Chai Life - Spring 2010 Vol 5 Issue 2

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A Guide for Jewish Living and Giving in Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach

Volume 5, Number 2 Spring 2010



Federation Dollars at Work – A Report to the Community

8-page special section

9901 Donna Klein Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33428


Welcome to Chai Life

This publication is produced by the Marketing & Communications Department of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.


Senior Vice President, Marketing & Corporate Development Andrew M. Rose

From Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, Chair of the Board

Director of Marketing Operations Erryn Abiri

DEAR FRIENDS: I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t involved in the Jewish community. I was sent, along with my two older brothers, to Hebrew Academy of Nassau County (HANC) on Long Island. I grew up believing that it was our collective responsibility to Cindy wi help others and guide the next generation. I remember Larry O th husband B ru rbach a t our 2 ce, sons Zach watching my dad go to meeting after meeting for the Student 010 An a nual M nd Ross, & b Struggle for Soviet Jewry and at HANC, where he served rother eeting as President. My mom worked for the PTA, ran the big bazaar fundraiser every year, and we all enjoyed a family life of purpose and meaning. When we moved here nearly 12 years ago, Boca Raton was just my vacation destination, as my parents had a home in Boca Woods. I remember my father being so excited about the campus being built across from their development. He worked out at the JCC every day, his favorite treadmill always waiting for him. I guess it was fitting that the first board on which I was privileged to sit was for the JCC. We are a true Federation family. My son Ross attended pre-school at Zale, Donna Klein Jewish Academy (where I was on the Board as well) and graduated from Hillel Day School. He is now a sophomore at Weinbaum Yeshiva High School (where I sit on the Board as well), and, like his grandfather had been, is a frequent user of the JCC facilities. My son Zach graduated from Donna Klein Jewish Academy, and is a student at FAU. They both attended camp at the JCC as well. (continued on page 3)

Chai Life Editor, Director of Public Relations Andrea Schuver Editorial Director/Senior Copywriter Patricia Como Web & Multimedia Director Tom Sokolowski Senior Graphic Designer Shanna Vinig For advertising information, please call the Marketing & Communications Department at (561) 852-5003. Federation Officers Chair Cindy Orbach Nimhauser Vice Chair, Financial Resource Development Ellen R. Sarnoff Vice Chair, Campaign Joseph Mishkin Vice Chair, Jewish Community Foundation David Pratt, Esq. Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy Meryl Gallatin Vice Chair, Planning & Allocations Stephen A. Mendelsohn, Esq. Treasurer David Kirschner Assistant Treasurer Al Gortz, Esq.

Changing of the Guard

Secretary Ted Struhl

From William S. Bernstein, President & CEO

Assistant Secretary Michael J. Weinberg

At this year’s Annual Meeting, we said an emotional good-bye to Chair of the Board Stewart Harris after three years of faithful service and warmly welcomed 2010-11 Chair Cindy Orbach Nimhauser. Cindy's leadership experience is extensive, substantial and impressive – and backed by a considerable list of local and national board positions. Heartfelt and eloquent, Cindy spoke of her family's strong Jewish values and the humanitarian path that prepared her to assume Federation's top lay position. Another highlight of the evening was guest speaker Rabbi Irving "Yitz" Greenberg, who inspired us all with his profound thoughts. Consider, if you will, that the highest focus of our time on Earth is spent “enhancing life.” Whether you are caring for your children, someone with an illness, yourself or your spouse; or supporting a charity, feeding an animal, or planting vegetables; you are helping to further life. In Jewish tradition, the sanctity of human life is pronounced throughout our practices and beliefs. Rabbi Yitz pointed to how G-d, the ultimate and original life giver, is our partner in affirming life and in helping us to sustain it for the most vulnerable. Overall, the evening was the perfect reflection of what our Federation is about: the most respect for those who've served us, the warmest wishes and welcome for those who've joined our mission — and a touching reminder of why it is we do what we do every day.

Vice Chair Jill Deutch Vice Chair Wes Finch Vice Chair Carol Smokler President & CEO William S. Bernstein, MSW Federation/UJA Campaign Chair, Campaign Joseph Mishkin Metro Division Chair Pamela Cohen Senior Campaign Professionals Executive Vice President, Financial Resource Development Irv E. Geffen Senior Vice President, Campaign & Community Development Marla Weiss Egers

My Warmest Regards,

Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County

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(continued from page 2) My Federation involvement here in South Palm Beach County includes having served as Women’s Campaign Chair and as a Vice Chair. I have also served as National Young Leadership Department Co-chair and am a current member of the National Women’s Philanthropy Board. Thanks to the generosity of this community, I am a graduate of the Wexner Heritage Program. Along the way, I have made friends who are like family, who have supCindy and husband Bru ported me in good times and challenging ones. These were ce on the ph ones at Supe r Sunday the same friends who beamed with pride as my boys made their bar mitzvah, and even more who consoled me when my mother passed away. What do I hope to accomplish? It has to start with our Annual Campaign—the lifeblood that sustains Jews now and ensures a stronger future. We share a collective responsibility to raise these funds, and we have to be creative and resourceful in ways that we haven’t even thought of yet! The needs locally, in Israel and overseas are great. But, to quote one of my favorite rabbis, Rabbi Rav Tarfon: “You do not have to complete the work, but you are not free to abandon it.” Together, we have a lot of work to do. We will not finish it— we will pass it on of Judah Gloria Allred, Li ft) (le f ith of off in good stead to our children— but we will not w rn dy Sa in L-R: C hair Ellen r & Campaign C ke ea sp on he nc abandon it or our family in need. Lu


The power of community was unmistakable as Federation leaders and supporters gathered in Zinman Hall on April 15 for the 2010 Annual Meeting. While celebrating the fundraising year, guests paid tribute to outgoing Chair Stewart G. Harris’s extraordinary three years of leadership, enthusiastically welcomed new Chair Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, and cheered recipients of several major awards.


Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County

Thank you to Immediate Past Chair Stewart Harris For the past three years, Stewart Harris faithfully served our Federation as Chair. Despite the many challenges the economic climate presented, Stewart led our Federation through the storm, without ever losing sight of our longterm goals. That is the hallmark of excellent leadership. Under his watchful eye, our Jewish community has much for which to be thankful. During the first year of his Chairmanship, we broke previous fundraising records and raised nearly $21 million. After America’s financial downturn, needs sky rocked and donations dropped significantly. Still, we managed to make good on the allocations to the people who rely on our Federation for life-saving and lifeenhancing support. Since Stewart’s Chairmanship began in April 2007, our Federation has moved forward on many important initiatives including: a comprehensive strategic plan for the use of our 100-acre campus, the creation of a Federation Community Special Needs Department, a specially commissioned Senior Services Study to address the considerable needs of the local elderly, our first community-wide mission to Israel in many years, tremendous community support for our United Against a Nuclear Iran initiative, a powerful rally of more than 1,000 people on our campus to show solidarity for Israel during the Gaza crisis, development of the NextGen program to cultivate the future leaders of our Jewish community and many, many other initiatives, programs and strategic steps forward. Stewart Harris has been a true blessing to our community and to our global Jewish family. Our Federation is profoundly grateful for the past three years under his leadership. A hearty mazel tov to Stewart from the entire Federation family!

Robin and Warren Struhl chaired the moving evening, aptly titled “No One Stands Alone."

Jim Nobil presented the Nobil Community Leadership Award to Rani Garfinkle.

Naomi Steinberg (with husband Richard) accepted the James and Marjorie Baer Outstanding Young Leadership Award.

Richard Steinberg presented Anne & Norman Jacobson with the JFNA National Endowment Achievement Award.

Guest speaker Rabbi Irving “Yitz” Greenberg’s profound address provided learning and inspiration.


Sharansky and Scarborough Headline Major Gifts Evening of Valor Event Celebrates New Ketubah Society for Cumulative Giving An exceptional evening of gratitude, inspiration and rededication was in store at the season’s most prestigious fundraising event on January 10. Gathered for the 2010 Major Gifts Evening of Valor at the Polo Club in Boca Raton, the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s most generous donors rose to meet the continuing challenges of what President and CEO William S. Bernstein called “a year like no other in our lifetimes.” The program included Natan Sharansky, Soviet Refusenik leader; and “Morning Joe” Scarborough with Mika Brzezinski on a replicated MSNBC set. “Tonight we applaud each of you for touching so many lives,” said Joesph Mishkin, who chaired the evening with his wife Beth, and with Al & Jane Gortz. “We are unified in our misL-R Front: Major Gifts Sponsors and speakers Dan Leadership Gifts Chairs Freyda and sion to further the welfare of our fellow Jews as one family. Together we ensure that no one Levine, Ken Pritzker, Norman Steinberg; Back: Ed Burns, with Joe Scarborough among us ever has to stand alone during their time of need.” Tom Kaplan, Mika Brzezinski, Joe Scarborough, Al Gortz, Richard Steinberg

Through filmed vignettes of personal visits by the event Chairs with local service recipients, the guests saw clearly and poignantly just how much their help means – so that individuals in need among our South Palm Beach County Jewish family do not stand alone.

L-R: Al and Jane Gortz, Beth and Joseph Mishkin; Major Gifts Evening of Valor Co-chairs

L-R: Marianne & Howard Lerner

L-R: Wendy Pressner, Crown of Judah Chair; Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski Robert Pressner

L-R: Mika Brzezinski, William S. Bernstein, Joe Scarborough

“This year we did not have to go far to witness dire need,” said Al Gortz. “Given the economy’s effect on our neighbors, we needed only to look around us to see how the past year’s crisis has generated record requests for our help with safety net services. And these are just symbolic of the wide range of growing needs that face our Jewish family here, in Israel and worldwide.” Bill Bernstein moderated an engaging, provocative current affairs dialogue between Scarborough and Brzezinski based on high interest questions submitted by the audience. Ranging from global security, Israel and Iran; to the economy, the 2010 election, health care reform and the importance of balanced reporting to democracy, the speakers displayed their characteristic commitment to airing different viewpoints with deep analysis and broad historical knowledge. Natan Sharansky, introduced as “the strongest possible voice for our global Jewish family, a true Jewish hero, a shining example of valor and righteousness,” spoke as the new Chair of the Jewish Agency for Israel. He passionately described his search for Jewish roots under the Soviets, and the particular importance of helping Jews overseas as well as young people in the United States develop strong Jewish identity and attachment to Israel in this time of unprecedented freedom to assimilate. The Evening of Valor was co-chaired at different giving levels by Phyllis and Harvey Sandler (Prime Minister’s Council), Freyda and Ed Burns (Leadership Gifts), Debra and Jerry Kramer (King David Society), Jill and Michael Rose (Joshua Society), and Wendy Pressner (Crown of Judah Society). MAJOR GIFTS IS GENEROUSLY SPONSORED BY:

Jill and Michael Rose, Joshua Ellen R. Sarnoff, 2009-10 Society Chairs Campaign Chair


Natan Sharansky

The 2010 Major Gifts Evening of Valor also inaugurated and celebrated a brand new honor for cumulative giving. The Ketubah Society, named for the traditional, beautifully decorated Jewish marriage contract, honors the deep and ongoing commitment of those who have donated one million dollars cumulatively to the Federation’s annual campaigns.

Evelyn & Ron Krancer

Harriett & Irving Sands

L-R: Dorothy Seaman & Florence Brody

Lawrence Phillips

Harvey & Phyliss Sandler

Rani & Suzy Garfinkle

Inaugurating Gloria Baker (z”l) Florence Brody Helene & Elliot Brody Norma & Lester Cohen Rani Garfinkle Elaine & Herb Gimelstob Carole & Barry Kaye Evelyn & Ronald Krancer Mildred & Abner Levine Adolph (z”l) & Rose Levis (z”l) Bette & Jerome Lorber Billi & Bernard Marcus Elizabeth & Sheldon Maschler Lois & Robert Pergament Lawrence Phillips Norman Rales Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Harriett & Irving Sands Dorothy Seaman Carole & Richard Siemens Bernice Waldbaum Toby Weinman Palchik Shirley & Baron Weisman Barbara & William Weprin Etta & Raymond Zimmerman

Toby Weinman Palchik

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SS St. Louis Passengers Honored as Major Donors Return This year’s Welcome Back reception on December 14 included some very special guests, as it also honored 34 surviving passengers of the steamship St. Louis on the 70th anniversary of its watershed voyage. The St. Louis carried more than 900 Jewish refugees seeking safe haven from the growing persecution in Europe. Turned away from the port of Miami, it became a “ship of destiny,” carrying the fate of millions with a clear message that Jews were expendable.

FROM OUR CAMPAIGN CHAIR: L-R: Robert Krakow, Herbert Karliner, Howard Kaye, Rani Garfinkle.

“The presence and courage of these heroes inspires and fortifies us immeasurably in our work to raise urgently needed resources,” greeted Ellen R. Sarnoff, Campaign Chair. The guests then joined 400 local residents, including many Holocaust survivors, for a commemoration ceremony in Zinman Hall. Herbert Karliner, 83, added the last of 34 signatures to an original copy of the historic U.S. Resolution 111, passed unanimously to acknowledge the U.S. role in the tragedy. A special assistant to Governor Crist accepted the copy for the Museum of Florida History in Tallahassee. The program’s distinguished speakers included Rosemary Schindler, Dr. Irving Smokler, JDC President; and Paul Hirschson, Deputy Consul General from Israel. Further ensuring that the St. Louis memories are honored and lessons never forgotten, the audience also viewed The False Witness, Robert Krakow’s dramatization of a “trial” of Adolf Hitler.

L-R: M.L. Bedowitz, Phyllis Rosenstock, Yetta Bregman

L-R: Amy & David Ross, Phyllis & Harvey Sandler, Gary & Robin Rubin

As our 2009-10 campaign season moves into its final stages, I extend my deepest thanks to all of our Federation’s caring and very generous supporters! It has been an honor to serve as your Campaign Chair for the past three years. Together, during this most challenging economic period, we have saved lives every day - here, in Israel and around the world. Now, as we look ahead, we must develop new fundraising concepts and methods that keep pace with our changing times and demographics. And we will help more in our community turn their passions into endowed gifts to ensure a brighter future in which no one stands alone. As I move on to my new position overseeing our campaign and foundation as Financial Resource Development (FRD) Chair, please join me in welcoming our new Campaign Chair Joe Mishkin. I know Joe’s leadership will tap our community’s potential for growth, increase the number of donors and engage the next generation. Ellen R. Sarnoff, 2010-11 Financial Resource Development Chair

The moving event was made possible through contributions from Rani H. Garfinkle, in loving memory of her beloved husband Sandor Garfinkle; and by and Pamela & Howard Kaye and The National Foundation for Jewish Continuity, Inc.

Top Leaders & Donors Sparkle at Ocean of Thanks Reception With a breathtaking view of the sea at One Thousand Ocean in Boca Raton, top donors and Federation & campaign leaders gathered for an Ocean of Thanks Reception on April 20. The Federation stars sparkled along with the Atlantic as they toasted the season’s successes and their shared dedication, and enjoyed a lovely evening with friends and peers.

L-R: Ellen Sarnoff, Eleanor Epstein

Louise and David Galpern

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ion of Judah utreach O L with Exotic Jewish Journey a Roaring Success

The cause, the story, the ambiance and the sisterhood came together on December 9 to make the season’s Lion of Judah Outreach a roaring success. Featured speaker Sadia Shepard’s search that led from her Protestant and Muslim parents to finding and documenting her Jewish maternal grandmother’s Bene Israel roots in Bombay, India enthralled 250 women in morning and afternoon sessions. Indian themed décor and aromas transformed the room at the Wyndham Hotel in Boca Raton. Meryl Gallatin, Women’s Campaign Chair, delivered a powerful, inspiring message, and ten women became new Lions. Dale Pratt and Judi Schuman cochaired the day, and Lion Vice Chairs Emily Grabelsky and Barbara Werner spearheaded the recruitment with all the Community Lion Chairs.



11:15 AM

Page 1

L-R: Dale Pratt, Luncheon Co-chair; Meryl Gallatin, Women’s Campaign Chair; Sadia Shepard, speaker; Judi Schuman, Co-chair

New Lions Deborah Newman, Stephanie Owitz, and Suzanne Block with Dale Pratt and Judi Schuman

L-R: Barbara Werner; Emily Grabelsky; Sponsors Jan Savarick, Eva Zeff, Linda Melcer

L-R: Gail Greenspoon; Sponsor Linda Behmoiras; Elyssa Kupferberg; Susan Rahn

Marta I. Rendon, M.D. and Chere R. Lucas, M.D. proud sponsors of the Jewish Federation

L-R: Eileen Seskin; Anne Jacobson, Women’s Philanthropy Chair; Madeline Seeman

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Crown of Judah

Dershowitz Captivates at Crown of Judah Luncheon

A lush garden setting, an elegant luncheon, an incomparable speaker and the overwhelming spirit of giving came together on a beautiful day to make what was sure to be a great event for the Federation’s most philanthropic women an exceptional one. Featuring keynote speaker Alan Dershowitz, the inaugural Crown of Judah luncheon for women brought a capacity group of 110 women to the lovely home of Lisa Mintz on January 28. “We could not be more grateful to the committed, visionary women at this event,” said Wendy Pressner, Women’s Vice Chair of Major Gifts, who organized the initiative with Mintz and their enthusiastic committee.” Together, your annual contributions of $10,000 or higher represent $1.6 million in Federation gifts. We also deeply thank Lisa and Robert Mintz for not only opening up their home, but also underwriting the cost of the meals and decor.” Alan Dershowitz, a most distinguished Harvard Law professor, appellate lawyer, defender of individual liberties and Jewish causes, author and media personality, was a riveting keynote speaker who lived up to his reputation as America’s most public Jewish defender and Israel’s lead attorney in the court of public opinion. He implored that Israel should never be a wedge for the Jewish community, “We must support Israel regardless of our political affiliation, and have American Jewish leaders on both sides of the aisle advocating for the Jewish state.”

L-R: Lisa Mintz, event Chair and hostess; Wendy Pressner, Women’s Major Gifts Vice Chair; Norma Kipnis Wilson; Alan Dershowitz, speaker; Carolyn Cohen

L-R: Anne Jacobson, Women’s Philanthropy Chair; Marleen Forkas

Lisa & Robert Mintz with speaker Alan Dershowitz

L-R: Sylvia Fried, Nancy Rottner Grant

Attending with his wife Carolyn Cohen, a sister Lion, Dershowitz also explained, “We increased our federation support this year because this is the response all of us must make in these difficult times.” The event inspired a number of guests to increase their gifts to new Lion levels, including four Rubies ($10,000), two Emeralds, ($25,000), one Zahav ($50,000) and one Cognac ($75,000).

L-R: Charlotte Joskow; Barbara Levy; Kinnie Gorelick; Eva Zeff, Oppenheimer; Lenore Tagerman

L-R: (front) Diane Feldman; M.L. Bedowitz; Yetta Bregman; (back) Meryl Gallatin, Women’s Campaign Chair

L-R: Clarice Pressner, Crown of Judah founder and honoree, with family

L-R: Jan Savarick, Boca Raton Community Hospital Foundation, Phyllis Sandler

“Professional volunteer” Clarice Pressner, who founded the Crown of Judah Division 20 years ago, was honored at the luncheon for her years of dedication and generous support. Her daughter-in-law Wendy Pressner (made a Lion by Clarice eight years ago) presented the award in a deeply moving and inspiring ceremony.


Women's Passover Cooking Demonstration at Bloomingdale's

L-R: Wendi Lipsich, Kathy Green, Rebecca Appelbaum

Chef Lauren Bakst

L-R: Lois Tonkin; Cindy Chieffo, Julie Cohen, Marcia Beckerman and mom, Shirley Solomon

L-R: Yael Charlap, Hannah Henschel, Cindy Nimhauser, Aviva Reich Bierly, Rosa Golish

Once again, the aromas of Passover arrived a little early as more than 100 women of all ages, including many motherdaughter pairs, enjoyed learning and tasting how to spice up their Passover tables. At Bloomingdale’s Boca Raton on March 23, Chef Lauren Bakst of South Africa gained rave reviews as the next “Kosher Rachel Ray”. The enthusiastic guests also heard Rebecca Appelbaum and Kathy Green express their passion for the Federation’s many opportunities to help the Jewish community. “Even as women’s lives have changed with the times, making Passover a holiday our families to anticipate with joy, building wonderful memories and passing on traditions are still vitally important to us,” said Julie Cohen, who co-chaired the event with Robin Friedman. “So for a third year we offered an evening to excite our senses and re-energize us for our Passover preparations.” In addition to generously hosting the evening amid their fresh spring table displays, Bloomingdale’s Boca Raton donated 10% of tracked sales from the event to the Federation. The evening was second in this season’s “Spirit & Spice” outreach series for women. For more information about the Federation’s women’s opportunities, contact or 561-852-6090.

L-R: Chef Lauren Bakst; Julie Cohen & Robin Friedman, Spirit & Spice Co-chairs; Kelli Ann Bloechinger, Bloomingdale’s

L-R: Women’s Philanthropy Officers Marlene Silver, Barbara Werner, Emily Grabelsky, Meryl Gallatin, and Susan Rahn

MARKED BY HONOR AND CELEBRATION The nearly 100 women at the Women’s Philanthropy Board Installation Celebration on April 22 were clearly united and deeply moved by their shared values, history and work together. Their compassion, generosity, sisterhood and success and rededication suffused Zinman Hall as they celebrated, welcomed and honored their own at the spring themed brunch chaired by Kinnie Gorelick and Ellen Flank. Their year’s successes kept women at the forefront of our Federation’s philanthropy, raising $7.6 million from 3,652 donors to date. Honorees L-R: Anne Jacobson, Outgoing Women’s Philanthropy Chair; Kinnie Gorelick & Ellen Flank, Installation Co-chairs; included Anne Jacobson, on completing three extraordinary years as Marlene Silver, Outgoing Officer Women’s Philanthropy Chair. Meryl Gallatin, Women’s Philanthropy Chair will now lead the board into 2010-11. Oppenheimer and Boca Raton Community Hospital were recognized for their generous support of the Dorothy Seaman Women’s Philanthropy Department. Meryl Gallatin, incoming Women’s Philanthropy Chair

2010-2011 Women’s Philanthropy Officers Meryl Gallatin, Chair

Kathy Green, Vice Chair, Community Development

Emily Grabelsky, Chair, Campaign

Louise Galpern & Gail Greenspoon,

Wendy Pressner, Vice Chair, Major Gifts

Vice Chairs, Lion of Judah Endowment

Susan Rahn & Barbara Werner, Vice Chairs, Lion of Judah

Jill Deutch, Secretary

Rebecca Appelbaum, Vice Chair, Pomegranate

Phyllis Seresky, Officer at Large

Jill Rose, Vice Chair, Education


Emily Grabelsky, incoming Women’s Philanthropy Campaign Chair

Women’s Philanthropy Past Presidents led the Motzi. L-R: Margie Baer, Ellen Sarnoff, Margaret Kottler, Dotti Seaman, Leona Brauser, Dottie Lipson, Roxane Lipton

Ellen R. Sarnoff is the 2010 South Palm Beach County Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award recipient

Susan Rahn received the 2010 Dorothy Seaman Leadership Award

Lion of Judah

PRIDE RISES AS Attorney Gloria Allred Roars at Lion of Judah Luncheon

Filled with passion, pride, power and purpose, the most awaited annual event in local Jewish women’s philanthropy was another roaring success. Nearly 400 of the Federation’s most generous women gathered at the Polo Club in Boca Raton on February 11 for the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s annual Lion of Judah Luncheon. They may not have braved the snowstorms holding much of the country in gridlock, but they courageously answered the call of rising essential needs. “We never know how high we are/Till we are called to rise;/And then, if we are true to plan,/Our statures touch the skies.” From the moment Luncheon Co-chair Jill Deutch began with these words from Emily Dickinson, the Lions kept rising. They learned through multimedia presentations and directly from beneficiaries how the Lions’ generosity sustains lives, gives brighter futures, and preserves dignity, faith and heritage for thousands of vulnerable Jews, locally, in Israel and in 71 countries worldwide. And they learned how much more their help is needed this year. They also took powerful inspiration from Lions Florence Brody and Marianne Lerner who, on learning of Hesed welfare cuts to 80,000 Jewish and children in the Former Soviet Union, made extremely generous one-time gifts so that thousands would not go hungry.

L-R: Meryl Gallatin, Women’s Campaign Chair; Sponsors Dr. Marta Rendon, Linda Behmoiras, Susan Sandelman; Alison Schreier; Anne Jacobson, Women’s Philanthropy Chair

L-R: Ellen Flank, Broken Sound Lion Chair with new Lion Rita Wahl

L-R: Pam Kaye, Debra Halperin

L-R: Suzanne Block, being pinned as a new Lion by her mother Mildred Lidov

“Women are the strength of the world, the foundation of our families,” implored Luncheon Co-chair Janet Sherr. “Our community is depending on our Lions’ strength to help our neighbors and our larger Jewish family. We must rise higher to make certain our fellow Jews do not go without life’s basic essentials of food and shelter.” And rise they did. A third of the women at the luncheon increased their gifts or made one-time supplemental contributions. The Lions also welcomed 24 new members of their sisterhood, a number that later rose to 35 for a total of nearly 800. The snows did bring a slight change to the luncheon program, as Gloria Allred, a prominent attorney and television legal analyst, flew in when former White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers was unable to leave Washington, DC. The Lions repeatedly cheered Allred, whose legal work over three decades has been integral in combating injustices and winning new rights for women and minorities. In addition to Marleen Forkas, the luncheon was sponsored by Marta I. Rendon, MD/The Dermatology & Aesthetic Center, the Sandelman Foundation, and IVAN & Co. Fine Jewelry. The Boca Raton Observer was Exclusive Media Sponsor. For more information about the Lions of Judah in South Palm Beach County, contact Jill Hagler at or 561-852-5015. L-R: Luncheon Co-chair Janet Sherr; Barbara Werner; speaker Gloria Allred; speaker underwriter Marleen Forkas; Emily Grabelsky; Co-chair Jill Deutch

L-R: New Lion Gil Ingram with Dr. Marta Rendon

L-R: Meryl Gallatin with new Ruby Lion Bunny Kendall

Marleen Forkas Chair of Contemporary Jewish Issues Established Ensuring that the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County will continue to provide its most loyal and committed women donors with only the highest caliber, cutting edge speakers, Marleen Forkas has become the first to endow a Chair that will generously underwrite the cost of the annual Lion Luncheon keynote presenters in perpetuity. But Marleen has long been a woman of “firsts.” The first woman to graduate from the Fashion Institute of Technology’s management engineering division, she has been well-recognized for her 40-year career as a fashion designer and beading and embroidery manufacturer. In 2005, Marleen and her late beloved husband of 25 years, Harold, named and funded Florida Atlantic University’s first-ever alumni center. Marleen’s other charitable involvements include Boca Ballet, Boca Raton Community Hospital and Foundation, Jewish Women’s Foundation of South Palm Beach County, Debbie-Rand Memorial Service League, Boca Raton Museum of Art, George Snow Scholarship Fund, 211 Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Horses and the Handicapped, Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education at FAU, and B’nai Torah Congregation.



“Everything You Wanted to Know about Finances but Were Afraid to Ask”

financial summit

A special Financial Summit drew fifty women from throughout the Jewish community to the Federation on March 10. They learned about financial trends and explored their individual interests. Carol A Peyser and other top level Oppenheimer & Co. advisors presented workshops on traditional and alternative investments, the “emotional reality of the market,” pre and post nuptial agreements, and strengthening family dynamics with foundations. Linda Melcer, Sr. Director of Investments at Oppenheimer, and Summit co-chairs Louise Galpern and Gail Greenspoon, brought together the most valuable day.

L - R: Beverly Shapiro and Margie Baer

L - R: Eva Zeff & Ed Ventrice, Oppenheimer; Louise Galpern, event co-chair; Noah Rubin, Oppenheimer; Gail Greenspoon, co-chair; Linda Melcer, Oppenheimer

L - R: Barbara Levy, Anne Jacobson, L - R: Sandy Dickerman, Connie Suzanne Jacobson Monte, Shirley Solomon

L - R: Emily Grabelsky, Cindy Nimhauser, Elyssa Kupferberg, Wendi Lipsich, Dr. Gail Greenspoon Helen Heiman

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Community Medicine. Redef ined.

FEDERATION MEN PLAY BOCA RIO & HELP THE COMMUNITY AT 2ND GOLF CLASSIC On January 25th, Federation’s men once again enjoyed the most exclusive local golf experience while helping meet vital community need, at the 2nd Invitational Men’s Golf Classic at Boca Rio Golf Club. They enjoyed an extraordinary day on the lush, serene course, as well as the contemporary elegance of the clubhouse for a barbeque lunch and awards dinner. “Once again, we proved that Boca Rio is the perfect setting to bring together our longtime and new male donors – men of all ages who truly care about others as well as about great golfing,” said Michael Lipton, who again co-chaired the event with Alan Cornell and Joseph Mishkin.

L-R: Michael Lipton, Alan Cornell, Joe Mishkin, Golf Event Co-chairs

Ronald A. & Evie Krancer were the generous Presenting Sponsor for the second year. Their names and those of Low Net Winners Jay Felner, Steve Landsman and Daniel Weiss; and Low Gross Winners, Mort Handel, Joe Mishkin, Sam Sidewater and Barry Sylvetsky, will be engraved on the Steve Bedowitz Memorial Trophy, sponsored by Ron & Meryl Gallatin. Vic Weinstein and Mitch Pollack won nearest to the pin awards. Greenspoon Marder P.A. sponsored towels, 1000 Ocean sponsored Golf Balls, and The Boca Raton Observer was the Exclusive Media Sponsor.

L-R: Presenting Sponsor Ron Krancer; Alan Cornell

L-R: David Polen; Ron Gallatin, Trophy Sponsor; Ivan Geffen


Private Wealth ServiceS Tax and Accounting Service for

Individuals and Closely Held Entities | Estate, Trust, Gift and Charitable | Eldercare L-R: Robert Klein (z”l); Joseph Sitrick; Jamie Telchin, 1000 Ocean/ Golf Ball Sponsor; Edwin Early

L-R: Low Gross Winners Joe Mishkin, Sam Sidewater, Barry Sylvetsky, and Mort Handel with the Steve Bedowitz Memorial Trophy -

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L-R: Gary Rubin, Rich Bane, David Ross, Harvey Sandler

L-R: Neil Meisel; Larry Blair, Greenspoon Marder/Towel Sponsor; Don Bluestein; Robert Maron


Men’s Sports Night Out St. Andrews/Metro Sports Night Hits a Home Run When 200 men of all ages tailgated at St. Andrews Country Club on February 22, they heard from sports broadcaster Roy Firestone and Nets team owner Lewis Katz, and mingled with Josh Miller and other stars and franchise owners. Chaired by Herb Kane, Glenn Schwartzman and Craig Zeuner, Federation’s groundbreaking Men’s Sports Night Out also featured a live auction with Jay Feely, a sports memorabilia display and “game day” food and drinks, as it raised needed funds to support the annual campaign.

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L-R: Billy Herbstman, Ron Hoffner, Herb Kane, Barry Glassman

L-R: Bryan Drowos, Dan Levine, Larry Blair, Glen Alex Ende

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Danielle Hartman is New President & CEO of Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Danielle Hartman has joined RRJFS as President & CEO, after serving the Federation most recently as Vice President, Governance and Planning, and previously as Director of Board Management and Special Projects.

Stuart Silver Named to Direct Planning & Allocations & JCRC Stuart Silver has joined the Federation’s professional staff as Senior Director of Planning & Allocations/ Community Relations, with additional responsibilities in Financial Resource Development (FRD). For many years a practicing attorney, Stuart has extensive volunteer experience as a Federation lay leader both in Philadelphia and here in South Palm Beach County.

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Kelley Whiter Now Senior Director of Donor Development and Governance Kelley Whiter is now Senior Director of Donor Development and Governance, adding board governance and leadership development to her campaign responsibilities. She has also retained her role in managing the Federation’s government affairs activities.




Thirty years ago, a group of caring, involved individuals came together to address the increasing needs of South Palm Beach County’s rapidly growing Jewish population. Recognizing this community’s great potential as well as its needs, these pioneers created our Federation. Since then, continued vision, strong leadership and remarkable generosity have taken us from a storefront office with a part-time employee to a vibrant Federation on a 100-acre campus serving a community of more than 131,000 Jews of all ages. Our Federation continues to respond to unparalleled financial challenges, with resilience, ingenuity and three decades of collective strength and wisdom. The most difficult economic environment in over seventy years continues to impact fundraising, as humanitarian needs further increase around the world. In addition, the needs of our growing populations of elderly residents and children continue to rise. With steps both bold and subtle, our Federation has responded by streamlining our operations, rallying the community, and optimizing our resources for maximum impact on behalf of those who must depend on us. Together, we stand strong to ensure that no member of our Jewish family, locally, in Israel or around the world, ever has to stand alone.

contents: i2: Local Agency Updates i4: Seniors & Special Needs i5: Israel & Overseas/Partnership 2000 i6: Jewish Education Commission i8: Jewish Community Relations Council i9: United We Serve/ Life & Learning Center

Proud to have earned the highest, four-star rating for effectiveness and efficiency from Charity Navigator.


Local Agency Updates DKJA: Rising to Economic Challenges with Commitment to Tikkun Olam Donna Klein Jewish Academy prides itself on instilling the philosophy of tikkun olam (repairing the world) into everyday life. A commitment to providing every Jewish child the opportunity to have an education rich in Torah values has been infused into DKJA’s culture since its inception 30 years ago. This year, the school’s requests for need-based tuition assistance have increased, and financial assistance to students has exceeded $2.7 million. Through DKJA’s strength (KOACH), every effort possible has been made to achieve its goals of continuing its Mission: “To educate our children and the greater DKJA community to be knowledgeable and responsible citizens of the world, committed to Jewish values and lifelong learning.” Additionally, local organizations reached out to DKJA’s Community Service Department for assistance, having been impacted by the economic situation. Requests for donations such as non-perishable and canned foods have increased, and DKJA has accommodated the community to help meet these requests. Students and faculty live by the Core Values of which DKJA are so proud: Respect; Good Character; Excellence in Teaching and Learning; Jewish Values/ Identity; Nurturing Environment.

RRJFS Responds to Continually Increasing Needs among Most Vulnerable Needs for the most vulnerable in South Palm Beach County continue to grow, and Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service is doing its part to help as many people as possible. RRJFS continues to receive increased requests for food from the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry and always welcomes donations of both non-perishable goods and financial support. They hold multiple food drives which are vital to help off-set the cost of food and are currently working on ways to further reduce food costs. Café Europa drew more than 500 Holocaust Survivors in December. This program offers a welcoming venue for socialization, entertainment and support as well as a chance to reconnect with friends. This is also an opportunity for RRJFS to ensure that referrals are made to their Holocaust Assistance Program for any mental health, in home services or other identified needs. Sponsorship opportunities are available, and would allow Ruth Rales to expand the program. The Welcome Home drop-in Center is a socialization, empowerment and pre-vocational program for participants living with a chronic mental illness. This RRJFS program runs four days a week, teaching individuals to make decisions, access resources, and achieve objectives that will enable each of them to be successful in their living situation. RRJFS is currently looking for additional funding to increase services for this program to five days a week. For more information on any of the programs and services provided by Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service or to find out about additional donor opportunities, please contact President & CEO Danielle N. Hartman at 561-852-3343.


JARC Flourishes with New Campus, Training Projects, Garden and More In this past year, JARC opened the doors to the Rales Campus, located in West Boca Raton. Specifically designed to meet the needs of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the four group homes on the Rales campus will provide 32 adults who have intellectual and developmental disabilities a great place to call home. Program participants at the Mel and Edith Clayman Training and Resource Center have been welcoming new projects for the outsourcing center, completing projects for businesses such as Congregation B’nai Israel, Army Navy Outdoors, Wrap Ole and more. Residential and vocational program participants suggested, planned and participated in JARC’s first bowling fundraiser. With over 200 in attendance, it was a great success. JARC’s Community Education Series has provided the area with a forum to gain knowledge of services available for persons with a disability, as well as a vehicle for families to share their common interests. The JARC community garden continues to flourish. The benefits of horticultural therapy for persons with a disability are immeasurable.

Levis JCC Programs Enrich Life for All Ages, Abilities For more than 25 years, the Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center has been a cornerstone of our Jewish community. People come for a variety of programs and services -- bringing a child to preschool or camp, exercising in the fitness center, listening to a concert or viewing an art exhibit, enjoying a workshop or dropping off a loved one with special needs for a social event, and much more. The JCC donors’ support made it possible to impact hundreds of lives in different ways. The Levis JCC Copanos KidFit Fitness & Play Center features a 20-foot rock climbing wall, Wii Fit and Wii Sports games, and Exerdance, kids have so much fun, they don’t even know they are exercising. This year, scholarships helped many families sending their children to the Levis JCC Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center to be enriched with a love for learning and Judaism. Camp, often a luxury in tough economic times, is a reality for many families thanks to financial assistance and scholarships. The Levis JCC Special Needs Department’s Camp Kavod (summer camp) has evolved to a year-round program. Also new, is the innovative Fit & Fun Sports Program, which teaches participants in grades K-12 to play soccer, basketball, baseball, circuit training and more. Our Levis JCC Sandler Center offers stimulating programs for adults of all ages. Through the generosity of many supporters, the Cultural Arts department provides numerous opportunities for this community to enjoy talent from artists, musicians, actors and authors.

Local Agency Updates Hillel Day School Facility Grows Rapidly with Enrollment

Weinberg and Gould Houses: Affordable Senior Housing on Federation Campus

Students at Hillel Day School of Boca Raton have participated in a variety of community service programs throughout the 2009-10 school year. 5th graders learned the importance of recycling hands-on with the Waste Management Authority. The Annual Pesach Food Drive for Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry was just one way students engaged in the mitzvah of community service to help those in need. 8th graders visited a local soup kitchen to help. The Upper School’s KAR’E (Kindness Always, Respect and Responsibility Everywhere) Program instills values of midot through a series of ongoing programs and curricula.

The Harry & Jeanette Weinberg and Shirley H. Gould Houses celebrated their annual Model Seder on March 24. More than 100 residents attended along with representatives of the Jewish Federation and Ruth Rales Jewish Family Services. Dr. Dahav and students from Donna Klein Jewish Academy led the services. The Federation has partnered with HUD to establish these two affordable apartment facilities on campus, offering 206 units with balconies in a garden setting for the community’s low-income elderly and/or mobility impaired. Through partnerships with the Federation’s beneficiary agencies, residents have access to a wide range of health management, socialization, recreation, immigration and English classes, intergenerational activities; computer and internet training, volunteer opportunities, meals and transportation. Due to the shortage of Hillel Day School’s burgeoning enrollment and programs have necessitated an ambitious expansion of facilities. Phase I, a 17,000 square-foot gym, was recently affordable housing and the demographics, there is an extensive waiting list. completed. Phase II, a 26,000 square-foot classroom building for a middle school population that has doubled over only a few years, will begin construction this The Kosher Konnection: Lunch, Transportation, Socialization for spring. Committed to accommodating community needs, Hillel provides Seniors at No Cost approximately $1,000,000 in scholarship assistance to families in need. The new Kosher Konnection at Temple Anshei Shalom in Delray Beach is operated by the Volen Center, which had offered the program at the Federation’s Weinberg Center until its closing last July. More than 400 kosher meals are served each week. Kosher Konnection, one of seven public senior dining sites operated by the Volen Center, offers seniors 60 and older a free hot meal funded through the Older Americans Act. Staff and volunteers welcome seniors daily, providing nutrition education, opportunities to socialize and frequent activities. The Volen Center also provides no-cost transportation to and from the dining sites on the Volen Community Coach.

WYHS Is Moving To Federation Campus 41, 65, 99, 122, 148, 153, 173, 185, 199, 211, to the present student body of 243. There’s clearly a pattern here! Weinbaum Yeshiva High School (WYHS) is growing rapidly. And each of the next three freshman classes will be 15-30 students larger than the graduating class it is replacing, G-d willing, bringing the school to about 300 students. Though proud of keeping the physical plant overhead low in difficult times by operating at a synagogue, the present location limits the number of students. As the cost of construction has plummeted, a window of opportunity has opened in the nick of time. WYHS leadership is working with an architect and builder focused on affordability, practicality and alacrity. They are redesigning their plans for the Federation campus move to accommodate a student body growing even faster than anticipated, and invite the community to help make this dream a reality. For more information, visit

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The Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer and Adult Day Care Center In July 2009, the Volen Center undertook management of the Adolph & Rose Levis Alzheimer and Adult Day Care Center in the state of the art facility the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County campus. The Levis Center is committed to ensuring that every senior enjoys the highest possible quality of life with the highest quality of care. It provides kosher dining, in-facility respite, and extensive caregiver support. Programming focuses on physical and mental stimulation and, most important, peer socialization. The staff of highly trained professionals ensures that every participant enjoys a safe, warm, friendly environment.

Boca Raton Teens Take Awards at BBYO International Convention More than a foot of snow could not stop the 36 local teen leaders – the largest group ever from Gold Coast Region - from joining 750 of the world’s leading Jewish communal thinkers, all 18 years of age or younger, from gathering in Dallas on Feb. 11-15. The event was BBYO’s largest International Convention (IC) in its 85 years. Since 1924, ICs have been setting the next year’s strategies for strengthening BBYO as a youth-led movement and connecting teens to the Jewish community at large. Several international awards recognized teen leaders. Alyssa Baron of Boca Raton received The Silver Star of Deborah Award for outstanding individual leadership, and the 85/65 Award for outstanding dedication and commitment to the international orders of the Aleph Zadik Aleph and B’nai Brith Girls. Josh Lieberman of Boca Raton received The Tree of Life Award for continued recruitment efforts. For more information, visit

L-R: Drew Stroc hak & Alyssa Baron, BBYO leaders from Bo ca Raton i3

Seniors & Special Needs Updates Federation Senior Services Study Leads to New Programs As part of its longstanding commitment to addressing the needs of South Palm Beach County seniors, last year the Federation undertook research for and published an extensive Senior Services Study to document unmet needs and recommend ways to fill critical gaps. As a result, several new programs are already underway: The Honoring Life project (Cultural Competency Training for Working with Survivors of the Holocaust) has trained a cadre of trainers and outreach is underway with facilities and agencies whose staff work with survivors. A training manual is also being developed. More information is available at The Federation has convened a 25-member Senior Services Coordinating Committee for South Palm Beach County including lay leaders, high level representatives from area service providers including beneficiary agencies, and seniors. Through the Federation, Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service has embarked on a Chaplaincy Program to expand coverage for unaffiliated Jewish patients. Through a variety of outreach efforts to local active and retired rabbis, the current needs at all three area hospitals have been met. During the last quarter, the program provided spiritual services to 2,356 people through hospital and nursing home visitation as well as Shabbat services. Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service also received a grant from the Federation to launch NeighborFirst, a dynamic new program for older adults living in 55+ residential communities. This volunteerbased program designed for as well as provided by residents, offers support services to allow older seniors to remain independent in their own homes. Services may include “sunshine telephone calls,� friendly visitors, rides to medical appointments and respite care. The Senior Services Study is available in print and at For more information, contact Senior Planner Janice Friebaum at or 561-852-6022.


Special Needs Department Builds Capacity as It Serves Community The Department of Community Special Needs Services at the Jewish Federation of SPBC continues its mission of supporting existing community resources, and collaborating with families, agencies, congregations, and schools to obtain and enhance services for children and adults with disabilities. Led by Dr. Michelle LaRocque, the department is actively seeking resources to provide training and resources to assist families in securing services and materials for their loved ones with special needs. These efforts have included submitting a Federal Earmark funding request to Congress, as well as grant applications to support area schools and supported employment for adults with disabilities. The area’s first ever special needs Shabbat had moving speakers at eight local synagogues, where they were met with heartfelt warmth and appreciation. The first annual Special Needs Family Day provided workshops, children's activities, and a resource fair to well over 100 participants. A special thank you goes to JARC for providing the venue, the logistical support and delicious Kosher food; and to the Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center for hosting the children's activities. The evaluation results received thus far have been extremely supportive, and everyone is looking forward to this becoming an annual event! For more information, contact or 561-852-3175

Seniors Celebrate Passover Thanks to Federation Communities For eighteen years, older senior clients have been celebrating the Passover spirit together at the rabbi-led Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Communal Model Seder. On March 23, they again dressed in their best and waited, many in wheelchairs or with walkers or aides, for Federation transportation to take them to this very special event. But this year's model seder was in question until Federation leaders from Boca West stepped up to raise $12,500 within their community. And Addison Reserve leaders raised $10,000 to once again supply a week of Passover food and gift cards for the guests, all clients of RRJFS programs.

Israel & Overseas/Partnership 2000 IOC ISRAEL AND OVERSEAS

Partnership 2000 P2K

Fighting hunger, poverty and anti-Semitism, aiding rescue and resettlement, and victims of terror; establishing new lives in Israel and revitalizing Jewish communities – from the outset, our Federation has been committed to responding to critical needs around the world. Now, amid continuing worldwide economic turbulence and pervasive financial stress, our overseas partner agencies have experienced financial shortfalls amid far greater needs.

Since 2002, the Federation’s Partnership 2000 (P2K) has been forging friendships across 6,500 miles with Israeli Sister City Kiryat Bialik. Chaired by Ann Kelman and Yossi Ende, this “Living Bridge” continues to enrich and strengthen participants and the two communities on both sides of the globe. Current exchanges and projects include Women to Women, MATI Economic Development, middle school teachers & their students, and Jewish Roots (high school students).

Rani Garfinkle and Betty Kane have led the Federation’s Israel and Overseas Committee (IOC) through a year in which our community responded by reaffirming its global responsibilities with a strong Israel at its center. The IOC addressed new challenges with a transformative funding model to direct resources for maximum benefit to those most harshly affected, continuing core unrestricted funding while also earmarking dollars for programs of particular importance to the local community. In the IOC’s highest priority funding areas of Basic Human Needs, Populations at Risk, Jewish Identity Building and Renewal, and Building Connections through Peoplehood, the Federation’s support is directed to programs and services including: Jewish Identity Summer Camps in the Former Soviet Union, introducing youngsters to their Jewish identity and heritage for the first time, in an Israel-centered experience. MASA Israel Journey, addressing global assimilation and young Jewish adults’ deteriorating connection to their heritage and to Israel, through long-term Israel experiences. Ben Yakir Youth Aliyah Village, offering salvation and intervention for teens from dysfunctional families and weak socioeconomic conditions, including many immigrants. NATIV Immigrant Soldier Identity Program, offering comprehensive educational services that develops soldiers’ connection with Israel and Jewish cultural heritage.

When P2K funding was significantly reduced to allow for emergency needs in Israel and the Soviet Union, the spirit and commitment surged in both communities to carry the programs forward. Gadi Shilo, program co-chair in Kiryat Bialik wrote, “As we mark seven years of partnership between our communities, I am so happy to see more people joining our circles. In good times and in bad ones, we share our lives together and stand by each other.” Sisterhood across 6,500 Miles Strengthens Women, Communities The bonds of sisterhood with Federation’s Israeli Sister City Kiryat Bialik, just got even stronger as five local women and six Israelis came together in Boca Raton for the first leg of this year’s Women to Women P2K Exchange. They enjoyed meals and museums, Purim, Shabbat and shopping together, and planned a service project. After continuing to “meet” online, in October the Florida contingent of Rebecca Appelbaum, Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman, Monica Goldstein, Melissa Romero and Dina Schwartz, will head to Israel for the second Exchange visit. View an interactive flash video of the visit at

PACT (Parents and Children Together), addressing the top-priority need of early childhood education for Ethiopian-Israelis. Welfare Relief for Elderly and Children in Georgia School Performance and Community Empowerment helps achieve equal opportunity for Ethiopian-Israelis and enabling the community’s youth to reach their full potential. CHAMAH, providing medical and food assistance to the elderly and homebound in the Former Soviet Union.

Federation Responds to Help Earthquake Victims In Haiti and Chile When powerful earthquakes devastated areas of Haiti and Chile, the Federation reacted immediately with appeals for funds to provide urgent aid and relief for the hundreds of thousands injured or uprooted. And the community responded quickly with contributions totaling $79,000. These funds were distributed through the American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)-managed Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, which brings together the experience, expertise, and additional resources of North American Jewish organizations to assist victims of disasters on a non-sectarian basis.

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Jewish Education Commission Flags, Music, Shofars, Cheers: 1,750 from Four Day Schools March on Campus to Celebrate Israel @ 62 Through Israeli music and a sea of Israeli flags, 1,750 South Palm Beach County students and teachers from Donna Klein Jewish Academy, Hillel Day School, Torah Academy and Weinbaum Yeshiva High School rallied and marched in blue and white to celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel Independence Day on April 20. The parade route through the Jewish community was lined with Zale preschoolers; parents; residents of the JARC, Gould and Weinberg residences on campus; and Federation & agency staff. Everyone was proud and moved by what Federation President & CEO William S. Bernstein called “the most beautiful sight I can imagine on Yom HaAtzmaut, our children showing how much they and our community love Israel and are committed to her living forever.” View more photos and videos at

Florence Melton Class of 5770 Graduate 75 The Florence Melton Adult Mini School will graduate a 5770 class of 75 from its two-year comprehensive program, including special classes for early childhood educators and DKJA & Federation staff. 160 adults are enrolled in 12 weekly classes. For information about the next session starting in October, contact 561-852-6050

650 Local Teachers Learn at Professional Development Conferences The JEC works with school directors to provide hundreds of local early childhood, congregational and day school educators with conferences, workshops and other professional development opportunities, and presents two annual teacher awards at major events. Temple Beth El religious educator Eve Garvey received the 2009-10 Gerald Legow Outstanding Achievement in Jewish Education award, and the national GrinspoonSteinhardt Day School Teacher Award was presented to Rabbi Mordechai Yachnes of Torah Academy

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L-R: Garvey; M arilyn Na an, JEC Sc hool Educational Serviceschm Director

Israeli Teens Celebrate Purim, Meet Alligators with Local Peers In the latest Jewish Roots youth exchange with the Federation’s Sister City, five teens from Kiryat Bialik spent a week in South Palm Beach County bonding with their local counterparts, and touring sites of Jewish and teen interest. Among their surprises were female rabbis and cantors and women wearing kippot and tallit, “malls with no armed guards checking all our bags,” and “a far more polite driving culture than at home.” After lots of phone and internet contact, local students returned the visit during their March of the Living trip.

66 Local Residents Will Never Forget the 2010 March of the Living 43 South Palm Beach students, and 23 adults including 4 survivors, joined this year’s March of the Living experience, traveling from the depths of the concentration camps on Yom HaShoah to the joys of Yom HaAtzmaut in Israel.

Jewish Community Relations Council JCRC Convenes Local Jewish Advocacy Organizations The Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council brought together leaders from the area’s Jewish advocacy organizations on April 26 for an initial meeting to share information and exchange ideas on issues of common concern. The meeting was led by JCRC Chair Rabbi David Steinhardt, who also represents the community on the Board of the national Jewish Council of Public Affairs.

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Among the issues discussed were a review of bills pending in the Florida legislature, religion/state issues, a proposed Community Forum relating to US-Israel relations, and opportunities for community interfaith dialogue. At the table were representatives from American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, Florida Israel Chamber of Commerce and Zionist Organization of America, and Stuart Silver, Jewish Community Relations Council Director. AIPAC, B’nai Brith, FIDF, Hadassah, JNF, ORT and National Council of Jewish Women are also affiliated. After this valuable first gathering, the group plans to meet quarterly.

JCRC Hosts Government Officials At “Shrinking Resources, Escalating Needs” Annual Breakfast

College-Bound Learn to Defend Israel at 10th Annual Campus Advocacy Forum

Amid continued economic challenges, the JCRC brought elected officials together with Federation and agency executives and lay leaders on January 29, for the annual legislative breakfast send-off. JCRC Chair Rabbi David Steinhardt moderated “Shrinking Resources, Escalating Needs.”

Jewish teens raised in South Palm Beach County with its large, vibrant Jewish population have extensive educational, cultural, and social opportunities, and a high comfort level as members of what is a small minority group in most places – including the diverse college campuses that will soon be their homes.

“The economic challenges of well over a year and a half have taken a human toll and dramatically impacted federationsupported social services,” said Federation President and CEO William S. Bernstein. “As the cost of service provision rises, and government cuts are proposed, we fear that our agencies will not have the resources to meet vastly increased needs.”

That’s why, ten years ago, the Federation began hosting annual Campus Advocacy Forums to prepare college-bound students for this critical transition. Since then, the need to prepare has only become more critical. This year, more than 60 college-bound students from throughout area high schools spent the evening of March 8 at the Federation learning to define and defend against anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and anti-Israel sentiment at the 10th Annual Campus Advocacy Forum.

Congressman Ron Klein; State Senator Ted Deutch; State Representatives Ellyn Bogdanoff, Maria Sachs and Kevin Rader; and County Commissioners Burt Aaronson and Steve Abrams shared their insights after hearing from RRJFS and JARC about critical gaps in safety net services for seniors and people with disabilities, and viewing a multimedia synopsis of the Federation’s Senior Services Study. State Rep. Mack Bernard also reported on his visit to relief efforts in Haiti.

Sponsored again by the Federation’s Jewish Community Relations Council and Jewish Education Commission, and joined by the Anti-Defamation League, the interactive program led the teens through ADL’s curriculum Confronting Anti-Semitism’s real-life college scenarios, guiding them to explore effective responses.

The JCRC works throughout the year with government officials and community leaders to identify and secure government funding for the Federation and its beneficiary agencies. During the ensuing 2010 Florida Legislative Session, the JCRC waged a successful campaign to maintain $330,000 in critical funds poised for cuts. Following letters to the editor and news articles, action alerts and meetings with officials, these funds for Federation transportation services for seniors and adults living with disabilities, and for Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Holocaust Survivor Assistance remained in the budget passed by the legislature.

The students also heard from ADL’s Yael Hirschfeld and Lonnie Wilks, and Scott Brockman, Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach. The evening was chaired by Rabbi David Englander of B’nai Torah Congregation and ADL Board member Jenny Horn.

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United We Serve South Palm Beach County: Response & Spirit Exceed Expectations In an historic day for the Federation and the South Palm Beach County community, on January 18, 670 volunteers made a difference for thousands of neighbors through their hands-on services on behalf of 30 local nonprofit organizations. People of different ages, races, and religions worked alongside, planting seeds, serving food, comforting the elderly, playing with children, tending the sick, caring for animals and, without question, making this world a better place. And beyond the day’s rewarding accomplishments, United We Serve South Palm Beach County generated a contagious spirit of community, generosity and enthusiasm that could only inspire further volunteer service. “This initiative marks a new beginning for us all to integrate volunteerism into our lives,” said William S. Bernstein, Federation President and CEO. “We commend our volunteers for their interest, their compassion and their service, and look forward to sharing more hands-on days together on behalf of so many who need our help.” View more photos and video of the day, and learn more about volunteering at

Be part of something wonderful.

24 Golden Naming Opportunities Make an everlasting, positive impact on the lives of our community’s many seniors and Holocaust survivors by being part of the new 12,000-squarefoot Life & Learning Center in west Delray Beach. Help provide active adults the dignity, respect and enjoyment they deserve by naming the state-of-the-art facility or one of 23 activity, dining or therapy rooms.

They will enjoy visiting, You will be proud to be a part of it. From the open lobby flooded with natural light, to the curved therapy room, to the surround sound cinema and art studio, every detail has been thoughtfully designed with the participant in mind. The Center will be home to: • A wealth of cultural, social, recreational, and wellness programs • Computer and art classes • Mental health services including individual and group therapy • Theater and movie events • Educational seminars and workshops • Jewish learning and holiday celebrations. • Kosher food pantry and Kosher Konnection hot lunch program • Volunteer opportunities

Vibrant Kick-off Commemorates Martin Luther King, Jr. The Federation’s groundbreaking United We Serve project kicked off with a celebration and dedication of the volunteer spirit on January 17. Dignitaries ramped up the energy, and Rabbi Marc Schneier, President of The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, spoke about Shared Dreams: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Jewish Community. L-R: Rabbi Schneier, Honorary Co-chairs Denise & Jordan Zimmerman, Bill Bernstein


Leave a legacy of vitality and wellness by being part of this everlasting gift to our community. Schedule a tour and personal consultation to find out which tax-deductible naming opportunity, from $25,000 to $ 2 million, is best for you. Call Danielle Hartman at (561) 852-3343.

Community The less sure you are of the economy, the more sure you should be of your advisor.



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APRIL 2009




P.1 44





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In The Culinary World, SOUTH FLORIDA CHEFS Are Rock Stars


Life Is Sweet For Ace of Cakes’ DUFF GOLDMAN



Reservations Local Top Chef JEFF MCINNIS Chats About Cooking, Surfing And Living On The Edge


Sweet Charity

’Tis The Season To Give It All You’ve Got

It’s A Beautiful Life

Make-A-Wish Kids Share Stories Of Heartache And Renewal

Winter Wonderlands Festive Destinations Inspire Holiday Spirit NOVEMBER 2009

Brooke Benevolent

Actress Brooke Shields Chats About Family, Palm Beach And Giving Back

For more information, please contact: Elyssa Kupferberg 561 620 2222


©2010 The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation. All rights reserved. Products and services may be provided by various subsidiaries of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.

561.982.8960 23

Super Sunday Efforts Top $ 1 Million! The Call to Serve was heard loud & clear and answered resoundingly in South Palm Beach County on Super Sunday 2010, March 14. The vibrant diversity and generosity of the local Jewish community were at their best as 300 volunteers of all ages kept the phones busy and the energy high all day in Zinman Hall. Volunteers also participated in a variety of hands-on helping activities on the Federation campus. This year’s telephone calls were met with an overwhelming outpouring of community support. Local residents expressed their awareness and L-R: Super Sunday Co-chairs Debra & Larry compassion, and pledged their commitments to help the Jewish Federation Halperin and Hava & Adam Holzhauer needed of South Palm Beach County meet escalating vital needs amid continued their running shoes economic challenges. Pledges from many who had not felt able to contribute last year boosted spirits with a great sense of optimism about what the community can accomplish together.

For the Halperin/Moores and many other families, Super Sunday is always a multigenerational day to share, teach, and remember

The momentum continued and, nine days later on March 23, Super Sunday’s efforts had yielded more than $1 million – an increase of $306,095 over 2009 and $74,124 more than the 2008 total. Co-chaired by Debra & Larry Halperin and Hava & Adam Holzhauer, Super Sunday 2010 was generously sponsored by Whitsyms Nursing Registry. Jerry and Kinnie Gorelick, Super Many local establishments contributed raffle prizes for the volunteers. Sunday veterans Supporters also sponsored telephones in memory of Gloria Baker, to whom this Super Sunday was dedicated.

MEETING THE NEEDS OF LOCAL SENIORS Our Federation’s vision for the future of our campus remains clear and on track. A centerpiece of that vision is development of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) on a 20-acre parcel on our north campus. The Federation’s extensive 2009 Senior Study confirmed the need for such a facility in our community. Within South Palm Beach County, there are an estimated 8,000 age-and income-qualified Jewish senior households that reside year-round. That is impressive, given that many developers consider 2,000-3,000 qualified households a worthy number for development. Once stabilized, the CCRC may generate projected annual cash flow ranging from $2 million to $4 million within five to seven years of opening. A CCRC offers a blend of components – housing, health care, hospitality, recreation and social programming. It provides residents with the security of knowing that these services are provided by people they know and trust. It also offers seniors independence and privacy, while creating opportunities to meet new people and enjoy activities. The proposed CCRC is planned to offer a life-care benefit, to provide independent living residents with discounts on assisted living and nursing care.


Campaign Chair Ellen Sarnoff with Congressman Ron Klein, a past Super Sunday Chair at JFSPBC

Hava Holzhauer and her daughter Elizabeth made Super Sunday a family time.


A Night of Serious Comedy for Metro/Ben Gurion Donors

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s young leaders and donors proved beyond a doubt that while helping the community is serious business, celebrating their efforts can be uproarious. In their New York chic, more than 125 of them filled the New York Comedy Club in Boca Raton with the sounds of hilarity on April 22 for the 2010 Metro Division and Ben Gurion evening. The season’s biggest, boldest and most boisterous Metro event featured a VIP reception for young Ben Gurion Society donors of $1,000 or more, stand-up comedian extraordinaire Bobby Collins and flavors of NYC. Joined by South Palm Beach Metro members of the Tikkun Olam Society who contribute a minimum of $365 and young adults from the Jewish Federation of Broward County, the crowd generated exceptional camaraderie.

Nancy & Greg Gefen

David & Michele Katzman

Metro Business Co-chair Gadi Soued, Metro Division Co-chair Pam Cohen, Hal Klein, Avi Baum

Gadi Soued, Hal Klein

Bryan & Joanna Drowos and Lisa & Rob Siemens co-chaired the night to remember. For more information about getting moving with Metro, contact Jessica Roof at or 561-852-3109. The event was generously sponsored by A Plus Limousine of South Florida and the Jewish Federation of Broward County. The Boca Raton Observer was Exclusive Media Sponsor. 2010 Metro Division is generously sponsored by the Sandelman Foundation, Successories and TD Bank.

L-R: Lisa & Rob Siemens and Bryan & Joanna Drowos, event co-chairs

Guests laughed till their bellies ached at the comedic stylings of Bobby Collins

Wishing the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County success in the 2010 Annual Campaign to meet vital human needs in our community, in Israel and overseas. Broward Federation YLD Donors


rst Jeffrey Sandelman 25

Win the Lotto of Love

Singles 30’s, 40’s & 50’s

Momentum Continues Metro Business Schmooze-Days The evening chill and even some drizzle were no match for the warmth of Jewish professionals gathered again in December, January, February and April for the finest in networking. Tuesday Schmooze-Days # 3, 4, 5 and 6 kept confirming that this Metro Business “Happy Hour” series at ORBCertified Asia :: Sushi Wok & Grill in Boca Raton is the place to be seen and get known. Guests enjoyed the company, attractive venue, drinks and Asian tidbits, and heard from Bryan Drowos about how they can help their businesses as they help the community.

Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Center 21050 95th Ave South Boca Raton, Florida (Located off Glades Rd between Lyons and 441)

Cash Bar • Live DJ $20 in advance $25 at the door limited availability RSVP by June 10

Contact: Contact

Karen David 561-558-2501

Metro Business Sponsors


Metro Connects With Subway’s Larry Feldman and Jared Fogle Metro Business Professionals and Federation leaders gathered for the latest installment of this season’s Metro Business Networking Series at the Elaine Baker Gallery in Boca Raton on March 11. Amid the beautiful artwork and an elegant reception, they heard from prominent entrepreneur and philanthropist Larry Feldman, CEO of Subway Development Corporation, about business, corporate responsibility and philanthropy.

your Spirit



Sip, Swirl and Swig at a Special Year-End Celebration of the Federation Metro Networking Series.

“Our community is fortunate to have Larry, who gave us information and guidance for incorporating philanthropy into business,” said Marcy Robbins, who co-chairs Metro Business with Gadi Soued. “His success story echoed Craig Zeuner at the Metro Kickoff last fall, ‘you have to give to get’ – and it’s apparent Larry’s method yields success.”


June 10, 5:30 p.m.


Zinman Hall

Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle shared his personal journey of healthy eating with Subway that led to a 245 pound weight loss, and devotion to his foundation dedicated to eliminating childhood obesity.


$36 for the entire series

A minimum gift of $365 to the 2010/ UJA Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is required to attend

Dietary Laws Observed

SPECIAL GUEST Danny Fineman, Owner, BDM Spirits

“The room had a terrific ‘buzz’ after the speakers inspired the gallery with their real life stories,” said Dan Levine, who co-chairs the series with Rachel Rudensky. “I was also excited by the high-level networking.” “It was an honor to be able to speak to those who already understand the benefits of charity, but now also understand further how to help others to be charitable as well,” said Feldman.

Federation Campus

Kosher wine, liquor, beer tastings heavy hors d’ourves and open networking

To RSVP Visit or contact Jessica Roof at 561-852-3109 or

Metro Business is sponsored by CM Graphics and Gateway Insurance. For more information about getting moving with Metro, contact Jessica Roof at or 561-852-3109.

L-R: Jared Fogle, Larry Feldman, Congressman Ted Deutch

L-R: Marcy Robbins, Metro Business Co-Chair; Cindy Nimhauser; Pam Cohen, Metro Division Co-Chair

Women Celebrate Community at St. Andrews On February 1, for the first time, Federation’s women joined their St. Andrews sisters at their club in the spirit of community. Their shared day included a special mitzvah project to help local seniors, young adults and children, along with a sumptuous brunch, cards and Mah Jongg.

L-R: Brad Robbins, Marcy Robbins, Jason Freeman, Pam Cohen

L-R: Rachel Rudensky & Dan Levine, Event CoChairs L-R: Jared Fogle, Pam Cohen, Craig Zeuner, Larry Feldman

L-R: Event Co-chairs Amy Ross, Robin Rubin, Susan Lande, Susan Rahn, with some of the donated goods women brought to the event.

L-R: Robin Rubin, Susan Lande, Susan Rahn, Meryl Gallatin, Anne Jacobson, Phyllis Rosenstock, Betty Kane, Amy Ross


STRENGTHENING YOUR BOND WITH ISRAEL HAS NEVER BEEN MORE REWARDING. The Israel Bond-Federation Charitable Remainder Trust is an extraordinary new opportunity for those who wish to contribute to the growth and well being of Israel and our local community while enjoying new benefits never before associated with Israel Bonds, including: • Perpetual support of Israel • Perpetual support of Federation Norman & Anne Jacobson

• Income to donor(s) or their designee for life

• Present value income tax deduction

• Possible capital gains tax savings

• Estate tax reduction

CLUB 13 Federation’s Club 13 was created so that young people can participate in the important Jewish tradition of tzedakah, learn more about giving, raise money for a charity and work closely in a group with other b’nai mitzvah. Club 13 makes it easy, interesting and fun to help others— plus it comes with some pretty cool benefits for young people, including special speakers, field trips, and his or her own Club 13 Bar or Bat mitzvah web-page!

Norman and Anne Jacobson, longtime Federation donors, are the first nationwide to take advantage of this tremendous opportunity. Norman explains that he and his wife have a very strong allegiance to both Israel and to our Federation, so this gift made perfect sense. “Who knows what the next generation will be inclined to do, or will do?” asks Norman. “By investing in this kind of Bond I have peace knowing that Israel and the Jewish people will be provided for long after we are gone.” To strengthen your bond with Israel, help Jews locally and enjoy many new benefits, contact Carolyn Rose at 561-852-3142 or email or Irv Geffen at 561-852-3127 or to learn more today.

Looking to Increase Your Business? Reach the Right People at the Right Time with a Dataman Group List

Be part of a proud of like-minded club members committed to the same projects. Pretty cool, huh?

Parents and Students: For information on Club 13 visit or or contact Jillian Rosen at (561) 852-3120, or email

This Month’s Hot List: Eco-Friendly Homeowners

Dale & Ed Filhaber Proud Sponsors of our Jewish Federation (561) 451-9302


Mitzvah Society PAC Honors Mark A. Schaum, Esq., CPA The estate planning professionals of the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) came together to honor their own on March 24 at One Thousand Ocean in Boca Raton for the annual Mitzvah Society reception. Overlooking the sparking Atlantic, they toasted 2010 honoree Mark A. Schaum, Esq., CPA, and inducted Marcy W. Robbins and Glen Golish, LUTCF. This prestigious Mitzvah Society recognizes community professionals whose efforts have resulted in a client’s endowment gift to the Federation’s Jewish Community Foundation.

L-R: Marjorie Horwin, PAC Vice Chair; Elaine Bucher; Elyssa Kupferberg, Foundation Vice Chair

M. Adam Bankier, Esq., and Mindy Stein, Esq. co-chaired the reception, which was sponsored by Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust. Kaufman Lynn and One Thousand Ocean are the PAC corporate sponsors.

L-R: Mike Kaufman, Kaufman Lynn; Mark Sachs, Gibraltar Private Bank & Trust; Mark Schaum; Jamie Tolchin, One Thousand Ocean

L-R: David Katzman, PAC Chair, Mitzvah Society Cochair Mindy Stein, Esq.




2010 Mitzvah Society honoree Mark A. Schaum, Esq., CPA, has been a partner in the law firm of Winter & Schaum P.A. in Boca Raton since 1991. He is Board-Certified in Wills, Trusts and Estate Planning, as well as a Florida CPA. Among his many professional and volunteer activities, Schaum is a member of the Florida Bar Association’s Real Property and Probate Section, chairs the South Palm Beach Bar Association’s Tax Section, and has been admitted to the United States Tax Court.

L-R: Glen Golish, Mitzvah Society L-R: David Pratt, Foundation Chair; Co-chair Adam Bankier Cindy Nimhauser, Federation Chair; Mark Schaum











Jewish Community Foundation

Annual Seminar f o r p ro f e ss i o n a l s Tuesday, May 11, 2010 Woodfield Country Club Richard W. Nenno, Esq. 3640 Club Place Benefits of Domestic Asset-Protection Trusts Richard W. Nenno, Esquire, is a Managing Director and Trust Counsel in Wealth Advisory Services at Wilmington Trust Company, Wilmington, Delaware. Mr. Nenno has over three decades of

5:00 p.m.  Registration

Sponsorship Levels Gold: $2,500 (includes two tables of 10) Silver: $1,000 (includes one table of 10) Bronze: $500 (includes five tickets) Individual Couvert: $36

estate planning experience, is admitted to the practice of law in Delaware and Pennsylvania, and is a Distinguished

Co-Chairs  Matthew J. Kutcher, CFP Donald R. Tescher, Esq.

Accredited Estate Planner. Prior to joining Wilmington Trust in 1982, he was an

Continuing Education Credits available

associate in the Estates Department of the Philadelphia law firm of Ballard,

For more information, please contact Carolyn Rose, at 561.852.3142 or

Spahr, Andrews & Ingersoll.

To RSVP, visit

Matt Kutcher is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) who specializes in creating stable cash flow and prudent growth strategies for his clients. I am a proud supporter and advocate of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. If you would like to have a discussion on how to optimize your portfolio and reduce risk, please contact me at:

Matthew J Kutcher, CFP Director, Private Banking USA Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Phillips Point, 777 S. Flagler Drive Suite 1400, West Tower West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: Cell: Fax: Toll free:

561-366-4705 561-704-4648 561-366-4716 1-866-611-5278 29

Granting Wishes

Jewish Women’s Foundation 2010 Grant Awards Girls for Girls, Sapir Academic College Negev and Southern Israel – $15,000 Abuse prevention, Hamifal Educational Children’s Homes, Throughout Israel – $18,000

JWF Allocates $86,000 and Explores Barbie’s Jewish Story

Empowering Jewish Girls at Risk through Education, Israel Help and Education Center, Kiryat Gat, Israel – $15,000

Once again, the Jewish Women’s Foundation’s hands-on philanthropists celebrated their 2010 grant announcements with cutting-edge programming at the Fifth Annual Granting Wishes Reception. At Boca Rio Country Club on March 17 women of all ages filled the house to view The Tribe, a powerful and provocative short film exploration of American Jewish identity through the history of the Barbie® doll. They heard from the film’s creator Tiffany Shlain, and experienced a breathtaking performance art piece from Vanessa Hidary, “The Hebrew Mamita”.

Your Health is in your Hands: The Israel Breast Health Program, Bishvilaych Women’s Health Organization, Jerusalem – $10,000

Latin American Jewish Young Women’s Health and Leadership Initiative, Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, Rio, Buenos Aires, Cordoba and Montevideo – $20,000 Employment Program for Women with Disabilities, JARC, South Palm Beach County – $10,000 SAVVY: an innovative self defense and self actualization program for teen girls and women with special needs, Adolph & Rose Levis JCC, South Palm Beach County – $8,100.00

JWF announced $86,000 in grant awards to six organizations, to foster positive change in the lives of Jewish women and girls, locally and in Israel. Since 2009, JWF has also sponsored The Woman to Woman Rapid Response Fund to assist South Palm Beach County Jewish women and girls with one-time emergencies in our difficult economic climate. Outgoing JWF Chair Sheila Fuente invited more women to join in pooling their resources and selecting grantees, “What distinguishes JWF is how we commit our combined dollars to projects of our own choosing. Each of our 67 trustees, who contribute a minimum of $10,000 over five years, has equal input in selecting and voting on our funded projects.”

L-R: Sheila Fuente, Roxane Frechie Lipton; Ann Kelman and Marlene Silver, incoming JWF Co-chairs

The evening was chaired by Ann Kelman, who will co-chair JWF with Marlene Silver this coming year. For more information, contact Jillian Rosen at or 561-852-3120.

L-R: Ann Kelman, Granting Wishes Chair; Tiffany Shlain, Guest Speaker; Vanessa Hidary, Guest Performer; Sheila Fuente, JWF Chair; Roxane Frechie Lipton, JWF Founding Chair

Enthusiastic guests spoke with and purchased an abundance of DVDs and CDs from the vibrant young presenters

Lion of Judah Endowment Ultimate Thank You in Fashion at Neiman Marcus Boca Raton The Federation’s most generous women headed to Neiman Marcus Boca Raton on March 18th for this year’s Lion of Judah Endowment Ultimate Thank You. In addition to lunch, the women were treated to a Spring Fashion Trend Presentation on Fine Apparel - Level Two. Many thanks to Nieman’s for fêting these caring pioneers. Lion of Judah Endowment Vice Chairs Louise Galpern and Gail Greenspoon led the elegant event, which paid tribute to the women who have achieved a new level of philanthropy through their Lion of Judah Endowments this year. Having increased their legacy funds to $200,000 or more, Marleen Forkas, Anne Jacobson, Cindy Nimhauser and Pam Weinroth became our newest members of the elite national Star of David Society. In addition, nine women created new Lion of Judah Endowments: Cynthia Aronsohn, Judith David, Sarafae Dear, Debra Halperin, Olivia Shapiro, Selma Sitrick, Esther Summer, Cis 30

Teltser and Lyna Zommick. Their minimum $100,000 funds will ensure that their Lion gifts will help our community in perpetuity, through the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Our Federation continues to lead the nation, now with 223 Lion of Judah Endowments! For information, contact Jill Hagler at or 561-852-5015.

Women who have reached a new level of philanthropy: L-R: Anne Jacobson, Cindy Nimhauser, Judith David, Cynthia Aronsohn, Debra Halperin, Marleen Forkas, Pam Weinroth L-R: Gail Greenspoon, LOJE Vice Chair; Lauren Johnson, Neiman Marcus Boca Raton; Louise Galpern, LOJE Vice Chair

L-R: Beverly Shapiro, Toby Weinman Palchik and Margie Baer

2009-2010 CORPORATE SPONSORS $25,000 or more

BNY MELLON Sponsor of St. Andrews, the Gold Coast, Boca West, Boca Grove, Delaire, Bocaire, Broken Sound, Boca Woods and Polo Club Web: Contact: Elyssa Kupferberg Email: BOCA RATON OBSERVER Community Wide/Metro, Lion of Judah Outreach, Federation Men’s Golf Classic, Lion of Judah Luncheon and Ben Gurion Society Event, the exclusive media sponsor of United We Serve SPBC Web site: Contact: Linda Behmoiras Email: LXR RESORTS/ONE THOUSAND OCEAN Sponsor of Major Gifts Division and Professional Advisory Committee Division of Jewish Community Foundation Web site: Contact: Jamie Telchin Successories, Inc. Sponsor of Metro Division and Front and Center Publishing Package Web: Contact: Ted Struhl

The Dermatology & Aesthetic Center of Dr. Marta Rendon

GREENSPOON MARDER, P.A. Sponsor of St. Andrew Country Club, Polo Club and Federation Men’s Golf Classic Web: Contact: Laurence Blair Email:


PROSKAUER ROASE, LLP Sponsor of the Major Gifts Division Contact: Al Gortz Email:

KAUFMAN LYNN GENERAL CONTRACTORS Sponsor of Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) of the Jewish Community Foundation Web: Contact: Michael Kaufman Email:

CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC Sponsor of Addison Reserve Country Club, Hamlet Country Club and Professional Advisory Committee Seminar Web: Contact: Matthew Kutcher Email: MORRISON, BROWN, ARGIZ & FARRA, LLP Sponsor of St. Andrews and Boca West Web: Contact: Marjorie Horwin Email:

$10,000 or more

BOCA RATON COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Sponsor of the Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy Web: Contact: Jan Savarick Email:

OPPENHEIMER & CO, INC. Sponsor of Women’s Division – Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy Website: Contact: Linda Melcer Email:

KAPLAN, KRAUSS & LEVINE, LLC Sponsor of the Major Gifts Division, Broken Sound Country Club and Polo Club Website: Contact: Thomas Kaplan Email:

IVAN & CO. JEWELERS Sponsor of the Women’s Department Lion of Judah Luncheon Web: Contact: Jane Kurcsinka Email:

SANCTUARY MEDICAL AESTHETIC CENTER Sponsors of Gold Coast, Polo Club and Broken Sound Country Club Website: Contact: Kimberly Winkler Email:

TD BANK Sponsor of the Metro Division Web: Contact: Bryan Feuerberg Email:

SANDELMAN FOUNDATION Sponsor of the Metro Division, the Women’s Department Lion of Judah Luncheon and the Gold Coast Contact: Jeff Sandelman Email:

GATEWAY INSURANCE Sponsor of Metro Business and the Metro Division Ben Gurion Society Event Website: Contact: Michael Weinberg Email:

STEINBERG GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, LTD. Sponsor of the Major Gifts Division Web: Contact: Richard Steinberg Email:

THE DERMATOLOGY & AESTHETIC CENTER OF DR. MARTA RENDON Sponsor of the 5th Annual Dottie Lipson Education Journey and Lion of Judah Luncheon Website: Contact: Dr. Marta Rendon Email:

DATAMAN GROUP DIRECT MAIL & TELEMARKETING LISTS Sponsor of In-kind Direct Marketing Services Web: Contact: Dale Filhaber Email: ADDITIONAL SPONSORS

CM GRAPHICS Sponsor of Metro Business Contact: Chuck Medcraft Email:

ZEUNER TEAM Sponsor of Boca Pointe Web: Contact: Craig Zeuner Email: THE MATHESON GROUP MERRILL LYNCH Sponsor of the Professional Advisory Committee Kickoff Event Website: Contact: Eric Matheson Email: A PLUS LIMOUSINE OF SOUTH FLORIDA Sponsor of Metro Division Ben Gurion Society Event Website: Contact: Ron Weaver Email: BRANHAM REALTY Sponsor of Boca Woods Website: Contact: Suzanne Branham Email: CBIZ GOLDSTEIN LEWIN & CO. Sponsor of Addison Reserve & Hamlet Country Club Website: Contact: David Katzman Email: M. Adam Bankier, P.A. Sponsor of Boca West, Delaire and Bocaire Website: Contact: Adam Bankier Email: GIBRALTAR PRIVATE BANK & TRUST Sponsor of Mitzvah Society Website: Contact: Mark Sacks Email: WHITSYMS NURSING SERVICE Sponsor of Super Sunday Website: Contact: Carmen Lopez Email:


Synagogue Chai-Lights

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is proud to work in partnership with our area synagogues to care for, strengthen and enrich our Jewish community. B’nai torah congregation (c) 6261 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton 561-392-8566 • B’nai Torah, along with other local congregations, provides food and shelter to several homeless families with children. For one week every quarter, B’nai Torah hosts the families by playing, socializing and dining with them in east Boca. The families and two congregant volunteers sleep overnight there. Jewish Theological Seminary Chancellor Eisen has urged all Jews to find and pursue a “Signature Mitzvah” -- a mitzvah that we can embrace with our heart and soul. For B’nai Torah’s Family Promise Coordinator Mark Wasserman -- and for hundreds of B’nai Torah volunteers -- it is Family Promise. Says Mark, “It has been enormously satisfying to feel the outpouring of support for Family Promise. The most frequent comment I hear when a volunteer is about to head home is ‘When do we host next? Count me in.’ More than 50 B’nai Torah congregants, ranging in age from two to 82, have participated in the program to date.” Boca Raton Synagogue (O) 7900 Montoya Circle, Boca Raton 561-394-5732 • Finally a Relevant and Inspirational Outreach Seder So many Jews struggle with the traditional language and length of the Hagadah/Seder that recalls our experience in Egypt. As a result, those who attend a traditional Seder often struggle to find the meaning and relevance of the entire ritual. While Jews everywhere lifted up the four cups of wine and commemorated their transformation from slaves into a free nation, at Boca Raton Synagogue, it was not only about matzah and wine, it was about a truly meaningful experience! Rabbi Josh and Simone Broide together with the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP) and almost a hundred unaffiliated Jews from all over Boca Raton, celebrated Passover as never before at a program called Passover Across America, a communal outreach Seder. Everyone was invited to this unique explanatory, couples and families of all ages celebrating together with friends. Congregation b’nai Israel (C) 2200 Yamato Road, Boca Raton 561-241-8118 • Of the four mitzvot for Purim that the Jewish people are called to fulfill, Geri Fainman, a teacher at Congregation B’nai Israel’s Nadel Center for Early Childhood Education for more than 20 years, decided that the mitzvah of giving gifts to those in need was a mitzvah that her three-year-old students could fulfill, bringing the feeling of simcha to others beyond the school and synagogue walls. Ms. Fainman 3 year-olds at Congregation B’nai Israel’s championed the effort that would bring eight classrooms of three-year-olds together Nadel Center for Early Childhood Education to collect items to be donated to the Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry. By working with their donations for Purim with the students’ parents, Ms. Fainman and the other teachers ensured that they were able to fill a wish list created by the food pantry. “The students were able to connect that donating was a mitzvah and were so excited and proud to be helping people,” Ms. Fainman said. TEMPLE BETH EL 333 SW 4th Ave., Boca Raton 561-391-8900 • John Q. Barrett, Professor of Law at St. John’s University in New York City and expert on the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and Nuremberg prosecutor Robert H. Jackson, recently headlined several events during “Project Nuremberg,” a collaborative effort of Temple Beth El of Boca Raton and Lynn University. Project Nuremberg, which ran from April 1-10, presented a series of events—study, worship, lectures, Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman drama and film—that brought the original Nuremberg trials to life and examined their impact in the 21st century. The event, an initiative of Temple Beth El headed by Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman, was planned to coincide with Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day. Lynn University Library is home to a set of 42 original volumes of the Nuremberg trials at which more than 200 Nazi Germany leaders were prosecuted. In preparation for Project Nuremberg, Lynn University offered three courses to students relating to the trials. temple beth shira 7025 Bercasa Way, Ste. 105H, Boca Raton Temple Beth Shira is proud to announce that their post b’nai mitzvah class is supporting the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), in its effort to find a cure for diabetes, as the class mitzvah/tzedakah project. The entire class and many Temple Beth Shira members and friends are walking to raise much needed funds to help find a cure. The students are aware of the blessing of their own good health, and are committed to participating in this effort to find a cure on behalf of those children who are afflicted with this terrible disease – which affects more than 24 million Americans and for which there is no cure. If you are interested in joining the walkathon team or have questions about Temple Beth Shira, a reform congregation, please email info@temple or call 561-912-1453. 32

Temple Beth Shira Post B’nai Mitzvah Class. At this class, (L to R) Ariana Ratzer, Eric Rubin, Jenny Alovis, Jessica Shapiro, Cantor Ellen Stettner, Erika Tepper, and Josh Shapiro.

Temple Emeth (E) 5780 W. Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach 561-498-3536 • Adult graduation day for 21 students of the Beginning Hebrew Conversation class at Temple Emeth, Delray Beach’s first Conservative congregation, was held following Shabbat services on March 20. The students who have enjoyed 16 weeks of education in the language of their ancestors, were feted at an extended kiddush following the morning services led by Rabbi Randall Konigsburg with Cantor Efraim Sapir. Led by Mrs. Genia Kutner, with 48 years of teaching experience including 30 years at the renowned Solomon Schechter School in New York City, the students have studied hard and will be recognized for their achievements at this once-in-a-lifetime event. “Let us take pride in their accomplishments,” said Mrs. Kutner, who has taught for more than 16 years at Temple Emeth, “because they have worked so hard to learn and understand this ancient language shared by so many around the world.” Temple Shirat Shalom PO Box 971142, Boca Raton, FL 33497-1142 561-488-8079 • How does one reach Temple Shirat Shalom? First, they infuse a love of Judaism in their children’s hearts. For decades, formal Jewish education has emphasized knowledge and has come up short in instilling Yiddishkite in children. At Temple Shirat Shalom congregants like to think of themselves as “Yiddishkite transmitters” rather than just teachers. They create a loving Jewish atmosphere and adjust their methodology to the individual student. They create this magical Jewish environment through the use of puppets, art, cooking, Israeli dancing and music! They care deeply for their students. They talk to them about their life experiences and teach them what it means to be “A Light unto the Nations” and through their actions repair the world no matter what situation they face. They are Congregation Shirat Shalom of West Boca, putting positive Jewish experiences and caring of Judaism above all. May We All Experience the Light of the Torah”

Temple SINAI 2475 West Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach 561-276-6161 Ext. 18 • Temple Unites in Annual Food Drive Mitzvah Day at Temple Sinai of Palm Beach County was held May 2, 2010. The day started with a community blood drive at 11 a.m. and continued with a variety of programs providing something for everyone in need. Congregants brought loaves of bread and jars of peanut butter and jelly to make sandwiches to be distributed to the needy in our community. They also brought canned foods and other non-perishable food items and used, but clean, clothing, and personal size toiletries to be distributed to the homeless and others in need. While this is a one-day event, the programs are maintained throughout the year.

Barry Axelrod and Faga Goodman making sandwiches during the 2009 Mitzvah Day

Young Israel 7200 Palmetto Circle North, Boca Raton 561-391-3235 • The Young Israel of Boca Raton is proud to announce the establishment of the Boca Raton Institute of Torah (BRIT or “covenant”). The Boca Raton Institute of Torah provides expanded and enhanced opportunities for men, women and children to increase the breadth and depth of their Torah knowledge. An impressive variety of classes including Talmud, Bible, and mussar are provided by Rabbi Eliyahu Rabovsky for students of all backgrounds. Young Israel invites and encourages everyone to attend these classes. Visit and click on the calendar for the days and times of the various classes.

Jewish Education Commission Bar Mitzvah Year Gala Honors Local Heroes in Jewish Education

To celebrate the Jewish Education Commission's 13 years as the central address for local Jewish education, more than 300 people gathered to honor 25 local Jewish Education Heroes. From throughout the diverse South Palm Beach Jewish community, they united to rejoice and learn at the JEC Bar Mitzvah Year Gala on March 2 at B'nai Torah Congregation. The honorees, who were selected by their own organizations, serve in Jewish preschools, day schools and congregational schools, Holocaust and adult education programs, and as teen leaders of Jewish Forums at local high schools. The beautiful and inspirational evening was chaired by Alisa Cohen, Renee Nadel and Jill Rose.

L-R: Renee Nadel, Jill Rose, Alisa Cohen; JEC Gala Co-chairs

Harold Grinspoon, preeminent Jewish education philanthropist; Ilene Wohlgemuth, JEC Chair

Guests at each table learned together. Todd Cohn, Jewish Student Union, portrayed pharaoh for JEC’s Jewish Roots teens, both local and from Sister City Kiryat Bialik, Israel

Robert Lenner, March of the Living honoree and a JEC Gala Grand Benefactor

Local Heroes in Jewish Education Amy Grossblatt-Pessah Congregation Shaarei Kodesh

Henna Englander Torah Academy of Boca Raton

Murray Leipzig Jewish Education Center of South Florida

Ruth Taubman B’nai Torah Congregation

Becca Gold West Boca High School

Ruth & Edward Taubman Early Childhood Center BJ Saul Congregation Beth Adam

Kim Greenbaum Adolph and Rose Levis JCC Betty & Marvin Zale Early Childhood Learning Center

David Feldan Weinbaum Yeshiva High School

Lainie Cohen Congregation B’nai Israel Nadel Center for Early Childhood Education

Dina Schwartz Temple Beth El Early Childhood Center

Maruka Mirochnick B’nai Torah Congregation

Maimonides Institute of Jewish Learning

Mirochnick Religious School

Florence Melton (z”l) Florence Melton Adult Mini School

Michael Beckerman Donna Klein Jewish Academy

Pamela Turk Chabad of Boca Raton

Sharon Fein Hillel Day School

Jacob Sarfati Olympic Heights High School

Susie Jacobs Temple Beth El

Jennifer Jaroslavsky American Heritage High School

Maurice A. Halperin Torah Tots Early Childhood Center

Patty Beck Temple Beth El Maimonides Institute of Jewish Learning Beck Family Campus

Maimonides Institute of Jewish Learning

Robert Lenner March of the Living

Adam Fogel Saint Andrews High School

Katie Morris Spanish River High School

Robin Siegal Congregation B’nai Israel

Alex Cohen Atlantic High School

Sara Canter Boca Raton High School

Barry Graff School for Living Judaism


Out and about

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Country Club Events Gold Coast – BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Conversations on Sanctuary Medical, The Sandelman Foundation Contemporary Issues

(L-R) Irwin Goldstein; Francine Goldstein; Gil Ingram; Florence Brody, Chair; Elyssa Kupferberg, BNY Mellon; Elliot Chodoff, Speaker; John Ingram

Addison Reserve – Credit Suisse, CBIZ Goldstein Lewin & Co.

L-R: David Katzman, CBIZ Goldstein Lewin; Paul Miller, Cochair; Stuart Ganslaw, Co-chair; Matt Kutcher, Credit Suisse

Pacesetter/Leadership Dinner, Lion Event & Chanukah Mitzvah Project

L-R: Irene Wanderer, Co-chair - Lion Event; Roz Silver, Chair - Lion Committee; Sally Kane, Cochair - Lion Event; Margie Marlowe, Co-chair Addison Reserve Federation Executive Committee

Boca Grove Plantation - BNY Mellon Wealth Management;


(L-R) Esther Summer, Co-Chair Boca Grove Pacesetter; Ellen R. Sarnoff, Campaign Chair & Event Honoree; Judith Beiner, Co-Chair Boca Grove Pacesetter

(Top Row) Dr. Robert Watson, Speaker; Elyssa Kupferberg, Corporate Sponsor; (Bottom Row) Esther Summer, Co-Chair Boca Grove Pacesetter; Judith Beiner, Co-Chair Boca Grove Pacesetter

L-R: Harriet Mironov, Co-chair Mitzvah Committee; Arthur Goldberg, Margie Marlowe, Co-chairs Addison Federation Executive Committee; Harvey Stein, Co-chair Mitzvah Committee; Matt Kutcher, Credit Suisse; Barbara Feingold, Immediate Past Co-chair - Addison Federation Executive Committee; Harvey Leff, Co-chair Mitzvah Committee

Boca Lago

Community Event

(L-R) Boca Lago Community Event Committee: Marilyn Green, Sherman Devitt, Sally Balkin, Mel Kofsky, Ed Goldstein, Chair, Barry Friedberg, Bobbi Jacobs, Lyna Zommick

Boca Pointe – The Zeuner Team

Opening Event/ Sports Day/Casino Night

Craig Zeuner (R), Co-chair of the Boca Pointe Campaign and Marleen Forkas (L) who has generously established the Marleen Forkas Chair of Jewish Contemporary issues. This Chair will underwrite the cost of our Federation’s Lion Luncheon speaker in perpetuity.

(L-R) Dr. Daniel G. Fischer, Author of From Auschwitz to Dacha; and Allen Brayer, Author of Hiding in Death’s Shadow

(L-R) Boca Pointe Co-chairs, Jane Fishkoff and Craig Zeuner

Boca Woods - BNY Mellon Wealth Management, Branham Realty Inc.

L-R: Harriet Warner Katz Women’s Committee Chair; Eileen Roman & Norma Platner, Women’s Committee Co-chairs 34

L-R: Jack Shatz, Robert August Men’s Committee Co-chairs

2010 Kickoff & Casino Night

L-R: Jack Scher, Cissie Ainbinder, Edward and Lucy Schachter

Boca West – BNY Mellon Wealth Management; Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Ferrara, LLP; M. Adam Bankier, P.A. Opening Event – Comedy for a Cause

L-R: Betty Apple, Boca West Women’s Cabinet Co-Chair; Irving Levy, Opening Event Chair; Gordon Salganik, Boca West Cabinet Chair; Barbara Levy, Opening Event Chair; Doris Beck, Boca West Women’s Cabinet Co-Chair

L-R: Marcia Ruderman, VIP Dinner Event Co-Chairs; Mort Ruderman, VIP Dinner Event Co-Chairs; Irving and Barbara Levy, Opening Event Chairs; Henri Bertuch, VIP Dinner Event Co-Chairs; Rhoda Bertuch, VIP Dinner Co-Chairs; (not pictured: Marilyn and Jack Pechter, VIP Dinner Co-Chairs)

Out and about

The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Country Club Events Bocaire/Delaire – BNY Mellon Wealth Management

L-R: Daniel Weiss and Selma Lee Weiss

Spirit of Community

L-R: Mitchell and Lois Levin, Bocaire Event Chairs

The Hamlet – Credit Suisse, CBIZ Goldstein Lewin & Co.

L-R: Susan Saril, Women’s Campaign Chair; Robert Wallstein, Men’s Campaign Chair; Dalia Jarashow and Freida Wallstein, Opening Event Chairs; Bernard Roberts, Men’s Campaign Chair; Elaine Roberts Women’s Campaign Chair

L-R: Harry & Iris Brener, Delaire Event Chairs, Laurence Blair & Elyssa Kupferberg, Sponsors, Marilyn & Edward M. Kaplan, Bocaire Event Co-chair

Vodka Latka and Tzedaka & Fun Day

L-R: Shirley Lantz; Sylvia Freid, Card Party Co-Chair; Roselyn Grossman; Trina Jacobs

L-R: Buddy & Carol Magod and Dottie Lipson & Al Fayer


Chanukah Mitzvah Project & Golf Tournament

Center: Nanci Goldman Event Chair, Cara Zimmerman Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry, Stonebridge volunteers.

Federation Cabinet Members Front: Prudy Cohen, Nancy Edelman, Barbara Yaspan, Sondra Pickelny. Back: Larry Levy, Sandy Feinman, Jerry Edelman, Richard Stolls, Buzz Cohen, Jeff Newman, Murray Leipzig, Cabinet hair

St. Andrews – BNY Mellon Wealth Management; Greenspoon Marder; Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Ferrara LLP

L - R: Glenn Schwartzman, Jay Feely, Lewis Katz, Bill Bernstein, Craig Zeuner, Roy Firestone, Herb Kane

Men’s Sports Night out & Spirit of Community

L-R: Event Co-chairs: Amy Ross, Robin Rubin, Susan Lande, Susan Rahn

L-R: Robin Rubin, Event Co-chair; Susan Lande, Event Co-chair; Susan Rahn, Event Co-chair; Meryl Gallatin; Anne Jacobson; Phyllis Rosenstock, Duplicate Bridge chair; Betty Kane, St. Andrews Community Campaign Chair; Amy Ross, Event Co-chair

BROKEN SOUND Club/Polo club – BNY Mellon Wealth Management; Kaplan, Krauss & Levine, LLC; Sanctuary Medical Aesthetic Center, Greenspoon Marder

L-R: Judy Metzger, Broken Sound Raffle Chair; Ed Flank, Broken Sound Golf Co-chair; Yossi Ende, Broken Sound Golf Co-chair; Ellen Flank, Broken Sound Lion of Judah Co-chair

L-R: Elyssa Kupferberg, BNY Mellon; Yossi Ende, Broken Sound Golf Co-chair; Ed Flank, Broken Sound Golf Co-chair; Tom Kaplan, Kaplan, Krauss & Levine

L-R: Cliff Seresky, Polo Club Chairman’s Council; Martha Gaynor, Polo Club Cards Co-chair

Golf and Cards Day

L-R: Michael Noller, Polo Club Golf Chair; Cliff Seresky, Polo Club Chairman’s Council

L-R: Jeanne Fibus, Polo Club Chairman’s Council; Jeanne Liss, Broken Sound; Janet Sahr, Polo Club. 35

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