Chai Life Winter 2013 - Volume 8 Issue 2

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Volume 8 • Issue 2 Winter 2013


The 2012 annual Report KEEPING THE PROMISE

marilyn & Stan Barry

LARGER THAN OURSELVES Family means no One Left Behind

SISTERHOOD IN OUR SISTER CITY Women Strengthen Ties to israel


inTRODucing THE pJ LiBRaRY® SOuTH paLm BEacH cOunTY paRTnERSHip 9901 Donna Klein Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida 33428 1 CHAILIFE


rate b e l Ce l’s Israe rs ea 65 Y hood! ate t S f O n of eratioch County d e F h a Jewish Palm Be t u o S




T BY :

Sunday, May 19, 2013 Mizner Park Amphitheater 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. • FREE community-wide event for the whole family • Kosher food available for purchase • Program participation by local day schools & congregational schools rain or shine | self-parking | bring blankets & lawn chairs

visit For sponsorship opportunities, call 561.852.3109

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Bronze Sponsor: CHAILIFE 2

We ’re par gonna ty li k it’s 194 e 8!

5 12 22 28 46 52

features 5

laRGeR tHan ouRselves


intRiGue meets JoY & GeneRositY


caRinG & committed, out & aBout


tHe PRide GatHeRs

28 35 46 51 52


Family means no one left behind

The Sandler Family Major Gifts Event Our Communities & Country Clubs

Departments 8

campaign 2013

Roaring Loud with Lara Logan


dorothy P. seaman department of Women’s Philanthropy

sWeet dReams


Young adult division

PJ Library® Heads Our Way


Business & Professional division

toGetHeR We do eXtRaoRdinaRY tHinGs


anne & norman Jacobson Jewish community foundation


israel & overseas


Jewish community Relations council


special needs department


Jewish education department


local Beneficiary agencies


synagogue updates


corporate sponsors

The 2012 Annual Report

KeePinG tHe PRomise

Barry Gift Launches Endowment Campaign

Hands-on visionaRY

Roxane Frechie Lipton, JWF Founder

sisteRHood in P2K sisteR citY Women’s Visit Strengthens Israel Ties

this issue of chai life is brought to you through the generous underwriting of commercial Printers, inc. and the support of our corporate sponsors and advertisers. 3 CHAILIFE


This publication is produced by the Marketing & Communications Department of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

What a privilege and joy it is to experience the spirit around our Federation in this season of vibrant growth. Our campus, our gatherings, our campaigns are thriving amid a dazzling array of innovations to connect with and build our community.

Senior Vice President, Marketing & Communications Andrew M. Rose

Throughout, one can feel the energy and commitment of Matt Levin at the helm. Moving together through his first year, I am ever more grateful to Raymond Zimmerman and the entire CEO Search Committee. They persevered through a long process to find an extraordinary fit for our Federation’s professional leadership. And this new and auspicious journey for our reenergized Federation and community has only begun. With Matt and our talented staff keeping up with him, with the profound caring and hard work of our dedicated lay leaders, even more extraordinary things lie ahead.

Chai Life Designer, Creative Director Shanna Vinig

With deepest gratitude for all we are doing and will do together,

Chai Life Editor, Communications Director Andrea Schuver Director of Marketing Erryn Abiri

Advertising Sales Mandee Baulo Web & Print Production Manager Paul Kranowitz Marketing/Communications Assistant Jessica Cavallaro Cover and additional photos: Jeffrey Tholl Photography FEDERATION OFFICERS Chair Ellen R. Sarnoff Vice Chair, Financial Resource Development Anne L. Jacobson

Ellen R. Sarnoff Chair, Federation Board of Directors In my first Friday message I wrote, “Our reach must be far broader as well as deeper to take care of each other today and in the future; in the process, together we will build from our diversity a greater Jewish community.” Six months later, together we are making that promise a reality, with compassion and creativity, trust and perseverance, pride and joy. Every week, we’re warmly welcomed as we reach out to build new relationships, strengthen existing partnerships and create innovative collaborations. Our community is investing with confidence. The annual campaign is up. Our endowment campaign launched with a $1 million gift. Event attendance is significantly higher and enthusiastic. New activities are thriving. More than 500 cheered our community’s caring and generosity at THE EVENT. A B&P event drew 180 to our campus – 110 of them new to Federation. Together, with our synagogues, schools, agencies and beyond, we are developing this community’s profound caring and generosity to reach its unsurpassed potential. I look forward to hearing your ideas at

Vice Chair, Campaign Joseph S. Mishkin Vice Chair, Jewish Community Foundation David Pratt, Esq. Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy Emily Grabelsky Vice Chair, Planning & Allocations Stephen A. Mendelsohn, Esq. Vice Chair Wesley E. Finch Vice Chair Carol S. Smokler Vice Chair Etta Gross Zimmerman Secretary Albert Gortz, Esq. Assistant Secretary Debra Halperin Treasurer Stewart Kasen Assistant Treasurer Arthur Goldberg SENIOR FEDERATION PROFESSIONALS President & CEO Matthew C. Levin Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer Mel Lowell


Executive Vice President, Financial Resource Development Marla Weiss Egers

Matthew C. Levin President & CEO Follow Federation on:


all in the family Larger than Ourselves


he family is a ha ven in a heartl ess world,” an For many, the historian once Jewish Federat said. ion of South P the only famil al m y B in ea a ch p o C si ounty is tion to shelter blows. From B tens of thousa oca Raton to B nds from life’s e’er Sheva to B as far as it is n elarus, our cari eeded – so no ng hand exten one ever has to ds stand alone. Like Elizabeth , a talented 16 -year-old athle in school when te in Israel wh her parents’ vo o was struggli latile relation darkness. And ng ship dissolved Sasha, a 4-yea into divorce an rold suffering fr needed a back d om scoliosis w brace her fam ho desperatel ily in Kiev, U And Larry wh y k ra in o, after years e simply could of caring for h n’t afford. an uncertain fu is mother, fou ture alone. H nd himself faci ere are their st ng ories: Elizabeth foun d the help and hope she need boarding scho ed at Hadassa ol that is one h Neurim, a o f four youth vi Agency for Isra ll ages managed el – and funded by The Jewish by Federation Established to Annual Camp serve students aign dollars. w ho were evacu of Independen ated during th ce, Hadassah e Neurim soon 1948 War waves of settle expanded to ac rs immigratin commodate th g to Israel. e Elizabeth is am ong about 400 students from boarders and d 17 different co ay students, w untries, both ho now attend not known pre classes. Most ar vious academic e kids who have success, many from low-inco m e families. “Until they ar rived at this vi ll ag e, succeed,” says they didn’t hav headmaster N e the chance to atan Biton. Th therapeutic ce e Youth Village nter, it is also is not only a an academical to partnership ly rigorous hig s with compan h sc hool. Thanks ie s like Siemens an Union of Athle d with Israel’s tics, Hadassah National Neurim is able opportunities to offer its stu to thrive. dents unique “At Hadassah Neurim, I can forget about th says. “They te e problems at ach me values home,” Elizab . They teach m youth village, eth e love. I don’t fe this is family.” el alone. The When she was only four, Sash a was diagnose family needed d with severe to travel from scoliosis. The Kiev to St. Pet brace made. T er sburg, Russia, hey couldn’t af to have a back ford to fix the cover costly tr leaks in their avel and medic h o u se, let alone al expenses. T Distribution C he American ommittee’s B Je wish Joint eteinu program Campaign doll , funded by F ars, stepped in ederation Ann to offer assistan ual ce – and hope. A year after h er painful diagn osis, Sasha beg acquiring basic an learning ab school-readin out Judaism an es s skills at the B first came ther d eteinu center. e, she was a sh “When Sasha y girl; it was p has changed co ainful. And no mpletely,” her w… the child grandfather, G rigoriy, report s. “She goes to


e same 1979 – th in r. d e d n his mothe s fou f a o w e , r a fs c e li e tak d be Florida to all ages an people of ry moved to South allyr n to feder , n do ar that La a io e c t y a e t h r s o ; p ll s e n es ad very w who grew gs and tra companion servic e , r in iy k n r c a o o c t ig s e r h n the S G d learn repared. anyone.” ompressio t Gould House an nges over it p f c e to o ll ll y a m e d it h o e w n c r r l a F f tu c o o r s scho ation, e isn’t using a umber the oppo ith the g. And sh the Feder sidized ho arry cope with a n b o adn’t had thrilled w t u h s r is d e , t n e t a g le s a everythin 0 95 middle elped L irits and ank you v in the 1 JFS has h 0-page th s well into velop children’s sp 2 a a w up in Kie e e t h o l r ti w e admits. faith un ears. “If I he freely “It helps d ratefully. y ” . , a h h s g a u about his S o n n be e impact o he says g wouldn’t program’s pe for the future,” as been h g u o r ho d, th eration h n d m a e e F ld th r , s s o r e a w iv g an 34 ye s ound the cal and retches ar r more th oad network of lo ation stand o st r e F t a d e th F y , r il people r rt of a fam amily Giving Cente orting a b nizations that help p p u s F We are pa l a enhance our Globa tional org nger and a & a n l d r e e a in t r in s Is in r le e ur e p th it with yo ers and sist corner escue peo o r th d o , r d e b e r e W u n . o g y in with to ever d learnin reaches in ish life an w g e J in ir Israel and sp in ish world, help. of the Jew ctions, breaking the ual y our Ann e b n n d o e c d g n g in n fu d uch ams lifelo respon , the progr e, reach, teach and to verty and Every day u sc cycle of po s. Together, we u e r ro nd r, counsel, nd in 70 countries a ncie e e lt g e r e sh , m e e . to la loth ty Net Sasha’s life ign feed, c ere at home, in Israe enter for Local Safe a d p e m m a r o C sf tran Our eople h he echter C usands of p e Israel and without t h & Max P o a th e r th a k d S li n a e e r b th te h would throug or 13 ing Cen the world and Learn hat his life ily Service (JFS). F e w if L k h in is h t w o e Je ish Fam dders t Services, th Larry shu Rales Jew h t u Center. R d n m na ne. bal Fa ily li lo fe G li is Federatio h have been ha years, we ity throug upport n a m u h d hope an es that s nd servic ers help, a ff s o m h a ic r h g JFS, w ge of pro ensive ran h e r p m o c


campaign If you’ve been around us lately you’ve felt it, and you’ll see it on these pages. It’s a most exciting time for our Federation and Foundation as we broaden and deepen our connections throughout the community to fulfill our vital mission. We’re very actively building an array of partnerships that will bring to bear the greatest resources - and hence the best in programs and services – to sustain and enrich our community and our people now and in the future.

More and more of us are coming together to do extraordinary things. Our efforts to reach out as never before are clearly working to expand the base of support for our Annual Campaign. New and returning faces are appearing on campus and at events. We already have more than $1 million in new and retrieved gifts, as well as increased confidence among our continuing donors. So I’m thrilled though hardly surprised to report that we are on track for the first increased campaign in a long time.

You’ll be hearing more about how we’re providing Outreach Grants to community groups through our Planning & Allocations process. About the grants we’ll be making to schools, synagogues and other organizations through the Jules L. & Dorothy M. Kamsly Teen Programs Fund. And about how our Foundation is becoming even more of a partner with the larger community by doing more to fund innovative special projects.

We’ve been engaging new constituencies through our revived Business & Professional programming, our reenergized Young Adult activities and far more. THE EVENT with Josh Malina brought more than 500 people from throughout our Jewish community to learn about, celebrate and rededicate to our Federation’s work. And this is only the start of our heartfelt efforts to build a greater community together.


With gratitude for this extraordinary season,

Anne Jacobson, Financial Resource Development Chair

Joseph Mishkin, Campaign Chair


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New Donors Expand Our Federation Family Helene & Richard Paul Realizing how crucial the Federation is to our local and global community before moving to Florida in December, we made a commitment to each other to not only support the Federation, but to become involved in meaningful ways. Since then, seeing the Federation campus has given us an even greater feeling of responsibility. We hope to make a real difference for the Jewish community, ourselves and our children.

Karen Altman A newcomer to Addison Reserve and a proud new Lion of Judah, I wanted to be part of a group that cares so deeply and acts on their compassion with generosity. Contributing to Federation is the best way to make a difference in this community and world-wide. I also wanted to instill Jewish values in our own family, and am happy to see my daughter-in-law involved with her Federation in Denver.

Brad Gucciardo After frequenting Federation events for years, I truly became part of the organization’s efforts during the past year through serving on the Business & Professional Division Cabinet. Once I witnessed Federation’s extensive reach on campus, I couldn’t help but seriously contribute my time and money, which will directly help our youngest and oldest family members and friends. While meeting great people and participating in inspiring events, I know I am also building a better Jewish community. Noah Rosenfarb With no local network or reputation, I moved here last year to expand my business. After joining the Young Adult Division LEADS program to meet other young professionals and “get my name out,” I’ve become a donor. Now I understand how well my contributions will be utilized and appreciate the adage, “if Jews don’t help other Jews, who will?” Being able to meet my philanthropic goals while also networking makes Federation a place where I can both give and receive.

SAVE THE DATE EXCLUSIVE KDS MISSION TO GREECE & Israel (Join our Leadership Mission to Israel & the General Assembly)

MISSION dates: GREECE: OCT. 31 - NOV. 5 • Israel: Nov. 5 - 13 Go behind the scenes and meet government and community leaders. Visit Jewish sites in Athens and Thessaloniki and learn about the unique history of the Greek Jews. For additional information, call Jennifer Koenig at 561.852.3129 or email

Miami • Fort Lauderdale • Orlando • Tallahassee West Palm Beach • Boca Raton • Stuart • Port St. Lucie • Naples


Mission ChairS: Diane & Larry feldman KDS Chair: Barbara Feingold •



Barbara Feingold, Ellen R. Sarnoff, Phyllis Sandler, Anne Jacobson

Diane & Larry Feldman

Selma & Dan Weiss, Florence Brody

Richard Steinberg, Dr. Jeffrey Feingold, Matthew C. Levin, Barbara Feingold, David Makovsky, Al Gortz, Ken Pritzker

Stan & Marilyn Barry

Marleen Forkas, Matthew C. Levin, Dollsey Rappaport

Rani Garfinkle, Carol Smokler

Laura Hochberger, Jeffrey & Sandra Perkins

King David Society Kicks off Season with Expert Israel Briefing A community of distinguished philanthropists, the King David Society (KDS) began its season in earnest in the beautiful home and garden of KDS Chairs Barbara and Dr. Jeffrey Feingold. Gathered at the very outset of Operation Pillars of Defense, these generous philanthropists who contribute $25,000 or more to our Federation’s Annual Campaign were riveted by guest speaker David Makovsky. A Senior Fellow and Director of the Washington Institute’s Project, Makovsky gave an up-to-the-minute Israel briefing.

Recognizing the contributions of its prominent donors, our Federation expresses its gratitude by offering compelling programs of particular interest, including high-level events, special briefings and missions, and hands-on projects. For more information about KDS events, briefings and missions, call 561.852.3129 or email


members of The Sandler Family: Evan, Larry & andrea Schnurmacher; amy Ross; phyllis Sandler; David Ross; Harvey Sandler; Jonathan, Robin & gary Rubin

Back row: Ed Smith, morrison, Brown, argiz & Farra, LLc (mBaF); Efraim Halevy; Dan Raviv; marjorie Horwin, mBaF Front row: al gortz, proskauer; Richard Steinberg, Steinberg global asset management, Ltd.; David pratt, proskauer; Ken pritzker, Steinberg global asset management, Ltd.


t may have been called an “Evening of Intrigue,” but the powerful, passionate joy in community and giving was unmistakable among nearly 300 top Federation donors gathered at St. Andrews Country Club on December 6, 2012. Recently named for the Sandler Family and co-chaired by Gail & Warren Greenspoon, Adele & Herman Lebersfeld, and Judi & Allan Schuman, this year’s Major Gifts event featured a cocktail reception, dinner and two riveting speakers. CBS Correspondent Dan Raviv and 9th Mossad Director Efraim Halevy addressed in depth the array of challenges facing Israel today. Phyllis and Harvey Sandler, called forward by Anne Jacobson, set a tone of deep compassion and generosity that resonated throughout the guests and


major gifts Event co-chairs: adele & Herman Lebersfeld, gail & Warren greenspoon, Judi & allan Schuman

Back row: Joseph mishkin, Emily grabelsky, matthew c. Levin Front row: Judi Schuman, Ellen R. Sarnoff, anne Jacobson, Wendy pressner

the entire evening. A multimedia presentation led by Joseph Mishkin and poignant, inspiring remarks from March of the Living participants Holocaust survivor Sam Ron and student Kelsey Mogell conveyed just how much our Federation’s Major Donors accomplish. When Federation President & CEO Matt Levin brought home how much more there is to be done to secure the well-being of our Jewish family now and into the future, many immediately answered the call and increased their gifts. Levin also called on them to reach far into the community and connect others to the abundance of opportunities to help, and to ensure the future of our Jewish community and our people through endowed giving.

new for younG major Donors ilene Wohlgemuth, Leon cooperman

adding to the celebration, ilene Wohlgemuth announced that, with a transformative gift from the Leon and Toby cooperman Family Foundation, our Federation will be bringing pJ Library to South palm Beach county. This awardwinning program, created and partially funded by the Harold grinspoon Foundation, delivers free, high-quality Jewish children’s books and unique programming to young families.

The Federation’s prestigious Ketubah Society Hall of Fame was on proud display that evening, honoring the strongest branches of our Federation family tree. Over time, these most generous donors have made a cumulative financial commitment of one million dollars or more. chair of the Board Ellen R. Sarnoff gratefully recognized the Ketubah Society’s newest members:

Emerging Jewish Philanthropists (EJP) is South Palm Beach County’s exciting and inspiring new community for young major donors to our Federation. Chaired by Gail & Warren Greenspoon, EJP offers young, successful, philanthropic individuals and couples opportunities to share the incredible endeavor of renewing and strengthening the Jewish community and our people - here at home, in Israel and around the world. Together, they’ll enjoy meaningful experiences specially geared to their shared values, interests and passions in the Jewish world - including our exclusive ejp mission to CuBa from june 27-30. Travelers on this amazing journey will engage with the Jewish community and experience the unique Cuban culture and nightlife. Limited space on the EJP Mission to Cuba is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost per person is $2,500 including airfare. For more information, contact Dana Vizner at (561) 852-3270 or

A $10,000 combined minimum gift to the UJA/Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County 2013 Annual Campaign is required to participate on this mission.

lorraine & jerome (z’l) aresty eleanor & edward epstein

Bryan & Joanna Drowos, Laurence i. Blair, gail & Warren greenspoon, Robin & neil Baritz

sylvia fried jeanette & sherman Vogel

michael & Jill Rose, Robert marton, Debra & Lawrence Halperin, Loren & Eric Stein



ur Jewish community was on display in all its vibrant diversity at “The Event” on January 29. From our synagogues, partner agencies and schools, from our students to our longtime leaders, from our donors of all ages to many newcomers, more than 500 from our community came together at Boca West to acknowledge and celebrate all the good we do together. It was also a thoughtful evening, reminding us of how much our help is needed by our neighbors and our global Jewish family. Recipients from several of our partner agencies told us personally and powerfully how our community has been there for them in their darkest of moments. Josh Malina, stage and screen star of productions including the West Wing, Sports Night and the current critically-acclaimed ABC drama Scandal, told his inspiring and entertaining story of being a proud Jewish pro-Israel actor in Hollywood. The evening’s energetic, enthusiastic Chairs Debra and Larry Halperin, their committed cadre of Co-chairs, and our truly dedicated community partners did a remarkable job of bringing everyone together to revitalize and rededicate as they brought the words Feed, Protect, Teach, Inspire, Save and Comfort to life. CHAILIFE 14

ness d a ch M r a M

“net” s u p l e and h needed for p u t i Hoop ical dollars unity. the crit Jewish comm our


SUN 17, 2013 H C MAR mily! a F e r i t e Envorite team jersey h t r o f n fa u


ing your t r o p s e Com 17, 2013 h c r a M , a.m. Sunday .m. - 11:30 a 0 :3 9 WHEN: t if : First Sh 1:30 p.m.

.m. TIP OFF ift 11:30 a h S d n o c .m. E: Se . - 6:30 p .m p HALF TIM 0 :3 4 Shift p.m. OT: Third ins at 4:30 FINAL SH g e b g in g cka & food pa HALL Teen shift INMAN Z unty DAY AREoNA Beach Co lm UN a S P R th E of S u : SUP ton WHERE Jewish Federatioinn Boulevard, Boca Ra na Kle 9901 Don th Green

ne hy & Ken t a K : olik S Elliot Ko CHAIR Wendy & tch, rena Deu lik e S , h c t u o e Ko Gabby D Lindsey TEEN S: Alexa Green & day CHAIR supersun / g r .o a c hbo 160 or jewis 561.852.3 RSVP: , contact on informati For more @b melissac

Super Sunday is generously sponsored by:




moRe WaYs foR fedeRation communities & divisions to maKe a diffeRence Adopt-a-Project offers exciting opportunities for country clubs, geographic areas and divisions to select and support programs and services that are particularly meaningful to them. By raising supplemental dollars above and beyond the Annual Campaign, these groups are sustaining vital

aDDison reserVe raised funds to purchase passover groceries, and packaged them for delivery to the more than 550 recipients of the Jacobson Family Food pantry at JFS.

programs - from safety net services to Jewish life and learning in our own community, in Israel and around the world where Jewish people are in need. Together, they are doing extraordinary things.

Dorothy p. seaman Department of women’s philanthropy has mounted the Women for Dignity project, selling tribute cards to purchase disposable undergarments for needy homebound seniors served by the JDc in minsk, Belarus.

stoneBriDGe volunteers brightened chanukah for nearby neighbors in need who are recipients of the Jacobson Family Food pantry of JFS. after raising dollars, they purchased food and gift cards, then assembled and delivered them in chanukah packages that also included hand-crafted glass mezzuzot.

BoCa GroVe is participating in adopt-a-Family to help sustain some of the most vulnerable people in our community, through Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service (JFS).

BoCa west made sure that hundreds of senior JFS clients had a meaningful model seder with great food and companionship, transportation and more.


polo CluB is connecting local young adults with israel and strengthening their Jewish identities as well as our community by enabling them to participate in a free Taglit-Birthright israel trip – together on a bus from South palm Beach county.

wooDfielD Country CluB and wooDfielD hunt CluB stepped up to fight hunger in South palm Beach county with Woodfield Feeds the Hungry. Volunteers collected food, raised funds and packaged and delivered groceries along with Thanksgiving meals and spirit to clients of the Jacobson Family Food pantry at JFS.

foR moRe infoRmation aBout adoPt-a-PRoJect, Contact Dana Vizner at 561.852.3270 or

Looking forward To A n exCIT I ng FuTu R e .

Ask future resident Isobel Loring what she envisions life at Sinai Residences to be like and she’ll tell you … she envisions a glass of champagne in her hand as she lounges by the pool. “It’s exciting,” Isobel explains. “As I see the pictures of Sinai Residences flash before me, it seems like the loveliest place to be.” Isobel attended a Sinai Residences luncheon to see what the community was all about. “I was impressed and my daughter was also impressed,” she said. “After researching in depth, my family and I decided that it would be a good way for me to be taken care of for the rest of my life. And the best part is that it’s in my neighborhood! My friends are right here.”

Socializing with like-minded residents. The maintenance-free lifestyle will offer her more time to keep active with her pastimes, ranging from stone sculpture and

A solid plan in place was a big attraction. “Every now and then, I have a sense of needing a reality check,” Isobel said. “Things like physical activities are a bit more difficult than they were when I was age 20, 30 or 40.” Isobel sees the resort-style setting as a way to smoothly transition to the next phase of her life. As a planned Life Care community, residents have access to every level of health care they may need in the future, at predictable monthly costs, for life.

Champagne poolside, “it seems like the loveliest place to be.” —Future Resident, Isobel Loring music, to politics classes at Florida Atlantic University. Isobel and her friends also attend concerts at the Kravis Center for Performing Arts in West Palm Beach. Besides being a lifelong learner, Isobel enjoys the social aspect of participating in classes. “I find that it’s a good way to meet people of like disposition,” she says. Like-minded individuals will thrive at Sinai Residences where your heritage, tradition and family values are both recognized and treasured.

“I’m pleased that my needs will be met on an ongoing basis, should I become Isobel Loring less able to do things for myself. I don’t always like to think of my needs increasing, but having the solutions at my fingertips makes it easier.” With all the exceptional offerings just outside her front door, life will soon become even more rewarding for Isobel in addition to the peace of mind she gains by having a secure plan in place for her future.

Call (561) 922-7156 for the opportunity to get to know our community better. The best time to call for a personal consultation is right now while you can still take advantage of limited-time pre-construction pricing.


Information Center: 21090 St. Andrews Blvd., Suite 1 • Boca Raton, FL 33433-2400 Phone: (561) 922-7156 •


OUT AND ABOUT Deepest thanks to our community and country club members and leaders for unwavering commitment and tireless efforts. Their compassion, creativity and perseverance inspire us all as they do so much to help those in need, in our own community and worldwide.



Visit for photo galleries of these events

Addison Reserve Addison Reserve Pacesetter Addison Reserve Lion Outreach 1. David & Arlene Lanter, Jeff & Sandi Perkins, Stu & Donna Ganslaw



2. Don & Sharon Kabat, Elaine & Harold Freeland 3. Gerry Reich, Carol Minkoff, Sheilah Kaufman, Sandi Perkins 4. Jane Gortz, Patti Jacobs, Jo Patrick, Emily Grabelsky, Karen Altman, Carol Minkoff, Ronna Rutstein



BOCA grove Boca Grove Pacesetter Boca Grove Women’s Outreach 5. Seated: Millicent Nathan; Standing L-R: Esther Summer, Judith Beiner, Phyllis Liss, Rita Judson 6. Chet & Judy Kay 7. Stewart & Sandy Kasen 8. Linda & Richard Sommers, Martin & Edith Stein



BOCA WEST Boca West Opening Event 9. Irving Levy, Carla DelVillagio, Barbara Levy 10. Jane & Norman Jacobs, Carla DelVillagio, Judith Zachs 11. Carol & Arnold Rifkin, Carla DelVillagio, Philip & Estelle Elkus, Betty Apple



12. Elyssa Kupferberg, BNY Mellon; Carla DelVillagio; Gail Bankier; Adam Bankier, Bankier Law Firm



OUT AND ABOUT Boca Woods Boca Woods Opening Event 13. David Simon, Susan Katzen, Judith Landesman, Beverly Hacker, Eileen Roman, Ellen Wolfe, Joseph Mishkin, Jack Shatz 14. Suzanne Branham. Branham Realty; Jonathan Soto, BNY Mellon

BOCAIRE, DELAIRE, HAMLET Bocaire Pomegranate & Lion Outreach Bocaire Night of Appreciation with Delaire & Hamlet Delaire & Hamlet Pomegranate & Lion Outreach



15, Barbara Werner; Joan Green; Lois Levin; Elyssa Kupferberg, BNY Mellon; Marilyn Tulgan; Bernd Wollschlaeger; Doris Fischer 16. Nancy & David Carver 17. Selma Weiss, Suzanne Block, Bernice Greenberg 18. Mildred Lidov, Bernd Wollschlaeger, Marcia Kent 19. Frieda Wallstein, Suzanne Block, Mildred Lidov, Marcia Kent, Susan Saril, Elaine Roberts 20. Brenda Moss, Norma Erdle, Nadine Erdle







OUT AND ABOUT Deepest thanks to our community and country club members and leaders for unwavering commitment and tireless efforts. Their compassion, creativity and perseverance inspire us all as they do so much to help those in need, in our own community and worldwide. Visit for photo galleries of these events



BROKEN SOUND CLUB Broken Sound Dessert & Dialogue Broken Sound Federation Discovery Tour 21. Mort & Debby Singerman, Nate & Judy Metzger, Dr. Ralph Nurnberger, Kate & Sam Sidewater 22. Iris Greenberg, Emily Grabelsky, Marlene Levin



23. Barbara Lieb Baumstein, Ellen Eisen, Jeanne Epstein

Gold Coast Gold Coast Opening Event 24. Don Brodie, Matthew Levitt, Linda Brodie 25. Roni Freedman, Matthew C. Levin 26. Bernice Wenger, Richard & Tamara Morgenstern, Carol Kaplan




27. Mike & Joan Kaufman

Greater Boca Greater Boca Federation Discovery Day Greater Boca Meet & Greet at Les Jardins 28. Shelly Gross, Hyla Levine 29. Matt Levin, Dr. Paul Drucker 30. Allison & Douglas Mandel



31. Elizabeth & Gregg Shavitz



OUT AND ABOUT POLO CLUB Polo Club Pacesetter 32. Burt Satzberg, Jeanne & Ken Fibus, Phyllis & Cliff Seresky 33. Larry Blair, Greenspoon Marder; Elyssa Kupferberg, BNY Mellon; Jason Solodkin; NFP Insurance Solutions 34. Beverly & Maurice Gross, Barbara & Ted Wolk 35. Anne & Jerry Gold, Myrna & Billy Godfrey


ST. ANDREWS COUNTRY CLUB St. Andrews Pomegranate & Lion Outreach 36. Janice Pelz; Joan Hauser; Bernd Wollschlaeger; Elyssa Kupferberg, BNY Mellon; Barbara Lewin; Gladys Cook 37. Top: Adele Hast, Renee Nadel, Barbara Werner Bottom: Adele Lebersfeld, Jane Cornell .

WOODFIELD COUNTRY CLUB Woodfield Women’s Outreach 38. Eydie Holz, Lisa Marton







Dorothy P. Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy Our Warm & Welcoming “Shabbat Table” I have never been more proud of our Women’s Philanthropy Department! Our community’s women have given their time, hearts, resources and passion...and it is evident in all we have done so far this year. Not only are we going strong in our Annual Campaign, but the feeling of sisterhood, community and unity is tangible at every program, event and meeting. This success has driven our women’s resilience and commitment to helping those in need locally and globally. With pride, we are building a stronger, more vibrant community for our children and grandchildren. Our success owes much to the tireless efforts of our officers, board members, leadership, volunteers and staff partners. I’m especially grateful to those who have planned, recruited and promoted our Lion of Judah Luncheon and other events you’ll read about here. Together we have set a warm, welcoming “Shabbat table” where it is thrilling to see so many women feeling comfortable and joining us as we strive to higher heights.

Lions Roar at Luncheon for Lara Logan of CBS and their Own Margie Baer

Denise Zimmerman, Marilyn Barry

Marleen Forkas, Lara Logan

Emily Grabelsky, Women’s Philanthropy Chair; Wendy Pressner, WP Campaign Chair; Barbara Werner, WP Planned Giving Vice Chair; April Leavy, WP Vice Chair Lion of Judah

Emily Grabelsky, Meryl Gallatin


Emily Grabelsky Chair, Women’s Philanthropy

Keep up with our fast-moving women. Like us on Facebook CHAILIFE 22

Catherine Baer Haubenstock; Robert, Alyson, Rick, Margie and Ron Baer; Bill Schwartz; David, Eavlyn and Danielle Baer. Baer’s Furniture was a generous Luncheon sponsor.

Jan Savarick, Boca Raton Regional Hospital; Adam Workman, Wells Fargo Private Bank; Lara Logan; Sarah Pollak, Boca Raton Regional Hospital; Barry Goldberg, Wells Fargo Private Bank; Jane Kurcsinka, Ivan & Co. Jewelers

Barbara Werner lit a candle to memorialize our LOJEs who have passed on.

Stephanie Midler, Lawrence Katz, Adam Workman, and Barry Goldberg, all of Wells Fargo Private Bank, with Lara Logan

Robin Rubin, Phyllis Sandler, Brittany Ross Kohn, Amy Ross, Andrea Schnurmacher, Ali Schnurmacher

The “pride” of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County roared once again at their annual ingathering on January 17th. The 2013 Lion of Judah Luncheon brought more than 450 women together at Boca West Country Club for inspiration, celebration and to hear from Lara Logan, CBS News Chief Foreign Affairs and 60 Minutes Correspondent. Led by Luncheon Co-chairs Marilyn Barry and Denise Zimmerman, with Women’s Philanthropy Lion Vice Chair April Leavy, our Lions unmistakably lived up to the afternoon’s theme: Live Like a Hero, Love Like a Sister, Lead Like a Lion. They heard powerful and poignant Love Letters from recipients and others whose lives have been changed through the dollars raised and programs offered by our community’s 750+ caring, compassionate Lions. In love and sisterhood, the Lions were also brought to tears and a standing ovation as they honored trailblazer Margie Baer

Marilyn Barry, Melissa Barry

for her passionate, longstanding dedication to Women’s Philanthropy and the Federation. The Lions provided other deeply moving moments, as Marilyn Barry and Judi Schuman announced their LOJE endowments that will fully protect their Lion gifts forever. Marilyn Barry then pinned her granddaughter Melissa as a Lion, and Phyllis Sandler announced that she was making her granddaughters Brittany and Ali Lions as well. Lara Logan proved herself a true hero, having earned a prominent place among the world’s best journalists by boldly reporting from war zones over more than two decades. She shared riveting stories including her horrific attack in Egypt. Lara’s compelling presentation was underwritten by the Marleen Forkas Chair of Contemporary Jewish Issues. Marleen’s generous endowment has ensured that the Federation will always provide its loyal and committed women donors with the highest caliber keynote speakers. 23 CHAILIFE

Federation Fetes Top Women Donors with Renee Taylor

Judi Schuman, Renee Taylor, Stephanie Owitz

Florence Brody, Adele Lebersfeld, Andrea Dubroff

Charlotte Stein, Edith Stein, Renee Taylor, Kinnie Gorelick, Phyllis Wachtel

An afternoon of laughter, warm companionship and private time with renowned actress/comedian Renee Taylor was in store for three dozen of our community’s most caring, generous women. The new “Just for You” series debuted on Sunday, February 17, 2013 with Taylor’s hilarious one-woman show, My Life on a Diet, presented by the Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center in Zinman Hall - followed by “Conversation and Cocktails” with the performer exclusively for them. Chaired by Judi Schuman, “Just for You” is especially for women who contribute to Federation’s Annual Campaign at the $10,000 Major Gifts level or higher.

Phyllis Rosenstock, Harriet Finger

Enjoying Fashion, Helping the Community at Saks Fifth Avenue Loves Your Cause Women who care about the finest in fashion as well as the best for our community headed to Saks Fifth Avenue Town Center on February 6. Amid a lively, colorful atmosphere, champagne and brunch-by-the-bite, they viewed the vibrant Etro Spring 2013 Runway Collection at Saks Fifth Avenue Loves Your Cause. Throughout

Meryl Gallatin, John Antonini

Wendy Pressner, Eydie Holz CHAILIFE 24

February, the store has also been donating 5% of total sales on request from women with a Saks Store Card to the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, to help support growing needs locally, in Israel and around the world. The fashion-filled morning was co-hosted by Meryl Gallatin and Eydie Holz.

Emily Grabelsky, Judi Schuman, Phyllis Wachtel

Freda Burns, Lee Brenner

Beth Mishkin, Jan Savarick

Proud to play a part in our community, here to play a part in your financial life Since 1852, Wells Fargo has been helping families build, manage and preserve their wealth. Today, we are proud to continue our tradition of strong community partnership by saluting the Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. In addition to Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, we have also supported the following Jewish community organizations in South Florida: Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center Center for Sport and Jewish Life Greater Miami Jewish Federation

Jewish Adoption and Foster Care Options (JAFCO) Jewish National Fund - Boca Raton Alpert Jewish Children and Family Services United Jewish Community of Broward County

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Dorothy P. Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy

“After Hours” Takes Women Straight from the Art Fifty women of all ages enjoyed an evening of art and sisterhood at the season’s first “After Hours” gathering. “After Hours” is the Department of Women’s Philanthropy’s empowering evening social group, bringing together women whose lifestyles and schedules make evenings the time to socialize and learn. Amid wine, coffee and sumptuous desserts on January 8 at the newly renovated Rosenbaum Art Gallery in Boca Raton, they heard from local painter Brenda Zappitell. Against a backdrop of her work exuding movement in beautiful palettes, the artist discussed her genre of abstract expressionism as well as what being Jewish has brought to her work. The guests also heard from event chairs Ellen Channing & Dr. Gail Rubin Kwal. Eydie Holz, Women’s Philanthropy Vice Chair, Community Development shared the important work of the Federation. Rabbi Josh Broide provided a d’var Torah, rounding out a full evening of spirit, culture and companionship.

Save the Date EXERCISE EXPOSÉ: Zumba • yoga • spin

I♥yoga Workout Wear Trunk Show, Spa Services, Juice & Smoothie Bar and much more...

tuesday, April 23, 2013 • 7-9 p.m. Adolph & Rose Levis JCC Gym 9801 Donna Klein Blvd., Boca Raton

COUVERT: $18 per person ATTIRE: Workout chic Chairs:

Ellen Channing & Dr. Gail Rubin Kwal Ellen Channing, Eydie Holz, Susan Zappitell, Gail Rubin Kwal

Wendy Pressner, Rabbi Josh Broide

Vice chair, community development: Eydie Holz

Reservations are required. RSVP by April 16, 2013 For more information, contact Jillian Rosen at 561.852.6084 or April Leavy, Alexandra Leavy CHAILIFE 26

Susan Podolsky, Taryn Hoffman, Janet Sussberg

ATTENTION SOUTH PALM BEACH COMMUNITY: if you are a Jewish young adult age 22-26, experience a fun and exciting Taglit-Birthright israel trip this June with the Jewish Federation of South palm Beach county and israelExperts.

DON’T FORGET: Registration opens: Feb. 13, 2013 at 10 a.m. E.T. and for returning applicants Feb. 11 at noon E.T. Use the referral code SPalm28 to receive priority when you register! QUESTIONS? Contact Kristy Lopez, South Palm Beach County Jewish Federation: 561.852.6090 |

Visit to sign up for more information about your trip. USE CODE SPalm28

We welcome

Andrew L. Rosenkranz

as Rabbi and Development Director at Congregation B’nai Israel.

561-241-8118 2200 Yamato Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 27 CHAILIFE

for Jewish Children and their Families


For more information follow PJ Library on Facebook at If you have questions or would like to get involved, please contact local PJ Library Director Elana Ostroff at or 561.852.6080. 29 CHAILIFE

Young Adult Division Young, Jewish and 22-45? Don’t miss the places to be. Our Young Adult Division continues to amaze and inspire with rising passion for fun, education, networking and Jewish philanthropy. The last few months have brought hundreds of us together at events celebrating Jewish values in venues that show just how wonderful it is to be young in South Florida. And many of them are learning about Federation for the first time. Just picture it: • 22-45 year olds exuberantly mingling in one of the hottest Mizner Park or Atlantic Avenue spots suddenly riveted by a relevant d’var Torah from one of our rabbis. • Two hundred of us in blue and white dancing to a DJ at the posh Omphoy Palm Beach start singing the blessings over Hanukkah candles and sharing latkes.

Blue & White Party Sets New Chanukah Tradition for Young Adults It wasn’t quite their grandparents’ Chanukah as more than 200 young adults from throughout Palm Beach County celebrated together in a new way at the “The Blue & White Party” on December 13. Single or married, new to or born into the community, they were decked out in blue and white together at the beautiful Omphoy Ocean Resort beachfront in Palm Beach. And in the holiday spirit, they made new friends among a great mix of people. With a blend of tradition and today, they enjoyed tunes from DJ Brett Sandala, hors d’oeuvres and cocktails - along with latkes and a menorah-lighting ceremony with Rabbi Cookie Olshein. Co-chaired by Brooke Eisensmith, Jeremy Cohen and Rachel & Jeff Rudner, the evening featured terrific raffle prizes including Lady Gaga, Dolphins Club and Cirque du Soleil tickets, and a stay at the Omphoy. In the holiday spirit, the guests also contributed five giant bags of toys for distribution by Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service and Alpert Jewish Family and Children’s Service. “The Blue and White Party” was presented by the Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and Next Gen of the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County.

• Young couples on “Date Night” kibbitzing over wine about plans to buy a home or start a family...then stay to learn about the complicated Israel-Turkey relationship from a local professor. • Families with young children coming to the Federation campus to sing and play. If you or someone you know is between the ages of 22 and 45, don’t miss out. Join us at our upcoming events. Contact or 561.852.6084. B’Shalom,

Bryan Drowos Chair, Young Adult Division (YAD)

Keep up with upcoming YAD events. Like us on Facebook CHAILIFE 30

Palm Beach and South Palm Beach County Jewish Leaders Andrew Comiter, Jeff & Rachel Rudner, Brooke Eisensmith, Jeremy Cohen, Bryan Drowos

he of t ion s i ts v Di sen dult n of pre A y t g n o n ti Cou You era The sh Fed Beach i w m Je h Pal t Sou

Young Adult Division is generously sponsored by:

F i n e

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Young Adult Division

Young Adults Prepare Hands-on to LEAD With spirit, learning, networking and acts of loving-kindness, YAD’s Leadership Education and Development Series (LEADS) continues to ready both first and second year classes to step into the forefront of our Jewish community. In November, they learned about Special Needs programs and services from the Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC) Executive Director Dr. Debra Hallow and visited a JARC apartment, visited Donna Klein Jewish Academy and heard from Head of School Karen Feller, toured the Adolph & Rose Levis JCC and spoke with Executive Director Randy Colman. In December, young adults from LEADS and the YAD Board, along with several of their children, spent a morning assembling food packages for delivery to clients of The Jacobson Family Food Pantry at JFS and hearing about hunger in our community from Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service President & CEO Danielle Hartman. The January LEADS program featured a Value-Based Leadership session led by Professor David B. Ross of Nova Southeastern University, and February focused on the Global Jewish Community and Local/Overseas Allocations with Eric Stein, Israel and Overseas Committee Vice Chair. Rabbi Josh Broide is on hand for each program with facilitation and an inspiring d’var Torah.

YAD Wanders to Eurofusion and Beyond for Happy Hour Wherever YAD wanders for Happy Hour, it’s the place for young Jewish adults in their 20s to early 40s to see and be seen. On January 17 at Eurofusion, they enjoyed drinks, learned a bit about how young adults can help our community, and even got inspired with a d’var Torah by Rabbi David Baum of Congregation Shaarei Kodesh. Whether you’re new to town, a veteran young leader or anything in between, YAD Social Chairs Lauren Friedman and Larry Melcer invite you to join in these great evenings with company you’ll want to keep, in venues you’ll want to visit! YAD wandered on to Delray Beach at The Sandbar on February 21, heads to Tryst on April 11, and keeps moving. Happy Hours begin at 5:45. $8 registration per event or $65 donation for the series comes with one drink ticket. For more information, contact

Young Adult Division 20s 30s early 40s

WANDERING Happy Hour MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE FOLLOWING DATES: April 11 Tryst 4 East Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach June 20 Blue Martini & Bar 6000 Glades Rd. Boca Raton July 25 Morton’s Steakhouse 5050 Town Center Cir. Boca Raton For more information, visit


Wishing The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County success in the 2013 Annual Campaign. Our deepest gratitude and admiration to all the committed, generous volunteers and supporters whose dedicated efforts meet vital human needs for so many in our community, in Israel and overseas. Jeffrey Sandelman



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Young Adult Division

“Playdates with a Purpose” Makes Friends with Tzedakah Tired of the same old playdates, and wanting to share important Jewish values with their children hands-on, 68 enthusiastic, energetic participants gathered at JARC on December 4, 2012. The second of three “Playdates with a Purpose” featured a Chanukah Sing-a-long with Miss Susan, Chanukah crafts, and time to make friends with other parents and children. Playdates with a Purpose is a new Federation YAD series designed for parents and caregivers with children ages two to eight. For more information, call 561.852.6084 or email

A Date Night of Wine Tasting Young couples headed to The Rustic Cellar in downtown Boca on February 7 for a night of Kosher wine tasting with a great sommelier. Date Nights are created for those in their 20s-40s who are married, engaged and in committed relationships. The event was chaired by Matthew & Nicole Kaplan.




Passover Cooking Demonstration Thursday, March 14, 2013 • 6-8 p.m. Bloomingdale’s, Boca Raton Couvert: $36 per couple Chairs: Nicole & Matthew Kaplan CELEBRITY CHEF: Michael Saperstein visit to RSVP for more information, contact Jillian Rosen at 561.852.6084 or CHAILIFE 34

The Jewish Federation Of South Palm Beach County





DEAR FEDERATION FAMILY: The past year truly marked the beginning of a new era here at the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Together, we’ve been reaching greater heights, opening new doors and inspiring timeless hopes. Our parking lots and walkways are bustling with a new sense of purpose. Our activity centers and meeting rooms are bursting with life. Beyond the Federation campus, the bonds we share are growing stronger as we welcome new faces and more opportunities. With inspired leadership from our dedicated, visionary new President & CEO, Matt Levin, we’ve been reaching out as never before. We are engaging our neighbors from throughout our Jewish community, bringing them together to care for our people now and into the future. In 2012, we reached our Annual Campaign goal of $13.3 million and raised a supplemental $490,000 in response to additional pressing needs. As we extend our welcome even farther, this year’s campaign promises to exceed expectations. Once again, we brought thousands of all ages together to celebrate the State of Israel on Yom HaAtzmaut at Sunset Cove Amphitheater. Our latest Major Gifts Event, renamed in honor of the Sandler Family, indeed felt like a family reunion, as hundreds of donors came together in a powerful and passionate celebration of caring and community. Our dynamic team of committed lay leaders and dedicated professionals has also been creating exciting entry points and promising new initiatives. Recently, at “The Event,” our community came together in all its vibrant diversity to celebrate the good we do together. We’ve expanded the activities of our King David Society, re-established our Business and Professional Division and rejuvenated our Young Adult Division. We’re bringing PJ Library to our young families and are launching our first Birthright Israel community bus. Making strides to help ensure our Jewish future, the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation launched our “Promises Kept” Campaign with a $1 million planned gift from Marilyn and Stan Barry. JJCF also welcomed 15 inaugural agency, synagogue and school partners to Create a Jewish Legacy. On behalf of all those here at home, in Israel and around the world whose lives you have touched, we thank you for your continued support and generosity. Because of you, the future beckons, full of promise. As we take our next steps together, we also invite you to join us in looking back with great pride at our year in review. Gratefully yours,

Ellen R. Sarnoff chair, Jewish Federation


David pratt chair, Jewish community Foundation

matthew c. Levin president & cEO

YEAR IN REVIEW 2012 Together we did extraordinary things in 2012! From every corner of the community, we came together to feed, clothe, shelter, counsel, rescue, reach, teach and touch thousands of people here at home, in Israel and around the world. We welcomed new faces. We reached out to young families and to business professionals. We inspired new donors and encouraged new dreams. Join with us now as we celebrate just a few of the highlights from our recent journey together.

ANNUAL CAMPAIGN: KinG DaViD soCiety members enjoyed an evening at Mar-a-Lago with President Bill Clinton at an event organized by JFNA. In April, community leaders in KDS visited the Jewish community in Cuba and saw wonderful results of our efforts there. The new KDS season kicked off with speaker David Makovsky. major Gifts Our most prestigious annual fundraising event was named in honor of Phyllis and Harvey Sandler and their family, the largest family donors in the history of our Annual Campaign. At the sanDler family major Gifts eVent, the Ketubah Society welcomed new members Lorraine & Jerome (z’l) Aresty, Eleanor & Ed Epstein, Sylvia Fried, Jeanette & Sherman Vogel. We also introduced emerGinG jewish philanthropists, a new initiative for young major donors, whose early activities will include travel to Cuba. women’s philanthropy With more than 750 Lions of Judah, the “pride” can be felt throughout the community. These

generous women recharged and recommitted at the annual Lion of Judah Luncheon. Other events that reached out to women of all ages and different giving levels included a new “Just for You” series for major donors and “After Hours” evening programs. Our Lions roared through the Big Apple with the largest ILOJC delegation outside the NYC area. Country CluB Communities anD neiGhBorhooDs Once again, community leaders and volunteers worked tirelessly to ensure that their constituencies understand and value the vital importance of our Annual Campaign. Business & professional DiVision (B&p) triumphantly returned with force to successfully redefine networking among entrepreneurs and professionals. Led by a dynamic Cabinet, B&P is creating connections that are good for business as well as the Jewish community, featuring events including the popular Industry ICON networking series.


Young Adult Division (YAD) The thoughtfully redesigned YAD has emerged as a bustling hub for young adults and families, with activities such as LEADS to develop a new generation of community leaders, Playdates with a Purpose, Date Nights for young couples and much much more.

Israel & Overseas (cont’d) Through The Jewish Agency for Israel, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Ethiopian National Project (ENP), we also touched the lives of thousands of the world’s most vulnerable Jews, from the very young to the very old.

SUPER SUNDAY Super heroes from throughout the community kept the phone ringing with opportunities to join the super strata by helping to meet vital needs.

Department of Jewish Education DJE’s School Educational Services offered an array of professional development programming for more than 500 teachers and 4,800 students in our Early Childhood Centers, Congregational Schools and Day Schools.

FEDERATION PROGRAMS Jewish Community Relations Council JCRC’s busy year included a Candidates Forum for those seeking office to serve South Palm Beach County, the annual Legislative Sendoff for local state senators and representatives, and the Food Stamp Challenge to address local hunger. Israel Under the Stars once again drew thousands to our largest community event. JCRC also hosted more than 150 Jewish communal professionals from Florida at the 2nd Annual Florida Jewish Symposium with top caliber presenters. Planning & Allocations The Planning & Allocations Committee assesses our community’s needs and prioritizes funding to meet them. Last year, P&A addressed needs among seniors and those with special needs; helped those in need of financial assistance, counseling or Jewish day school scholarships; and recommended funding for new outreach and engagement initiatives. Israel & Overseas Federation’s P2K program continued its very successful Women’s Exchange initiative. Six more women from South Palm Beach County were paired with peers in our Sister City in Israel, Kiryat Bialik. In addition, hundreds of students in both communities continued to connect with each other in creative ways.

The past year laid the groundwork to bring a major national resource that is coming to our community’s young families this spring. The PJ Library® South Palm Beach County Partnership is made possible by generous support from our Federation, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Union for Reform Judaism, Leon and Toby Cooperman Family Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, as well as local program contributors. Department of Special Needs The Department of Special Needs supports existing community resources, and collaborates with families, agencies, congregations, and schools to obtain and enhance services for children and adults with disabilities. The Department also provides training and resources to assist families in securing the knowledge they need to become better advocates. Federation Transportation Service (FTS) Federation Transportation Services, Inc. provided 49,000 trips last year, to help senior and disabled clients get to life sustaining locations such as doctor’s offices, grocery stores, pharmacies and local congregate hot meal sites. FTS also transported students from Donna Klein Jewish Academy, Hillel Day School and Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center to offsite school and camp activities.

JACOBSON FAMILY JEWISH COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Endowment Campaign This past year, our JJCF embarked on an exciting journey that will strengthen its efforts to meet the needs of our community and sustain our people well into the future. The Promises Kept Campaign – launched by a visionary planned gift of $1 million from Marilyn and Stan Barry – has already collected more than $2.5 million in cash and expected dollars. Create a Jewish Legacy In its first year, CJL established dynamic partnerships with 15 local agencies, schools and synagogues. Actively engaged in building a strong, vibrant community through planned charitable giving, CJL partners are succeeding with a wealth of resources including expert training seminars, customized consultations and materials through our JJCF. To date, over $4.5 million has been committed Professional Advisory Committee The Foundation‘s growth is due in part to the efforts of the PAC professionals who work to encourage charitable giving through the establishment of new endowment funds, trusts, bequests, life insurance policies and IRAs on behalf of their clients. Our PAC also presented a seminar on tax planning strategies which 140 professionals attended, and sent 11 members on a mission to Washington, D.C. Jewish Women’s Foundation Through its unique granting program, JWF makes a difference in the lives of Jewish women and children locally and overseas. As JWF approached its 10th anniversary, among its recent funded projects was an exciting new collaborative grant made along with 16 sister organizations across the country. JWF Trustees take pride in their hands-on philanthropy that has funded nearly half a million dollars in grants through 2012. LION OF JUDAH ENDOWMENT In 2012, 10 more women joined our LOJE program, ensuring their generous Lion gifts to the Federation in perpetuity. With 263 members, our LOJE program – the largest in the country – can now roar even louder with pride. 39 CHAILIFE

Federation Officers Chair Ellen R. Sarnoff Vice Chair, FRD Anne L. Jacobson Vice Chair, Campaign Joseph S. Mishkin Vice Chair, Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation David Pratt, Esq. Vice Chair, Women’s Philanthropy Emily Grabelsky Vice Chair, Planning & Allocations Stephen A. Mendelsohn, Esq. Vice Chair Wesley E. Finch Vice Chair Carol S. Smokler Vice Chair Etta Gross Zimmerman Secretary Albert Gortz, Esq. Assistant Secretary Debra Halperin Treasurer Stewart Kasen Assistant Treasurer Arthur Goldberg

BOARD MEMBERS Michael Beckerman Laurence I. Blair, Esq. • Dana Charles-Kodner Helen Cohan Jill Deutch Bryan Drowos Rabbi David Englander Barbara Feingold Dale Filhaber David Galpern Louise Galpern Rani H. Garfinkle Rabbi Efrem Goldberg Glen Golish Dr. Gail Greenspoon Eric Gutmann • Jeffrey Harris Adele Hast Shelley Pechter Himmelrich

Betty Kane Thomas R. Kaplan David Kirschner Elliot S. Koolik Elyssa Kupferberg Dr. Gail Rubin Kwal April E. Leavy Murray Leipzig Rabbi Daniel Levin Michael Lipton Roxane Frechie Lipton Robert Marton Jeffrey Newman Stephanie Owitz Barry Podolsky Wendy Pressner Susan Rahn Jill Rose Michael Rose

Amy Ross Robin Rubin Burt Satzberg Mark Schaum Dr. David Schimel Janet Sherr Ron Siegel, Esq. • Joseph Sitrick Gadi Soued Rabbi David Steinhardt Ted Struhl Jay Weinberg Michael J. Weinberg Dorothy M. Wizer Lesley Zafran • Raymond Zimmerman • Beneficiary Agency Chairs/Presidents

DIRECTORS EMERITUS Jerome Altheimer Margie B. Baer Edward I. Burns Dr. Melvin R. Clayman Karola Epstein Gerald Golden

Kinnie Gorelick David G. Hast Abner Levine Dorothy Lipson Lawrence Phillips Clarice F. Pressner

Gordon Salganik Dorothy P. Seaman Richard Siemens Shirley Solomon Elizabeth S. Zinman

PAST CHAIRS James B. Baer 1979-1983* Marianne Bobick 1983-1986 James H. Nobil 1986-1988, 1999-2001 Marvin Zale 1988-1991 Allan Solomon 1991-1992 Richard Okonow 1992-1995*

Herbert Gimelstob 1995-1998 Ralph Solomon 1998-1999* Andrew S. Robins, Esq. 2001-2003 Lawrence D. Altschul 2003-2005 Etta Gross Zimmerman 2005-2007 Stewart G. Harris 2007-2010 Cindy Orbach Nimhauser 2010-2011

KETUBAH SOCIETY Over time, these most generous donors have made a cumulative financial commitment of one million dollars or more to the Annual Campaign of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.


Lorraine & Jerome* Aresty Gloria* & Lee* Baker Helene & Elliot Brody Florence & Martin* Brody Dorothy* & Peter* Brown Norma & Lester Cohen Eleanor & Edward Epstein Sylvia Fried Meryl & Ron Gallatin Rani & Sandor* Garfinkle Elaine & Herbert Gimelstob Carole & Barry Kaye Evelyn & Ronald Krancer Mildred & Abner Levine Bette* & Jerome* Lorber Billi & Bernard Marcus Judy Levis Markhoff & Paul Markhoff in Blessed Memory of Rose & Adolph Levis Elizabeth & Sheldon Maschler William Newman

Toby Weinman Palchik & Melvin* Palchik Marilyn & Jack Pechter Lois & Robert Pergament Lawrence Phillips Ruth* & Norman* Rales Dollsey & Seymour* Rappaport Phyllis & Harvey Sandler Harriett & Irving Sands Ellen R. Sarnoff Dorothy & Larry* Seaman Carole & Richard Siemens Carol S. & Irving Smokler Bernice & Ira* Waldbaum Ruth Weinberger Jeanette & Sherman Vogel Shirley & Barton Weisman Barbara & William Weprin Etta & Raymond Zimmerman

* Of Blessed Memory



Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, Inc. Allocations and Support (In Thousands) Jewish Community Foundation Fund BENEFICIARY AGENCIES 2011-2012 Financial Highlights Adolph & Rose Levis Adult Day Care Center $10 Income and Allocations Report (In Thousands) Adolph & Rose Levis Jewish Community Center $959 B’nai Brith Youth Organization – Florida $3 Final Audit Information Birthright Israel $20 Donna Klein Jewish Academy $773 SUPPORT Florida Association of Jewish Federations $13 Contributions, Gifts, Grants *See Note Below $19,810 Florida Hillel Council $40 Program and Other Revenue $1,026 Hillel Day School $172 Jewish Association for Residential Care $128 TOTAL PRIMARY REVENUE $20,836 Kosher Konnection $5 OTHER REVENUE Outreach $45 Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service $1,027 Interest and Dividend Income $477 Special Needs Task Force $3 Realized Gains $937 Temple Beth El $8 Other $1,280 Torah Academy $133 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE $2,694 Transportation Services $35 Weinbaum Yeshiva High School $118 TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE $23,530 $3,492 TOTAL:

Note Additional Allocations (Stated In Thousands):

PROGRAM EXPENSES Jewish Federations of North America $1,581 Charitable Distributions – Consolidated  Federation/Foundation $2,610 Beneficiary Agencies (see listing) $3,492 Planning, Community Relations Council, Overseas,  Jewish Education Dept., Foundation $1,720 Communications, Event Expenses, Agencies  Consolidation costs $3,688


Distributions from the Weinberg Fund for Senior Programs, totaling $241,726: Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service Transportation Services Adolph & Rose Levis Adult Day Care Center


$130 $62 $50


$13,091 $955 $1,343 $15,389

Distribution of Expenses As % of Total Expenses

*NOTE: In addition to the above, supplement gifts were made to, or through, the Federation to Jewish organizations, apart from Annual Campaign or Emergency Campaigns. Supplemental gifts enhanced Federation’s ability to advance certain programs and projects, and address emerging needs. Federation made distribution payments from these gifts within the 11-12 Fiscal Year totaling (in thousands): $490

Program Expenses


6% 9% Administrative/ Management Expenses

Fundraising Expenses


FOUNDATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES M. Adam Bankier, Esq. Stan Barry Laurence I. Blair, Esq. Stuart E. Bloch, Esq. Dana Charles-Kodner, Esq. Caryn Clayman, Esq. Helen Cohan Alan Cornell Janet Elinoff Sheila Fuente Louise Galpern Albert Gortz, Esq. Gail Greenspoon Shelly Pechter Himmelrich David A. Kirschner Matthew J. Kutcher, CFP Richard Kwal

Sandra L. Lippy Roxane Frechie Lipton Carl Marbach Linda A. Melcer Joseph S. Mishkin Cindy Orbach Nimhauser Elaine Roberts Jonathan I. Sahn Ellen R. Sarnoff Mark A. Schaum, Esq. CPA Michael J. Shapiro Roz Silver Ted Struhl Michael J. Weinberg Jerome L. Wolf, Esq. Joel Yudenfreund, Esq. CPA

FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair David Pratt, Esq. Vice Chair, Board Development Elyssa J. Kupferberg Vice Chair, Investment Committee Richard D. Steinberg, CFA Chair, By-Laws Donald R. Tescher, Esq. Co-Chairs, Create A Jewish Legacy David A. Katzman, CPA Anne L. Jacobson Norman Jacobson Chair, Grants & Scholarships Committee Michael D. Lipton

Chair, Jewish Women’s Foundation Mara Reuben Chair, Marketing Dale Filhaber Chair, Nominating Committee Thomas R. Kaplan Chair, Planned Giving And Endowments Barbara Werner Chair, Professional Advisory Committee Marjorie A. Horwin, CPA Immediate Past Chair Thomas R. Kaplan

Chair, Insurance Committee Seth A. Marmor, Esq.

FOUNDATION CHAIRS Gary Bernstein* Albert W. Gortz, Esq. Marvin A. Kirsner, Esq. Jerome L. Wolf, Esq. Eric W. Deckinger Ralph M. Solomon* Eugene Pargh Jeffrey S. Kahn, Esq. Caryn J. Clayman, Esq. Charles Ganz Thomas R. Kaplan David Pratt, Esq.

1984 – 1986 1986 – 1988 1988 – 1990 1990 –1991 1991 – 1994 1994 – 1996 1996 – 1997 1997 – 2001 2001 – 2004 2004 – 2005 2005 – 2008 2008 – present

Net Assets of Foundation, September 1 Contributions to Funds Interest and Dividends Realized Capital Gain (Loss) Unrealized Gain (Loss) Change in Value of Split Interest Agreements TOTAL Additions Distributions/Grants Operating Expenses TOTAL Deductions

$34,714,445 $45,297,081 8,843,631 375,292 1,233,265 2,994,330

7,870,337 398,251 937,166 (1,001,666)



$13,809,411 $8,125,944 2,561,985 3,152,128 664,790 814,375 $3,226,775 $3,966,503

Non-Operating  Funds Transferred Out

Net Assets of Foundation, August 31

Assets by Type of Investment JUF Investment Portfolio Alternative Investments Cash and Money Market Funds Corporate Bonds Equities Equity Funds Exchange Traded Funds Bond Funds Inter-Fund Loan Israel Bonds Municipal Bonds Mutual Funds Other (Insurance Policies, etc.) Real Estate TOTAL INVESTMENTS

* Of Blessed Memory CHAILIFE 42

Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation Fund Assets for the Year Ending August 31, 2012 Final Audit Information 2010-2011 2011-2012

$0 $11,566,390

$45,297,081 $37,890,132

50,511,701 43,990,831 437,516 564,351 4,799,633 4,104,533 1,406,598 1,384,610 838,854 1,367,167 - - - 2,933,348 2,933,348 1,925,500 1,916,500 - 3,628,281 3,640,530 756,280 773,506 165,953 160,977 $67,407,664 $60,836,353

Sinai Residences of Boca Raton Rising to Exceed Expectations We are pleased to report that Federation CCRC Development, LLC, an independent, not-for-profit entity owned by the Federation, continues to make significant progress in the development of Sinai Residences of Boca Raton. As of January 31, 2013, 75 parties have reserved their new apartment homes for the community, expected to open in late 2015. This vibrant, modern continuing care retirement community will occupy 22 acres on the campus of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Sinai Residences will offer residents a remarkable maintenance-free lifestyle, and feature an impressive collection of services and amenities designed to provide everything today’s seniors want for their future. These will include multiple dining venues (including accommodations for kosher meals),

Developed by

programs, classes and beautifully-appointed common spaces for the enjoyment of residents and their guests. As a planned Life Care community, Sinai Residences will also offer guaranteed access to a full continuum of care including assisted living, memory support and skilled nursing care at predictable rates. The project calls for 237 independent living apartment homes, 48 assisted living apartments, 60 skilled nursing suites and 24 memory support studio suites to be built. The project is enjoying a high degree of interest and success. We expect the community to be 70% pre-sold by the end of 2013 and are confident it will set the standard for retirement living in the area. For more information about Sinai Residences, call Amy Linder at (561) 338-9595.

Managed by


business & professionAl division (b&p) We’re Redefining Business Networking and having a great time doing it! Ask anyone who has attended one of our four dynamic cabinet meetings or three top-caliber Industry Icon events. It just couldn’t be more clear that what we’re doing is good for their business and good for the community. In the busy few months since we launched our new Division, we’ve scored a string of successes for both the organization and our members. Our Icon events are attracting interesting – and interested – new faces to the Federation campus. In the process, we’re introducing a world of vital programs and projects to new audiences. And with each networking opportunity, we are getting to know each other better and learning more about our varied philanthropic and personal as well as business goals. It’s happening quickly. We’re making business connections as we build a better Jewish community - by bringing people together. Visit us at or contact B&P Director Sonni Simon at 561.852.3128 or Sincerely and successfully yours,

Gary Lesser Co-chair, B&P

inDustry iCons put B&p on the map Entrepreneurs and professionals have found a real home on the Federation campus for top-caliber programming, premium networking and a unique ability to help the community: the new Business & Professional Division’s Industry Icons Series. And the momentum keeps building. In February, the most recent Icons event brought a series record of 180 enthusiastic attendees – 110 of them new to Federation - to Zinman Hall. They enjoyed cocktails and a “Business of Sports” panel featuring Cliff Viner, General Partner & CEO of the Florida Panthers; Adam Zissman, General Counsel for the Miami Dolphins; and Joe Girvan, ESPN Sports Anchor. They also learned how B&P is good for

Leon cooperman

business as well as the community, as Norman Jacobson, one of the most generous members of our community and a highly successful entrepreneur in the pharmaceutical industry, also shared his journey to philanthropy. Leon Cooperman, a Forbes 400 Member, Founder of Omega Advisors, Inc. and Former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, kicked off the series at a November breakfast. He was followed in December by Bob Diener, founder of and president & founder of getaroom. com. The momentum continues with the next Industry Icon at 8:00 a.m. on March 20th in Zinman Hall with Larry Feldman, CEO of Subway Development Corporation.

Ken Lebersfeld, Herman Lebersfeld, Leon cooperman, adele Lebersfeld, Eric Lebersfeld

Bob Marton Co-chair, B&P

Keep up-to-date with information regarding B&P like us on facebook connect with us on linkedin CHAILIFE 44

Jeremy paul, Rob gerstein, Joshua Friedman, Jeff Shavitz

Bob Diener

business & professional Division (B&P) Please welcome our newest Cabinet members: Mark Berkowitz Mark J. Berkowitz P A. Lauren A. Cohen Business Plans by the Write Professionals Zev Herman Superior Lighting Phillip Rich, Coach Howard Schnellenberger

Bob Marton, Norman Jacobson, Cliff Viner, Adam Zissman, Joe Girvan, Gary Lesser

Ken Lebersfeld Capitol Lighting Becky Lightman Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Richard Paul The Limited Brands (Retired) Howard Silverstein Choice Employee Benefits Group LLC

Seth Turnoff, BIBBY Financial Services; Adam Zissman; Marcus Ferrari, BIBBY; Cliff Viner; Charles Wolowitz, BIBBY

Ralph Behmoiras, Boca Raton Observer; Rob Siemens; Craig Zeuner

Jared Strasser Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Marc Strasser Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Also please note this correction to our previous listing:

Jason Brodie, Joshua Friedman, Dori Eden, Dr. Steven Grabelsky, Greg Gefen, Rob Gerstein (some of the B&P Cabinet Members)

Gregory Gefen Law Offices of Gregory Gefen PA & Gefen Asset Management Financial Advisors

Brad Gucciardo, Scott Hirsch

INDUSTRY ICON EVENT March 20, 2013 • 8 a.m. Larry Feldman, CEO, Subway Federation Campus, Zinman Hall

B&P closing event Save the Date May 6, 2013

Chairs: Bob Marton & Gary Lesser

To Register, visit For more information, contact Sonni Simon at 561.852.3128 or B&P Icon Events are generously sponsored by:


Anne & Norman Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation Ensuring the Future of Our Jewish Community and People

The 2013 season at the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation (JJCF) is moving forward with great success! The launch of our Endowment Campaign is off to a wonderful start with the announcement of our first $1 million endowment by Marilyn and Stan Barry! We have total new commitments of over $2,500,000 in cash and anticipated dollars, including ten new Lion of Judah Endowments (LOJE). In February, we heard from David Brief, Chief Investment Officer of the Greater Metro Chicago Federation, in which our JJCF assets are invested. Our partnership continues to be beneficial, providing sound and prudent returns on these investments. Please note that the IRA qualified charitable rollover has been extended through 2013. Read more on page 49 about this important opportunity for those ages 70 and older. You’ll also enjoy reading about PAC activities, Create a Jewish Legacy and Education Fund success stories, and kvelling over Rich Steinberg and Roxane Lipton’s much-deserved forthcoming honors. B’Shalom,

David Pratt Chair

Elyssa Kupferberg Vice Chair

Richard Steinberg Vice Chair CHAILIFE 46

Keeping Promise: the

Marilyn & Stan Barry Invest In Our Jewish Future With $1 Million Endowment

When Marilyn Barry found a Lion pin among her mother’s effects, she didn’t know what it symbolized. Now a proud Emerald Lion, Marilyn is making sure the family tradition continues; in a beautiful moment, she pinned her granddaughter Melissa at the recent Lion of Judah Luncheon.


arilyn and Stan, her high school sweetheart and husband of 55 years, have now embraced their larger Jewish family with a legacy as well. With their characteristic vision, compassion and generosity, they’ve stepped up with an endowment gift that will care for those in need, strengthen Jewish identity and ensure that our community is there in times of crisis – forever. “Marilyn and Stan’s vision and generosity have truly launched our Promises Kept Campaign with their $1 million planned gift. Passionate about investing in the future of our community, they trust the JJCF as its steward to use these funds wisely for pressing needs in the years and generations to come.” -Matthew C. Levin, President & CEO, Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County

Stan explains that their philanthropy really began after moving to Boca Raton in 2000. He took a lesson from Marilyn’s father, “a quiet philanthropist later in life, who learned from friends involved in Jewish causes.” For Stan, a real estate developer and investor, those friends were Linda and Ivan Gefen, who led him to the board of Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service, where he was “powerfully drawn to help seniors and others in need.” Since then, they’ve made many philanthropic friends. Marilyn enjoys the Lion sisterhood’s camaraderie, and co-chaired this year’s luncheon. On the JJCF board, Stan appreciates “people working together with common vision for the good of our community and our people.” Their generosity has extended to causes including Café Europa for Holocaust survivors, March of the Living and Donna Klein Jewish Academy scholarships and, after a compelling Federation mission, the Cuban Jewish community. As Marilyn says, “There are so many areas of Jewish need and we want to help all our people. These are not competing causes; they come together at the Federation, where we can support them all. It feels so good to know we’ll be perpetuating wonderful programs we care about.” “I knew how much Marilyn and Stan wanted to help our community into the future,” said Ivan Gefen, who helped his friends create their endowment. “Through an insurance policy they were able to substantially leverage their gift while retaining their yearly tax deduction. It was a true pleasure to help them achieve their charitable goals.”


PROMISE WiLL YOu maKE TO FuTuRE gEnERaTiOnS? The Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation is here to help fulfill your promise that there will always be a strong and thriving Jewish community and people. Learn about the easy ways you can keep your promise, l’dor v’dor, from generation to generation. Please consult with your trusted financial advisor or a member of our Foundation’s professional team at 561.852.3342.

“Our insurance policy isn’t burdensome and there’s no reason, for people who are able, not to help their own community,” adds Stan. “Let this be a stepping stone for others to ensure the Jewish future with JJCF through the financial options that work best for them.” 47 CHAILIFE

professionAl AdvisorY committee

Mitzvah Society

ocktail eception C R MITZVAH SOCIETY HONOREE RICHARD STEINBERG Richard D. Steinberg, CFA is the President and Chief Investment Officer of Steinberg Global Asset Management, Ltd., a registered investment advisor. Steinberg Global actively manages approximately $500 million of assets for private clients, retirement plans, corporations, foundations, profit sharing plans and pension accounts. Richard is a frequent guest on CNBC’s Squawk Box and PBS’ Nightly Business Report. He is often quoted by the Wall Street Journal, Barron’s, Business Week, Bloomberg, and other national press publications. Richard is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a graduate of Emory University. He serves on the Governance Committee for the Professional Advisory Committee (PAC) for the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. Additionally, Rich serves as Vice Chair for the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach County and is its Investment Committee Chair. Richard lives in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife, Naomi, and their children, Alana and Jack. Richard is an avid wine collector.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013 6:00 p.m. St. Andrews Country Club 17557 Claridge Oval West,Boca Raton Richard D. Steinberg, CFA David Pratt, Esq. and Kenneth Pritzker $50 per person

RSVP to or The Mitzvah Society Cocktail Reception is generously sponsored by

Matthew J. Kutcher, CFP

TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2013 • 5 P.M. WOODFIELD COUNTRY CLUB FEATURED SPEAKER DONALD O. JANSEN pAC mIssIOn TO IsRAEl ApRIl 20-28 Join the Professional Advisory Committee of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County for a once-in-a-lifetime experience. You will be infused with culture, history and hospitality of our homeland and gain a deeper appreciation for the work we do as community leaders. We will embark as colleagues and friends and return as a unified family dedicated to creating a brighter Jewish future.

mission highlights Include:* • Caesarea • Tour & Shopping in Safed • ATV rides through the Golan Heights

• Yad Vashem • Masada and so much more! * Itinerary subject to change

For more information, call Ida novack at 561.852.3342 or email CHAILIFE 48

Senior Tax Counsel, University of Texas System Office of General Counsel

CHAIRS: Brian Singer, CLU, ChFC & Eliot Popper

To RSVP, visit For more information, contact Michele Becker at 561.852.3173 or

Brighten the Future of Local Jewish College Students with JJCF Though they’d never met, for four years, Michael Lipton had been kvelling over FAU student Martin Volinsky’s academic progress and active commitment to our Jewish community. Despite consistently holding a job, living at home and receiving a Florida Bright Futures scholarship, as a freshman Volinsky was already having trouble making ends meet. He approached the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation’s Grants/Scholarship Committee, chaired by Lipton, which allocated vital support for tuition and books until Volinsky’s joyous December 2012 graduation with a BS in Economics. “With costs of undergraduate education skyrocketing, family resources stretched farther, and jobs for students scarce, more local young people are encountering significant obstacles in paying for higher education,” said Lipton. “The value of education to our people has been important to our very survival. While JJCF already had several donor-advised scholarship funds, we formed our General Fund that accepts tax-deductible donations in any increment to give more South Palm Beach County Jewish students in real need a fair chance for a brighter future. What a wonderful gift of tzedakah in memory of someone who valued education or in honor of a graduation, a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.” The Fund’s comprehensive scholarship criteria include keeping up a minimum grade point average and community service hours within the Jewish community – both of which Martin far exceeds as a serious student who long ago incorporated regular Jewish volunteerism into his life, including DKJA, Hillel at FAU, March of the Living, Super Sundays and AEPi, which he credits for building on his passion to give back to the Jewish people. Most recently, he helped found GenZ which brings Holocaust and bullying awareness and information to a new generation through social media.

IRA Charitable Distributions Extended through 2013 The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 passed at year end includes several tax and estate extensions through the entire year of 2013. • Qualified Conservation Contributions: The deduction limitation of 30 percent of the donor’s contribution base is increased to 50 percent of the donor’s contribution base over the amount of other charitable contributions. • IRA Rollovers to Charitable Organizations: Taxpayers age 70 1/2 or older can donate up to $100,000 from Roth or traditional IRAs to certain charitable organizations without including the amount of their IRA withdrawals in gross income. Taxpayers can make a rollover throughout the year of 2013. This provision allows for distributions directly to charitable organizations, but NOT to “Donor Advised Funds” • Although the bill does not include a cap or any other direct limitation on charitable deductions, it does reinstate a limitation on itemized deductions for individuals with incomes over $250,000 and married couples filing joint returns with incomes over $300,000. Please contact your personal legal, estate planning, financial or tax professionals for advice about how these provisions may affect your individual situation. For further information about the Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation and its resources, including the Professional Advisory Committee, contact Steve Rose, Foundation Director at 561.852.3114 or All conversations will be confidential.

“If half our scholarship recipients are this committed, we’re going to be in good hands,” said Lipton. “An investment in Martin’s education has been an investment in Jewish continuity. The young people involved here in Jewish life are enhancing our community and will give back wherever their adulthood takes them.” For more information about the JJCF Scholarship Funds, email or call 561.852.3173. 49 CHAILIFE

Create a Jewish Legacy Prepares Our Community for the Future as JJCF Community Partners Begin to Build their Endowments


fter laying the groundwork last year, our Jacobson Jewish Community Foundation’s truly innovative community-building Create a Jewish Legacy initiative has begun to bear fruit. Our fifteen CJL agency, synagogue and school partners have been putting their ongoing training and HILLEL OF BROWARD AND PALM BEACH At Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach, we are thrilled to have closed our first Legacy gift. A donor who has chosen to remain anonymous has made a wise and wonderful investment in the future of our Jewish community and our people by supporting our work at regional colleges and universities: to enrich the lives of Jewish undergraduate and graduate students so they may enrich the Jewish people and the world; and to see that every Jewish student is inspired to make an enduring commitment to Jewish life, learning and Israel.

customized materials to use. Educating and approaching their constituents to make a major impact for generations to come through planned giving, their efforts are becoming successful in inspiring investments for our community’s future. Here are two examples of these exciting developments. B’NAI TORAH CONGREGATION At this year’s High Holy Day services, B’nai Torah Congregation honored five Ner Tamid Society families, each with a minimum bequest gift of $100,000, and an additional two families who have stepped forward with legacy giving through charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities. Afterward, two additional families approached the synagogue’s leadership, contemplating their own legacy giving. One has moved forward with a gift through a life insurance policy, and another is considering leaving a bequest in her will.

After several conversations and a terrific face-to-face meeting we have a firm commitment for a generous annual gift for the rest of the donor’s life, and a $100,000 Legacy Gift to be enacted upon the donor’s passing. This donor is now also reaching out to contacts about similar gifts to Hillel. We are excited about this and other promising prospects.

B’nai Torah Congregation is so grateful for the Create A Jewish Legacy training. We are confident that the entire Jewish community will benefit from this extremely important initiative as together we Create Strong Jewish Legacies.

Thank you to Create a Jewish Legacy for providing the encouragement to actively seek these kinds of gifts and for giving us the knowledge and confidence to understand how to proceed.

For more information about becoming a partner, contact Michele Becker, Create a Jewish Legacy Coordinator at 561.852.3173 or


Profile ofG iving:



en years ago, Roxane Frechie Lipton gathered a small group of women together at her home to discuss an idea. That idea took root in the community and today its branches extend far beyond Roxane’s living room, making a difference around the world. The idea, of course, was to launch the Jewish Women’s Foundation of South Palm Beach County, with a mission to improve the lives of Jewish women and children through strategic and effective grant making. Over the past 10 years, JWF has helped break the cycle of child abuse and domestic violence in Israel, provided job training for Ethiopian women enabling them to better care for their families, and funded important educational initiatives for teenage girls in South Palm Beach County, deepening their knowledge of Judaism and Jewish culture. And that’s just the beginning. Since the organization’s first trustees sat down on Roxane’s couch 10 years ago, the group has made grants totaling nearly half a million dollars through 2012! JWF has also empowered women in our community through the opportunity to be hands-on philanthropists and support causes they care passionately about – in South Florida and around the world. “We can attribute the success of JWF in South Palm Beach County to Roxane’s philanthropic expertise, strong leadership and determination,” says JWF Chair Mara Reuben. “Roxane is an outstanding role model and example of excellence in women’s philanthropy. She has been a passionate visionary for our Jewish Women’s Foundation.” Q: What motivated you to launch the Jewish Women’s Foundation of South Palm Beach County? RFL: When i came down here [Roxane moved to Boca Raton from new York city in 1993], i didn’t play golf, i didn’t play cards. i needed something to do! i got involved in the Jewish Federation of South palm Beach county and worked my way up the ranks there. i have a psychology background so getting involved in the Jewish Women’s Foundation was a perfect fit. i thought it was a wonderful concept and a way to engage women who had never been involved in philanthropy. Q: What made JWF different from existing Federation programs? RFL: Women loved the idea of being able to give to other women and to children. it was very exciting. We review the grants and, as a group, decide where our dollars are going to go. it is difficult because there are so many worthy groups out there that need money. We’re not just dealing with organizations in our own community; we’re dealing with organizations internationally as well. Q: In addition to studying and mastering the intricacies of the grant-making process, what have you learned through your involvement in JWF over the past 10 years? RFL: i think what’s interesting is that women are facing similar problems all over the world. a woman in the former Soviet union is facing the same issues that women in israel, Boca Raton, and around the world are facing - health issues, mental health issues, abuse, etc. 51 CHAILIFE

y t i C r e t to Sis ael in Isr

ross all ac s e u aq on pl rmer ame d wa n n a ’s r n tio nture alle adve a sm edera l e F a k r i n l u o ati go eel many educ orld f Seein ch so que, he w i a t n e r e u d to a ly erful ls far KB m trave wond r h u a k O a . zed place our t how d e it. show need who e l p peo loom


I left on my first visit to Israel as a donor; I returned understanding I am part of a large global family with its roots in Israel, and pledging to do all I can to make a difference , with a strengthened spiritua l connection to Judaism. -Denise Zimmerman

We are wo m

en connect ing across the world w lues, life exp ith each oth eriences, lo er, philanthro ve o f fa m ily, friends, py and fait h, as well a s part of a p personal co eople. My mmitment to our Fede Israel and ra ti o n co mmunity, to overseas is deeply stre ngthened. -Kathy Gre en, SPBC W omen’s Exc hange Cha ir

sharing va

Pillar ration e p O , ft isters le rsonal ing pe SPBC s r lm u e o h r erw y afte ryone’s The ov The da for eve egan. s b r e e y s a n r e p of Def ils and hat we in ema clear t n e r r e o c m n co ily” it even made g, “fam in r a c safety , true lobe. ormed s the g have f s o r c a nships relatio , ir Ballas ge Cha -Karni Exchan ’s n e m KB Wo It was a mitzvah to share my passion with friends from hom e and KB. Not only did I see the power of what our Federation does globally, but also how my “sis ters,” including first time visi tors to Israel fell in love with the wor k we do. -Monica Goldstein I can hardly describe my overwh elming new bond with our land and our people. I keep smiling as I rem ember the lifetime of memories and friendships we made with incr edible women. l’dor v’dor, may this tradition continue. -Debbie Weisman

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Jewish communitY relAtions council

jCrCs Brief leGislators Before 2013 session The Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County once again joined with the JCRC of Palm Beach County in hosting the annual Legislative Sendoff, on January 29, 2013. State Rep. irv Slosberg, State Senator The group of approximately Kevin Rader, State Rep. Bill Hager 45 included State Senators & Representatives, staff from state & federal government officials’ offices, and leaders of JCRCs & beneficiary agencies. In a productive morning at the Weisman Delray Community Center of Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service, they explored JcRc member Joe Blumenthal, our area’s human needs and State Rep. mark pafford concerns in preparation for the 2013 Florida legislative session. State Senators Kevin Rader and Maria Sachs, and State Representatives Joseph Stuart Silver, Esq., Vp community Abruzzo, Bill Hager, Mark planning & JcRc Director SpBc; Jonathan gilbert, JcRc chair pBc; Luis Pafford and Irv Slosberg Fleischmann, JcRc Executive Director, participated in the program. pBc; State Rep. Joseph abruzzo Staff from many of their offices as well as from the offices of U.S. Senator Bill Nelson, Members of Congress Ted Deutch & Alcee Hastings, and State Representatives Lori Berman & Dave Kerner also attended.

The economic needs were highlighted by presentations from three beneficiary agencies, including JARC and Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service that serve South Palm Beach County. JARC Executive Director Dr. Debra Hallow and JFS President State Senator maria Sachs; & CEO Danielle Hartman were Lawrence Victoria, Office accompanied by clients whose of Rep. Slosberg situations powerfully brought home how much is at stake amid current and impending shortfalls in funding for vital human services. Stuart Silver, Esq., V.P. of Community Planning and JCRC Director, reminded the elected officials of the continued need to help fund Federation Transportation Service, JcRc member Jon Sahn, michelle mcgovern (Office which provides door-to-door of uS Senator Bill nelson) service for seniors and persons with disabilities. With reduced state funding this year, the program is currently operating at a deficit. The legislators shared their appreciation with the JCRCs and presenters for substantially helping them advocate with their colleagues in Tallahassee on behalf of our community. Acknowledging the needs in our community, they expressed their commitment to representing Palm Beach County in budget considerations. They also discussed a legislative resolution honoring the 65th anniversary of the State of Israel, as well as further strengthening Florida’s sanctions against financial ties with the Iran regime.

jewish fooD stamp ChallenGe: jCrC anD jfs unite to fiGht aGainst hunGer Some local residents concerned about hunger drastically changed the way they ate for a week when the JCRC, in partnership with Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service, endorsed the national Jewish Community Food Stamp Challenge. To raise awareness of and help address local hunger, they committed to live on the weekly $31.50 grocery budget of the average food stamp recipient. They personally experienced the challenges faced by individuals and families throughout the country on a daily basis. Community members also made contributions to the Jacobson Family Food Pantry at JFS in multiples of $31.50 in observance of the Challenge. “Experiencing what others go through on a daily basis gives us a better appreciation and understanding and helps us to be more compassionate in our work,” said Danielle Hartman, JFS President & CEO, who took the challenge herself. CHAILIFE 54

February is Jewish Disability Awareness Month and National Inclusion Month The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s Department of Special Needs is proud of the role it plays as facilitator with community partners who provide programs and services to benefit residents with disabilities in our community. The Department of Special Needs supports existing community resources, and collaborates with families, agencies, congregations, and schools to obtain and enhance services for children and adults with disabilities. The Department also offers its expertise and training to assist these community partners and their constituents in securing the knowledge they need to become better advocates. For more information, visit

Among these community partners are: Jewish Association for Residential Care (JARC) Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service (JFS) Adolph and Rose Levis Jewish Community Center (JCC) Donna Klein Jewish Academy (DKJA) Hillel Day School of Boca Raton Torah Academy of Boca Raton Weinbaum Yeshiva High School

Jewish Education

TEACHING Israel: a Timely Topic at Congregational SCHOOL Educators Conference The topic for this year’s fall professional development conference was Israel Learning and Engagement Through Diverse Lenses. 73 teachers of grades K-12 at local synagogue schools gathered together with expert trainers from the iCenter to learn how to incorporate cutting edge resources to teach Israel. The iCenter, which works to advance high-quality, meaningful and innovative Israel education throughout all grade levels was founded by the Schusterman and Jim Joseph Foundations as a hub and catalyst for building, shaping and supporting the field. The afternoon included an interactive, multimedia presentation followed by grade level breakouts for teachers on applying their new learning and perspectives. Participants included educators from six local synagogues: B’nai Torah Congregation, Congregation Beth Adam, Congregation B’nai Israel, Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, Temple Beth El and Temple Sinai. The conference was coordinated by the Department of School Educational Services of the Department of Jewish Education, Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.

JerusalemOnlineU.ORG Helps Community Step Up for Israel The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County is proud to announce a renewal of our strategic partnership with, pioneers of Israel education and advocacy. Step Up For Israel is a 5-part film-based curriculum that effectively and concisely explains modern Israeli history, the contributions Israel makes to the world, Israel’s democratic values, how Israel is portrayed in the media, what’s being done to malign Israel on college campus and how to effectively make the case for Israel. A moderator’s guide accompanies the 20-45 minute films, which feature speakers like Step Up For Israel chairs Alan Dershowitz and Dore Gold, and combines expert analysis with relevant footage and examples of the topics. Step Up For Israel is effectively geared for high-school ages through adults. For more information, email or call 561.852.3229.


Yasher Koach to Our Jewish Education Awardees The 2012 National Grinspoon-Steinhardt Award was presented to Jill Spielman Shoshany, Judaic Studies Curriculum Integration Specialist for the Claire and Emanuel G. Rosenblatt High School at Donna Klein Jewish Academy, for her exceptional achievement in local Jewish day school education. Her stipend of $1,000 from the Grinspoon-Steinhardt Foundation was matched locally to support her professional development. Caption: Jill Spielman Shoshany; Rabbi Tzvi Berkson, DKJA Principal of Middle School & High School Judaics; Ashton Krawitz (DKJA ’11) Tracey Grossman, a teacher at Maimonides Institute for Jewish learning of Temple Beth El in Boca Raton received this year’s $500 Gerald Legow “Outstanding Achievement in Jewish Education” (OAJE) Recognition Award. Caption: Robin Eisenberg, TBE Director of Jewish Learning and Living; Tracey Grossman

Jewish Education

Kristallnacht Film Forum Honors Rabbis Who Marched with Our Teens Featuring another powerful, poignant multiaward-winning film, on November 11, 2012, the 11th Annual Kristallnacht Film Forum (KFF) honored the twelve rabbis who have accompanied our teens on the March of the Living over the years. Presented annually by the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County and the March of the Living, the Forum Jack Rosenbaum with Shirley Weisman, Alyson Langley and Barton Weisman dedicating 2012 March alum Robyn commemorates Kristallnacht, which many Langley’s MOL inspired sculpture in the Holocaust Pavilion consider the true beginning of the Holocaust, and raises dollars to enable local high school students to join the March. This year’s event, chaired by Shayna Chazin, raised $40,000. “Nicky’s Family” tells the nearly forgotten story of Nicholas Winton, an Englishman who organized the rescue of 669 Czech and Slovak children just before the outbreak of World War Matt Vogel, 2011 March alum, gave a dvar Torah inspired by his March experiences II. The film was viewed and discussed by 700 people during two screenings in Zinman Hall on the Federation campus. Rebekah Israel, daughter of Ben Abeles, one of the children saved by Winton, shared the story of her father and his accomplishments

Deborah Rudmann, local MOL Co-chair

Shayna Chazin, KFF Chair

Between the screenings, the rabbis were honored among 150 March of the Living donors Rosette Goldstein, Tina Beale, Gil Goldstein, Honorees Rabbis Josh Broide, David Englander at a reception in the Federation’s Lester and and David Steinhardt Jack Rosenbaum at the Donor Reception Sally Entin Holocaust Pavilion. From Orthodox, Reform and Conservative movements, the honorees were Rabbis Richard Agler, Marci Bloch, Kenneth Brander, Joshua Broide, David Englander, Joshua Fass, Ted Feldman, Efrem Goldberg, Daniel Levin, Robert Silvers, Merle Silver and David Steinhardt. Matthew Vogel delivered a d’var Torah inspired by his 2011 March experience with mentors Rabbis Broide Nine of the 57 students from South Palm Beach County who will be marching in 2013 and Levin. The reception also unveiled the permanent installation of “Always Survive,” a sculpture created by 2012 alum Robin Langley on her return from the March.

For more information on the March of the Living, visit or contact or 561.852.6045. Stuart Silver, Honoree Rabbi Robert Silvers

700 people saw the film; here, Rebekah Israel shares about her father, Ben Abeles, one of “Nicky’s Family” 57 CHAILIFE

LOCAL BENEFICIARY AGENCIES ADOLPH & ROSE LEVIS JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER (JCC) 561.852.3200 • Founded in 1983 by Adolph & Rose Levis, the Levis Jewish Community Center has been a cornerstone of the South Palm Beach County community for 30 years. It provides a broad range of enriching programs and services for individuals of all ages and abilities to meet the diverse needs of members, the Jewish community and the community-at-large. All are invited to join, as the Levis JCC celebrates its 30th anniversary! This fall, the Levis JCC began several exciting projects and programs. A renovation of the Sports & Wellness building created an updated and refreshed group exercise studio, spinning room and fitness center. In this vibrant, inviting space, members can enjoy quality classes, instructors, personal trainers and equipment. The Levis JCC also introduced the new Levis JCC Sandler Center Arts and Learning Membership, which offers members discounts on numerous programs, events, courses and lectures all designed to enrich the intellect, the spirit and the soul. The Levis JCC promotes and enhances Jewish culture, heritage and values through educational, spiritual, social, wellness and recreational programs for individuals of all ages. With a preschool, summer camp, family activities, athletics, cultural arts, adult enrichment and special needs programming, as well as one of “Boca’s Best” thrift shops, the Levis JCC offers something for everyone. All are invited to get fit, volunteer their time and work to achieve their goals in 2013.


561.852.3300 • DKJA to Expand Shomrei HaAdamah Project through Funding from RAVSAK – The Jewish Community Day School Network What a difference a few months makes! Since the first seedlings were planted in Donna Klein Jewish Academy’s Shomrei HaAdamah (Guardians of the Earth) Garden early this fall, the project has come into full bloom. Curriculum integration for both Judaic and general studies is blossoming. Students have the opportunity for countless hands-on learning projects that involve everything from technology utilizing QR (Quick Response) codes, to recycling and sustainability initiatives. DKJA is proud to announce that it has been awarded $1,500 in funding from RAVSAK - the Jewish Community Day School Network and Project SuLaM (Study-LeadershipMentoring) for the enhancement of Jewish curriculum supporting the program. DKJA has participated in every cohort of Project SuLaM since its inception, the most recent of which includes Cohort IV members Principal of Lower School Hilary Arenstein, Director of Communications Jane Neubauer Black, High School Dean of Student Affairs Jill Spielman Shoshany, and Principal of High School Helena Levine. They collaboratively were awarded the funding to expand the textual study aspect of the Shomrei HaAdamah project.



561.558.2550 • A Dog’s Day Afternoon The Jewish Association for Residential Care, a non-sectarian organization, provides group homes, apartments and vocational training for adults with developmental disabilities. JARC strives to assist each individual in becoming all he or she is capable of being and encourages this growth in a caring, nurturing environment. It is JARC’s mission, in partnership with clients’ families, to promote independence, dignity and selfrespect in order to create more fulfilling lives. On January 3, 2013 JARC held its annual Olympics Awards Ceremony. The more than 120 participants made up the largest turnout in JARC history for the Olympic Games. The clients participated in outdoor activities such as football toss, soccer kick, and 25/50 yard dash. For those preferring indoor activities, trivia, checkers and ping-pong were available for competition. Awards went to “Best Sportsmanship,” “Best Attitude,” and “Most Improved.” JARC’s Rales Campus won the big trophy for “The Best Team” award. With February designated as Jewish Disabilities Awareness Month, JARC’s service dog Noah hosted a Sweethearts Day Party. Clients, employees and friends were invited to bring their pets to JARC for a day of puppy love! In lieu of gifts, attendees were asked to bring a toy that could be donated to the Tri-County Humane Society. Interaction with pets helps people feel better - emotionally and physically. Pets can be both a source of calmness and relaxation, as well as a source of stimulation for the brain and body.


561.852.3333 • $1M Gift Names the “Jacobson Family Food Pantry at JFS” Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service has been committed to enhancing and improving the quality of life for all members of the community since 1979. JFS offers help, hope and humanity through a comprehensive range of programs and services which support people of all ages and beliefs. With locations in Boca Raton and Delray Beach, JFS offers food and financial assistance, senior services and youth mentoring, counseling and mental health services and many volunteer opportunities. Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service is pleased to announce a new $1 million gift for the “Jacobson Family Food Pantry at JFS.” Anne and Norman Jacobson’s gift has coincided with the opening of the new food pantry located at 430 S. Congress Ave. in Delray Beach. The Jacobsons have explained that their gift was motivated by “the tremendous increases in the number of our neighbors who need help with day to day sustenance, and in the continually rising number of requests to the Food Pantry at JFS.” They wanted “to ensure that those who must depend on a pantry can continue to obtain their essential nourishment and maintain their dignity.” The naming and opening were celebrated at the pantry at a Grand Opening on the evening of November 29, 2012. The funds for the expansion were provided by the Oscar and Ray Merber (z’l) Trust. Marilyn Ripen, the Merbers’ niece was present at the Grand Opening to honor their memory. It was a night to be grateful for the generosity and caring for those with food insecurity in our community.


LOCAL BENEFICIARY AGENCIES BBYO GOLD COAST REGION • 954.252.1912 • BBY0 - Gold Coast Region just finished its annual new member retreat/leadership training conference, and is proud to report that more than 150 teens from across Broward and Palm Beach Counties – including 55 from the South Palm Beach County area - participated in this convention, which focused on leadership training and development. They are looking forward to continuing amazing growth through the rest of the 2012-13 program year. HILLEL DAY SCHOOL OF BOCA RATON • 561.470.5000 •

Camp Ruach to Open This Summer Hillel Day School of Boca Raton is a modern Orthodox Jewish Day School committed to excellence in Torah and secular studies. The school is pleased to announce the opening of Camp Ruach, a brand new summer camp to be housed on the 15-acre Milton B. Katz campus starting in June 2013. Camp Ruach will offer many of the wonderful activities that Hillel students participate in throughout the year such as davening, learning, sports, art, music, science and much more. The camp will also utilize the brand new Aunt Jessie’s playground, a 15,000 square foot playground boasting a water-play area, two basketball courts, bike paths, and a variety of other interactive and fun activities. Camp will run from June 17-August 8 and is open to the entire community. Hillel Day School provides over $1.5 million in scholarships to families in need. HILLEL OF BROWARD AND PALM BEACH • 561.297.4100 • Forty Hillel of Broward and Palm Beach students recently returned from a four-day cruise to Cozumel, Mexico. This trip was no ordinary vacation on the high seas, but a college “Alternative Break” program mixing travel with community service projects. Hillel students spent all semester collecting clothing, household items and school supplies to take with. On arrival, they visited needy families in a local community center where they interacted with the children and parents and distributed their collected goods to delighted recipients. They also cleared the grounds at a campsite and helped to beautify the area. Both projects were arranged with help from the local Chabad rabbi. Students also visited Chabad where they ate lunch, learned with the Rabbi and sang together. In addition, the students celebrated Shabbat and Hanukkah on the ship. They returned to campus filled with excitement and eager to share their commitment to community service and tikkun olam with other students. Torah Academy of Boca Raton Torah Academy Expands Its Borders Torah Academy opened its doors this school year with the addition of a new campus! The original or Northern Campus is home to the Elementary School and vibrant, new Girl’s Middle School, while the Southern Campus (just 300 yards up the block!) houses the Pre-School and Boy’s Middle School Division. With 62 new students joining TABR’s roster for the 2012-2013 school year, for a total of 252 students, the new campus is a welcomed blessing. The new facility houses two independent buildings. The dedicated Preschool building contains all of the bells and whistles including spacious, canopied playgrounds, lovely garden areas and large, open classrooms. The second building houses the school’s bustling, Beis Medrash, the Boy’s Middle School headquarters and the school’s financial offices. Torah Academy’s mission to instill Torah values and Jewish unity via a challenging, cutting edge educational curriculum is being achieved in more spacious and comfortable surroundings this year. WEINBAUM YESHIVA HIGH SCHOOL (WYHS) Weinbaum Yeshiva High School inspires 260 students to make a life-long commitment to Jewish values, learning and observance through the prism of Torah, within an excellent college and yeshiva preparatory program. In addition to a full academic schedule, extra-curricular activities are a main focus. Each holiday on the Jewish calendar is meaningfully celebrated or commemorated, and Each Rosh Chodesh (beginning of the Hebrew month) is welcomed with a special program. Holidays like Chanukah, Purim and Yom HaAtzmaut feature festive dancing and special foods. A true yearly highlight is the two-day Color War when students participate in various competitions (art, sports, song) and display incredible school spirit. Another major extracurricular area is athletics. Well over half of the WYHS student population participates in one of 12 athletics teams, all part of the FHSAA (Florida High School Athletic Association). In addition to physical fitness and the important of being in shape, these WYHS students learn important values of team work. CHAILIFE 60


ram g o r ers P n t r te Pa a r o rp r Co u o with A business partnership with the Jewish Federation of south palm Beach County will… • Showcase your company’s offerings

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For more information, please contact Lottie Nilsen at 561.852.3109 or or Mandee Baulo at 561.852.3179 or or visit

For advertising inquiries, please contact Mandee Baulo at 561.852.3179 or

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6261 SW 18th Street, Boca Raton • 561.392.8566 • Holiday University 2012 B’nai Torah Congregation’s 20th Anniversary Concert Series was a smashing success. In keeping with tradition, the synagogue has maintained their concert themes and events in harmony and sync with their mission statement, especially the promotion of Jewish art and in particular the awareness of Jewish music. The 2013 series has offered a cornucopia of riches through an eclectic mix of local and international talent, for an array of exciting experiences. Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla (O)

21065 Powerline Road, Boca Raton • 561-477-8872 • Boca Jewish Center/Shaaray Tefilla welcomes Jews of all levels of observance to daven, learn, attend services, and enjoy 4-6 monthly activities and events from Torah study to cooking demonstrations. Rabbi Yaakov Gibber offers daily and weekly classes, oneon-one learning and spiritual guidance. The dynamic Sisterhood has doubled its size in the last year. A vibrant Youth Program extends from Bugle Babies to teens earning community service hours - all in a warm and supportive Jewish environment. BOCA RATON SYNAGOGUE (O)

7900 Montoya Circle, Boca Raton • 561.394.0394 • Designed specifically for the novice worshiper, Friday Night Live takes place every Friday night at 6:00pm at Boca Raton Synagogue. These free explanatory prayer services are conducted in both Hebrew and English, and provide a comfortable non-judgmental venue for those with little synagogue experience to participate in traditional synagogue services. Discussions, questions, and curiosities are encouraged in this “unorthodox, traditional” service, which has been praised for its widespread appeal and congenial approach to synagogue education. CONGREGATION BETH ADAM, South Florida Center for Humanistic Judaism (H)

PO Box 2579, Boca Raton • 561.443.1769 • Congregation Beth Adam was honored by a visit from Rabbi Adam Chalom of Kol Hadash Humanistic Community in Chicago and the Dean for North America of the International Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism. He lectured on From Myth to Fact: Real Jewish History. Congregation Beth Adam engages speakers with varied topics to enlighten the community. The congregation views these gatherings as a commitment to education in the community. CONGREGATION B’NAI ISRAEL (R)

2200 Yamato Rd., Boca Raton • 561.241.8118 • All are welcome to a special Shabbat service on the beach during Passover, Friday, March 29th at 6:15 pm in Delray Beach (A1A and Atlantic Avenue). Bring family, friends, and beach chairs. Metered parking is available, but spots go fast! Greeters will be onsite for directions to the service and to assist those who cannot carry their own beach chairs. Casual attire, shorts acceptable. In case of rain, services will be at CBI at 7:30 pm. CONGREGATION SHAAREI KODESH (C)

19785 Hampton Dr., Boca Raton • 561.852.6555 • Congregation Shaarei Kodesh, a conservative synagogue in West Boca, is strengthening the bonds of its congregational family by introducing a new program, “Sharing Shabbat.” Congregants will be invited to share a Shabbat meal at the home of a Shaarei Kodesh Board member along with fellow congregants. The members are looking forward to this special Shabbat experience CHAILIFE 62

Synagogue Updates CONGREGATION SHIRAT SHALOM (R) PO Box 971142, Boca Raton • 561.488.8079 • Each week children of Congregation Shirat Shalom Religious School send Light to those in need. Students pick where the class will send this Healing Light that comes from HaShem through their hearts. The childrens favorites are the children and animals without homes! We at Shirat Shalom understand that it is through our children that “Shirat Shalom”, “A Song of Peace” will be sung throughout the world! KOL AMI (RC)

2601 St. Andrews Blvd., Boca Raton • 561.392.0696 • Palm Beach County’s only Reconstructionist Congregation meets at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship building, 2601 St. Andrews Blvd. in Boca Raton. On February 24, Kol Ami presented Helene Aylon, a Jewish, feminist installation artist as well as an author. Her latest art work, The G-d Project, reexamines sacred texts from a feminist perspective. Her latest book, Whatever is Contained Must Be Released, is a memoir of her Jewish orthodox girlhood and her life as a feminist artist. TEMPLE BETH EL OF BOCA RATON (R)

333 SW 4th Ave., Boca Raton; 9800 Yamato Rd., Boca Raton 561.391.8900 • Early Bird Registration for the Early Childhood Center at TBE Beck Family Campus was celebrated with a free Open House and Family Fun Day, opened to the community. Families enjoyed the new playground, face-painting, bounce houses and a wild animal show after touring the beautiful campus. They met with teachers, visited new classes, sampled enhanced enrichment and saw the full-time child care program for babies starting at 8 weeks. An exciting day to welcome young families to Temple Beth El! TEMPLE EMETH (C)

5780 West Atlantic Ave., Delray Beach • 561.498.3536 • Temple Emeth has started its Education Program, including: Art Classes with Jerry Ross on Mondays at 1:30 pm; Beginning and Advanced Hebrew and adult B’nai Mitzvah preparation with Elaine Glodstein on Tuesdays at 10:00 AM; “Islam and its Myths” with Rabbi Donald Crain on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm; and Learn Torah with Rabbi Gerald Zellermyer on Thursdays at 10:00 am. Temple Sinai (R) 2475 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach • 561.276.6161 • The Temple Sinai Choir performed Chanukah concerts this year at four sites: Traditions in West Palm Beach, Harbour’s Edge, Downtown Delray and Highland Beach. The choir is under the direction of Cantorial Soloist Margaret Schmitt. The congregation has voted to have food baskets in lieu of floral baskets on the Bima. Congregants honoring a loved one who has passed donate money to the Temple. The Temple donates monthly to Kosher Kitchen and Caring Kitchen.

Chai Life and the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County, Inc. (“Federation”), neither endorses nor is responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any opinion, advice or statement made in Chai Life by anyone other than authorized Chai Life or Federation employee spokespersons while acting in their official capacities. Under no circumstances will Chai Life or Federation be liable for any loss or damage caused by a reader’s reliance on information obtained through Chai Life or Federation. It is the responsibility of the reader to evaluate the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, opinion, advice or other content available through Chai Life and/or Federation. Please seek the advice of professionals, as appropriate, regarding the evaluation of any specific information, opinion, advice or other content. The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County does not endorse or certify the kashrut of any advertised establishment. Please confirm appropriate supervision before patronizing businesses represented here. 63 CHAILIFE

Corporate Sponsors* GREENSPOON MARDER, PA


Addison Reserve, Boca Grove & Polo Club Contact: Larry Blair, Esq.

BNY MELLON WEALTH MANAGEMENT Bocaire, Boca Grove, Boca West, Boca Woods, Broken Sound, Delaire, Gold Coast, Polo Club, St. Andrews & PAC 29th Annual Seminar for Professionals Contact: Elyssa Kupferberg




WELLS FARGO PRIVATE BANK Dorothy Seaman Department of Women’s Philanthropy & Addison Reserve Contact: Lawrence B. Katz


The Bankier Law Firm

BANKIER LAW FIRM Boca West & Gold Coast Contact: Adam Bankier

Major Gifts Event, King David Society & PAC 29th Annual Seminar for Professionals Contact: Marjorie Horwin




Major Gifts Event, King David Society, PAC Mitzvah Society Reception & PAC 29th Annual Seminar for Professionals Contact: Albert W. Gortz

STEINBERG GLOBAL ASSET MANAGEMENT, LTD Major Gifts Event & King David Society Contact: Richard D. Steinberg, CFA

$10,000+ BOCA RATON REGIONAL HOSPITAL Lion of Judah Luncheon & Just For You Series Contact: Jan Savarick


Lion of Judah Luncheon Contact: Ronald Baer

Super Sunday Contact: Grace Halabi

B&P Industry Icon Event Series Contact: Marcus Ferrari

KAPLAN, KRAUSS & LEVINE, LLC Boca West & Gold Coast Contact: Thomas Kaplan

MARSH & McLENNAN AGENCY | SEITLIN The Event Contact: Steve Light

MEDRECEIVABLES ADVISOR, LLC The Event Contact: Debra S. Altschul



Boca grove & polo club contact: Jason m. Solodkin, cFp

Delaire contact: Eric Donner



BERGER SINGERMAN Broken Sound contact: Dan mielnicki

BRANHAM REALTY Boca Woods contact: Suzanne Branham

CREDIT SUISSE SECURITIES (USA) LLC pac mitzvah Society Reception & pac Holiday party contact: matt Kutcher


THE DROWOS GROUP Young adult Division’s L.E.a.D.S. program OF WELLS FARGO ADVISORS, LLC contact: Bryan Drowos

GAINES FINANCIAL GROUP Boca Lago contact: patrick “Rick” gaines

LIFE AUDIT PROFESSIONALS, LLC pac mitzvah Society Reception & pac 29th annual Seminar for professionals contact: Jeremy Bloom

OPPENHEIMER pac Kick-Off contact: Linda melcer

Woodfield & Woodfield Hunt club contact: Leonard W. Levine

TD BANK israel Fest 65 contact: Fred Stern

TESCHER & SPALLINA, PA pac mitzvah Society Reception & pac 29th annual Seminar for professionals contact: Don Tescher

TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS JWF granting Wishes & Super Sunday contact: Tammy gleason Email:

ZEUNER REALTY Boca pointe contact: Doris Zeuner

INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CORPORATE SPONSOR? Please contact: Lottie Nilsen at 561.852.3109 or or visit

*listing in alphabetical order by level 65 CHAILIFE

in-Kind sponsors* $50,000+




major gifts Event, Lion of Judah Luncheon, Just For You Series, B&p industry icon Event, pomegranate Event & JWF granting Wishes, israel Fest 65 contact: Linda Behmoiras


Lion of Judah Luncheon & Just For You Series contact: Jane Kurcsinka

COMMERCIAL PRINTERS INC. 41 SW 6th St. • Pompano Beach, FL 33060 P (954) 781-3737 • F (954) 785-1951 www.commercialprinters


chai Life magazine contact: Larry Lipsitz


Young adult Division Event contact: mackie Feierstein

major gifts Event, i Heart the 80s Event & Super Sunday contact: Heather Rouffe

BOCA RATON MAGAZINE The Event contact: Kathleen Ross


Direct marketing Services contact: Dale Filhaber


major gifts Event, The Event & Young adult Division Events contact: Ralph mizraji


B&p Vip Stadium Tour, B&p industry icon Event contact: Kenny Stolberg *listing in alphabetical order by level

SPONSOR SPOTLIGHT Each of our Federation’s 2013 Corporate Partners is giving back to our community in significant and meaningful ways, enabling us to continue our mission of Bny mellon wealth management BnY mellon Wealth management is among the nation’s top ten wealth managers, with an extensive network of offices in the u.S. and internationally, providing investment management, wealth and estate planning, and private banking services to financially successful individuals & families, their family offices & marla Weiss Egers, business enterprises, charitable gift programs, Elyssa Kupferberg and endowments & foundations. Visit www. or contact Elyssa Kupferberg at 561.620.2222 or

Boca raton observer The Boca Raton Observer is an entertaining and informative, high-quality magazine dedicated to the sophisticated, stylish and trend-setting readers living and working in palm Beach county. committed to a comprehensive focus on the community, The Boca Raton Observer celebrates the people, their homes and businesses, charity and Ralph & Linda cultural organizations and the schools and leisure Behmoiras activities that comprise the ultimate Boca Raton lifestyle. Visit or call 561.982.8960. CHAILIFE 66

Tikkun Olam (repairing the world). With gratitude to all, here we turn our spotlight on the three companies that fill our top sponsorship levels: wells fargo private Bank Wells Fargo & company is a nationwide, diversified, communitybased financial services company with $1.3 trillion in assets. Founded in 1852, Wells Fargo provides banking, insurance, investments, mortgage, and consumer and commercial finance through more than 9,000 stores, 12,000 aTms, Stephanie midler, the internet and more across north Lawrence Katz, adam Workman, america and internationally, serving Lara Logan, Barry goldberg one in three u.S. households. One of the top ten most philanthropic companies in the u.S. the Wells Fargo Foundation contributes $200 million each tear ($1 million in palm Beach county) to health and human services organizations. For more information, visit or contact Lawrence B. Katz at 561.362.1051 or

Com m u n i t y M









The LasT suppers




The food & wine issue

Famous CheFs Reveal TheiR Final meals

We Wined, We dined Top 10 CulinaRy TRends FoR 2012

The WorLd on a pLaTTer edible esCapes saTisFy appeTiTes FoR advenTuRe

WiLL WaLk For Food

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No Guts, No Glory Food Network Star Geoffrey Zakarian haS Got Mad kitcheN SkillS, But iNStiNct MakeS hiM a culiNary MaSter

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