Things you can do to love your job

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A P R I L 5 , 2 0 1 9 B Y J E T H E A D E D GY P S Y

Things you can do to love your job It happens to the best of us. Our career starts out promising and exciting. Years down the line, you start to resent your job due to feeling unful lled and unsatis ed. Luckily, there are things you can do to love your job

1. Get into a great audio book or create a playlist that boost your mood. Lets be honest, when you’re not that thrilled about going to work, you’re not exactly going to enjoy your commute to work either. One things you can do to love your job, which I found made a major difference in my day to day, is listening to an audio book on a topic that I’m interested in on my way to work. I accidentally stumbled onto the idea of listening to audio books when I wanted to read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I just couldn’t t reading into my jam-packed schedule. I was absolutely thrilled when I found out that it was available in audio as well. Funny enough, I now actually look forward to my ride to work in the morning so that I can listen to my latest book. By the time I get to work, I’m in such a good mood, I don’t even really mind being there. It beats road rage too, by the way.

2. Stay present The Power of Now brings us to our second point. Be present. This simply means that when you are busy making coffee, for instance, you are only focusing on making the coffee. You do not allow your mind to think about the pile of laundry waiting for you at home or what that one person said two days ago that’s still upsetting you. You are simply focusing on the sound of the water pouring into the cup. The colour changing as you pour the milk in. The sound of the teaspoon hitting the side of the cup as you stir your coffee. And when you drink your coffee, you only drink your coffee.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle taught me that most problems in our lives exist only in the mind. Our thoughts are almost always past or future oriented. Go ahead; test it out for yourself. He presents practical ways to bring you into the now, the present moment, where problems do not exist. (He also gives us a way to deal with the rare occasion of when there actually is a crisis). Applying this concept of living in the now is totally life changing.

3. Smile You can improve your mood by smiling! Research suggests that by smiling, you activate a speci c set of muscles in your face. These set of muscles are connected to the emotion of happiness. Through smiling, you are signaling the emotional centers of your brain to tell them that you are happy or experiencing joy. According to a meditation coach based in Florida, just 1 minute of smiling when waking up can actually boost your mood for the Smiling boosts your mood in a matter of minutes!

entire day. And in doing so at work, you’ll also

nd that your colleagues can’t help but reciprocate a smile. This will immediately create a lighter atmosphere in your work environment. Go ahead, incorporate this into the things you can do to love your job plan.

4. Practice Gratitude Add practicing gratitude to your list of things you can do to love your job. What is the rst thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Is it positive or negative? I found that our thoughts, especially early in the morning, have a huge impact on our mood during the entire day. Make a habit out of practicing gratitude once you’re awake. Find small things to be grateful for; like your morning cup of coffee or your new blouse you bought the other day. I personally like to take a bath at least once a week (don’t worry, I shower on the other days). I then use my favorite bath products and essential oils (lavender is amazing for relaxing). I also burn some candles and play some meditation music. In this time, I start thinking about how amazing my life is, even if I don’t really feel like it is at that given moment. It always leaves me feeling brand new and refreshed.

5. Steer Clear From Drama So there is a gossip in your of ce? One of the things you can do to love your job is to steer clear from rumours and drama.

Focusing on your to do list is an excellent way to not get involved in of ce drama.

6. Make a Friend at Work A couple of months ago, after blurting out to my manager about a personal crisis I was having at the time, we ended up going for a drink after work and soon became really good friends. I soon fount that this really was one of the best things you can do to love your job, since I was looking forward to seeing my new friend there. Now I’m not saying that you should go tell your colleague that your dog has gender issues, but inviting the quiet girl in the corner for a drink might be a good idea. Who knows, you might have more in common than you thought. I would love to know if these tips worked for you. Do you have any others to add to the list? Jet Headed Gypsy- Things you can do to love your job – Top of Page

E V E R Y DA Y L I F E , U N C A T EG O R I Z E D A U D I O B O O K , LO V E YO U R J O B , O F F I C E D R A M A , P R A C T I C E G R A T I T U D E , S M I L E M O R E , T H I N G S YO U C A N D O T O LO V E YO U R J O B

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