make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of te immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • gi Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide po stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single work to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensu does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn mor heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jew and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits ev give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • h rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving commu for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ign love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on brighten our Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, for • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an adult with a disability employmen make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of te immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • gi your donation between: Jew in the Former Sovietmeans Union athe hotdifference meal and a proper blanket • provide po stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single work a neighbor eating•today, not? to send her children to daycare speakorout against anti-Semitism • help to ensu does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn mor heritage • giveana elderly widowresident in Kingspoint medicine every receivingdiabetes a home healthcare visit, month • give a or not? learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jew and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from poverty • help aa child bedridden woman in Tbilisi critical home health visits ev learning about her Jewishreceive heritage, or not? give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • h rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving commu a Jew being able to escape violence and persecution, or not? for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community • ign love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on The future truth •is,letitJews does. Every donation brighten our Jewish everywhere know theymakes have a critical, forev
another mitzvah possible. Through the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, you have the power to do all this, and so much more…
Turn on the
power of our Federation ... When you give to our Federation’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs, you support a powerful local and global network of aid, care, relief, advocacy, education, protection and emergency assistance. You connect with a tried-andtrue, time-honored system of funding that was put in place more than a century ago and that stretches out across the continent. You join nearly 10,000 neighbors throughout South Palm Beach County — and tens of thousands of Jews across North America — who are dedicated to improving the lives of others and ensuring a brighter future for everyone. You become part of a family of donors who are improving lives, relieving hardships and inspiring hope every day.
and connect to the power of
giving. caring. feeding. rescuing. teaching. protecting. advocating. inspiring hope. Our Federation’s Annual Campaign benefits the full range of human needs — hot meals, warm blankets, vital medicine, emergency assistance, counseling, financial aid, and countless acts of loving-kindness locally, in Israel and in 70 countries around the world. When you donate to our Traditional Annual Campaign Fund, your gift goes to where it is needed most. And this year, we have introduced something new… If you feel passionately about a particular area of need, you can choose to direct your gift to one of the three vital Giving Centers that comprise our Annual Campaign Fund.
LOCAL SAFET Local Safety Net Services includes urgent and emergency needs such as food, shelter, medicine, direct financial assistance, services for those with special needs, transportation for the frail elderly, assistance for Holocaust survivors and counseling for those in crisis.
Benefiting Programs Include:
Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer & Adult Day Care Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center Camp Kavod Director of Community Special Needs Donna Klein Jewish Academy – Sun Center (Yad b’Yad) Federation Transportation Services Hillel Day School – ETGAR Program Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC) Kosher Konnection
Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service • Counseling to Individuals/Families in Crisis • Direct Financial Assistance to Families/ Individuals • Family Assistance Center • Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry • Helping Elders Age in Place • Holocaust Survivors Assistance • Volunteer Resource Center • Volunteer Services/Neighbor First Our Federation also helps to maintain the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg House and the Shirley H. Gould House, which are housed on our campus.
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Seniors served a hot kosher meal every day
Children and teens with special needs were served through programs at the Levis JCC
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Adults and seniors with special needs attend programs and receive services through the Levis JCC
TY NET SERVICES Bea, 84 Boca Raton
Last March, Bea had to face the fact that she didn’t feel safe driving anymore, so she took herself off the road and gave up her car. “It was very difficult because I don’t have family here to rely on,” she explains. “My children live out of state and I wasn’t sure how I’d get around until I found out about the transportation services through the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. When I need to go on a doctor’s appointment, to the grocery store or anywhere important, they arrange a ride for me and other seniors in our area.” Bea says the driver picks her up at her doorstep, and brings her back. He helps her in and out of the van and makes sure she feels safe. The service helps her live independently and she says it’s a big comfort for her children to know their mother has reliable transportation by people who they can trust. “I want to say THANK YOU to all of the donors who contribute. Thank you for caring!” says Bea.
JEWISH LIFE Jewish Life & Learning includes local Jewish education, financial assistance to local day schools, scholarships for camp and preschool, programs that connect children and adults to their Jewish heritage, advocacy efforts against anti-Semitism, education about the Holocaust and programs ensuring a strong Jewish future.
Benefiting Programs Include: Adolph & Rose Levis JCC Summer Camp and Pre-School Scholarships Birthright Israel B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Teen Leadership Training & Development Day Schools • Donna Klein Jewish Academy (DKJA) • Hillel Day School (HDS) • Torah Academy • Weinbaum Yeshiva High School Synagogue Outreach Initiative
Florida Association of Jewish Federations Hillel: Foundation for Jewish Campus Life – Florida Council Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) • Government Officials Advocacy • Iran Strategic Initiative • Community Forums Jewish Education Programs • Professional Development • Youth and Teen Education • Florence Melton Adult Mini-School • March of the Living Program
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Local kids received financial assistance for a Jewish education
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Local college students Local teens engaged in their participated in Judaism through the March of the Hillel on campus Living
& LEARNING Terri, 21 Boca Raton Five years ago, Terri’s life was shattered when her father was shot at a local synagogue on Rosh Hashanah. He died as a result nine months later, and, according to Terri, so did her connection to Judaism. “I left my faith, became depressed and felt completely lost.” Terri says it wasn’t until a friend brought her to Hillel, an organization that promotes Jewish life on campus, that she began to find her way again. “I felt such a strong connection to the other students… I had an instant support system; I went almost every day. Hillel is what turned me around and, since then, it’s become like a second home.“ Through Hillel, Terri also discovered Birthright Israel and went to visit the Jewish homeland for the first time. “It was a life-alerting trip in every way. It was where I also met some of my very best friends. Now I’m an intern with Hillel, working to engage other students and to share my story and my love for this important organization.”
ISRAEL & OUR Israel & Our Global Family includes a wide range of humanitarian programs and services for fellow Jews in Israel and more than 70 countries around the world, including those focused on hunger, rescue, resettlement, poverty, antiSemitism, aid to victims of terror, establishing a new life in Israel, and the revitalization of Jewish communities.
Benefiting Programs Include: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Ben Yakir Youth Village CHAMAH Ethiopian National Project (ENP) Former Soviet Union Welfare Relief Jewish Federations of North America Jewish Identity Summer Camps in the Former Soviet Union MASA – Israel Journey
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NATIV – Immigrant Soldier Jewish identity Program PACT (Parents and Children Together) Early Childhood Program Partnership 2000 (P2K) – Kiryat Bialik
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Thanks to Our Community:
135 Ethiopian-Israeli preschoolers received early childhood education
2,285 Elderly Jews and 861 children in the former Soviet Union received welfare relief
Young adults from the U.S. and the former Soviet Union assimilated into Israeli life and culture for up to 10 months
R GLOBAL FAMILY Olga, 28 Israel
Olga grew up in Belarus in the former Soviet Union, a place where there was a very small Jewish community and limited Jewish resources. She vividly recalls a childhood friend announcing that she didn’t want to play with her because she heard she was Jewish. “I remember crying and telling her I am not Jewish; I am a good girl!” Olga grew up, studied hard and became a doctor — yet she knew something important was missing. Then she found out about the Jewish Agency’s MASA program that helps Jews from around the world spend time studying or working in Israel. The experience provided her with a new community of Jewish friends “that felt like family” and an enthusiasm for her faith and heritage that she never had in Belarus. When the program ended, Olga said she could not imagine returning home. “I realized my soul was in Israel and I was going to make aliyah.”
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THE POWER OF ONE GIFT $18= one food package delivered to a local family in need one group therapy session for a trauma victim struggling
$36= with depression
one month’s supply of diabetes medication for an elderly
$118= resident
helps an unemployed adult receive resources and job training
$365= to get back into the workforce
one month of basic food items for a single mother and her
$500= children in Israel
two weeks of day camp for a child in need, whose single
$600= parent works $1,000= helps make a Jewish education possible for one local student six months of weekly home healthcare visits for a Holocaust
$1,560= survivor
three months of residential care for an adult with a
$3,000= developmental disability
helps one Jew flee persecution in volatile countries and
$5,000= transition to a new life in Israel
YOU HAVE THE POWER to change the world with one gift (large or small). We invite you to tap into the power of giving, the power of caring and the power of making the world a better place by contributing to our Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. q
YES! I want to use my power to help others. With a pledge of: $_______
Choose one option only: q 1. Please direct my gift to the Traditional Annual Campaign that benefits all Jewish needs. OR direct your gift to: q 2. Local Safety Net Services q 3 . Jewish Life & Learning q 4. Israel & Our Global Family
o Check enclosed (Made payable to Jewish Federation of SPBC) o Please charge my credit card: Name _______________________ Acct# ______________________________ Exp _________________________ CCV______________________________ Signature _______________________________________________________ Billing Address_ ___________________________________________________ E-mail_________________________________________________________
DONATE ONLINE NOW BY VISITING: Return this pledge form to: Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Attn: Donor Services 9901 Donna Klein Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33428
CONNECT Online at
By phone 561-852-3100
In person at our 110-acre campus that houses our major beneficiary agencies and Jewish day schools
9901 Donna Klein Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33428 561-852-3100 •