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Chabad of the Five towns concluded the 4-week adult education course: Jewpernatural: Signs, Spirits & Superstitions in Jewish Belief. The four lessons were titled Dreams & Direction, Stars & Signs, Jinx & The Evil

Eye, and Para & Normal. We look forward to seeing everyone at the future adult education classes at Chabad. For more information, go to Chabadfivetowns.com/adulted.
YSZ Girls HS Students Gear Up For Finals

Ever heard of the phrase, “Work hard, play hard”? Well, that’s what the student body of Yeshiva Sha’arei Zion High School for Girls did. With the end of the school year right around the corner, students took the opportunity to reflect on their accomplishments and set goals for finals week. You should have seen the atmosphere this past week at the high school. Students studied conscientiously for their exams and enjoyed fun Brain Breaks after each day’s final.
At the beginning of the week, Mrs. Rina Zerykier, menahelet, shared a beautiful thought with her talmidot. The esteemed educator compared the preparation for finals to the preparation for the ultimate final in the World to Come. The Gemara in Shabbat 31b addresses the idea that at the end of their life, each individual will be asked six questions regarding their actions over the span of their lifetime. Interestingly, one of the questions asked is, “Palpeles b’chachmah?” Did you engage in the pursuit of wisdom? Did you strive to differentiate between right and wrong? These thought-provoking quandaries reinforced our core values of cultivating an interest in lifelong learning, a healthy work ethic, and a culture of integrity.
“Learning doesn’t end when finals begin at Shaarei Zion. Instead of learning pesukim and mefarshim, students
HAFTR’s Generation to Generation Event
learn the art of teaching fellow students how to build resilience, and practice selfcare during these intense weeks,” explained Morah Balakhaneh. “And what better way to self-care than with awesome Brain Breaks?”
Last Monday, the girls ended the last full school day of the year with an incredible kumzitz led by the one and only Nechama Eventsur. The girls sat in a circle and sang their hearts out fervently and b’achdut. Later in the week, students enjoyed a painting activity planned by the fabulous G.O. The girls had a chance to relax, take a break from their studying, and enjoy some good old fun.
Tuesday, June 6 marked a memorable day at HAFTR Lower School as parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents gathered for the annual third grade M’Dor L’Dor: Generation to Generation event. This special occasion served as a bridge between the students and their family roots, fostering a deeper understanding of their heritage and strengthening the bonds between generations.
It began with students learning about a family artifact or heirloom which included objects, photographs and documents. Armed with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, the young learners conducted interviews research, tracing their ancestral roots and uncovering the stories of their predecessors. Third grade student Daniel Aspis featured a magnificent sterling silver Torah breastplate that his great-great-grandfather, Benjamin Gelber, donated on Simchat Torah, in 1928 to a shul he founded in Luxenberg. The ornament was buried during the war and later retrieved. About his artifact, Daniel said, “It represents my family’s faith and belief in Hashem.”
Under the guidance of Royce Maron, the talented art teacher at HAFTR Lower School, and her assistant, Ms. Naomi Eltherman, the students undertook various creative projects that showcased their newfound knowledge of their family history. They created a Heritage page that featured a photograph of their artifact, a photo of its current owner, the family name, and a museum label which described the artifact in both Hebrew and English. Another highlight was the creation of personalized family crests representing their unique family identities. These stunning works of art made from metal and ink not only displayed their artistic talents but also symbolized the unity and legacy that each family carries from generation to generation.

Everyone took their seats in the auditorium, eagerly anticipating the musical performance presented by the talented third-grade students. Janet Goldman, the esteemed music teacher, once again exceeded expectations, orchestrating a beautiful and harmonious program that touched the hearts of all in attendance.
Generation to Generation has become a cherished tradition at HAFTR Lower School, providing third-grade students with a unique opportunity to honor their family legacies and strengthen the bonds that tie them to their roots. It is a remarkable event that instills in young minds a sense of belonging and pride in their heritage.
Did you know?
Diplomas were originally made of sheepskin.