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A Tu B’Shvat Seder at HANC ECC MAY Rabbeim Visit Talmidim in Eretz Yisroel
On Tu B’Shvat, the HANC ECC classes celebrated with a beautiful Tu B’Shvat Seder, with Tu B’Shvat music from Israel, led by PTA President, Or Guy, who grew up in Israel. We made the bracha of Borei Pri HaGafen over four cups of white and red grape juice corresponding to the four seasons of the year. Each cup of grape juice for each season was followed by a different bracha for different food that grows in the season. It was a perfect opportunity to review our brachot and celebrate the birthday of the trees!
Recently, rabbeim from Mesivta
Ateres Yaakov made their annual visit to Eretz Yisroel to “check up on their investments” in their respective post-high school yeshivos. 12th Grade rabbeim and Israel Advisors, Rabbi Yehuda Orlansky and Rabbi Yonason Sprung, embarked on a whirlwind of activity that filled their schedule while in Israel.
Straight from the airport they began visiting the many yeshivos attended by MAY alumni. Their talmidim were eagerly waiting for them and showered them with ear-to-ear smiles and warm embraces. Each talmid sought to “impress” their rabbeim with their achievements and accomplishments, their notebooks and libraries. It was truly a fitting welcome to Eretz Yisroel.
If that wasn’t enough, talmidim also had a surprise leil shishi get-together with their beloved General Studies Principal, Rabbi Sam Rudansky, as well as veteran rebbi, Rabbi Leiby Wolf.
The week-long trip was a non-stop excursion from yeshiva to yeshiva; over 20 different yeshivos in all, over 100 talmidim, from the early hours of the morning – davening Shacharis together with various yeshivos – until way past midnight. The MAY rabbeim met privately with each talmid, their roshei yeshiva, mashgichim and current rabbeim to ensure that each talmid’s needs were being met and that their particular kochos were being properly cultivated. The trip also gave the rabbeim an opportunity to “scout” each institution for MAY’s current and future talmidim. This is necessary since new yeshivos continue to emerge annually and even established yeshivos revamp their programs.
The culmination of the trip was the Shabbos spent together with almost 100 talmidim in Yerushalayim. Mesivta Ateres Yaakov alumni of all ages gathered for a Shabbos of chizuk in the Zhviller hall in the Beis Yisroel neighborhood and spent, what many talmidim referred to as, “the best Shabbos they’ve ever had” together with their rabbeim. The entire weekend was saturated with inspiration. The enthusiastic tefilos, the leibedik meals, and the heartwarming divrei Torah and learning in between was the perfect mix of ruchnius and gashmius.

Reflecting on the Shabbos, Rabbi Orlansky commented, “Our talmidim are each unique and each is progressing at his own pace along his own path towards his own goals. We were really inspired that the deep-rooted camaraderie from Mesivta has continued B”H, and that they continue to be proud of each other’s accomplishments. Not only did each of the bochurim respectfully listen to their fellow talmid’s words of chizuk and divrei Torah, they often made reference to each other’s remarks and made a point of both raising and praising each other when they could. Rabbi Sprung and I are so proud of who they are and who they continue to become.”
The Shabbos left all in a reflective state of mind, more focused on their goals and confident of their ability to overcome all forms of adversity. In addition to mentally and emotionally equipping them for the future, it also reminded them of the solid foundation that unites them and which prepared them for who they are now – the formative years of nurturing and growth at Mesivta Ateres Yaakov.