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ot fA,mriat' .t.lteu1. l ..Mditin Annable '
Editor Senior Development
St Johnston sr:Srenda Mavshall Swanso [ditor:layne layne Swanson i:,'Sittditor: ii'tiJiiriiaL Graham Coleman, Glenday,lain Reid, Richmond,8en Way
Design: SedleyBrowne, Wendy Kwok ?icture Researuh: Nic Dean, S ophi eMorti mer lenior Production Iontroller: TerenceStrongman l'{arketing; John Balmond Head of lirculation: C hri sJ enner
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS autiors: Andrew Green,Tim Coleman, David. tioirel fanthorpe, Craig Glenday,David
,letr Way. Pkture l-ibrary. Inserlmages. : Peter Jordan/tonean (raig6lenday, tanrho4e. Liond& Patncia whohelped in the would liketo thankall those The X Factor. 5t Johnston.
---:. he first sign that somethins was wrong rvaswhen the furniture began to rearrange itself in August r 1992.Then there rvere the unpleasant srnellsand strange noisesrvhoseorigins could not be traced. The flriggs famil,v had onlv moved ir-rtothe cotrncil house in Portsmouth, Er.rsland,fivo months previously, and thev rr'er-ealread,v beginning to regret their clecision. All the signspointed to a classic caseof poltergeist distr"rrb:rnce. There was one room orl the ground floor of the trvo-up, trvo-down building that seemed to be the focus of the activity, and the whole family was afraid to enter. In desperation, Mrs Griggs called in a priest and a psychic,and was terrified to hear that they believed the cause was her young daughter
Jasmin, lvho nas possessedbr-the spirit of a former tenant. This theory lvas apparentlv borne out whenJasmin suddenlv began s.peakingin strange accents and voiceslvhich sor-rnded unnervinglv adult. She would regularly answer her mother in a guttural Northern dialect.
A Josmin Griggs wos | 8 months old when she become o vicfim of poronormol octivity. Poltergeists offen {row their energy from children, but rorely os young os Josmin. alrlher)ticitl ol- her claims. Polterqeists are not a recent p r o b l e m . T h e l e r v a sa c a s e i r r China around AD900 and an even
Tlvo further mediums rvere called in, rvho identified the presenceas a man called Pero', originally from the north of Eneland.Jasmin and Percy hacl become firm friends, thev said. Mrs Griggs presented these findings to the council and refirseclto pa,vrent r,rntil damages caused by the spirit to the famil1' home was repaired. Cour-rcil offi cials and paranormal researchersare still examining the
earlier one docLrrner-rted in Roman I t a h i r r A D 5 3 0 . T h e a c r r r a l r e rm i s G e r m a n a r r c l n r c a r r s 'r r o i s y s pi r i t'. u'hich is appropriate as the pherromerron oficn irrcludes loud and stl ange rroises. The main difference
p o l t e r s e i s l s a r r d g h o s l s i s t h a t th e p h e n o m e n a a l e g e r r e l a l l y a l ta ch e d to a persoll rather than a place. \Al-rererer the persorr - or 'e p i c e n t r e ' - g o e s . r h e p o l t e rg e i st activity follorvs. Typically, though
paffeaves lflgo ly Ntcota $"|W,1tumr r,".,o,1.
#;[ll*;?ffiffi,;*"in;jui m_*l;""':"iiiH*
i.'.r;i.i;ix":,lj ffiffi by no means exclusivell',poltergeist phenomena are connected r,vitha yolrng person - often female - who i s tr s uallvr r ndel a c e rta i rra mo u n t of stress. A-rdrew Green, a renorvned p a r ar r or m ali r r v esi tg a to r' i.s a rta l e of the connection betrveen poltergeist acti'n'ityand voung females.But, havins been involr,ed in numerous investigations,Green
belier,esrhar rhere is no general pattern. He is
'u'aine;'i"i"'i'''"Ji# *&W&$ ": "â‚ŹlE$
Jfr*::r:l,g',r", .";;il"""',i,:,*il::f.
conr,inced that poltergeist actir,itv is actually instances of
One case tl'rat flreen
psychokinesis - the abilitv to move
investigarecl \uppurrc.l
objects and create noises allegedly
A fotrr-r'eirr-olclbov hacl besun to
by thought alone. This, he argues,
behale strangel\. ancl l-risriollied
can be produced subconsciouslv b1'
parents strspectccl the plesence of
people of either sex from the age
a supernatlrlai entin. The lanrih
of three to their late 40s, usuall,v as
had heard clackling sorrnci:
a result of mental trauma.
arotrncl the hou,qe. noticecl that
'; o E ! o
-o :
objects seer.neclto be nroling
arotrncl of their orr'r-rliccord and
that electlical iter.nsofien stoppecl -\\r r l N l .Iu-, r . : . . TI rl L.r .t( .l.l \l:t\. . : . . ( t l r i l t s
seer"ned to be concentrated around the cl-rild. TH E
The bol"s father, TomJohnson, haci recently been made rednndant ar-rcihis wifeJulie had alreadv commented on paranormal sightings,most notablv zr'shostlr monk, gliding dolur the sti'tirs'. The-vrvere put in contact rvitl-r Green inJune 1983, bv n'hich time thev rvere frantic rvith u'orrr'. As he set off for tl rei r homc i rt Cravesend,Kent, Creen looked over hi s nol es ol thei r exper iences.
o o
\l l
He felt that the 'ghostly monk' was odd sir-rcethere was no historical link benveen their home and a monastic community. It seemed likelv that fear of the inexplicable activity had made the wife imagine the phantom. All the evidence - the strange sonnds, erratic functioning of electricalitems, slight movement of small objects, a family under stress- led Green to believe that ghostswere not the problem. An alternative explanation was the phenomenon of recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis (RSPK), usually associatedwith one disturbed person in a family. Once Green met theJohnsons, he knew that the source of the trouble
l a .len Poltergeists in my o p i n i o n i n v o r i o b l y h o ve their origin in stress, tr o u m o o n d me n to l d i s t u r b o n ce AndrewGreen,GhostHunter
R \" was not supernatural, but their young son. Green believed that the poltergeist activity could have been triggered by the child feeling neglected and unloved, and the family agreed that life had been strained recently.On Creen's advice,theJohnsons made an effort to re-establish 'normal' family relationships. Shortly after, the poltergeist activity - and the monk - vanished. Green believes that this case illustrated how the powers and problems of the mind can often be mistaken for supernatural activity. This has also been supported by ) PeggyHodgesonducksto ovoid o toy brick, thrown by on unseenforce. Thiswos iusf one incidentomong hundredsthot occurredcr rhe fcmily home in Enfield,norfh London.
the US parapsychologistWilliam G. Roll, who found that in 92 casesof 'person-centred poltergeists, four of the presumed epicentres were diagnosedepileptic'. After studying Roll's research, Green also accepted that some poltergeist casesmay result from temporal lobe epilepsy. In this condition, people suffer blackouts that can last anything from a minute to half an hour. During these blackouts, some power of the mind may be released that creates RSPK. But, as Roll found, epilepsy was at the root of only a small percentage of cases. M IN D
Creen's own research has found another possible link with schizophrenia. One of the first caseshe investigated in 1956 involved a 15-year-oldgirl in Battersea,south London. Shirley Hitching was able to manifest loud and vibrant raps whenever called upon. She assured Green and the tw-ojor-rmalistsn.ho a c c o m p a rri edhi m that rhe sotrnds came from her 'poltr', Donald'. 'I was quite surprised rvhen, a few days after meeting with Shirley, I received a four page letter from her 'polty' and later a Christmas card,' Green recalls.'I asked
Shirley how it u''aspossible for an invisible entin'to rvrite a letter, buy a stamp from a post office and slip the envelope into a ietter box? She repl i ed bl ankl y." l ' l l have to a sk Donald", but there was no reply on:.: thi s occasi on.Three speci alist psychol ogi sts l ater confi rmed t hat the l etter l rom D onal d w asi n lact
penned by a schizophretric,or at least a victirn of severemental disorientation.' One of the rnost infamous poltergeist casesoccurred in a council house in Enfield, reported by Guy Lyon Plafair in his book 'I'hisHouseis Haunkd, rvhich he researcheclwith Maurice Grosse. For 14 months from the end of Augr.rst1977, Mrs Peggv Hodgeson's home \r'asplaguecl with poltergeist actir,ity that centred around her 1l-ycar-olddaushter, Janet. Severe damage was cartsedto household objects,and several items of fi.rrniturc, including a sofa, were thrown around the house. Writing appeared on the walls,and water materializedout of uolvhcre. EY E W I T NE S S E S These Enfield phenomena, which made newspaper headlines irround the world, were ltitnessed by rnar-ry people, inch-rdingthe police, scientistsand several paranormal investigators. After 14 months, the Enfield disturbances encleclas mysteriouslv as they had begun. Inr,estigatorsstill cannot decide rvhether the house was the sceneof genuine poltereeist activity or RSPK, getrerzrtcd bv.fanet Hodgeson subconsciousl,v
secrete 'hormones that geuerate
at a clifficult time in her life.
creative cnererr \\'l-ren a cl-rilcl
Pla,vfair's cl'lvn theor-v on the source of poltergeist energy
suddenly acqtrires this neu' fbrce...
concerns the pineal gland. Located
there is a need for an outlct. If this
2rt the centre of the brain, the
outlet is lacking. thc energl ir'ill be
pineal slancl is responsible for
a t a i l a b l e h r l n t e l r t t , l i t r q e r tti ti e s to
controlling thc release of sexual
steal and put to their o\vn
hormones. Playfair's thcorl' states
purposes.' He conrpares this
that durins pubertv this gl:rncl can
e n e r g v t o a 'p s \ c l - r i c l b o t b a l l ''. \ 1 , 'r 1 qc o l l l c l \ \ l - )( ) r l h r e e sp i r i ts Or elcnrcntals. and see the fcrotbzrll lr'ing aloturd. Ancl they do what allv group cif schoolboys'lvould do
- thev so and kick it around, smash ing rvindor,r,sand eenerally
creating havoc.'
There are still matry who continue to believe Plavfair's spiritual notion
which clocked up on impossible number of colls when nobody wqs using ir. Ofher phenomeno included o pic_turefhof moved by irself ond o
that poltergeist incidents are the result of activity from some intelligent entity or even a fbrrn of e r i l i n t e r r t o r r d c s t r r t c t i o n or , m ( ) r e
175 kg cobinet neor Annemorie which trrvice moved sponloneously owoy from fhe woll. When she lefi the office, which hod suffered considerqble domoge, lhe
sensationalll','possession'. Bttt Andren' (]reen is of the belief that
phenomeno suddenly ceqsed.
dramatizing powers people can call
poltergeist inciclents :rrise solelv fiom an unconscious mind artd that they reflect the creative and
'6 o !
s F
= 9
.( Some believe thot poltergeist phenomeno - such os the lighrs thor swung by lhemselves in the Rosenheim cose - hove their origin in fhe broin's pineol glond (inser). table for television carneras. This was thought case ofinduced landmark
to be rhe first
in paranormal
- y et . ir on i c a l l r . t h e e x p e r i m c r r l could not be substantiated. The
upon to handle repressed emotions and emotional conflicts. A fascinating series of e xp er im ent sc ar r ied o u t i n Toronto, Canada. in 1972 attempted to prove the human origins of RSPK. Eight members of
researchers couid not conclusivelv prove that ther,had evoked RSPKtherebv disproi'ing the theory of poltergeists as'marauding duped by a poltergeist.
.1t'Psychokinesis is o phenomenq of vqsl controdictions. lf seems fo be q mentql qnd physicol force ol one o n d t h e s q me ti me ScottRogo,Journalof the Societyfor PsychicolReseorch
ftu ,, the Canadian Society for Psychical Research created, by mental energ)', a totally fictional character from the 17th century, whom they named Philip. After months of weekly seances,'Philip' began to communicate through raps and movement of a table. At one point 'he' was even able to levitate a
- or if they had, in fact, been
Assurance paid out f400 against an f800 claim lor damage suffered to furniture and household items in,a
Other scientific attempts to explain the cause of RSPK have also failed. Tests on.|anet Hodgeson, the girl at the centre of the Enfield case,and Matthew Manning, the psychic celebrity from the early 1970srvho is now a renownâ‚Źd healer, found that they possessedextraordinary porversof ESP and precognition, but failed to explain why this was so. Even Uri Gelleq who is willing to demonstrate his abilities under any conditions, leavesexperts at a loss to explain what or where his powers come from. Yet while controversy rages between the mediums, sceptics,scientistsand paranormal investigators, there are organizations that imiilicitly accept the reality of supernatr.rralactivity. In 1944. Commercial Union
to examine the evidence of
poltergeist phenomena causing the.l damage.A fter onl y a forrni gh r , r he assessorshad seen enough to accept the claim as genuine and recommend that 50 per cent of i t be pai d. \A rhi l eC ommerci al U ni on m ay be happy w i th the noti on of supernatural enti ti es.concl u sive proof of poltergeist phenomena : sti l l el udesparanormal investigators.Evidence suggests that exceptional powers do exist, yet no one seemsable to confirm ,. these forces as proof of life beyond,: the grave or of the equally fantastic': abi l i ti esof the subconsci ousm ind. For researcherslike Andrew Green and Guy Plafair. lhe search *==o tor certai nryi s orr-goi ng. ffi
= "--*
ffc* j-r
rr 9 September 1967, in Alamosa Countl', Colorado, a,voung colt callecl Lady r,vasfcrund dead and stripped of Ww flesh from the neck uprvards. Conducting the patholog examination, Dr .|ohn Altshuler, was astonished to find that the animal's brair-r,spine and organs in the chest area, including the heart, had been removed with incredible precision. \,!'hat baffled him most was that the animal had been completely drained of blood rvithout so much as a stain on or around its bodr''. \{rhen Dr Altshuler later examined tissue sa m ples under a m i c ro s c o p e , h e w a s shocked to discover that 'there r,vasa darkened colour as if the flesh had been opened and cauterized Iburned apart by high heat] with a surgical cauterizing blacle... almost as if it had been done rvith a modernl a s e rs h a d b e e rt d uy las er . ' A lt ho u g h
constmcted in the early 1960s, there was still no surgical laser technology capable of causirrgsuch rvoundsin 1967. Another m,vstery lvas the absence of tracks - vehiculaq human or animal - anll where near the carcass. In fact, the onlv prints found were the colt's hoofprints, and these encled about 30 metres fiom its bodr'.
A The muiiloied remoins of o <ow found in Coforodo in 1977 ore very similor to those of the colt, Lody (inset), the first internotionolly reported cose of onimol mutilotion. Sincethe l97Os, cottlemen's
The 'Lad,v' incident heralded the beginni ng of a spate of ani mal muti l ati ons in Colorado and, later that I'ear, in Pennsylvania. These were fcrllorved bl, a lvave of mutilatior-rsin the Midrvestern states of Alabama, Ior'vaand Texas, a further outbreak in Colorado in the early 1980s and anoth.er in the Deep South in the early 1990s. In betw een, i sol ated cases have occurred - and continue to do so - u,ith
ossociotions in the US hove offered substontiol rewords for informolion, bul the couse of lhe mulilotions remoins q mystery.
rectums and genitalia are frequently removed, along rvith the flesh {iom the jarv. r Oval or circular bloodlessincisions- often only hide deep - are found on the carcasses,manv of rvhich are completely clrained of blood. These incisions are madc l ,r' i thsurgi calpreci si on. More recent microscopic tissue analysis has shown that some of the cuts point to the use of'a scalpel,u,hile others appear to have been made rvithout a knife, either by somehol.' crttting betlveen the cells, or by 'cooking' the flesh rvith a laserlike heat source, but u,ithout lear,ingthe carbon traces normallv left bv lasers.
o o
5 o
.== ..:: & = :::-=: -o d
-e*.= s:=
From the verv beginnir-rg,this phenomenon has baffled inr,estigators irnd pathoiogists alike. Many experienced ranchers and sheriffs r,vho have been handling cattle mutilations for decaclesare convinced that these particular casesconld not possibll,be the rvork of indigenor,rspredators, such as coyotes,'lvolvesor mountain lions. In some of the casesin Alabama investigated b,v UFO researcher and documentarr'-maker Lindir Motrlton Hou'e in 1993, the mr.rtiiateclanirnals' capillarv veins had been drainecl of blooci, n'hich rvould not have occurrecl hacl the l i r-estock been irttackeclbl pleclatols. Besides,rr'hatpredatol cotrld be capable of sr,rrsicallvboring orrt thc gerri tal i aof a cow l ' As successive investigations failed to
Cer-rtral and South Americzr, Australia
parts of Europe, irrch,tdins Britain. The vast majoritv of these cases have fbllon'ed a rernarkablv similar pattern: r N'Iost rnutilations involr,e cattle, nlthougl-r horses, shcep, goats, e\retl clomestic pets, hart' o ccasion alll heer r r ic t ir ns . o There are no traccs of a struggle. Even in snou-coverecl eronncl, there are no tracks
on the.
or fbotprints rlear the carcass. It appears as if the animals are somehor.v lifted o{1'thc groruld irr-rdlater clumped from the air. . The internal
organs, eyes, ears, tollgues,
;.book,A* *ollorred', GIimpses,
establish anv natural causes, other theories were put forn'ard.
One of these n'as that tire animals fbr
sataric cults r.vereabducting ritual ceremonies,
explain what kind of devil lvcirship in"'olved the use of' fleets of helicopters lasers. In
ancl bulky
any case, exhaustiver
opcrations by US and Canadian have failecl to reveal any
state authorities
7 .9
trace of a link betr,veen occult activity ancl
â&#x201A;Ź o
these mutilations. Another
theor,v rvas fuellcd b-v reports of
black helicopters
3 o
clfter-rsilent and bearinq none of'the identinumbers
b,v US f'ederal
â&#x201A;Ź,# r y r y 'ttG T h o t d o cu menfory you did q bo u t cottle mutilqtions upset s o m e pe o p le in W oshingfon. T h e y d o n 't wqnl mufilofions o n d U FOs connecfed togefher
to public presslrrc, the FBI investigated the
A Nolurql
ered in a 297-page report, \vere published a
messy wounds
year latel ancl sided r'vith those lvho believed
eoting their kills.
the mutilations
predators. Anotl-rer arsumentr supported by' ofTicial go\rer1ll-nellt ar.rtopsies, was that the
precise wounds
ffi n \ F F
\\'ere tl're work
of :rnimal
Some reseorchers cloim lhol csrcosses with cleon ond
SpeciolAgentRichordDoty,USAI to LindoHowe
in 1979. Its findings, delir.
such os beqrs, leove
Iack of blood rvas cc'rnsistent rvith thc lcr-rgth the deacl animirls had been
proof of olien
of time
:rucl that the czruse of death
c o r r l d h c l i r r L t 'd t o p : r l a s i t e s . regulations
- appearing
in the area either
These cxpl:rnations
V The pothology
ranchcrs of
before or after the cliscoverv of'
report on o mufiloted
and state inr,estigator-s,rvho complained
a mutilated carcass. On a number of occa-
Hereford sreer (righr)
a whiter'l'ash. Dissatisfied n,ith the response
sions, the helicoptcrs \\''ere seen to be spra1.
stotes thof the lesions
ing the area where mutilated
in the hide were
'consistent wilh o
: ,d*
later found,
girring rise to specr-riaticin that used - presumablv
livestock was beins government
animals were bv
agencies - {or testins biologi-
A cl ose-up of the tissue (inset righr)
cal and chemical wcapons. The rnyster,v nas furthcr reports
civilians nho
these helicopters, been threatened
shows lhe notched
edge, 'consistent with
that thel' had
o specimen collected
bv men rvearing black uni-
vio electrosurgicol
forms without insisnias.
exci si on' Acce ssi o n
o F F l cr Ar
"T*It',1"',,ffi'il:H'"fi{,03, ?3?.326! ttt"-outt*rro*,
Over the years, the US military ancl government in
* r**r*,
ili';;it' ffiUF";l-;r*-,,r,.^?-, ,-_rN
cies have repeatedlv clcniecl any itn,olr,ement A,iation
c o @ u n i . . r! 6 n s :
r"r .i.*ifl'r'dro
strange incidents. In fact, the Federal
$ sb a !:
LEi Dvs
has gone so far as to den,v the verl'
strange helicopters. -\s fal as thc mrr t , lat ir r ls ale concerned, the official explarnation
has alrvavs been
li::'::""i;:i""" ""'"""" ""'".:;:,::::,:::'":;il.",.'r",:rir*:l*:i'"jr":'".jr$ 5:--.fi ffiffi f...'j""i::iriil*ii*i'ir:i**ill*"'--'":q* ::ki:i: :t"':':;
:'"""""'::":r [*ixtllli',liqiittJi'',".ffi ,i'l$tiii1'19';i'55'l$'"i"i"";tr:"t::::ii'"i""nr'"p""** :H:i::.;:r;i;d*"'".':: ilii::.:: D ) rIAGN a c NOoStS: sts:
cc o'gur o . g u" '-'-l A '- t^' rion
n e r r """ c ro ! ! t
,,- i
by te sl o n va s csu t.d
..**.,,. "'"','""^""'l:i"i" "'i:lJl""lli*'"*' i?Tll'""ll"1"":::':"""'""'Jii"i'"'iii":'*"""u'o*'
same - natllral caLlses. Bou'ing o[NB
sillNATloNS RiloBt o! srosloRY
1l'om the L.rSgor,ernrncnt, dcsperate ranchels fbrnrecl privatc vigilante
took to filin g at a n1 ' lou. f lf inu hc lic opt c r s cr-ossirrgtheir fi elcls. ATIEN
the FBI has bccn leluctant to 'Uthough bccorne openlr, irrr,cilr.ccl, UFO author Tinrothv Clociclobtainecl a secret 1976 FRI r-ep()rt b1' Of{icer' (i:rbriel \':rldez of thc Nelv \Ierico StzrtePolice. ,{fter inspectins a rnrrtilatcd cou', the ofhcer discoverecl pocl marks clepresseclinto the ear-th,forrniug a trianeie. Each irrclerrtation had a cliarneter of 40 crr.r ancl stronglv snggested that a 'suspcctcd aircraft'
hacl landecl, ibllcxtccl
the cour ancl
l:rnded agLrin \\,hcrc the corv rr'as killed. An oilr, r'ellon' srrbstance rvas lbund uncler the small tripocls, tire grass aroullcl them rvas scorched ancl rircliirtion levels r'r,erefilrnd
be much higher than nolmal. To some ranchers and local investieators,
! Fi
this u'as conlirmation
of u,hat ther.had long suspcctecl - that, as Lou (iirodo, chief investigator
niLrtilatiorrs for- thc
D i str i ct
Attornev's office irr Tr-iniclacl.Color-aclo,put it, 'l,e \r'ere clenlirrg u'ith cr-eaturesnot frorn
: -$ " w
t l i i s p l a n e t '.
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L a c l r 's c l c u t l 'r .i n S e p t e r n b e r 1 9 6 7 , h a d co i n -
cidecl rvith u minor :rncl rcpolts
rash o1' UFO sishtines
of stlange lights in the San
I.ouis \hller' lrutilate(l
the au-ca u,here the colt's
strbsequcnt u'ave of rnrrtilations las accorlpaniecl
bv ir li-esfr otrtbreak of UFO
sightings in tire affectecl area. This led sorne UFOlosists conlicction
to specul:rte that there u'as a behveen the
:r n d
UFO sightinss - perhrlps the UFOs could 'clisguise' thernserlvesas helicopters? Another
cnlior-rs Ieirtrrre - i,rlthough this
mav not be conDectecl u,ith UFOs - r,vasthe I
presence of' flucircsccnt paint - r'isible only uncler ultrirviolet light - on the hides of
" . *r ;
some of the animirl victims for.urcl near
o !
Nerv \'Icxico.
case, a
puttylike substancewas found in a mutilated cow's ribcage. Analysis showed the substance to have a composition similar to paint - but researchers are still baffled as to how it got into the ribcage. In her 1989 documentary, Alien Life Forms, Linda Moulton Howe interviewed members of farming communities who claimed to have witnessed alien beings engaged in the abduction of animals. Perhaps the most remarkable account came from Ron and Paula Watson from Mount Vernon, Missouri. InJuly 1993,while standing on their porch, th e W at s onsc laime d to n o ti c e s o me s tra n g e goings-on at the far end of their pasture. ATI E N
Looking through bir-roculars,they first saw a cow lying on its side, seemingly paralvsed. Standing over the animal were two small, silver-suited beings with large white heads. The beings raised their arms above the cow's body and appeared to 'lift' it. As they moved, the cow 'floated' a few metres off the ground. The beingsthen'steered'the carcassup a ramp into a cone-shaped spacecraft. The craft appeared to have a mirrorlike surface that reflected the surrounding foliage, making it almost invisible. It then took off and vanished into the sky. If it turns out that aliens are involved in mutilations, the question is - why are they doing it? Many UFO researchersbelieve that these mutilations are linked to human abductions and are carried out by the same alien species- the small beings with clawlike hands and large, far apart evesknown as 'Gre,vs'.
V Reseorcher Lindo Moulton Howe hos omossed hundreds of newspoper cuttings covering onimol mutilotions from oll over lhe world. By oll occounts, lhe mutilofions ore so similor thot it strongly suggesls o definite, quonrifioble phenomenon.
Leqyes Sh",rJi:l :"* Number85
rtrn s
tlt.d b* rDlSit,,'
{oqt Mof ,daIlv rrrfd
,l |,lc llff.
DeadHorseRiddle SparksUFOBuffs
6rhs-Brud'r".'tr' 9t '-*-r"r rE*i i#fg *-d5;Sfy"f 1"Mn.
.a â&#x201A;Ź .9
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Howe claims she has receiled information from 'confidential sources', inciudir-rg compeople in the military and intelliger-rce munities, that 'one of these Grev gror-rpshas some kind of survival problem, and at least one of the reasonsfor animal mutilations is to gather enough fluid, I guess from haemoglobin and the plasrna. to make some kind of essentialbio-chenricalingredient that these creaturesneed.' She admits, however, that it appears implausible that a technologicalivadvanced species,capable of travelling light years to visit Earth, should need olrr lir-estockto solveits biological problems. The fact is that nearlr' 30 r'earsafter these mysterious mutilations started occurring, we are no nearer to discovering the truth behind them. All that is certain is that the mutilations conform to a pattern, which rvould seem to sllggest a purpose. But what that prlrpose may be, is still a matter of gnessrr.ork.As is often the case in UFOlogl: the mysterv remai ns not onl v rrnsolved,but grows stranger by the day.
'tlrc men In the next issueflFO FILE inues!,igates in blach', the sltad\ fgurn uho harass U;O eyeuitnesses.
our-\'ear-oldAshan ti DeSilva faced potcntial danger everr tirne she came into contact â&#x201A;Źffi r'vith other people. She suffered from a rare disorder knorvn as severecombined irnmunodeficiency (SCIID),rr,hich left her body r,irtuallv defenceless againstinfection. With her immune svstemknocked out of action, Ashanti's life rvas threatened even bv mild diseases, such as the common cold or ch i ck en pox . SCIIDoccurs in about one out of er,erv100,000live births worlcln'ide and is causedbv a genetic defect. A single far"rltvgene means that people rvith SCID cannot
manufhcture T cells, a tl'pe of rr' h i teh l o od t el i vi tal i rr prorecti rrq the bod;' againstr,irusesand other invaders.But recent medical breakthrorighsare currently restoring hope to sufferersaround the world. M ED IC A T
O n 4 Sep t e r l b e r 1 9 9 0 , A s h a n t i became the first person to benefit from a revolntionarv
Docfors con ossess o foetus for genetic obnormolities, using o ronge of techniques.The feor is thot geneticists (inset)will soon hqve the obility to geneticolly engineer the foetus.
technique knou'n as gene therapy.
far-rlt1'gene into these cells and
Carried or-rtb1'a team frorn the
then returning
National Institlrte of Health itr the
h l o o d t o h e r c i r c r r l a t i o r r . I t r va s a
the modified
US, the treatment inr,olved
r e m a r k a b l e s r r c c c s s .A f r e r f o r r r
rcmor,ing the rvhite blood cells
s t r c h i r r f r r s i o r r si r r a s m a n v m ol l th s.
frorn the voung giri's bodv,
Ashanti's healrh improved
put t ing no r m a l c o p i e s o f t h e
clramaticallv. Nolr'ali she needs is
.:. .1 ,: '
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Another mcthod being studiecl involves targeting the fault-vcells such as cancer cells - ancl aclclitrg genes to them rvhich speecluP the bodies natural immunc system.A variation on this colrcept, n'l-rich has alread,vprovecl successftrlirt ani mal s.i s l o i rtsetl gcnes i t t lt r cancer cells that reuder tiretn open to attack by particular drr.tss. S E LE C TIV E
an occasionalbooster injection to keep her immune system in full workinp; order. Instead of beirrg permanently ill and quarantined, Ashanti can lead an otherurise normal and healthy life. M or c t han 3. 00 0a i l m e n ts . i n cl uding S CI D. c ys ri cfi h ro s i sa rrd h a e m ophilia.hav e b e e n tra c e d tc r
R i g h t t h i n ki n g pe o p l e s h o u l d ch e ck th e procreqfion of bose ond s e r v i l e f y p e s ... o l l th o t i s u g l y o n d b e sti o l i n rh e s o u l s o n d b o d i e s o f me n H.G. Wells, Anticipotions
'.,i1. 'lll,'1,,
tl' ,,..d e fec t son s ingleg e n e s .M a n y o th e r se riousc ondit ionsa re k n o w n to h e
co n r r ec t edr , r ' it hon e o r mo re g e n e s i n v olv edin t lr e bo d y ' sd e l e rrc e sIf. sci enc ec an nnnip u l a te th e s el a u l q g e n es ,t her e is t he p ro mi s e o f a n a stonis hingm edic a lb re a k th ro rrg h - a polent ial c ur e l o r e v e rl th i n g from AIDS to ageing. Belore ger)e therapy can develop into the ht-rped-lorpanacea, h o r r erer . er r or m o u s l yc o mp l F x problems have to be overcome.
Most of the work being done at present involves ex uiuo (or"rtsidethe body) treatmetrt, such as that given to Ashzrnti.So far, this therapy has concentrated mainly on bloocl cells, but the trouble is that individual cells tend to live for only the a fe rvmonths. C onseqtrerrtl y. tre a te c cel l l ssl orvl ydi sappear.and the whole infusion process has to be repeated on a regular basis. IT \AMOR TA L
C E ttS
Gene therapists are norv trying to provide permanent solutions for their patients by targeting the stem cells - the immature
cells from
which matlrre cells cievelop. Stern c ells app e a r t o b e i m m o l t a l a n d r v ill div id e o v e r a n d , r t e t without
growing old. Il a scne is
placed into a collection of stem cells, it will stay in place ancl be replicated for as long as that patient lives. However, there are very fer'v stem cells, and thev are often difficult
to identifv, so
s c ienc e h a s a l o n g \ v a ) l o g o b e l o r e per m ane n t l y s o l v i n g t h i s p r o h l e m . ) The Hiller Youth wos the Nozi oltempt ot o super-roce. Women selected on their physicol looks would be impregnoted by soldiers. Those lh-ughl to be geneticolly inferior were eilher sterilized or killed.
In addirion to the benefits to be gained frorn gene therap],, there are also rvider concerns aboltt the possible uses to r,vhichgenetlc engineering could be adaptecl. One o[ the more si ni ster' applicationsis'selectivebreedirte', knoln'nas eugenics.Itr the 1930s and 1940s,Hitler endeavoru'eclto creal ea supel race h1 ' ptrri fr ilr u' the gene pool. This iuvoh'ed encouraging 'perfect' couples to
produce'perf'ect' chilclrcn, rvhilc: exterminating all r:rcial ancl social sroups considcred to be sencticallv ' contaminerted'. Tcrdar,',sorne opponents ol' genetic engitreering f'ear that recerrt brezrkthroushs irl this field could tempt opprcssir,e t'esimes irrto creating a social ' over cla ss'. Onc of the lessons of Hitlcr's crude experirnentation is that selective breecling cloes not rvork. It zrppears impossible to cleterrnirrc rvhich qualities lvill be passed clcir,r,n to a chilcl, even if botl-r parents har,e remark:rble phvsical or mental :rttributes. Furthermore, althoueh some aspects of personalitv are geneticalh' determincd, many are the reslrlt of social conclitioning - and some cven der,elop by chancc. A more realistic ctollcern is that gcne technologv couicl bc usecl to
discrinrinirtc against people knorvn to har,e lifc-threzrteuing clisorclers. Throrigh geltetic scleeniug, it has become possible to tcst fbr over' 50 genetic abuonnalities - cven ul
A The science of 'tissue engineering, relies on genet;c lompering
- os in the
cose of this mouse, which hos been genericolly
-; f ] . ,o
ohered so fhot it does not
reiect the loborotory-grown
foetrrses. Ancl lr'hilc screcning has obvious bcnefits. clitics iu'e rvor-r-ied thirt insurance cor-npzlltlesor emplor,ers rnisht be prcjrrcliccd bv clertailsof an individual rvhose genetic re cord rer,eals that ii s er ior r s c o r r d i l i o r r r r i l l l r p p t . a r i r r iatcr life.
hr thc US, the FBI and thc Department
of Defence keep
extensive genetic retcorcis,as docs the Nleclical htfbr-ruation Bureari I
in \\iest'n ocid, N.{ass:rcl-rusetts, rvhich reportecllr' holcls itrlirrrnation on betl,een 10 ancl 20 million US t iliz er r s . A s a l e s u l l o l l l r e s s r r r c frorn lobbv sroups, the US govcr'nment has passcd lecislation aimecl urtpleventing discrimin:rtion based orr an incliviclual's genes. But, gir,en the easc tvith rvtrich confidential personal cl:ita can be
from anwvherb in the re international controls rded if such legislation rs ctively. long term fear is that inology will give rise to eugenics',where who can afford the t may decide to improve
offspring's chancesin life by them genetically' altered'
idea of 'designer children' sound perilously close to fiction. but geneticists ready begun to isolate ; th at, the v b eliev e. under pin
of hum an d i s p o s i ti o n s . inc lude hom o s e x u a l i ty , olis m . depr e s s i v ete n d e n c i e s 'arTrore fundamental level, ce, physical dexterity, and speed. people wit h s tro n g re l i g i o u s a n d et hic al belief s ,ta m p e ri n g w i th th e hum an genome (th e c o mp l e te o l a n i n c l i v i d u a)l e n et ic uk " . r p bidden territory. The issue rdised such a storm that it is illegal in Britain and the researchersto attempt any r f gene t her a p y th a t m a y technique r iniecring cells with DNA or I genetic moteriol. Using fhis ,cells offected by rhe foulty gene con be torgeted individuolly.
combination. Simply knowing the D N A sequenceof a gene i s not enough to explain how these genes interact. In principle, it maY be perfectly possible to manipulate a
cause altered genes to enter the gene line and be passedon to subsequent generations. Many geneticists accept that legislation and careful monitoring a re n e c essaryi f they are l o w i n over public support for their work. But they also believe that the e th i c a l probl ems i nherent i n gene technology have been overstated. They argue that some of the claims made by opponents exaggerate the e x l e n t to w hi ch human trai tsare controlled by single genes. U N F OU N D E D
foetus' genes, but without understanding how the genes
({ re Creqfed in God's imoge, humon beings ore more thqn the sum of their genes. Humqn dignitY should not be reduced to genetic mechqnisms
In fact, most characteristics,such as height, intelligence or skin colour are affected by many d i ffe re nt genesacti ng i n
TheCentrefor ChristionBioethics
DI ,,
o o E
interact with all the other combination of genes, the babr' could be born mentallv retarded or susceptible to heart faihire. What seemscertain is that, at some stage in the 21st century, doctors will have the ability to manipulate the genes of unborn human beings. It may not result in the race of super-beingsenvisaged by Hitlea but it could lead to people being stronger, healthier, and perhaps more intelligent than we are. The question is: when we have the technology, will we have
::1ffi'-*:1:1;;i"""" re
d i
si 6renger Sauniere, an impoverishecl priest at Rennesle-Chiteau in south western France, \{as restoring the vilffi lage's modest chnrch when he .found a number of parchments hidden b e n e a t h t he alt ar s t o n e , T \v o o f th e d o c u ments were written using complex ciphers and codes, and Saunidre journeyed to Raris to have them decoded by clerical scholars. The translation of the parchments appearbd to make 4itde sense; but whatever it said qade an impact on Saunidre - overnight; the 33-year-old.priest suddenly became immensely iich. Fo r 32 y ear s ,unri l h i s d e a rh i n 1 9 1 7 . Saunidre spent lavishly. He restored and re d e c or ar edhis anc ie n r c h u rc h o f S t Ma ry Ma g d alene.built him s e l f a l u x u ri o u s v i l l a . rep-lete with orangeries and ornamental garclens, and entertainâ&#x201A;Źd exrravaganrly. He is even aileged to have"had an affair with th e Fr enc h oper a diva E m m a C a l v 6 .
All through his lears of high' spending, Saunidre had one trusted compani on - hi s housel c eeper. Mari e D enarnaud. Sauni6re signed over everything he owned to Marie, and later died iust as he had begun - penniless. tike his llfe, Saunidre's death was a mystery. Shortly before he died, Sauniere was visited by a stranger, a n d i t has been di scoveredthat. j ust one week before his sudden and fatal stroke, Mari e had pl aced an order for hi s coffi n. SH A R IN G
,i; _: o:
In the riny villoge
of Rennes-le-Chdteou, between 1896 ond
1917, the priest <.
B6renger Souni6re
(inset) spenf rhe-
modern-doy equivolent of
23 million froncs
S E C R E T?
Before he died, however, Saunidre almost .certainlyshared the secretof his wealth with Marie. In old age, she was befriended by N o Fl C orbu. w ho had purchasedS arrni i re' s former eshte lrom her. ln return, Marie had promised that when she knew heiself to be dying she would give Corbu 'a secrerthal would make him rich and powerful...'
*' gi 5l E
(f3 million) - despite on onnuol solory of iusr 9OOfroncs. For o cenlurt lreqsure hunlers hove sought the source of this grecf weohh - os yet with no success.
R. rcl
Shortly befbre Marie die'd in 1953, she h a d a s t r ok e whic h ro b b e d h e r o l s p e e c h ancl paralysed both her hands. As she lay dying, Mgrie tried to honottr her promise to C or br r by r ev ea l i rrgth e s e c re l .Sh e m rrttered something, but Corbu maintained th a t hc c ould r r o t u rrd c rs ta rtdi t. C o rb u . himself, later died in a car crash. If he had sleaned Saunidre's secret from Marie, it d i cd wit h him ir r t h c w re c k a g e . TH E
by The original parchments folnd Saunidre were never seen again. fhen, in th e lat e 1960s .a g ro u p c a l l i rrg i ts e l f th e Prior,v of Sion claimed to have them in its possession.The mysterious group, boasti n g a his t or v s pan l ri n e h u rrd re d so l re a rs . publishecl tr'voof the parchments, and the sto r y c aught t he p u b l i c ' s i ma g i n a ti o n . M ar r v r es ear c h e rss ti l l d o u b t th e p a rc h ments ever existed. Had builders not witnessed Sauniire finding the documents in 1887, the story coulcl have been written off as a great hoa,x.But there is still one undeniable fact: B6renger Sar,rnidrespent an extravagarlt amount of money. The question is - where did he get'it?. There are many far-fetched possibilities,.but there are also a number of theorie s that stand ul* to seflous scmtrny. i Probably the best known of thes'bis the 'sacred bloodlin'e' theory. Originally proposed l1y the BBC documentary film makei Henr1,,.'Lincolir - and later developed in hib best-sellingbook T'heHoly Btaorl
a,ncl the Hoh C'rail (1982), co-authored br hi stori ans Mi chael B ai ge nl at t d Richard Leigh - the theorv is based on the assumpl i on that Jesusdi d rrot di e or r t he, cross,but was administered a clrug shortly after he had been crucified that rnade it appear as i f he hacl di ecl .
qnd ! couple treosure hunlj The Holy Its Mysteries Another qreq ofl Fonthorpes is the shoft in Nova Scolis mysterious Rennes lr be - is moit likely ro,
o o
= =o
Jesusr,vasthen taken down fiom the croSs. by his followers and remor,ed to a safe pl ace. w here he made a ftrl l r ccur er l. (Another version has someone else S i mon of C 1rerre i s a p.pul ar car r didat etaki ng the pl ace ot .fesus on the cr oss. ) Accordirrg to this theor)', Jesus married and fathere d a family with Marv Magdalene and left Palestine fbr the relative safety of south-u'estFrance. Here, his
d e s c e n d a n tsw e re a l l e g e d to have marri ed into the Merovingian dynasty, France's m l s te ri o u sro y a l fa mi l y crecl i tedw i rh magi cal powers. \Arhen.fesr-rs clied, in Ao74, he rvassecretly buried in the south of France, a n d h i s rc ma i n s w e re e verrtl l al l yhi dden i n th e R e n n e sa re a . Expanding on the material irt The Ho$ Bl o o rl trn d th c H o l y Onti l . hi srori cal reseircher Richard A-r.lrer"s and civil ene! n e e r P a u l S c h e l l e l tb e r gerdi d rhei r ow l r d e c ry p ti o rr o f th e p a rchments publ i shed bt th e P ri o n o f S i on and, br analysing the""geometrv of a number of
ffi# lt q
â&#x201A;Źo ,f
lf the Rennes theory is o hoox, fhe hoqxer musf b e o tw i sfe d g e nius ond his d6gree of eccentricify musf be motched by his weglth L io n e lF o r th o r p e . Re n nesR eseorcher
o o E
p a i rrti n g smenti oned i n rhe manuscipts, located the exact l'hereabouts of what th e r 4 rc \l rre are the remai rrs of Jesrrs.h'r their bqok, The Tbmbof Gorl(1996), Andrews a n cl
5 clr e llentl erger
t he f inal br r r i a l p l a c e o f J e s r r s as the uest side of Mount Car dot r , no t f i r t o t h e s o u l h east of Rennes. l( Ber er r g e r ' S a r r n j i r e d i d indeed
disc o v e r
t er r c e o{ J es u s 't r e r n a i n s . l h e
"'"-,,,, -' . theory goes' he l'ould have had a pbwerful bargaining cor-rnter with ' rvhich to blackmail thb Chr.rrch into keepTower wos built to house Squnidre's librory, bur ing him silent. But, while the lvleroviusian rivhot else did irs sreel . kir*g, Dagobert II, is mentionecl in one of door ond bottlemenfs . the coded parchments, there is no other conceol? All Souni6re evidenceconvincing enongh to persuade owned wos signed over fo the Church that the resurrection did not his housemoid, Morie happen. Because of this, the theor), that D6nornoud {inset). who Sauniere was blackmailing the Church <loimed fo hove olso falls apart, ac he $'ould have had very little inherited the secret of to b a rg a i n w i th . greot weohh ond power. So rn e R e n n e re s e a rcherssuggesl l hal S a u n i d re ' sw e a l th c a m e from bl ackmai l i ng .. '''his wealthy parishioners.The evidencefor this theory. rests on the characters - and A The fortified Mogdolo
attitudes torvards Saunidre - of two B i shopsol C arcassorrne. The l i rst o f t hese rvasl he ami abl e B i shop B i l l ard. rl ho had a l ai ss,' z-[uiapproach te to the srrang e happenings at Rennes and was tolerant of S auni ere.' B i shop B i l l ard. horvev cr . was rrpl aced i n 1902 hy the brrrea ucr ar ic B i shop B easej our.w ho demanded to know the source of the money. S auni i re st ood up to the Bishop - unusual fbr a humble ri l l age pri est - arrd sai d w i th a mocking smile: 'I have wealthy penitents!' The probl em w i th thi s bl ackmai lr heor l. how ever, i s that S aurri i re rvoul d har e needed a lot of penitents with a great deal of money to spend as mrrch he di d. lr is hi ghl y l i kel y rhar S aurri i re' sexpl ana r ionr o Bishop Beas6jour was meant to be read as ' Mi nd yorrr ow n brrsi rress.' H ID D E N
Anothei range of possible explanations for the riches at Rennes involves the discovery of a cache of hidden treasure. W hi l e manl researchersagrcc rni t h t he idea that the doclrments found by S arrrri Fre w ere cocl edtreasuremaps.lher e
s J$VJ(v460aN I C(8CXdtv (J Pa.tCShLey(N Jrrb€f b 1aJ({d(f)VR&l l l l (tLo'l LtA .Y vJo0xryvify(g,oryJ(l J yTavtrI y(J y J I(d( (E y r I .tW1{(l ).TT(lqaP ( OttI(r0oaIThl IO'N l Jt R R abLIl bl ,:LR V i 0 y(,tIv,vlt/Jf xllt(.dlJ€ 0u{rtf rv1dr t yJ cyJo(t}anlr,tfx60l( b ((p Ilt l(16Raf? filly6 ( N II J lt i,Rt\ PI IJII(l'tPr{(It0VJIaIVHtXtTP( d PtJt(8yl€ftft(Jlttlt(lJff fttIINJl//Jl,(Pd(J(FrPtfl.tOelb$l$ y[tIta(JTfcxutr6(l rvr rol af R €dIri .u(i {60yS l J y otx dGtJ pyct,r. l l! q v I x r v4 4v$| LFt CRItt.t VI t( fltf ctt hol$ad lrlyf yJqTvLr1..l's tQ N ill'l VI l/OIt 0NXvCNi IIGR(((t{ pdw"((MaaRiJ(IdaLr uo€ s7l(
6wT* ?A1xt t(vt whotw| r'tlvtTAdt&asn t Fessrrr{(baal Ad{ylot(d lvrih f yX(|8ifi$V(V{016(},r{i{J 6(aqva{e vtl l{ba
IrJstN(PttLLOV Nl' Xdti?Os uoryfip0Ill,a h(I(dI/rr(J[60t(J
( ttyrf{Ttltl vdravrj( i{(t{nthloJ( $f cc li hi' {Pv(0Iyl(a{oJ(a(5 j06i,0 l(OIIJt,/0ll.IIt(v(t f(tQV l(.lOt'tlN SfJOPiRfiay[fi5( x0v(tl( 1L;LUT OV.lz(IJTgyraTt0tI({Jl uiit(0r4vRba.0v I(PitT(J t/o(T&tfIr 0?n iilVl LVZl,llf(, ?VI dt{ a.[y'yIl'r0r/tP[0 PATIaVK(trV (t,TttV$)H€V$ftotllIaO0RIrFruC t{ I LhVf(OP irt Ryrx(tP(JIla((Rct0Iyo yor( I (lrGltvoIrr'aKRFt(ilR(t'f XvOabTt'0N l Qv 6r'ZcrtMcI('{(d wIaOyf vIt PR0PqT(RItI hr a{bltJIdNIfJVo
lop rs g l i sv. o rai t } . v v LN i R va: 4 5P 6'Y N t, P ux ttntI tv a' X ?tTtl . c tl l V i r ' P (R .c]& 6'dal rB & .l l cR vc)rr + P (((dTa.
J\tbtrTol€(VNdg-rxt eno tr b I R Cp€is ( ( t Tat . i l! 9 trs u a .ur(fo I rrl R INc 0 € P( RUN?U€ t|tR €Spr(ts(T'RiCTNT(.t fO,\HIbVt t (o L Ndu (rb L Nr qur dum r v r f rnd c ra .RrJ \€ t3 (I c { blN T € l €
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i s corrsi derabl edi sagreementon w h o hid the treasure, or what the treasure was. A strorrgcontendei for ori gi rralo wner s of the treasurei s rhe C athars,apower f ul religious sect that flourished Jih,.-p3d ziround the Rennes area until the 13th cen: rurl ' . The C athars. someti mes known as Albigensians, were heretical Christians who believed the material world was the creati on of rhe D eri l . l n the l l i th cenrury.persecuredand all brrt w i ped out b) the C athol i c C hurch. r he C athars made a l ast stand i n thei r m ountai ntop fortressof Montseguri rr sout h- west France. not far from R ennes. Shor t ly before the Catholics overwhelmed them, four i ntrepi d C athar mountair r eer s escapedby hi ghr, carryi ng w i rh them whar the records later described as 'the treasuresof their taith, peruniaminf nitam'
ffiffi1* Either Souni6r e found buried freosure, or he sfumbled on infor m otio n fgr which he wos pqid o for fune nof to disclos e ColinWilson.Author
ffiF (literally translatedas,'unlimited money'). Did Saunidre cliscover.the secret hiding place of that lost Cathar treasure? If so, w hat w as l he treasure? Dr Arthur Guirdham, a leading authority'on Catharism, believed that the Carhar treaslrre was a forrn of esoteric knorvledge, and that the forrl nrorrrrrai rreers hacl hidden books and documents somewhere in the region of Rennes. If this was the case, rvhat secretsdid their pageshold? TH E
Could the Cathar's pecuniaminfnitamhaie.", been the so-called philosopher's stone the knowledge of how to make gold? There i s tantal i zi rrgevi dence thar S arrni i r e had more than a passing interest in alchemy, tl re l nedi evalforel urrrrer of chcmi str y. Just i nsi de the doorrr' ayof S atr niFr e's chtrrch standsa strange group of stalues. placeclthere'by Saunidre during his restorations. At the baseof the statuesis the clemon A smoderrs, the strardi arr of l brbidden
treasure. Above his head is a dish of holy water, and over the water are salamanders mythical creatures who lived in fire. Above t he s ala nrn nd crs are lour angels - beir r gs of air ol sp irit - making t he s igr r of { he c r os s . E arth. wa ter. fire an d air ar e t he t r adit ior r al Also, close lo th e chu lch is th e c hat eau t hal gir es t hc
elements of alchemical theory.
area its name - Chiteau d'Hautpoul,
seat of
the Bla nche fort-Ha r r t poul dy nas r y . Par t ol' the cha tea u is ca lled The Tor v er ol Alc hem y . Could
these all be hints
that Sauni6re's
w ealth was lhe restr lt of alc hem v ?
THE WARRIOR ;r;r{nsri*$s*$j]@:i:ss:t9t;t
PRIESTS ti1r.ls&']ti
?erhaps the most plausible theory for the treasure at Rennes concerns the lost fleet o f the l/ r night s Te m p l a rs . th e rv a tri o r p ri es t sf or m c d in I I l 9 l o p ro te c t p i l g ri m s heading to Jerusalem. Founded by the Frenchmen Goclfroi "de St Omer and Hugues de Paynes, the Templars were based in the palace of Baldwin II, King of Jerusalem, and situateclnext to the pl-Aksa mo s que. bet t er k n o w n a s S o l o mo n ' s Temple. (It is from the temple that the sro u p t ook it s nam e .) The Templars srew in: strength and wealth until they had'dealings with Philip l e B el. P hilip I V o f F ra n c e . P h i l i p y _ v a s deeply in debt to the Templars ancl, in 1 3 07. er der ed his l ro o p s to a l ta c k c \e r) o rre of t hc T em pla rs ' s l ro n g h o l d ss i mrrl ta neouslv.,,Most fell to Philip's treachery. However,..ther€ is some evidence that Ch a t eau B lanc he fc rrt. th o u g h t to b e a Templar stronghold near Rennes, did not g o d o\ \ ' lr wit hout a l o rrg . s ru b b o rrr fi g h t.
: This could h4ve created euough delal to 'e?
A The..Templors, _, evon!.elicol knights
. hide the treasure.
H i s t o r i a n s a r s u e a b o u l t h c B l a r r cl r e fo l t-
ond. reformed soldiers of forlune, ployed o
-€, TerITplar conncctiott.
lorge port in lhe
Crusodes, €hristion
fall. But there is sorne' circltnstantial
a t t d a b o t r t t l r e fi r r a . the Templars'
ottempls lo reaover
d c n c c t h a t p o i r r t s t u a t l e a \ t p a l t o f th e i r
Jerusolem from lhe
lost treasure being hiclclen iu, or close to,
Muslems. For their
ellorts, fhe Templors
received knowledge
true, 'there
Even \rerc
fV moved
ond money, some of
reach of Rennes rr-hert Philip
which could hove been
the treosure ot Rennes.
treasure fe11into Philip's hands - some ma)'
asain " s t t h c n r . I t i s l i k e h ' t h a t n o t a l l th e have been concealecl below the church in
o o
,t €
Rennes until Sauniere recovered it. D i r l t l i e T c r n p l a r s ( a r r ) t h e l r ea sr l l c - , or part of rvl-rat hacl been concealed ad Rennes Did
a\'vay frt-rnr Philip's
those Templars
later couceal their
treaslrre in a safer and mole
s a n c t u a r \ '? T l r e r e i s e r i d e t t c e t h a t p o i r r ts '"'. to the east coast of Cauada as the
next stop on the search fbr the answer to the riddle of Rennesle-ChAteau.
In the next zs.sze,NII\STERIOUS WORLD url.rlls !,he Oah lsland Money Pit in. l{oaa Scotict ancl ashs, coukl the' 'trensure' of Rennes be lying in the tatryrinth beloutOak Ishnd?
avid Farrant hit the headlines in the lg70s when he was arrested for ,vampire hunting, in London's Highgate cemetery. Officially ffi=ffi charged with ,interference', Farrant spenr rwo years in prison, and emerged embittered with the press over their treatment of the case, and with the police for their treatrnent of him. Since then, he has battled to have his side of the story heard, resulting in the publication of his book, Bqond the HigfugateVantpirc. Farrant's interest in the occult stems from his teens, when his mother, a member of the Spiritualist Church, exposed her son to the possibilities of the paranormal. In 1967, after a trip around Europe, Farrant became a founding member of the British pwchic and Occult Society (BPOS), and began to investigate claims of the paranormal - including the Highgate vampire. In his home, just a mile from the cemetery that caused hirn such grief, the softly-spoken Farrant talks about the occult and the work of the BpOS. 1 ln Beyond the Highgate Vampire,Fqrrontexploins how he wqs mode o scopegoot for slronge octivities ot the London cemetery, offected
ond how it hos his life since.
E s#
@ @ ft'r imporrant for rne to explain sonrerhirlg at the besinninu. During ml irtlestigltticrns. I.r.e corne to rcalize that there are three cliffer.ent catesor-iesof unexpl:rinccl phenonrena. The f,rrt cat.gory applies to the ntajoritr of paranot,rnal occLrrrences _ phantom figLrles. The seconcl care{ror\. involr,es poltergeist actilitr.. rlhet-e objects r-note and so on. And the third categor\ - rr'hich I'rn verl,dubious about cliscussing _ inrohcs actrral entities rvhich seem to Dossesssome kiucl of intelligence.
Let's toke one qt q fime. How do you define 'phontom figures,? I don't like the word 'ghost'becauseit conjuresup in somepeople'srnindsimagesin r,vhitesheetsancl clankingchains,but there are figures- or anirnals,or even objects-lvhose imagesare very real. Thev don't have intelligence, but are pictures from the past replayecl at certain times under certain conditions, such as planetary alignment, lunar cyclesand, most importantly of all, atmospheric conditions. Water appearsto be important - these phenomena seem to take place under conditions where water is present. Con you give on exqmple of o cose where woter wqs qn importont foctor? \4/eresearched a casewith a phantom black dog, lvhich was seen on a number of occasionsin
Hereford. Two people were driving home one night when they saw a huge black dog in the road. The driver slammed on the brakes, br.rtthe dog disappeared, which is the case99 per cent of the time. We went to the spot and discovered that there was a stream running alongside the road, right at the place where the black dog was seen.
would wake up in the night and hear the crash of shelvesand, on one occasion, she mentioned that her sister's son had been pushed down the stairs by some force. I never told her this but I am sure that many of those occurrences were being caused by herself. You find that it happens in some people more than others - I suppose it depends on how sensitir,ethey are.
Why do you lhink woter is importont?
This tqkes us to your fhird colegory, entifies wirh inrelligence.Why ore you guorded obouf tolking qbout such coses?
This is probably one of the most important questions I'm trying to answer.There could be some energ"ynot yet understood by science. This energy could be responsible for the materialization of many psychic images and could connect with the element of water and also the element of stone.
Whor role does stone ploy? Many of these things occur in old buildings made of stone - such as old abbeys- and along ley lines, which are often defined bv stone markers. It's as if the stones are acting as a battery that, under certain conditions, can release psychic energy.
Whqr obout poltergeists,lhe secondcotegory? A lot of occurrences are caused by subconsciouslevels of the human mind. These often occur when people are asleep or are just going to sleep. \A4:renthe conscious mind is at rest, strange activiry can be triggered off. I once investigated a casein Brighton of a lady experiencing classicpoltergeist activity she'd go out at night and the gas would come on, she
We're going into a realm which is not fi-illr' understood. I've investigated caseswhere the acttial entities are trying to communicate with a certain person, and sometimes they can be malign. I clon't like using the word evil, but they can have an effect on some people. And I have investigated too rlanv cases where I haven't found a satisfactoryexplariation. Gon you give on exomple? One that comes to mind was a woman rvho \rrote to me in 1992 about some kind of horrendous psvchic activity she was suffering. She'd wake in the middle of the night absolutely paralysed - she couldn t move a muscle, couldn't scream - and she often felt a great pressure on her chest. Sometimes it rendered l-rer absolutely immobile for up to a minute. On one occasion, she actually looked up and saw the shape of a man hovering over her. It became so petrif ing that she refused to go to sleep. She was suicidal.
How did you help her? In the end, I sent her a protective talisman, u'hicl-rI told her to wear around her neck at all times. and rre did some protective work for her in the Socien. -\fter about a year it stopped and to my knowledge it hasn't happened since. That was one casewhere conring into contact with psychic phenomena can be terrifiing. Whqt's o 'protective tolismqn'? I am not really allowed to go into that. It rvasjust a talisman containing certain symbols of protection, used to counteract or rather reverse pslchic energ'y. Some people would argue that the onll meaning it has is symbolic, rather like the Christian cross is used to ward off vampires, but it does rvork ir-rsorne cases and if it does it has fulfilled its purpose.
And whot kind of 'protective work' did rhe Society cqrry ouâ&#x201A;Ź At the initial staees,I asked the rvoman to send me an object that was closely linked to herself - a necklace or a ring - as this helps us to form a psychic link with her. Once this was established, I was in a better position to try and reverse the energy of whatever it was that was attackins her.
How do you do rhis? There are certain methods which I can't really talk about. But the Society get together to form a psychic chain and direct the psychic energy towards the person in question, a bit like an exorcism. We very rarely do this unless it's a very serious case,and I did regard this as a very seriouscase.
Why con't you tolk obouf it? There are certain things we're not supposed to discussand, even if we did, people wouldn't really understand them. But there are certain talismans, symbols and words that contain power if they are utilized in the right manner. It's nothing sensational,but they're kept secret because some of them have been known for centuries and have been handed down. One of the reasons for secrecyis that if they became known, they'd be abused.
5o whot reqlly hoppened ot Highgore? In the 1970s,the Societywas investigating claims of an entiq, in the cemetery and we tried to make conract
with it. \Arhenwe were in the cemetery, the police turned up, and I was arrested and accused of Beliefdoesn'tcomeinto vampire hunting. Fortunately, I was Like fhe ouiio boord? m) inaestigations- it's a acquitted, but eventsgot out of Exactly. These things act as a dangerousthing. If you hand. The casecausedworldwide psychic gareway,and if people just u nderstand somet lting, you publicity and attracted hordes of open the gare without knowing don't needto belieu{ii it sightseersto the cemetery. what they're doing... well, you get As a resuit, the vandalism and all these casesof so-called damage in the cemeterv increased. possessionand it's very real to the In 1974,things gor so bad that an people who experience it. It's like dabbling rvith architect. returning to his car after visiting the electricity - you've got to know r,vhatvou,re doing or cemeter\'.found a 15O-r'ear-old skeleton in the driver,s you'll get a powerful shock. seat.The police decided I would make a good scapegoarfor that aud raided my flat. They found You_nomed your group fhe Brirish psychic photos to clo rvith fthe religion] Wicca, showing naked ond Occuh Sociefy. How do you define the ladies and things like that, and claimed I confessed: difference befween,psychic' qnd,occult,? 'Look, ,voudon't understand - I was taking the body They are very closely linked - 'psi.chic' literaili. being for black magic. Putting it in the car was unintended forces that are not understood, 'occult, meaning but someone came along and I had to make a quick hidden, unknown. As far as the BpOS is concernecl. exit.' In court, I proved the evidence wasn,t true. I was you are going to get people that don't ur.rderstandit acquitted of the main charge, but was found guilty on and who think the occult is to do with black magic two other charges of damage to graves. In the end, I and all that nonsense. Black magic implies black was sentenced to two years imprisonmbnt. candles, nude women, midnight orgies but, to us, magic is just a force in nature that can be tapped. If Whor become of the Highgote enrify? those forces are used in a beneficialway, to help and I decided I was never going back to Highgate, so it,s to heal, it's classedas white magic. But the force itself possible that the energ.yis still there. Ir's never been is neither white nor black, it's neutral - it deoends on properly exorcized and you find that once psychic the intentions of the person using it. energy becomes earthbound it tends to remain earthbound until it can be diffused.
n\ gg
Do you get criticized for invesfigoting the poronormol by using ,mogic,?
I rarely get criticized. The one time I brought criticism upon myself was in the caseof the Highgate vampire _ and it's only becausethe story got out of hand.
Are you still invesfigoting similnr cqses? Yes.There's much still ro be learned _ it's like finding the tip of a huge iceberg. Most people aren,t even aware the iceberg exists.But at least I,ve stat
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n 28 Novernbcr 1953, a delusional and depr e s s e d D r F ra n k O l s o n threw hirnself out of the tcnth floor rewindow o{- his Neu, York hotel. Olson was a long-serving scientist for the US A r m y ' s s ec reti v e C h e mi c a l C o rp s Special Operations Division, whose prob,lems began at a meeting ninc days earlier. The meetins had been orchestrated by Sidney Gottlieb, Head of the CIA's Technical Services Staff. Unknown to those present at the meetine, Cl.ottliebhacl acquired a quantity of LSD and secretlv wanted to test it. Spiking Olson's clrink with the LSD, he passedthe bottle around and sat back waiting fbr results. Olsor-r,an outgoing personality who loved practical jokes, soon began to suffcr jarring side effects.One of those present at the meetins, Ben Wils<-rn,later recallecl that Olson 'was psvchotic'.
Cottlieb and his boss, the Director. oi Clentral Intelligence,Allen Dulles, i ni ti atecl r( ( \ .r r a 20-1ear co\ er-ll p of t he ci rcrrrn:1.n rotrnding Olson's cleath.
B R A IN W A S H IN G At stake\\,asthe (iIA's srrpcr secret ploject, MK-ULTRA. The pr-ojccthacl sr-cxvnout of an earlier sccfet pfotrl'alnlnc. krtorvn as Bhiebird, thirt n'as offlcialh' formecl to counter Soi'iet aclvancesin brainwashing. In realitl' the CIA hird other objectives.An early aim \\'as to stucly methods 'through which control o{' an indir,idual ma1' be attailled'. The emphasis of expcrimcntation was 'narco-hypnosis',the blending of mind alterins drnss u'ith careful hvpnotic programmin5;. Ever evolving, project Biuebird was later renamccl Project Artichoke, after a vegetabie that Dulies Nas particularl,vfbnd of.
A Fronk Olson died in 1953. His fomily loter ottempied to sue lhe CIA for'wrongful deoth', cloiming fhol Olson wos unbolonced ot the time of his deoth due to hoving unknowingly token enormous doses of LSD.
BIt{r{ Ctini'catC
rd sonffrOI ' drugs
it. Official CIA documents describd ULTRA as an 'umbrella project' witht 'sub-projects'. Many of these sub-projBl dealt with testing illegal drugs for poten field use. Others dealt with electronicsriit One explored the possibility of activatih$' , 'the human organism by remote control''.' Throughout, it remained a major goal tol s brainwash i'dividuals ," m.#. .l"ri.;,'titii and spieswithout their knowledge. IttE GA t j
3 E E
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Artichoke was an 'offensive' programme of mind control that gathered together the intelligence divisions of the Army, Nar,y, Air Force and FBI. The scope of the project was outlined in a memorandum dated January 1952 that ominously asked: 'Can rve get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature such as self preservation?'The race was on to crea l e a pr ogr am m ablea s s a s s i n . A crack CIA team was fbrmed that could travel, at a moment's notice, to anlwhere in the world. Their task was to test the new interrogation techniques, and ensure that victims would rlot remember being interrogated and programmecl. All manner of narcotics, from marijuana to LSD, heroin and sodium pentathol - the so-called 'truth dmg' - were regularly used.
\{rhen it wasformed in 1947,the CIA wal forbidden to have any domestic police internal security powers. In short, it authori zed onl y l o opcrate' overseas From the very start, MK-ULTRA staff this Congressional stipulation and testi ngon unw i rti ng U S ci ri zens. Precisely how extensive illegal testing : became w i l l rrever he know n. Richar d Helms, CIA Director and chief a..nit..t,oi.:lll the programme. ordered the destruct ion of all MK-ULTRA records shortly befor-^e'; Ieaving office in 1973. Despite these cautlons some documents
were m
and came to lisht in the late 1970s,
laid bare the spy agency's cynicism. ,r,,
Profussor Jomes Slorrs, holding o plosler cost
ink Olson'sskull, ad the forensic investigotion inio Olson's deoth. Storrs concluded ]hot there wos not enough evidence to prove Olson's deqth wos onything ofher l --a L
---- -
- - - r L:- -
- r L- .
thon suicide. SidneY ,Gpnlieb (inset), who wqs crcused of hoving fed on huge omounls of ), wor olso colled upon
One particularh.' oclior-rsproject \\.asnln by Dr Harris Isabel,Director of the Pr,rblic Service Hospital in Lexington, Kentucky a facilitv speciaiizing in drug abuse. Asked by the CIA to discover a ranse of 'synth e ti c ' d rrrg s .Is a b e lb e gan expcri menl i ng on captive black inmates. AnxioLrs to please his CIA bosses he claily fed his suinea pigs large dosesof LSD, mescaline, marijuana, scopolamine and other substances.In exchange for participating in th e e x p e ri me n ts , th e i nmates recei r-ed
injections of high quality morphitre, sometimes getting 'shot-up' three times a da1,, depending on their co-operation.Brought before the Senate subcommitteesin 1975, Isabel saw no contradiction in providing hard drugs to the verv addicts he r.vas emplo,vedto cure. Follou'ing public outrage, the CIIA announceclit had ceasedits mind manipulation programmes. Victor Marchetti, a (lIA vetelan of 14 yearswho turned 'rvhistle-blorver',exposed this to be untrue. B R A IN
In 1977, Marchetti said the CIA ciaims to have ceased were a cover stor)'. Uncier scrutiny, the agenc,vr,verequick to dorvrtplay the successof MK-ULTRA - claimins no real advances lvere achier,ecl.NIiles Copeland, al)other lons-serr,iug CIA officer disputed this. Speaking to a reporter, Copeland revealed that 'the consressional sr-rbcommitteer.vhichwent into this sort of thing got only the barestelirnpse.'Another source rvithin the intelligence commuuitl' says that after 1963, CIA efforts itrcreasingly focr.rsedon psychoelectronics.Narcohypnosis had been clrained dr-r''. DrJose Delgaclo,a neurophvsiologistat Yale Universitv School, rvas especiallr'
,i itl
i n te r es t edin E lec t ro n i cSti m u l a ti o no f th e Bra i n. B y im plant in g a s ma l l p ro b e i n ro th e brain, Delgado discovered that he'could wield enorrnous power over his subject. Using a device he called the 'stimoceiver' which operated by FM radio waves,he was able to electronically orchestrate a wide range of human emotions. These included rage, lust and fatigue. D ur ing 1966, De l g a d o a n n o u n c e d th a t his findings supported 'the distasteful conclusion that motion, emotion and behaviour can be directed by electrical forces.' He added that 'humans can be controlled like robots by push buttons.' Funded by
33 rB We must remember to thonk fhe CIA qnd the qrmy for LSD. They invented LSD to control people qnd whqt ir did wos to give us freedom JohnLennon
-n \ r ,
the Office of Naval Research, Delgado looked forward to a future when socien' could be 'psychocivilized'. Despire rhe
miniaturization of implants, the next major advance forward was micrortar-es. By placing a volunteer in an electromagnetic field, Dr Ross Adey of the Universin' of California, made a starrlillg discor.err-. Using specific radio \\'a\:es,Adev rr'as able to influence his subjects' braiurr-ar-es. Another scientist, Allen Frer', took this
V During the l95Os ond 6Os, lorge doses of LSD were given fo over IOO British servicemen. The tesls were ollegedly corried oul to see whol would hoppen if on enemy moncged lo use the drug on British forces. ,o :9 F
! o
3 .9) 'tr I
the D epartment of Def ence, Scapitz said: 'It will be shown that the spoken r'r,ord of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electromagnetic energy directly into the subconsciousparts of the brain.' This, he said, could be achieved w i thout empl of i ng anv technical devices for 'receiving or transcoding messages" For the first time, US ager.rtshad the ability to remotely tamper rtith an individual's mind. Scapitz went even fr"rrther, claiming that this could be achieved without the target even becoming al'are of what was happening. Since then, Iittle information has been revealed in scientific literature, follolving the imposition of strict securitl' classification. Despite this, sigrrificarrt pieces of
33 1*, research a step further. Frey found he could remotely induce sleep in his subjects by subjecting them to electromagnetic waves. He also learned he could produce acoustic noises - booming, buzzing and hissing - directly inside a volunteer's head. Developing on Frey's earlier work, Joseph Sharp - a doctor at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research - was able to tra n s m i t spoken w ords via pulsed microwaves. Sitting inside an electromagnetic field, Sharp clearly heard and understood words transmitted to him by a colleague. For the medical profession this rvas a major breakthrough, and would be of immense benefit to the deaf. Howeveq the US military and intelligence communin' were quick to capitalize on these nen'discoveries. Secret research programmes on electromagnetics have never been made Freedom available under the of Information Act.
i #ffi;,"*
'zamb'es' ceurmYof
A In 1993, the prestigious llS Defense News corried on orticle reveoling thot former Soviel scienlists werâ&#x201A;Ź co-operoring with U5 ogencies to supply mind-control technology.
ln I974,J. F. Scapitz,a scientistfunded by the Department of Defence, had a chilling vision. He sought to combine earlier MKULTR\ hypnosis studies with emerging microwave technologies. In an outline to
B io -t e le me t ry e n c o m p qs s e s t h e t ro n s mis s io n o f d o fo b y s u rg ic o lly imp lo n t e d f ro n s mif t e rs P M. P ersson,S w ei i sh R eseorchInsti i uti on
- B\ r ,
information - more nsualh'from non-US sources- contilllle to be published. \A/hat is alailable paints a bleak picture. Eviclence erists that mind-control and bel'rar.iour n'rodification technology is presenth concealed behind Non Lethal D eferrcer\LD ) i rri ti ati ves. The announcement in 1995 that non1etha1rveapons- including high powered microrr'avesand radio frequency devices alre to be 'transited' to the law enforcernent sector was met with dismaf in some quarters.This joint programme, known as 'Operations Other Than War', opens the way for the military to move into the civilian domain - a move precluded by the American constitution.The statedaim is to more effectively tackle narcotics trafficking, terrorism and other criminal activity. Many citizensconsider this to be a lame excuse. They fear the rviclespreaduse of mind-altering technologies, and believe democracv is under serious assault.In the light of past government abuses,rvho can blame them?