The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
From feeding neighbors to enhancing Jewish life in our community to providing a lifeline for those in dire need, the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County brightens lives with every donation. Find out just how much good is made possible through the generosity of donors throughout Boca Raton, Delray Beach and Highland Beach. Flip through the pages of our latest Impact Report, get inspired— and get a glimpse of all of the faces and places we touch every day.
CONTENTS: Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs
Local Safety Net Services
Jewish Life & Learning
Israel & Our Global Family
in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the hom ss syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • s earn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disa ne • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits eve earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an a Since 1979, our has raised distributed erly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid toFederation victims of terror • help and immigrants start funds a newfor life in Isra those in meal needand in our community, and in traumatic 70 countries serves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot a proper blanket in• Israel provide post stress synd theweapons world. This has always been ainst anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does notthroughout secure nuclear • make it possible for aaccomplished fellow Jew to learn mo our traditional Annual Campaign fund. Recently, mmer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure thethrough Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • resc however, we introduced “Donor Choice,” which gives donors give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or ea with athat passion a particular humanitarian the option mmunity • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain every for local senior is invited to a Sederneed on Passover • brighten to direct their gift to one of three areas of choice. Of course, all ult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an donors and prospective givers still have the option to continue ael • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare to for give the working “traditional” Annual Campaign, everydrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible a to single mother to send her childrenbut to now daycare • speak o one has the power to choose. re about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities t cue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every we Following are the three Giving Centers and each of their prothquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn c grams, all of which make up our traditional Annual Campaign. Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an a erly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Isra serves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress synd ainst anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn mo mmer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • resc give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or ea Local Emergency Assistance mmunity • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give Konnection: This a hotlocal kosher meal program for needy seniors srael • provide large-print books for a child who is Kosher going blind • make sure Holocaust survivor receives theevery homecar weekday offers much-needed socializing. Up to 70• speak o drome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a also single working motheropportunities to send herfor children to daycare are served eachevery day by about•29 volunteers. partnership the re about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspointseniors diabetes medicine month give a childInwith learningwith disabilities t Volen Center, The Jewish Federation of South Beach County andevery we cue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • helpMae a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive criticalPalm home health visits Ruth Rales for Jewish Family Service. thquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn c Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an a Direct Financial Emergency is provided for families erly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to Assistance: victims of terror • helpassistance immigrants start a new life in Isra and individuals experiencing a financial hardship and who are having serves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress synd difficulty paying for their basic needs including mortgage/rent, utility bills, ainst anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn mo medication, home health aides and provisions for children. In fiscal year 2009mmer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • resc 2010, 1,200 local residents received financial assistance, an increase of 351 give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or ea from the previous year. A program of Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service. mmunity • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten ult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give an Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry: The Kosher Food Pantry delivers ael • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare non-perishable items, as well as frozen Shabbat dinners, fresh fruit and challah drome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak o every other week to families in need, isolated and poor elderly, unemployed re about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspointadults diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities t and immigrants. The pantry delivers to 525 households (representing cue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help765 a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every individuals), an increase of over 100 homes since last year. A program of we thquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn c Ruth Rales for Jewish Family Service. Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give an a erly More residentthan a ride1,200 to the neighbors doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Isra Local Vulnerable Populations serves • give a fellow Jew financial in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress synd received urgent ainstassistance anti-Semitismfrom • helpRuth to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Director of Community Special Needs: A professional works Jew with to learn mo Rales mmerJewish camp Family experience of a lifetime • make sure theagencies, Jews in congregations Yemen and Kyrgyzstan thatand they do notservices stand alone • resc and schools know to obtain enhance for Service in 2009give2010, a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane children and adults with disabilities; and to provide training and resources to or ea many of whom lost their mmunity ignite Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to needs. a Seder Passover • brighten help families become better advocates for their Laston year, more than jobs•and fellaonchild’s hard love timesforafter 300 people and families received vital resources to address their individual the economic downturn in 2008.
challenges. A program of the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County.
mecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post trauma Through "HEAP," 300 local for seniors speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible a fellow Je receive Federation funding abilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that for they casedo not sta workers connect them after to vital ery week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israelwho • help families rebuild a hurrica that to help them remain •inbright n community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every localservices senior is invited a Seder on Passover their safety.• give adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to homes give theirwith childdignity a Jewishand education ael • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare drome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak o ore about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities t cue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every we arthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-to Holocaust Survivor Assistance: Holocaust survivors Klein Jewish Academy Sun Center our Donna Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know (Yad theyb'Yad): have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • give receive life-sustaining support, including personal care, Yad B’Yad helps the growing number of students whose needs n elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life shopping, meal preparation and transportation for essential exceed the accommodations available in a regular classroom. e he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stre needs. Currently, 120 local households receive Formal and informal requests aretoreceived theIran SUNdoes Center out against anti-Semitism • help ensure in that not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible forassistance a fellow Jew to lea through caring, sensitive providers. A program of Ruth Rales for approximately 100 students each year. In addition to the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone Jewish Family Service. participation in the Yad B’Yad program, several families also eek • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane need support services outsidelove of school, such as•speech community • ignite a child’s for Judaism makeand certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • bright Federation Transportation Services: 41,000 trips language therapy, OT, PT and social skills groups that place adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give year are provided for the elderly and those with disabilities. added financial burden on the family. ael •anprovide large-print books for a child who is going blind • per make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare A trusted driver in a comfortable minibus brings them to doctor’s drome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak o Hillel Day School ETGAR Program: Etgar provides intensive appointments, the grocery store and other essential sites. This ore about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities t intervention and services for children with moderate learning vital service enables the elderly to continue to live on their cue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every we disabilities. Limited to eight full-time and 10 part-time students, 12 of own with dignity while providing individuals opportunities for arthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-to whom receive essential financial assistance through Federation. socialization. A program of the Jewish Federation of South n our Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • gi Palm Beach County. e anJewish elderlyAssociation resident a ride the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new l fortoResidential Care (JARC) re he deservesAssistance: • give a fellow Jewand in individuals the Formerwith Soviet Union aSubsidized hot meal Housing and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stre Financial Families limited on the Federation Campus: Both out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to financial resources receive aid to participate in residential the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg House and the Shirley H. Gould lea the summer campprograms experience of ato lifetime • make sure the JewsHouse in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan knowhousing that they do not stand alone and vocational offered adults with developmental offer government subsidized for 212 low-income eek disabilities. • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane Nearly 40% of JARC’s residential clients (living in seniors and individuals with handicaps or disabilities who meet community • ignite a child’ssettings) love for Judaism • makeCurrently, certain thatspecific every requirements. local senior Residents is inviteddo tonot a Seder Passover either group or apartment require this support. receiveon funding from • bright adult26with disability employment training • make it possible for a local family give their child a benefits Jewish education JARCa residents and 12 individuals who receive vocational Federation, rather to they indirectly receive from being • give ael •training provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • located make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare benefit from Federation funding. on the Federation campus. drome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak o Camp Kavod: Highly nurturing ensure that ore about his heritage • qualified, give a widow in staff Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give aServices child with learning disabilities t Counseling/Vocational teens with needs poverty enjoy a successful cue children a boy inand Tunisia fromspecial desperate • help acamp bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every we experience through a myriad of activities on the Federation Individuals andgoing Families in Crisis: Professional counseling arthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors strong • rescue a family from a war-to in community Last year, nearly 100 is provided an experienced staff of licensed our campus Jewish and future • let Jewssettings. everywhere know they have a critical, forever by lifeline • feed a neighbor who clinical lost hersocial job • give children participated in the summer and winter/spring programs. workers and psychologists for children and adults. Individual or life n elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new program of Rose Levis Center. counseling, intervention a program fortraumatic those e heAdeserves • Adolph give a &fellow Jew Jewish in theCommunity Former Soviet Union agroup hot meal and acrisis proper blanket and • provide post stre with persistent mental illness are offered. A program of Ruth Rales out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to lea Adolph & Rose experience Levis Alzheimer Adult Day Care: This Familyand Service. the summer camp of a&lifetime • make surefull-time, the JewsJewish in Yemen Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone Monday through Friday program serves those with dementia and eek • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane Alzheimer’s disease. A caring staff leads about 30 daily participants services/neighbor Overon 300 volunteers community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain thatVolunteer every local senior is invited tofirst: a Seder Passover • bright in enriching mental and physical activities and provides stimulating provide transportation, telephone reassurance, home visits, food adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education • give entertainment. Breakfast and lunch are served. A support groups is delivery and support to local people in need amounting to more ael • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare also offered for caregivers. Program of the Mae Volen Center. thanworking 30,000 mother volunteertohours In addition to providing drome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single sendper heryear. children to daycare • speak o vital help,every this program spread a deep of community ore about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine month helps • give a child withsense learning disabilities t Helping Elders Age in Place (HEAP): This program provides caring across South Palm Beach County. A program of Ruth cue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedriddenand woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every we caseworkers (who often serve as advocates) to assist frail seniors Rales Jewish Family Service. arthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-to in connecting with programs and services that can be of benefit. n our Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline The goal is to help our elders age with dignity and safety in their homes. Currently HEAP serves approximately 300 elders through Federation funding. A program of Ruth Rales Jewish Family Service.
Federation Volunteer Resource Center: Matches volunteers in our community with local agencies and programs of their choosing. Can be accessed at 3
to victims of terror • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • mak on a hot meal and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possib ure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a w perience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tuni ive a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthq war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • o lost her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a J or • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local al and a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single es not secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingsp fetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do Youth not stand alone • rescue a boy B’nai B’rith Organization (BBYO): BBYOin Tunisia from de d with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • provides a place for teens to meet and learn important n community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain skills that every is invited to a Seder such aslocal publicsenior speaking, event planning and on time,Passover • brigh her job • give an adult with a disability employment training • makeand it possible for a local BBYO familyalso to give theira child a Jewish project budget management. provides elp immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make leadership development program throughout the yearsure and a local Holo d a proper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an training IDF soldier • makeHundreds it possible for a single work major leadership conferences. of local secure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew teens to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoin participate. ime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desper h asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild afterOne a hurricane earthquake • keep Day School Scholarships: of the mostorcritical in determining one willtocontinue practicing mmunity • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that factors every local senior isifinvited a Seder on Passover • brighten Judaism is the number yearsfamily he or she received Jewisha Jewish ed job • give an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for aoflocal to give theira child education, yet many families are•struggling to afford p immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who local is going blind make sure a local Holocau the cost Our community to roper blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to ofantuition. IDF soldier • makeisitcurrently possibleonly forable a single working fund one-quarter of the total qualified need for a Jewish ure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diab education at just under millionadollars financialfrom aid desperate po make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • arescue boy inin Tunisia for students attending Hillel Day School, Torah Academy, hma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the ann JewishtoAcademy Yeshiva gnite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every localDonna seniorKlein is invited a Sederand onWeinbaum Passover • brighten our Jewish High School. While hundreds of students and their e an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education arewho able is to going fulfill the dream receiving migrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books forfamilies a child blind • of make sure aa Jewish local Holocaust su education through these scholarships, so many more still per blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working m long for the same privilege. ure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diab make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate po of Jewish Education: Educational hma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help Department families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the ann enrichment and professional development opportunities gnite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our Jewish are provided for youth and adults. Programs include the e an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give their child a Jewish education Florence Melton Adult Mini-School which refreshed 202 migrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust su adults on Jewish history and heritage, Jewish forums for per blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working m 200 students in local high schools, and the March of the ure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diab Living International Holocaust Education program which make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate po made it possible for 43 students from South Palm Beach hma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help County families(and rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the ann 21 chaperones) to take part in this life-altering gnite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every localjourney senior overseas. is invitedAto a Seder on Passover • brighten our Jewish department of the Jewish Federation of e an adult with a disability employment training • make it possible for a local family South Palm Beach County. to give their child a Jewish education migrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holocaust su per blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to anCamp IDF soldier • make it Scholarships: possible for a single working m Summer and Pre-school ure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow Kingspoint diab Summer Camp and pre-school scholarships enable in parents make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do stand • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate po to not provide an alone opportunity for their children to thrive, learn, hma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • This year, more than 230 children received play and interact with peers as they create memories to keep the ann gnite asummer child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every locallast senior is invited tothis a Seder Passover brighten our Jewish camp and pre-school financial a lifetime. Often, aid is aon true lifeline to•families e an adult a disability employment training • make it possible foraasafe local to place give their child a Jewish education aid, with providing much-needed relief for who need andfamily nurturing for their children migrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local during work hours. Scholarships provided for Adolph & Holocaust su parents who need extra assistance. per blanket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling an Jewish IDF soldier • make it possible RosetoLevis Community Center programs.for a single working m ure nuclear weapons • make it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diab make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzstan know that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate po hma 4an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the ann gnite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Seder on Passover • brighten our Jewish
ke sure a local Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet ble for a single working mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp isia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week between thecommunity ages of 16 and quake Birthright • keep theIsrael: annualJews Thanksgiving dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from 26 receive the chance the first time, • brighten our Jewish futureto•visit let Israel Jews for everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor of • financial ability. Thisresident past year, Jewishregardless education give an elderly a 234 ride young to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of adults from Southreceives Palm Beach werehe able to travel • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot l Holocaust survivor the County homecare deserves to Israel as part of an educational/peer group trip e working mother to send her children to daycare •with speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran other Jewsmedicine from around the world. waiting list to with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of point diabetes every monthThe • give a child attend, however, is more than three woman times thatinnumber esperate poverty • help a bedridden Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a dependent on dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a warkeepand the isannual Thanksgiving hten our Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who Synagogue h education • giveOutreach an elderlyInitiative: resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror Four congregations communityhe participate in a• pilot ocaust survivor receives in theourhomecare deserves give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal program to engage and affiliate local Jews who are not king mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does currently synagogue or temple members. A program of the nt diabetes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County. rate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child p the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn Florida Association of Jewish Federations: our Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost Enables our Federation to receive information and ducation • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • alerts of particular interest to the Jewish community from ust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and the Governmental Affairs Committee, which monitors mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not legislation on such issues as health, education, human betes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime service, religion, funding and community relations. overty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with nual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community Hillel Foundation for Jewish Campus Life: futureHillel • letisJews everywhere knowJewish they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • dedicated to engaging students in n • give elderly resident to the office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help fun,an stimulating activities a onride campus anddoctors’ providing urvivorthem receives the homecare heexperiences. deserves •Itsgive a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a with meaningful Jewish mission motheristotosend her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not motivate students to proudly “own” their Jewish betes medicine every month serves • givethousands a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime identity. Hillel currently of students overty statewide, • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with including 6,000 students on campuses in nual Thanksgiving for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community Broward and community Palm Beach dinner Counties. h future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • n • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ JEWISH COMMUNITY RELATIONS COUNCIL (JCRC) office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help urvivorA receives theofhomecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a Department the Jewish Federation of South Palm motherBeach to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not County betes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime overty Government • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with Officials Advocacy: Promotes and community maintains relations government nual Thanksgiving dinnerwith for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community and community leaders orderhave to advocate h futureofficials • let Jews everywhere knowin they a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost job • Currently, Hillel onherCampus keeps for government relations, n • give an elderly funding, residentpromote a ride U.S.-Israel to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help Jewish life alive and well for 6,000 to safeguard the Jewish he community from urvivorand receives the homecare deserves • terrorism. give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hotacross meal and a college students Broward and Each year, the JCRC secures government support for the mother to send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism •Palm help Beach to ensure that Iran does not counties. Federationevery and itsmonth beneficiary agencies. betes medicine • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime overty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with Iran Strategic Initiative:dinner A well-coordinated, communitynual Thanksgiving community for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community based, comprehensive strategy that mobilizes both the h future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a neighbor who lost her job • Jewish general communities matters relating to office Iran. • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • help n • give an and elderly resident a ridein to the doctors’ urvivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a forums members of motherCommunity to send herForums: childrenOn-going to daycare • for speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not the Jewish community to voice their opinions and have a betes medicine every month • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime relevant Jewish issues and those that affect overty dialog • helpabout a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive critical home health visits every week • give a child with our local community. nual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • rescue a family from a war-torn community 5 future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline
or • help immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide large-print books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local nket • provide post traumatic stress syndrome counseling to an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to ke it possible for a fellow Jew to learn more about his heritage • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • w that they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi recei milies rebuild after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong a Seder on Passover • Jewish brightenfederations our Jewish future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline • feed a ne of north america (JFNA) d a Jewish education • give an elderly resident a ride to the doctors’ office • provide immediate aid to victims of terror • he The Federation movement, 10 charities the continent, protects enhances vivor receives the homecare he deserves • givecollectively a fellow among Jew inthe thetop Former SovietonUnion a hot meal andand a proper blanket • the well-being of Jews worldwide through the values of tikkun olam (repairing the world), tzedakah (charity dren to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapons • make it po and social justice) camp and Torah (Jewish learning). This structure and/or national d with learning disabilities the summer experience of a lifetime • makehelps sure allocate, the Jewsevaluate in Yemen and review Kyrgyzstan know th agencies that seek funding. me health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • help families reb amily from a war-torn community • ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invited to a Sede
The Jewish Agency For Israel (JAFI)- core funding: For 80 years, the Jewish Agency for Israel has rescued Jews at risk and resettled them in Israel. Initially, JAFI’s role was paramount in setting up an economic and cultural infrastructure for the country which was still struggling for survival. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, the Jewish Agency has facilitated the absorption of over one million new immigrants. Today core funding continues to provide a lifeline to Jews around the world with assistance including: absorption and resettlement of new immigrants, establishing global partnerships to strengthen communities in Israel, empowering at-risk Israeli youth, educational assistance and scholarships, business loans to create employment opportunities, counseling for soldiers and civilians suffering from post-traumatic stress and immediate aid for victims of terror. Our Federation also supports the following JAFI “elective” programs: P2K-Kiryat Bialik: Partnership 2000 (P2K) links the people and communal organizations in South Palm Beach County with Kiryat Bialik, a city in northern Israel (“our sister city”). The Partnership creates mutually beneficial relationships via the exchange of ideas, cooperation and participation in projects.
Summer Camps in FSU: Tens of thousands of youngsters are introduced to their Jewish heritage, connecting them to an Israel experience and a sense of belonging. From a peak of 15,000 participants in 2003, that number dropped to 5,000 in 2009, a decrease of 65% due to the economic recession. This year, our Federation’s funding will allow about 170 children from Georgia to participate in a seven-day summer camp session which is supported almost exclusively through elective funding. MASA Israel Journey: MASA seeks to establish a new norm in the Jewish community – to send large numbers of college graduates and young professionals to Israel for a longterm Israel experience (4-10 months) – indelibly impacting the future of Jewish life, the structure of Jewish communities around the world, and the connection between the next generation of young Jews and Israel. This flagship educational program seeks to recruit thousands of young Jews from abroad into one of 160 long-term programs in Israel. Ben Yakir Youth Aliyah Village: Provides a warm, religiously-oriented home and school environment more than 120 boys at-risk— the majority of whom are Ethiopian immigrants ages 12-18. They are given food, shelter, clothing, medical care, as well as educational and therapeutic services. All activities are designed to foster selfconfidence, academic achievement and leadership skills with the goal of successfully integrating these youngsters into Israeli society.
Federation funding supports 56 NATIV immigrant soldiers this year. 6
Nativ Immigrant Soldier Identity Program: A comprehensive educational program that bolsters immigrant soldiers’ sense of connection with Israel and their Jewish heritage. Many of these soldiers are not recognized as Jews by the governmental and rabbinic agencies of Israel. This seven-week program enriches their knowledge of Jewish history and tradition. An extension is available to help those interested to prepare for formal conversion to Judaism.
Holocaust survivor receives the homecare he deserves • give a fellow Jew in the Former Soviet Union a hot meal and a pro o send her children to daycare • speak out against anti-Semitism • help to ensure that Iran does not secure nuclear weapon The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee • give a child with learning disabilities the summer camp experience of a lifetime • make sure the Jews in Yemen and Kyrgyzs (JDC) - core funding: For 95 years, the JDC has ive critical home health visits every week • give a child with asthma an inhaler • send a young adult on Birthright Israel • h exemplified the principle that all Jewish people are g • rescue a from a war-torn community responsiblefamily for one another. Active in more than • 70ignite a child’s love for Judaism • make certain that every local senior is invi eighbor who the lostJDC herand jobits•partners give anwork adult disability employment training • make it possible for a local family to give t countries, to with rescueaJewish elp immigrants start a new life in Israel • provide books for a child who is going blind • make sure a local Holoca lives at risk, bring relief to Jews in need, renew lost large-print bonds provide postidentity traumatic stress syndrome counseling to Jewish and culture, and help Israel overcometo an IDF soldier • make it possible for a single working mother to send ossible a fellow Jewoftoitslearn about his heritage the for social challenges most more vulnerable citizens, both • give a widow in Kingspoint diabetes medicine every month • giv hat they do not stand alone • rescue a boy in Tunisia from desperate poverty • help a bedridden woman in Tbilisi receive crit Jewish and non-Jewish. build after a hurricane or earthquake • keep the annual Thanksgiving community dinner for 500 seniors going strong • res Federation also supports following JDC er onOur Passover • brighten our JewishthE future • let Jews everywhere know they have a critical, forever lifeline “elective” programs:
PACT (Parents and Children Together) – Kiryat Yam: With no government agency responsible for the welfare of children in the early childhood age range, PACT addresses this need. Through interventions such as healthcare, after school programs, and at-home visits, PACT aims to close the educational and social gaps among children, and increase parental involvement. PACT typically supports about 135 Ethiopian-Israeli preschoolers, and 90 parents who are actively engaged. FSU Welfare Relief for Elderly and Children in Georgia: The JDC provides humanitarian aid – food packages, medical care, hot meals, fresh food, home care, winter relief and more – to supplement the inadequate pensions of needy elderly, especially for many elderly Jews not eligible for restitution funds because they are not considered victims of Nazi persecution. Currently, 171 JDC-sponsored Hesed Welfare Centers provide a crucial link for 168,000 poor elderly Jews across the FSU. Additionally, approximately 860 Jewish children with serious material, educational, developmental and/or familial hardships are reached through JDC relief programs. additional elective programs Ethiopian National Project – SPACE (School Performance and Community Empowerment): Ethiopian-Israeli youth in Kiryat Bialik receive assistance to help achieve equal opportunity and enable them to reach their full potential. Since 2007, our funds have been earmarked for scholastic assistance activities (72 students) and a Youth Outreach Center (80 students). CHAMAH: Humanitarian aid including medical and food assistance is provided to the elderly and homebound in the FSU. JDC Supports the Hesed programs run by CHAMAH. Our funding supplements their support allowing non-Holocast survivors to received aid. Program services include: soup kitchens, meals on wheels, supermarket food packages, food stamps and adult diapers.
“ Many recipients of Hesed services in the Former Soviet Union are people with college degrees, doctors, lawyers, and engineers who spent their lives working for the government and today cannot live on their meager pension and must depend on the mercy of others. So please convey a message to your donors that they are literally saving lives.” CHAMAH President Rabbi Hillel Zaltzman
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