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Summer Newsletter
Summer Newsletter 913-663-5700
147 new teams reached
We’ve talked about it before: last year, we asked JESUS Film team leaders around the world to identify areas they believed they could start teams to take the gospel where the church is not yet. The areas they identified—and subsequent 147 teams started—were the catalyst behind our Launch 147 initiative.
Left: Kids like these from Sierra Leone can now hear about Jesus. Right: JESUS Film team in Sierra Leone sharing Christ with crowd through Evangelism Bracelets.
Praise the Lord, equipment funds have come in for these 147 teams, and a huge thank you goes to YOU for allowing God to work through you in providing for these teams. Teams are being equipped and trained to share in 147 areas of the world where it was not the year before! “I was far from God and living a corrupted life,” Arfan shared with a new Launch 147 team in Eurasia. “One day, my friend asked me to come watch the JESUS Film, and my life was changed! I saw how the innocent Jesus suffered for me. I thought, ‘What a shame I am still living a sinful life.’ That night, I repented and decided to change my lifestyle. Jesus Christ is now my Savior!”
Top: JESUS Film Showing in Brazil Bottom: Equipment like this to Brazil, has been delivered to many of the new 147 teams.
You can still help Team
Although these teams have been launched and have been equipped, several still need Sponsor to be sponsored. Would you consider helping in this endeavor? If so, please call 913-663-5700 or go to
Arfan was able to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ because a new JESUS Film team was started and provided with equipment. Around the world, thousands of people just like Arfan will hear the gospel for the very first time as these new teams go out with new equipment to areas where the church is not yet. We hope you get caught up in the excitement about the possibilities of what God can do through you and these teams. We pray you would consider sponsoring a team, helping to fulfill the Great Commission. These teams, with your help, have the capability of huge Kingdom impact in the world—not just this year, but for years to come!
Unique Ways to Give Harvest Partners Donate
People give to JESUS Film Harvest Partners in different ways. Some give financially. Some give of their time, helping with office work, making phone calls, or even trimming bushes. Still others give by promoting the work God is doing through the JESUS Film at church, at work, or amongst their friends. We are so very thankful and grateful for each and every type of gift. One of the fun things about generosity is the unique ways we can give. The possibilities are endless when we allow God to direct our giving: --One couple from the Northwest sold their 1964 Catalina and donated the money they received. --A couple from Kansas had a bar of silver and two gold coins they donated for auction to JFHP. --A young man from Pennsylvania heard JFHP Executive Director Brian Helstrom speak about the benefits of motorbikes for JESUS Film teams, then went home and sold his own motorcycle to provide funding to donate a bike to a team in Africa. You might think you don’t have much to give. A little boy with two fish and five loaves can tell you exactly what God can do with “a little.” Pencil to give perspective of size.
“All of It”
Testimony from John Cunningham
After speaking at an international foods mission banquet in Plymouth, Michigan, missionary John Cunningham spoke about the JESUS Film Harvest Partners ministry. He concluded his message by telling about the wonderful $3 = 1 decision for Christ ROI [Return On Investment]. A small boy named Eduardo came up to him and offered John a handful of cash. "What is this for?" he asked the boy. "It's for the JESUS Film," Eduardo replied.
He looked at the missionary with big eyes and said, "All of it."
Then John asked him, "How much money are you giving to Jesus?" He looked at the missionary with big eyes and said, "All of it." John was a bit puzzled and looked questioningly at the boy's father. His father's eyes were moist as he said, "Today is Eduardo's birthday and he wants to give all his birthday money—$24—to Jesus. It was Eduardo's eighth birthday, and John asked him if he remembered what happens when we give $3 to the JFHP ministry. He said, "One person finds Jesus!" Somewhere around the world, eight people will find Christ because an eight year old boy gave his birthday money to Jesus.
Around the World and into Your Heart A JESUS Film VBS
Have you ever wanted to travel the world? What if you could do it without ever leaving the country? This is what 23 children at Emmanuel Church of the Nazarene in Wareham, Massachusetts accomplished in late June when they attended “My Big-Screen Adventure: Showing JESUS Around the Globe”. This weekend Vacation Bible School (VBS) had the kids “visiting” ten countries to learn about how the JESUS Film is being used to spread the gospel. “In each country, the children heard about how the JESUS Film is impacting lives there,” Pastor Lynn Shaw said. “In Mexico, they learned about the Evangeball. In another country, they learned how to use the EvangeCube. Two children were very excited about the EvangeCube and came to me the next day wanting one of their own.”
• 50% of equipment sets for Launch 147 have been delivered to waiting teams. • Since January of this year, 194 Harvest Partners have gone on 25 Ministry Trips or were Equipment Angels, delivering 53 sets of equipment. By going and delivering these sets, it assures resources get to teams, allowing them to minister. • Last Year, 471 teams presented an average of 1,941 showings per month. How many more JESUS Film showings will happen with 619 teams? • By the reported numbers (January to April), 162,973 decisions for Christ have been added to the running tally. • By the reported numbers (January to April), 1,488 preaching points have been added to the running tally.
Throughout the weekend, songs were sung in six different languages, culturallyrelevant foods were served, and The Story of JESUS for Children was shown Saturday afternoon. At the end
Things didn’t end here, though. Sunday morning, as a wrap-up to the VBS program, children were asked to share about the countries they had visited and how they had been impacted by JESUS. At the end of this sharing time, one more child and two teens made a decision for Christ, bringing the total of new believers to twelve! “Two of the children who came and gave their hearts to Jesus were children brought by grandparents because they have non-attending parents,” Pastor Shaw said. “One of these little girls is one who got an EvangeCube. We are hearing how she has been telling everyone she knows about Jesus, including a father whose heart appears to be softening towards the Lord!” In Wareham, children came to travel around the world and learn how JESUS is impacting lives. In the end, they experienced it firsthand...without ever leaving the country.
What you can do
Because you gave
of the film nine children raised their hands to indicate they had made a decision to accept Christ.
For Do-It-Yourself ideas on how you can use the JESUS Film in your community, please go to For resource materials that can be used with your church group or in promoting JFHP, please go to
Beyond the End of the Road Harvest Partners go to Ethiopia Testimony from Darrell Leber
After our group landed in Addis Ababa, we gathered our JESUS Film equipment and boarded a bus with JESUS Film leaders for a two-day trek across Ethiopia to the town of Gambella. This was quite a journey! We traversed dirt and pothole-ridden roads complete with several switch-backs and twisted, mountainous summits before reaching our final destination. Gambella is known for being the “furthest town from anything,” with lush landscape, mosquitoes, heat and intense humidity. This was also an area ripe with the opportunity to reach the hardest-to-reach, beyond the ends of the road. What was the draw to Gambella? Recently a war broke out in South Sudan, displacing millions of people as they fled to refugee camps. Many of these camps—and people— are not far from Gambella. While there, we met and worked with ministry leaders and team members, teaching them how to use the new JESUS Film equipment we brought with us. What a group of excited folks as they became familiar with the newest technology in the lighter backpacks! This equipment will allow them to go farther, reaching more people in outlaying areas and villages. One evening, we went to one of these areas to do a JESUS Film showing. The light from the screen and light-string—illuminating the Light of the World—was clearly the only light in the area. At first, only about 150 people were drawn to the light; then 200, then 350…. soon there was over 2,600 people present we could account for, with even more in the shadows! What an exciting night for sharing the gospel and Kingdom building! The Holy Spirit came upon that place as the crowd saw and heard the gospel. Jesus was speaking to them in their own heart language for the first time! They were entrenched in His words, hanging on to everything He said. Smiles were big and bright as they learned about a God that loves them. Boos, wailing and crying broke out as they crucified Christ...and then an eruption of cheers and clapping as He rose from the dead!
You can go on a trip too ! JFHP has three different styles of trips—Partner Adventure Trips, Mission Trips, and Ministry Trips— giving you the opportunity to see the JESUS Film ministry firsthand and work alongside the teams.
Mission Trips
• Hosted by a JFHP Harvest Partner • Deliver equipment; Show JESUS Film; Engage in ministry
• Great for individuals who want to see the field, but not going with their own church group
Ministry Trips
• Self-led by your local church, small group, class or business
• Raise $ for needed
equipment & deliver this equipment to national JESUS Film team(s)
• Engage & work with the JESUS Film team(s)
Partner Adventure Trips
• Hosted by a JFHP Representative • Deliver equipment; Show JESUS Film; Engage in ministry
• Great for seeing ministry before considering additional financial involvement
“JESUS Film Harvest Partners” is a trademark of Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. licensed to Harvest Partners, Inc. All rights reserved.
That night, the crowd witnessed the power of Jesus, and 265 people came forward to give their hearts to Jesus!
Even Greater Treasure
THANK YOU for all you do in helping to make an eternal impact in the lives of many...even in places like Gambella, beyond the end of the road.
A huge “Thank you!” to even more people that partnered with JESUS Film teams through their donations last year than were originally listed on the 2013 Honor Roll. To see an updated Honor Roll, please go to
To view a similar story, please scan QR code or go to
Many were given life eternally because of you!