True Friend (English) - August 2015

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VOLUME: 5 ISSUE: 5 AUGUST 2015 Rs. 9/-





Once, a boy was observing his mom doing embroidery work on a fabric. As he was seated on a low stool, he saw the work on the rear side. All he saw was knots of the embroidery and tangled threads. He asked his mom, “Mom, what are you doing? I don’t get you. It is looking messy.” The mother lowered the embroidery hoop and showed him the beautiful work. Each color was in place, and every thread together formed a harmonious design. My dear one, is your life





appearing knotty and tangled today? Are you questioning God, “Father, what are You doing? I am a mess. Life looks darker and confused.” Today, He says to you, “I am embroidering your life.” Do not forget that He is knitting your life beautifully. He is planning everything for you. Start appreciating His wisdom and guidance which is at work for you. God’s perspective in you will make day-to-day inconveniences less annoying. Let not the knots and tangles get you down. In the

middle of the mess, do not forget how big you are blessed. Read on to find out how to look through God’s lens and be at peace. My dear daughters Sharon and Stella Ramola have penned on the theme “Perspective” this month, to bring the big and beautiful God’s picture to your mind. Look at the embroidery…not the knots!

Praying for you,

Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

“Perspective” has its origin from the Latin word ‘perspectus’ which means ‘look through’ or ‘perceive’. The Oxford dictionary defines “Perspective” as “The appearance of viewed objects with regard to their relative position and distance from the viewer.” When you compare the view of the moon from earth and earth from the moon, both are different. Let me explain to you more clearly with an example. Sometimes it is useful to use a metaphor to help us consider a bigger picture. As I often travel in aircraft for ministry, I used to muse over this word ‘perspective’. Because, when I am in land, I view things of the land very clearly, very big. But, when I fly higher, objects begin to shrink. Grey clouds passed by my window. A little bit higher, view of the land was obscured and scattered fluffy clouds were seen above. When the flight was steered still higher, the sky got brighter and deep blue. Now, it was so beautiful to see everything below as tiny objects. It’s a different perspective from above. My dear friend, when you look at your future, do your problems look bigger? Are you confused by looking around? Do your days ahead look bleak? That is your perspective. Try flying higher above the dark clouds of doubt and discouragement! If a person wears blue spectacle, everything appears blue; if they wear red spectacle, everything appears red. Anais Nin, a well-known author also said, “We don’t see things as they are; we see things as we are.” How true it is! So, stop looking from your angle. When you face a challenge, try looking at the problem with a different angle. Go to bird’s eye view! So, how can you improve your perspective today? As you seek the Lord in His Word and prayer, you grow closer to Him. Your perspective shifts as you gain a little more of His point of view. Now, look at this Word from God. In the Bible, Isaiah 55:8-9 says, “‘For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,’ declares the Lord. ‘As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.’” This is God’s perspective about you! He is having best plans you could ever dream of. Don’t see the mess around. He is weaving a beautiful future for you. When you look up to God and look down on your problems, you gain a better perspective. God knows the whole picture. Soon you will see that getting established. Whenever you are discouraged, remember this Word of God: “But in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37). May you be blessed as you seek Him. Sharon Dhinakaran

Dear friend, if you’re blessed through the above words email me at You can also tweet at: sharond4j








2. He zealously persecuted Christians and zealously proclaimed Christianity. He was never lukewarm. 5. She came into this world with a wound of belonging to no-one, but a king took her in.

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6. He wrote some of the worship songs ever recorded on the back side of the desert. 8. A leader who acknowledged that he had weakness and had made mistakes in his 40 year trek.


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9. He was the favourite son of his father. He brought the reports of his brother's misconduct to his father.




1. He knew God shows mercy to the undeserving people but he was displeased. 2. His name meant 'Rock' which became his prophetic destiny. 3. A great prophet watched the people of his nation carried off into captivity. 4. In his time he was the only righteous man left on earth. 7. In a foreign land he had an opportunity to eat and drink as he wanted.





Send your answers to (mention your donor code) or through post to True Friend, Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Last date: 5th August. First 10 entries will get exciting prizes! Hurry!!

- Stella Ramola ( Fill a glass with water to half of its capacity. Call some people and ask them what they see. Few will say, “It is half empty.” Some others will say, “It is half full.” It is nothing but the way a person views things or circumstances. Dear friend, today, how do you look at yourself? My friend, are you belittled by people around you? Are you thinking you are too small, too young, and insignificant for God to notice? Do you say that you are too small for God to listen to your wants? No… No…. You are precious in God’s sight. He never despises the little ones. All over the Bible we can see how God loved little ones and spoke to them. Moses was an innocent infant when God chose to save him from the king’s anger. Samuel was a little boy when he heard God’s voice. David was a shepherd boy when God chose him to be a king. Joseph was young when he had a dream from God. Jeremiah was too young when chosen to be a prophet of God. The list goes on…. Gabby Douglas, an American gymnast, was only 16 years old when she won gold medals in the individual and team women’s all-around competitions in 2012 Olympics held at London! Though Follow me at

she was very young and small, the secret behind her victory was – She trusted in Jesus. In an NBC interview, Douglas expressed her love and thankfulness to Jesus, giving Him all glory by saying, “I give all the glory to God. The glory goes up to Him and the blessings fall down on me.” She showed the light of Jesus Christ to millions through her testimony. Friend, look at your life through the lens of this beautiful promise which reveals God’s heart to you - “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). When God looks at you, He looks at you as a carrier of His plans, His dreams, His thoughts…. You are too precious to Him that He protects you as “the apple of His eye.” He never looks down on you as your parents or teachers or friends do sometimes. My dear friend, write in your diary today: “I will overcome every difficulty and win. When I win, I will give all credit to Jesus alone.” Your honor is coming soon. I say, “You are a history-maker”.


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StellaRamola TRUE FRIEND




IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? How can I pursue my studies when I can’t speak in English and when I can’t excel in academics? This was my thought when I joined Karunya University. But, can you imagine today I hold a job with a salary package of 3 lakhs per month? Is it even possible for a person who struggled to speak a word in English? Even before you wander off in your imagination let me answer you. Yes! It is possible. All things are possible through Christ who strengthens me. For an average student like me, college life at times is difficult to handle. Initially to perform well in studies was a struggle that I had to fight. However, I realized that God does not give us more than we could handle and gives us His grace. His grace was sufficient for me all through my graduation. When I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2013, I was placed in a multinational company. Though I got a placement I chose to do my Master’s in Software Engineering in Karunya again. My professors and staffs helped me in my studies and project as well. In 2014, I came to know about IAESTE through which I got an offer in Nokia Siemens, Budapest, Hungary. Now, here comes the turning

point. Even in my wildest dream I haven’t imagined of going abroad. But, when we put our trust in Him, our situations are taken care of. Finally, I was there in Nokia Siemens, Hungary and did my project for 6 months. I would definitely say that the prayers and morning assembly in Karunya that inculcated spiritual values in me held me together in the foreign land. Swish! 6 months flew away like the wind and by the grace of God I successfully completed my project. During my stay at Hungary there was one thing I learnt – simply tell the Lord everything. Tell Him what you are going through and He is faithful to care for you. To the glory of God today I have completed my Master’s degree with a job offer in Nokia Siemens holding a salary pack of 3 lakhs per month in my hand. Be it academics, spiritual life or my personality Karunya University helped me groom myself in all sides. The infrastructure and the latest technologies I studied at Karunya helped me to complete my project in Nokia Siemens. I thank God Almighty and the Management of Karunya University. Friends, trust in Him! Toll free: 18004254300





We have three children. Our third son Tharun Kumar was a healthy child from birth. But, suddenly a disaster struck him

in 2005. His face, hands and legs became swollen. We were immersed in mental agony, watching our little son suffering physical pain, right before our eyes. We took him to hospital. To our great despair, they advised surgery for our son. After one surgery was performed, we

thought that things will settle down. We assumed our son will get back healthy. But, the doctors suggested one more surgery to be performed. As a whole family our hearts sank down and there was only darkness without any hope of getting out of this pain. As per doctor’s advice, our son underwent second surgery too. To add to our gloom, even after all these, his whole body was swollen again. We were helpless, not knowing what to do in that situation. We took him to the doctor again. He took a scan and said that his both kidneys were affected. He was further advised for an immediate surgery. We lost all our hope when we heard this. We were unable to watch our

little son undergoing immeasurable pain with all these surgeries. At this juncture, while we were watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran spoke about the Young Partners Plan. At once, we joined him in this plan, trusting that God will perform a miracle. Within two months a miracle did happen. His swelling came down and he was completely healed. When we took him to the doctor again, he did a scan and declared that there was no trace of that disease in his body. Doctors were also amazed at this miracle. Glory to God! - Latha Selvam, Bengaluru

Dear Young Partner, The prayers made for every young partner do not go in vain. God blesses each and every child with wisdom, divine protection and a bright future. Share the “Young Partners Plan” to your loved ones. Let them enjoy God’s blessings, protection and prosperity in life through the prayers of the Dhinakarans every day.

TO REGISTER Enclose a stamp size photograph of each child, write their names, phone number and address behind the photograph and send it along with the form downloded from our website to the given address or scan the form along with the photo and mail to DD/cheque of Rs.100 (minimum) or more drawn in favor of ‘Jesus Calls’ can be sent by registered post (or) register using credit card/debit card or via net banking in our website. Our Address: Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 website: TRUE FRIEND




The Jesus Calls ‘UTurn’ youth meeting was held on 5th July in CSI Central Church campus, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh. The students of Karunya University led the gathering in time of praise and worship. They also performed choreography and mime that touched everybody. Stella Ramola praised the Lord by singing “My redeemer lives” and prayed for the youngsters. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word on praying during affliction and to overcome weaknesses. Finally she prayed for the youth to overcome the weaknesses and temptations. More than 3500 young people gathered and were blessed. To know more about our UTurn meetings contact your nearest 'Jesus Calls' Prayer Tower or visit If you are blessed by this magazine, send your testimonies and your prayer requests to: Samuel Paul Dhinakaran No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. or mail to For 24x7 Prayer support Call: 044 - 25 600 600 / 33 999 000 Regn. Newspaper RNI No. TNENG/2008/26523 REGISTERED No.TN/CC(S)DN/502/14-16 Published on 13/7/2015 If undelivered please return to True Friend No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600 028. Owned and Published by Jesus Calls, 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, R.A. Puram, Chennai-28. Publisher: Mr.G.L.B. Ernest. Printed by Mr. Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St., Woods Road, Chennai 600 002. Editor: Mrs.Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran





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