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MTA Welcomes Talmidim of Yeshivat Mekor Chaim

The Parsha says, “Vayishma Yisro, Yisro heard.” Based on what Yisro heard, he changed his entire life. Yisro was the world’s most revered priest. He was the equivalent of a pastor of a mega church with thousands of adherents and disciples who had everything imaginable at his disposal, yachts, luxury cars, planes, and vacation homes.
The Zohar asks: What was so exceptional about Yisro? How come others didn’t also leave their previous lives behind? After all, the pasuk says, “Shamu amim yirgazun.” It wasn’t just Yisro who heard. All the nations heard about the miracles that occurred and were utterly shaken.
The Zohar answers that indeed, everyone heard. However, Yisro didn’t merely hear; he listened! Everyone can hear but very few actually listen. Here’s the story of another person who didn’t just hear the truth but actually listened and acted:
Last Thursday, a miracle transpired in Flatbush. A young man did the seemingly impossible. David attended Edward Murrow public high school and is now becoming a pharmacist. After tremendous sacrifice and dedication, he finished the entire Maseches Taanis.
He came to BJX the first time almost four years ago. With a lot of love, guidance, and support, he transformed his life – made his first siyum – and is now a budding Torah scholar. Mr. Effy Landsberg, a devoted BJX mentor and busy CEO, spent countless hours learning with David and lovingly walked him through the Masechta and through life, Daf by Daf, step by step. David’s siyum is a simcha and milestone for all of Brooklyn and especially Flatbush.
Extra Ruach at MTA Friday Night Tisch
Every year, one of the major highlights of the MTA experience is the arrival of exchange talmidim from Yeshivat Mekor Chaim. An added energy pervades the halls of MTA when the talmidim of Mekor Chaim join the yeshiva at the beginning of the spring semester every year. Coming from a completely different educational system, the MC4, as their lovingly known, bring a unique and refreshing perspective to the talmidim of MTA.
On Monday morning, the 11th grade welcomed the MC4 with a grade breakfast where MTA talmidim had the opportunity to hear from Rabbi David Rabinowitz, the menahel of Yeshivat Mekor Chaim, a great privilege. With lively Thursday night kumzitses, leibidik dancing, and an overall zest for their learning and their opportunity to experience New York Cit,y the MC4 come for a short while but leave a lasting impact – an impact that deeply affects the MTA talmidim and greatly enhances their experience at MTA.
This past Shabbos, MTA talmidim and rebbeim gathered in Bergenfield, NJ, for a tisch to elevate their Shabbos with some MTA energy. This tisch was unique, as the MC4, talmidim who have joined MTA as part of an annual exchange program with Yeshivat Mekor Chaim in Kfar Etzion, also participated. The MC4 have already brought the halls of MTA to life with their infectious ruach and their excitement for the opportunity to experience NYC. On Friday night, they ran an unforgettable tisch with uplifting singing and inspiring divrei Torah.
The Mekor Chaim exchange program is one of many opportunities that set the MTA experience apart.