2010 JCF Impact Report

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JJewish i hC Community ity FFederation d ti and dE Endowment d t FFund d | 121 St Steuartt St Street, Streett, SSan FFrancisco i CA 94105 | 415.777.0411 415 777 0411 | jjewishfed.org jewishfed i hf d org g

Shared values, vision and focus guide our present and drive our future In commemorating our centennial, the Federation’s dedicated network of lay leaders, professionals and donors responded with energy and creativity in 2010. There was a shared sense of reinvigoration, and our work this past year was marked by innovation and progress. We have achieved a significant milestone and we have much to be proud of. Despite a slowly recovering economy in 2010, our donors contributed nearly $24 million to the 2010 Annual Campaign and $30 million additional dollars to the Endowment Fund. As Jewish needs locally and around the globe remain pressing, we also remain committed to the most vulnerable members of our community, whether meeting basic needs of the poor or elderly, providing access to quality education for our children, or supporting social equality and pluralism in Israel. Working side by side with the Bay Area Jewish community, we have made a collective impact. As in so many aspects of life, a key driver of success is focus. Our Federation has undertaken a comprehensive strategic planning effort: We have determined that by focusing our core competencies, and playing a role for which we are uniquely suited, our ability to meet the challenges and opportunities facing our community now and into the future will be strengthened. We have taken a proactive position, bringing about new and diverse approaches into our fold - strategic advising to improve nonprofit effectiveness, inventive programming that addresses community-wide challenges, and valuable leadership and volunteer opportunities that help us engage the next generation of Jews, all while continuing to build a welcoming and inclusive society. We look to the future with great optimism, confrontingchallenges with a strong network of local Jewish institutions, dedicated leadership, and a remarkable record of generosity and activism that has made the San Francisco Jewish Community Federation a model to emulate. History proves our strength lies in our unity. One hundred years ago, Jewish settlers could never have imagined the progress their efforts would produce. Today, we’re shaping the world that our children will inherit using the same Jewish values that guided ourforebears as our compass – kehilla (community), tzedakah (righteous giving), and tikkun olam (repairing the world). Thank you for partnering with us in your philanthropy.

Nancy Grand President Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

Jennifer S. Gorovitz CEO Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

2010 Annual Report and Impact Statement Figures below represent fiscal year-end numbers as of June 30, 2010.

Total Assets and Funds Total Assets Under Management


Total Funds Raised through Campaign and Endowment

Total Grants and Expenditures Total Grants


$181,635,000 $154,190,000

Community Benefit Activities


Federation and Endowment Operating Costs


Supporting Foundations’ Programs and Expenses


Annual Campaign Funds Raised Number of donors

$23,969,000 9,753

Campaign Fundraising Costs


Distribution of Total Grants and Expenditures: $181,635,000

Annual Campaign Fundraising: $23,969,000

Grants Made 85% Community Benefit Activities 5% Operating Costs 5%

Fundraising Costs 9.5%

Supporting Foundations’ Programs and Expenses 5%

2 This report reflects July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010

Who occupies himself with the needs of h community is as though he occup the occupies himself with Torah. - Talmud Yerushalmi, Berakhot

Donor Involved Grants through Jewish Community Endowment Fund # of Grants


Donor Advised Philanthropic Funds



Supporting Foundations




The Jewish Community Endowment Fund’s role as the community’s philanthropic engine and reserve was made all the more clear in this difficult time. The resources of the Endowment Fund were granted to meet unprecedented needs, protecting those most vulnerable in our community while continuing to fund critical projects locally, nationally, in Israel and worldwide. With nearly $1.6 billion held in over 900 donor advised philanthropic funds and 45 supporting foundations, donors recommended more than 8,900 grants to approved charities in their areas of interest.




Resources from the Bay Area Jewish community provide the foundation for a vibrant Jewish life. This year Endowment Fund grants are helping pay for the construction of new homes for the Hillel at Davis/Sacramento and the Hillel of Silicon Valley. Endowment resources are also supporting the modernization of Camp Tawonga’s facilities located in the Stanislaus National Forest and the establishment of a permanent endowment for the new Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, currently under construction in downtown Berkeley. This new cultural and educational hub will showcase Magnes’ preeminent collections of art, texts, music, and historical artifacts from Jews in the American West and the Global Diaspora.

Visionary philanthropists, mainly through bequests in their wills and lifetime gifts, have left the Jewish Community Endowment Fund unrestricted assets that now exceed $68,000,000. These represent the community’s most essential funds for three purposes: responding to emergencies, seed-funding new initiatives, and providing capital grants for important new projects.



Campaign and Endowment Fund Grants Category


# of Grants

# of Agencies





Educating Youth




Engaging Our Diverse Community




Israel and Overseas




Special Grants1







Caring for the Vulnerable

Total 1

Special Grants include dues to the Jewish Federation of North America, a security grant administered by the Jewish Community Relations Council, subscriptions to J., the Jewish News Weekly of Northern California, and a reserve for technical assistance to agencies and congregations.

Highlights of Organizations Served Bay Area Jewish Social Service Agencies2


Jewish Community Centers


Bay Area Jewish Day & High Schools3


Synagogues and Chabad


Hillels 2


Includes the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center, Hebrew Free Loan Assoication, Jewish Community Free Clinic, Jewish Family and Children’s Services, Jewish Home,

Jewish Vocational Service, Menorah Park, Shalom Bayit, and the Jewish Chaplaincy at Stanford University Medical Center.


Includes operating support, programmatic grants, and scholarships. The Federation’s scholarship funds were greatly supplemented by a generous Emergency

Education Grant from the Jim Joseph Foundation. The scholarship awards are administered by JCF in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley, the Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay, and the Bureau of Jewish Education.

Highlights of Funding for Priority Needs Direct Grants in Israel

(see page 5)

Outreach and Engagement

(see page 9)

Educating Children, Teens and Young Adults

(see page 11)

Caring for Elders

(see page 13)

4 In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.

2 0 1 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T


We m must think differently, look at things ires es a w in a d different way. Peace requires world ons. ns. of new concepts, new definitions. EMPOWERING ISRAELIS THROUGH EMPLOYMENT

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (the Federation) plays a leading role in strengthening Israeli society and securing its future by promoting pluralism, democracy, and equality of opportunity for all Israel's citizens. Our flagship programs aim at achieving system-wide social change, while our smaller grants focus on developing entrepreneurship and providing incubators for

work to ensure that programs we support have the resources they

significant and lasting impact.

PROVIDING A BETTER FUTURE FOR DISADVANTAGED CHILDREN IN ISRAEL Bakehila (”In the Community”) runs educational programming in disadvantaged neighborhoods of Jerusalem that raises student academic achievement and promotes personal and social growth. By helping these children achieve their full potential, the program works to break the cycle of poverty.


social innovation. We

need to achieve

Olim B'yachad (”Rising up Together”) is helping Ethiopian-Israeli university graduates and students find good jobs which help them integrate into Israeli society. In addition to job placement, the year-long program includes individual support and mentoring as well as English tutoring. With an established network of 250 committed, well-known companies and business leaders, the program has achieved remarkable success — placing 90% of the graduates in jobs commensurate with their training and education.

Our funds cover a portion of operations at the Leket Work Project in Israel which employs Israeli Arab women to collect excess produce left behind by farmers that would otherwise go to waste. The program distributes more than 825 pounds of produce per day to Israel’s needy. And the women, who previously suffered exploitation at the hands of work contractors, receive social and health benefits and are paid a fair wage.

- Yitzhak Rabin

SUPPORTING OUR YOUTH The Jerusalem Open House for Pride and Tolerance Youth Project offers LGBTQ and questioning youth a safe space in which to address their sexual and gender identities, a sense of belonging, and a support system that can become a lifeline. The program provides LGBTQ youth critical support and unbiased information in their personal journey of self-discovery, helps secure LGBTQ rights in Israeli society, and bridges political, ethnic and religious boundaries in order to build and unite a community in pursuit of the common goal of tolerance and mutual support.

STRENGTHENING THE CONNECTION BETWEEN SECULAR AND RELIGIOUS ISRAELIS Through the Gvanim (“hues of a color”) program, secular Israelis explore Jewish values, traditions and culture, and religious Israelis learn about non-Orthodox expressions of Judaism. Each year, 15 leaders from diverse professional and religous backgrounds attend an intensive educational program that includes a visit to the Bay Area to showcase the broad array of Jewish life in our community. Participants return to Israel as change agents, developing "action programs" that build a pluralistic approach to Jewish identity across the country – in schools and community centers, among the business community's leadership, in the media, and in the army. The resulting ripple effect helps create social change at the system-wide level.

6 In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.

2 0 1 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T


Innovation is the ability to see Inno Innov unity. nity. change as an opportunity.


Guided by a century of Jewish values, we help our donors harness the power of communal giving and infuse their philanthropy with meaning. The Federation has a long history of creating impact in our community by being innovative. We finance ground-breaking programs and services, foster leadership, construct funding strategies and provide vital, life-changing resources for individuals, families and Jewish institutions. By partnering with our local community, we work together to transform innovative ideas into meaningful plans of action.

The Community Legacy Project (CLP) is a partnership between the Federation and a diverse group of synagogues, JCCs, day schools, social service and cultural organizations that provides the leadership of these organizations with the training, tools, and investment strategies they need to secure their financial future through bequests and other planned gifts.

CONNECTING YOUNG ADULTS TO THEIR JEWISH IDENTITY The waiting list for Birthright Israel – the international program that takes Jewish young adults on free trips to Israel – just got shorter. Through a $120,000 grant earmarked for local participants, 40 additional Bay Area students will have the opportunity to visit Israel for the first time, ensuring that youth who have been previously turned away from the program due to high demand, will now have a chance to experience and develop connections to their Jewish heritage.

ENGAGING YOUNG DONORS AND SUPPORTING INNOVATIVE LOCAL IDEAS To provide donors with a higher level of engagement and at the same time, support local innovative proposals with the potential to generate significant community impact, The Federation launched the Impact Grants Initiative. A venture philanthropy styled program that provides a “hands-on” approach to grantmaking. The first round of this initiative will provide $1M in funding to grow new programs that engage adults between 21 and 45 years of age in Jewish life.

- Albert Einstein

PROVIDING A GATEWAY FOR FAMILY ENGAGEMENT IN THE JEWISH COMMUNITY In partnership with the Jim Joseph Foundation, the Early Childhood Education Initiative (ECEI) engages Bay Area Jewish families with young children in meaningful Jewish life and community. Recognized in the Bay Area as a center of best practice in Jewish education for children, teachers and families, the ECEI promotes ground-breaking programs, publicizes preschool and camp scholarships, creates the model for recruiting, training, and retaining high potential Jewish educators in the field, and advocates for a level of compensation that reflects the importance of their profession.

PARTNERING WITH SYNAGOGUES Our Bay Area neighborhood synagogues continue to be a welcoming gateway to generations who value Judaism’s traditions, rich in ceremony and meaning. That’s why the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund continues to partner with them on programs that help strengthen Jewish identity, support education and provide inspirational cultural activities. The Synagogue Federation Partnership is a collaboration with 30+ Bay Area synagogues to encourage broader participation within our community and bolster long-term economic sustainability of these institutions.

In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.


2 0 1 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T


Dare to reach out your hand into Dar h d ss, s, to p the darkness, pull another hand ht. - Norman B. Rice into the light.

Our outreach efforts are focused on creating doorways to Jewish experiences. With a collaborative and community-based approach, we strive to

Jewish life more accessible. We partner with agencies, organizations, lay

volunteers who invest their dollars, time and energy in our collective effort to make everyone


The Business Leadership Council (BLC) is comprised of Bay Area Jewish business leaders who find meaningful business connections through highly engaged philanthropy. Over the past year BLC events have covered newsworthy topics, provided professional development opportunities, hosted a variety of panels and featured prominent speakers from diverse industries.

Budapest, Hungary may seem like an unlikely place to fund Jewish leadership development, but in fact, it is exactly the type of program that highlights the Jewish Community Federation’s commitment to providing direct aid to some of the most vulnerable Jewish communities around the world. In partnership with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the Federation is investing in a major new leadership initiative in Budapest. By bringing together skilled individuals with different politics and agendas, we’re working to help create a deeper Jewish connection through participants’ engagement with one another and their Jewish community.


leaders, donors and

part of our Jewish


Women’s Philanthropy (WP) empowers women of all ages to be socially conscious. The group’s educational, volunteer, and fundraising events provide women the opportunity to connect with one another and their community, develop leadership skills and financially support the Jewish community both here and abroad.

make opportunities for

feel welcomed and


The Federation provides portals of Jewish engagement for people of all ages and from all walks of life. For young people in particular, there are myriad ways to participate in the Jewish community and connect with each other. The Young Adult Division (YAD) holds entertaining events, promotes volunteerism, and offers leadership development programs. The Young Funders Forum provides a continuum of philanthropic education and networking opportunities. Their programs help participants develop philanthropic skills, teach them about effective giving strategies, and provide networking opportunities, ultimately strengthening the connection these young adults have with the Jewish community.

BRINGING PEOPLE TOGETHER THROUGH EVENTS Every year, an estimated 20,000 people come from near and far to attend the largest Jewish gathering in the Bay Area − Israel in the Gardens. Organized by the Federation‘s Israel Center, the major clearinghouse for all Israel-related activities, the day including high profile Israeli entertainers on the main stage, accompanied by a myriad of booths representing local Jewish and Israeli agencies. There are also children’s activities, Middle Eastern food, jewelry, arts & crafts, books, films, prizes (including a chance to win free airfare to Israel) and fashions from around the world. Families and individuals alike take this opportunity to celebrate the birthday of our Jewish home together.

10 In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.

2 0 1 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T


While we try to teach our children all Whi b ur chil about life, our children teach us what out. ut. - Angela Schwindt life is all about. BRINGING YOUTH CLOSER TO THEIR CULTURAL HERITAGE

We are committed to advancing and promoting programs that address the needs of the youngest members of our community and their families. From preschool through grade school to college, we provide access to the highest quality Jewish

A visit to Israel is a milestone in a young person’s evolving Jewish identity and provides the foundation for building a life-long connection. But for many, cost is a formidable barrier. The Gift of Israel is a partnership savings program that includes parents, synagogues, and the Federation, and helps ensure that teenagers from all economic backgrounds can embark on this life-changing journey. The Haas-Koshland Memorial Award provides $20,000 for a year of study or personal development in Israel and Endowment grants ensure Birthright trips for Jewish young adults.


education, build understanding of and identification with Israel, create opportunities for young adults to practice philanthropy, and offer

With Federation funding and the generosity of the Jim Joseph Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, through The PJ Library® parents create a special time with their children to learn about and appreciate their heritage. The program sends free Jewish-content books and music on a monthly basis to children ages 6 months to 7 years.


community leaders. By empowering our youth, we ensure future generations who are committed to community service, the Jewish people, and Israel.

More than twenty funds and foundations provide scholarships and financial assistance for programs from preschool to college. By helping families in financial need, we make Jewish experiences more accessible and keep life-changing education affordable. The Federation awards scholarships for Jewish preschools, day schools, overnight and special-needs camps, family specialty and LGBT camps. We also provide college assistance and on-the-ground learning opportunities by funding first-time teen trips to Israel.

CREATING UNIQUE LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR TEENS Through the Jewish Teen Foundations, students research Jewish and general community needs, develop mission statements, fundraise and engage in strategic grantmaking. The Diller Teen Fellows Program (funded by the Helen Diller Family Foundation) is an international leadership program for Jewish teens empowering participants to be active, effective leaders with a strong Jewish identity and a respect for pluralism. The Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards annually recognizes five Jewish teens for exceptional community service and outstanding leadership. Winners receive an award of $36,000 for their college education or to further implement their vision for making the world a better place.

WELCOMING COLLEGE STUDENTS THROUGH HILLEL For many students, college isn’t just about academics; it’s about finding a peer group and developing a broader sense of self. Hillels provide opportunities for Jewish students all over the country to explore and celebrate their Jewish identity through its global network of regional centers, campus Foundations and Hillel student organizations. The Federation provides key operating support for Northern California Hillels in eight locations, helping ensure that Bay Area students maintain their connections to the Jewish community and their Jewish identity.

In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website, at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.


2 0 1 0 I M PA C T R E P O R T


A te test of a people is how it tes behaves toward the old.

From its earliest roots, the Federation placed importance not only on building a strong Jewish community, but also taking care of the most at risk – our elders. Many are isolated, in frail health, and possess limited financial resources — struggling to take care of their most basic needs. Consistently and over many years, the Federation funds muchneeded services for seniors in our community, helping them remain active and connected – to one another and to the Jewish community.

- Abraham J. Heschel



The Kosher Lunch Program offers nutritious kosher meals to low-income seniors who would be at risk of social isolation and nutritional deprivation. The Friendship Circle “Lunch and Learn” program not only provides a hot vegetarian buffet 2-3 times per month, but also serves as a gateway to other events including clubs and classes, thereby engaging a greater number of seniors in activities.

Federation is committed to caring for the body, mind, and spirit of our elderly. That’s why we help ensure that our senior assisted living campuses have the funds they need to operate. At the Jewish Home, where residents’ average age is 87, seniors enjoy a wide range of recreational, cultural, intellectual, creative, and religious activities. From preparing quality meals to having access to 24 hour psychiatric care to celebrating Jewish holidays with friends, residents get on-site and off-site opportunities for enhanced living

OFFERING INTERESTING PROGRAMMING OPTIONS FOR SENIORS Everyone likes to feel welcome and invited. The Sonoma Friendship Circle program does just that for seniors. Through Federation funding, the JCC provides social, cultural, and educational programming for seniors in the remote outlying areas of Sonoma County. From excursions to affordable activities to an Annual Tea, the program has a tremendous impact on the social life of Jewish seniors.

SPIRITUAL CARE FOR THOSE IN NEED The Bay Area Jewish Healing Center provides spiritual care, counseling, and education to the bereaved, to those living with illness, and to those caring for the ill. The Grief and Growing Camp takes place within the beautiful natural setting of Camp Newman in Santa Rosa and is filled with specialized workshops and activities designed to help individuals and families attend to their losses and identify tools to help them in their mourning.

KEEPING SENIORS ACTIVE BY PROVIDING TRANSPORTATION When seniors lose their ability to drive, they can become isolated and depressed, and eventually decline in health. Compared with older adults who drive, non-driving older adults make 65% fewer social visits, family or religious trips, and 15% fewer trips to the doctor. And among Jewish seniors, transportation is the number one unmet need. The Senior Transportation Initiative, the Get Up and Go program, and Newhouse Rides are all a lifeline, giving autonomy to many who would otherwise be home-bound. These comprehensive programs work by funding older driver training courses, providing rides so seniors can get to medical appointments and do grocery shopping, and arranging group trips to local arts and cultural activities.

14 In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.

Community Benefit Activities


Federation Outreach and Engagement Programs


Communal Capacity Building and Benefits


Jewish Community Endowment Fund Services


Federation and Endowment Operating Costs


Management and Administration


Fundraising including Campaign and Endowment


Building Costs (121 Steuart Street)


Supporting Foundations’ Programs and Expenses


Supporting Foundation Programs and Expenses


131 Steuart Street Foundation


15 In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.

CAMPAIGN AND ENDOWED FUNDS GRANT RECIPIENTS A Different Lesson Achva Bakerem American & International Societies for Yad Vashem (2 grants) American Friends of Koret Israel Economic Development Fund (2 grants) American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (10 grants) Atid Bamidbar (A Future in the Desert) Beit Tefilah in Gan Yavneh Berkeley Hillel Osher Marin Jewish Community Center (3 grants) Bet Tfila Israeli in Tel Aviv BINA (2 grants) BlueStar PR B'nai B'rith Youth Organization Brandeis Hillel Day School (4 grants) Bureau of Jewish Education (29 grants) Chabad Jewish Center of Sonoma County Chabad of Greater South Bay Chabad of Marin Chabad of Noe Valley Chabad of North Peninsula Chai Preschool Congregation Adath Israel Congregation Beth Am Congregation Beth Ami Congregation Beth Jacob Congregation Beth Sholom Congregation B'nai Israel (2 grants) Congregation Emanu-El Congregation Ner Shalom Congregation Rodef Sholom Congregation Sherith Israel Facing History and Ourselves National Foundation, Inc. Food Industry Foundation Friendship Circle (3 grants)

$15,000 $15,000 $1,632 $80,000 $1,891,250 $35,000 $10,000 $77,000 $469,960 $100,000 $85,000 $7,000 $10,660 $331,905 $1,842,775 $3,600 $25,000 $2,645 $3,496 $4,000 $4,220 $1,000 $17,000 $4,500 $5,000 $8,692 $3,079 $10,865 $4,800 $9,000 $5,102 $6,000 $500 $40,000

$206,536 Gideon Hausner Jewish Day School (2 grants) $25,000 Hagar $20,000 Hand in Hand $3,590 Happy Shalom School $2,500 Hebrew Free Loan Association (4 grants) $60,095 Hillel at Davis and Sacramento $75,600 Hillel Foundation at Stanford University $329,750 Hillel of Silicon Valley (2 grants) $39,000 Hillel of Sonoma County (2 grants) $13,860 Hillel the Foundation for Jewish Campus Life $17,529 Holocaust Center of Northern California $30,000 Holon Municipality $25,000 I-Kick $334,961 Institute on Aging (8 grants) $1,800 International Association of Jewish Vocational Services $35,000 Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism $224,000 J - The Jewish News Weekly of Northern California $15,000 Jerusalem Open House $150,000 Jewish Agency for IsraelNorth American Council, Inc. $900 Jewish Communal Service Assocation $1,082,118 Jewish Community Center of San Francisco (8 grants) $219,904 Jewish Community Center of Sonoma County (7 grants) $4,976,491 Jewish Community Federation (38 grants)* $146,395 Jewish Community High School of the Bay (2 grants) Jewish Community Relations Council (7 grants) $1,042,800 Jewish Family and Children's Services (17 grants) $1,639,481 $65,000 Jewish Family and Children's Services of the East Bay Jewish Home & Senior Living Foundation (7 grants) Jewish Labor Committee Jewish Milestones Jewish Partisan Educational Foundation

$828,962 $900 $25,000 $1,000

*For detailed list of JCF grants please visit www.jewishfed.org/ar2010-grants

In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.


CAMPAIGN AND ENDOWED FUNDS GRANT RECIPIENTS Jewish Public Affairs Committee Jewish Vocational Service (11 grants) Judah L. Magnes Museum JVP - Jerusalem Venture Partners -Bakehila (2 grants) Kav Mashve and MAASE Center (Isracorps) Kehillah Jewish High School (4 grants) Kibbutz Eshbal Lasova Organization Lehrhaus Judaica Leket (formerly: Table to Table) Link to the Environment Lisa Kampner Hebrew Academy of San Francisco (2 grants) Maase Center (Isracorps) (2 grants) Menorah Park (3 grants) Mercy High School NISPED - Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development Northern California Board of Rabbis (3 grants) Oshman Family Jewish Community Center (9 grants) Paideia - The European Institute for Jewish Studies Sweden Palo Alto School for Jewish Education Peninsula Jewish Community Center (4 grants) Peninsula Temple Beth El (2 grants) Peninsula Temple Sholom Rashi Foundation Reboot, Inc. Ronald C. Wornick Jewish Day School (3 grants) San Francisco Conservatory of Music, Inc. San Francisco Hillel (2 grants) San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (2 grants) Santa Cruz Hillel Foundation Sha'ar - by Kol Israel Haverim Shalom Bayit (4 grants) Shalom Hartman Institute Sonoma State University Academic Foundation

$50,500 $1,441,470 $21,000 $145,000 $100,000 $1,140,232 $20,000 $20,000 $50,280 $15,000 $20,000 $178,528 $140,000 $76,500 $5,000 $50,000 $235,395 $497,729 $65,000 $8,750 $503,236 $14,000 $5,000 $40,000 $20,000 $166,579 $1,500 $119,080 $38,735 $67,340 $25,000 $91,000 $50,000 $3,675

South Peninsula Hebrew Day School (3 grants) $178,892 Stanford Hospital and Clinics, Jewish Chaplaincy $10,000 at Stanford University Medical Center Stanford University $130,000 Tawonga Jewish Community Corporation (2 grants) $142,170 Tech Careers (2 grants) $150,000 Tel Hai College $60,000 The Birthright Israel Foundation (2 grants) $336,968 The Citizens’ Accord Forum Between $25,000 Jews & Arabs in Israel The Contemporary Jewish Museum (2 grants) $75,000 The Jewish Community Free Clinic $40,000 of Sonoma County (2 grants) The Jewish Federations of $1,334,401 North America (11 grants) The National MS Society $180 The Regents of the University of California $180,000 at Berkeley (2 grants) The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. $180 The Tides Center $5,700 The Yaacov Herzog Center $7,225 Through the Looking Glass $618 Traveling Jewish Theatre $24,060 Tzeva: Youth Building a Future $25,000 United Kibbutz Movement $15,000 United States Holocaust $1,632 Memorial Museum (2 grants) University of Montana Foundation $1,000 UpStart Bay Area $25,500 World Council of Jewish Communal $2,500 Service Association Yachad Modiin (2 grants) $44,000 Yakov Herzog Center for Jewish Studies $15,000 Yedid $35,000 Yesodot and Bina $15,000

17 In order to save paper and preserve the environment, detailed lists of all grants made are available on our website at www.jewishfed.org/AR2010.

2010 CAMPAIGN VOLUNTEERS AND PROFESSIONAL FUNDRAISERS Richard Fiedotin, M.D., Campaign Chair; Robert Blum, Chair, Business Leadership Council; Jeff Zlot, Vice-Chair, Business Leadership Council; Randy Maycock, Campaign Chair, Business Leadership Council; Lory Pilchik, President, Young Adult Division; Tanya Kaminsky, Campaign Chair, Young Adult Division; Arthur Slepian, Chair, LGBT Alliance; Norman Traeger, H. Michael Feldman, Marc Bernstein, Campaign Captains; Jan Reicher, President, Women’s Philanthropy; Carol Weitz, Campaign Chair, Women’s Philanthropy; Joan Eichler, Vice Campaign Chair, Women’s Philanthropy; Jenny Wolfe, Regional President, Women’s Philanthropy (Marin); Rose Barlow, Regional President, Women’s Philanthropy (Marin); Mara Langer, Regional President, Women’s Philanthropy (North Peninsula); Carol Roberts, Regional President, Women’s Philanthropy (South Peninsula); Lilly Robinson, Regional Campaign Chair, Women’s Philanthropy (South Peninsula); Ellen Fellenz, Regional Campaign Chair, Women’s Philanthropy (North Peninsula); Lisa Wertheim, Regional Campaign Chair, Women’s Philanthropy (Marin), and hundreds of volunteer solicitors. Development Professionals: Maxine Epstein, Roxanne Cohen, Jeanne Miller, Lisa Finkelstein; Alia Gorkin, Debbie Berkowitz; Jill Davis, Jonathan Friedman, Stephanie Rosenbaum; Denise Ron, Ariella Leafer, Elizabeth Leep, Robyn Carmel, Emily Whitehead

EXECUTIVE ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE Lynn Bunim, Chair; Laura Lauder, Vice Chair; Phil Strause, Vice Chair; Joan Levison; Jim Davis; Liki Abrams; Susie Sorkin; Roselyn Swig; Betty Schafer; Gale Mondry; Judy Shulman; Jeff Zlot; Josh Smith; Dana Corvin; David Steirman; Judy Huret; Phil Schlein; Rick Lenat; Nancy Grand (ex-officio)

CAPITAL PLANNING AND ALLOCATIONS SUBCOMMITTEES Capital Planning Committee: Dan Safier, Chair; Michael Adler; Rick Baum; Ann Bear; Natalie Berg; Steve Carroll; Adele Corvin; Sue Diamond; Jeff Farber; Steven Fayne; H. Michael Feldman; Howard Fine; Andrew Friedman; David Friedman; Tom Kasten; Robin Kennedy; Jim Koshland; Susan Lowenberg; Mark Myers; John Pritzker; Richard Rosenberg; Alan Rothenberg; Lynn Sedway; Richard Seiler; Stuart Seiler; Scott Seligman; Gary Shapiro; Josh Smith ; Gayle Starr; Joelle Steefel; David Steirman; Michael Strunsky; Sandy Tandowsky; Howard Zack Caring for the Vulnerable Subcommittee: Joan Levison, Chair; Jim Davis, Vice Chair; Adele Corvin; Eileen Lynette; Karen Aidem Maring; Joan Davis; Daniel Lurie Israel & Overseas Subcommittee: Liki Abrams, Chair; Susie Sorkin, Vice Chair; Mark Abelson; Kevin Waldman; Michael Futterman; Riva Berelson; Alan Rothenberg; Sam Lauter; Sophie Beraznik; Carol Traeger; Ellen Saliman; Brian Perlman; Murray Zucker Education & Youth Subcommittee: Judy Shulman, Chair; Gayle Mondry, Co-Chair; Nanette Freedland; Paul Robbins; Len Lehmann; Rosanne Levitt; Kathy Williams; Marc Dollinger Culture & Public Affairs Subcommittee: Roselyn Swig, Chair; Betty Schafer, Vice-Chair; Mark Schlesinger; Valli Benesch Tandler; Al Baum; Sue Morris


Jim Offel, Chief Operations Officer

Mark Reisbaum, Chief Endowment Officer

Mark Koenig, Chief Finance Officer

Maxine Epstein, Chief Development Officer

Andrew Fradkin, Chief Policy Officer and Director of Funds & Foundations

Steve Leibman, Chief Human Resources Officer

Lori Warren, Senior Marketing and Communication Director


121 Steuart Street San Francisco, CA 94105


South Peninsula

Taube-Koret Campus for Jewish Life 3921 Fabian Way, Suite A-017 Palo Alto, CA 94303


North Peninsula

800 Foster City Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404



200 N. San Pedro Road, Suite A-220 San Rafael, CA 94903



1301 Farmers Lane, Ste. 103 Santa Rosa, CA 95405



JDC-Hill P.O. Box 3489 Jerusalem ISRAEL 91034





James M. Koshland Danny Grossman, Leadership; Lynn Bunim, Domestic Commissions & Agency Relationships;

Vice Presidents:

Sue Diamond, Affinity Groups; Tom Kasten, Regional Councils; Liki Abrams, Israel Initiatives Treasurer:

Steven N. Fayne


Karen Perlman

At Large EC Member/President Elect:

Nancy Grand

Campaign Chair:

Richard Fiedotin

Endowment Committee Chair:

F. Warren Hellman

Immediate Past President:

John Pritzker

JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION BOARD OF TRUSTEES Liki Abrams David Agger Valli Benesch Tandler Mark Bernstein Lynn Bunim Adele Corvin Dana Corvin

Sue Diamond Steven Fayne H. Michael Feldman Richard Fiedotin Lawrence Gallant Nancy Grand Danny Grossman

F. Warren Hellman Michael Jacobs Tom Kasten Ron Kaufman James M. Koshland Rick Lenat Joan Levison

Galina Leytes Karen Perlman Lory Pilchik Lisa Portnoy John Pritzker Jan Reicher Alan Rothenberg

Dan Safier Josh Smith David Steirman Diane Zack Jeffrey Zlot

JEWISH COMMUNITY FEDERATION BOARD OF GOVERNORS Liki Abrams Michael Adler David Agger Ann Bear Valli Benesch Tandler Mark Bernstein Ruvim Braude Jerome I. Braun Lynn Bunim Anne Cook Adele Corvin Dana Corvin Sue Diamond Molly Dick Annette Dobbs Steven Fayne H. Michael Feldman

Elliot Felson Rabbi Joey Felsen Richard Fiedotin Nanette Freedland David Friedman Vanessa Friedman Michael Futterman Lawrence Gallant Judith Goldkrand John D. Goldman Susan Golovin Nancy Grand Frances D. Green Danny Grossman Scott Hartley Douglas M. Heller F. Warren Hellman

Alex Ingersoll Michael Jacobs Tom Kasten Ron Kaufman James M. Koshland Laura Lauder Rick Lenat Joan Levison Galina Leytes Daryl Messinger Jeff Maltz Leonid Mezhvinsky Larry Moskowitz Adam Noily John Osterweis Karen Perlman Lory Pilchik

Janis Popp Lisa Portnoy John Pritzker Shira Rabin Jan Reicher Orli Rinat Richard Rosenberg Alan Rothenberg Toby Rubin Dan Safier Donald H. Seiler Jordan Sills Arthur Slepian Susie Sorkin Josh Smith Joelle Steefel David Steirman

Phil Strause Rabbi Josh Strulowitz Marlene Sturm Roselyne C. Swig Bob Tandler Carol Traeger David Wagonfeld Gina Waldman Kevin Waldman Rabbi Eric Weiss Kathy Williams Diane Zack Howard Zack Harold Zlot Jeffrey Zlot

Bernard Osher John Osterweis Lisa Pritzker John Pritzker Richard Rosenberg Alan Rothenberg Dan Safier Jackie Safier Jack Schafer Phil Schlein

Mark Schlesinger Don Seiler Lydia Shorenstein Sarah E. Stein David Steirman Phil Strause Roselyne C. Swig Valli Benesch Tandler David Wagonfeld Harold Zlot

ENDOWMENT FUND COMMITTEE Jewish Community Endowment Fund, Chair

F. Warren Hellman

Endowment Allocations, Chair

Laura Lauder

Legacy Development, Chair

John Freidenrich

Investment Committee, Chair

John S. Osterweis

David Agger Alvin H. Baum, Jr. Riva Berelson Matt Berler Jerome Braun Nathan Brill Lynn Bunim Adele Corvin Dana Corvin Annette Dobbs

Steven Fayne Nanci Fredkin John Freidenrich Robert Friend John Goldman Nancy Grand Frances Green Douglas Heller F. Warren Hellman Judy Huret

Tom Kasten Ron Kaufman James Koshland Laura Lauder Ginny Lawrence Len Lehmann Joan Levison Alvin Levitt Susan Moldaw Mervin Morris

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