2004 Annual Report

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Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

Message to the Community

With a record-breaking $20 million campaign in 2003-2004, our Federation will be able to enhance services to more than 130,000 Jews in South Palm Beach County as well as Jews in 59 countries throughout the world.

The accomplishments we have achieved this year are truly a source of great pride. Bill Bernstein, our Executive Vice President, has assembled a strong and effective professional team. I am confident that over the next several years this group, along with our most valuable asset, our lay volunteers, will lead us to significant growth and development. We are already seeing positive results. Led by General Campaign Chair Etta Zimmerman and Co-Chair Steve Bedowitz, and Women’s Division Campaign Vice President Jane Glaser, the Annual Campaign of 2003-2004 delivered a record-breaking $20 million. As a result, our Federation will be able to enhance our role as a primary provider of social, cultural, and educational services to more than 130,000 Jews in South Palm Beach County, as well as to Jews in 59 countries throughout the world. As the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County celebrates its Silver Anniversary this year, and our twenty-five year history of making a difference to Jews in need, we should all feel a sense of great satisfaction. I extend my deep thanks and appreciation to our incredibly unselfish and devoted Officers, Executive Committee and Board members, and to each of you for your ongoing commitment and generosity. There is so much more that I can share with you, but this year’s very special Annual Report tells the story far better than I can. I hope you enjoy it. In the coming year, may we all find peace in our hearts, in our beloved country, and in our beloved Israel. Thank you and shalom,

Lawrence Altschul President


Fundraising Reports

Funds from our successful Federation/UJA Annual Campaign have been allocated at increased levels to our local, national and international partners to serve the needs of the Jewish people.

2004 Federation/UJA Campaign ~Steven Bedowitz & Etta Zimmerman, General Campaign Chairs The Federation raised a record-breaking $20 million from more than 14,300 donors. These funds, both unrestricted and a small percentage of restricted, have been allocated at increased levels to our local, national and international partners in serving the needs of the Jewish people. This compares to $18.46 million in 2003 and $18.76 million in 2002. General Campaign Chair Etta Zimmerman and Co-Chair Steven Bedowitz spearheaded our remarkable season.


Fundraising Reports

The Women’s Division accounted for 45% of the 2003-2004 Annual Campaign with $8.7 million raised from 6,326 donors, $700,000 more than 2002-2003.

Women’s Division ~Debra Halperin, President & Jane Glaser, 1st V.P. of Campaign The record-breaking 2004 Annual Campaign was due in large part (45%) to the Women’s Division led by Jane Glaser. The women achieved a record of their own by raising $8.7 million from 6,326 donors, $700,000 more than last year. The Lion’s share of that total was the incredible showing by the more than 800 Lions, 86 of them new this year, bringing in more than $7 million, or 80%, of the women’s campaign. In honor of Israel’s 55th birthday, many made a Lion’s leap of $550. South Palm Beach County Lions have been roaring loudly ever since 22 local women founded the Lion of Judah Division here in 1982.


Fundraising Reports

The Foundation ranks #1 in the country with 161 Lion of Judah Endowment Funds valued at $22 million and 47 Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Funds valued at more than $34 million.

Jewish Community Foundation ~Caryn Clayman, President The Foundation is often referred to as the Federation’s “savings account” providing the Federation with permanent financial resources to ensure the continuity of Jewish life here at home and around the world. Now entering its 20th year, the Foundation has grown to $55.5 million in assets and a recorded net value under management increase over the last year of $1,982,656. Deferred gifts through the development of endowments and scholarship funds, charitable trusts, lifetime gifts, and bequests in wills is $106,000,000 — an important and significant milestone that few foundations ever reach at year end. The Foundation ranks #1 in the country with 161 Lion of Judah Endowment Funds valued at $22 million and 47 Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment Funds valued at $34,407,114. South Palm Beach County is ranked #5 in the country with 83 members recognized at the National Star of David Society.


Honoring Our Roots

In 2005, we will celebrate our 25th Anniversary, the 20th Anniversary of the Jewish Community Foundation and the bar mitzvah year of the Richard & Carole Siemens Jewish Campus.

25th Anniversary Twenty-five years ago, the Jewish Federation opened in a storefront office on the eastside of Boca Raton to serve a Jewish community of 1,200. Today, it serves a Jewish community of over 130,000. Fortunately, the founders and leadership of our community had the foresight and vision to plan for and acquire land that would enable future growth and development of our agencies and schools. On the weekend of January 21-23, 2005, we’ll celebrate our 25th Anniversary, the 20th Anniversary of the Jewish Community Foundation, honor our founders and leaders, and celebrate the bar mitzvah year of our Siemens Campus. Co-Chairs Shirley Cohen and Joseph Mishkin are spearheading this event.


Celebrating the Past

We are fortunate to have had so many wonderful community leaders with a strong sense of leadership, vision and foresight to nurture and grow the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

We are fortunate to have had so many wonderful community leaders with a strong sense of leadership, vision and foresight to nurture and grow the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Pictured here are many of the Federation’s original “movers and shakers” who were able to get together for a photo at 3200 Federal Highway, a building that housed one of the original Federation offices: Margie Baer, Donald Berger, Marianne Bobick, Charles Cohen, Eric Deckinger, Helene Eichler, Albert Gortz, Arthur Jaffe, Margaret Kottler, Abner & Mildred Levine, Dorothy Lipson, Charlotte Robinson, Arnold & Elinor Rosenthal, Richard & Carole Siemens, Rabbi Sam Silver, Rabbi Merle Singer, Norman & Betty Stone, Rabbi Bruce Warshal.


Living Our Values

Programs provided by the Jewish Education Commission offer a broad spectrum of learning for students of all ages in south Palm Beach County.

Jewish Education Commission (JEC) ~Shirley Solomon, Chair If education is “the strategic plan of the Jewish community,” then the JEC helps the Federation fulfill that plan by coordinating, developing and implementing Jewish living and learning opportunities for students of all ages in south Palm Beach County. This is accomplished through the JEC’s separate youth, adult and Holocaust education programs. The programs provide opportunity for a broad spectrum of learning - whether it’s an hour (at a Distinguished Lecture Series program), a day (at Yom Limmud), a week (at the March of the Living) or a year (at the Florence Melton Adult MiniSchool). The JEC also runs the Education Resource Center, the leading provider of training workshops and classroom materials for local teachers.


Building Community

The JCRC maintains positive working relationships with local, state and national legislators to ensure their continuing support for the Jewish community.

Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) ~Steven Mendelsohn, Chair As the public policy and social action arm of the Federation, the JCRC works to unite the organized Jewish community in south Palm Beach County. The JCRC accomplishes this through education and advocacy programs, workshops, rallies and services that support a safe and secure Israel, promoting interfaith relations, and fighting antiIsrael bias in the news media, anti-Jewish rhetoric on college campuses, and anti-Semitic verbal and physical attacks. The JCRC also maintains positive working relationships with local, state and national legislators and lawmakers to ensure their continuing support for the Jewish community here at home, in Israel and around the world. This year, the JCRC successfully secured the continuation of a state grant of $157,400 for Federation Transportation Services.


Living Our Values

The Federation has many vital community partners. We work with dozens of local agencies in south Palm Beach County, taking special

Cynthia Hollander, President Dr. Debra Hallow, Executive Director

Charlotte Okonow, President Dr. Jaclynn Faffer, Executive Director

Jewish Association of Residential Care

Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service’s

provides quality Jewish living and

trained and licensed professional

learning opportunities to adults with

therapists and social workers provide

developmental disabilities through its

individual, group and crisis counseling, as

network of group homes and apartments

well as evaluation and referral services.

pride in partnering with its four foundingmember agencies – Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center (Levis JCC), Jewish Association for Residential Care ( JARC), Donna Klein Jewish Academy (DKJA) and Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service (RRJFS).

in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, as well as job training, placement and referral

In a significant expansion of its mission,


RRJFS established the Welcome Home Program for the recovering mentally ill.


The Employabilities Program of JARC

The Program includes support groups for

provided housekeeping and

parents and family members concerned

environmental services to the Hillel Day

about the current and future welfare of

School of Boca Raton. A work crew of

their loved ones and a Drop-in Center

eight clients and a vocational instructor

designed to enhance recovery and

clean the facility Monday-Friday. The

rehabilitation through counseling,

children and faculty of the school have

socialization and mutual support. Within

embraced the JARC clients and include

one month, extensive community

them in their yearbook. This is an

response brought together more than 50

example of the many abilities that people

family members for monthly meetings

with disabilities have to contribute to our

and more than a dozen participants

community and our world.

gather at the Center for weekly activities.

Building Community

Together, we strive to provide the cultural, educational, social, Robert Greenberg, President Karen Feller, Head of School

Ed Cohen, President Allan Just, Executive Director

recreational and therapeutic programs

Donna Klein Jewish Academy is an

Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish

award-winning, full-service kindergarten-

Community Center runs a state-of-the-

12th grade Jewish day school where

art fitness center, early childhood center,

students experience the joys of learning

summer camp, Adolph & Rose Levis

and self-discovery in an exceptional

Alzheimer and Adult Day Care Center,

academic Jewish environment.

as well as numerous recreational, educational and cultural programs and

This year, ten high school students spent

activities for the entire community.

a month studying at the Alexander Muss High School in Israel to enhance their

Last year, the Levis JCC celebrated its

study of Jewish culture and tradition. The

20th anniversary, honored its past

school completed its third year as one of

presidents and presented the 3rd Annual

eight schools in the nation chosen to

HaNadiv Crystal Award to Marianne

participate in the Jewish Day Schools for

Bobick and Abby Levine. The Adult Day

the 21st Century Project. This program

Care Center launched its Auxiliary (with

explores engaging ways Jewish values can

over 100 members) under the leadership

be incorporated into the educational

of Chair Judy Levis Markhoff with a

experience so they become an integral

luncheon featuring Debbie Reynolds

part of students’ and families’ lives.

attended by over 200. The summer of

and services that south Palm Beach County Jews need to grow and prosper.

2004 marked the expansion of Camp Kavod to more than 20 children. This special needs branch of Camp Ted Weisberg is generously underwritten by FMSbonds, Inc.


Living Our Values

The Federation spends about a quarter of a million dollars per year to create a partnership with Kiryat Bialik in Israel by co-sponsoring exchange programs for teen performers and athletes, students and teachers, and doctors and therapists. Partnership 2000 ~Yuval Moed, Chair United Jewish Communities created a program in the 1990’s to pair Jewish Federations in the United States with developing communities in Israel. Today, the Federation is partnered with Kiryat Bialik, a suburb of Haifa, best known perhaps for its innovative youth programs and for resettling more Argentinean immigrants than any other Israeli community. The Federation spends about a quarter of a million dollars per year to create a true partnership between the two communities by co-sponsoring exchange programs for teen performers and athletes, students and teachers, and doctors and therapists. This creates a gesher chai, or “living bridge,� that strengthens and enhances both communities.


Our Overseas Partners: Building Community Worldwide

Israel and Overseas Our overseas partners, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee ( JDC) and Jewish Agency for Israel ( JAFI), provide support for many initiatives that help those in need in Israel, the Former Soviet Union (FSU), Argentina and anywhere else we are needed. The Israel and Overseas Committee makes recommendations regarding funding and policy. Part of the JAFI allocation is for our Partnership 2000 community and community-building projects such as the teachers’ trip to Israel this year. The JDC allocation is split between the FSU and Argentina for social welfare programs and services.


Strengthening Our Future

We are committed to developing young men and women who are caring toward the Jewish

Engaging and Energizing Young Boomers

Leadership Development and Training

community, knowledgeable

The Federation is eager to re-engage

Identifying, cultivating and training

young baby boomers and post-boomers

leaders who can wisely steer us well into

who are in their 40’s and 50’s and once

the 21st century is a priority for our

were active in the Jewish community, but

Federation. We are committed to

“moved away.” This group is

developing young men and women who

accomplished, creative and talented and

are caring toward the Jewish community,

can benefit our community in many

knowledgeable about the issues, sensitive

ways. Ilene Wohlgemuth and Susan

to solving problems, motivated to reach

Podolsky are working to re-involve them

goals and passionate about ensuring the

in Jewish community life. First steps

future of the Jewish people.

ensuring the future

were taken last spring when popular

Emily Grabelsky and April Leavy,

Jewish scholar Rabbi David Woznica of

who embody these traits, have been

of the Jewish people.

Los Angeles led a seminar in Boca for a

addressing this priority for some time.

group of 40- and 50-year-olds,

Last year, the Federation Board

reminding them of how fulfilling Jewish

approved their leadership development

activism is and inspiring them to make it

plan. We are looking to fund the

a part of their life again.

program with a permanent endowment.

about the issues, sensitive to solving problems, motivated to reach goals and passionate about


Looking Ahead with Confidence

“The Task Force was convened because so many years have passed since our Federation was founded and the needs of the population have grown tremendously,” explains Task Force Chair Ellen Sarnoff.

Campus Planning Task Force To best serve our Jewish community, a Capital Planning Task Force has been examining how the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County can most effectively use, maintain and refurbish its space, and determine what additional facilities should be built on its central campus. “The Task Force was convened because so many years have passed since our Federation was founded and the needs of the population have grown tremendously,” explains Task Force Chair Ellen Sarnoff. “In order to be able to provide programs to our growing community, our Federation must expand its facilities and make the best use of all of our valuable resources.” The Task Force’s primary responsibility of assessing capital needs is the first of a threepart approach. The second component is a demographic study with preliminary results due in May 2005. Ultimately, a capital campaign will follow.


Senior Management Team

Seated: Mel Lowell, Director of Finance and Management Systems; Standing (l-r): Orlando Cabrera, Director of Technical Services; Marla Egers, Director of Board Management and Special Projects; Rafael Bazan, Director of Facilities; Laurie Semo, Controller

Seated: William S. Bernstein, Executive Vice President Standng (l-r): Debbie Stern, Director of Marketing and Communications; Jason Shames, Annual Campaign Director; Leah Siskin, Jewish Community Foundation Director

Seated: Richard Jacobs, Director of Planning and Programmatic Services; Standing (l-r): Laurie Siegel, Director of Leadership Development/P2K/IOC; Anne Chernin, Jewish Community Relations Council Director; Dr. Leon Weissberg, Jewish Education Commission Executive Director

(l-r): Anita Shalley, Special Assistant to the Executive Vice President; Toby Gordon, Women’s Division Director

These senior level, highly qualified professionals are responsible for the ongoing functions of the Federation on a daily basis. The achievements that have been realized this year have been, in large part, attributable to the dynamic partnership of these individuals with their lay leader counterparts in each of their respective areas of responsibility. We are fortunate to have them as members of our community and this Federation.





Board of Directors 2003-2004 OFFICERS


Andrew Robins, Immediate Past President Terms Expire May 2004 James Nobil President, Lawrence Altschul Ralph Solomon * Vice President, Teddy Struhl Richard Okonow Vice President, Albert Gortz Herb Gimelstob Vice President, Roxane Frechie Lipton Allan Solomon Vice President, Campaign, Etta Zimmerman Marvin Zale Vice President, Women’s Division President, Debra Halperin Marianne Bobick Vice President, Jewish Community Foundation President, Caryn Clayman Acting Treasurer, David Galpern Assistant Treasurer, Ted Deutch Secretary, Ilene Wohlgemuth Assistant Secretary, Shirley Cohen




Terms Expire 2004

Terms Expire 2005

Terms Expire 2006

Marjorie Baer Joy Binkovitz Edward Burns Melvin Clayman Meryl Gallatin Ron Gallatin Rani Garfinkle Kinnie Gorelick Wendy Gutmann Daniel Katz Robert Levitt Stan Miller Clarice Pressner Hyman Richman Louis Rippner Rose Robinson Dorothy Seaman David Segal Esther Sherman Raymond Zimmerman

Jerry Altheimer Lee Baker Steven Bedowitz Franklin Benamy Martin Brody Helen Cohan Janet Elinoff Barry Friedberg Charles Ganz Bernard Goldman Stephen Grabelsky Warren Greenspoon Arthur Jaffe Roger Leavy Cindy Nimhauser Della Rosenberg Jeffrey Sandelman Ellen Sarnoff Stephen Winig

Gloria Baker Scott Brenner Eric Deckinger Howard DuBosar Dale Filhaber Sandor Garfinkle * Jerry Gorelick Leonard Greenberg Alan Hurst Jeffrey Kahn April Leavy Abner Levine Dorothy Lipson Stephen Melcer Joseph Mishkin Maurice Plough, Jr. Gordon Salganik Shirley Solomon Benjamin Stein William Weprin

Rabbi Director Rabbi Amy Rader

Rabbi Director Rabbi Kenneth Brander

DIRECTORS EMERITUS Gary Bernstein * Baron Coleman * Karola Epstein Gerry Golden Shirley Gould * David Hast Sam Klein Sigmund Nathan Jack Parker Seymour Rappaport Arnold Rosenthal Richard Siemens Saul Weinberger Gladys Weinshank * Betty Zinman

Rabbi Director Rabbi Merle Singer

ADDITIONAL BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED PER BY-LAWS: Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center President - Edward B. Cohen Donna Klein Jewish Academy President - Robert Greenberg Jewish Association for Residential Care President - Cynthia Hollander Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service President - Charlotte Okonow Women’s Division Campaign Vice President - Jane Glaser Young Adult Division President - Jill Deutch Jewish Community Relations Council Chair - Stephen Mendelsohn Jewish Education Commission Chair - Shirley Solomon General Campaign Co-Chairs - Etta Zimmerman & Steven Bedowitz Finance Committee Chair - Irving Smokler Human Resource Development Co-Chairs - April Leavy & Emily Grabelsky Israel & Overseas Committee Chair - Carol Smokler Nominating Committee Chair - James Nobil Personnel Committee Chair - Lawrence Altschul Planning & Allocations Committee Co-Chair - Teddy Struhl Names in italics hold more than one position on the Board of Directors.

*Of blessed memory





2003-2004 Financial Highlights 2003–2004



EXPENDITURES Uncollectible Pledges 3% Financial Resource Development

10% Overseas Services*

Management & Administration


9% Local and National Agencies & Services

Allocations & Distribution



*Overseas allocations are 25% of the unrestricted 2003 Campaign

Based upon total support and revenue




11% American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

Jewish Education



25% Social Services

Jewish Agency for Israel



Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.




2003-2004 Income & Allocations Report

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


Help Us Do a World of Good

Your commitment is at the very heart of our community.

Federation helps to grow the community and its traditions for your children and your children’s children. It provides both immediate comfort and long-term solutions... to help heal the world and to bring dignity and opportunities where none existed before.






2003-2004 Honor Roll The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is pleased to present our HONOR ROLL OF CONTRIBUTORS that recognizes generous contributions and acknowledges commitment to the growing south Palm Beach County community. In an emerging community such as ours, leadership giving sets the standard for others to follow. The dollars raised during our Annual Campaign ensure that we can continue to provide

vital programs and services for our growing population, as well as help Jews in need throughout the world. We also wish to acknowledge the ongoing generosity and commitment of individuals in our community not listed here who contribute annually to the Federation/UJA Campaign. It is the dedication and loyalty of all our donors that make our mitzvah of community tzedakah possible.

In the following pages contributors are listed alphabetically by giving levels.

Annual Campaign Levels GENERAL CAMPAIGN International Leadership Reunion Minimum family contribution of $250,000 to the Annual Campaign.

Prime Minister’s Council Minimum family contribution of $100,000 to the Annual Campaign.

Leadership Gifts Minimum family contribution of $55,000 to the Annual Campaign.

King David Society Minimum individual contribution of $25,000 to either the Annual Campaign or the Women’s Division.

Ben Gurion Society Open to all donors, age 25 - 45, who make a contribution of $1,000 or more to the Annual Campaign.

WOMEN’S DIVISION Crown of Judah ◆ $10,000 Ruby ◆ $18,000 Sapphire ◆ $25,000 Emerald

◆ $50,000 Zahav ◆ $75,000 Sabra ◆ $100,000 Prime Minister’s Council

Lion of Judah - $5,000 to $9,999

Morasha - $1,000 to $4,999

The Lion of Judah pin was created for women making a personal pledge to the Annual Campaign of $5,000 or more. The pin has firmly established itself as a symbol of commitment to the worldwide Jewish community.

This category has been given the Hebrew name “Morasha” meaning “Heritage.” It appears in the Book of Deuteronomy when Moses commanded the Torah to us as a heritage for the Jewish people.

Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)

The beautiful handcrafted pin is designed to look like an open Torah scroll with the Federation menorah logo set in the center of an etched cityscape of Jerusalem with a diamond in the first flame of the menorah. For each $500 above the $1,000, an additional diamond is added. At the $2,500 level, a ruby is placed in the center flame of the menorah.

Symbolized by a 14K gold flame emanating from the Lion of Judah pin, it represents the establishment of a permanent fund guaranteeing that a woman’s annual financial commitment of $5,000 or more to the Federation/UJA Annual Campaign will be made in perpetuity.

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


J E W I S H F E D E R AT I O N $250,000 + Judy Levis Markhoff Lawrence Phillips Harvey Sandler

$100,000 – $249,999 Leon C. & Gloria Baker Billi & Bernie Marcus Foundation, Inc. Lester Cohen Sandor Garfinkle – PACE * Elaine Gimelstob Herbert Gimelstob Irwin & Bethea Green Barry Kaye Carole Kaye Ronald A. & Anne* Krancer Jerome & Bette W. Lorber Phyllis Sandler Carol Smokler William Weprin Etta Zimmerman Raymond Zimmerman

$50,000 – $99,999 Ronald & Carol Benach Elliot Brody Martin Brody Edward I. & Freyda Burns Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Gallen Rani Garfinkle Leonard E. & Phyllis Greenberg Beverly Gross Harold S. & Lenore Larkin William & Gloria Lester Lothar & Carlyn Mayer Irene Milin Marvin Neuwirth Lois Pergament Robert Pergament Ellen R. Sarnoff Jerry Shaw Irving Smokler Teddy & Linda S. Struhl Leon Thorpe Sherman & Jeanette Vogel Barbara Weprin Ruth White – LOJE *

$25,000 – $49,999 Anonymous III Elaine Adler Myron Adler Jerome Altheimer Jerome Aresty Adele Barron Steven Bedowitz

Bernard Beifield Gerson Bernstein * Anne Brenner Harold Brode Florence Brody Helene Brody Carl’s Furniture Myron Chapman Melvin Clayman Maurice Cohen Ruth Coleman Alan Cornell Jane Cornell Gail Edelstein Helene Eicoff Kenneth Endelson Edward Epstein Jeffrey Fried Sylvia Fried-Arnold Barry Friedberg Bernice Friedman Charles Ganz Nancy Ganz Ira Gerstein Bernard & Irene Goldstein Jerry Gorelick Shirley Gould – LOJE * Phyllis Greenman Julius Guttman Leo & Cynthia Hollander Judith Huston Sanford Huston Irving Jaffe Morton G. & Dalia Jarashow Bernard Kaminsky Mildred Kaminsky Leonard J. & Tobee W. Kaplan Morton Karper Carole Kaye Dr. Charles Kelman * Donald Kline Simon Konover Jeffrey Kukes Charna Larkin Mike Leslie Jerry Levin Abner Levine Mildred Levine Dorothy Lipson Carl Marbach Sheldon Maschler Manuel Mayerson Michael Milin Sidney Miller Joseph Mishkin Jane Morningstar Myron & Alice Nadler Sigmund Nathan Felice Neuwirth Norman R. Rales &



Ruth Rales Foundation Jules Pearlstine Jack Pechter David Polen Howard Poorvu Dollsey Rappaport Norman Ricken H. Richard & Jane Roberts Sylvia Rosen Lawrence Ruben Arthur & Millicent Rudolph Sanford Sandelman Susan Sandelman Harriett Sands Irving Sands Maurice & Ruth Schwarz Dorothy Seaman Ronald Sedley Marion Silberberg Marlene Silver Eleanor Silverstein Martin Stein Manfred Steinfeld Daniel & Helene Sterling Robin Struhl Stewart Sunness Sidney Swartz David B. Sykes Ruth Taubman Donald Vinik Saul Weinberger Paul Weiner Barton Weisman Shirley Weisman Daniel Weiss Albert Willner Larry & Leonore Zusman

$10,000 – $24,999 Robert P. & Sandra S. Adler Shirley Aidekman-Kaye David & Helen Ain Audrey Altheimer Albert Arent Lorraine Aresty Margie B. Baer Lynn Bedowitz Judy Bell Renee Belman Franklin Benamy Joan Benamy Bernard Berk Gerald Berkman Patricia Berman Joy Binkovitz Esther Blank Jean Blechman Jeffrey & Brenda Bleustein Leona Brauser Arthur Braverman

Joan Brawer Bernard Brown Dorothy Bucksbaum John & Helen Budd Gordon & Arlene Bushell Eleanor Carman Richard & Stephanie Chestnov Jerry Chod Edith Clayman Alan Cohen * Carol Cohen Mildred Cohen Norma Cohen Phillip Cohen Phyllis Cohen George & Yetta Colin Robert Colton Leon Cooperman Milton Cutler Merwyn & Dolly Dan Richard Davimos George & Vivian Dean Helen Derfner Sigmund & Marion Dubrow Stan Edeiken Bernard Eichenbaum Helen Eisenberg Stanley & Lois Elkman Martin Elrad Harvey & Janine Engel Eleanor Epstein Freda Epstein Aaron & Karola Epstein Estelle Falik Frederick Feldman * Lawrence & Diane Feldman Mitzi Feldman Arthur & Florrie Fingerhut Mel Finkelstein Regina Fisher Bernard Fishman Adele Friedland Elaine Friedland Maurice Friedman * Larry Frisman Estelle Futterman Meryl Gallatin Ronald L. Gallatin Iris Gelber Ruth Gelfenbein Norma Geller Jane Glaser Robert & Joan Goldberg Michael Goldman Peter & Deborah Goldman Carolyn Goodman Dorothy Goodman Bernard Gordon Kinnie Gorelick William Gorelick

Albert Gortz Stephen Grabelsky Duff Greenbaum Frances Greenbaum Barry Greenfield Abraham Gross Harriet Gruber Aaron Gural Judy Gushner Irwin Guttag Calvin Haddad Debra Halperin Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hartzmark David Hast Doris Heisler Bernard & Betty Hellman Marcia Hendler Richard Hendler Ronald Hermann Carol Herscot James Herscot Robert & Eileen Herskowitz Bernard Hewitt Howard A. Hirsch Mimi Hirsch Marissa Hollander Abraham Irwin James Jacobs Shirlee Jacobs Norman Jacobson Ruth Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jesser William & Jan Jiler Peggy Kalish Polly Kaltenbacher Susan Katz Thomas O. Katz Paul & Lois Katzman Florence Kaufelt Stanley Kaufelt Ann Kelman Benjamin & Evelyn Kerr Joan Kessel Albert Klein Henry Kort Jerry Kramer Marilyn Kraus Larry Kravet Hillary Krouse Rodger Krouse Bernice Lebbin Gary Lebbin Ann Lederman Manuel & Esther Leno Eleanor Lerner Herbert Levitt Robert Levitt Barbara Levy Margie Levy-Plough Carole Lichterman

*Of blessed memory


Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL Sandra Lippy Roxane Lipton Herbert Littman Linda Littman Morton J. & Louise D. Macks Helen Marbach Mr. & Mrs. Henry Margulies Victor Markowicz Carolyn Meier Deborah Meisel Esther Miller Eugene & Thelma Miller Marc & Joan Miller Marvin Miller Oscar Miller Beth Mishkin Donna Mullaugh Herbert Nadolny Millicent Nathan James Nobil Ruth Nussdorf Julius & Fritzi Ohren Sy & Barb Oko Jeffrey & Sandra J. Perkins Marilyn Perlin Ben Pivnick Edward * & Shirley Polen EK Pomerantz & Les Miller Seymour Powers Clarice Pressner Seymour Rappaport Joel Reinstein Hyman & Deana Richman Jerome & Gilda Rieger Louis & Carol Rippner Andrew Robins Rose Robinson Rudolph & Muriel Robinson The Rodstein Foundation Martin & Joan Rosen Muriel Rosen Harold Rothstein Paula Runsdorf Marilyn Safenowitz Norton Sarnoff Marvin & Laraine Satisky David Schimel Renee Schindler Walter Schindler Dolores Schlesinger – LOJE * David & Dottie Segal Beverly Senville Phyllis Seresky Bud Seretean Sidney Shames Paul Shapiro Michael Sheinson Harold & Esther Sherman Rosalie Silberman Rosalyn Silver

Sol Silver Allen & Cynthia Simon Anita Simon Margie Brown Simon Simon Foundation Irene Snyder Allan & Shirley Solomon Ralph Solomon Dani Sonnenblick Mildred Sperling Dr. Benjamin & Joan Stein Elaine Stein James & Thea Stoneman Janice Sussman Morton & Sydelle Tannenbaum Philip & Frances Tarter Martin & Arlene Tash Irwin Thomases Leonard Thun The Toppel Family Foundation Morton & Lois Victor Arthur Wachtel Phyllis Wachtel Sandra Waldman Carole Weinstein Marcus Weinstein Donna Weiss Jerry Weiss Marvin Weiss Selma Weiss Stanley Weiss Steven Weiss Marilyn Weissglass Donald Werner Richard & Lois Werner Irene Whitman Stephen & Carol Winig Warren Wintrub Sidney Wolgin Al Wollowick David & Judith Yorra Ephraim & Beverly Young Maury Young Paul Zelenkofske

$5,000 – $9,999 Sydell Aaron Joan Aaronson Mildred Ackerman Jeanette Adams Harvey Adelstein Jack & Evelyn Africk Joel Alexander Philip Altheim Joel Altman Marilyn Anderson Edward Anfang Cynthia Aronsohn Gail Asarch

David Bady Daniel & Cherie Baer Elbert & Rita Bagus Candy Barbag Gloria Bass-Fine Ely Batkin Bauer Bisgeier Foundation, Inc. Helen Beck David Beckerman Rosalyn Beifield Deborah Belford Gerald & Florence Bell George Bell Phyllis Bell Greta Bercow * Annette Berger Ann Berkman Doris Berkman Paula Berkowitz Robert Berkowitz Vera Berkowitz Ella Berman Joan Berman Melvin Berman Sandy Berman Beverly Bernard David Bernstein Jean Bernstein Lee Bernstein Robert & Charla Bernstein Rose Bernstein William S. Bernstein Louise Birnberg Harold & Helen Black Murray Blanchard * Henrie Blau Michael Block Madeline Blondman Nancy Blumenkrantz Dee Botnick Mark & Rosalie M. Braun Leon Brauser Fay Braver Helen Braverman Robert & Eileen Breakstone Anne Brecker Yetta Bregman Iris Brener Abe & Miriam Brenner Gaby Brill Judy Brodman Betty Brody Philip Brous Leo Brown Harriet Bubes Ethel Bulman Florence Burack Dorothy Burke Irving Burke Phyllis Butters

Fran Butwin Jerome Butwin Mickey Cail Morton & Bernice Caine Carole Cameron Florence Carples Florence Cayne Francine Chackman Leonard Chackman Ellen Channing Jon Channing Edna Charles Hannah Chestnov Suzy Garfinkle Chevrier Geraldine Chod Richard & Robyn Chwatt Caryn Clayman Dorothy Cline Sanford E. * & Leah Coblitz Helen & Mark A. Cohan Barbara Cohen Arnold L. & Barbara D. Cohen Philip & Bella Cohen Ellen Cohen Gloria Cohen Jacques Cohen Shirley Cohen Stanley & Sandra Cohen Francine Cole Allan Coleman Andrea Colton Gladys Cook Dorothy Cooper Herman Corn * Marcus Corwin Blanche Cramer Sydney Cramer Lisa Crane Joyce Croft Judith David Helen Davis Rachela Dayan Ralph Delman Karen Dern Paul & Sylvia Detkin Theodore Deutch Allen & Sandra Dickerman Jerry & Tami Director Marjory Dobbin Nancy Donner Albert Dubin Pauline Dubin Donald Edelman Jerome Edelman Nancy Edelman Merylin Edelson Robert Edelstein Selma Edlavitch * Fern Edson Gilbert Ehrlich & Shirley

Sweet-Ehrlich Barbara Eidelsberg David Einbinder Gloria Einbinder Debbie Elrad Gloria Emalfarb Seymour Emalfarb Sherry Endelson Betty Lou Engman Elsie Epstein Adele Feinerman Barbara Feingold Esther Feintuck Norman Feintuck Elaine Feit Bunny Feldman Leona Feldman Shirley Felner Murray Felton Beverly S. Feurring Jeanne Fibus Dale Filhaber Cherie Fine Harriet Finger Edward Finkelstein Elaine Finkelstein Morton Finkelstein Pam Finkelstein Joan Firestone Alice Flateman Shirley Fleishman Judge David & Irma Follender Sandra Foreman Daniel & Mildred Forsythe Ina Fox Marcia Fox Neil Fox Richard Fox Daniel Freed * Shirlee Cohen Freed* Alfred Fried Florence Friedberg Phyllis Friedel Kathleen Frieder Harold Friedland Elaine B. Friedman Herbert V. Friedman Hilda Friedman Howard Friedman Lillian Friedman Marion R. Friedman Patricia Friedman Phyllis Friedman Leonard Frischer Anne Frisman Janet Fruchter Sheila Fuente Sheila Furr Jack Futterman Mel & Lee Gale *Of blessed memory

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


J E W I S H F E D E R AT I O N David & Louise Galpern Jeffrey Ganeles & Lori Berman Geraldine Ganin Ellie Gans Hensha Gansbourg Elaine Gebel Mr. & Mrs. Mel Gebroe Samuel & Sylvia Gelt Phyllis Gendal Gendal Family Charitable Foundation Rochelle Gendler Helene Gerber Edward & Hollise Gersh Fan Gershow Lionel Gilels Rose Gindel Stanley Ginsberg Michael Ginsburg Lisa Gladstone Thelma Glanz Allan Glassman Daniel Glassman * Lila Glassman Marilyn Glickfield Mark Glickman William Godfrey Adele Godofsky Anne Gold Jerome Gold Leo & Beatrice M. Gold Helen Goldband Lois Goldberg Phyllis Goldberger * Phyllis Golden Allen Goldenberg Arlene Goldenberg Mitzi Goldenberg Burniece Goldetsky Philip Goldfein Bernard Goldman Eileen Goldman Melvyn & Rheda Goldman Bernard & Carol Goldstein Dorothy Goldstein Lillian Goldstein Selma Goldstein Muriel Goldstone Edward Gollob Dr. & Mrs. Benjamin S. Golub Jeannette Goodman Mary Goodman Doris Gordon Michael & Ethel Gordon Toby Gordon Bobbie Gordon Miller Judith Gorelick Helene Gorenstein David & Marilyn Gotterer Ann Gottlieb

Emily Grabelsky Florence Grajwer Milton Gralla Barbara Grant Richard & Nancy Grant Peggy Greenbaum Bernice Greenberg Evelyn Greenberg Harold & Sandra Greenberg Jane Greenberg Martin Greenberg Terry Greenberg * Eleanor Greenblatt Jean Greenspan Gail Greenspoon Warren Greenspoon Harriet Gross Henni Gross Maurice Gross Victor & Lillian Gross Honora Grossbardt Seymour Grundy Martin Grunley Dayvee Bonnie Guthartz Wendy Gutmann Marilyn Guttman Lawrence & Gloria Haberman Rita Haddow Gloria Haft-Furman Bonnie Halperin Dorothy Halperin Alan & Linda Halpert Barry Hamerling Murray & Dorothy Handwerker Jane Harris Stewart Harris Adele Hast Joy Hendel Ilyne Herling Anna Hermann Lester Hersch Molka Hersch Selma Hersh Sidney Hersh Robert Hiller Jeff Hollander Eydie Holz Lorraine Holzer Joan Holzman Stephen Holzman Mara Huber Elaine Hurvitz Beverly Hurwitz Alitta Irwin Celia Jacobs Joel & Barbara Jacob Robert & Trina Jacobs Alfred Jacobson Anne Jacobson



Eleanor Jaffe Trudy Jaffe Woodrow Jaffee Sydney Jarkow Jules & Charlotte Joskow Allan Just Donald & Sharon Kabat Beverly Kadish Beverly Kahn Errol Kalish Betty Kane Herbert Kane Jerold Kaniuk Charlotte Kantor Leslie Kantor Jean Kaplan Lilly Kaplan Marilyn Kaplan Roslyn Kaplan * Thomas Kaplan Kaplan Foundation Sydell Kastenbaum Sylvia Katcef Caroline Katz Daniel Katz Melvin Katz Nancy Katz Seymour Katz Steven Katz James Kaufman Janet Kaufman Howard Kaye Daniel Keisman Myrna Keisman Marcia Kent Alfred Kerzner Rita Keywell Sandra Khaner Pearl Kier Ralph Kier Alfred Klein Amy Klein Arthur Klein * Beverly Klein Cynthia Klein Gloria Klein Leo Klein Robert Klein & Judith Auritt Klein Andrea Kline William Klinsky Barbara Knee Elaine Kofsky Marvin Kogod Sheila Konar William Konar Doris Konover Elliot & Wendy Koolik Julius Koppelman Zita Kort

Edith Kossoff Vera Krakauer Debra Kramer Judy Kranz Herbert Krickstein Hazel Krop Lynn Kruger Leonard Kulick E. Maurice & Fran Kupersmidt Elyssa Kupferberg Gloria Landis Jules Lane Edwin & Rita Langue Margie Larkin Michelle Larkin Eudine Laurans Leona Lazar Sydelle Lazar Constance Lazarus Adele Lebersfeld Herman Lebersfeld Melvin & Helga Lechner Leonard & Mimi Leeds Frieda Leemon Harvey & Carol Leff Gerald Legow Ruth Legow Elaine Leibowitz Martha Lemcoe George Lerman Lucille Lerman Howard & Marianne Lerner Arlene Levenson Jane Leventhal Shirley Leventhal Carol Levin Lucille Levin Elaine Levine Herbert Levine Michael Levine Thelma Levine Harvey Levins Audrey Levinson Ellen Levitt Arthur Levy Irving Levy Jack Levy Marcia Levy Sally Levy Gerald & Barbara Lewin Ellie Lifton Ruth Lippman Roberta Lipson Michael Lipton Randolph Lipton Shirley Liss Adele Loeb Jack & Charlotte Lotker Florence Lowenstein

Sherman & Jacqueline Lowy Toby Lublin-Stolzer Barbara Lurie Daniel Lushan Loren Lyon Peggy Madan Robert Madan Joyce Mandell Rhea Mandell Barbara Manning Shirley Marcus * Cynthia Markowitz Cynthia Marks George Marks Dorothy Martin Pauline Mash Phyllis Maxwell Beatrice Cummings Mayer Nicolette Mayer Rhoda Mayerson Linda Melcer Stephen Melcer Florence Melton Mark Mendel Mona Mendelsohn Debbie Menin Arlene Merson Michelle Merson Elliot B. Mesirow Morton Metzger Phoebe Metzger Rita Meyer Jack Milin Beverly Miller Geraldine Miller Howard Miller Lee Miller Lawrence Mills Sylvia Mills Carol Minkin Gilbert Mintz Joan Mintz Marian Mirman Debra Mochan Ruth Morrison Elaine Morse Claire Myers Dale Nadel Dorothy Nadolny Robin Nagle Ammy Neiburger Orrin Neiburger Stanley Nemer Deborah Nemiroff Fran Newberg Jerry Newberg Barbara Newman Robert & Cheryl Newman Vicki Newman Cindy Nimhauser

*Of blessed memory


Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL Harold & Nedra Novick Diana Obletz Edgar Otto Leonard & Serene Paletz Jewel Paley Madeline Pargh Janice Parsont Eleanor Paulenoff Stuart Perlen Judy Perlin Wilma Perlman Leila Perlmutter Evelyn Perlstein Carol Pessah Lewitter Norman & Sondra Pickelny Dorothy Pierce Lorraine Pivnick Cecelia Platnick Donald Platnick Maurice D. Plough, Jr. Estelle Plous Selma Pluznick Lois Podolsky Susan Podolsky Helen Pokotilow Ellen Polevoy Bernice Polivy Mary Jane Pollack Beth Pollak Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Polokoff Dorothy Pomerance Abraham & Arline Portnoy Alice Powers Joyce Preiser Stanley Preiser Wendy Pressner Roslyn Prevor Marian Prince Gary Rabiner Letty Rabiner Judith Rabinowitz Maynard Rabinowitz Blanche Rader Lawrence & Harriet Rader Susan Rahn Constance Rakity James & Wendy Rapaport Elaine Ravich Celia Reich Gerry Reich Sam Reich Donald Rich Miriam Rich Judith Richards Donna Richter Myrna Ricken Joseph Robbins Carolyn Robins Donna Robins James Robinson

Sylvia Robinson Lynne Romano Pearle Romanoff Doris S. Rome, M.D. Eugene & Thelma Rose Lee Rosen Mary Rosen Barbara Rosenberg Deborah Rosenberg Della Rosenberg Grace Rosenberg Jeff Rosenberg John Rosenberg Ardath Rosengarden Fred Rosenstein Arnold & Elinor Rosenthal Bernice Rosenzweig Sylvia Rosett Barbara Rosinsky Bonnie Rosner David Rosner Arthur Roth Elaine Roth Shirley Rothchild Caryl Rothman * Fran Rubenstein Alan Rubin Marvin Rubin Sandra Rubin Robyn Rubinoff Florence Rubinstein Arlene Ruff Eleanore Rukin * Laurence Runsdorf Ruth Sachnoff Libby Sadwith Robert Saex David Saginor Janet Sahr Corinne Saldanha Gordon J. & Phyllis Salganik Beverly Saltz Sylvia Salzberg Phyllis Sanders Ruth Sandler Jeanne Sankin Lynn Sapoff Harriet Saporta Helen Sarasohn John & Susan Saril James Satovsky Jan Savarick Betsy Savelle Sidney Savelle Dorothy Schachne Lucy Schachter Rosalind Schacknow Howard & Anita Schaeffer Phyllis Scher Alvin Schiffman

Norman Schlanger Wendy Schlesinger Audrey Schlossberg Charles Schneer Lawrence Schnurmacher Sue Schonfeld Alison Schreier Florence Schubert Howard Schubert Monroe Schulder Robert P. & Marjorie B. Schulman Sidney Schultz Eda Schvetz Elaine Schwab Jack & Sandy Schwalb Barney Schwartz Betty Schwartz Helen Schwartz Hyman Schwartz Muriel Schwartz Ray Schwartz Helene Schwedelson Elmer Seaman Paul Segal Paula Segal Linda Selbst Anita Shalley Shirley Shapero Beverly Shapiro Elaine Shapiro Gerald Shapiro Norman Shapiro Audrey Shaw Patsy Shaw Lewis Sheketoff Sylvia Sheketoff Melvin Sheppard Faye Sherman Janet Sherr Iris Shlansky Milton Shlansky Arthur Shoyer Mr. & Mrs. Alvin E. Shulman Mary Siegel Morris * & Gertrude W. Siegel Sheldon Siegel Paul Sigel Leonard Silberman Larry D. & Deborah Silver Edward & Jan Silverman Elaine Silverman Marshall & Diane Silverman Myron Silverman Bernice Silverstein Joyce Silverstein Robert Silverstein Sheldon Silverstein Donald Simon

Eric Simon Sylvia Simon Harold Simpson Ellen Singer Renee Singer Susan Singer Selma Sitrick Bea Slomin Barry Smith Bernard Smith Seymour & Marjorie Smith Robert Smith Mr. & Mrs. David Sokol Delores Solomon Gloria Sommers * Phillip L. & Carole Sue Spector Phyllis Spielman Arnold Spring Eugene B. & Phyllis J. Squires Alfred Stein Charlotte Stein Diana Stein Edith Stein Selina Steinberg Louis Steiner Fern Steinfeld Max Stettner Allan Stillman Marion Stillman Herbert Stolzer Norman I. & Betty C. Stone Howard Strauss Judi Strauss June Strauss Bonnie Sunness Stanley Sussman Velia Sweet Diane Sykes Claire Taylor Lee Temkin Debra Teperman Jane Thomases Nancy Thornton Anne Thun Sol Toscher * Betty Tuchman Donald & Elaine Tuckerman Marilyn Tulgan Stanley Tulgan Rose Turetsky Elaine Udell Janet Udell Laurence Urdang Mollie Verebay Phyllis Victor Jill Viner Joan Vinik Eric Wagner Anita Waltuch

Norton Waltuch Walter & Beverly Warheit Sandra Wasserman Ruth K. Webber Marilyn Weigensberg Carolyn Weil Leon & Lillian Weinberg Renee Weinberg Eric Weinberger Ruth Weinberger Toby Weinman Palchik Robert & Pamela Weinroth Marjorie Weinstein Cecelia Weisenberg Albert & Beverly Weiss Arthur Weiss Doris Weiss Mildred Weiss Mr. & Mrs. Morton A. Weiss Allan & Regina Weitzman Barbara Werner Linda Wexler Jacquelyn Wheeler Lillian Wilen Eleanore Winter Toby Wintrub Wolf Wittenberg Dorothy Wizer Ilene Wohlgemuth Peter Wohlgemuth Jerome Wolens Jerome Wolff Jacqueline Wolgin William & Acey Wolgin Rachelle Wolgin-Blick Karen Wollowick Barbara Yaspan Babette Young Betty Zale Marvin Zale Bonnie Zalkowitz Barbara Zallea Ricky Zarn-Stern Bertha Ziman Adele Zimmerman Betty Zinman Jacques Zinman * Martine Zinn Lyna Zommick Alan & Ruth Zuker

$1,000 – $4,999 1890 Enterprises Anonymous Anonymous VIII Arnold Aaron Richard Abrahams Claire Abrams Morton & Rita Abrams Robert Abrams *Of blessed memory

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


J E W I S H F E D E R AT I O N Don Ackerman Warren Adamsbaum Michael Adin Susan Adin Abbie Adler Arthur Adler Howard Adler Sara Adler Sheldon Adler Charlotte Ainbinder Jacob Ainbinder Adele Albert Harold Albinder Judith Allen Roy Allen William Allen Carolyn Altman Henry Altman Norman Altman Frances Anchin * Howard Anchin Albert Anikstein Elaine Apelbaum Jacob Apelbaum Eileen Appel Morris Appelbaum Betty Apple Seymour & Susan Applebaum Burton & Launa Arenson Jerrold Arons Rhoda August Robert August Helene Avidon Martin & Cecile Axelrod Pearl Axelrod Barry Axler Leslie Axler Natalie Bachman Joan Bagley Elaine Baker Irving Baker Marc Balmuth George Bane Adam Bankier Harvey Barbag Herbert Barbanel Beryl Barenholtz Tania Barliant Eugene Barnett Cynthia Baron Ronald Baron Joseph Barry Joseph Bases Joan Bates Louis Bates Felix Beck Lorraine Becker Michael Beckerman Shirley Becker-Silfen Charles Bederman

Seymour Beere John Beitman Marion Beitman Murray Beldock Albert Bell Irma Bell Leonard Bell William Belman Ben Belnick Rhoda Belnick Douglas Bender Lois Bender Norman Bendix Alvin Benjamin Matt & Sandra Bennett Maxwell Bentley Fred Berdass Joan Berenson Fran Berger Seymour Berger Rosalyn Berk Dr. & Mrs. Lester Berkow Ian Berkowitz Lloyd & Lorraine S. Berkowitz William & Harriet Berlin Arnold & Toni Berliner Anita Berman Barbara Berman Edward & Rose Berman Elias Berman Jonathan Berman Linda Berman Malcolm Berman Morton Berman Samuel Berman Robert Bermant Eunice Bernard-Shapiro Sanford Bernay Daniel Bernheim Evelyn Bernstein Gerson Bernstein Howard Bernstein Ilene Bernstein Stanton Bernstein Rhoda Bertuch Lawrence Berul Richard Bezark Myra Biben Ditmar Bick Alan Bilgore Eugene Binkovitz Hyman Birnbaum Mathew Birnbaum Jack Birnberg Asher Black Milton Blank Robert Bliss Irene Block George Bloom Saul Bluestone



Harold Blumenkrantz Adeline Blumenthal B’nai Torah Congregation Esther Bober Stanley Bober Paul Bodzin Adele Bogard Robert Bohrer Sheila Bohrer Martin Bolnick Sanford Bomstein Bernard Bornstein Nancy Bornstein Aaron Boxer Roslaide Boyer Benjamin Bragman Kenneth & Rachel Brander Marvin Bransdorf Barbara Braun Mr. & Mrs. Murray Braunstein Selma Braunstein Gerald Brauser Joseph Braver Bernard Brawer Irving Brazen Burt Breakstone Lois Breakstone Art & Ann Bregman Fred Brenner Phyllis Brenner Robin Bresky Alan Bresler * & Jeri Poller Allan Bresnick Alan Bresson Edward Brill Lenore Brindis Shirley Brodlieb Werner Brodman Barbara Brodsky Harvey Brodsky Irvin Brodsky Carol Bromson Mark S. Bromson, M.D. Earl Bronsteen Donald Brooks Suzanne Brooks Arthur Brovender Dolly Brown Ruth Brown Steven Brown Israel Bruk Alex Bruner Myron Buchman Dina Burg Melvin Burke Brett Burstell Sondra Busch Abraham Butnick Sam Butters

Irwin Cain Nissim Calderon Walter Cameron Boyd Carnick Matthew Carpelow Nancy Carpelow George Carson Roberta Caruso Anita Chachkin Sam Chafetz Saul Charles * Irving Charno Mickey Charno Irwin Chase Murray Chernick Murray & Annette Chernicoff Jack Chirlin Anwar Chitaya Alan M. & Judith Chyten Robert Clair Eileen Clark Ross Clark Gene Clement Edward Cogen Stanley Cohan Albert Cohen Alvin Cohen Bernard Cohen Burton Cohen Donald Cohen Edward Cohen Eleanor Cohen Eugene & Marion Cohen Eugene Cohen Gerald Cohen Harold Cohen Harold & Adelle Cohen Howard & Lucille Cohen Isaac Cohen Joseph Cohen Lenore Cohen Leslie Cohen Martin Cohen Philip & Danielle Cohen Prudence Cohen Robert Cohen Shirley F. Cohen Shirley R. Cohen Shirley V. Cohen Solomon Cohen Howard Cohlan Arthur Cohn Cara Cohn Philip Cohn Sylvia Cohn Ronald Coleman Harold Cooper Joseph Cooper Edwin Cooperman

Joseph Copulsky Sheldon Cornfield Eugene Cornick Irwin & Sophie S. Cozier Rabbi Donald & Sandra Crain Herbert Crane Steve Croft Herbert Cron Henry Cummins Mitzi Cutler Paul Cutler Helen Cyker Abraham Danberg Abe Dansky Martin Dash Sidney David Irma Davidson Jim Davidson Bruce Davis Dick Davis Herbert Davis J. Sanford Davis Marvin Davis Richard & Ilana Davis Shirley Davis Albert Davne Herbert Dear Louis & Thelma Deitcher Marvin & Brenda Delfiner Sy Delfiner Ruth Delman Michael Demet Byrdie Denison Bernhardt Denmark Burton Dermer Mark Dern Jill Deutch Samuel Deutsch Sherman Devitt Michael Diamant Robin Diamant Marvin Dicker Harry Dickman Jay DiPietro Aileen Disick Gloria Dobbs Kenneth Dollinger Seymour Domnitch Craig Donoff Judi Donoff Leonard & Lois Dopkins Barbara Doppelt Nathan Doreson Avram Dorman Murray Dornfeld Leonard Douglas Edith Dresner Sy Dresner Paul Drucker William Drucker

*Of blessed memory


Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL Michael Drukman Henry Dubin Jason Dubinsky Howard DuBosar Stanley Dubrow Sidney Dulman Stanley Edelson Leya Edelstein Marla Egers Margery Ehrlich Helen Eichenbaum Harold Einhorn Paul Einhorn Melvin Einsidler Dorothy Einziger Herbert Eisenberg Marvin Eisenberg Harold Eisenman Philip Eisenpresser Alan Eisnitz Ellis Elgart Janet Elinoff Robert Elkins Philip & Estelle Elkus Alex Ellenbogen Margie Ellenbogen Bernard Ellentuck Stanley & Ferne Emas Joseph & Lillian Ender Norman Engman Jerald Eppy Ronni Epstein Jack Erdle Norma Erdle Elaine Ertischek Bernard Ettinger Harry Ewig Lewis Fagen Allan Farber * Morton & Pauline Farber Si Farber Florence E. Feder Les & Cecile Fein Alan & Nancy-Jo Feinberg Karl & Blanche Feinberg Max Feinerman Samuel Feinerman Jeffrey Feingold Marian Feinman Sanford Feinman Matis Feit Joseph Felber Shirley Felber Joseph Feld Sophie Feldbau Albert Feldman Frank Feldman Morton Fellman Jay Felner Kenneth Fibus

Jerry Field Raymond Fields Martin Fierberg Sondra Fife Edward Filhaber Eli Fine Eugene Fine Jack Fine Joy Fine Leonard & Beverly Fine Ralph Fine Estelle Finer Chet Finger Frank & Phyllis Fink Harold Fink Joseph Finkel * Edward & Joyce Finn Burton Firtel Stephen Fish Florence Fisher Gerard & Joan Fisher Daniel Fishkoff Celina Fishman Martin Fishman Marvin Fishman Edward Flank Irwin Flashberg Joan Flashner Stuart Flaum Miriam Fleischman Bruce Fleisher William & Lynn Foggle Howard Fox Melvin Fox Morris Fox Albert Frager Marion Frager Alvera Franceschi Seymour Frank Marc & Ketty Franklin Benjamin Frauwirth Leonard Freed Donald Freedlander Allan Freedman Benjamin Freedman Eugene Freedman Gerald Freedman Howard Freedman Kay Freedman Martin Freedman Roni Freedman Simcha & Anna Freedman Martin & Helaine Freeman Walter Freshman Arthur Fried Roger Fried Suzanne Fried Theodore Fried Merle Frieder Fred Friedfeld

Madeline Friedfeld Milton Friedland Sally Friedland Arline Friedman Arnold Friedman Barbara Friedman Benjamin Friedman Bernard Friedman David Friedman Delores Friedman Harry Friedman Judith Friedman Martin Friedman Mike Friedman Murray Friedman Neil Friedman Philmore Friedman Ronald Friedsam James & Ruth Fromstein Lawrence Fruman Florence Fuller Dr. & Mrs. David Funt David Furman Lauree Gable Raymond & Shirley Galant Hy Gansl Elliot Gant Martin Gant Joseph Garay Fred Gardner Elias Garelick Betty Garfield Hillard Garlovsky Albert Garnitz Daniel Garren Harold Garson Samuel Garson Lucy Gateno Max Gavzy Rita Gavzy Lee Gaynor Martha Gaynor Ivan Gefen Harold Gelb June Gelb Harvey Gelfenbein Raymond Gelfman Albert Geller Abraham Genderson Vivian Genser David Gerber Seymour Gerber George Gering James Gerson Hyman Gersten Herbert & Arlene Gertner Solomon & Vera Getz Daniel Gevirtz Doris Gidding Bruce Gilbert

Nancy Gilbert Stephen Gilbert Alvin Gillman Lucille Gillman Milton Gilman Robert B. & Robin M. Gilman Allen Gitlin Bernard Gittelman Hy Glantz Sanford Glanz Seymour Glaser Mortimer & Helen Glasofer Abraham Glasser Robert Glasser Barry & Alice Glassman Jerome Glassman Arnold Glaubman Beverly Glaubman Julian Glazer Lowell Glazer Robert & Barbara Glick Arthur & Helene Glickman Shirley Glickman Steven Glickman Lawrence Glinzman Evelyn Gluckstern Bernard Gochman Myrna Godfrey Paul Godofsky Hal Godshaw Elaine Goetz Alan Gold Bernard Gold Marion Gold Burt & Myra Gold Shefford Goldband Arnold Goldbaum Edwin Goldberg Eli Goldberg Harry Goldberg Leo Goldberg Margaret Goldberg Walter Goldberg Enid Goldberger David Goldblatt Joan Goldburg Ronald Goldburg George Goldenberg Irving Goldgram Martha Goldgram Edythe Goldman Florie Goldman Howard Goldman Leonard Goldman Marilyn Goldman Michael Goldman Nanci Goldman Sue Goldman Alfred Goldreyer Judith Goldsmith

Arnold Goldstein Cynthia Goldstein Edwin Goldstein Ephraim & Claire Goldstein Marvin Goldstein Samuel & Hilda Goldstein William Goldstein Rose Goldstone Gerald Goldwasser Arnold Golieb Glen Golish Rosa Golish Leonard Golombek Samuel Golub Bernard Goodman Bernard & Miriam Goodman Burt Goodman Daniel Goodman Elayne Goodman George Goodman Martin Goodman Arthur Gordon Burton & Audrey Gordon Eric & Sarah Gordon Jim Gordon Joel Gordon Kenneth & Glenda Gordon Stewart Gorenberg Edward Gorenstein Sal Gorge Harriet Gorsen Jane Gortz Alfred Gottlieb Irving & Roberta Gottlieb Joseph Gottlieb Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Gouchberg Lewis Gould Morris Gould Elaine Grabel Kalmaine Graham Shirley Gralla Donald Grandis Arnold Grandt Barry Gray Ann Grayson Elliot Grayson Ruth Grebow Jay Green Robert & Joyce Green Barry Greenberg Harold Greenberg Helen Greenberg Jonnard Greenberg Martin & Barbara Greenberg Milton Greenberg Robert Greenberg Robert B. Greenberg Samuel Greenberg Stuart Greenberg *Of blessed memory

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


J E W I S H F E D E R AT I O N William Greenberg Milton Greenblatt William Greenblatt Barry Greene Norman Greene Shirley Greene Nancy Greenfield Richard & Brigitte Greenwald Murray Greiff Sidney Grinberg Louis Gritz Meyer Grodetsky Cyril Gross Evelyn Gross Gerald Gross Hy Gross Joseph Gross Judith Gross Morton Gross Jerome Grossbardt Anita Grossman Nathan Grossman Harvey Grotsky Ronald Grudberg Jack & Gloria Grumet Morris Gurevitch Elias Gurian Robert Guterman Herbert Haar William M. Haas Herman Haber Babs Haddad John Haddow Beatrice Hagelberg-Marx Albert & Edith Haimes Samantha Haimes Barry Halperin Lawrence Halperin Alvin Halpern Morton Halpern Sherry Halpern Leon Handler Roslyn Handler Mark & Marsha Harris Muriel Harris Nathanial Harris Richard & Anita Harris Harry Schwartz Foundation Harriet Hartstein Mike Hartz Erwin Harvith Estelle Harwood Joan Hauser Hershel & Korene Hausman Jerome Hayflich Sallie Hayflich Robert Hayman Abraham Hazelcorn Marvin Hecht Donald Heiman

Helen Heiman Sylvia Heisman Alan Helft Lily Helft Frances Heller John Heller Robert Heller Helen Hellman Maynard Hellman Auta Hendler Hyman Hendler Herbert Herling Milton Herman Sidney Hersch Sanford Hersh Robert & May Hershey Bernie & Helene Herskowitz Arlene Hertz Janet Highbloom Stanley Highbloom Ross & Dorene Higier Robert Himler Lee Hinderstein Toby Hinderstein Gloria Hirsch Howard Hirsch Jerome Hirsch Ronald Hirsch Ben Hittleman Gerry Hoffman Lorna Hoffman Paul Hoffman Rowena Hoffman Donna Holland Peter Holland Leonard Hollander Holocaust Survivors Club Paul Homer Rita Horbar Stanley Horbar Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Horn Zola & Marlene Horovitz Evelyn Howard Steve Huber Wolf Huettemann Alan Hurst Linda Hurst Arnold Hurvitz Allan & Lois Hutensky Doris Hyams Max Hyman Eileen Isdaner Harold Isdaner Theodore Isen Irwin Isroff Irving Ives Robert Izenstark Henry Jacobius Joyce Jacobs Marianne Jacobs



Allen Jacobson Jack Jacobson Suzanne Jacobson Kenneth Jacoby Meta Jacoby Arthur Jaffe Bert Jaffe Jack Jaffe Gertrude Jaffee Phyllis Jaffee Robert Jaffee Barbara Janower Arthur Jaspan David Joseph Mary-Jo Jubelirer Annette Jungreis Irving Jungreis Robert Jurick Doris Juster Kabatznik Family Elaine Kagan Herman Kagan Carol Kahn David Kahn Jeffrey Kahn Carole Kalman Bobbi Kalmanson Jacob Kalmanson Paul Kamen Sheldon Kamins Sidney Kaminsky Max Kandler Barbara Kane Gary & Valdine Kane Raymond & Muriel Kanow Carole Kanter Gilbert Kanter Lawrence Kantor Ann Kaplan Carl Kaplan Edward Kaplan Edwin Kaplan Harold & Elaine Kaplan Helen Kaplan Lawrence Kaplan Louis Kaplan Mildred Kaplan Ruth Kaplan Theodore Kaplan William Kaplan Helen Kaptzan Toby Karan Anita Karn-Sigel Gabriel Karoly Martin Kasen Paul Kashden Irving Kass Sidney Kastenbaum Gloria Kastner Edward Katz

Elaine Katz Gary Katz Gary Katz Dr. Harold H. & Betty P. Katz Henry Katz Irwin Katz Joseph Katz Liane Katz Warren Katz Abby Katzman Audrey Kaufman Judith Kaufman Mort Kaufman Robert Kaufman Rose Kaufman Shep & Terry Kaufman Chester & Judith Kay Helen Kay Howard Kay Lynn Kay David Kaye Gerald Kaye Howard Kaye Hyman Kaye Marjorie Kaye Adolf Keehn Sydney Kemper Ira Kent Irwin & Marion Kent Lillian Kent Gary Kerner George Kessel Shirley Kestenman Ruth Kirschner Myron Kirshner Marvin Kirsner Rhona Kirsner Harold Kittay Seymour & Sylvia Kivitz Sheldon Klahr & Jackie Levine Edward Klar Arthur & Mimi Klein Carole Klein Hal Klein Dr. & Mrs. Harold Klein Joseph P. Klein Miriam B. Klein Joseph Klein Miriam Klein Audrey Kleinfeld Stanley Kleinfeld Eugene & Rosalind Kleinwaks Harold Klemow Richard Klitzberg Herbert Kobin Thomas Kochman Marvin Koenig Mel Kofsky Muriel Kogod Jean Kohen

Richard Kohn Lore Koppel Carole Korn Morton Korn Ronald Korn Seymour Korn Leo Kornblath Morton Kornreich Irwin Kossoff Margaret Kottler Joan C. Koven Leo Koven* Lynn Kramer Sarah Kramer Gary Kranz Roman Kriegstein Philip Kriger Seymour Krinsky Dania Kier Kronick Alfred Krop Morris Krovet Dolores Krugman Faye Krupp Mayer Krupp Sol & Norma Kugler Seymour & Retta Kunin Sidney & Evelyn Kupetz Philip Kupperman Eleanor Kurson Lawrence Kurtis Bradley Kurtz Ronald Kushner Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Kushnick Florence Kuskin Gertrude Kutner Ted Lafair Jerry Lampert Allan & Vicki Land Ross Landesman Shirley Landwirth Edward E. & Beatrice Lane Marvin Langhaus David Lanter Lillian Laplace Robert Lappin Hermine Lash Marvin Lash Penny Lash Michael Laupheimer Charlotte Lax Philip Lax Michael Lazar Al Lazarow Jerome Lazarus Lawrence Lazarus Mel Lazerick David & Gloria Leader Barbara Learner Harold Leavitt Joyce Leavitt

*Of blessed memory


Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL April Leavy Natalie Lebau Jamie Lebersfeld Kenneth Lebersfeld Albert Lechter Sam Leder Paul Lederer Esther Lederman Jay Leffe Joseph Leflein Wayne Legum Wendy Legum Eunice Lehrer Walter Leibowitz Arthur Leichtung Aaron Leifer James Leopold Jack Lerner Sidney Leshinsky Bertram & Mimi Lesser Thelma Levenberg Malcolm Levenson Bernard Levi Toby Anne Levi Georgine Levin Herbert R. & Marlene Levin Mitchell Levin Philip & Gloria Levin Ralph Levin Ralph & Anita Levin-Epstein Abe Levine Alvin Levine Ann Levine Charlotte Levine Lawrence Levine Marvin LeVine Paul Levine Robert Levine Samuel Levine Stanley Levine Susan Levine Harry Levinson Jacie Levinson Robert Levinson Gerald & Paula Levitt Edward Levy * Gabrielle Levy Gerald Levy Gerry Levy Gregory & Susan Levy Henry & Rita Levy Joseph Levy Karen Levy Lawrence Levy Richard Levy Robert M. & Harriet Levy Ted Levy Daryn Lewis Morris Lewitter Harold Lichtenberg

Bernard Lichtman Howard Lidov Phil Lieberman Gregory Liebman Bryna Liebowitz Francine Lifton Harvey Lifton Martin Lifton Joshua Light Hy Linder Harold & Phyllis Linn Beatrice Linter Walter Lipkin Irene Lippert Bernard Lippman Myrna Lippman William Lippy Howard Lipschutz Jack Lipsey Stanley Liss Laura Litinsky Robert Livingston Michael Loeffler Gerard & Doris Loewenstein Jacob Lomazow Helen Londo Leslie London Lawrence Long Philip Lorber Barry Love Dorothy Love Peter Lowe Mel Lowell Alfred Lowen Irving Lowey Eugene Lowy Lila Luber Milton Lurey Harvey Lurie J. Zel Lurie Lora Lurie Norman Lurie Herbert & Barbara Lushan Allan Lyons Jack & Idele Magill Carol Magod Ira Magod Mae Maidman Selwyn Malisoff Daniel Man Leonard Mandor Jocelyn Manes Ina Mann Ralph & Bebe Mann Bernard Marcus Billi Marcus John & Liz Marcus Marc & Marjorie Margolies Paul Markhoff Norman Markow

Anne Marks Leonard Marks Paul Marks Raymond Marks Stanton Marks Muriel Marlowe Jerome Marsh Frances Mashkin * Barbara Masin Harry Masin Morton Maslov Sylvia Maslow Sheldon Masser Bruce Mates Gail Mayerson Jerry Mayerson Alvin & Lita Melser David Menashe Felix Mendelsohn Stephen Mendelsohn Lorita Mendelson Edward Mensch Oscar Merber Sanford Merkin Kurt & Ellen Merl Ruth Merns Ira Merritt Harriet Mersky Milton Mersky Charlotte Mesches Jack Mesches Alec Messing Seymour Metnick Leonard Meyers Marcia Meyers Marvin Meyerson Virginia T. Meyerson Alan Mibab Melvin Michaelson Louisa Michelin Paul Michelin Donald Michnoff David Middleton Harold Middleton Arnold Midlarsky Jerry & Macky Milgram Arthur Miller Carol Miller Diane Miller Edith Miller Ernest Miller Milton Miller Samuel Miller Arthur Millman Philip & Edna Minkin Judy Mishkel Stanley Mitnik Mark Model Yuval Moed Kenneth Mogell

Eugene Mondry Isadore Moore Murray Moore Carl Morganstein Sherry Morganstein Phyllis Morgenstern Leland Morris Arthur Morrison Melvin Morse Judith Moskowitz Lawrence Moskowitz Frederick Moss Shirley Mostov Saul Muchnick Michael Mullaugh Lewis Myers Irwin Nable & Laura Polan Nathan Nachlas Joan Nackman Les Nackman Caryn Nashban Robert Nathan Arnold Nathanson Sallie Needles Stanley Needles Israel Neiman Noah & Sabina Neiman Barbara Nelkin Adella Nemer Beverly Neumetzger Jerry New Charlene Newman James Newman Justin Newman Melvin Newman Myron Newman Udella Newman Bruce Nimhauser Lynn Nobil Eleanor Nord Harry & Sally Nosanchuk Jay Nusbaum Paul Nussbaum Phyllis Nussman Leonard Nyman Dr. & Mrs. Julius Obin Samuel Ochlis Sol Odette Gerald Ogan Judith Ogan Michael Oksenhorn Harry Olstein Beverly Oppenheim David & Eleanor Oppenheimer Nettie Opper Dr. & Mrs. Murray Oratz Lawrence Orbach Andrea Orleans James Orleans

Alvin & Barbara Orlian Alan Orman William Ornstein Sanders Orr Michael & Carol Orren Anne Osher Nancy Osherow Gerald Osinoff Ronni Osinoff Gerald Ostrow Nina Otto Stephanie Owitz Joni Padorr Marvin Padover Harry Paget Randall Pakula Robert Parsont Anne Paskin Baynard Paul Michael Paul Samuel & Ruth Paul Saul Pearl Beverly Pearlman Jeffrey Pechter Marilyn Pechter Edith S. Peiser Marshall Pekin Jack Peltz Lawrence Perelman Alfred Perlstein Lester Peskin Ruth Peskin Leonard Pfeffer Gloria Pinck David Pinsker Murray & Peggy Pitkowsky Alan Platner Norma Platner Phyllis & Stephen Platt Maurice Plough Barry Podolsky Martin Polin Marvin Polinsky Herb Pollack Jack Pollack Philip Pollak Hal Portnoy Arthur Posner Florence Posner Maurice Posner Roslyn Posner Sidney Posner Madelene Posternak Marsha Potchtar Arthur & Esther Potoff Abraham Pottish * Dale Pratt David Pratt Roger & Barbara Pressman Don Pressman *Of blessed memory

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


J E W I S H F E D E R AT I O N Bart Price David Price Richard Projain Mr. & Mrs. Irwin Pugatch Al Putterman Jimmy & Gerry Quartner Lorence & Linda Queen David Queller Samuel Rabinowitz Gloria Rachles Stanley Rader Harold Rafel Eric Rahn Irving Rakoff Irving Ram William Rand Patricia Rankin Gilbert Raphael Lloyd Raport Abraham Rapp Eleanor Rassler David Ravich Herbert Ray Donald Rechler Arlene Reger Neil Reger Morton Reich Harold Reichenthal Harold Reinish Ruth Reinish Bernard Reisin Eleanor Reitzes William & Bertha Remer Martin Resnick Martin Riback Tobi Richman Gerald Richter Laura Richter Robert Rickel Norma Riessen Carol Rifkin Ellis Rifkin Theodore Rifkin Stephen Rimer Robert Rivner Joseph Robbin Bertha Robbins Joseph Robbins Selma Robbins Bernard Roberts Babs Robin Robert Robin Bernard Robinson Donald Robinson Gerald Robinson Joyce Robinson Judy Robinson Bertram Rodman Sherry Rodman Allan Rodolitz

Albert Rodstein Miriam Rodstein Dennis & Leslie Rogers Eleanor Rones Carl Rose Rhoda Roseman David Rosen Harvey Rosen Lois Rosen Marvin & Bonny Rosen Richard Rosen Sandy Rosen Walter Rosen Barry Rosenberg Charles Rosenberg Edward Rosenberg Fred Rosenberg Jay Rosenberg Jerome Rosenberg Robert Rosenberg Sherry Rosenberg Ted Rosenberg Gerald Rosenblatt, M.D. Enid Rosenblum Gerald Rosenblum Jerome Rosenblum Joseph Rosenbluth Clive Rosenbusch Dorothy Rosencrans Irwin Rosencrans Herman Rosenfeld Steven & Lisa Rosenfeld Joseph Rosengarden Anita Rosenstein Barry Rosenthal Beverly Rosenthal Jack Rosenthal Kenneth & Lisa Rosenthal Maurice Rosenthal Marvin Rosett Martin Rosinsky Abby Ross Allen Ross Stephan Ross Carol Roth David & Beatrice Roth Melvin Roth Norman Roth Joseph Rothchild Carol Rothenberg Daniel & Eleanor Rothfeld Muriel Rothman Philip Rothman Marcus Rothschild & Davida Lenhoff Aser Rothstein Evelyn Rothstein Milton Rothstein Gregory Roventini Jack Rowen



Mark Ruben Rubens Family Foundation Howard Rubenstein Myrna Rubenstein Annette Rubin Ira Rubin Leonard Rubin Sheldon Rubin Shirley Rubin Stanley & Judy Rubin David Rubinoff Marc Rubinstein Leon Ruchlamer Morton Ruderman Milton Rudick Jeffrey & Susan Rudnick William Rudnick Edward Ruff Peter Sachs Frances Sacks Freda Sacks Theodora Sackter Sanford & Rivka Sadja Norman Saferstein Alfred Saffer Stanley & Dorothy Saft Abe Saland Milton Salen Edward Salinas Seymour Salloway Eli Salnick Leo Salon Sherman Salovitz Morris Saltz Robert & Barbara Samans Murray Sanders Arnold Sands Ira Sarasohn Roy Sarasohn Seymour Sard Elaine Sarnoff Jay Sarnoff Valeere Sass Burton Satzberg Gordon Saul Mr. & Mrs. David Savitch David Savitt Eugene Saypol Edward Schachter Lola Schack Mitzi Schafer Morris Schapiro Mark Schaum Jack Scher Edward & Sherrill Schiff S. Howard Schiller Les Schlesinger Mel & Iris Schlesinger Daniel Schliftman Suzanne Schliftman

Linda Schmier Robert Schmier Alan Schneider Irwin Schneider Lillian Schneider Nathan Schneider Paul Schneider Ronni Schneider Scott Schneider Milford & Natalie Schneiderman Howard & Barbara Schnoll Peter Schosheim Leila Schott Regene Schottenstein Rachel Schramm Florence Schreibman Ruth Schultz Robert & Ellen Schumer Lawrence Schur Cole & Arline Schuster Steven Schuster Howard Schwab Israel Schwab Beverly Schwartz Bill Schwartz Eugene Schwartz Jay & Elaine Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Louis Schwartz Martin Schwartz Suzanne Schwartz David & Susan Schwartzfarb Sol Schwartzman Jack Schwebel Mori Schweitzer Herschel Seder Arthur Seeman Merton Segal Murray Segal Paul Segal Lucille Seidenberg Irwin Selkow Ruth D. Seltzer Henry Sender Clifford Seresky Irving Serwitz Les Seskin Mitchell Shadowitz Rubin Shafran Jason Shames Alvin Shapiro Eli Shapiro George Shapiro Herbert Shapiro Jerry & Florence Shapiro Lenny Shapiro Nina Shapiro Nita Shapiro Toby Bardin Shapiro

William Shapiro Ronald Shapss Harold & Barbara Share Ettagail Shatz Jack Shatz Bernard Shavitz Gregg Shavitz Harriet Shavitz Charles Shaw Hally Shaw Mark Shaw Albert Shayne Carol Shear Evelyn Shear Frank Shear Murray Shear William Shear Robert Sheinkopf Rod Sheldon Emanuel Shemin Jack Shenkman Miriam Shenkman Irving Shepard Leslie Sher Allan & Claire Sheres Lawrence Sherman Richard Sherman Brian Sherr Laura Sherry Honey Sherter Seymour Shinder Harry Shlachter Bernard & Deborah Shlossman Ronnie Shrinsky Miriam Shulman Henry Shweitzer Donald Sider Roslyn Siegal Sol Siegal Mr. & Mrs. Jay Siegel Laurie Siegel Lawrence & Gloria Siegel Robert Siegel Ronald L. & Vicki Siegel Paul Sifen Sonia Sifen Marshall Sigel Sybil Sigel Harry Sigesmund Arthur Signer Sherry Silk Edward Silver Seymour Silver Sidney Silver Bernice Silverman Carol Silverman Joseph & June Silverman Martin Silverman Lawrence Silverstein Theodore Simkin

*Of blessed memory


Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL Monty Simmonds Irwin Simms Rochelle Simms Alvin Simon David Simon Jack & Jean Simon Jean L. Simon Leonard Simon Burton Singer Del Singer Philip Singer Rose Singer Saul Singer Deborah Singerman Morton Singerman Murray Skala S. Skeist Richard & Sondra Skinder Leo & Libby Sklar Edwin Skuller Henrietta Slap Jay Slesinger Walter Sloane Morton Sloate Sandra Slomin Carmi Slomovitz Marvin Slomowitz Abraham Small Lee Small Rickie Smiley Harold Smith Judith Smith Larry & Elaine Smith Lawrence Smith Leo Smith Miriam Smith Dr. & Mrs. Herbert Snyder Lila Snyder Alma Solar Sandra Solomon Steven Solomon Ruth Solomont Michael Sonnenreich Jerry Sorkin Lloyd Spalter Samuel & Marcia Spear Michael Spector Lawrence Speizman Jerry Spevack Stanley Spielman Robert Spoont Richard Spring

Bernice Stearman David Stearman Gregory Steifman Sherwin Steiger David Stein Eric & Loren Stein Norman & Hilarie Stein Nathan Steinart Irwin Steinberg Marvin Steinberg Melvin Steinberg Morris Steinberg Natalie Steinberg Norman Steinberg Stuart Steinberg Lucille Steiner Sheldon Steiner Gerry Steinlauf Leonard Steinlauf Phillip Steinman Burton Stender Gloria Stender Debbie Stern Seymour Stern William Sternheim Pauline Stillman Sol & Therese Stiss Marvin Stockel Arthur Stone Barbara Stone Donald Stone Joel Stone Lewis & Sandra Stone Howard Straus Maury & Sheila Strauss Geraldine Stregevsky Rita Strochak Linda Strosberg Aubrey Strul Michael Supera Beatrice Sussman David & Phyllis Sussman Harvey Sussman Leonard Sussman Victor & Janet Suvall Robert Swados Richard & Wendy Swartz Stacey Swaye Howard & Gisha Swernoff Howard & Shirley Swidler Norman Tafet Robert Taffae

Ethel Tager Jack Talve Doris Tamarkin Jerry & Kay Tamarkin Jay Tanenbaum Donald Tannenbaum Roberta Tannenbaum Irving Taragan Howard Taranow Morris Tarica Marc Taub Judy Taxel Stephen & Alene Tecot Libby Temkin Sherwood Temkin Temple Beth El of Boca Raton Marvin Teperow & Rosalie Sherman Betty Terkel Maurice Terkel Donald Tescher Jay Thalheim Sam Tilzer Edwin Timoner Rabbi Perry & Miriam Tirschwell Elinor Toberoff William Tollin Robert & Phyllis Topchik June Toppel Morris Trachten Burt Traub Elaine Traub Benjamin Trichter Donald Tuck Nanci Tuck Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Tyner Dorothy Uchin Bert Udell Leon Urdang & Millie Scheps * Jerry Van Herbert Victor Joseph & Ruth Viner Myron Vogel Audrey Volk Jesse Volk Henry Voremberg Barbara Wachstein Robert Wachstein Ed Wachtel Dr. Herbert & Lenore Wachtel

Norma Wachtel Herman Wachtenheim Rhoda Wagner Marvin Waldman Herbert Wallens Robert Wanderman Alan Warshow Michel B. & Bernice Wassermann Edward Wasserson Paul Waters Leonard Wayne Lewis Wayne Ruth Wayne Herbert & Elaine Wechsler Shirley Wegman Irving Weigensberg Bill Weil Cathy Weil Ralph Weil Adrienne Weill C. Richard Weinberg Alan Weiner Phil Weiner Marshall Weinerman Irving Weingrod George Weinstein Dr. & Mrs. Victor Weinstein Alvin Weisberg Martin Weisfeld Howard Weiss Howard Weiss Jack & Ruth Weiss Marlene Weiss Leon Weissberg Julius Weissman Rose Weitz Stephen Weitz Anita Wengrover Todd Weprin Richard Werber Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Werner Murray Westreich Eleanor White Leonore Whiteman Diane Widder Sidney & Rosalyn Wiener A. Edward & Janet Wilen Arthur Wilets Shirley Wilets Harry Williams Isabel Williams

Kenneth Winston Marvin Wische Sue Wische John Wise Gerard Witt Howard Wiviott Morton Wizer Paul & Bette Wohlgemuth Jacob Wolansky Shirley Woldar * Sylvia Wolens Edward Wolf Jerome Wolf Lois Wolf Joan Wolff Robert Wolfson Adele Wolinsky David Wolinsky Burton Wollowick Teri Wolofsky Jerry Wyman Edward Yarock Muriel Yarock Robert Yaspan Melvin Yavner Mark Yellin Murray Yogel Jay Yospe Victor Youkilis Murray Yudin Hank Yunes Edward Zale Robert Zalkowitz Zallea Foundation Michael Zavis Martin Zeitler Doris Zeuner Naomi Zichlin Herman Ziegler Paul Zieky Michael Zimmerman Eugene Zins Bernard Zucker Harold Zuckerman Rhoda Zuckerman Diane Zunamon Wayne Zuskin Lisa Zwig-Gerstein Gene Zwillinger

*Of blessed memory

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.





Heritage Society Members The Jewish Community Foundation has established a recognition society to honor those who have made provisions for a gift of $100,000 or more in a will, trust, IRA, life insurance policy or charitable gift annuity benefiting the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County or any of its agencies. We are grateful to the following members: Beatrice & Milton Adelman David & Helen Ain Jerome & Audrey Altheimer Sylvia Fried Arnold David & Sophie Bady Marjorie Baer Lee & Gloria Baker Harvey & Candy Barbag Adele Barron Leon* & Rose Barrow Arthur & Shirley Becker-Silfen Bernard & Elaine* Beifield William & Renee Belman Franklin & Joan Benamy Harry H. & Helen Berkof Ella Berman Patricia Berman Gary* & Rose Bernstein Stanton & Jacqueline Bernstein Eugene & Joy Binkovitz Milton & Esther Blank Ronald & Henrie Blau Madeline Blondman Leon & Leona Brauser Theodore & Goldye* Breman Abe & Miriam Brenner Anne Brenner Scott & Andrea Brenner Edward & Gaby Brill Martin & Florence Brody Harriet Bryer Maurice & Dorothy Bucksbaum Irving & Dorothy Burke Suzy Garfinkle Chevrier Mark & Helen Cohan Alan & Carol Cohen Nancy Cohen Richard & Shirley Cohen Francine Cole George & Yetta Colin Irving* & Dorothy Cooper Allan & Jane Cornell Lester* & Mitzi Cutler Craig Donoff Howard* & Ada Dunn Selma Tyser Edlavitch* Helene Eicoff Helen Eisenberg Aaron & Karola Epstein Ed & Eleanor Epstein Edward & Dale Filhaber Sam Flanel Harold & Marleen Forkas Daniel & Mildred Forsythe Neil & Ina Rae Fox

Barry & Florence Friedberg Bernice Friedman Morris & Phyllis Friedman Jack & Estelle Futterman Ronald L. & Meryl Gallatin Charles & Nancy Ganz Joseph & Joan Garde Sandor* & Rani Garfinkle Albert & Norma Geller Herbert & Elaine Gimelstob Alan Ginsburg Seymour & Jane Glaser Leo & Beatrice Gold Shefford* & Helen Goldband Gerald & Phyllis Golden Christine Golden David & Lisa Goodman Jerry & Corrine Gorelick Stuart W. & Paula Graff William & Eleanor Greenblatt Phyllis Greenman Abraham J. Gross Wendy Gutmann Solomon* & Gertrude Harrison Abraham & Ruth* Hases Seymour Hecker Richard & Marcia Hendler Cecil* & Faye Henschel Fred* & Julia Hershaft Howard & Miriam Hirsch Jeff & Marissa Hollander Leo & Cynthia Hollander Alan & Linda Hurst Joel & Barbara Jacob Celia Jacobs Robert * & Trina Jacobs Norman & Anne Jacobson Alfred & Ruth Jacobson Morton Jarashow Jeffrey & Deborah Kahn Thomas & Pamela Kaplan Richard & Jane Karp Emil* & Paula Kasner Sidney & Sydell Kastenbaum Garrison Kaufman Barry & Carole Kaye Charles & Ann Kelman Dr. Stacey Kerr Kirschenbaum Ralph & Pearl Kier Joseph & Miriam Klein Stanley & Audrey Kleinfeld Mel & Elaine Kofsky Gerald & Debra Kramer Betty Krupnick Jacob Lasky

Mel & Helga Lechner Gerald & Dr. Ruth Legow Samuel Leitner Manuel & Esther Leno Marianne Minkoff Lerner William & Gloria Lester Abner & Mildred Levine Irving & Barbara Levy Heinz * & Harriet Liebross Dottie Lipson Michael & Roxane Lipton Sherman & Jacqueline Lowy William & Harriet Margolis Judy Levis Markhoff Beatrice Cummings Mayer Jerry & Macky Milgram Eugene & Thelma Miller Joseph & Beth Mishkin Jane Morningstar Shirley Mostov & Edward Kanun Michael & Donna Mullaugh Naomi Myers Sigmund & Millicent Nathan Bruce & Cindy Nimhauser James H. & Lynn Nobil Bernard & Ruth Nussdorf Jules & Fritzi Ohren Mel * & Toby Weinman Palchik Eugene D. & Madeline Pargh Larry Phillips Maurice & Margie Plough Ben Z.* & Estelle Plous Stanley & Joyce Preiser Frank & Roberta Press Seymour & Dollsey Rappaport David & Geraldine Ratner Arthur Regan & Irene Regan Norman & Madeleine Reich William & Florence Reisberg Hyman & Deana Richman Andy & Donna Robins James & Rose Robinson Joseph & Dorothy Robinson Sylvia Rosen Joseph * & Abby Rosenberg Jerry & Della Rosenberg Marvin & Sylvia Rosett Marvin & Sandra Rubin Irving R.* & Carol I. Rutkin Harvey & Phyllis Sandler Irving & Harriett Sands Louis & Sylvia Saposnekoo John & Susan Saril Ellen Sarnoff Jan Savarick

Sidney & Elizabeth Savelle Sidney * & Dorothy Schuman Elmer & Dorothy P. Seaman Dr. Miriam Segall Jean Shacter * Alvin & Beverly Shapiro Audrey Shaw Jerry & Patsy Shaw David & Jean* Shechet Lewis & Sylvia Sheketoff Leonard & Rosalie Silberman Bernard & Eleanor Silver Edward & Jan Silverman Myron & Elaine Silverman Eleanor Silverstein Morris & Margie Simon Saul & Susan Singer Wally & Myrna Small Dr. Irving & Dr. Carol Smokler Irene Calig Snyder Harold & Sylvia Solinsky Allan & Shirley Solomon Ralph & Delores Solomon Gloria C. Sommers * Gary H. Sommers Jack & Dani Sonnenblick Sam & Marcia Spear Mildred Sperling William Spitalsky Frederick Spitzer Eugene & Phyllis Squires Alfred & Charlotte Stein Diana Stein Martin & Edith Stein Melvin & Selina Steinberg Robert & Shirley Steinberg Elbert & Beatrice* Taitz Ruth Taubman Arthur & Phyllis Wachtel Gerald Ward Bruce & Lynn Warshal Enid Weinberg Paul & Eleanor Weiner Bruce & Susan Werner Donald & Barbara Werner Marvin* & Cindy White Jay & Barbara Wiston Dorothy Wizer Peter & Ilene Wohlgemuth William & Acey Wolgin Jules J. Yablow Sidney & Rita Zimmy *Of Blessed Memory

*Of blessed memory


Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL

Lion of Judah Endowment $100,000 + The Lion of Judah Endowment program is a joint effort between the Foundation and the Women’s Division of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Establishing a Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) allows a woman to endow her gift in perpetuity. Women of any age can provide a legacy and safeguard their values forever. The Or L’Atid (Light Unto the Future) flame, attached to the outstretched paw of the lion pin symbolizes a woman’s commitment to the continuation of Jewish life. Donors creating a LOJE fund with a minimum of $100,000 are recognized by membership in the LOJE Honor Roll and on the Federation LOJE recognition wall. Gifts may be made through a charitable remainder trust, life insurance, IRA, bequest, charitable gift annuity or an outright current gift such as cash or appreciated stock. Helen Ain Audrey Altheimer ● Sylvia Fried Arnold Margie Baer Gloria Baker Candy Barbag Adele Barron Shirley Becker-Silfen Renee Belman Joan Benamy ● Ella Berman Patricia Berman ● Rose Bernstein Joy Binkovitz Esther Blank Henrie Blau Madeline Blondman Leona Brauser Anne Brenner ● Miriam Brenner Gaby Brill Florence Brody Dorothy Bucksbaum Dorothy Burke Stephanie Chestnov Leah Coblitz Helen M. Cohan Carol Cohen Shirley Cohen Francine Cole Yetta Colin Dorothy Cooper Jane Cornell Selma Tyser Edlavitch *

Helene Eicoff Helen Eisenberg ● Eleanor Epstein Dale Filhaber Marleen Forkas Mildred Forsythe Ina Rae Fox Florence Friedberg ● Bernice Friedman Hilda Friedman ● Phyllis Friedman Estelle Futterman ● Meryl Gallatin Nancy Ganz ● Joan Garde ● Rani Garfinkle Suzy Garfinkle Chevrier Norma Geller Elaine Gimelstob Jane Glaser Beatrice Gold ● Helen Goldband Christine Golden Phyllis Golden Corinne Gorelick Shirley H. Gould * Eleanor Greenblatt Phyllis Greenman Wendy Gutmann Marcia S. Hendler Julia Hershaft Cynthia Hollander Marissa Hollander

Linda Hurst Barbara Jacob Celia Jacobs Anne Jacobson Ruth Jacobson Trudy Jaffe * ● Tobee W. Kaplan Jane Karp Sydell Kastenbaum Sheryl Kaufman Carole Kaye Ann Kelman Dr. Stacey S. Kirschenbaum Pearl Kier ● Doris Konover Debra Kramer Helga Lechner Ann Katz Lederman ● Dr. Ruth Legow Esther Leno Marianne Minkoff Lerner ● Gloria Genin Lester Mildred Levine Barbara Levy Bea Levy * Dottie Lipson Roxane Frechie Lipton Jacqueline Lowy Shirley Marcus * Judy Levis Markhoff Cynthia White Markowitz Beatrice Cummings Mayer Beth Mishkin Jane Morningstar

Donna Mullaugh Millicent Nathan Cindy Nimhauser Ruth Nussdorf Toby Weinman Palchik ● Madeline Pargh Margie Plough Estelle Plous Joyce Preiser Dollsey Rappaport Madeleine Reich Deana Richman Donna Robins Dorothy Robinson Rose Benak Robinson ● Sylvia Rosen Della Rosenberg Sylvia Rosett Sandra Rubin Eleanore Rukin * Phyllis Sandler ● Harriett Sands Susan Saril Ellen Sarnoff Jan Savarick Elizabeth Savelle Dolores Schlesinger * Dorothy P. Seaman Beverly M. Shapiro Audrey Shaw Patsy Shaw Sylvia C. Sheketoff ● Rosalie L. Silberman

Jan Silverman Eleanor Silverstein Margie Simon Susan Singer ● Dr. Carol Smokler Irene Calig Snyder Delores R. Solomon Shirley Solomon Gloria C. Sommers * Mildred Sperling Phyllis Squires Charlotte Stein ● Diana Stein Edith Stein Selina R. Steinberg Ruth Taubman Nancy Seaman Thornton Phyllis Wachtel Renee Weinberg Eleanor Weiner Barbara Werner Ruth White* Barbara Wiston ● Dorothy Wizer Shirley R. Woldar * Acey Wolgin Etta Zimmerman Rita Zimmy Established LOJE in two communities October 22, 2004 – 162 LOJE’s

*Of Blessed Memory

Men’s Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Honor Society $100,000 + As a complement to the extremely successful Women’s Division Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) program, the Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach County instituted the “Men’s Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Honor Society.” As in the LOJE program, when a man permanently endows his annual campaign gift to our Jewish Federation with a current or deferred gift of at least $100,000 or equal to twenty times his annual campaign gift, he becomes a member of this very prestigious group. Each of the men proudly carries a beautifully engraved, sterling silver money clip from a famous New York jeweler, signifying his outstanding commitment to the Jewish people. Jerome Altheimer Gerson K. Bernstein * Scott Brenner Irving Cooper * Alan Cornell Craig Donoff Barry Friedberg ● Ronald L. Gallatin Charles B. Ganz

Sandor Garfinkle * Gerald Golden Jerry Gorelick Stuart Graff ● Howard A. Hirsch Norman K. Jacobson Jeffrey S. Kahn, Esq. Thomas R. Kaplan ●

Barry Kaye Dr. Charles Kelman * Joseph P. Klein Gerald Kramer William M. Lester Sigmund Nathan James H. Nobil Eugene Pargh Lawrence Phillips

Maurice D. Plough, Jr. Irving Sands Sidney Savelle Jerry Shaw Dr. Irving Smokler Ralph M. Solomon * William Spitalsky Fredrick Spitzer

Eugene Squires Martin Stein Marvin White * PACE established for two communities October 19, 2004 – 37 PACE’s ●

*Of Blessed Memory

Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Funds $2,500 - $99,999 A PACE fund is a permanent fund dedicated to endowing the donor’s Federation/UJA Annual Campaign gift. This fund enables the donor to extend their commitment by making a connection to the future. Trina Elkin Campaign Perpetuation Fund Elaine Ertischek PACE Fund Mark Glickman PACE Fund Richard D. Levy Campaign Perpetuation Fund

Blair & Sylvia G. Ruben Memorial Endowment Fund Anita and Howard Schaeffer PACE Fund Jerry & Audrey Weinberg Campaign Perpetuation Fund Alan & Phyllis Weiner Insurance Fund

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.





Golden Givers The Golden Givers Society represents an ever-expanding group of deeply committed people who have given their continuous support to the UJC/Federation Annual Campaigns for 25 years or more and currently give to our Federation. Your gifts have helped ensure both the physical and spiritual survival of the Jewish people in south Palm Beach County, Israel and around the world. The Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach County is pleased to recognize the following individuals as Golden Givers. (List in formation as of October 27, 2004) Arnold & Sydell Aaron Joseph & Dorothy Ackerman Mildred Ackerman Robert & Sandra Adler Nathan & Clara Adler William & Judith Allen Jerome & Audrey Altheimer Lawrence & Karen Altschul Jerry & Ann Asher Morris & Adele Avruch David Badner Lee & Gloria Baker Arty Barkas Marion Baron Cynthia Baron Saul & Mimi Barrick Jerome & Norma Bashover Leonard & Phyllis Bell Ben & Rhoda Belnick Franklin & Joan Benamy Mae Benson Gertrude Berg Alexander & Phyllis Berger Morris Berke Morton Berkower Samuel & Anita Berman Robert & Hilda Berner Jules Bernstein Stanton & Jacqueline Bernstein Rose Bernstein Myra Biben Ethel Blanchard Ernest & Elaine Boas Roslaide Boyer Samuel & Harriet Brand Julius & Madalyn Braufman Barbara Braun Arthur & Helen Braverman Theodore Breman Anne Brenner Hilda Brier Arian Brodie Burton & Carol Bromson Dorothy Brown Jean Buchman John & Helen Budd Irving & Dorothy Burke Edward & Freyda Burns Doris Cantor Doody Caplan Harry Carter Judith Chason


Hannah Chestnov George & Yetta Colin Harold & Janis Cooper Anita Cope Martin Cotler Sidney & Elizabeth Dankman Joseph & Jean Delman Pearl Donshik Daniel & Sheila Duchin Jay & Helene Eichler Morris Eisenstein Sonya Ellman Milton Engel Sam Engel Karola & Aaron Epstein Ronni & Jay Epstein Ed & Eleanor Epstein Florence Feinstein Joseph Felber Joseph Feld Lila Fierer Isabella Fink Rebecca Fink Marilyn Finkle Ruth Fishman Lou Fradin Albert & Marion Frager Arline Frankel Henrietta Freidman Barry & Florence Friedberg Hilda Friedman Bernice Friedman David Friedman Sol Friedman Norman Friedman Florence Fuller Lillian Gaeser Ronald & Meryl Gallatin Joan & Joseph Garde Beatrice Ginsberg Sy Ginsberg Mary Glassman Mark Glickman Jerome & Anne Gold Bettina Goldberg Gerald & Phyllis Golden Bernard & Marilyn Goldman Jerome & Lee Goldsmith Fred Goldsmith William & Lillian Goldstein Theodore Golembo Martin & Elaine Goodman

Sam Graf Albert & Barbara Grant Sylvia Greenberg Meyer Greenberg Jean Greenspan Joseph & Judith Gross Victor & Lillian Gross Mildred Grossman Abraham & Beatrice Haller Natalie Halpern Ruth Hamerman Roslyn Handler Nathanial Harris Stanley & Annette Hart David & Adele Hast Leo & Alice Hecht Irene Heiber Richard & Marcia Hendler Robert & May Hershey Joseph & Celia Holman Arthur Holtz Laura Honig Stanley & Rita Horbar Alfred Horowitz Irv Hyams Max & Anne Hyman Abraham & Alitta Irwin Sidney Israel William & Barbara Jacobs Robert & Trina Jacobs Celia Jacobs Charlotte Jagolinzer Irving Joffe Thomas R. Kaplan Norman Kasser Harold & Doris Katz Thomas Katz Rose Kaufman Jack Kay Lillian Kent Bernice Kesslen Joseph & Miriam Klein Stanley & Audrey Kleinfeld Oscar Klioze Norton & Phyllis Klotz Theodore & Barbara Knee Simon & Doris Konover Julius & Doris Kramer Estelle Krasno Samuel Krupnick Frieda Leemon Gerald & Dr. Ruth Legow

William & Gloria Lester Sylvia Levine Abner & Mildred Levine Richard Levy Seymour Lieberman Harriet Liebross Lila Liner Dorothy Lipson Rebecca Lister Herbert & Frances London Philip & Joan Lorber Leroy & Helene Lowenfeld Lila Luber J. Zel Lurie Robert & Peggy Madan Maurice Manov Leon Margolin William & Harriet Margolis Henry & Shirley Margulies Belle Maslov Florence Melton Jerry & Maxine Milgram Stan Miller Ethel Miller Marvin & Beverly Miller Paula Miller Florence Minkin Isadore Moore Jane Morningstar Lewis Myers Sigmund & Millicent Nathan Arnold Nestel James & Lynn Nobil Barbara Nusbaum Harold Ostrow Toby Weinman Palchik Beatrice Pankin Eugene & Madeline Pargh Samuel & Ruth Paul Chester & Shirley Paul Beverly Pearlman Natalie Pelavin Doris Perlman Lawrence Phillips Estelle Plous Stanley & Joyce Preiser Maynard & Judy Rabinowitz Lucille Rader Seymour & Dollsey Rappaport Melvin & Mary Reichman Herbert Reisman Sidney & Marion Richman

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.

2003 - 2004 HONOR ROLL

Golden Givers Rabbi Jack Riemer Louis Rifken Alan Roberts Joseph & Dorothy Robinson Jerome & Della Rosenberg Deborah Rosenberg Herman & Beatrice Rosenfeld Arnold & Elinor Rosenthal Alfred Ross Joseph & Shirley Rothchild Harvey Rothstein Leonard & Syril Rubin Herbert Rubman Gordon & Phyllis Salganik Sherman Salovitz Harry Schatz Sarah Schlesinger Regene & Joe Schottenstein Shirley Schreiber Florence Schreibman Hyman & Muriel Schwartz

Bill Schwartz Irving & Paula Segal Charles Seibel Robert & Norma Seligman Clifford & Phyllis Seresky Sol & Harriet Shanus Louis Shapiro Norman & Gertrude Sharpe David Shechet Betty Sher Bernard & Deborah Shlossman Solomon Shore Joseph Silber Millicent Silverstein Irwin & Rochelle Simms Claire Simon Herman Singer Carmi Slomovitz Frances Snow Harvard & Miriam Sohn Harold Solinsky

Corporate Program 2003/2004 The business community is an integral part of the charitable network supporting the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and the Jewish Community Foundation. The corporate program recognizes those corporations who have committed a minimum of one thousand dollars. The Federation and the Jewish Community Foundation thank the following corporate partners for their vital participation: Ackerman Senterfitt Bank of America, The Private Bank Bank Leumi USA Bessemer Trust Company Blank Rome, LLC Boca Raton Community Hospital Buckingham Doolittle & Burroughs Citigroup Private Bank David Pratt and Associates, P.A. Eugene Pargh Fidelity Federal Bank & Trust Florence and Barry Friedberg FMSbonds.com Goldstein Lewin & Co. Greenberg Traurig, P.A. HSBC Bank, USA Hodgson Russ, LLP ISUS Partners, LLC Janet Eaton Sherr, P.A. Kaufman, Rossin & Co. Mahoney Cohen MDVIP, Inc. Mellon Private Wealth Management Merrill Lynch Muvico Theaters National Planning Corporation Northern Trust Bank Publix Super Markets Charities Sandelman Foundation Sprint PCS Sun-Sentinel U.S. Trust Company of Florida Verdura West Boca Medical Center/Tenet Healthcare Foundation

Ralph & Delores Solomon Ruth Solomont Norma Spector Seymour & Bertha Statman Diana Stein Benjamin & Joan Stein Alfred & Charlotte Stein Melvin & Selina Steinberg Norman & Bettye Steinberg Stanley & Lucille Steiner Manfred & Fern Steinfeld Allan & Marion Stillman Norman & Betty Stone Bernard Stregevsky Sam & Naomi Tauber Ruth Taubman Leonard & Anne Thun Albert & Esther Toll Isidor Tolpin Rose Viener Audrey Weinberg

Saul & Ruth Weinberger Morris Weiner Paul & Eleanor Weiner Irving Weingrod Irving Weisbrod Bernard Weiss Henry Weiss Bernard Weiss Marilyn Weissglass Jack Widitor Harry & Isabel Williams Dorothy Meyers Wizer Morton Wizer Jerome & Sylvia Wolens Etta Wolfe Sylvia Wolff Leonard & Naomi Yardeni Edward & Muriel Yarock Miriam Zweig

Jewish Women’s Foundation of South Palm Beach County The Jewish Women’s Foundation (JWF) funds projects which work to improve the status of Jewish women and girls, and effect positive change in their lives and the lives of future generations. Endowers of the Foundation comprise its Board of Trustees, and is being built by $10,000, $50,000 and $100,000 contributions.

Founding Trustees Gloria Baker Lori Berman Florence Brody Caryn Clayman Francine Cole Sherry L. Endelson Barbara Feingold Sheila Fuente Rani Garfinkle Helen Goldband Phyllis Greenman Andrea Kline Merle Krimsky Dr. Ruth Legow Gloria Genin Lester Roxane Frechie Lipton Judy Levis Markhoff Merry Morris Toby Weinman Palchik Natalie Pelavin Mara Reuben Phyllis Sandler Ellen Sarnoff Dorothy Seaman Dr. Carol Smokler Donna Weiss Carol Winig Etta Zimmerman as of September 1, 2004

Honoring our roots. Living our values. Strengthening our future.


On the front and back cover are the 2004-05 Officers of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Board of Directors Front Row (l-r): Ilene Wohlgemuth, Secretary; Albert Gortz, Vice President; Etta Zimmerman, Vice President, Campaign; William S. Bernstein, Executive Vice President; Lawrence D. Altschul, President; Dorothy Seaman, Vice President, Women’s Division President; Debra Halperin; Assistant Treasurer.

Back Row (l-r): Teddy Struhl, Vice President; Ira Gerstein, Treasurer; Shirley Cohen, Assistant Secretary; Andrew Robins, Immediate Past President; Charles Ganz, Vice President, JCF President. (Not pictured: Roxane Frechie Lipton, Vice President).


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