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,.$,}g3car, Ihe Untold ltory oi
P08oxt58' '63.Oennis Lee.
he US public has come to accept b,v an overwhelming majority - 89 per c enl - lhat t he re \^ a sa c o n s p i ra c ya l I the heart of the assassinationof PresidentJohn F. Kenneclyin Dallas on 22 November 19{r3.With the Cold War still in progress, the US media accepted the word of the new president, Lyndon B. Johnson, and the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, that President Kennedy had been killed by a lone assassin- Lee Harvev Oswald. It rvas also accepted that Oswald, a voung, social misfit and former marine with a gruclge against the world, had, in turn, beerr killecl in the late morning of 24 November by another lone assassin- the small-tirne club ownerJack Ruby. It was not Lurtil the micl-1960sthat people began to notice the discrepancybetween the conclusions of the Warren.Commission - the official boclv established to inrrestigate the
assassination- and the 26 volumes of evidence pul> lished in 1964. But it was the independent investigation started in 1967 by Jim Garrison, a maverick District Attorney in Nerv Orleans - r'vhere Oslvalcl had spent a number of months during the summer of 1963 - that helped spawn a whole series of conspiracy theories. So rvhy are nine out of ten people convinced that the truth abor,rt Kennedy's death u,ascovered up? PR OOF
In 1966, an FBI report was discovered in which two agents present at Kennedy's autopsy noted that 'a tracheotomy hacl been performed, as well as snrgery of the head area, namell', the top of the skull'. Agent James Sibert iater confirmed that that rvas'exactlywhat the doctor had said'.
On the basis of extensive and diligent investigation, David Lifton, the researcher w ho not ed t he s i g n i fi c a n c e o f Si b e rr' s tgB,ort, concluded in his book BestEuidence .*iat, 'during the six hours between the ;;Dallas assassination and the Bethesda IN av al Hos pit al . W a s h i n g to n l a u to p s y . President Kennedy's body was intercepted and altered.' Lifton produced inexplicable lb'ut convincing medical evidence that two ambulances and two coffins had been used to move the President's body to Bethesda. Lifton proposed that the casket seen by millions on television and accompanied bv
furelimlnory drofr notes retofing 1,fq [JFK's]outopsy reporf qnd... frqnsmitted oll other popers fo : o higher oufhority DrJomesJ.Humes,Novol MedicolCenter,Bethesdo
: .-n \ n '
blood-stainedJackie Kennedy was proba^ bly empty and was used as a decoy, officially for security reasons. To reinforce his theory,
Kennedy's body had actually arrived at ^,^r^:-Bet hes dain a pla i n . ---^-^r m e ta l c-- a sl k e- t. -^.t^ ^r^:-Lifton also proposed that the gunshot wo u nds t o t he h e a d h a d b e e n s u rg i c a l l y
'= ..:,
Lifton's ideaswould ha\.eentered the mix of conspiracy theories and been forgotten had it not been for the testimonies of a number of medical experts. Dr Robert McClelland, the surgeon who performed the tracheotoml' == on Kennedy's throat, said that the X-rays he had been allowed to see for the first time in 1989 'do not show the same injuries to the President's head that I saw in the emergencyroom'. The man nho made some of the original X-rays in 1963,Jerrol Custor, was also shorvn the X-rays in 1989 and declared them to be 'fake', while Floyd Reibe, the autopsy photographer, thought the recentlr' releasedphotographs'phony'. That there was a conspiracy surrounding the death of Kennedy is no longer ir.r doubt. The real question now is: rvhclkilled the President if it was nor the lone sunman, Oswald? One of the first investigators to gir.e serious consideration to this qlrestiolr \ras District Attorney Jim Garrison. rr'hose enquiry forms the basis of Oliver Srone's r
I hove desfroyed certqin
altered to hide the entry wound of a bullet from the front, which would have suggested the existence of two gunmen and, hence, a conspiracy. According to Lifton, the decision to do so had been taken at the highest levels of the US government.
Kennedy's outopsy
photogrophs were neyer shown fo the Worren Commission- qrtists' impressions (inset) were submitted insteod. When the photos first surfoced in 198t, reseorchers noted how they differed from the Commission drorrings ond concluded thot the body hod been tompered with.
T o
o '6 o
the Warren Commission, and, in the mid1970s.rhe U S C orrgressagreed to se t up a rrew enqui ry. In the summer of 197 9. t he official AssassinationsCommittee reported,, that, while it believed Oswalcl had pulled. the trigeer. Kennedy 'was probably assassirrated as a resrrl t of a conspi racy'.The Commi ttee's scier.r tifi c evidence pointed to.r,, a secorrdassassi on n the GrassyI{noll, t he area where many witnessesin Dealy Plaza: on thal fatefrrl day had given testimony that there was a gunman.
d E
controversial hit movie, ,trK. Garrison investigated the activities of a New Orleans businessman, Clay Shaw. A former wartime intelligence officer with ties to the CIA, Shawwas accusedof being part of a conspiracy with David Ferrie, a contract pilot for the CIA's anti-Castroactivities.
The Committee concluded that the Mafia had the 'motive, means and opportuniq'to assassinatePresident Kennedy' and named tw o Mob bosses. C arl os Marcel l o and Santos Trafficante, as the likely conspirators. It al so suggesredthat the pl ot m ay have been supported by anti - Cast r o Cubans and, while it dismissed direct. A meri can i nvol ve m ent , Intel l i gence thought it possible that rogue intelligence: personnel had taken part. What connected tl re three groups w asC uba. Irrcl easi rrsl rhosti l e to Fi del C ast r o and l ri s strerrstl rerri rrgti es rvi th the Soviet L' rri orr. the C t.\ Irad derel oped an 'Executile Actiorr' capabiliq' to perform assassinations.In order to achieve its objective, the CIA recruited organized crime figures who had run the lucrative , gambling syndicates in Cuba before . Castro came to power. The CIA'S..::,:i
Ferrie was a bizarre figure who disguised his lack of body hair with a red toupee and false eyebrows. Because of his connection to the CIA's anti-Castro teams, Ferrie's flight across Louisiana in the immediate aftermath of the assassination had long looked stu;picious.So when he was found dead in mysterious circumstances,the idea of CLA involvement in the assassination began to look a serious possibility. \\hile it was true that Carrison did uncover new evidence, linking Ferrie to Osrvalcland CIay Shaw, he did not provide a shred of evidence of Shaw's complicity in Kennedl"s death. Nor did he uncover Shaw's links to the Mafia - who are now considered key players in the assassination. The Carrison investigation did, however, serve to highlight the inadequacies of
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V Two doys ofter the qssossinolion, Lee
Tc c hnic ir l
Oswold wos shot by
Jock Ruby, ond died 48
and a pen \{ith a neeclic ancl poiscin fol its
hours olmost lo lhe
\ 4af ia- bec k er l
minute ofter Kennedy.
against Castro.
o N E o o
resi of his lifu in o ioil overlooking Deoley
toxic chcmicals,
CIA's fr.rnds and ordeled in
5 o
thcm not to assist
against Castro. As a
comple te failure, and the \Iafia bosscs had
flubans anticastro 'solcl out' the Cuban people ancl labellecl him a 'traitor' and a 'commturist'.
t i v t r r r r p h o p e t h a t t l r e r r r r i , l lr l l r t a l r l t' to
Plozo, cloimed to hove
dcted olone, olrhough it
believecl that Kennedl'hacl
Oswold ond the Mofio.
Horveveq Kenncdl' deciclecl to cut the campaign
hod connections with
as s as r it r a I i o t t 'p c r r I i r ) r I s
is.now known thor he
s pik t ' < l c iqar s . t r plodir r u n l . / ( ) r s . l l \ \ c l s l l i l
Ruby, who spent the
Sc r v ic es D i r , i s i o n
retrieve their casinos in f.lrba bv assassinating Castro. By' 1963. thel rrere looking for other, more efl'ectile nlealls to achieve
Tire plots ag:rinst Castro pror,ecl to be a
their ends.
. ,'l
..:.:: ! o 3
: t9
Mafia boss Santos Trafficante, rvho had been inr,olr-eclirr the CIA plots to kill Clastro,\\,asrcported as saying: 'This man Kennedv is in trouble, and he r'vill get rvhat' scorni ng to hi m... H e' s going t o be hit.' Trafflcatrte was angrv abor-rt the Kennedr.brothers'war on organized crime clirccteclagainst his friencls, Sam Giancana anclJimrnv Hoffa, both of r,r'homhad liaised l'ith the flLA in the anti-Castroassassination plots. Union leader.fimrn,v Hoffa r'vasalso heard expressing similar threats. Hoffa's lanl'er claimed, in 1994, that Hoffa had sent him to New Orleans in 1963 to ask Trafficante al)d local crime boss Carlos Marcello to organize the assassination.
Marcello had been deported from the US to Cuatemala in the summer of 1961 by Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Secretly returning to the US, Marcello issued a traditional Sicilian oath -'take the sto n e out of m y s h o e ' . Ma rc e l l o a l s o claimed that, 'He was going to arrange to have President Kennedy murdered.' In addition, Marcello claimed to have taken out 'insurance' by 'setting up a nut to take the blame'. The Assassinations Committee uncovered evidence linking Oswald and his killer, Jack Ruby, to the Marcelio crime organization. In addition, it is known that ex-CIA pilot David Ferrie worked for Marcello. The Committee also established that Osrvald'suncle, Charles 'Dutz' Murret, had 'rrorked for years in the underworld gambling syndicate with the Carlos Marcello crime family'. \Arhen Oswald was arrested for his part in a 'Fair Play for Cuba' meeting, Murret arranged for a mob figure related to Marcello to pay Oswald's bail. It
would have been possible for Marcello's organization to have 'spotted' Oswald as a possiblescapegoat- a'patsy'. John Martino, a friend of Mafia boss Trafficante, worked as a CIA contract agent r,vith the anti-Castro Cuban groups. Before he died, he stated that Oswald had been set up bv the ar-rti-Castro Cuban
groups. Not knowing who he r,vasrvorking for, Oswald was to be killed after the assassination in the Texas Theater, the movie house where he was finallv arrested. But there was a hitch. 'There was no way we could get to him,' Martino claimed. 'They
-oo z l
had Ruby kill him.' WHO
R U BY ?
Ruby now appears to have been a much more significant figure, one with ties to major organized crime figures and with interests in Cuba, including gun-runnine. In particular, Ruby had visited Santos Trafficante several times in Cuba. In a rarely seen television interview before he died in prison, Ruby saicl, 'The world will never know the true facts of what occurred... because unfortunately these people, who have so much to gain and
lf onyone wqnted lo shoot the President of lhe Un i r e d St q t es...q l l o n e h o d to do wqs get o high building qnd o telescopic rifle
22 November1963 JohnF. Kennedy,
v Florido's Mofio boss, Sonlos Trofficonte cqn now be linked to the CIA through Dovid Ferrie (below left), o former conlrocl ogent during
the CIA's ollempls lo
- Ern
have such an ulterior motive to put me in the position I'm in, will never let the"true facts come above-board to the worlcl.' Jimmy Hoffa disappeared in 1975, and Giancana was murdered in the same year. Both were due to give testimonl, about the anti-Castro plots to the official investigations Committee. Forced by a subpoena, Trafficante did testifu to the Committee
E o o .o I E g 'o o
',a:.].,, :r',:i: ' ra,r,
Fidel â&#x201A;Źostro. Mony contemporory conspirocy reseorchers fovour rogue elements
but declined to ans\\'eran,vquestions relating to theJFK assirssination.Following Giancana's murder. Tr-afficante was taped by the FBI saying, '\on' onlv two people are alive who knou' rr'ho killed Kennedy. A rrd they aren' t tal ki nq.' The other person rvho clid rtot talk may have been the man rr-ho organized the CIA's Executive Action against Castro William Harvey. Durins the attempts to assassinateCastro, Harlev rtas in close touch with the Mafia. He had an intense hatred of the Kennech'sfbr their failure to support his anti-Castt'ocot.uuratrdos.
within rhe ClA, rhe
onli-Costro groups
ond the Mofio os
Before he died frorr cancer-,David Phillips, the former senior CL\ officer rvho ran antiCuban operatiorls in \Iexico City during 1963, confirrned to a researcherthat JFK was done in bv a conspiracy'. He added that it rvas likelv to have included 'rogue
co-conspirotorsin the plot ro kill Kennedy.
American intelligence people'. The vierv that the Kennedy conspiracy involvecl a Mafia, anti-Castro Cuban, and rogue CIA alliance was strengthened by the releasein the early 1990sof millions of files on the assassination.These files have also helped to disprove a number of the wilder theories. After years of confusion, inadequate government investigation, concealment and deliberate obstrlrction. the truth about the world's most famous murder may be, at last, in sight.
''o"=."#!s. 4_
q â&#x201A;Źm'.''..
tancling on a hillside overlookins the Turkish r illage of Han c a g i z .E n g i rr I Sungur turned to his parents and said, 'I can see the village where I used to live.' They knew, horvever,that he had onlv ever lived with them in Tavla, a large village about 4 km from Hancagiz. \{hat the two-year-olcl boy rvas telling them rvasthat Hancagiz had been his home village in a previous life. Because the Sungurs are Alevi Moslemswho, unlike their Sunni Moslem neighbours, believe in reincarnation, they reacted with crrri os it yr at her t han d e ri s i o n . '\\hose son are you?' they
asked. I am \aif Qigek,' he replied. ancl began to tell them about evenrsin his previous life, including rlte fact that he had gone to -\nkara shortlv before he died. Ensin rhen pleaded with his parents to take l-rintto Hancagiz. F A M IT Y
At first, the Sungurs,lvho had never heard of Naif Cicek, refused. But then not long afterr,vards,the young Engin came face-to-face with Culhan Qigek, the dead man's daughter, who happened to be attendins the secondaryschool in Tavla. He immediately addressed her as 'my claughter',telling the
alarmed girl that he was her father. B efore thi s i nci dent rhere had been no contact between the two f a m i l i e s b u r . r r o w . E n g i n 's m o th e r
decided to take Ensin to Ha to meet the rest of the family. ,,.i The moment he met Naif ',,..:: Qi cek' sw i dow .he cal l ed her ' m y '
w i f e ' a n d t h e n i d e n t i f i e d a t l e a st seven other members of Naifs
.1 r
familyby name.rn. ri",r.'i", *.r,, on to poi nr out l and rhat he s aid had bel onged to hi m i n hi s pa st l i fe. Thi s rurned oul ro be corr ect , even though the land did not :.,:,l;:,j adjoin Naif's properry. He atso ,; accuratelv described how he fisd;.::,'1, been hit by a truck, driven by his : :..a...:tia o'
zto son, when it was backing up. It also transpired that Naif had
Journal of the AmericanSocietyfor PsychicalReseqrch Table I SvNopsrsor Srerruexrs on Excrx SuNcun
indeed g on e [o An k ar a t o s ee a docto r. a s En sin h ad s aid. and had died sho rtly a flerw ar ds in
r 1979, aged 54. Engin was born nearly th"reeyearslater 8 O c t ober 1982 . ,;,;,iingin's story is just one of over ?,000 similar casesstudied by Dr Ian Stevenson,over more than 30 years of painstaking research, as possible evidence of reincarnation. ',.l:.: Accor ding lo Dr S te re l rs o na. w i d e
,ipresent - to information about a ,:,,furmerlife passedon by a medium.
Correct? l I can seemy village whereI usedto live. 2. lam N a i f . . . 3. Qigek. 4. I went to Ankara . . . 5. beforeI died. 6. CalledGtilhan"my daughter." 7. I am your.father. 8. My son hid in kiln usedfor baking. 9. CalledNaifs wife "my wife." 10. Calledat leastsevenotherfamily membersby name. 11. This is my land. 12. I madethis myself. [tin into oil lamp] 13. Talkedaboutbeinghit by his own truck . . . 14. whenhis sonFikret accidentallybackedinto him. 15. RecognizedNaif's truck. 16. Identifiedhimselfas fatherof Naif's son Fikret. 17. You arenot takinggoodcareof this truck. taxi (dolmus)driversNaif knew. 18. Recognized 19. I had askedfor a loan of moneyfrom my sisterNazire . . . 20. but Nazirehad refused. 21. I had askedfor a loan of moneyfrom my sisterKiirciye (he gave her Arabic name). . . 22. andKtirciye gavehim the money. At Dr Sfevenson's request, Engin
Sungur's cose wos re-exomined by
In Dr S t ev ens on' o s p i n i o rt. m ttc h
psychologisr J0rgen Keil in 1994. Our
of t his info rmatio n c an be
of 22 stofements Engin mode oboul
disc ard ed be ca use t he m em or ies
his former lifie, 17 were correcl ond only five were unconfirmed. im por t an t l v . t h e i n f o r m a t i o n g i v e n
be ruled out. '.:,,,..,,, Engin Sungur's case,howeveq is anoth er ma tter. Dl St ev ens on has
nd that spontaneous pastlife : colle ctio ns o f yor Lng c hildr er r ar c
rally more lucid and complete ln a ny o the r acc ounl. M or e
can often be corroborated
checking with the families involved and the place to which it refers. In a typical case of this kind, the c hild s t a l t s t o t a l k a b o u l m e m o r i e s of a previous life between the age of trvo and four - on many
v v v v v v v v v v v ? ?
= =
occasionsas soon as he is able tcr speak.These memories then begin to fade around the age of six or seven.Often, the child persistsin making strch claims even wheu the rest of the family is unreceptive. Memories are frequentll' and accompaniedby manr-rerisms to that correspond speechpatterns the previous personalitl'. In Eusirt's case,for example, Naif's'nidciu'
33 1tT h e re is e n o u g h evidence to soy there is q re o l p h e n o me n on wh ic h is n o t imo g in o f io n , n o t f o k e d A ndrew S el bv. P ost-l i feInvesi i qotor
nf ,, noticed that Engin spoke ancl behaved like an aclult and that, while talking, he r-rsedsin'rilarhand gestr-rresto her late husbzrnd. On the surface,Engin's remarkable memories appear to suggestthat some part of the dead malr's personality survivecl death and re-emerged in the young bov. arsgue B rrl some parapsl cht-rl ogist that there mav be a perfectly natural explanation for this. Most casesof spontaneolrs
lr. I
-Io j
recollection occur in cultures where belief in rcincarnation is strong. They also happen within a few years of the prbvious personality's death and only a short distance from the place where the deacl person lived. To some mincls, this is too much of a coincidence.Either the whole family is unconsciouslyengaged in a 'fantasy creation' - the parents implant the idea of a past life into the mind of their child who then elaborates on the details - or the claim is fraudulent. In a number of casesfrom India, involving children from poor families who claimed to have belonged to a higher caste,it has been suggestedthat the parents were 'feeding' the child's memory l o r fi n anc ialgain. Bu t. a s D r Stevensonpoints out, even if this were true, it does not account for the numerous caseswhere the child and its family lived far away fro m - and had no p re v i o u s
knorvledgeof- the deceased personalitr'. There is also a rvealth of evidence that apparent memories of past lives occur in \{'estern c u l l u re s ,w here rei ncarnati oni s not widely accepted. Irrespective of their views on the subject, many people appear able to produce past-life memories when directed to do so in an altered state of consciousness, such as hypnosis. PA ST .IIFE
The majority of researchers n'orking in this field, inch,rding Professor Stevenson,distrust this practice - known as pastJife regression- on the grounds that adults under hypnosiscan adopt a cor-rvincingidentity separate from their everyday personality, which is based on pure fantasy. On the other hand, some people claim to have been famous historical figures and provide details which they are convinced
they have not learned in this life. Sceptics argue that the subconsciousmir-rd has a re m ar k ablec apac i tyfo r s to ri n g information acquired through re a ding.wat c hing te l e v i s i o neven background conversation. The subconsciouscan absorb information on a specific historical fi g u r e or age and th e n u s e i t to create a past-life memory - a p ro ces sk nown as cry p to m n e s i a . Other doubters regard regresseclpast-lilememories as the combined result of leadinq
tt.lun Sc i e n t i f i c olly sp e o ki n g , c lo i m s o f r e i n co rn q fi o n ore simply very difficult to fesf Dr RichqrdWisemon,Poropsychologist
,, questions from the therapist and a fertile imagination on the part of the subject. In an altered state of the mind can be consciousness. eager to please and will therefore co me up wit h t he a n s w e rsi t. believes the therapist wants to hear. The extent to which this can happen is demonstrated regularly by stage hypnotists.
In spite of these criticisms, there has been an increasingtrend towards consulting pastJife therapists. They use hypnosis ancl to o th e r rel axal i ontechrri qrres regresstheir clients to past lives in order to discover the cause of
problems in this life. There have been many claims of remarkable cures,particularly of phobias that have allegedly been inheritecl florn a previous life. P OS ITIV E
There have also beeu mauv instanceswhen hypnoticalh regressed subjects har.e provided information that thev could not have acquired noln-ra1h.Iu one case,journalist Rav Brvant regressed to a past life as a farm labourer in Essexat the tr,lrn of the centurv - n,asaskedbr' hvpnotist JOeK ccl on to go back i rr ti m e t o 22 April 1884,n'hen he r'vouldhave been four l'ears old. \then he dicl, he looked terrified and said the honse rvasshaking and plates were falling off the shelf. \Vl"ratBryant did not know rvas that a researcher had previously found a ref'erence to the 'Great EssexEarthquake' on that day. Keeton had decided to see what
:,t3 r+ IE 1+ .,:ti
r sporked Irfurphy.
{;iahf), during which'o life in ! 9fh-cenfuqf: Under hypnosis, in o rhick lrish brogue ond pro
r9 for'.
reincarnation', while sceptics believe the answerlies elsewhere. So me parapsychol ouissr mainrain that this kind of information may be acquired by a fo rm o f extrasensor)percepti on (ESP) - recalling a past life by telepathicallytuning into someone else's life. But if ESP is the ansrver, rvhy'do the vast majoritv of people rvho tune into prer.ior.rslives shon no other ESP abilities? Another theofy is that past-life recall is a biological phenomenon - the result of an ancestral, racial or collective memory rvhich stretches back across the centuries. Somehow - no one knows horv the individual becomes wirecl into the experiencesor mental processesof an ancestor, or a fellow countryman or woman. Yet another theory attempts to link past-life memories with rnultiple personality disorder. There have been casesof
would happen if Bryant were regressed to the time when the earthquake was in fr-rllforce. Casessuch as this and that of Engin Sungur appear to defi, normal explanation. But are ther. proof of past lives?Professor Stevenson only goes so far as to say that the1,are 'suggestiveof'
{ Reincornotionists cloim thqt the lolentsof o childhoodgeniussuchos .s Mozorl musl hove been'imported' from o former life. Opponentsorgue o
thot they ore lhe product of inheritonce
ond porenfol
subpersonalities emereing accidentally lr,hen hypnosis has been used to treat medical conditions. This abilitv of the personality to 'split' probably exists to some degree ir-rall of us and onlv reveals itself rvhen rve slip into arr al tered statcof corrsci orr sr r ess. But if this is the case,how does one account for the accurate,and often obscure, historical details that can surface during hypnosis? QU E S TION S
\A4rile these theories may explain some casesof apparent past-life recall, none of them satisfactorily accounts for all the data retrieved fiom such memories. This is why D r S tevc' rrson thi nks reirrcar narion offers the most likelv explanation. However, even if there is a solid core of evidence that points to the sun ival of the personality after death, there are still a number of unanswered questions. For instance, what part of us is it that actually reincarnates? If we all live a number of lifetimes, why are some lives remembered and not others? And, most pr"rzzlingof all, why do most of us not have any pastlife experiences?
t ,.-
A Ook lslond is one of hundreds of smoll
t is one of the world's great secretsa mystery r.thich has consisteutlv foiled all attempts to get to its bot-
village of Chester, arld strollecl turder the shade of the old oaks u{rich gave the island
Boy, off.the coosl of
is.H,ss tom. Since the discorrery of rl're Oak
its name. .' Approaching
Novo Srotio. More
ls land M oney Pit nv o c e t t t t t r i t 's a q o . l h i s
noticed one particularlr'sturcly tree with a
money hos been
masterpiece of construction
has I'r'ithst<tod
lopped branch fronr n'hich an old ship's
poured into the pir
all efforts to discover whatever it r.,'asbuilt
(inser) - in respect of
lo c or r c eal.
islonds in Molone
thqn hos ever Gome ouf of if. r
b r a r r c h l a 1 a c i r c t r l a r d t p r e s s i o r r . a s th t- r u g h the earth had settled again after being dis-
drilling, surveying ond legol bottles -
tl'ie easterll
t r r r h e d . H i s m i n d l u l l o f t h e p o s s i b i l i tr o f
On e s rrm m e r' ' sd a v i rr 1795.\oung D ani cl Mc G i rrrri sto o k a b re a k from the errdl ess fi s h i n g . l a rmi rrg a rrd l b r estrv by w hi ch rhe Nova Scotians survived. Dan rorved out to uninhabited Oak Island, just a ferv hund re d m e tre s o ffs h o re fr om thc fi shi ne
fi ndirrg
M cGi r r r r i s
r e t u r r r e d l o t h e m a i n l a r r d a r r d t o l d tr r 'cr liierrds. ParrlSmith and Antholrr Vaugharr. u'hat
picks and shovels and began to
dig rrrrder"the old oak tree.
o o
It became clear to the young adventurers that this shaft was no mere natural blow-hole in the limestone. The back-fitled earth in the centre was easyto lift out. but th e s i d e sw e re b ri c k -h a r dcl ay.coveredw i th the pick marks of the original diggers. Some 60 cm down, the treasure'hunters discovered a layer ofdeliberately laid slabs, not unlike paving stones. These were not incligenous to Oak Island - the slabs came from Gold Rir"er.3 km away. The boys removed this layer and dug on. T h re e me tre s d o w n rhel encountered a p l a tfo rm o f o a k l o g s .d ecayi ngon the oul s i d e . b u t s e t fi rm l y a n d del i berarel yi nro the hard clay walls of the shaft. Removing these with difficulty, they dug on again. At six metres they encountered an exactly similar oak layer. FJaving struggled ro ger these cle.ar,they recognized that this job was going to be more than three men c o u l d ta c k l e . T h e y ma rked l he spol carefu l l y . a n d fo r th e ti me b ei ng w enr back ro th e i r l a rm i n g . fi s h i n g a n d ti mber curri ng.
'-' o
{ o c,
a o
z o
3 <i .9'
Word soon got around about the shaff on Oak Isl4Lnd, and businessman Simeon Lynds organized a syndicate of lvealthy friends to back a digging expedition. As they dug cleeper.Lvnds' men discovered more platforms of oak loss at regular th re e me tre i n te rv a l s .b u t there w ere l ayers o f c h a rc o a l .s h i p ' s p u try a nd coconur fi bre down there as well. Enough putty came up
to glaze the windows of 20 houses. A local carpenter said .he had seen bushels of coconut fibre brought up. Evervthing u,ent r,vell for the diggers until they reached the 30-metre ievel, where they discovered an unusual slab of stone - possibly porphvry - bearing an inscription . in strange characters which none of them could read. The floor of the pit was grorving increasingly darnp, although there had been no sign of rvater earlier. A bit deeper and they were taking out one barrel of water for every two bar-' rel s oI earth.
The men probed the floor of the pit with a l ong crow bar w hi ch srruck some solid obstructi ongoi rrg ri ghr acrossfrom wall r o wall, but night was falling and they decided to resume work at first light. \Arhen dar,tn came, they discovered to their horror that the Money Pit was flooded to a depth of 20 metres.A l l artemptsro bai l out the waler proved usel ess. They obrai neda prrmp ar r d tried to clear the water, but the pump burst and w ork nas abandorred. Fol l ow i ngthi s. al most nol hi nq w asdone on the island until the Truro Company was formed in 1849. Smith and Vaushan - rrvo
of the three original discoverers- were still . alive, and gave all the help they could to the Truro men, ensuring that they were digging in the right placb. Jotham B. McCully, in charge gf operations had traced the source of the flood water. He discovered an artificial beach at Smi t h' s Cov e. and a d ra i n a g e s y s te ml e a d i n g t o t he lower le v e l so f th e Mo n e y P i t. He built a coffer dam acrossSmith's Cove, and found the remains of a much older dam at low tide. But uriusually high tides d e st r oy edlhe new d a m . e m p h a s i z i n ga g a i n just how expert the original builders had been. Like their predecessors.McCul\"s team were also forced to stop when they rari out of monev. In 1861,when yet another parallel shaft was linked do the water-filled Money Pit, there was a loud crash and a cataclysmic rush of mud and water.'' A treasure
The structures beneoth Ook . l s l o n d m u st rq n k o s th e eighrh wonder of the world Ook lslondReseorcher LionelFonthorpe.
chamber and its contents, which McCully's me n had dis c ov e re d i n 1 8 4 9 . c o l l a p s e d inlo the unknown depths below. \\4rat had b e en s o t ant aliz in g l yc l o s e w a s n o w m o re inaccessiblethan ever. Since then, one expeditioq after another has attempted to overcome the Mo n ey P it ' s def en c e s- a n d fa i l e d . F re d Nolan, a shrewd and skilful professional surveyor, believeslthat the treasure is not in th e M oney P it ir se l f. b u t c o n c e a l e d e l s e wh e r e on t he is la n d . H i s re s e a rc hi s c e n tred o4 thq many curious marker stones and the weird patterns they form.
\44rat lies at the bottom of the pit? If we could be sure about who built it, we might find an answer.There are severaltheories which deserVecareful consideratioh. ,' and Ph o e n i c i a n anc ie n t Could Carthaginian traders have sailed much farther '!han they are normally believed to have done? Certainly, their architects and builders were second to none. These people would have had the skill and the
manpower to create the Oak Islancl svsteln, ., especially if the sea level was lorver in their day.The problern rvith tlis theory is one of motive - unless it may be sussested that these traders were refugees from the Punic Wars, burying the treaslrresof Carthage as far as oossible from their hated Romar co nquer or s . Alternatively, an old Norse runic stone found in 1812 at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, su gges t st hat V ik in g s rc a c h e d th o s e s h o re s 'centuries before Columbus. Might they have dug the Oak Island shaft to protect the body of a leader they revered? Perhaps some of the ancient timbers found below Oak Island were the remains of a buried Viking funeral vesselintended to take their lost leader to Valhalla.
o o o
.s 'i o d
A Only one mon Jomes Pirblodo - is rhoughr to hove
The most intriguing theory involves the Knights Templar. \{rhen King Philip le Bel o f Fr anc et r ied t o d e s tro l th e i r n o b l e o rd e r' in 1307, a handful of Templars-foughl their way clear of his treachery and were protected by thg Sinclairs of Orkney. These same Templars may rvell have had accessto part of whatever .ancient agd mysterious treasure was concealed at Rennes le Ch a t eau,in F r ar rc e .Ev e n mo re i mp o rta n t l o lhem t lr an t heir o \v n e s c a p ew a sto k e e p this semi-legendary Arcadian treasure safe frora the avaricious Philip. Thc r e is s t r on g e r i d e rrc e tl ra ( Pri rrc e H e n r y of O r k nel c rrl i s te dth e h e l p o f th e Venetian Zeno brothers. r,l'hou'er'b exoert n a r igat or s .and w h o a l m o s t c e rta i n l y h a d
found onyrhing of volue in the Pir. ln | 849, lhe drilling foremon look somefhing from o drill tip ond pur itjn ,.,s his pocket. Pirblodo refused to shore his secret ond left rhe islond rhot doy. He tried to buy the. islond buf died in o mining occident.
accessto the same ancient geograflhical information that l'as recorded o+. a famous map. The Templars had the strength, discipline and stamina to carrv out the lvork oJr Oak Island. Thev also had the necessarrr' skill - Templar militar-r' ar-chitectnre r'r,as the best iii'the lvorld. Ther.also had something infinitely precious to hide liom cunni ng and darrgerorrs errerrris. t
GENI u s _.,-...._ :_|_9Jll."T'.F*J"Tc Sir Francis Drake is another leacling;contender for the lole of the lrnknorvn genius rvho constructed the Oak Island svstem. Drake had the skill, tl're courase, and able miners ,from Cornu'all and Devon in his crew. He also hacl an-rple tl'easLlreto conceal, and his clates fit rve11rr'ith the radio carbon dating of sorne of the old timbers found on Oak Isiand. Another theorr specr,rlatesthat when things r,r'erelooking particularly bleak fbr the British redcoats during thd American \4hr of hrdependence, a lieutenant of Engineers rvas despatch-edto Nova Scotia rvi th a l rrrgt' amountol gol d. A ccompar r ied bv a contingent of experieiieed Welsh and Cornish miners, he constructed the Oak Island \Ioney Pit and its impregnable defences. For the designer, retrieval rvas perfectly simple: either close sorne h-vpothetical $,atergates across the flood tr-rnnels, or retrieve the gold in some other carefully pre-planned way. The structuresbeneath Oak Island are a work of engineering genius. If the riddle is errer solved, the answer may pro\re e\ren more
tlrarr lhc
daring theories vet prrt forward.
m o st
[r r _ g :\i
AND, IF THE REPORTS ARE TO BE BELIEVED, SPY, DOUBLE AGENT AND ORCHID SMUGGLER or 20 years, Dr Armen Victorian has probably done more to expose the secrets of the world,s governments than any other individual. By ffi#ffi
the Freedom
of Information
Act, and
a number of 'contacts, he is unwilling to discuss, Victorian has uncovered the truth about subjects such as psychic spies, LSD tests on the British Ar-y, UFOs, and radiation experiments on the general public. Victorian's life is almost as secret as the cases he investigates, and *re air of mystique surrounding the Armenian-born researcher can be cut with a knife. He is careful not to reveal too much - about his work or life - other than that he was a diplomat ,for two English-speaking countries in the West'. IIis public profile increased in lg8g when, under the open name, of Dr Henry, he hit the headlines for smuggling rare orchids into the UK. Although he was convicted, he was released on appeal when it was discovered that Kew Gardens had issued illegal permits for species that officially did not exist. Today, howevero Victorian wishes to concentrate on his research work and, through his thick East European accent, gives a rare interview about his crusading 'hobby'.
6# & & tr'r difficult for me to trace exactly when I started researching. It was the type of work that I used to do as a diplomat and subsequently I thought it might be a good idea to put some of it into the public domain. The public have got the right to know where their tax dollars or pounds are going. I,ve been
researching for 30 years but for 20 of them I,ve concentrated on matters and issuesto do with politics and intelligence.
Whqt kind of subiecfs do you reseorch? The work I do is so diverse. I've investiqated mind control, and particularly the CIA's UK-iLTRA proj ect, electromagnetic and microwave weapons development, the research done into LSD with the British Army, non-lethal weapons, you name it.
Whqf ore your lofest proiects? I'm currently investigating the research conducted by the US Army to create what they term ,Warrior Priests' and 'Super Soldiers'. These projects involve psychic training projects and the development of human potential in soldiers. I,m also writing a book about NORAD lNorth American Aerospace Def'ense], who are kindly providing me with technical advice.
Why do you so rqrely publish your findings? Serious researchersare not public figures, they're not after publiciq' or glory. They do the research for their own sakes,to learn more and improve their knolvledge. I see myself in this category. I do write, but what I write is very much reference for other researchers. From time to time there are issueswhere the public interest outweighs the information,s classification_ the public have got every right ro learn about it.
Why should you decide whot informqtion should be mqde public? I have the research material and have made the endeavour to find it. When it's necessary,and it might make a tremendous difference and someone may pick up on my work and further it, then I'll provide the information. I did this with my research into LSD tests, radiation experimentation, and nonJethal weapons.
Why ore you so unpopulqr with UFOlogists? Almost every time I've decided to investigate the information they've published, I've discovered a great deal of inaccuracies and speculations. They're businessmen,not researchers.
ls this why you now disossociqte yourself from UFO groups?
Yes.A big problem with UFO groups and researchers is the element of show-off - when they do get information that is useful, they boast about it, saying About 20 years ago, in the course of one of my trips to to government agencies, 'We know you have this I encountered South America, a German friend and information, and you should something on the border of Bolivia. & & allor,r'us accessto it.' But when b yar iv er s ide. I t wa s a c ra ft, l l tt && they do that, the government, or definitely not made by man. It was My research shows that some the agencieswho have that surrounded by natives, and there parts of the in the goaernment informatior-r, then know that the were bodies - humanoid - which past haaenot beenclean. public at iarge are prir,y to this had been thrown or had crawled They haae committedcrimes information. \1hat do they do out. I'd now describe them as EBEs and got away with it next? Thev change the codename Iextraterrestrial biological entities] . of the project. The,v say,'We have I know I wasn'thallucinating. llT no information on that,' and they're telling the truth because Whol did you do? that codename no longer exists.That is the naivety We were so frightened, we got away as quickly as of the UFO researchers today'. possible. I thollght we might have stumbled into a restricted zone or something. Aty*uy, I was so Con you give on exomple where the intrigued that I began to investigate UFOs. Years later, journalist that a codenqme hqs been chonged? I heard reports from an investigative If someone writes to the US Airforce IUSA-FI and asks craft had hit a nearby mountainside in that region and for information on UFOs, ther-rr'ill get a standard ended up in the river. There were even photos taken response: that the USAF discontinued investigations of the impact site I'd witnessed. of UFOs on the closing of Project Blue Book in 1969. That doesn't mean they're not compiling evidence,or monitoring the situation, or gilirrg the information to other departments. The US,\F no longer use the term UFOs, and haven't done since 1974.
How did you begin reseorching UFOs?
Whor lerm do fhe USAFnow use for UFOs? For earth-bound objects, they use Uncorrelated Targets Reports (UTRs) and for space-bound objects, Uncorrelated Events Reports (UERs).
How did you find out obout fhe chonge in UFO terminology? I was given the information on a discretionary basis from certain government agencies,and through my communications with NORAD.
Much of your informqtion comes from the Freedom of Informqtion Act [FOIA]. How does this operEie? It's simple: you write a request and they consider processing it. If you're after information that has already been released, they give it to you. If it's not been released, they assessfrom the formulation of your letter what type of researcher you are - whether
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$*.$:ffirt'jrtrfiltf, confirm 6f ncnexistence of responsive Io yalor
his detoils To stqndord r:epty, The X the ClA, who confirmed it
r*?;,l{;ry-+thT, *T:,*'::' i*ffii,;l'rj-q.#H$Tfr;lii sd" .","1f:*:gStf.ffij
you're a newcomer in the research field or you know your work, and have the experience. Accordingly, and in conjunction with the regulations of the FOIA, they process the request. How mony coses do you hqve in fhe FOIA system ot fhe momenl? At any given time, I have 2-4,000 cases.I'm a very persistent researcher. It might take four or five years before I get a response, positive or otherwise. But I w i l l p ur s ue it . I ' m a v e ry p a ti e n r ma n . How do you get hold of informqtion not ovoilqble fhrough the FOIA? That's an area I can't really discuss.Some researchers may have a few sources- lvhen you are known as a serious researcher, and the information is considered by some as r,aluabie, the sources come to you. Do you use fqlse nqmes to obtoin your informotion? I r.rsenicknames.I don't think it's a crime. Lr rny field, I'm known as a dark horse - if I contact someone for information, the minute I mention mv name, that person lvill think twice. And if I want to know what that person knows, what am I supposed to do? Would )'ou introcluce yourself as
you are? No. Investigarivejournalists don't alwayshave to tell people who they are.
How do you investigote coses in Britoin, where lhere is no FOIA? I don't know any researcher n-ho has been able to gain accessto British records other than those available in the Public Records Office. Haling said that, the way a serious researcher can gain accesslegitimately does not necessarilyhave to be through the gor,ernment directly. This is how I for-rnclour abont rhe hurnan experimentation programme in Britain, for instance. I made FOLA.requesrsrhrough the US Department of Energy [DoE] and discovered there rr.ereprogr.ammes in the 1950sand 1960susing hlrman guinea pigs.
Whqr were they testing on fhese people? The DoE scienrisrsrvould inject the human subjects with radioactive rnaterial without their knowledge. Thev even gave plutonium to pregnant women to see how it would affect the foetus. The British Atomic Enerw Establishment was involved, and so was the US A tomi c E nergyC ommi ssi on. Hos your reseqrch eyer got you into trouble? \Arell,my car's been tampered with, I've received threatening phone calls,and my phone's been bugged. My home's been broken into several times, and my mail's been tampered with. Just today, in fact, I received an anonymous letter, on floppy clisc.
{ Suspecfing his colls were being monitored, Vicforion
Who's responsible for this hqrqssment?
hod o surveillonce compony
I'm not going to name names - I'll leave that one open. I wrote to the Security Service Tribunal, who said they neither confirmed nor denied breaking into my house. I supposeI don't have an enemy in any one person. I live a very modest life. *qr*'._flU
seorch his house, where fhey discovered rhis odiusroble-frequency bug plonted in his relephone.
& a
s dawn broke over Ilkley Moor, in \{'est Yorkshire, on 30 November 1987, a former poiiceman, rvhom rve shall call Philip Spencer, rvas ffi focusing his camera on the r,illirgc of Menston belolr',when he noticed a strange 'entity with a green cast' some dist;rncein front of him. The next thins he remembers was arriving in Menston some time later, confused and disorientatecl.He took the film to be cleveloped that mornins and when he collected the prints trvo hotrrs lateq he discovered that he had taken a p h o togr aph ol t he e rrti tr. Alarmecl b,v this strange 'encounter', Spencer sought out the address of UFO researcher Jer-rnv Randles from the local library and wrote to her about his experi-
e nce. S he put hi m i n touch rr' i th another researcher, Peter Hough. n'ho sr.rgqested that Spencer subject ]rinrselfar.rcll.risphotograph to a thor-oughirtvestigation.Spencer a5;recdto co-operate frillr'. Abolrt six u'eeks into tl-ie investigation, Spencer receivedan ullexpected visit from t\'vo lrell, r'vho plesented themselves as Roval Air Force Inte lligence officers. Flashing their ID cards ar hirn, thev save their narnes as Jeff-erson and Davis. Their nlission, the,vexplained, rvas to recc-rverthe photograph he had taken on Ilklev Moor. Unfbrtunatelv for them, Spencer had given the print they rvarrtedto Hough. Aggrievecl, the strangers left empty-handed. \{l-rat puzzlecl Spencer rvas hon' these stransers knel v of the photograph' s
A Folklore is full of toles of men dressed in block who periodicolly emerge from their dork underworld into eveiydoy life. Some reseorchers believe the MIB ore o lole 2oth century version of these mythologicol figures. MIB visits coincidewirh UFO or olien encounlerssuch os lhe one cought on film by Philip Spencer (inset).
psycholosist $'ho ran a series of tests on l-rim,rcportecl thertSpencer 'lvastelling the tr-uth as he bel i eved i t' . Furtherrnor e, Spencer's cxperience is far from utrique. The files of UFO rescarchersaround the lvorld are buleirts rvith similar tales of sinister Men In Black (\IIB) rvho call on their r,ictinrsn'ith the solc intention of terrorizing them i nto si l ence. SECRET
Although accounts van' rviclelf in detail, there are enotrgh sirnilaritiesto suggestal] r-urderlving pattern. Tvpic:rllri NIIBs make their presencefelt.shortlr-afier a UFO sighting or an encounter rvith an extraterrestrial (ET), either by,r'isitine or telepl'tonins the UFO or ET rvitnessor an investigator-hanclling the case. \\'hen thev appear in pcr-son, usuailv in pairs or qroups of three, thev are dressed in black or in rnilitarv uniftrrrn. OIten, thev arrive in an old-fashionedbl:rck car u'hich is in rnint.conditiotr. Sonre X,IlBspr-ovicleproof of their identitr', brrt u'hetr trames arc given, thev invariablv tur-n orrt to be falsc. Nlost curior-rsof all, in almost e\rerv case, NIIBs appear to havc detailed inforntation abor-rtthe victim ancl o o I his experience r'r4rich onlv the victim carr verifii Gir.en that the visit ciften takes pl:icc u,ithin hour-s of the UFO inciclent, hor'r'do -p tl-revacqr-rirethis knou'leclge so quicklr'? To sorne UFO rescarchers,the onlr-peop ple u,ith accessto this kirrcl of information o 'tr arc govcrnrrient intellis-erice2lgellts.The,v ! u: bel i eve thcsc sh:rcl or* ' strangers ar e o N
o o
e xisten ce .
C ) nh
ir ' if e. Pc t er '
Hough, R:u'rclles :rncl -\t-thr.rrJennv T omlinso n, an oth cr r es ear c hel uolk t ng ot t thc case, hacl an1' knolr,leclge of rt. Hough
':.-,:::i=::==::::t::::- : :
.==.:=:.:=== ,:,.-=,:==5.]= ,
contactecl RAF Intelligence to confrt'm the visitors' identities. Hc rvas told that no sr.rch
men existed and that none of their stirfl hacl ever visitecl Spencer. \{hen
enquiries drerv a blirnk,
l-re decicied that Spencer mlrst have beert the r,ictirn of one o['the stlangest bv-proclucts of'th e mod ern UFO pher t onlenon - a visit fi-om thc 'N'Ien In Black'. It 'rvoulcl be tempting Spencer's accoullt
o\,cracti\re imirgination fact that
as the cre:rtiotr of an rvere it not fbr the
Dr .|irn Sinsleton,
,' . ,_a_::a=::,,
= ill:::
i n volv edin a c am p a i g no [d i s i n fo rma ti o n to conceal the true nature of covert government operations. Just what they are covering up is not entirely clear, but it is generally
a puzzl:
t- _anratr.n, pose| e rnt.uig.,,.l :t-J"":t:T $paceflo;r-:,y:^,.x,"iiJ1 i;5,r,,,r,r,r, ,,. i2.1t,!.3,.\rli,,dj,, 'Wri:rl:i*::f:i:,^ ;l*:":,,'onspiracv'
',,- d,n^J.Ii,:?"'w'*i,',gi":":^ 1ffi,,fif.:rig;'t:"
;i'l'H:::":" Wrt,:{ffi;rT*fri,ffiWffi ^W :lr:;:lrlffiHl Yi*w:i!!'"iffi
ur. it'r. *orr. ol undercover intelligence
agents why are there no
A Jomes Templeton's
reports of their threats ever being carried
photogroph of o
others are ricldled. rvith implausible
out? It is a curious fact that none of the vic-
'spocemon' (below)
tims who have defied MIB instrrrctions have
wos foken with on
ever been punished with physical violence.
ordinory comero in
October 1975, at the heigl-rt of UFO acrivity
cleor <ondirions.He
in the State of \Iaine.
access to private infbrntation
One extraorclinarr. case foliol-ect a UFO of nvo men
US-\. \earli
a year
$i] ] : . : , ] l .:.::.].,i,.:]...'''..sen liltothe|oc o|af t er t ] r einc ic 1er lt . or l11 S e p t e n r b e r 1 9 7 6 , .. t h a t w hilesome-MIBvisitsap pear t obebut noonec ou|dgiv es l1 B r e entirely credible - the only grounds for sushim o sotisfociory ;,;.-.,,,,
, , . - , . , . ^ ' : ' ; , "-'_ ^ ,,:;',." ^;:::::" ,',.:^: - __,:_:.. explonorion. ..,picion beingo a false identityr claim or unac-
. ir.iri,i:n.l;:r::::',,:,,:,,.'.,.',.:.,
ffiftilt} T?1@,.q+ffi
#\ 4|,,=.
r myself feel cer r oin r h or qGGounfs given
by witnesses
$-',Tl',: -Tl-:l*1 ',n-'v-1:, octuolly perceive humqnoids li Dr Alvin Lowson,UFO Reseorcl^er
the investisating psvchiatrist, Dr Herbert Hopkins, was working alone at home when he received a telephone call from a man purporting to be a UFO investigator. The stranger asked if he might visit the doctor and, within less than a minr-lte of making the call, appeared at the back door. 'I saw no car, and even if he did have a car, he could not have possibh'gotten to my house that quicklv from anv pay phone,' Dr Hopkins later obsert'ed. His visitor advised Dr Hopkins to destroy all his records on the abduction case. But when the conversation turned to UFOs. Dr
Hopkins noticed that the stranger's speech began to falter. Shakily, the man stood up and, stumbling towards the door, excused himself, saying, 'My energy is running low... must go now.' It was only after he had left that Dr Hopkins registered his visitors' odd appearance. He wore an old-fashioned black suit, which looked brand new.'He was also completely bald and had no eyelashesor eyebrows. Stranger still, he was wearing lipstick. PA R A N OR M AL
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V ln 1952, AIbert Bender, from Conneclicut, lounched The Internofionol Flying Soucer Burecu (|FSB), the first moior UFO reseorch group. The IFSBclosed down | 8 monfhs loter, however, ofter his fomily wos threofened by three MlBs, who demonded he stop his reseorch.
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Dr Hopkins' experience is one of the most reliable and detailed accounts of an MIB visit. As some aspectsof his story border on the absurd, it also presents the mystery at its most bizarre. Some researchers have observed that the behaviour and appearance of many MIBs seem to have a surreal quality reminiscent of a dream sequence. This suggests that MIBs may not be an entirely physical phenomenon - a view supported by those who are convinced that MIBs are extraterrestrials. Other investigators have tried to find a psvchologicalansl-er to the MIB phenomenon. .\nerican UFO researcher Dr Alvin Larvsonnotes that all alien figures linked to UFO sightings - and the vast majorin' of reports, especiallvin the US. describe\IIBs as 'foreign-looking' - seem to corresponcl to the archeq'pes that psvchologist Carl Jung proposed lie buried in elerlone's unconscious imagerl'. Cor-rldit be that a real visitor triggers the victim's imagination to draw upon this well of imagerv and create a bizarre, dream-like sequence of events?The
r-ealenigma for Dr Lan'son is not so mqehltt rihat the victim sees but what triggers
archen'pal images in the first place rar$i zle to rr-hich he has no solution. tA C K
\A'hatis most strangeabout the MIB ph.-lriii nomenon is that it has becomepart of the UFO mythology on the basis of mere hearsay.Although reports of MIB.visits conti nue unabated.no one has ever been able to produce irrefutable evidence of a viOi!,rtrr:ti: having taken place. To add to the .""{P:.;; sion, government bodies, such as tnâ&#x201A;Ź1jl: Ministry of Defence, now openly admits being interested in hearing about . sightings - most recently, the sightingS:tt$ 'black triangles' all over Europe - futi!i!!r, denies having any involvement in
the MIB phenomenon.
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In the next issue, UFO FILE asks British gouernmentis so interestedin the !hla&: triangles' that haue repeated\ been seen.'oIjgr, Europesincethe 1980s.
NTNCVFORTHENEXTGENERNTIOru? magine a source of energy that is non-polluting, composed of readily ::. @ recyclable materials, that ...',:i.tttployt no radioactive compounds ' l.'and generatesno nuclear ,:.,1 , radiation. The power it provides is ',:;:;,,way in excessof any input of po\\'er ;,: ,.,neededto produce it, yet it can be by traditional means for across the national grid. believe that if such a of energv existed, the
:o m bined ef f or t s o f th e Pe n ta g o n . OPE C, S hell, B P a n d th e intern atio na l mo tor c om pan ies would con sp lre lo k eep lI a s ec r el. Yet there are manv scientists who claim to b e close r o dis c t ir er ing
such energl sources.
rrent fossil fuels are dirty. They l lut e t he at m os p h e rea n d destroy commu nitie s - ev en t heir ext r a ctio n ca n da m age t he nat ur al w orld. But the ir b igges t dr awbac k
i s i n dis put able:t he l a re fi n i re . iL.,',, hether reserveslast 50 or 500 llyeatt, one day fossil fuels will be exh au ste d, an d via ble aller nat iv es
:,inust be found. , , Despite this imperative, d e v elonm ent sir r th e a re a o f n e rv ..t,'
energy are met with suspicion. Some believe that this is evidence of academic conceit - far from b e i n g o b j ecti veand corrsci enti ous. scientistsrefuse to recognize data that challengesthe norm or contradicts their preconceived ideas. Others believe research is suppressedby pressure from big There is a lot of monev businesses. in oil and coal production, and ground-breaking, profit-stripping developmentsin sciencecould very well upset this multi-billion dollar industrv.
I BJI*Jry!!.gJ**__ One man rvho claims to have been the victim of big business interestsis Dennis Lee, an independent inventor from Washington DC. In 1986,he allegedly discovered a wav of ma k i n g free el ectri ci tr usi rrg substancesthat 'boil' at very low temperatures. Most cornrnercial energl generators produce porver by burning fuel - oil or coal - to heat water. The water is converted into steam which drives a turbine that generates electricity. However, the byproducts of this burning process escapear-rdseriously
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clarnage the cnr.irolment. Dennis Lee's Lorv Temperature,
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Phase-ChanseElectric ' ".tr"ruror:':,, lrlpasscclthis processby' using :. srrbstancesti-ratcl'rangefrom a ' :: liqriid to a eas rr.hen exposeclto q141'. T h e g a r c a n l h ( 'n l r e r r s e d l o po w e r
(rrrhi rrcsrl rat qerrerareel ecrricir yin the rrornralw a1.The el ectri ci t y produced i s. i rr effect, free because it only usesa natural power ro,ruca . - namell', heat from the sun thaf 'phase-chanees'the substances.. . The applical.icins of such technologl' are revolutionary. Toxic rvaste. ozone depletion, air pollution. fanrine. poverty - all
coulri be banisheclforer,er.with ( l i . ( o \ e r '\ o l g c r r r r i r r e l r e e p o w er . \rrri, illrrrirrg all rhis arrd more.
Lcr rrrrj rerl arr er-B oei ngpl ani \tll)r I\ i.or. a \ll::achusetts
l r.rrrLrl eol Tecl rrrol o$ (MIT) pr-ofessorand an ex-Department of, D r' l -rrresci cnti stto exami ne his .ul rcepl . E ach anal l zcd and t orrfi r' medhi s fi ndi ngs as gel ruine.
Lee suspecl edrhar hi s amazi ng design would not be welcomed try., e\eryone.To sal eguardhi msel f . 11, : ' arrd hi s devi ce.he cl eci dedro _l di stri brrtehi s researchto u r' ,.touo. k of i rrrenrorsand sci enti sts. If ma ny
"''"t peoplecouldrepronu.i'n,r' ; fin dinss, Lee surmisea,'it *o"f a Ue;:rgr'h+****-& harder l o suppressrhe data. Unfortunately, he did not reckon with the lorces of lalr ancl order.
l n earl yJanuary 1988.I5 armed pol i cemerrhurst i rrl o Lce' s
laboratory and forcibly documents, records and designs. Although , v er epr odu c e d a u th o ri z i n g ,.over 450 secret papers not l,bv the search warrant were , Lee, maintaining his e, continued his rvork l:.. Federal agentssperrtsix s'examining papers taken ng the raid, attempting to find ,technicaliq' to close Lee down and for all. However. rro could be brought.
SS PRODUCTION nont hs lat er ,a C a l i fo rn i a n ag ree d to m ar k et one of
'designs.The police, realizing ergy machine could soon public, promptly arrested was charged with 38 of t he C a l i l o rn i a n C i v i l illd ten counts of fraud. Bail at t he out r a g e o u s l yh i g h of $l m illio n . a n d L e e w a s
) Usingsimpleloborotory equipment, StonleyPonsond Mortin Fleischmonn o o o cloimedfo hove generotednucleor energy (inser)ot room lemperolures. d This is yet to be proved conclusively. s j
held in jail for ten months until his = _9 trial came to court. Eventually, one year after his arrest, some of the alleged 'victims' of Lee's supposedlyfraudulent machine came forward. They testified that his designs did exactly as claimed and that none of them had been duped or deceived in any way. A 70-page lawsuit alleging gross mistreatment of Lee was issued asainst the officials involved l
ffi.'k l r is only o m qtter of time before unlimited pollufion-free energy w i l l be ovoilqble to oll Nu EnergyHorizons
in the case- it was dismissed without a hearing. Believing it would help his case, Lee eventually pleaded guilty to e i g h t u n i ntenti onal regi strati on violations. Sentencing was delayed for a further 18 months rvhile lawyers attempted to bring charges against the State of California for its hear'y-handedtactics. Lee, releasedon bail, spent this time developing and promoting his Low Temperature Phase-Change Electric Cenerator and detailine
his treatment at the hands of the authorities. Despite his lawyers efforts, tl-recar.npaignto prove the State had illegallr held Lee failed. On 5 llarch 1993,he receiveda three and a halfvear sentence. Atternpts to ilithdraw the guilty plea have been repeatedly ignored. GtOB A t
Lee's treatment by the US legal sYstemseemsincredible. Is it possible that entire governments are in league with oil cartels and other organizations in an attempt to suppressnew technology? The Pentagon in particular has been accused of everything from hiding evidence of life on Mars to mind control and experi mental ionon humans. Is it possible that Lee was
even demanded blood samples to prove that senior PHACT members are not aliens. C OtD
a victim of a global conspiracy? Dennis Lee seemsto think so. Persecutiontheories seem particularly thick on the ground amons fiinge scientistslike Lee and his proponents. But perhaps one explanation for Lee's treatrnent could be that he is, in fact, a fraud. Ar organization that suggested this possibiliw in lieu of hard evidence rvasPHACT, the Philadelphia Associatior-rfor Critical Thinking. Despite offering to er,aluateLee's clainrs independently, they have been met with scorn and hysteria. Some of the more zealousof Lee's supporters have gone as far as to accuse PHACT of being government spies - a few have
Outlandish persecution claims are not, however, limited to fringe science. Occasionally,the scientific community itself can turn on its members and wage campaigns of derision and contempt. One example of this was the alleged discovery of cold fusion in 1989 by Stanley Pons of the University of Utah and Martin Fleischmann of the University of Southampton. Current scientific knowledge statesthat nuclear fusion can only o c c u r rv hen tw o l i ght atomi c nuclei, such as hvdrogen, are joined together.With most nuclei, this fr-rsionproduces - logically enor"rgh- one heavier nucleus. But r.ith hydrogen nuclei, a fraction of the mass is converted into heat in the fusion process, and this can be c o n v e rte di nto el ectri ci tyto run. fbr example, generating plants. However, temperatures in excessof 100 million degreesCelsiusare needed to fuse the nuclei together. Apart from the obvious dangers involved with such extreme temperatures, there is also the risk of radioactive leaks. Russian scientistshave addressed this problem with the Tokomak
reactor.The Tokomak uses hot plasma. heated to about
million degrees Celsius, to the conditions necessary fusion. A powerful magnetic i s generatedi nsi de the which keeps the incredibly radioactive plasma away frouilii i nteri or reactor w al l s.Thi s prr the lokomak lrom radioactive emissions,and guards against -,r.,,:: potentially lethal radioa"ctiveleaks. l 'r'r:li::: ' As far as anyone has been able to prove. thi s i s the onl y w ay to generate safe and reliable power from nuclear fusion.
The scientific community was ,' i.., therefore stunned to hear of rbe.:*.. 1989breakthroughi n ' col d' fusion. Pons and Fleischman claimed to have found a walt
generating nuclear energy frc . water.using basic equipment - at room temperatures.hs potentiil to solve rhe impending global l-uel crisis,let alone the eFlectit would have on the world economv. /. was
astronomical.For a brief but i ntenseperi od. col d fusi on the scientific Holv Grail. Pons and Fleischmann re.dt their conclusion through: iqr [unded with their own the results were discovereai: accident. An experiment invo
hydrogen resulted in an explosion en ou gh to leav e a c r at er cm d ee p in a c onc r et e
he energl'for such a $li explosion had to have ro m some wher e. and Pons ischmann concluded that .rt ,only have been generated by r reaction.
tists around the r'vorld tried to ::rbereatePons' and Fleischmann's Its with no success.Repeating o ex per im ent p ro v e d i mp o s s i b l e . _6 to the chagrin of its
royerers',who claim a paign of belittl e me n ta n d
researcherslike Lee, Pons and or Fleischmann be persecr-rted thrown in prison?,\mid the accusationsof frar,rdand cleceit, what else is being done to protect our future energy needs?Wave power, solar power, wind porver all have been mooted as potential saviours,but research and investment on a scalethat could make a lasting difference to man's enerel needs is some way off.
Wind forms use nofurol energy to power turbines. Four thousond windmills con produce 4OO megowofts of electriciry obouf 20 per cent of o
Fftold fusion cqn be fed up for indusfry, t con se quences qre
immeosuroble. lt will meon the end of the F o s s i l Fu e l A g e ii1,,,r!,l;i iitir, :
A r r n u r \- . L to r Ke
convenlionol power stotion. Pons ancl Fleischrnann are adamant that they have been victims of ignorance and slancler, ancl there ale organizntions that believe thern. Alt]-rough houndecl from their acaclemic posts. both are involved in mr.rlti-rnillion doll:rr' research programmes
iirncled br
e.pisode has been dismissed
'pathological science
Fron.rCiopelnicusand Calileo, tl-re histolr of scienceis littered with exanrplesof blinkereclvision and ignorance. One of the most fanrotrsexarnplesof this was the refus:rlamong scientiststo r-ccognizethe rvork of the \\rright br-othersin 1903 - even though thev had been flving in public for set'eralyears.
theJapanesc car companv Tovota.
nce is being waged against Sceptics hvstericallv accused Fleischmann of inventing = hing scientific ethics, and c or r up ti o n . a rrd th e
Hundreds of other scientists clairn to have produced evidence ofcold f r r s ion. 1 c t m a i n s t l e a m s c i e r r c e abs olr r t c l l r c f r r s e s t o r e c o g n i z e a r r r research in this area. Br r t i f a g l c , h a l f u c l c r i s i s i s j r r s r around the corner, should'
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Like cold fusion and free energy,scientists'knew' that flight was an impossibility, and so ignored all evidence to the contrary. Is this another example of' the'pathologiczrl science'that Pons and Fleischmant-rhave been accused of? G'iven that the work of Dennis Lee and the possibilityof cold fusion were both privately funcled projects, can the scientific community afford to ignore the revolutionary claims of these scientific heretics?It would seem thar there i s l i ttl e to l oseF anclevcrr' l hi nsro gal r). b$