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T h e J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F E D E R AT I O N & E N D O W M E N T F U N D

4000-year-old STARTUP

seeks A N G E L


J E W I S H T R A D I T I O N has long celebrated the idea that every day is a chance to begin anew. You could say that innovation is in our DNA. The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund was created over 100 years ago by a group of innovative leaders who knew that when smart, passionate, dedicated people come together with a common purpose, they can have a big impact on the challenges of their time.

➳ T O D AY, O U R C H A L L E N G E S M AY B E D I F F E R E N T, B U T O U R B E L I E F I N T H E



continues to evolve, so does

the Federation: fresh ideas, high-impact grantmaking, a pipeline of visionary leaders and passionate philanthropists. If this sounds like the kind of community you’d like to be part of, we invite you to join us. Because even after 4,000 years of progress, we’re just getting started.

THE POWER ——— O F ———


To learn more visit jewishfed.org

J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F E D E R AT I O N & E N D O W M E N T F U N D


M AT C H M A K I N G ➳


s u re does co m e i n h a n dy. Match one mensch with another and good things happen.

O N O N E H A N D, there’s an abundance of highly-talented Jewish professionals eager to donate their skills to enhance the health and vibrancy of the community.

O N T H E OT H E R H A N D, there’s a plethora of Jewish non-profit organizations that could benefit from their expertise.

These organizations – which are in the business of

doing good for

others – often lack resources to invest in strengthening their own capacity. So critical functions like marketing, HR, finance, accounting, and IT frequently operate on a “bare bones” budget.

At the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund, we match professionals who want to do good with the organizations in our community that want their help. Building the capacity of our community’s organizations to achieve their missions is key to the Federation’s vision of building a vibrant and caring Jewish community. In addition to match-making, we also organize in-person and online learning communities that help the do-gooders running and leading our community’s nonprofit organizations do even more.

A n d t hat ’s so m e t hi n g t he e n t i re co m m unity c an c elebrate.

THE POWER ——— O F ———


Visit jewishfed.org for more information.

J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F E D E R AT I O N & E N D O W M E N T F U N D

T he most ef fective means of

CARING for the ➳

Jewish Community


T H E I N V E N T I O N OF C H I C K E N S OU P. F O R G E N E R AT I O N S, Jewish grandmothers have

C o m m u n i t y C o re Fund

I srael and Gl o bal Fund

touted chicken soup as the cure for the common anything, a wonder-broth that heals and supports the whole body. Our four community investment funds have a similar effect on the Jewish community. Together, they are a uniquely potent way to care for our Jewish ecosystem. B ay A re a I n i t i at i v es Fund

I nno vat i o n Fund

M U C H L I K E M U T UA L F U N D S, E AC H O F T H E F O U R F U N D S TA RG E T S A S P E C I F I C A S P E C T O F J E W I S H L I F E : one supports a network of effective local organizations; another provides world-wide humanitarian relief and advances social justice and equal opportunity in Israel; a third makes Jewish life more accessible and affordable here in the Bay Area; and the fourth invests in new, high-potential ideas to strengthen the Jewish future. If you’ve been looking for a way to contribute to the health of the Jewish community, these four funds provide an easy, effective way to make an impact and ensure that Jewish life continues to thrive for generations to come. And that would make any grandmother proud.

THE POWER ——— O F ———


Visit jewishfed.org for more information.

T h e J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F E D E R AT I O N & E N D O W M E N T F U N D

The TE N COMMANDMENTS. 2 E=MC . Blue JEANS. When you invest in the Jewish community you tend to get a pretty


Y O U D O N ' T H AV E T O L O O K V E RY FA R to see how much the Jewish community has contributed to society. In fact, you don’t have to look beyond your own backyard. Jewish pioneers helped transform the Bay Area from what was once a frontier outpost into a thriving center of commerce and culture, building many of San Francisco’s landmarks and iconic businesses.

A T T H E T U R N O F T H E 2 0 t h C E N T U R Y, our community came together to create the charitable organizations that took care of Jews in need, and they established the Federation to solve our greatest challenges. Today, the Federation is still at the forefront of innovation, helping people make a bigger difference – as individual philanthropists and as a community – here in the Bay Area, in Israel, and around the world.

If you would like to increase your impact, and align your charitable goals with your Jewish values, we can help. The Federation offers a range of expert philanthropic services including:

For more information visit jewishfed.org or contact our philanthropic services department at 415-512-6219

• Philanthropic Advising

• Donor Advised Funds

• Multi-Generational Philanthropy

• Strategic Grantmaking

• Legacy Planning

• Philanthropic Education

THE POWER ——— O F ———


W E I N V I T E Y O U T O J O I N U S . Y O U ' L L B E I N G O O D C O M PA N Y.

J E W I S H C O M M U N I T Y F E D E R AT I O N & E N D O W M E N T F U N D


CONNECTED by t h e Int e r n et , w e w e re l i n k e d by a





N E T W O R K .➳

M O D E R N T E C H N O L O G Y, has brought people around the world closer together, but the Jewish people have always had an innate sense of connection. This connection goes beyond the comfortable familiarity that comes from a shared heritage. It includes a common set of values, and a belief that we have a responsibility to take care of one another and to do our part to repair the world.

F O R O V E R 1 0 0 Y E A R S the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund has been a catalyst for forging these connections, bringing our diverse Jewish community together to solve challenges, embrace opportunities, and create a vibrant future.

O ne way to extend your arms to our family half

way around the world is by

making a gift to our Israel and Global Fund. Thanks to the support of our generous donors, this Fund supports innovative, highly effective programs and organizations that are providing humanitarian relief, revitalizing Jewish communities worldwide, and strengthening Israeli society by advancing equal opportunity for all its citizens. No matter where you live, you are part of this Jewish community—the original social network. If you’d like to deepen your connection to your global Jewish family, we invite you to join us. You’ll be in good company.

THE POWER ——— O F ———


Visit jewishfed.org for more information.

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