Ethno: The New Spirit of World Music

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Contents 4 5 6 7 8 9

An Intro To Ethno A Little History The Musical Ingredients: What Goes Into An Ethno? Getting To Ethno A Leader’s Tale Impact & Outreach

A Year In Review: 10 Ethno Flanders (Belgium) 12 Ethno Croatia 14 Ethno Cyprus 16 Ethno Denmark 18 Ethno Estonia 20 Ethno France 22 Ethno Scotland 24 Ethno Sweden 26 Ethno Uganda 28 29 30 31 32

How To Get Involved Ethno: A JMI Program Partners And Sponsors Contacts/Links/Sites/Sounds Credits

About the publication: With the publication of Ethno: The New Spirit of World Music, we ho open a small window pe to into the wonderful wo rld of Ethno and the colou musicians that inhabit rful it. Although just a small snapshot of the 2010 Ethno experience, it sho uld give you a feel for the spirit of Ethno tha so unique year after yea t is r.



• Discover Music Share • Teach • Learn • Travel tity of every amental aspects of the cultural iden Traditional and folk music are fund yed generation after e cultures are preserved and enjo nation. In order to ensure that thes nect with theirs and d opportunities to discover and con generation, young musicians nee to grow as positive that is relevant, and allows them others’ cultural heritage in a way

human beings.

network Jeunesses support of the global youth-music Over the past 21 years, with the has been developed ue platform for young musicians Musicales International (JMI), a uniq ic and customs and exchange their traditional mus that enables them to meet, interact ning model. through a fun and intuitive peer lear

musicians that and an active network of Today, Ethno is a global family exchange. Ethno ality and democracy, and cultural promotes youth empowerment, equ , social inclusion and for fostering intercultural dialogue is an established ‘best practice’ cohesion through music. or region, r own country he or s hi of al music that suggests in the tradition other. Perhaps , each skilled an ns e ia on ic m us m fro “Young ies of Ethno d learn several countr ay together an pl in to lts er su th re e ge me age group, e seen th come to to ians in the sa h club, but I’v ic ut us yo m y g th un or yo w e, witty some kind of a paternalistic by remarkabl an imposed by ts. Animated th en er ev th d ra an p ps ou cam each gr strong, lasting d music and ng from within vi gi vi rin d sp an d gy er rie y, va I know manic en e extraordinar the best way , they produc her’s music is ot em st an sy e n hing on io et in at m s educ s, so d idea s-cultural bond the shapes an os in cr ht s ig ou el D ne . ta s ess.” ine, spon friendship ional effectiven at d forming genu ir an sp s in ic lit ith w po s g te of bypassin hat Ethno crea s, and that’s w ed ne ly al t. re ld the wor usic journalis musician & m d, an gl En m haw fro Andrew Crons


Y R O T S I H E L T T I AL Ethno is a global series of summer camps for young folk/traditional musicians from all over the world. Today, Ethno annually gathers arou nd 500 participants from 50 countrie s through 8 unique camps across as many countries in what is fast bec oming the world’s most important program for young folk musician s.

But it wasn’t always like tha t…! It all began one summer’s day in 1990 in the small town of Falun, Sweden when the famous Falun Folk Music Festival and JM Swe den decided to create a new project to support the next generation of folk musicians and open this mus ic to a greater audience. A runaway success from the get-go, the Ethn o spirit soon began to spread like wild fire attracting more and more mus icians every year. Over time form er participants became new organise rs and thus, Ethno was born.

Over the past 20 odd years, Ethno has taken root in Sweden (1990), Macedonia (1994), Belgium (1995), Estonia (1999), Slovenia (2003), England (2003), Croatia (2005), Cyprus (2005), Czech Republic (2007), Uganda (2009), Denmark (2010), France (2010) and Scotland (2010). an Ethno is the only international experience of its kind and has become ing influenc and ips important meeting place, building countless friendsh thousands of young people from all over the world. The rise of new are Ethno offspring such as ‘Ethno on the Road’ and ‘Ethno in Transit’ thrive. and grow to es continu clear markers that the spirit of Ethno


: O N H T E N A N WHAT GOES I NGREDIENTS I L A C I S U M E H T At the heart of each Ethno is the non-formal learning method used in daily vocal, instrumental and trad itional dance workshops; a unique and naturally derived process now refined over the past 20 years of the Ethno experience. Facilitated by experienced artistic leaders and mentors, the workshops focus on learning by doing, peer-to-peer teaching, learning by ear, collabora tion and creation. This creates a relaxed and fun environment that is inclu sive and fosters mutual respect, builds musical skill and self confidence. During these workshops participa nts explore the music of the othe r countries and cultures represented at the Ethno. Instead of adopting a hierarchical teacher-pupil approac h to music education, Ethno embraces a peer-learning process. The songs that are both taught and rehearsed by the participants are then channelled by the leaders into a performance structure that is then rehearsed intensively to not only prepare the musicians for the stag e but more importantly to reinforc e the knowledge gained from the othe r participants.

The Ethnos draw to a close with a concert or series of performances. From festivals to open stages and schools, they showcase the results g of the collaborative work and bring audiences a unique and amazin selection of music from around the world.


GETTING by Nano Stern O N H T E TO chance. I got to know Ethno completely by when all of I was hitch hiking through Belgium en pulled a sudden these 2 enthusiastic wom an hour half a r up and offered me a ride. Afte o Ethn ut conversation, they told me all abo there, no Histria and I just knew I had to get that it was in was lem prob matter what. The only estly; hon and Slovenia, it started in 10 days . I had no idea where Slovenia was the European I managed to hike my way through hot one fije summer, and finally got to Sko and eventually afternoon. I walked the last 10km ll island of followed my ears to get to that sma . music and energy amongst the hills had a bit of I didn’t know what to expect, and but from the prejudice towards "music camps" Ethno would first minute I was there I knew that Since, I have did. It change my life for good. And many good not stopped travelling, visiting so world, learning friends and musicians around the utiful music of and making some of the most bea ing the best mak my life, and -most importantly friends ever. of those as Since, I have been to 7 Ethnos, 5 family of mentor. It has become like a big

mer I look friendship and music and every sum g invited to forward to catching up again. Bein a privilege, and our be a mentor is a great hon most, facing because I feel like I get to learn the ic happen with the orchestra and making the mus all possible energy and enthusiasm. every summer I can see Ethno is spreading and n lucky to be there are new gatherings. I've bee ch Republic a part of 2 first-time Ethnos, in Cze . The Scottish mer sum t and Scotland just this pas because we experience was unique not only s but also were set in the beautiful highland s energy of eou ntan spo the because there was beginnings. ber of Ethno in I’m proud and happy to be a mem tour and share Transit, a band with which we can world and put the Ethno energy throughout the the camp of on practice the concept outside context.

of I love ethno and I hope it remains a part my life for a very long time, Nano Stern from Chile o Histria) (Leader at Ethno Scotland and Ethn


E L A T S ’ R E D A E AL by Allan Skrobe

Ethno is a big melting pot for you

ng musicians from all over the world, and they

come from different cultures and ways of learning and teaching.

Music is a universal language and Ethno is a fantastic place for people to mee t and share music they haven’t heard or play ed before. All the different Ethnos around the world are starting to grow in size and the grou ps of participants are increasing massive ly. To make the best experience for participa nts involved in Ethnos, you need strong artistic leaders like we have at the Swedish Ethnos whe re we lead up to 100 musicians. The music is always taught by ear rather than using sheet music as we are alwa ys aware that many of the participants do not have this skill. This lends to a more organic approach and respects the traditions from where this music originated. The artistic lead ers have both a social function as well as a musical responsibility to make the group sound its best, developing the musicians as artis ts as well as


creating an unforgettable life exp erience for each participant.


dy is welcome at Ethno no matter his or her level of skill. At Ethno form ally trained musicians sit alongside self-taug ht talents, professionals and amateurs all toge ther as one. To get the most out of each participa nt, an artistic leader has to be prepared to help the most inexperienced as well as to challenge the more advanced so that they can all learn and contribute to the best of their abili ties. There is never enough time to mak e arrangements, chords etc so of cou rse, a welltrained Ethno artistic leader with a good ear, theoretical knowledge, and a goo d musician makes the Ethno flow musically. The concerts are not the main focu s of any Ethno, but they provide a goal, one that everybody struggles to accomplish as a group. It brings people together to do thei r very best and to become a part of a greater whole. The result will always stay as a great

musical memory in the big Ethno melting pot.

Without a doubt, one of the mos t important things about Ethno is the meeting between the participants, the jams, and learning new tunes face to face, even if you can’t com municate through a common language. Frie ndship, learning about other cultures, hea ring new instruments, dancing crazy dances and to laugh and laugh and enjoy all night long , now that’s Ethno! In so many evaluations that I hav e seen, participants say: “Ethno changed my life”, “This has been the best time of my life” and this makes me happy as an artistic lead er especially after completing 18 different Ethn os, I keep going back to make new Ethnos, because every Ethno is unique with the combina tion of people, music, staff and leaders.

Let the Ethno spirit always be alive! Allan Skrobe, Artistic Leader at Cro atia, Flanders, France, Slovenia & Swe den


networking • Community outreach • Social Alternative education an. icipated in the project since it beg • 2,500 young musicians have part ually through public concerts. • 8,000 people are outreached ann eached as part of Ethno local communities have been outr • 1,800 high scho ol students in workshops in schools. nts receive the the human experience. All participa Ethno is, first and foremost, about tacts, networks con new as well as personally, to create opportunity to develop musically ing, promoting and erst ures, to explore equality and und and friends, to learn about new cult perspective. democracy from an international ities through ngst peers, but with local commun Ethno builds dialogue not only amo opportunity to explore activities that give participants the performances and informal social ntry. tage of the local area and host cou the geographical and cultural heri ugh the Ethno website to grow in leaps and bounds, thro Ethno’s digital impact continues allows past and generation, which for the first time and the rise of the social network the lifelong friends on d re in the world to continue to buil present participants from anywhe made at Ethno.

“Ethno gives the opportunity to mee t people from around the world in order to learn music and develop and the way people interact with each other at the cam ps. For me, I really felt part of a global community of musical peers. I definitely went home with a clearer understanding of the differences and also the basic similarities we all have as musicians while learning creatively together – I have a deeper respect and und erst anding for so many more cultures and traditional style s of music. I feel more peaceful and hap py living in this world since I feel we are all the sam e and I can deal with anyone from any whe re.” Deema Maghalseh from Jordan

y young people here. In music "I am very pleased to see so man orchestra consisting from terms - the European Union is an benefit of all. I congratulate different instruments playing for the nizers for all their efforts.” Ethno Cyprus participants and orga Representation of European Mrs. Androulla Kaminara, Head of Commission in Cyprus





2 August – 9 August 2010: Oostende, Belgium

Participants 60

Countries Represented Argentina, Armenia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, England, Estonia, France, India, Jordan, Romania, Sweden, Uganda, Wales

Leaders Nicolas Hauzeur (Belgium - fiddle) Sara Salvérius (Belgium - accordion) Lisa De Boos (Belgium - double bass) Ian Stephenson (UK - guitar, diatonic accordion) Wim Claeys (Belgium - diatonic accordion)

Concerts Concert at the beach/street concert Oostende Concert In Gent organised with Jeugd & Muziek Gent Festival Dranouter

Partners and Sponsors Jeugd & Muziek Vlaanderen, Muziekmozaïek, Vlaamse regering, Provincie Vlaams-Brabant, Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen

The Story With the spirit of solidarity, openness and musical exploration Ethno Flanders 2010 kicked off in the Belgian seaside capital of Oostende. Held in a local school situated in a quiet residential area, Ethno participants would soon have to find a more sound proof environment for late night rehearsals and jams… It was not long before the problem was solved with the entire Ethno Flanders moving to the beach! From then on, this sandy sanctuary became the preferred venue for meeting, jamming, dancing and having fun. On one of the days, impromptu busking sessions and concerts where organised along the seaside that turned out to be a great hit with participants, tourists and the good people of Oostende alike. These beach concerts where also excellent preparation (and publicity) for the performances in Gent (organized by J&M Gent) and for the final concert at Dranouter festival! This end performance on the main stage of Belgium’s biggest folk music festival was a huge success and a wonderful showcase of 15 countries represented on stage filled with the spirit of Ethno!


Ethno Flanders

"The whole concept of Ethno Flanders was great – but the highlights? Making music late into the night with new friends, the dance workshops were we learned traditional dances and new moves from different cultures, the friendly leaders, the street musician competition, the concert at the beach and of course the concert at Dranouter festival! A wonderful camp it was!" Hilda from Sweden "It is clear to see the change in people after their first Ethno, it is a positive life experience that can change your life and the way you think.� Wim Claeys from Belgium, former participant, artistic director and organizer of Ethno Flanders


CROATIA 12 July – 21 July 2010: Grožnjan, Croatia

Participants 22

Countries Represented

The Story Based in the ancient Istrian town of Grožnjan, Ethno Croatia continues to build on the rich traditions of of the area, famous today for its many festivals. In 2010 the picturesque towns of Bale and Poreč on the Istrian peninsula also became important Ethno focal points hosting delightful performances during their “Jazz is Back” series.

Belgium, Croatia, Denmark, France, Sweden, Zambia

Leaders Allan Skrobe (Sweden - mandolin, guitar, mandola) Lidija Dokuzović (Croatia - vocalist)

Concerts Bale Grožnjan (Jazz is Back Festival) Slavonski Brod Gornja Stubica (Castle Golubovec) The Zagreb International Folklore Festival

Partners and Sponsors JM Croatia (Hrvatska glazbena mladež), Republic of Croatia Ministry of Culture (Ministarstvo kulture RH), City of Zagreb - Office for Education, Culture and Sports (Gradski ured za kulturu obrazovanje i šport grada Zagreba), Region of Istria (Istarska županijaRegione Istriana)

Organiser Lidija Dokuzovic recalls, “I remember performing in Slavonski Brod, a town in the east of Croatia. Affected greatly by the war and largely isolated from the rest of Croatian cultural life it was pure magic. In front of 600 people in the historic Miletić Square, it was a wonderful concert with a great audience and full of emotions!” The next ‘On the Road’ performance was held in the castle Golubovec in Gornja Stubica, which is in the north of Croatia. It was an intimate concert by candlelight performance in the castle’s courtyard. The grand finale of Ethno Croatia was a concert at the International Folklore Festival on Jelačić Square, the main square in Zagreb. With a large crowd and warm atmosphere it was a perfect way to end the Ethno festivities.


from Ethno Croatia

“It was very nice. I had so much fun and met a lot of interesting people from all over the world! See you for sure on next Ethno!” Marko from Croatia


tiful peop

nd beau l place a fu ti u a e “B ark m Denm Anna fro

“This time in Croatia was one of my best times in my life: The music, shows, food, all the people! Playing in the big finale in front of a massive audience at the International Folklore Festival on Jelačić Square has to be one of the best memories!” Markus from Sweden



CYPRUS 21 January – 24 January 2010 : Limassol, Cyprus

Participants 50

Countries Represented Cyprus (both Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots), Greece, Turkey

Leaders Pepy Michaelides (Cyprus - piano) Tom Cohen (Israel - mandolin) Mustafa Elmas (Cyprus – bandoneon, accordion) Ertem Nalbantoglu (Cyprus – violin) Iacovos Konitopoulos (Greece – lute, oud, bouzouki)


The Story Hosted by an EU member very close to the Middle East countries, Ethno Cyprus started in 2005 and carries a strong peace and reconciliation dimension to the music camps. The participants quickly realise that traditional sounds from different ethnic styles are not so exclusive and attached to one ethnic identity, but rather that traditional music is a product of different influences that have been present within certain ethnical groups throughout history. Furthermore, participants have an opportunity to challenge the concept of what they feel is a personal understanding of what traditional music means to them as an exclusively cultural product. By identifying and performing songs that exist in different countries with similar musical elements but different lyrics, the participants of Ethno Cyprus gradually explored the overlapping dimensions of their traditions with the traditions of the others. In the first Ethno Cyprus young musicians participated from Cyprus, Jordan, Lebanon and Israel. The 2006 and 2008 editions included participants from Portugal, Slovenia, Ireland, Greece and Belgium. In 2010 it was limited to participants from Greece, Turkey and both Cypriot communities as a part of the Cyprus in Action program which also added several new dimensions to the experience.

Evagoras Lanitis Centre (Limassol – Cyprus)

Partners and Sponsors Epilogi, JM Cyprus, JM Turkey, Pera Fine Arts, European Cultural Foundation, Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, Municipality of Limassol, European Commission Representation in Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, Youth in Action.

As typical to the program, Ethno Cyprus is based on peer-to-peer learning with educational content. In 2010 this was developed by Pepy Michaelides and Larkos Larkou, with a number of trainers and leaders recruited from all participating countries. It was supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Cyprus, EU Youth in Action Programme and European Cultural Foundation. Ethno Cyprus each year was attended by 40-50 participants with performances in Limassol and Nicosia, involving a large number of local cultural organizations.


from Ethno CYPRUS

"The 2010 Ethno experience showed me again how natural and right the connection between young people can be, especially artists and musicians no matter where they are from. I found myself amazed, from the powerful collaboration of youth and music and the possibilities it holds" o Tom Cohen from Israel, Ethno Cyprus Leader nted to g day I wa t rs fi e e I wish d “On th last one e th n o home – r” tay foreve I could s Greece “I liked th Sara from at I got to gether w a two-w ith peop ays road le that h : b le nding tra ave reall teaching y commo ditional a , working n interest nd mode and part Cem from rn music s with me. ying”. , giving a Turkey It is like nd gettin g, learnin g and “Thank you for the opportunity to make friends from the countries I never thought I will have friends” Yannis from Cyprus



DENMARK 26 July – 31 July 2010 : Fanø, Denmark

Participants 30

Countries Represented Belgium, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Germany, India, Tanzania, Uganda

Leaders Peter Uhrbrand (Denmark – fiddle) Maarten Decombel (Belgium – guitar)

Concerts Strien Rindby

Partners and Sponsors FolkeMusikSammenslutningen, Musik & Ungdom, Danish Center for Culture and Development, Fanø Kommune, Dansk Musiker Forbund

The Story Let us go back in time… Ethno Denmark is well and truly underway with music seeping out from every corner of the Nordby School on the island of Fanø. Participants from 8 different countries, 3 different continents, are gathered to play and learn about folk music, cultures, traditions and each other. The spirit of Ethno is now alive and kicking in Denmark. It was through a lot of hard work and passion that Ethno Denmark 2010 was realised only half a year after the project started! Choosing Fanø over other possibly more convenient locations came from the idea of wanting to show the participants an interesting part of Denmark and there is a living tradition of folk music and dance amongst the locals.


from Ethno Denmark

“It is obvious to anyone how the folk music in Denmark or England has a very clear definition and style. Even if some of these people play completely different than me, it does not mean that I can’t play with them and have a good experience. Who says that an Indian sarod (19 strings instrument) player can’t play a Danish polka with me and a percussionist from Uganda?” rmances Hartwin from Belgium ark perfo m n e D o thn they fter the E w much oes by a mark ho g re t a to th ts y e tre n’t a da e in the s "There is ’t stop m n o d le p o r ces.” where pe rk Leade o Denma performan n r th u o E , d e rk y a enjo om Denm rbrand fr Peter Uh “Every Ethno is different and every Ethno is the best. You feel that this Ethno is well planned – even though it is the first. Each Ethno has its own distinctive spirit Ethno in Denmark it has already got its own soul”. Eli from Belgium



ESTONIA 16 July – 22 July 2010 : Kõpu, Estonia

Participants 78

Countries Represented Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Russia (Mordva), Sweden

Leaders Maarja Nuut (Estonia – fiddle) Hermann Härtel (Austria – fiddle) Johanna-Adele Jüssi (Estonia - fiddle) Kristjan Priks (Estonia – percussion, guitar) Jalmar Vabarna (Estonia – guitar) Merike Paberits (Estonia – flute / bagpipe) Tuulikki Bartosik (Sweden – accordion) Janika Oras (Estonia - vocals) Mari Kalkun (Estonia - vocals, kannel, accordion) Andreas Kalkun (Estonia – vocals)

Concerts Church concert in Kõpu Open-air concert in Kõpu 2 main concerts during the Viljandi Folk Music Festival with the entire Ethno Estonia 2010 with many spontaneous performances.

Partners and Sponsors Kõpu County Council, Balbiino Ice Cream.

The Story Ethno Estonia 2010 took place in the little village of Kõpu in the south of Estonia and was a truly all-encompassing experience from the dance and music workshops to aiding local preparations for the well-renowned Viljandi Folk Music Festival. Everyday participants would break up into workshop groups where they would learn music, songs and dances from the international participants as well as Estonian traditional tunes from the local musicians. Together with the mentors they then composed new arrangements for the final concert series in Kõpu and at the Viljandi Folk Music Festival. Apart from the workshops, other activities were organised to allow the Ethno team to really explore and enjoy some of Estonia’s beautiful sights such as the excursion to Soomaa National Park and creating handicrafts and decorations for the Viljandi Folk Music Festival. There was a thematic evening named "night of creativity", where the participants had the chance to get together in groups and spontaneously create music together, ending with a carnival-like showcase of musical talent. The final concerts both in Kõpu and during the Viljandi Folk Music Festival were emotional

and special moments.

"I have never experienced such a fun atmosphere and with so many different personalities who are excellent musicians at the same time. Because of Ethno, I'm practicing my instrument more seriously than ever before. The summer of 2010 became the best summer of my life, I'll always remember my first Ethno camp, the lovely people I met and the confidence I gained. I'm a 100% sure I'll go to the Ethno 2011 as well! Hendrik Kannel from Estonia


from Ethno Estonia

“Ethno Estonia 2010 was my first experience of a music camp. I didn't expect it'd be that great to play the violin for 8-9 hours a day and how much it could be enjoyed. Well, now I know and I could say that I found a completely new passion for playing the violin. To be surrounded by almost non-stop music for 6 days was definitely one of the highlights of my summer!” Elo Järv from Estonia

"The extraordinarily open and "straight" atmosphere, despite of the learners' nationality, age or status is what makes the Ethnos so unique for me. The music became very fast something "here-and-now" - a part of life and it was the sound of life that came out of our instruments, songs and dances." Ants Johanson from Estonia



FRANCE 24 April - 9 May 2010 : Paris, France

Participants 25

Countries Represented Cyprus, Estonia, France, Slovenia, Sweden

Leaders Allan Skrobe (Sweden - mandolin, guitar, mandola) Lidija Dokuzović (Croatia - vocal)

Concerts Ecole Centrale de Paris (Student Campus) Jardin du Luxembourg (Park in Paris) Conservatoire de Clamart (Auditorium) Oreille Cassée (Youth Cultural Center)

Partners and Sponsors Riskonserter, Estonian Folk Music Center, JM Cyprus, KAPA, European Union "Youth in Action Program",Conseil Général Essonne, Val de Marne et Hauts de Seine, French Ministry for Youth

Local Partners Jeunesses Musicales de France, Conservatoire de Clamart, Communauté Val de Seine, CROUS, Mairie Saclay, Ouiches Lorraines, 91 All stars, Les Skalopes, MJC Combs la ville

The Story While some Ethnos are already in their teens, France hosted its very first Ethno in 2010 inviting young musicians from the famous Conservertoire de Clamart to perform alongside Ethno participants from four other countries. For two weeks long the musicians swam in the Ethno experience enjoying being together at the conservatoire where they had all they needed and more to make a great musical encounter. One of the main aims of Ethno France was to establish a strong human connection between the participants complimenting all the great music being made. An amazing programme of events was put together from cooking classes (where all were invited to share their national dishes) to trips to Paris, dancing lessons and more where participants had loads of fun and really got to know one another. The local community was also involved throughout the entire Ethno via workshops for very young students of the conservatoire. Ethno France was realised through the support of the European Commission’s "Youth in action" program.


from Ethno FRANCE

“For the first time in my life I felt and really believed that music is truly without doubt the international language of the world. An experience that changed my way of thinking, my words are poor to describe what I felt in those beautiful days. Great people, unforgettable memories.” Panayiotis Kremmastos from Cyprus

, ometime gether s to in a g a y ard to pla sic we t, the mu I look forw n d re n fe a if d re t be e he o cool to b p of musicians migh “It was s -u e n li ” ugh the isappear. even tho oing to d g 't n is here created ia m Sloven “Ethno France 2010 ROCKED! I miss those o Leon fr rehearsals, the gigs, and of course the musical exchange with good friends” Mario from Cyprus



SCOTLAND 25 July – 2 August 2010 : Glasgow, Scotland

Participants 18

Countries Represented Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, England, Estonia, France, Jordan, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Tasmania, USA

Leaders Matija Solce (Slovenia – accordion) Fernando Stern (Chile – guitar)

Concerts Lochgoilhead, Scottish Highlands St Andrews Town Hall, Fife Traquair Fair (rural arts and music festival), Scottish Borders Forest Cafe, Edinburgh Aberdeen International Youth Festival, Aberdeen

Partners and Sponsors Aberdeen International Youth Festival Scottish Arts Council: Youth Music Initiative Awards for All Scotland

The Story The first time Ethno took to the Scottish highlands it quickly developed into a cosy group feeling due to the small size and a sense of mutual respect and shared responsibility between participants, volunteers and leaders. This created an environment in which each individual had the opportunity to share their knowledge, to discuss their ideas, and to build friendships with everyone in the group. Ethno Scotland incorporated a mini-tour of Scotland performing for audiences amidst the breathtaking scenery of the Highlands and Lowlands, and sharing the multicultural Ethno energy with Scottish locals in the country’s historic cities.”


from Ethno Scotland

“It was my first Ethno and I will remember it as an amazing experience. The fact of having so many people from different origins teaching each other tunes from their country helps a lot to appreciate other cultures and ways of living. I made very good friends, and at the same time I learnt a lot from them, their music, and their countries. I now have a great desire to explore other musics and culture, I have already started to research more about Scandinavian, Balkan and Middle Eastern music. Ethno was, by far, one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had, and I'll come back again as many times as I can” Ernesto Calderon from Chile “It was an honour for me to have the chance to explain about my country’s national dance, which is very unknown elsewhere. I really really enjoyed it and it will remain forever as a good memory forever.” Ernesto Calderon from Chile ‘It was definitely one of my best musical experiences ever. I’d like to thank everyone that made this dream possible and hope you can make it next year.’ Jessica Ramm from Scotland was a up. There e part of boost to b uct.’ e ne wo c o n ry e e d i v f e n d and e co a final pro as a hug fantastic ncert as ps.’ ‘It w o ers were o c d h a s d e le rk iv o e e h ‘T ec the w nd well-r osphere in ntastic a fa y ll great atm a ic s mu ynamic, land such a d from Eng y a rr u M e tt Charlo as a gro rked well



SWEDEN 1 July – 10 July 2010 : Rattvik, Sweden

Participants 93

Countries Represented Australia, Croatia, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland/Åland, France, India, Italy, Jordan, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, USA


Allan Skrobe (Sweden - mandola) Susanne Lind (Sweden – fiddle, voice) Hanna Wiskari (Sweden - saxophone) Ian Carr (Great Britain - guitar) Kevin Henderson (Great Britain - fiddle) Suchet Malhotra (India - percussion)


Outdoor concert, Rättvik city Rättviksparken, Rättvik Bingsjöstämman Skansen, Stockholm

Partners and Sponsors Folkmusikens Hus, Rättvik - Local co-partner, Rättviks kommun - Community, Swedish Fiddlers Association - Musik i Dalarna - Regional music association, Musik vid Siljan - Music festival / concert venue, Skansen - Concert venue, Bilda - Educational association, Dalarnas Hantverksförbund - Regional handicraft organization, General Consulate of Sweden, Istanbul

The Story Ethno Sweden is a true cultural melting pot. Almost 100 young musicians from around 20 countries pour into Sweden’s number one folk music province - Dalarna. The small community of Rattvik embraces Ethno Sweden each year. From the devoted staff at the Rattvik School that hosts Ethno to the partners to the Rattvik people that help make Ethno Sweden a warm and peaceful place to be. The big concert during Musik vid Siljan, one of Sweden’s oldest and most prestigious festivals, gathered several hundred listeners. Ethno was also invited to perform at the Bingsjo Fiddle Festival, which just goes to show the respect and value that Dalarna community has the project. The young world musicians performing on stage, teaching dances from all over the world is an important part of this festival, one of the biggest folk events in Sweden.


from Ethno SWEDEN

“There is no better ambassador than music. Nothing can move you into someone’s living room faster. Nothing can, without words, create bigger unity in the moment. Borderless and classless. Independent of generation or gender. Humbly liberated from religion and politics. Thomas Carlyle once described it as is the ‘language of angels’ and what better place to explore this language than Ethno.” Roger Tallroth, past Ethno Sweden leader "Ethno has been my best summer memory for five consecutive years and probably my most important music event ever." Erik Rydvall from Sweden, past Ethno Sweden leader

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that tole

s and in real word together the soul, m o fr .” e ic s m o for real mu t is Ethn uth. Tha o m m o fr Croatia ovak from N v la is Tom

“The attitude in general is great at Ethno, it’s so genuine. People treat each other with respect, they are friendly and helpful, and it’s a lovely environment! The love and the pure happiness I felt at Ethno, surrounded by these amazing people, is something I will always carry with me! I feel so lucky to have been a part of this!” Erika Backlund, Sweden

“Once y ou have experien You only ced Ethn grow fro o there is m there… no going b Suchet M ” ack. alhotra fr om India , Ethno S weden le ader



UGANDA 11 September – 18 September 2010 : Kampala, Uganda

Participants 10

Countries Represented Belgium, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Wales/UK, USA


Remi Decker (Belgium - bagpipes) Joel Sebunjo (Uganda - kora, endongo, kalimba, voice)


Bayimba Festival (Kampala)

Partners and Sponsors Bayimba International Festival of Arts & Music

The Story Under African blue skies and blossoming sunrays once again Kampala was filled with the enchanting Ethno experience. Ten young musicians armed with fiddles, banjos, harps, likembes, guitars, koras, jembes and drums embarked on a 7 days intensive exchange & folk music mentorship. This year’s Ethno begun with having to overcome a few challenges: for many of the participants this was their first Ethno so a lot of effort went into familiarising everyone with not only the way of working but also the different musics. For the African participants, the European repertoire seemed at first a big challenge; none of them had ever having heard a polka or a marzuka in their lives! But as is true to the Ethno spirit, these problems seemed to magically solve themselves. Everybody was super focused on the preparations for our final performance at the Bayimba Festival, the biggest performance in the history of Ethno Uganda! It was a fabulous concert up on the Big Stage at the Bayimba Festival in front of an audience of around 40,000 people! The energy and experience was indescribable, the musical experience was awesome and we certainly look forward to repeating it next year!


from Ethno UGANDA

“Hearing a Celtic music duet by fiddlers Kathy Buya (UK) and Joanne (USA) fused with Joel Sebunjo’s (Uganda) Jembe type drum was a magically intriguing experience for all who attended the concert”. Edwin Nuwagaba, Daily Monitor, Uganda

lours to warm co w e n h g n s bri rfully ric musician a wonde n s a te d a n a re g c !" at ck “The U music th come ba nning to ional folk la it p d a ly tr e r r it e u n d o defi Lea Uganda ound. I'm blend of s from Belgium, Ethno cker Rémi De



As a musician

If you are a musician between the ages of 16 and 25 then Ethno is waiting for you! Choose your Ethno destination from the Scot tish highlands to the cool acacia trees that line Kampala’s streets, we are certain that you will find an amazing Ethno experienc e suited to you. All musicians are welcome, no matter your level of skill, Ethno is abou t learn ing, sharing and having a good time! For more information either contact directly one of the Ethno organisers or if you still have ques tions feel free to get in touch with Jeun esse s Musicales International (JMI) who will help steer you towards your first Ethn o!

As the general public

d to our is all about make sure to stay tune If you want a taste of what Ethno ormances. perf o ) for details of upcoming Ethn website ( hand, in and see how an Ethno works first You are also most welcome to pop and they’ll of the Ethno you would like to visit simply contact one the organisers provide you with all the details.

As a partner

Ethno has been built thr ough the unwavering sup port of good people wh Ethno spirit and want to o believe in the see it touch even more you ng people across the glo open to all forms of partne be. Ethno is rship no matter the level of involvement.

As an organiser

at! Want to start your own Ethno? Gre start Ethno in r or organisation that would like to age If you are a cultural organiser, man I) and by (JM l iona with Jeunesses Musicales Internat your country simple get in touch need to you rmation access to all the materials and info joining the network you will gain o Committee. as membership into the JMI Ethn organise your first Ethno as well




Ethno Croatia

Organiser: JM Croatia ia

Ethno France

Organiser: AOLF

Ethno Histria (Slovenia)

Ethno Macedonia Ethno Cyprus

Organiser: JM Cyprus

Organiser: JM Macedonia

Ethno Sweden Ethno Denmark

Organiser: JM Denmark

den Organiser: Rikskonsertner/JM Swe

Ethno Scotland Ethno Estonia

ic Center Organiser: Estonian Traditional Mus /

Ethno Uganda

Organiser: Dindinol concerts

Ethno Flanders (Belgium)

nderen / Organiser: Jeugd en Muziek Vlaa Muziekmoza誰ek o


ETHNO: A JMI PROGRAM Jeunesses Musicales International (JMI

) is the

For 65 years, JMI has been ‘Making a Difference through Music’, using the power of

world’s largest youth and music network with

member organizations and partners in more than 80 countries, developing demanddriven programs that empower youth on loca l, national and international levels. JMI is a “gloc al” nongovernmental organization that enables young people to develop through music acro ss all boundaries. Over 36,000 diverse musical events are held each year in JMI’s 62 member organizat ions alone, that reach almost 5 million youn g people aged up to 30.

music to bridge social, geographical and cultural divides and create an international platf orm for intercultural dialogue. Ethno is a program of the JMI network as is developed according to its goals and values. ales les

OTHER JMI PROJECTS Fair Play Anti-Corruption Youth Voices


Music Crossroads


The Jeunesses Musicales World Orchestra

The World Youth Choir

The Young Audiences Music Award



o Stern (Chile), Joel Sebunjo Allan Skrobe (Sweden), Fernand ), Karin Hjertzell (Sweden), (Uganda), Lidija Dokuzović (Croatia Brown (Scotland), Myriam Kristine Heebøll (Denmark), Morag ovic (Cyprus), Sofia Joons De Bonte (Belgium), Nenad Bogdan , Yann Bieuzent (France) and (Estonia), Stephan Steiner (Austria) I). Cristian, Matt, Zaynin and Kate (JM


Atamert (Cyprus), Erika Backlund Birgit Bornauw (Belgium), Engül , Larisa Ljungkrona (Sweden), (Sweden), Ibrahim Barisik (Turkey) Hajjara (Jordan), Peter Ahlbom Lisandra Roosioja (Estonia), Mai gium) and Lieve Boussauw (Sweden), Patrick Van Vlerken (Bel (Belgium).



Jeunesses Musicales Internationa Rikskonserter Sweden


in the making of this publication: to everyone who has participated rs of the Ethno spirit. Secondly all firstly the musicians, the caretake their heart and soul each year the many amazing people who give least our many friends, family to organise Ethno and last but not e of this could ever have been and supporters without whom non ll keep the Ethno spirit burning! made possible. Together we sha


Quotes st things It’s one of the be describe Ethno. to s rd wo place gh ing ou to a charm “I can’t find en e week I’m taken on r Fo e. m to ed derland! You that ever happen , a musical won hip ds en fri d an , lf – so g, dancing of smiles, singin perience it yourse ng unless you ex eli fe o hn Et e th can't imagine next summer!!“ come and join us veral Ethnos , participant at se Mai from Jordan s but as people. t only as musician no le, op pe l fu er nd well as with “I met lots of wo dual at Ethno – as ivi ind an as e or uch m scussed out I felt I grew so m onal moments, di rs pe ly ep de ed with We shar d come out of it those around me. a tough world an in es tiv ea cr as the future!” fears and ideals en colleagues of ev s ap rh pe d an iends some lifelong fr cipant rti pa ce Ethno Fran

“It is wonderful to bri ng Ethno to audiences in my country, where people are really not ver y used to hear folk mu sic from other cultures." Ethno Scotland partic ipant

“Ethno has been a lif e-changing experience for me. It has opened my eyes and ears in ter ms of culture and music an d has influenced the way I think about music and the way I pla y my music. I now have friends all over the wo rld, and we can continu e to guide each other in discovering new music wh en we get back home . I am still in touch wit many musicians I've me h t through Ethno over the years. If I ever need a place to stay in Belgiu m, Estonia, Jordan, Ug anda, even Chile? - No problem!” Marit from Norway, pa rticipant at several Eth nos


kes every Ethno ecial quirks is what ma sp se tho g vin ha t tha “I think at to have friends it should be. It feels gre unique and this is what , Slovenia - you name Jordan, China, Uganda all over the world - in I could count on n now with a network ize cit l ba Glo a like l it. I fee

all over the world!

Lisandra from Estonia,


Ethno Estonia participa

gle tune and song in the y excited with every sin that “I remember feeling ver ch fun and the energy were all having so mu we use ca be s, ert h nc co truly hard to find. I wis was really unique and came from the music s, since it opens your ve the chance to live thi more people could ha d your heart as well.”

mind an


Ethno Scotland partic


“This is my third Ethno , and I’m already ready for the next instalment! The rest of the year I’m studying or working none of which involve music. Th at’s why I really enjoy thi s week when it’s all about the music and the great people around me. Kadri from Estonia, Eth no Estonia participant

“For me, the Ethno exp erience is so different from the ordinary music camps I’ve attended – for one the music is so varied it would be impossible to produce a score and so spontan eous that sheet music simply doesn’t feel rig ht. So to produce a top quality performance aft only a week of practicin er g with the raw music, I feel totally inspired – it reinforces my belief in mu sic as a pure form of creati vity – without anything written down , the ideas are endless! ” Athina from Cyprus (Et hno France Participant)

JMI Rue Baron Horta 13 1000, Brussels Belgium T. +32 2 513 97 74 F. +32 2 514 47 55

Ethno is a program of Jeunesses Musicales International

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