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News at YCQ

On Sunday June 4, YCQ proudly participated in the Celebrate Israel Day Parade, showcasing their commitment to Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael. With enthusiasm and pride, hundreds of students, teachers, and staff marched together down 5th Avenue. The theme of this year’s Parade was “Israel @ 75: Renewing the Hope,” and the festive atmosphere, colorful floats, and uplifting music created a memorable environment for all.
There were so many different pieces that had to be coordinated to make sure the parade ran as smoothly as it did, and YCQ would like to specifically thank the following people: First and foremost, thank you to Morah Daniela Rafael for coordinating all the details of the busing and the chaperones and permission slips.
Thank you to the teachers who chaperoned buses and our students so care - fully from the beginning of the day until every child was picked up. Thank you to: Morah Silverstein, Mrs. Ambalu, Mrs Hoffman, Mrs Klein, Rabbi Soffer, Rabbi Steinberg, Rabbi Rovner, Rabbi Nat, Rabbi Howitt, Ms Blackwood, Mrs. Finkel, Mr. Ehrenkranz, Ms. Betesh, Mrs. Faibish, Ms. Ambagtsheer, and Morah Haller.
Thank you to Mrs. Linda Benson and Sara from the art room for designing the banner as well as organizing all of the other props. Thank you to Mr. Jacob Grossman for all the logistical support. Thank you to Rabbi Hamel and Mrs. Teichman for coordinating and designing the t-shirts. Thank you to Rabbi Rohr, Mrs. Lowinger, and Mrs. Cohen, for leading our practices and organizing the school lines to ensure everyone marched in unison.
Thank you Morah Tali for leading the sixth, seventh, and eighth girls in the excellent and enthusiastic dance presentation. Thank you to Mrs. Jaffe, Mrs. Ambalu, and Mr. Yossi Zimilover for taking great videos and pictures so we can have unique memories of this special day. Thank you to our security team, Mr.Cruz, as well as Maria, Alea and Fabrice for joining us and making sure we were safe. Thank you to Kevin, John and Sergio for helping to transport all the props.
May we be zoche to march next year in the parade leading up to the third Beit Hamikdash in Yerushalayim Habenuya!

The JHS Boys Mishnayot Enrichment Club successfully completed Masechet Bava Metzia and celebrated with a beautiful siyum on Monday, June 5. Each student recited and explained a Mishnah at the siyum for the students and their parents, and succinctly summarized the expansive mesechet.

Led by Rabbi Ophie Nat, the students met every Monday night after school to learn. The students learn b’chavrusa amongst each other and then Rabbi Nat concludes the evening with a shiur. The special club is by invitation only. Students are chosen by Rabbi Landsman and their rebbeim from the previous year, and learn completely l’shmah, without any external incentives.
This year, students completed Mesechet Bava Metzia. The program functions in a 3-year cycle, learning Bava Kama, Bava Metzia, and Bava Batra. Students that join in 6th grade will complete and master the three masechtot by the time they graduate. Looking forward to Bava Batra next year!
Mazal tov to all the participants and thank you to Rabbi Nat!