20 minute read
Dear Readers,
Has the year flown by? Ask many parents that question, and you’ll undoubtedly get an answer in the affirmative. But ask the children who have been getting up early each day, putting on uniforms, standing on bus stops, sitting through classes, creating projects, taking tests, and doing homework – and they’ll tell you that it’s been a long ten months.
When you’re young, the school year takes its time. You slowly count the days and the months as you tick them off your mental calendar until summer. And then, the last day of school rolls by. Is it here? Can it really be? Has all my hard work paid off? Am I a graduate of this significant period of my life?
My memories of the last day of school are a bit messy. I remember the crunch of crumbs of chips and pretzels on the classroom floor, as every teacher fills the day with an end-of-the-year party. The class garbage can overflowed with mounds of books and papers. My backpack was filled to the brim and I’d be carrying home extra books in my hands, reminders of all the work that I put in throughout the year.
Heading off the bus in the afternoon on the last day was a mix of emotions. On the one hand, it was liberating not to have to head back to school for the next few months. But it was also a bit disconcerting.
You mean I don’t have to get up early? I can wear whatever I want? I don’t have to sit in a classroom all day? Is there something I have to do? And there was also the feeling of excitement, knowing the summer is starting.
This year, the calendar doesn’t lend itself to too much time between school and camp. For some kids, it’s just a day or so and then they’re off to camp for the summer season. And so, these days have become a blur of end-of-school responsibilities combined with checking off those myriad items needed for camp. Amazon has been very gracious about fulfilling a lot of those requirements, but still, there’s always many more errands to run before each child is packed and headed out the door.
I find that packing and shopping is so exciting for kids going to camp. It’s a new adventure that they’re about to embark on, a new vista they’re about the enjoy. But as parents, we sometimes have concerns about our children being away for an extended period of time. Take a few moments to read through Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox’s conversation tips in this week’s issue. His suggestions can be very helpful to parents who want to make sure their children get the most out of their summer. Wishing you a wonderful week, Shoshana
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Shabbos Zemanim
Friday, June 16 Parshas Shlach
Candle Lighting: 8:09 pm
Shabbos Ends: 9:19 pm
Rabbeinu Tam: 9:41s pm

Dear Editor,
As the warm summer months approach, I find myself deeply worried and concerned about the growing use of mosquito pesticides within our communities. While the intention behind their use is undoubtedly to protect us from the annoyance of a few mosquitoes, we must not overlook the proven detrimental and long-term effects of these substances on our health and the well-being of our children. We must approach the use of these chemicals with caution, as their potential repercussions are not limited to the intended target as the members of our community who willingly apply the chemicals and those who are forced to breathe it’s vapors second-hand are harmed all the same.
Research has shed light on the detrimental impact of pesticides on people, our environment and living organisms. Numerous studies have linked exposure to these chemicals with adverse health effects, such as respiratory issues, neurological disorders, endocrine disruption, and even certain types of cancer. Children, whose bodies are still developing, may be particularly vulnerable to the potential harms these substances can inflict.
Perhaps we ought to know what’s in these chemicals and reconsider whether our collective health is not as having to be bothered with smacking off a few mosquitoes every now and then. The most popular insecticide companies of the Five Towns treat the grass with a formula containing Bifenthrin. According to the EPA, Bifenthrin is known to be environmentally hazardous. If the spray mist is inhaled, Bifenthrin causes cancers and organ damage, especially to the organs of the reproductive, endocrine, and central nervous system. PBO-8 Synergist is another main ingredient in this treatment. Piperonyl Butoxide (PBO), a highly toxic carcinogen that causes a range of shortand long-term effects, including cancer and adverse impacts on liver function. PBO has been shown to adversely harm a variety of reproductive functions.
The cumulative effect of various environmental pollutants is becoming increasingly apparent, and it is doubly unfair to those of us who are aware of the danger posed by these products yet have no choice but to suffer at the hands of their neighbors. We live in an era where innovative, less harmful alternatives to traditional pesticide use are available.
I implore our communities to engage in a thoughtful and comprehensive discussion on the long-term consequences of mosquito pesticide usage. I sincerely hope that we can reevaluate our approach to mosquito control, prioritizing the longterm well-being of our community members, especially our children. Let us not unwittingly facilitate our own demise in a world already crawling with toxins.
I sincerely thank you for your consideration.
Truly yours,
A Five Towns Resident Yearning to Breathe Free
Dear Editor,
Your in-depth articles on Israel policy and rhetoric are to be commended. This week’s article on Israel-Gaza policy is imperative reading for all those who follow Israeli news.
Continued on page 10
Which do you prefer on a hot day: ice cream or ices
47% 53% Ice cream Ices

I look forward to more in-depth articles on Israeli policy in the future in your paper.
Yehuda Guttman Cedarhurst, NY
Dear Editor,
Real leaders practice what they preach. NYC Mayor Eric Adams wants to pay residents to shelter migrants in their own homes. How many will he put up in Gracie Mansion or his Brooklyn apartment? Will other elected officials such as Governor Hochul, Senators Schumer and Gillibrand, City Comptroller Ladner, Public Advocate Williams, City Council President Adams, along with other NYC Congress members, State Senators, Assembly members, Boro Presidents, District Attorneys and Council members who support the Big Apple as a Sanctuary City open their homes to asylum seekers as well without taxpayers’ compensation? New Yorkers who have second summer residency in the Hamptons or the Catskills can open their homes as well. Who will be legally liable should an asylum seeker commit a crime while living in your home?
Talk is cheap, but actions speak louder!
Larry Penner Great Neck, NY
Dear Editor,
According to the Oxford Language dictionary, satire is “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.” Satire would include intentional and unintentional distortions of reality to distort the truth; usually, satire is not a portrayal of reality.
Last week, I was informed that a recent letter that I wrote about the importance of being involved in local politics was satirical. Of course, the author of the letter was referring to my comments in the letter about an 80-year-old confused man that many nowadays refer to as “Mr. President.” My letter, which once again was to point out the distractions associated with national politics felt to the average American, was responded to by David S. Pecoraro. His response included a list of the “horrific” things that Donald Trump did for four years, while in addition, he included a list of the outstanding “accomplishments” of President Joseph
Robinette Biden Jr.
According to Mr. Pecoraro, “Americans feared a nuclear war provoked by a tweet from Trump.” The most fascinating thing about that claim is the fact that there was never a nuclear war under Trump. In fact, the threat of nuclear war according to the intelligence committee under the “saver of the soul of our nation” Joe Biden has increased. Mr. Pecoraro also stated in his response that President Trump said that “there were good people on both sides when one side was a group of actual Nazis.” However, when President Trump said those exact words in response to the 2017 events in Charlottesville, he explicitly wasn’t referring to the “neo-Nazis” as he stated to a reporter, “Excuse me, they didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis, and you had SOME very bad people in that group. But you ALSO had people that were very fine people on both sides.” Joe Biden, on the other hand, had an anti-Semite like Al Sharpton on his re-election video announcement to announce his apparent efforts to continue to “restore the soul of our nation.”
On the topic of Joe Biden, Mr. Pecoraro said that Joe helped make sure that there were “full supermarket shelves.” Once again, though, Joe Biden oversaw a major supply chain crisis that led to major increases in prices for everyday products, including baby formula, while his treasury secretary lied about an economic downturn and his energy secretary laughed at Americans for their economic challenges. This Biden administration seems to have a thing for laughing; just ask the first woman Vice President! Mr. Pecoraro also claimed that Joe Biden “... saved the jobs of police, firefighters, and teachers…” To my knowledge, firing people for not receiving a controversial vaccine is not saving their jobs.
I do appreciate constructive criticism, and of course, my response is not personal against Mr. Pecoraro. It is important that we, American Jews, have debates like these to get to the truth. I sincerely appreciate Mr. Pecoraro for this debate and hope to continue further dialogue with him.
Donny Simcha Guttman
Dear Editor,
Thank you for your wonderful weekly publication. While we owe a debt of gratitude to The Jewish Home for affording its readers a forum to express their thoughts, on occasion a reader takes advantage by submitting a letter with so many lies, deceptions and distortions of reality that it cries out for a response. Such was the case with the letter submitted last week by the Vice President of the former Rosedale Jewish Center, David Pecoraro. For the sake of brevity, I will only touch on a few of the falsehoods purveyed by Mr. Pecoraro.
Mr. Pecoraro characterizes Donald Trump as a dictator, yet it is Joe Biden who issued an astounding 77 Executive Orders his first year in office. It is Joe Biden who has run afoul of our Constitution on many occasions such as when he attempted to have the CDC declare a rent moratorium, redistribute wealth by attempting to forgive student loan debt, and by attempting to mandate Covid shots long AFTER the CDC knew the shots were ineffective in stopping infection and transmission of Covid.
Mr. Pecoraro’s description of unarmed trespassers at the Capitol that interrupted Congress for 3 hours on January 6, 2021 as a “domestic terrorist attack” is laughable. His narrative of “murdered police officers” is demonstrably false as the only fatality that occurred there was the cowardly murder of Ashli Babbitt, one of the unarmed protesters by a Capitol police officer. His description of our country “barely surviving” January 6th would be better reserved for the state of this country after months of death and destruction the BLM riots inflicted on this country in the months prior to January 6.
Mr. Pecoraro’s positive take on the state of the U.S. economy under Biden is preposterous. It’s hard to remember now, but inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office. Then he signed a $1.9 trillion “Rescue Plan” and a $1.1 trillion Infrastructure package that sent inflation to a 40-year high. The so-called “Inflation Reduction Act” has done nothing to curb prices at the supermarket. I have no knowledge of Mr. Pecoraro’s net worth as the former VP of the Rosedale Jewish Center, but for most Americans, having the dollar lose 15-20% of its purchasing power is devastating.
Lastly, Mr. Pecoraro’s repetition of Biden’s tired slogan that he is here to “save the soul of the nation” is absurd on its face. This corrupt, senile career swamp creature has no soul. As head of the Biden Crime Syndicate, he has misused his position to enrich himself and his family. All the details on “The Big Guy” are laid out on Hunter’s laptop, which is why such drastic measures were taken by our corrupt intelligence agencies to delegitimize the laptop as Russian disinformation until after the 2020 election.
Bottom line: Biden, who was almost kicked out of law school for low grades and plagiarism and was widely panned as one of the dimmer bulbs in Congress, was incapable of leading this country when he possessed all of his faculties. At this point, he is in clear cognitive decline, getting lost on stage, tripping up staircases, having the media’s questions fed to him in advance and short-circuiting whenever he goes off the teleprompter. The only things propping Biden up are the lapdog mainstream media and readers such as Mr. Pecoraro, whose ailment used to be referred to as “TDS” (Trump Derangement Syndrome) but is now more accurately termed “ABT” (Anyone but Trump.)
Thank you again for your first-rate publication. Wishing you continued success.
Jason Stark
Dear Editor
Please help the family of an American hero remain in the United States.
On December 10, 2019, two people attacked police officers and a kosher grocery in Jersey City. Miguel Rodriguez was an employee at the grocery and gave his life after being shot so that others could escape. Now, his widow Martha and daughter Amy have applied to receive permanent residency in the United States. I urge everyone to contact their Representative and Senators and request that they contact the Department of Homeland Security to grant this application so that the family of this hero may stay in this great country. Thank you!
Joseph M. Varon West Hempstead, NY

Philippine Volcano to Erupt
“Lava flows are slow moving and effusive eruptions are generally less violent and produce less ash and volcanic gases than explosive eruptions,” he explained.
Mount Mayon last violently erupted in 2018, displacing thousands of villagers and coating nearby towns in thick layers of ash.
Children Found Alive in Amazon Jungle
On Sunday, the Philippines’ most active volcano began spewing lava and sulfuric gas, prompting the evacuation of nearly 13,000 residents in the southeast of the country’s main island.
Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) recommended everyone within a 6-kilometer (3.7-mile) radius or “danger zone” of the Mount Mayon volcano be evacuated due to the danger of rockfalls, landslides and ballistic fragments.
The alert level on the volcano was raised to 3 out of a possible 5 on Thursday, and 88% of residents living in the danger zone had been evacuated.
Situated on Luzon island about 200 miles southeast of Manila, Mayon is one of the world’s most active volcanoes. Authorities warned that a hazardous eruption could take place within weeks or days. “Relatively high levels of unrest” were detected at the volcano.
Within 24 hours, the Mayon Volcano Network recorded 21 weak volcanic earthquakes, and 260 rockfalls, as well as lava flow activity from the crater.
The agency also detected three pyroclastic density currents – hot, fast-moving flows of ash, hot gases and debris that rush down volcanic slopes – and warned of possible ashfall on the south side of the volcano.
Phivolcs director Teresito Bacolcol said they were closely monitoring the situation at the volcano and could raise the alert level to 4 if there is an increase in volcanic earthquakes and inflation of the volcano’s edifice.
Bacolcol said there was an effusive eruption Sunday night with lava flows observed to reach 500 meters (1,640 feet) from the volcano’s summit.
It had been 40 days since their mother died in a plane crash in the Amazon jungle. This week, rescuers finally found four children who had been wandering the area for more than a month after they were the only survivors of the plane crash.
The children ate “three kilograms (six pounds) of farina,” a coarse cassava flour commonly used by indigenous tribes in the Amazon region, said spokesperson Pedro Arnulfo Sánchez Suárez.
“Days after the crash, they ate the farina which they had carried there…but they (eventually) ran out of food and decided to look for a place where they could stay alive,” Suárez said.
“They were malnourished but fully conscious and lucid when we found them,” he added.
He added, “Their indigenous origins allowed them to acquire a certain immunity against diseases in the jungle and having knowledge of the jungle itself –knowing what to eat and what not to eat – as well as finding water kept them alive – which would not have been possible (if they) were not used to that type of hostile environment.”
The four children – 13-year-old Lesly Jacobombaire Mucutuy, 9-year-old Soleiny Jacobombaire Mucutuy, 4-year-old Tien Ranoque Mucutuy and infant Cristin Ranoque Mucutuy – are currently recovering in a hospital in the Colombian capital Bogota after being taken there by air ambulance flown by the Colombian Air Force on Saturday, officials said.
Medical reports say they are dehydrated and still “cannot eat food” – but are well and out of danger.
“What’s required now is to stabilize

(their health),” Colombian Defense Minister Ivan Velasquez said.
The children’s mother Magdalena Mucutuy Valencia was killed in the plane crash on May 1. She died four days after the crash, leaving them alone and stranded in the Amazon jungle. Before she passed away, the mother urged her children to leave the area. The plane’s pilot Hernando Murcia Morales and Yarupari indigenous leader Herman Mendoza Hernández were also killed in the accident.
The children’s disappearance sparked a massive military-led search operation that saw more than one hundred Colombian special forces troops and over 70 indigenous scouts combing the deep forest.
The four were eventually found in an area clear of trees.
They told officials that they had found a dog – a Belgian Shepherd search dog named Wilson that belonged to special forces. The dog had gone missing on May 18, Suárez said. “The kids told us that they spent three or four days with Wilson and that they (found) him quite skinny,” he added.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro, who visited the children in hospital on Saturday, celebrated their return and said their survival “would be remembered in history.”
“They are children of the jungle and now they are children of Colombia,” Petro said.
U.S. Suspends Food Aid to Ethiopia
and swarms of locusts that devoured crops.
The discovery that U.S. aid had been stolen in Ethiopia on an “industrial scale,” as one senior U.S. official put it, was also another blow to Washington’s already-strained relations with Ethiopia, Africa’s second-most-populous nation, with 120 million people, and once a key U.S. ally.
The United States is by far the largest aid donor to Ethiopia, where about 20 million people depend on food aid. In the past fiscal year, it gave $1.5 billion in aid, more than two-thirds of that in food. Although a significant amount of that aid reached the hungry, U.S. officials said they had discovered misappropriation on a scale that left them with no choice but to halt the deliveries.
of 9/11, rapidly took over Afghanistan amid a disastrous U.S. withdrawal in August 2021.
The United States on Thursday suspended all food aid to Ethiopia, where its contributions feed an estimated 12 million people, citing “widespread and coordinated” theft of emergency rations in a countrywide scheme overseen by Ethiopian government officials.
The unusual decision was likely to hit hardest the millions of vulnerable Ethiopians already reeling from the combined effects of civil conflicts, climate change
“We made the difficult but necessary decision that we cannot move forward with distribution of food assistance until reforms are in place,” the U.S. Agency for International Development said in a statement. “Our intention is to immediately resume food assistance once we are confident in the integrity of delivery systems.”
The USAID statement did not say who stole the food. But a briefing document by the Humanitarian and Resilience Donor Group, a coalition of foreign donors including USAID, said the scheme “appeared to be orchestrated by federal and regional government of Ethiopia entities, with military units across the country benefiting from humanitarian assistance.”
A senior USAID official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation, confirmed that account. After an extensive investigation in seven of Ethiopia’s nine regions, U.S. officials uncovered “probably the largest scale diversion that we have seen, at least in recent history,” the official said.
But U.S. officials, whose tense relations with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia had been slowly warming in recent months, were reluctant to publicly blame the Ethiopian government for the diversion of U.S. aid. (© The New York Times)
Al-Qaeda Helping Taliban Govern
According to a United Nations report, at least three key leaders in the Taliban’s government in Afghanistan are “affiliated” or “associated” with al-Qaeda.
The Taliban, which protected al-Qaeda before and after the terrorist attacks
The U.N. Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team said in its June report that “two provincial governors of the Taliban de facto administration,” Qari Ehsanullah Baryal and Hafiz Muhammad Agha Hakeem, “are affiliated with al-Qaeda.” The team added that “another Talib associated with al-Qaeda,” Tajmir Jawad, is the “Deputy Director of the General Directorate of Intelligence.”
The confirmation of al-Qaeda-affiliated leaders in the Taliban government comes after President Joe Biden wrongly claimed that al-Qaeda was “gone” from Afghanistan a few days after the Taliban takeover in 2021.
Hakeem had been the governor of Nuristan province but was named the governor of Panjshir province in May. Baryal was named the governor of Kabul province by the Taliban in November 2021 and later went on to become the governor of Kapisa province. Jawad was named the deputy chief of the Taliban’s intelligence services in September 2021.
The U.N. noted the U.S. military has assessed that Jawad was the former head of the “Kabul Network” — described as “a mixture of al-Qaeda and Taliban that directed suicide assaults against the United States and other coalition targets.”
The FBI also describes Sirajuddin Haqqani, a Taliban deputy prime minister and the leader of the Taliban government’s powerful interior ministry, as “a senior leader of the Haqqani network” who “maintains close ties to the Taliban and al-Qaeda.”
The U.N. noted that Sirajuddin’s ministry “continued its distribution of Afghan passports and tazkiras (national identity cards) to al-Qaeda members with advisory roles in main Afghan cities.”
The new report indicated that “al-Qaeda members have received appointments and advisory roles in the Taliban security and administrative structures” thanks to the Taliban and that “the Taliban provided al-Qaeda with monthly ‘welfare payments,’ with portions of those payments filtered down to fighters of al-Qaeda affiliated groups.”

It was noted that terrorist groups enjoyed “greater freedom to maneuver” under the Taliban. As such, the threat of terrorism is increasing in the Afghan area.
The Taliban, the Haqqani network, and al-Qaeda remain deeply intertwined in Afghanistan. The U.N. team stressed that “the Taliban of 2023 is, with few exceptions, the same Taliban of the 1990s.”
According to the U.N., there are between 30 to 60 “core members” of al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and around 400 “al-Qaeda fighters” in Afghanistan, with that number “reaching 2,000 with family members and supporters included.”
Al-Qaeda has “established new training camps” and “safe houses” across Afghanistan, the U.N. noted.
Former PM Berlusconi Dies
Silvio Berlusconi, known for his flamboyant character and leader of Italy at one time, died in a Milan hospital this week at the age of 86.
The politician, who was long regarded as Italy’s most colorful public figure, was elected prime minister three times and served for a total of nine years, longer than anyone since fascist dictator Benito Mussolini. Affectionately nicknamed “Il Cavaliere” (The Knight), his career was marked by a series of political, financial and personal scandals, many of which landed him in court. lusconi became the richest man in Italy, making his money on properties. He bought out TV stations and football clubs before turning to politics.
Berlusconi turned his attention to politics in 1993 when he formed the center-right Forza Italia Party, named for “Forza, Italia!” (Go, Italy!), a chant heard at Italian national soccer team games.
Boris Johnson Resigns from Parliament
Berlusconi was voted out of parliament in 2013. But he re-emerged in early 2018 as an elder statesman, the kingmaker of a right-wing alliance involving his Forza Italia party.
After the Court of Milan granted him “rehabilitation” later that year, effectively lifting the ban on him re-entering politics that was in place following his 2012 tax fraud conviction, he announced he would run for a seat in the European Parliament.
Berlusconi was elected in May 2019, at 83 years old, and remained in office as a Member of the European Parliament at the time of his death.
At one point during his lifetime, Ber-
Boris Johnson, Britain’s former prime minister and one of the most divisive leaders of his generation, resigned as a member of Parliament after accusing a committee of attempting to “drive me out,” he said in a letter on Friday.
The former Conservative party leader said he was “bewildered and appalled” after receiving a letter from a House of Commons committee, which is investigating whether he lied to British lawmakers over lockdown-breaking parties during the pandemic, known as “Partygate.”
Johnson, one of the main architects of Brexit, said the letter made “it clear, much to my amazement, that they are determined to use the proceedings against me to drive me out of Parliament.”
The former leader said the committee’s Partygate report, which has yet to be released publicly, “is riddled with inaccuracies and reeks of prejudice but under their absurd and unjust process I have no formal ability to challenge anything they say.”
“I have today written to my association in Uxbridge and South Ruislip to say that I am stepping down forthwith and triggering an immediate by-election,” the wild-haired politico said.
Last year, the Metropolitan Police issued Johnson and then-finance minister Rishi Sunak – who is currently Prime Minister – with a fine for attending a gathering in Downing Street during the Covid-19 lockdown, making Johnson the first sitting UK prime minister to be found guilty of breaking the law.
In March, Johnson admitted to the

20 committee that he misled Parliament about what happened but claimed he did so unintentionally.
In his letter on Friday, he said he was the victim of a “witch hunt,” an act of revenge against him for “Brexit and ultimately to reverse the 2016 referendum result.”
Johnson was beloved by constituents during most of his tenure. As mayor of London, he managed to connect with voters even though most Londoners are liberal by nature. Fans who weren’t part of his traditional Conservative base appreciated his affable and knowledgeable persona.
Johnson also managed to deliver on his promises, famously bringing Brexit to Britain, even though his predecessor Theresa May failed in that regard. He rapidly rolled out a vaccine program for the UK during the Covid era. And he played a leading supporting role for Ukraine.
Djokovic’s 23rd Grand Slam
Novak Djokovic began his day picturing how it would end, holding his children in his arms, raising another Grand Slam tournament trophy above his head, and singing his national anthem as Serbian fans chanted and danced and celebrated his third French Open men’s singles title and much more. jacket with “23” emblazoned under his right shoulder. fans want to fault him for being a mere compiler, Djokovic has a winning record against both of them. (© The New York Times)
Djokovic, 36, has spent most of the past two decades chasing his rivals Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal, two other giants who have defined this era of modern tennis. That race has come to an end, at least for now.
“Those two guys, the past 15 years, were occupying my mind quite a lot,” Djokovic said as he sat next to the championship trophy.