset, that God may fulfill His purpose through this endeavor and meet the finances required. - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Daily Bread “Give us this day our daily bread.” (Matthew 6:11) The daily word of blessing and prayer is currently being telecast in Family Channel in Tamil as ‘Indraiya Irai Varthai.’ Preparations have begun to produce it in other languages for the blessing of many. Do pray for it.

March Remembrances The month of March is magnificent by itself and also holds many occasions to be cherished and thank God for. *The Next 14-Year Span: I had a divine encounter on March 14, 2008. Every 14 years marks the beginning of a New Era in my life. With the Prophetic Era coming to an end, Apostolic Era has begun this March 2022 not only for me but also for the Jesus Calls Ministry and the partners of Jesus Calls. Yes, beloved it is the era in which the Gospel of Christ has to be preached in a powerful and wholesome manner. *Renewed and Refreshed: Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. It is the special time of the year to remember the sole purpose for which Jesus came into the world. Yes, His very name means Savior. Let us be grateful for all the indefinable sufferings the Lord Jesus went through and purchased our salvation and guard our own salvation with fear and trembling.


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*Trumpet Prayer Group - An end-times prayer movement: According to the vision God gave to my wife, Evangeline, prayers are offered relentlessly through the Trumpet Prayer Group. Having crossed 700 days, the Prayer Intercessors in this group continue to pray every afternoon for nations to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus. You can join this group from where you are and pray along. For further details, visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or email to

*Esther Prayer Group - Raising Women of Prayer and influence: In 1988, God gave the vision to my mother Stella Dhinakaran to start a prayer group for women. I thank God for His great mercies over the past 34 years. It is my prayer that God will continue leading the Esther Prayer Group under my mother's guidance to raise many more Esther-like women to bring the light of Jesus in the lives of others.

More than Conquerors “For everyone born of God is victorious and overcomes the world.” (1 John 5:4) In conclusion, you as the child of God have the authority to overcome everything that is evil. Yes, the God who is with you is greater than he that is in the world. God wants you to be victorious and be more than a conqueror. Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

1 John 5:4 - God gives victory Meditation: Proverbs 21:31; Romans 8:37; 1 Cor. 15:57; 2 Cor. 2:14 Matthew 4:4 - The word of the Lord Meditation: 1 Kings 8:56; Ezek. 12:25,28; Matt. 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25 Psalm 147:3 - God heals brokenhearted Meditation: Psalm 34:18; 51:17; Isaiah 61:1,2; Luke 4:18-20 Ruth 2:12 - Refuge under the wings of the Lord Meditation: Exod. 19:4; Deut. 32:11,12; Psalm 36:7; 91:1,4 Matthew 13:43 - You will shine like the sun Meditation: Exod. 34:29-35; Prov. 4:18; Matt. 5:14-16; 2 Cor. 4:6 Psalm 138:7 - The right hand of the Lord Meditation: Exod. 15:6; Psalm 18:35; 20:6; Isaiah 41:10; Acts 5:31; Rev. 1:17 John 10:14,15 - Jesus the good Shepherd Meditation: Psalm 23:1; Isaiah 40:10,11; John 10:11; Heb. 13:20 Psalm 20:1 - God hears prayers Meditation: 2 Kings. 20:5; 2 Chron. 33:11-13; 34:27; Matt. 21:22 Matthew 10:22 - He who stands firm to the end will be saved Meditation: Psalm 37:27; Daniel 3:28,29; Mark 13:13; Romans 10:8,9 Psalm 146:5 - Trust in the Lord Meditation: Psalm 40:4; 84:12; Prov. 16:20; 29:25; Jer. 17:7; Nahum 1:7 Isaiah 41:13 - The Lord is with us Meditation: Gen. 49:25; 2 Chron. 14:11,12; Isaiah 41:14; 2 Tim. 4:17 Psalm 34:6 - The Lord hears our cry Meditation: 2 Chron. 13:14-16; 14:11-15; Psalm 145:18; Matt. 20:29-34; Luke 18:7,8 Proverbs 13:9 - The light of the righteous Meditation: Psalm 112:4; Isaiah 58:8; Micah 7:8; Matthew 5:14














Acts 2:17 - The Holy Spirit Meditation: Isaiah 44:3; John 3:34; Acts 1:8; 2:17,18 Psalm 77:14 - The power of the Lord Meditation: Psalm 150:2; Isaiah 40:26; Luke 5:17; 2 Cor. 13:4 1 Chronicles 22:11 - The Lord will be with you Meditation: Gen. 26:1-3; Deut. 20:1; Isaiah 43:5; Matthew 28:20 Proverbs 8:34 - Blessed is the man who listens to the Lord Meditation: Deut. 28:1; 30:2,3; 1 Sam. 12:14; Proverbs. 1:33; John 10:3,27 Psalm 107:20 - The Lord saves us Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:49; Isaiah 46:4; Jeremiah 39:17; 2 Cor. 1:10 Isaiah 43:1 - You belong to God Meditation: Levi. 20:26; Deut. 7:6; 14:2; Acts 8:10; 1 Peter 2:9 Exodus 20:24 - The Lord will bless you Meditation: Gen. 22:17,18; Deut. 28:8; Haggai 2:19; Luke 24:50 Acts 14:17 - The Lord will fill you with joy Meditation: Nehemiah 12:43; Psalm 4:7; 51:12; 2 Cor. 13:11; Phil. 4:4 Psalm 149:4 - The Lord delights in you Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:20; Psalm 41:11; 147:11; Matt. 3:16,17 Deuteronomy 7:14 - You will be blessed Meditation: Gen. 26:5; 28:14; Deut. 28:3-6; Judg. 5:24; Psalm 115:15 John 14:27 - The Lord gives His peace Meditation: Levi. 26:3-6; Psalm 29:11; Mark 5:25-34; 2 Thess. 3:16 Joel 2:1 - The day of the Lord is coming Meditation: Joel 1:15; 3:14; Ezek. 30:3; Obadiah 1:15; 2 Thess. 2:2 Ezekiel 36:26 - He will give new spirit Meditation: Psalm 51:10-12; Ezek. 11:19; John 3:3-5 Deuteronomy 1:10 - The Lord will multiply you Meditation: Gen. 17:2; Deut. 30:5; Ezek. 36:30,37; Heb. 6:14 Luke 12:32 - Do not be afraid Meditation: Gen. 15:1; Exod. 14:13; Ruth 3:11; Matthew 14:22-27 Mark 13:31 - The word of the Lord never fails Meditation: 1 Kings 8:56; 2 Kings. 10:10; Matthew 24:35; 1 Peter 1:25 Hebrews 11:6 - The Lord rewards them that seek Him Meditation: Ezra 8:22; Psalm 9:10; 34:10; 119:2; Prov. 8:17; 28:5 Daniel 9:23 - You will get what you ask for Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9; 1 Kings. 3:6-14; 1 Chron. 4:10; Matt. 8:6,7



















2021 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - et«g® March 2022 JESUS CALLS



ello young friend, greetings to you. God wants to talk to the youth this month from Proverbs 20:22,

“Wait for the Lord, and He will rescue and save you.”

An encouraging word, is it not? You might say, ‘I have been waiting for so long but nothing seems to be changing in my life. I hope it will change at least this month.’ Yes friend, the Lord says that He will deliver you. Even if you think that something in your life is finished, unless God says ‘It’s finished’ it will surely not be finished!

done from beginning to end.” Praise God who makes everything beautiful in its time. Friend, the only thing you need to do is be still and wait for the Lord. Yes, it might be difficult and you might not know how long it is going to take; but at the right time, the Lord will do it beautifully.

Waiting Works: In the Bible, we see how Abraham waited on the Lord for the fulfillment of God’s promise and favor.

The Lord is going to bring deliverance this month. According to Ecclesiastes 3:11:

“Abraham believed the Lord and He credited it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6)

“He has made everything beautiful in its time. No one can fathom what God has

Abraham and his wife were well advanced in age and were childless. It was at that time God


JESUS CALLS March 2022 -

promised Abraham to make him the father of many nations. We read about it in Genesis 17:4: “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of many nations.” Though it took some time for God’s promise to come true, Abraham waited on the Lord, and the promise certainly came true. Similarly, when you wait on the Lord, you will experience God’s promises come true in your life. Here is a real life testimony about how God rescues people who wait on Him. There is a famous lyricist, musician and performer. His life took a spiraling turn after his wife gave birth for the second time. His baby boy did not reach the essential growth milestones such as rolling over, crawling, and walking and had to be taken around in a pram. The diagnosis of a rare condition called Rickets came as a big blow. Though it was a difficult situation, he continued to wait on the Lord. One evening as he returned home, his daughter greeted him saying that she was very happy. He ignored it thinking someone would have given her a chocolate, but she was jumping with joy saying ‘my little brother is running!’ He rushed in to check what had happened because his son could not even sit up

on his own. Confused, he took his son to the doctor who referred them to another specialist. After giving a thorough examination, the exact words of the doctor were ‘Your child is a miracle!’ The doctor further explained that in medical science there is no evidence or proof for such recovery and requested his son’s prior x-rays as an evidence. How awesome is our God! Today this miracle baby boy is a sports person bagging medals after medals. My friend in the same way, when you wait on the Lord with complete faith, you will experience great miracles in your life. Just believe the Lord, and thank Him for this promise. He is a God who is faithful to keep His word and His promises will come true in your life. At the right time, the Lord will do it beautifully.

Prayer: Loving Father, Thank You for this precious promise. Give me the strength to wait for You. I lay down all my burdens and problems at Your feet. I humbly Scan QR code ask You to take complete to watch this message control of every situation in my life. Thank You Lord for listening to my prayer. In Jesus’ precious name, I pray. Amen. - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Letters have always been an emotional outlet when going through difficult times. One may not get to share everything over the phone but letters solve that issue. Letters are not only oldest means of communication but also of ministry. Jesus Calls Letter Ministry has brought miracles and healing into the lives of millions. As God’s servants, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family continue to uphold countless lives through their prayers. They do not stop with prayer but reply God-given answers to the writer. The prayerful replies sent by the Dhinakarans perform powerful wonders the very instant the recipients receive their replies. Getting a personal reply for a prayer request is of utmost encouragement during times of trouble. As a result of their prayers, unnumbered testimonies have been received. The letter ministry wing of Jesus Calls has blessed and continues to bless people in a million ways.

Here’s how one such sister, who sought prayers, has received a blessing I am a partner in Jesus Calls Ministry for a long time. For each and every need, I used to write letters to father Late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and Dr .Paul Dhinakaran. Every time the Lord honored my faith and did miracles in my family. My daughter Jency V. Abraham is a Young Partner and working in Qatar. Her marriage was getting delayed and we were perplexed. I wrote letters to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for her to get married at the earliest. He also prayed and sent encouraging and comforting replies. Through his prayers, the Lord blessed my daughter with a God- fearing partner and by grace of God the marriage was solemnized. I thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministry for the prayer help. - Mrs. Joice Abraham, Uthimoodu post, Kerala

Be encouraged today like Sis Joice and don’t hesitate to seek prayer help by writing your prayer needs to the Dhinakarans. Whatever may be your request, those regarding life’s decisions, to know God’s will concerning which job or marriage proposal to choose or for any kind of prayer help, please write to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and he will pray over it and send God’s reply to you.

DON’T WAIT! YOUR SUFFERING IS DESTINED TO STOP! YOU CAN SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Postal Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: 22

JESUS CALLS March 2022 -

DOUBLE BLESSING My marriage profile was registered in the True Friend Matrimony in May 2019. Within 3 months’ time, we received a proposal from Mr. S. Merlin Jebakumar, who had also registered in the True Friend Matrimony the same year 2019 but in June. In January 2020, our marriage took place and by the grace of God, it was a grand success. God perfected everything within two to three months of registering in the True Friend Matrimony. According to 1 Corinthians 2:9, “…What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived - the things God has prepared for those who love Him” God has blessed me and given me more than what I expected. My husband's family treats me with much love. Not just that, God has blessed me with a beautiful baby boy as well. All glory to God. - Manimala Jebakumar, Chennai - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


O nly

hand it is to


make great And to

who know the excellence

give strength to all.”

of the divine strength received

(I Chronicles 29:12)

from the Lord, can love the Lord Jesus Christ who gives such strength, with their whole heart,

According to the above verse, it is possible

mind and strength. David, a true servant of God,

to get filled with the divine strength from the

perfectly understood the excellence and glory

Lord in a state of utter weakness and emptiness

of this divine strength in his life and hence has

and fulfill His will. We may be weak and frail

clearly written in Psalm 84:5, “Blessed is the

mentally or physically in many ways. However,

man whose strength is in You.” Hence, my dear

you should understand that our God is the Lord

ones who read this! You may also commit

who lifts up even those who are in the state

yourself in the hands of the Lord to analyze the

of emptiness and nothingness and strengthens

excellence of this divine strength, get filled with it like David, and love God through that to live a victorious and glorious life! Enjoy receiving the joyous life given by Him!

In His Hand is to Make Great


them. He grants them His grace to sustain them. When the God of gods, selected Mary to bring redemption to the whole humanity through Christ Jesus, His only begotten Son, He filled young Mary with His divine strength and fulfilled

“Both riches and honor come from

His will through her. For this purpose, He sent

You, and You reign over all. In Your

Angel Gabriel from His presence and interacted

hand is power and might; In Your

with her. He sent her His word and first

JESUS CALLS March 2022 -

strengthened her. That is why the Angel Gabriel

enjoy receiving this blessing in your life!

greeted her first saying, "Rejoice, highly favored

Let me explain how I got strengthened in my

one.” Only when she heard this word, young

life and was blessed when the Lord’s words

Mary’s heart was filled with divine strength.

were revealed to me through His servants in

Her heart which was wondering what manner

those days when I was weak mentally and

of greeting that was, got filled with divine faith

physically. After marriage, I had a miscarriage

and her fellowship with God was strengthened

at the fourth month and as a family we were

more. That’s why, the words which were

deeply troubled over this. The Lord remembered

revealed to her from God through the Angel,

me and made me conceive again. However, that

completely removed all the fears and doubts

time also I had a stillborn child and we were

from her flesh, granted her a strong mind and

shattered. After this, on a Sunday, when we

courage and led her to accept the divine call to

attended a church service, the word of God that

fulfill that divine will. As a result, she was filled

came to me through a servant of God who was

with the divine strength to instantly accept the will of God with reverence, without any argument, saying, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.”

(Luke 1:38)

Also, when she went to meet

preaching that day, strengthened us

Our God lifts up those who are weak, strengthens them and grants His grace to sustain them.

in our sorrow and granted us a new strength


Accordingly, the Lord blessed us with dear son Paul Dhinakaran. Today, God has made him to arise and shine for Him. When I see this with my own eyes, I am strength ened in the Lord and am comforted.

and greet Elizabeth, her relative, as per God’s will, she was strengthened


You are my witness for this!

by hearing the blessed words uttered by

Perhaps, you are heart broken in life today

Elizabeth. What were those words manifested

because of some need or lack in your life and

in glory? As we read in Luke 1:43, she was called,

are languishing in tears! Look up to the Lord

‘the mother of my Lord’ and this heavenly words

who is the personification of love. He will

filled her with strength. At that time, not only

strengthen you just like He filled Mary with His

Elizabeth who was advanced in age, but even

strength and helped her fulfill His will and also

the child in her womb got filled with the divine

the way He sustained, strengthened and lifted

strength and leaped in joy. Yes, dear ones! How

me up through the words revealed through His

glorious and excellent are the divine

servant at a time when I was in tears and

experiences that are obtained when we honour

worries because of heavy loss. He will honour

His Word and get filled with its strength!

you. Do not worry!

Knowing this well, like Mary, you should also

“For He has regarded the lowly state of 2021 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - et«g® March 2022 JESUS CALLS


His maidservant; For behold, henceforth

servant will go and fight with him.” From where

all generations will call me blessed.”

did such kind of strength and courage come to

(Luke 1:48)

The Lord’s Strength that Hastens to Help

David? What does David say in I Samuel 17:37? “The Lord, who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the

David writes, “But You, O Lord, do not be far from

hand of this Philistine.” (I Samuel 17:37)

Me; O My Strength, hasten to help Me!”

Goliath had giant like strength and had

(Psalm 22:19)

bronze armor on his legs and a bronze javelin

Goliath, the Philistine soldier who was a

between his shoulders (I Samuel 17:6). He had

giant, was proud of his own strength and

worn them for his protection. On the other hand,

arrogantly stood before the army of Israel. All

David was not used to such things and hence, “He took his staff in his hand; and

the men of the Israel army

he chose for himself five smooth

including King Saul were retreating, unable to stand



supernatural strength. It was a time when there was absolutely no one in Israel to stand against him! At that time, David, the youngest of the family, was sent

God will be your help; fill you with His divine strength and deliver you.

by his father Jesse to give food

stones from the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag, in a pouch which he had, and his sling was in his hand; and he drew near to the Philistine.” (I Samuel 17:40) Where was his strength? His strength was in the name of the Lord as he says thus, “I come to

to his brothers, who were in the army. At that

you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of

moment, Goliath the Philistine, rose against the

the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” It

Israelites and challenged, “I defy the armies of

is no exaggeration to say that as we read in

Israel. Give me a man that we may fight

Acts 3:16, “His name, has made this man

together.” David heard this and said,

strong.” David had the faith, “the battle is the

“What shall be done for the man who

Lord's, and He will give you into our hands”

kills this Philistine and takes away the

(I Samuel 17:47) and with the divine strength

reproach from Israel? For who is this

he had in the Lord, he easily killed Goliath.

uncircumcised Philistine, that he should

David had the faith,

defy the armies of the living God?” (I Samuel 17:26)

“The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6)

When he was taken to King Saul, David said,

Like him, you should also not fear and not be

“Let no man's heart fail because of him; your

troubled about anything but believe the Lord


JESUS CALLS March 2022 -

as seen in the above verse, get strengthened

strengthen us and comfort us. Also, He is able

by Him and gain victory against all the troubles

to turn us into divine vessels that would comfort

that come against you , in His mighty name. He

and console those who live in agony and in

will be your help, fill you with His divine strength


and deliver you.

This is how the Lord filled my life which was

Salvation of your Souls the End of Faith

in deep sorrow and pain as I had lost my only

“…receiving the end of your faith; the

husband. He has granted me the divine life of

salvation of your souls.” (I Peter 1:9)

being always happy in the Lord thus far and is

“In the day when I cried out, You

leading me wonderfully.

daughter at her young age and then my loving

answered me, and made me bold with

When the Lord transformed Saul who was a

(Psalm 138:3)

blasphemer, a persecutor, and an insolent man

strength in my soul.”

(I Timothy 1:13), into Paul, He made

A good example for this is the

him into a vessel of grace and

life of Prophetess Anna about whom we read in the Bible (Luke 2nd chapter). She lived with her husband only for 7 years and became a widow at a young age. Since then she waited in the presence of God day and night and spent her

God will fill your soul with His strength, embolden you and reveal His divine power.

comfort. In the same way, He will deliver you from your sorrow and tears, strengthen you spiritually, mentally and physically and turn you into vessels of comfort to comfort many others who are in tears because of

lifetime as a prayer warrior. Since

various needs and lacks in life.

she thus sought the Lord diligently and reverentially, she was not troubled by her

He will fill your soul with His strength, and

loss or sorrow. Instead, the Lord’s strength, faith

embolden you. Also, He will grant the salvation

and hope increased in her and she was filled

of soul through you to many others and

with salvation and the grace of rejoicing with

strengthen them also and reveal His divine

joy inexpressible and full of glory (I Peter 1:8).

power. Plead to Him to grant you this kind of

Also, being filled with the strength of the Spirit,

excellent and glorious life of being filled with

God kept her as a vessel of comfort that

His strength and bless you.

comforted many with prophetic gift. How great

“The Lord is near to all who call upon

is His love and power!

Him, to all who call upon Him in truth;

Dearly beloved, even today, the Lord is able

He will fulfill the desire of those who

to change all the tears and sorrows in our lives,

fear Him; He also will hear their cry and

fill us with the fullness of the Holy Spirit,

save them.”

(Psalm 145:18,19)

2021 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - et«g® March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Shyness replaced with strength I am blessed to have the Jesus Calls Alwal Prayer Tower near to our house. I used to attend the Online Kids Time every Sunday. The Prayer Tower team always encouraged me to attend the Sunday school. In 2021, due to pandemic, when lockdown was enforced, I was disappointed that I will be missing VBS but I thank God for opening the doors through online DKC "Never Alone." I was always shy and fearful; always pushing myself back and never wanted to participate in any of the programmes. But this time, DKC helped me a lot and made me to participate in all the programmes like learning action songs, worship, missionary stories, activities, craft works and memory verses. I have become strong and bold enough to speak about God. In this DKC, I learnt to pray for the world and for 'Corona free India.’ I have dedicated my life to live for God. All glory to God. - Shaan Hansel, Alwal, Hyderabad.


JESUS CALLS March 2022 - - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


The Lord of lords gave the Esther Prayer Group Ministry in the year 1988. By the grace of God, even today, more than 1300 Esther Prayer Groups in India and 80 groups in 18 other countries including Israel are being conducted regularly. The reason is the undeniable fact that this is ‘a divine ministry granted by the Lord Himself.’ Those of you, who want to participate in this ministry and be blessed, can write to us even today. We are eager to send you the prayer requests and make you a blessing to others. Many are the children, young women, women and couples, who attend this prayer faithfully and loyally, even in this evil times when the terrible pandemic Corona is spreading rapidly and are blessed. This is wondrous to our eyes! Hearing the reverential prayers offered by the sisters, couples, young women and even little children through these prayer groups, the Lord is doing many signs and wonders. We have published here a few testimonies in order to praise and glorify the name of the Lord, who has been undertaking and leading this ministry since the past 34 years. Enjoy reading them and also commit your life to God to shine and prosper.

Wondrous God, who does wonders and guides I started the Esther Prayer Group in 2013, but stopped conducting it because of laziness. However, in a special meeting held on March 8th, 2015, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran spoke clearly through few Scripture verses that the groups that discontinued their prayer should resume the prayer. Following this, Sister Vidi Kingsley met me personally and encouraged me to restart the meeting. Accordingly, by the grace of God, we gathered as a group on the same month and prayed. I have studied only up to 2nd standard, yet, with the wisdom given by God, now I am conducting 23 groups. Even in the times when the Corona spread was at its peak, I met the leaders of the prayer groups that had been stopped and encouraged them to continue conducting the groups. Once, when I met a family and was regularly praying for them, I heard the shocking news that the daughter-in-law of that family was affected with mouth cancer. Every month, we kept informing this to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran and she too prayed zealously for her. As a result, that daughter is healed perfectly and has become normal. Millions of thanks to God, who has done this miracle, hearing our prayers. - Rebeccal Rajam, Chennai. 30

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Promotion in Job! Marriage Settled!

Supernatural Miracles

The Lord helped me to start the Youth Esther Prayer Group Ministry. usually, my five friends and I would join together and pray. Later, I could not continue because of many obstacles, dejection, lack of peace in the family, and my job. At this juncture, I took part in the Esther Prayer Group Leaders’ meeting held in Vanagaram. The testimonies and the messages given by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran were of much use to me and strengthened and encouraged me to continue conducting the prayer group. When I was wondering how to conduct the prayer during the corona time, the Lord helped me to form a whatsapp group, share the prayer requests and pray as a group without any hurdle. When Job of the Bible prayed for his friends, God changed his captivity. Likewise, since we conducted this prayer faithfully, the Lord broke the various obstacles in our lives and blessed us miraculously. In the situation, when the pandemic was at its peak, many lost their jobs. However, even in the midst of this, the Lord granted me and my friends, promotion in our jobs and blessed us. Also in our Youth Esther Prayer Group, we were praying for my marriage settlement. I wrote to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for this. She too prayed and sent me an encouraging reply with promise verse. Hearing the prayers, the Lord has brought a good alliance for me. I offer millions of praises to God, who has done many miracles in our lives. - Asnath Nancy, Chennai

I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group in South Africa, since 2017. There are 14 sisters in our group. Because of the prayer points sent to us, we are able to pray with compassion for others. My both sons are married and they did not have a child even after several years of married life. I was greatly burdened about it. I was praying for this in my personal prayer. Also we were praying for this as a group in the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayers and did great miracles in the lives of both my sons. After ten years, my eldest son Rishi and his wife Annette were blessed with a boy baby Joshua and my second son Ricky and his wife Tash were blessed with a girl baby after three years of married life. It was amazing that both the daughters-in-law conceived in the same year. I offer millions of praises to the Lord for doing these miracles. - Raveena Naidu, South Africa.

Healing and New House As guided by Sis. Esther Aruldas, I started the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in 2020, along with 2021 ïnaR miH¡»wh® - et«g® March 2022 JESUS CALLS


my husband. There are 4 couples in our group, all of whom pray so cheerfully. Every prayer request builds up families. My husband developed chest pain quite suddenly and we admitted him in the hospital. In that anxious moment, we sent a prayer request to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, seeking prayers. She too prayed for my husband and sent me a reply with promise. Along with me, a few other Esther Prayer Group leaders also prayed for my husband. At this juncture, leaving my husband in the hospital, I attended the Esther Prayer Group conference held in Vanagaram. Dear mother, who heard about my husband’s state, prayed specially for his healing. After that, the doctors discharged my husband from the hospital saying that there was no need for surgery and that medications alone are enough. In due course, the Lord granted my husband a complete healing. Also, our house used to be very old with thatched roof and it used to leak heavily during rains. Due to this, sometimes we could not even conduct the prayer. I felt very bad over this. We prayed for this in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. Also, I wrote to dear mother seeking prayers for this. Hearing the prayers, the Lord helped us to build a new house by demolishing the old one. I thank dear mother and the members of the Esther Prayer Group for praying for us. Glory be to the Lord who did these miracles in our lives! - Shanthi Jennifer Victor Veeramani, Chennai.

Progress in Spiritual Life I am conducting the Junior Esther Prayer Group. I am 13 years old and studying in 8th standard. I am fond of taking part in spiritual activities. Because I pray along with this group, my prayer time has increased. I, who was praying for me alone thus far, have learnt to pray for others also. Particularly, there is a tremendous change in my spiritual life. Earlier, while reading the Bible, my brother would be 32

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watching cartoon and immediately I would close my Bible and go to watch the cartoon. Now, Jesus has delivered me from this. Every day, I read ten chapters from the Bible, In our prayer group, after we pray for every prayer point, we would pray for the needs of the members also. While sending the report to granny Stella Dhinakaran every month, we would send our own prayer requests also. She would pray and send us the reply after prayers. By this, the Lord removed the debt problem in the family of Jerolin Julia; He made Athina’s father who had gone abroad, to return home safely; He helped Steny’s family to build a new house. He has also given our parents, who were weak, good health. The Lord has brought a great transformation in my life as I have joined the Junior Esther Prayer Group Ministry. Thanks to dear granny and other staff who pray for us and glory be to the Lord! -S. Libi Sunshiya, Trichy.

Got a Government Job I was working as a teacher in a private school for 16 years. I tried hard to get a government job but in vain. I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group since 2018. Also God is leading me to serve in the Jesus Calls ministry as an Ambassador and as an Evangelist. I was praying hard that I should continue to do the ministry in the comings days and also that I should be called to join a permanent job in the government. I wrote to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for my permanent job. The Lord heard the prayers and fulfilled my desires. On 20th December 2021, He helped me to join as a PG teacher (Commerce) in a nearby government school. Also He is performing countless miracles in the lives of the sisters, who are praying in our group. I thank Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, who prayed for me. Millions of thanks to God for fulfilling my heart’s desires. - P. Thanam Arputhamani, Tenkasi.

Prayer For Protection The daily news coverage shows heart-rending crimes committed against women. March 26, 2022(Saturday), has been dedicated by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family, and the Prayer Intercessors of Jesus Calls Ministry to fast and pray for the various challenges women face every day. On this Day of Deliverance, there is also going to be special prayers for your requests. Drop all your prayer requests at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest to you or write it to us through letters, email, Facebook or website. After prayers are offered exclusively for your request by the Dhinakarans and prayer intercessors, God’s reply will be sent to you. Read the testimony of Divya who was blessed through the Day of Deliverance prayers and receive your blessing. Working as an officer in the Bank and due to long working hours, I developed severe stress and strain in my neck, which resulted in cervical spondylosis in June 2020. I was taking medicines daily but it was of no use. On 27th August, through the Jesus Calls programme in Facebook and Instagram, I came to know about the Day of Deliverance which was on 29th August on which day special prayers will be offered for women. I was very much excited and waited anxiously to participate in live prayer to get deliverance from my suffering. Unfortunately, I could not participate in the live prayer as I got held up in office till 7pm. I came home at 8.15pm, fully tired and with severe neck pain. However, I kept my faith in the Lord and prayed within. On 30th August, I opened the Jesus Calls Facebook page and watched the live video uploaded there on 29th August. So with much belief I prayed along with Dr. Paul. The next day itself, my neck and shoulder pains disappeared. I went to the office, worked until 7pm as usual. But there was no pain at all. Until now, I enjoy perfect health. All glory to God. - Divya, Visakhapatnam, AP

Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: If you want to share your testimony, please send it to: or WhatsApp number: 9791934442 - March 2022 JESUS CALLS


Women, especially in downtrodden communities, play a key role in managing their households and improving the rural economies. Yet, women from such communities have limited access to education, healthcare & livelihoods. Empowering women in these aspects enable us to create a self-sustainable society. To help women realise their fullest potential as development agents, SEESHA has been following an integrated approach to equip them through several schemes as part of its Women Empowerment Program (WEP). Some of SEESHA’s initiatives to build women’s capacities & empower them are as below: • Vocational Training - Through our training centres across India, we train women in tailoring, digital literacy, food processing, handicrafts, etc. In Karunya Nagar, a handicrafts stall was set up recently, providing a space to showcase handmade products prepared by the local rural & tribal women. This initiative has given them a chance to earn an

additional income for their families. • Community Health Facilitators - We identify, motivate & train women to become local ambassadors for health, awareness and disease prevention in their respective communities. • Livelihood Support - For widows and destitute women, we provide a minimal monthly allowance as financial assistance. • Awareness & family value workshops are conducted among adolescent girls and women in our project communities, with the objective of increasing awareness on menstrual hygiene, health and women’s rights in society.

Rising above all odds… “Ours is a large family with parents and 3 siblings. I always wanted to support my parents financially to ease the burden of poverty. So, I started looking for some vocational training to learn sewing & set up a home-based business. When I heard about the free 6-months tailoring course at SEESHA, I got enrolled immediately. During the course, I learnt various stitching techniques, dress designing and entrepreneurial skills. These skills have equipped me to run my own tailoring business and become a blessing to my family.” - Ms. S. Naina Kumari, WEP beneficiary - Ranchi. As financial year draws to a close, we would like to bring to your kind attention that donations to SEESHA’s projects are tax exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. By making a donation before March 31st, you can enable brighter future for the needy, and save on your taxes too! You may support SEESHA in the following ways: * Sponsor the education of a girl child - Rs. 1000/month * Support one skills training centre - Rs. 10,000/month * Sponsor one commercial tailoring machine - Rs. 10,000/unit


JESUS CALLS March 2022 -

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

SUPERNATURAL HEALING FROM GOD I am an Esther Prayer Group leader from Romania. For three years, I conducted EPG in Goa 13 years ago. I then moved to Indore, MP and continued EPG for 1 year. Later, I moved to Romania and have been conducting EPG since July 2019. There are 10 members in my Esther Prayer Group. I would like to share a marvellous testimony of one of the sisters in our prayer group. Her younger son Rezwan is 16 years old. He was diagnosed with blood cancer in March 2021. I informed Dr. S.J. Kingsley, the Director of Esther Prayer Group. He prayed and immediately informed dear aunty Stella Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Dear aunty sent a promise of God and Dr. Paul prayed over the phone and told us that the Lord is going to heal Rezwan. At that time, Rezwan was in a very serious condition and he couldn't walk even 2 or 3 steps. However, our Lord Jesus heard those fervent prayers and healed him completely. Now Rezwan is healthy enough to ski. Nothing is impossible with God. I give all the glory to God and thank the Dhinakarans’ family and the Jesus Calls ministry. - Sujatha, Romania

Dear friend, Accordingly, if the Holy Spirit prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, here is an opportunity for you. Please come forward to start a new group or join in an existing group, functioning in your area. May the women/young girls/children/couples in your area be blessed and revived through your commitment. Please come forward. Arise to serve in these end times. Make use of every moment to bring souls to Christ. Let us hasten to build the Lord’s kingdom. For more details: Sis. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai, 600 028. Email: 35

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