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B’Shvat Tisch at Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim
Yeshiva Ateres Eitz Chaim celebrated Tu B’Shvat with a lavish tisch.

Rabbi Gedaliah Oppen, Rosh Yeshiva, delved into the deeper meaning of “ki ha’adam eitz hasadeh – because man is a tree of the field,” comparing the similarities of the growth and individuality that Hashem created in man and trees and how each talmid can reach their potential. Rabbi Oppen also discussed the halachos of Tu B’Shvat, the shivas haminim, and brachos.
Article Continues from Previous Page… development. Over the past few years, Rav Hofstedter has expended great effort in forging a bi-partisan caucus from both the Republican and Democratic side of the aisle to decry antisemitism and religious bigotry against Orthodox Jews from the right and the left.
The inaugural event of the caucus two years ago had the participation of congressional stalwarts such as Con- gresswoman Kat Cammack of Florida (R), Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania (R), Congressman Henry Cuellar of Texas (D), Congressman Don Bacon of Nebraska (R), Congressman Brian Steil of Wisconsin (R), and Congressman Dan Mueser of Pennsylvania (R).
In conclusion, perhaps Rabbi Dovid Hofstedter put it most succinctly when he told Secretary Pompeo that it is all about values.
Mercaz Academy is usually located in Plainview, New York, but on Tu B’Shvat, the elementary school managed to fly itself to Israel to celebrate the holiday. Students were astonished to find that, when they entered the main hallway, it was lined with double rows of seats and a center aisle, just like an airplane – and at the front, the El Al Airlines boarding safety video was being screened. Rabbi Fogel announced the quick trip to Israel, assuring everyone that they would return by lunchtime. He further explained that no English would be spoken when students disembarked the plane.
It was a remarkably smooth and quick flight to Israel, seeming to go by in a matter of minutes. The Mercaz Academy students were greeted by new sights and one familiar face when they landed. Bracha Brandler, a sixth-grade graduate who moved to Israel over the summer, appeared on the screen to lead a tour of the real Machane Yehuda shuk. Leaving the airplane, students immediately found a bank distributing shekalim, and they stocked up for their journey to Machane Yehuda.
“Every nation is based on its values. Those values build nations and reflect its aspirations. The values of the great nation of the United States – many of them values that are rooted in the Torah – are under assault and attack. This has been going on for years. Basic values upon which this great nation was built such as deep respect for religion, for human dignity, honesty, charity, compassion, and empathy, have been under attack for years. These attacks undermine the very foun- dations upon which America was built,” exclaimed Rav Hofstedter emphatically.
Real Israeli vendors – native Israeli, Hebrew-speaking Mercaz parents – shouted for customers as students wandered the narrow “streets,” buying pickles and olives, “chips” (French fries in English), dried fruit (including dates, figs, and raisins to represent the seven Israeli species) for Tu B’Shvat, juices, and Bissli. Nursery and Kindergarten students visited with teachers. First graders were accompanied by fifth and sixth graders to serve as chaperones and interpreters, while second, third, and fourth graders negotiated prices, counted change, and enjoyed a real Israeli shuk experience on their own.
Students enjoyed the airplane ride (“I loved the video!”), the festive atmosphere, and the delicious food, but “the best part for me was being with my Abba,” said Ayla Mordechai, whose father, Roee Mordechai, was manning the olives and pickles stand.
Mercaz Academy thanks our PTA, our parent volunteers, Rabbi Moshe Rubel, Morah Carmit Akhavan, and Morah Levana Gil, for arranging this wonderful Tu B’Shevat morning for our students.
“A country that does not combat hate and antisemitism is not America! A nation that does not fight for religious freedom and to allow those institutions that promote religion and religious teachings to flourish, is not America! A nation that does not stand by its friends with devotion through thick and thin is not the United States of America!”