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Notable Quotes
The Jewish Home | SEPTEMBER 8, 2022 Notable Quotes
The widely respected statistician, Nate Silver, claims that liberal public health elites pressured Pfizer to delay fast track approval of its Covid vaccine until after the 2020 election to deny Trump a win before the public got to the polls. Whatever you think about the vaccines, we are talking about people who believed that the vaccines would work, yet they still wanted them withheld from the public. Now, who’s worse than Hitler? Come again? That means that they were willing to sacrifice lives to keep Trump from looking good.
– Greg Gutfeld, Fox News
Nate Silver is no Trump fan, but he points out that Trump’s action likely saved hundreds of thousands of lives and the delay would have killed tons. Those people’s names still probably would have ended up on the Dems’ voting rolls.
– Ibid.
But if you think that Trump is Hitler, what’s a few thousand deaths to keep him from killing millions?
– Ibid. So after that was inserted and the swelling went down, I’m able to open up the front and back door of my house. I can walk up to people and have them tap their phone to my hand and instantly transfer my contact information in my portfolio, my Covid vaccine card.
- Brandon Dalaly of Detroit who had chips placed under his skin to automatically open his house door and Tesla
It’s a perfect back-up. You can never forget it, it never breaks – something that won’t fail you.
- Ibid.
People like Fauci saying that his lockdowns didn’t cause any permanent damage to any young kids… I got news for you: it did, and we are going to reap those rewards across the whole country for years and years and years because they treated kids so poorly.
– Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
And I’m just sick of seeing him. I know he says he’s going to retire. Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac.
- Ibid.
Unless Dr. Fauci, retirement or not, decides to seek asylum in some remote, obscure foreign country whose Powerball jackpot is 287 chickens and a goat, and therefore will not enforce a subpoena from the United States Congress, then Dr. Fauci, retirement or not, is going to be spending a lot of time in front of congressional committees.
- Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)

So here are 5 coal miners pushing a battery car to the coal mine to charge up. This just shows you coal miners are good people and will go out of their way to help anyone, friend or foe.
- Republican state Sen. Randy Smith on Facebook writing about five West Virginia coal miners who pushed an electric vehicle that ran out of power near their coal mine
We must be honest with each other and with ourselves. Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.
- President Joe Biden during a primetime speech outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia last Thursday night
I don’t consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country.
- President Joe Biden the morning after he read a speech on a teleprompter in which he declared that Trump and his supporters were a threat to democracy, when asked by reporters about that declaration
In a primetime speech Thursday, delivered in front of Philadelphia’s Independence Hall lit in ghostly red, President Joe Biden cast the most strident opponents of his administration as enemies of American democracy. In doing so, Mr. Biden pushed an already perilously divided and intolerant society closer to the brink, using rhetoric similar to the very people he was calling out.
– Editorial by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette criticizing Pres. Biden’s divisive speech last Thursday night
A narrative has taken hold, driven by Democratic successes in special elections, most recently in Alaska, and by marginally rising poll numbers, that Biden and the Democrats are recovering. This alleged recovery correlates in the minds of Biden and his team with their decision to abandon efforts to win over swing voters in favor of mobilizing their own base, especially on divisive issues like abortion. As a result, the Biden White House has adopted a strategy of deliberate polarization.
-Daniel Berman, AMAC This whole concept that a good guy with a gun will stop the bad guys with a gun — it doesn’t hold up… We don’t need guns on our streets. We don’t need people carrying guns in our subways. We don’t need people carrying guns in our schools. We don’t need people carrying in our places of worship. We don’t need them carrying them into bars or restaurants. Because that only makes people less safe.

– NY Gov. Kathy Hochul announcing new tougher gun measures

- White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre when confronted with her comments that the 2016 election was stolen, after Pres. Joe Biden said that anyone who claims that elections are stolen is a fascist
There is a reason Democrats are eager to keep Trump at the center of the conversation: half of independents say Trump is a major factor in their vote, and they’re breaking 4-1 for the Democrats. Republicans shouldn’t play that game. If they do, they’re cruising for a bruising.
- Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro
On the subject of bouncing around in future careers, let me say I am now like one of those booster rockets that has fulfilled its function, and I will now be gently re-entering the atmosphere and splashing down invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the pacific. Like Cincinnatus, I am returning to my plough.
– Outgoing UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his final farewell speech outside 10 Downing Street
Genuinely cannot believe this is a car on my idyllic west village street. It is a …TANK, and I don’t want to live in a war zone.- Tweet by New York City Democrat politician Ryder Kessler showing a picture of a Suburban parked on his block in Greenwich Village
Wait til the street cleaning truck comes down your block during alternate side, you’re gonna faint.
Funny you progressives are fine with gangs , violent crime , open drug scenes , tents on sidewalks But THIS you can’t tolerate?
Oh my. You poor dear. It’s a wonder you’ve managed to survive this long in this shockingly cruel world.
Tweets in response To continue providing much-needed relief to our small, overrun border towns, Chicago will join fellow sanctuary cities Washington, D.C., and New York City as an additional drop-off location. Mayor Lightfoot loves to tout the responsibility of her city to welcome all regardless of legal status, and I look forward to seeing this responsibility in action as these migrants receive resources from a sanctuary city with the capacity to serve them.

- Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announcing that he will now be shipping migrants to Chicago
I really believe this is why G-d gave us two arms — one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot.
- President Biden’s coronavirus adviser Ashish Jha
With the new technology that we have – that’s one of the good things that came out of COVID – if a snow day comes around, we want to make sure that our kids continue to learn.
– NYC Schools Chancellor David Bank announcing that on snow days, learning will be done remotely for New York City schools
So, sorry kids! No more snow days, but it’s gonna be good for you!
- Ibid.