2009 Annual Report

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2009 Annual Report & Honor Roll

Together W e Are S trong ‫בן ש לוש י ם ל כ ח‬


Together W e Are Strong ‫בן שלושים לכח‬ While we all know the significance of the age 13 in our Jewish tradition, but lesser known is Ben Sh’loshim LaKoach — that at age 30, the period of true strength begins. This is the time when, after years of training, we are obligated to use all of our skills to honor G-d and further the collective good. Our Federation entered its 30th year with the maturity and resources to best serve our fellow Jews. And it was just in time, too — for we entered one of the most difficult economic periods our country has ever seen. With unwavering commitment, our Federation is working through a myriad of challenges brought on by increased needs and decreased dollars. We have reenergized our efforts, renewed our commitments and reviewed every dollar spent on administrative costs to best address the significant needs of our Jewish family– locally, in Israel and around the world. These difficult times have only served to further strengthen us. Our board and executive staff have painstakingly streamlined operations; more volunteers have stepped forward than ever before; our community has organized food drives and supplemental fundraisers; local residents have rallied in solidarity on our campus; a new generation of young leadership has made a selfless commitment to serve— and new donors have stepped up to the plate to help compensate for those who cannot give at their accustomed level of generosity. Last year, we closed 800 new gifts and welcomed 54 new Lions of Judah to the fold — significant accomplishments even during less challenging times. Together, with 30 years of strength and wisdom, we renew our vows to our Jewish members family in need, and look to the future with hope, determination and a history of compassion and prosperity. With Best Regards,

William S. Bernstein, MSW President & CEO

Stewart G. Harris Chair, Jewish Federation

David Pratt Chair, Jewish Community Foundation

TABLE OF CONTENTS T oby W einman P alchik C enter for J ewish P hilanthropy Major Gifts 7 Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy 9 Metro Division 11 Country Clubs and Community Involvement 14 New Initiatives Respond to Community Needs 16 Jewish Community Foundation 18 Campus Developments 20

P rograms


A gencies

Founding Agencies New Initiatives Respond to Community Needs Jewish Education Commission Jewish Community Relations Council Israel and Overseas Projects in Israel Projects Worldwide

T he B usiness


22 24 25 27 29 30 33

C aring

Federation Leadership Federation Revenue & Expenditures Foundation Leadership Foundation Financials 2009 Corporate Sponsors

35 37 39 40 41

H onor R olls Tribute to Those of Blessed Memory Cumulative Giving – The Circle of Giving 2009 Annual Campaign Foundation Honor Rolls

43 44 48 75

when you see this icon click, for more information. COVER PHOTOS: JFSPBC Young Adult Leadership circa 1980; NextGen, 2009

Together We Are Strong ‫בן שלושים לכח‬


hirty years ago, a group of caring, involved individuals came together to address the increasing needs of the area’s growing Jewish population.

These pioneers recognized the great potential that this unique community held, and created our local Federation in 1979. Since then, continued vision, strong leadership and remarkable generosity have taken us from a storefront office with a part-time employee to a vibrant Federation on a 100acre campus with more than 10,000 donors and serving a community of over 131,000 Jews. This year, our Federation responded to unparalleled financial challenges with resilience, ingenuity and three decades of collective strength and wisdom. The most difficult economic environment in our seventy years impacted fundraising across America and around the world. All the while, humanitarian needs continued to increase while donations dramatically declined. In addition, our community’s overwhelming population of elderly residents grew, as did their need for a wide array of services and programs. Our Federation has beento take action. We streamlined the budget, reduced administrative costs to the bare bone, and rallied the community to give to their very best ability. We made changes both bold and subtle to optimize our resources while refusing to lose sight of important long-term goals. Now 30-years-old, we look back with pride and resolve. We have renewed our commitments to our agencies, their beneficiaries and the donors who make it all possible. Together, we stand strong to ensure that no member of our Jewish family – locally, in Israel or around the world – ever has to stand alone during their time of need.


For more than 30 years, we’ve been asking you to make a pledge to Jews in need. Now, here is our pledge to you:


We pledge to remain 100% accountable for every penny of every donation, keeping our administration costs at a minimum and maintaining the highest levels of efficiency and effectiveness.


We pledge to remain steadfast in our commitment to address the entire range of Jewish needs — from immediate and emergency care to building a strong and bright Jewish future through education and Jewish identity programs.

3 4 5

We pledge to keep our financial and allocations information fully transparent and always available upon request. We pledge to treat you and all donors like stakeholders in our shared Jewish mission.

We pledge to keep you well informed of the wonderful impact of your gift, and how you’ve made a world of difference in the lives of others.


We pledge to be ever mindful of this pledge to you.

Highest Rating from Charity Navigator As potential donors become even more discerning, the value of an investment in JFSPBC was further illustrated when the Federation received the highest, four-star rating from Charity Navigator. This highly respected organization reviews and rates thousands of charities across the country, serving as a public watchdog to alert potential donors about those that are less than efficient. A four-star status means “Exceptional; exceeding industry standards and outperforms most charities in its cause.”


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Major Gifts


hroughout the year, major donors stood up as the driving force of the campaign. Faced with unprecedented fundraising they went above and beyond to meet unprecedented needs.

“Our major donors are our local champions, contributing 65% of the millions of dollars we raise and allocate each year. They understand that more and more people in our community are overwhelmed with costs of daily living, fears of losing their homes, and having to choose between buying food or paying for their utilities and medicine.” - Ellen R. Sarnoff, Campaign Chair

Welcome Back Reception The 2009 Major Gifts season was launched with a warm Welcome Back Reception at the beautiful St. Andrews Country Club home of M.L. Bedowitz. More than 90 major donors reunited to kick off a new season of giving. Featured speaker Carole Solomon, immediate past chair of the Jewish Agency for Israel’s Board of Governors, and current chair of the Agency’s North American Council, spoke about leadership and philanthropy in uncertain times. L-R: M.L. Bedowitz, Campaign Chair Ellen R. Sarnoff

2009 Major Gift E vening


V alor

With its theme of “Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue,” the Major Gifts Evening of Valor could not have had a more fitting speaker. More than 300 major donors of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County gathered at the Polo Club of Boca Raton to hear one of the most important voices of our time: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Holocaust survivor and lifelong human rights champion Elie Wiesel.

In conclusion, Wiesel implored, “Whatever you do in your life, think higher and feel deeper.”


Rani Garfinkle, Evening of Valor Chair

Warren & Robin Struhl, Evening of Valor Chairs

Federation Chair Stewart Harris , Eli Wiesel 7

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L-R: front: Elaine Stein Roberts, Crown of Judah co-chair; Pamela Weinroth, Joshua Society co-chair; Robin Struhl, event chair; Diane Feldman, King David Society co-chair; back: Harvey & Phyllis Sandler, Prime Minister’s Council co-chairs; Robert Weinroth, Joshua Society co-chair; Elie Wiesel; Rani Garfinkle and Warren Struhl, event chairs; Larry Feldman, King David Society co-chair; Sherman & Jeanette Vogel; Leadership Gifts co-chairs


ajor donors closed the 2009 season at the home of Robin and Warren Struhl for “A Dialogue with Frederic S. Mishkin,” an immediate past governor of the board of the Federal Reserve System and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y. Mishkin is also a professor at Columbia University, a regular guest host on CNBC and brother of Federation leader Joe Mishkin.

Elie Wiesel greets Harvey and Phyllis Sandler

L-R: Joe Mishkin, Frederic S. Mishkin

www.jewishboca.org/majorgiftsphotos 8

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The Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy


he Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy, led by Chair Anne Jacobson, continued to adapt to changing times in 2009. Special efforts were made to create a sophisticated entry point for younger women through activities and leadership opportunities. A powerful force in the community, women’s philanthropy continues to account for half the Annual Campaign as more than 4,100 women contributed over $8.1 million. Meryl Gallatin became Women’s Campaign Chair as Barbara Levy and Dorothy Wizer completed their terms.

Emily Grabelsky received the Dorothy Seaman Leadership Award, which recognizes a member of the women’s board who embodies the values of Dotti through her leadership & philanthropy L-R: Emily Grabelsky, Dotti Seaman

“As successful as our Women’s Philanthropy has been in past years, with today’s financial hardships in our own community and beyond, the essential needs that our Federation must meet continue to rise. We strive to engage women of all ages and from all streams of Judaism, to join in our critical work of Tikkun Olam.” - Anne Jacobson, 2009 Women’s Philanthropy Chair

Women’s Philanthropy Officers L-R: Marlene Silver, Louise Galpern, Phyllis Seresky, Wendy Pressner, Barbara Werner, Anne L. Jacobson, Emily Grabelsky, Susan Rahn, Dania Kronick (Not pictured: Meryl Gallatin, Gail Greenspoon)

Meryl Gallatin, Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair for 2010

Hundreds of women, particularly younger and new to Federation, have been drawn to the Spirit and Spice outreach events since 2007. Co-chaired by Kathy Green and Lisa Siemens, the 2009 season featured two events.

Clearly heard among 1,100 Lions from all over the world at the International Lion of Judah Conference in Tel Aviv was our strong, enthusiastic South Palm Beach delegation chaired by Gail Greenspoon and Phyllis Rosenstock. There, Meryl Gallatin received the Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award, which recognizes extraordinary women who have set a high standard for philanthropy and/or volunteerism in their communities. www.jewishboca.org/womensphotos

L-R: Cantorial Soloist Lori Shapiro; Linda Behmoiras, Boca Raton Observer/Exclusive Media Sponsor; Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman at Neiman Marcus in Boca Raton

Spicing It Up for Passover with demonstration and tasting of delicious innovations to traditional holiday meals. L-R: Lisa Siemens, Chef Alan Bergman, Kathy Green 9

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L-R: Janet Sherr, Arlene Goldenberg

Nearly 300 women of all ages from communities throughout South Palm Beach County gathered for the 2009 Lion of Judah Outreach at Caldwell Theater where President Franklin D. Roosevelt was “tried” for crimes agains humanity in The False Witness. Janet Sherr, who appeared in the play, co-chaired the event with Arlene Goldenberg.

Generations of Jewish women again celebrated their shared bonds of caring and giving at the third annual “Stepping Up to a New Era of Leadership” luncheon. L-R: Rebecca Appelbaum, Ellen Flank and Eydie Holz, event co-chairs.

The Lion of Judah was established in 1972 to recognize a new level of commitment by dedicated women donors. Now 800 strong locally among more than 16,000 in the nation, this sisterhood connects women to each other, helping neighbors and wherever our Jewish family is in need, and dedicated to the future of Judaism. This year, 90 women became new Lions with minimum $5,000 gifts to the 2009 Annual Campaign and 400 women attended the 2009 Lion of Judah Luncheon.

At the luncheon, women including Gloria Baker (z”l) and Dotti Seaman made additional gifts totaling $75,000 in response to escalating human needs amid unprecedented challenges.

Attendees were brought to their feet in multiple standing ovations for Freedom Writers author Erin Gruwell. L-R: Barbara Werner, luncheon co-chair; Erin Gruwell; Pam Kaye, luncheon co-chair

New Lions receiving their pins at the Lion of Judah Luncheon.

At the Metro Lion of Judah Outreach, younger women from throughout the community spent a morning at Nicole Mayer’s beautiful home and garden. They learned about raising children in a materialistic world, and how Lions of Judah are meeting the escalating needs of our Jewish family. Front row L-R: Pam Cohen, event co-chair; Dr. Lee Hausner, speaker; Nicole Mayer and Lori Berman, Event co-chairs www.jewishboca.org/womensphotos 10

400 women representing all streams of Judaism gathered for a special morning of learning at the 4th Annual Dottie Lipson Educational Journey. The many boxes of school supplies and books they brought with them were delivered to Pine Grove Elementary School in Delray Beach. L-R: Ilene Wohlgemuth, event co-chair; Dottie Lipson; Hava Leipzig Holzhauer, event co-chair.

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Metro Division


he momentum continued in Metro’s third year, offering multiple points of connection to Federation life. With its signature high energy and creativity, Metro is reaching out to involve growing numbers of younger adults, and engaging people through their professions. Responding to economic changes and learning from experience, Metro continues to streamline its programming for optimal impact.

L-R: 2008-9 Metro co-chairs Susan Rahn, Jonathan Sahn and Ollie Louis

Metro turned out in their “Rock ‘n’ Roll” finest for the 2009 Ben Gurion Society Event. Max Weinberg, of the E Street Band and “Late Night with Conan O’Brien,” shared his Jewish and musical journeys and his life with Bruce Springsteen before drumming for the crowd. This annual peak Metro event brings together younger donors who contribute a minimum of $1,000 to the Annual Campaign.

2009-10 Metro co-chairs Pam Cohen and Elliot Koolik

L-R: April Leavy, Wendy Schlesinger, Susan Rahn

Glen Golish led a spirited auction of E Street Band tickets and Max memorabilia L-R: David & Randi Winter, Rosa & Glen Golish, event co-chairs; Max Weinberg; Les & Wendy Schlesinger, event co-chairs

www.jewishboca.org/metrophotos 11

Metro Business Metro Business continued to grow and to build its reputation as the premier local networking vehicle for Jewish professionals. While learning from expert entrepreneurs and gathering with successful business people, they are helping those in need and shaping the community.

Pam Weinroth, 2008-9 Metro Business co-chair

L-R: Bill Miller; Steve Artzi, 2008-9 Metro Business co-chair; David Ruttenberg, panelist

L-R: Marcy Robbins and Gadi Soued, 2009-10 Metro Business Co-chairs

The 2008-9 Metro Business Networking Series featured four breakfasts with expert panels on high interest topics: Going Green, Real Estate in a Changing Economy, The Business of Big Ideas and The Business of Sports.

Metro Business kicked off the year’s programming at Elaine Baker Gallery

2008-9 Metro Business Kick-off co-chairs Dana Charles-Kodner, Gadi Soued, Carlos Romero

L-R: Dan Levine, 2009-10 MBNS co-chair; David Katzman, JCF Chair; Tom Kaplan, Federation Financial Resource Development Chair

Moved to early evening for the 2009-10 season, the Metro Business Networking Series began with a cutting edge Speed Networking experience. Each Metro Business Networking event highlights aspects of the Federation and includes opportunities to sign up and volunteer. Dan Levine and Rachel Rudensky, 2009-10 MBNS co-chairs

L-R: Elliot Koolik and Ron Kaniuk, 2008-9 MBNS co-chairs www.jewishboca.org/metro 12

New “Tuesday Schmooze-Days” Bring Metro Business Together

Metro created new opportunities for busy parents to join Federation activities by hosting well-attended family events.

Though launched in the summer, the crowds at Tuesday Schmooze-Days immediately made these “happy hours” the place to be seen and get known. These new Metro Business networking events at ORB-certified Asia :: Sushi Wok & Grill keep bringing Jewish professionals together. In a casual setting, they learn how Federation involvement can grow their business while they help the community.

L-R: co-chairs and hosts of local Holocaust Heroes Hersh & Wendy Korsunsky, with Mrs. Irzyk and Brigadier General Albin

L-R: Doug Horn, Cara Freedman, Rabbi David Gutterman, Craig Zeuner, Men’s Sports Night Out co-chair

Metro brought 120 people together to learn from and honor local Holocaust heroes in an intergenerational partnership with Donna Klein Jewish Academy.

L-R: Eli Ushpiz, Avy Weberman

L-R: Bryan Drowos, Jeremy Horelick, Joanna Drowos

For the Pratts, the Harrises and many others, the Metro shift at Super Sunday 2009 was a family affair.

www.jewishboca.org/metro 13

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C ountry Clubs


Community Involvement


ur communities and country clubs and their leaders rose to the year’s challenges with an unwavering commitment to the Federation, to our community, and to our Jewish family worldwide. Persevering with vibrant events and countless personal visits, their inspiration resonated throughout the campaign. Their response has gone beyond raising dollars to hands-on community food drives that stock the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry while raising awareness of dire local needs.

More than 100 Stonebridge Country Club residents raised over $5,000 above their campaign gifts, purchased food and gift cards for needy local residents and made personal delivery visits to older recipients.

Woodfield Country Club and Woodfield Hunt Club came together in a powerful response to local hunger, raising nearly $9,000 in food and monetary contributions in one month – enough to feed 350 people for a full month – and then repeating their efforts.

Country Clubs The following country clubs are home to Jewish leaders in our community and represent the core of fundraising activities through the annual campaign season each year:

Addison Reserve Bocaire Delaire Boca Grove

L-R: Nanci Goldman, Gail Schwartz, Murray & Floris Leipzig, and Lynda Finkelstein

RRJFS Chairman of the BoardLarry Blair and other Woodfield family volunteers delivered kosher Thanksgiving Day meals to the homebound.

Boca Lago Boca Pointe Boca West

Addison Reserve volunteers packed Chanukah food bags with food and gift cards purchased after raising $15,000 above annual campaign gifts within their community.

Boca Woods Broken Sound Gold Coast Neil Meisel shops at the lemonade, cookie and art stand set up at Woodfield by L-R: Shelby Hotz, Emily Marton and Morgan Blair.

Greater Boca Greater Delray The Hamlet Mizner Montoya Circle Polo

L-R: Harriet Mironov, Arthur Goldberg, Margie Marlowe, Harvey Stein, Matt Kutcher, Barbara Feingold, Harvey Leff

St. Andrews Woodfield Feeds the Hungry co-chair Susan Rahn among volunteers packing food collected.



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Super Sunday Surpasses $500,000; Jewish Community Unified and Committed in Face of Challenges More than 300 volunteers of all ages and from all streams of Judaism gathered under “The Giving Tree” on Super Sunday, on behalf of those who depend on the Federation for essential human needs. In the face of economic challenges, the Jewish community showed its unity and commitment, raising more than $500,000 in one day. With more callers than seats, some volunteers used their cell phones.

L-R: Super Sunday Co-chairs Senator Ted & Jill Deutch and Gail & Warren Greenspoon


A Metro family afternoon shift included packaging food for clients of the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry.

Ellen R. Sarnoff, Campaign Chair and Congressman Ron Klein worked the phones.

First Invitational Men’s Golf Classic at Boca Rio Golf Club

Together We Are One 2009 Annual Meeting

Philanthropic men enjoyed an unprecedented opportunity to experience the most exclusive local golf experience while helping to meet vital community needs. On Boca Rio Golf Club’s lush, serene course, and at the awards dinner at in the contemporary elegance of the clubhouse, by all accounts the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s First Invitational Men’s Golf Classic was a rousing success – and was repeated in 2010.

The 2009 Annual Meeting,”Together We Are One,” celebrated the Federation’s accomplishments and generosity.

L-R: Gross Winners: Joe Mishkin, Mort Handel, Barry Sylvetsky; Ron Gallatin, Bedowitz Cup sponsor; Highest Net Winners: Lee Saginor, Howard DuBosar, Gary Saginor, Eric Matheson

L-R: Golf Classic chairs Joe Mishkin, Alan Cornell, Michael Lipton


L-R: Stewart Harris, Bill Bernstein, Annual Meeting chairs Helen Cohan and Linda Melcer


The SS St. Louis – June 6, 1939 – Remembered Always

Seventy years ago, the steamship St. Louis was turned away from the port of Miami with more than 900 Jewish refugees seeking a safe haven from persecution in Europe. Joined by 34 surviving SS St. Louis passengers and by local Holocaust survivors, 400 Federation guests commemorated this watershed historical moment that had sent the clear message that Jews were expendable. Contributions from Rani H. Garfinkle, in loving memory of her beloved husband Sandor Garfinkle; and by and Pamela & Howard Kaye and The National Foundation for Jewish Continuity, Inc. made the moving event possible. www.jewishboca.org/stlouisphotos

Herbert Karliner provided the final passenger signature to U.S. Senate Resolution 111 acknowledging the U.S. role in the St. Louis tragedy.

Major donors gathered with passengers at a reception. L-R: Playwright Robert Krakow, passenger Herbert Karliner, Sponsors Howard Kaye and Rani Garfinkle. 15

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New Initiatives Respond to Community Needs

South Palm Beach County’s Jewish community should be in good hands for some time to come, as 24 of the most caring and dedicated young local leaders have embarked on a new and unique leadership journey. The Federation’s NextGen is designed to cultivate emerging leaders—providing the resources, insights, inspiration and relationships they will need to meet our Jewish community’s challenges over the next five to ten years. Our local leaders are also well-represented among national Young Leadership. Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, immediate past co-chair of National Young Leadership Department and Cabinet, is joined by Eric Matheson, Larry Blair, Bryan Drowos and Daniel Levine. www.jewishboca.org/nextgenphotos

NextGen traveled to New York City to explore together their Jewish past and future. They went from Ellis Island and the Lower East Side to discussing critical current issues with the top professional leaders at UJA/Federation NY, JDC, JAFI and UJC.

Economic Summit Brings Jewish Community Together In response to skyrocketing local unemployment and foreclosures, the Federation brought together key community stakeholders, including top professionals and lay leaders of synagogues, beneficiary agencies and Jewish day schools, to take a proactive, communityminded approach to addressing the financial challenges together. In this testament to our ability bring the community together and evoke positive change, the Federation and other Jewish groups increased their assistance to those impacted, held job fairs, and employment workshops with experts, and developed a job bank on the Federation website.

Corporate sponsorship continued to increase, reaching over $400,000 in both 2008-9 and 2009-10. Enhanced opportunities for sponsors include more aggressive contact development and visibility through multiple venues. Jordan Zimmerman of Zimmerman Advertising keynoted the 2009 Corporate Sponsors Thank You Luncheon at the Bridge Hotel. Successories.com became the first “Front and Center” corporate sponsor and underwriter of the Federation’s Chai Life newspaper, website and e-newsletters.

Jordan Zimmerman 16

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Donor Choice: A renewed pledge. A new choice in giving.

Donor Choice Program Safety Net Services www.jewishboca.org/safetynetservices

Jewish Life and Learning www.jewishboca.org/jewishlifeandlearning

Israel and Our Global Family www.jewishboca.org/israelandourglobalfamily

We asked. We listened. And we learned. Last year our Federation conducted focus groups and surveyed more than 750 donors and nondonors to learn more about their charitable passions and preferences. These efforts generated valuable feedback, which has already helped us become more effective and responsive. “Our Pledge to You” (featured on page 5) is one concrete result from this initiative– and it is a pledge we have taken to heart. It addresses three key components in how we conduct business: demonstrating the wide-ranging impact of charitable gifts, showing transparency in the way Federation allocates funds and offering a choice in giving. We wanted to determine whether providing a choice in giving would motivate non-donors to give to our Annual Campaign— or inspire donors to contribute even more. While most participants we surveyed told us they are pleased with our traditional model of comprehensive fundraising, many donors under age 55 and many non-donors told us that they would prefer the option to direct their gift to an area of need that is closest to their hearts.

After much discussion on the part of Federation leadership, we decided to slowly and carefully launch a new “Donor Choice” program on September 1, the start of our 2010 campaign season. Three areas of need that comprise our Annual Campaign are: Local Safety Net Services, Jewish Life & Learning, and Israel and our Global Family. The Donor Choice option targets donors under 55 and nondonors, however all donors may participate if they wish. And everyone will always have the option to give to our traditional Annual Campaign, which continues to serve the full-spectrum of Jewish needs. www.jewishboca.org/whowehelp

Technological Leaps Taking new leaps into cyberspace, the Federation reduced costs, increased efficiency and exposure, and began to better reach particularly younger people through their preferred communication and donation vehicles. New opportunities to order and pay for Tributes online quickly became the norm, and the process for making online donations and payments was made easier. Nearly all of our events accept RSVPs on our website, and are publicized online – some exclusively. Our e-newsletter reaches many thousands every week in season. We expanded our presence on FaceBook with friends well beyond Metro and gained 300 Twitter followers, whom we continually update on events and news. Bill Bernstein became a popular blogger. Our enhanced website includes a new Impact Center with an interactive map, showing how and where people benefit from the dollars we raise. Our Federation Chai Life newspapers and annual reports – such as this one - are all available on the website in a userfriendly interactive news viewer. 17

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Jewish Community Foundation


eeting needs while making legacies, for twenty-five years our Jewish Community Foundation (JCF) has been making philanthropic dreams come true. JCF serves as the vital “savings” account of our Jewish community, helping ensure that existing and emerging Jewish needs are met now and in the future. Matching donors with the causes they care about most, JCF’s philanthropic advisors work closely with clients, families and estate professionals to establish funds using the most beneficial strategies for each situation. Through the Foundation’s Professional Advisory Committee (PAC), estate professionals and clients are kept abreast of tax saving strategies and advised on appreciated stock, permanent endowment funds, gifts of cash, bequests, trusts and the personalized nuances of planned giving.

JCF chair, David Pratt

JCF vice chair, Elyssa Kupferberg

Through an annual seminar, breakfast roundtables and special events, the PAC continually updates professionals on estate planning strategies. The 25th Annual Professional Seminar, chaired by Jeff Baskies and Howard Kaye, drew 125 professionals to hear Paul S. Lee and Douglas K. Freeman share valuable information on tax reduction strategies, and family conflicts in wealth planning. L-R: Paul Lee, Howard Kaye, Federation Executive VP Irv Gefen, Jeff Baskies and Douglas Freeman

PAC Chair David Katzman inducts Vice Chair Marjorie Horwin into the Mitzvah Society

Now in its sixth year, the PAC’s Mitzvah Society recognizes community professionals whose client referrals have resulted in Jewish Community Foundation endowment gifts. Stephen Melcer was honored at the 2009 reception, and Marjorie Horwin, Dan Levine and Mindy Stein were inducted into the Mitzvah Society. L-R: Stephen Melcer, 2009 Mitzvah Society Honoree; David Pratt, JCF chair; Ronald Siegel and Jeffrey Kahn, event co-chairs

www.jewishboca.org/JCF 18

Richard Steinberg, 2009 season PAC vice chair

T oby W einman P alchik CJP In 1994, the Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) Program was created to recognize those women who established a minimum endowment of $100,000 to continue their Lion gifts in perpetuity. In 2009, eight more of our Lions endowed their gifts. With 220 LOJEs representing commitments of nearly $27.5 million, our Federation continues to lead the nation. L-R: Lucy Schachter, Dale Pratt, June Nathanson, Gail Greenspoon, Gail Edelstein, with LOJE co-chairs, Kinnie Gorelick & Phyliss Seresky at the Trump International for the LOJE Ultimate Thank You

The Jewish Women’s Foundation continues to offer a unique opportunity for hands-on philanthropists to support the women’s causes they care about most, locally, in Israel and overseas. JWF’s 67 Trustees contribute from $10,000 to $100,000, payable over five years. They acheive greater giving impact by deciding together how to allocate their combined funds. In its sixth year, JWF has grown to more than $400,000 in assets and $670,000 in total commitments.

L-R: Mara Reuben, JWF Kickoff moderator; Jane Yudell and Patti Kukes, event chairs

CLUB 13 To develop a sense of Jewish responsibility among future generations, while engaging families, the Foundation is preparing to launch the innovative Club 13. As they assume “self responsibility,” teens of bat or bar mitzvah age will learn more about giving and raise money for a charity. They can give individually, set up a fund, or pool their resources with peers.

Roxane Frechie Lipton, founding chair; Sheila Fuente JWF chair

At the 2009 Granting Wishes evening, JWF announced allocations of $90,000 for projects including a new Rapid Response Fund for local women’s emergency needs. Robin Rubin, Amy Ross and Phyllis Sandler, Granting Wishes chairs, with guest speaker Jane Isay 19

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Campus Developments: Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC)


ur Federation’s vision for the future of our campus remains clear and on track. A centerpiece of that vision is development of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) on a 20-acre parcel on the north undeveloped land of the Richard & Carole Siemens Jewish Campus. The Federation’s extensive Senior Study in 2009 confirmed the need for such a facility in our community. Once stabilized, the CCRC can to generate projected annual cash flow ranging from $2 million to $4 million within five to seven years of opening. A CCRC offers a blend of components – housing, health care, hospitality, recreation and social programming. It provides residents with the security of knowing that these services are provided by people they know and trust. It also offers seniors independence and privacy, while creating opportunities to meet new people and enjoy activities. The proposed CCRC is planned to offer a lifecare benefit, to provide independent living residents with discounts on assisted living and nursing care.

The need in our area: South Palm Beach County represents an excellent opportunity for developing a new CCRC, particularly one that targets Jewish seniors. Within South Palm Beach County, there are an estimated 8,000 age-and income-qualified Jewish senior households that reside in the area year-round. That is impressive, given that many developers consider 2,000-3,000 qualified households a worthy number for development. Assuming an 8% penetration rate (meaning only 8% of qualified households move into a CCRC), there is an opportunity to develop up to 350 incremental independent living units targeting Jewish seniors. The CCRC is planned to include only 180 to 230 independent living units. The market opportunities for assisted living and memory-support assisted living are equally as strong.

Front Entry Perspective


Formal Garden Perspective

P rograms


A gencies


P rograms & A gencies

Founding Agencies Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish C ommunity Center (JCC) In its 26th year, the Levis JCC continues to respond to changing community needs, led by Executive Director Marty Schneer and Stephanie Owitz, who followed Tom Kaplan as president. This past year held several new developments. The innovative Sha’ar program connects families to the Jewish community after preschool. The Fitness Center has been reinvigorated with new staff, equipment and programs, KidFit, an indoor Fitness and Play Center was added, and a new Fit & Fun Program provides sports enrichment for children and teens with special needs. JCC administration moved into the Barry & Florence Friedberg Administrative Offices, and the Sandler Center welcomed the Rosen Museum Gallery and Cultural Art Department.

Donna Klein Jewish Academy (DKJA)


Linda R. Kaminow

High School at DKJA students Zach Herbert, Student Council President, AP Scholar with Honor/ NM semi-finalist; Adam Orshan, Student Council VP, AP Scholar with Honor/National Merit semi-finalist; Stacey Berkowitz, AP Scholar.

Jewish Association


ow in its 30th year, Donna Klein Jewish Academy continues to expand as a premier Jewish Day School, with more than 700 students from Kindergarten through 12th grade, led by Presidents Lesley Zafran and Michael Beckerman, and Head of School Karen Feller. In fall 2009, upon completion of extensive renovation of the former Levis JCC Administrative Building, the High School at DKJA was relocated. The newly renovated building, which can accommodate 175 students in a state-of-the-art academic environment, now is located directly adjacent to the DKJA Lower and Middle Schools on the main campus. The extensive renovation project was made possible through the generosity of the Claire and Emanuel G. Rosenblatt Foundation, and Linda R. Kaminow, who came forward as President of the Foundation to arrange for the largest gift in DKJA’s recent history.

Residential Care (JARC)


ARC continues its commitment to providing services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families, led by President Barbara Oko and Executive Director Dr. Debra Hallow. In 2009, many residents were welcomed into the group homes of the new Rales Campus west of Boca Raton. The vocational training program has begun outsourcing services to many local businesses. With the Federation’s new Department of Special Needs Services, JARC also began a Community Education Series to provide information and resources to persons with disabilities and their families. 22

P rograms & A gencies

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service (RRJFS)


RJFS continues to stretch its resources to meet increased calls for emergency assistance, such as food and financial support to pay for medication, and utilities; as well as the rising need for subsidized mental health counseling. With the November 2009 groundbreaking on a new 12,000 square foot center for mature adults west of Delray Beach, the agency is poised to build on its comprehensive range of counseling, support and education programs. In May, new President Larry Blair took the reins from Ivan Geffen, joining Interim CEO Arnold Salzman in leadership. Ron and Meryl Gallatin received the inaugural Ruth and Norman Rales Humanitarian of the Year Award at the RRJFS 30th anniversary celebration.

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and its extraordinary network of local and overseas beneficiary agency partners provide a critical safety net of services that deliver life-saving and life-enhancing help to Jews here and around the world. Working hand-in-hand with local social service agencies and overseas humanitarian programs, the Federation helps ensure that the needs of the local Jewish community and the freedoms of Jews around the world are safeguarded.

Local Beneficiary Agencies

Regional/National Agencies

Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center

Birthright Israel

Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer and Adult Day Care Center

B’nai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO)

Donna Klein Jewish Academy (DKJA)

Florida Association Of Jewish Federations

Federation Department Of Special Needs

Florida Hillel Council

Federation Transportation Services

Hillel: Foundation For Jewish Campus Life

Harry & Jeanette Weinberg And Shirley H. Gould Houses Hillel Day School Jewish Association For Residential Care (Jarc) Jewish Community Foundation (Jcf) Jewish Community Relations Council (Jcrc) Jewish Education Commission (Jec) Kosher Konnection Congregate Meals Program Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Torah Academy of Boca Raton Volunteer Resource Center

Overseas Agencies American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (Jdc) Ethiopian National Project (Enp) Israel Experience Incentive Grants Jewish Agency for Israel (Jafi) Jewish Federations of North America (Formerly Ujc) Partnership 2000

Weinbaum Yeshiva High School

http://www.jewishboca.org/beneficiaryagencies 23

P rograms & A genciess

New Initiatives Respond to Community Needs The Federation increased its commitment to address rising local concerns of individuals with special needs, seniors and their families by establishing two new departments.

Special Needs Dr. Michelle La Rocque was hired as Director of Community Special Needs Services. This was a first step identified by the Federation’s Special Needs Task Force, a group of agency representatives, family members and professionals who researched and made recommendations toward improving financial and professional services and support for residents with special needs and their families. Dr. La Rocque is working to: support existing community resources, assist agencies to create programs and increase their effectiveness; identify, coordinate and develop responses to critical gaps, including government funding; create a Special Needs Services directory and, with JARC, conduct an ongoing Community Education Series. http://www.jewishboca.org/specialneeds

Senior Services

Levis Adult Day Care Management Transferred Management of the Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer and Adult Day Care Center (ADC) on the Federation campus was transferred from the Levis JCC to the Volen Center, Inc. in partnership with the Federation. This essential service continues to provide enriching and safe care to adults with Alzheimers and other cognitive diseases.

Sixty-two percent of our local Jewish residents are over age 65, and 40 percent are over 75. Eighty-one percent of the low-income Jews in our community are seniors age 65 and older, and nearly three-fourths of our local seniors 75 and older have no adult children living in southeast Florida. With South Palm Beach County leading the U.S. in the proportion of seniors among its Jewish population, our community faces unprecedented challenges as these residents age and their needs for services increase. The Federation engaged Senior Planner Janice Friebaum who, with an advisory committee, undertook extensive research to document unmet needs of local seniors. This research culminated in the Federation’s Senior Services Study, which made recommendations as to how to meet key unmet needs in our community. A Senior Resource Directory is in production and other priority projects are being implemented in collaboration with service agencies.

Senior Services Study Final Report January 2009

http://www.jewishboca.org/seniorservices 24

P rograms & A gencies

Jewish E ducation Commission (JEC)


or thirteen years, the JEC has been the central address for local Jewish education, strengthening Jewish life and learning among all ages. Now led by Chair Ilene Wohlgemuth, the JEC has been using its Bar Mitzvah year to take stock and prepare for the community’s future learning. A strategic planning committee has embarked on an intensive process, gathering information from local synagogues, schools and agencies to evaluate our community’s needs and formulate a responsive plan. Key to this is the Federation’s new partnership with the Center for Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE), which serves the greater Miami community. Dr. Chaim Y. Botwinick, CAJE President & CEO, has been consulting with the JEC on a part-time basis, providing guidance by spearheading the strategic planning process. The JEC has continued its wide range of programming, from professional development for early childhood, day school and congregational school teachers, the March of the Living, Jewish forums serving 600 students in seven high schools and teen exchanges with Israel, more than 160 current Florence Melton Adult Mini-School students and the Distinguished Lecture Series.

JEC Chair Ilene Wohlgemuth

CAJE President & CEO Dr. Chaim Y. Botwinick

March of the Living

Kristallnacht Film Forum

The annual March of the Living continues to bring teens from the depths of the Holocaust in Poland, through a march of thousands between concentration camps on Yom HaShoah, to the joys of Israel for Yom HaAtzmaut. In 2009, 36 local students prepared, traveled with Holocaust survivors, and returned to share their experiences.

Marianne Bobick, a Holocaust survivor and former president of the Federation, was honored for her extensive service during the Kristallnacht Film Forum. This Powerful observance of the 71st Anniversary of Kristallnacht also raised funds for March of the Living Scholarships. Following a VIP reception, more than 500 people viewed the award-winning documentary Blessed is the Match: the Life and Death of Hannah Senesh at Sunrise Cinemas in Mizner Park.





L-R: Marianne Bobick, March of the Living chair Mark Mendel http://www.jewishboca.org/filmforumphotos 25

P rograms & A gencies

Campus Advocacy Local college-bound teens learned to address anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric and activities they might encounter on campus, at College, Jewish & You: R U Rdy?, the 9th Annual Campus Advocacy Forum presented by the JCRC and JEC.


Professional Development The JEC’s School Educational Services Department continued to work with school directors to provide local early childhood, congregational and day school educators with conferences, workshops, special Melton classes and other professional development opportunities.

Teachers from early childhood programs enjoyed a colorful, interactive day of learning at the Federation.

Aliyah Bet & Machal The JCRC and JEC hosted the South Florida premiere of a powerful exhibit about a critical yet little known aspect of modern Jewish history. They Came When We Needed Them Most: The Story of Aliyah Bet and Machal, How Americans and Canadians Answered Israel’s Call in 1948 was displayed on campus for the season, with several organized educational opportunities. The annual Gerald Legow Outstanding Achievement in Jewish Education award and grant was presented to Mira Davidson from the Barry Ira Graff School for Living Judaism at Congregation B’nai Israel. L-R: Ruth Legow, Mira Davidson, Gerald Legow

The annual national Grinspoon-Steinhardt Day School Teacher Award was given to Rabbi Mordechai Yachnes of Torah Academy of Boca Raton. L-R: Rabbi Yachnes, Rabbis Shaya Baumann and Rabbi Reuven Feinberg, Torah Academy Heads of School

http://www.jewishboca.org/jcrcphotos 26


P rograms & A gencies

Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC)


s the Federation’s nonpartisan voice on community relations and public affairs, chaired by Rabbi David Steinhardt, the JCRC continued to educate the public, engage key leaders and foster advocacy on issues from the threat of a nuclear Iran, to Israel’s security, to garnering government resources for critical community needs. Rabbi David Steinhardt

Government Relations Federation Chair Stewart Harris, new JCRC Director Kelley Whiter and President Bill Bernstein addressed Iran sanctions, health care reform and IRA charitable rollovers at meetings with U.S. Senators and members of Congress during the 2009 JFNA (UJC) General Assembly in Washington. Whiter also participated in the National Jewish Leadership Iran Advocacy Day, receiving training and lobbying in DC.

I ran – A


T hreat

The Federation brought regional partner organizations together to host two groundbreaking community events on the Federation campus regarding: the growing threat of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons capability; and divestment of funds in Iran’s petroleum and natural gas sector. In addition, advocacy efforts resulted in divestment by Palm Beach County and the cities of Boca Raton and Delray Beach. The Federation also contributed $30,000 to the formation of UANI, a national Task Force on Iran, to help generate a response beyond the Jewish community.

L-R: Roger Robinson, Frank Gaffney, Senator Deutch, JCRC chair Rabbi David Steinhardt, moderators, Hava Leipzig Holzhauer, Jon Lewis and Bill Bernstein at the Federation’s Iran Investment Seminar

“Uncertain Times, Growing Needs, Tough Decisions” was the compelling theme for the Federation’s 2009 annual legislative send off for key government officials and top lay and professional leaders of the Federation and local beneficiary agencies. L-R: Steve Mendelsohn; Reps. Maria Sachs, Kelly Skidmore, Ellyn Bogdanoff, Kevin Rader; Sen. Ted Deutch; 2009 JCRC Director Elise Dolgow http://www.jewishboca.org/jcrcphotos

The live webinar “Taking Action to Stop the Threat of a Nuclear Iran” featured local presenters Sen. Ted Deutch and Bill Bernstein who were “joined” by Honorable R. James Woolsey, Former CIA Director & United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) Co-chair; Ambassador Mark Wallace, UANI President; Amir Fakhravar, Council for a Democratic Iran; and Honorable Roger Robinson, Conflict Securities Advisory Group. The webinar remains available online. 27

P rograms & A gencies

Standing W ith Israel When Israel undertook Operation Cast Lead in Gaza, with a few days’ notice the JCRC united 40 local organizations and synagogues and gathered 1,500 community residents to rally on campus. They heard rousing support from Ofer Bavly, Consul General of Israel to Florida; Congressmen Robert Wexler and Ron Klein; State Rep. Adam Hasner and State Sen. Ted Deutch; IDF Commander Yitav Mazor; Federation President & CEO Bill Bernstein; local Rabbis Dan Levin, Gerry Weiss and Efrem Goldberg; and Cantor Udi Spielman. Months later, Federation leaders strongly condemned and the JCRC educated and advocated against the U.N.’s “Goldstone Report.” The document cited Israel for “actions amounting to war crimes” in Operation Cast Lead - misrepresenting Israel’s defensive action and tremendous restraint while virtually ignoring Hamas’ violations of international law and constant rocket bombardment.

L-R: Sen. Ted Deutch; Congressman Ron Klein; Rep. Adam Hasner, Steve Mendelsohn, past JCRC chair; Commander Yitav Mazor (IDF) and Bill Bernstein, President & CEO

Middle E ast Briefing

There was standing room only at Congressman Robert Wexler’s in-depth Middle East briefing, “Obama and Netanyahu: Changing Dynamics in AmericanIsraeli Relations?” L-R: Congressman Wexler; PBC Commissioner Burt Aaronson

L-R: Rabbi David Steinhardt, JCRC chair; Federation President & CEO Bill Bernstein; and Congressman Wexler at the Middle East briefing. 28

Israel Under

L-R: Sen. Ted Deutch, Rep. Adam Hasner; Cong. Ron Klein; IDF Commander Yitav Mazor



Our vibrant, diverse Jewish community again overflowed the Mizner Park Amphitheater to celebrate Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, at the 5th Annual Israel Under the Stars.

L-R: Rabbi David Steinhardt, JCRC chair; Boca Raton Mayor Susan Whelchel and Palm Beach County Commissioners Burt Aaronson, Honorary Chair, and Steve Abrams participated in the program.

Federation chair Stewart Harris, former JCRC chair Steve Mendelsohn, Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and daughter

Once again, day and congregational schools joined in. Hillel Day School launched the celebration with an original Daglanut flag routine.


P rograms & A gencies

I srael


O verseas Committee (IOC)


ighting hunger, poverty and anti-Semitism; aiding rescue and resettlement, and victims of terror; establishing new lives in Israel and revitalizing Jewish communities – from the outset, our Federation has been committed to a wide range of programs and services. And, amid the economic downturn’s rapidly increasing needs and diminishing resources affecting Jewish communities across the globe, our help has never been more important. Led by Rani Garfinkle and Betty Kane (200910) and by Rani and Steve Winig (2008-9), the Israel and Overseas Committee (IOC) coordinates the Federation’s activities and millions of dollars in annual funding for Israel and 70 countries worldwide. Our allocations include core funding and projects through our overseas partner agencies, as well as supplemental funding for programs and initiatives directly supported by Federation and of particular concern to local residents; and Partnership 2000 projects with Sister City Kiryat Bialik. Additionally our Federation is always ready to answer the call in emergencies. Below are programs directly supported by the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

Mayor David Bouskila of Sderot, Israel, spoke to Federation’s top donors, leaders and staff about governing a city in an area that has been the target of more than 10,000 missiles over the last eight years.

Israel And Overseas Beneficiary Agency Partners American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (Jdc) Ethiopian National Partnership (Enp) Israel Experience Incentive Scholarships For Local Teens   And College Students Jewish Agency For Israel (Jafi) Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) Partnership 2000 (P2K)

http://www.jewishboca.org/ioc 29

P rograms & A gencies


in I srael

Israel Solidarity Drive When Israel launched Operation Cast Lead and Hamas’ missile attacks created a humanitarian crisis, our Federation responded immediately, committing emergency funds through the UJC/ Federation system through a $10 million pledge to meet urgent needs of nearly a million Israelis under threat. From bomb shelters and trauma services to respite camps out of harms way for children, from food and medicine to ongoing mental health care, our overseas partner agencies have been there with immediate relief to help.

Ethiopian Students Scholastic Assistance Program Later in the year, with the economic climate placing Israel’s human services under severe stress, the Federation made emergency allocations to help sustain life-changing scholastic assistance for Ethiopian youth when ENP’s Scholastic Assistance Program faced cutting 2,500 teens from the program. Several Federation leaders also made supplemental gifts for this highly successful program to help youth overcome obstacles to becoming thriving Israeli citizens.

Chamah Our Federation provides supplemental funding to help fill gaps in JDC funding for this program, providing food for children and the elderly in the FSU, and baby formula in Israel.

http://www.jewishboca.org/ioc 30

P rograms & A gencies

P rojects

in I srael

Space (School Performance and Community Empowerment) This highly effective ENP program helps low-performing students and youth in crisis, providing scholastic assistance, cultural connection, and links to their heritage while strengthening the community through leadership development programs.

PACT (Parents and Children Together) PACT addresses the top-priority need among Ethiopian-Israelis for multi-faceted early childhood education. Through healthcare, after school programs, and home intervention, PACT aims to close critical educational and social gaps among children, while increasing parental involvement in their education to help them succeed in Israel.

Our Women in Israel Federation women continually strengthen our bonds with Israel by engaging in and visiting our funded causes. Through Partnership 2000 two-year Women’s Exchanges, they also form lasting relationships with women in Kiryat Bialik, staying in each other’s homes and sharing service projects. Here Anne Jacobson visits with young beneficiaries.

http://www.jewishboca.org/ioc 31

P rograms & A gencies


in I srael

Partnership 2000


early 6,500 miles seem shorter and shorter as powerful bonds of understanding, friendship and growth continue to strengthen between South Palm Beach County and our Israeli Sister City of Kiryat Bialik, north of Haifa. Since 2002, the Federation’s Partnership 2000 (P2K) program has been building and fortifying this “Living Bridge” through professional, women’s and student exchanges and other projects that enrich participants and our communities on both sides of the globe. Driven by volunteers from both communities, P2K is co-chaired locally by Ann Kelman and Yossi Ende. While P2K program funding was significantly reduced to allow for emergency needs in Israel and the former Soviet Union, the spirit and commitment carry the programs forward. Through building a playground, sharing our homes and teaching our children, through rocket attacks and displacement, and in economic downturn, our Jewish family grows closer. Gidi Shilo, Co-chair in Kiryat Bialik, recently wrote, “As we mark seven years of partnership between our communities, I am so happy to see more people joining our circles. In good times and in bad ones, we share our lives together and stand by each other.”

Economic Development Fifty Kiryat Bialik businesses and many young entrepreneurs have already joined the latest P2K initiative, designed Leaders from MATI and the to impact Israel’s dynamic Federation visit a business in the economic growth, create Kiryat Bialik Industrial Zone new jobs, and provide business mentoring and training. The project collaborates with MATI, an organization that has been successfully developing businesses and jobs in nearby Haifa for more than a decade. It also features an expanded senior employment center through the Mollie Rosenthal Fund.

Youth Rules

Celebrating Purim together, teens brought mishloach manot to new immigrants at an absorption center and distributed food packages to needy families in Haifa.

http://www.jewishboca.org/ioc 32

For a fifth year, Jewish Roots continued to form lasting teen friendships. Ten students from Kiryat Bialik spent Chanukah here, and on Purim the group was reunited in Israel. Their relationships continue to grow through additional visits, the internet and telephone calls.

Culam B’Yachad Brings Educators and Classrooms Together

SPBC Camp Counselors Take Time Out from IDF For Levis JCC day campers, having two counselors from Kiryat Bialik made Israel far more than stories and songs, or words and pictures in a book. IDF members, Rona Friefield, 20, and Ido Damari, 21, spent the summer making our homeland a reality, not just a lesson.

L-R: Gidi Shilo; Tamar Simchi-Seifer, MATI CEO; Ann Kelman and Yossi Ende; at a recent visit to the new MATI office in Kiryat Bialik.

In the “Judaism Through the Arts” project, South Palm Beach educators Carol Kolsky, Susan Linder and Karen Mart lead an activity with children at a Kiryat Bialik school.

For a sixth year, local educators partnered with peers from Kiryat Bialik in an expanding collaborative community of learning and friendship. They meet in both countries, study and develop programs from early childhood special needs to middle school civics, and stay in touch electronically.

P rograms & A gencies

Projects W orldwide FSU Summer Camps JAFI’s summer camps have been building Jewish identity in the former Soviet Union, introducing tens of thousands of youngsters to their Jewish heritage and tradition for the first time and inspiring them and their families to engage further.

Identity-Building in Georgia This JAFI program includes summer camps, Jewish renewal and identity-building, and aliyah programs. With assimilation on the rise, as few as 15% of Jews in the former Soviet Union have started exploring their Jewish identity.

Hesed Welfare Centers The JDC’s Hesed centers provide a crucial link to the Jewish community across the FSU, with food packages, medical care, hot meals, fresh food, winter relief and more for 224,000 elderly Jews. Additional services provide relief for those in Georgia.

Argentina Welfare Relief While welfare rolls have decreased with the stabilization of Argentina’s economy, this JDC project continues to assist the most vulnerable members of the Jewish community the elderly and families with young children – with housing subsidies, medical care and food.

http://www.jewishboca.org/fsu 33

T he B usiness



C aring

T he B usiness


C aring

Federation Officers Chair Stewart G. Harris

Secretary Ted Struhl

Vice Chair Cindy Orbach Nimhauser

Vice Chair Robin Struhl

Vice Chair, Planning & Allocations Stephen A. Mendelsohn, Esq.

Vice Chair, Jewish Community Foundation David Pratt, Esq.

Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy Anne L. Jacobson

Treasurer David Kirschner

Vice Chair, Campaign Ellen R. Sarnoff

Assistant Secretary Michael J. Weinberg

Vice Chair Jill Deutch

Assistant Treasurer Al Gortz, Esq. President & Ceo William S. Bernstein, Msw

Board Members Gloria Baker* M.L. Bedowitz Edward I. Burns Helen Cohan Pam Cohen Alan Cornell Barbara Feingold Dale Filhaber Wesley Finch Meryl Gallatin David Galpern Louise Galpern Rani H. Garfinkle

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Glen Golish Kinnie Gorelick Dr. Stephen Grabelsky Dr. Gail Greenspoon Debra Halperin Jeffrey Harris Thomas R. Kaplan Daniel J. Katz Howard S. Kaye Howard Kent Elliot S. Koolik Elyssa Kupferberg

April E. Leavy Rabbi Daniel Levin Roxane Frechie Lipton Eric Matheson Lisa Mintz Joseph S. Mishkin Jeffrey Newman Jack Pechter Barry Podolsky Jill Rose Amy Ross Robin Rubin Jeffrey Sandelman

Michael Schiffman Dr. David Schimel Mary Siegel Stuart Silver Joseph Sitrick Dr. Carol Smokler Naomi Steinberg Rabbi David Steinhardt William S. Weprin Dorothy M. Wizer Ilene Wohlgemuth Raymond Zimmerman *Of Blessed Memory


T he B usiness


C aring

Past Chairs James B. Baer 1979-1983* Marianne Bobick 1983-1986 James H. Nobil 1986-1988, 1999-2001 Marvin Zale 1988-1991 Allan Solomon 1991-1992 Richard Okonow 1992-1995*

Herbert Gimelstob 1995-1998 Ralph Solomon 1998-1999* Andrew S. Robins 2001-2003 Lawrence D. Altschul 2003-2005 Etta Gross Zimmerman 2005-2007 *Of Blessed Memory

Founding Agency Presidents Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center Stephanie Owitz

Jewish Association for Residential Care Barbara Oko

Donna Klein Jewish Academy Michael Beckerman & Lesley Zafran

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Laurence I. Blair

D irector Emeritus Jerome Altheimer Margie B. Baer Martin Brody Dr. Melvin R. Clayman Karola Epstein Gerald Golden

David G. Hast Abner Levine Dorothy Lipson Lawrence Phillips Clarice F. Pressner Seymour Rappaport

Della C. Rosenberg Gordon Salganik Dorothy P. Seaman Richard Siemens Shirley Solomon Elizabeth S. Zinman

Federation Senior Staff President & CEO William S. Bernstein Executive Vice President, Finance & Operations Mel Lowell Executive Vice President, Financial Resource Development Irv Geffen Senior Vice President, Campaign & Community Development Marla Weiss Egers 36

Senior Vice President, Marketing & Corporate Development Andrew M. Rose Vice President, Government Planning Danielle N. Hartman The Federation community congratulates Bill Bernstein on receiving the Mandelkorn Distinguished Service Award for his outstanding contributions to the field of Jewish Communal Service. Bill received the award from the Association of Jewish Community Organization Personnel at a ceremony during the Jewish Federations of North America General Assembly.

T he B usiness


C aring

Federation Revenues & Expenditures Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, Inc. and the Jewish Community Foundation Fund 2008-2009 Financial Highlights

Income and Allocations Report (In Thousands) Preliminary Audit Information SUPPORT Contributions, Gifts, Grants Program and Other Revenue

$17,063 $924

TOTAL PRIMARY REVENUE $17,987 OTHER REVENUE Interest and Dividend Income Other Income

$605 $438

TOTAL OTHER REVENUE $1,043 TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $19,030 PROGRAM EXPENSES United Jewish Communities Distributions Other Beneficiaries (see listing) Community Partnership Agencies (see listing) Community Relations Council, Overseas, Jewish Education Comm., Foundation

$1,904 $2,399 $601 $4,804

Planning, Communications, Event Expenses







T he B usiness


C aring

Federation Allocations Allocations and Support (in thousands) COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP AGENCIES

Program E xpenses

Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center Donna Klein Jewish Academy Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services Jewish Association for Residential Care

as % of total expenses


$2,036 $873 $1,375 $520




Administrative/ Management E xpenses Fundraising E xpenses As % of Total Expenses

Hillel Day School $251 Weinbaum Yeshiva High School $116 Florida Hillel Council $40 Kosher Konnection $19 Birthright Israel $20 Torah Academy $66 FL Association of Jewish Federations $13 BBYO $6 Special Needs Task Force $70 TOTAL - OTHER BENEFICIARIES $601 Note Additional Allocations (Stated in Thousands): additional allocations distributed from foundation unrestricted funds:

Weinbaum Yeshiva High School (Financial Assistance) $33 Hillel Day School $62 Torah Academy $19 Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center $50 Donna Klein Jewish Academy $86 Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service $335 additional allocations distributed from the weinberg endowment for senior programming, totaling $284,200:

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Senior Services Planner Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer and Adult Day Care


$190 $34 $60

T he B usiness

Foundation Board David Pratt, Esq. Chair Elyssa J. Kupferberg Vice Chair Jerome Altheimer Lawrence Altschul Michael Beckerman Edward I. Burns Dana Charles-Kodner, Esq. Caryn Clayman, Esq. Helen Cohan Barry Friedberg

Sheila Fuente David Galpern Joan I. Garde Rani Garfinkle Harvey Gelfenbein Albert W. Gortz, Esq. Kathy Green Phyllis Greenman Dr. Lawrence S. Halperin Stewart Harris Marjorie A. Horwin, CPA Thomas R. Kaplan

David A. Katzman, CPA David A. Kirschner Richard Kwal Sandra L. Lippy Michael Lipton Roxane Frechie Lipton Eric J. Matheson Linda A. Melcer Joseph S. Mishkin Jack Pechter Jonathan I. Sahn Ellen R. Sarnoff


Dorothy P. Seaman Phyllis Seresky Richard D. Steinberg Ted Struhl Donald R. Tescher, Esq. Jill Viner Michael J. Weinberg Stephen Winig Matt Zucker

Foundation Chairs

Sheila Fuente Rani Garfinkle Thomas R. Kaplan David A. Katzman, CPA David A. Kirschner Elyssa J. Kupferberg Michael Lipton Joseph S. Mishkin David Pratt, Esq. Phyllis Seresky Donald R. Tescher, Esq.

1984 – 1986 1986 – 1988 1988 – 1990 1990 – 1991 1991 – 1994 1994 - 1996 1996 - 1997 1997 - 2001 2001 - 2004 2004 - 2006 2006 - 2008 2008 - present


C aring

T rustees

Foundation Executive C ommittee




Gary Bernstein* Albert W. Gortz, Esq. Marvin A. Kirsner, Esq. Jerome L. Wolf, Esq. Eric W. Deckinger Ralph M. Solomon* Eugene Pargh Jeffrey S. Kahn, Esq. Caryn J. Clayman, Esq. Charles Ganz Thomas R. Kaplan David Pratt, Esq.

* Of Blessed Memory


T he B usiness


C aring

Foundation Financials Jewish Community Foundation Fund Assets for the Year Ending August 31, 2009 Preliminary Audit Information 2007-2008 2008-2009 Net Assets of Foundation, September 1 $45,852,651 $43,391,475 Contributions to Funds 6,033,244 2,746,525 Interest and Dividends 1,031,609 498,423 Realized Capital Gain (Loss) 317,718 (942,344) Unrealized Gain (Loss) (3,425,795) (5,656,313) TOTAL Additions $3,956,776 ($3,353,709) Distributions/Grants 5,319,943 3,580,842 Operating Expenses 1,098,008 880,469 TOTAL Deductions $6,417,951 $4,461,311 Net Assets of Foundation, August 31 $43,391,476 $35,576,455 Assets by Type of Investment JUF Investment Portfolio 51,157,942 36,949,782 Alternative Investments 481,749 445,361 Cash and Money Market Funds 4,509,660 4,485,772 Corporate Bonds 409,874 1,975,900 Equities 784,151 1,951,173 Equity Funds - Exchange Traded Funds - Bond Funds - Inter-Fund Loan 1,155,792 1,155,792 Israel Bonds 2,126,500 1,829,500 Municipal Bonds 1,641,738 1,487,857 Mutual Funds 1,788,540 2,059,858 Other (Insurance Policies, etc.) 560,740 561,456 Real Estate 176,651 168,935 TOTAL INVESTMENTS


$64,793,337 $53,071,386

T he B usiness


C aring

2009 Corporate S ponsors $10,000 or More (cont’d)

$25,000 or More Bny Mellon

Td Bank

Boca Raton Observer

Gateway Insurance

South Florida Business Journal

Wild Hare On St. Andrews

$10,000 or More Gama Tours

Additional Sponsors

Ivan & Co Jewelers

Marcus Group/Morgan Stanley

Assure Immune

Cm Graphics

Kaplan, Krauss & Levine, Llc

Kaufman Lynn

Proskauer Rose Llp

Sageview Consulting

Sandelman Foundation

Zeuner Team

Steinberg Global Asset Management, Ltd.

Shuster Design Associates, Inc.

Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra Llp

Branham Realty

Delray Mazda Whitsyms Nursing Registy Wachovia Wealth Management

Kaye Communications 4th Generation Market Jkg Printing Janitronics

Boca Raton Community Hospital 41

H onor R olls


H onor R oll



T hose


Blessed Memory

With deep sorrow and our most profound condolences, the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County would like to acknowledge beloved members of our Jewish community who have passed away during our 2008-2009 Campaign Year. Each person whose name follows has contributed to our Federation, helping to keep the Jewish flame burning brightly in our community around the world for generations to come. Their kind of deeds continue to live on through the many people and beneficiaries whose lives they have touched. Mildred Ackerman Arlynne Alexander Margo Allswang Dr. Arthur Alpert Jerome Aresty Milton Auerbach Ed Aymes Gloria Baker Lee C. Baker Victor Barouh Ruth Battler Rosalyn Beifield John Beitman Alvin Benjamin Joyce Berger Daniel Bernheim Morton J. Berman Samuel J. Berman Howard Bernstein Hilda Best Myra Biben Harold Y. Black Ethan Blanchard Henrie Blau Solomon J. Blumenthal Richard Bookbinder Tom Branham Fay Braver Irving Brazen Martin Brody John Budd Dr. Irwin Budnick Rhonda Burickson Daniel L. Cayne Jeff Chason Florence Chernick Edith Chuzi Leon Cohen Rosalie Cohen Mark J. Colodny Edith Colt Nat Cooper Emanuel Corum Leonard Corwin Sydney Cramer Dr. Sreve M. Croft Seymour Cummins Stanley Casheiff

Arthur S. Davis Theordore Davis Frances Dorfman Ellis Elgart Allen Epstein Harry Feldberg Leona Feldman Lawrence S. Firestone Harold Forkas Melvin Friedman Renee Gant Simon Gelfenstein Arlene Geller-Petrini Jordan Finsburg Stanley Ginsberg Melvin Goldberg Nathan Goldberg George Goldberger Dr. Harvey Goolden Bernard Goldstein Dorothy Goldstein Joe Goldstein Arnold Golieb Shirley Gordon Albert Grant Abraham J. Gross Manuel Grossman Herb Gutenplan William Hankin Jack Horwitz ASidney Horwitz Irving Iven Arnold Jacobs Irving Jaffe Irving James Stanley Juster Marvin Kanefield Stanley Kaplan William Kaplan Sidney Kastenbaum Robert Katzel Manuel M. Kaufman Bernard Kayden Daniel Keisman Sanford Kinberg Irwin Kipness Marlene Kittredge Edward Kier

Donald Kline Al Knobler Dorothy Lasky Eudine Laurans Barbara Leavitt Ralph Levin-Epstein Carol Leff Irving Lichter Lester Liebenthal Sol J. Light Michael Lipman Irene Lippert Rita Listengart Irving S. Lowey Dr. Stanford Lubeck Irving Lustman Sam Maizner Joy Mandelkorn Florence Medlinsky Edward Mensch Esther Miller Stanley Needles Madeline Newman Maureen Newman Melvin Newman Joel Norman Anne Osher Bernard Psshelinsky Alvin Perlin Lester Peskin Robert Ploshnick Stanley Preiser Seymour Rabach Hy Rabkin Murray Rabkin Donald Rich Claire Rockower Edward Rosenberg Jacob Rosenbloom Samuel Rubin Theordore Samel Sanford Sandelman Harriet Saporta Helen W. Sarasohn John Saril Joseph Schlanger Charles Schneer Alvin D. Schwartz

Hyman Schwartz Dr. Seymour Shagrin Sol Shanus Michael P. Sheinson Emanuel Shamin The Honorable Perry Shartz William Shron Freida Siegel Dr. Arthur Signer Janet Silver Martin Silverman Jack Silverstein Joel Simon Seymour Smith Alvin Sotoloff Bernice Spiegelman Stanley Spielman Dee Stager Maurine Starr Brian Steck George Steifman Melvin Steinberg Sterra Stovroff Stewart Sunness Morton H. Swartz Florence Taback Ethel Tager Phillip Tarter Irwin Tepper Oscar Trepel Irving Wahl Olga Wachtenheim Herbert Wechsler Julius Weissman Melvin Wides Marvin Widis Toby Wintrub Dr. Arthur L. Wolfe Dr. Jerome Wolff Dr. Burton Wollowick Edward Yarock Howard Zazove Bernard Zimmerman Jack Zlatin Alfred Zuroff Max Zwiebel


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C ummulative Giving – T he Circle



In celebration of our 30th anniversary, following is a list of Federation donors on a cumulative basis since our inception in 1979. “The Circle of Giving” represents the total of all gifts given over that time period.

$1 Million and Over Gloria* & Leon C. Baker * Florence* & Theodore* Baumritter Rosalyn* & Bernard* Beifield Helene & Elliot Brody Florence & Martin* Brody Dorothy & Peter* Brown Frances & Solon* Cohen Lester, Norma & Richard Cohen Rani & Sandor* Garfinkle Elaine & Herbert Gimelstob H. & J. Weinberg Foundation Carole & Barry Kaye Jayne & Sam* Klein Evelyn & Ronald Krancer Abner & Mildred Levine Rose* & Adolph* Levis Bette & Jerome Lorber Billi and Bernie Marcus Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth & Sheldon Maschler Norman R. Rales & Ruth* Rales Foundation Toby Weinman Palchik Lois & Robert Pergament Lawrence J. Phillips Eleanore* & David* Rukin Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Dorothy & Larry* Seaman Shirley H.* & Benjamin* Z. Gould Carole & Richard Siemens Elaine & Melvin* Stein Barbara & William Weprin Etta & Raymond Zimmerman

$500,000 – $999,999 Elaine & Myron Adler Aid for the Aged Audrey & Jerome Altheimer Lorraine & Jerome* Aresty Adele Barron Carol & Ronald Benach Rose & Gerson* Bernstein Freyda & Ed Burns Audrey & Myron Chapman Anonymous Lois & Stanley Elkman Sally* & Lester* Entin Eleanor & Edward Epstein Karola & Aaron Epstein Sylvia Fried Meryl & Ron Gallatin Linda & Herbert* Gallen Anita & Ernest Goldblum 44

Phyllis & Gerry Golden Deborah & Peter Goldman Irene & Bernard* Goldstein Shirley & Milton Gralla Irwin Green Phyllis & Leonard Greenberg Phyllis & Bernard* Greenman Julius Guttman & Family Adele & David Hast Eleanor & Irving* Jaffe Anne & Norman Jacobson Mildred & Bernard Kaminsky Tobee & Leonard Kaplan Doris & Simon Konover Charna & Alan* Larkin Lenore & Harold* Larkin Bernice & Gary Lebbin Carol & Michael* Leeds Robert Lerner* Gloria & William* Lester

$500,000 – $999,999 Roxane & Michael Lipton Rhoda & Manuel Mayerson Jane* & Otto* Morningstar Millicent & Sigmund* Nathan Felice & Marvin Neuwirth Madeline & Eugene Pargh Jack and Marilyn Pechter Foundation Dollsey & Seymour Rappaport Sylvia L. Rosen • Gladys & Michael Rothbaum Susan & Sanford* Sandelman Ellen R. Sarnoff Berenice Schankerman* Ruth & Maurice Schwarz Harriet & Sol* Shanus Susan & Peter* Simon Dr. Carol & Dr. Irving Smokler Linda & Teddy Struhl Bonnie & Stewart* Sunness Ruth & Edward* Taubman Stephanie & Harvey Tauman Jeanette & Sherman Vogel Ruth & Saul* Weinberger Eleanor & Paul Weiner Florence Weisberg Ruth* & Frank* White Zale-Levy-Markowitz Foundation

$250,000 – $499,999 Helen & David Ain

Margie Baer James B. Baer* Founding President M.L. & Steve* Bedowitz Renee & William* Belman Joan & Franklin “Mickey” Benamy Roger Benjamin Doris & Gerald Berkman Leona & Leon Brauser Helen & Arthur Braverman Erma & Harold Brode Dorothy & Harold Bucksbaum Carl’s Furniture - Mike Baker & Rober Dragin Zelda & Sam Chafetz Carol & Alan* Cohen Phyllis & Maurice Cohen Mildred & Phillip Cohen Yetta & George* Colin Marilyn & Richard H. Davimos Gail & Robert Edelstein Helene & Alvin* Eicoff Helen & Stanford* Eisenberg Anne Ellman Sherry & Kenneth Endelson Elaine & Mel Finkelstein Suzanne & Jeffrey Fried Florence & Barry Friedberg Bernic & Maurice* Friedman Anne and Lawrence Frisman Foundation Joan & Joseph Garde Ruth & Harvey Gelfenbein Lynn & Sheldon Goldstein Kinnie & Jerry Gorelick Shirley Gould, LOJE Fran Greenbaum Beverly & Maurice Gross Dorothy & Maurice* Halperin Marcia* & Richard Hendler Mimi & Howard Hirsch Marissa & Jeff Hollander Leo Hollander* Judith & Sanford Huston Polly & Richard* Kaltenbacher Elissa & Thomas Katz Florence* & Stanley Kaufelt Barbara & Jack Kay Pamela & Howard Kaye The Dr. Charles* and Ann Kelman   Family Foundation Rita & Jerome* Keywell Debra & Jerome* Kramer Donna & Jeffrey Lamm Ellen & Herbert Levitt Beatrice* & Richard Levy Dorothy Lipson

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Ruth & Leonard Litwin M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Bette & Ralph Madway Helen & Carl Marbach Carlyn & Lothar Mayer Florence* & Samuel* Melton Irene & Michael Milin Esther* & Howard Miller Lee Ruth & Oscar* Miller Beverly & Marvin Miller Vera & Stanley Miller Beth & Joseph Mishkin Alice & Myron* Nadler William Newman Lynn & James Nobil Ruth & Bernard* Nussdorf Norma & Jack* Parker Shirley & Jules Pearlstine Philip Zinman Foundation Gladys & Morton Pickman Margie & Maurice Plough Joan & Howard Poorvu Alice & Seymour Powers Clarice & Benjamin* Pressner Judith & Maynard Rabinowitz Sharon & Jay* Raddock Myrna & Norman Ricken Selma* & Lawrence Ruben Allan Rubin* Millicent & Arthur Rudolph Freda & Charles* Sacks Elaine & Norton Sarnoff Cynthia Hollander Schechner & Arthur   Schechner Shirley & Ben Scholsohn Helen & Stanley* Schwartz Helene & Roy Schwedelson Jill & Ronald Sedley Phyllis & Cliff Seresky Cara & Nelson Shaller Rosalie & Leonard Silberman Eleanor Silverstein Margie Brown Simon Selma & Joseph Sitrick Beatrice & Raymond* Slomin Irene & Jordan Snyder Shirley & Allan Solomon Delores & Ralph* Solomon Dani & Jack Sonnenblick Mildred Sperling Florence* & Bernard* Starkoff Joan & Benjamin Stein Edith & Martin Stein

Thelma & Fred Steiner Fern & Manfred Steinfeld Helene & Daniel Sterling Eugenia & Robert Strauss Katie & Harry Sugarman Judith & Sidney Swartz Grace* & Arthur* Taubman Jane* & Irwin Thomases Patricia & Harold* Toppel Rose & Solomon Turetsky Jill & Clifford Viner Joan & Donald Vinik Caren & Michael Weinberg Carole & Marcus Weinstein Selma Lee & Daniel Weiss Eleanor & Norman Weiss Christina & Jeffrey* Wilson Sylvia* & Jerome Wolens Betty & Marvin Zale Philip Zinman*

$100,000 – $249,999 Elaine & Allan Abrams Mildred* & Myron* Ackerman Sandi & Robert Adler Evelyn & Jack Africk Albert Arent* Josephine* & Gerald* Aresty Ann & Jerry Asher Sophie* & David* Bady Rita & Elbert Bagus Candy & Harvey Barbag Judy & George Bell Phyllis & Leonard Bell Beatrice & Edgar Bergman Ella Berman* Sylvia & Fred Berman Patricia Berman Jean & David Bernstein Jacqueline & Stanton Bernstein Rhoda & Henri Bertuch Joy & Eugene Binkovitz Erika & Harold Bishins Esther & Milton* Blank Jean & David* Blechman Brenda & Jeffrey Bleustein Florence* & Irving* Blickstein Dolores & Irving* Botnick Roslyn & Irving* Bottner Fay* & Joseph* Braver Joan & Bernard* Brawer Miriam & Abe Brenner Gaby Brill

Dolly & Bernard* Brown Annette & Leo Brown Helen & John* Budd Ethel & Joseph* Bulman Dorothy & Irving Burke Arlene & Gordon Bushell Fran & Jerome and Butwin Florence L. Carples Francine & Leonard Chackman Ellen & Jon Channing Stephanie & Richard Chestnov Geraldine & Jerry Chod Caryn Clayman Leah S. & Sanford* Coblitz Helen & Mark Cohan Bella & Philip Cohen Shirlee & Daniel* Cohen-Freed Edith* & Robert Colt Andrea & Robert Colton Blanche & Sydney* Cramer Adele & Milton Cutler Dolly & Merwyn Dan Fran & Jules Daniels Helen & J. Sanford Davis Adrienne & Eric Deckinger Helen & Harold Derfner Peggy & Phillip DeZwirek Pauline & Albert Dubin Marion & Sigmund Dubrow Nancy & Jerome Edelman Helen & Bernie Eichenbaum Yetta & Saul Elinoff Deborah & Martin Elrad Lillian & Joseph Ender Betty & Norman Lou Engman Beno and Freda Epstein Estelle Falik Esther & Norman Feintuck Diane & Lawrence Feldman Mitzi & Frederick* Feldman Shirley & Jay Felner Doris* & Murray Felton Jeanne & Kenneth Fibus Dale & Edward Filhaber Cherie & Joseph Fine Harriet & Chet Finger Florrie & Arthur Fingerhut Joan & Gerard Fisher Annabelle Fishman Alice & Irwin* Flateman Shirley* & Harvey* Flomenhoft Ina Rae & Neil Fox Richard and Marcia Fox Marion & Albert S. Frager 45

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Joel Freedman Kelly & Gilbert Freeman June & Alfred Fried Monte Friedkin Skeets Friedkin Adele Friedland Elaine & Harold Friedland Marion & Herbert V. Friedman Elayne & Howard J. Friedman Cookie & Marvin Friedman Carol & Ronald Friedsam Estelle & Jack Futterman Leona & Melvin Gale Louise & David Galpern Iris Gelber Norma & Albert Geller Sylvia & Samuel Gelt Nancy & Mark Gilbert Pearl* & Albert* Ginsberg Davida & Arthur Glick Myrna & William Godfrey Adele & Paul Godofsky Anne & Jerome Gold Helen & Shefford* Goldband Grace Goldberg Joan & Robert Goldberg Phyllis Goldberger* Michael Golden Ruth & Mervyn Golder Elayne & Philip Goldfein Eileen & Michael Goldman Dorothy* & Marvin Goldstein Selma Goldstein Frieda & Samuel Golub Carolyn Goodman Dorothy & James Goodman Doris & Bernard Gordon William Gorelick Jane & Albert Gortz Sarah* & David Gould Emily & Stephen Grabelsky Paula & Stuart Graff Arona & Herman* Green Jane & Martin Greenberg Nancy & Barry Greenfield Dr. Gail & Warren Greenspoon Greenspoon Alice & Abraham* Gross Henni & Hy Gross Shirley & Victor Gross Honora & Jerome Grossbardt Aaron Gural Judy & Harvey Gushner Marjorie* & Irwin* Guttag Babs & Calvin Haddad Bonnie & Barry Halperin Debra & Lawrence Halperin Ceil & Milton Handler 46

Gloria & Stewart Harris Dolores & Lee Hartzmark Doris & Albert* Heisler Betty* & Bernard* Hellman France Tessier & Ronald B. Hermann Molka & Lester Hersch Carol & Jim Herscot Eileen & Robert Herskowitz Florence* & Bernard* Hewitt Lilian & Sidney* Hildebrand Eydie & Ira Holz Joan & Stephen Holzman Linda & Alan Hurst Alitta & Abraham Irwin Barbara & Joel Jacob Joyce & James Jacobs Ruth & Alfred Jacobson Dorothy & Jack Jaffe Trudy* & Ralph* Jaffe Gertrude B. & Woodrow A.* Jaffee Dalia & Morton Jarashow Pauline & Daniel* Jesser Daniel Jesser Jan & William Jiler Rivian & Lewis Johnson Charlotte & Jules Joskow Beverly & Alvin Kadish Sherry & Lawrence Kalish Leonore & Herbert Kallen Betty & Herbert Kane Leslie & David Kantor Eileen & Stanley Kaplan Pamela & Thomas Kaplan Rochelle & Morton Karper Sydell & Sidney* Kastenbaum Caroline & Daniel Katz Susan & Melvin Katz Lois & Paul Katzman Marge & Alex* Kauffman Shirley& Ben Kaye Myrna & Daniel* Keisman Evelyn & Benjamin Kerr Joan & George Kessel Pearl & Ralph Kier Cynthia & Albert Klein Beverly* & Arthur Klein Gloria & Leo* Klein Judith A. & Robert Klein Andrea & Donald* Kline Toby Bardin-Shapiro & William Klinsky Sandra P.* & Aaron H. Knopping Muriel* & Marvin Kogod Sheila & William Konar Zita & Henry Kort Leona & Oscar* Kosh Edith & Irwin Kossoff Vera Krakauer

Anne Krancer* Marilyn D. & Stanley B.* Kraus Anne * & Edwin* Krause Hazel & Alfred* Krop Hillary & Rodger Krouse Daniel and Lynn Kruger Jeffrey Kukes and Joanne Fielder Leonard and Razal Kulick Dr. Gail Rubin Kwal & Richard Kwal Madeline & Philip Lax Adele & Herman Lebersfeld Ann & Leon Lederman Dr. Ruth Legow & Gerald C. Legow Esther & Manuel Leno Lucille & George* Lerman Lois and David Lerner Family Foundation Eleanor & Saul* Lerner Marianne & Howard Lerner Arlene & Malcolm Levinson Shirley & Harry* Leventhal Carol & Jerry Levin Helene & Alvin E. Levine Thelma & Bob Levine Barbara & Irving Levy Barbara & Gerald Lewin Carole & Howard* Lichterman Sandra & William Lippy Linda & Herbert Littman Jacqueline & Sherman* Lowy Barbara & Harvey Lurie Peggy & Robert Madan Gay & Morris Mandon Barbara & Edwin* Manning Edwin Manning Shirley Marcus, LOJE * Henry Margulies Shirley Margulies Monica & Victor Markowicz Cynthia & George Marks Pauline & Nathan* Mash Carolyn Meier* Deborah & Lee Meisel Linda & Stephen Melcer Florence Meltzer* Murry Mendelson* Rita & George* Meyer Maxine & Jerry Milgram Thelma & Dr. Eugene Miller Joan & Marc Miller Constance & Sidney Miller Sylvia & Lawrence Mills Leon Minkoff* Joan & Gilbert Mintz Lisa & Robert Mintz Dale & Harold* Nadel Dorothy & Herbert* Nadolny Nations Bank

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Ammy & Orrin Neiburger Della & Stan Nemer Lillian Newman* Diana & William* Obletz Fritzi & Julius Ohren Charlotte & Richard* Okonow Sally & Shepard Osherow Sandra & Jeffrey Perkins Alvin Perlin* Leila Perlmutter Lorraine & Ben Pivnik Cecelia & Donald* Platnick Susan & Barry Podolsky Shirley & Edward* Polen Joyce & Stanley* Preiser Marian & Herbert* Prince Letty & Gary Rabiner Joseph Ratner* Elaine & David Ravich Ceil & Sam Reich Barbara & Dr. Frederic R. Reitman Amy & Ronald Reshefsky Judith & William* Richards Deana & Hyman Richman Gilda & Jerome* Rieger Louis & Carol Rippner Elaine Stein Roberts & Bernard Roberts Jane & H. Richard Roberts Donna & Andrew Robins Rose Robinson Muriel & Rudolph Robinson Gail & Clyde Rockoff The Rodstein Foundation Mary & Herbert* Rosen Muriel Rosen Edith* & Joseph Rosenbaum Della & Jerome* Rosenberg Barbara & Jeff Rosenberg Phyllis & Stanley Rosenstock Elinor L. Rosenthal Estelle Rosenzweig Bonnie & David Rosner Elaine & Norman Roth Marilyn & Harold Rothstein Adrian Rouss Sandra & Marvin Rubin Arlene & Edward Ruff Lorrilyn & Robert Saex Marilyn & Milton* Safenowitz Phyllis* & Gordon Salganik Sylvia & David* Salzberg Jeanne Sankin Helen* & Ira* Sarasohn Susan & John* Saril Laraine & Marvin Satisky Gail & James Satovsky Martin Savarick

Betsy & Sidney Savelle Lucy & Edward Schachter Alison & David Schimel Dolores* & Andrew* Schlesinger Wendy & Les Schlesinger Marcia & Albert Schmier Mrs. & Mr. Howard Schubert Betty* & Harold* Schwartz Muriel & Hyman* Schwartz Dorothy & Albert* Segal Dottie & David Segal Bess Seligman* Beverly Senville Bud Seretean* Beatrice & Sidney Shames Beverly & Alvin Shapiro Carolyn & Paul Shapiro Harriet & Bernard Shavitz Jean* & David Shechet Rebecca & Michael* Sheinson Sylvia & Lewis Sheketoff Iris & Milton Shlansky Suzanne & Sidney* Shneider Gertrude W. Siegel Irvin Siegel Deborah & Larry Silver Rosalyn & Seymour Silver Elaine & Myron* Silverman Jan & Edward* Silverman Bernice & Robert Silverstein Joyce & Sheldon Silverstein Cynthia & Allen Simon Sylvia & Donald Simon Anita & Sanford Simon Rochelle* & Harold* Simpson Beverly & Joseph Sirotkin Roslyn* & Robert* Smith Gloria Sommers* Phyllis* & Stanley* Spielman Phyllis & Eugene* Squires Charlottte & Alfred Stein Marion & Allan Stillman Toby & Herbert Stolzer Betty C. & Norman I. Stone Thea* & James Stoneman Robin & Warren Struhl Lillian Wilen & Leonard Sussman Janice & Stanley Sussman Velia & Gustaf Sweet Shirley & Gilbert* Sweet-Ehrlich Diane & David* Sykes Lenore E. Tagerman Frances* & Philip* Tarter Arlene & Martin Tash Leon Thorpe* Anne & Leonard Thun Marilyn & Stanley Tulgan

Mollie & Max* Verebay Evelyn & Herbert D. Vistor Phyllis & Dr. Arthur Wachtel Ana & Andrew Waldman Ethel & Edward* Waldman Anita & Norton Waltuch Beverly & Walter Warheit Lynne & Bruce Warshal Margot & Victor Wasser Adrienne & Maurice Weill Marjorie & Robert* Weinstein Doris & Milton* Weiss Donna & Jerry Weiss Mildred* & Marvin Weiss Marilyn & Marvin* Weissglass Mrs. & Donald Werner Jackie & Al Wheeler Ruth White Irene Whitman Albert Willner Blanche Willner* Carol & Stephen Winig Toby* & Warren* Wintrub Ilene & Peter Wohlgemuth Jacqueline & Sidney* Wolgin Judy & David Yorra Beverly & Ephraim Young Babette & Maury Young Zallea Foundation Sunnie & Paul Zelenkofske Bertha & Martin* Ziman Elaine & Michael Zimmerman Rita* & Sidney* Zimmy Elizabeth & Jacques* Zinman Ruth & Alan Zuker *in blessed memory


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2009 Annual Campaign In celebration of our 30th anniversary year, all 2009 donors are listed alphabetically to show our appreciation for your generous support. Sydell & Arnold Aaron Evelyn Aaronson Sheila Aaronson Salvador Abady Shirley Abelson Sandra & Alan Abeshaus Erryn Abiri Louise Abrahams Richard Abrahams Arnold Abramowitz Allan Abrams Claire Abrams Elaine Abrams Enid Abrams Betty & Fred Abrams Leonard Abrams Rita Abrams Rosalyn Abrams Sondra Abrams E. Leslie Abramson Eleanor & Leo Abramson Ethel Abramson Michael Abramson Diane Abravanel Jerome Acker Stacy & Michael Acker Don Ackerman Irwin Ackerman Jack Ackerman Marc Ackerman Jeanette Adams Helene* & Warren Adamsbaum Marlene Addlestone-Bursten Louise Adell Suzette & Bert Adelman Terry Adelman Michael Adin Susan Adin Daniel Adler Carol & David Adler Iris Adler Jay Adler Marcia Adler Marcia Adler Nathan Adler Phyllis Adler Robert Adler Henny & Sam Adler Sandra Adler Sheldon Adler Janet & William F. Adler Evelyn & Jack Africk Richard Agler Lynne Agran Scott Agran 48

Faye & Theodore Agress Idit Agus David Ain Helen Ain Charlotte Ainbinder Debra & Steven Ainbinder Claire Aizenstadt Adele Press Albert Evelyn Albert Charlotte & Gerald Albert Irwin Albert Evelyn & Jack Albert Harold Albinder Betty Alderman Arlene Alexander Jamie Alexander Ruth & Dr. Samuel Alhadeff Lea Allen Elliot Allswang Mimi & Howard Alper Arthur Alpert* Sharon Alpert Philip Altheim Audrey Altheimer Jerome Altheimer Elsie & Robert Altholz Harold Altman Carolyn & Henry Altman Lois Altman Barbara & Norman Altman Sylvia Altman Scott Altschul Michael Ambach Jean & Sherman Ancier Marilyn Anderson Albert M. Anikstein Harvey Anikstein Linda Anikstein Gilbert W. Anko Leni Antenberg Beverly W. Apel Karl Apotheker Irving Appel Linda Appel S. Harold Appel Betty-Jeanne Appelbaum Irving Appelbaum Morris Appelbaum Rebecca Appelbaum Betty Apple Eleanor Applebaum Debbie & Darryl Appleton Allen Apter Thelmarea Arbitman Muriel & David Arenberg

Hershel Arenberg Launa & Burton Arenson Jerome Aresty* Lorraine Aresty Carol Arm Donna & Dennis Arnold Leona Aron Craig Aronberg** Arven Aronin Burton Aronoff Cynthia Aronsohn Mitzi & Bernard Aronson Charles Aronson Dorothy Aronson Evelyn Aronson Heidi & Gary Aronson Henny Aronson Irving Aronson Morton Aronson Muriel Aronson Raphael Aronson Ronald Aronson Harold Artz Steven Artzi Steven Asarch Gail Asarch-Satovsky Peter Ash Dorothy Rose Ascherman Jerry Asher Richard Asher Itzhak Ashkenazy Stan Atkin Audrey Atlas Leonard Attman Phyllis Attman Sidney Atzmon Herman Auerbach Milton Auerbach* Samuel Aueron Lore Aufhauser Rhoda August Robert August Daniel Austerlitz Edith Austerlitz Susan Austin Deborah Averbook Arthur Avidon Helene Avidon Cecile Axelrod Martin Axelrod Pearl Axelrod Stephen Axelrod Barry Axler Leslie Axler Ruth & Sol Axman

Milton Babat Helen & Leonard Bachman Natalie Bachman Natalie & Sanford Bacon Linda Badal Adolph Baer Cherie Baer Daniel Baer Elaine & Robert Baer Joseph Baer Margie Baer Ronald Baer Joan Bagley Jack Bagoon Elbert Bagus Rita Bagus Joshua Bailin Deborah Baker Elaine Baker Gloria Baker*** & Lee C. Baker * Irving Baker Jay Baker Karen Baker Lauren Bakst Thomas Balderston Rose & Hyman Balk Gladys & Martin Balkan Sally Balkin Marc Balmuth Audrey Balog Walter Bancroft Holly Band Michael Band Richard Bane Tami Bane Adam Bankier Brent Barash Lisa & Phil Baratz Candy Barbag Harvey Barbag Alice Barbanel Gilbert Barbash Toby Bardin-Shapiro Philip Barenfeld, M.D. Beryl Barenholtz Dori Barenholtz Bonnie Baritz Doris Barkan Doreen Barnett Enid* & Eugene Barnett Sonny Barnett Harold Baron Marion Baron Ronald Baron Lori Barrist

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Adele Barron Donald Barron Guy Barron Mary & Herbert Barron Nora Barron Katherine Barry Marilyn Barry Stanley Barry Jan Barsel Leonard Barsky Delores & Jerome Bartzoff Beatrice & Albert Bashover Beverly & Richard Basker Jeffrey Baskies Carol Baskind Charlotte L. Bass Donald Bass Lewis Bass Carol & Dr. Stanton Bass Inge Batoff Morton Batt Robert Baum Bert Bauman Irving L. Baumwald Rafael Bazan Tina Beale John Beattie Doris & Sol Beaver Barry Beck Doris Beck Felix Beck Helen Beck Louis Beck Wallace Becker David Beckerman Herbert Beckerman Marcia Beckerman Michael Beckerman Shirley Becker - Silfen & Arthur Silfen Mildred *& Aaron Beckwith Beverly & David Beckwith Charles Bederman Lynn Bedowitz M.L. Bedowitz Seymour Beere Albert Begas Diane & Michael Begleiter Sanford Begun Shirley & Sol Behmoiram Linda Behmoiras Diane Behrman Rosalyn Beifield* Ruthie Beil Judith & Stephen Beiner** Phyllis Beinstein Deborah Belford Sherry & Michael Bell

Phyllis Bell Samuel Bellin Renee Belman Jacob Belofsky Lila Belofsky Ann & Dr. Daniel Belsky Steven Belson Carol & Ronald Benach Joan B. Benamy Mindi & Scott Benarde Jane Bendell Mark Bendell Lawrence Bender Lois Bender Mark Bender Fran & Valdo Benedetti Seymour Beneroff Mimi Bengio Alvin Benjamin* Burton Benjamin Natalie Benjamin Ann Bennett Irving Bennett Karen Benrubi Richard Benrubi Lisa & Joseph Bensmihen Mae Benson Enid & Maxwell Bentley Family Foundation Margo Berdass Joan Z. Berenson Doris & Stanley Berenzweig Phyllis & Marc Beresin Pamela & Jeff Berez Barbara Berg Gerald Berg* Harriet Berg* Robert Berg Ruth Berg Annette Berger Barbara Berger Bernard Berger Beverly Berger David Berger Francine Berger Irving Berger Sandy Berger Scott Berger Seymour Berger Stephen Berger Sandy Berger Arthur Bergman Cindy & Alan Bergman Annie Bergner Norman Bergstein Susan & Eric Berke Steven Berkeley

Harvey Berkman Lester Berkow Rhoda Berkow Eileen Berkowitz Harvey Berkowitz Ruth & Jack Berkowitz Lorrie & Lloyd Berkowitz Paula Berkowitz Robert Berkowitz Ruth Berkowitz Deanna Berkson Robert Berkson Bert Berkwich Carole Berlin Harriet Berlin William Berlin Howard Berlin Irving Berlin Beverly & Irwin Berlin Harriet Berlin William Berlin Gladys & Murray Berliner Toni & Arnold Berliner Eileen Berliner Steven Berliner Anita Berman Sandy & Arnie Berman Barbara Berman Diane & David Berman Ella Berman* Fred Berman Lilian & Irving Berman Jack Berman Joan Galton Berman Jonathan Berman Lori Berman Nolan Berman Patricia Berman Rita Berman Ronald Berman Rose Berman Samuel Berman Samuel J. Berman* Sandra Berman Seymour Berman Stanley Berman Sylvia Berman Debby & William Berman Robert Bermant Beverly Bernard Dorothy Bernay Sanford Bernay Hilda Berner Alan Bernstein Allen Bernstein Barbara & Dr. David Bernstein Jeanie & David Bernstein

Dick Bernstein Doris Bernstein Elaine Bernstein Ilene Bernstein Judith Bernstein Adele & Jules Bernstein Lee Bernstein Marlene & Arnold Bernstein Maxine Bernstein Michael Bernstein D. & Norman Bernstein Brenda & Paul Bernstein Rose Bernstein Simon Bernstein Sonny Bernstein Sylvia Bernstein William Bernstein Jill & Adam Bershad Martin Bertman Henri Bertuch Annette Berul Lawrence Berul Jewel Berzon Susan Besdine Cecelia Best Sidney Besvinick Beth Ami Congregation Robert Bettinger Harvey Beyer Veronica & Henry Bialer Howard Bienenfeld Joseph Bier Melvin Bierman Virginia Bigio Alan Bilgore Toby Bilgore Shirley Bilker Allan Bindelglass Ruth Binder Burt Bines Eugene Binkovitz Joy Binkovitz Harold Birnbaum Lilli & Herman Birnbaum Fannie & Hyman Birnbaum Ellen & Melvin Birnbaum Morry Birnbaum Jack Birnberg Louise Birnberg Gail Birrer Erika Bishins Muzzy Bisker Asher Black, M.D. Harold Black* Hildi Black John Black Lillie Black 49

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Diane & Jack Blackin Michele & Laurence Blair Roberta & Albert Blaize Vicki Blake Bill Blakesberg Andrea & Jon Blakesberg Beverly Blas Robert Blashek Brenda Blatt Howard Blatt Selma Blattman Henrie Blau* Ronald Blau Linda Merkin & Simon Blauman Betsy & David Blechman Jean Blechman Harry Bleiwise Brenda & Jeffrey Bleustein Lorraine Bleustein Robert Bliss Robert Bloch Beth & Stuart Bloch Dennis Block Harold Block Michael Block Saree Block Suzanne Block Jack Blodinger Andrew Bloom Deborah Bloom George Bloom Jeremy Bloom Marion Bloom Michael Bloom Donald Bloomfield Martin Bloomfield Edith Bluefeld Louis Bluefeld Sandra & Allen Bluestein Eleanor Bluestone Marge & Mel Blum Morton Blum Phyllis Blum Leon Blumberg Margaret Blume Bert Blumencranz Harold Blumenkrantz Nancy Blumenkrantz Joseph Blumenthal Mona Blumenthal Arthur Blutstein Elaine & Ernest Boas Harriet & Jack Bobb Esther Bober Stanley Bober Claire Boden 50

Martin Bodian Alice Bodner & D Nyer Norma & Sheldon Bodnick Annette Bodzin Jack Boeko Rose Bogar Jeanette & Frederic Bogart Walter Bogart Robert Bohrer Sheila Bohrer Adria & Rubin Bokoff Martin Bolnick Marian Bolotin Stanley Bomstein Shirley & Stanley Bond Ruth & Raymond Bonn Dr. Phillip Bookman Virginia & Alan Borck Dorothy & Paul Borenstein Joe Boritzer Amy Borman Marlene Borman Robert Borr Deena Borzak Steven Borzak Dolores Botnick Milton Boverman Shirley & Bernard Boxer Roslaide Boyer Nancy & Richard Boyman Sylvia Bradburd Ann Wilkof-Braff & Jerome Braff Lynn Bragin Wolfe Bragin Benjamin Bragman David Bramwit Harriet & Samuel Brand Lawrence Brandes Bernice Brandmark Marvin Bransdorf Ira Brassloff Jean & Jack Braun Mark Braun Edythe & Irving Braunstein Jay Braus Leona Brauser Arthur Braverman Helen Braverman Allen Brayer Joan Brawer Ruth Brazen Eileen Breakstone Marilyn Brecher Bernard Breeman Ann & Arthur Bregman Yetta Bregman

Claire Breiner Susan & Leo Breitman Rachel Brendzel-Rudensky Iris Brener Alfred H. Brenner Edward Brenner Eileen Brenner Gloria & Milton Brenner Mindelle Brenner Miriam Brenner Phyllis Brenner Helen Bresky Robin Bresky J. Marie Breslow-Siegel William Bresman Gloria Bressler Jerry Bresson Sarah Brickman Estelle Brier Helene F. Brill Murray J. Brill Sally Brisker Richard Britt Celia Brod Harold Brode Alma & Dr. Harold Brodell Frances Broder Linda & Don Brodie Harriet Brodkin Shirley Brodlieb Theodore Brodlieb Werner Brodman Sidney Brodsky Elliot Brody Florence & Martin* Brody Gloria Brody Helene Brody Paul Brody Herbert Brofsky Ruth Brofsky Burton N. Bromson Ina Bronfein Alan Bronfman Vicki Bronfman Alan Bronson Stacey & Ari Brooks Suzanne Brooks Mia & Israel Broome Arline Brotspies Herb Brotspies Barbara Brous Philip Brous Arthur Brovender Paula Brovender Evelyn & Alvin Lloyd Brown Annette Brown

Bobbie Brown Dolly Brown Leo Brown Manuel Brown Philip Brown Steven Brown Karen & Larry Browner Michele & Robert Bruck Sara & David Brudnoy Israel Bruk Ruth & David Brumberg Norma Brunswick Gloria Bruskin Merle Bruskin Harriet & David Bubes Myron Buchman Tanya Buchman Dorothy Bucksbaum Maurice Bucksbaum Iona Budd Lillian Buller Ethel P. Bulman Irving Burack Marvin Burack Shirley Burack Elaine & Neil Burd Dina Burg Norman Burg Dorothy Burke Irving Burke Marilyn & Jerome Burken Jane Burlant Freyda & Ed Burns Sharon R. & Dr. Elliot H. Burns Helene Burte Lorraine Burton Sondra Busch Arlene Bushell David Bushell Gordon Bushell Marlene & Marc Butler Abraham Butnick Judith Butnick Marcie Butters Phyllis Butters Sam Butters Fran Butwin Jerome Butwin Davida Bye Ted Bye Charlotte & Joseph Byer Nettie Bzura Monica Cabrera Barbara & George Cadugan Shirley & Leonard Cahan Lois & Mickey Cail

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Irwin Cain Bernice Caine Lucille Caine Morton Caine Nissim Calderon** Carole K. Cameron Camp Winadu Leon Canick Arthur Canter Carolyn & Louis Cantor Doris Cantor Gloria & Irwin G. Cantor Lee Cantor Paul Cantor Barbara & Jack Caplan Allan Caplowe Iris Caplowe Elsie Carlick Matthew Carpelow Nancy Carpelow Florence L. Carples Joan Carroll** Claire Carson Dora Carter Edward Casel Sara Caspi Randi Caster Ronald Caster Anita Chachkin Francine Chackman Leonard Chackman Joy & Norman Chadwick Sam Chafetz Zelda Chafetz Ray Chaleff Muriel Chandler Ellen Channing Jon Channing Lila Chapin Beverly & Laurence Chaplin Florence & Alan Chapman Myron Chapman Yael Charlap Belle Charles Dana Charles-Kodner Nancy & Jonathan Charm Renzo Chauca Gene & Herbert Chauser Jan & Richard Chavis Diane Chepovsky Donald Chepovsky Murray Chernick Murray Chernicoff David Dan Chernow Renee Cherry Ruth Cherry

Stan Cherry Sidney Chertock Susan & Barry Chesler Hannah Chestnov Stephanie & Richard Chestnov Bernard Chetkof Bernard Chetkof Cindy Chieffo Anwar Chitayat Geraldine Chod Jerry Chod Ester Chotiner-Rothenberg Naomi & Walter Chucnin Judith Chyten Charlotte Cigman Arlene & Lewis Citren Miriam & Lester Citrin Joan & Erwin Citron Clare & Hyman Citron Stanley Civin C Hope & Bob Clair Candy Clark Ross Clark Joan Claster Caryn Clayman Leah Coblitz Karen & Jeffrey Coffman Edward Cogen Lee Cogen Lois Cogen Helen M. Cohan Robert M. Cohan Stanley Cohan Vera & Abraham Cohen Alan Cohen* Albert Cohen Barbara Cohen Barry Cohen Bella & W. Philip Cohen Bernard Cohen Dan Cohen Danielle Cohen Donald Cohen Doris Cohen Edward Cohen Elaine Cohen Elliot Cohen Elsa Cohen Erwin Cohen Evelyn Cohen Gerald Cohen Gerald Cohen Gerda & Irwin Cohen Gertrude Cohen Janet & Harold Cohen Harold Cohen

Adelle & Harold Cohen Harvey Cohen Herbert Cohen Howard Cohen Susan & Irwin Cohen Jack Cohen Jacob Cohen Jacques Cohen Jean Cohen Marilyn S. & Jerome L. Cohen Joel Cohen Jonah Cohen Julie Cohen Lois & Kalman Cohen Lawrence Cohen Leo Cohen Lester & Richard Cohen Lucille Cohen Marilyn & Stanley Cohen Marilyn S. Cohen Marion Cohen Maurine Cohen Melvin Cohen Judith & Melvin Cohen Laura & Meyer Cohen Mildred Cohen Murray Cohen Myrna Cohen Norma M.Cohen Norma R. Cohen Felice & Norman Cohen Pamela Cohen Paula Cohen Dr. Philip B. Cohen Phillip Cohen Phyllis Cohen Margaret & Dr. Pinya Cohen Prudence Cohen Rhea Cohen Richard Cohen Robert Cohen Rose Cohen Roslyn Cohen Sharon Cohen Sheila Cohen Mikki & Sherman Cohen Shirley L. Cohen Shirley Cohen Bette & Sidney Cohen Solomon Cohen Steven Cohen Susan Cohen Ted Cohen Vivian Cohen Walter Cohen Zachary Cohen

Marilyn S. Cohen Alice R. Cohlan Howard Cohlan Arthur Cohn Barbara Cohn Edwin Cohn Herbert Cohn Barbara Cole Claire Cole Harold Cole Allan Coleman Jacquie Coleman Nancy Coleman Ronald Coleman Stan Coleman William Coleman Yetta Colin Rose & Robert Colombik Robert Colt Evelyn Coltman Andrea Colton Robert Colton Patricia Como Elayne Conversano Iris Convissar Gladys Cook Robert Cook Annette Cooper Dorothy Cooper Eli Cooper Harold Cooper Janis Cooper Miriam Cooper Molly Cooper Natalie Cooper Phillip J. Cooper Ronald Cooper Sandra Cooper Anita Coopersmith Jack J. Coopersmith Lillian & Sanford Copelow Richard Coplan Judith Coplin Sylvia & George Copper Maxine Copulsky Carole Cornell Dee Cornfield Eugene Cornick Barbara Glass-Corwin &   Emanuel* Corwin Corie Cosnowsky Ida & Martin Cotler Stanley Cotton Sophie Cozier Donald Crain Sandra Crain 51

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Blanche Cramer Joan Cramer Sydney Cramer* Ella Crane Herbert Crane Lisa Crane Robert Crane Herbert Cron Eugenie (Ginette) Cummins Henry Cummins Robert Cummins Serena Cummins Alvin J Curkin Deborah Curkin Brenda & Alan Curtis Arlene Cutler Bernie Cutler Milton Cutler Mitzi Cutler Helen Cyker Jeanne Dachman Robert Dachman Lauren K. Daitch Marvin C. Daitch Ethel Daly Dolly Dan Merwyn Dan Fran Daniels Julius Daniels Leah Daniels Stuart Daniels Asher B. Dann Shirley Dannemann Robert Danner Marlene & Richard Darnell Arline & Stuart Darrow Audrey Dash Martin Dash Claire Dashefsky Joseph Dashefsky Martin Dauber Herbert David Judith David Sidney David Ila Davidoff Robert Davidoff Toby Davidov Jim Davidson Phoebe & Larry Davidson Myrna Davidson Marilyn & Richard Davimos Arthur Davis* Karen & Daniel Davis David Davis Dick Davis Helen H. Davis 52

J. Sanford Davis Jane Davis Sylvia & Marvin Davis Neil Davis Paul Davis, M.D. Richard Davis Seema Davis Sheila Davis Shirley Davis* Sol Davis Theodore H. Davis William Davis Amy Dean Dennis Dean Dr. George Dean Rosalie Dean Vivian Dean Fred Dear Sandra & Fred Dear Sarafae Dear Robert Deckelbaum Stanley Deckelbaum Robert Decker Melanie Deckman Gertrude Dee Stern Brian Deichman Jodi Deichman Lynn Delaney Brenda Delfiner Marvin Delfiner Judy & Sy Delfiner Pearl & Otto Delikat Ralph Delman Ruth Delman Lila & Dr. Michael Demet Byrdie Denison Bernhardt Denmark Audrey Denner Paul Dennis Beatrice & Burton Dermer Elaine Desatnick Sarah Deson-Fried Darrilyn & Norman Desser Suzanne & Jeffrey Deutsch Senator Ted & Jill Deutch Theodore Deutch Geraldine Deutsch Betty & Richard Deutsch William Deutsch Anita Deutschman Lois Devitt Sherman Devitt Norma & William Dezorett Peggy DeZwirek Peggy & Phillip DeZwirek Joan Diament

Rita & Bert Diamond John Diamond Susan Diamond Ann Dichter Saralyn & Gerald Dicker Marvin Dicker Allen Dickerman Sandra Dickerman Stewart Dickler Harry Dickman Pola Dickstein Marilyn & Richard Dickstein William L. Dickstein Barbara Diekmann Betty & William Dimm Norma & Allen* Dinnerstein Beverly Dion Sharon & Jay DiPietro Lillian & Benjamin Director Philip Director Tami Director Aileen & Stuart Disick Laurie & Ellis Disick Isabel Dobkin Elise Dolgow Kenneth Dollinger Jan Antscherl & Kenneth Donner Nancy Donner Craig Donoff Judi Donoff Leonard Dopkins Elsie & Nathan Doreson Thelma & Jack Dorfman Bernard Dorn Sandi Dorn Joyce Dornfeld Murray Dornfeld Miradieu Dorvilus Lucky & Herb Douglas Leonard Douglas Debra Dowling Stanton Drazen Mitra Kalanian & Richard Drazin Edith Dresner Sy Dresner Helen & Alfred Dreyfus Paula Dropkin Bryan Drowos Jeffrey Drowos Bernard Drucker Bobbie & Michael Drukman Dan Drykerman Patricia Drykerman James Duberstein Maxine Duberstein Pauline & Albert Dubin

Geraldine & Barney Dubin Pauline Dubin Vicki & Jason W. Dubinsky Annette Dubner Effrise & Marvin Dubnoff Howard DuBosar Joan & David Dubov Andrea & Michael Dubroff Angela Dubrofsky Joseph Dubrofsky Muriel Dubrow Stanley Dubrow Ronald Dudwick Roberta K. Duker Richard Dukes Gary Dunay Ada & Howard* Dunn Elizabeth Dunn Doris Dworkin Beatrice Perer & Edwin B. Early Robin Ebenstein Gary Ecoff Donald Edelman Jack Edelman Jerome Edelman Marie Edelman Anne & Meyer Edelman Nancy Edelman Reed Edelman Lenore Edelson Merylin Edelson Rose Edelson Stanley Edelson Gail Edelstein Emily & Jerome Edelstein Lee Edelstein Estelle & Joe Edelstein Robert Edelstein Sandra L. Edison Selma Edlavitch* Michael Edrei Irving Edwards Edith S. Eger Marla & Stephen Egers Dana Egert Joan Eglow Martin Eglow Audrey & Gabriel Ehrenstein Harry Ehrlich Margery Ehrlich Helene Eicoff Barbara Eidelsberg Lucille & Burton Eige Gloria Einbinder Florence Einhorn Harold Einhorn

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Frederick Einsidler Melvin Einsidler Mimi Einsidler Dorothy Einziger Bea Eisen Joyce & Irwin Eisen Susan & Benjamin Eisenberg Helen Eisenberg Herbert Eisenberg Robin Eisenberg Bookie & Cy Eisenberg Burton Eisenbud Joyce & Gil Eisler Gail Eisner Alan Eisnitz Helen & William Eizentier Jack Elf Zelda & Bernard Elinoff Janet Elinoff Georgette Elisha Edmund Elkins Lois Elkman Stanley Elkman Estelle & Philip Elkus Linda & Dr. Steve N. Ellen Emil Ellenberg Margie & Alex Ellenbogen Pearl Morris Ellerin Carol Ellish Ronald Ellish Charles Ellman Edward Ellman Esther Ellman Gloria Ellman Florence & Murray Ellman Robin & David Ellman Dr. Phyllis Ellsweig Phyllis Ely Ferne Emas Stanley Emas Susan Emby Sandy Ende Yossi Ende Aaron Engel Harvey Engel Janine Kramer Engel Lorraine Engel Paul Engel David Englander Ruth Alpert Englander Stephanie Englander Claire & Moe Engler Shirley Enselberg Diane & Dr. Joseph Entine Edward Epstein Eleanor Epstein

Freda Epstein Paula & Jules Epstein Karola & Aaron Epstein** Linda Epstein Robert Epstein Karen & William Epstein Gladys & Dr. Morris Erdheim Norma & Jack A. Erdle Norma Erdle Robert Ertel Elaine Ertischek Elaine Eskind Kathy & Irving Estrin Elaine G. Etess Valerie Etra Daniel Ettedgui Leslie & Bernard Ettinger Allison Etzler Evelyn & Edwin Evans Valerie Ever Irma L. Evers Irene & Harry Exler Evelyn Ezrine Evelyn & Leon Ezrine Joy & Irving Fabrikant Beverly Fader Howard Fader Ellen & Reid Fader Ruth Fader Lewis Fagen Rena Fagen Betty Falk Gail Farber Gerald Farber Rosalind & Harold Farber Ruth Farber Leon Farber Pauline & Morton Farber Sheldon Farber Si Farber Sheri Farbish Stephen Fattel Alyssa Feder Florence E. Feder Estelle & Irwin Feigelman Hilda Feigelson Dorothy Feigenbaum Joel Fein Sidney Fein Judith & Richard Fein Dolores & Abe Feinberg Alan Feinberg Dolores Feinberg Phyllis & Leonard Feinberg Nancy-Jo Feinberg Adele Feinerman

Barbara Feingold Jeffrey Feingold Anne Feinman Gloria Feinman Marian Feinman Martin Feinman Sanford Feinman Barry Feinstein Leslie Feinstein** Esther Feintuck Norman Feintuck Judith L. Feist Elaine Feit Frieda Feit Matis Feit Joseph Felber Elayne Feld George Feld Joseph Feld David Feldan Sophie Feldbau Harry Feldberg* Beverly & Myles Feldman Bill Feldman Susan & Carl Feldman Diane Feldman Donna Feldman Eileen Feldman Helene & Gerald Feldman Joseph Feldman Lawrence Feldman Michael Feldman Mindy Feldman Steven M. Feldman Cecily & Wallace Feldman Warren Feldman Yvette Feldman Irene & Gerald Feller Morton Fellman Jay Felner Murray Felton Norman Fenichel Sylvia Fenkell Wendy Fenton Beverly Ferber Shirley Ferro Frieda & Larry Feuer George Feuerman Ellen Feuerman Cohen Shirley Feuerstein Jeanne Fibus C. Kenneth Fibus Shirley & Morton Fidler Barbara Field Marilyn Fields Roberta Fields

Norma & Herbert Fienman Lila Fierer Muriel Fierman Judy & Bob Fiestal Sondra Fife Dale Filhaber Edward Filhaber Robert Filler Ann & Albert Fills Madeline Finch Wesley Finch Michael Finci Abe Fine Beverly Fine Gloria Fine Harvey Fine Ina D. Fine Ralph Fine William Fine Robert Fineman Estelle Finer Chet Finger Harriet Finger Florrie & Arthur Fingerhutt Frank Fink Harold Fink Phyllis Fink Robert Fink Gloria Finkel Sidney Finkel Sylvia Finkelman Sydell & Melvin Finkelstein Elliot Finkelstein Susan & Marvin Finkelstein Mel Finkelstein Edward Finn Joyce Finn Hinda Finston Doris M. Firestone David First Abby Firstenberg-Merker Ruth & Lionel Fisch Elizabeth Fischbein Jerome Fischbein Daniel Fischer Doris Fischer Elaine Fischer Paul Fischer Rosalind & Melvin Fischkoff Arlen Fischlowitz Stephen Fish Nanci Gabay-Fisher & Alex Fisher Diane Fisher Florence Fisher Gerard Fisher Florence & Jerry Fisher 53

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Joan Fisher Marilyn Fisher Mark Fisher Yehuda Fishfeld Jack Fishkin Daniel Fishkoff Jane Fishkoff Albert Fishman Annabelle Fishman Arnold Fishman Arthur Fishman Barbara Fishman Joyce Fishman Marvin Fishman Melvin Fishman Sarabelle & Melvin Fishman Pamela Fishman Paul Fishman Renee Fishman Sandra Fishman Roy & Naomi Flack Edward Flank Ellen Flank Irwin Flashberg Shirley Flashberg Alice Flateman Daniel Fleischer Jim Fleischer Gerald Fleischman Miriam Fleischman Melody Fleisher Shirley Fleischman & Victor Gross Stanley Fleishman Sandy & Arnie Fleisig Mona & Gerald Fleisig Charles Florman Jewel & Benjamin Fogel Donald Fogel Judith & Lewis Fogel Mitchell Fogel Seymour Fogel Avron Fogelman Lynn Foggle William Foggle David Follender Sandra Foreman Shep Forest Tom Forlenza Evelyn Forman Jerry Forman Gilda Forman-Fox Eileen Forst Melvin Forst Daniel Forsythe Mildred Forsythe Pamela Foti 54

Erma Fox Howard Fox Ina Rae Fox Marion & Jordan Fox Charlotte Fraelick F Albert Frager Marion Frager Bettie Frank Paul Frank Sheila Frank Sophia Frank Frank & Merriliece Rohan Trust** Sylvia Frankel Lori Frankfort Beverly Franklin Jonathan Franklin Rose & Harvey Franks Leonard Freed Selma Freed Allan Freedman Benjamin Freedman Cara Freedman Harriett & Morton Freedman Herbert Freedman Kay Freedman Lindy Freedman Marilyn Freedman Maxine Freedman Myrna H. Freedman Roni Freedman Saul Freedman Simcha & Anna Freedman Deena Freeman Edwin Freeman Lorraine & Howard Freeman Seymour Freeman Herbert Freinberg Barbara & Michael Frenkel Mildred Freshwater Judy & Melvin Freund Rabbi & Mrs. Charles Freundlich Eve & Gerald* Freundlich Orah Freyman Florence Fridrich & Family Janice Friebaum Alfred Fried Alice Fried Arlene “Leni� Fried Curt Fried Mary Ann Fried Robert Fried Roger Fried Sylvia Fried Theresa & Theodore Fried Barry Friedberg Florence Friedberg

Howard Friedberg Rose Friedberg Phyllis Friedel Aaron Friedenthal Kathleen Frieder Merle Frieder Fred Friedfeld Madeline Friedfeld Lisa Friedkin Dell Friedland Alan Friedland Elaine Friedland Harold Friedland Wendy & James Friedland Aaron Friedman Arline Friedman Arnold Friedman Audrey Friedman Benjamin Friedman Leslie & Bernard Friedman Bernice Friedman Betty Friedman Celia Friedman Cookie Friedman Delores Friedman Elayne Friedman Lillian & Harry Friedman Harry Friedman Marion & Herbert Friedman Hilda Friedman* Elayne & Howard Friedman Jerome Friedman Judith Friedman Kenneth Friedman Lillian Friedman Mady Friedman Marvin Friedman Melvin Friedman Mike Friedman Murray Friedman Myrna & Alan Friedman Noreen Friedman Norman Friedman Shirley B. & Norman A. Friedman Patricia Friedman Renee Friedman Robert Friedman Robin Friedman Sandra Friedman Agnes & Saul Friedman Shirley Friedman Carol & Ronald J. Friedsam Miriam Loewy Friend Linda & Edward Frisch Rhoda Frischer Austin Frishman

Barbara Frishman Marshall Frishman Anne Frisman Larry Frisman Sallye Frohman Linda & Bernard Fromm James Fromstein Ruth Fromstein Leonard Fronton Beth Frost Dale Frost Sherry & Jerry Frost Janet & Daniel Fruchter Arlene Fruman Lawrence Fruman Marion & Leonard Frumin David Fuente Sheila Fuente David Fuhrman David Funt Jody Funt Edward Furer Robert Furlong Stephen Furman Robert Furr Dr. Sheila Furr Donald Furst Phyllis Futeran-Malmuth Estelle Futterman Jack Futterman Donald Gabay Ronald Gabor Lillian Swift Gaeser Gary Gagerman Renee Gaines-Bialo Shirley & Raymond Galant Shirley Galant Kenneth Gale Leona Gale Marilyn Gale Stanley Gale Frederick Galland Meryl Gallatin Ron Gallatin** Norma & Morton Gallub Elvira & Miron Galper David Galpern Louise Galpern Larry Gandel Jeffrey Ganeles Joyce & Ron Ganeles Beverly Ganis Helene Gans Laurence Gans Donna Ganslaw Stuart Ganslaw

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Elliot Gant Renee Gant* Milton Gantman Joseph Ganz Olga & Joseph Garay Harold Garber Sheila & Paul Garber Sheila Garbuz Joan Garde Joseph Garde Elaine & Fred Gardner Jack Gardner Marilyn Gardner Gerald Gare Rita Gare Bernice & Dr. Elias Garelick Betty Garfield Rani Garfinkle Suzy Garfinkle Eileen Garlick Hillard Garlovsky Beulah Garren Dr. Daniel Garren Beatrice Garten Joseph Garten Arlene & Mark Garten Bernice Gartner David Gartner Rochelle & Marvin Gartner Abra Gasser Melvyn Gassman Betty & Alan Gault Lee Gaynor Martha Gaynor Elaine Gebel Annette Gebroe Melvin Gebroe Irene Gedanke Greg Gefen Ivan Gefen Linda Gefen Adrienne Geffen Irv Geffen Harold Gelb Judith & Tony Gelbart Iris Gelber Stuart Gelber Rae Gelfand Shirley Gelfand Harvey Gelfenbein Ruth Gelfenbein Alvin Gelfound Albert Geller Benjamin Geller Norma Geller Samuel Gelt

Sylvia Gelt The Gendal Family Charitable   Foundation Charlotte & Abraham Genderson Monica Genet Vivian Genser David Gerber Helene Gerber Marilyn Gerber Robin Gerber Toby Gerber George Gering Michael Geringer Alfred Geronemus Terry & Dr. Alfred Geronemus Frieda Gerowin Theodora & Maurice Gershuny Rana Gerson Arlene Gertner Herbert Gertner Mimi & Ken Gertz Gail & Steve Gerzof Anne Getlan Renee Getlan Solomon Getz Daniel Gevirtz Doris Gidding Bruce Gilbert Heather Gilbert Shirley Gilbert Stephen Gilbert Ronald Gilford Patricia & Robert Gillman Milton Gilman Robin & Robert Gilman Bernie Gimbel Diane Gimbel Ira Ginsberg Robynn Ginsberg Sandra & Seymour Ginsberg Martha & Stanley* Ginsberg Yetta & Sy Ginsberg Lois Ginsburg Michael Ginsburg Anne & Robert Ginsburg Robin & Cary Ginter Bernard Gittelman Sondra Gittis Bruce Gittlin Ann J. Gladstone Rina & Edward Gladstone Franklin Gladstone Hy Glantz Philip Glantz Dr. Sanford Glanz Judith Glaser

Joyce & Samuel Glaser Helen Glasofer Mortimer Glasofer Barbara Glass-Corwin &   Emanuel Corwin Abraham Glasser Barbara Glasser Barry Glassman Harold Glassman Debbie & Jerome M. Glassman Sandy & Joel Glassman Lila Glassman Marjorie Glassman Mary Glassman Max Glassman Lisa Glassner Eleanor Glat Fay & Joseph Glatt Glenna & Lenard Glauber Arnold Glaubman Leonard Glazer Harriet & Lowell Glazer Gerta Gleich Lois & Dennis Gleicher Roberta & Arnold Gleit Arthur Glick Barbara Glick Davida Glick Debby & Barry Glick Marilyn Glickfield Arthur Glickman Helene Glickman Herbert Glickman Dr. Shirley Glickman Ruth Glickstein Ellice Gller Janet Gloger Seymour Gloger Ronda Gluck Doris & Stephen Glucroft Evelyn & Allan Gluckstern Stacey Goer Bernard Gochman Reva Gochman Myrna Godfrey William Godfrey Edith B. Godick Elaine Goetz Marvin Golberg Alan Gold Anne Gold Barbara Gold Bea Gold Cynthia & Bernard Gold Bernard Gold Beverly Gold

Burt Gold Barbara & Burton Gold David Gold Bernice & Edward Gold Jerome Gold Leo Gold Phyllis & Leonard Gold Mark Gold Myra & Burton Gold Myra J. Gold Belle & Nat Gold Helen H. Goldband Marjorie & Arnold Goldbaum Hedy & Arthur Goldberg Bernard Goldberg Carol Goldberg Lillian & David Goldberg Dorothy & Edwin Goldberg Yocheved & Efrem Goldberg Elayne Goldberg Ellen Goldberg Francine Goldberg Grace Goldberg Judy & Irving Goldberg Irving Goldberg Elaine & Jack M. Goldberg The Goldberg Family Susan & Larry Goldberg Lois H. Goldberg Lois Goldberg Margaret Goldberg Muriel Goldberg Norman Goldberg Raymond Goldberg Robert Goldberg Roberta Goldberg Ronald Goldberg Ruth Goldberg Renee & Stanley Goldberg Suzanne Goldberg Walter Goldberg Bette Goldblum Joan Goldburg Ronald Goldburg Michael Golden Phyllis Golden Allen Goldenberg George Goldenberg Norma Goldenberg Susan Goldfarb Philip Goldfein Barry Goldin Stephen Golding Arnold Goldman Judy & Arthur Goldman Bert Goldman 55

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Brenda Goldman Carolyn Goldman Daniel Goldman Deborah Goldman Eileen Goldman Howard Goldman Irwin Goldman Jason Goldman Judy Goldman Kurt Goldman Elinor & Leonard Goldman Marilyn Goldman Mark Goldman Michael Goldman Mildred Goldman Nanci Goldman Peter Goldman Elaine & Stanley Goldman Sue Goldman Henry Goldrich Deborah R. Goldring Sondra Goldring Edith & Fred Goldsmith Harvey Goldsmith Leone Goldsmith Abraham Goldstein Amy & Alan Goldstein Alan Goldstein Elaine & Albert Goldstein Arnold Goldstein Bernard Goldstein* Carol & Bernard Goldstein Bertram Goldstein Florence Goldstein Gerald Goldstein Gustave Goldstein Irene Goldstein Joe Goldstein* Lila Goldstein Liz Goldstein Lynn Goldstein Marvin Goldstein Marvin Goldstein Michael Goldstein Mimi Goldstein Monica Goldstein Muriel Goldstein Norman Goldstein Robert Goldstein Samuel Goldstein Marion & Sanford Goldstein Selma Goldstein Sheldon Goldstein Sidney Goldstein Steven Goldstein Vivian Goldstein 56

Naomi Golieb Glen R. Golish Rosa Golish Betty Golombek Leonard Golombek Edith S. Golub* Jane & Neil Golub Ruth & Max Goodleman Natalie Goodglass David Goodis Ann Goodman Arlene Goodman Bernard Goodman Bernard Goodman Bunny Goodman Burt Goodman Carolyn Goodman Kathy & Daniel Goodman Dorothy Goodman Florence Goodman Harry Goodman James Goodman Jeannette Goodman Lisa & David Goodman Marjorie Goodman Mark Goodman Elaine & Martin Goodman Milton Goodman Miriam Goodman Rachel Goodman Teri Goodman Nancy Gooze Ronald Goral Ann Gordon Barry Gordon Bernard Gordon Bruce Gordon Daniel Gordon Doris S. Gordon Ethel & Mike Gordon Glenda R. Gordon Ida Gordon Arline *& Irving Gordon Shirley & Jeffrey Gordon Libby Gordon Louise Gordon Lydia Gordon Marian Gordon Marshall Gordon Ethel & Mike Gordon Michael Gordon Paul Gordon Kinnie Gorelick Jerry Gorelick William Gorelick Edward Gorenstein

Helene Gorenstein Nancy Gorge Sal Gorge Jed Gorman Joseph Gorodetzer Albert Gortz Jane Gortz Roberta Gotlieb David Gotterer Marilyn Gotterer Miriam Gottfried Ann Gottlieb Betty Lou Gotlieb Edward Gottlieb Ileen & Alfred* Gottlieb Joseph Gottlieb Marsha Gottlieb Gerald Gouchberg Lita Gouchberg Rena & Dr. Alan Gould Lewis Gould Morris Gould Shirley Gould, * LOJE Bernard Gouz Bernard Grabelsky Emily Grabelsky Stephen Grabelsky Stanley Graber Alda Graham Kalmaine Graham Florence Grajwer Luiz Grajwer Eugene Gralla Shirley Grallnick Sylvia & Howard Gralnick Donald Grandis Gladys & Arnold Granet Barbara Grant Barbara Grant Nancy Grant Richard Grant Sidney Grant Jeffrey Grantz Barry Gray David Gray Edward Grayson Ruth & Ben Grebow Gerri Green Jean Green Joan Green Joyce Green Kathy Green Marilyn Green Melvin Green Dr. Myron Green Robert Green

Robert E. Green Shirley Green Avi Greenbaum Elaine & Bernard Greenbaum Fran Greenbaum Kim Greenbaum Morris Greenbaum Albert Greenberg Anita Greenberg Arnold Greenberg Arthur Greenberg Barbara Greenberg Bernice Greenberg Carolyn Greenberg Donna Greenberg Estelle Greenberg Barbara & Harold Greenberg Howard Greenberg Hugh Greenberg Irwin Greenberg Jane Greenberg Gloria & Joseph Greenberg Shirley & Leon Greenberg Esther & Leonard Greenberg Leslie Greenberg Marcia Greenberg Martin Greenberg Barbara & Martin Greenberg Martin Greenberg Michael Greenberg Cecelia & Milton Greenberg Milton Greenberg Morton Greenberg Naomi Greenberg Marjorie & Richard Greenberg Judith & Robert Greenberg Myra & Roger Greenberg Sadie Greenberg Samuel Greenberg William Greenberg Stan Greenblath Eleanor Greenblatt Paula & Gerald Greenblatt Nathan Greenblatt William Greenblatt Barry Greene Barry Greene Claire Greene Leslie Greene Norman Greene Robin Greene Lucille & Ronald Greene Selma Greene Stanley Greene Alvin Greenfield Barry Greenfield

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Nancy Greenfield Richard Greenfield Aimee Greenhouse Doris & Aaron Greenspan Harold Greenspan Jean Greenspan Dr. Gail Greenspoon Jerome Greenwald Leon Greenwald Melvin Greenwald Richard Greenwald Murray Greiff Selma Greiff Dr. Gordon Grenn Judith Grenn Phyllis Gresser Charles Griff Louis Gritz Marvin Grober Ruth & Morton Grobman Carol & Alan Gronsbell Malcolm Gropper Elaine Grosoff Abraham J. Gross* Alison Gross Andrew Gross Barbara Gross Beatrice Gross Beverly & Maury Gross David Gross Elise Gross Frieda & Eugene Gross Evelyn Gross Evelyn A. Gross Harriet Gross Joe Gross Judy Gross Cherie & Lawrence Gross Maurice Gross Toby & Morton J. Gross Murray Gross Martha & Norman Gross Meira & Raphael Gross Victor Gross Honora Grossbardt Jerome Grossbardt Ellen Grossman** Howard Grossman Barbara & Howard Grossman Jay Grossman Louis Grossman Manuel Grossman* Marian Grossman Roselyn Grossman Stephen Grossman Susen Grossman

Jules Grosswald Sarah Grow Marvin Gruber Philip Gruber Donna & Barry Grubman Diane & Eugene Grumer Jack Grumet Anita Grundman Seymour Grundy Martin Grunley Lynn Gucciardo Jerome S. Gudelsky Joan S. Gudelsky Elinor & Paul Gunzler Aaron Gural Judy & Morris Gurevitch Leah Gurian Sue Gurland & Mark Wasserman Marilyn & Burton Gusky Nancy & Edward Gusky Sylvia Gutenplan Joyce & Robert Guterman Beatrice Gutkin Laurie Gutman Lori & Eric Gutmann David Gutterman Esther & Harry Gutterson Albee & Jerome Guttman Julius Guttman Marilyn Guttman* Stanley Haar William Haas Anne Haber Jeffrey Haber Lisa Haber Al Hacker Beverly Hacker Babs Haddad Calvin Haddad Charles Haddad Rita Haddow Louis Hafken Florence & Larry Haft Bernard Haftel Beatrice Hagelberg Alan Hagler Jill & Elijah Hagler Edith & Albert Haimes Elayne Hallarman Rhea & Charles Hallinan Debra Hallow Barry Halperin Bonnie Halperin Debra Halperin Dorothy Halperin Kermit Halperin

Lawrence Halperin Linda Halperin Natalie Halperin Arnold Halpern Faye Halpern Jack Halpern Sherry Halpern Alan Halpert Linda Halpert Barry Hamerling Karen Hamerling Irma & Mort Handel Roberta & Richard Handel Joan & Kenneth Handler Leon Handler Rhoda Hankin Theresa & Charles Hansen Clifford Hark Alda & Bernard Harmon Charlotte Harris Deborah B. Harris Gloria Harris Harriet & Alan Harris Harvey Harris Herbert Harris Jane Harris Jodi & Jeffrey Harris Jodi Harris Kenneth Harris Barbara & Lawrence Harris Lucille Harris Mark Harris Michael Harris Muriel Harris Carol & Dr. Philip Harris Anita & Richard Harris Robert Harris Ronald Harris Stewart Harris Marilyn Harrison Helen & Dr. Stanley. Harrison Netty & Stan Hart Danielle Hartman Gloria Hartman Harriet Hartstein Ellen Hartz Mike Hartz Dolores Hartzmark Lee Hartzmark Erwin Harvith Sylvia & Erwin Harvith Estelle Harwood Sanford Harwood Myrna Hasenfeld Beatrice & Morris Hassenbein Harriette Hassol

Adele Hast David Hast Harriet Hatoff Ellen Hattenbach Irma Hausdorff Joan Hauser Norman Hausfater Korene & Hershel Hausman Jerome Hayflich Sallie Hayflich Juliette & Charles S. Haymes Abraham Hazelcorn Lawrence Heath Gloria Hecker Eddie Hedaya Samuel Heering Carolyn & Melvin Heilweil Donald Heiman Helen Heiman Janet & Eugene B. Heimberg Ruth Heimberg Betty Heindel Doris Heisler Sig & Lois Held Gary Heldman Gertrude & Phil Helfand Jerry Helfman Lenore Helfman Robert Helft Joyce Heller Judi Heller Louis I. Heller Martin Heller Fran & Paul Heller Gerald Hellerman Ronney & Melvin Hellinger Helen Hellman Ruth Hellman Joy Hendel Auta Hendler Marcia Hendler* Richard Hendler Murray Henick Frances & Emil Hensel Miriam & Bernard Herbst Jerry Herbst Lois Herbst Morris Herbst Karen Herbstman William Herbstman Herbert Herling Ilyne Herling Alfred Herman Alma Herman Greta Herman Harvey Herman 57

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Bernice & Martin Herman Leora Herrmann Lester Hersch Molka Hersch Sidney Hersch Claire & Marvin Herschaft Carol Herscot James Herscot Irwin Hersh Jack Hersh Sanford Hersh Robert Hershey Milli Hershman Bernie Herskowitz Harold Herskowitz Jackie & Hank Herskowitz Ida B. Herst Robert Hertz Samuel Hertz Lisa Hertzberg Marilyn & Stuart Hertzberg Helen Herzenberg Jerry Herzenberg Minnie & Maxwell Herzog Sunny Heselov Judith Heyman Dee & Larry Heyman Janet Highbloom Stanley Highbloom Dorene & Ross Higier Robert Hiller Robert Himler Sonia Himmelstein Lee Hinderstein Toby Hinderstein Lida & Dr. Gary Hindin Peri & Felix Hirsch Frank Hirsch Gloria Hirsch Mimi & Howard Hirsch Howard Hirsch Jerome C. Hirsch Joel Hirsch Nancy Hirsch Paul Hirsch Reata & Rusty Hirsch Ronald Hirsch Larry Hirschfield Molly Hirshfield Hannah & Ben Hitttleman Gloria Hoch Judy Hochhauser Sidney Hochberg Gloria Hoder Leonard Hodes Shirley Hodes-Feinstein 58

Herbert Hodus Bernice Hoenig Libbie & Sidney Hoff Gerald Hoffer Charlotte & Jacob Hoffman Joan Hoffman Karyn Hoffman Lorna Hoffman Steven Hoffman Ellen & Ron Hoffner Sharon Hoffspiegel Betty Jane Hofstadter Eric Holbrook Donna Holland Drs. Donna & Peter Holland Bruce Hollander Dr. Elaine Hollander Lois Hollander Marissa Hollander Suretta & Bruce Hollander Sylvia Hollander Arlene Hollenberg George Hollenberg Morton Hollenberg Pennie Holliday Arthur Holtz Susan Holtz Stanley Holtzman Warren Holtzman Eydie Holz Joan Holzman Lois & Irwin Holzman Stephen Holzman Henny & Jules* Holzwanger Paul Homer Alan Honig Carla Honig Paul Honig Robert Honig Stanley Horbar Rita Horbar Jeremy Horelick Douglas Horn Marilyn Horn Marlene & Zola Horovitz Blossom K. & Jack Horowitz Martin Horowitz Toby Horowitz Marjorie & Mitchell Horwin Marvin Horwitz Susanne Horwitz Sandra Hoskin Jack Howard Ruth & Lawrence J. Howard Alan Hurst Linda Hurst

Beverly Hurwitz Robert J. Hurwitz Robert Hurwitz Mohammed Hussein Allan Hutensky Anne & Max M. Hyman Arthur Hyman Jack Hyman Judith Hyman Sidney Hyman Robert Igiel Marlene & Joel Ignatin George Ingber Eileen Ingerman Marjorie & Alexander Intrator Elissa Iny Abraham Irwin Alitta Irwin Karen Irwin Stephen Irwin Eileen K. & Harold Isdaner Harold Isdaner Arlene Ismach Robert Ismach Sheila Israel Charles Isroff Samuel Issacson Carol Itzkowitz Bea Ives Janet & Abe Izaak Gail Izenstark Robert Izenstark Gail & John Izsak Barbara Jacob Martin Jacob Uzi Jacobi Helen Jacobius Alan Jacobs Albert Jacobs Barbara H. T. Jacobs Carol Jacobs Celia R. Jacobs Rose Lois & Ellis Jacobs James Jacobs Joyce F. Jacobs Lois Jacobs Marianne Jacobs Marvin Jacobs Elaine & Mervin Jacobs Tina & Richard Jacobs Sheri Jacobs Trina & Bobby Jacobs Lillian Jacobs Press Aline Jacobsohn Alfred Jacobson Anne & Norman Jacobson

Fern & Irwin Jacobson Jack Jacobson Felice N. & Jacques F. Jacobson Jodi Jacobson Loretta & Lawrence Jacobson Melissa Jacobson Russell Jacobson Ruth Jacobson Sheila Jacobson Suzanne Jacobson Kenneth Jacoby Meta Jacoby Arthur Jaffe Bert Jaffe Eleanor &. Irving* Jaffe Florence Jaffe Jack Jaffe Trudy Jaffe* Gertrude Jaffee Frances & Henry Jaffee Phyllis A. Jaffee Robert D. Jaffee Diane Jaffin Charlotte Jagolinzer Jack Jaiven Irving James* Marilyn James Bernice Jampol Barbara Janower Donald Janower Janro Designs Dalia Jarashow Morton Jarashow Irving Jaret Judy Jaro Sharon Jason Arthur Jaspan** Ronald Jay Arline & Jesse Jayson Peter Jendlin Jan Jiler Phyllis Joffe Steve Joffe Helen Jonas Edith & Nathaniel Jonas Adele Jones Harold Jones Ronald Jordan David L. Joseph Leonard Josephson Charlotte Joskow Jules Joskow Helen & Martin Judovits Erna Judson Lyn Jurick Doris Juster

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Rosalind & Stanley* Juster Sharon & Donald Kabat Barbara & Clive Kabatznik Jack Kabcenell Vivian Kabcenell Robin & Allan Kachel Morton Kader Michael Kadis Alvin Kadish Beverly Kadish Sarah & Sanford Kadish Beatrice & Arnold Kagan Elaine Kagan Eugene Kagan Herman Kagan Leonard Kagan David Kahan Theresa Kahan Dan Kahn Deborah Kahn Edith Kahn Henry Kahn Howard Kahn Jean Kahn Jeffrey Kahn Martin Kahn Michael Kahn Muriel Kahn Patti Kahn Ruth L. Kahn Shirley Kaitz Sherry Kalish Carole Kalman Diane & Alvin Kalmin Polly Kaltenbacher Sharon Kamber Evelyn Kamen Paul Kamen Jerry Kamer Arnold Kaminer Sandra Kaminer Melanie & Bernie Kaminetsky Gigi & Jerry Kaminetzky Barbara Kamins Rachelle Kaminski Bernard Kaminsky Lawrence Kaminsky Mildred Kaminsky Mildred & Sidney Kaminsky Steven Kammerman Betty Kane Denie & Gary Kane Harvey Kane Herbert Kane Sally & Harvey Kane Isabel Kanefield

Barbara & Jack Kanfer Robert Kanin Ron Kaniuk Lynn & Roy Kanofsky Sol Kanov Calvin Kanter Carole Kanter Debra Kanter Fanchon & Dr. Donald Kanter Stanley Kanter Arlene Kantor Leslie Kantor Norman Kantrowitz Alvin Kaplan Ann Kaplan Beverly Kaplan Carl Kaplan Edward M. Kaplan Edward Kaplan Edward E. Kaplan Edwin Kaplan Elaine Kaplan Esther Kaplan Ethel & Jack Kaplan Grant Kaplan Harold Kaplan Helen F. Kaplan Herbert Kaplan Howard Kaplan Jean Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan Leonard J. Kaplan Lilly Kaplan Louis I. Kaplan Marilyn L. Kaplan Roberta & Max Kaplan Muriel Kaplan Pamela Kaplan Phyllis Kaplan Reuben Kaplan Richard Kaplan Roslyn Kaplan* Thomas Kaplan Tobee Kaplan Henrietta & Fred Kaplowitz Jack Kaplowitz Joyce Kaplowitz Barbara & Joseph Kappel Helen Kaptzan Toby Karan Herbert Karas Rose Karden Laurie Kardon Joyce Karger George Karibjanian Lenore Karlan

Deborah & Dr. William Karlen Leon Karol Gabriel Karoly Gerald Karon Dana & Paul Karon Benjamin Karp Donald Karp Pepi Karp Rochelle & Morton Karper Emilia Karram Jeffrey Karsin Martin Kasen Judith Kashden Paul Kashden Arlene & Victor Kasner Barbara & Irving Kass Natalie Kass Norman Kasser Sidney Kastenbaum* Sydell Kastenbaum Gloria Kastner Isabel Kaston Richard Kaston Judith Kates Linda & Stephen Kates Stephen Kates Lee Katims Judith Katten Dr. Robert Katten Francine & Andy Katz Anita L. Katz Arlene Katz Betty Katz Caroline Katz Daniel Katz Donald L. Katz Donald Katz Doris P. Katz Doris Katz Elaine Katz Florence Katz Gerri Katz Harold Katz Harold H. Katz Deanna & Hank Katz Irwin Katz Judith Katz Natalie & Loeb Katz Melvin Katz Melvin J. Katz Miriam Katz Miriam D. Katz Nancy Katz Norma & Dr. Leon Katz Pauline Katz Randy Katz

Richard J. Katz Sarah Katz Saul Katz Seymour Katz Susan L. Katz Susan Katz Thomas Katz Hilma & Warren Katz Barry Katzen Susan Katzen Marian Katzenstein Helene & Marshall Katzin David Katzman Debra Katzman Edith & Melvin Katzman Michele Katzman Phyllis Katzman Sylvia Katzman Stanley Kaufelt Audrey & Sidney Kaufman Gale Kaufman Harvey Kaufman Lucy & Herbert Kaufman James Kaufman Janet Kaufman Leonard Kaufman Lois & Steve Kaufman Margaret Kaufman Judy & Norman Kaufman Roz & Norman Kaufman Linda & Norman Kaufman Phillip Kaufman Adrienne & Richard Kaufman Mercedes & Robert Kaufman Rose Kaufman Samuel Kaufman Sarah Kaufman Seymour Kaufman Sheryl Kaufman* Sylvia Kaufman Bert Kay Chester Kay Harriet Kay Judith Kay William Kay Barry Kaye Ben Kaye Carole Kaye Howard Kaye Howard S. Kaye Pamela Kaye Sandy Kaye Selma & David Kaye Shirley Aidekman-Kaye Janet Kazdin James Keck 59

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Beatrice Keene Daniel Keisman* Myrna Keisman Rosaline Keitelman Gale & Dale Keiter Joseph Kell Louis Keller Shirley Keller Charlotte Kellert Ann & *Dr. Charles Kelman Alice Kemper Isobel Kemper Sydney Kemper Cecelia Kempler Anita Kendall Corrine Kendall Philip Kendall Florence & Walter Kennedy Howard Kent Lillian S. Kent Marcia Kent Marian Kent Elliott Kerbis Sylvia & Kenneth Kerman Benjamin Kerr Evelyn Kerr Susan & Michael Kerr Edward Kertes George Kessel Helen Kessel Joan Kessel Helene Kessler Irene Kessler Lonnie Kessler Marla Kessler Roslyn Kesten Harold Kestenbaum Shirley Kestenman Ruth Ketover Cristina & Dr. Donald J. Keusch Jack Keystone Rita Keywell Pearl Kier Ralph Kier Allen Kilik Sandra Kimmelman Sanford Kinberg* Sandra & Robert King Myrna Kingsley Irwin Kipnis Miriam Kirsch Bruce Kirschenberg Julie & David Kirschner Erwin Kirschner Marlene Kirschner Beth Kirshner 60

Sue & Myron Kirshner Seymour Kirshner Rhona Kirsner Stanley Kirwin Kimberley Kite Melvin Kitt Selma Kitt Helen & Harold Kittay Sylvia & Seymour Kivitz Sylvia Kivitz Stanley Klapper Rhoda Klar Mildred Klarik Roslyn & Stanley Klarman Carol & Joel Klausner Sandy & Sol* Klausner Edgar Kleban Joyce Kleban Natalie & Stanley Klebanoff Albert Klein Alvin Klein Amy Klein Mimi & Arthur Klein Arthur Klein Judith & Bernard Klein Carole Klein Carryl Klein Cynthia & Albert L. Klein David J. Klein Diane Klein Dori Klein Emery Klein Frances Klein Hal Klein Lila & Dr. Harold J. Klein Harold Klein Harold E. Klein Edith & Harry Klein Jeffrey Klein Joseph Klein Joseph P. Klein Judith Klein Miriam Klein Mimi Klein Robert Klein Ronald Klein Stanley Klein Talia Klein Gerald Kleinberg Heidi Kleiner Rita S. Kleiner Audrey Kleinfeld Stanley Kleinfeld Marion Kleinkramer Madeline Klempert Raymond Kliegman

Andrea Kline Donald Kline* Shirlee Kling William Klinsky Beth & David Klionsky Phyllis & Dr. Norton Klotz Gilbert Knauer Barbara Knee Paula Knobler Sara Jo Kobacker Herbert Kobin Rose & Morris Koby Helen & William Kochnower Bruce Kodner Michael Kodsi Betty Koenig Gilbert Koenig Jennifer Koenig Lawrence Koenigsberg Elaine & Martin* Koeppel Natalie Koff Elaine & Mel Kofsky Phyllis Kogel Beryl Kogen Beryl & Joseph Kogen Marvin Kogod Doris & Eugene Kohan Jean Kohen Fred Kohler Philip Kolchin Herbert Kolsby Jules Komissaroff Carol Konner Doris Konover Simon Konover Wendy & Elliot Koolik Sylvia Kopkin Ellen Koppelman Marjorie Kopple Susan & Michael Koral Eli Korisky Carole Korn Morton Korn Ronald Korn William Korn Leo Kornblath Leonard Kornblum Adam Kornfeld Muriel & Charles Kornheiser Roz Kornreich-Lazar Florine Korotkin Harold Kort Cynthia Koslow Howard Koslow Jane Koslow Frances & Adam Kossek

Esther & Arnold Kossoff Gail Kotler Irwin Kotlove Margaret Kottler Burton Kovler Milton Kovner Joan & Irwin Kowal Richard Kowalsky Bonny & Stanley Kowitt Adele & Gerald Kraft Arnold Kramer Debra & Jerry Kramer Donna Kramer Doris Kramer Elsa & Dr. Edward Kramer Jerry Kramer Doris G. & Julius A. Kramer Minerva Kramer Sarah Kramer Saul Kramer Stuart Kramer Evelyn Krancer Ronald Krancer Janet & Dr. Herbert Krane Jerry Kransdorf Judi & Gary Krasna Jerry Krassenstein Barbara Krata David Kraus Laura & Jeffrey Krauss Ginnette & Dr. Alvin Kravet Marilyn Kravet Utta Kravet Sandra Kravitz Judith Kreitzer Barry Krell Elaine Krell Elise Krell Sue & Arnold Kremen Arnold Krevat Evelyn Krickstein Herbert Krickstein Irene & Fillmore Krieger Cecile Kriegstein Roman Kriegstein Philip Kriger Merle Krimsky Rae & Jack Krinick Seymour Krinsky Howard Kristol Ettie Kroker Robert Kroker Elaine Kronberg Nancy Kronfeld Dania Kier Kronick Jan Kronish

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Gail & Keith Kronish Robert Kronish Herbert Kronman Martin Kroot Howard Krosser Roz Krosser Bernard Krouse Miriam Krovetz Harriet Kruchkow Daniel Kruger Lynn Kruger Dolores Krugman Geri & Lawrence Krukin Maria & Samuel Krupnick Melisa Krupnick-Ferro Emanuel Krupp Mayer Krupp Norma Kugler Sol Kugler Joanne Fielder & Jeffrey Kukes Morton Kula Annabelle & Ralph Kula Leonard Kulick Irene & Donald Kumin Seymour L. Kunin Civia & Richard Kuntz Elyssa Kupferberg Erich Kupferberg Theda Kures Ruth Kurland Irwin Kurlander Norman Kurlander Carol Kurschner Helene Kurtis Eleanor & Bertram Kurtz Bradley Kurtz Sandy & Stuart Kurtz Dorothy & Benjamin Kushner Ralph Kushner Ronald Kushner Barbara Kushnick Marilyn & Irving Kuskin Marilyn Kuskin Carol Kutcher Matthew Kutcher Stanley Kutlin Edith Bolte Kutz Dr. Gail Rubin Kwal** & Richard   Kwal** Greta & Bernard Labush Ted Lafair Alan Lakin Helene & Ronald Lakin Barbara & Jerry* Lampert Lori Landa Peter Lande

Susan Lande Arthur Landesman David Landesman Ross Landesman Gloria Landis Florence & Jack Landsman Selma Landesman Shirley Landwirth Julie Landy-Pavlon Goldie Lang Ruth Lang Marion & Seymour Lang Rita Perlow-Langue & Edwin   Langue Arlene & David Lanter Shirley Lantz Phyllis Lappin Charna Larkin Michelle LaRocque Miriam Lasker Eva Laski Mendel Laski Samuel Lasko Dorothy Lasky* Julius Lasnick Edene & Lee Lasser Mildred Lauer Elinor Laupheimer Michael Laupheimer Eudine Laurans* Ricki & Ralph Lauren Laurence W. Levine Foundation, Inc.** Susan Lavine Lois Lawson Madeline Blondman Lax Kay & Irving Layton Leona Lazar Lee & Mel Lazar Michael Lazar Sydelle Lazar Marvin Lazarowitz Gerald Lazarus Beth Lazerick Ina & Mel Lazerick Marilyn*& Bernard Leader Eleanor Leader Robert Leader Andrew Leader-Cramer Arnold Learner Barbara Learner Erma Leavitt Russell Leavitt April Leavy Florence Leavy Lynne Leavy Roger Leavy

Natalie Lebau Aviva & Gerald Leberfeld Adele Lebersfeld Eric Lebersfeld Herman Lebersfeld Susan Lebersfeld Bernice & Joel Lebovitz Sally Lebow Terri & Peter Lebowitz Helga Lechner Anita & Leon Lechner Albert Lechter Heleane Lechter Lisa Leder Natalie Leder Ruth & Paul Lederer Ann Lederman Hanna & Jack Lederman Henry Lee Ruth Lee Daniel Leeds Leonard Leeds Mimi Leeds Eli Leeman Frieda S. Leemon Carol Leff* Harvey Leff Carolann Leffler Steven Leffler Eleanor & Dr. Alan Lefkowitz Harriet Lefkowitz Herbert Lefkowitz Joan & Joseph Leflein Barbara Lefton Gerald Legow Ruth Legow Wayne Legum Fred Lehman Madalyn Lehman Sally Lehman Erwin Lehr Myrna & Erwin Lehr Marilyn Lehrbaum Jeffrey Leib Linda Leib Elaine Leibowitz Bea & Marvin Leibowitz Carol & Stuart Leibowitz Walter Leibowitz Marilyn Leifer Zyra & Seymour Leifer Lois Lein Patti Leiner Bernie Leinoff Judith Leinwand Michael Leinwand

Floris & Murray Leipzig Fred Leist Len Camber Charitable Trust Sigmund Lenchner Frances Lending Eleanor Lengyel Esther Leno Manny D. Leno Rosemary Lentz Arlene Leopold Sidney Leopold David Lerman Lucille Lerman Rose & Daniel Lerner David Lerner Howard Lerner Claire & Ira Lerner Judith Lerner Marianne Lerner Milton Lerner Sylvia & Nathan Lerner Inez & Norman Lerner Stuart Lerner Sidney Leshinsky Mimi & Bert Lesser Saul Lesser Gloria Lester Isadore Lester Dorothy Lestner Jan & Allen Lev Marvin Levendorf Marissa & David Levenson Rose Levenson Alvin Leventhal Barbara Leventhal Sheldon Leventhal Shirley Leventhal Bernard Levi Aimee Levin Corinne Levin Daniel Levin Georgine Levin Herbert Levin Emily & James P. Levin Marlene Levin Lois & Mitchell Levin Nauma B. Levin Newton Levin Ralph Levin Samuel Levin Sara & Zvi Levin Mildred & Abby Levine Albert Levine Alvin Levine Ann Levine Arlene Levine 61

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Brenda LeVine Barbara & Dan Levine Beth & Daniel Levine Cecelia & Eugene Levine Helene & Dr. Hilbert M. Levine Janet Levine Jo Levine Lawrence Levine Leonard Levine Lois Levine Marilyn Levine Marvin Levine Meyer Levine Patricia & Michael Levine Milton Levine Mae & Murray Levine Paul Levine Elizabeth & Peter Levine Robert LeVine Robert Levine Sandra Levine Shelly Levine Sidney Levine Stanley Levine Steven Levine Susan C. Levine Thelma L. Levine Weldon Levine Anita Levin-Epstein Ralph Levin-Epstein* Jack Levins Alan Levinson Arthur Levinson Betty Levinson Burton Levinson Harry Levinson Jacie Levinson Jeanette Levinson Miriam Levinson Carole & Meron Levitats Barry Levitt Ellen Levitt Gerald Levitt Herbert Levitt Paula S. Levitt Barbara Levy Barrie Levy Bea Levy* Debra & Marc Levy Gabrielle Levy Gerry Levy Susan & Gregory Levy Henry Levy Irving Levy Jack Levy Jaye & Roger Levy for the 62

Beatrice & Leon Friedman   Charitable Foundation Joseph Levy June Levy Larry Levy Lawrence Levy Linda Levy Mark Levy Mildred Levy Molka Levy Mortin Levy Beatrice*& Richard Levy Sally Levy Gladys & Ted Levy Barbara Lewin Gerald Lewin Erika Lewin-Harris & Terrence   Harris Arthur Lewis Geri & Gilbert Lewis Joan Lewis Susan & Bart Lewis Morris Lewitter Ron Lewittes Alvin Lezell Abraham Liboff Lori Libow Adelyn & Sanford Libow Dorothy Lichtenstein Paul Lichtenstein Phyllis Lichtenstein Carole Lichterman Norman Lichtman Helen & William Lichtner Pamela & Milton Lider Lawrence Lidov Mildred Lidov Barbara Lieb Baumstein Shirley & Ben Lieber Goldie & David Lieber Heidi Cohen-Lieberfarb & Ross   Lieberfarb Sylvia & Arthur Lieberman Claire Lieberman Phil Lieberman Janice & Stephen Lieberman Mildred & Morris Liebhaber Robin & Kenneth Lieblein Anita Liebman Bernard Liebman Ellen Liebman Emmanuel Liebman Francine Lifton Harvey Lifton Martin Lifton Sondra & Dr. David Light

Sol Light* Lewis Lilienthal Frances Lilling Jeffrey Linden Hyman Linder Kim & Jack Linder Lila Liner Phyllis Linn Marcia & Ronald Lipack Allan Lipitz Michael Lipman* Stanley Lipman Bernard Lippman Myrna Lippman Sandra Lippy Stephen Lippy William Lippy Marcia & Howard Lipschutz Bernice Sobel & Jack Lipsey Shirlee Lipshitz Wendi Lipsich Alan Lipson Dorothy Lipson Roberta Lipson Aida Lipton Chester Lipton Michael Lipton Miriam Lipton Randolph Lipton Roxane Frechie Lipton Sharon Lipton Lawrence Lirtzman Esther Liss Jeanne Liss Phyliss Liss & Dr. Steven   Melman Shirley Liss Rebecca Lister Laura Litinsky Donald Litt Adele Littman Darren Littman Elayne Littman Herbert Littman Linda Littman Bertha Litvack Florence Litvack Kenneth Litvack Mimi Livingston Robert Livingston Daniel Lobovits Muriel & Louis Lobovits Disabled, Israel Donald Lockwood Marc Loder Adele Loeb

Nick Loeb Renee Loeb Gabriel Loebl Eleanor Loewenstein Gerard Loewenstein Howard Loewentheil Leonora Loewentheil Barnet Loiter Leonard Lokietz Rita Lokietz Lawrence Long Yehoshua Looks Janet & Julius* Lopin Bette Lorber Philip Lorber Isobel Loring Charlotte Lotker Jonathan Louis Olgalilia Louis Dorothy & Barry Love Cecile Lovit Herbert Lovit Peter Lowe Howard Lowell Mel Lowell Pat Lowell Peggy Lowell Leroy Lowenfeld Eugene Lowy Jacqueline Lowy Stanford Lubeck* Lila Luber Nancy & Ronald Lubman Lila S. Lubov Susan Ludwig Mollie Luks Barbara Lurie Harvey Lurie Hilda & David Lurie Norman Lurie Daniel Lushan William Luss Jodi Lustgarten Nancy Lynn** Loren Lyon Allan Lyons Phyllis Lyons Eileen Mack Myra & Dr. Harry Mackler Louise D. & Morton J. Macks Carol & Arthur Maclaire Peggy Madan Robert Madan Lois & David Magid Carol & Buddy Magod Harold Maidman

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Mae Maidman Robert Maidman Sheila & Julius D. Maiman Elaine Mainthow David Makover Reena Makover Diane & Meyer Malakoff Louise & Leonard Maletz Doris & Irving Malitz Joy Malkoff Elsie Mallis Frederick Malter Sylvia Malvin Daniel Man Dena Man Adam Mandel Danielle & Eric Mandelblatt Bernice & Emanuel Mandelkern Joe Mandelkorn* Jerry Mandell Joyce Mandell Ellen Manes Jocelyn Manes Stanley Manes William Manis Lillian Manischewitz Michelle Mankoff Louis Mann Eleanor Mannheimer Barbara Manning Arthur Mansky Carl Marbach Helen Marbach Philip Marber Rachel Marber Alan Marcovitz Alfred E. Marcus Bernard Marcus Billi & Bernie Marcus   Foundation, Inc. Bernard Marcus Billi Marcus David Marcus Harold Marcus Larry Marcus Ruth & Morris Marcus Phyllis Marcus Sara Marcus Shirley Marcus* Ronnie & Stuart Marcus Marc Margolies Marvin Margolies Norman Margolin Doris Margolis Emilie Margolis Marjorie Margolis

Judy & Bob Margolis Henry Margulies Oscar Margulies Shirley Margulies Arlene & Mike Margulis Frances & Irving Margulis Zelda Marin Sam Marion Jerome Mark Max Markel Sabina Markel Lenore & Murray Markman Victor Markowicz Anne Marks Barbara Marks Beverly Marks Coralyn Marks Cynthia Marks Lanny Marks Lisa Marks Raymond Marks Dr. Stanton Marks Ted Markson Edward Marlowe Marjorie Marlowe Muriel Marlowe Bernard Marofsky Marcia Marofsky Ruth Maron Norma & Jerome Marsh Helen Farber Marshall Alvin Martin Dorothy Martin Lois Martin Sabina Marvin Matthew Maschler Elizabeth & Sheldon Maschler Pauline Mash* Eleanor & Dr. Morton Maslov Selma Maslow Sylvia Maslow Jules Mason Lenore Mason Roslyn & Edward Mass Joyce Mass Robert Mass Patricia K. Masser Sheldon A. Masser Ronald Masterman Bruce Mates Maxine Mates Eric Matheson Nettie Matters David Matz Miriam & Paul Maurer Beatrice Mayer

Helmut Mayer Martin C. Mayer Nicolette Mayer** Simon Mayer Edward Mayers Gail Mayerson Jerry Mayerson Manuel Mayerson Rhoda Mayerson Bernice Mazar Andrea & Jerry McCutcheon Florence Medlinsky* Norma Mednick Elizabeth & Marvin Mehlman Kenneth Mehr Tamar Meirson Deborah Meisel Neil Meisel Stephanie & Jay Meiselman Stephanie Meiselman Joel Meisner George Meissner Elaine Melaver Linda Melcer Maureen Melcer Stephen Melcer Marilyn Melcher Joseph Mele Milton Melman Steven Melman Margaret Meltzer, LOJE Genevieve Menaged Mark Mendel Felix Mendelsohn Irwin Mendelsohn Lee Mendelsohn Mona Gans Mendelsohn Stephen Mendelsohn Aaron Mendelson Francine Mendelson Gail P. Mendelson Jeffrey L. Mendelson Lillian & Irving Mender Harry Meran Linda Meran Elaine Merkovitz Ellen & Kurt Merl Dorothy Merlin Elaine Merlis Ira Merritt Arlene Merson Jack Mesches Elise Mesh Gene I. Mesh Helen & Elliot Mesirow Seymour Metnick

Lynn & Howard Metzger Judy Metzger Nathan Metzger Phoebe Metzger Sheila & Albert Mevorah Bernard Meyer Gloria Meyer Jerome Meyer Ursula & Max Meyer Harriet & Morton Meyer Sandra Meyer Eve & Saul Meyer Janice & Benjamin Meyers Marilyn & Gilford Meyers Leonard Meyers Marcia Meyers Shirley Meyers Virginia Meyerson Alan Mibab Melvin Michaelson Alan Michelson Judy Michnoff Arnold Midlarsky Arnold Mikelberg Judy Mikelberg Maxine & Jerry Milgram Audrey E. Milk Arthur Miller Bernard Miller Beverly Miller Bobbie Miller Carol Miller Rita & David Miller Diane Miller EK Miller Edith Miller Ernest Miller Esther Miller* Eugene Miller Geraldine Miller Howard Miller Ira Miller Jeannette Miller Julie Miller Lee Miller Les Miller Marilyn Miller Marvin Miller Marey & Michael Miller Milton Miller Nate Miller Carol & Paul Miller Paula & Gil Miller Jeannette & Raphael Miller Rebecca Miller Relli Miller 63

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Richard Miller Enid & Robert Miller Muriel & Robert Miller Robert Miller Sidney Miller Constance & Sidney Miller Tanya Miller William Miller Madeline Millman Karen Milloy Sally Milstein Marilyn Minion Carol Minkin Jean Minter Gilbert Mintz Henrietta Mintz Joan Mintz Lisa Mintz Rita Mintz Robert Mintz Irwin Minzer Marilyn Mironer Daniel Mironov Miscellaneous Boca Raton Beth Mishkin Joseph Mishkin I. Scott Mishner Joyce Mitchell Shirley & Mitchell Mitnick Bobbie Mitnik Stanley Mitnik Donald Mitzner David Mizrachi Mel Mohr Vera Monkarsh William Monkarsh Bryna Monsein Frank Monzo Gladys & Murray Moore Isadore Moore Jayne Moore Michael Mopsick Susan Mopsick Carol Morgan Deborah Morgenstern Richard Morgenstern Tamara Morgenstern Philip Morin Beth Morris Janet Morris Joel & Diane Morris Jeannine & Leland M. Morris Stanford Morris Sydney Morris Lorelee & Theodore Morris Elaine Morrison 64

Elaine Morse Ira Morse Mel Morse Adina Moseson Robert Moskovits Charles Moskovitz Jan Moskowitz Ruth Moskowitz Gloria & Fred Moss Sue Moss Marilyn Motzkin Morris Motzkin Sydney & Fred Muenz Jean & Fred Mulfeld Lesley Munick Edmond Murphy Alan Mushlin Carol & Steven Muslin Claire Myers Stanton Myerson Laura & Irwin Nable Elliot Nachimson Allen Nachman Marilyn Nachman Mina Nacht Joan Nackman Les Nackman Dale Nadel Renee Nadel & Dr. Harry Dubow Michael Nadler Dorothy Nadolny Jack Nadrich Nita & Max* Nagel Robin & Larry Nagle Roy Nakdimon Betty Narotsky Philip Narotsky Millicent Nathan Robert Nathan Gloria & Arnold Nathanson June & Monte Nathanson Ruth & Bennett Nathanson Saunee Navlen Barbara Needle Judith Needle Howard Needleman Sandra Needleman Sallie Needles Lawrence Neff Sylvia Neiberg Orrin Neiburger Ruth & Bill Neides Fredric Neikrug Caren Neile Sonia & Israel Neiman

Sabina & Noah Neiman Blanche Neimand Barbara & Stanley Neimark David Nelson Marcia Nelson Ilene Nemer Adella & Stanley Nemer Arnold Nestel* Diane Neumann Beverly Neumetzger Milton Nevitt Elaine Newberg Fran Newberg Jerry Newberg Marvin Newberg Alan Newman Arthur Newman Charlene Newman Udella & Jim Newman Jeffrey Newman Josephine Newman Joyce Newman Judith Newman Lisa Newman Melvin Newman* Myron Newman Rita Newman Roger Newman Saul Newman Sheldon Newman William Newman** Norman Nick Richard Nigen Bruce Nimhauser Cindy Nimhauser Ruth W. Nimton Richard Nirenberg Eileen Nissenbaum Miriam Nitzberg James Nobil Lynn Nobil Mitzi & Fred Nochumowitz Christine & Kenneth Nolan Norman A. & Margaret I. Shane   Charitable Trust Deyse & Allan Norwitz Myrna & Dan Norwitz Sally & Harry Nosanchuk Scott Notowitz Ida Novack Marlee Novack Scott Novack Ellen Novin Phoebe Novogroder Carol Nussbaum Elaine Nussbaum

Louis Nussbaum Ruth Nussdorf Phyllis Nussman Ruth & Dr. Julius Obin Gladys Odette Sol Odette David Ogman Rita Ogrin Judy & David Ohayon Fritzi Ohren Julius Ohren Charlotte Okonow Samuel Oksenhorn Curtis Olschansky Rosalind & David Oltsik Arlene Oppenheim David Oppenheimer Eleanor Oppenheimer Eric Oppenheimer Margery Oppenheimer Nettie Opper Dr. Murray Oratz Lawrence Orbach & Philip   Epstein Gail Oren Judith Oren Mitchell Oretsky Sidney Orlans Andrea Orleans James Orleans Barbara & Alvin* Orlian Sanders Orr Edward Osher Newton Oshinsky Gerald Osinoff Ronni Osinoff Gerald Ostrow Lenore & Harold Ostrow Edward Owens Miriam Owens Stephanie Owitz Elliott Packer Carl Paddor Marlene & Marvin Padover Leonard Paletz Serene & Leonard Paletz Florence & Edward Paley -The   Edward & Florence Paley   Foundation Jeffrey Pardes Ann Parker Marcia & Burton Parker Clandia & Charles Parker Sally & Scott Parker Lola Pasahow Regina Paskin

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Dorothy & Sidney Pasternak Myrna Paston Robert Paston Alan Pastor Neil Patrick Irving Patron Rosse Pauker Leona & Baynard Paul Michael Paul Dorothy Blackman & Samuel   Paul Evelyn Payne Renee & Marvin Pearl Mona Pearl Dorothy & Saul Pearl Beverly Pearlman Barbara & Jules Pearlman Samuel Pearlman Jules Pearlstine Shirley Pearlstine Jack & Marilyn Pechter   Foundation** Carol & Aaron Peck Sy Pecker Beverly & Abe Pefka Marshall J. Pekin Natalie Pelavin Eleanor Peltz Janice Pelz Arlene Penner Ronald Penner Kevin Percher Frances Perelman Lawrence Perelman Lois Pergament Robert Pergament Jeffrey Perkins Sandra J. Perkins Cheryl Perl Arlene Perlman Dolores Perlman Doris Perlman Mark Perlman Sy Perlman Rita Perlow-Langue Philip Perlson Alfred Perlstein Evelyn Perlstein Louise Perlstein Gloria & Jack Pernatin Irvin Perper John Perry Marvin Perry Phyllis Perry Marvin Perrye Irene Peskin

James Peskin Lester Peskin* David Peskind Amy & Aryeh Pessah Carol Pessah Lewitter Elaine & Marvin Pesses Helen Pessin Sherman Pessin Shirley & Harold Peterfreund Elizabeth & Arthur Peterman Leo Petrover Michael Petrover Renee & Harvey Pfau Leonard Pfeffer Alyne Phillips Alyne & Dr. Harvey Phillips Ina Phillips Lawrence Phillips** Dan Picard Wendy Picard Norman Pickelny Sondra Pickelny Felice Picker Gladys Pickman Gladys & Morton Pickman Susan Pierce Elaine Pilat Marilyn Pillar Robert Pillar Gertrude Pilzer Judy & Jack Pincus Ann Pineles Barry Pinken Lois Pinkus Linda & Paul J. Pinsky Diane Pinsley Jay Pisik Peggy & Murray Pitkowsky Mildred Pittman Lorraine Pivnick Elaine & Arnold Plant Norma & Alan Platner Cecelia Platnick Sydell Platoni Joel Platt Marcia Platt Phyllis Platt Janice Plevy Cynthia & Harry Plonskier Stephen Ploscowe Wendie Ploscowe Eleanore Plotch Eli Plotch Leonard J. Plotch Paul Plotkin Thelma Plotnick

Margie Plough Maurice Plough Estelle Plous Selma Pluznick Scott Podnos Barry Podolsky Lois Podolsky Susan Podolsky Gail Podwill Robert Podwill Helen Pokotilow L. & Lois Polakoff David Polen Shirley Polen & In Blessed   Memory of Edward Polen Carol Polin Joanne Polin Martin Polin Marion Polinsky Marvin Polinsky Priscilla & Seymour Polishook Bennett Politzer Sandy & Herb Pollack Marcia & Jerome Pollack Louis Pollack Mary Jane Pollack Linda & Paul Pollack Phyllis & Jack Pollack Beth Pollak Edna & Emil Pollak Gail & Dr. Mitchell Pollak Len Pollak Dawn & David Pollay Frances & Jack Pollet Carol Pollock Peter Pollock Edwin Polokoff Georgina Polokoff Nancy & Joseph Polonsky Barrie Pomerance Dorothy Pomerance Alfred Ponoroff Howard Poorvu Rachel & Milton Popkin Eliot Popper Michael Popper Mo Popper Arline & Abraham Portnoy Elaine Portnoy Hal Portnoy Larry Portnoy Alan Posner Roslyn & Arthur Posner Leonard Posner Marlene Posner Miriam Posner

Mimi & Sid Posner Madelene Posternak Noel Posternak Albert Postrel Marsha Potchtar Francine Potkin Harvey Potkin Ronald Potkin Esther W. Potoff Seymour Potolsky Claire Pottish Lotte Povar Morris Povar Alice Powers Seymour Powers Al Pozefsky Marc Poznak Murray Pozner Muriel Prager Dale Pratt David Pratt Joyce & Stanley* Preiser Harry Presberg Shirley Presberg Rhoda & Eugene Preslier Roger Pressman Sheldon Pressman Clarice Pressner Robert Pressner Wendy Pressner Herbert Price Jocelyn & Dr. Ivin B. Prince Myrna & Gerald Prince Michele Pritzker Joan & Sam Prizant Abraham Proger Richard Projain Sue Projain William Prowler Hertzel Pryzant Lisa Puder Claire Pugatch Irwin Pugatch Arnold Pusar Daniele & Lewis Pustilnik Sidney Puteska Sanford Putesky Aileen & Al Putterman Geraldine & James Quartner Jeffrey Queen Libbie & David Queller Florence Rabach Seymour Rabach* Melvin Rabatsky Gary Rabiner Letty Rabiner 65

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Terry Rabinor Barbara C. Rabinowitz Barry Rabinowitz Gail & Dr.Barry Rabinowitz Judith Rabinowitz Maynard Rabinowitz Julie & Stanley Rabinowitz Hy Rabkin* Morton Rachelson Nikki Rachelson Gloria J. Rachles Amy Rader Blanche M. Rader Harriet Rader Kevin Rader Lawrence Rader Stanley N. Rader Gloria & Harold Rafel Eric Rahn Maida Rahn Susan Rahn Carol & Michael Raiten Constance Rakity Marshall Rakusin Norman Rales Alice Ralph Bernard Ralph Betty Ram Patricia Rankin James Rapaport Wendy Rapaport Norma & Paul Raphael Claire & Norman Raphael Frederick Rapoport Jeanne Raport Abraham Rapp Roz Rapp Aaron Rappaport Adele Rappaport Dollsey Rappaport Norman Rappaport Ruth Rappaport Sheldon Rappaport Rabbi S. & E. Rappaport Nancy B. Raser Edward Raspler William Ratner Milton Rattet Sherrie & Jack Rattner Mitchell Rauch Richard Ravech Sonia Ravech Elaine & David Ravich Richard Ravin Allan Ravitz Sylvia Ravitz 66

Edith & Lester Rawitz Herbert Ray Judith & Donald Rechler Herbert Rechter Sandy Reddemann Leah & Charles Redish Sherry Redler Evelyn Reece Milton Reece Thelma & Jerome Rehr Sheldon Reibman Barbara Reich Gerry Reich Dorothy & Harvey Reich Marilyn Reich Marla Reich Sam Reich Harold Reichenthal Valerie Reichenthal William Reider Elinor & Irving Reiner Roy Reiner Harold Reinish Ruth Reinish Eleanor Reinitz Joel Reinstein Philip Reisel Elaine & Bernard Reisin Belle & Louis Reisman Judith & Paul Reisman Barbara & Dr. Frederic Reitman David Remland Sipora Renbaum Charlotte Rendelman Gilda & Abe Resnick Helene & Howard Resnick Diane & Jonathan Resnick Martin Resnick Marion & Solomon Resnick Allie Resnik Beverly Reuter Irma Revesman Beverly Rhodes Ruth & Dennis Rice Georgina Rice Donald Rich*** Harry Rich Jerome Rich Jodi Rich Linda & Ron Rich Judith Richards Deana Richman Hyman Richman Marvin Richman Karen & Paul Richman Donna Richter**

Harold Richter Marcia Richter Evelyn & Robert Rickel Myrna Ricken Norman M. Ricken Rhoda Riebman Jack Riemer Norma Riessen Arnold Rifkin Carol Rifkin Ellis Rifkin Theodore Rifkin Sharlene & Marvin Riibner Milton Ring Sherman Rinkel Gene Rintels Milton Rinzler Carol Rippner Louis Rippner Glenn Rissman Pearl Rissman Robert Rissman Francine Ritter Martin Ritter Iris Chavin & Jerry Rivkin Robert Rivner Joseph Robbin Harvey Robbins Joseph Robbins Joyce & Stuart Robbins Louis Robbins Marcy & Dr. Bradley Robbins Seymour Robbins Grace & Alan Roberts Bernard Roberts Elaine Stein Roberts H. Richard Roberts Jane Roberts Babs Robin Edith & Bernard E. Robin Robert Robin Andrew Robins Donna Robins Suzanne & Ira Robins Bernard Robinson Donald Robinson Doris Robinson Colonel Ellis Robinson Dr. Gerald Robinson Joyce Robinson Judy Robinson Lewis Robinson Myrna Robinson Rose Robinson Sylvia Robinson Hyman Rock

Beatrice Rocker Charles Rockman Marilyn & Irwin Rockoff Myrna Rodkin Stuart Rodkin Bertram Rodman Anita & Allan Rodolitz The Rodstein Foundation Albert Rodstein Marcia Roff Barbara & Col. Lee E. Rogers Anne Rogut-Korn Eileen & Robert Roman Nora Romanoff Sheryl Romanoff Elayne Romanz Libby Rombro Doris Rome Melissa & Carlos Romero Ira Romoff Bilha & Samuel Ron Jessica Roof Mara Roof Andrew Rose Barbara Rose Carl Rose Carolyn Rose David Rose Doris Rose Edward Rose Helen Rose Irving Rose James Rose Jill Rose Linda Rose Michael Rose Raymond Rose Sheldon Rose Rhoda Roseman Arnold Rosen Bonny & Marvin Rosen Charles Rosen David Rosen Eleanor Rosen Eugenie Rosen Gloria Rosen Harvey M. Rosen Jillian Rosen Joan Rosen Lucille Rosen Martin Rosen Joan & Martin Rosen Phyllis & Marvin Rosen Mary Rosen Melvin Rosen Muriel Rosen

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Rosalie Rosen Sandy Rosen Sylvia Rosen Max Rosenbach Marlene Rosenbaum Maxwell Rosenbaum Alex Rosenberg Barbara Rosenberg Barbara Rosenberg Barry Rosenberg Barry Rosenberg Deborah Rosenberg Della Rosenberg Fred Rosenberg Ann & Fred Rosenberg Harriet & Stephen Rosenberg Jay S. “Buddy”Rosenberg Jeff Rosenberg John Rosenberg Judy Rosenberg Julius Rosenberg Kay Rosenberg Lorie Rosenberg Jane & Robert Rosenberg Ruth H. Rosenberg Stephen Rosenberg Ted Rosenberg Abe Rosenblatt Gerald Rosenblatt Lorraine Rosenblatt Robert Rosenblatt Cheryl Rosenblum Enid Rosenblum Jerome Rosenblum Florence Rosenbluth Joseph C. Rosenbluth, M.D. Clive Rosenbusch Abe Rosenfeld Dorothy & Hyman Rosenfeld Irma Rosenfeld Leon Rosenfeld Orin Rosenfeld Seth Rosenfeld Edith Rosengarden Francine & David Rosenheck Susan Rosenholtz Marilyn Rosenstock Phyllis Rosenstock Stanley Rosenstock Miriam & Dr. Jacob Rosensweig Barry Rosenthal Beverly Rosenthal Elinor Rosenthal Elizabeth Rosenthal Henry Rosenthal Selma & Herbert Rosenthal

Jack Rosenthal Lisa Rosenthal Rose & Raymond Rosenthal Robert Rosenthal Sara & Daniel Rosenthal Marilyn & Stephen Rosenthal Dr. Jacob Rosensweig Mindy Rosensweig Bernice Rosenzweig Estelle & Bert Rosenzweig Nina & Martin Rosenzweig Ronald Rosenzweig Marvin Rosett Sylvia Rosett Barbara Rosinsky Martin Rosinsky David Rosner Abby Ross Alexander Ross Allen Ross Amy & David Ross Anita Ross Marcia & Bob Ross Martin Ross Norma Ross Robert Ross Helen & Ronald Ross Sheri Ross Stephan Ross Harry Rossen David Rostoff Marilyn Rotenberg Dr. Arthur L. Roth Barbara Roth Betty Roth Carol Roth Elaine Roth Gloria Roth Harvey Roth Joel Roth Melvin Roth Norman Roth Stanley Roth Shirley & Joseph Rothchild Shirley Rothchild Carol Rothenberg Charlotte Rothenberg Ethel & Tobias Rothenberg Charlotte Rothenburg Robert Rothenburg Eleanor & Daniel Rothfeld Abraham Rothman Muriel Rothman Philip Rothman Stan Rothman Stanley Rothman

Bess Rothschild Myra & Seymour Rothschild Aser Rothstein Evelyn Rothstein Marilyn & Harold Rothstein Marilyn Rothstein Jean S. & Dr. Morton Rothstein Jack Rowen Yelizaveta Roytman Ann Ruben Jean Ruben Mark Ruben Sylvia & Blair Ruben Memorial   Fund Irving Rubenovitch Helen Rubens Sandie & Bud Rubens Eleanor & Albert Rubenstein Howard Rubenstein Myrna Rubenstein William Rubenstein Barry Rubin Benjamin Rubin Bernard Rubin Charlotte Rubin David Rubin Susan & Edward B. Rubin Frances Rubin Hindy Rubin James Rubin Joseph Rubin Marjorie Rubin Sandra & Marvin Rubin Merton Lee Rubin Michael Rubin Muriel & Michael Rubin Phyllis Rubin Robin & Gary Rubin Ruth Rubin Samuel Rubin* Sandra & Marvin Rubin Lois & William Rubin Alan Rubinstein Helen Rubinstein Elsa & Mark Rubinstein Rochelle Rubinstein Claire Rubloff Cora & Leon Ruchlamer Laine Rudd Daniel Rudensky Marcia Ruderman Morton Ruderman Deborah Rudmann Max Rudmann Andrew Rudnick Jerry Rudnick

Susan & Jeffrey Rudnick Milt Rudo Rusty Rudo Max Rudoler* Arthur Rudolph Millicent Rudolph Stanley Rudolph Bobbie & Steve Ruff Joseph Ruggiero Eleanore Rukin* Alvin Rush Pearl E. & David Ruskin Gerald Ruth Sally & Ronald Ruth Peter Rzepka Beverly & Allen Sabath Elaine Saber Lester Saber Ferol & Aaron Sabghir Ruth Sabin Doris Sable Alyse Sachs Peter Sachs Joseph Sachsel Stephen Sackel Eleanor Sacks Rebbetzin Frances E. Sacks Sharon & Steve Sadek Rivka Sadja Sanford Sadja Sandra & Jack Sadowitz Elizabeth Sadwith Lorraine Saex Robert Saex Norman Saferstein Margie & Steven Safran Dorothy & Stanley Saft Stanley Saft Steven Sager Shirlee & David Saginor Erin Sahn Jonathan Sahn Kathy Sahn Samantha Sahn Janet Sahr Rita & Martin Saiman Nadine & Sheldon Saitlin Benjamin Saketkhou Bernard Saklad Bennett Salamon Abe Saland Shirley Saland Corinne Saldanha Stephen Saldanha Gordon Salganik Sari & Edward Salinas 67

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Ira Salk Ruth Salloway Marie & Egon Salmon Eli Salnick Melvin Salomon Sandy & Robert Salovitch Sherman Salovitz Abraham Salsberg Phyllis Salsberg Betty Saltiel Joyce Saltman Beverly Saltz Bruce Saltz Rennie & Marc Saltzberg Steve Saltzman Tara Saltzman Dorothy & Israel Salzbank Sylvia Salzberg Albert Salzman Arista Salzstein Beatrice & Albert Salzwas Robert Samans Charles Samberg Riva Samberg Herman Samick Judie Sampson Jerome Samuels Larry Samuels Marlene Samuels Norman Samuels Ruth & Stuart Samuels Sondra Samuels Stuart Samuels Susan & Melvin Sand Sanford Sandelman* Susan Sandelman Dolores & Abraham Sanders Phyllis & Jay Sanders Murray Sanders Phyllis Sanders Harvey Sandler Phyllis & Harvey Sandler** Leonard Sandler Marvin Sandler Phyllis Sandler Robert Sandler Ruth Sandler Irving Sandorf** Ben Sands Harriett & Irving Sands Eileen & Irwin Sands Jeanne Sankin Gerald Saperstein Efraim Sapir Lynn Joy Sapoff Meyer Sapoff 68

Harriet Saporta* Diane & Seymour Sard Lewis Sare John Saril* Susan Saril Helen Sarinsky Elaine Sarnoff Ellen R. Sarnoff Gary Sarnoff Jay Sarnoff Norton Sarnoff Marie Sasso Rhoda Satenspiel Jean & Leonard Satin Marvin Satisky James Satovsky Susan Satsky Jack Satter Lorraine & Robert Satz Rosalyn Satz Burton Satzberg Judy Satzberg Gordon Saul Linda Saul Louise Savage Melvyn Savage Jan Savarick Betsy Savelle Sidney Savelle Sugar Savin McCauley Janine & David Savitch David Savitt Phyllis Savitt Marilyn Saypol Claire Scafa Dr. David I. Schachne Dorothy Schachne Ronald S. Schacht Evelyn & Herman Schachtel Ruth & Allan Schachter Edward Schachter Lucy Schachter Sherman Schachter Lola Schack Rosalind Schacknow Anita Schaeffer Marshall Schaeffer Linda Schaffer Gladys & Monroe Schaffer Rachelle & Ronald Schraffin Gertrude Schaire Barbara Schapiro Gill & Lucia Schapiro Dr. Morris Schapiro Harold Schatz Irving Schatz

Lois & Edgar Schauber Mark Schaum Cynthia Hollander Schechner Dana Schechter Benjamin Scheckner Anne & Joel Schecter Debra Scheer Janice Scheer Sidney Scheinberg Stacy Scheinberg Dr. Irving Scheiner Sylvia Scheininger Jean Scheinman Elihu Schepps Joan Schepps George Scher Jack Scher Joy Scher Phyllis S. Scher Stanley Scher Sarah Schertzer Carol Schiff Edward Schiff Ann & Herbert Schiff Marilyn Schiff Alvin Schiffman Michael Schiffman Cynthia Schiller Neil Schiller S. Howard Schiller Alison Schimel Alison Schimel & David Schimel, MD Samuel Schimel Aaron Schindler Lawrence Schine William Schlackman Dianne Schlanger Judith Kay & Norman Schlanger Muriel & Jack Schleifman Al Schlesinger Dolores Schlesinger* Joan Schlesinger Arlene & Jules Schlesinger Lawrence Schlesinger Les Schlesinger Iris & Mel Schlesinger Sarah B. Schlesinger Wendy Schlesinger Yetta Schlesinger Daniel Schliftman Suzanne Schliftman Audrey Schlossberg Bernard Schmidt Dorothy Schmidt Linda Schmier Robert Schmier

Fran Schmutter Shelley & Marty Schneer Shirley Schneer Luella & Alan Schneider Corinne Schneider Ellen & Irwin Schneider Shirley & Harold Schneider Beatrice & Irving Schneider James Schneider Joanne Schneider Marlene & Jerry Schneider Melvin Schneider Marilyn & Len Schneider Ronni & Paul Schneider Sanford Schneider Natalie & Milford Schneiderman Barbara Schnoll Howard Schnoll Leila & Melvin Schott April Schnurmacher David Schoen Berta & Kurt Schoen Lorraine & Melvyn Schoen George M. Schoenberg Harvey Schoenbrum Esther & Harvey Schoenfeld Elayne Schoke Shirley Scholsohn Adele Schonberg Sue Schonfeld Fred Schonwetter Irene* & Stanley Schor Julian Schorr Leila & Melvin Schott Elissa Schosheim Rachel Schramm Arlene & Howard Schreiber Louis Schreiber Shirley Schreiber Alison Schreier Andrew Schreier Corinne & Edward Schrier Dr. Robert Schrier Florence Schubert Howard Schubert Marilyn Schulder Monroe Schulder Irving Schuldiner Malkah (Mickie) Schulman Murray Schulman Marjorie & Robert P. Schulman Gerald Schultz Lisa Schultz Judi & Allan Schuman Barbara Schuman Arlene & Emanuel Schuman

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Olga Schuman Carol Schumer Bob Schumer Hortense Schur Lawrence Schur Arline Schuster Cole Schuster Stephanie & Dr. Steven Schuster Andrea Schuver Bertha Schvid Gloria Schwab Howard Schwab Sandy & Tadd Schwab Sandra & Jack Schwalb Owen Schwam Alvin Schwartz* Andrew Schwartz Arnold Schwartz Barbara Schwartz Betty Schwartz Beverly Schwartz & Family Bill Schwartz Carl Schwartz Carol & Paul Schwartz Dorraine Schwartz Elaine Schwartz Eli Schwartz Elise Schwartz Estelle Schwartz Freda Schwartz Heidi Schwartz Helen Schwartz Howard Schwartz Elaine & Jay Schwartz Jody Schwartz Leonard Schwartz Louis Schwartz Marilyn Schwartz Martin Schwartz Merle Schwartz Michael Schwartz Morton Schwartz Ray Schwartz Deanna & Ron Schwartz Ruth Schwartz Rose & Sol Schwartz Col Stanley C. Schwartz Stanley Schwartz Stephen Schwartz Steven Schwartz Susan Schwartz Suzanne Schwartz Victor Schwartz* William Schwartz Murray Schwartzbaum Martin Schwartzberg

Susan & David Schwartzfarb Linda Schwartzman Bonnie Schweiger Stanley Schweiger Allen Schweitzer Ruth & Leonard Schwimmer Dorothy P. Seaman Larry Seaman* Searle & Company Herschel Seder Ronald Sedley Mildred & Herbert Sedlis Stanley Seeb Arthur Seeman Madeline Seeman Aaron Seff Barbara Segal David Segal Dottie Segal Shirley & Harold Segal Beverly & Merton Segal Paul Segal Paula D. Segal Shelley Segal Marcia & Charles Seibel Penney & Raymond I. Seider Dorine Seidman Helene Seidner Pauline Seigel Judith Seigle Robert Seigle Barry Seinfeld Linda & Ronald Selbst Sumner Selby Charles Selig Gerald Selig Gerald Seltser Jason & Helen Seltzer Family   Foundation Ralph Seltzer Ruth Seltzer Ruth D. Seltzer Michael Selzer Laurie Semo Henry Sender Mike Senders Selma Sendroff-Gilman Beverly Senville Marilyn Serelson Clifford Seresky Phyllis Seresky Alan Serinsky Lester Seskin Carolyn Sessler Norman Sessler Estelle Seville

Harold Shabelman Susan Shaber Benjamin Shabman Beth Shadowitz Mitchell Shadowitz Tina Shaffran Phyllis & Meyer (Murray) Shafman Helene Shafran Seymour Shagrin* Loretta Shainker Anita Shalley Arthur Shambon Edith Shambon Betty & Sidney Shames Sidney Shane Marvin Shanken Harriet Shanus Sol Shanus* Alvin Shapiro Sharon & Alvin Shapiro Barney Shapiro Beverly M. Shapiro Bruce Shapiro Craig Shapiro Debra Shapiro Doris & Eugene Shapiro Elaine Shapiro Natalie & Ellis Shapiro George Shapiro Olivia & Gerald Shapiro Harriet Shapiro Jan Shapiro Florence & Jerry Shapiro Leonard Shapiro Louis Shapiro Becky & Mark Shapiro Mara & Michael Shapiro Michael Shapiro Nina Shapiro Nita Shapiro** Norman Shapiro Paul Shapiro Richard Shapiro Sam & Jean Shapiro Lorraine & Stephen Shapiro Susan G. Shapiro Carol & Wallace Shapiro Amy Shapiro-Perper Ronald Shapss Philip Sharaf Barbara & Harold Share Marla Share Eric Sharenow Robert Sharp Bernard Shatz Bernard Shavitz

Elizabeth Shavitz Gregg Shavitz Harriet Shavitz Jeffrey Shavitz Jill Shavitz Ellen & Bill Shaw Charles Shaw Edward Shaw Hally Shaw Iris Shaw Jerry Shaw Linda Shaw Mark Shaw Patsy Shaw Albert Shayne Carol Shear Helene & Frank Shear Harold Shear Helene Shear Murray Shear Sharon Shear Joanne & Alan Shecter Florence Shefet Marian & Lee Sheftell Barbara & Alan Shefter Dan Sheinberg Lizette Sheinberg Marvin Sheinker Robert Sheinkopf Sybil Sheinkopf Michael Sheinson* Lewis Sheketoff Sylvia Sheketoff Bernard Sheldon Jules Sheldon Jaimie Shelling Rhoda & Emanuel* Shemin Paul Shenkel Florence Shenker Jack Shenkman Miriam Shenkman Irving Shepard Betty Sher Sydelle & Leslie Sher Claire & Allan Sheres Claire Sheres Adam T. Sherman Alan Sherman Albert Sherman Carol Sherman Hyman Sherman Katie & Fred Sherman Harold Sherman Lawrence C. Sherman Leonard Sherman Miriam Sherman 69

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Richard Sherman Rosalie Sherman Ruth Sherman Brian Sherr Elaine Sherr Nancy Sherr Honey Sherter Sidney Sherter Gloria Sherwood Judith Sherwood Roger Shiffman Burton Shifman Doris Shimmel Sol Shinder Lenore Shindler David Shine Irene Shiro Ruth Shlachter Iris Shlansky Milton Shlansky Bernard Shlossman Deborah Shlossman Howard Shmerler Isidore Shochat Dorothy Shochet Ruth Sholes Norman Sholk Donald Shopiro Joel Shor Barbara Ann Shore David Shore David Shore Philip Shore Claire Shostak Arthur Shoyer Lillian Shoyer Ronnie & Jason Shrinsky Diane Shullman Belle & Edward Shulman Miriam Shulman Benjamin Shumaker Miriam & Dr. Robert Shumaker Penny & Charles Schuman Gail & Mark Shupak Rita & Myron Shupler Stephen Shushan Louis Shuster Murray H. Schusterman Caron Shutan Eda Shvetz Henry Shweitzer Carol & Donald Sider Jill Sider-Greenberg Sam Sidewater Dina Siegal Sol Siegal 70

Arthur Siegel Elaine (Teddy) Siegel Gertrude Siegel Jane Siegel Joan & Jay Siegel Jerome Siegel Gloria & Larry Siegel Mary Siegel Murray Siegel Vicki & Ron Siegel Sam Siegel Sanford Siegel Joyce & Shelly Siegel Susan Siegel Marcia & Alvin Siegler Lisa Siemens Colleen & Morton Siet Sonia & Paul Sifen Marshall Sigel Sybil Sigel Harry Sigesmund Arthur Signer* Edna K. Silber Marion Silberberg James Silberman Rosalie & Leonard Silberman Marvin Silk Eleanor Silver Janet & Robert* Silver Joshua Silver Judith Silver Larry Silver Rita Silver & Sonny Judson Rosalyn Silver Seymour Silver Sidney Silver Stuart Silver Sylvia Silver Herbert Silverberg Beatrice Silverman Ethel & Bernard Silverman Bernice Silverman Elaine Silverman Iris Silverman Jan M. Silverman Joseph Silverman Joy Silverman Joyce Silverman June Silverman Leonard Silverman Linda R. Silverman Marc Silverman Diane & Marshall Silverman Robert Silverman William Silverman Robert Silvers

Bernice Silverstein Eleanor Silverstein Evan Silverstein Helen Silverstein Jack Silverstein* Joyce Silverstein Dr. Lawrence Silverstein Leonard Silverstein Marilyn Silverstein Norma Silverstein Sheldon Silverstein Judy & Monty Simmonds Rochelle Simms Abraham Simon Rita & Albert Simon Allen Simon Charles Simon Cynthia Simon David Simon Donald Simon Esther Simon Jeanie & Jack Simon Janie Nobil Simon & Eric Simon Judith Simon Leonard Simon Lynne Simon Margie Simon Martin Simon Susan Simon Susan Simon Sylvia Simon Marilyn Simon Weinberg Dorothy Simonds Julian Sincoff Barbara Singer Burton Singer Del Singer Ellen Singer Gloria Singer Zenia & Jerome Singer Joanne Singer Rabbi Merle & Myra Singer Nancy Singer Stanley Singer Philip Singer Renee Singer Rose & Stuart Singer Samuel Singer Fran & Saul Singer Saul Singer Nancy & Stanley Singer Susan Singer Deborah Singerman Gurbachan Singh Judith Sirkin-Valanos Joseph Sirotkin

Harris Siskind Sybil & Stan Siskind Selma & Joe Sitrick Dale & Murray Skala Barry Skeist Jane Skelton Sondra & Richard Skinder Leo Sklar Beatrice Skolnick Myrna Skurnick Sull Slaine Herbert Slater Seymour Slaven Candace & Donald Slavin Margery Slavin Susan & Morton Slavin Robert Sleeper Jay Slesinger Pearl Sloane Walter Sloane Beatrice Slomin Sandra Slomin Carmi Slomovitz Miriam Slomovitz Lillian Slonim Alan Slootsky Ellen & Robert Slossberg Dorothy & Edward Slotkin Edward Slutsky Molly & Abraham J. Small Marsha Small Rhonda Small Richard Small Stuart Small Irving Smelson Rickie Smiley Beatrice Smiley-Rubin Lois Smirnoff Rochelle & Barry Smith Ben Smith Harold Smith Ivan Smith Jewel & Larry Smith** Helen & Joseph Smith Judith Smith Elaine & Larry Smith Marjorie Smith Miriam Smith Mitchell Smith Morton Smith Philip Smith Raymond Smith Rose Smith Dr. Carol S. Smokler** Judith Sneider Miriam & Herbert Snyder

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Irene Snyder Libby Snyder Marie Snyder Murray Snyder Philip Snyder Robert Snyder Mary & Robert Snyder Barbara & Jack Sobel Florence Soble Stephen Soble Edward Sodel Harvard Sohn Miriam Sohn Claire Soifer Oscar Soifer David Sokol Shirley Sokolsky Bud Solk Mike Solnik Allan Solomon Delores Solomon Eugene Solomon Evelyn H. Solomon Jane Solomon Lois Solomon June & Louis Solomon Marc Solomon Naomi Solomon Robert Solomon Sandra Solomon Shirley Solomon Eunice Solow Genia Sommer Selma & Hal Sommers Edwin Sonabend Marilyn Sonabend Lillian Sonderling Ronald Sonenshein Roberta & Charles Sonneborn Hortense Sonneborn Dani Sonnenblick Linda & Michael Sonnenreich Donald Sontag Judith Sontag Michele & Paul Sosnick Laurette Sotoloff Gadi & Sara Soued Lloyd Spalter Barbara & Donald Spanton Marcia Spear Samuel Spear* Wallace Specter Carole Sue Lebbin Spector & Phillip Spector Ginger & Ed Speicher Judith Speiser

Melvin Speizer Judy Speizman Lawrence Speizman Ellen & Zorik Spektor Julius Spencer Mildred Sperling Jeffrey Spero Barbara & Jerome Spevack Robert Spevak Irene & Leo Spiegel Morton Spiegel Simone & Sam Spiegel Samuel Spiegel Gerald Spiegelman Gary Spielfogel Ehud Spielman Phyllis Spielman Samuel Spielman Selma Spielman Stanley Spielman* Barbara & Brian Spiller Cedric Spindel Elissa Spiro Martin Spiro Nadele Spiro Jessica Spitalnic Brockman Marion Spitalnik Ben Spitalsky* William Spitalsky* Frederick Spitzer* Marilyn Spitzer Murray Spitzer Ted Spivak Arnold Spring Estelle Spring Sidney Spring Sidney Sprung Robert Stager Marlene Rosenfeld Stanton Bernice & Herman Starr Dr. Joseph Starr Maurine Starr* Bernice Staub-Herman Amy Stavis Dr. Burton Stavitsky David Stearman Sherry & Alan Steigrod Dolores Steigrod Charlotte & Alfred Stein Craig Stein Diana Stein Edith Stein Elaine Stein Gerald Stein Harvey Stein Hilarie Stein

Joan Stein Libby & Harve Stein Loren Stein Lucille Stein Martin Stein Harriet & Martin Stein Mindy Stein, Esquire Nancy Stein Norman Stein Evelyn & Saul Stein Shirley Stein Sorrell & Bobby Stein Randi & Dr. Steven Stein Nathan Steinart Phyllis & Albert Steinberg Beula Steinberg Beverly Steinberg Gail & Charles Steinberg Dolores Steinberg Irwin Steinberg Jack Steinberg Joan Steinberg Irma & Joe Steinberg Marvin Steinberg Naomi Steinberg Betty & Norman Steinberg Renee Steinberg Richard Steinberg Selina Steinberg Stuart Steinberg Eugene Steiner Linda Steiner Lucille Globus Steiner Sheldon Steiner Fern Steinfeld Fern & Manfred Steinfeld Mark Steingard Gerry Steinlauf Leonard Steinlauf Marilyn Steinman Philip Steinman Regina & Mark Stelnik Helene & Dan Sterling Dolores Stern Henry Stern Ido Stern Irwin Stern Adele Sternbach Mervyn Sternberg Max Stettner Jerry Steuerman Laurie Stevens Miriam Stevenson Saul Stevenson Shelley Stewart Edward Stiepleman

Cynthia & Robert Stiller Allan Stillman Enid Stillman Marion Stillman Pauline Stillman Philip Stillman Therese & Sol Stiss Ella Stock Murray Stock Sheila & Marvin Stockel Florence* & Saul Stockman Marvin Stolberg Richard Stoller Lynne Stolls Richard Stolls Joan & Errol Stoltz Toby L & Herbert G. Stolzer Barbara Stone Betty Stone Donald Stone Paula & Elliot Stone Candy & Greg Stone Joel Stone Lewis M. Stone Marcia Stone Norman Stone Sandra Stone James Stoneman Ronald Stoppelmann Irwin Stovroff Harvey Strackman Meryl Strackman Philip Strasburg Shirley & Harry Strauss Howard Strauss June Strauss Maury Strauss Mitchell Strauss Sheila Strauss Joyce & Ed Stravitz Beatrice Strent Norman Stricof Rita Strochak Robin Struhl Teddy Struhl The Struhl Family Aubrey Strul Allen Strumwasser Harry Stuart Charles Suchman Joseph Sufrin Katie & Harry Sugarman Geraldine & Kenneth Suhrland Donald Summer Esther Summer Charlotte Sundberg 71

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Bonnie Sunness Stewart Sunness* Maxine & Laawrence Sunshine Michael Supera Arnold Suresky Maida Suresky Beatrice Sussman Charles Sussman David Sussman Elaine & Ira Sussman Janice Sussman Leonard Sussman Marilyn Sussman Nathan Sussman Phyllis Sussman Rosalie Sussman Eugene Suttin Carole Sutton Lyla Suval Victor Suvall Leonard Swartz Murry Swartz Richard Swartz Judith & Sidney Swartz Wendy Swartz June Sweet Velia Sweet Shirley Sweet-Ehrlich Gisha Swernoff Howard Swernoff Daniel Swett Richard Swoiskin Amy Sylvetsky Barry Sylvetsky TYG Foundation** Abraham Tabachnick William Tabachnik Jay Tabackin Madelin Tabin Linda Tafet Norman Tafet Lenore Tagerman Arthur Taitz Allen Talmud Doris Tamarkin Kay & Jerry Tamarkin Mace Tamse Alberta Tancos Estelle Kay Tandet Florence & Gilbert Tandy Abbey Tanenbaum Amy Taney Barry Taney Gertrude & Herbert   Tannenbaum Avi Tansman 72

Melinda Tansman Florence Tanzman Irving Taragan Vivian Taragan Morris Tarica Alvin Tarshis Sharon Tarshis Marilyn & Sidney Tartarkin Arlene & Martin Tash Phillip Tarter* Richard Tatelman Carol Taub Donald Taub Leon Taub Ronna & Marc Taub Marvin Taub Irene & Benjamin Taubenfeld Elene Taubman Joseph Taubman Ruth Taubman Shirley Taussig Judy Taxel Alan Taylor Bonnie Tefka Edward Tefka Miriam Teicher Charlotte & Richard Teig Joe Tekulsky Edward Telman Josie Telman Jan & Gil Telsey Delicia Telson Marc Telson Bernice Teltser** Edward Teltser Leah Temkin** Libby Temkin Sherwood Temkin Temple Beth El of Boca Raton Fay & Irving Tenenblatt Renee & Isadore Tennenberg Marvin Teperow Byron Terk Betty Terkel Maurice Terkel Suzanne & Eugene Terry SuAnn & Donald Tescher Marvin Tesler Muriel Tharler Stanley Tharler Norman Thier Toby Thierman Myrna Thomas Irwin Thomases Jane Thomases* Edith & Paul Thorner

Nancy Thornton Norman Thrope Anne Thun Leonard Thun Robert Tilsen Barbara Tirschwell Rabbi Perry & Miriam Tirschwell Charlotte Toback Martin Toback Rhoda Toben Elinor Toberoff Sandra & Arthur* Tobias Harold Tobin Rhoda & Marshall Tobin Jeri Todtman Albert Toll Esther Toll Jaclyn Tompkins Phyllis Topchik Bernard Topfer Evelyn O. Topkis Jack H. Todkis William Topkis June Toppel Patricia Toppel Shari Topper Bernice Torch Morris Trachten Debra Steinhauser & Alan Traster Burton Traub Sheila & Lawrence Trepeck Carol & Dr. Jack Tresser Dr. Benjamin Trichter Anita & Howard Triest Jackie Tripp Miriam Trokie Doris Troll Sheila Trossman Maximillian Trost Heidie & Peter Tuby Betty Tuchman Beverly & Irving Tuchman Nanci & Donald Tuck Donald Tuckerman Marilyn Tulgan Stanley Tulgan Marvin Tulpan Rose Turetsky Patricia & Marshall Turkin Arthur Turkish Ellen Turkish Alice Turner Harold Turner Yolanda Turocy Marlene & Bernard Turovitz Phyllis & Dr. Allen Turtel

Joe Tuschman Herbert Tyner Sheldon Tysk Bert Udell Elaine S. Udell Janet Udell Lorraine Udwin Susan Ullman Carole & Bud Ungar Sandra & Irving Unger Frieda & Lee Unger Nina Unger Norman Unger Rosalyn Unger Marvin Urban Enid & George Urdang Allen Usow Herbert Usow Peter Valentine Fred Valk Susan Van Jo Van Der Linden Constance & Samuel Van Tosh Barbara Vanefsky Herb Vanefsky Jason Vanner Mollie Verebay Jerome Verlin Daniel Verner Steven Verona Moshe Vessal Herbert Victor Lois Victor Phyllis Victor Bob Viner Clifford Viner Jill Viner Joseph Viner Ruth Viner William Vishno Dana Vizner Barry Vlessing Diane Vogel Rebecca & Herbert Vogel Jeanette Vogel Jon Vogel Linda Vogel Neil Vogel Shirley* & Philip Vogel Sherman Vogel Claire Volin Arthur Wachtel Lenore & Dr. Herbert Wachtel Phyllis & Dr. Arthur Wachtel Roslyanne Wachtel Robert Wachterman

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Julius Wagner Erwin Wainer Ethel Waldman Ruthie Waldman Rita Waldstein Stanley Waldstein Janice Wallach Freida & Robert Wallstein Robert Wallstein Ann & Harvey Walpert Anita Waltuch Kim & Randall Waltuch Norton Waltuch James Walzer Irene Wanderer Alice Wanderman Robert Wanderman Diane & Joel N. Wantman Beverly Warheit Walter Warheit Leon Warms Harriet Warner Katz & Burton   Katz Martin Warshaw Joseph Wasch Ann Wasserman Bradley Wasserman Gail B. Wasserman Mark Wasserman Robert Wasserman Samuel Wasserman Sandra Wasserman Edward Wasserson Barbara Waters Norma Waters Paul Waters Janet Wayne Leonard Wayne Charlotte & Robert Wayne David Webber Ruth R. Webber Charles Weber Herbert Weber Judith Weber Randee Wechsler Helene Weicholz Stephen Weicholz Clifford Weidberg Merle & Richard Weidenbaum Shari Weidenbaum Marilyn & Dr. Irving   Weigensberg Carolyn Weil Cathy Weil Marjorie Weil Karen & Ralph Weil

Sheldon Weil Werner Weil Bernard Weiler Adrienne Weill Maurice Weill Shirley & Albert Wein Audrey Weinberg Caren Weinberg Frances & George Weinberg George Weinberg Leon Weinberg Lillian Weinberg Michael Weinberg Caren & Michael Weinberg** Renee Weinberg Lorraine & Morris Weinberger Ruth Weinberger Ruth Weinberger Steven Weinbrum Ira Weindruch Alan Weiner Albert Weiner Eleanor & Paul Weiner Gail & Harvey Weiner Herb Weiner Hilary Weiner Irwin Weiner Max Weiner Lindsey Friend & Michael   Weiner Michele Weiner Eleanor & Paul Weiner Stanford Weiner Irene Weinerman Marshall Weinerman Phyllis Weingarten Sylvia & Norman Wenger Susan Weingold Rosalyn & Irving Weingrod Morris Weinman Toby Weinman Palchik David Weinroth Pamela & Robert Weinroth Gladys Weinshank* Alan Weinstein Bernard Weinstein Carole Weinstein Dorothy Weinstein Frederick Weinstein Barbara & George Weinstein Helaine Weinstein Blanche & Herbert Weinstein Irving Weinstein Jerome Weinstein Jerome Weinstein Joel Weinstein

Julie & Andy Weinstein Marcus Weinstein Marjorie E. Weinstein Marvin Weinstein Murray Weinstein Reah Weinstein Seymour Weinstein Vicki & Victor Weinstein Saragale & Dr. Frank Weinstock Eve Weintraub Gail Weisbaum & Andrew Hurst Lucille Weisbein Alvin Weisberg Henrietta Weisberg Kenneth Weisberg Michael Weisberg David Weisberger Nachama & Maurice Weisenberg Stuart Weisenberg Maureen & Dennis Weiser Karen Weisfeld Barton Weisman Phyllis & Joel Weisman Marcie Weisman Bernice & Matt Weisman Milton Weisman Nathan Weisman Neal Weisman Shirley Weisman Allan Weiss Andrea Weiss Annette Weiss Barbara Weiss Beverly Weiss Daniel Weiss Donna Weiss Doris Weiss Enid Weiss Fredric Weiss Gerald Weiss Harvey Weiss Jack Weiss Jerry Weiss Linda Weiss Marjorie Weiss Melanie & Martin Weiss Marvin Weiss Patty & Matt Weiss Gloria & Morris Weiss Randi & Steven Weiss Rosalind Weiss May & Sam Weiss Selma Weiss Seymour Weiss Shirley Weiss Ruth Ellen & Sid Weiss

Gabriela & Walter Weiss Marilyn Weissglass Natalie Weissler Cynthia Weissman Mitzi Weitzen Allan Weitzman Ida Weitzman Leonard Weitzman Regina Weitzman Florence Weitzner Walter Weitzner* Bert Wellman Arlene Wells Bernice & Edward Wenger Anita Wengrover Todd Weprin Serena Werber Barbara Werner Susan & Bruce Werner Donald Werner Richard L. & Lois S. Werner   Family Foundation Susan Mendelsohn Werner Lawrence Werrick Hilda Werth Judy & Harvey Wertheim Marcy & Ed West Sandra West Libby & Lew Weston James Westra Martin Wetzler Shari & Stuart Wexelman Al Wheeler Jacquelyn Wheeeler Cynthia White Doris White Eleanor & Jack White Paul White Ruth White* Leonore Whiteman Kelley Whiter Carole Whyte Allan Wickstein Tobie Widis Herbert Wieder Bernard Wiener Marc Wiener Milton Wiener Sidney Wiener Iris Wilder A.Edward Wilen Janet Wilen Lillian Wilen Judy Willdman Harry Williams Sankey Williams 73

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Robert Wine Jeanette Wineburgh Earl Winer Phyllis Winer Ralph Winer Robert Winikoff Rita Winograd Ruth & Dr. John S. Winston Kenneth Winston Wilma Winston Bonnie S. Winter David Winter Douglas S. Winter Eleanore Winter Paula & Dr. Joseph Winter Randi Winter Toby Wintrub* Shoshana Wirtschafter Sue & Marvin Wische Ben Wiseman Sharon & Philip Wishna Alan Wishneff Gerard Witt Wolf Wittenberg David Wittich Dorothy Meyers Wizer** Phoebe Wofchuck Ilene Wohlgemuth Bette & Paul R. Wohlgemuth Peter Wohlgemuth Barry Wohlman Alvin Wolansky Shirley Woldar* Mitchell Woldoff Rochelle Woldoff Jerome Wolens Clarence Wolf Jr & Alma B. Wolf   Foundation, Inc. ** Delores Wolf Edward Wolf Susan & Jerome Wolf Suzanne &. Manuel Wolf Rita Wolf Doris Wolfe Cynthia Wolfe Ellen Wolfe Howard Wolfe Samuel Wolfe Muriel & Seymour Wolfe Amy & David Wolff Daniel Wolff Darlene Wolff Joan Wolff Nikki Wolff Robert Wolff Felyce Wolfson 74

Monte Wolfson Robert Wolfson Stanley Wolfson Thelma Wolfson Acey Wolgin Jacqueline Wolgin Marian & Norman Wolgin William Wolgin Irene Wolins Barbara Wolk Fern & Barry Wolk Deanna Wolk Nathan Wolk Harold Wolkoff Howard Wolkoff Jeffrey Wolkowicz Dr. Burton S. Wollowick* Karen Wollowick Nelson Wolther Eric Workman Michele Wornow Howard Wulfson Peter Wurm Jean Wyman David Yaffe Lorne Yaffe Robert Yaffe Gail & Morris Yamner Donald Yarlas Muriel Yarock Barbara Yaspan Robert Yaspan Gerald Yass Yoram Yasur Barbara Yavner Laura Yellin Mark Yellin Roslyn Yellin Paul Yentis Dana Yormark Sharon & Jay Yospe Babs Young Barbara & Ira* Young Beverly Young David Young Ephraim Young Geri Young Martha Young Maury Young Ronald Young June Youra Jane Yudell Myrna & David Yudenfreund Joel Yudenfreund Julian Yudin Myron Yudkin

Marci & Hank Yunes Allan Zack Lesley & Dr. Bruce Zafran Miriam Magid Zakon Edward Zale Marvin Zale Roberta Zale Barbara Zallea Harry Zam Lorraine F. Zam Susan Zarkin Ricky Zarn-Stern Walter Zashin Judy & Stanley Zaslow Joan Zavis Michael Zavis Sheryl Zedeck Martin Zeitler Sheila Zeitler Sylvia Zeitlin Irene Zelnick Shirley Zemel Sylvia Zemel Myer Zendel Elaine Zenker Adele & Stan Zerman Judith & Dr. Allan Zerulik Anne Zetzer Craig Zeuner Doris Zeuner Jennifer Zeuner Stuart Zeuner Herman Ziegler Paul Zieky Phyllis Zimble Sandra Zimelis Charlotte & Mack Zimet Barbara Zimmerman Bernard Zimmerman* Bertha Zimmerman Beverly F. Zimmerman Denise & Jordan Zimmerman Edgar Zimmerman Etta Zimmerman Michael Zimmerman Michael Zimmerman Marilyn & Mortimer   Zimmerman Raymond Zimmerman Eleanor Zimmern Richard Zimmern Claire & Mel Zimmers Rita Zimmy* Dr. Israel Zitrin Jack Zlatin* Phyllis Zlatin

Carol & Stanley Zola Joseph Zommick Lyna Zommick Natalie & Joseph Zonies Bill Zousmer Seymour Zubatch Carole & Dr. Bernard Zucker Mildred & Norman Zucker Edith & Sandy Zuckerbrat Annette Zuckerkorn Rhoda Goldstein Zuckerman Ruth Zuker Elaine Zukerman Marlene Zukerman Robert Zukerman Alfred Zuroff* Larry Zusman Anne Zusselman Gertrude & Theodore Zweiback Janet Zwiebel Claudia Zylberberg *Deceased **a portion of these funds have been redirected as of December 18, 2009

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The Star of David Society is an elite national recognition program, created by United Jewish Communities, that honors outstanding philanthropists who have left legacies of $200,000 or more to Jewish Federations across the country.

The National Star of David Society recognizes four levels of giving: $200,000 and up (PACE and Women’s LOJE gifts only)

$500,000 and up* $1,000,000 and up*

$5,000,000 and up* (*PACE and Women’s LOJE gifts and other permanent endowments)

Level IV $5,000,000+

Level II $500,000+

Anonymous Alan & Jane Cornell Gerald & Phyllis Golden Barry & Carole Kaye Larry Phillips

Anonymous Harry & Helen Berkof Gary* & Rose Bernstein Gaby Brill Irving* & Dorothy Cooper Marleen Forkas Sandy* & Rani Garfinkle Jeff & Jodi Harris Jules & Dorothy Kamsley* Paula Kasner Gerald & Debra Kramer Gerald & Dr. Ruth Legow William* & Gloria Genin Lester Shirley Mostov Sigmund* & Millicent Nathan Maurice & Margie Plough, Jr. Harold & Sylvia Solinsky Harry Sugarman Clifford & Jill Viner Marvin* & Cindy (Markowitz)White

Level III $1,000,000+ Anonymous Anonymous David & Sophie Bady Irving* & Florence* Blickstein Irving & Dorothy Burke Ronald & Meryl Gallatin Charles Ganz Nancy Ganz Albert & Norma C. Geller Dr. Alan Ginsburg Seymour Hecker Alan & Linda Hurst Stanley & Audrey Kleinfeld Simon & Doris Konover Jacob Lasky* Roxane Frechie Lipton Jules & Fritzi Ohren Toby Weinman Palchik Eugene & Madeline Pargh Roberta Press Morris & Florence* Reisberg Dr. Lewis Rosenthal* Allan & Rosemary* Rubin Eleanore Rukin* Harvey & Phyllis Sandler Bernice Schankerman* Elmer* & Dorothy P. Seaman Jerry & Patsy Shaw Albert Sher* Bernard and Eleanor Silver Harold & Florence Solinsky Gary Sommers Etta Gross Zimmerman

Level I $200,000+ Anonymous Shirley Aidekman-Kaye Jerry & Audrey Altheimer Karen Altschul Gloria Baker Adele Barron Lynn Bedowitz ML Bedowitz Steve Bedowitz* Ella Berman* Henrie Blau Miriam Brenner Edward I. & Freyda Burns Phillip & Bella Cohen Helene Eicoff Helen Eisenberg Eleanor Epstein Sylvia Fried Barry & Florence Friedberg

Bernice Friedman Phyllis Friedman Joseph & Joan Garde Dr. Sanford & Thelma* Glanz Helen Goldband Jerry & Kinnie Gorelick Sarah Greensport Stephanie Halio Howard & Miriam Hirsch Marissa Hollander Norman & Anne Jacobson Leonard & Tobee Kaplan Tom & Pamela Kaplan Dr. Charles* & Ann Kelman Manny & Esther Leno Barbara Levy Dr. David Light Carl & Helen Marbach Milton Margolis* Monte & June Nathanson James H. Nobil Ben* & Florence Padwa David & Dale Pratt Dr. Wendy Rapaport Sylvia L. Rosen Irving & Harriett Sands Sidney & Elizabeth Savelle Edward & Lucy Schachter Dolores Schlesinger* Rosalie Silberman Eric & Janie Simon Dr. Irving & Dr. Carol Smokler Ralph* & Delores Solomon Gloria Sommers* Eugene* & Phyllis Squires Diana Stein Martin & Edith Stein Richard & Naomi Steinberg Marcia Stone Lee Temkin Selma Lee Weiss Dorothy Wizer *Of Blessed Memory • (December 31, 2009) 75

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of J udah

E ndowment

Louise Galpern, Co – Chair Anonymous Shirley Aidekman-Kaye u Helen Ain Audrey Altheimer • Karen Altschul u• Lorraine Aresty u• Margie Baer Gloria Baker* • Candy Barbag Adele Barron u• Helen Beck u• Shirley Becker-Silfen Marcia S. Beckerman Lynn Bedowitz • Renee Belman Joan Benamy Paula Berkowitz Ella Berman* u• Patricia Berman Rose Bernstein u• Joy Binkovitz Esther Blank Henrie Blau* • Leona Brauser Anne Brenner Miriam Brenner u• Gaby Brill • Florence Brody Dorothy Bucksbaum Dorothy Burke • Freyda Burns  u• Dana F. Charles-Kodner Stephanie Chestnov Leah Coblitz Helen M. Cohan Bella Cohen Carol F. Cohen Ellen Cohen Shirley Cohen Francine Cole*  Yetta Colin Dorothy Cooper  • Jane Cornell  • Barbara Koch Daniels* Selma Tyser Edlavitch* Helene Eicoff  • Helen Eisenberg  • Eleanor Epstein  u• 76

honor roll

Gail Greenspoon, Co – Chair

Dale Filhaber Harriet Finger Marleen Forkas • Mildred Forsythe Ina Rae Fox Sylvia Fried  u• Florence Friedberg  • Bernice Friedman  u• Hilda Friedman  * Phyllis Friedman  u• Miriam Friend  u• Estelle Futterman Meryl Gallatin  u• Louise Galpern Nancy Ganz Joan Garde  u• Rani Garfinkle  u• Suzy Garfinkle Norma Geller  • Elaine Gimelstob Jane Glaser Beatrice Gold Helen Goldband  u• Phyllis Golden  • Edith Golub*  Kinnie Gorelick  u• Shirley H. Gould* Nancy Rottner Grant Eleanor Greenblatt Jane Greenberg Phyllis Greenman Beverly Gross Wendy Gutmann Kupfer Stephanie Halio  u• Marcia S. Hendler* Julia Hershaft Marissa Hollander  • Linda Hurst  • Barbara Jacob Celia Jacobs Anne Jacobson  • Ruth Jacobson Trudy Jaffe* Roslyn Kaplan Tobee W. Kaplan  u• Jane Karp Sydell Kastenbaum Sheryl Kaufman

Carole Kaye  • Ann Kelman  • Marcia Kent Rita Keywell Pearl Kier Dr. Stacey S. Kirschenbaum Doris Konover  u• Debra Kramer  • Elyssa Kupferberg Madeline Blondman Lax Helga Lechner Ann Katz Lederman Dr. Ruth Legow  u• Esther Leno  • Marianne Minkoff Lerner Gloria Genin Lester  • Mildred Levine Barbara Levy  u• Bea Levy* Dottie Lipson Roxane Frechie Lipton  • Jacqueline Lowy Helen Marbach  • Shirley Marcus* Judy Levis Markhoff Cynthia White • Beatrice Cummings Mayer Beth Mishkin Donna Mullaugh Millicent Nathan  • Cindy Orbach Nimhauser Ruth Nussdorf Toby Weinman Palchik  • Madeline Pargh  u• Sandra J. Perkins Margie Plough  • Estelle Plous Shirley Polen Dorothy Pomerance Dale Pratt • Joyce Preiser Constance Rakity Dr. Wendy Rapaport  u• Dollsey Rappaport Madeleine Reich Deana Richman Elaine Stein Roberts

Donna Robins Dorothy Robinson Rose Benak Robinson Sylvia Rosen  u• Barbara Rosenberg Della Rosenberg Sylvia Rosett Sandra Rubin Eleanore Rukin*  • Phyllis Sandler  • Harriett Sands  u• Susan Saril Ellen R. Sarnoff Jan Savarick Betsy Savelle  • Lucy Schachter Cynthia Schechner Dolores Schlesinger*  • Carolyn Schulson Dorothy P. Seaman  • Phyllis R. Seresky Beverly M. Shapiro Cantor Elaine Shapiro Olivia Shapiro Audrey Shaw Patsy Shaw  • Sylvia C. Sheketoff Margaret Sherlin-Meltzer * Rosalie L. Silberman  u• Jan Silverman Eleanor Silverstein Cynthia Simon Janie Simon  • Margie Simon Renee A. Singer Susan Singer Selma Sitrick Dr. Carol Smokler  u• Irene Calig Snyder Florence Soble Delores R. Solomon  • Shirley Solomon Gloria C. Sommers*  • Marcia Spear  • Mildred Sperling Phyllis Squires  • Charlotte Stein Diana Stein  u•

Edith Stein  • Naomi Steinberg  • Selina R. Steinberg Fern Steinfeld  u• Marcia Stone  u• Esther Summer Lenore Tagerman  u• Ruth Taubman Lee Temkin  u• Nancy Seaman Thornton Bernice Teltser Phyllis Wachtel Anita Waltuch Caren Weinberg Renee Weinberg Eleanor Weiner Pamela Weinroth Selma Lee Weiss  u• Barbara Werner Ruth White* Carol Kutner Winig Toby Wintrub* Barbara Wiston Dorothy Meyers Wizer  u• Shirley R. Woldar* Acey Wolgin Jacqueline Wolgin Rachelle Wolgin-Blick Etta Gross Zimmerman  • Rita Zimmy* Lyna Zommick

u Established LOJE in two communities • Member National Star of David Society * Of Blessed Memory (list as of December 31, 2009)

H onor R oll

Men’s Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Honor Society When a man permanently endows his Annual Campaign gift to our Jewish Federation with a current or deferred gift of at least $100,000 he becomes a member of this very prestigious group, “The Forever Society.” Jerome Altheimer Steve Bedowitz* Gerson K. Bernstein* Scott Brenner Edward I. Burns Irving Cooper* Alan Cornell Craig Donoff Barry Friedberg

Ronald L. Gallatin • Charles B. Ganz Sandor Garfinkle* • Gerald Golden Jerry Gorelick Stuart Graff Jeff Harris Howard A. Hirsch • Norman K. Jacobson

Jeffrey S. Kahn, Esq. Leonard Kaplan Thomas R. Kaplan Barry Kaye Dr. Charles Kelman* Joseph P. Klein Gerald Kramer Matthew Kutcher Manny Leno

Daniel Levine William M. Lester* Sigmund Nathan* Monte Nathanson James H. Nobil Eugene Pargh Lawrence Phillips Maurice D. Plough, Jr. David Pratt

Irving Sands Jonathan Sahn Sidney Savelle Elmer M. Seaman* Jerry Shaw Dr. Irving Smokler Ralph M. Solomon* Frederick Spitzer* Eugene Squires*

Martin Stein Richard Steinberg Marvin White* • PACE established for two communities * Of Blessed Memory

Perpetual annual endowment (PACE) Funds A PACE fund is a permanent fund up to $99,999 dedicated to endowing the donor’s Federation/UJA Annual Campaign gift. This fund enables the donor to extend their commitment by making a connection to the future. M. Adam Bankier Gerald and Harriet Berg Edward I. Burns Pace Fund Trina Elkin Campaign Perpetuation Fund Elaine Ertischek PACE Fund Mark Glickman PACE Fund

Richard D. Levy Campaign Perpetuation Fund Blair & Sylvia G. Ruben Memorial Endowment Fund Anita and Howard Schaeffer PACE Fund William Spitalsky* PACE Fund Jerry & Audrey Weinberg Campaign Perpetuation Fund Alan & Phyllis Weiner Insurance Fund *Of Blessed Memory

Heritage Society The Heritage Society honors and recognizes all donors who have made a $100,000 current or deferred gift commitment in a will, trust, IRA, life insurance policy, or charitable gift annuity benefiting the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, any of its partner agencies, or the Jewish community through the Jewish Community Foundation. Anonymous Beatrice & Milton Adelman Ben & Shirley Aidekman  Kaye David & Helen Ain Jerome & Audrey Altheimer Lawrence & Karen Altschul Jerome & Lorraine Aresty David & Sophie Bady Marjorie Baer Lee* & Gloria* Baker Harvey & Candy Barbag Adele Barron Leon* & Rose* Barrow Arnold Abramowitz & Helen Beck Arthur & Shirley Becker-Silfen Marcia S. Beckerman Lynn Bedowitz

Steve Bedowitz* Bernard & Elaine* Beifield William & Renee Belman Franklin & Joan Benamy Jerry* & Harriet* Berg Harry H. & Helen Berkof Paula Berkowitz Ann Berkman Ella Berman* Patricia Berman Gary* & Rose Bernstein Stanton & Jacqueline   Bernstein Eugene & Joy Binkovitz Milton & Esther Blank Ronald & Henrie* Blau Leon & Leona Brauser Theodore* & Goldye*   Breman

Abe & Miriam Brenner Anne Brenner Scott & Andrea Brenner Edward & Gaby Brill Martin & Florence Brody Edward & Freyda Burns Harriet Bryer Maurice & Dorothy   Bucksbaum Irving & Dorothy Burke Bruce & Dana Charles  Kodner Richard & Stephanie Chestnov Leah Coblitz Mark & Helen Cohan Alan* & Carol F. Cohen Edward & Ellen Cohen Nancy Cohen Phillip & Bella Cohen

Richard & Shirley Cohen Francine Cole* George* & Yetta Colin Irving* & Dorothy Cooper Alan & Jane Cornell Lester* & Mitzi Cutler Barbara Koch Daniels* Craig & Judi Donoff Howard* & Ada Dunn Selma Tyser Edlevitch* Alvin * & Helene Eicoff Helen Eisenberg Aaron & Karola Epstein Ed & Eleanor Epstein Edward & Dale Filhaber Chet & Harriet Finger Sam Flanel Harold & Marleen Forkas Daniel & Mildred Forsythe

Neil & Ina Rae Fox Sylvia Fried Barry & Florence Friedberg Bernice Friedman Maurice* & Hilda   Friedman Morris & Phyllis Friedman Miriam Friend Jack & Estelle Futterman Louise Galpern Ronald L. & Meryl Gallatin Nancy Ganz Joseph & Joan Garde Sandor* & Rani Garfinkle Suzy Garfinkle Albert & Norma Geller Herbert & Elaine Gimelstob Alan Ginsburg Seymour & Jane Glaser 77

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Heritage Society (continued) Leo & Beatrice Gold Shefford* & Helen Goldband Gerald & Phyllis Golden Dr. Harvey* & Linda Love Golden Christine Golden Edith Golub David & Lisa Goodman Jerry & Kinnie Gorelick Shirley H. Gould* Stuart W. & Paula Graff Nancy Rottner Grant William & Eleanor Greenblatt Martin & Jane Greenberg Bernard* & Phyllis Greenman Sarah Greensport Abraham J. Gross Beverly Gross Anita Grundman Richard & Wendy Gutmann Kupfer Robert & Stephanie Halio Solomon* & Gertrude Harrison Abraham* & Ruth* Hases Seymour Hecker Richard & Marcia Hendler* Cecil* & Faye Henschel Fred* & Julia Hershaft Herbert & Bonnie Hirsch Howard & Miriam Hirsch Jeff & Marissa Hollander Leo* & Cynthia Hollander Alan & Linda Hurst Joel & Barbara Jacob Celia Jacobs Robert* & Trina Jacobs Norman & Anne Jacobson Alfred & Ruth Jacobson Ralph* & Trudy* Jaffe Morton Jarashow Carl & Roslyn* Kaplan Jeffrey & Deborah Kahn Leonard & Tobee Kaplan Thomas & Pamela Kaplan Richard & Jane Karp Emil* & Paula Kasner Sidney & Sydell Kastenbaum Garrison Kaufman Jack & Sheryl Kaufman Barry & Carole Kaye Dr. Charles* & Ann Kelman 78

Howard & Marcia Kent Rita Keywell Dr. Stacey Kirschenbaum Ralph & Pearl Kier Harold Klein* & Sylvia Klein* Joseph & Miriam Klein Stanley & Audrey Kleinfeld Simon & Doris Konover Mel & Elaine Kofsky Gerald & Debra Kramer Herman Krueger Betty Krupnick* Wendy Guttman Kupfer Barry & Elyssa Kupferberg Shirley Lasdon Jacob Lasky Madeline Blondman Lax Mel & Helga Lechner Leon & Ann Katz Lederman Gerald & Dr. Ruth Legow Samuel Leitner Manny & Esther Leno Marianne Minkoff Lerner William* & Gloria Genin   Lester Abner & Mildred Levine Richard & Bea* Levy Irving & Barbara Levy Heinz* & Harriet Liebross Dottie Lipson Michael & Roxane Frechie Lipton Sherman & Jacqueline Lowy Helen Marbach Shirley Marcus* Milton Margolis* William & Harriet Margolis Paul & Judy L. Markhoff Stuart & Cynthia White Markowitz Beatrice Cummings Mayer Margaret Meltzer* Jerry & Macky Milgram Eugene & Thelma Miller Joseph & Beth Mishkin Jane Morningstar Shirley Mostov & Edward Kanun Michael & Donna Mullaugh Naomi Myers Sigmund* & Millicent Nathan Bruce & Cindy Nimhauser

James H. & Lynn Nobil Bernard & Ruth Nussdorf Jules & Fritzi Ohren Mel* & Toby Weinman Palchik Eugene D. & Madeline Pargh Jeff & Sandra J. Perkins Larry Phillips Maurice & Margie Plough Ben Z.* & Estelle Plous Edward* & Shirley Polen Dorothy Pomerance David & Dale Pratt Stanley & Joyce Preiser Frank & Roberta Press Constance Rakity James & Wendy Rapaport Seymour & Dollsey Rappaport David & Geraldine Ratner Arthur Regan & Irene Regan Norman & Madeleine Reich William & Florence Reisberg Hyman & Deana Richman Elaine Stein Roberts Andy & Donna Robins James & Rose Benak Robinson Joseph & Dorothy Robinson Albert & Miriam* Rodstein Dr. Harvey Rosen Sylvia Rosen Joseph* & Abby Rosenberg Jeffrey & Barbara Rosenberg Jerry* & Della Rosenberg Marvin & Sylvia Rosett Marvin & Sandra Rubin David* & Eleanore* Rukin Irving R.* & Carol I. Rutkin Jonathan & Cathy Sahn Harvey & Phyllis Sandler Irving & Harriett Sands Louis & Sylvia Saposnekoo John & Susan Saril Ellen R. Sarnoff Jan Savarick Sidney & Elizabeth Savelle Lucy Schachter Sol & Mildred Schaikowitz Cynthia Schechner Rose Schneer* Andrew & Dolores* Schlesinger

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Sidney* & Dorothy* Schuman Carolyn Schulson Doris Schwartz Elmer* & Dorothy P. Seaman Dr. Miriam Segall Cliff & Phyllis R. Seresky Alvin & Beverly M. Shapiro Cantor Elaine Shapiro Olivia Shapiro Audrey Shaw Jerry & Patsy Shaw David & Jean* Shechet Lewis & Sylvia Sheketoff Leonard & Rosalie Silberman Bernard & Eleanor Silver Edward & Jan Silverman Myron & Elaine Silverman Eleanor Silverstein Cynthia Simon Morris & Margie Simon Reene A. Singer Saul & Susan Singer Selma Sitrick Wally & Myrna Small Dr. Irving & Dr. Carol Smokler Irene Calig Snyder Stephen & Florence Soble Harold & Sylvia Solinsky Allan & Shirley Solomon

Daniel & Doris* Solomon Ralph* & Delores Solomon Gloria C. Sommers* Gary H. Sommers Jack & Dani Sonnenblick Sam & Marcia Spear Mildred Sperling Frederick Spitzer* Eugene* & Phyllis Squires Alfred & Charlotte Stein Diana Stein Martin & Edith Stein Melvin & Selina Steinberg Richard & Naomi Steinberg Robert & Shirley Steinberg Manfred & Fern Steinfeld Esther Summer Lenore Tagerman Elbert & Beatrice* Taitz Ruth Taubman Bernice Teltser Blair* & Lee Temkin Geoffrey & Nancy Seaman Thornton Arthur & Phyllis Wachtel Norton & Anita Z. Waltuch Gerald Ward Bruce & Lynn Warshal Enid Weinberg Michael & Caren Weinberg

Richard & Renee Weinberg Paul & Eleanor Weiner Bruce & Susan Werner Donald & Barbara Werner Robert & Pamela Weinroth Daniel & Selma Lee Weiss Cynthia White Frank* & Ruth* White Stephen & Carol Kutner Winig Warren* & Toby Wintrub Jay & Barbara Wiston Dorothy Meyers Wizer Peter & Ilene Wohlgemuth Edwin* & Shirley* Woldar William & Acey Wolgin Sidney* & Jacqueline Wolgin Scott & Rachelle Wolgin-Blick Jules J. Yablow Claire* P. Zachian Raymond & Etta Zimmerman Sidney* & Rita* Zimmy Lyna Zommick * Of Blessed Memory

Mitzvah Society – PAC The Mitzvah Society, established by the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Jewish Community Foundation, recognizes estate planning professionals who have referred one or more clients to the Foundation resulting in a gift. M. Adam Bankier, Esq. Jeffrey A. Baskies, Esq. Steven A. Belson, Esq. Howard Bienenfeld Laurence I. Blair, Esq. Stuart E. Bloch, Esq. Edward Bobick, Esq. Francine R. Cole* Craig Donoff, Esq. Mary Sue Donohue, Esq. Kenneth Edelman Janet S. Elinoff Stephen A. Fattel, CPA

Edward L. Flank Robert Friedman Sal Gorge, Esq. Albert W. Gortz, Esq. Marjorie A. Horwin, CPA Jeffrey S. Kahn, Esq. Thomas R. Kaplan Thomas O. Katz, Esq. David A. Katzman, CPA Barry Kaye Elyssa Kupferberg Paul Labinor, Esq. W. Lawrence Larche

Carol L. Lasek Daniel J. Levine, JD Fred MacLean, Esq. Seth A. Marmor, Esq. Linda A. Melcer Stephen G. Melcer, Esq. David Pratt, Esq. Marcy W. Robbins Paul E. Roman Madeleine H. Rothman, Esq. Mark A. Schaum, Esq. Jeffrey Schildkraut Howard L. Schwartz, Esq.

Ronald L. Siegel, Esq. Ralph M. Solomon* Mitchell Starr Mindy Stein, Esq. Richard D. Steinberg Donald Tescher, Esq. Marilyn Travis-Berman George Weinstein, Esq., CPA Jerome L. Wolf, Esq. Joel H. Yudenfreund, Esq. *Of Blessed Memory


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Jewish W omen’s Foundation The Jewish Women’s Foundation, a donor advised fund of the Jewish Community Foundation, offers Jewish women the opportunity to be hands-on philanthropists and support causes they are most passionate about, whether it’s here, in Israel or in more than 60 countries around the world. The Foundation, a diverse group of women representing various backgrounds, interests and ages, is being built by $10,000, $50,000 and $100,000 tax-deductible contributions, payable over five years. All Trustees, regardless of giving level, have equal rights in the grant making process. Gail Asarch  Satovsky* Gloria Baker • Lori Berman* Florence Brody* Caryn Clayman* Carol Cohen Francine Cole • Andrea Dubroff Freda Epstein* Barbara Feingold* Barbara Finkelstein Marleen Forkas*

Sheila Fuente* Suzy Garfinkle* Rani Garfinkle* Doris Gidding Judith Temple Helen Goldband* Marion Goldstein Dorothy Goodman Phyllis Greenman* Dayvee Bonnie Guthartz Wendy Gutmann  Kupfer*

Susan Guttman Carol Herscot   Melanie Kaminetsky* Ann Kelman Alice Kemper Andrea Kline* Merle Krimsky* Patty Kukes Dr. Ruth Legow* Wendy Legum* Helene Levine Judy Levis Markhoff

Sandra Lippy* Roxane F. Lipton* Laura Litinsky* Beth Mishkin Natalie Pelavin* Jeri Poller* Mara Reuben* Gail Rockoff Amy Ross Robin Rubin Phyllis Sandler* Ellen R. Sarnoff* Alison Schreier

Dorothy Seaman* Marlene Silver Rose Singer Dr. Carol Smokler* Riki Tulin Dorothy Usiskin Jill Viner Phyllis Wachtel* Caren Weinberg* Toby Weinman Palchik Donna Weiss* Dorothy Wizer

Iris Workman Jane Yudell Catherine Zieman Etta Gross–   Zimmerman* * Founding Trustee • Blessed Memory

Mollie Rosenthal Memorial Fund for Services to the Aged In 1989, Dr. Lewis Rosenthal, a retired dentist, left $1.8 million from his estate to the Foundation to create an endowment fund in memory of his mother, Mollie Rosenthal. At least 90% of the assets must at all times be invested in Israel Bonds. The income earned each year is to be used for providing assistance to the aged in Israel. This is primarily for geriatric social services.

By working to improve the knowledge and skills of those who care for the elderly, the Glickman Center strives to enhance the quality of life for Israel’s elderly. Since 2003, the Mollie Rosenthal Fund supported a three-year program to fund the establishment and expansion of Emergency and Supportive Communities through the JDC to care for those elderly, and has distributed $368,008.

JDC-ESHEL (the Association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged) pioneers programs to help Israeli society meet the challenges and needs of its growing elderly population. A major element of its efforts is training caregivers of the elderly to ensure that they can provide the highest level of care to the aged.

In 2006-07, JDC-Eshel Senior Employment Center, a two-year funding commitment, commenced for an Employment Center for Seniors within the Glickman Training Center; $100,000 in 2006-07 and $100,000 in 2007-08. In 2008-09 an additional $70,000 was awarded to the Glickman Training Center for the use of the Employment Center for Seniors. The intent of this fund is to provide life-changing support and care for Israel’s needy elderly. This grant will provide funds to build JDC-Eshel Employment Center for seniors in Kiryat Bialik totaling $200,000 over two years. Kiryat Bialik has a higher-than average 18% elderly population aged 65 and above. The Senior Employment Center will be built within the structure of the Mollie Rosenthal sponsored Glickman Training Center for Education and Training in Kiryat Bialik, thus creating a continued legacy for the important programs already established and supported by the Mollie Rosenthal Fund. Employment opportunities, including a café and seniors shopping mall, will allow retired people who are still able to work, to earn a small income, as well as give them a sense of accomplishment and self-worth.

In 2001, JDC-ESHEL established the Glickman Center for Education and Training on the Tel Hashomer campus of the Sheba Medical Center located in the center of the country. This state-of-the-art facility provides over 50 courses each year to 2,000 people who work with the elderly. People from across the field of geriatric care participate in the courses including professionals, paraprofessionals, social workers, nurses, doctors, occupational therapists and physiotherapists as well as care givers in home care, community. The Glickman Center’s training courses respond to both the current and future anticipated needs in services for the aged. The courses address the learning needs of workers at various levels and integrate the varied disciplines involved in caring for the elderly, such as medicine, nursing, social work, psychology, nutrition, communication, psychiatry, biology and physiotherapy. The courses use various teaching methods such as individual and group workshops, practical experience, field trips and in-depth case studies. 80

In 2009 $60,000 was distributed to fulfill our commitment to the Glickman Training Center for the use of the Employment Center for Seniors.

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Golden Givers The Golden Givers Society recognizes those donors who have given their continuous support to the UJC/Federation Annual Campaign for 25 years or more. Arnold & Sydell Aaron Joseph & Dorothy Ackerman Mildred Ackerman Robert & Sandra Adler Nathan & Clara Adler William & Judith Allen Jerome & Audrey Altheimer Lawrence & Karen Altschul Jerry & Ann Asher Morris & Adele Avruch David Badner Margie Baer Elbert & Rita Bagus Lee & Gloria Baker Arty Barkas Cynthia Baron Marion Baron Saul & Mimi Barrick Jerome & Norma Bashover Leonard & Phyllis Bell William & Renee Belman Ben & Rhoda Belnick Franklin & Joan Benamy Mae Benson Gertrude Berg Alexander & Phyllis Berger Morris Berke Samuel & Anita Berman Robert & Hilda Berner Jules Bernstein Rose Bernstein Stanton & Jacqueline Bernstein Myra Biben Ethel Blanchard Ernest & Elaine Boas Roslaide Boyer Samuel & Harriet Brand Julius & Madalyn Braufman Barbara Braun Arthur & Helen Braverman Anne Brenner Hilda Brier Florence & Martin Brody Burton & Carol Bromson Dorothy Brown Jean Buchman

John & Helen Budd Irving & Dorothy Burke Edward & Freyda Burns Doris Cantor Irving & Doody Caplan Harry Carter Judith Chason Hannah Chestnov George & Yetta Colin Harold & Janis Cooper Anita Cope Martin & Ida Cotler Sidney & Elizabeth Dankman Joseph & Jean Delman Pearl Donshik Daniel & Sheila Duchin Jay & Helene Eichler Morris & Lorraine Eisenstein Sonya Ellman Milton Engel Sam Engel Karola & Aaron Epstein Ronni & Jay Epstein Ed & Eleanor Epstein Florence Feinstein Joseph Felber Joseph Feld Lila Fierer Isabella Fink Rebecca Fink Marilyn Finkle Ruth Fishman Lou Fradin Albert & Marion Frager Arline W. Frankel Sylvia Fried Henrietta Freidman Barry & Florence Friedberg Bernice Friedman David Friedman Hilda Friedman Norman & Shirley Friedman Sol Friedman Florence Fuller Ronald & Meryl Gallatin Charles B. Ganz

Joan & Joseph Garde Beatrice Ginsberg Sy Ginsberg Mary Glassman Mark Glickman Dr. Jerome & Anne Gold Helen Goldband Bettina Goldberg Robert & Joan Goldberg Gerald & Phyllis Golden Bernard & Marilyn Goldman Jerome & Lee Goldsmith Fred Goldsmith William & Lillian Goldstein Theodore Golembo Martin & Elaine Goodman Bernard & Doris Gordon Jerry & Kinnie Gorelick Albert & Jane Gortz Irving Gottlieb Sam Graf Albert & Barbara Grant Sylvia Greenberg Meyer Greenberg Jean Greenspan Joseph & Judith Gross Victor Gross & Shirley Fleishman Abraham Haller & Beatrice Levy Natalie Halpern Roslyn Handler Nathanial Harris Stanley & Annette Hart David & Adele Hast Leo & Alice Hecht Irene Heiber Richard & Marcia Hendler* Robert & May Hershey Dr. George & Arlene Hollenberg Joseph & Celia Holman Arthur Holtz Laura Honig Stanley & Rita Horbar Alfred Horowitz Ada Hyams Max & Anne Hyman Abraham & Alitta Irwin

Sidney Israel Celia Jacobs Robert & Trina Jacobs Dr. William & Barbara Jacobs Charlotte Jagolinzer Morton & Dalia Jarashow Irving Joffe Thomas R. Kaplan Norman Kasser Edward & Anita Katz Harold & Doris Katz Thomas O. Katz & Elissa-Ellant Katz Rose Kaufman Jack Kay Lillian Kent Bernice Kesslen Joseph & Miriam Klein Stanley & Audrey Kleinfeld Oscar Klioze Dr. Norton & Phyllis Klotz Theodore & Barbara Knee Simon & Doris Konover Julius & Doris Kramer Estelle Krasno Samuel Krupnick Frieda Leemon Gerald & Dr. Ruth Legow Gloria Genin Lester Abner & Mildred Levine Herbert & Elaine Levine Sylvia Levine Dr. Harry & Miriam Levinson Richard D. Levy Harriet Liebross Lila Liner Dorothy Lipson Rebecca Lister Herbert & Frances London Cmdr. Philip & Joan Lorber Leroy & Helene Lowenfeld Lila Luber J. Zel Lurie Robert & Peggy Madan Joe Mandelkorn & Regene Schottenstein Maurice Manov 81

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Golden Givers (continued) Leo Margolin William & Harriet Margolis Henry & Shirley Margulies Florence Melton Rita Meyer Jerry & Maxine Milgram Ethel Miller Marvin & Beverly Miller Paula Miller Stan & Joan Miller Florence Minkin Isadore Moore Jane Morningstar Lewis Myers Millicent Nathan Arnold Nestel Ted & Joyce Newman James & Lynn Nobil Barbara Nusbaum Harold Ostrow Toby Weinman Palchik Beatrice Pankin Eugene & Madeline Pargh Dr. Samuel Paul Beverly Pearlman Natalie Pelavin Doris Pearlman Lawrence Phillips Maurice & Margy Plough Estelle Plous Henry & Anita Pollock Stanley & Joyce Preiser Maynard & Judy Rabinowitz Lucille Rader

Seymour & Dollsey Rappaport Melvin Reichman & Mary Glassman Herbert Reisman Dr. Sidney & Marion Richman Rabbi Jack Riemer Louis Rifken Alan Roberts Bernard & Elaine Roberts Deborah Rosenberg Della Rosenberg Herman & Beatrice Rosenfeld Elinor Rosenthal Alfred Ross Daniel & Norma Ross Joseph & Shirley Rothchild Dr. Harvey Rothstein Leonard & Syril Rubin Herbert Rubman Rebbetzin Frances E. Sacks Gordon Salganik Sherman Salovitz Harriet & Irving Sands John & Susan Saril Mitzi Schafer Dr. Harry Schatz Sarah Schlesinger James & Elayne Schoke Shirley Schreiber Florence Schreibman Bill Schwartz Hyman & Muriel Schwartz Stanley Schwartz & Lucille Steiner Irving & Paula Segal Charles Seibel

Robert & Norma Seligman Clifford & Phyllis Seresky Sol & Harriet Shanus Dr. Alvin & Beverly M. Shapiro Louis Shapiro Norman & Gertrude Sharpe David Shechet Betty Sher Bernard & Deborah Shlossman Solomon Shore Bertha Silber Marion Silberberg Millicent Silverstein Rochelle Simms Claire Simon Herman Singer Leah Siskin Carmi Slomovitz Frances Snow Harvard & Miriam Sohn Harold Solinsky Delores R. Solomon Ruth Solomont Edwin & Marilyn Sonabend Samuel & Marcia Spear Norma Spector Seymour Statman Alfred & Charlotte Stein Benjamin & Joan Stein Diana Stein Melvin & Selina Steinberg Norman & Bettye Steinberg Manfred & Fern Steinfeld Allan & Marion Stillman

Sol & Therese Stiss Norman & Betty Stone Geraldine Stregevsky Lillian Swift-Gaeser Sam & Naomi Tauber Ruth Taubman Leonard & Anne Thun Albert & Esther Toll Dr. Isidor Tolpin Dr. Arthur & Phyllis Wachtel Robert & Frieda Wallstein Sheldon & Cathy Weil Audrey Weinberg Saul & Ruth Weinberger Morris Weiner Paul & Eleanor Weiner Irving Weingrod Claire Weisberg Irving Weisbrod Bernard Weiss Bernard & Sylvia Weiss Henry Weiss Marilyn Weissglass Stephen & Rose Weitz Edward West Jack Widitor Harry & Isabel Williams Dr. Albert Willner Dorothy Wizer Jerome Wolens Etta Wolfe Naomi Yardeni Edward & Muriel Yarock * Of Blessed Memory

Endowment Award Presented each year to an individual or individuals who have had a significant impact on the growth and development of the Jewish Community Foundation. 1988 – Gary Bernstein* 1989 – Albert W. Gortz 1990 – Marvin A. Kirsner 1991 – Jerome L. Wolf 1992 – Craig Donoff 1993 – Abner Levine 1994 – Eric W. Deckinger 1995 – Gerald & Phyllis Golden 82

1996 – Larry Phillips 1997 – Eugene & Madeline Pargh 1998 – Ralph M. Solomon* 1999 – Marianne Bobick 2000 – Jerome Altheimer 2001 – Jeffrey S. Kahn 2002 – Beverly Shapiro 2003 – Barry Kaye

2004 – Caryn Clayman 2005 – Dorothy Seaman 2006 – Jerome Altheimer & David Pratt 2007 – Thomas R. Kaplan *Of Blessed Memory

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Endowment Funds Endowment funds provide the Foundation with financial reserves that may be used in times of emergency, or for pilot programs and projects that could not otherwise be funded through the Annual Campaign. Jewish Community Trust Fund

Unrestricted Funds Gerald & Harriet Berg Endowment Fund Harold Deckinger Memorial Fund Harry E. Goldfarb Endowment Fund Henry Hagelberg Memorial Fund Bess Hanick Memorial Fund Hecker-Yocum Unrestricted Fund Bonnie & Herb Hirsch Unrestricted Fund Charles*& Ann Kelman Unrestricted Fund Dorothy M. Lasky Samuel Lieberman Memorial Fund Sol J. Light Endowment Fund Margaret S. Meltzer Unrestricted Fund Margot Phillippi Rosemary & Allan Rubin Memorial Fund Rose Schneer Unrestricted Endowment Fund Albert* B. Sher Memorial Fund Sam Spear* Unrestricted Endowment Fund Dr. Frederick & Dorothy Landau Spitzer Fund Grace Taubman Endowment Fund in Memory   of Arthur Taubman Stanley W. Vogel Memorial Fund Jack & Bessie Weinbaum Memorial Fund

Designated Or Restricted Endowment Funds Should a donor choose he/she may create a personalized special purpose fund within the Foundation. There are two types of restricted funds. In the first, the donor establishing the fund designates a field of interest, such as education or aid for the elderly, to which the income and/or principal of the fund is dedicated. The trustees of the Foundation will authorize grants from the fund only for the purpose specified. In the second type, the donor restricts the use of the fund’s income and/or principal to specific programs or specific charities. A donor may also establish a fund which is partially restricted, specifying a percentage of fixed amounts for one or more special purposes and allowing the balance to be distributed at the discretion of the trustees. Art Acers Endowment Fund James & Marjorie Baer Young Leadership Award   Fund Dr. Milton & Ruth Battler Endowment Fund

Adolph & Ruth Hases Endowment Fund Anne Ellman Cedar Village Alzheimers   Scholarship Fund Eli & Hilda Krinzman Scholarship   Endowment Fund Betty Krupnick Endowment Fund Joshua Mission Endowment Fund Jules L. & Dorothy M. Kamsly Teen   Program Fund James Nobil Annual Awards for Outstanding Lay   Leadership & Professional Endowment Fund Toby Weinman Palchik Allan & Rosemary Rubin Scholarship Fund Albert Schiff Dorothy Seaman Doris and Daniel Solomon Endowment for   Safety Net Services Women to Women Emergency Response Abraham Zimmerman Memorial   Endowment Fund Raymond Zimmerman Community Thanksgiving Endowment Fund

Agency Funds Agency endowments can be created to perpetually support a donor’s philanthropic goals of the endowment fund. The Foundation will transmit the earned income in accordance with your specific instructions.

Jewish Education Commission Endowment Funds Is Aronin Adult Education Endowment Fund Gary Bernstein Judaica High School Annual Community Teen Celebration/Commemoration   Fund Gift of Israel Fund Glassner-Hecht Family Endowment Fund for   Israel Education Jackie Gruber March of the Living Endowment   Fund Dorothy M. Lasky JEC Endowment Fund Gerald Legow Fund for Outstanding   Achievement in Jewish Education March of the Living Endowment Fund Jacob & Sabina Mager March of the Living   Endowment Fund Florence Melton Adult Mini-School Alumni   Endowment Fund Rose Meltzer/Okonow Israel Youth Programs   Endowment Fund Rand March of the Living Endowment Fund Eleanore Rukin JEC Endowment Fund Seaman Family Scholarship Fund

Sylvia* & Jerome Wolens March of the Living   Endowment Fund

Jewish Association For Residential Care Endowment Funds Deborah Baker Memorial JARC Scholarship Fund Brumer House JARC Endowment Fund Daniel & Florence Cayne JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Clayman Endowment Fund for Residential Care Samuel & Zelda Chafetz JARC Endowment Fund Anne Ellman JARC Scholarship Endowment   Fund Matthew E. Ellman JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Michael B. Ellman JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Alexander D. Essig JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Samuel R. Essig JARC Scholarship Endowment   Fund Julie Jackson Memorial JARC Endowment Fund Edith & Mel Clayman JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Henschel JARC Endowment Fund Leo & Cynthia Hollander JARC Endowment   Fund JARC Endowment Fund JARC Scholarship Fund Ida V. & Irving M. Kashdan JARC Endowment   Fund Kravitz Family JARC Endowment Fund Morris Lipson Memorial JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Sidney & Barbara Oko Endowment Fund Idabelle Rosen JARC Special Activities Fund M. Norton & M. Patricia Rosner JARC Scholarship Endowment Fund Samuel Schranz Memorial JARC Endowment Fund Schlossheimer Family JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Larry Seaman JARC Cultural Arts Program   Memorial Fund Frank Shine Memorial JARC Scholarship Fund Ben & Joan Stein JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund Linda K. Tartikoff Memorial Endowment Fund Union Planters Bank JARC Scholarship Fund

Additional JARC Funds held outside of Foundation Susan and Michael Adin JARC Scholarship   Endowment Fund 83

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Endowment Funds (continued) Steve Bedowitz Memorial Scholarship Fund Caryn J. Clayman JARC Scholarship Fund Dr. Stanley S. Clayman JARC Scholarship Fund Gerald and Debra Kramer Scholarship Fund Jack and Ina Kay Scholarship Fund Judy Levis Markhoff JARC Scholarship Fund Barbara and Sydney Oko Scholarship Fund Maria and Peter Sachs JARC Scholarship Fund Elaine and Myron Silverman JARC Scholarship   Fund Bernard Steinberg Memorial JARC Scholarship   Endowment Liza and Stephen Wainger Program Endowment   Fund Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center Endowment Funds Bernard & Elaine Beifield Adult Activities Center   Endowment Fund James Benak Memorial Fund for Teen Programs Jack Boeko JCC Endowment Fund Madison Brody Memorial Fund for the Zale Early   Childhood Library Ellen & Edward Cohen JCC Maccabi Fund Mitchell Dobbin Youth Maccabi Team Fund Eleanor & Ed Epstein JCC Jewish Education   Fund Essig-Ellman Family JCC Alzheimer Scholarship   Endowment Fund Beverly Feurring JCC Youth Enhancement Fund Dale & Edward Filhaber JCC Family Financial Aid Endowment Fund Robert & Stephanie O. Greenberg JCC Enhancement Endowment Fund Diana Just JCC Financial Assistance Endowment   Fund Levis JCC President’s Fund Levis JCC Lifetime Membership Fund Jerry & Macky Milgram Camp Scholarship   Endowment Fund L. Newman Family Scholarship Endowment   Fund Madeline & Eugene Pargh Scholarship Fund Marjorie & Maurice Plough, Jr. JCC Endowment   Fund Mary & David Pollen Scholarship Endowment   Fund Nathan Rosen Art Gallery Endowment Fund Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center for Jewish Life   Enhancement Fund Harry A. Schatz* Youth Leadership Development   Endowment Fund Diane Shlansky Zale Early Childhood   Endowment Fund Sheila Sklar Early Childhood Library Endowment   Fund 84

Betty C. & Norman I. Stone Leadership Award   Endowment Fund Sylvia* & Jerome Wolens Celebration Season   Endowment Fund Sylvia* Wolens Jewish Heritage Writing   Competition Endowment Fund Jerome Wolens Young Adult Jewish Heritage   Writing Competition Endowment Fund Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Endowment Funds Jack C. Alexander Telephone Reassurance Program   Endowment Fund Anton-Bobick Endowment Fund Herman N. and Sara F. Cohn Senior Rx Drug   Endowment Fund Edward Eisen In-Home Supportive Services   Endowment Fund Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry Fund Rose Golden Memorial Indigent Care Fund Richard J. Goldstein Memorial Jewish Family   Service Endowment Fund Gerald & Rochelle Goldstein* Endowment Fund Lisa & David Goodman Fund Edward S. Gould Fund for Special Needs of Gay   and Lesbian Clients Edward S. Gould Fund for Outreach for Elderly   Lesbians and Gay Men Abraham & Rita Hazelcorn RRJFS Endowment   Fund Holocaust Survivors Fund I Have a Dream Fund Indigent Care Endowment Fund Eli & Hilda Krinzman Scholarship Endowment   Fund Betty Krupnick Endowment Fund Roxane Frechie Lipton Jewish Family Service   Endowment Fund Madeline & Eugene Pargh Kosher Food Pantry   Endowment Fund Jason Pavao Memorial Endowment Fund Michael Pelavin RRJFS Staff Endowment Fund Rabbi Joseph & Anne Pollack Endowment Fund David Pollen RRJFS Fund Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Endowment   Fund Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Fund for Children with Rett Syndrome Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Director’s   Endowment Fund Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Outreach   Program Fund Ruth Rales Jewish Family Serivce Special Projects   Fund Michelle Rotholz Memorial Endowment Fund Berenice Brenn Schankerman Endowment Fund Sidney & Dorothy Schuman Endowment Fund

Harold & Julia K. Segall Memorial Endowment   Fund Louis Shapiro Jewish Family Service Endowment   Fund Sidney & Eleanor Silverstein In-Home Supportive   Services Delores & Ralph* Solomon Endowment Fund Jeffrey Brian Turkin Memorial RRJFS   Endowment Fund Clifford & Jill Viner Family Compassionate Care   Program Fund Edith Wasserbard* Endowment Fund Gladys Weinshank Endowment Fund Morton J. Weinstein Memorial Endowment Fund   for the Sight Impaired Mary Weiss Fund in Memory of Sigmund Weiss Peter & Ilene Wohlgemuth JFS Endowment Fund Sidney & Jacqueline Wolgin RRJFS Emergency Services Endowment Fund Donna Klein Jewish Academy Endowment Funds Jean Rozefsky Buchman & Nathan* Buchman DKJA Outstanding Achievement Award in the   Arts Fund Nathan* & Jean Buchman /Charles Okun DKJA Outstanding Achievement Award in Physical   Sciences Fund Chason Family Endowment Fund Linda Halperin Clouse & Barry Minkin Endowment for DKJA Outstanding Achievement   in Music & the Arts Fund DKJA Capital Endowment Fund DKJA Library Fund in Memory of Julius Fleischer DKJA Project Care Endowment Fund DKJA- PTO Teacher Recognition Fund DKJA Scholarship Field of Interest Fund DKJA Scholarship Fund #2 Esther Ellman DKJA Scholarship Endowment   Fund Ira L. Futeran DKJA Scholarship Endowment   Fund Victor Gross DKJA Academic Achievement Scholarship Endowment Fund Maurice & Dorothy Halperin Family DKJA Outstanding Achievement Award in Social   Science Endowment Fund Abraham & Ruth Hases Endowment Fund Eleanor & Irving Jaffe DKJA Unrestricted Endowment Fund Linda Rosenblatt Kaminow DKJA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Computer   Science Fund Linda Rosenblatt Kaminow DKJA Award for Outstanding Achievement in English Marilyn & Hyman I. Kones DKJA President’s Award for Outstanding Citizenship Endowment   Fund

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E ndowment Funds (continued) Lenner Family DKJA Outstanding Excellence in Physical Education Endowment Fund May & Les Lesley DKJA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Midot Tovot Fund Marcus Family DKJA Outstanding Achievement Award For Acts of Tzedakah Endowment Fund William & Harriet Margolis DKJA Scholarship   Endowment Fund Lana Marks DKJA Endowment Fund Norman & Selma Maslow DKJA Scholarship   Endowment Fund Heather & Max Millard DKJA Award for Outstanding Achievement in Writing Fund Owitz Greenberg Chesed Fund for DKJA Family   Assistance Pearl Roth Pfeffer Endowment Fund for Outstanding Achievement Award For   Entrepreneurial Service to DKJA Arnold Rosenthal DKJA Library Fund Eleanore Rukin Fund for the DKJA Learning   Resource Center

Sandelman Family DKJA Outstanding Achievement Award in Mathematics   Endowment Fund Howard & Anita Schaeffer DKJA Scholarship   Endowment Fund Harold & Julia K. Segall Memorial Endowment   Fund Fannie & Izick Sherman DKJA Outstanding Torah Achievement Award Endowment Fund established by Rose & Sol   Turetsky Marion Shulman DKJA Scholarship Fund Arthur & Shirley Siegel DKJA Scholarship Fund Marshall Sigel DKJA Scholarship Fund Spooner Family DKJA Award for Outstanding   Achievement in Athletics Fund Solomon & Rose Turetsky DKJA Teacher Award   Fund Solomon & Rose Turetsky DKJA Tuition   Assistance Fund Dr. David & Ruth Wollowick DKJA Scholarship

Endowment Fund Claire Pastor Zachian DKJA Scholarship   Endowment Fund

Hillel Day School Endowment Funds Thomas O. Katz Hillel Community Day School   Library Endowment Fund Levine/Weinberger Hillel Day School   Endowment Fund Amy & Michael Schiffman Hillel Day School   Endowment Fund Tobie & William Wiener Hillel Endowment   Fund

Jewish National Organizations Joyce W. Greene Memorial Endowment Fund (National Hillel)

Endowment Funds For Israel Mollie Rosenthal Memorial Fund

Donor Advised Philanthropic Funds Donors establishing a Donor Advised Philanthropic Fund make recommendations for distributions of the fund’s principal and income which are managed by the Jewish Community Foundation. Distributions are made to charitable organizations whose purposes are consistent with those of the Jewish community. Donor advised funds may be created with a minimum of $2,500. Anonymous E. Julian* & Jeanette Adams Fund Albin Fund Jerome & Audrey Altheimer Fund Jerry & Ann Asher Fund James B.* & Marjorie Baer Fund Ricki & Milton Barbarosh Fund Marcia S. Beckerman Fund Michael J. Beckerman Fund Leonard D. & Phyllis Bell Fund Steve Belson Fund Franklin M. & Joan Benamy Fund Marc & Phyllis Beresin Fund Robert* & Hilda Berner Fund Gary* & Rose Bernstein Fund Joseph* & Myra Biben Fund Laurence Blair Fund Aaron Bloom Fund Edward & Marianne Bobick Fund Joseph S. & Gertrude Bowman Fund Arthur & Helen Braverman Fund Bernard & Joan Koppy Brawer Fund Theodore* & Goldye* Breman Fund Henry* & Anne Brenner Fund

Isabel Brenner Fund George M.* & Ruth Brown Fund Gale Meltzer Brudner Fund Alex & Robert Bruner Fund Robert E. Byrnes Fund Morton & Bernice Caine Fund Robert & Celia Case Fund Chertkof Fund Richard & Stephanie Chestnov Fund Caryn Clayman Fund Leah & Sanford* Coblitz Fund Baron* & Ruth Coleman Fund George* & Yetta Colin Fund Edith B. & Robert H. Colt Fund Andrea & Robert Colton Fund Adrienne & Eric W. Deckinger Fund Jeffrey A. & Suzanne Deutch Fund Craig & Judi Donoff Fund Jonathan & Roberta Duker Fund Ellman Family Fund Ethel Helfant Feldman Fund Murray B. & Doris* Felton Fund Martin & Janet M. Fierberg Fund Dale & Edward Filhaber Fund

Edward & Kay Finkelstein Family Fund Arlen & Patricia C. Fischlowitz Fund Richard E. & Harlene B. Fishman Fund Albert & Marion Frager Fund Craig Freeman Fund Elizabeth F. Freeman Fund Mickey* & Sylvia Fried Fund Barry & Florence Friedberg Family Fund James & Wendy Friedland Fund Herbert & Marion Friedman Fund Maurice* & Hilda Friedman Fund Norman A. & Shirley B. Friedman Fund Charles Ganz Fund Sandy* & Rani Garfinkle Fund Herbert & Elaine Gimelstob Philanthropic   Fund Marilyn Goldman Fund Stanley & Sylvia Graber Fund Stuart W. & Paula Graff Fund Alice Greenberg* Memorial Fund Bernard* & Phyllis Greenman Fund Larry & Debra Halperin Fund Hebrew Union College Program Fund Ronald Hermann Fund 85

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Donor Advised Funds – C haritable Distributions Fred* & Julia Hershaft Fund Herskowitz Family Fund Adolf L. & Patty Herst Fund Irving & Laura Herz Fund Hirsch Family Fund Peter & Donna Holland Fund Anne & Max M. Hyman Fund I.C. Philanthropic Fund Samuel W.* & Adrienne Jacobs Fund Arthur H. & Mata* Jaffe Fund Donald & Barbara Janower Jewish Women’s Foundation Joyce G. Kahn Family Fund Richard S.* & Polly S. Kaltenbacher Fund Lewis* & Lilly Kaplan Fund Thomas R. & Pamela Kaplan Fund Katzman Family Philanthropic Fund Stanley & Florence Kaufelt Fund Pamela & Howard Kaye Family Fund Robert & Mercedes Kaufman Fund Hyman* A. & Ida Kirsner Fund Sam* W. & Donna* Klein Fund Aaron H. & Jeffrey J. & Susan I.Knopping   Fund Mel & Elaine Kofsky Family Fund Marvin & Muriel Kogod Fund Kwal Family Philanthropic Fund Richman-Lazarus JARC Fund Harry* & Shirley Leventhal Fund Beth and Daniel Levine Family Fund Herbert R. & Elaine Levine Family Fund Larry Levine Family Fund Levine Family Fund Beatrice Levy* Fund Libby Family Fund Aaron & Leah Lipskar Philanthropic Fund Simon & Kate Lipskar Philanthropic Fund Lorber Family Fund Commander Philip & Joan Lorber Philanthropic Fund William & Harriet Margolis Fund Harry*& Mae Markowitz Fund Jerry & Gail Mayerson Fund Manuel & Rhoda Mayerson Fund Bruce & Marilyn Meltzer Fund Robert & Meryl Meltzer Fund Joan & Mark Mendel Fund Thelma & Eugene Miller Fund Gladys Moore Memorial Fund Morningstar Fund Herbert* & Dorothy Nadolny Fund Ned & Caryn Nashban Family Fund 86

Rebecca Arie Nashban Children Helping Children Fund Stanley & Adella Nemer Fund James & Lynn Nobil Fund Richard L. & Charlotte Okonow Fund Adrienne & Nat Packer Memorial Fund Toby Weinman Palchik Fund Eugene & Madeline Pargh Fund Jules & Shirley Pearlstine Philanthropic Fund Phillips Family Fund Donald* & Cecelia Platnick Fund Tal & Andrea Plotkin Fund Edward & Ellen Pollock Fund Georgina & Edwin Polokoff Fund David & Dale Pratt Fund Benjamin* & Clarice Pressner Fund Professional Advisory Committee Fund Maynard & Judith B. Rabinowitz Fund Seymour A. & Dollsey G. Rappaport Fund Sam & Celia Reich Fund Reinstein Family Philanthropic Fund James and Rose Robinson Fund Richard B. & Lois Romanoff Fund Nathan D.* & Sylvia L. Rosen Fund Arnold S.* & Elinor Rosenthal Fund Michael & Angela Ross Fund Michael & Gladys Rothbaum Fund Rubenstein Family Fund Adele & Dr. Howard Rubenstein Family Foundation Fund Arthur & Millicent Rudolph Fund Michael Rukin Fund Rabbi Dr. Louis L. Sacks Fund Irving & Harriett Sands Fund Ellen R. Sarnoff Fund Satovsky Family Fund Doris Schwartz Fund Schwedelson Family Fund Albert G.* & Dorothy Segal Fund Jean* & Charles* Shacter Fund Nelson & Cara Shaller Family Fund Faigel & Len Shapiro Fund Lewis & Sylvia Sheketoff Fund William & Marion Sherry Fund Sidney* Shneider Family Fund Arthur & Shirley Siegel Fund Donald Shopiro Fund Irvin L. & Fannie Siegel* Fund Marshall E. & Sybil Sigel Fund Stuart J. & Bonnie Sigel Family Fund Theodore G. & Janice E.* Simkin Fund James J.* & Rose Singer Fund

Saul & Susan Singer Fund Reene A. Singer Fund Phillip & Leah Siskin Fund Raymond* & Beatrice Slomin Fund Allan B. & Shirley F. Solomon Fund Eugene* B. & Phyllis J. Squires Fund Ben & Joan Stein Fund Eric & Loren Stein Fund Mel* & Elaine Stein Fund Leonard & Geraldine Steinlauf Fund Norman I. & Betty C. Stone Fund Teddy & Linda Struhl Fund Maurice & Betty Terkel Fund Leon F. Thorpe Fund Saul* & Ruth Weinberger Fund Robert & Pamela Weinroth Fund Jerry & Donna Weiss Fund Marvin* & Cindy White Fund Willner Family Fund Dorothy Meyers Wizer Family Fund Jerome & Sylvia* Wolens Fund Scott & Rachell Wolgin-Blick Fund Sidney* & Jacqueline Wolgin Fund Carl* & Phyllis Zimble Fund Philip* & Betty Zinman Fund Lawrence & Leonore Zusman Fund

*Of Blessed Memory

Bar/Bat Mitzvah Funds Bar/Bat Mitzvah Funds are donor advised philanthropic fund created with a minimum contribution of $1,000. Leya Edelstein Ethan Harris Sam Harris Jennifer Kahn Daniel Makover Sinclaire Devereaux Marber Nicholas S. Mishkin Zachary Nimhauser Julia Robins Andrew Schneider Daniel Shimansky Jonathan Stein Alana Steinberg Joshua Wohlgemuth Michelle Wohlgemuth

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Donor Advised Philanthropic Funds (continued) The following Charitable Organizations have received distributions requested by Foundation Donors from their individual Philanthropic Funds. Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County A.I.P.A.C. (American Israel Public Affairs   Committee) ACLU of Florida Adaptive Learning Center - A.L.C. Adler Aphasia Center Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community   Center AFMDA - Palm Beach Friends of Magen David Adom Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse Albert Einstein College of Medicine Alliance for Families with Deaf Children   (AFDC) Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation, Inc. ALS Research Foundation of South Florida Alternative Education Foundation Alzheimers Association American Jewish World Services American Cancer Society American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science American Dental Volunteers for Israel American Foreign Service Association American Friends of Hebrew University American Friends of Magen David Adom American Friends of Migdal Ha’emek American Friends of Neve Shalom Wahat   Al-Salam American Friends of Orr Shalom American Friends of the Kollel of Ottawa, Inc. American Heart Association American Israel Education Foundation American Jewish Committee American Jewish Congress American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Jewish World Service American Joint Jewish Distribution Committee American Parkinson Disease Association American Physicians Fellowship for Medicine   in Israel American Red Cross of Martin County American Society for Technion Americans for Peace Now Americn Jewish Committee Amnesty International USA Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple Anti Defamation League ARMDI Arthritis Foundation

Auschwitz Jewish Center Barnard College Barry & Florence Friedberg South Shore JCC Beit Elazraki Beth Chaim Congregation Beth El Temple Beth El The Beaches Synagogue Beth Sholom Congregation Bethany College Beuond Words B’nai B’rith Foundation of the U.S. B’nai B’rith Youth Organization B’nai Torah Congregation Boca Helping Hands Boca Raton Children’s Museum Boca Raton Community Hospital Foundation Boca Raton Museum Boca Raton Philharmonic Symphonia Inc Boca West Cancer Research Unit Bone Marrow Foundation Bowdoin College Alumni Fund Boy Scouts of America Boys Club of New York Boys Town Jerusalem Foundation of America Breast Cancer Three Day Bright Horizons Foundation for Children Bronx High School of Science Broward Center for the Performing Arts Foundation Caldwell Theatre CAMERA CARE - Gift Center Caridad Center Carnegie Hall West Virginia Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh Chabad at Virginia Tech Chabad Lubavitch Mitzvah Tank Chabad of Naples Chai Lifeline Chamah Children International Children’s Books on Tape, Inc. Children’s Medical Fund of New York Children’s Miracle Network City Meals on Wheels City of Hope CLAL - National Jewish Center for Learning   & Leaders Columbia Graduate School of Journalism Columbia/Barnard Hillel Committee for Accuracy in Middle-East   Reporting Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths Community Foundation - Good Times

Community Fund-SPIN Concern Worldwide USA- Relief Programs Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex Congregation Beth Simchat Torah Congregation B’nai Israel Congregation Habonbim Congregation Kehillath Israel Congregation Mishkan Tefila Congregation Shaarei Zedech Connecticut College Cornwell Manor Benevolent Fund Crohns & Colitis Foundation Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Dana Farber Cancer Institute Deaf Service Center Diabetes Research Institute Doctors Without Boarders Donna Klein Jewish Academy Dorot Dr. Garabed A. Fattal Community Free Clinic Eagle Brook School Economic Empower Economic Empowerment for Women Elderhostel ELI The Israel Association for Child Protection Emergency Medical Assistance Environmental Defense FAU Galleries Feeding America FINCA - Foundation for International Community Assoc Florence Fuller Child Development Center Florence Melton Adult Mini School Alumni   Association Florida Atlantic University Foundation Florida Sheriffs Youth Ranches, Inc. Florida Society for Middle East Studies Florida Stage Foundation Fighting Blindness Friends of AKIM USA Inc Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans Friends of Orleans Affordable Homes Friends of WLRN (NPR) Friends of Yemin Fund for Johns Hopkins Medicine-Fund Georgia Tech Foundation Goldman Union Camp Institute Good Samaritan Hospital System Foundation Green Map System Gulf Stream Council Gulfstream Goodwill Life Academy Gurwin Jewish Healthcare Foundation Hadassah 87

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Donor Advised FundsD–onor C haritable AdvisedDPistributions hilanthropic (continued Funds (continued ) ) Hebrew Free Loan Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society Hebrew Union College Heifer International Heifer International Henry H. Kessler Foundation, Inc. Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation, Inc Heritage House Highland Beach Library Hillel Horses and the Handicapped of South   Florida Hospice By The Sea Hospice of Chautauqua County International Rescue Committee Israel Cancer Association USA Israel Children’s Center Israel Family Planning Association JAFCO JCC Association Jewish Association for Residential Care Jewish Collegiate Learning Experience Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Community Center of Palm Beach Jewish Community Centers Association Jewish Community Foundation Jewish Council for Youth Services Jewish Education Commission of the Jewish   Federation Jewish Family & Children’s Services Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Greater Mercer County Jewish Federation of Grand Rapids Jewish Federation of Greater Middlesex   County Jewish Federation of Greater Monmouth   County Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit Jewish Federation of Ocean County Jewish Foundation for the Righteous Jewish Guild for the Blind Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs Jewish Museum of Florida Jewish National Fund Jewish War Veterans of the USA Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy Kadima Kehilat Israel Keren Or Keshet Koby Mandell Foundation, Inc Kol Tikvah Hadassah Kravis Center for the Performing Arts LEAH, Inc Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped 88

Long Island University-Tilles Center for the   Performing Arts Lower East Side Tenement Museum Lungevity Foundation Lymphoma Research Foundation Lynn University Lynn University Conservatory of Music Maccabi USA Madlyn and Leonard Abramson Center for   Jewish Life Maot Chitim of Greater Chicago March of Dimes Martha’s Vineyard Cerebral Palsy Camp Inc Martha’s Vineyard Community Service Martha’s Vineyard Hospital Master Chorale of South Florida Mayo Clinic Mayo Foundation MDI Alcohol & Drug Abuse Group Meadville Jewish Community Center Medical Alumni Association Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Miami City Ballet Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s   Research Military Officers Association of America Monmouth Medical Center Foundation Morikami Park IB Foundation Moses and Aaron Foundation Mount Desert Island Hospital Museum of Jewish Heritage Nassau County Museum of Art National Committee for the Furtherance of   Jewish Education National Diabetes Fund National Institute of Jewish Hospice National Jewish Committee on Scouting National Jewish Health National Jewish Medical and Research Center National Multiple Sclerosis Society National Osteoporosis Foundation National Parkinson’s Foundation, Inc. National Single Parents Resource Center National World War II Memorial National Yiddish Book Center Nature Conservancy Naval Order of the US Foundation NBTY Helping Hands Charity Neve Michael Children’s Village New Eyes for the Needy New Israel Fund New Vista Theater New World Symphony New York University North American Conference on Ethiopian   Jewry North Star School

Northwestern University NYU Steinhardt Oasis - A Haven for Women & Children Old Westbury Hebrew Congregation Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Oxfam America Palm Beach Opera Palm Beach Pops Papanicolaou - Greater Boca Raton Cancer Unit Para Los Ninos Park School Parkinson’s Action Network Foundation Parkinson’s Disease Foundation Parkinson’s Research and Education   Foundation Pembroke Pines Charter Schools People for the American Way Pinecrest School Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra Planned Parenthood of South Palm Beach & Broward County Play for P.I.N.K. PLGA Foundation Port Discovery Children’s Museum Project Interchange - Seminars in Israel Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic Reform Jewish Appeal River Arts Rogosin Institute Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Salvation Army Samuel Field Bay Terrace YM & YWHA Sass Foundation for Medical Research Senior Living Foundation of the American   Foreign Service Sid Jacobson Jewish Community Center Simon Wiesenthal Center Solomon Schechter School of Greater Boston Solomon Schechter School of SPBC South Palm Beach Parkinson’s Foundation Southern Poverty Law Center SPCA of Hancock County Special Olympics Florida St. Andrews Cancer Research Unit of the   Papanicolaous Corp. St. Andrews School St. Francis Hospital Foundation St. Lukes Orchestra Stand Among Friends Stuttering Foundation Surprise Lake Camp Susan G. Komen “Race for the Cure” Temple Anshei Shalom Temple Beth Am Temple Beth El Israel Temple Beth El of Boca Raton Temple Beth Rishon

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Donor Advised Funds – Charitable Distributions (continued) Temple Beth Shira Temple B’nai Brith Temple B’nai Israel Temple Concord Temple Emanuel Temple Emeth-2009 Temple Habonim Temple Hillel B’nai Torah Temple Israel Temple Jeremiah Temple Kehillat Chaim Temple Sinai Temple Society of Concord Temple Torah of West Boynton Beach The Bicol Clinic Foundation Inc. The Brooke Jackman Foundation, Inc The Carter Center The Gillen Brewer School The Jewish Center The Jewish Foundation The Jewish Theological Seminary The Kutz Home The Making of Champions Youth Program The Mental Health Association of Nassau   County

The SK Memorial Foundation (Children’s   Charities) The Smile Train The Temple Thirteen/WNET Trillium Performing Arts Collective U.C. Davis Mind Institute U.S. Navy Memorial Foundation UJA - Federation of New York UMASS Hillel UNC-TV UNICEF Unicorn Children’s Foundation Union Council for Jews in the Former Soviet   Union United for the Mentally Ill, Inc. United Jewish Communities United Jewish Communities - Ethiopian   National Project United States Holocaust Memorial Museum United Way Community Services United Way of Asheville & Buncombe   County United Way of Palm Beach County University of Miami

University of Miami - Multiple Sclerosis Center University of North Carolina University of Notre Dame University of Pittsburgh USO World Headquarters USS Intrepid Association, Inc. Vasculitis Foundation Virginia Holocaust Museum Vita Nova of Renaissance Village WCQS Weizman Institute of Science Wellesley College Wellington Jewish Center Westchester Reform Temple Western Reserve Academy WGBH Women’s Metropolitan Gold Association World Jewish Congress WPBT Channel 2 WQED Multimedia WXEL Yale University - School of Medicine Yeshiva Chaim Berlin YMCA Camp Hi Rock Zionist Organization of America

Bequests Received The Jewish Community Foundation honors the memory of those that left bequests last year and in so doing, extended the scope of their commitment beyond a lifelong concern for the welfare of the Jewish people. Edith Golub

Francine Cole

The Jewish Community Foundation offers scholarships to students in our local service area (Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach) for undergraduate college study. Grants are awarded from the Abraham Zimmerman Fund, the Rosemary & Allan Rubin Scholarship Fund, the Eli & Hilda Krinzman Scholarship Endowment Fund and the Jewish Community Foundation General Scholarship Endowment Fund based upon demonstrated financial need. The total amount awarded was $6,250 this past year for study at the following institutions: Florida Gulf Coast State University University of Central Florida

Santa Fe Community College Florida Atlantic University

MISSION STATEMENT As the central address of the local Jewish community, the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County works with a wide range of agency partners to: Sustain Our Local Community – by providing vital social and humanitarian services to the poor, the elderly, and individuals with special needs. Create a Jewish Future – by supporting opportunities for Jews of all ages to explore their heritage, instilling a love for Israel and ensuring a vibrant Jewish future through education, outreach and meaningful Jewish experiences. Support Jewish Peoplehood Worldwide – by aiding Jews in distress and providing urgent resources to our global family in Israel and more than 60 countries worldwide. With deep roots locally and respected ties nationally and internationally, we have earned the confidence of an active, loyal and growing donor base that is committed to the welfare and continuity of the Jewish people.

9901 Donna Klein Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33428 www.jewishboca.org


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