2 minute read
Mazal Tov! Class of 2023
Mazal tov to Ari Halpern, JD on graduating from Fordham Law. Good luck on the Bar Exam and your new job!
Dear Mindy, We are so proud of you! You are our super-star. With much love, Tatty, Mommy, Rivkah, Aviva, Nachshon and Keren
Shayna Hailey Kass, wishing you an amazing year in Israel. Congrats on your HAFTR graduation and always making us proud!
Mazal tov Avi Isaacs on your graduation! We’re so proud of you. Love, Totty, Mommy, Chava and Yehuda
Mazal tov Akiva on your graduation from YDT! We love you and are so proud of you! Will miss you next year! Love, Mommy and Daddy
Mazal tov to Esther Halpern Kiffel, MD on completing her Psychiatry Residency and looking forward to her Psychiatry practice in the Monsey area!
Mazal tov to Chaya Elka Kunstler on her 8th grade graduation from Shulamith.
We love you very much!
We think you’re the best!
Love, Savta and Sabba
Jessica Hannah, mazal tov on a fruitful year as you graduate HAFTR Middle School and enter HAFTR High. We are so proud of you.
Elyanna, We have always been so proud of you. You’ve worked so hard throughout the years and have been so diligent about getting it all done. And now your work has paid off! Mazal tov! We’ll miss you in sem next year!
Love, Abba, Imma, Rena, Yochi, and Cheryl
Mazel tov Molly on your TAG graduation!
We are so proud of you!
Love you!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
Mazal tov, Esti Brazil, upon your graduation from TMM! We are so proud of your tremendous middos and successful achievements! Thank you for all the nachas.

Mazal tov to Sorah Brecher of BBY 8th grade on a very special graduation! We love you and are super proud of your tremendous achievements!
Lots of love, Grandpa & Babbie
Mazal tov Gitty Osina on graduating eighth grade! Can’t wait to see what the next four years are like!
Love, Mommy and Tatty
Mazal tov Azaryah Kessler for graduating kindergarten at HALB Lev Chana! We are sooo proud of you! Love Grandma, Bubby, Zeidy, Momma, Pappa Wolf and entire family
Congratulations Baily Bluth. We can’t believe you’re such a big girl!
Elchanan, We are so proud of you! You are by far the cutest graduate of nursery!
May you always bring us so much nachas!
Love, Mommy and Daddy
To Our Dear Jonathan, You are the epitome of strength in character, mind, body, and soul. You have grown and excelled in every aspect of your life. With much love and nachas, Mommy, Papa, Jake & Joey (The Fuchs family)
High school was
2 great
2 be
4 gotten!
Mazal tov, Shira T! You made it and did it with a smile. We are so proud of you!
Shira, you’ll love this one: Here’s a great tip for those who live in a purple house: if all the lights go off, check the fuchsia box.
Love, your Five Towns cousins
Congratulations to our 3 grandchildren who are graduating this year. Chava Kayla Gross from BBY 12th Grade. Shayna Bluma Gross from TAG 8th Grade. Naftali Schwartz from Yeshiva Darchei Torah 12th Grade.
-Bubby and Zaydie
Mazal tov to our favorite son/ brother, Azriel Bluth!
May you continue to grow up to be a huge talmid chacham!
Love, Mommy, Daddy, Rina, Adina, Tehila and Baily