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Around the Community
Tu B’Shvat at Gesher
On Monday, February 6, Yeshivath Gesher held their annual Tu B’Shvat celebration, honoring the mothers and grandmothers of the Gesher family. To commemorate this special event, grandmothers and mothers joined their children for an exquisite Tu B’Shvat art display, where each class created beautiful masterpieces using different modalities of art. Families then had opportunities to engage in interactive projects together, all centered around fruit, flowers, and the shivas haminim. Some of the sta - tions included: A taste test of the shivas haminim, bead making, photo booth/ picture frames, a raffle, and (a personal favorite!) opportunities for children to make their own edible fflowerpotsand edible trees.
In preparation for this event, each family had an opportunity to fill out an individualized family tree, including family photographs. The family trees were on magnificent display alongside the art show, perfectly tying together the underlying theme of trees, family roots and Tu B’Shvat. The roots and legacies of our parents are the bedrock of our Gesher family, which b’ezras Hashem, with care and cultivation, will be future seeds for the growth of our children.
“Ilan Ilan ba’ma avarechecha…” Our bracha to our Gesher families is that as your children continue to blossom and develop, they will grow upward and outward from their family roots and continue to carry the lasting legacies of their parents and grandparents. It is truly special when teachers, parents, and grandparents are able to share in this family nachas together!
We want to thank the parent committee for helping to spearhead this event and making sure that every detail was attended to. Special thanks to the Mench, Reigal, Greenblott, Nathanson, Rosenblatt, and Schreier families. Additionally, we would like to thank Janet Spector for sponsoring this event.
Also, a very special thanks to Morah Shoshy Schmukler, whose artistic talent and inimitable style gave the event a memorable aesthetic and heartwarming touch.