True Friend (English) - October 2015

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VOLUME: 5 ISSUE: 7 OCTOBER 2015 Rs. 9/-





EDITOR'S NOTE My dear one, I am very glad to meet you through this issue which is meticulously prepared to focus on “real beauty”. Sharon Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola have worked out beautifully on every page to instill the right thought into your mind. Life around you is full of beauty. Have you ever stopped to see the beauty in a busy honey bee, a child’s smile, a flower, a snow-clad mountain? I know your answer will be “Yes” to this. But, today the Lord says, “Are you not much better than they?” (Matthew 6:26). Everyone “wants to” look and feel beautiful. Throughout the ages, young minds are preoccupied and obsessed with importance to ‘external looks’ which is like a termite to corrupt them off of who they are. Overweighed by this thought, many are unable to

live their life to the fullest potential. A few have even ended their lives! The reason behind this is, most of them forget that “they are” made in the image of God – which is an ultimate beauty. To make it clear, the Scripture does not condemn physical beauty or does not suggest that the outward appearance is not essential. Instead, taking pride in God-given beauty, giving excessive attention to it, neglecting matters of the heart is what is not appreciated. A tasty food cannot be served in an unclean dish; neither stale food in a beautiful plate. God wants you to be beautiful both inside and outside. One of Satan’s strategies is to get us out of balance. To strike a balance, read on. “…For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). - Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

Possess your unfading


in Christ! 2





pen the laptop… Log in… Type “G…o…o…g…l…e.” Now, search all the beauty tips. In a jiffy, you get, “5 tips for a long hair,” “7 tips for a glowing skin,” “Best remedy for soft hands,” “Curly hair without heat,” “Lose 5 Kgs in a week” and the list is endless… There goes all fruits and vegetable pastes on your face, hands and legs… Pat it dry and peep into the mirror… Wow! You got the cleansing and beauty awaited for!! Mom shouts from the kitchen missing all her groceries… This is a scene in almost every house where teens and young people are there. Hello….am not only talking to young girls, but also to young boys. The other ways to glow themselves are readymade branded cosmetics. Yes! The obsessiveness on ‘being beautiful’ does exist for ages, especially among the young people. I am not against grooming yourself. Presentability is important. Taking care of your body is very important. Being hale and healthy is vital. Even the Bible says, “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you?” (1 Cor. 6:19). But, this has even led some people into addiction. Today I pray and break the bondage of “obese care” that young people give for their physical looks. Even today, God says to you, “More important is your heart attitude than your external appearance.” My dear friend, today I want to take you to a shopping mall called “God’s Word” to purchase certain things for inner beauty. Yes! I found a different vanity kit there. Shall we go there? Do you ask me, ‘What is the cost?’ ‘Hmmm….It’s free my friend.’ In the shop named “Galatians 5:22, 23” I found cosmetics for inner beauty. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” When I found the

unfading beauty that it gives, I took everything. I love them all. It’s awesome! Today, I encourage you to ponder on these; ask and receive them all from the Lord! So, whenever you spend time on your external looks, I encourage you to commit to a parallel effort to augment your inner beauty. When you read something about fashion in a fitness magazine, take time to read a chapter from the Bible too. As soon as you have completed your every day “beauty routine”, allot some time for praying to address some inner blemishes or flaws. As you check yourself in the mirror every day, make a “soul check” through God’s word too. God’s word is an excellent mirror! With this in your heart, look at the mirror and say, “I am happy with my looks. God created me with a purpose which demands a beautiful inner self too. I will invest my thoughts and time into it!” Prayer: “Loving Lord, I come before you with my imbalanced thoughts regarding my appearance. It is stressing me all the time. It is sucking my time away. I am unable to be productive. I arrest every thought into Christ. Let my mind be renewed in this area. Grant me the inner glory. May I be a light in this world. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.”


- Stella Ramola StellaRamola TRUE FRIEND




Vanity-What do you say it is? We asked professionals aged 21-30 what they thought about vanity. Here’s what they had to say.

Male Female




Is dressing up for an interview important ?


Is dressing up for a wedding/ parties important




Does your culture consider excessive decoration as normal?


Have you identified excessive vanity in yourself?

When asked whether do you dress up or remain casual while meeting your friends? Male



Dress up

Dress up 43%






Remain Casual


Remain Casual

“Time and money spent on dressing/ make-up per month” We observed that not only women spend time on grooming but men spend almost the same amount of time and money on grooming.

“What do you like about your appearance?” All of them liked something about themselves. We observed that facial expressions are the most captivating. Top results: eyes and smile.

“Can you identify vanity in others? If yes, what are they?” Top results • Too much of makeup/jewellery at a wedding is really absurd It actually does not suit them well • Gadgets • Bad attitude

“What does real beauty mean?” Most captivating answers What boys said? • Silent girl, innocent wife • Real beauty depends on how you show your love to the third person

What girls said? • Posh dressing, a little smile, confident look and decent body language with a kind heart. A combination of inner and outer beauty is important • Real beauty is the beauty radiating from within a person. It does not depend on make-up or exterior adornment

Inner beauty matters the most. And it is concentrated more towards the heart. Is that why people say, “Out of fullness of the heart, mouth speaks”? What are your thoughts on this?

“To procure real beauty, how much or what can be invested into it?” • A joyful heart is beautiful. This spreads to the outside as well. You will be more beautiful when you are happy. True happiness is when we spend/invest time in God’s presence and with God’s children • Marrying an innocent girl • Deep sleep, daily shower

• Invest love • A lot! • Spending time with God and receiving His Love and His light into us will fill us with His radiance and give us real beauty

Boys really pay attention to innocenceI thought you should know this and I want you to smile today! TRUE FRIEND




“One thing you absolutely love about yourself?”

• • • • •

I am content I am happy Nothing remarkable Simplicity A proper diet

• Nothing specific • Self confidence, bold, challengeable, simple. Bold and beautiful • My confidence to survive among all losses • My attitude • My unfading confidence • I am satisfied with what I have • Being myself

“Personal motto on Vanity” Here are some of the personal mottos All that God created is for a purpose and its beauty is seen at its time. -Networking & Security Operations Engineer

Vanity is the pride of life. But, your inner beauty is joy of life. -Ex Air Hostess

Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a person who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30). -Relationship Manager & Content Editor

My friend, well groomed all around is of course necessary for everyone. In our dressing, people notice that we are self-dependent and confident. People usually get a perspective of who you are by the way you ‘carry yourself’. But this should not reach obsessiveness where a person thinks they cannot live without it. Beauty is not only the physical appearance but real beauty is the radiance that comes from within a person. Vanity is a sense of pride that destroys oneself. Whereas, humility builds you up. When we groom on the outside we should also remember to groom our inner-man to be humble. In Jesus we have the ‘example of all examples’. Who else can set an example for humility? Despite His majesty, He humbled Himself to become the son of a carpenter. Humility doesn’t happen over a night. Connect with God and let the Holy Spirit guide you.

Pride Vs Humility Pride Pride is not a virtue. Pride comes when they are insecure. Pride is weakness. Pride is obnoxious. Proud people are resistant.





Humility Humility is a virtue. Humility comes when people are secure Humility is strength. Humility is attractive. Humble people are responsive to God

If you agree, write to me at

- Sharon Dhinakaran sharond4j

29 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE On 4th October 1986, Karunya University then known as Karunya Institute of Technology was started with a humble beginning with just three courses. But now, the obedience of one man to God’s vision is reflected at such a massive scale. Today, we see the overwhelming heights of spiritual glory and academic excellence of Karunya University. It has raised up intellectuals and leaders par excellence through teaching and spiritual guidance to help the suffering humanity in the areas of food, health care, water and energy.

HERE ARE FEW COMMENTS FROM EXPERTS AND PROFESSIONALS... I congratulate Karunya University for the initiatives taken in the areas of Research and Consultancy. I am glad to note that Karunya University has entered into MoUs with reputed Universities in Israel, USA, UK and several R & D institutions of Govt. of India. - Dr. Indranil Manna, Director, IIT Kanpur during his Convocation address at Karunya University on 5th July 2014. I appreciate the efforts taken by the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department for focusing on teaching and research towards much needed energy related issues. - Dr. Hitesh Dutt Mathur, BITS Pilani, Rajasthan. It is nice to see faculties working in the area of cutting edge technology. - Prof. Gadi Eisenstein, Technion University, Israel. I have been impressed by the expertise, enthusiasm and productivity of the Water Institute’s faculty, staff and graduate students. - Dr. Allen Britten, Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Cape Breton University, Canada.

The innovative ideas of the students of Karunya University are inspiring me. - Dr. V. A. Shiva Ayyadurai, Inventor of E-mail, USA. There are no words that could ever explain or express the greatness of Karunya’s contribution in the area of sports. - Padma Shri M.D. Valsamma, Olympian and International Athlete. Karunya had a great impact in my life. Four years in Karunya has shaped me for the life after Karunya. I cherish every bit of my stay in Karunya. - Mr. Prashanth Myla, Alumni (Class of 2005) presently working as Solutions Architect in USA. IAESTE gave me an opportunity to experience a total different world from where I learnt more management principles and human understanding through people with different cultural background. - Mr. C. SujitKumar Ragavan, MBA Class of 2014, IAESTE intern to Switzerland.

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Step By Step He Leads Me... I was 8 when my parents joined me in Young Partners Plan. From then on the Lord has been blessing me abundantly. During my 10th standard, I underwent appendicitis operation followed by 3 months of continuous rest. After a long break, I went back to school and very soon I had to face my board exams. It was too much of pressure on me. I was overburdened. At that moment, it was the Holy Spirit who guided me. Amidst the pressure, I managed to study well and scored 84% by God’s grace. Later, in my intermediate, I found Maths to be very difficult. Once, I was totally broken seeing my results and sent an email to Uncle Paul Dhinakaran. Soon I got a reply with encouraging words. To my surprise I scored 100% in Maths with an overall of 90% in my final exam.

Next, I had to take a huge step in my life - to enter a college. But, my low cut-off mark hit me like a thunderbolt. I knew I would not get admission into a good college. But, I also knew that prayer intercessors at ‘Jesus Calls’ were praying for me. This boosted up my faith and miraculously I got admission in a good Christian college. That college gave me ample amount of opportunities. After my graduation, I started looking for government jobs and in this regard I sent a prayer request to the prayer intercessors. They too prayed for me and assured that Jesus would definitely do a miracle. At that time, Central Government had openings in Insurance Company. By God’s grace, I cleared the first round and was selected for the direct interview. The position was allotted for only 20 people and I was surprised to know that I

If you are blessed by this magazine, send your testimonies and prayer requests to: Samuel Paul Dhinakaran (True Friend) No.16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. or mail to For 24x7 Prayer support Call: 044 - 25 600 600 / 33 999 000 Regn. Newspaper RNI No. TNENG/2008/26523 REGISTERED TN/CC(S)DN/502/14-16 Licensed to post without prepayment under WPP No. TN/PMG(CCR)WPP-510/15-16 Published on 14/9/2015 If undelivered please return to True Friend,16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600 028. Owned and Published by Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, R.A. Puram, Chennai-28. Publisher: Mr. G.L.B. Ernest. Printed by Mr. Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St., Woods Road, Chennai 600 002. Editor: Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran





was one among them. I give all glory to Jesus and thank uncle Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer intercessors who prayed for me. - Madonna Menezes, Secunderabad

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