Home Designer & Architect - January 2022

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MAGAZINE January 2022




nce again a revolutionary solution and product has ben introduced to the industry by the creators of CT1. The landscape of sealants and adhesives was dramatically changed 18 years ago when CT1 was first introduced. CT1 were also the first to introduce and coin the term “Hybrid Polymer.” Realising that the technology was increasingly dated, CT1 blew the industry away once again with the introduction of TRIBRID® technology. The TRIBRID® advancements are ground breaking. Now 3 times stronger than regular Hybrid Polymers, it also has much longer colour retention. A gripe that many tradespeople had with many hybrids on the market is that the white would discolour over time and the clear would often turn yellow. After considerable research and development, CT1 and its unique TRIBRID® technology have solved these problems and they are no longer an issue. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is truly incredible. Based on CT1’s TRIBRID® technology, it eliminates fixings and has instant grab on large vertical bonding. It is fair to say that before now that if you asked your builder or construction Project Manager if they had a liquid product to bond and replace mechanical fixings, there would be no suggestion available. Until now, that is. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond replaces mechanical fixings and is the ultimate chemical fix. It reduces labour significantly - up to 50%. Power Grab ‘n’ Bond was was originally created for facades and heavy stone work. Its versatility and power has now been widely adopted by shopfitting installers, kitchen installers, for outside stone work, façades, quoins, landscape and all round building work.


BRID® TECHNOLOGY RID® TECHNOLOGY TTRAVIS TRAVISPERKINS PERKINS PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bondis solventfree, free,with withexceptionally exceptionally Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond Bond isissolvent solvent free, with exceptionally Power high initial grab, followed by an incredible structural high initial grab, followed by an incredible structural high initial grab, followed by an incredible structural bond. It can be applied to concrete, most stones bond. It can be applied to concrete, most stones concrete, most most stones stones bond. It can be applied to concrete, (without staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, (without staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, MDF, (without staining), ceramics, marble, wood, MDF, polystyrene, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, lead, polystyrene, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, lead, fiberglass, gypsum board, metals, metals, lead, lead, polystyrene, fiberglass, glass, mirror, plastics (except for PP, PE and PTFE). glass, mirror, plastics (except for PP, PE and PTFE). glass, mirror, plastics (except for PP,

Thesehistorically historicallyhad hadto benailed nailedin anddrilled drilledin, in, These historically had totobe be nailed ininand and drilled in, These taking considerably time and often falling down. Now taking considerably time and often falling down. Now taking considerably time and often falling down. Now PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bond,has hasallowed allowedthem themto bondthese these Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond, Bond, has allowed them totobond bond these Power beads and position reducing labour by over 50%. beads and position reducing labour by over 50%. labour by by over over50%. 50%. beads and position reducing labour Onesuch suchcontractor contractoris PeterFletcher Fletcherfrom fromLow LowCross Cross One such contractor isisPeter Peter Fletcher from Low Cross One Developments in Northern Ireland. Developments in Northern Ireland. Developments in in Northern Northern Ireland. Developments

Thisunique uniqueproduct producthas hasalso alsobeen beentested testedby byUKAS UKAS This unique product has also been tested by UKAS This accredited lab to BS EN 12003 shear test and BE EN accredited lab to BS EN 12003 shear test and BE EN andBE BEEN EN accredited lab to BS EN 12003 - shear test and 1308 slip resistant. 1308 slip resistant. 1308 - slip resistant.

Now available available in in all all Travis Travis Perkins Perkins stores stores Now available available in all Travis Perkins branches Now branches nationwide, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is even easier nationwide, Power Grab ‘n’ Bond is even easier tototo nationwide, Power Power Grab Grab ‘n’ ‘n’ Bond Bond is is even even easier easier to nationwide, access and see local demonstrations and technical access and see local demonstrations and technical see local local demonstrations demonstrations and and technical technical access and see adviceand andapplications. applications. advice advice and applications. advice and applications.

Theadvancements advancementsin fixingsis gamechanging. changing.In The advancements ininfixings fixings isisgame game changing. InIn The fixings The addition to saving hours of labour and costs, Power addition to saving hours of labour and costs, Power addition to saving hours of labour and costs, Power Grab‘n’ Bondcan cannow nowreplace replaceconventional conventionalmethods methods Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond Bond can now replace conventional methods Grab of adhesion, which relied on a two component epoxy of adhesion, which relied on a two component epoxy of adhesion, which relied on a two component epoxy mix which caused all sorts of problems. Not only was mix which caused all sorts of problems. Not only was mix which caused all sorts of problems. Not only was mix it temperamental if the right mix was not achieved it temperamental if the right mix was not achieved it temperamental - if the right mix was not achieved -- but also, depending on the weight the slab, each one but also, depending on the weight ofof the slab, each one on the weight of the slab, one but also, depending on the weight of the slab, each one then might then need to be supported by drilling in ties. then might then need to be supported by drilling in ties. then might might then then need to be supported by drilling in ties. then Aswell wellas allof this,full fullcure curecan canbe beanything anythingbetween between As well asasall all ofofthis, this, full cure can be anything between As well as all of this, full cure As 24 and 42 hours. 24 and 42 hours. 24 and and 42 42 hours. hours. 24 PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bonddoes doesnot nothave haveany anyof ofthese these Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond Bond does not have any of these Power of these Power Quite simply is it the ultimate one disadvantages. Quite simply is it the ultimate one disadvantages. disadvantages. Quite simply is it the ultimate one disadvantages. component product for heavy duty vertical bonding. component product for heavy duty vertical bonding. component product for heavy duty vertical bonding. Usingaaaheavy heavyduty dutycaulking caulkinggun, gun,itititenables enablesthe theuser user Using heavy duty caulking gun, enables the user Using to apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait to apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait to apply the product straight from the cartridge, wait 4 to 5 minutes and then fix directly onto the wall. There 4 to 5 minutes and then fix directly onto the wall. There fix directly onto the wall. wall. There There 4 to 5 minutes and then fix absolutelyno noneed needfor foradditional additionalfixings, fixings,allowing allowing isisabsolutely absolutely no need for additional fixings, allowing fixings, is phenomenal results the initial grab and together with phenomenal results inin the initial grab and together with phenomenal results the initial phenomenal results in the initial grab and together with rapid curing will reduce labour time by 50%. rapid curing will reduce labour time by 50%. rapid curing curing will will reduce reduce labour time by 50%. rapid PowerGrab Grab‘n’ Bondis Madein Britainwith withBritish British Power Grab ‘n’‘n’Bond Bond isisMade Made ininBritain Britain with British Power Power Technology and British Design and many applications Technology and British Design and many applications Technology and and British British Design Design and and many applications Technology arebeing beingpublicised publicisedand andapplauded. applauded. for this productare are being publicised and applauded. for this product for this product for this product Plasterersacross acrossUK UKand andare arenow nowincreasingly increasinglyusing using Plasterers across UK and are now increasingly using Plasterers Power Grab ‘n’ Bond for bonding their beads. Beading Power Grab ‘n’ Bond for bonding their beads. Beading Power Grab ‘n’ Bond for bonding their beads. Beading thinpiece pieceof metalthat thathas hasaaastraight straightedge edgerunning running isisaaathin thin piece ofofmetal metal that has straight edge running is along its length to ensure a smooth surface or angle along its length to ensure a smooth surface or angle along its length to ensure a smooth surface or angle for plastering over. It is most commonly used when for plastering over. It is most commonly used when for plastering over. It is most commonly used when applyingplaster plasterto wallaround aroundcorners, corners,especially especially applying plaster totoaaawall wall around corners, especially applying window and door frames. The beads allow forneat neat window and door frames. The beads allow for neat window and door frames. The beads allow for window corners to be covered with ease. corners to be covered with ease. corners to be covered with ease.

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CONTENTS January 2022 10 News Story

18 Floors

12 Adhesives & Materials

24 Bathrooms & Kitchens

CONtact US Jake Page

Publication Manager

01843 581364


Jenna Burridge


01843 581364


Low on temperature. High on performance.

Compact with Style Vertical

Heavy Duty Deco

Stelrad’s range of radiators are aesthetically designed to perform with the future in mind. All radiators, including current and new models are fully compatible with low temperature heating systems and are in stock for immediate delivery. Stelrad have the radiators to meet your specification and contract needs. Planar K3


ABILITY LIFTS HITS THE TARGET WITH LIFT AT VIRTUAL SHOOTING EXPERIENCE Clays Bar, in Moorgate near the centre of London, is a bar with a difference, where you compete with your friends in an interactive clay target shooting experience on huge 4k screens. As the clay target shooting experience is in the basement, (required for darkness to see the screens better), the client required a platform lift from ground floor to basement. Ability Lifts were contacted, and their Optimum 100s platform lift got a top score for ease of installation with a compact footprint. Travelling between the ground floor and basement, with a lifting capacity of 410 kilogrammes and being self contained, the lift has a one touch call button on each landing and a standard platform size of 1100mm wide x 1480mm deep. The client was thrilled with the finished lift, which fitted perfectly next to the stairwell, and was decorated with some plants to blend in with the upmarket interior. Please contact the Ability Lifts team on 0845 006 8803 or email sales@abilitylifts.co.uk for further information on the Optimum 100s and the other products in the Optimum range of lifts.


Platform Lifts Here at Ability Lifts, we offer solutions for many different access requirements, from platform lifts and stair platform lifts, to external lifts, access lifts and much more. We aim to offer top quality service and highly competitive prices. All of our access lifts are in compliance with the Machinery Directive MD 2006/42/EC, EN8141 and Part M, and we’re happy to advise you with any questions you may have about access requirements. The Optimum 100s - Our best selling enclosed Platform Lift ◌

410kg / 5 persons capacity

Standard platform size of 1100mm wide X 1480mm long

Landing doors 900mm wide X 2000mm high (Alternative special size are available)

Hidden door closers

One touch call button on each landing

Please call us for a chat, we have a range of platform lifts to suit your requirements.

Tel: 0845 006 8803 Email: sales@abilitylifts.co.uk Web: www.abilitylifts.co.uk



he Northern Design Awards bring together designers, retailers and property developers in a celebration of Northern design and style, consisting of 22 prize categories across the commercial and residential sectors. Judged by the best in the business including Linda Barker and Wayne Hemingway, these awards serve to recognise excellence across the North of England and are sponsored by Haywoods International and The Cheshire Magazine. The winners will be announced on 24 November 2021 at a gala event at The Concorde Centre, Manchester Airport. The highly covetable Amazing Space award serves to recognise residential interior projects that break the mould; not only being visually stunning but delivering exceptional modern luxe, functionality and innovative style, making the Daval entry – an innovative garden room project a strong contender.


Award-winning British designer and manufacturer of quality fitted furniture, Daval, is a finalist at the Northern Design Awards 2021, shortlisted for Amazing Space in the residential category. This bespoke garden room project is complete with outdoor kitchen living space in partnership with local oak building specialists, Paragon Oak. Both award-winning companies are based in West Yorkshire, a mere 11 miles apart, so it was easy for the lead designers to collaborate to create a Daval kitchen living space within a Paragon Oak oak-framed building for a manor house in West Yorkshire. This instantly added an extra dimension to the living and entertaining spaces available for family members and guests in the client’s rural property. The Mayfair kitchen in Talpa, a contemporary matt fin-

ish in taupe, is the ideal choice to complement the natural oak hues of the timber. Simon Bodsworth, Managing Director at Daval says, “With an upsurge in investing in the home and garden predicted for 2022, the luxury kitchen market is willing and able to support property owners and developers who are keen to optimise their surroundings as home comforts continue to be of prime importance. Hybrid and home working has brought new options to the work/life balance equation and we have been finding that flexible spaces are increasingly important. We have been getting requests to assist with an increasing number of personalised garden rooms, which underlines the desire for versatility along with a determination to optimise indoor outdoor living all year around.” Daval Furniture is a British designer and manufacturer of luxury fitted furniture, delivered

to UK homes via a premium network of 100 independent Design Partners nationwide. Daval Furniture’s 100,000 sq. ft HQ is nestled in the hear t of Yor kshire’s Colne Valley in the village of Slaithwaite. The company employs 70 staff with an annual turnover of £6m. It makes bespoke fitted furniture including kitchens, bedrooms and offices. The family-run business was founded by cabinet maker David Bodsworth and his wife Alyson in 1978. Simon Bodsworth, son of David and Alyson and Managing Director at Daval says “We are very proud of our Northern heritage and are thrilled to be shortlisted for such a prestigious business award – good luck every-

one!” From its beginnings in a small shop in Milnsbridge, Huddersfield, Daval has grown into premises in Slaithwaite, which comprise a factory where all the furniture is made on-site, offices and a showroom with room sets which is open to the public. Daval is run by David and Alyson’s three sons, Simon 37 (managing director) Paul, 35, (operations director) and James, 33, (design director).

For further information on Daval, its furniture and interiors storage solutions, please contact: Daval Furniture | t 01484 848500 | www.daval-furniture.co.uk | Daval House, Spa Fields Industrial Estate, New Street, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield, HD7 5BB


January 2022

Restoring a fire damaged home to its traditional, historic beauty “It’s an emotional rollercoaster losing your home in a fire,” says Alex Coppock, architect, Communion Architects. “The resurrection project was all about recreating a healthy home that honoured the cottage’s traditional beauty.”


he thatched cottage in Worcestershire suffered an extremely bad fire. This left the downstairs of the property severely damaged, the second floor almost lost and the roof completely demolished. “The historic fabric and traditional structure of the part-Medieval, part-Victorian cottage had been almost destroyed,” says Alex. “It needed a lot of care to restore it to its former glory. “As different areas of the property were in different conditions, designing the right solution was challenging. It was difficult to know where to start. We worked with Timothy Smith Builders Ltd to bring the project to life.”


leave them unpainted – something you only usually do if you’re polishing or marbling plaster. “It’s a learning experience at the start, as you begin to understand how to use the lime plaster, but it’s incredibly easy to pick up. If it does start to dry, you can damp it down and it comes back to life again. It’s very workable.”

An elegant finish “The homeowner is thrilled,” says Alex. “The project has delivered the best of both worlds: a restored home, using traditional materials, which means it will stay dry and warm.”

Matching tradition and heritage “The cottage was a listed building, so we collaborated with the conservation officer and followed Historic England guidance to ensure we preserved the historical elegance of the property and best practice,” says Alex. “Breathability was also incredibly important. Much of the water damage from the fire had dried out, but the original structure of the building only contained an ‘outer leaf’ wall. “An ‘outer leaf wall’ means that as soon as the outside wall gets wet, the inside wall becomes vulnerable to damp. “Protecting the building, called for a way to keep it dry, healthy and comfortable for a long time to come. We specified a woodfibre board with a lime plaster internally and lime render externally. The cottage was originally built using lime-based products and had stood the property in good stead all these years until fire tore it apart. “Lime Green was recommended to us by a friend who’d used their mortars, plasters and renders on several occasions and found them to be ideal. “They gave us a ‘one-stop-shop’ for all the lime-based materials we needed: Internal Warmshell Insulation (IWI) system (woodfibre insulation boards topped with Solo lime plaster) and an external lime render.

“We had some great technical advice from the Lime Green team. They helped us understand our lime-based options, how different products and materials work together, and how to get the best results. Their products make lime very easy to use. “It is so good to return the cottage back to its former glory, with modern versions of the honest materials that would have been used in the Medieval and Victorian eras.”

Restoring traditional beauty “I’d used traditional lime products before, but the process was always much slower – waiting for up to seven days between coats while the material fully dries out,” says Ian Miller, master plasterer.

“The home looks absolutely beautiful. Everyone involved couldn’t be happier with the results,” finishes Alex. “Lime Green’s experience and knowledge in regard to the project specifications, and the team’s practical assistance on site, means we’ll definitely be recommending them for future projects. “It’s been a privilege working with a team of talented and experienced contractors, hand in hand with Lime Green, to give this historic cottage the opportunity to continue to be a beautiful dwelling for anyone who becomes part of its future story for hundreds of years to come.” To find out more about the materials used, visit Lime Green Products Ltd or call 01952 728 611.

“Lime Green’s materials were much quicker to use – just put a coat on, notch with a trowel, embed mesh all over, apply another 3mm on top, flatten, leave for 1.5 hours and finish with a trowel. That’s it – you do the wall once, instead of up to three times, as with other lime plasters I’ve used. “The products – Solo (one coat lime plaster) and Ultra (insulating base coat) – are great and easy to work with. Once you’ve got the consistency right, they’re easy to apply and the finish is absolutely fantastic. “The homeowner is so delighted with the finish, they and the architect have agreed just to seal the walls and to


Industry news

FIRST GLIMPSE OF ROWANBANK GARDENS IN CORSTORPHINE, EDINBURGH NEW WEBSITE SHOWCASES INDUSTRY-LEADING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT SET TO BECOME “A SPECTACULAR BLUEPRINT FOR LOW-CARBON LIVING” Register interest now by visiting: www.rowanbankgardens.com or call 0131 516 3302. Homebuyers can now get their first online glimpse of Artisan Real Estate’s much heralded Rowanbank Gardens in Corstorphine, Edinburgh, promising immaculate environmental credentials and providing a spectacular blueprint for low-carbon living. The development website goes live this week and potential buyers can register interest by logging on to www.rowanbankgardens.com ahead of the formal launch of the


on-site sales office and marketing suite early in the New Year. Rowanbank Gardens is an industryleading sustainable development delivering 126 high quality apartments in a well-connected central location. When complete, it will provide a mix of one, two and three-bedroom spacious apartments on the site of the former Gylemuir Care Home, just a few minutes’ walk from main access routes into the city for bus, train and car. Work on site began in summer this year, and the first ‘move-ins’ are anticipated for early

2023. With no fossil fuels being used and both heating and hot water delivered through individual air source heat pumps, the development offers smart energyefficient design geared to achieving low to zero carbon ratings – with the added benefits of lower homerunning costs. Rowanbank Gardens has also been designed to respond to the rapidly changing requirements of both home buyers and the wider community. Apartments have been designed around an internal courtyard garden, filled with fruit

industry news trees and communal planting and growing beds as well as a natural woodland area and formal lawns. The spacious apartments will provide open-plan living with easy access to a private courtyard or large balcony overlooking the gardens, making them ideal for families and downsizers alike. While innovations such as green roofs ensure benefits of surface water retention, improved insulation and ecology. Welcoming the launch of Rowanbank Gardens, Artisan’s Regional Sales Manager, Christie Turner, said: “This is part of Artisan’s £90 million investment commitment to raise the standards of sustainable living at prime city centre sites across Edinburgh. “At its heart is a sustainable design which reflects the demands of modern life, with buildings designed to minimise carbon footprint and maximise

daylight. Significant emphasis is placed on the quality of internal space and light to create enjoyable home-working environments, whilst accessible gardens and landscaping promote health and well-being by making nature and well-designed outdoor space integral to the day-today living experience.” She added: “There has already been strong interest in the development from Corstorphine residents, many of whom wanted to downsize and stay in the area and from families looking for more space. We are now looking forward to launching our marketing suite on site and progressing with the development, continuing with our ongoing investment to get the city living again following lockdown.” Artisan is perhaps best known in Scotland for large-scale urban regeneration projects like the award-winning New Waverley at the heart of Edinburgh’s historic Old Town. The developer is now applying the same values, resource and design philosophy to its residential developments which is quickly setting it apart from other major homebuilders in Scotland. The launch of Rowanbank Gardens comes hot on the heels of sales success at the award-winning Canonmills Garden site, Artisan’s other Edinburgh city centre development comprising 180 luxury apartments and colony properties overlooking the Water of Leith. Sales of the 135 apartments available for private sale are now nearing completion

with the development welcoming its first ‘move-ins’ in the summer. David Westwater, Artisan’s Scottish Regional Development Manager said: “The Rowanbank Gardens site fits in well with Artisan’s approach of regenerating city centre sites with good local amenities and public transport links . It is well set to meet the Council’s stated requirement for well designed, high density living whilst providing spacious communal areas and well-established public transport links ensuring low car ownership. “Artisan now has an opportunity in Scotland to set a new benchmark for high quality urban regeneration in sensitive city-centre environments – whether it be residential, commercial, or mixed-use. Our track record across Scotland has given us a strong understanding of the importance of sustainable low carbon living combined with high quality placemaking, which is at the heart of all Artisan’s developments.” To register interest In Rowanbank Gardens, savvy homebuyers should now visit the development website at www.rowanbankgardens.com. The Rowanbank Gardens Sales Team is now based at the offices of lettings and estate agency Umega at 10 Lister Square, Edinburgh, EH3 9GL. To book an appointment, call 0131 516 3302. For more information of Artisan Real Estate, visit: www.artisanrealestate.com


adhesives & materials

MODULAR CONSTRUCTION MARKET KEY SEALANT TAPE GROWTH, SAYS ISO CHEMIE The modular house construction market will help to drive window and door foam sealant tape growth in 2022, predicts Andy Swift, sales and operations manager for ISO-Chemie. He sees the UK market staying buoyant over the next 12 months as the economy continues to recover from the pandemic and building and construction activity remains busy, particular in the face of a chronic national housing shortage and the need to build more affordable housing. This will see construction projects ‘surge’ ahead with cost effective products such as foam sealant tapes, which deliver improved energy performance and efficiencies, increasingly specified for retrofit applications and new projects. In the modular sector, house designers are currently looking at new ways to deliver low carbon structures, which use sustainable technologies to deliver measurable airtight, acoustic and thermal sealing benefits. 2021 has been the best ever trading year for the ISO Chemie - sales are up 45% - and Andy Swift says the modular construction market will be a key target for further growth going forward over the next 12 months. “Modular construction is gaining increasing traction and next year will see continued integration of the system with the more traditional methods of building, enabling developers to bring forward housing projects more expediently,” he adds. “Our ISO BLOCO range of sealant tapes and the WINFRAMER thermal insulating and load bearing bracket support system can add real value during the initial and post construction phases, so I expect to see more interest in these and other products in 2022 and beyond.” Andy Swift also points out that the amendment to the building regulations currently coming into


force are set to have an impact as energy ratings for buildings and property become stricter proposed changes to Part L 2021 lay out a government roadmap to zero carbon and future homes standard. These include energy and ventilation standards for residential and non-domestic buildings that are far better for the environment and fit for the future, says Andy Swift, who adds: “Higher air and thermal standards for house construction will be a priority. This is an important message that will continued to be pushed to architects and other property specifiers over the next 12 months.

With energy rated and conservation products continuing to be at the forefront of design and building regulations, there will be ‘discernible’ growth for air tightness and thermal sealing products. “There are effective products out there to ensure that airtightness and thermal efficiency within buildings should never be overlooked or ignored - it’s a matter of designing in these products,” Andy Swift says. More at www.iso-chemie.eu/ en-GB/home/



TOUPRET SA - 24 rue du 14 juillet - 91813 CORBEIL ESSONNES Cedex - RCS Evry B 964 201 859 – Mise à jour Mars 2021

PURPOSE Quick drying powder filler. Great for shaping and form work on all types of wood, indoors and out. It has no depth limit and offers excellent adhesion. Can be stained or painted with any type of conventional paint, varnish or stain after 3 hours.

PACKAGING Box: 1kg and 2kg. RECOMMENDATIONS and care for use The times mentioned are indicative and depend on the substrate, coat thickness, and the ambient conditions. Do not apply at a temperature below 5°C or above 35°C nor at a relative humidity over 80%.

SUBSTRATES Wood Repair Filler can be applied to any type of wood, including common exotic species, chipboard and plywood. For optimal results, apply Wood Hardener beforehand. SUBSTRATES PREPARATION Substrates to be prepared as per the current trade practices. Substrates must be hard, cohesive, clean, sound and dry. OVERCOATING Wood Repair Filler can be overcoated by any type of conventional paints, varnishes and stains.

Physical and technical FEATURES • Wood Repair Filler: is a filler in powder form, for interior or exterior use, made of mineral extracts and selected binders. • Characterization (NFT 36-005): Family IV - class 4c. • Codification (NFT 30-608): G3E5S2V0W0A0C0. • Mixing rate: add 300ml water per 1kg powder (30%). • Application thickness: no depth limit. • Capacity: 1kg fills 1L when mixed. • Working time: 30 minutes. • Setting time: second coat as soon as the filler is hard and dry to the touch. • Overcoating: can be painted in 3 hours average time (after complete drying). • Color: natural wood. • Adhesion: filler/substrate (NF T 30 608): > 0.8 Mpa. USE AND STORAGE CONDITIONS  Application tools: filling knife, trowel or blade.  Tool cleaning: after use, product residue can be rubbed off tools when dry (water cleaning is not necessary).  Preservation: product guaranteed 6 months. Stored away from humidity. If found to be faulty within the guarantee period, we will arrange a replacement on proof of purchase.


NORMATIVE DOCUMENTS to be referred to  NFT 30-608: Coating fillers for interior works and/or exterior. HEALTH AND SAFETY It is recommended to wear gloves and glasses while applying Wood Repair Filler. Always wear a dust mask when sanding. Dispose of unused product and packaging responsibly at your local waste collection centre. Safety data sheet available at www.toupret.co.uk The data sheet information, especially the guidelines relevant to the application and final use of the product are provided in good faith and result from TOUPRET’s experience and knowledge of the products. The product should be used as per the trade practices rules book and in reference to our recommendations. The information provided is relevant to applications processed at a temperature of 20°C, a relative humidity of 50% and on average absorbency substrates. The times mentioned are only indicative and depend on the substrate, the coat thickness, and the ambient conditions.

* Information on the emission level of volatile substances into indoor air, presenting a risk of toxicity by inhalation, on a scale from A+ (very low emissions) to C (high emissions).


adhesives & materials

Toupret expands its one coat offering with new interior 28 surfaces Quick Fill


June 2021 28 th

Toupret, the professional’s choice for quality wall fillers, has today improved its Toupret expands its one coat offering with new interior surfaces Qu oneQuick coatFill ofcollection fering wiwith th naewnew intinterior erior surfaces surfacesproduct Quick that Fillis readyto-paint in Toupret, the professional’s choice for quality wall fillers, has today just 30 minutes. its Quick Fill collection with a new interior surfaces product that to-paint in just 30 minutes.

essional’s choice for quality wall fillers, has today improved Toupret’s professional interior and exterior Quick Fill products off llection with a new interior interior surfaces one coat that repair. is All readyare lightweight, ready mixed and provide a qua Toupret’s professional and exterior Quick Fill product professionals can rely on from a brand with over 80 years of expertis 30 minutes. products offer a fast one coat repair. All are lightweight, ready mixed and provide a quality that professionals can

The new interior surfaces Quick Fill product from Toupret is fast-dryi

to paint in just 30 minutes) and it can be filled to any depth with no ional rely interior and with exterior Quick Fill products a isfast on from a brand over 80 years of expertise. or slumping.offer Quick Fill also easy to sand and there is no need to s before painting over it that as it will not flash or grin through the p All are lightweight, ready mixed and provide a quality Available as a tub in either 1L or 4L sizes. There is no limit on work interior surfaces Quick product80 from Toupretof rely The onnew from a brand withFillover years expertise. ensuring a versatile solution for many types of job.

is fast-drying (ready to paint in just 30 minutes) and it can no shrinkage or slumping. surfacbe esfilled Quto icany k Fdepth ill with product from ToupretQuick is fast-drying (ready Fill is also easy to sand and there is no need spot prime 0 minutes) and it can be filled totoany depth with no shrinkage paintingeasy over it to as it sand will not flash grin through the need to spot prime k Fillbefore is also and orthere is no paintwork. Available as a tub in either 1L or 4L sizes. There ver it as it will not flash or grin through the paintwork. is no limit on working time, ensuring a versatile solution for b in either 1L or 4L sizes. There is no limit on working time, many types of job.

ile solution for many types of job.

Also, part of the one coat family but for outside repairs, is the surfaces Quick Fill product. This ready mixed, lightweight, and rea filler can be applied to cement, concrete, and masonry as well as pl old painted surfaces. It can be painted over in just one hour. It o same high quality Toupret finish and performance of no depth limit shrinking or slumping. Plus, it’s of rich in resin for and extra strength The Quick Fill launch is part a major rebrand really can quickly move from job to job with the reassurance of doin product reorganisation for Toupret. The exterior and doing it well. The exterior quick fill is available as a 1L and 4 applications both small and large. surfaces collection is now signified with an orange

colourway whilst the interior surfaces range is branded in red, offering a striking shelf point of difference.

With the goal of making a great quality filling job simpler and quicker for professionals, Toupret also wanted to make it much easier for tradespeople to choose the best product for any given task. As such, many of the products have been renamed to make their application as clear as possible. However, Toupret knows it has a loyal customer base and part of the one coat but outside for outside repairs, is e one Also, coat family butfamily for repairs, isthethe externames ior remain discreetly on so old product the exterior This surfacesready Quick Fillmixed, product. This ready mixed, ll product. lightweight, and ready to usefamiliarity for all whilst the packaging to ensure lightweight, and ready to use filler can be applied to cement, lied to cement, concrete, and masonry as wellintroducing as plaster and product descriptions – new simplified as wellover as plaster old painted ces. concrete, It canand bemasonry painted inand just one hour. It offers for example ‘exteriorthe surfaces Quick Fill will appear surfaces.finish It can be painted over in just one hour. y Toupret and performance ofIt offers no depthalongside limit, and no the historical ‘Touprelex’ product name. same high qualityrich Toupret finish and performance of ping.thePlus, it’s in resin for extra strength – so you no from depth limit, no job shrinking or slumping. Plus, it’s rich Bothdoing Quick Fillit products y move jobandto with the reassurance of onceare available to purchase in resin for extra strength – so you really can quickly move from trade distributors nationwide. . The exterior quick fill is available as a 1L and 4L tub for from job to job with the reassurance of doing it once and small and large. https://www.toupret.co.uk/ doing it well. The exterior quick fill is available as a 1L and 4L tub for applications both small and large.


adhesives & materials

Knauf continue to improve sustainability credentials with recycled plastic packaging As part of its ongoing sustainability efforts, Knauf UK & Ireland is making the move to recycled plastic packaging. Its new packaging will contain at least 30% recycled plastics and is often also recyclable at the end of its life so the circle can be continued.


he Company has added easy to recognise logos to the packaging to identify when it has been made from recycled plastic, and if it is recyclable. Knauf will start by changing the packaging of key products within its portfolio and continue the move for other products over the coming months. The Company is using Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) plastics – materials which have been used by consumers, recycled and given a new life. Lucy Hall, Sustainability Leader for Knauf, gives an insight into the importance of the new packaging: “Our Product Manager, Becky Newell, has worked collaboratively and consistently to achieve Knauf’s goal of improving the recycled content of our packaging. Realising her goal to make a difference on a bigger scale, the recycled content of plastic packaging will now also be high on the agenda of new product development. This is a fantastic achievement in Knauf’s drive to fulfil its sustainability goals” Greenhouse gas emissions are associated with single-use plastics, and the National Geography Society estimates that more than 40% of plastic is used just once and that there are more than 5 trillion pieces of plastic in the ocean. This is a significant reason for Knauf adopting PCR plastics and a recognition of the Company’s commitment to Build for the World We Live In. This switch will see some small changes to the appearance of product packaging, such as a grey rim and base. This is simply due to a number of different coloured plastics being recycled to make a new product, and not adding in unnecessary dyes. It is important to note that it is just the packaging that is changing, not the product, so customers can rest assured knowing they’re still getting the same, trusted Knauf product.


This move is part of Knauf’s ongoing sustainability initiative and ties in with its ‘people, planet, prosperity’ ethos. Sustainability considerations are becoming more prevalent across the construction industry and Knauf is keen to lead the way in meeting customers’ expectations for environmentally friendly products.

adhesives & Materials

CHOOSING THE BEST SUBFRAME FOR YOUR DECKING PROJECT A decking subframe is the structure that sits beneath your deck, keeping it supported and providing the base that your decking boards are attached to.

The subframe is one of the most important parts of having a deck installed as, whilst the subframe is generally hidden, it is crucial for the deck’s longevity. A poor subframe choice or install can lead to the decking being damaged or can even lead to the decking becoming structurally dangerous and eventually failure. With so many different subframes to choose from, which one is best and what should you look out for? We review in-depth three popular subframe choices: timber, recycled plastic (Plas-Pro) & aluminium (DuoSpan). Each subframe material has different attributes and – being familiar with the benefits of each and knowing what to use and when – can add years to the deck’s longevity. Softwood timber is the most common material used for decking subframes, and Millboard decking has been fitted on these types of subframes for over ten years. However, there have been many examples of timber subframes that have failed within 6 years of being installed, with the failings being identified to be attributed to a lack of understanding of the requirements of timber, incorrect timber being used in the wrong location and bad workmanship.

Millboard Plas-Pro recycled subframe is an excellent alternative to timber for constructing the framework for decks, seating, planters and more. Constructed from recycled plastic, Plas-Pro is strong, versatile and easy to work with. The benefits of Plas-Pro over timber are that Plas-Pro can be used in contact with the ground and in water without the need for any airflow ventilation gaps; it can be sunk into the ground and surrounded fully with moisture without adverse effect. Finally, DuoSpan is a unique landscape construction frame made with a combination of aluminium joists and beams, aluminium brackets and plastic support profiles. This combination enables distinctive design opportunities for decking and outdoor structures that would be impossible with timber subframes, due to the superior strength of aluminium and flexibility of plastic. Find out more! Download the comprehensive Decking Subframe Guide for in-depth performance comparisons, lifetime cost projections and expert knowledge on factors to consider when selecting a subframe for your decking project. Visit www.millboard.co.uk/ subframes



DURA PRODUCTS ANNOUNCE LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT RESULTS Sustainable construction innovators, Dura Products, has today confirmed its sustainability credentials with the release of new Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) for its Durakerb, Duradrain and Durachannel products.


he Life Cycle A s s e s s m e n t (LCA) – conducted by independent sustainable consultancy Fishwick Environmental Ltd – reveals that Dura Products’ DuraKerb – a revolutionary, lightweight and environmentally-friendly kerbstone – has a carbon footprint of just 1.06kg of carbon dioxide (CO2) per kg. In addition, its Duradrain heavy duty combined kerb and drainage system (CKD) comes in at just 1.47 per kg. The final product to undergo the same analysis is Durachannel, a heavyduty linear surface drainage system, which has a carbon footprint of 1.71 per kg. The company has long advocated the benefits of its plastic kerbs, thanks to their high recycled content and lightweight composition. Today’s announcement further demonstrates how the products are helping the construction industry embrace a dramatically lower environmental footprint over concrete-based alternatives.


Strategy for expansion and carbon reduction The publication of Dura Products LCAs follows the company’s new strategy for expansion and wider carbon reduction. With the demand for green construction fueling Dura Products impressive growth, the company has outlined its commitment to ensuring the environmental benefits of its systems are upheld at every stage of the product’s lifecycle – from sourcing, production, transportation and installation, through to its end of life. Underpinning the strategy, the company commits to always using recycled polymer when manufacturing its products, ensuring it continues to divert waste from landfill and reduce demand for virgin plastic. This pledge is crucial in ensuring carbon emissions don’t increase as the company expands. Dura Products also strives to make sure its systems arrive on-site using as little energy as possible. From making sure all available trailer space is used to transport goods to stocking products locally in emerging territories, the company is taking strides to reduce the impact of longhaul transportation. This is, in turn, aiding availability and accessibility to ensure businesses across Europe and beyond can reap the environmental benefits afforded by the Dura Products range. Another factor responsible for emissions is transportation due to the use of heavy goods vehicles

(HGV) when delivering materials to customers. Dura Products’ systems are comprised of recycled plastic making them significantly lighter compared to the traditional concrete equivalent. This saves the environment from carbon during transport as the product is limited in load size by volume, rather than weight. Further efficiencies are also being made through appropriate partnership management. The strategy outlined by Dura Products states that for already developed markets, its partners take fully packed loads to split and support projects locally. For example, Irish supplier Killeshal Precast generally hold over 2,000 units of stock at any time. This strategy is replicated for all partners in the UK and across Mainland Europe to ensure growth within a sustainable life cycle. For new markets, Dura Products will initially supply direct from the works on a project-to-project basis, but with a long-term goal of holding stock locally. This is achieved by collaborating with like-minded distributors that share the same ethos and technical expertise to help generate interest and demand in the respective region. For the past two years, the company has been working with Peleg RWS in Israel to introduce the concept of sustainable combined kerb and drainage solutions and is now close to securing its first approval in Jerusalem. The low carbon strategy for supply and supporting projects will then be adopted as the company expands into new markets. Steve Bennett, Managing Director of Dura Products, commented: “As the construction industry strives to lessen its impact on the planet, we’re seeing an increased demand for our eco-friendly kerbing and drainage systems. While this is great news, we must evaluate our products over their full life cycle using accurate and independently verified data. Proper coordination and monitoring of our carbon footprint will enable our business to expand, without devaluing the environmental benefits of using our products.”




tility strikes represent an ever-present threat to human life, yet, thousands occur each year in the UK, exposing workers to risks including electrocution and explosion. The issue is costly and disruptive as well as dangerous: with millions being subsequently spent rectifying the damage caused by ill-judged digging, not taking into account the environmental impact and at the very least, service delays to end customers. There are over 12,000 works taking place every day across the UK, it is critical that we learn from near misses and lower consequence strikes to minimise the risk that workers are facing on a daily basis. The utility networks that run over our heads and below our feet extend to over 1.5 million km and are fundamental to daily life. The Utility Strikes Damages Report, published by Utility Strike Avoidance Group (ASAG) found that over 2500 utility strikes took place across the UK in 2019, and that there is a necessary need for more robust survey practices to be put into place, and improved execution of works. One organisation that exists to reduce this risk is Kobus which of fers a trenchless technique for water and gas service pipe replacement. Kobus technology uses the pathway of the existing service pipe thereby greatly minimises the risk of striking


another utility, despite it being a trenchless method. If a pipe already exists, Kobus can use the bore hole created to install a new pipe as the old piping is removed, with a significantly less risk of damaging another utility.

2017 industry survey shows that 44% of these took place with out a detailed examination for existing underground assets. With a lax approach being taken, the chances of strikes rise astronomically.

So, just how big an issue are pipe and cable strikes?

Taking a five-year period between 2013 and 2017 the rate of strikes rose by 668% from 162 to 1,244. Providing a headache for workers on the ground and local government officials responsible for the pipes and cables. Underground strikes between July and September last year jumped by a further 20% compared to 2019 with 2020 Q3 at 46% higher than the previous quarter.

The underground utility infrastructure in the UK is vast and congested. Over four million excavations take place each year in Britain, and a

The reason behind the upwards trend is hard to uncover. A survey released by the Energy Networks Association shows 93% of workers

Many leading global water companies and contractors have fully invested in Kobus technolog y, including Wessex Water and international operators in the US, Poland, and the Netherlands, after recognising the financial and safety benefits.

believe they operate safely whilst simultaneously 31% revealed they did not always check for underground cables before commencing the excavation. Data from the Utility Strike Avoidance Group shows most strikes are caused by excavating machines. Furthermore, handheld tools such as pneumatic drills, shovels and crowbars also expose workers to avoidable danger. There is an inherent risk involved with all pipes and cables. Whether they exist to distribute gas, elec-

tricity, water, cable TV, or sewage waste. Add individual property service lines to the mix and you are suddenly standing atop a variety of hazards which, thanks to oft times inaccurate historical maps can leave you in the dark. Where does the solution lie? The abilit y to simultaneously pull decommissioned piping from the ground whilst installing new service pipes using the same bore path sounds like a dream. This is precisely what is on offer with Kobus’ Pipe Puller. With the added mobility and efficiency of the pipe puller tool, work is faster and better for the environment as old piping are removed from the ground avoiding a potential long-term degradation underground and added congestion. It is a trenchless, low-risk alternative that avoids much of the risks previously faced.

Better for the industry, better for the community None of us truly enjoy having workers drilling outside the home. Loss of access, noisy machinery, potential damage to properties or gardens, there are many dangers involved and Ofwat and Ofgem are both increasingly challenging utility providers to improve their cus-

tomer satisfaction when it comes to construction. Community pressure for a more effective solution is just as strong as the need for the industry to innovate from within. Trenchless technologies are already a dominant feature of utility infrastructure maintenance. Needing just two small excavations disruption is minimised, roads can remain open and people are free to carry on with their lives. On the industry side, Kobus is playing its part in driving towards Ofwat target of reducing leakage by 16% in this AMP period. Particularly because the pipe puller machinery removes rather than repairs which the industry is now embracing as the way to go. Utility strikes are avoidable, pre-operation mapping of existing utilities is the first step to a safer future, and a move away from moling towards the simultaneous pulling and laying of new pipes is the next step towards a future without strikes altogether.

For more information please visit: https://kobuspipepuller.com/




Frank Key, which was established in 1907 and has 19 branches across Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire and Lancashire, supplies building materials, as well as plant and tool hire to both trade and consumers. Frank Key will retail the full Composite Prime portfolio online and will sell its popular ranges of HD Deck Dual and HD Deck XS in its stores nationwide. Charles Taylor, sales director at Composite Prime, said: “We are absolutely delighted to have secured Frank Key as a retailer of Composite Prime products. Our revolutionary decking has a range of unique characteristics which we feel both trade and consumer customers will benefit from, including its low maintenance, long life span and slip resistant properties. We’re delighted with the Frank Key partnership and have full confidence that our products will be a success with its customers.”


Since 1977 the Sansom family has invested significantly in the expansion and success of Frank Key, which is now one of the largest independent builders’ merchants in the East Midlands and Yorkshire area, with branches stretching from Keighley to West Bridgford. Benjamin Sansom, group sales and marketing director at Frank Key, added: “We’re thrilled to be retailing Composite Prime products. Whilst the full portfolio of products are available to purchase via our Frank Key website, a number of product ranges can also be picked up in our branches across the UK. “Composite Prime products are perfectly suited to enhance our professional quality portfolio of building materials; our customers will appreciate their sustainable credentials as well as the unique formula of recycled plastic and FSC® certified oak wood flour that has

been used to ensure quality and longevity. “Composite Prime products have a remarkable likeness to timber and their versatility and colour tones also make it the perfect solution for consumers wanting to transform their gardens, allowing them to create a completely bespoke design with tailored patterns and schemes to match adjoining interiors.” Composite Prime is dedicated to producing sustainable materials, with each square metre of composite decking containing the equivalent of more than 3,000 plastic bottle caps or 280 plastic bottles. In the last six years of operation the brand has also saved more than 151 million plastic milk bottles from landfill. For more information about Composite Prime please visit: www.composite-prime.com

Extemely weather & UV resistant Very water and dirt resistant Reduces wood swelling and shrinkage Resists the growth of algae, mildew & fungal attack Microporous, breathable finish No sanding necessary for future applications


BESPOKE BEACH GARDEN USING SURESET RESIN BOUND MATERIALS The vision In August 2020 SureSet was contacted with a unique request to achieve the clients concept of a tropical themed outdoor dining area. Whereby using SureSet resin bound paving materials to create a bespoke and striking beach effect paving feature.

Preparation The idea was to surround and already striking custom tiki hut with a beach. The wooden Polynesian inspired garden hut was the centre of the dining area that had all the outdoor cooking essentials needed to entertain whilst grilling for guests.

We had an existing surface of concrete to install the resin bound materials over, and to ensure strength and durability from the ground up a primer was applied to the concrete and a 44m² CRM (crack reduction membrane) was rolled on top. By adding the CRM to the concrete base will offer extra resistance to potential concrete cracking that could affect the resin bound paving. The colours used to produce the beach effect paving were differing percentages of 3mm Butterscotch

from our Natural Aggregate range and Winter Frost from our luxury crushed marbles to give the appearance of sand and the water bubbles that splash against a shoreline. Chosen from our Spectrum range was a 3mm recycled glass in colours Aqua and Sky Blue, they were used to create the blue wave depths against the golden sand in an natural ripple pattern. Colour grading like this is very popular for unique projects and

The resin bound paving materials had to create the appearance of a bespoke desert island, a spectacular ‘resin desert island’, which was extremely exciting to install! SureSet Resin Systems have plenty of experience when installing personalised and imaginative paving, and beach projects are amongst many of our online case studies… Garden with beach theme resin Beach inspired theme park paving A resin bound beach driveway Our colour samples, technical advice and brochure was posted to the client before arranging a location visit to discuss the complexity of the beach design, checking the existing base condition, and plan the method of installation before measuring the areas needed for resin bound. After our visit we supplied a full quotation and specification data needed for the base preparations.

The installation The bespoke beach effect garden was installed late Spring this year.


Key Features • Application: Bespoke resin bound colour grading • Base: Concrete • Area: 44m² • Colour: 3mm Butterscotch, Winter Frost, Aqua and Sky Blue • Depth: 16mm resin bound • Edges: Straight and flexible aluminium • Installed: SureSet Resin Systems


design ideas and SureSet would always install this style of project using a hand float to ensure the level of intricacy is maintained throughout the installation process. The resin bound colours were evenly spread with a spazzle and hand floated to a compact and uniform level, a part from the wave effect areas, we did our upmost to make the water flow look as natural as possible.

The result A stunning resin bound beach effect garden! This beautiful and hard wearing patio surface will the property owners many years of use and on the plus side will require virtually no maintenance. All SureSet resin systems are UV stable and strong to be able to

protect itself from frost damage during colder months. The reliability of a SureSet resin bound surfacing system means the stones remain intact, preventing stones from becoming loose offering longevity as well as no weeds growing through. All installations by SureSet or an Approved Installer will be covered by a 21 Year Guarantee.

A good quality resin bound system, like SureSet, will be suitable for use after 4-6 hours for foot traffic and 12-16 hours for vehicular traffic. Where possible, we feel 24 hours is the ideal time to wait especially for a surface that will be heavily used - just to ensure that it is fully cured. After our installation we barricade the freshly laid areas to avoid any traffic type from stepping through it. To complete the surrounding edges of the beach, a 12mm linear edge was installed to continue the natural stone colour from the beach down the side of the garden wall. The existing edging stones in place were masked to protect them from any resin staining.




2022 KITCHEN TAP TRENDS L Abode, award-winning designer and distributor of market leading kitchen taps, sinks, bathroom taps & showering solutions anticipate the latest 2022 market trends for kitchen sinks and taps, as they continue to play a leading role in the modern home. •26•

eanne Adamson, Marketing Manager at Abode says, “The need for 24/7 convenience that empowers both home and lifestyle is inspiring new levels of design in the kitchen, utility room and hybrid wash zones like the home bar and boot room. Accordingly, end users young and old have become part of the now generation where time is of the essence and well-considered functionality that improves health and wellbeing is top priority. This has led to a rise in high performance kitchen taps, which add value and maintain their design integrity without compromising on style or user safety. Naturally, the trend for steaming hot water and filtered water on tap is set to reach new heights in 2022, with 3 IN 1 and 4 IN 1 taps becoming a staple of the traditional and

Abode Swich Water Filter System Matt Black Round Handle AT2107 shown with Abode Prime Single Lever Tap Matt Black AT2104 that features a flat spout design and unique handle + Abode Matrix R0 Large Single Bowl Sink Stainless Steel AW5009 with squared edges zero and radius construction

bathrooms/kitchens contemporary kitchen whilst helping us all save energy, reduce our use of plastic bottles and lead healthier lives.” F ollow ing ex tensi ve market research and trends monitoring, Abode can reveal the following trends are set to influence kitchen design in 2022: MULTI-GENERATIONAL LIVING: As more of us are living in a multi-generational household, home ergonomics is a point for discussion with an emphasis on ease of use and product safety. Trends are therefore identifying water safety as a number one priority with taps that are designed to be used by people of all ages, including those with limited mobility, outperforming other inclusive-style taps that forego style over substance. Having a kitchen that can grow with you is going to impact how we design the kitchen wash zone next year with young families, downsizers and the newly retired alike seeking future-proof taps that are easy reach, hygienic and distinct by design. PRODUCT – We recommend the Abode Agilis Single Lever kitchen tap, which is ergonomically designed. Featuring a sweeping L shape body with knurled aerator collar, the handle is located on the front of the tap body to reduce reach. Providing agile movement via a single lever, just a flick of a wrist will operate the water flow: great if you have dirty hands! REFRESHINGLY SUSTAINABLE: As climate change intensifies, the need to source only the most ethical products on the market is becoming a criterion when planning a kitchen space. Managing water and energy use will continue to remain on trend next year with multi-functional taps taking centre stage in the battle to save the planet. Enjoying the idea of chilled filtered water on tap is now easier

Abode Agilis Single Lever Tap Matt Black & Brushed Brass AT2187 with easyreach, unique design

Abode Pronteau 4 IN 1 Propure Monobloc Quad Matt Black PT1162 = Hot, Cold, 98° Steaming Hot and Filtered Water Tap

than ever, not only cutting down on the use of plastic bottles but the rise in hot water taps has made the kettle redundant – freeing up space and time while reducing water consumption and energy in high usage households.

hand, with contemporary matt black and delicately distinct brass finishes in high demand. Complementing big ticket items like your appliances and designer fixtures, black will bring extra refinement to next year’s industrial-style kitchen and welcome an eclectic mix of materials and finishes that see the sink and tap area stand up and be counted.

PRODUCT – Discover Abode Swich, a revolutionary design solution that will transform a new or existing kitchen tap in to a filtered water tap that delivers a constant supply of crystal clear filtered water! The exclusive and patented Swich water filter system is a discreet yet ultraluxe device, which is easy to use and install, either retro-fit in an existing kitchen or add to a new kitchen design. INDUSTRIAL STYLE: Popular with interior designers and homeowners alike, industrial-style kitchens stand to remain a firm favourite next year, with trends reporting a new appreciation for sinks and taps that help define a scheme. Practicality and luxury will therefore go hand-in-

PRODUCT – Answering growing demand for 24/7 convenience that is practical and beautiful, the Pronteau 4 IN 1 Propure Monobloc Quad is seen here in an industrial-style Matt Black finish. Available in five on trend finishes and two spout designs, this 4 IN 1 kitchen tap is a must for the design and time conscious. The steaming hot water is delivered via a two-stage safety handle and with cold filtered drinking water on tap as well as the domestic hot and cold supply you truly have everything you need packaged up in a sleek design that sits proudly in an array of kitchen styles.

For further information, please contact Abode: 01226 283 434 | info@abodedesigns.co.uk | www.abodedesigns.co.uk For the latest news & company updates, please follow Abode on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn #WaterTheWayYouWantIt


Bathrooms & kitchens

We would like to firstly wish all of our customers a very merry Christmas and all the very best for 2022! We would further like to thank them all for their continued business and support in 2021. As we look back on our second year of trading since the pandemic and the challenges that continue to face us, we would like to take this opportunity to reiterate our policy of stockholding and how it is driving our company forward. ‘Last summer we saw widespread disruption to supply and many assumed by now these issues would have ironed themselves out. In fact they have worsened. Most of our competitors are still looking at long lead times. We are able to maintain the chain of supply due to our longstanding policy of stockholding which has provided further financial stability to ourselves but as importantly to our customers” As always the Sussex Range is manufactured from 100% stainless steel including our recently introduced Black Edition of powder coated rails. “More and more people are coming round to the durability and sustainability of stainless steel, particularly after the year we have just had, we all need to be aware of our environmental and social impact”


“On a practical note our customers don’t want to go to the expense and disruption of fitting out their bathroom to 2 years down the line find that an inferior mild steel rail rusts, leaks and they then need a complete re-tile when the replacement isn’t dimensionally identical to the original” Stainless steel is 100% recyclable, and manufactured from over 90% recyclable material. It does not rust, flake or corrode. It is the sustainable, durable choice. We source our rails ethically and take our social responsibility seriously, from our sourcing, to our manufacture, to our charity initiatives. As a stable business with long term stockholding that has maintained a steady supply

throughout the pandemic we are able to do all of this whilst protecting our pricing structure. We offer 3 formats of rail throughout the entire range: Electric, dual fuel and central heating only and we offer both a polished and satin finish as well as the Black Edition Range. “The cornerstones of our business are quite simply quality, stock holding and ultimately customer service. The three work hand in hand” Should you require further details please visit our website www.sussexrange.co.uk or contact us on 01825 722988 and info@jiseurope.co.uk

Black Edition Stainless Steel Towel Rails by JIS Europe 100% stainless steel towel rails 01825 722988 www.sussexrange.co.uk info@jiseurope.co.uk


Gira, global leader and supplier of intelligent system solutions for the connected home and building, unveils the latest automated systems and technologies to enhance your home in 2022… “The last two years have seen us all spend more time at home and so it’s no surprise that we want to make our personal interior spaces as comfortable and versatile as possible. This is where the “connected home” has come to the fore, equipping the modern home with smart functions and devices that are specifically designed to improve daily life and contribute to a more efficient household” says Jacob de Muijnck, Managing Director at Gira UK Ltd. In fact, UK consumers are now very familiar with smart TVs, fitness trackers, voice-activated assistants and 24/7 access to all kinds of media, and this has become part of everyday life as the features and benefits appeal to multiple generations. The global health crisis and inevitable after effects have only highlighted that we need reliable systems in order to stay in touch with the outside world anytime, anywhere. With this in mind Gira present four key smart home trends that are set to redefine the idea of a ‘connected home’ next year and beyond: 1. The home office that thinks for itself Fewer people leave their house to go work in 2020 and the concept of working from home has become increasingly mainstream, but digital tools and services alone are not enough to maintain a high level of productivity. A home office requires a healthy, well considered environment that keeps you focused and motivated and so premium manufacturers are creating innovative solutions for the connected home office. Innovations include clever chairs and desks reminding you to stand

up, multifunctional charging stations for mobile devices and smart lighting and blind systems that adjust room brightness according to the time of day or work discipline under way. 2. Smart appliances for easy living From stoves that won’t let anything burn to bathrooms that know how you like to shower in the morning

– intelligent technologies make life safer, easier and more energyefficient. Automated vacuum cleaners, washing machines, and dryers are only the first steps towards a connected home in 2022, with indoor greenhouses becoming increasingly popular as we bring the outdoors in. More and more, smart devices are compatible with IFTTT (“If this then that”) technology, which makes it easy to configure individual systems

where products from different manufacturers need to work in sync. For example, you can switch off multiple electric appliances with just one command before stepping outside – to save energy and prevent accidental short circuits. 3. Connected Smart Home concepts are in demand Single, standalone applications are giving way to sustainable all-inclusive solutions as architects and builders consider the digital infrastructure and connectivity of living spaces early on in the planning phase. Lights, blinds, heating, entertainment systems, security systems, home gyms and electronics, along with smart tools and appliances, can be controlled via one central unit in connected homes adding luxury and touch of design exclusivity. Connected living is easy to facilitate whether you want to build a new house, renovate your existing, or just rent an apartment. Wireless systems such as Gira eNet SMART HOME communicate via radio transmitter – which means they can be retrofitted in both old and new buildings. Thanks to a synchronised interplay of all components, your Smart Home will do exactly what you need at any given time. Smart sensors, for example, react automatically to external factors such as ambient brightness, temperature, or humidity levels. Jacob adds “Many digital services and applications are already indispensable to modern lives like Alexa light control via voice command to blinds that go up automatically at sunrise. Smart technology will become even more universal in the years to come so be future-ready with a

connected house (or apartment). Once you’ve installed your system, you can add all sorts of functions and devices whenever you want so your home can evolve with your lifestyle.” Since March 2015, the Gira interactive online magazine G-Pulse has been providing regular, up-to-the-minute information on interesting developments in multiple areas: smart home technology, interior design, lifestyle, trends and architecture. The online magazine

is your source for interior design and lifestyle inspiration and your platform for exchanging views on your favourite topics with other design enthusiasts. 15 authors keep you informed, up-to-date and are especially keen on visiting key industry events, so you will always be informed about the latest interior and smart home trends. Discover more at: https://g-pulse.com/aboutus?r=header

bathrooms & kitchens


Rotpunkt, award-winning zero carbon manufacturer of premium German kitchen furniture offer its expert know-how on the latest kitchen trends to hit the UK marketplace in 2022. Rotpunkt is proud to present a new collection of high concept kitchen designs and solutions in 2022, which are sustainably manufactured and rigorously product-tested to meet the highest eco-design standards. Here are some of the key trends the company feels you should look out for next year: STYLE: Calm industrial - The iconic industrial design style is set to be reinvented next year, with a softer colour palette helping to place new emphasis on timber finishes and iconic features, which move away from the slab door to welcome modern in-frame and vertical fin design options. Calm industrial kitchen schemes will also be space sensitive, providing a wealth of open and closed furniture solutions in 2022 with canopy-style storage and wall panelling systems creating lifestyle-friendly kitchen spaces that support individual needs and living habits. PALETTE: Natural – Indoor outdoor living is going to be big in 2022 and so botanical greys and greens will be met with raw timber finishes ranging from light oak to rich, dark black. Design integrity will be achieved through a well-considered balance of block colours and natural design effects, offset by matt black hardware and accessories like appliances and storage systems through to lighting and essential fixtures and fittings. LAYOUT: Modular - Industry forecasts indicate that versatile pieces of furniture that create a more flexible home environment


will top the charts in 2022, with integrated wall and ceiling storage systems through to all-inclusive islands with space to cook, dine and do business. Brokenplan, modular arrangements will be the layout of choice, able to accommodate dedicated kitchen, living and utility areas with designed-in storage to ensure minimal disruption to the ground floor. Modular furniture will add to the overall flexibility in the space, with statement furniture solutions developing around the traditional cook zone and becoming the building blocks of the contemporary kitchen. MANUFACTURE: Eco friendly – Mindful consumerism continues to be a priority for anyone seeking to make a difference and address climate change in the home. Recognising the ‘power of the purchase’ will be crucial in 2022, with big ticket items like the kitchen helping to reduce environmental impact and promote a greener way of life. In this way, the latest furniture trends are embracing all of the new design possibilities being achieved when using recycled materials and so renewable wood alternatives will prove their worth next year as an eco-friendly option that does not sacrifice on style or quality. For further information on Rotpunkt UK, please email matt.phillips@rotpunktuk.com or visit www.rotpunktkuechen.de/en/



REMEDIAL BASEMENT WATERPROOFING TO COMMERCIAL STRUCTURE Overview Waterproofing design is a key and critical component for successful construction of below ground structures. Whether it’s a completely new build or making smaller changes to an existing property, waterproofing design should never be overlooked. Waterproofing might account for just a small fraction of a building’s total cost, but waterproofing defects can result in catastrophic consequences. When waterproofing fails, the implications are significant. Delta’s MD, Kevin Dodds was approached to offer advice and guidance on a failed waterproofing system. The existing structure had an impressive 5-level basement which houses: kitchens, food storage and food preparation areas, spa, plant rooms and accommodation. Near to a large river, the site sited well within the water table. The original waterproofing system was based on the secant piled walls and a block wall internally to provide a basic drained protection system with drainage holes at various points to drain to various levels. Over time, the third floor had become completely saturated with all levels of the basement experiencing water ingress in varying levels from damp patches to significant “jets” of water and flows of water through the secant piles. With remediation waterproofing design strategies, it may take some time to specify a suitable system. It is important that investigations are thoroughly carried out by individuals with the capability of diagnosing the defect, assessing the extent of that defect, and recommending a suitable corrective measure.



Phase 1

Products used

Following preliminary site inspections, discussions were held on remedial options, methodology for remedial works and cost.

Following trials and analysis of approach, Kevin suggested the use of Koster G4 Gel as a curtain injection to areas identified after exposure works to each area, in combination with Koster 2 IN 1 injection resin to the corbel detail. Each area would be injected and monitored for a period of 3 weeks prior to the installation of the Delta Type C cavity drain system. To achieve a full belts and bridges approach, further tweaks to the design would be incorporated as and when different degrees of water ingress was encountered or where concrete to the scant piles were particularly poor, this included increasing levels of the G4 salt accelerant to the G4 Gel to increase speed of reaction without compromising the ability to spread to create the “waterproof curtain” behind the piles in the area.

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During site observations significant water was sitting behind the corbel. This water could be entering the structure either: directly through the piles, from the floor above or from the joint between the soffit and piles or a combination of all three. When designing a robust waterproofing remediation approach, attention to detail is critical. Balancing costs with quality, method suitability testing was carried out on trial areas. A combination of resin injections and curtain injection were proposed prior to the installation of a Type C cavity drain membrane system to facilitate performance levels. Alternative combinations were suggested on two trial areas. Firstly, the secant piles were exposed and thoroughly cleaned to remove dirt, salts, and loose particles. Whilst slow flowing leaks and drips could be sealed with resin injections alone, any fast-flowing water ingress was stopped in advance of injection works with the use of Koster KD Blitz 2. Koster 2 IN 1 was injected into the corbel area with Koster IN 7 being injected into the vertical joints between the piles. It was observed following inspections, over a 5-week period, that the corbel area was dry. Delta’s MD, Kevin Dodds suggested a further monitoring period, or until two periods of heavy rain to assess performance levels.

As the entire sub-structure was susceptible to hydrostatic pressure, the best approach to the 5-levels would be to work one level at a time, working downwards in sequence.

Phase 2 The principles of the Type C, cavity drain system were straightforward and typical of a multi-level basement. Additional design considerations were incorporated for detailing the corbel on which mid floor slabs required a careful approach. Kevin suggested increasing the number of downward drainage weepholes from upper to lower levels for continued access for maintenance, along with discharge points. In addition to this approach, compartmentalisation of the cavity drainage system was required for fire safety.

Koster IN 7 Koster 2 IN 1 Koster G4 Gel Koster KD2 Blitz Koster Waterstop Koster NB 1 Koster Repair Mortar Plus Koster KB Flex 200 Delta MS 500 Delta MS 20 Delta Drainage Channel Dual V3 Pumps, Alertmaxx 2 High level alarms

Case Study Results When it comes to remedial waterproofing, a great waterproofing outcome is with waterproofing experts. This project has been one of partnering, from our partners at Koster UK to the main contractor, sub-contractor, and Delta Registered Installers Prestec Ltd who expertly installed the remedial solution. Partnering in this project has been one of open communication, commitment of shared goals and mutual trust. The timeframe for these remedial works were over a - year period, with works to levels 2 and 3 having already been completed. The overall strategy, continuous trials, site monitoring and the ability to adapt the overall waterproofing design throughout the project have enabled completion of the works to date to an incredibly high standard with all parties confident with the positive and collaborative approach. Technical Waterproofing Consultants can assist with the right products for the right results, whilst using the correct methodology.




Recommended suppliers

Rinnai UK Main Office: 9 Christleton Court, Manor Park, Runcorn WA7 1ST London Office: 5th Floor Hyde Park Hayes 3, 11 Millington Road, Hayes UB3 4AZ

Rinnai is a global leader in gas appliance manufacturing, striving for reliable and consistent quality. Rinnai specialise in the development of Commercial and Multi-point water heaters.


Leaders in the electric heating and hot water industry for 15 years. Electric Heating Company Unit 40 Block 5, Third Road Blantyre Industrial Estate Blantyre Glasgow G72 0UP


With more than 30 years of experience, selling to more than 120 countries around the world, Panasonic is unquestionably one of the leaders in the heating and cooling sector. SAiGE Longlife Decking Ltd Vicarage Barns, Lower Quinton, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, United Kingdom, CV37 8SG


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