Advice for Beginner Bloggers

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Advice for Beginner Bloggers So you want to start blogging or vlogging but you don’t know what to talk about? This is what I have learnt along the way;

Advice for Beginner Bloggers It’s important to be authentic. People aren’t stupid and they can easily tell if you’re pretending to be something you’re not. But the good news is that there is no need to pretend to be anything other than your beautiful self because we all have something of value which we can provide to others. It doesn’t matter where

Advice for Beginner Bloggers

you are in life, somewhere out there there are people who are interested in the knowledge that you have to offer.

Learn, do, teach We always learn something new everyday. It’s not always profound, but even the smallest of lessons can be helpful to someone. The best method you can apply in blogging is the learn do teach method. When you learn something of value, for instance learning a new technique in painting, it’s important to apply that to your painting process and then you can actually turn around and teach that to your audience. You don’t have to be the best of the best to give this kind of advice, because somewhere out there is someone who is looking to start painting and will nd your content very useful. Maybe even more useful than going straight to the pros since your content will be less intimidating and way more accessible to then. Try to apply the learn do teach method to your life daily.

A good rule of thumb is also to commit one hour to reading and one hour of listening to audio books on the topic you want to discuss each day. This way, you’ll never run out of content ideas.

Think about your target audience It’s a good idea to de ne your target audience to the point where you feel like you know them so well, you can actually give them a name. Before writing anything, answer these questions in your target market. Who are they? (Age, Gender, Marital status, Age of children, Location, Level of Education, Occupation, Job title, Annual income). What do they want? What is stopping them from getting it? Where do they hang out online? Once you have answered these questions on your market, you’ll know where to advertise your blog/vlog and you’ll know exactly what kind of information (or product, if you’re doing af liate marketing) your target market is looking for. In nding out what is stopping them from getting it is key, because you can then come up with solutions on how to get rid of the obstacles standing in their way.

Stay focused Once you have your target market de ned and you know what kind of information they’re looking for, stick to only providing that type of information. You’ll want to make your blog and other platforms to be a home that your target audience like to visit and where they look forward to your next post, since it’ll be something that they are interested in. This is also why people will eventually follow or subscribe to your content.

Post regularly It’s also important to post consistently and regularly. A good amount of blog posts are about3-4 times a week and with vlogging it’s at least once a week. A good idea would be to make a schedule where you can note down that you’ll be making a new blog post on, for instance, Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays and that you’ll be shooting your vlog on Sunday and post it on Wednesday, which gives you enough time to edit your video as well. Having a schedule (I use google calendar) also prevents overwhelm. It helps you to just take it one day at a time. If you are blogging to make an income If you’re blogging to earn some money with af liate links, it’s important to focus on the value you give your audience rst and then see where you can add an af liate link afterwards. Sites like amazon and eBay have such a wide range of products, you can easily look up a product that would suit your blog post or vlog.

Save some time In order to save time, you can turn your blog post into a vlog and vice versa. Another trick I have learnt along the way is that you can create so much more content when you use the couple of minutes you have standing in line for something, or sitting in a waiting room, etc. I nd it very helpful to start writing out drafts or at least some notes or ideas for my posts while in these situations.

Af liate marketing will help you monetise your platform

If you are interested in learning how to make money online through blogging, vlogging, etc. check out six gure mentors. They provide an in depth course where you can learn everything you need to know in order to be successful online. Click on the button below to register for your FREE online videos.

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L A P T O P L I F E S T Y L E , U N C A T EG O R I Z E D A DV I C E FO R B EG I N N E R B LO G G E R S , A F F I L I A T E M A R K E T I N G , B LO G G I N G , B LO G G I N G FO R B EG I N N E R S , O N L I N E B U S I N E S S , V LO G G I N G

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