True Friend (English) - September 2015

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My dear one, God has given us many wonderful promises in His Word. One such promise is from Psalm 37:4, “Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” “Desires take you one step further in life.” Have you spent some time thinking about what you want? What God desires for you? Let me give you a clear view on this. Desires are the starting point of all achievement. Good and right desires take you one step further in life whereas a wrong desire will pull you apart. So, it is very important to have good and right desires in our heart. Some of us think that God will give us whatever we desire, as long as we have faith in Him. No, my dear one. Say, if you want an apple tree to yield oranges, do you think your desires will be fulfilled?

Our Lord Jesus Christ is a loving God and He wants you to have good desires in your heart. But how does this happen? The above verse simply says it all - when we delight ourselves in the Lord, the Holy Spirit dwells in us and guides us and we start to desire the same things as Jesus does. In this way, our desires will be fulfilled and it will take us to greater heights. Even in this issue, Samuel and Stella Ramola have written on topics related to the various desires of the heart, desires that the current generation long for. You will come to know whether your heart’s desires are pleasing to God. If not, how do we fix it? Read on to know more about them. Fix your eyes on Him! Delight yourself in Him! I encourage you to take your desires to the Lord in prayer asking Him to take control of your life and lead you in His ways. God bless you, Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran


knows the desires of your heart. He is always

looking into your heart

to see if you desire Him. 2




Desire - A strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. When the desire grows more, it becomes more an addiction. When someone is addicted to alcohol, cigars or drugs, it’s easy to come up with an explanation - chemical dependency leads to addiction. But, what about addiction to junk food, fast-food, social media, use of mobile, icecreams, chocolates, video games, shopping etc? There is no chemical hook present in these forms of addiction. So what is it that keeps folks compulsively returning to these habits that slowly destroys their lives? These questions arose in the minds of scientists who explored and found the cause as “user’s environment.” They concluded that addiction itself is more of a result of “isolation”

or “rejection” or “lack of human connection.” To know the truth, I started searching the Bible – I found that people use something other than God, to meet their need, of being loved. Sometimes, young people wallow without properly diagnosing their problem. Today, I tell you the primary treatment for your addiction is “Receiving God’s love.” The Bible says, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12). My dear friend, receive this unconditional love today and become His child. My friend, you are never alone because the one who promised will never fail. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Secondly, “Being in company of good friends” will help you to be on the right track.

Their association in your life will cause a towering change in your lifestyle. Bible too says, "Do not be deceived: Bad company corrupts good morals" (1 Cor. 15:33). The sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel (Prov. 27:9). Moreover, when you are guided by the Holy Spirit, you can overcome addictions easily because, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:22). The Holy Spirit will enable you to exercise control over all these addictions easily. Everything starts with “you” receiving God’s love and thereby crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires. We can’t engage in sinful desires because Christ doesn't engage in them. Do you think it is hard to do? No! It is not. Imagine a glass filled with dirty water. Now, you want to fill with good water without emptying that dirty water. How can you do it? Pour good water slowly and continuously. After some time, all dirty water will be replaced by clean water. Wow! That’s nice. Isn’t it? This is reality. Likewise, do one by one slowly and steadily to receive complete deliverance. Finally, God will fill you with good desires alone. Hey, now say “good-bye” to your bad desires with confidence! Say this prayer: “Dear Lord, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and my Saviour. Fill my heart with good desires. Help me to come out of all my addictions. I receive all your goodness into my life. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.”

– Samuel Paul Dhinakaran






EVERYTHING YOUR HEART DESIRES Hello guys!! Find the related words to the statements given

Example: desire for water





1. Desire for food





2. Desire for childhood



3. Strong desire for success



4. Desire for high respect


5. Excessive desire



6. Desire for combat



7. Extreme desire for wealth



8. Desire for removal



9. Desire for self – reliance


10. Desire for perfection






True Friend, Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600028, India. Or email your answers (along with donor code) to:

WINNERS OF BIBLE QUIZ – JULY 2015 1. Nikhil Priya – Bengaluru

6. Hannah Jane – Chennai

2. Steffi – Virudhunagar

7. Sofia Kamali – Ooty

3. Sarah Shivani – Malaysia

8. Latha – Hyderabad

4. Aishwarya Joseph – Bengaluru

9. Joanna Grace – Chennai

5. Emmanuel Shalom – Bengaluru

10. Sandra Mary Saji – Bengaluru

Congratulation winners ! 4




THE LATEST Hi friend, I was so excited when our team requested me to write on ‘desires’ as the theme for this issue. Who does not have a desire? As humans everybody have desires: desire for success, positions, money, food, friends and so on... What exactly is desire? Is it good or bad to have desires? Desire is a strong feeling or urge of wanting to have something. When this strong feeling of want becomes an excessive want, then it becomes bad and harms you. Desires may be small or enormous, one that lasts

for a minute or that we want with us forever; they may be realistic or may be a fantasy. Today, I am just going to share about one desire that most of us have in recent times. It is the desire for the LATEST. Fashion is the buzz word today! It has been, since ages. From 8 to 80 everyone desires for the latest - latest handbags, latest scooter, latest mobile with latest technology and the list goes on and on... Moving from old to the latest is not bad at all but, what happens when it becomes an excessive desire? The excessive desire for ‘latest’ starts with ‘you being unhappy’. Once, you were unhappy with Nokia 1100 so you went on for a better model. That’s what advertising also targets at. Whenever you see the ad you know you’ll be happy only when you own that

product. So, you go to the shops and buy the product, and it’s all fantastic until you return home. After a few days, you become discontent again and yearn for even more better one, with better features. So off to the shops you go again! The Bible in Luke 12:13-21 tells us a story about a man with a similar situation. He was not content with what he had. But God said, “You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you.” Advertisements, shopping malls and technology promise us an easy life. But, it is like chasing after an illusion, and never getting there. We too get carried away by our desires. We are never content with what we have. But, Jesus wants us to focus on Him. My dear friend, the desires of this world are temporary, focus on what will last. Only the relationship with Jesus will last forever. This right relationship with God will put the right desires in your heart. “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). God bless you. Stella Ramola StellaRamolaDhinakaran StellaRamola





FLY HIGH! I joined Karunya University in 2011 to pursue my Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. Stepping into Karunya itself was a great blessing in my life. I never expected that I would land up in this beautiful

‘heaven on earth’ for my studies. As long as I was in Karunya, I always heard in everyday assembly and in every prayer meeting that God has called us to be Josephs, Daniels and Esthers and that He has got a great and a mighty plan for us. But, I doubted what kind of a plan God can have for a student like me who is average in studies with low self esteem. However, I believed that surely God would do something big. As soon as I completed my B.Tech, I started applying for Universities in the United States of America for my Masters degree. Looking at my profile, the people in the concerned agency suggested me very low graded Universities and said that I don't have sufficient score to get into Aerospace Engineering. So, I started applying for Masters in Mechanical Engineering and none of the Universities which I applied had Aerospace Engineering. Though my circumstance was depressing, the Lord’s word and motivating thoughts that I

heard in Karunya held me in faith. One day suddenly I got a call from Auburn University which is the USA's top 48th University. And I came to know that my profile has been shortlisted for Masters in Aerospace Engineering through an additional course of just 4 months. I was really shocked because Auburn University is ranked as one of the top 10 Universities in the Aerospace field. And it is directly linked to NASA and some of its students are already astronauts in NASA. This is a very mighty miracle which God has done in my life. When everybody said that I was not fit even for low grade Universities, God placed me in one of the top 10. I truly believe that God never leaves any of His children to be put to shame. The academic and spiritual guidance at Karunya University has taken me to greater level. Praise God! - Mamatha Mettupally, B.Tech (Aerospace Engineering) Batch: 2011-2015

Karunya University is a fully residential, deemed Christian University. If you can picture yourself exploring the field of your interest, excelling in academics, motivated by great teachers, growing spiritually guided by caring mentors and becoming a wholesome personality to bring a change in the world and to lead, Karunya is the right place for you! For more details:





FROM SHAME TO FAME Young Partner’s testimony I am Velayutham from Kanchipuram. Here is how it was with my childhood. My childhood was terrible as I didn’t know about Jesus Christ, and neither did my family. My mom died when I was very young. Her death affected me in many ways. As I grew, I was a mediocre child who always longed for mother’s love. But, my longing for love was soothed by my father which also didn’t last longer. In 2000, at the age of 12, I lost my father too. No matter how old you are, losing a parent can be one of the most difficult times in your life. Soon after, I moved to my uncle’s place. There I lived a normal life, as average as it could be. Like all parents have dreams for their children, so did my parents. They wanted me to study medicine but, I was far behind all their dreams. I always managed to get average marks in exams and thus I scored 360/500 in my 10th and 800/1200 in my 12th board exams

with which no where in the world I could have got a medical seat. After this I was introduced to Jesus Christ as my Lord and saviour. The moment I accepted Him as my saviour, changes started happening in my life. I got a medical seat in a Medical College to pursue Bachelor of Siddha and Medicine Surgery. My joy knew no bounds. However, as I came from a Tamil medium background, I found it very difficult to cope up with my studies. Once, I even happened to score ‘zero’ in one of my subjects. After this, my teachers humiliated me that I was not fit to study medicine. I was so heartbroken. On 18th of July 2008, I came home weeping and my eyes fell on ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program. During the prayer, Uncle Paul Dhinakaran

prophesied and said, ‘A young boy who is watching this program, is outcast by all; do not worry; the Lord will lift you up.’ Those words touched my heart. That very moment I decided to join in Young Partners Plan. The prayers of the Dhinakarans and that of the prayer warriors gave an assurance that the Lord is surely with me. Later, in that year, I had an opportunity to participate and brag the first place in a competition which was held in my college. As days went by, I got an opportunity to represent my college and win laurels for my college. The Lord started using me and I was recognized as the best student by all my teachers. In 2013, I completed my studies with 80% in first class. The very place where I was put to shame, God lifted me to fame. Today, I am a Doctor working in a hospital. I thank and praise God for ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry and all who are praying for young partners like me.

Dear Young Partner, The prayers made for every young partner do not go in vain. God blesses each and every child with wisdom, divine protection and a prosperous future. Share the “Young Partners Plan” to your loved ones. Let them enjoy God’s blessings, protection and prosperity in life through the prayers of the Dhinakarans every day. TO REGISTER Download the form from / Call toll free

1800 425 77 55

Enclose a stamp size photograph of each child with their names, phone numbers and addresses behind the photograph and send it along with the form. DD/cheque of Rs. 100 (minimum) or more drawn in favor of ‘Jesus Calls’ can be sent by registered post to Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. (or) Register using your credit card/debit card or via net banking in our website. Scan the form along with the photo and mail to TRUE FRIEND




UTurn Victory in Christ! I am a volunteer in ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, Vanagaram. I was part of 'Jesus Calls' youth meetings and ministered for the Lord every time youth meetings were organised. During my 10th board exams, prayer intercessors and volunteers at UTurn meeting prayed for me earnestly. With much confidence and faith I wrote my exams. And the Lord enabled me to score 486/500. I thank all those who prayed for me. All glory to God who gave me this big success. - Vignesh, Chennai.

Dear friend, We invite you to come and be a part of our youth meetings. For details on UTurn meetings visit If you are blessed by this magazine, send your testimonies and prayer requests to: Samuel Paul Dhinakaran (True Friend) No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028. or mail to For 24x7 Prayer support Call: 044 - 25 600 600 / 33 999 000 Regn. Newspaper RNI No. TNENG/2008/26523 REGISTERED No.TN/CC(S)DN/502/14-16 Published on 11/8/2015 If undelivered please return to True Friend No.16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Salai, R.A.Puram, Chennai 600 028. Owned and Published by Jesus Calls, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, R.A. Puram, Chennai-28. Publisher: Mr. G.L.B. Ernest. Printed by Mr. Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St., Woods Road, Chennai 600 002. Editor: Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran





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