True Friend (English) - June 2015

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VOLUME: 5 ISSUE: 3 JUNE 2015 Rs. 9/-

Nick Vujicic has authored many books and is a motivational speaker too. But, he is a person born with tetra-amelia syndrome (no hands and no legs). Once when he was interviewed, he said, “I have a choice to either be angry at God

for what I don’t have or be thankful for what I do have. My mom said, ‘Nick, God’s going to use you. I don’t know how and when, but God’s going to use you.’ and those seeds started penetrating into my heart. That’s when I started seeing that there is no point in being complete on the outside when you’re broken on the inside.” He also added, “I thank God that He didn’t answer my prayer when I was begging him for arms and legs at age 8. Because guess what? I have no arms and no legs and He is using me all around the world. We’ve seen, so far, approximately 200,000 souls

come to Jesus Christ for the very first time in the last 6-7 years.” My dear friend, the only disability in life is a bad attitude. In this issue, Sharon Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola have shared their thoughts on godly attitudes – appreciation for small things and gratitude. Read them. Be encouraged. We have added encouraging testimonies and fun pages for kids too.

Don’t give up. God is holding you! 2

- Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

I made the right choice to pursue my Masters in Business Administration from Karunya University Business School (KUBS). In fact now I realize God’s perfect plan behind it. The opportunities in KUBS were ample enough to develop my managerial skills and shape my personality to a great extent. KUBS had set a powerful milestone in my life. I proudly stepped out of this institution as the ‘Best Outgoing Student – 2014’, ‘Gold medalist’ with an excellent placement in ‘Nestle India Ltd.’ I am greatly thankful to the placement cell of Karunya University for the opportunity and encouragement that helped me to start my career in the top FMCG company in the world. I feel more relaxed knowing that God is watching over me today, tomorrow and forever, as per Jeremiah 29:11.

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- Neethu Mathew, MBA (2012-14) Sales officer, Nestle India Ltd, Bangalore.


Unscramble the following words related to the Bible. Hint: Names, places and books of the Bible. 1. AIEDLN









10. EODB


See and draw in the given grid.


Send your articles to or by post to True Friend, 16 Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028



remember when my Mom used to say that she walked through her dad’s garden with a vessel in her hand to pluck fresh lime to make juice from it. She would have a sip of that cold drink on a hot afternoon and spend the rest of the day running around the trees with her siblings. She always talks about how her life was so simple. She never had to think about what people said or how she dressed. She always appreciated the small things in life and the people around her. Although, it was a small circle of loved ones, she never looked for more but learnt to be content with what she had. I learned from her that life is made up of simple things that you appreciate. Whether it is the lime juice on a hot day or spending time with loved ones, appreciating what we do is what keeps us going.

true in our lives too. When we meet someone new who is not compatible with our standards, we immediately start to hate them or the least, start to avoid talking to them. I want us to think about all the things we might have missed out in life, even without trying to find out what it is made of. Let me stop here and tell you that I am not talking about material things but, about concepts. Concepts like healthy living, fitness or trying a new vegetable a day, making an effort to explore your city a little more and so on. I am talking about exploring concepts to enrich your brain activity. I am talking about concepts to develop a better lifestyle. I am talking about finding ways to appreciate the life that you live and not be caught up in the routines of our generation.

I have recently learned to appreciate the little things in my life as well. I have to tell you this funny story. I was sick last week with fever and body pain. My friend was taking care of me, feeding me and making sure I took my meds. No drama but I felt like I was dying. She is a great cook and said she was making a cabbage dish. I was thinking “Oh no, I hate cabbage with all my life.” But what do you do! You can’t say no to someone who is cooking for you out of love. Finally, I ate the cabbage dish reluctantly. To my surprise, I loved it and went to the fridge to see if there were any leftovers. This is just a small incident in my life but it did make a huge difference.

I can tell you today that just because it is different, doesn’t mean it’s strange. I tried that cabbage dish, thinking I am not used to this and I am not going to like it. Look at me today. I love cabbages. While growing up, if only I had a better mindset about vegetables, I would have eaten more cabbage dishes. Think of all the years I have wasted without eating cabbage. Think of all the natural supplements my body could have gained by eating cabbage. Ugh, I regret now but I think this should be a good lesson for all of you reading this article. CHANGE YOUR MINDSET. Appreciate the little things in life. Stop looking for what is cool; what is the ‘in-thing’ and what you can do to blend in. You are not made to blend in. You are made to be unique. Start appreciating what God has created in you and created around you. You will see the world in a totally different light when you open up your mind to explore, .

Kids these days are so judgmental about a new thing that they are quick to call it ‘weird’ or ‘strange’ if they are not familiar with it. It is


If we are the children of God, then we are of God (John 1:12, 13) which means we must look at the world through God’s eyes. What is the first thing God said after creating this world? “It is good.” Everything that was created by God was designed to be good. It is upto us to appreciate those things and experience them. As the generations are evolving, it is upto us to evolve in our thinking as well. So take a chance, go back to what we were designed to do and appreciate the small things in life. This will help us discover ourselves and who knows, maybe even discover something that you will love for the rest of your life.

Dear friends, if you’re blessed through the above article email to Sharon at You can also tweet Sharon in twitter: sharond4j

I could not understand a word of all I was hearing, of what my parents were whispering to each other. I was young and naïve but, knew something was wrong. In a few days, we shifted from our native place and travelled to Chennai. Speaking of travelling, as a toddler I had boundless energy and was worriless. But, after 9 years, as I recapture that day now, we had a problem in the first place for my parents to make a move. We went through a peculiar period of financial crisis. It was heart breaking when I came to know that my father had to sell his mobile to get our travelling tickets. Stepping inside a new place, unknown people… my father managed to find a job for a daily wage of 100 rupees.

Imagine a family running on hundred rupees a day. Yes! My childhood was far from perfect. Yet, with that money, he enrolled me in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners’ plan. It is breathtaking to know that faithful prayer intercessors are praying for me every minute of the day. Last year, I had written my 10th board exams and while writing my Maths exam, I suddenly forgot everything that I had learnt. After a small prayer I started writing but still I was not sure if I had written correctly. I was surprised to see that I had scored 99 on 100 in Maths and stood school first when the results came out. I knew, by any measure, I should have failed that paper but, I didn’t. It was the prayer of all God’s people

reaching the throne of God that enabled me to be what I am today. God has made it possible for me to know Him and experience an amazing change in our family too. Indeed the Lord blessed my father’s efforts and helped him to buy a tempo van. We gained

the joyfulness and peace in our family over time. Where my life is today, just takes my breath away. Praise God. - Evangeline Sonia, Chennai.

Dear Young Partner, The prayers made for every young partner do not go in vain. God blesses each and every child with wisdom and divine protection. Share the ‘Young Partners' Plan’ to your loved ones. Let them enjoy God’s blessings, protection and prosperity in life through the prayers of the Dhinakarans every day.

TO REGISTER Download the form from Enclose a stamp size photograph of each child and with their names, phone number and address behind the photograph and send it along with the form. Cheque/ DD drawn in favor of ‘Jesus Calls’ can be sent by registered post to

Jesus Calls, 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. (or) Register using your credit card/debit card or via net banking in our website. Scan the form along with the photo and mail to


I came to the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and prayed for my exams when I was pursuing B.Sc.(Botany). I also attended the UTurn meeting and prayed for my studies and exams. By the grace of God I scored 90.3% and stood 3rd in my University. All praise to God. - Gladys Keerthana, Coimbatore

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Stay connected Facebook: uturn2peace Email: If you are blessed by this magazine, send your testimonies and your prayer requests to:

Samuel Paul Dhinakaran No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. or mail to For 24x7 Prayer support Call: 044 - 25 600 600 / 33 999 000 Regn. Newspaper RNI No. TNENG/2008/26523 REGISTERED No.TN/CC(S)DN/502/14-16 Published on 11/5/2015 If undelivered please return to True Friend No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600 028. Owned and Published by Jesus Calls, 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, R.A. Puram, Chennai-28. Publisher: Mr.G.L.B. Ernest. Printed by Mr. Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St., Woods Road, Chennai 600 002. Editor: Mrs.Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

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