Jesus Calls (English) - September 2016

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“David therefore pleaded with God for the child, and David fasted and went in and lay all night on the ground” (2 Samuel 12:16). Here this verse says that David prayed and pleaded for his child who was in the verge of death. He fasted and lay all night on the ground. But he would not, nor did he eat food. David fasted and prayed for a reason.

What are you fasting and praying for? How should you fast and pray? Lets seek the answers for these questions from the Light of the scripture.

Fast to be Freed from Sin “Now, therefore,” says the Lord, “Turn to Me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.” So rend your heart, and Jesus Calls

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not your garments; Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness; And He relents from doing harm. (Joel 2:13) Look at the deep genuine and wholehearted repentance in their fasting and prayer. Friend! That’s the kind of fasting that will please our Father’s heart. A fasting to find deliverance from the power and

bondages of sin. God expects not an external repentance that is shown by the rending (tearing) of our garments but an inner repentance that comes by the rending of our hearts. Friend! Let us rend our hearts and say to him, “Father! I am a sinner. Have mercy upon me” In Luke 18:9-14 Jesus speaks a parable about a tax collector who dared not to even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast saying, “God be merciful to me a sinner.” And Jesus told about him saying, “I tell you this man went down to his house as a righteous man.” It is in this way the Lord will react when you repent from your heart and cry out to him for help. He will make you righteous. God will never despise a broken and contrite heart. Repenting with fasting and prayer has such power to touch and please the heart of God because God is moved with humbleness and repentance. In the same way look at the history of the City of Nineveh. At one point of history Nineveh was so replete with sin that God sent his prophet Jonah to warn them saying that God has decided to destroy that city. Jonah the prophet goes to Nineveh and warns them saying that God’s anger and judgment is going to come upon Nineveh, in response to the terrible sins it has committed. Jonah prophesies the coming of total annihilation of the city by the wrath of God. But fortunately the people of Nineveh believed God. They took His warning seriously and repented by proclaiming a fast (Jonah 3:5-9) Sometimes some people take God very easily. They think God will not take sin seriously and so they can play around with sin and enjoy sinful and illegitimate pleasures and do whatever they want.

But the people of Nineveh were not like that. They responded to God’s warning. They believed God, proclaimed a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to the least of them. Even the King of Nineveh, left his throne, laid aside his royal robe, covered himself with sackcloth and sat in ashes. And all the nobles and all the people followed the King. They all bowed before God and said, “God! We are sinners,” and humbled themselves before God. They also made their animals, flocks – every man and beast, be covered with sackcloth and join the fasting. They humbled themselves to the ground, made themselves empty and cried out to God for their sins. And God who saw the genuineness of their repentance had mercy on them and turned his decision to destroy their nation. “Sin’ is terrible, It separates us from God. It opens a loop hole for the devil to walk into our lives – It brings curses and bitterness into our lives. Our own consciences will convict us and condemn us. (1 John 3:21). But when we pray saying, “Jesus, you are the only one who can save us from sin. You are the only way for me” then this kind of heart is a sign that our faith is turned towards God. The only way to get deliverance from sin is to humble ourselves before God and to believe in Him wholeheartedly”. Fasting and Prayer helps us to humble ourselves and repent genuinely. Look unto Him and say, “Lord! I need you.” If the Lord Jesus Christ comes into our hearts, our hearts will not make us guilty. It will not accuse us of sin, because the Lord Jesus Christ is more powerful than sin. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witnesses and blasphemies” But Jesus Calls

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through Fasting and Prayer you can throw all these things from your heart. Then you can put on the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the first blessing that God gives in response to fasting and prayer. Look at how the people of Israel fasted and confessed their sins.

So they gathered together at Mizpah, drew water, and poured it out before the Lord. And they fasted that day, and said there, “We have sinned against the Lord.” And Samuel judged the children of Israel at Mizpah. Now when the Philistines heard that the children of Israel had gathered together at Mizpah, the lords of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the children of Israel heard of it, they were afraid of the Philistines. So the children of Israel said to Samuel, “Do not cease to cry out to the Lord our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines.” And Samuel took a suckling lamb and offered it as a whole burnt offering to the Lord. Then Samuel cried out to the Lord for Israel, and the Lord answered him. (1 Samuel 7:6-9) The prophet Samuel does three things here: First, he takes a lamb and offers it as a whole burnt offering to the Lord. This reveals the offering that Jesus Christ did in the New Testament by offering Himself on the Cross. This act signifies the importance of the blood that was shed as an atonement for our sins, so that the people of God can pray today saying,” Lord! Wash us with your blood.” The blood of the

Lamb was symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ the lamb that was offered once for all for all human sins. So today we need not shed the blood of any lamb. The Bible reveals that the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all our sins” (1 John 1:7) Secondly, we find that they drew water and poured it out before the Lord. This is symbolic of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament. Pouring water in the Old Testament is equal to the New Testament people ‘crying out for the Holy Spirit. It is like the New Testament Church crying ,“Oh! Holy Spirit – the living waters, please come into us.” After God cleanses your sins by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit should then fill you with the living waters. The Living Water should flow into you and fill you. Yes! You need to be filled with the living waters (John 7:37-39) We see in this portion of scripture that after making such an offering they defeated the invading philistines. Thirdly, the prophet, after defeating the philistines, took a stone and set-it up between Mizpah and Shen and called its name Ebenezer meaning, “Thus far the Lord has helped us” (1 Samuel 7:12). This stone is a shadow of Christ who is called “The Spiritual Rock” (1 Corinthians 10:4) and “the chief cornerstone”. (Ephesians 2:20, 1 Peter 2:6) So my friend, when you fast and pray, use the Name of Jesus Christ – the Rock. And the devil who comes to destroy you using your sin will run away from you. He will run beyond your borders. He will never enter your boundaries when you use the name of Jesus Christ. Pray like this saying, “Hereafter my life belongs to the Lord

Jesus Christ and not for Lust, nor for viewing wrong things, nor to entertain bad thoughts, nor to use bad languages, nor to receive any illegal gifts nor any other bad act. I dedicate my self to God so that my life may be used to bring glory to the name of Jesus Christ!” The devil always accuses us before God (Revelation 12:10,11). He goes and bad mouths about us to our parents, our siblings and in our work spots. It is always his job to accuse us and to bring us temptations: “O! Lord! Please wash me with your blood. Fill me with your Holy

Is your body spoiled and destroyed by your actions which are against the Will of God for you? Plead unto the Lord saying, “Lord! Deliver me from the lust of the flesh that is seducing me into sin. He will remove the temptation and set you free. Spirit. Carve your name on my forehead. I promise to do everything in your name with sincerity and reverence.” When you pray thus and dedicate yourself in His hands, the Lord will push down Satan from the skies, like a lightening. And then God will pour His showers of blessings upon your family and your personal life and upon our nation. (2 Chronicles 7:14). Health and healing will be found in all aspects of your life. God is going to shower us with His grace so that there is a blessing in everything we do. We are going to experience peace, prosperity, pleasures and eternal Joy. We are goJesus Calls

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ing to overcome the evil one by the Word of testimony and the blood of the Lamb. And then, no devil can bring any curse on our way to life and success. But, what are the sins that follow us?

Fast to be freed from the Lust of the Flesh “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Corinthians 3:16,17). Friend! Fasting and Prayer delivers us from the seduction of Lust. There is a great beauty and privilege in our bodies being the temple of God. God’s temple is always holy. When you subject your body which is the temple of God, to adultery and fornication; when you do things that would harm and destroy your body; when you adulterate it with alcohol, drugs and other harmful substances; when we use our bodies to infidelity, the body becomes desecrated. And God takes the desecration of his Holy Sanctuary very seriously and allows the body to be destroyed by the consequences of the sin against your own body. Friend! Is your body spoiled and destroyed by your actions which are against the Will of God for you? Plead unto the Lord saying, “Lord! Deliver me from the lust of the flesh that is seducing me into sin. Please create in me a new heart.” Surely! Our God of grace will hear your prayer that arises from a broken heart and set you free miraculously. He will remove the temptation and set you free.

Fast to be freed from the Unfaithful Relationships Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the Lord has been witness between you and the wife of your youth, with whom you have dealt treacherously; Yet she is your companion and your wife by covenant. But did He not make them one, having a remnant of the Spirit? And why one? He seeks godly offspring. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously with the wife of his youth. (Malachi 2:14-15) It is a great sin to betray the trust between a husband and a wife. Only if the spouses are true to each other their children will be called “godly offspring.” Only then the children will grow up spiritually. Even if they derail a little bit from the path of God, very soon they’ll return to track. But if the spouses keep fighting with each other and keep hurting each other, it will affect the children badly and they will not be able to live godly lives. The parents themselves will be a stumbling block for the children. There should be absolute integrity in the husband – wife relationship. Therefore if you are reading this message and there is any misunderstanding between you and your spouse I encourage you to reconcile with your spouse immediately or else sin will fill your family. Even if there arises a small crack in the husband – wife relationship, it will open a loop hole for sin to creep in. It all arises from the ego. The husband says to the wife, “You have to just do what I say” and the wife says the same to the husband and the ego-tug-of-

war begins. This war gives enough space for the devil to move in and enlarge the crack in the husband – wife relationship and make it worse. Friend! There should be no place for ‘pride’ or ‘Ego’ in a husband – wife relationship. Christ should reign at the centre of the relationship because man is created in the image of God. Are you treating your spouse as if he or she is created after God’s image? Watch out! My friend lest your create a loophole for the devil. When you awake in the morning and when you go to bed in the nights, I suggest you make this prayer, “Lord! I have reacted to my wife with pride in my heart – I did not show love in a way I should show it. I did not fulfill the desires of my wife. I did not even ask or consider her desires. Please forgive me”. When you make a humble prayer like this, the Lord will heal your relationship and sin will not enter. The wife should be a channel through which the husband will receive the favour of God. She must bring God’s favour into the family. The man who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favour from the Lord. (Proverbs 18:22). The wife should give the Grace of God to the husband. The Wife should examine herself and see whether she is bringing God’s grace to the husband or not. If there is any problem here, I encourage the wife to go on fasting and prayer to make her a channel of blessing to the family. Surrender your relationship with your husband into the hands of God. Plead unto the Lord saying, “Lord! Deliver me from the sin of not bringing the grace of God to the husband.” God will surely forgive you and establish the relationship with your husband with grace and love so that you both will bring Jesus Calls

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forth holy off springs unto the Lord. Friend! Please remember that the only way to sustain the love and to increase it, in a husband – wife relationship is Humility. The Lord Jesus Christ humbled Himself unto the death on the cross (Philippians 2:8). He was the embodiment of holiness and he prayed for us saying, “Lord! Forgive them their sins.” There is no use in the husband saying, “I am alright. Its my wife who is to be blamed” and the wife saying, “I am alright. Its my husband who is to be blamed.” Go to the Cross for your spouse’s sake. The husband, even if there is no mistake on his part, in order to sanctify the wife, he has to say, “Lord! Please forgive me my mistakes.” (1 Corinthians 7:14). When you do this, then the Lord will intervene and establish the husband – wife relationship. All doors for the devil will be shut and sin will not enter in. He will bless even their holy offsprings.

Fast to be freed from being Rebellious and Stubborn For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.” (1 Samuel 15:23 ) King Saul was dethroned from his Crown by God. Prophet Samuel explains the reason why He was dethroned by God, saying, “because you have rejected the word of the Lord. You rebelled against God and stood stubborn against Him.” Not only was King Saul dethroned but he and his son were killed in the battle field. Friend! Let us not rebel nor remain stubborn before the Lord.

Are you into troubles like you have lost your job or your promotion? Are you troubled in your hearts? Then you need to examine yourself to see if you have played double game between people who trusted you? You need to check whether you are double minded. You need to examine whether you have not been honest in handling money? Have you mistreated the people who are working under you? Are you not taking care of your family? Have we given word to people and failed to keep our word? Friend! Let us examine ourselves. Let us turn away from being double –minded or playing a double game in people’s, lives and turn to God. Yes! Let us turn our hearts towards God. Let us be true and honest in everything we do – in financial matters, in relationships, in showing love to people. Yeah! Let us humble ourselves and honour others in all aspects. I have preached in so many meetings standing before three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand peoples; yet even today when I arise to preach before the crowd, I shudder. I used to pray saying, “Father God! When I stand before the hundreds of thousands you are revealing to me the problems of people. When I mention those problems and pray, you are using that prayer to wipe the tears of people. Thousands of prayer warriors join me in praying for the world. You are performing miracles in the lives of those who contact the prayer tower through phones; those who watch our TV Programmes; those who write to us and those who read our magazines. Thank you for all these mighty works Lord! But I want to be careful Lord! I want to be careful that I, who ask others not to do

something, should not myself fall into the same. I should not do anything that would make me miss heaven, Lord!” (1 Corinthians 9:27). We will fall bitterly if we keep saying, “The Lord has blessed me abundantly” and do not hear and obey God’s Word and rather follow our own ways and desires. Therefore we need to guard ourselves through studying the Bible. When we read the scriptures the Holy Spirit will show us our faults and where we fall short. Immediately we need to seek His forgiveness, receive His forgiveness and

God expects us to pray for others. In every house of the child of God, there should be prayers offered for others. reconcile with Him. He who abides in Christ is of one Spirit with Him (1 Corinthians 6:17). When we are one spirit with Him then we will spend each new day of our lives in strength, power, honour, joy, happiness and peace. We will have all our needs fulfilled. No demon will come near us. The day we forget the Word of God will be the day God will forget us. (Hosea 4:6). The Presence of God will no longer abide with us. That will be the time the people of the world will come around you with many worldly suggestions. They will come with various ideas and say, “Hey! Why don’t you do Jesus Calls

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this; why don’t you try this etc. etc..” And those worldly opinions will appear very logical and very sensible and very appealing to the mind and heart. And we will be carried away by those ideas and do them and the result will be a bitter failure. We will fall down from the place of honour. We need to walk in line with the desire and wisdom of God. We should throw out double – mindedness and deception from our lives. We should not do anything that the Lord asks us not to do and do only what the Lord asks us to do. If we are not able to live like this we need to look upto God in Fasting and Prayer and say, “Father God! I keep failing in all my efforts. I keep slipping and failing into sin. I keep losing jobs after jobs. My earning does not stand and I am not able to save – any money. Whatever is coming on one side is leaking away through another. I am helping so many people but they are all betraying me” Are you lamenting like this in agony? The only way to escape these accusations is to obey the word of the Lord.

Refusing to do Good when you can. "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin." (James 4:17) "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever." (1 Timothy 5:8) When someone comes in search of us to get an employment when we are able to help them, are we saying to them, “Oh! No jobs here; please go and search elsewhere? Are we refusing to do the

good that we can do to them? When people know that you can help them find a good partner for their son or daughter and are coming to you for help, guidance and counsel , are you telling them, “Oh No I’m busy now. Go away and we’ll see later” and pushing them away? (Proverbs 3:27) May the Lord give us the grace not to have these kind of sins in our lives. Do good to all those who ask of you when it is in your power to help. Yes my friend. Give and it shall be given back to you in the same measure (Luke 6:38)

The failure of Not Praying for Others “If I do not pray for you it is a sin to me, against the Lord. May this sin be away from me” ( 1 Samuel 12:23) The great prophet Samuel says this: “ If I do not pray for you, I will be a sinner before the Lord.” God expects us to pray for others. This is the service rendered by our dear Jesus Calls Prayer warriors. They keep coming to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to continuously offer prayers for people round the clock. Thousand of voluntary prayer warriors come to the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and pray for the people who call for prayers to the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers. During the Festival Days when they have government holidays they will come for prayer services, while their other friends would be enjoying the holidays with their family and relatives and in other entertainments. When we sacrifice so much and come and pray with tears for the deliverance of people who are suffering in agony, and pain, God will deliver us from all our bondages. God will make us rejoice in our hearts (Job 42:10). All that we lost will come back to us double fold.

In every house of the child of God, there should be prayers offered for others. Job prayed for his friends always (Job 42:10). He was affected by concern for his sons. He said, “Oh! My Lord! My sons could have sinned and so I need to give sin offering for their sakes. Their sins should go!” He always kept praying for his sons. But at last all his sons died and even in that situation God tells Job, “Pray for those who tease, scorn and mock at you.” Don’t pray saying, “Lord! It is my wife who spoke like that but I am a righteous man”. “It is my husband who spoke like that, but I am a righteous woman.” Pray for those who curse you (Matthew 5:44). When you do this the Lord will cause your husband to praise you with the same mouth with which he hurt you. Yes! With the same mouth of your wife with which she spoke against you, the Lord will cause prophesies to come out. He will fill her thus, with the Holy Spirit. In all offices we find officials and superiors who will scold us when we make mistakes. That is why before you go to work, write down the names of the people who are working with you and pray for all of them before you leave home for your job. Bless everyone in that list. Soak them in prayer and then got to work and you will see miracles happen. Also bless the leaders and rulers of the nation. Let our mouths always be filled with words of blessing, because God has established us and kept us as people who will bless others always (Matthew 5:44, Luke 6:28; Romans 12:14). Therefore, let us pray and bless others. Everyday the Holy Spirit will increase within us and speak with us through the Word of God. He will guide us in the path that Jesus Calls

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He has planned for us. (1 John 2:27). He will not only forgive us but also cleanse us and then we shall have peace with everyone. The Holy Spirit will give you strength and enable you to pray. And then the devil will never come your way. There shall be joy in your life’s boundaries.

Fast to be Blessed We fast and pray so that the Lord will meet all our needs. When we fast and pray, God looks at all our needs and then blesses us with His provisions, in Christ. “So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer” (Ezra 8:23). Look at the way Ezra Prays. Lets learn from him. When we too pray like he prayed we too will receive answer from God the way of Ezra received. The Lord who did it to the people of Israel will do the same to us too. “Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew17:20-21) All that God is expecting from us in order to perform a miracle in our lives is a mustard seed – faith. The devil is too wicked that he takes away even that little faith from our hearts and that is why some people have no faith at all and that is why no miracles happen in their lives. Once a man takes his son to Jesus and tells Him, “Lord! This evil spirit which has possessed my son is always seeking to push him

into water and fire. Every minute of every day I am always running behind my son to see that he does not jump into water or fire. The devil is constantly trying to kill my son so what should I do in this condition. Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” When Jesus saw that the people came running together, He rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it: “Deaf and dumb spirit, I command you, come out of him and enter him no more!” Then the spirit cried out, convulsed him greatly, and came out of him. Note what the man says in response to Jesus . He says, ”Oh! Lord! I am trying to believe but I am not able to believe. This devil besides throwing my son into water and fire also robs away my faith. I am not able to believe that a miracle can happen.” (Mark 9:1727) Yes! My Friend. To kill and steal is the attribute of the devil. He comes to steal away our faith, our confidence and our eternal life. (John 10:10). But Jesus comes to give us life – life abundantly and completely. And that is why Jesus Says,” If you have faith like mustard seed; you’ll have all things you need. But it is possible to chase away this faith – stealing – demon with Fasting and Prayer. When you fast and pray, God will not only give you a mustard seed faith, but a mountain-moving faith. All the mountain - sized problems of your life which stands obstinately and refuses to leave will be moved by this faith. The mountains of desires that have not been fulfilled in your life will now begin to move into your life. Friend! Are these mountains present in your life? Mountains that

makes you say, “If only I get this job?” “If only I get this amount of money! I will conduct my child’s marriage; I will build a house; I will take my family to the next level “Friend! Your Fasting and prayer will move all these mountains. God will give you a seed – like faith and make you move these mountains Yes! You will receive answers to all your prayers. I have seen this happen is my father’s life. We bought a 3BHK house through a bank loan. Everyday when my father returned home from the bank; my house will be filled by people. My father will begin to pray for everybody one by one. As soon as my Father begins to pray earnestly for others saying, “Lord! Please heal this brother!”, My grandmother used to immediately get fits. She would be well from the morning. Its only when my father begins to minister unto people, my grandmother used to get this pain. She would scream with pain. She will fall on the floor from her bed and would wriggle in pain. She would roll and scream in pain. When she screams it will be so loud that it would thunder throughout the colony where we lived. She would then get foam coming out through her mouth. My grandfather would immediately rush to her side, hold her in his hands and pray saying; Oh! God please heal my wife” See! Using these incidents the devil tried to pluck away the mustard-seed-like faith in my father’s heart. The devil will torture my grandmother and would thus disturb my Father’s ministry. On the one hand my dad had his mother’s unbearable pain and agony that would tear down his heart. On the other hand he would see the people who would come to pray with him and say, “Is it not in the Jesus Calls

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same way in which my mother suffers, that these people too would suffer?” And then he would continue praying for the people saying, “Lord! Heal my mother too but now heal these people who are suffering with pain”. Yes! My Father’s heart will be filled with a compassionate faith. My father used to struggle and pray for each of these people who used to come to him for prayers. As much as he would pray for his own mother, he would also pray for the other mothers, fathers, daughters and children. It is that determined and fervent prayers that has wiped away the tears of millions of people. The devil brought fits to my grandmother and sought to remove the mustard seed – like faith in my father’s heart but at the same time the Holy Spirit descended upon my father’s heart and made him pray with fervency and tears for those people who came to him for prayer. See how the Holy Spirit works in prayer.

In the same way you too may have difficulties but you will be more than conquerors in all this and overcome these difficulties victoriously (Romans 8:37). You will receive a heart of compassion amidst all your problems, difficulties and challenges, and you will begin to accept others and pray for them. And God will perform miracles in their lives. And in turn, you too will receive blessings in the size of mountains – Surely! The house of a righteous person and a person who fears and reveres God like you do, abundance of blessings will pour. Your life will be decorated with blessings like never before. So my friend! Go ahead! Fast and Pray and fill your life with blessings and miracles and shine out the glory of God that is in you because you are in Christ. 

Blessing in family and business My wife had been tormented by evil spirit and we took so many efforts for her deliverance. I even took her to almost all the hospitals in Chandigarh. Yet, there was no use. For the first time I got the chance to meet Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran in the year 2007. He listened to our woes with concern and prayed earnestly for my wife. The Lord, who heard His servant’s prayers granted complete deliverance to my wife from the clutches of those evil spirits. Seeing this, many of our relatives joined the Jesus Calls ministry as partners. After we joined as the Jesus Calls partners, our family was blessed much. Until then we were living in a village. In 2007, the Lord blessed us with a big and beautiful house in the city. Whenever I faced problems in my business, I wrote to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting his prayers. The Lord is now blessing my business too. Quite unexpectedly in 2010, the Lord gave us two brick kilns. He has also beautifully settled my three children’s lives and has blessed them with children. I had been expressing my desire for a Prayer Tower to be opened in our area, to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran since 2009. He said that we should jointly pray for this. Hearing our prayers, the Lord has made the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to get established here. My children and grand children are Young Partners. The Lord has strengthened me to support this ministry as much as I could by joining the Family Blessing Plan, Business Blessing Plan etc., I thank the Lord for this. - Rajkumar Singh, Panchkula.

Similar is the desire of so many people to have a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in their respective areas for prayers to be offered. Kindly come forward to support the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower which is to be launched in Amritsar and Dhariwal on September. Jesus Calls

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Punjab Prayer Festival: More than 3 lakhs people are expected to participate in this Prayer Festival which is to be conducted from September 30th to October 2nd. A huge expenditure is needed for setting up the stage, advertisements, travelling, audio/video arrangements, and for the live telecasting of these meetings through television and web. Would you prayerfully consider helping us to bring blessings to the people of Punjab? Jesus Calls Punjabi Television programme: Many people in India hear the word of God in their own regional language through the Jesus Calls programme and are blessed. In order that the people of Punjab too would understand the love of God in their own language, we are taking steps to telecast the Jesus Calls TV programme in Punjabi also. We kindly invite you to support this new language TV programmes with your offering. Jesus Calls Punjabi Magazine: The Jesus Calls Magazine, published in Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati and in English reaches several lakhs of people. Now efforts are taken to bring this magazine in the Punjabi language in order that the people of Punjab would benefit by reading the God’s messages and His mighty deeds in their own language. Would you please send your support for this ministry? (Acts 2:11). YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS PLAN To support the operational expenses of the Prayer Towers to be established in Punjab, you may send Rs.1,00,000/- or Rs.50,000/- or Rs.10,000/- or Rs. 5,000/- or Rs. 1,000/- or Rs............./- as prompted by God. Jesus Calls Punjabi Magazine: You may send Rs.50/- for a single copy  Or Rs.............…./- for......................…. Copies of the magazine. Jesus Calls Punjabi Television Programme:  Rs.100/- (TV Club Partner) Rs.1000/- (to support a Television programme) Rs.10,000/- (To co- sponsor a TV Programme) You may send your love offering by DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls to the address: 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. Online donations can be made securely thru’ Donations can be made in your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and receipt could be received. For more details: Toll free contact Number: 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM). (Please denote ‘Bless Punjab’ while sending the donations) Jesus Calls

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Jesus Calls

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The Live in Concerts were organized by UTurn at four cities Vizag, Delhi, Mumbai & Bengaluru. Stella Ramola featured along with renowned musicians, singers & dancers. Stella presented around eighteen songs in each concert with inspiring thoughts in between which made young people to praise God with all their heart. At the end, Stella shared a little message prayed and led young people in worship helping them draw closer to God. people couldn’t hold to their seats, everyone worshipped the Lord with jumping and dancing, singing praises with Stella. Samuel Dhinakaran introduced Stella at all concerts and also shared in between about UTurn ‘s mission for the youth of India and challenged youths to give out their best for the Lord to transform other young lives. Sharon joined at Vizag. Many came forward to support UTurn’ s cause by writing to become an volunteer at these cities. Uturn team at these cities did the opening music, warmed up everyone with more interactions and activities which kept everyone connected and live throughout the event. Finally at Bengaluru, Dr. Paul joined along with Sis. Evangeline Paul & Samuel Dhinakaran to thank the Lord for how God has been wonderfully using Stella that she could give out best for the Lord and could boldly and more passionately minister among young people at this very young age. Thousands of young people were blessed through these concerts. and His hand upon us in everything and everywhere throughout this tour. Many shared how they were blessed, received healing & joy through the worship and Word. More concerts coming up for 2017. Covet your prayers. Thanks to all those who prayed, donated and toiled for the success of these events. God bless!!! Jesus Calls

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veryone wants God to grant their desires. Many people are waiting for years for their desires to be granted. That is why even when we wish each other for occasions we say, “May your desires be granted.” But there is a way that the Bible shows us to get our desires granted, and that is what I am going to reveal to you in this month’s message. Friend! As you read this message today, you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Let me turn your focus to a few verses in the Bible that I really like very much: “... the desire of the righteous will be granted” (Proverbs 10:24). “He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them” (Psalm 145:19). God will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him. Here we see the key to have our desires fulfilled. Jesus Calls

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The scripture reveals that when we love God and fear (revere) Him and live a righteous life, He will intently hear our prayers and grants us our desires. He will also hear when we cry out for help and save us from troubles. In Mark 10:46-52 we see a man called Bartimaeus who was born blind. He was sitting in a corner of the street and begging when suddenly he hears that Jesus is passing by him. And he began to cry out to Jesus saying, “Jesus, son of

David, have mercy upon me”. The people who were around him rebuked him and asked him to keep quiet and not to disturb Jesus, but he raised his voice even more and cried unto Jesus. But Jesus responded to his cry in a loving and gentle way. Its interesting to note that Jesus asked him to be brought near him and then he asked him, “What do you want me to do unto you.” And he replied and said, “Lord! Heal me that I may receive my sight.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.”And immediately he received his sight. Friend! The same Jesus who had so much compassion on Bartimaeus is standing beside you too today. Your desperate cry melts the heart of God. When you cry to him saying, “Lord! Help me.” He would lovingly ask you, “What do you want!” And then with all your heart you can ask him for the blessings and desires you are waiting for and He will grant you the desires of your heart. What kind of prayers does Jesus respond?

PRAYERS OF THE DESTITUTE “He shall regard the prayer of the destitute, and shall not despise their prayer” (Psalm 102:17). God’s heart is always touched and moved by a prayer that comes from a broken heart. He will never despise a prayer of a broken hearted person. Friend! He will never takes the pain and agony of His children lightly. He will never neglect or ignore it. He knows the seriousness of it and how it affects us. The psalmist expresses the heart of God so beautifully, he says, “For God has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the afflicted; Nor has He hidden His face

from him. But when He cried to Him, He heard” (Psalm 22:24). Once the enemies of Israel – the people of God, called the Amalekites raided the city of David called Ziklag and took away as prisoners all those people who were with David, their wives and children. When David and his men returned to the town they found the town burned down and their wives and children taken captives. And they were so heartbroken that they cried and cried and cried till they were completely exhausted. Some of those who were with David discussed among themselves to stone David and kill him. David was shattered in his heart due to the Amalakites. Even in such a grave situation when his mind would have been so stressed and tensed, David does not immediately react in his emotion but consulted the Lord. He enquired the Lord and asked Him whether he could go after the kidnappers. After getting God’s approval he moves out and makes war against the Amalekites. And in that war God gave them victory. He rescued all his mens’ wives and children and even their cattle and flocks (1 Samuel 30:18). Friend! Look at how the Lord responded to the desperate prayer of David. He not only gave him counsel but also victory over his enemies. The same God of compassion is available for you and me. When we look unto Him in distress; when we cry out our souls; when we weep in agony and pray to Him in faith, He will surely listen to our prayers. He will speak to us, guide us and counsel us through His Holy Spirit, and give us victory over all our enemies. Yes! “The righteous cry out and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles” (Psalm 34:17). He never despises the prayer of the lonely and abandoned. Jesus Calls

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When I lost my parents and my brother, I cried out to the Lord saying, “Father I have dedicated myself totally to serve you. You need to compensate me for the loses I have faced in my life. I do not want to carry this weight of deep sorrow of having lost my family. Please fill my heart with the joy of living with a family." God not only filled me with the Holy Spirit but also granted me a wonderful husband, his parents who filled the place of my parents in my heart and three beautiful children. Today God has made me serve Him happily with the whole family.

My friend! Are you in a lonely and abandoned condition? Are you feeling that you have no one to comfort you? Right now you can cry unto the Lord through prayer and He will hear your prayers and give you a happy answer. In the same place where you faced shame and insult because of your losses, God will bless you double – fold and lift you up and bring you honour. A brother, Victor from Nagercoil, in South India, faced a terrible failure in his business. He was forced into a situation where he had to sell the only property he had. In this condition the brother, his wife and his two sons moved to Chennai for living. Even in this situation of loneliness, loss and desperation that brother’s wife Joby put her whole faith on the Lord. She came to the Fasting Prayer that was conducted at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Vanagaram, Chennai. She continued to faithfully attend these meetings for a whole year. She used to cry out to God saying, “Lord! in the same place where we lost all our land and property we want an own house. Our God of compas-

sion heard her faithful, sincere and broken-hearted prayers and responded to her with love and power. Her situations changed miraculously. Her circumstances turned around supernaturally and today they have purchased an own house in the same place where they lost their property. The blessing did not only stop with finances alone. It also overflowed into their family life. Her elder son Leander Sam scored very good marks in his 10th std public exams and the whole family is happy today.

Yes! My Friend! Our God always gives in abundance. He will show Himself as a powerful giver to those who put their trust in Him and cry out to Him. When you cry unto him with all your heart He will not only deliver you from all your problems but also grant you the desires of your heart.

PRAYERS OF A DELIGHTFUL MAN “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). When our hearts are filled with ‘delight’, God fulfil the desires of our heart. The joy of the Lord is our strength (Habakkuk 3:17). When we walk through the path of misery, challenges that are pressing us all around; through the valley of persecution and troubles we need to gird up our hearts and say, “Jesus I love you” And when we do this and worship Him in Spirit and in truth the Lord will hear our prayers. In this context let me share the testimony of Brother R. Matthew who continued in prayer amidst losses and received blessings from the Lord Jesus Christ. He said, "We suddenly faced some financial crisis due to which we

were forced to sell our own house. We reached a peak where we did not have enough money to even buy food. It was at this time, one of our friends counselled us and suggested us to go to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Vanagaram. So, I went there every day and use to pray for ten minutes regularly. I did this continuously for ten months. And I found that my business turned towards profit and success miraculously. Soon, money began to flow and I began paying up all my debts. Today I have cleared up most of my debts and we have enough to feed ourselves well. I thank God for changing our situations and lives."

Friend! Today you might be found wanting so many things; you may be in lack and insufficiency but when you begin to delight in the Lord and pray, God will see the joy of your heart in him and hear your prayers and grant your heart’s desires. And when God thus blesses, He will bless in such a way that we may have to have baskets ready to pick-up the leftovers. Yes! Our God is a God of abundance. He will keep on pouring blessing upon us till we get filled and overflow to others too. We will come to a point where we would look at God and say, “Enough Lord! There is no room to contain.” (Malachi 3:10). He is a God who gives us more than we ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). When we delight in the Lord; when we rejoice in Him, He will bless us abundantly.

PRAYERS OF THE WAITING “I waited patiently for the Lord; And He inclined to me, and heard my cry” (Psalm 40:1). “The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call Jesus Calls

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upon Him in truth” (Psalm 145:18). God is expecting us to wait at His feet. When Jesus died on the Cross and was buried, Mary arose early in the morning and went to see Him. In John 20 we read that while she stood near the empty tomb weeping, Jesus appeared before her, but was not able to identify the resurrected Jesus. She mistook him as the gardener. She asked him saying, “Sir! If you had taken the body of Jesus please tell me where you have kept it. I want to see it.” She desired to look at the body of the dead Jesus because she was so close and intimate with Jesus. But then Jesus called her, “Mary” and she immediately called Him “Rabboni”. Jesus revealed Himself to Mary because she loved Him so much – with all her heart and mind. God saw her heart how it delighted in Jesus and so gave her the blessing and privilege of appearing to her first. When our father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran died, my husband was shattered into pieces. So many people were depended upon our Dad to know God’s will regarding their marriages, business, job, career and other needs of life. And such letters got accumulated like a mountain in our office. “Who will answer those letters now?” Thought my husband and was heart - broken. How to do this ministry without the gift of knowing the Will of God? My husband spent sleepless nights without knowing what to do. Then He went into the presence of God for 23 days of prayer and at the end of the 23rd day God gave him a vision about what to do. And from that day onward a new era began in the ministry. In the vision, God said, “Your dad’s era has passed away. Now you go and prepare

the world for My coming. Go around the world and train my people to pray. Go around the world and establish Prayer Towers in as many places as possible. My husband did exactly what God had showed and spoken to him in the vision. It is in accordance to this vision that we travel around the world today and establish Prayer Towers. We established the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Israel, the land of God's delight so that from there we can pray for the whole world as the Lord commanded us to do so. Today we have established 104 Prayer Towers around the world. All these great achievements appear like a dream. If my husband would not have waited in the presence of God, all these things would not have been possible. God has graciously brought the ministry through so many problems and challenges and is enabling us to continue it for His glory.

In the same way my friend, God is powerful and wise enough to

bring you through all the problems and challenges of your life in a miraculous way. You need to learn to cast away all your worries and cares upon Jesus and stay quiet and calm in faith. When you truly and sincerely pray to Him, He will grant you the desires of your heart. There is a brother named Palanisamy Peter who is working in a cement factory and lives in a district in South India called Pallakad. His mother was suffering under possession of a demon and often used to run away from home. Hence she was tied to a pole with a rope or sometimes even by a metal chain. Many suggested that she be taken to witchdoctors and they spent all the money they had to take her around to as many sorcerers and exorcists as possible but everything was of no use. She was not delivered. That was the time he heard about Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. He contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower through telephone and asked for prayer for

Jesus Calls

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his mother’s deliverance. Following that he came regularly and attended the healing meetings conducted in Bethesda in Coimbatore. He used to pray fervently for his mother’s deliverance in those meetings. Today God has given his mother complete deliverance by His grace. Today that brother is happy, going around sharing his testimony everywhere and giving glory to God. See what miracles he has received by waiting in God’s presence and praying.

My beloved friend, Daniel prayed thrice a day. God heard his genuine and earnest prayers and delivered him out of the Lion’s den. In the same way the Lord is powerful enough to deliver you from circumstances and situations which are as dangerous as a lion’s den. He will give you double portion of all that you lost. He will give you honour in the place of shame and insult. So! Wait on the Lord! “He gives new strength to those who wait on him and pray” (Isaiah 40:31).

Dearly beloved in Christ, I am glad to take this moment to write to you in spite of my travel and hectic ministry. I would never miss this wonderful time to sit down and write to you from my heart. I take this as a responsibility to write down to you who have shared the good burden of this huge mission with same- minded people who consider it a joy and privilege to partner in this mission. I feel so close and intimate to you because you all have united your heart and mind with me to fulfil the will of our Father who is in heaven. This is the Will of our father "Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish" (Matthew 18:14). The Bible says, “...Do not fear...The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save...” (Zephaniah 3: 16, 17). Therefore my friend, do not fear, the Almighty God is in our midst, He will help, guide and protect us. Thank you for joining with us thru your prayers and partnership to heal the broken hearted Jesus Calls

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and to ensure that no soul whom God sends us is lost. Our mission is to "pray for each one sincerely with God's love and bring God's miraculous answers (Matthew 18:19) and then to train them to pray for others and the nation to be free from captivity and to get everything that one has lost, back in double measure. (Job 42:10, Rev 10:7,11). We have been at this mission for the past 54 years, since the time of my father's call in 1962.

It is my birthday I am celebrating my 54th birthday on the 4 th of September. I praise God for choosing me and appointing me to go and bear fruit (John 15:16) praying with my family and the thousands of prayer Intercessors for millions to receive miracles, to reveal the will of God for people, for leaders and for nations (Rev 10:7,11). Another blessing for which I give all praise and honour to God is the way He guides into doing His will thru the Karunya University. My heart overflows with joy whenever I meet a Karunya alumni the world over, holding very important positions in the higher echelons of nations. Our mission thru Karunya is to find solutions to human problems in the realms of food, water, health and energy. Karunya campuses are now increasing as well as new Schools are being formed. My heart melts with compassion when I think of one aspect of the ministry which is very dear to my heart - that is SEESHA. I am so glad that God spoke to me to bring transformation, meaning and help to those who are abandoned,

lost and hit by several misfortunes in life. It is a pleasure to bring help to those who are suffering under poverty; the light of education to those who cannot afford even basic education, medical help which helps them live decent lives; help to the differently abled and wipe the tears of the desperate and hurting (James 1:27; 2:16). Kindly continue to pray that the Lord would enable me to bring more people under this umbrella and show them the love of God. Thank you for sincerely standing with us to fulfil God's will for humanity.

Jesus Calls Associate Evangelists The day of the coming of our Lord is nearing and the ministry is growing wider and wider day by day. Our family, by ourselves take the Word of God to the people around the world and therefore the Holy Spirit led me to a new dimension of our ministry, speaking into my heart from Luke 10:1 "After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go." According this verse God led me to choose certain anointed people from the ministry who are one minded with us and have well understood the vision of the Jesus Calls ministries and have dedicated themselves to serve God wholeheartedly, with integrity and train them as Associate Evangelists who would carry the Word of God with the prophetic anointing to prepare Jesus Calls

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this world for the Coming of our Lord. These anointed and trained Associate Evangelists would take the word and power of God nationwide. They would conduct blessing meetings at regular intervals and bring healing from diseases; deliverance from bondages and transformation from sinful life . As the first phase of this mission, on July 23rd, we have chosen, trained and dedicated more 160 Associate Evangelists in Tamil Nadu and surrounding places. Please pray for these evangelists for God's protection to be upon them and for doors to open for ministry. The National Prayer Tower Prophetic Prayers for the Nation On September 4th, 2010 during my 48th birthday the National prophetic prayer tower was born. In this Prayer Tower, Intercessors from across the nation pray in a chain of 24 hours prophesying God's plan for the nation and for people to be saved, protected, anointed and to prosper. This September this ministry completes six years of service. May God bless you for sustaining this mission thru your offerings each month.

Telephone Prayer Tower The Telephone Prayer Tower is doing what our Lord Jesus Christ set us an example to do. He asked His disciples to tarry with Him in prayer. Romans 8:34 says , "He intercedes for us". James 5:16 says, "Pray for one another". Accordingly our Telephone Prayer Towers are praying for the sick, the needy, the hurting, the abandoned and those who need godly counsel.

Presently, we have this Telephone Prayer Towers functioning at Chennai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Mumbai and Delhi. Prayers are offered for people in their own regional languages like Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. Soon we will also have Telephone Prayer Towers at Ahmadabad and Thirvanthapuram. Efforts are underway to bring prayers to people in the languages of Odia, Bengali, Assamese, Khasi, Nepali and Mizo. You will be happy to know that by your prayers and support around Five Hundred Thousand (5,00,000) people are being blessed each month through the Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower alone. The Prayer Towers are being manned by around 375 staff Prayer intercessors apart from volunteer prayer Intercessors handling around 16 thousands calls in a day. I encourage you to further pray for , come and pray and support this ministry.

Prayer Tower at Punjab The Jesus Calls Prayer Festival will be held on Amritsar from September 30th - October 2nd and a Prayer Tower established there and in Dhariwal on September 29th. Prayer Intercessors from Punjab have dedicated themselves to pray for the people of Punjab. I encourage you to support this cause in order to meet the needs of these services. Please feel free to send your donation to the nearest Prayer Tower you can or handover the donation to one of the Jesus Calls Ambassadors in person or take a Demand Draft, Cheque, or Money Order in favour of 'Jesus Calls’ and

sent it to Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. You can also donate by credit card through our secure website at God will surely reward you for the compassion that you are showing towards the broken hearted.

Pray to spread the Gospel The Lord is graciously using us to spread the gospel of Christ around the world, especially through the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival (Colossians 1:5,6). I very much covet your prayers for these festivals. It is here that God manifests His presence and shows His love and compassion through signs and wonders. It is here thousands of people encounter the Lord and experience the touch of the Holy spirit. May I request you to uphold these meeting in your prayers. Let me give you the list of meetings scheduled for September and October which will help you in praying for them: September 2, 3, 4 : Fiji Meetings September 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 : Prophetic Prayer Conferences Public meetings and U turn youth meetings New Zealand September 14, 15, 16, 17: Prophetic & Prayer Conferences in Sydney, Australia September 18, 19: Melbourne Meetings September 29: Amritsar & Dhariwal (Punjab) Prayer Towers Inauguration September 30 - October 2: Amritsar Prayer Festival October 15 - 16 : Kochi Meetings

from October 28th to 31st, 2016. This would be a wonderful opportunity to experience the historical places where the Biblical events took place. You can visit the place where our precious Lord Jesus Christ walked, preached and performed miracles . Facilities where guides in your own language are available. There is a special privilege arranged for those who participate in this tour – they will be taken to the Israel Prayer Tower where they can go and pray, the city of King David; the city of God – Jerusalem. I encourage you to get prepared for this exciting tour and invite you to participate in this glorious experience. My friend, I feel so relieved and joyful after having written this letter to you. I never forget to thank God for you and to pray for God's Will to be perfectly fulfilled in your life and in the life of each dear one in your family. Since you are taking care of building the temple of God, I am covering you and your family in my prayers, so that God will take care of every aspect of you and each dear one in your dear family. I surely believe that our future will be a blessed one, filled with peace, good-health, prosperity and success.

Holy Land Tour

“But you, be strong and do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded” (2 Chronicles 15:7). According to this verse the Lord will reward your work.

Plan is underway to organize a tour to Israel, Jordan and Egypt

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls

September 2016 


Your loving brother,

Sep 1: Thursday – Faithful ending - Jeremiah 31:17 Meditation: Ps 42:11; Pro 13:12; Isa 40:31; Rom 15:13; 2 Tim 1:12 Sep 2: Friday- God who fulfills your heart’s desire - Psalm 20:4 Meditation: Ps 37:4-8;81: 10; Pro 16:3; Mk 11:23;1 John 3:22 Sep 3: Saturday- Seek God & Live – Amos 5:4 Meditation: 1 Chron 16:11; Ps 14:2; Isa 55:6,7; Matt 6:33; Lk 12:31 Sep 4: Sunday- Obey God so that He will set you on highDeuteronomy 28:1 Meditation: 1 Sam 3:19; Ps 34:11; John 10:27; Rom 10:17; Reve 3:20 Sep 5: Monday- Be strong and of good courage- Daniel 10:19 Meditation: Judg 6:12; Ps 119:28;Isa 40:29;35:4;Matt 14:27;Mk 6:40 Sep 6: Tuesday-His words will not pass away- Mark 13:31 Meditation: Ps 18:30; Matt 7:24; 24:25; John 1:1; 2 Tim 3:16,17 Sep 7: Wednesday-God who never forsake His peoplePsalm 94:14 Meditation: Ps 16:8;62:6;Isa 41:10;Nahu 1:7; 1 Peter 5:7 Sep 8: Thursday- A faithful man will abound with blessings- Proverb 28:20 Meditation: Exo 19:5; 1Sam 26:23; 2 Chron 16:9;Matt 25:21; 1Corin 4:2 Sep 9: Friday-He gives power to the faint- Isaiah 40:29 Meditation: 1 Chron 16:11;Ps 73:26; 2 Corin 12:10; 2 Thessa 3:3;2 Tim 1:7 Sep 10: Saturday- My righteous one shall live by faithHebrews- 10:38 Meditation: Habak 2:4; Gala 2:20;1 Tim 4:12; 1Peter 1:21; 1John 5:5 Sep 11: Sunday- Draw near to God,He will draw near to you- James 4:8 Meditation: Josh 3:5; Pro 28:13; John 17:17; 2 Corin 7:1; James 5:18 Sep 12: Monday- Fear not,be glad and rejoice: Joel 2:21 Meditation: Deu 31:6; Josh 1:9; Ps 56:3; Lk 12:32; John 14:27 Sep 13: Tuesday- Where I cause my name to remember I will come and bless you-Exodus 20:24 Meditation: Num 6:27; Isa 35:4; Haggai 2:19; 2 Corin 9:8; Eph 1:3-5 Sep 14: Wednesday- Anyone serves me, the Father will honor him- John 12:26 Meditation: Num 18:20; Mala 3:17,18; Rom 12:1; 1Thes 1:810; Eph 6:10 Sep 15: Thursday- Who does marvelous things without number- Job 5:9 Meditation: Exo 14:30,31; Deu 3:24; Ps 77:14; Lk 9:42,43; Rom 8:11 Sep 16: Friday- Our God is gracious, righteous and merciful- Psalm 116:5 Jesus Calls

Meditation: Exo 33:19; Ps 85:10; John 1:17; 2 Corin 12:8,9; Rom 5:6-8 Sep 17: Saturday- You shall be comforted- Isaiah 66:13 Meditation: 1 Kings 19:3-9; Ps 23:4; 86:27; Isa 40: 1,2; John 14:16,17; 2 Corin 1:4-7 Sep 18 : Sunday- God is righteous in all His works- Daniel 9:14 Meditation: Ps 37:28; Amos 5:24; Rom 2:3; Phili p 4:8; 1Tim 6:11 Sep 19 : Monday- As a father shows compassion to his children- Psalm 103:13 Meditation: Deu 32:6; Ps 68 :5; Isa 64:8;Jere 3:19; 2 Corin 1:3 Sep 20: Tuesday- God who lead us with the bands of loveHosea 11:4 Meditation: Ps 55:22; 68:19,20; Isa 10:27; Nahum 1:13; Matt 11:29,30 Sep 21: Wednesday- One who trust the Lord will be enriched- Proverb 28:25 Meditation: Exo 23:25; Ps 92:13; Jere 17:7,8; Gala 3:6-9; James 1:12 Sep 22: Thursday- Blessed is he who trust in the LordProverb 16:20 Meditation: Ps 27:14; Isa 26:3;Matt 6:26; 2 Corin 5:7; James 1:6 Sep 23: Friday: The blessing of the LORD makes richProverb 10:22 Meditation: Gene 1:28; Deu 8:18; 2 Corin 9:8-12; 1 Tim 4:8; Heb 10:19,20 Sep 24: Saturday- I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked- Jeremiah 15:21 Meditation: Deu 31:6; 2 Sam 22:3,4; Ps 121:7,8; 2 Thes 3:3; 1 John 5:18 Sep 25: Sunday- God will wipe away every tear from their eyes- Revelation 7:17 Meditation: Gene 21:17; Ps 107:19; Philip 4:6,7; 1 Peter 5:7; Reve 21:4,5 Sep 26: Monday- God is our refuge and strength- Psalm 46:1 Meditation: Ps 9:9;121:2; Pro 3:5,6; Isa 26:4; Lk 12:32; Heb 13:5,6 Sep 27: Tuesday- My chosen shall long enjoy the works of their hands- Isaiah 65:22 Meditation : Deu 14:2; Jere 1:5;John 15:16; 2 Thes 2:14; 1Peter 2:9 Sep 28: Wednesday- I will pour out my Spirit on all fleshActs 2:17 Meditation: Isa 63:12; Eze 36:27; Joel 2:28; 1 Corin 3:16; 2 Tim 1:14 Sep 29: Thursday- Everlasting life giving bread- John 6:41 Meditation: Deu 8:7-10; Isa 33:15,16; Matt 4:4;26:26; 1Corin 11:24 Sep 30: Friday-The LORD appears in His glory- Psalm 102: 16 Meditation: Ps 135:21; Joel 3:17; Matt 21:1-5; John 12:14,15

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Prayer Intercessors pray fervently for those who seek prayers by visiting or contacting the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower over the phone. Hearing these prayers, the Lord does miracles for the people. Here are a few such testimonies… Fulfilled the heart’s desires My eldest daughter had no child even after 5 years of married life. We wrote a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran seeking prayers. We made a prayerful vow that we would co- sponsor a Jesus Calls TV programme, if the Lord blessed my daughter with a child. Hearing dear brother’s prayers, the Lord blessed her with a girl baby. Also we had been praying for a long time that the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower should be established in our place Vizianagaram (Andhra). Accordingly a Prayer Tower has been opened and we continued our prayers for a boy baby, in the Prayer Tower. The Lord heard our prayers and has blessed my daughter with a boy baby and has fulfilled our desires. - Mary, Vizianagaram, Andhra state

Honour in the midst of rejection I was rejected by my family and I had nobody. At this state, I visited the Prayer Tower in Ooty and sought prayers for me to get a job. I also made a vow that if so, I would donate my first month’s salary to the Jesus Calls ministry. The Lord heard the prayers offered in the Prayer Tower and helped me to get a job in a Government hostel. As per my vow, I am sending my first month’s salary to the ministry. I praise Jesus Calls

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the Lord, who has thus honoured me in the midst of rejections. - Anbu, Gudalur.


Perfect healing I met with an accident last month and was admitted in the hospital as my back was injured. I could not walk or do any job. Doctors said that I needed to take two months bed rest and that I had high chances of getting paralyzed. Since they did not give me any guarantee I lost my peace of mind and was anxious. At this time I visited the Vyara Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and sought prayers. The prayer warrior encouraged me with promise verses and I also started viewing the Jesus Calls TV programme regularly on those two months of rest. I had concluded that it would take a year for me to recover. But I could walk within two months and now the Lord has granted me complete healing. I am able to do all my works. Thanks to the Prayer Warriors who prayed for me and praise be to God, who has healed me. - Digvijay Mahendrabhai Gamit, Kapbura, Gujarat.

Gift of a child after 8 years I got married in 2007. We had no child and were in despair. In 2014, with great agony I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in the Rajaji Road and sought prayers for a child. The Lord accepted the pouring of my heart in the Prayer Tower and made me conceive in the first month of 2015. He blessed me with a girl baby on September 18, 2015. My daughter Janice Grace will be completing her first year this month. Praise be to the Lord, who has blessed me with a child after 8 years of married life. - K. Rebecca Raja, Arakkonam, Tamil Nadu

God of justice I faced a land case which was pending for the past nine years. I contacted the Chennai Jesus Calls Prayer Towers seeking prayers for justice to prevail in the case. Also I visited the Trivandrum Prayer Tower and got prayers. The Lord helped me to get justice in the Kerala High court. I praise the Lord, who is blessing my family through the Jesus Calls ministry. - Dr. J. Christopher, Trivandrum, Kerala

All Jesus Calls Prayer Towers are open from 8.00 AM to 8.00 PM. Visit your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and be blessed. Jesus Calls

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Chennai-DGS Dhinakaran Road  044-23456630 / 23456660 Chennai-Rajaji Road  044-23456660 Chennai-Vanagaram  9940600228 / 229 Chennai-Anna Nagar  044-26212655 Delhi  011 - 33999000 West Delhi  011-25354093 Dimapur  03862 - 224 224 / 248 333 Kolkata  033-2231 6711/2231 6712 Gangtok  03592-209438 Shillong  70850 62344 Guwahati  8471885771 Bangalore - Frazer Town  080 - 4146 7878 Bangalore - Rajaji Nagar  080 - 2310 5266 Bangalore -Pai Layout  080-6565 2535 Bangalore -HBR layout  080 - 2546 1133 / 77 Bangalore -Jayanagar  080 - 655 55 680 Goa  086056 10876 Ahmednagar  0241-2323 558/2326 565 Dahisar  022-289 111 22 Nagpur  0712 - 6604070 Mumbai - Ghatkopar East  022-2500 7722/33 Mumbai- Bandra(W)  022-6566 1234 / 264 11122 Navi Mumbai  022 - 2772 9944 Ahmedabad  079 - 661 44 444 Trivandrum  0471-2305551, 2300555 Cochin  0484 - 2348003 / 2348005 Madurai  0452-2380599 / 2380699 Secunderabad - Himmat Nagar  2782 9098 / 2782 Secunderabad - Padmarao Nagar  040 - 2750 3111 / 2750077 To know about the Prayer Towers throughout India, visit or call 1800 425 77 55 (Toll free - 7 AM to 9 PM) For 24 x 7 Prayer help, call

044 - 33 999 000

In accordance to the Lord’s mandate given to His servant Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, the Delhi National Prayer Tower was established on 4th September 2010. Bless India prayer is offered here 24x7. Prayer Intercessors sent by God from the 29 states of India and Union Territories and even from villages in remote hilly areas where no transport facilities are available, come to this Prayer Tower to pray for the nation and utter prophecies. 939 prayer Intercessors in 74 batches have prayed thus, in these 6 years of service because of which the Lord is doing awesome deeds in the nation. Experiences of a few people who prayed here… Prayer for prosperity I participated in the 66th batch. I was given details about each and every state in order to pray in the chain prophetic prayer. Our batch specially prayed for agriculture in the nations, particularly for the problems faced by the farmers who even go to the extent of ending their lives as the lands have lost

their fertility, as they are financially not sound and as they lose things because of natural disasters. The Lord accepted our prayer. As we were praying for this for nearly a month, the Central Government announced a few welfare schemes for the farmers! Truly it was a blessing to pray in the National Prayer Tower. - Manjari Toppno, Ranchi, Jharkhand Jesus Calls

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Abundant anointing I took part in the 67th batch. I came here expecting to hear the voice of God. Initially I found it difficult to pray for 6 hours. But the Lord touched me and filled me with the Spirit of prayer. One night when I was praying quietly but with burden, I could feel a few drops of water falling on my head.

Within a few moments, I felt as if I was standing below a heavy water fall. The Holy Spirit was poured upon me as a rain. Glory to Him. - Rita Gill, Amritsar

Mount of Transfiguration I came to the Delhi Prayer Tower to pray in the 67th batch. The Lord touched me on the first day itself. As said in Mark 6:31, the Lord granted abundant blessings to me, who had come to stay

there alone with Him, seeking ‘an abundance of grain on the top of the mountains’ (Psalm 72:16). The days when I prayed in the National Prayer Tower felt as if I was on the Mount of Transfiguration. I enjoyed heaven on earth. One evening when I was praising God stretching out my hands and basking in His love, I felt something like silver dust filling my both palms. Here, the Lord gave me the gift of prophecy (Amos 3:8). - Sarah Andrade, Margao

Mount Sinai experience

came here to pray in the month of June. In the place allotted to me to pray, God gave me an experience similar to the experience in Mount Sinai. He spoke to me, revealed to me many spiritual secrets and hidden things in the Bible. My thanks to the Jesus Calls ministry for giving me a chance to pray for the nation and thus causing a big change in my life. - S. Santhy Stanly, Nagercoil.

I was in the 72nd batch and

72nd batch

71st batch

Prayer Intercessors, praying for the nation 24x7

Dear ones, When you come to the Delhi National Prayer Tower and pray, you will not only receive such glorious experiences but also receive great changes and blessings in your personal and family life. Full time Ministers of God who want to be delivered from their problems and do ministry with total freedom can come to the Delhi Prayer Tower. When you go back, you shall see a great change in your ministry. We kindly invite you to visit the Delhi National Prayer Tower to stand in the gap and pray for the nation! Stay for one month and pray for 6 hours, every day! Accommodation and food free! We request those who come to pray in the National Prayer Tower to get prior permission. For contact: Phone Numbers 088 263 400 44. Email:

Pray for the nation The Lord will exalt you in the nation. - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Jesus Calls

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(Part -1)

SAMUEL DHINAKARAN Many times we get caught into shackles of life and remain dull, stunted and lifeless. In those times, we sit down and spend years in just remaining depressed and doing whatever comes our way thinking all is fate. But God does not want us to live that kind of dull and failed life. God wants us to ‘arise’ from our shackles and live the life that He has planned for us to the fullest. He does not want anything to hold us back from fulfilling His plan in our lives. He wants us to get up and climb the ladder of success in His plan for our lives. Even this month as I am writing to you I feel God is calling His children to ‘arise’ and ‘shine’ for Him. Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Friend! The message for this month is that God wants to deliver you from your shackles? Frustration and sin enters us and stops us from ‘arising’ and ‘shining’, but I want to bring you good news today that God is going to release you from all your shackles and set you free so that you can grow and reach your maximum potential . So what do we do in order to get free from our shackles and live a free and successful life? There was a mother who had a six year old son. One fine day the mom was packing her baggage in a hurry to go to another city. After packing, she looked for the lock and key of the suitcase so that she could lock it but found it missing. She searched all

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around and finally found her son holding the key in his hands and saying, “Ma ! Look here! I got the key”. Then he said, “If you want the key, you have to come and catch me”. It was already time for the departure of the train and his mom was so worried and filled with anxiety. Many times children do this – they test the patience of the parents. So the mother chased him around, but the little boy was too fast for her. Suddenly, he heard a sound from his mother which said, “ Son! Don’t run anymore. See! I fell down and got stuck. Come now and help me.” The little boy turned around and saw his mother on the floor holding her leg. He got worried and slowly walked toward her side. But just as he was about to lift her, his mother sprang up and got him and pulled out the key from his hand and said, “ You little fellow! How much trouble you have caused me ” and of course some good beatings followed.

Friends! Note here how desperately that mother cried for the key. Her situation was terrible and she was getting late to the train and she needed that key very much. She wanted that key at any cost. She cried out to her son for the key. That is the way we too need to cry out to God today. We need His help desperately. We need to cry out saying, “ Lord! Help me! I have fallen on the floor. Only you can lift me up . Please come and lift me up. I can’t do anything by myself Lord! Please help me”. That must be the cry of our souls especially the young people. You need to cry out to God today because He has the key to our success in studies, work of our hands, marriage and future. Yes! Ask Him for help regarding your future. Sometimes we keep our frustrations, doubts and pressures

bottled up inside our hearts. It creates a strong pressure and leads to depression and also many physical ailments. Always worrying about many things will only cause us stress and can even kill us in the long run. How much can man help us? How can we truly come out of these worries and succeed in life? Friend! Let all your worries melt before the truth that our Lord! King of kings! and Lord of lords! is with us; the One who created the heavens and the earth is with us . Such great wisdom; such great power and most of all, such great love for you and me is with us. This love cannot be matched with anyone’s love in this world. Today you should know that Jesus loves you and He has come for you – to help you and lead you into the path of joy, happiness , success and prosperity. We should know the truth that Jesus has come in search of us more than we have gone in search of Him. He says, “ Son! Come to me”. Friend! Do you know how many plans He has for you? His plans and purposes for you are wonderful and amazing. This is what He says about His own plan for us in the Bible: “For I know the thoughts (plans / purposes) that I think toward you”, says the Lord, “thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11) Whenever I am worried over any problem I used to sit and think how much God has lifted me up step-by-step by revealing His plans for my life and it would look amazing! Then I sit and think, “Why then am I worried over this small problem? How much He has helped through the hurdles in my studies; how much He has helped me through the hurdles in my work; Jesus Calls

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how much grace He has given me in the ministry and lifted me up. Will he not now get me through this problem? Then why should I get worried.” When I think like this a great faith surges into my heart and I rest in confidence that God will fulfil His will and plan in my life with His awesome wisdom and power. The problem which seemed so big will then appear very small and negligible to me compared with all His power and wisdom and love. Friend! The plans of God for you are amazing. You just have to sit, wait and listen. Those plans will set you free. The Lord has the key today. Yes! Jesus has the key to your freedom and success. Friend ! He gave his life for you so that you can be freed from all the shackles that are keeping you down. And when Jesus had cried out with a loud voice, He said, “Father! Into Your hands I commit My spirit.”Having said this, He breathed His last. (Luke 23:46) We see Jesus releasing His Spirit from the Cross and that is the key being released from the cross. As Jesus breathed His last breath, before He died on the cross He released His spirit to the Father. His spirit is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is our key. Do you know that the Holy Spirit can come and live within you and me. He is the key who opens the steps in which we need to go. He is the One who guides us step-by- step. The Holy Spirit will remove your shackles with His power and wisdom and set you free so that you can grow freely and joyfully and reach your peak. That’s why the Bible says, “ Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty” (2 Corinthians 3:17). ( be continued)

The Jesus Calls Television programmes are beamed in various languages through several channels. It is your offering that helps us to prepare and produce these programmes which bring blessings to lakhs of people. The Lord will surely bless you and your family as you support this ministry. Few testimonies of people who received blessings thru’ the Television programmes: Gift of a child after 16 years I come from a family that does not know the Lord. I was working as a teacher. I was in agony as I had no child even after several years of married life. At this time I heard about the Jesus Calls Television programme. So I started watching them every morning and only then I would begin to do my other works. These programmes were of great comfort to me. Every day I started praying with tears that God should bless me with a child. The Lord blessed my womb in the year 2013. Though I had many complications in my uterus, the Lord helped the baby to grow well and granted me a safe delivery. I am blessed with a girl baby, after 16 years of married life. I thank the Lord for the Jesus Calls Television programmes which comforted me in the midst of my agony, helped my faith to grow and which taught me how to pray. I have joined my daughter Hansini Nelson in the Jesus Calls Young Partner’s Plan. - Veronica Nelson, Bengaluru.

40 years of weakness gone I regularly watch the Jesus Calls Television prorgammes, every morning. When I was Jesus Calls

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watching the programme in March, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “Lourdunathan, the problem on your face is getting healed”. Since the past 40 years I had been suffering from constant dripping of the nose and it was a big problem for me. From that day of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s prayer, this problem came to an end and since then I don’t have sneezing or cold. Praise be to the Lord, who changed my 40 year old problem at the age of 65. - J. Lourdunathan, Chennai -28

New life for child My eldest son Murugappan had a still born child. After this, my grandson Mathiventhan was born. When the child was 5 months old, he fell sick and doctors admitted him in the ICU saying that he had pneumonia and phlegm in the lungs. There was no improvement in his condition even after ten days of treatment. Having spent more than Rs.3 lakhs, we could not spend more and shifted him to another hospital. The doctor gave him artificial respiration and said that they

could continue with the treatment only is he started breathing on his own. At this time I watched the Jesus Calls Television programme. That day Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared the message and offered the prayer. I too joined her in the prayer and prayed for my grandson’s healing. I also visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers after which my grandson started breathing on his own. The treatment was successful and now he is doing well. I thank the Lord, who has healed my grandson miraculously. - R.Jhansi, Chennai -78

We warmly invite you to support this Television ministry that takes God’s love to lakhs of people. 

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Mention the name of the specific programme which you would like to sponsor and along with your family photo send us DD or Cheque drawn in favour of Jesus Calls. Do not fail to write your name and contact phone number at the back of the photo. Please inform us your willingness 30 days before the day of telecasting the programme. Donations can be made in your nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower along with the photo and receipt could be received. Address: JESUS CALLS, 16, D.G.S. DHINAKARAN ROAD, CHENNAI – 600 028 Toll free contact Number: 1800 425 77 55 (7.00 AM to 9.00 PM). Email: Website:

TV CLUB PARTNERSHIP FORM: Name:......................................................................................................................................................... Partner code:............................................................................................................................................ Address:.................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................PIN Code:..................................................... Mobile:........................................................................................................................................................ Email:...................................................................................................................................................... To Co- sponsor a TV programme I would like to send  Rs.10,000/- in lumpsum  in four months Or I would like to send a donation of  Rs.100/- or  Rs.250/- or  Rs.500 every month. Offering for co-sponsoring a single programme is Rs.10,000/ only which you may send in four installments of Rs 2,500/- each (Rs.2,500/- x 4). During the programme, your family photo will be beamed and the Dhinakarans would offer specific prayers for your prayer requests. Jesus Calls

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“The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with loving kindness I have drawn you” (Jeremiah 31:3). Several years back, I read in the Newspaper about the marriage of a cine actress. She was getting married for the eighth time! She had married 7 times and every time, she would have believed that her marriage would last forever. But all the 7 marriages ended in divorce.

The love that is seen in the world will not last. Today he may be our friend; tomorrow he may be our worst enemy. But the love of God is everlasting. ‘He is from everlasting to everlasting’ (Revelation 1:11, Isaiah 44:6). The love of God who says, ‘I am that I am’ (Exodus 3:14), will last forever. He will never forget you. The Bible says, ‘He that endures to the end only will last’ (Matthew 24:13). So we have to endure to the last. God binds us

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with Himself by the gentle cords, bands of love, in order that we would endure to the end (Hosea 11:4). Nothing can break that love.

Love of a Father The Lord Jesus manifested His love to His disciples in different ways. "I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty." (II Corinthians 6:18). He called His disciples, ‘Little

children” (John 13:33; 21:5). Yes, He loved His disciples as His children. In the same way, He loves you too. Several years ago, in the city of Calcutta, there was a boat tragedy. 27 people perished in that. The rescue team came to take away the dead bodies from the waters. Everybody was moved to see the sight of the body of a young mother tightly holding a young child, who was dead, in her arms. The boat had capsized but both the mother and child could not be separated and were clinging on to each other. That is the love of a mother.

The Bible says that even if a mother forgets, God will not forget us (Isaiah 49:15). Our gracious Lord Jesus, who said to His disciples, “"As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love” (John 15:9), loved them till the end (John 13:1). The love of the people may vanish. But God’s love is eternal. What happens when the God of gods, who created the whole universe, becomes our Father? Years back, I read a moving true story in a magazine. There was a little girl in a family. She was the only child to the parents and hence her father loved her very much. But one day suddenly she was paralyzed and her limbs became twisted. The father carried her to the hospital. The doctors wanted to admit her and give her treatment. Hugging her tightly the father said to her, “Honey I will never take you home in this wheel chair. I will take

you home only as a hale and healthy child”. The doctors treated her in many ways but there was no improvement and so they told the father that there was no hope of curing and that she would be confined to the wheel chair for the rest of her life. The shattered father said to his daughter, “Honey, I promised that I would never take you home in a wheel chair. So let me carry you” So saying, he lifted her up from the bed and took her home by carrying her in his arms. He then bought all the medical books related to paralysis, studied the whole thing, and began to give his daughter all the physio-therapy that she needed for her recovery. He took her for swimming. He made her stand on sand. The daughter screamed that she could not swim and do all that he wanted her to do. Yet the father would say, ‘No, darling, you can do it. You have to do it”. Days passed by. She was able to go to the school. Her head was drooping on one side and people started ridiculing her as she went to the school. But the father was persistent. Years rolled by. One day when she grew up to be a nice girl of 18 years, she was getting ready to go to the school. As she was dressing, she started screaming and ran to her father’s room and knocked on the door. In panic the father opened the door and the daughter fell on him and said excitedly, “Daddy, I am completely healed. Look at my face and my head. Everything is normal. Just now I looked into the mirror and my head looks Jesus Calls

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totally normal”. Both the daughter and the father embraced each other and cried. He worked hard for his daughter day and night for several years and finally received all the sweet rewards for his efforts. He never lost his courage, he never got tired.

Dear ones, when you give your heart to Jesus Christ, God becomes your own Father. He begins to take care of you. He begins to transform your life. He makes you into the image of His son (II Corinthians 3:18, Romans 8:28,29). Eventually, we become like Jesus (I John 3:2). As our loving heavenly Father transforms our image, our inner man begins to change. When a tremendous transformation takes places in a man, inwardly, he becomes a person of love, like Jesus. His outward actions too would manifest the love of Jesus. Just as how the father made his daughter do tough exercises in order that she should be healed, our Lord too sometimes is strict with us. We see in the Bible that once He called His disciples ‘You, faithless generation’ (Mark 9:19) and another time, “You fools’ (Luke 24:25). Yet, with the love of a Father, He transformed their lives into His own life. The same loving heavenly Father will lead you every day. He will make you become like Him.

Love of a Brother And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers! (Matthew 12:49). Once, the mother of our Lord and His brothers went to see Him.

That time, He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, " Anyone who does the will of God is My brother, My sister and My mother” (Matthew 12:50). Yes, He called His disciples His brothers. Some of them were fisher men, some were tax collector, and some were poor. Yet He never hesitated to call them His brothers (Hebrews 2:11). When He rose up from the dead, He said to Mary Magdalene, “Go and tell my brethren, that I want to see them’ (John 20:17; Matthew 28:10). The resurrected Jesus too had the same love for His disciples as a Brother. He loves you as His own brothers and sisters. The Bible says that the Lord Jesus is the firstborn among many brethren (Romans 8:29). Yes, He loves you as the eldest brother. He is concerned for you.

Love for the mother When Jesus therefore saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother, "Woman, behold your son!" Then He said to the disciple, "Behold your mother!" And from that hour that disciple took her to his own home’ (John 19:26,27). Jesus loves you like He loved His mother. When He was hanging on the cross, being crowned with thorns, He could not even see properly as His face was covered with blood. Even in that terrible agonizing moment, He saw His mother standing near Him, weeping. That moment, He pointed out His disciple John and told her, “He would be your son from now”. Yes, He loved His mother till the end.

He would show you the same love. Once, a young man was given death sentence since he had killed a police man. On the day when he was about to be executed all his friends came to see him. They brought him his favourite dishes to eat, and some sang his favourite songs. Finally his old mother came. When he saw his mother, he ran to her, hugged her tightly and cried, “Mummy I will not see you again. I am innocent; I didn’t commit any crime”. He could not forget his mother’s love even at the time of his execution. His mother’s bosom was his only comfort.

Yes, there is a God who loves you like a mother. So don’t lose heart.

Love of a friend “…I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you’ (John 15:15). The Lord Jesus calls His disciples ‘My Friends”. He says, "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. I give My life for My friends’ (John 15:13). The Lord Jesus loved His disciples as His friends. The souls of both Jonathan and David were knit together. The Bible says that David loved Jonathan as his own soul (I Samuel 18:1-3). Similarly, the Lord Jesus too loved His disciples. The Lord spoke to Moses like a friend (Exodus 33:11). Similarly, Abraham, who was mighty in faith, was called Jesus Calls

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God’s friend (Isaiah 41:8; James 2:23). Dear ones, perhaps there are no friends for you in this world. When you have faith on Him like Abraham, the Lord Jesus would be your best friend. Do not be troubled. He will love you at all times and He will help you (Proverbs 17:17; 18:24).

Love of a Servant "For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves” (Luke 22:27) The Lord Jesus says, “I will serve you”. He says, ‘You call me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. Yet I will serve you as long as I live with you’ (John 13:13). This is the divine love of the Almighty God! The Lord says in Isaiah 45:11, “...concerning the work of My hands, you command Me’ and in John 14:14 He says, ‘you (like a faithful servant) ask anything in My name, I will do it”. The Bible says that the Lord accompanied the disciples who went to preach the Gospel and did all that they wanted (Mark 16:20). The Lord Jesus is alive even today. He says that He would serve us. This love of God is eternal and full of humility.

Love of a Master: "His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.' (Matthew 25:21). I was holding a responsible job of looking after 700 branches

of the State Bank of India. Along with this, I was also faithfully serving Christ. The Lord lifted me up, who was initially doing street preaching in my spare time, and made me speak on stages. Then He increased the ministry to Radio, books, magazine, Prayer Tower, Television and so on. Finally when He gave me the job of instituting an Engineering College, I said “Lord, I can’t do this. Please give it to somebody else” But He said, “I know you are very much overburdened with responsibilities. Yet I have chosen you to accomplish this”

This Lord will come back one day. He will call all His servants and tell them, “Enter into the eternal life with Me’. He will have them sit down to eat, and will come and serve them. He will console and comfort them (Luke 12:37). Yes, when you serve the Lord faithfully and when you fulfil the heavenly Master’s commandments faithfully, He would invite you to enter into the joy of your Lord’s kingdom”; He will reward that servant duly (Luke 19:12-27). Dear ones, you may be in sorrow; you may be doing your ministry with agony. Do not be troubled. A day will come when the Lord Jesus would arrive. He will embrace you and kiss you. He will commend you saying, ‘'Well done, good and faithful servant” . So do not lose heart. The love of the Lord is unchanging. When this love abounds in you, when it fills you, you would reflect Jesus. The people of the world will see Jesus in you. They would draw closer to Him. Eternal love will fill them.  Jesus Calls

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athya is a 29-year old woman living in Salai Nagar, a village in Tamil Nadu. Affected with polio at infancy, Sathya has struggled for survival her entire life. Her husband abandoned her with her two children, and her small hut was wiped away during the Thane cyclone as a result of which she lost everything. She languished in life being deserted and tossed by natural calamity, as well as by her physical infirmity. Through it all, she was dependent on her mother’s meagre daily wage, an amount that has been dwindling as her mother grows older and weaker. Sathya has survived thus far, and she is now confident that she can educate her two sons and take care of her mother in her old age. God and SEESHA have given her this confidence.


When she was rendered homeless during the Thane cyclone, SEESHA gave her a house. Seeing her need, SEESHA began supporting her financially with a monthly pension and her children with monthly scholarships. Understanding her desire to run her own business, SEESHA has also supported her in setting up a petty shop in her village. In order to help her commute to the nearby town to purchase goods for her shop, SEESHA has also given her a retro-fitted motor vehicle. Today, Sathya is an entrepreneur, who does not need to live a life dependent on others. Instead, she cares for her family, holding her head high. People do not look at her disability now; they see her capacity and her revived life.

To know more about SEESHA: Visit or call +91 9300600600 Face Book: Jesus Calls

September 2016 


Thousands of people send letter and emails seeking prayers from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, and Samuel, Sharon and Stella Ramola, for their problems to be solved. Hearing the prayers, the Lord does miracles for these people. Here are a few testimonies…

Asthma healed Dear Brother Paul Dhinakaran, I had been suffering from asthma since the past ten years. I could not do much work and suffered without proper sleep. I had so many other problems too. I wrote a letter to you requesting prayers for my healing. You too had prayed earnestly for me and sent me a reply. The Lord has granted me perfect healing. Now I am in robust health. Glory to God. K.Peter Albert, Munar

The Lord, who blesses families Dear Brother Paul Dhinakaran, I lost my husband three years back. I wrote a letter to you ex-

plaining the difficulties that I was facing in bringing up my three children without my husband and seeking prayers for their bright future. You too had sent me a reply after much prayer. The Lord helped my eldest daughter to complete her Ph.D and join a government job. Also He helped me to get my husband’s pension benefits. I thank God who is helping and supporting my family. Thank you, who are praying for us.

LORD will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail’ (Isaiah 58:11). Hearing your prayers, the Lord has blessed her with a boy baby, after 18 years of married life and has turned her sorrow into joy. Glory to God. - Jesudoss, Lingarajapuram, Bengaluru.

Dear Brother Paul Dhinakaran,

You too may write to the Dhinakarans if you need their prayers for the problems or sicknesses in your family to removed.

My sister Sheila is in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. She had no child even after several years of marriage and was miserable. I used to often visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower to pray for her to be blessed with a child. Also I wrote a letter to you seeking prayers for this. You too had prayed and sent me a reply quoting the promise verse, ‘The

Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email:

- G.Roselyn Nirmala, Trichy.

Gift of a child after 18 years

Jesus Calls

September 2016 


The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower is available 24 X 7, 365 days of the year, receiving calls from precious souls seeking prayer help for - healing of sicknesses & disease, accidents, financial crisis, exams, misunderstandings between spouses, family relationships and many more. Trained & Anointed Prayer intercessors are always ready to receive the calls and pray for every need faithfully. y sister’s daughter Chandra had conceived after 5 years of married life. We had admitted her in a hospital in Madurai for delivery and a boy baby was born on March 28th. However, the new born baby developed breathing problem and doctors struggled hard to save the child. At once, I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower over the phone and requested prayers for the baby. The Prayer Warrior prayed fervently for him. Heeding the prayer, the Lord touched the baby and healed him. Now little Amresh is 4 months old and is keeping good health. Praise be to God. - Kamala Devi, Madurai. The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower was initially started at Chennai and is now operational at Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Delhi to help us provide prayer services in 9 languages - Tamil, English, Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. Shortly operations will also begin at Ahmedabad, Trivandrum and Kolkata. We also plan to provide prayer services in Bengali, Odia, Assamese, Khasi, Nepali and Mizo very shortly. Everyday around 375 Prayer intercessors, both staff and volunteers, pray for around approx. 17,000 prayer requests daily round the clock, all over India. About 500,000 people are blessed through this ministry every month. Anointed Prayer Intercessors are available in 3 shifts every day. We incur expenditure to establish and maintain best-in-class infrastructure like workstations, telephone lines, computers & accessories, to ensure that we provide uninterrupted prayer services to millions of people requiring urgent prayers for their various needs. We are providing you an opportunity to be a blessing to these millions of people by supporting the Telephone Prayer Tower Ministry. The blessings that they receive will surely be added to you and your family. Name:.................................................... Partner No:............................... Date of Birth:............................. Address:................................................................................................................................................... Mobile:........................................................ Email: ................................................................................... I am led by the Lord to support a Prayer Intercessor to pray for the broken-hearted souls Rs 250 /-for 1 Prayer Intercessor for 1 day Rs 500 /- for 2 Prayer Intercessors for 1 day Rs 1000 /- for 4 Prayer Intercessors for 1 day I would like to co-sponsor a Prayer Intercessor’s workstation  Rs 10,000 /- for 1 week  Rs …………….. for ……… weeks  Rs 25,000 /- for 1 month  Rs……………. for……… months  I would like to Sponsor a Prayer Intercessor’s workstation  Rs 3,00,000 for 1 year


(Mention the Telephone prayer tower location that you would like to support) (Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Trivandrum & Kolkata) You may send your offerings by DD or cheque drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” or by money order to the following address.

PRAYER TOWER, 16, D.G.S.DHINAKARAN ROAD, CHENNAI - 600 028. Or you may visit the nearby Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area and make your offering and receive an acknowledgement for the same. You may also make your donations online through credit card/debit card/net banking through our secure website For more details: Toll free number 1800 425 77 55 (Daily from 7am to 9pm) For 24/7 prayer help in : Tamil/ English/ Malayalam (044) - 33 999 000, Telugu (040) - 33 999 000, Marathi (022) 33 999 000, Hindi / Punjab (011) - 33 999 000, Kannada (080) - 33 999 000, Gujarati (079) - 33 999 000 Jesus Calls

September 2016 


- Sister Stella Dhinakaran

‘….that they may be called trees of righteousness, The rnfhjÇ(Isaiah Þblšyh âdfu‹ planting of the LORD…’ 61:3).


nce, when we had been to the city of Jerusalem, we saw the Garden of Gethsemane where the Lord Jesus knelt down and wrestled in prayer. Many said that the olive trees in the Garden had been evergreen since the days of Jesus. Likewise, even our Lord would plant us as the trees of righteousness in order that we would remain as the evergreen olive trees (Psalm 52:8). Perhaps you are telling, “Oh, I’m weak, ignorant and lack wisdom. What would I achieve for the Lord?’ But the Lord chooses only those who are weak and useless and strengthens them and makes them fertile (I Corinthians 1:27,28). To what kind of life has this been compared, in the Bible? It is compared to the following life: "Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And

will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit” (Jeremiah 17:7,8). So, let us not be dejected thinking about our lacks and wants but let us live an abundant life, filled with His richness. This is how the Lord chose Abraham and his family and made them into trees of righteousness. Look to Abraham your father, And to Sarah who bore you; For I called him alone, And blessed him and increased him." (Isaiah 51:2). Let us meditate on how the Lord changed Abraham into a tree of righteousness and blessed him. Let us also become a tree of righteousness like him.

Obedience to God The Lord promised Abraham, “Now the LORD had said to Abram: "Get out of your country, From your family And from your father's house, To a land that I will Jesus Calls

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show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing” (Genesis 12:1,2). Abraham obeyed the Lord instantly and left his family and country and set out for the land shown by Him. His obedience was pleasing to the Lord! So He changed him into a tree of righteousness. Dear ones, when you give importance to the Lord’s words and obey Him instantaneously, He would change you also into trees of righteousness. The Bible says, “Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord…” (I Peter 3:6). Accordingly, obeying the husband is an adornment for the wife. The Bible also says, “Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:22). Sarah too obeyed her husband and the Lord’s words and became a woman, pleasing to the Lord. Hence He blessed her.

Once, when I had been to a foreign country for the sake of ministry, I had to preach in a meeting arranged for pastors. After I shared the message, a pastor came to me and said, ‘Sister, my wife is totally against my ministry. She refuses to come to the Lord. Please pray for her”.

Today, many women live as they please and are thorns to their husband (even to those who do ministry). My dear sisters, leave your disobeying nature and learn to live in unison with your husband, with patience and love. Obey God’s word and His good things. Be of help to your husband in everything. Then the Lord will bless you just as how He blessed Sarah. When our Lord Jesus Christ lived in this world, He obeyed His Father’s will in all humility, till death. He is our example for everything (I Peter 2:21). When the Son of God obeyed His Father, how much more you and I should obey the Lord’s word and commandment, with reverence! Don’t we read in the Bible, "But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word” (Isaiah 66:2). There was a family which always ridiculed the Lord and His servants, and lived as they liked. Suddenly, a dreadful disease attacked the husband and the doctors gave up hope and said that he needed to undergo a surgery. One of his friends, who came to know of his critical condition, gave him Bro. Dhinakaran’s message cassette and requested him to listen to it. That man accepted it and began to listen to it, along

with his family. After the message, when Brother was praying, all of them knelt down and prayed along with him. That time, Brother Dhinakaran said, “My dear brother, who is suffering from ulcer, the Lord is now delivering you. Your ulcer problem is vanishing by the power of God”. Everyone was thrilled to hear this. The very next day, when they went to the hospital for a check- up, there was no trace of ulcer much to the amazement of the doctors. That family, which had received this miracle, accepted the Lord and became trees of righteousness for the Lord.

Dear sisters, when you too fear the Lord and walk in obedience to His Words, the Lord will change you also into trees of righteousness. He will bless you just as He blessed Abraham and Sarah and prosper and increase you.

United with the Lord ‘…threefold cord is not quickly broken’ (Ecclesiastes 4:12). “Threefold cord’ refers to the family life where the Lord, the husband and wife live jointly. When the husband and wife invite the Lord with oneness of mind, He would come and dwell with them (Revelation 3:20, II Corinthians 6:16). In such families, there would not be any quarrels or division. Even if there are any confusions, God’s presence would bring in them divine peace. Today, many young girls choose their life partner as they wish and elope with him, leaving their parents. Soon their lives turn bitter. Jesus Calls

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My dear young children, when you love the Lord dearly and hold on to Him, you would be blessed by Him. The Bible says, “It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence in man…” (Psalm 118:8). When my parents decided to fix my marriage, I was worried that I should not get a wicked and drunkard husband. I was scared that if so my life would be miserable. Immediately, I ran to my room, knelt down and prayed with burden, “Lord, in case I get such a bad husband, please give me the divine strength, wisdom and devotion to change him. Or else, bless me with a partner, who fears You and walks in Your ways and thus lead me also in the path of piety”. The Lord heard my prayer. As per my wish, He gave me Brother Dhinakaran, who followed Him faithfully, as my partner. On the day of our wedding, both of us decided with oneness of mind that we would fear the Lord all through our life and serve Him faithfully. That day, the Lord changed our life into a threefold cord. From then on, He was sufficient for us in all things even in trials, losses and valleys of death and blessed us. Several years back, I too went through the difficult path of poverty. Even in that hard situation, both of us held on to the Lord. He delivered us out of poverty and commanded prosperity in our family according to His promise, ‘from this day I will bless you.'" (Haggai 2:19).

Yes, dear ones, threefold cord can never break. Today, many say, ‘We are married for just a year;

there are so many problems, bitterness and hatred….” What is the reason? Their lives are not united with the Lord as a threefold cord. Only when He joins you as the three fold cord, He will deliver you from all the problems, difficulties and unbearable sorrows, wipe away your tears and grant peace, prosperity and joy in your family.

Fear of God “He will bless those who fear the LORD, Both small and great” (Psalm 115:13). Abraham obeyed God’s commands, submitted himself to Him totally, and walked in fear of Him. One day, in order to test his love, the Lord said, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, and offer him as a burnt offering”. (Genesis 22:2). Not complaining, “Oh, how will I sacrifice my only son?’, he obeyed the Lord’s words at once. How was his faith that time? ‘By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, of whom it was said, "In Isaac your seed shall be called, concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead, from which he also received him in a figurative sense” (Hebrews 11:17,18,19). When Abraham feared the Lord and stretched forth his hand to take the knife to slay his son, the Angel of God called him from heaven and said, ‘"Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me. Blessing I will bless you, and mul-

tiplying I will multiply…” (Genesis 22:12,17). Similarly, when we too obey the Lord and walk in fear of Him, He would grant us similar blessings and make us glad. “…that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ” (I Peter 1:7). My dear ones, do not be dejected when you face trials in your life. The Lord would be with you just as how He was with Abraham and strengthen you. But when you are careful to live with fear of God, you will be a blessed woman according to the Scriptures, ‘Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord’ (Psalm 128:1). I know a woman servant of God, who was very simple and was handicapped. Yet she proclaimed the Lord everywhere. God used her as a mighty prophetess and as a vessel of comfort to many.

Perhaps, you are highly qualified, intelligent and wealthy. But are you a woman, who fears the Lord? The Bible says, “He will bless those who fear the LORD, Both small and great” (Psalm 115:13). Cornelius, was a devout man and one who feared God with all his household. One day the Lord told him that he should call for Peter, His servant and that through him, He would bless him. Since he feared God, he was waiting for Peter and had called together his relatives and close friends (Acts Jesus Calls

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10:24). While Peter was still speaking, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. Cornelius and others became the trees of righteousness. Obed-Edom feared God and kept the Ark of the Lord in his house for three months. Two tablets of the Lord’s commandments were inside the Ark. Since he honoured it, the Lord was with him on those three months and blessed Obed-Edom and all his household ( II Samuel 6:9-11). On the other hand, Michal, David’s wife despised him for dancing before the Lord’s Ark because of which the Lord shut her womb till her death. My dear sister, when you fear God and pray earnestly for your friends and relatives to be saved, there is no doubt that He would save them all, for your sake. The Lord blessed the household of Obed Edom as they honoured God’s words and feared Him. But Michal, who despised things related to God, received only curse. When you too honour God’s words, His blessings would increase in your life. Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD (Psalm 34:11). As the Bible thus says, the Lord would speak to you through the Scriptures and through His servants. Accept them with fear of God. The Lord will change you as well as your family into trees of righteousness and honour you. In a family, the husband had no fear of God and spent his life in evil company. Suddenly he informed his wife that he and his

friends were going abroad for a job in a gold mine and that they would earn a lot. His wife and daughter were God fearing and so without his knowledge, the daughter kept a Bible in his suitcase. The husband happily set out on his journey, along with his friends. But there, he suffered a lot without a job. All his moneys were spent. One day, with nothing left in his hands, he opened his suitcase to find something to sell off. He saw the Bible and opened it. His eyes fell on the verse, ‘Let not your heart be troubled’ (John 14:1). Even as he read, tears rolled down his cheeks. Seeing this, his friends too read the verse and they also started shedding tears. All of

them confessed their sins and came back home as transformed people. Since then they became the trees of righteousness and lived holy.

How true is the verse, "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me” (John 5:39). “Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” (Hosea 4:6). ‘I have written for him the great things of My law, But they were considered a strange thing’ (Hosea 8:12). From today, read the Scriptures


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


1. A slanderer, be established in the earth - Psalm 140:11 2. Every man, in his own house – Esther 1:22 3. The entirety of the Lord’s word is truth, and every one What have you not hated and hence what shall pursue? of His righteous judgments endures forever – Psalm What shall be given to whom to cause what to rest on 119:160 your house? 4. The breath of the Almighty What is great? gives man understanding Job 32:8 What shall be sought and there shall be none? What shall 5. The Lord, from death – not be found? Psalm 68:20 Who shall be written on what? 6. He who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger – By doing what shall man live? Job 17:9 Who shall be established before the Lord? 7. The earth is given into the hand of the wicked – Job What works what? 9:24 What remains from generation to generation? 8. The LORD is known by the judgment He executes – What should be cast away and what should be got? Psalm 9:16 9. The King's strength also loves Answers must reach us before justice – Psalm 99:4 SEPTEMBER 30, 2016 10. God will not cast away the Address: Bible Quiz - 55, Prayer Tower, blameless, nor will He up16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. hold the evildoers – Job 8:20

(Bible Portions: Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel) (Read the given verses carefully, line by line. You can easily find the answers)


diligently, in reverence, meditate upon them and walk in the ways pleasing to God so that He would not say about you as mentioned in the above verses. Then the Lord will change you into a blessed woman and as a tree of righteousness. Also, like Abraham and Sarah, when you too live in unison with the Lord, with His fear He will give you the grace to live as tress of righteousness, with no lacks. Arise and shine as the trees of righteousness by living in one accord with His Spirit according to the verse, ‘he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him’ (I Corinthians 6:17).

Jesus Calls

September 2016 


(Guduvancherry testimonies) Mighty Holy Spirit in our Midst

for the sisters who attend it. Glory to the Lord! - Hepsi Devadoss,

I am working in the Jesus Calls office. I am also conducting the Esther Prayer Group in my area because of which I have received many blessings in my life. After I started the Esther Prayer Group, I could feel the power of the Lord coming upon me mightily. The Lord has given me the grace to pray much at nights. Also, He has given me the grace to read and meditate a lot on the Scriptures and to walk accordingly and also to pray in His presence, claiming His promises. He has helped my personal life to get strengthened in the Lord. The prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Group are powerful prayers offered with burden and tears for the perishing souls and for women. When we pray in the Esther Prayer Group, the Holy Spirit comes in our midst in a mighty way and when His power fills us, we receive a new strength needed for that month. Specially through the Esther Prayer Group, the Lord gives us the grace to pray with burden for ministries, families and


Miraculous deliverance; divine peace

answering the prayers. - Dorothy Mabel, Vedanthangal.

Grace of God I am an illiterate.

I am attending

I am living in a small

the Esther Prayer

hut around which

Group since the past

are the people who

eight months and am

do not know Christ.

praying. My hus-

We, as 20 sisters are praying in the

band was addicted to alcohol for

Esther Prayer Group, in this house.

the past 28 years. I wrote a letter

The Lord answers our prayers. My

to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran seeking

daughter’s marriage was getting

prayers for his deliverance from

delayed and since my family does

this habit. Also the sisters of our

not know Christ, they wanted to

Esther Prayer Group prayed for

settle her marriage according to

him in one accord. Hearing the

their tradition. But the Lord was

prayers, the Lord delivered my

gracious enough to bless her with

husband from this drinking habit.

a partner, who has also accepted

Now He has granted His peace and

the Lord and helped us conduct her

joy in our family. My son, 25 years

wedding in a smooth way. Also the

old was quite good and disciplined.

Lord is blessing my life too. Every

But he fell into bad company when

day I begin my works only after

he joined the college and went

hearing Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s

astray. I wrote a letter to Sis. Stella

message and prayer. When we

Dhinakaran seeking prayers for

pray for those who have no child,

him. The sisters in our Esther

who are sick and who are in the

Prayer Group also prayed for him

clutches of the devil, the Lord hears

with burden. The Lord heard the

those prayers and delivers them.

prayer and has delivered my son

He helps us to lead those who have

from all bondage. Glory to Him for

not accepted the Lord, in the path

Jesus Calls

September 2016 


of salvation. I thank the Lord for

Yet the Lord of victories, set right

grow in my spiritual

the grace He has given me.

all the crooked paths. Whenever I

life through it. Ac-

took wrong directions, He held my

cordingly I joined the

hands and led me saying, ‘This is


the way”. I used to counsel a few

Group. When I read

sisters who were working with me

the 20 prayer points given for

and who faced problems in their

prayer, I could not sleep that night

lives. I had a firm faith that God,

as I kept on thinking, ‘I am always

who changed the captivity of Job

crying for my problems. But these

when he prayed for his friends,

people are praying for the women

would remove all the bondage from

of the world who are totally un-

my life. I am telling many sisters

known to them and for their fami-

that God’s love alone is true. Once

lies” After I started praying in the

my child was hit by a car and was

Esther Prayer Group, the desire

thrown off. I feared that my child

that I should do this ministry grew

was dead but God saved my child

in me. I shared this with my hus-

without any injury. The Lord gave

band. I prayed to Jesus saying, “I

His protection according to the

don’t have the wisdom to do this

verse, ‘He who keeps Israel Shall

ministry. I don’t have the experi-

neither slumber nor sleep’ Re-

ence of kneeling down and pray-

cently, unwittingly I stamped on a

ing. Give me the grace for this”

snake that was lying on my door

Now we, as 10 sisters, are praying

step. It jumped off and slithered

in the Esther Prayer Group. Even

away. God proved His promise,

those who do not know God also

"Behold, I give you the authority to

take part in this prayer. I never

trample on serpents and scorpions,

used to read the Bible or pray. But

and over all the power of the en-

after joining this prayer ministry, I

emy”. The loving Lord is with me.

never fail to read the Bible and

I would never be ashamed to tell

pray. I pray in the morning and

about His love. I gave importance

night and even in early mornings. I

to prayer and He is changing my

am cheerfully doing this ministry.

only ridicule and reproach. After I

captivity. He will still do it. I will

Even when I am weak, the Lord

joined the Esther Prayer Group the

take the love of God in the midst

gives me the strength to do this

Lord comforted me and promised

of many sisters who are in the

ministry. This is a great platform

me that He would keep me as a

dark. I would glorify the name of

to grow spiritually. He has brought

guide to many women. As I began

the Lord. - Ganga, Vedanthangal

many sisters to join this group. Mil-

to pray more and more for my fam-

Cheerful ministry

lions of praises to Jesus since He

- Roselyn, Kanchipuram.

Lord of victory I was born and brought up in a family that did not know Christ. The Lord has chosen me even when I was in my mother’s womb. I got married when I was quite young and was deserted by my husband. I faced lot of reproaches in my life. I was rejected and derided that as a woman I could not do anything. When I was thus languishing, I had the privilege of joining the Esther Prayer Group. After that I tasted the Lord’s salvation and He gave me the desire that others too should receive this precious salvation. The confidence that women can change the family, nation and even the world, took root in me. I desired that many should receive this salvation and so shared the Lord’s love with those who were sick in the hospital, and who wanted to end their lives as they lacked love from their parents, husband or children. But I faced


ily, problems intensified in my life.

Hearing about the Esther

has kept dear mother Stella

I concluded that my life was over

Prayer Group, I decided that I

Dhinakaran as a light for women

and that everything was finished.

should also do this ministry and

like us.

Jesus Calls

September 2016 


- Latha, Oorapakkam.

Learnt to pray

Prayer Group. One of my relatives

house. My husband

When I joined

had no child for 10 years. We

was addicted to alco-

the Esther Prayer

fasted and prayed for her in the

hol because of which

Group, I did not

Esther Prayer Group and also re-

there was lot of prob-

know how to pray. I

quested dear mother to pray for

lems in the family.

was scared and anx-

her. God, who heard the prayer, has

Through the prayers of the Esther

blessed her with a child.

Prayer Group, he was delivered

ious as to how I would pray for a

- Lydia, Vedanthangal.

prayer point. After joining the Esther Prayer Group, I learnt to pray earnestly with burden and

Own house; miraculous deliverance

and now there is no problem in our family. The Lord helps us to pray for others with burden and con-

tears. The Lord has given me the

God answers the prayers of-

cern. He is blessing and leading

grace to pray with burden for oth-

fered in the Esther Prayer Group.

each and every sister of our Esther

ers. He helped me, who never

I suffered a lot without a house of

Prayer Group.

knew to pray, to start an Esther

my own. God helped me to buy a

- Priya, Vedanthangal.

My Dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. This is the end time.

Contact Address: Sister. Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 Email: Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you. BIBLE QUIZ 53 - WINNERS Chennai: Godvia Princes D., Jonathan Ahilash Andhra: J. Thanuja, Karnataka: K.Dhanamani Jesus Calls

September 2016 



es, today, many women are in such situations and languish in loneliness, shedding tears. Unbearable agony, sorrow, distress and loneliness, particularly lack of peace make some women wonder why they are living in this world and force them to even commit suicide. Under these situations, how would the Lord show them mercy? What does the Lord’s word say for such women? "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5).

Is it possible for women who have been rejected by everyone and who are in a pitiable state to receive divine mercy? all the filths and dirt of their lives. After that, they should perfect their holy life, with fear of God. Perhaps, this may not be understood by many. As we see In I John 2:16, in this world, lust of the flesh, lust of the eye and pride of life are seen in abundance, particularly in women’s lives. Hence, we should examine our lives. Leaving all these and walking with fear of God is true Christian life. “And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires’ (Galatians 5:24).

"Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. And the LORD, He is the one who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed." (Deuteronomy 31:6,8).

Accordingly, presenting your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, is your reasonable service. Yes, do not be conformed to this world, but choose the things of Christ so that your mind would be renewed. This is the life of holiness and fear of God (Romans 12:1,2). What blessings does the Lord give us, when we walk with His fear?

As we all know, the Lord is love; He wants His creations to be happy. This could be understood from III John 2 which says, ‘Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers’. What should be done by the people, who are in a pitiable state, to inherit these words of blessing? First of all, they should examine their lives and cleanse themselves by removing

Firstly, He would come into us and dwell with us; next, He would walk in our midst and be our God. He would bless us so that we would be His people (II Corinthians 6:16). What a blessed privilege! Perhaps you are rejected by the people of the world. Perhaps you are hated by your own family. But the Lord tells you, “I will never reject you; I will dwell with you”. How great is the love of the Lord! Do you love Jesus Calls

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Him just as how He loves you? Examine yourself and confess all your shortcomings before the Lord. When the Lord Jesus was on this earth, a woman, branded as a sinner by everyone, stood at His feet, washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. She thus showed her much love for Him. The world might have rejected and hated her, saying that she was a sinner. But look at the Lord’s love! He is a divine Father, who loves all those who come to Him. You should realize this. Since that woman went running to Him and held on to Him, He said, "Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.". He forgave all her sins, forgot them and took her as His own daughter (Luke 7:37-50). My dear sisters, perhaps you are cast away by the world. But our Lord is full of love, compassion and mercy. He will never forsake you. So, like that woman, you should also hold on to His feet and confess all your shortcomings to Him. Walk in the ways pleasing to Him, with devotion.

Abundant, full blessings ‘…trust … in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” (I Timothy 6:17). A woman called Hannah was almost in a deserted state as she had no child and was made miser-

able by her husband’s other wife. How did she overcome this state? She ran to the feet of God. She poured out her soul before the Lord (I Samuel 1:15). Then the Lord first of all blessed her with His divine peace. We read in the Bible that her face was no longer sad ( I Samuel 1:18). A firm faith and hope on God took hold of her. God filled her, who asked for a child, with His full blessings by blessing her with many children. My dear sisters, are you rejected by your family as you don’t have a child? You, who are thus deserted by everyone, should be bold. The Lord will never forsake you. But, like Hannah, you should seek the Lord. You should wait at His feet and pour out your heart before Him. Similarly, there was a woman, who had a spirit of infirmity for eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. Even in that state, she had gone to the temple, seeking the Lord. What happened? The Lord met her in His temple. He gave her complete and permanent deliverance from her infirmity and immediately

she was made straight, and glorified God (Luke 13:11-13). My dear sisters, look up to the Lord alone, no matter what your physical sufferings and agonies are. Hold on to Him firmly and seek Him. When you do this right now, even as you read this message, the Lord will immediately deliver you from any kind of sickness. Likewise, the mother of the girl who was demon possessed, was a Canaanite; yet when she, who was rejected by others, had faith on the Lord Jesus Christ and went seeking Him, He gave her the desired blessing, seeing her faith. Her daughter was completely delivered (Matthew 15:22-28). My dear sisters, who are grieving that you have been deserted by the world! Seek the Lord’s feet like these women and pray to Him earnestly. Then it is certain that our Lord who is full of love and concern will fill you with His full, rich blessings.

Excellent life Our Lord Jesus Christ is full of divinity. Yet, when He was forsaken on the cross, He cried, "My God, My God, why have You for-

saken Me?" (Matthew 27:47; Mark 15:34). Why this state for the Son of God? He went through this path, in order to help us overcome the world’s rejection, by looking at His sacrifice on the cross. Since He thus humbled Himself to the point of death on the cross, God exalted Him to be seated at His right hand (Philippians 2:9-11). Accordingly, you should also believe the Lord Jesus and receive His full blessings by telling Him, “I, who am dumped by the people of the world, commit myself in Your presence to be delivered out of this pitiable state and to receive Your glorious blessings. Like Paul I would say, ‘It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me’ and I would think only of Your love and rejoice in You. You, who came as the Saviour of the world, are sufficient for me. The joy of Your salvation has filled me. I need not worry any more”. My dear sisters, from now on, you should never say that you have been forsaken. You should not shed tears in vain. Think about God’s abundant blessings and seek Him firmly and with faith. Hold on to Him. Then you would receive His rich blessings.

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September 2016 




Miraculous healing Dear sister Stella Dhinakaran, My son had convulsions since a year. We took him to many hospitals for treatment but in vain. We then decided to sponsor a Jesus Calls Television programme in his name and did so. That day, you prayed for my son claiming a promise verse. The Lord heard the prayer and has healed him miraculously. Now he is in good health. Glory to God. - S. Sahaya Selvi Jeya Sam, Kodungaiyur, Chennai.

Problems solved; wedding settled Dear sister Stella Dhinakaran, Our family was tormented by many problems, troubles and worries. At this juncture I watched the Jesus Calls Television programmed and joined you in the prayer. Hearing the prayer, the Lord removed all our problems and debts and helped us to conduct our daughter’s wedding in an excellent manner. Praise be to the Lord. - N. Lakshmanan, Ernakulam, Kerala.

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Miraculous deliverance from bondage of death


Dear sister Stella Dhinakaran, I had a growth in my stomach because of which I spent my days in agony. I was even nearing death. At this state, I watched the Jesus Calls Television programmed and cried out to God along with you, when you prayed for the sick. The Lord heard the prayer and granted me a miraculous healing. Glory to God. - B. Kamala Kumari,

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Chennai. Jesus Calls

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September 2016 


GOD’S MIRACLES IN THE FAMILY BLESSING MEETING, VELLORE Power came down; healed I suffered a lot from severe back pain. I came to this meeting with great difficulty and could not sit down. During the prayer time, when dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I too joined her in the prayer and prayed for my back pain. That time the power of God came upon me and I received a miraculous healing. Glory to God. - Kannagi, Bengaluru.

Healing from the Lord I had breast cancer and underwent all the needed treatments. But I suffered a lot because of severe pain in my hand which I could not lift. Even when I came to this meeting, I had pain and my hand

was swollen. I could not wear my clothes properly. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran prayed at the time of prayer, I also joined her in the prayer. Even as I was praying my pain vanished. The swelling also subsided. I came with much agony. Now my hand feels light. The Lord has given me miraculous healing from cancer. Now I am well. - Ponnuthai, Bengaluru.

Power of anointing I was praying for the anointing of the Holy Spirit. I attended this meeting and as I joined Sister Stella Dhinakaran in the prayer, the power of God touched me like a lightning. I prayed that I needed more anointing. Then the power of

the Holy Spirit came upon me mightily and when I prayed that the Lord should touch me one more time, I was filled with the anointing of the Lord’s power. I go back with great joy. - Tarun, Chitoor -1, Andhra State.

Power of prayer I had no child and came to this meeting with agony. During the prayer time, Aunty Stella Dhinakaran prayed with burden for all those who had no child because of thyroid problem. I too joined her in the prayer and prayed with tears for this. As I was thus praying, I felt the thyroid tumour coming out of me. I go back with the conviction that I would be blessed with a child soon. - Josephine, Vellore.


SISTER STELLA DHINAKARAN’S MEETINGS AT CHENNAI... FAMILY BLESSING MEETING 2016 September 11 (Sunday) 5:30 PM Venue: Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. For details, Call: 1800 425 77 55 (7AM to 9 PM) AT BHILAI... FAMILY BLESSING MEETING 2016 September 17, 18 (Saturday & Sunday) 6 PM Venue: Dussehra Maidan, Near Ispat club, Sector - 07, Bhilai ( Chhattisgarh) 490 006 For details, Call: 094252 27560,7024269165,7024269167


September 2016 


Cast your burden on the LORD, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22)


hese days, we pass through different kinds of

troubles in our daily life. The Lord Jesus too says in John 16:33, ‘In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." . In order to be an example for us, He went through sufferings, afflictions and burdens in His life (I Peter 2:21). We read in the Bible that when the time came for Him to offer Himself as a sacrifice through death on the cross, as per the will of God, He offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears (Hebrews 5:7). Likewise, thrice He pleaded to God, who was able to save Him from death, saying, “"O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:37-39). Who is He? We read that He is the Son of the God of gods (John 6:69). He is

Why the sufferings and burdens for Him? We read in the Bible, ‘Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities… (Isaiah 53:4,5). Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him. The reason was that He had to pass through these sufferings and burdens in order that by the knowledge of Jesus, the righteous Servant many shall be justified (Isaiah 53:10,11).

God, who changes the burden of sin Yes, my dear sisters, according to Romans 5:20, God sends His abundant grace in the lives of people where sin abounds. In order that they should be delivered from sin and live a holy life for the

(Colossians 1:15; Philippians 2:6).

Lord, He decided that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Himself should

He is the brightness of His glory

carry these burdens on the cross.

and the express image of His per-

There was a family which had no peace. The reason was the wife, who was always discontent and was creating unwanted problems by finding fault with everything. So the family languished without any peace. But her hus-

the image of the invisible God

son (Hebrews 1:3). When such a divine Person had to go through burdens and problems, it is no wonder that we, the ordinary people, should go through similar paths.

Jesus Calls

September 2016 


band sought the prayers of many servants of God for this situation to be changed. One day, she accompanied her husband to a special gospel meeting. God spoke to her through the message shared there. He touched her heart with His Words. She was convicted of her dreadful sinful life and cried aloud and accepted the Lord. Yes, the Lord had mercy and delivered her from her sinful life of burden and made her holy. From then on, a divine peace filled that family.

My dear sisters, does your life have the signs of sin such as hard heartedness, disobedience, wicked thoughts and deeds? The Lord was bruised and broken on the cross, to remove such burdens of sin. Think about this and commit your life as it is, in the presence of the Lord. He, who is pleased with you would deliver you from the bondage of sin and make you His own daughter. He will lead you by His hand; He will change you, who are now a vessel of wrath, into a vessel of mercy (Romans 9:23).

God, who changes the burden ‘…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you’ (I Peter 5:7). In the Bible, we read about two

sisters called Martha and Mary. Though both were sisters, their

burdens and worries? Or are you bold with the faith that the Lord

lives were different. We read about this in Luke 10:38-42. Whenever

would perfect everything for you? (Psalm 138:8)

they invited the Lord Jesus Christ, He visited them. We read that

I often tell in the Jesus Calls

Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus (John 11:5). Martha always wanted to serve tasty dishes for Jesus. She had no other deep spiritual thoughts. But Mary did two things and held on to Jesus. a) She sat at Jesus’ feet b) She heard His words

Because of these two things, the Lord said to Martha, ‘"Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:41,42). My dear sisters, of these two women, whom do you take after? Do you always carry the burdens of your family on your head and think only about it? Some sisters who come to me for prayers would shed tears, filled with burdens about their family. Dear ones, this is not pleasing to the Lord. Of course we should love our family. At the same time, we need not carry the burden of our family. The Lord came to this world to carry all these burdens. Martha carried all the burdens of the family on herself and gave room for worries because of which she could not receive deep spiritual blessings. How is your life? Examine yourself. Do you carry all the

meetings, “Women should not shed tears thinking of their burdens and worries. Those who do like this are weak vessels; they are weak in their faith. God will not be pleased with such women”. ‘…the righteous are bold as a lion’ (Proverbs 28:1). Accordingly, the Lord wants you to be bold. This is the good part that you could receive from the Lord. Perhaps, you may be suffering from various sicknesses because of carrying all your burdens and worries. If so, wipe away your tears now and hold on to Him firmly. He will grant you perfect peace according to the following Scriptures, You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3). The next thing you have to do is to make known your requests to God by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving. Several years back, I had a terrible pain in my left hand. Doctor gave me an injection and said that nothing more could be done and that I should wear a collar for some relief. My husband continued to pray for me. At this juncture, on a particular day, my maid servant did not turn up and there was a pile of vessels to be cleaned. The kitchen was also Jesus Calls

September 2016 


untidy. I always used to keep my kitchen clean and so I felt bad. Then I remembered the following Scripture verse,

‘Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:6,7). Accordingly, I sang songs of praise and cleaned all the vessels and the kitchen with complete faith on the Lord. As I thus praised the Lord, the grace of God came upon me. Do you know what happened? That horrible pain of several days had completely gone from me since that day. My dear ones, are you burdened having lost peace because of your sin? Have you come to the conclusion that there is no use in your living in this world? No dear sisters, hold on to the Lord firmly even in the midst of your sins and burdens. Look up to Him with thanksgiving. The Lord will deliver you miraculously. Above all He will fill you with divine peace. So according to Hebrews 12:13, ‘lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and run with endurance towards Jesus. Do not become weary but look unto Jesus, who endured the cross and become His witness by getting deliverance and victory from Him. May the Lord bless you and lead you! 


allamuthu walked on with a heavy heart. She wouldn’t have minded if those pricking words had been targeted at her helpless state… But she couldn’t bear it when those harsh words were thrown at her only son. ‘Who’s there to help you? Educating him itself is a burden…. In that case, is it necessary to send him for drawing classes? You could use that money for a week’s food. You are spoiling your son by yielding to him in every matter….” Maragthammal’s hurtful words pierced her heart. Worse was yet to come through Maragathammal’s daughter- in- law - “Shouldn’t you think of your condition? Should he learn drawing by giving Rs.1,000/every month? Even we, who are well off, think twice before spending…. So, why this for you, who don’t even have any means for regular meals?” These cruel words made her wonder whether she had made a mistake by sending her son for drawing class. “Yes, what they say is correct… I don’t have any means for this…’ She kept on walking. Chandra akka’s house was locked. She worked as a maid only in these two houses and sold snacks – vada and bonda- in the evenings. Somehow she managed to educate her son Arun in a government

- Yesupatham school. Impressed by his drawings the drawing master taught him a few strokes and joined him in a special drawing class, sensing his talent in this area. He shared this with Nallamuthu, explained to her about her son’s phenomenal talent and promised to help them. He was willing to give half the fee which was Rs.500/- every month. She was able to give the balance for nearly six months. But because of her sickness, this month, she could not pay the balance Rs.500/- That’s why she was forced to ask Maragathammal and ended up listening to their painful words. She sat under the neem tree and waited for Chandra akka. “should I tell Arun about my inability to pay the fees?’ Even as she was musing thus, Chandra arrived by her car. ‘I was a little bit delayed Nallamuthu…” Even as she said this, Chandra looked enquiringly at her swollen, tear streaked face and Nallamuthu poured out her heart to her. ‘Don’t worry Nallamuthu.. I’ll give you the money…they haven’t seen his drawing and that’s why they have talked like that… hand over everything to God and don’t cry…” Her comforting words soothed her. Two months passed… Nallamuthu handed over an invitation to Chandra akka, who jumped Jesus Calls

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up in joy on seeing it.. “This is what I expected Nallamuthu. I’ve been praying for this. Do you know why? They’d be displaying the drawings of the children whose names are printed at the back. Important people would come to see those pictures… Get a nice dress for your son. I’ll give you the money. You should also wear a nice sari…. I’ll give you one…” Accordingly she went to the venue. Both Chandra akka and her husband kept on clicking her son’s drawings. Two of his drawings were bought by a man for Rs.65,000/- Another man, a politician, promised to buy three pictures worth Rs.80,000/Nallumuthu was stunned. She couldn’t believe her eyes. “Akka , I actually wanted to stop him.. but it was you, who helped me and also encouraged me to pray. That’s why I’ve got this…” Holding Chandra’s hand she cried. “Don’t cry Nallamuthu… look there…” She was taken aback to see Maragathammal and her family who had come there to view the drawings. They were taking photo with Arun. Tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the LORD.’ (Isaiah 55:8). 50

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran


Regd. Newspaper RNI No.TNENG30411/73 Regn. No.TN / CC(S) Dn/ 513/15-17 Registration No.TN/PMG-CCR/WPP-156/15-17 Published on 25-8-2016


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