Jewish Federation of SPBC Case for Giving 2012

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child a Jewish education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terro immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holoca vor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanke de post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send ren to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it poss fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child w ing disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do d alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health v y week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurric arthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a warmunity • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten h future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an a a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an eld Give ent a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start aGenerously new life in Israel • prov -print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • g ow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to oldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • h sure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • g dow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience o

Live powerfully


ometimes it’s hard to feed people, teach children Jewish values and provide home healthcare to Holocaust survivors all at once. It’s especially challenging, too, if you want to rescue a baby from poverty,

speak out against anti-Semitism, or rebuild a home destroyed by missiles. How can you do so much good with just one gift? That’s where the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County comes in…

When you give to our Federation,

you help families start anew.

Denise lost her job in 2009 when the local restaurant she was working at closed. At the same time her husband, who owned his own painting business, was no longer getting work due to the changing economy. With six children, they were struggling to get by. The family was eating pasta and cereal for dinner almost every night, until Denise’s mother told her about Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service. They qualified for food deliveries through the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry. “We were able to access food and counseling services to help us get through the worst period in our lives. Thankfully, both my husband and I are working again, but we will never forget the help we received during our greatest time of need. I thank everyone who makes it possible.�

local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • pro immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor homecare he deserves • g Last receives year, the support from fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress synd our Federation counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send helped: her children to dayca speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it pos “Feeding people, giving our elders for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every m the dignity toalive • give childindependently, with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Y Kyrgyzstan they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • h helpingand neighbors inknow theirthat most bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inha criticalsend time need… is what a of young adultthis on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the a Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors580 going strong • rescue 53 a family from a war-torn25 community • motivates me to give.” a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that everyresidents local senior invited to a Seder Passover • needs brighte children with special low-income local is seniors, with physical and on — Diane Feldman Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have critical, forever lifeline •attend feed a neighbor who camp lost her have the summer receive food apackages cognitive challenges, Federation donor give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child experience of a lifetime a Je every two weeks adult day care education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print a child through who is going • make sure a ...and so books manyforothers theblind Sarah & Max Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow in theSafety Former Soviet Union a hot Pechter Center forJew Local Net Services. and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possib

When you give to our Federation,

you ensure a brighter Jewish future.

Sam is 87, survived the Holocaust, lives in Delray Beach and volunteers at the local kosher food pantry. He recently participated in the March of the Living (MOL) as a mentor and inspiration to 48 local high school students. Sam marched right along with them — and 8,000 students from around the world — through the concentration camps of Poland, providing firsthand knowledge and evidence of the wondrous resilience of the Jewish spirit. The group then flew to Israel to celebrate Independence Day in the streets of Jerusalem. Sam says that MOL is one of the most impactful programs offered for young Jews today. “So many have told me that it has changed their lives forever — made them a better Jew and a better person.” Our Federation provides resources and support for MOL locally through the Department of Jewish Education.

local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • pro immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books child who is going blind • make sure a local HolocaustLast survivor year, receives support the homecare he deserves • g from fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress synd our Federation counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to sendhelped: her children to dayca speak out anti-Semitism “The future of against Judaism is not • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it pos for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every m promised; hard And • giveitais child withwon. learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Y andand Kyrgyzstan they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • h it begins endsknow withthat Jewish bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inha 513 48 or earthquake81 education. what care Israel • help families send aIt’s young adultwe on Birthright rebuild after a hurricane • keep the a children receive aid to students receive partial• rescue local teens participate in a war-torn Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong a family from community • about most as donors.” attend preschool, creating for a Jewish March oftotheaLiving a child’s love for Judaism • make certain thatscholarships every local senior istheinvited Seder on Passover • brighte —Eric & Lori Gutmann a strong Jewish identity day school education they international Holocaust Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her Federation donors from the start could otherwise not afford program give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Je education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • ...andforso many immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books a child whoothers is going through blind • makethe sure a Jewish Life & Learning giving center. Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possib

When you give to our Federation, you take a sTAND against terrorism. Not far from the turbulent Gaza border where thousands of missiles fell several years ago, you will find a new World ORT “Smart� School in construction with 1,200 students and a waiting list of 150. Some missiles still strike, but despite it all, these students are thriving in a state-of-the-art environment with an inspired curriculum infused with Jewish values. Students such as Miera refuse to live in fear. They say they are learning not to focus on the hatred, but instead, on their bright future. World ORT schools are supported by our Federation through the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) as well as by the Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI).

local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • pro immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Last year, in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide postsupport traumatic stressfrom syndrome counseli an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out ag “Keeping Israel strong our Federation helped: anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Je learn moreher about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child — and keeping learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgy people safe onedoofnot stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden wo know — thatisthey in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a y the most important adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksg community dinner for 500 seniors going strong150+ • rescue a family from120 a war-torn community • 11ignite a child’s things to us as Jews.” for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is children invitedgetto a Seder on Passover brighten ourDefense Jewish fut Israeli Ethiopian-Israeli at-risk boys receive a better •immigrant let — Jews everywhere forever feed a neighbor lostsoldiers her job give an learn•about a head start throughlifeline JDC’s • chance at life at the JAFI BenwhoForce David & Arleneknow Lanterthey have a critical, aFederation with disabilitydonors employment training • make PACT it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish educat their Judaism program Yakir Youth Village in Israel give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immig start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a ...and child who going blind • make sure a local soismany others through theHolo survivor receives the homecare he deserves Israel • give a&fellow in the Former Soviet Union center. a hot meal a OurJew Global Family giving proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a s

When you give to our Federation, you INSPIRE

HOPE everywhere.

Fourteen-year-old Sasha lives in Russia and is the only child of a single mother. He suffers from cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Unable to walk or speak, doctors held little hope for his development. Thanks to programs available through the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI), Sasha and his family now receive vital services including physical therapy, speech therapy, psychological consultations, social opportunities at the Hesed Chama Family Club and Jewish camping experiences. Sasha is now making great strides and is able to communicate and move in ways he never thought possible. Sasha and his family say that it’s “deeply touching to know that people around the world care enough to support these programs.”

local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • pro immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a is going “Aswho Jews, ourblind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Last year, in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide postsupport traumatic stressfrom syndrome counseli greater family is an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out ag our Federation helped: anti-Semitism • help spread around theto ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Je learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child globe, including learning disabilitiesinthe summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgy know they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden wo some ofthat the poorest in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a y adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksg countries in the world. 600 community dinner for 500 seniors going2,285 strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community80 • ignite a child’s If we don’t help them, children and adults in fut elderly Jews and 861 children babies in Jewish communities in for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten 40 our Jewish Cuba learn about their in the poorest parts of the Argentina receive life essentials Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an nolet one will.” Judaism Soviet Union receive as diapers, formula and with a disability employment trainingFormer • make it possible for asuch local family to give their child a Jewish educat vital humanitarian aid medicine Corrine Pastona ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immig give an — elderly resident Federation donor start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a ...and child who going blind • make sure a local soismany others through theHolo survivor receives the homecare he deserves Israel • give a&fellow in the Former Soviet Union center. a hot meal a OurJew Global Family giving proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a s

So many lives touched. So many more to help. • Services in our community continue to be reduced for adults with chronic mental illness and to children with special needs due to a decrease in funding.

• Many local children (whose families have demonstrated a qualified financial need) will forego a Jewish day school education because they cannot afford it.

• Basic needs such as transportation, medical supplies and assistance, and food deliveries are still not fully met for local Holocaust survivors and families in need.

• Hundreds of young adults from South Palm Beach County who wish to go on Birthright Israel are waitlisted due to a gap in financial aid.

• Thousands of frail elderly residents and children with special needs in the Former Soviet Union continue to live in dire need of humanitarian aid.

Among many others in need of assistance

You have the power of choice. Please make a gift to our traditional Annual Campaign which ensures that the most pressing Jewish needs are met. Or you may designate your gift to one of the following giving centers:

saraH & max pechter center for Local Safety Net Services provides urgent and critical assistance for those in crisis, the elderly and those with special needs.

Jewish Life & Learning ensures a strong Jewish future and continuity through scholarships, educational opportunities and advocacy against anti-Semitism.

Israel & Our Global Family focuses on humanitarian aid – hunger, rescue, poverty and victims of terror – around the world.

The power of us, starts with you. How much good can you do today?

One gift has tremendous power to change lives.


One Shabbat dinner for a college student through Hillel on Campus


Round-trip fare to a doctor’s office for a senior


A week of daily kosher meals-on-wheels for 1 person


A month of medication for an individual without health insurance


Basic supplies—crib, high chair and stroller— for 1 baby in Latin America


Heating fuel, warm blankets and winter relief for 10 elderly people in Ukraine


Local Jewish summer camp scholarship for 1 child


Food and nutritional support for an at-risk child for 1 year

$ 1,600

$ 10,000

Social and academic support for one immigrant soldier with no family in Israel

An emergency immigration grant for a family living in a country at risk

$ 5,000

$ 40,000

Transition program for 1 new Israeli immigrant living in an absorption center

A box of milk in every food pantry delivery this year

Give. Volunteer. Advocate.

TODAY! • (561) 852-3100 Visit our 110-acre Jewish campus at 9901 Donna Klein Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33428

Established in South Palm Beach County in 1979, our Federation works to improve the welfare of Jews in need locally, in Israel and in 70 countries around the world. Through an effective, time-honored infrastructure, we are able to feed, rescue, comfort, rehabilitate, inspire, educate and give hope to thousands of people in need every day. Through special emergency campaigns, we also help victims of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, wildfires, and other calamities. This can only be done through the generosity of residents like you.

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