Olive Tree Community Newsletter for April 2010

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The Olive Tree Community APRIL’S UPDATE:

March was a great month and God did great things! But I want to start this news letter by simply making our needs known. I must be the most prideful man on earth because this doesn't get any easier no matter how many times I have come to you in the past, and in fact it seems harder each time. I'm sure someone who is much more humble could do this easier than me.

Urgent needs, LA Marathon, Easter, Salvations, and Much, Much More…

I wrote my Sunday sermon today. It was about God telling Joshua to be strong and courageous…I don't know if I have ever needed those words more. God said those words to Joshua because God knew that Joshua felt like he couldn't do it, that he felt like he was going to crumble under the pressure. God knew that Joshua was scared…well, me too. God tells Joshua that He will be with him wherever he goes. That is the only reason this is worth it. If that is not on the table then I quit. I can't think of any other good reason to keep putting myself and my family through this other than God. He is the why and the how. He is

why I am here in Brentwood and He is the only think I can point at to say how we have made it this long. Defying all reason and logic we are still here. Sorry if I am dumping…I brought this on myself. I asked God to use me to bring glory to His name, and I offered Him my life, the life of my wife, and the lives of my children…I am His to do with as He sees best to accomplish His purposes and plans. I can not question the unbelievable impact the OTC is having in Brentwood and how lives are being impacted and changed. If God wants to pour me out like a drink offering…I accept. But while I still have breath, and if you are still reading…I need your help. We are in a situation where $1300 came in through support, $800 came from our lead team of churches that support us, and the OTC gave us $400. Out of that $2500 $2000 pays for our rent leaving us $500 to pay the rest of

our bills plus gas and groceries. Our bills this month total more than $2000 not including gas and groceries. Praise God that Grandma and Papa flew in from WI and bought us groceries last week…it was like we won the lottery we were so excited. They also bought our kids stuff for Easter. We thank God for them. With that said, we will still need groceries through the month and gas. We are short approximately $2500 this month. I am not trying to pressure or manipulate any of you, I am just doing what I feel God is asking me to do…humble myself, and make mine and my family's needs known. If you are feeling God putting on your heart to help us then please send your support ASAP to:

strong responsibility to use all the money given to us in a way that honors both God and those who give. Thanks again! LA MARATHON


In March the LA Marathon was scheduled to run in front of the OTC's doors on a Sunday during our regular Sunday gathering. Sounds great? Not so much. It is so crazy that they shut down most of the streets surrounding it so people couldn't get to us. We decided to cancel our regular gathering In exchange for a serving day. Those who were able to actually reach us came out and we handed out water bottles with OTC labels on them to the observers (The runners were already well provided for).

SWBC 14255 Danielson Street, Poway, CA. 92064 Please put “Basile’s Urgent Needs” in the Memo so they know how to route it.

I can not do this without you, and I thank you for all of the prayer and support you have sent our way over the last few years…Thank You, Thank You! God has used it in mighty ways and we are humbled by it and feel a

We gave away seven cases of water. It was a wonderful event and we really got to love on the community. Also, two of our leaders ran in the race while wearing OTC shirts, it was very cool! :)

I know Easter was in April, but I am too excited to wait until next month to talk about this. We have been averaging about 48 people a month, and then we took a hit with the marathon. It knocked our attendance down for a few weeks, and Easter typically is not a boost for a church plant. People don't go to the new church for Easter, they go to an older established church. With that said, we had 56 people out for Easter! Praise God!!! And that was with a number of our regulars out of town or who had family plans for Easter. Here is the best part…We had our first person respond to the gospel. YAY!!!! Praise God! She said that she had been searching, but it never really clicked in the past and this time it

did. She felt God's love and was drawn to it. Extra cool: Her husband rededicated, and her kids both accepted Jesus as their Savior in the kids ministry. All separate from each other. How awesome is that?! God is sooo good! As always, the Luebbert's put on a huge feast for a ton of people from the OTC after our Easter gathering and it was awesome! (The Wonderful Luebbert Girls)

On Thanksgiving the Luebbert's host the Turkey Bowl, and on Easter it is all about the hoops. I dragged my old bones out there and had some fun.

THE OTC BABY! Vision: To Love People, See them Transformed, and Help them Change the World.

Pray for our continued partnership with our Jewish brothers and sisters in Jews for Jesus and Tikkun Olam.

We are rolling! Your prayers are being answered and we see God’s mission being accomplished in Brentwood…soon LA, and next the World.

OTC FILMS The OTC has purchased it's first TV quality Camera and Editing software to begin filming videos, dramas, short films, and webisodes. We determined that God has given us a lot of people in the entertainment industry and we are responsible to steward their gifts wisely. We felt God leading us to create media that will encourage and teach believers and or cause the world to consider Jesus as their Messiah. Sweet! We will post them on Facebook, Myspace, Youtube and Godtube. I will send emails so you can check them out. :) YESHUA THE MOSHIACH!

PRAYER TEAM If you are interested in being a part of my personal prayer team please reply to this email with Prayer Team in the memo and I will add you to my team.

SUPPORT UPDATE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS 2010 In March 2010 our support was $2500.

It was a great day on every level!!! Thank you Jesus!

PRAY God Increases my faith…that I will press on as He leads and I will not worry about the finances. PRAY for favor, a good reputation, and opportunity in the Jewish community in Brentwood.

Our prayer was that God gets the OTC Self Sufficient by the end of 2009, and He Did! Praise God!!! Now, PRAY God gets the OTC stable enough to support a pastor by the end of 2010! He can do it! PRAY for my Family too. That God would use the kids in the lives of their friends and at their school. That Lisa will be a light to the parents and in this community!

MEMORY VERSE: Joshua 1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. GIVE ONLINE? YES! SWBC reference number for paying your support to The Olive Tree Community through online banking: Reference #2057-2-80

GOODSEARCH Hey, I heard of an easy way to support OTC. Go to goodsearch.com and put The Olive Tree Community as your charity and then set it as your homepage. Every time you search using good search or purchase online using goodshop we receive money. It is easy and it helps us accomplish our mission.

In 2010 PRAY that God continues to lower our monthly bills and ups our support. (He did half of this‌our monthly bills are lower. Praise God!) Money has kept ministers and churches out of this area for years, but we refuse to let it stand in the way of the gospel. PRAY God provides for us. Please consider forwarding this newsletter to all the people in your contacts list at least one time, explaining our mission and need, and maybe God will move in someone's heart to support God's mission to LA! Please have courage and faith no matter what you do! Thank you for all of your support!

Pray that God moves others to join the mission of reaching a community that has the ability to impact the world. Pray God provides the $70,000 that my family will need to minister here in Brentwood.

Cards for California

Go to our Myspace profile or www.cardsforcalifornia.com to see anther way you can support OTC . Check out Cards For California‌It is an unbelievable effort coming out of Chicago to support us and see God influence LA!

Upcoming Events: April 11 th , 18 t h , 25 th OTC Sunday MORNI NG Gatherings OTC Li ving: Fri Golf, Saturday Surfing College Group Every Other Wed Night

This Newsletter is also a reminder to send in your Support for April 2010 You can give your support through online banking using the SWBC reference number that goes to The Olive Tree Community: #2057-2-80 Or The Commitment Card is attached to this Newsletter. You can simply print it off, fill it out, and send it in with your monthly support, and/or special gift. Payment and mailing instructions are on the commitment card.

Check out The Olive Tree Community’s Videos: The Daily D, Heath Ledger Tribute Video, and more at… Youtube.com and Godtube.com Myspace Facebook Twitter Simply Search Olive Tree Community Email them to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers as conversation pieces that can lead to discussions about Jesus.

Thank you for your support.

Find out more about The Olive Tree Community at: myspace.com/

This Week’s Celebrity Prayer Focus: Steve Martin

olivetreeCommunity Follow OTC on Twitter or become friends with Joe on Facebook and Join The Olive Tree Community Group

Prayers for the Mission to LA/Brentwood  Pray God Provides for the Basile’s  Pray God Blesses the Pics on LA Ink and Joe’s opportunities to Share Jesus on TV  Pray OTC sees 1000 people come to Messiah Jesus!  Pray God Protects Joe and Gives Him Vision  Pray God Blesses our efforts this messianic leader  Pray the Brentwood Community and Surrounding Area will experience revival o General Population o Jewish Community o Celebrity Community


When you hear his name mentioned on TV, or Radio this month…please pray a short prayer that God would reveal Himself to his family and friends and they would experience Jesus’ love.

The Olive Tree Community is a Church/Synagogue plant in Brentwood/LA. Our purpose is to reach out to Celebrities/Jews/The Wealthy/The Common Person with the love of Jesus. If you have any Questions send us a message and we'll reply promptly.

Blessings! Joe and Lisa Basile

You can contact The Olive Tree Community at: 310-339-4137 theolivetreecommunity@gmail.co m UN-SUBSCRIBE If you do not wish to receive the weekly email from me please respond to theolivetreecommunity@gmail.com with "no email please" in the heading.

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