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DRS Graduation Awardees The Youngest Mesaymim
The kindergarten talmidim of the Harriet Keilson Early Childhood Center at Yeshiva Darchei Torah rejoiced upon completing the Alef-Beis together with the Rosh HaYeshiva, Rav Yaakov Bender, who taught them a new letter each week along with a mitzvah or middah that began with that letter. Alef is for emes; beis is for brachos; gimmel is gemilus chassadim…and Tav is for Torah!
Valedictorian - Moti Schreck
Mordechai Tzvi Schrek is an exceptional student with an insatiable desire to become a Talmid Chacham. Moti’s remarkable intelligence is matched only by his tireless work ethic. Each day, Moti is the first student in the building, poring over your his Gemara with unwavering focus. Despite all the time spent on learning, Moti still managed to earn valedictorian thanks to his dedication to secular subjects. Beyond the academic achievements, he is admired for his sterling character and moral compass. KBY is fortunate to have Moti as a talmid, and we can’t wait to see the impact he will make on the world in the future.
Salutatorian - Raymond Tawil
The adjectives sincere, sensitive, studious, and stellar aptly describe Rachamim Yitzchak Tawil and begin to paint the picture of a young man poised for greatness. As the salutatorian, Raymond’s incredibly refined middot, love of learning, hasmadah, selfless assistance of his classmates, and academic acumen earned him the respect, admiration, and esteem of his rebbeim and teachers and the gratitude and appreciation of his peers. Raymond carried the Sephardic minyan on his broad shoulders, showing by example how a ben Torah synthesizes tefillah, Torah, and chessed. KBY is very fortunate to count Raymond amongst their talmidim next year.