The Olive Tree Community OCTOBER’S UPDATE: September was awesome! We spent the entire month prepping for our grand opening and keeping the momentum going with our Vision Series describing the vision of the OTC. We gave the building we meet in a minor makeover and it looked awesome! We took a different approach to creating awareness about the OTC. Each person invited lots of people they new, and sent emails, and made Facebook invites, but on top of all of this, God allowed us to stumble into a really cool opportunity.
OTC GRAND OPENING!!!, Vision Series, An OTC Grand Opening Film, and Much, Much More‌
The OTC building is located in downtown Brentwood and we found out that Brentwood shuts down our street a couple of times a year and has huge events on Sunday mornings. On the first Sunday we were unprepared but still gave away 5 cases of water and 100 T-Shirts. Yay! But we were ready for the second event. It was the Sunday before our Grand Opening. We had OTC Grand Opening labels made for water bottles and we labeled 5 cases of water. We gave away water during our gathering that morning and passer-bys even came in for a few minutes to check out the service. Praise God! It was a huge success! We sent out press releases to the Times and the Daily News. We were also able to get into the Local LA Fitness at give away our OTC labeled water during their prime time. We were allowed two hours to give the water away, but we gave it all away in 45 minutes. Sweet!
While we were at LA Fitness we were informed that we were not allowed to do this, but since we were already there they let us finish. Praise God! Lisa took water and invite cards to the local school that she serves at and invited a lot of parents and teachers. The awareness level of the OTC was very high!!!
tilling this field and pulling out the rocks and the weeds to make it suitable to plant something in. This Grand Opening was not the first day of harvest, it was the first day of planting. We planted hundreds even thousands of seeds, it looked like 100 seeds were going to take, and on the we saw 65 seedlings. Praise God!!! 65 in Brentwood is like a 1000 most other places! God is awesome!!! God is moving!
OTC OFFICIAL LAUNCH Our leadership was praying intensely about our Launch. Every day we were PRAYING at 9:20 am or pm for our Launch on 9-20-09. We believed God would move in the hearts of the people we invite. We all invited at least 10 people to come out on 9-20-09. This was our biggest event to date and it would have a huge impact on how we grow over the next year. The day before the launch we were calculating all of our RSVPs and they were around 100. Our goal was 80. These might seem like small numbers to many of you. They would seem like small numbers to me if I had not lived here for the last two years and saw this culture with my own two eyes. God really did lead us here because this is the place where nothing spiritual is growing. I have been describing Brentwood as a field we inherited and we have just spent the last year
It was a great gathering and we got overwhelmingly positive feedback from all who came. We began a our Vision Series explaining the OTC and so far 30 something people have returned each week to hear more about the OTC. Yay God!
Sterling Reed and Talia Katz have sent us another update. We are so proud to partner with them! They are doing a great job as they fearlessly follow the Lord! I hope they inspire you to do the same in your own life. Please read and pray for them. :) Hey Olive Tree Family!
Thank you for all of your prayers! God is doing great things! Check out “Directors Choice�, our OTC Films Ministry video for our Grand Opening. ?ref=name#/video/video.php?v=12 37600065617&ref=mf
We miss you guys soooo much!!! We're way the heck up in the mountains in this little town called Leh. We're at like 12,000 feet elevation!! There's TONS of Israelis here. We've had a really good week interacting with them and sharing our faith through building relationships, and playing our music. Our bigger team left us 2 weeks ago to go back to the states. We'd spent the month before that leading them in different parts of the north. It was really hard saying goodbye to them after going through so much together. So now its just the six of us for the next four months. We have 3 more weeks in India before heading to Nepal, Thailand, Laos, and then southern India before returning to the states in December. Please be praying
for our time here in Leh. God has already allowed to become really close with a number of Israelis here, and has opened the doors for us to play our music at the most popular cafe in town (where all the Israelis hang out at every night). Please be praying that god would open and soften the hearts of those we're talking to, and give us wisdom and boldness in sharing with them. He is so good, and so in control, and He's constantly reminding us of that. Also be praying for our team, we've been missing home and our families a lot this week, but we're determined and committed to His work here. 3 months down, 4 to go haha!! God has also been growing Talia and I a lot. Growing us together as a couple and a team, and also as individuals in Him. He's been challenging us to have faith in Him for things that we might not think possible, and teaching us how to trust eachother better, and trust Him better. We love you all and are excited to see you when we get back. Thank you so much for all of your prayer and support and encouragement. You can check out our blog @
PRAY for our continued partnership with our Jewish brothers and sisters in Jews for Jesus and Tikkun Olam.
OTC FILMS Check out “Directors Choice”, our OTC Films Ministry video for our Grand Opening.
PRAY for favor, a good reputation, and opportunity in the Jewish community in Brentwood. THE OTC BABY! Vision: To Love People, See them Transformed, and Help them Change the World. We are rolling! Your prayers are being answered and we see God’s mission being accomplished in Brentwood…soon LA, and next the World. “Directors Choice” is a video that has a cool message of how God sees great things in you even when others don't. ?ref=name#/video/video.php?v=12 37600065617&ref=mf
MEMORY VERSE: Matt 5:44 44 But I tell you: Love your enemies[i] and pray for those who persecute you,
PRAYER TEAM If you are interested in being a part of my personal prayer team please reply to this email with Prayer Team in the memo and I will add you to my team.
SUPPORT UPDATE PRAY - BELIEVE 2009 In September 09 our support was $2200. PRAY God crushes us financially if that is what He needs to do to cause us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (I have said this a lot, but it is still true!).
time, explaining our mission and need, and maybe God will move in someone's heart to support God's mission to LA! Please have courage and faith no matter what you do! Thank you for all of your support! GIVE ONLINE? YES! SWBC reference number for paying your support to The Olive Tree Community through online banking: Reference #2057-2-80
PRAY God allows us to get into a place that will increase our effectiveness for the kingdom, and lower our rent. We want to steward all of your support and God's resources wisely. PRAY God gets the OTC self sufficient by the end of 2009! PRAY for my Family too. That God would use the kids in the lives of their friends and at their school. That Lisa will be a light to the parents and in this community! In 2009 PRAY that God lowers our monthly bills and ups our support. WE are currently looking for new housing that will help lower our overhead. Money has kept ministers and churches out of this area for years, but we refuse to let it stand in the way of the gospel. PRAY God provides for us. Please consider forwarding this newsletter to all the people in your contacts list at least one
Cards for California
Pray that God moves others to join the mission of reaching a community that has the ability to impact the world. Pray God provides the remainder $52,200 that my family will need to minister here in Brentwood.
Go to our Myspace profile or m to see anther way you can support OTC . Check out Cards For California‌It is an unbelievable effort coming out of Chicago to support us and see God influence LA!
GOODSEARCH Hey, I heard of an easy way to support OTC. Go to and put The Olive Tree Community as your charity and then set it as your homepage. Every time you search using good search or purchase online using goodshop we receive money. It is easy and it helps us accomplish our mission.
Upcoming Events: Oct 11 th , 18 th , 2 5 T H , OTC Sunday MORNI NG Gatherings OTC Li ving: Thurs Golf, Friday S urfing, Sunday Football
This Newsletter is also a reminder to send in your Support for OCTOBER 2009 You can give your support through online banking using the SWBC reference number that goes to The Olive Tree Community: #2057-2-80 Or The Commitment Card is attached to this Newsletter. You can simply print it off, fill it out, and send it in with your monthly support, and/or special gift. Payment and mailing instructions are on the commitment card.
Check out The Olive Tree Community’s Videos: The Daily D, Heath Ledger Tribute Video, and more at… and Myspace Facebook Simply Search Olive Tree Community Email them to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers as conversation pieces that can lead to discussions about Jesus.
The Big Commitments † Read your Bible for a ½ hour every day. Pray for a ½ half hour every day. † Bring your Bible with you to work or school. † Invite 5 people to OTC parties a week. † Fast once a month for 24 hrs for God to bring our friends, coworkers, and neighbors to Christ.
Thank you for your support.
Find out more about The Olive Tree Community at: olivetreeCommunity Follow OTC on Twitter or become friends with Joe on Facebook and Join The Olive Tree Community Group
This Week’s Celebrity Prayer Focus: Alec Baldwin
When you hear his name mentioned on TV, or Radio this month…please pray a short prayer that God would reveal Himself to his family and friends and they would experience Jesus’ love.
Prayers for the Mission to LA/Brentwood Pray God Provides for the Basile’s Pray God Blesses Joe’s opportunities to Share Jesus on TV Pray OTC sees 1000 people come to Christ! Pray God Protects Joe and Gives Him Vision Pray God Blesses our efforts this messianic leader Pray the Brentwood Community and Surrounding Area will experience revival o General Population o Jewish Community o Celebrity Community
OTC The Olive Tree Community is a Church/Synagogue plant in Brentwood/LA. Our purpose is to reach out to Celebrities/Jews/The Wealthy/The Common Person with the love of Jesus. If you have any Questions send us a message and we'll reply promptly.
Blessings! Joe and Lisa Basile
You can contact The Olive Tree Community at: 310-339-4137 m UN-SUBSCRIBE If you do not wish to receive the weekly email from me please respond to with "no email please" in the heading.