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CAHAL in BBY Prepares for Pesach YSZ Prepares For Pesach
Morah Fraydie Sauber’s 2nd/3rd grade CAHAL class at Bnos Bais Yaakov is having a great time creating and learning from their Hagaddahs and getting ready for Pesach.
CAHAL is accepting applications for the 2023-24 school year. We provide small classes with a 4:1 student to teacher ratio for children with various learning challenges. The separate girls and boys classes are housed in the community yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs. For information, visit our website, www.cahal.org or call 516-295-3666.

What has become an annual tradition in Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion, the eighth grade boys and fathers, joined by their rebbeim and hanhalah, baked matzot for Pesach. Under the supervision and guidance of the Hor- nesteiple Rebbe of Flatbush, our talmidim and fathers not only learned the intricate aspects of matzah baking, but they also were able to bake and take home their own kosher l’Pesach matzot.

Budding Activists
HALB seventh and eighth graders had the unique opportunity to lobby Assemblywoman Stacey Amato from Queens. Their TeachNYS sponsored lobbying day had been canceled due to snow two weeks ago and the Assemblywoman agreed to meet the children over Zoom!

Shaar Lev Prepares for Pesach
Model Seder at Mercaz
This month, Shaar Lev students were busy preparing for Pesach! They created differentiated haggadahs based on their ages and abilities so that every child has a place at the Seder table. Shaar Lev is committed to providing local community children with learning needs, who attend public school, the opportunity to access a real Yeshiva education. Thank you to our dedicated staff and to ARTrageous! RVC for your help with the beautiful washing bowls the students created!

Mercaz Academy in Plainview hosted three model seders on Wednesday, and students had a wonderful time participating in these practice runs for the upcoming holiday.

Kindergarten and the first, second, and third grades held their model seder together in the cafeteria. This seder featured a giant-sized k’arah (seder plate) in the center of the room! Students enjoyed following the seder with master of ceremonies Morah Chaya Hecht, who kept things moving with her energetic brand of fun. Second graders were prepared with information cards about the steps of the seder to share with the group, and everyone had a wonderful time dipping, asking, and eating. There was even a hunt for the (cardboard) afikomen!
Although Nursery Bet used an ordinary seder plate, they had giant-sized fun with their model seder. Morah Jo Mlotok led them through songs, dipping, Mah Nishtanah (The Four Questions), and delicious egg matzah. They opened their classroom door for Eliyahu HaNavi, too.

Nursery Aleph also held a model sed- er conducted by Morah Alyssa Silberman. They familiarized themselves with the tastes and textures of the seder by dipping cucumber spears into salt water, sipping grape juice, and taking cautious swipes at the horseradish. This group loved the egg matzah best of all.

In all model seders, due to Mercaz Academy’s nut-free policies, the part of charoset was played by applesauce.