J-ZINE Edit - Highlights 2024 (December)

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i t highlights 2024





Jason Aarons

jason@jewelleryafrika.com / +27 74 400 6677

Business Development

Jenny Justus

jenny@jewelleryafrika.com / +27 83 450 6052


Hilary Lazarus

hilary@jewelleryafrika com / +27 82 385 0913

Global Curator

Niyati Mendapara, Niyati.mendapara@gmail.com

Digital Marketing Partner

Lynne Wilson Digital Marketing

lynne@lynnewilson.co.za / +27 82 332 8290

Paralegal Alliance Partner

Diamdrey - Deborah Dreyer dreyer@mweb co za / +27 82 806 5226

Jewellery Afrika Membership Committee

Beth Forson (Chair), art@ebforson.co.za, +27 82 453 5155

Retha Minnie, dustdesigns r@gmail com, +27 64 669 7579

Jenny Justus

Jason Aarons

General Enquiries

hello@jewelleryafrika com / WhatsApp: +27 62 513 2431

J-ZINE Edit Free Subscriptions


Wood - chic and sustainable.


Are YOU cover material? Be featured on J-ZINE Edit’s cover! Discover more. from the Jozi limelight. ‘Essence of Afrika’ - meet the changemakers. Jewellery designers changing the way jewellery is seen, worn and designed. Colour me bold. It’s a

Beyond borders. Embrace Middle Eastern fine jewellery.

7 African jewellery and fashion fusion. Wear it now! 24

Become a Jewellery Afrika Member and enjoy a number of highly beneficial tangible rewards. Here’s how.

A head of the game. What it’s all about . . .

WIN! an exquisite rose gold-plated, pearl pendant* from Impilo Collection.

spinel sensation

Be smart and know what you're buying - and wearing - with a reputable and industry-recognised certification

African spinels are like the party animals of the gemstone family! They come in so many different colours, you’ll never be at a loss matching one to an outfit. The most valuable colours include vivid red and a certain type of blue -unique in nature - known as ‘cobalt blue’.

They are formed deep underground in conditions so extreme, it's like nature's own pressure cooker. Imagine rocks getting squeezed and heated so intensely that they transform into these stunning, colourful gems - it's basically the gemstone version of a superhero origin story!

Africa boasts several important sources of spinel including the highly prized ‘cobalt blue’ from Madagascar’s Ilakaka gem gravels and the marble-hosted deposits of Tanzania’s Mahenge region.

The gemstone is highly valued in Asian and US markets and its Mohs hardness of 8 means it is durable to wear in jewellery, making it far more than just a collector's stone. ‘Fashion foward’ you could say is the spinel’s motto!

Did you know? In the metaphysical realm, spinel is believed to activate all seven primary chakras, offering revitalisation and increased kundalini energy when used with certain stones.

. Flame-fusion syn dentified by a trained gemmologist Rem gemmological lab

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In this issue, I was beautifully guided by an extraordinary Ethiopian proverb which resonates deeply with the spirit of African craftsmanship: "When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion." This profound wisdom celebrates the incredible power of collaboration, resilience, and collective strength –principles which pulse through the heart of our continent's rich jewellery landscape.

Our 2024 African editorial travels embodied this metaphorical tapestry of unity. From tales of intricate beadwork, natureinspired designs and Africa’s astounding colour palette to the vibrant synergy between African fashion and jewellery; the Afro-chic and Afrohemian aesthetics - which continue to captivate the global stage - to the mesmerising work of metalsmiths, each piece tells a story of interconnectedness. These designers and designs demonstrate how individual threads of creativity, when woven together, can create something monumentally powerful and breathtaking.

“Letyourheartspeak Simpleandsweet Letyourwordsbeheardbyeveryone Letyourheartspeakallaroundtheworld” ~Letyourheartspeak,MangoGroove.

Reflecting on the highlights of 2024 reminded me of just how many there were. We have reconnected with old friends, made new friends and forged a community of likeminded individuals.

The Jewellery we have been exposed to has been an eye opener, and we ourselves have learnt so much.

The history of jewellery is a fascinating story and is nearly as old as civilization itself. Initially people adorned themselves with seashells, grasses and various natural materials. However, the earliest “known” jewellery can be traced back to 3000BC in Egypt and Mesopotamia. At the time, gold and gemstones were prized for its symbolism of wealth and status, and this still holds true today.

Our Jewellery Afrika community is a true reflection of history.

Like those remarkable spider webs, our artists demonstrate that true strength lies in supporting one another, sharing knowledge, and creating beauty which transcends individual limitations.

And in the spirit of this proverb, may your holiday season and new year be one of togetherness and a celebration of being African. Rest and rejuvinate. Get ready to thrive in 2025!

The pages of J-ZINE Edit clearly show that African designers do not rely on only precious metals and gemstones - although the continent produces these in abundance - to express themselves. Through vibrant and exciting designs, they too use alternate materials to highlight both the culture, heritage and flora of a region, and we are in awe of the creativity displayed.

We look forward to what 2025 brings and cannot wait to highlight all the unusual, beautiful and jaw-dropping pieces that come across our desk daily. Enjoy the break, and keep on showcasing the essence of Africa.


Does your creativity, uniqueness and talent set you apart from others? A resounding ‘YES’ you say? Well, then you’re at the right place!

Beginning January 2025 - we're inviting jewellery designers from across the continent to submit their most spectacular, breathtaking, and innovative designs and stand the chance of being featured on J-ZINE Edit’s cover.

In addition, each designer will receive cover story editorial telling of their unique artistic journey and featured piece, and mention on Jewellery Afrika’s social media platformsgaining unprecedented exposure and recognition.

Designers, make this your moment! Unleash your creativity, share your vision, and let's make 2025 the most spectacular year in African jewellery design history.

How to enter

Three high resolution (300dpi) images of your jewellery piece to be supplied as follows: a full piece view, close-up detail shot, and featured on a model. Background must be neutral and non-distracting.

A full description of the piece, materials used and your inspiration behind it, of not more than 150 words. If this is exceeded, we reserve the right to edit.

A short bio of yourself telling us about your own journey into the world of jewellery design.

Your web site URL - if you have one - and your social media profiles to be provided.

Your full name and contact details including city and country you reside in.

Entries to be emailed to jzine@jewelleryafrika.com with ‘Cover Competition’ in the subject line.

Closing date for January 2025 entries is 17 January 2025


Your design must be African inspired, designed and manufactured. 1. The three mages must be in JPEG or PNG format and not exceed 8MB in total. WeTransfer or Google Drive sharing are recommended if visuals cannot be emailed 2.

Copyright of all photographs submitted must rest with the entrant/ 3. The competition is only open to jewellery designers residing on the African continent. 4. Unsuccessful entries in any given month, may be reentered. There is no automatic rollover. 5. Winners must consent to having their photographs taken and published across Jewellery Afrika’s digital platforms 6 Late or incomplete submissions will be disqualified. 7. The judges decision is final. 8.


the changemakers

African jewellery designers whose unique design ethos is changing the way jewellery is seen, worn and designed.




WakiostartedinSeptember2022byitsleaddesigner Mundia,inspiredbyhisgrandmother‘Wakio’describedas the“embodimentofaproudAfricanqueen:herdressing, herexpression,herstyle,hervoiceandmannerisms”.

Thebrand’shandmadepiecesaremadeusingsustainable materialssuchasrecycledmaterialssuchasbrass,horn andglass.

“Wetellourstorythroughthepieceswemake tellinga storyofthecurrentstateoftheworldbeitaboutwomen, empowerment,feminity,gender,politics,traditionalbeliefs orsensuality.Thiscomesacrossinthenamingofpieces, stylingofourshoots,thedesignoftheproduct.”



LSarahAbouzahraestablishedthebrandin2020,founded ontheprincipleofcontemporarydirectionhavingeach collectioninspiredbyacertainconcept.

ItisaCairo-basedonlinestorethatfeatureshandmade boldjewelleryhavingastatementshownwitheachpiece.

Sarahisconvincedthatjewelleryistheperfectwayto bringlifetoanoutfitandenhanceyourbestfeatures.

ThepiecesaremadebyEgyptiancraftsmenusing925 sterlingsilver,brass,18kwhiteorgoldplated,using preciousstones

Visuals courtesy Sarah Abouzahra.
Visuals courtesy Wakio Talismans.


KasimbiMetalworksBespoke Jewellery


Kasimbiiswearableartconceptualizedandhandcrafted byTendaiMahlengwe,andinspiredbynature.

KasimbiisaShonawordformetal,andreflectsTendai’s journeywithmakingartoutofvariouskindsofmetal,along timetraditioninhishomecountryofZimbabwe.

Tendaihasworkedwithmetalallhislife,firstasacrafterof wireartandlater,jewelry.

Hisuniquedesignsareinspiredbyhissurroundingsand history-water,stone,andwood-alltheelementsthat comefromtheEarth.


Thenarrative NuriaArbelofoundedBrincadeiraattheendof2021.

BasedinMaputo,Mozambique,Brincadeiraisavibrant earringsbrandknownforitsexclusivedesigns,limited editioncollectionsandofferswearersaunique experience,fromavisualtoasensorialperspective

”Brincadeirawasdesignedforthosewhowanttomakea difference;andtorespondtotheneedsofpeoplewhoare lookingforearringsthatarereallydifferentfromwhatcan befoundtoday Vibrant,daringandcolorfulpieces, handmade,andproducedinasuperlimitedway,”Nuria toldBantumenina2022interview.

Visuals courtesy Brincadeira
Visuals courtesy Kasimbi Metalworks Bespoke Jewellery




Maaÿaz,payshomagetotheexquisiteartof‘Sfifa’-the traditionalweavingofgoldthreadswhichgracethefinest Moroccancaftans.

FoundedbysistersZineb&Rimwithadeepconnectionto theircraft,Maaÿaztransformsthisnoblematerialinto contemporary,dazzling,anddurablejewellerywhich capturestheessenceofMoroccanheritage.

Eachenchantingcreationismeticulouslydesignedbythe co-foundersandlovinglyhandcraftedintheirCasablanca workshopbyskilledartisanswhopourtheirtalentand passionintoeverydetail.Together,assistersandbusiness partners,theysteerthebrandtowardsexcellence,weaving togetherthethreadsofheritageandmodernitytocreate piecesthatresonatewithtimelesseleganceand authenticity.

Ami Doshi Shah


AmiDoshiShahisajewellerandappliedartistbasedin Nairobi,Kenya.Shefoundedherbrandin2015withthe goalofcraftingbold,sculpturalpieceswhichechothe talismanicsignificanceofjewelleryinKenyanculture, whereitplaysaroleinritesofpassage,offersprotection, andsymbolizesstrength

Hercollection-inspiredbylocallysourcedmaterialsin Kenya-spansfromsisalneckpiecestostone-inlaidcuffs andbrassearringswhichmovegracefullywiththewearer.

“WhatIcreateisaproductofthousandsofvisual,human andculturalexperiencesandwiththeglobalisedworldwe livein,thisismagnifiedevenmoreso.Iamdrawntosimple andcleanformswithanelementofwhimsy,scaleand texture,”shetoldVogueCSina2020interview.

Visuals courtesy Ami Doshi Shah
Visuals courtesy Maaÿaz.



LafalaiseDionisthebrainchildofDionDewandMarcia Lafalaise,anAfrican/Ivorian/Dancreativesoulbornand raisedinCôted’Ivoire.

Drawinginspirationfromthevibranttapestryofher homeland,particularlyherupbringinginMan,thecityof 18mountains,LafalaiseDionissteepedinaculturethat fostersaprofoundappreciationforlife,love, craftsmanship,storytelling,indigenouscultures, traditions,transmission,healing,andself-love.

Dionenvisionsaworldwherecraftsmanship,spirituality, andself-loveintertwineseamlessly,creatingaspace whereindividualscanreconnectwiththeirheritageand embracetheiruniqueidentities




‘Aketekete’isanodetothepastandtoneverbeing forgotten.Aconnectiontonatureanditsforms.


Wevaluecollaboratingandconnectingwithcreativesto designmodernobjectswithage-oldtechniquesby supportingartisancommunitiestomakethem.

Ourcollectionexploresthecreationofobjectsthatallow youtosee,feel,carry,andvaluepartofaplaceandits people.

Weadmirethebeautyofuniqueness,irregularities,andthe graceofcraft-theexpressionofourselvesbycreating pieceswedreamof.

Visuals courtesy Aketekete.
Visuals courtesy. Lafalaise Dion.




Foundedin2017byKawira,apassionateartisanwithalove forculturalbeauty,KawiraAfricabeganasadreamto showcaseAfricancraftsmanshiptotheworld.

Witheachpieceofjewellery,Kawirablendstraditional Africantechniqueswithmodernaesthetics,creating uniquepieceswhicharebothtimelessandcontemporary. Usingmaterialslikecopper,brass,silver,andcolorful beads,ourcreationsaremorethanjustaccessories;they areatributetoAfricanartistry.

Thebrandstrivestocreateeconomicopportunitiesfor localcommunitieswhileensuringitspracticesare sustainableandethical.Eachpieceofjewellerytellsastory ofheritage,craftsmanship,andtheenduringspiritofAfrica



Beabondwasco-foundedbyhusbandandwife,Nicholas andFerelithMoltkein2016 Eachpieceisinspiredbyliving inBotswanawheretheyexperiencedfirst-handthe interconnectedrelationshipsbetweenpeople,wildlifeand MotherEarth.

Theduocreatetimelessclassicsimbuedwithmeaning, eachsignaturepieceembodiestheirethosoffewerbetter things.

“Botswanaliesattheheartofeverythingwedo Fromthe landscapeandheritagethatinspiresus,tothematerials usedinourproductsandtheartisanswholovinglybring ourdesignstolife.Ourethosisrootedinsustainability;our beautifullyhandcraftedpiecesareethicallysourcedand climatepositive.”

Visuals courtesy Beabond.
Visuals courtesy Kawira.




FoundedbyGuyana-bornMargauxRusita,MargauxWong isaBurundi-basedjewellerybrandthatbringslow-waste valuesandpreciousEastAfricanmaterialstogetherto createcollectionsofdistinctive,wearableart.

Craftedfromcowhorn,brass,andothersustainable materialsusingtraditionalEastAfricancraftingtechniques, eachunique,handpolishedMargauxWongpieceservesas anodetothenaturalbeautyofGuyanaandBurundi,as wellastotheopulenttraditionalstyleswornbytheir indigenouscommunities.

AtMargauxWong,webelievethatcreativityandthe naturalenvironmentareateamthatthrivebyworking together.



Jiaminiisafamilyrun,Kenyanbasedfashionaccessories brandmeaningbelieveinyourselfin'Swahili,foundedin 2016,onthebeliefofpreservingitstraditionalAfrican heritage.

Jiamini’svision,throughitsinnovativedesignsanduseof renewableresources,seekstocombinetimeless traditionaltechnique,craftsmanshipandheritagewitha touchofmodernity,manipulatedintheconstructionofits delicatebeadedembroideryandweave.

Eachpieceisdevelopedaroundtheideaofcomfort, complementingthebody’sfeminineformandgrace.

Visuals courtesy Jiamini.
Visuals courtesy Margaux Wong.

Wood:chicand sustainable

Africanwoods,withtheirrichtextures, intricategrainpatterns,anddeephues, havelongbeenasourceofinspirationfor ourdesigners.ThediversityofAfrikan woodsoffersatreasuretroveof possibilitiesforcreatingstunningand uniquepiecesofjewellery.

Oneofthemostnotablewoodsusedin AfricanJewellerydesignisebony. Renownedforitsdeepblackcolourand finegrain,ebonyhasbeenprizedfor centuriesforitsbeautyanddurability. Jewellerycraftedfromebonyoften featuressleek,minimalistdesignswhich highlightthenaturaleleganceofthewood

Inadditiontoebony,otherwoods commonlyusedincludemahogany, rosewood,andteak.Eachwoodbrings itsowndistinctcharacteristicstothe table,fromthewarmreddish-brown tonesofmahoganytotherichgolden huesofteak.

ManyAfricanjewellerydesignersalso incorporatetraditionalcarving techniquesintotheirwork,adding intricatedetailsandmotifsinspiredby natureandculturalheritage.Whether it'sadelicatefloralpatterncarvedintoa pendantorthegracefulcurvesofan animalmotifadorningabracelet,these handcraftedpiecescelebratethe beautyandcraftsmanshipofAfrican artistry.


The use of colour in jewellery design plays a crucial role in creating visually striking pieces that convey emotion, symbolism, and personal style. Colours can transform simple designs into captivating works of art, making them more appealing and meaningful. Diverse palettes evoke different moods and tell unique stories. These creations caught our eye!


Oceanic overtures

ThevastexpanseofAfrica's coastlineisnotonlyhometo diverseecosystemsbutalsoarich sourceofinspirationforjewellery designers.Fromthevibrantcoral reefsoftheIndianOceantothe majesticmarinelifeoftheAtlantic, thefloraandfaunaoftheoceans inspireaplethoraofuniquedesigns.

Seashells,withtheirintricateshapes andiridescenthues,areafavorite motif.Fromdelicateearringsto statementnecklaces,thesenatural treasuresevoketheserenebeauty oftheoceanandaddatouchof coastalcharmtoanyensemble. Similarly,pearls,harvestedfromthe depthsofthesea,symbolisepurity andelegance,andareoften incorporatedintosophisticated piecesofjewellery.

Down to Earth

Thegracefulmovementsofmarine creaturessuchasdolphins,turtles, andseahorsesarealsocapturedin theformofsculptedpendantsand intricatelydetailedbracelets.These piecescelebratethewonderof underwaterlifeandserveasa reminderoftheimportanceof

Throughtheirjewellerydesigns, Africanartisanspayhomagetothe awe-inspiringbeautyoftheoceans andthediverselifeformsthatcall themhome.

Byincorporatingelementsof marinefloraandfaunaintotheir creations,theycreatepiecesthat notonlyadornthebodybutalso evokeasenseofconnectiontothe naturalworldandthewondersof thedeepbluesea.


“Bedaring,bedifferent,be impractical,beanythingthatwill assertintegrityofpurposeand imaginativevisionagainstthe play-it-safers,thecreaturesof thecommonplace,theslavesof theordinary,” says Studio CocoaMoonwhichlauncheda fewyearsago,inJohannesburg, SouthAfrica,nowbasedinthe Netherlands. Thestorybehindthename

“Iimaginethemoontoawaken ourunconsciousmind,our spiritualandemotional awareness.

“SymbolicallyIthinkafullmoon presentsanopportunitytosee ourmundanelivesinthestrange lightofnon-rationalawareness andasaresultinspirecreative thinking.

“CocoaformerepresentsAfrica, le

“Arichandmagnificentpartofthe world.Andasmuchasthetwoare contrasts,theycreateacertain harmonyandbalanceaswell becausewithoutdark(Cocoa)there isnolight(Moon),andifwedon’t knowwhatlightis,wecannot experiencedark.”

NancyNichting creativeforcebehindStudioCocoaMoon





middleeast beyondborders

rah Khan Atelier, dhpur Vivacious Ring
Yuniu Jewels, Alsavi Ring
ELURA, Sunset Mirage Pendant

beyondborders middleeast

This summer, embrace Middle Eastern fine jewellery that captures the season's vibrant energy and playful spirit.

From Charmaleena's Energy Beads to Yuniu Jewels' customisable Alsavi Rings, perfect for adding a personal touch to your summer style, there's something for everyone

YOURA, Blue Sapphire Ring
joubijoux, U Hoops


IntheheartofAfrica,asartorialrevolutionisunderway asfashionandjewellerycontinuetounitetocreatea mesmerisingtapestryofstyle,culture,andinnovation.

Thevibrantsynergybetweenthesetworealmsisgiving risetoadistinctiveAfro-chicaestheticthatis captivatingtheglobalstage.

Africandesignersareredefiningluxurywithanodto theirrichheritage.Traditionalfabrics,boldprints,and intricatebeadworkseamlesslyintertwinewith contemporarydesigns,breathinglifeintogarments thattellstoriesofresilienceandcelebration.

Jewelleryplaysapivotalroleinthisnarrative, accentuatingthebeautyofAfricancraftsmanship. Gleaminggold,ethicallysourcedgemstones,andtribalinspiredadornmentselevateoutfitstowearableart. Theclinkingofbanglesandtheswayofstatement necklacescreateasymphonyofelegance,echoingthe diverserhythmsofthecontinent.

Maxhosa Africa

fashion&jewellery fusionfact#1

“Runways areadornedwith modelsshowcasingthe kaleidoscopeofAfro-chic jewellery-fashionfusion. Collaborationsbetween jewellerydesigners,fashion designersandtheJewellery Afrikadigitalplatformare provenandvitalpartnerships,”JewelleryAfrika,January2024

fashion&jewellery fusionfact#2

“TheAfricancontinenthosts 32successfulfashionweeks everyyearwhichbring togetherdesignersand fashionistasalike,andthe Africanfashionindustryis valuedat$15.5bnworthof exportsannually,”AfricanBusiness, January2024

fashion&jewellery fusionfact#3

“Thegrowingprevalenceof socialmedia ... meansthat imagesandvideossharedby Africandesignersand consumerscanbeseen,liked, andsharedbyviewersaround theworldinamatterof moments,”AfricanBusiness, January2024

Viviers Studio
Franc Elis
Mantsho Lifestyle


Team Jewellery Afrika is thrilled to announce the launch of our membership programme which will enable members to enjoy a number of highly beneficial tangible rewards. To find out the full benefits and how to join, click HERE! Meet our membership programme partners . . .

DIAMDREY Paralegal Services

The company offers a wealth of experience providing comprehensive business support to a wide range of company directors, and managers of local and foreign owned companies as well as individuals requiring any of the services it offers.

Contact: Deborah Dreyer dreyer@mweb.co.za / +27 82 806 5226

E.G.L. South Africa

South Africa’s trusted gemmological laboartory with more than 40 years of doing business in ZA, providing accurate and reliable diamond, gemstone and jewellery certification. E.G.L is equipped with both the knowledge and specialised equipment to detect treatments and laboratory-grown diamonds and gemstones.

Contact: admin@egl.co.za

Tel: +27 11 334 4527

Cell & WhatsApp: +27 83 656 9013

Fax: +27 11 334 2193 www egl co za

Jewellex Africa

Jewellex Africa is the premier trade fair of the South African jewellery industry and is hosted annually by the Jewellery Council of South Africa (JCSA) One of the main objectives of Jewellex is to become the trading hub of Africa thereby offering international countries an opportunity to see what Africa has to offer under one roof It further aims to provide a secure trade platform for product distribution into and out of Africa.

Contact: Elsa da Silva elsad@jewellewery.org.za / +27 11 484 5528

www jewellery org za

Lynne Wilson Digital Marketing

A full service marketing company providing SEO, branding, and marketing strategies for small businesses, start-ups and entrepreneurs. Services include strategic planning and execution, from creating SEO content, managing branding and marketing campaigns, to website development.

Contact: Lynne Wilson

lynne@lynnewilson.co.za / +27 82 332 8290

www lynnewilson co za

Northside South Africa

North Side South Africa has been trading since 2017. It has more than 25 years ’ experience in the diamond, gemstone and jewellery industry. The company supplies all diamond and gemstone factory tools, consumables and accessories for the trade. Whether you ’ re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the trade, Northside’s years of experience will make all the difference.

Contact: sales@northsidediamondtools.co.za

Tel: +27 11 334 4527


O'Two (Cape Town)

A haven of understated elegance and panache, perfectly situated on Mouille Point’s trendy Platinum Mile Timeless, classic décor, king-size beds, bespoke amenities and a private balcony with unparalleled views, uniquely designed for relaxation in the most indulgent way possible

Contact: karla@onehydepark.co.za

Tel: +27 79 513 0287 www.otwo.co.za

One Hyde Park (Sandton)

Nestled in the heart of Sandton, One Hyde Park offers a sanctuary of elegance and modern luxury This esteemed hotel blends contemporary design with exceptional service, creating an unparalleled experience for both business and leisure travellers

Contact: karla@onehydepark.co.za

Tel: +27 79 513 0287 www.onehydepark.co.za

Want to become a Jewellery

Afrika membership programme partner?

Contact Beth: +27 82 453 5155

Jenny: +27 83 450 6052


Hatsandfashionarealwaystalkingpoints.Fashionaficianados willagreetheyelevateanyoutfit,offeringstyle,personality,and flair.Fromclassictotrendy,theyremaintimelessfashion statements. But withintheAfricancontext,hats,headwraps, headpiecesandheadbands, andhatdesignshavemuchgreater meaningandsignificance.

TheZulupeopleofSouthAfricawearintricatelybeadedhats calledisicholos,symbolisingmaritalstatusandcultural heritage.

MaasaiwarriorsinKenyaandTanzaniawearelaboratebeaded headpiecesandjewellery,eachcolourrepresentingdifferent ure.

rapsareoftenpairedwithstunning ditionalweddingsandcelebrations.

fNamibiauseredochreandbutterfatto adpieces,complementedbyintricate mshellsandmetal.

InMali,Tuaregmenwearindigo-dyedturbansandsilver jewellery,signifyingtheirnomadicheritageandIslamic influence.

EthiopiantribesliketheHamarwearcolourfulbead necklacesandheadbands,withspecificdesignsindicating socialstatusandtribalaffiliation.

TheFulanipeopleofWestAfricaareknownfortheirlarge, ornategoldearringsandhatsdecoratedwithcowrieshells.

SouthAfricanNdebelewomenwearbeadedneckringsand headpieces,showcasingtheirvibrantartistryandcultural identity.

MoroccanBerberwomenwearsilverandamb jewellerywithtraditionalheadcoverings, eachpiecetellingastoryoftheirancestry andbeliefs.

GhanaianKenteclothhatsareoftenpaired withgoldjewellery,representingroyaltyand highsocial standingwithintheAkanculture.


Colour pop jewellery adds an exhilarating burst of vibrancy to any outfit, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. With its bold hues and playful designs, it exudes a sense of fun and adventure, making every day feel like a celebration of style and individuality. Here are a few of our travel ‘souveniers!’


an exquisite rose gold-plated, pearl pendant* worth R1200.00* from Impilo Collection

*pendant will be designed similar to the style shown here *estimated value

ImpiloCollectionisaluxuryjewellerybrand foundedbyaward-winningdesigner, entrepreneurandphilanthropistAngelaYeung.

“Impilo”isanisiZuluwordwhichmeans“life”. ThiswordwasspecificallychosenbyAngelato signifyboththeoriginofherwork,andthe inspirationshedrawsfromthereal-lifestories ofherclients.

Foundedin2005,ImpiloCollectionhas specialisedinthedesignandmanufactureof bespokejewellerycommissionsforprivate clients,jewellerytrading,andcontemporary artjewellerycollections.

“Thechameleonchangescolourto matchtheearth,buttheearth doesn’tchangecolorstomatchthe chameleon,”~Senegaleseproverb.

This Senegalese proverb emphasises the importance of adaptability and resilience in the face of change. And much like the African continent, its nations and its myriad cultures, African jewellery continues to undergo a transformation, reflecting both the continent's rich heritage and its dynamic present. This evolution is driven by a fusion of traditional craftsmanship with contemporary design trends, resulting in pieces which are not only beautiful but also carry a deep cultural significance.

One of the continuing key trends this year is a renewed focus on sustainability and ethical practices.

Designers are increasingly sourcing materials locally and using recycled metals, reflecting a growing awareness of environmental issues. This shift towards sustainability is not only good for the planet but also adds a unique story to each piece, as materials are often sourced from reclaimed sources or repurposed items.

Another notable trend is the use of jewellery as a form of cultural expression and identity. Many designers are drawing inspiration from Africa's diverse cultures, incorporating traditional motifs and symbols into their designs. This trend is not only a celebration of Africa's heritage but also a way to reclaim and redefine African identity in a global context.

Our continent’s jewellery is increasingly being used as a tool for economic empowerment with designers working directly with local artisans and communities, providing them with training, resources, and fair wages. This not only helps support livelihoods but also ensures traditional craftsmanship is passed down to future generations.

African jewellery in 2024 is a reflection of Africa's rich cultural heritage, its commitment to sustainability, and its dynamic, everchanging nature. It is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of African designers, who continue to push boundaries and redefine the art of jewellery making.


Copyright©JewelleryAfrika(PTY)LTD2024. Allrightsreserved. DisclaimerandTermsofUse LGBTQIA+community-friendly

Theviewsexpressedinthispublicationarenotnecessarilythoseoftheowners,thepublisher,contributorsoritsagents.Whileeveryefforthasbeenmadetoensuretheaccuracyofitscontents, neitherJ-ZINE,JewelleryAfrika,theowners,theEditor-in-Chief,mediaalliancepartnersnoranyofitsendorsedorganisationsorcontributorscanbeheldresponsibleforanyomissionsorerrors;orfor anymisfortune,injuryordamageswhichmayarisetherefrom.Thesameappliestoalladvertising.J-ZINEEditisaJewelleryAfrikabrandproduct. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproducedwithoutpriorwrittenpermissionfromtheowners. AllproductplacementsandadvertisementsinJ-ZINEEditarehyperlinked. RegNo:K2023165327(SouthAfrica)

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